  • Report:  #168108

Complaint Review: University Of Phoenix - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
- Broussard, Louisiana,

University Of Phoenix
www.phoenix.edu Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Firstly, this is not a UOP review or criticism by a person who spent a month or two taking a few classes at UOP. I spent over two years at this self-proclaimed educational institution and completed 19 classes totaling 57 credit hours.

The first question you might want to ask me is why would I have stayed so long after realizing what a disgrace this institution is to our educational system? The answer is the same one you will get from many UOP students. Once you have finished a few classes, which will run up a bill of thousands of dollars, you feel locked into finishing because no other university will accept credits from UOP, or at least none in my area. This means you cut your losses and move on or stick it out. I chose, due to my financial circumstances, to stick it out. Here is my story.

I realized after taking 3-4 classes at UOP that one thing was blatantly apparent. That is that you are rewarded for one thing and one thing only, showing up one night a week, and PAYING UOP THEIR MONEY. The education simply isn't there. I walked away after 19 classes and 57 credit hours with nothing more than a huge bill and a feeling of accomplishing nothing. About the only thing I have to be proud of is that I was able to show up every Monday night for over two years, which when working full time is challenging at times.

Many who know that you have to complete 20 classes at UOP to graduate will be wondering why I stopped at 19 classes. Well that is the disgraceful part of the story that I will tell shortly. First I want to urge anyone reading this who is considering attending the University of Phoenix to please carefully consider his or her decision.

If all you want is a piece of paper for showing up, then by all means, this college is for you. However, if you truly want a degree and education you can be proud of, then don't let UOP's counselors, or sales people as I prefer to call them, lure you in to enrolling at their school. You will spend two years of your life, and a substantial amount of money, doing other peoples work and watching underachievers walk away from a class you worked hard in with the same grade as you.

Why would you do other peoples work you ask? At UOP you don't spend enough hours in an actual classroom for the college to maintain their accreditation. They make up for this by forcing people into doing Team Projects each class. You are SUPPOSED to spend at least 4 hours a week doing team meetings and out-of-class work. But I am yet to speak with a single student who actually does this.

My team consisted of five students, only one or two of which would ever show for a team meeting. The result, the few people who actually put forth an effort do the work of the lazy underachievers who are just there for a degree to hang on their wall. And don't fool yourself into thinking you will report them to the teacher or campus and their grade will suffer. UOP will do nothing about team members who do not participate. These students will get the same team grade you do, regardless of who did the work. But they have to do this because if they actually documented that some of their students were not spending the out-of-class hours required then they wouldn't be fulfilling the requirements needed to keep their accreditation. That means they couldn't rip off thousands of students for outrageous tuition fees, and UOP can't have that. They didn't become the biggest Fast Food degree granting institution by being stupid!

So why did I end up with only 19 classes completed when I only needed one more for my degree?

I attended the Metairie campus of UOP, which was destroyed during hurricane Katrina. I had already started my 20th and final class when this happened. I was going into my third of five classroom sessions when this all happened, and had an A in the course. Not that having an A is anything to be proud of, but at least I was showing up and trying to get something out of the class.

The hurricane not only claimed the UOP campus I was attending, it also destroyed virtually everything I owned and worked for. In the aftermath I was a 34 year old man, who had worked every day of his life since the age of 17, and was now jobless, homeless and owned little more than the cloths I took when I evacuated. I evacuated to Lafayette to stay with my parents during the storm, but quickly realized in the aftermath that I would be staying with them much longer than a day or two.

A week following the storm, despite everything that had happened, I went to the Lafayette campus of the University of Phoenix and told them my situation and asked to be enrolled in a class so I could finish. Remember, I only had 3 weeks left to graduate when the storm hit. I was told that they didn't have a class for me and a counselor (sales person) would call me.

I waited a week and never got a call, so I went back up to the campus but this time I was a little upset. I told the guy working the front desk I wanted to see somebody and wouldn't leave until I did. I explained that I had lost my job and needed this degree to find work and provide for my family.

The person was obviously less than worried about my problems, but did call a counselor to the front to speak with me. I spoke to a lady who told me they were having a meeting about the displaced students and she would take care of everything and let me know the next day. I left feeling better, which lasted until the end of the second day following that conversation, at which time I still hadn't gotten a phone call.

I waited a full week and still never heard from the UOP Lafayette campus. Now I was down right angry, and I went back up to the campus yet again. I was told again by a counselor they didn't have a class for me, but this time I was told they would enroll me in a online course, but the two classes I had taken wouldn't count and I would have to start my final class all over again.

I should mention here that evacuated students from colleges all over the New Orleans area had long since been admitted into colleges around the country who were trying to help these displaced students. It didn't matter if they had the exact same classes or curriculums, they just got students enrolled and bent whatever rules they needed to in order to get these students back on track.

