  • Report:  #270475

Complaint Review: Vacation Network - Augusta Georgia

Reported By:

Vacation Network
4210 Columbia Road Suite 12-A Augusta, 30907 Georgia, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On March 13 2006 we recevied a called from Vacation Network saying that we had won a Ford explore, $25000.00, and a Dream Vacation at a six star resorts. On March 28 , 2006 we attending a presention and was told we had to attend if we wanted a chance to winn one of the main prizes.

There we purchase of $6194.00 vacation package which came to a total of 22 vavations. We read that contract from top to bottom and even the fine print, After we read the contract we sign the contract agreeing to what was said in the contract we signed.

The prize we won was a seven night stay at a Ramanda Resort which is a two star hotel , There room rates start at 79.00 a night and vacation network get them at 29.00 a night , After you pay all the Taxes and fees they add on. you would have paid for your nights at the Remanda resort two star hotel.

The contract said that we would be staying at five and six star resorts some of the best resorts in the WORLD. There was and 89.00 processing fee and 269.00 a year in dues.That was all the fees that was in our contract.Since we do travel a lot ,we take at least two very nice vacations a year. So we decided to signed the contract that Vacation Network Had presented to us.

After we signed the contrat they came back to us and said that there printer was down and was not able to give us a copy and they would mailed us a copy in the maied. Well we havn't got a copy of this contract to this day.

Tried useing Vacation Network several time, making plains for our Vacation with in a year in advance. They would send back my information saying that they needed more money and more time. That all my fees had to be sent in at one time. They had added on another total of 500.00 in fees which I never heard of and it was never in the contract we signed.

Have tried calling them for and entire year to get a copy of the contract we signed and they will not send us a copy. We tried to go back through our credit card company which is Chase Bank to get our money back . Chase did do and investigation and after four months are more they decided that they had to protect Vacation Network, Vavation Network did send a copy of the contract to Chase Bank. Chase sent us a copy of the contract and it is not the contract we signed.

After getting into a dispute with several managers at Vacation Network it got really ugly quick. They laugh about get my money and there was nothing I can do about it. Two of the white male managers called me (((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE))) and told me to come to Georgia and they would hang me from a tree.

Later on that day a young lady called me from Vacation Network from here cell phone and told me how Vacations Network Get people to signed there contract. They first put out and bogus contract for you to signed. The bogus contract have every thing they promise you in it and once you signed it. They would take it copy it, and cut and paste it on another contract. She said alll the people that signed a contract with Vacation Network they have there signatures copy on a disc are stored on the computers so they can used them when they need to. I ask here to send me a copy of what they had on a disc with my signatures and she did.

Sent all this information to Chase Bank and still was not able to get my money back have filed every complaint I know of and nothing is being done about it. SO I have decied to take this matter into my on hands. I now feel really sorry for the familes and the people who work for Vacation Network.


