  • Report:  #138892

Complaint Review: Wal-Mart Supercenter Store #1164 - Columbia South Carolina

Reported By:
- Columbia, South Carolina,

Wal-Mart Supercenter Store #1164
360 Harbison Blvd Columbia, 29212 South Carolina, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am a devout Christian, family man who is disabled and use (will no longer shop at this store) to shop at Wal-Mart and spend about $300-400 monthly. Before I begin let me say, on the 7APR2K5, I had purchased two Biblical Research Books costing a total of about $60!

On the day, 8APR2K5, I went to the store with my wife, son age 6, and daughter age 10 months. Our normal task; would be for me and my children to go to the Deli section and eat or drink something while my wife picked up the items we would purchase. After I would consume the food, I would take either the empty container or take the Price Bar Code up to the cashier for payment. (I was told to do this many times by store employees).

I took the empty containers and Price Bar Codes with me to the cashier along with a full cart of items my wife had wanted. I gave everything to the cashier and had asked if she had scanned the empty containers and Price Bar Code items. The cashier confirmed twice she did. (At this point I usually check it myself, but my son was complaining that he needed to go to the restroom and I wanted to get back home because a bad thunderstorm was coming, so I trusted the cashier and went on to exit the store).

As I exited the store, a lady by the name of Debbie Miller approached me and said I consumed food and did not pay for it. I told her you are crazy, I paid for it. At first she did not want to look at the receipt. When I insisted, she looked and said nothing is on there. I was shocked and looked at the receipt and discovered the items I paid for (over $150!). Her face turned bright red and she left the room, she returned with items from a trashcan. She asked me if these items were mine. She demanded I sign some kind of a form.

I kept repeating lets go talk to the cashier and she can clear this up that I gave her all the Price Bar Codes and Empty Container items. Ask her! If there is a problem it is with the cashier, not me! Ms. Miller refused and left the room again. She returned with another man she said was her boss, he said call the police and secure the videotapes. I said, Sir, you are making a big mistake, I will fight this thing, and I have not done anything wrong. I am a devout Christian; and therefore would never do this! I demanded to see these videotapes so it will prove I gave everything to the cashier. They refused to let me see anything. I said let me call an attorney! They refused!

A few seconds later the Columbia Police G. Wise, badge number # 10855, arrived and began writing an arrest booking. I began telling him the truth and my wife showed up at the door in the back where they had taken me. Officer Wise went into a rage and began yelling at my wife, who had with her my two children. All she was asking (in a normal voice) was what was happening, an employee had showed her where I was. This outrageous officer threatened to have my wife arrested and take my two children to foster home. Because of my illness, I broke down in tears, and kept repeating I did nothing wrong. The store demanded that I be taken to jail, and the enraged officer took me to jail. My rights were never said, I was never told what I was being arrested for, I never saw a warrant until I arrived at the jail!

Strangely, the police took me to another jail in a other county. My family called all night and the next day and could not locate me. They were told there is no one in custody by my name. I even asked the prison when will I go to the bonds court, and I was refused my request, and they even told me I had a five page rap sheet of all kinds of charges. (I have never been put in jail before)! My family got in touch with the courts and demanded I at least be found and released on bond. I was told by the jail that I would be there for 30 days! By the grace of God and answered prayer, I was released the next day.

I still cannot understand why the store manager and police did not want to talk to the cashier. The items were scanned and paid for, and she was the one who scanned them and she knows what the truth is. It seems to be all lies to take down a good Christian family man. I am now fighting this as best I can, and I will sound the trumpet as loud as I can to make the people know what corporations are doing to our freedom! It is out of control and needs to STOP! God Will Give Me Victory!


Columbia, South Carolina

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807 Updates & Rebuttals


Phenix City,
God can strike walmart down

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, July 28, 2009

God can strike walmart down & their evil. When they do something to innocent people, god Is watching everything. God can strike down anyones meaness & wickedness. And god will throw all wicked people & liars into hell the lake of fire, for the punishment for how they have treated people during life. This country Is run buy satan himself. This Is why innocent people are found guilty, but the liars & wicked people are doomed to hell. And all the people who have been treated wrong lied about, have their lives ruin. Will be In heaven never having to worry about this stuff ever again. While the people who have lied about them will be In hell suffering their punishment. Walmarts lawyers cannot save them from gods wrath.



