  • Report:  #935529

Complaint Review: UPS UPS Hub Lexington KY - Lexington Kentucky

Reported By:
shawn - lexington, Kentucky, United States of America

UPS UPS Hub Lexington KY
1702 Mercer Rd. Lexington, 40511 Kentucky, United States of America
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Unbelievable stupidity!  I was not wanting the company I ordered from to send my items UPS because of my past experiences with them, and their horrible reputation, but since the company offered to give me free next day shipping, I reluctantly agreed, since they told me I could call ups ahead of time and arrange to pick up my packages at the local hub, before they attempted delivery, in an attempt to avoid the many problems these guys are known for.

Boy was I in for a surprise!  I called 800PICKUPS the night of 8/30 (last night) and spoke with "Angelic", who assured me she had went ahead and logged these packages as "pickup at hub" and that I could drop by in the morning anytime after 9 a.m. and have them. (I was lucky because evidently she informed me that the packages had already attempted to be delivered, but they couldn't find my address, and so they were back at the hub).

I thanked her kindly then when I hung up (that turned out to be a mistake) I went ahead and logged into their website to double check.  Good thing because it showed that she had only properly logged 3 of the four packages, and it appeared that one had been "double logged", thus leaving 1 package in limbo.  I attributed this to the fact that it was getting close to midnight, and she probably wanted to go party.

I immediately called back and reached a young man who didnt seem to have a good grasp on the English language, and told him my problem.  He put me on a brief hold, then came back and told me he had arranged for me to pick up my package anytime after the "4th".  He then tried to quickly proceed through the phone call, but I interrupted him and said "wait, did I just hear you say the 4th?"  He said yes, and I asked him, why, since I was going to be picking up my other 3 packages in the morning, why would I have to wait until the 4th to pick up my other one, which was shipped with the other 3, and that I need all the items together.  He told me that since I reached him after midnight, and that a holiday was coming up in a few days, that it could be the 4th now.  I explained to him that all four packages were needed at the same time, and that the overnight delivery option was chosen for a reason.  He put me on hold again, then came back and said that after speaking with his manager, he may be able to note the account and I may be able to pickup my package along with the other 3.  I would get a call by 10:30 a.m. in the morning.

He never made me feel real confident with him, so after I hung up I checked the website again, and this time I noticed one of the packages was noted "exception-next day will call".  I decided to call back again because I knew I was going to be losing sleep now and this time I spoke with "Tangela".

She basically said that I should just wait for the phone call and I should be good.  I hung up again and checked the website, and low and behold, now one of the four packages said "in transit" and looked like another delivery attempt was going to be made!  This enraged me so I immediately called back again and demanded a supervisor.  I made the mistake of giving the person that answered the phone one of my tracking numbers and I immediately got placed on an extended hold and then she came back and said a supervisor would be with me momentarily, then another extended hold, (most likely hoping I would hang up) and then my phone battery died.  

I called again from another number and this time when I demanded a supervisor, I gave them a fake name, and told them I would be finding my tracking number while I was waiting on hold for the supervisor.  This time I didn't have to wait so long, and a supervisor, "Kendall" came on the line.

I told her my horror story, and told her after each call, things seemed to be getting worse.  She has good pr skills and told me she would note the accts, and would be on shift till 7:30 a.m., and be keeping a watch, and she would also notify the next supervisor when they came on, and if any problems arose they would give me a call.  Regardless, I would receive a call by 10:30. a.m.

She made me feel a little better about being able to pick up all four of my packages on the same trip, so I thanked her and let her go, and then was able to sleep a little better, it being already around 2 a.m.

I received a call in the morning, and when I answered, all I heard was a female voice asking me If I was Shawn, when I confirmed, all she said was "this is UPS-You will receive another call when your package is available for pickup" and then she hung up!

I was extremely upset again!  I couldn't get back to sleep (since this was my day off) so I started trying to wake up and thinking up a game plan to deal with these stooges.  Good thing because very shortly thereafter, I heard, one, two! quick knocks on my door and nothing else,  Knowing this was most likely the UPS driver I scrambled to throw on some clothes, ran to the door! and found the ups slip on it!  I heard an engine starting up, so I sprinted for the outside door, and there was the ups truck making a quick turn.  I flagged him down and signed for my package.  He asked me "what about the other three?"  I told him they are at the hub waiting for me to pick them up last I checked online and that I would be making a trip out there shortly.  I told him I was happy to have the "limbo package in my hands now. 

I make the godawful trip out to the hub later, and walk into an empty lobby, someone comes out and I tell them I'm there to pickup some packages.  The lady tells me that there isn't any packages ready yet or something of the like, but she will go ahead and take my tracking numbers.  I give her the first tracking number and she tells me that it shows "left at front door at 4:20 or so!

I am livid!  She then runs another tracking number and that package is there!, then she runs another and it says left at front door also! 

I explained the hours I spent on the phone and all the hassle I've went through so far, and that it's a real shame that UPS cant handle such a simple request.  I then sign for the package and am about to rush home, but then I thought I should at least ask if they can contact the driver just to verify for sure that he really did leave the packages at my front door, and that he is not on the way back with them.  She tells me there is really no way to contact the driver, and I know this is ridiculous, so she says they maybe able to send him a message and wait on a reply, and that it could take 20-30 mins.  I tell her it took me an hour to drive out there, so 20 mins is no big deal.  Another guy looks at my paperwork, and makes a call.  After some phone tag, he gets a call, then hangs up and says yes the driver did leave them at my door, since he remembered talking to me earlier.  I explained this was the whole situation I was trying to avoid.

I thanked the gentleman then rushed home like a madman, trying to retrieve my packages before some vagrant gets hold of them.  Luckily the two large packages were still sitting in front of my door when I got there!

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