  • Report:  #993488

Complaint Review: Viacom - NYC New York

Reported By:
Tsaylor - Staten Island, New York, United States of America

59th street NYC, 10022 New York, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
As I was was standing at 59th street and Lexington ave filling out some paper work an older African American man asked me to directions to MOMA. I explained to him the best i could, as i was somewhat in a rush myself. He then proceeds to complimenting my voice and how it sounds good for cartoon voicing and how he works for Viacom and he knows they are looking for some candidates to do a VoiceOver for Hello Kitty. He then seemed very interested, and began showing me all his business cards and kept praising my voice and how he had to get me into the studio.

He said he usually doesn't go up to people in the streets, but heard my voice and thought it would be perfect. He seemed like a truthful person, so i continued to listen. He asked for a few minutes of my time and whether i was interested in the job to voice cartoons. He insisted that i needed to do it, again showed me his business cards said he worked for viacom, show me a business card. He was extremely professional in his demeanor actually resembled al roker, and was put together... He talked about viacom and how they were hiring people to voiceovers and said he can promise me they would love to have my voice. He googled his name and a link came up saying how he was some manager or something, and also called Viacom and let me listen to the phone call to ensure it was in fact the company he said he was calling. He also told me the position was on weekends and asked if I was comfortable coming in for calls on the weekends, and that I was allowed to bring people to the calls with me to ensure everything was legit.

Basically, he used a lot of psychology throughout the chat. If this whole thing isn't real, it sure sounded real. He tried to make me trust him and tried to make me believe what he said.. He asked for my name, email address and number, but nothing else. I asked about contracts, and he told me Viacom would email me the package and everything I needed I needed. He told me not to worry, because i'm worrying too much, and if i do, it will be a lot of hassle and he doesn't want the hassle. By saying that, its a line where it makes people feel as if HE/SHE is doing something wrong.

He said the only thing was that we had to pay for our voice kits. He told me that artists will be paid around $190 an hour, but the kits are a one time fee. He then asked if i could pay the money for the voice kits now, which would be $380. I said i did not have enough and he told me that i can get it from the ATM. He asked me how much i am comfortable giving him now and i said $60. He told me that he can spot me, but i have to pay him back once i work. I agreed. At the ATM, I got the $60 out gave him one of my cards, and he said both him and Viacom would be in touch and at this time he also mentioned he would bring me and a friend to a broadway play or Knicks game as he has connections within Viacom and can get us "hooked up" ... He even stated at this point "if you don't trust me you can have your money back, I want you to trust in me and Viacom because I know you have a ton of potential" He walked me back half a block, said that he will contact me in a few weeks and gave a small hug and said goodbye. I did not have time to report this because i had to rush back to work and was also slightly caught off guard.

12 Updates & Rebuttals

A user

New York,
United States
Happened to me on July 20th, 2019 with the same guy

#2General Comment

Sun, September 06, 2020

The same thing happened to me last year on July 20th, 2019. The exact same guy approached me near Penn Station and asked me for directions to whole foods. I pulled out my phone to look it up on google maps and he complimented my voice. He proceeded to tell me that he is not flirting with me, he is a married man and that he actually works for Nickelodeon. He pulled out his wallet with his Nickelodeon ID Badge and told me that my voice is really good and I would be a good voice actor. 

We go sit down somewhere and talk, and he tells me about the whole audtion process and I was like wow, i can't believe this is happening to me! Then it all went down hill when he asked me to pay him ON THE SPOT over $300, I told him I can pay him later after I thought it through first, but he refused. He kept saying that this is once in a life time chance & its now or never bla bla. After I kept insisting that I would pay him at another time and to give me his contact info, he told me to nevermind is all. I asked him if he still wanted to know where wholefoods is, he said no and left. 

This whole time I thought I might have missed out on a big opportunity, but after deciding to look it up (a year later), I am shocked that the picture is the exact same man that approched me YEARS AFTER someone uploaded it! Be aware! 


New York,
New York,
6/8/16 Viacom Scammer still at large

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, June 08, 2016

Same exact thing happened to me today. It was at penn station 34th and 7th this morning. He asked me for directions to Sephora, I said I wasn't sure and another person answered his question.  Instead of going the way that was pointed out to him, he starts talking to me and going in the opposite direction. He then started telling me he works for Nickelodeon, showed me "proof" which was an old Nickelodeon logo card... nothing else on it... SKETCH.

He further convinced me to walk with him as he was asking if I wanted to do a voiceover for $190/hr.  He said to follow him if I wanted more instructions.  Gullible as I am, I figured I can find out more information since he was praising my voice and thought it would be perfect for cartoons. 

I constantly asked if he can give me a business card so that I can just email him and he said no this is a one-shot deal and that he had to fly back to Hollywood today. He wanted to prove that he worked at Viacom so he called the number and asked me to listen and then give the phone back... he then started "talking" to a woman and said things like, "oh it's $195/hr not $190/hr," "I want to sign her right now," "we just need a voiceover from her?"  I was really doubting that there was another person on the other line, since he took his phone from me AFTER I listened to a generic viacom recording.