I found myself not at some college I had never attended, I was at a UOP campus, a college I had paid almost $20,000 dollars to and they were telling me they couldn't enroll me in their school because they didn't have the exact class available I had started, which was an elective by the way. Not to mention I had to start the class all over anyway so why did it matter if it was that exact class or not? But, I was tired, mentally drained and depressed so I reluctantly agreed to take the online class.

Keep in mind that you are required to have access to a computer to do the online class, which I did on a sporadic basis. I was living with friends, family and in hotels at this time but figured I would go to the library if necessary just to finish this final class. Something I informed the counselor about when I was told this was my only option to finishing school, but like the guy at the front desk, she seemed unconcerned with my problems.

Without going into a lot of detail, I finished the class but did have trouble getting to a computer all the time. A fact I informed my teacher of at the beginning of the class. I still managed to always fulfill my teamwork obligations and weekly discussion questions.

In the end though I was given a big fat F for the class. I got this grade without ever hearing a word back from my teacher about my situation being unacceptable, or even getting a heads up that I was failing. The instructor, Lester Reams, told me NOTHING. I guess he wanted the F to be a surprise. I have pleaded with my online counselor, Erin Wittkopf, but got zero help. Actually, I left two voicemails and sent an email before ever hearing back, which took about a week after my first attempt at contacting her.

To make matters worse she didn't even have the decency to call. She emailed me and basically said, too bad so sad. I emailed back explaining everything that had happened and she replied providing me with a procedure for filing a grievance. It has been a couple of weeks since filing that and I have heard NOTHING. Apparently ignoring paying students is a skill UOP employees have perfected.

So I ask you, the prospective student of UOP, does this sound like the school from which you want a degree to hang proudly on your wall??


After only 6 weeks I was told the F remains on my record. State colleges take a max of 10 days to resolve grievances. Guess I shouldn't be surprised it took them 6.


Broussard, Louisiana

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on University Of Phoenix

9 Updates & Rebuttals


General Response

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, April 23, 2006

I only had 20 classes (60 hours) left because when I started at UOP I had over 74 credit hours transferred in from other colleges. To update my situation, I did end up working a deal out with the assistant director of the Louisiana Campuses. It entailed a refund for the pitiful excuse for an online class, and then my paying for the last class out of my pocket. Only this time it was here at a local campus (no more online). I finished that class with an A and am awaiting my degree. I also believe that the whole college system has turned into more of a business than an educational institution. Of all the schools I have attended (Delgado Community College, University of New Orleans, Loyola and UOP) I have to say that the best one as Delgado Community College. The campus was as large as some 4-year colleges, but the classes were small and the teachers for the most part were excellent. There were also no free grades handed out. You either did YOUR work or you failed. Unfortunately I am a working adult, and my schedule just wouldn't allow me to continue my education at any of these schools. This is where UOP gets you. Bottom line, in my humble opinion, is this. UOP is slowly but surely gaining the reputation of being a diploma mill. This is not why we are all paying UOP's high tuition cost. Loyola University in New Orleans is less expensive than UOP. For that money we should all feel proud to put UOP on our job resumes, but we aren't. If anything, you often feel like it is simply overlooked by employers due to the college's reputation. But that doesn't appear to be a concern for UOP. They just want to enroll as many students as possible, qualified or not, and get rich in the process. That is a real shame and hurts both the students and the instructors, many of which are excellent professors I might add.


Sand Springs,
Not all bad

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, April 21, 2006

In response to the person who left after 19 classes, I have never heard of graduating after 20 classes, but I am sorry to hear about what has happened to you. It sounds awful. I have been attending the university for nearly three years and have finished 25 classes. I agree with what a lot of people are saying about the art of deception they have at enrollment. I was told one night a week. That is their catchy little phrase they reel you in with. Of course, after classes have started you are told you have to meet with your teammates once a week. This brings us to two nights a week. My gripe is, if I can figure out how to go two nights a week I could go to a local community college which is cheaper. The other major drawback is that my teammates all lived in different towns and had different schedules. It was often times impossible to find a second night during the week that we were all going to be available for. It wasn't until my 9th or 10th class that the university became more lax about meeting with teams every week. We were then told we could have phone conferences or simply email each other with information. I have also come across a handful of "crazy instructors". I have no problem writing papers on a college level, but some of the instructors acted like we were trying to achieve a PhD or something. Those were the only times I thought about giving it all up. As for the education I have received thus far, over all I am satisfied. I say this because I attended the University of Tulsa for a semester. People act like TU is something special. Let me be the first to tell you it is not. In my experience, I have had tougher instructors at the UOP. I had an English professor at TU who didn't bother to show up for class until 15-20 before it ended on most days. And I won't even go into the sorry excuse for a biology professor I had. TU charges an arm and a leg for their "superior education" and it is not any better than what the UOP has to offer. I do not think that the UOP is a ripoff artist. I feel they are not anymore of less deceptive that any other university. When it comes down to it, it is the same for UOP that it is for any college or large business. It is the almighty dollar that rules, and deception to get it unfortunately seems to be the standard. It just depends on how much deception one can handle before they can't take anymore. Good luck in whatever you do. I hope things go better for you from now on.


