  • Report:  #574148

Complaint Review: VELVET VISION WEDDINGS - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
Manos Krystalis - Los Angeles, California, United States of America

North Hollywood 11112 Hartsook St. Los Angeles, 91604 California, United States of America
(315) 525-4405
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On June/28/2009 I signed a contract with Velvetclockwork L.L.C. / Velvet Vision Weddings and I hired them to film my music videoclip with their equipment (two (2) Sony- EX3 CAMERAS) They responded to my Craigslist Ad and this is the way I found this company. The meeting took part in their facility which is their place of residence as well. The people that I had to deal with was Jason Lasater who is the owner of Velvetclockwork L.L.C. and Jacob Swanson who is the person that made the business arrangements. They initially told me they were going to film by the 13th of July. They were not able to do it so I granted them an extension till July 17th. I was straight up front with them, that if the filming was not going to happen by the 17th of July they would have to refund me the amount of $600. My flight back home was on 30 of July. I had to go back to my country because I had to take care of my mother. She is having serious health problems. They promised in writing and orally to provide many things like choreographers, green screen room, dancers, camera crane (jib) for making the video looking even better. And all that was included in the total payment of $1200. I gave them many chances to take responsibility, I asked them to refund me the money ,I arranged a second meeting with them in where my partner Erick E. Alfaro was present and they promised that they will make the video despite it was 19 of July already Finally when I saw that theyre not willing to film my video I decided to arrange everything by myself. So I booked McNulty Nielsen,Inc. a facility with green screen stage, I booked dancers, choreographers, make-up artist, Director of photography, and a second cameraman. I rented 2 Panasonic cameras, a camera jib, and I arranged everything for 27 of July. On July 24th I offered Jason Lasater and Jacob Swanson one last opportunity to settle the matter by using the $600 I had paid them to just show up in the facility I rented and just film my project, as cameramen. All of the sudden Jason Lasater and Jacob Swanson started making unreasonable demands to be the producers of my music video to keep the publishing rights, for the video that I have paid the whole expenses, for the MUSIC THAT I composed, for the LYRICS THAT I wrote and generally to make money by taking advantage of my performance, which is illegal from any point of view. They haven't been able to comply with the 3 extensions I granted them for the completion of the project. I called them, left voice mails and emailed them several times, not to mention the very important meeting I had with them. Since I had no response from them one day before I decide to make the project by myself I had to postpone my flight and I had to make arrangements to shoot my video with someone else. They breached our contract by not providing the promised production services within the designated time period.

10 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, May 01, 2010

BEING SCAMMED by VELVET VISION WEDDINGS I know it is an old issue but i am writing this since ive read that there are other disappointed clients as well. I  want to say something that happened to me and it also pertains to other makeup artists that are on my page : I was supposed to do a wedding on the 8th of Dec, it got postponed to the 29th. The wedding videographers ( Jacob Swanson, Jason Lasater, Robert ) were on vacation at this time as I have been told and they supposed to come back on the 19th.I have not received payment from them until 13th.I brought it to the bank and I was asking people there to check the check to make sure it's real cause i just had a weird feeling for some reason.The manager checked it,put it under the light and saw the watermark.I was told it's a good check and that it will be clear within 2 days.Ok fine.I bought a few things, and guess what happened the Tuesday 18th.I got a call from my bank and i have been told that it's a COUNTERFEIT CHECK AND I THAT I HAVE TO PAY THE BANK BACK, MY ACCOUNTS TURNED UP FROZEN FROM BANK CARD CREDIT CARD SAVINGS ACCOUNT AND I HAD TO PAY THE 2200 BACK WITCH I DIDNT HAVE ANYMORE.AND ITS GETTING WORSE.I HAD A -1600 CAUSE I HAD MY OWN MONEY IN THERE TO...  Dont even ask about the company Velvet Vision Weddings cause i called them back and GEE the phone was disconnected ...... The check they sent to me exists but the checks are stolen and the person whos name is written on the checks doesn't exist EITHER. What a way to ruin my freakin holiday.Im glad i finished all my xmas shopping before this happened since i had the change to be with my family in NY. After speaking with my web designer and dearest friend we both made a decision and came up with the idea to HAVE ONLY PAY PAL FOR RECEIVING MONEY.THIS WAY WE CAN BE SURE ABOUT TRANSACTIONS.ANY REMAINING BALANCE WILL BE PAID ONLY IN; CASH, CERTIFIED CHECK, MONEY ORDER FROM THE BANK OR POST OFFICE AND PAYPAL.  No other payment will be accepted. After what happened with them i was screwed and at least i had some couple of dollars in my wallet cause i supposed to put gas in my car cause i didnt want to push my car instead of driving it. I hope to enjoy every next holiday I still can not clear my mind from all this crap. I hope other people with the professions of makeup artists/photographers etc.. will be more careful than ive been and that they will going to change their payment methods after what theyve read.I dont want other people to have the same bad luck.Be careful.There are a lot of morans like Jacob Swanson,Jason Lasater and Robert out there.