3 Updates & Rebuttals



#2UPDATE Employee

Tue, November 06, 2007

In response to Kenneth Gwinn's complaint; clients signed Confirmation Letter upon arrival at Sales Office stating "THIS IS NOT A CONTEST", so I don't understand why he would think that he had won anything. Both Hollis Armstrong and Kenneth Gwinn signed the Confirmation Letter stating that they both had READ and Fully UNDERSTOOD the Terms and Conditions of the letter. The Promotional Vacation that the clients received was the Company's way of saying "Thank You" for attending the presentation. Kenneth states in his complaint that he and Hollis read the Contract from top to bottom, even the fine print, obviously they did not, because he is complaining that the only fees included on the Contract are the Eighty-Nine Dollars Processing Fee ($89.00), and the Two-Hundred Sixty-Nine Dollars ($269.00) for the Annual Service Charge. Page Three (3) of the Contract "The Reservation System" clearly states that there are Prime Season and Two Bedroom upgrade fees. Kenneth cannot show anywhere in the Contract where it states "STARS". Stars are not mentioned anywhere in the Contract. Kenneth states that he "WON" a seven night stay at the Ramanda Resort and that Vacation Network pays only Twenty-Nine ($29.00) per night; how would Kenneth know how much Vacation Network pays per night at any resort whether "to quote Kenneth" the "Ramanda" or the "Remanda" or the correct spelling "The Ramada". Vacation Network does allow any clients to leave the Sales Office without a signed copy of the Original Contract that is signed by Client(s), Sales Representative, and Authorized Officer. Upon purchase of a vacation package from Vacation Network, clients have the opportunity to read and ask questions about the Contract if they are uncertain about anything, this is before signing the Contract, after which the clients are given a copy of the contract for their personal records. Carol (previous Customer Service Manager) sent Hollis Armstrong and Kenneth Qwinn a copy of their signed and dated Contract; a copy of the Contract was also sent to Mr. Charo of Chase Bank. Because Kenneth and/or Hollis filed a Chargeback on the Credit Card that was used to purchase the vacation package. The Chargeback was reversed in favor of Vacation Network, Inc. because just like now Kenneth was trying to convince Chase Bank that VNI forged their names on a Contract that was indeed signed by Hollis and Kenneth. Kenneth keeps referring to this as his money, but it is not his name that was/is on the Credit Card that was used to purchase the vacation weeks from VNI, the Credit Card had only one (1) name on it. The name on the Credit Card was Hollis Armstrong and Hollis is the individual that signed the Credit Card slip, yet we have not heard anything from Hollis about receiving HIS money back or even any complaints about the services the company provides, Hollis has never accused Vacation Network, Inc. of forgery, lies or deception. All of the accusations are coming from Kenneth who as far as we can tell does not have any monies invested in Vacaction Network, Inc. These clients have only sent in One (1) Vacation Request Form and it was returned to them for incorrect Processing Fees, again, these fees are explained in Page Three (3) of the Contract and also Number Nine (#9) on the Consumer Disclosure Questionnaire (Upgrade Fee) and Number Thirteen (#13) "Do you understand Client(s) may make Prime Season requests, space available, and will be assessed Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) per night requested? This is the only reason the client's request form was sent back to them. Kenneth states that he got into disputes with several managers at Vacation Network, Inc. What Kenneth is not telling is the FACTS: 1. ON AUGUST 6, 2007 at 