He then told me the voiceover costs $380 and asked if I could afford that and offered 3 tickets to lion king, hamilton, or book of mormon.  I kept saying I don't have that much time right now, can you email me or give me your card, but he said he could not and that if I wanted this opportunity in a lifetime then I would have to pay him cash today.

There were too many red flags: no business card, no e-mail, cash up front.  I told him I'm no longer interested and felt uncomfortable so I left to catch my cab.  During my cab ride, I found these complaints with women experiencing the same exact thing!  I'm also a small, Asian girl like another commenter, so that might be his target.  Also, this man is DEFINITELY the man pictured in stephanie's comment from 5/2016.  PLEASE BEWARE. 

I'm very grateful that I wasn't scammed as some of these other commenters had been.  To potential victims, please be mindful and careful.


New York,
Not Daryl Edwards

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, May 12, 2016

Comparing photos of the man "Eddie Williams" who scammed me (in my below comment) and photos of Daryl Edwards, I am fairly certain they are NOT the same person. They do look similar but Eddie Williams had a few very distinct features. I just wanted to clear this up from a few of the posts below. 


new york,
New York,
Scammed me once and approached me AGAIN (with photo)

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, May 11, 2016

This man approached me on 9/3/15 at 57th/6th ave and scammed me of $200 with the same story. He pulled out all sorts of business cards and made calls and told me he was on the Cosby Show, etc etc. He told me I would make the perfect voice actor for a cartoon monkey, and I DO have a weird voice so he totally got me. He said his name was Eddie Williams.

Then, on 5/11/16, he approached me AGAIN in the same way, this time on Broadway and Fulton in the Financial District. I immediately realized it was the same guy and I took a photo of him. He ducked and ran away but I still got a decent photo. I have to say he DOES look like Daryl Edwards from comment #5's IMDB link. It looks likes Daryl Edwards has been in a few things recently so I'm going to try to watch them to determine if it's the same guy because it's kind of hard from that professional headshot (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0249921/?ref_=m_nmmi_mi_nm) to know.

As someone who was targeted twice I can say that I think he targets people who are distracted - both times I was walking while texting/on my smartphone. I am also a small Asian woman which I'm sure makes me feel like an easier mark too.  

Report Attachments


New York,
New York,
Happened to me 2/23/15 on 45th Street b/w Lex/Vanderbilt

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, December 16, 2015

Serial creeper! Happened to me on 2/23/15 on 45th Street between Lexington/Vanderbilt Aves (diagonal from the MetLife building). He approached me asking for directions to Miss Korea restaurant and Dylan's Candy Bar (which are in opposite directions). As I told him the directions, he then asked what I do for work and if I like my job. Then he mentioned I have a great voice and if I considered doing voiceover work. Said he works for Nickelodeon with casting for voiceover work. I was extremely skeptical (born & raised in NY, I don't trust anyone) and even held my bag tighter just in case he was trying to sneak my wallet out of it. I think he flashed a card and said he would like to tell me more ... if I'd just go down the block with him.

I then said, "No thanks" and said I had to get back to work and walked away.

When I posted about this on social media and told my friends, I discovered that the same guy had tried this on at least 5-6 of my friends over the past several years. All asking for directions, at some points he said he worked for CBS (or the Cosby Show I think?).

He tried this on another of my friends a few weeks ago. Also in Midtown, this time asking for directions to Sephora and that he's trying to get a gift for his wife.

I had no idea money was an eventual part of the scam until another of my friends (who he also tried this on years ago) Googled it and we discovered the $380 upfront payment part. WHY is he still around doing this? Is there any way we can get law enforcement involved? Or 1 of those consumer rights groups on the news channels??


Happened to me November 2015

#7General Comment

Sun, November 29, 2015

This just happened to me on 40th and 7th avenue. The same guy stopped me, said he worked for Nickelodeon, that he loved my voice and wanted to hire me on the spot. He was very convincing, dressed really nicely and seemed very authentic. He fed me the same story as everyone else here, yet I did not hand over any money. I said I could give him my email address and that he could email me details, however when he didn't want to do that and became persistent, I knew to trust my gut and not give him any money. 

Sad that this is still happening. I'm posting this in the hope that others read the thread and don't hand over their hard earned cash to a scammer. 


New York ,
New York,
Scam is still happening!