#3Consumer Comment

Wed, July 22, 2009

I do believe wholeheartedly that this guy did not intend to take any food, and that wal-mart made a mountain out of a mole hill over it. Around here they have police at the door of many of them around the clock, because theft is such a huge problem, and someone making a mistake probably could have easily been mistaken for shoplifting. I know if it happened to me I would sue the pants off them, and I would have gone way beyond ripoff reports. That being said, its such a pithy thing to make such a big deal out of. But it sounds to me like this guy is disturbed and probably should not be interacting with the general public on a regular basis, because he is going to have conflicts.

Ms. Shawn


#4Consumer Comment

Fri, June 19, 2009

Todd, I am very sorry that that happened to you and I think it is riduculous and Walmart is to blame! In the Walmart in my town, what you and your children do is what I and just about what every other family entering Walmart does!!! The Children actually think it's a required ritual! YOu go into the store go directly to the deli, pick up popcorn chicken and a soda. The kids consume it while the parents shop and its all paid for at the register!!! To me...if it has become such a big issue for Walmart that they would follow you around Walmart on their video camaras just to make sure you pay everybit of the extra $5.00 for the food, instead of looking for the big time rip off artists, they would make it a requirement for the food to be paid for at the deli!!!! DUHHHH! They practically encourage this behavior and ofcourse it is encouraged because they realize that it is a good business decision to keep the hungry kids happly long enough for mommy and daddy to spend more than what they planned while inside of the store! I honestly think a little more understanding should have been practiced, it would have been a little different if you only racked up a $50.00 bill for your other items. If you spend $150.00 dollars on your trip then I'm sure it would not have "broke the bank" for you to have just been asked to go back and pay for the consumed items! Where is the humanity! Where is the understanding! What if you spent 3 additional hours in the store after getting the food and your baby through the paper out of the basket without you noticing? Would you still have gone to jail for theft!? Good grief, no one is perfect, having a little heart and understanding can go a long way for this world in general! Good luck to you and yours on this and everything!


Berrien Springs,
OH MY G-(self edited due to over abuse of self righteous nuts)

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, June 16, 2009

I cannot believe that this comment was so much about how the "almighty wal-mart" is against your "almighty" Idea... (1) SEEK HELP-Your beliefs that the world is out to get you is disturbing (2) GET MEDICATION-To keep people like me from offending you when we tell you to shut up (3) GO "PREACH" ELSEWHERE-Self explanatory This site is about "ripoffs".. Not how you feel persecuted because you may 'believe' that you were targeted due to your religious beliefs. If you want to get all biblical, refer to the point where it states that no man will be tested unjustly, and understand it was done for a reason, and then SHUT UP about it. If any of us truly want to know your religious beliefs, or read the scriptures that are listed, we wouldn't be ONLINE, we'd be at your house for a Bible study.