10:05 a.m. WE RECEIVED A THREATENING LETTER ALONG WITH A FLIGHT ITINERARY AND PROOF OF A RENTAL CAR FROM KENNETH and/or HOLLIS SAYING THAT HE/THEY HAD BEEN TO AUGUSTA THE PAST WEEK AND HE KNOWS WHERE FOUR (4) OF VNI'S EMPLOYEES LIVE AND THAT HE WOULD GO TO THE HOMES OF EMPLOYEES TO GET JUSTICE, SAYS THAT OUR FAMILIES BETTER PRAY THAT GOD HAS MERCY ON OUR SOULS, MINDY CONTACTED the Columbia County Sheriff's Department AND FILED REPORT. KENNETH ALSO SENT COPY OF LETTER TO BBB. 2. On August 7, 2007 at 11:47 a.m. Kenneth called and spoke to the Customer Service Manager and verbally threatened to come to Georgia and KILL her and her family, this time he provided Mindy with her physical address (which in my opinion is proof that he had to have at least taken the time and spent the money to obtain her address from "People Search" or some other web site. This time Mindy was really shakened up which is understandable, so she contacted the FBI and they (FBI) sent an investigator to the Corporate Office to get reports from employees. 3. Kenneth sent threatening letters not only to Vacation, Inc, he also for whatever reason sent copies of the e-mails and letters to the Better Business Bureau and they (BBB) advised VNI employess to contact the local Police and Sheriff. they (BBB) also informed Kenneth that he was not to submit anymore complaints to them, because of the nature of his letters and e-mails to Vacation Network employees and their families. 4. On August 14, 2007 Kenneth sent another e-mail to the BBB threatening VNI yet again, I will not include names from BBB for their own privacy. This is a direct quote from Kenneth's e-mail " I CAN SHOW YOU BETTER THEN I CAN TELL YOU. I WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO GET MY MONEY BACK. I AM TIRED OF THE BS AND LIES THAT VNI IS ISSUING OUT. NOW LETS SEE WHO IS THE BADEST ME OR VACATION NETWORK." Please note that the spelling and grammatical errors are not mine, but Kenneth's as I am quoting him verbatim. 5. On August 14, 2007 kenneth called Vacation Network and verbally called me (Pamela) a "B" and then proceeded to tell me that he would come to Evans and put a BULLET in my HEAD; I in response informed Kenneth that I don't scare very easily and his threats did not make me afraid of him, he hung up in my ear. About an hour later Kenneth called back and threatened me in the same way, this time my response to him was "Instead of calling with all these threats, come to Georgia and do whatever it is that you are threatening to do; if you are not gonna come and do anything then stop calling this Company every day or so threatening us. He has not called back since. 6. On September 4, 2007 Kenneth sent Mindy (Customer Service Manager) an e-mail stating that he wants his money back and that he was not going away. Another quote from Kenneth (with his spelling and grammatical errors): "this is not going to go away and I'm not going to go away. You people have until 5.00 pm today August 4, 2007 to let me no when i am going to get my money back. You people have had more then enough time to solve this problem. If this problem is not solve today by Vacation Network. Then I will solve this problem personly my self. FYI NOTHING IS GOING TO STOP ME FOR GETTING MY MONEY BACK.. Note the e-mail was sent on September 4, 2007 and Kenneth gave the Company until August 4, 2007 to respond. Again, these quotes are copied exactly the way that Kenneth spelled the words and the constant use of fragments instead of complete sentences are copied directly as he sent them. Instead of Kenneth trying so desperately to get a refund of someone else's money why don't he spend some of that time getting some education. Once again, we do not have any record of ever receiving any monies from KENNETH GWINN, only from HOLLIS ARMSTRONG!!!



