  • Report:  #994642

Complaint Review: Victor Mong - Shrewsbury Massachusetts

Reported By:
Anon. - Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, USA

Victor Mong
3 seten drive Shrewsbury, 01545 Massachusetts, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
His name is Victor Mong, and the first thing he told us when we met him was a lie "my name's Jack" he told us he was going to the marines and he went through boot camp, just waiting to pay some tickets and then he would be off to the marines. well that was a lie too.

He got a job and he would steal from it, he worked at office depot and he stole supplies and came late and lied saying he was sick, truth was all the money he got from working there he wasted on porn websites (one day i walked in and saw him on "mygirlfriend.com" or something to that effect.) and on girls that he liked but were just using him for his money.

He's EXTREMELY lazy, wont do anything unless you remind him constantly and make him physically get up and do it, even then he'll half-a** it the whole way, he lies everywhere we go, one time we went to a church event and he lied to the main person there saying he was "his biggest fan" when really he didn't know a thing about him! he ended up getting free stuff from the guy and then after that he went off and started flirting with some 40 year old looking women who we're only talking to him because they obviously had one too many (this all took place in a hilton hotel lounge)

He is a complete pervert, he wastes all his time hitting on girls and going out to church to meet girls and wasting all his money on them, he spends all day either doing this or cussing to people and trying to make their lives miserable in any way he can think of, he's insane, he said he'd kill himself because his dog died (now i know we've all been through our share of dark times and this in itself doesn't mean i think he's insane but...) he went telling everyone he was going to kill himself and he wanted to sell his soul to the devil to get his dog back and he always mumbled under his breath probably cussing and complaining.

He ate all of our food and never thanked anyone, he only was nice when he wanted something, wanted to impress someone, was trying to cover something up, or was trying to change your mind (like say if he didn't pay rent.. thats right he didn't pay rent and lied a lot. just about everything we knew about him was a lie all in all we had to put up with him for three months, then he moved out GOOD RIDDANCE!

[quick summary]









LiarIn case you personally know him or want to know if this is the right Victor I'll also give you his info.This is for personal use only, no selling! (Just kidding do what you want with it.)

Both myspace accounts: http://www.myspace.com/eyeofthetiger17http://www.myspace.com/481129132
Twitter:Victor Mong @1(unocero)Facebook: Victor Jack Mong (Vunit)
IP address:
Phone Number: (774)-287-7253
E-mail address: [email protected]
Street address: 3 seten Drive Shrewsbury, MA

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Shrewsbury ,
This is not true about me!

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, October 17, 2014

I just found out about this report and none of this is true, I am not a stalker, pedophile or a pathological liar. My old land lord wrote this about me because his heart is full of hate and he wanted to get back at me for something I did not do, someone wrote a complaint about him about his buisness and he blamed me for it, Yes I had issues growing up as a kid but I never stalked anyone lied, or did anything that those monsters like stalkers or pedophiles do. Giovanni you have gotten away with killing my dog, you can try to write lies about me online but everyone knows I am not this kind of person you say I am in this report, I am suing you for false information about me to people.


THis is False I am not Like this at all, An Ex Land lord wrote thise to get payback for someting I never did

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, March 31, 2013

Hi Everyone my Name is Victor Mong, there was recently a report about that was written by an old Land Lord I rented a room from. His name is Giovanni Traino. He is sleezy cold hearted man who lied to me from the very beggining to just get money from me. This report is about me is false He is trying to get back at me because he thinks that I made reports about him and his company that he ripped people off which I did not.

 Other consumers reported him. and his printing company Rapid Swag I got the blame for it because of how spread the word to every body about the awful thing he did to my 3 year old puppy which eventually lead to his death. Giovanni never liked animals. He preteded to just to get my money. A few months ago while I was at work Giovanni Traino abused my dog while i was at work, He hit him and even took a knife a punctured his left eye. Worse he took off my dogs tags and let him out. I did not find my dog again until a week later. at a shelter over an hour away near seaside california. I rushed him the Animal ER. they took the pain away but it was to late for his eye it was gone. I couldnt even look at
him it was that grusome and painful. and for him to when ever i touched him he would cry. He got better for a little bit. But he died a month later due to infection. His last few days he wouldnt eat, or anything. Giovanni openly confessed to doing it to I called the police they said I had no proof. I know for a fact he has ripped off countless people. But
this report is to clear my name of the lies he said about me.

Here are before and after pics, of my dog one of when he was healthy and the other after Giovanni took his eye. Its awful isnt it.

He wrote a false report about me to get back at me for reports I never wrote. If anyone goes to san Jose California Avoid Giovanni and Rapid Swag the man will steal your money. I had to write this because when I pay or things
people will see this and think I got issues then they end up keeping my money. Im not a liar and a bull crapper. I was a victim of a false report because a man seeked payback for something I never did Beware of that man he is very dangerious Giovanni Traino 2957 Alviena Drive San Jose California 95113 United States of America

his now defunct websites


SO just to let everyone know. What he said about me is not true.

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