Please give me back the 5 hours of my life that I've wasted on this report

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, April 29, 2009

Please give me back the 5 hours of my life that I've wasted while reading this report. Unreal.Very unreal...I want to start by saying that I do not work for, nor have I ever worked for, Wal-Mart or any of its subsidiaries. I was completely amazed how this thread morphed from an innocent victim's post into a fictional parable worthy of inclusion in a night-time fictional bedtime storybook- right up there with the Three Bears, along with random, mindless religious rantings and ravings from a fanatic who offered no concrete proof of anything. In fact, he never actually provided a case number for this "alleged" crime, even though over 2 dozen people requested it. Personally, I'd also like to peruse this "case" file, if, indeed, one even exists. I did, however, find some other lawsuits which he HAS filed. These will be detailed later on in this post. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - My first comment is to: Shari 5100 Broadhead St., Wisconsin U.S.A who posted on: Submitted: 7/19/2008 2:47:00 AM who said: "...and the bathrooms always have the most discusting odor! Tip to maintinace (sic) employees... CLEAN THOSE BATHROOMS PLEEEEEASE!" Well, the last time I checked, it is not the employees who are going into the bathrooms and peeing all over the floors and throwing paper towels all over the place. I believe it's actually the filthy CUSTOMERS. Put the blame where it truly lies- fat, lazy kids by taught by a select few lazy parents who teach their lazy, fat kids that it's OK to to pee all over the floor and throw trash, toilet paper, and paper towels onto the floor and then not clean up after themselves. These same kids will still be playing video games and will be living in pigpens by the time they are 27 years old. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - My second comment is to: edgeman Chico, California U.S.A. who posted on: Submitted: 11/17/2008 12:46:57 PM I almost fell off my chair from laughing so hard after reading those links you provided. A good laugh was what I really needed after wasting soooooo much time reading this entire thread (including the post from the Mental Heath Professional who saved it as a PDF file to show to other profefssionals he works with. Edgeman, thank you for your sarcasm and humor. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Where should I begin with "Todd"? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dear "Todd" (or whatever your persona's identity currently is), or whomever is writing on your behalf: Religion has nothing - repeat: NOTHING - to do with stealing a sandwich from Wal-Mart. God, Allah, Yaweah, Jehova (or whomever you wish to address the Deity as) does NOT arrest people. He does NOT force people to steal. He does NOT force people to yell at one another when confronted by authoritative figures such as a Store Manager or Loss Prevention personnel. He does NOT call the cops on shoplifters. He does NOT videotape criminals. He does NOT force clerks working cash registers to lie about receipts or force them to not scan items and lose their job. God simply provides us with a way to get to Heaven through His Son. My advice to you and to others who read this thread: Pay first and eat later. Problem solved. - - - - - - - - - - - - - The DMV Lawsuit: - - - - - - - - - - - - - This is not the first venue where you have attempted to bring God into an argument which did not initially involve God. In your Civil case (which you lost), one of the issues after you were terminated is that your supervisors REPEATEDLY asked asked you to quit discussing religion (non-work-related conversations) during working hours while you were employed at your State's local DMV office. Not only that, you were asked repeatedly to remove your Bible from your desk (or make it non-visible from the public's view) to ensure seperation of Church and State in a State-owned building. You refused to comply, so your Supervisor eventually removed your Bible for you. Compliance with your Supervisor's request would have proven to be much easier. You viewed this as a "hostile work environment", even though the Judge and Appellate Judge both disagreed... Here's the transcript from THAT case file which you lost on Sept 1, 2006 (which is strangely AFTER your last post in this thread...): (((Rebuttal))) Here's your subsequent appeal, which you ALSO lost on Jan 10, 2007: (((Rebuttal))) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Homeowner's Association Lawsuit: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The last post from "Todd" (or the person who claims -in subsequent posts- to be writing on behalf of "Todd") is dated August 7, 2006, which is well-after the dismisssal of his Homeowner's Association (H.O.A.) suit which was initiated on April 26, 2004. Here's the link to that case: (((Redacted))) Be sure to checkout the comments link at the bottom of thiis link. One of his comments is this: "I have a large library on Hitler and other dictators, how they rose to power and what they did. This H.O.A. is really something that needs to be stopped. If not, a dictator can take over this country without the voting process." Personally, I think that sounds rather paranoid, since Hitler was in a leadership position in government, and the H.O.A is a private entity and could never be poised in a dictatorial position in Government. Nobody held a gun to "Todd's" head and forced him to move there. He was well-aware of the H.O.A. requirements before he signed on the dotted line. If not, he should've read his H.O.A. contracts before signing them. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The letter to his Congressman regarding the H.O.A. Lawsuit: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This is another interesting link to a letter he sent to US House Representative (D-SC) James E. Clyburn (his representative)regarding the same lawsuit against a non-government entity (The H.O.A.) in which he claims his Constitutional rights were violated. He not only sounds paranoid, but delusional, as if everyone is out to get him. Here's that link: ahrc.se/new/index.php/src/govt/sub/letters/action/display/id/64 Also noteworthy is Paragraph 21 of his answer to the H.O.A.'s allegations: "21 . That such conduct has and will continue to cause irreparable harm to Defendant, in that Defendant has a diagnosed emotional disturbance that is exacerbated by the harassment." Interesting: "...has a diagnosed emotional disturbance..." Clearly stated in a court document??? Hmmm... You surely can't tell by the rantings and ravings he has posted here, could you, now? He also claims this same "emotional disturbance" in the DMV Court case I cited above, which he lost. I prefer to refer to it as obsessive-maniacial bi-polar disorder. Or, perhaps, it could be narcissism, since he obsesses with promoting "himself and to hell with all of the rest"... - - - - - - - - - Summation: - - - - - - - - - I will leave it at that. Todd appears to be a narcisstic man who should seriously seek mental help, yet he would rather seek remedies via our over-booked court system. Granted, everyone has a right to legal protections, but his "entitlement" mentality (which he aspires to) will be his eventualy downfall. That may be, perhaps, why he has not posted here since August of 2006. I guess I'll bookmark this page and visit again in a year or so. Maybe, by then, it will die a slow, painful, cyber-death and be reduced to a bunch of zeroes and ones on some floppy drive at the bottom of the city dump's dirt mound where it should have been placed 5 years ago. Mack CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