North Hollywood,
United States of America
Manos Krystalis is a FRAUD

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, March 11, 2010

Hi Everyone.

Again Manos Continues is fraudulant attempts to slander the company.  My so called threat to Manos is legal. I told him that I would/will pursue him legally with a professional Lawyer when he returns the the U.S.

That is not an illegal or physical threat toward his well being as he so likes to use as a play on words.

If you read above I left the case number that I believe is public if you go to the court house.  Manos lost in court and is immaturely creating sites against my name and company.  He doesn't believe that I have the proof, but I do. 

I also left the name of my lawyer in a previous rebuttal.  Anyone who questions my integrity can check those two responses or contact me for references.  If I'm such a scam why is he the only customer complaining......??  He makes very detailed reports because he is creating the details that are fake. 

If you need an idea of his character here it is once again.  During creating the music video Manos aggressivley insisted on forcing his dancers to kiss him open mouth with tongue, and he bought them wardrobe that exposed private parts of their body. It was then that my company refused and still refuses to participate in any of his production and his contract was SIGNED BY HIM for a non-refundable deposit.  I am not the only company who signs contracts with deposits for production. 

He is lying about any naked photo.  If it is true please show everyone Manos because it doesn't exist.  I mooned the Hollywood sign if everyone must know.. whoopty do dah, like that hasn't been seen on any post card.  Nice try

Thanks everyone for being patient while we deal with this client.  Should he decided to come to America to discuss the matter in court, I will gladly take this to the end of the matter.  Professionally.... 

Manos Krystalis

United States of America

#4Author of original report

Sun, March 07, 2010

    The guy that runs the company who's name is Jacob Swanson just tried one more time to threaten me by telling me not to come ever to U.S.A and work because he will use different methods to attack me and he also mentioned the civil arrest procedure against me accusing me for unheard things.He also told me to stop reporting him to the scam forum sites because it is illegal as he claims.
If you don't remember who is this person i will remind you who is he

    Let me fresh your memory.The "reputable" (as he named himself) owner of the scam company is the guy standing naked as you can see if you visit
the link (((ROR redacted)))    This guy asked me also to remove a facebook account that he thinks that i created and that shows his absolute madness.
    For his bad luck i have a clear name.He is nothing but a scam ghost company with bad credits
    And finally i want to clarify that he doesn't have an idea about laws.
    I wrote in this site that it is illegal to bring your lawyer in a small claims court for a case that worth less than $5000
    How many times i will have to clarify that till this guy will understand it?
    I asked him for the last time to refund me the money that he owes but he never answered.
    The only real thing exists is a signed contract that states that i gave him $600 upfront for non given services.Lets stay to the contract that he signed and to the fact that he took advantage from a foreign

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


North Hollywood,
United States of America
Manos Krystalis is a FRAUD

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, March 04, 2010

Once again for the civil arrest.... Let me start this conversation with this as you seem to miss the whole point by the time you get through the paragraph... 

