  • Report:  #442100

Complaint Review: Verizon Federal Network Systems (FNS) - Arlington Virginia

Reported By:
- Aldie, Virginia,

Verizon Federal Network Systems (FNS)
1300 N 17th St. Ste 1200 Arlington, 22209 Virginia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This is an overview that was sent to my Congressman. Names are included in his letter. Verizon has a domineering presence in VA and they think they can do what they want:

I was employed by Verizon Federal Network Systems (FNS) for five years. During the latter part of my term of employment, on or about March 2007, I filed with the EEOC, a discrimination complaint against Verizon which averred a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. While employed with Verizon FNS, I submitted paperwork to my employer, Verizon FNS, for a Security Pre-Screen questionnaire in support of a polygraph, which did not occur.

Mr. JB ((240) 274-XXXX, Badge # CXXX), called me on or about April 2007, advised me he was conducting a security investigation, and made and an appointment to meet with me. In as much as he had a copy of my polygraph paperworkand other personal and private data (e.g. credit report) of mine, in his possession, I assumed he was hired by Verizon FNS to perform the necessary preliminary background investigation prior to my polygraph.

When Mr. B arrived at my home, he requested a copy of my college transcript and financial records, which he stated he needed by the end of the week. I provided a copy of my college transcript, but I did not provide my personal financial records. Although Mr. B had a copy of my polygraph paperwork with him, I became suspicious as to the legitimacy of his visit. My suspicion was aroused because my husband had recently taken a polygraph prior to his employment, and he had not been required to provide the information requested by Mr. B. He possessed personal and private data that I submitted solely to Verizon FNS security.

I later learned that Mr. B had contacted some of my friends and associates under the auspices that he was conducting a DoD security investigation on me for a job with Verizon. He reportedly also purported to have worked for the CIA, Verizon, DoD and, lastly, OPM. I also discovered that he informed a deputy sheriff of the Loudoun County, VA, Sheriff Department that he worked for OPM (a police report to this effect is on file at that department). When I inquired of Mr. B. bona fides with OPM, that agency denied having dispatched Mr. B. to my home, and also denied that he was working for OPM when he came to my home.

I also inquired into the legitimacy of Mr. B.'s actions with a representative of Verizon's legal counsel's office, AT esq. Initially I was informed that Verizon FNS did not send anyone to my home, but this information was subsequently withdrawn/disputed by AT, esq.

Following my inquiry into the legitimacy of Mr. B's investigation, a copy of a security questionnaire packet from Washington Headquarters Service (WHS) was mailed to my friend(s) and neighbor. I submitted a request under the Freedom of Information Act for a copy of any investigation report associated with me, which I mailed to WHS at a P. O. Box in Falls Church, VA. To date, I have not received a response from WHS or its signatory, Jeff Johnson.

Mr. B T of WHS informed me that the investigation was legitimate and they were going to call me. When I asked him who were they?, he hesitantly stated he was not at liberty to reveal that. As of this writing, 2 years later, I have not heard from they. I contacted the WHS EEO/Diversity office and informed them of my concerns. The Director advised me to amend my EEOC complaint to include retaliation/reprisal. During this period, I also received a harassing voice mail message (which I can provide), during which, the anonymous caller cited excerpts from my report to the WHS EEO/Diversity office. I believe I know the identity of the caller.

I also called the WHS on several different occasions: (1) to speak to the signatories on the fraudulent Memorandum and Postal Receipt, Sunny K. Tiel and Jeff Johnson respectively, and I was informed that neither individual is employed with WHS. I filed a request through the Falls Church Postal Police /Inspectors for them to ascertain if postal fraud laws may have been violated, but to date I have not received a reply.

I have had persons (allegedly from Verizon FIOS) come to my home as well as parked outside my home with what appeared to be listening devices, etc. I consistently informed them that I did not desire any services or products from Verizon FIOS, they continued to appear and this seemed harassing to me.

I will greatly appreciate it if you for can help me obtain answers to my questions related to the events that appear to be related to my EEO/EEOC complaints. Specifically, I desire to know as follows:

Did Verizon FNS provide Mr. B my personal/private data that I submitted solely to the FNS Security Specialist, E.G.?; o: (703) 984-XXXX; f: (703) 984-4261; pager: (877) 487-XXXX; e-mail: withdrawn to be in compliance with tos? If so, for what purpose(s)?