To Talon

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, April 15, 2009

This for Talon, who will hopefully see this here: Regarding your comment : *I have worked with clients like him who function within our social welfare system but are a severe drain on everyone around them. It is amazing how delusional they sound in their rationalizations so that they can always be right and they are always the victim. It is sad, really, because we don't really see effective change in adults like this. Their narcissistic personality disorder keeps them from having a realistic view of the world and so they redefine everything to fit their dysfunctional preconcieved notions of victimhood.* I am dealing with a 24 year old daughter who displays many of the signs of narcissism and also displays histrionics. (I was a pshych major, intending to go into clinical counseling of children/young people). I am very worried about my daughter and her constant blame on everyone but herself for everything that happens to her. Example, recent arrest for stealing her sister's credit card, homelessness with a small child, constantly screaming at me & my husband who have taken her and child in a number of times and given her alot, ALOT of money. We have cut her off now, and the screaming obsenities had gotten considerably worse. If you have anything that could help? Contact me here and then I will provide my email if you have anything more. Thanks Talon! JL


Ok Enough, Already!

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, April 14, 2009

Todd, and others... I have spent 3 days, on and off reading this particular "ripoff report". I have several things to say to you "Todd". And by the way, I have a 24 yr old daughter with more retorts than you can even fathom, so don't even try to make me look like an idiot. No one can make a bigger a** out of myself than I can. First and foremost: this is "ripoffreport.com"; If you want to preach OR "have the call" find a church, or at least a site more suitable for your so-called sermons. I went to Christian school for 10 years, so don't go there with me either. The "principle/owner" and his wife were some of the biggest liars and BSers I have ever known. You don't need this particular site to shove religion down our throats. If I want to hear it, I know where to go. Also, when I first read your "story", I actually believed it; I can be gullible at times. I also happen to live in South Carolina (and love my area), though I live in Charleston. The area I live in-Coastal-and don't you dare put me down for that! GOD lives on the coast too! has one Wal-Mart, which is Not a Super Center, so we don't have the deli area, etc. that you had. My husband's father and step-mom both work in the Wal-Mart in Barnwell, SC and his brother works in the JI store. I know this corporation and can't say that I like them all that much. They plain and simply, treat people badly. My elderly in-laws cannot even get a day or shift off together. They have run many of our "mom & Pop" stores out of business. So as you can see I am not a fan of the post-Sam Walton Wal-Mart. However, I am not a fan of LIARS either! There are too many holes in your story, "Todd," or whomever you may be. Your story kept changing throughout. There were a couple of reports that stated they knew what you are or know actual facts about the case and I never saw you challenge them-such as the person who said you had criminal charges in 3 states. These people had actual facts and you ignored them, and spewed your vitriol to any and everyone who challenged your faith. Have your faith, fine, but your faith, may not be mine. So stop turning every reply into a sermon! We don't come to this site to read that. Finally, you have mentioned many evidences of crimes committed by Wal-mart or others as being alot worse than those you were accused of. Do you know your Bible so well? The Bible states that anyone who commits one of these crimes, has essentially committed them all. God sees each crime as the same as if you had committed them all. See, those years in Christian school paid off! Get off it "Todd" or whoever. Stop being a con artist and get a real job! We are all tired of paying your way and everyone elses. And we are tired of reading about your "poor, sad Plight". Tired of Wla-mart? Don't shop there. PERIOD


To Charles.............

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, April 10, 2009

How in the world can anyone have such a self-important view of themself that they would have it known that the entire world is out to get them? Answer that. Do you have ANY idea of have stupid you make yourself appear? I believe that you are in DIRE need of professional help because it appears that you may have a condition known as "borderline personality disorder." People with this disorder MUST always be the victim. GET HELP!!!!


