  • Report:  #223868

Complaint Review: Ultramax Financial Management Group - Winneperg Manitoba

Reported By:
- Celeste, Texas,

Ultramax Financial Management Group
46 Liberty Avenue Ste 224 Winneperg, R4C 6H7 Manitoba, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On 12/4/06, I received a letter in the mail (Mail Fraud if you ask me.) It said that I won the METROWINNERS LOTTO, held in London, England, a part of British International Lottery Programs.

I never entered this lottery, but it says that my name was randomly picked from 1,500,000 other names, and I was one of 24 to win the big cash prize. My portion was to be $98,000.00. They sent me an "assistance check" of $2,996.78 to enable me to fiance the "international clearance fees".

I knew it was too good to be true, so I searched online, found nothing about either of the companies, except the British International Lottery. From what I could read, it was all scams, from different companies.

The check I received had a company name on it, so I googled the company name, got their phone number and called them. Good thing, she reported to me that the check was bogus, someone was printing checks out in their company name and sending these checks all over the world (Now, not just Mail Fraud, but Check Fraud too.) Luckily, they had already caught the problem and closed their account, but not before a few of the checks got cashed.

The real bad thing about this, is that the check seems so REAL. I'm a book-keeper, I print business checks, and I'm telling you, this check was REAL looking, front & back. I feel sorry for the people who actually tryed to cash these checks, and I feel real bad for the unfortunate company who got their information stolen and are having to deal with this problem now. I hope they find the criminals.


Celeste, Texas

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