If WHS conducted or directed a DOD or other inquiry on me, who authorized the charter and why? Who is Sunny K. Tiel, the signatory on their letterhead memorandum? Who is Jeff Johnson? Further, if WHS conducted or directed a legitimate inquiry on me, I hereby make a formal request for a copy of the investigation report as permitted under both the Privacy and FOI Acts per my initial request.

I request a report from the Falls Church Postal Police/Inspectors that specifies who ownsor owned at the time, P.O. Box 3185, Falls Church, VA 22043, which was the postal address that my personal/private data were funneled through, and at which Jeff Johnson signed for my Privacy Act request.

Finally, if you believe my concerns are justified, I will appreciate your making any referral you deem appropriate to the applicable Federal agency(s).

Note: They have now blackballed my spouse and me from future employment so that they can render us paupers so that we cannot fight them in court. I was told by managment when they want to get you they will. I was told that to fight them is a waste of time and money as they have the best attorneys and a lot of money, no one can win against them. This was stated to S.G. by R. R. I was in a meeting when a manager, R. R. stated they blackball people so that they will never work again.

They have backed a goodwill person in the corner and I have to come out fighting. The have left me with no choice but to report this how and when I can. I strongly believe they are illegally tapped into my email and phone systems. This report is merely an overview. There is so much more. This is all due to a personal vendetta of one man with the little man complex, J.F. to seek and destroy. There is so much more. I have a harassing phone message that I would like to post to this report as well.

I also believe the Investigator at the EEOC is involved with them. I have notified the FBI, CIA, DoD hotline and many other agencies. I am not through as this is ridiculous. This is a clear violation of the No Fear Act. This is clearly retaliation. I am a minnow attempting to fight a whale and they want me to be scared. With what they have done to my family, fear is not an option.

This should never happen to an employee, black, red, blue, yellow, male or female. To think they can just rip goodwill people apart to cover up their illegality is preposterous and I will fight to get this story out and prove what they have done.

I am notifyng the secret service in the morning. I will be more than happy to post the plethora of evidence I've submitted to the EEOC, to which they turned a blind eye. Verizon thinks that they are invincible and so many people are afraid to go against them because they will deliberately cast egregious fabrications. There is so much more. What does one have to do to get their voice heard. They are defaming my professional character and I will fight to repair it as I can.

I stongly believe this was all orchestrated by one J.F., whom I am informed was fired, but not in the traditional sense. After he was fired a manager sent word to me that he did not have anything to do with it. Again, it is the "it", that is attempting to destroy the likelihood and fabric of my family.

There is so much more to this. Mr. J.F. stated once that me and another employee that they scared into oblivion and radio silence that we were out of control, because we asked a question. Well he has not seen out of control. will be out of control with my voice, trying to get this outrageous fraud out in the open. I will use my voice to fight these mean spirited, bully, toxic individuals. I am going to notify everyone I can and pray that someone will hear the truth and get this viral evil exposed.

I'd be more than happy to post the fraudulent memos on this site as well as the harassing voice recording. This has been a nightmare. I have not had a good night sleep in 2 years. Now that they have messed with my spouse my flame is blue and I am going to fight to repair and save my family from such a vicious Company. It seems everyone locally is scared of them. I've also gone to my Congressman. The Senators are next and I am not beyond trying to apprise the President of this. There is all types of complex criminal activity wrapped in this. HELP ME PLEASE SOMEONE!!!! My update report may include the names next time. I am trying to take the high road, they have forced my hands. Oh and not sure if related, but two deaths occured during this investigation. One was a guy who was instrumental in helping me obtain a contract and the other was J.F. Admin Asst. The rumor is that she committed suicide, but they covered it up as an accidental death so that her parents could get he insurance money. What was bizarre is that he EEO was sending out emails surrounding her death, people have died before at FNS and in my 5 years employed there, I did not notice Verizon's EEO's involvement. This is a major conspiracy/cover-up that needs immediate and national attention. These big bully Corporations must be stopped from this nonsense.


Aldie, Virginia


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