He stole footage and re-edited it.  This is illegal and well worth a suit over $5000, and as a corporation with the stats he is providing me with the amount of people that view my site and I'm not booking anymore proves financial profit loss.  You can trust that I have a very real lawyer and they'll do whatever as long as you pay.  It's too bad for Manos that he is convinced himself otherwise.

He stole it off line as an embedded link and re-edited this footage with soft core europeon porn. This footage has REAL clients in it.  Manos likes to re word things and offer sarcastic options as to keep away or distract you from the truth.  For example he says, 'That he didn't come into my place and steal the footage", no duh.  He thinks that will convince you he didn't steal, but guess what,  I have 2 professional computer developers tracing his every move to personally links him to these slanders.

Yes this site is for anyone who wishes to say anything.  1st note, he is the only one out of anyone complaining.  He uses friends or he himself creates falses identity accounts and uses them to complain.  Case in point.  On yelp he created an account and called himself Brian,Kate.  FROM MISSOURI hahaha I only shoot in southern california people.

Remember talking about his language confusion with producing and publishing.  Everyone can read clearly that I wrote that when he comes to the U.S. I will be filing against him, I never mentioned anything about Manos and his own country.  The more you talk my friend the more clearly people will see you trying very hard.  I don't have to try at all.

Here is the case # LAV 09V05268

Let's be really honest here people haha.  Manos edited this youtube video to make it look like Me and My business partner.  It is vulgar and disgusting which frankly shows his personality. If I were a ghost company looking to scam people, it would be quite hard for me to do that if I created a video like that of myself.  hhmmmm.....

I will track Manos Krystalis on his webpages for any dated return here to the U.S. where I will then have my lawyer set a court date as a gift to him upon his visit. 

When we went to court he didn't even have the audacity to show himself.  He sent a friend in the talk to the judge for us.  And he did talk to a lawyer for himself about the case, funny that the lawyer didn't show.....  In short, Manos wanted to rip us off and we caught him.  If he couldn't afford all that then how did he turn around and shoot with someone else and just all of the sudden have the amount of money.  If he had that in the first place it would have been shot.

Lets take a look further into the fact that we can write whatever we want on here. I can prove everything with physical documents.  All he has,because he lost, is a voice for public slander with lies.  He says again that the owner of the studio doesn't want to work with people like us.  That's because he fabricated the story. If he used our names I would have been told by the owner as I have worked with him in the past and continue til today to trouble shoot over the phone for projects.

MANOS KRYSTALIS is immature and irresponsible and is the very reason that companies create contracts and collect deposits as from time to time you encounter people like Manos Krystalis



Keep trying.

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, March 04, 2010

"For those of you who do not understand civil arrest, this can be done. A police report is filed for record and a civel arrest can be made by anyone. Yes it can lead to tarnishment and/or law suits which makes it very risky."

 I understand the concept of a citizens arrest, but it only applies to someone who has commited a criminal offense and can only be done by someone who has witnessed the crime. You are talking about a contract dispute / civil lawsuit. No such thing as any kind of "arrest" in a civil procedure.   