Phenix City,
To patrick

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, April 07, 2009

To patrick another thing about the video tape. Tom never sent the tape 3 times. He only sent It two times. And he did not send It buy registered mail & nobody signed for anything @ my address. This was a complete lie for tom to cover his lies. It had to take filing a complaint with the better business bureau to get him to send me the tape I paid for, they say try to contact the business & I contacted him & he gave me a hardtime. So I filed the complaint with the better business bureau. I can also have this verified from the post office that he did not send It buy Certified mail. All these businesses today try to get away with everything then besides what Is fair. And another thing patrick I know these employers & employees lied about my mother. You want to believe the "liars" patrick then go right ahead.


Phenix City,
To patrick

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, April 07, 2009

To patrick another thing about the video tape. Tom never sent the tape 3 times. He only sent It two times. And he did not send It buy registered mail & nobody signed for anything @ my address. This was a complete lie for tom to cover his lies. It had to take filing a complaint with the better business bureau to get him to send me the tape I paid for, they say try to contact the business & I contacted him & he gave me a hardtime. So I filed the complaint with the better business bureau. I can also have this verified from the post office that he did not send It buy Certified mail. All these businesses today try to get away with everything then besides what Is fair. And another thing patrick I know these employers & employees lied about my mother. You want to believe the "liars" patrick then go right ahead.


Phenix City,
To patrick

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, April 07, 2009

To patrick another thing about the video tape. Tom never sent the tape 3 times. He only sent It two times. And he did not send It buy registered mail & nobody signed for anything @ my address. This was a complete lie for tom to cover his lies. It had to take filing a complaint with the better business bureau to get him to send me the tape I paid for, they say try to contact the business & I contacted him & he gave me a hardtime. So I filed the complaint with the better business bureau. I can also have this verified from the post office that he did not send It buy Certified mail. All these businesses today try to get away with everything then besides what Is fair. And another thing patrick I know these employers & employees lied about my mother. You want to believe the "liars" patrick then go right ahead.


Phenix City,
To patrick

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, April 07, 2009

To patrick another thing about the video tape. Tom never sent the tape 3 times. He only sent It two times. And he did not send It buy registered mail & nobody signed for anything @ my address. This was a complete lie for tom to cover his lies. It had to take filing a complaint with the better business bureau to get him to send me the tape I paid for, they say try to contact the business & I contacted him & he gave me a hardtime. So I filed the complaint with the better business bureau. I can also have this verified from the post office that he did not send It buy Certified mail. All these businesses today try to get away with everything then besides what Is fair. And another thing patrick I know these employers & employees lied about my mother. You want to believe the "liars" patrick then go right ahead.


New Jersey,
Why do you care deadbeat? You don't shop there anyway....or do you and you lied as always?

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, April 03, 2009

'This site Is to help people' >> We know but people like you like to come here and s**t all over it with your fraud and bs. 'Its not design for personal insults towards one another.' >> How do you know what anything is 'designed' for? Why haven't you sold the computer that you do not need so you can pay the people/companies you owe money to deadbeat? But really It Is just a sandwich for crying out loud. 'And patrick none of my complaints are false, but then again you say everyone files false complaints here on rip-off report.' >> Why do you keep on lying? Please post proof of this. We already know you can't just as you have never, ever been able to post any shred of proof about any of your many lies here. >> Why are you posting in a report about a company that you said you would never shop in? - How can you have any credit card at all if you have no money like you claim in all the collection reports you crap in? - How can you afford a computer to perpetrate your fraud with if you have no money like you claim in the collection reports you pollute? - How can you afford an internet connection to perpetrate your fraud if you allegedly have no money as you claim? - How can you afford an attorney for all these alleged lawsuits you claim to be filing if you have no money like you claim? - Why did you get a cellphone you knew you couldn't afford when you have no money as you claim? - Why haven't you paid the people you have owed money to for a long time? - How can you afford a vehicle to go out and cause accidents in if you allegedly have no money? - How can you afford the exorbitant insurance from the accidents you cause in the vehicle you shouldn't be able to afford if you have no money as you claim in the collection report? - How can you be buying your panties and dresses off QVC if you have no money? - When are you going to apologize for lying to Steve as was proven about allegedly not being on some sort of meds? Or are you not on meds? Which is the lie? - When are you finally going to leave us like you promised in your fraudulent schneider report so that isn't also one of your many lies? - When are you finally going to answer the legitimate questions asked of you?