#3UPDATE Employee

Tue, November 06, 2007

In response to Kenneth Gwinn's complaint; clients signed Confirmation Letter upon arrival at Sales Office stating "THIS IS NOT A CONTEST", so I don't understand why he would think that he had won anything. Both Hollis Armstrong and Kenneth Gwinn signed the Confirmation Letter stating that they both had READ and Fully UNDERSTOOD the Terms and Conditions of the letter. The Promotional Vacation that the clients received was the Company's way of saying "Thank You" for attending the presentation. Kenneth states in his complaint that he and Hollis read the Contract from top to bottom, even the fine print, obviously they did not, because he is complaining that the only fees included on the Contract are the Eighty-Nine Dollars Processing Fee ($89.00), and the Two-Hundred Sixty-Nine Dollars ($269.00) for the Annual Service Charge. Page Three (3) of the Contract "The Reservation System" clearly states that there are Prime Season and Two Bedroom upgrade fees. Kenneth cannot show anywhere in the Contract where it states "STARS". Stars are not mentioned anywhere in the Contract. Kenneth states that he "WON" a seven night stay at the Ramanda Resort and that Vacation Network pays only Twenty-Nine ($29.00) per night; how would Kenneth know how much Vacation Network pays per night at any resort whether "to quote Kenneth" the "Ramanda" or the "Remanda" or the correct spelling "The Ramada". Vacation Network does allow any clients to leave the Sales Office without a signed copy of the Original Contract that is signed by Client(s), Sales Representative, and Authorized Officer. Upon purchase of a vacation package from Vacation Network, clients have the opportunity to read and ask questions about the Contract if they are uncertain about anything, this is before signing the Contract, after which the clients are given a copy of the contract for their personal records. Carol (previous Customer Service Manager) sent Hollis Armstrong and Kenneth Qwinn a copy of their signed and dated Contract; a copy of the Contract was also sent to Mr. Charo of Chase Bank. Because Kenneth and/or Hollis filed a Chargeback on the Credit Card that was used to purchase the vacation package. The Chargeback was reversed in favor of Vacation Network, Inc. because just like now Kenneth was trying to convince Chase Bank that VNI forged their names on a Contract that was indeed signed by Hollis and Kenneth. Kenneth keeps referring to this as his money, but it is not his name that was/is on the Credit Card that was used to purchase the vacation weeks from VNI, the Credit Card had only one (1) name on it. The name on the Credit Card was Hollis Armstrong and Hollis is the individual that signed the Credit Card slip, yet we have not heard anything from Hollis about receiving HIS money back or even any complaints about the services the company provides, Hollis has never accused Vacation Network, Inc. of forgery, lies or deception. All of the accusations are coming from Kenneth who as far as we can tell does not have any monies invested in Vacaction Network, Inc. These clients have only sent in One (1) Vacation Request Form and it was returned to them for incorrect Processing Fees, again, these fees are explained in Page Three (3) of the Contract and also Number Nine (#9) on the Consumer Disclosure Questionnaire (Upgrade Fee) and Number Thirteen (#13) "Do you understand Client(s) may make Prime Season requests, space available, and will be assessed Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) per night requested? This is the only reason the client's request form was sent back to them. Kenneth states that he got into disputes with several managers at Vacation Network, Inc. What Kenneth is not telling is the FACTS: 1. ON AUGUST 6, 2007 at 10:05 a.m. WE RECEIVED A THREATENING LETTER ALONG WITH A FLIGHT ITINERARY AND PROOF OF A RENTAL CAR FROM KENNETH and/or HOLLIS SAYING THAT HE/THEY HAD BEEN TO AUGUSTA THE PAST WEEK AND HE KNOWS WHERE FOUR (4) OF VNI'S EMPLOYEES LIVE AND THAT HE WOULD GO TO THE HOMES OF EMPLOYEES TO GET JUSTICE, SAYS THAT OUR FAMILIES BETTER PRAY THAT GOD HAS MERCY ON OUR SOULS, MINDY CONTACTED the Columbia County Sheriff's Department AND FILED REPORT. KENNETH ALSO SENT COPY OF LETTER TO BBB. 2. On August 7, 2007 at 11:47 a.m. Kenneth called and spoke to the Customer Service Manager and verbally threatened to come to Georgia and KILL her and her family, this time he provided Mindy with her physical address (which in my opinion is proof that he had to have at least taken the time and spent the money to obtain her address from "People Search" or some other web site. This time Mindy was really shakened up which is understandable, so she contacted the FBI and they (FBI) sent an investigator to the Corporate Office to get reports from employees. 3. Kenneth sent threatening letters not only to Vacation, Inc, he also for whatever reason sent copies of the e-mails and letters to the Better Business Bureau and they (BBB) advised VNI employess to contact the local Police and Sheriff. they (BBB) also informed Kenneth that he was not to submit anymore complaints to them, because of the nature of his letters and e-mails to Vacation Network employees and their families. 4. On August 14, 2007 Kenneth sent another e-mail to the BBB threatening VNI yet again, I will not include names from BBB for their own privacy. This is a direct quote from Kenneth's e-mail " I CAN SHOW YOU BETTER THEN I CAN TELL YOU. I WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO GET MY MONEY BACK. I AM TIRED OF THE BS AND LIES THAT VNI IS ISSUING OUT. NOW LETS SEE WHO IS THE BADEST ME OR VACATION NETWORK." Please note that the spelling and grammatical errors are not mine, but Kenneth's as I am quoting him verbatim. 5. On August 14, 2007 kenneth called Vacation Network and verbally called me (Pamela) a "B" and then proceeded to tell me that he would come to Evans and put a BULLET in my HEAD; I in response informed Kenneth that I don't scare very easily and his threats did not make me afraid of him, he hung up in my ear. About an hour later Kenneth called back and threatened me in the same way, this time my response to him was "Instead of calling with all these threats, come to Georgia and do whatever it is that you are threatening to do; if you are not gonna come and do anything then stop calling this Company every day or so threatening us. He has not called back since. 6. On September 4, 2007 Kenneth sent Mindy (Customer Service Manager) an e-mail stating that he wants his money back and that he was not going away. Another quote from Kenneth (with his spelling and grammatical errors): "this is not going to go away and I'm not going to go away. You people have until 5.00 pm today August 4, 2007 to let me no when i am going to get my money back. You people have had more then enough time to solve this problem. If this problem is not solve today by Vacation Network. Then I will solve this problem personly my self. FYI NOTHING IS GOING TO STOP ME FOR GETTING MY MONEY BACK.. Note the e-mail was sent on September 4, 2007 and Kenneth gave the Company until August 4, 2007 to respond. Again, these quotes are copied exactly the way that Kenneth spelled the words and the constant use of fragments instead of complete sentences are copied directly as he sent them. Instead of Kenneth trying so desperately to get a refund of someone else's money why don't he spend some of that time getting some education. Once again, we do not have any record of ever receiving any monies from KENNETH GWINN, only from HOLLIS ARMSTRONG!!!