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, August 02, 2015

 This guy got me today! I cannot believe I fell for it. He seemed so professional and knew exactly what to say to make me believe him. I consider myself someone with pretty good street smarts and always ignore all the scammers on the streets of NY but this guy is good. He asked me for directions, said I have an amazing voice, blah blah. I've actually been told I should do voice overs by several friends, so this guy unfortunately sparked my interest when he said he worked at Viacom and was casting for a cartoon. He gave me the whole $380 nonsense for voice recordings, that I would make $190 an hour, did a phone call to someone, said he'd send me Book of Mormon tickets, etc. I wasn't comfortable giving him what he was asking but he got me for a lot. I'm so embarrassed to say, $180. This guy needs to be stopped! I sure hope I run into him again. He seems to hang around where I live and work. I'm so mad and feel so stupid!!! Why would I ever fall for giving someone cash on the street? I never knew I could be so gullible. Lesson learned. Trust no one!


New York,
Voice Over Scam jerk

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, March 01, 2015

I was leaving school at devry from an orientation 2.28.14 at 12pm and walking to the 33rd st/park ave 6 train station. I stopped to smoke a cigarette and drink some coffee from 7/11 when out of nowhere a stumpy husky caucasian man in his late 40's wearing a leather coat and a very dusty baseball vap with an eagle on it asks me for directions to Sephora. I told him the directions, but very quickly he says "Hey you have an anazing voice what do you do." i told him i work in accounting. He then says "I work for Nickelodeon and Disney and am interested in hiring you to do voiceovers you have an amazing voice, we pay $190 an hour." Automatically knowing that this was a scam i politely say "no thank you" He then proceeds to flash his beat up looking so valled Nickelodeon ID in his wallet in my face and gets closer. Then he repeats many times "Wow you have an amazing voice! are you spanish?" Immediately feeling uncomfortable, i tell him "no thank you i have to go" He then gets closer and says, "come one walk me to the end of the block so we can discuss it more." I was pissed and extremely uncomfortable at this point to the point where i had to make up a lie "I have to go meet up with some friends." and then i speedily walk off. Scam artists and Roaches are the same to me in this city! Disgusting, annoying, and hard to get rid of!


New York,
Could this be "Lori" Edwards?

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, February 23, 2014

I have the same story as everyone else here, just a different location. This guy told me his name was Lori Edwards. I found a guy online named Daryl Edwards, who was on The Cosby Show, just like "Lori" told me. If this man is not the man who is going around doing the Viacom voiceover scam, he sure does look like him. Here's his IMDb profile: http://m.imdb.com/name/nm0249921/ If the link doesn't work, go to imdb.com and search Daryl Edwards. Please tell me if this is the guy. Daryl Edwards is also on Facebook...his profile picture is with Minnie Mouse. He is also on Linkedin. All of his social profiles have limited activity. He is in NY, not West Hollywood as he may have told you. If this is the guy is who scammed you please respond and the proper channels will be taken to make sure he never does this again.



New York City,
New York,
Around the financial District

#11General Comment

Fri, January 24, 2014

This also happened to me sadly. I knew better not to get invovled with someone I have just met on the street but I have to admit, the guy was pretty charming with his words. In hindsight, he used some sneaky psychology to get to me as the first poster above said. My story is extremely similar to the ones that have been previous mention, asking for directions, saying how nice my voice sounds, continously showing me his business cards from various companies, calling a repersentative from viacom, telling me how this is a great opportunity, he liked me so much that he'll pay for 2/3 of the cost, and etc. Same story as above. 


New York,
New York,
Same thing happened to me

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, October 31, 2013

The same guy got me on 52nd and 6th near asking for directions to whole foods.  It was the same story as described above.   I never speak to people on the street, but I was so distracted running to grab lunch and the whole story was so elaborate.  I'm sad to admit he got $80 out of me.  There were definite red flags - not giving me a business card, the whole "don't call us, we'll call you," type nature of having a "press kit sent," and especially him acting like he didn't have time for me to look him up on my phone.  This guy is definitely good.  I felt so stupid that I gave a guy $80 for saying I sounded like a monkey.  The worst thing about the exchange - he even added that I would owe HIM an apology once I realized this was real.  Wow.  Guess I learned an exopensive lesson.  


New York,
Voice Over Scam

#13General Comment

Mon, October 21, 2013

 The exact same thing happened to me yesterday afternoon on 58th street and Broadway. Except he asked me where is Whole Foods on Columbus Circle and then started praising my voice in a very cute way saying that I sound like a monkey and that he loves how I speak. The worst thing is that I was actually looking into voice over jobs and I was so happy that someone actually offered it to me out of the blue. Destiny? Hell no! The story really seemed true, he really seemed to know what he is talking about. I usually never trust anyone in the street just like that, but this guy is really good.

He said the same thing about the payment and he asked me for $395. I gave him $60 dollars and told him that if this is not real, I will find him and kill him. He smiled, gave me a hug and said: I know you will. He better watch out now that I know that he is obviously around that area where I usually love to hang around. I am looking forward to meet him again. I'm a girl, but I'm gonna kick his butt and yell at him in my monkey voice! I just gave money to someone who told me I sound like a monkey... Still laughing at myself.

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