Manos Krystalis

United States of America

#7Author of original report

Thu, March 04, 2010

This is for consumers only and for their own protection.
I want to be clear to all of the viewers.Internet exists for many reasons.Forum and Ripoffreport sites exists to complain freely about any company that ripped you off.
Mr. Jacob Swanson is trying to block me for telling my opinion about his ghost company.
I named the company ghost because i was trying to contact them more than 100 times to get my money back and they never answered to the phone or to my e-mails.
Once again Mr. Swanson is lying since the only time he contacted the facility was 3 days before i filmed the project.The facility is informed about the incident and as you can understand i just wrote in my post that they don't want people like Jacob Swanson and Jason Lasater working with and this is something i have been told by one of the owners of the facility.I read many reviews for  VELVET VISION WEDDINGS,there are official reports made by me and if you search over the internet you can find my reports.That's what i meant about their repetition.It is not only me.There are other ppl that the company tried to rip of.This is what i am trying to do.To protect ppl from having the same bad luck with mine when i lost my money from them.Mr Swanson is unaware about U.S.A court system and how it works.Maybe he has a real point of view if he speak with a creditable lawyer.It IS NOT ALLOWED TO HIRE ANY LAYWER FOR CASES smaller than $5000 on demand.He can only advise you what to do.Now you mentioned legal support of Google.I never received anything from google.Google takes action right away sending warning e-mails to any involved persons in a case like the one you mentioned.
But i do not understand for what i am accused.For surfing the internet???Or for reporting you into legitimate relative forum sites???Your witness maybe will get inside jail following you for falsification evidence.I told you once.It can be prooved that your discusting imagination regarding the specific clip has nothing to do WITH THE REALITY.IT IS READY.IT IS EDITED AND IT WILL BE AVAILABLE TO SHOW THAT TO THE COURT.ACTUALLY IT WILL BE AVAILABLE NEXT DAYS TO VIEW IT ONLINE.So it can be proofed how crook and lier you are.I postponed my flight once for filing the case e.t.c God helped you for me not being there because otherwise you would have even worse credits than you have right now.Are you planning to dissalow me to reside in my country???What are you?God himself?Or you think that i have time to lose for you since you proofed that you are a pitty thief and a loser.Only a loser can have a personal life like the one it appeals by viewing your nasty photos.Do not forget that the ticket is $1200 for coming there and the money you own me is $600.Any logical person can understand that this would be a waste of time to come only for pressing charges on you
Now something very important.If i got it right...YOU'RE accusing me of breaking into your apartment and stealing your cheap wedding footage??To do what with your footage?This is so pathetic of you.
And now you are talking for another music videoclip just to disorient the subject.You don't have anything to show to people reading all this.You live with 5 more people inside a rack you're sleeping in a primeval bed,you are living in the worst area of Los Angeles town,you're saying to ppl to visit you into your deluxe office facility company.BUT THIS IS NOT ACTUALLY even AN OFFICE.this is a small rack house and this is your residence and you are trying to pretend the creditable director with the greatest facility???
Listen to me child,i never stole any footage of you and moreover than that i never created any video you're accusing me for.Listen carefully just like you said before.It is very risky of you accusing people for those kind of things.It can surely get you into trouble.Your company is over and this happened by legally reports made by different people.Don't lose your best years of your life by risking putting yourself inside jail for in-public detraction.
Just return the money that you stole and this will be the end for the story.

Just a friendly advice to all of you.Do not EVER give even a single dollar to any COMPANY UPFRONT.There is no trust nowadays.They can pretend the nicest people in the world but look further than that.They are just good actors.
That's all i had to say
Have a nice day guys


North Hollywood,
United States of America
Manos Krystalis is a fraud

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, March 04, 2010

For Manos Krystalis and anyone else intersted in following along. I will tomorrow add the court case number for anyone who wishes to follow up the facts of Manos trying to take the company to court and losing. 

I am not banned from anything, you are mistaken. I contact the studio you shot at as I have shot there and contact the owner of that studio regularly over the phone.

For those of you who do not understand civil arrest, this can be done. A police report is filed for record and a civel arrest can be made by anyone. Yes it can lead to tarnishment and/or law suits which makes it very risky.

I can also provide you with our lawyer that will be pursuing Manos for copyright infringement.  He does not have permission to copy(steal) our footage and to re edit the artistic piece and to re distribute.  He is also being investigated by the legal support at Google.  ([email protected])

Our entertainment Lawyer

LEONARD M. ROOS, Esq. Simone & Roos, GP 3530 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1600 Los Angeles, CA 90010-2344

Manos Krystalis did indeed try to get his dancers to wear open clothed undergarment for his music video where I have a witness.

And it is true that he does reside in another country.  For those who are interested, if he didn't and if he is so correct, he would come out and settle this legally.