#4UPDATE Employee

Tue, November 06, 2007

In response to Kenneth Gwinn's complaint; clients signed Confirmation Letter upon arrival at Sales Office stating "THIS IS NOT A CONTEST", so I don't understand why he would think that he had won anything. Both Hollis Armstrong and Kenneth Gwinn signed the Confirmation Letter stating that they both had READ and Fully UNDERSTOOD the Terms and Conditions of the letter. The Promotional Vacation that the clients received was the Company's way of saying "Thank You" for attending the presentation. Kenneth states in his complaint that he and Hollis read the Contract from top to bottom, even the fine print, obviously they did not, because he is complaining that the only fees included on the Contract are the Eighty-Nine Dollars Processing Fee ($89.00), and the Two-Hundred Sixty-Nine Dollars ($269.00) for the Annual Service Charge. Page Three (3) of the Contract "The Reservation System" clearly states that there are Prime Season and Two Bedroom upgrade fees. Kenneth cannot show anywhere in the Contract where it states "STARS". Stars are not mentioned anywhere in the Contract. Kenneth states that he "WON" a seven night stay at the Ramanda Resort and that Vacation Network pays only Twenty-Nine ($29.00) per night; how would Kenneth know how much Vacation Network pays per night at any resort whether "to quote Kenneth" the "Ramanda" or the "Remanda" or the correct spelling "The Ramada". Vacation Network does allow any clients to leave the Sales Office without a signed copy of the Original Contract that is signed by Client(s), Sales Representative, and Authorized Officer. Upon purchase of a vacation package from Vacation Network, clients have the opportunity to read and ask questions about the Contract if they are uncertain about anything, this is before signing the Contract, after which the clients are given a copy of the contract for their personal records. Carol (previous Customer Service Manager) sent Hollis Armstrong and Kenneth Qwinn a copy of their signed and dated Contract; a copy of the Contract was also sent to Mr. Charo of Chase Bank. Because Kenneth and/or Hollis filed a Chargeback on the Credit Card that was used to purchase the vacation package. The Chargeback was reversed in favor of Vacation Network, Inc. because just like now Kenneth was trying to convince Chase Bank that VNI forged their names on a Contract that was indeed signed by Hollis and Kenneth. Kenneth keeps referring to this as his money, but it is not his name that was/is on the Credit Card that was used to purchase the vacation weeks from VNI, the Credit Card had only one (1) name on it. The name on the Credit Card was Hollis Armstrong and Hollis is the individual that signed the Credit Card slip, yet we have not heard anything from Hollis about receiving HIS money back or even any complaints about the services the company provides, Hollis has never accused Vacation Network, Inc. of forgery, lies or deception. All of the accusations are coming from Kenneth who as far as we can tell does not have any monies invested in Vacaction Network, Inc. These clients have only sent in One (1) Vacation Request Form and it was returned to them for incorrect Processing Fees, again, these fees are explained in Page Three (3) of the Contract and also Number Nine (#9) on the Consumer Disclosure Questionnaire (Upgrade Fee) and Number Thirteen (#13) "Do you understand Client(s) may make Prime Season requests, space available, and will be assessed Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) per night requested? This is the only reason the client's request form was sent back to them. Kenneth states that he got into disputes with several managers at Vacation Network, Inc. What Kenneth is not telling is the FACTS: 1. ON AUGUST 6, 2007 at 10:05 a.m. WE RECEIVED A THREATENING