  • Report:  #1058469

Complaint Review: Verizon Wireless - Sacramento California

Reported By:
Steven - Carmichael, California,

Verizon Wireless
Sacramento, California, USA
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On March 12 2013 i tired to pay my bill online but was having difficulties. So i decided to Call verizon customer service to figure out why i couldn't make a payment online. Well the Rep i talked to told me that their website was having some technical issues and he would be glad to assist me.

The Rep told me he would have to take care of my payment maunaully so he would need my Acount number, my card number, and my routing number.After i gave him all three numbers it took him a few minutes to get everything put in and then he told me that my payment was paid.

A week later on march 22nd my Wife got a text message that said please contact verizon wireless by the end of the day to avoid service interruption.I immediately got on the phone and called verizon to find out what the hell was going on. The person i spoke to told me that my payment had been reversed and the reason was because i had given them information that was to an account with either insuffecient funds or it was a non-existing account. 

I told the guy i paid my bill on march 12th over the phone with a rep and the lady told me that the check i gave them was to an account that did not exist. i then told the lady that i did not give them a check that i used my bank debit card. She then proceeded to say it was taken down that i used a check. After a half hour of arguing and trying to get it throught this woman's head that it was not a d**n check but my debit card i finally asked for a supervisor.

I did not get to speak to a supervison as i had requested instead they hung up on me. I called back and talked to a man named Denis who kindly gave me his badge number. I told him what was going on and it seemed that he was willing to help me with my problem. He told me he would investigate because appearently He thought maybe a couple reps were stealing money from customers(go figure!). He told me he would give me an extention on my account and call me on monday with his results.

I never recieved a call from dennis that following monday. I Called them monday to find out why no one had called me. The woman i talked to fed me the same bull s**t that everyone except Denis told me. " The payment was reversed" and "The account had insufficient funds or it didn't exist". She also said that the card number was wrong. My wife ended up getting on the phone to straighten the rude rep out. The representative ended up telling my wife that the card number was wrong. So which is it. Is the routing or card number wrong.

Well my wife ended up hanging up on the woman as she kept saying the same thing she told me over and over again. This has been going of since march 22nd and it is now June. Last week i spoke to a woman named Mary Ann. I told her the whole story and told her i was tired of verizons bs and frankly i was getting sick of all their games. Well she decided she was gonna help me because she said she noticed the guy i talked to on march 12th may have put the wrong info in the wrong places. 

I let Mary ann know that i was also having technical problems. My d**n phone never rings instead it goes straight to voice mail,it freezes up at random times,My phone calls get dropped almost every time,and my phone heats up either when im using it or when its charging. She told me if it wasn't due to verizon then she could try and get my bill of $662.42 cancelled due to technical difficulties. She told me she would call me Monday and let me know what was going on.

On moday she called me and decided to take back what she had said about their rep putting in the wrong info into the wrong place. She said it was not the reps fault and that we gave him the wrong Info. She did a reset on my phone she even had me manually reset my phone and said that my phone should work like new.WRONG AGAIN! my phone still randomly froze and i still can't recieve calls. After the reset she told me i would have to pay the whole $662.42 and that i would have an extentsion until today. She then sent me to a rep in the financial department. 

I told the Financial rep that i had just spoken to Mary ann and she said that i would have until today to pay the bill. Yesterday i called and decided to try one last time to get verizon to own up to their mistake and to do something about the bill i now owe. I talked to a man named Van. I told him that Mary Ann had told me the guy i spoke to on the 12th of march put my info into the computer wrong and what do ya know he actually said that the rep HAD in fact put my info in wrong. Turns out the dip s**t put my card number where my account number should have been

I told Van that if that guy made the mistake of putting my info in the wrong place then i shouldn't have to pay for the march bill. YEAH FREAKING RIGHT! He tells me that i STILL have to pay the march bill and that all they can do is pay off all the small fees. AFTER ALL THE BULLSH*T I WENT THROUGH ALL I GET IS THE FEES PAID OFF!!!!

I told Van that i didn't think i should have to pay off any of the $662.42 because it took Verizon reps so long to fix the problem. He asked me why i hadn't paid the april and may bill and i said because i thought that if i paid the april and may bills that they would also make me pay the march and i wasn't about to pay that when it was Verizon's fault it wasn't paid to begin with. He told me that the april and may bill was not Verizon's doing and that is was on me.

I told Van ok but im not paying march. I will pay the rest even though i think its bull s**t but i will not pay march. All i know is Verizon Customer Service sucks. They are rude, ignorant, and they are obviously not very bright or they are just def as i had to repeat to them several times each phone call that I DID NOT USE A d**n CHECK!

I Am very put out for the way i have been treated by Verizon wireless customer service. They are liars. they can't keep their stories straight. and they are no help. They lack Sympathy and Respect. I will never recommend anyone to use Verizon. They are nothing but money hungry ba*tards and i won't stand for any of this!!!

1 Updates & Rebuttals


What an...

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, June 12, 2013

You are the reason that a lot of people in Customer Service postions are the way they are toward customers.  If you weren't such an A** about the whole thing it could have been solved in the first(or perhaps 2nd) call. 

When they called you saying the payment was reversed.  Did you look at your account to see if the money was taken out?  If it wasn't..then perhaps a simple.."You are right I don't see it taken out..well let me make the account right immediatly".

But you didn't do that..you went off on some really strange tangents.  Eventually getting to the point where because the original guy typed in the number wrong you think they should cover your entire balance..and at first you thought this should have included the the following months.  But still think that they somehow owe you for March.

And no, I don't work for Verizon, or have them as my Cell Phone Carrier.



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