Remark to above - there is no excuse for thier lack of communication,

#4Author of original report

Wed, February 22, 2006

Well that is just it, I did agree to take the online course, and I DID get to a computer enough to post answers to the discussion questions EVERY week and turn in EVERY team assignment. What I couldn't do is log in and "chat" with everybody every night and do the 'back and forth'. Let me ask you and anyone else reading this one question though; Assuming that you have attended other colleges in the past, are you familiar with a Mid-Term grade? That would be the updating of your current status in the class you are attending provided by your instructor. I know that at every REAL college I ever attended I received a mid-term grade or report. Well I didn't get that. IF I wasn't doing enough in the way of online participation don't you think the instructor could have given me some clue as to this fact? Would it have been too much to ask for a grade between the start of the course and the end? Perhaps if I had gotten that I could have done something different, or contacted a councelor, or talked to the instructor or SOMETHING. Well I got none of the above. No mid-term grade, no warning that I wasn't doing enough online participation, and no warning that I was failing. My F was saved as a surprise for me. The instuctor used an system failure for his lack of giving me a grade on the class or any of my assignments, which left me completely in the dark. In short, there is no excuse for thier lack of communication, even if I was at fault for not having enough access to a computer. If that was the case I certainly would have expected some type of communication from my instructor, if you can call him that, informing me of the situation. Would you agree? Stan


Sorry Stan

#5Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 21, 2006

Stan I'm sorry you lost everything during Hurricane Katrina. I'm also sorry to hear about this final class you needed to graduate. That really does bite. However, you mentioned it not being fair about you not always having access to a computer. Not to sound like I'm on UOP's side, because for this matter I am not, but unfortunately, if you agree to take an online class, you are agreeing that you will be able to get online to do the work. I really am sorry for your losses and hope that you can get everything resolved.



#6Author of original report

Mon, December 19, 2005

Yes, the nightmare continues. Today (12/19/2005) I got yet another bill, but this time they are charging me for the class that I was forced out of when hurricane Katrina hit the Metairie campus and the online class I was ripped off for. Now I owe, according to the wonderful accounting dept. at UOP, $1270.25. WHAT NEXT????? I hope between me, the BBB and the New Orleans ACLU we run this sorry self proclaimed college out of my state.



#7Author of original report

Mon, December 19, 2005

Yes, the nightmare continues. Today (12/19/2005) I got yet another bill, but this time they are charging me for the class that I was forced out of when hurricane Katrina hit the Metairie campus and the online class I was ripped off for. Now I owe, according to the wonderful accounting dept. at UOP, $1270.25. WHAT NEXT????? I hope between me, the BBB and the New Orleans ACLU we run this sorry self proclaimed college out of my state.



#8Author of original report

Mon, December 19, 2005

Yes, the nightmare continues. Today (12/19/2005) I got yet another bill, but this time they are charging me for the class that I was forced out of when hurricane Katrina hit the Metairie campus and the online class I was ripped off for. Now I owe, according to the wonderful accounting dept. at UOP, $1270.25. WHAT NEXT????? I hope between me, the BBB and the New Orleans ACLU we run this sorry self proclaimed college out of my state.


ACLU might be able to help

#9Author of original report

Sun, December 18, 2005

FYI for others on here who are experienceing problems with UOP. The New Orleans American Civil Liberties Union has emailed me back about the treatment of hurricane victims by this college. Perhaps your local ACLU is an avenue to explore if you have been unfairly treated.


Billing is also a Rip-Off

#10Author of original report

Sat, December 17, 2005

As anyone reading can see by my complaint, UOP had ZERO compassion for students who were wiped out by hurricane Katrina. Well here is another example. I got a bill today from UOP for over $700 dollars. They say I owe this for the online "class" I took. I was told on several occasions that my balance would be adjusted and I wouldn't be charged for the class I had to drop after the campus was hit by the hurricane. They also told me I wouldn't have to pay extra for the online course, which are more expensive than the campus based classes. Well they haven't lived up to either promise. They are still trying to collect money I was told I wasn't responsible for, and are going to put me in collections for it. Hey UOP, I managed to salvage some cloths out of my home after the hurricane, you want to come try and steal those from me too? If you can believe it a local owner of a sign business who I met through a friend of my parents has volunteered to make, free of charge, a sticker for the back of my vehicle asking potential students to visit this website, epinions.com and uopsucks.com. How sad is it that I have to go to such lengths in order to try and get fair treatment?? We will see how the BBB fairs as I am about to file a complaint there as well. Stan LaFaver

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