Phenix City,
People just like to make up lies about me

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, April 03, 2009

People just like to make up lies about me, to protect these bad business I have reported on this site. They try their best. But I know the truth It used to upset me people posting untrue things about me In my reports & other peoples reports, & how they attack me verbally. But It doesn't upset me anymore like It used to. I really don't care anymore I have a right to post comments also.


Phenix City,
People just like to make up lies about me

#16Consumer Comment

Fri, April 03, 2009

People just like to make up lies about me, to protect these bad business I have reported on this site. They try their best. But I know the truth It used to upset me people posting untrue things about me In my reports & other peoples reports, & how they attack me verbally. But It doesn't upset me anymore like It used to. I really don't care anymore I have a right to post comments also.


Phenix City,
People just like to make up lies about me

#17Consumer Comment

Fri, April 03, 2009

People just like to make up lies about me, to protect these bad business I have reported on this site. They try their best. But I know the truth It used to upset me people posting untrue things about me In my reports & other peoples reports, & how they attack me verbally. But It doesn't upset me anymore like It used to. I really don't care anymore I have a right to post comments also.


Phenix City,
People just like to make up lies about me

#18Consumer Comment

Fri, April 03, 2009

People just like to make up lies about me, to protect these bad business I have reported on this site. They try their best. But I know the truth It used to upset me people posting untrue things about me In my reports & other peoples reports, & how they attack me verbally. But It doesn't upset me anymore like It used to. I really don't care anymore I have a right to post comments also.


Phenix City,
I am only going to think of myself

#19Consumer Comment

Fri, April 03, 2009

Patrick why must you provoke an arguement, you do not know me personally. So you need to stuff It. People can't stand It cause I tell the truth, & they do not know my situation either so they need to stuff It to. You people wanna make things hard on me sense the very beginning. You do not want people to get justice, you accuse me of things I do not do. Why did you even write comments to my reports anyways. To mess things up for me. I think you need to find someone else to bother, here on rip-off report. I really do not care If you or anyone else belives me or not. I am only going to think of myself only, all people wanna do Is give me crap & call me a liar & accusing me of filing false complaints. You just think you can get away with It, cause you think you have nothing to lose.


New Jersey,
We already know that. It's you that doesn't . And why do you insist on lying more and more?

#20Consumer Comment

Fri, April 03, 2009

'This site Is to help people' >> We know but people like you like to come here and s**t all over it with your fraud and bullshit. 'Its not design for personal insults towards one another.' >> How do you know what anything is 'designed' for? Why haven't you sold the computer that you do not need so you can pay the people/companies you owe money to deadbeat? But really It Is just a sandwich for crying out loud. 'And patrick none of my complaints are false, but then again you say everyone files false complaints here on rip-off report.' >> Why do you keep on lying? Please post proof of this. We already know you can't just as you have never, ever been able to post any shred of proof about any of your many lies here. >> Why are you posting in a report about a company that you said you would never shop in? - How can you have any credit card at all if you have no money like you claim in all the collection reports you crap in? - How can you afford a computer to perpetrate your fraud with if you have no money like you claim in the collection reports you pollute? - How can you afford an internet connection to perpetrate your fraud if you allegedly have no money as you claim? - How can you afford an attorney for all these alleged lawsuits you claim to be filing if you have no money like you claim? - Why did you get a cellphone you knew you couldn't afford when you have no money as you claim? - Why haven't you paid the people you have owed money to for a long time? - How can you afford a vehicle to go out and cause accidents in if you allegedly have no money? - How can you afford the exorbitant insurance from the accidents you cause in the vehicle you shouldn't be able to afford if you have no money as you claim in the collection report? - How can you be buying your panties and dresses off QVC if you have no money? - When are you going to apologize for lying to Steve as was proven about allegedly not being on some sort of meds? Or are you not on meds? Which is the lie? - When are you finally going to leave us like you promised in your fraudulent schneider report so that isn't also one of your many lies? - When are you finally going to answer the legitimate questions asked of you?


Oh Charles, you make this too easy.