LETTER ALONG WITH A FLIGHT ITINERARY AND PROOF OF A RENTAL CAR FROM KENNETH and/or HOLLIS SAYING THAT HE/THEY HAD BEEN TO AUGUSTA THE PAST WEEK AND HE KNOWS WHERE FOUR (4) OF VNI'S EMPLOYEES LIVE AND THAT HE WOULD GO TO THE HOMES OF EMPLOYEES TO GET JUSTICE, SAYS THAT OUR FAMILIES BETTER PRAY THAT GOD HAS MERCY ON OUR SOULS, MINDY CONTACTED the Columbia County Sheriff's Department AND FILED REPORT. KENNETH ALSO SENT COPY OF LETTER TO BBB. 2. On August 7, 2007 at 11:47 a.m. Kenneth called and spoke to the Customer Service Manager and verbally threatened to come to Georgia and KILL her and her family, this time he provided Mindy with her physical address (which in my opinion is proof that he had to have at least taken the time and spent the money to obtain her address from "People Search" or some other web site. This time Mindy was really shakened up which is understandable, so she contacted the FBI and they (FBI) sent an investigator to the Corporate Office to get reports from employees. 3. Kenneth sent threatening letters not only to Vacation, Inc, he also for whatever reason sent copies of the e-mails and letters to the Better Business Bureau and they (BBB) advised VNI employess to contact the local Police and Sheriff. they (BBB) also informed Kenneth that he was not to submit anymore complaints to them, because of the nature of his letters and e-mails to Vacation Network employees and their families. 4. On August 14, 2007 Kenneth sent another e-mail to the BBB threatening VNI yet again, I will not include names from BBB for their own privacy. This is a direct quote from Kenneth's e-mail " I CAN SHOW YOU BETTER THEN I CAN TELL YOU. I WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO GET MY MONEY BACK. I AM TIRED OF THE BS AND LIES THAT VNI IS ISSUING OUT. NOW LETS SEE WHO IS THE BADEST ME OR VACATION NETWORK." Please note that the spelling and grammatical errors are not mine, but Kenneth's as I am quoting him verbatim. 5. On August 14, 2007 kenneth called Vacation Network and verbally called me (Pamela) a "B" and then proceeded to tell me that he would come to Evans and put a BULLET in my HEAD; I in response informed Kenneth that I don't scare very easily and his threats did not make me afraid of him, he hung up in my ear. About an hour later Kenneth called back and threatened me in the same way, this time my response to him was "Instead of calling with all these threats, come to Georgia and do whatever it is that you are threatening to do; if you are not gonna come and do anything then stop calling this Company every day or so threatening us. He has not called back since. 6. On September 4, 2007 Kenneth sent Mindy (Customer Service Manager) an e-mail stating that he wants his money back and that he was not going away. Another quote from Kenneth (with his spelling and grammatical errors): "this is not going to go away and I'm not going to go away. You people have until 5.00 pm today August 4, 2007 to let me no when i am going to get my money back. You people have had more then enough time to solve this problem. If this problem is not solve today by Vacation Network. Then I will solve this problem personly my self. FYI NOTHING IS GOING TO STOP ME FOR GETTING MY MONEY BACK.. Note the e-mail was sent on September 4, 2007 and Kenneth gave the Company until August 4, 2007 to respond. Again, these quotes are copied exactly the way that Kenneth spelled the words and the constant use of fragments instead of complete sentences are copied directly as he sent them. Instead of Kenneth trying so desperately to get a refund of someone else's money why don't he spend some of that time getting some education. Once again, we do not have any record of ever receiving any monies from KENNETH GWINN, only from HOLLIS ARMSTRONG!!!

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