Manos Krystalis stole footage with customers faces, so first of all if I was a ghost company, then how is he stealing my wedding footage with customers on it if I'm a fake business?  Not to bright there I would say.  I will also paste a copy of our the contract between Manos and our company to show everyone that the contract clearly stated that the shoot date was pending green screen studio availability as he did not want to pay the full rate. So I helped him out by getting him a discounted rate as long as the studio was not being rented.  The contract stated pending between the dates of the 13th and the 17th and not ever did it mention by a certain date.  Manos was okay with this and SIGNED THE CONTRACT!  And I also ask, if Manos was so ready to shoot that week, then why did we have rehearsal on the 20th????  Oh that's right, because he wasn't prepared to shoot because he never rehearsed with his dancers for a professional shoot.  Hmmmm.. 

I encouraged him to rehearse and he commented that his dancers could pick it up that day.  Well the day of rehearsal his choreographer fired the dancer because I believe she couldn't pick up the choreography and there so as the Director I advised the choreographer to work strictly with Manos so that at least he was have a routine.

As for the link to the photo. hahaha wow my hiney, hardly harmful since I was on private property with a zoom camera. Thanks to friends from NY who live in the hills. Again another sad attempt for Manos to follow my personal life on facebook...

As for his comments on MTV...  I was hired for a company shooting for a spec for MTV, not an MTV production company, again, another issue that he clearly doesn't understand for his lack of working in the industry.

Just the same when we were hired, as I am forced to repeat again, to produce, create concept, direct and shoot his video. Which was his seller point in the beginning.  Manos stated that he was "somebody". That after his video was made and everyone saw that we produced it that it would bring us business.  Like that has never been said before. So he started out "knowing" what producing was about but later accuses us of trying to steal publishing rights.  He just doesn't get it.  He is very ill mannered and hot tempered.  Has anyone seen his video. 

HMM... a girl in a bikini for no reason other than to have her touch him!!  Very creative........  Has anyone ever seen Ghostbusters.  Well without posting his face here I'll give you a visual.  He looks just like the Goza. The villian on the top of the building.




Lets be honest.  I'm ready legally when you are.  How many false youtube videos and facebooks and other pages do you really have time to make.  I guess lots seeing how you havent put much into your career......

Best wishes


How not to respond to a report.

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, March 03, 2010

   When responding to a ripoff report, it is most effective to ensure that your response is honest and truthful.   Your response sounded reasoned and logical, until I got to this part :

"MANOS KRYSTALIS currently resides in another country where he can freely get away with slander towards our company and employees but will be under civil arrest if he so comes to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA."

  You and I and most of the people reading this know that there is no such thing as "civil arrest" and that no such thing will happen to this person if he comes to the U.S.   We also now know that you are not above fabricating falsehoods in order to bolster your response.

  Nice going. 

Manos Krystalis

United States of America

#10Author of original report

Tue, March 02, 2010

I am writing to let you know and make clear things for you as i understand that right now you came across to an unpleasant situation.
You made me an offer.Who said that i couldn't afford a music video?Since your report is full of lies i will try to be as much simple as i can.
You probably do not know that but you are flagged from the facility you tried to booked when i mentioned legal action and you saw through that i wasn't kidding.Actually you are flagged from government consumer protection agencies like b.b.u e.t.c
That means lots of bad credits for your company and your name as a result
You mentioned bras:! Nipples:!! OPEN mouth KISSES with the dancers...that is so disgusting and you made me keep a legal record of your rebuttal because i am planning to sue you in person for being suck a crook.You are not very clever and that is obvious.
We can proof all the way that the specific video clip had nothing to do with what you described in your despicable post.You are talking about imaginary vulgar actions of others while at the same time you're a poor nude exhibitionist standing naked in front of the Hollywood Sign.Who ever doesn't believe this he/she can visit the following site with 3 pictures ( http://img139.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=64421_jacobswanson2_122_463lo.jpg ) of the REPUTABLE JACOB SWANSON the CEO of VELVET VISION WEDDINGS.I am planning to report this to Los Angeles Police Department (walking naked around Hollywood Sign can be considered as a felony) and you can not deny mr Swanson that it is you in those pictures.Fortunately there are a lot of ppl ripped of by your ghost company,i am writing about people that helped in my investigation for you particularly and they helped a lot so we can figure out what kind of person you are.

Mr. Swanson was so cluck when he mentioned me about bringing a helicopter to film the music videoclip.He also told me that MTV Production company is one of HIS CLIENTS and they used his miniature low-level green screen room that he has in the yard of his house.I didn't believe that of course.I got offers for $300 (only for filming) to film my music videoclip for a day but since Jacob Swanson and Jason Lasater promised to provide lots of services for the project i agreed to proceed with them.Finally the only thing they had was absolutely nothing to offer.They just took the money and then you know what happened if you read my original report witch i am gonna include here as well.There was no court because i was upsent and the judge decided to postpone it and he gave me the change to file the case in the future when i will be again in the continent.That makes sense.No one disagrees with that but i wasn't able to POSTPONE MY FLIGHT AGAIN because i had things to take care in my home town.This is my last reply to mr. (if you can even call him mr.) Swanson
because i think he lives in his own world.He is always trying to get away from the subject.It is true that he tried to settle the matter outside the court BUT he wanted to give half of the money i payed.Now this is the unheard-of for the story:They wanted to refund me half of the money that i payed for a project that they weren't able to accomplish ever.This is like i am borrowing money from somebody and as a return i am giving him half of them after several months just because i want it so.Finally i want to remind to mr. Swanson that if he believes that he has any change in the universe to win in any court of this world with the documents,the proofs,the LEGAL official reports and all the relative material against him plus a LOT OF WITNESSES then it will be my pleasure to be my guest and sue me for ?no reason or whatever he thinks of
Even the existense of his nude pictures that he have shot across HOLLYWOOD SIGN doesn't help a lot for anyone to take him seriously.
Stop threatening ppl mr Swanson.You are to small to do that
Civil arrest? This was one of the best jokes i've ever heard.
Thanks for making my day.
If you're willing to return the money that you stole from me and you wish a happy ending to e-mail me to give you the contact information from a partner of mine so you can give him the money.
That's all i have to say.Be very aware of any upcoming legal actions i might take as soon as i will be again there if you don't take your responsibilities.Have a nice day 


North Hollywood,
United States of America
Manos Krystalis

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, March 02, 2010

Our company was hired by MANOS KRYSTALIS for a music video.  Manos could not afford to do the full budget and so we, including Manos, signed a contract for a green screen studio shoot that was "pending" a studio.  As he could not affor full rate for the studio rental, the studio was willing to work with him on a day they didn't have booked.  That meant waiting his turn. 

The contract specifically stated pending and he did read and signed the contract.   Upon rehearsal he not only didn't have any dancers.  He also provided wardrobe where the clothes were only bras and underwear and the bras were to show the nipples of the dancers.  We advised Manos Krystalis that our company would not represent that wardrobe.  He also requested to open mouth kiss the dancers. At this point I questioned his integrity and again advised for his inappropriate requests.  I understand this happens in the world but I did not want our company producing a music video with explicit vulgar actions.

Manos agreed to us creating the music video and as for giving him a drastic reduction in price.. A MUSIC VIDEO FOR $1200 is unheard of, so we agreed that we would be the creative team and our company would produce.  Manos is foreign and I believe has confused the idea of producing the music video with stealing his publishing rights.

Manos then decided to take us to court where he sent a friend to appear instead of himself.  For 2 days mediation was advising his friend that they were wrong and it is, I believe, of public record that anyone can view the outcome of that case.  We won due to MANOS KRYSTALIS not showing up and due to our contract clearly stating that the date was pending and that there was no breach in contract.

MANOS KRYSTALIS currently resides in another country where he can freely get away with slander towards our company and employees but will be under civil arrest if he so comes to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

We offered to settle with MANOS KRYSTALIS at court but he wanted more revenge than justice.

We are a reputable company that can be checked on yelp.com or by any of our customers.  MANOS KRYSTALIS has attacked our company on several site and committed illegal actions of copying our footage for his own perverted use.

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