#21Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 02, 2009

OK, in one breadth you say this site is to help people, and in the next you say it's 'just a sandwich'. So are you saying 'Todd' is complaining needlessly? And patrick none of my complaints are false, but then again you say everyone files false complaints here on rip-off report. --> Only in your mind Charles. Let's review: Schneider turned down your application for employment based on your lack of prior work history, as per their hiring guidelines. But you go on and on about being discriminated against. False report. You ordered a video tape for the pilot episode of 'The Cape'. The owner of the company says he sent a tape 3 separate times. During one of which you guys moved from Columbus GA to Phenix City AL. One of them was returned 'undeliverable'. False report. You have posted numerous reports posing as your mother. None of this happened to you personally, so the information you report is only what your mother gives you. How can you post a true accounting of the details if they didn't happen to you directly? Every single one of those reports are false. And last but not least, you claim I tell everyone their reports are false. Prove it. If not, you're a liar.


This site Is to help people. Its not design for personal insults towards one another. But really It Is just a sandwich for crying out loud. --> OK, in one breadth you say this site is to help people, and in the next you say it's 'just a sandwich'. So are you saying 'Todd' is complaining needlessly? And patrick none of my complaints are false, but then again you say everyone files false complaints here on rip-off report. --> Only in your mind Charles. Let's review: Schneider turned down your application for employment based on your lack of prior work history, as per their hiring guidelines. But you go on and on about being discriminated against. False report. You ordered a video tape for the pilot episode of 'The Cape'. The owner of the company says he sent a tape 3 separate times. During one of which you guys moved from Columbus GA to Phenix City AL. One of them was returned 'undeliverable'. False report. You have posted numerous reports posing as your mother. None of this happened to you personally, so the information you report is only what your mother gives you. How can you post a true accounting of the details if they didn't happen to you directly? Every single one of those reports are false. And last but not least, you claim I tell everyone their reports are false. Prove it. If not, you're a liar.


Phenix City,
This site Is to help people

#22Consumer Comment

Thu, April 02, 2009

This site Is to help people. Its not design for personal insults towards one another. But really It Is just a sandwich for crying out loud. And patrick none of my complaints are false, but then again you say everyone files false complaints here on rip-off report.


What's the fuss about?

#23Consumer Suggestion

Wed, April 01, 2009

Sorry Charles, I just can't pass this one up. You said: 'All this fuss over a stupid sandwich. People must have no lives If they continue to throw stones over a stupid sandwich.' Let's look at you then: All that fuss over a stupid video tape of 'The Cape'. All that fuss over being turned by Schneider. All that fuss over the drivers of Columbus GA and Phenix City AL. All that fuss over the California Justice system. You don't even live there! We won't even discuss all the fraudulent reports you've made in your mother's name. This is just a sampling of the bandwidth you've wasted on this web site. So what's that say about you, huh?


New Jersey,
Why do you care deadbeat? You don't shop there anyway....or do you and you lied as always?

#24Consumer Comment

Wed, April 01, 2009

You just can't stop perpetrating fraud can you. It was so peaceful here for 2 weeks and you had to come back and ruin it. I thought you finally did something to justify the American taxpayer money you steal by takng a bullet to protect a truly innocent person down there. Why haven't you sold the computer and gotten rid on the internet that you commit your fraud on so you can pay the bills you skipped out on deadbeat? When are you finally going to leave us like you promised in your fraudulent schneider report?


Phenix City,
All this fuss over a stupid sandwich

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, April 01, 2009

All this fuss over a stupid sandwich. People must have no lives If they continue to throw stones over a stupid sandwich. And people have the nerve to say the things they do to me. Grown adults acting like children.


Come on Now............

#26Consumer Comment

Fri, March 27, 2009

Are you really wanting people to believe this story...??? Everything about this story smells......A manager refusing to look at your receipt and refusing to speak to cashier??? Then her manager refusing to do the same....Then a cop is called and apparently he is refusing to look at the receipts or video tape???? Please, you should have a profile placed on rip-off report.


Iowa City,

#27Consumer Comment

Mon, March 23, 2009

Um... invoking the title of "Christian" is not a valid defense... to people with a sense of reality, it is laughable at best. Just because you are a church-goer. it does not qualify you as a "good human-being" through and through. I would NEVER take anything without paying, which is what you did. And I am most certainly NOT a proponent of any silly, outdated religion. Walmart is not a restaurant. It is not a place to sit and eat. What if you were unable to pay for the food after-the-fact? What if you got to the register and there was a problem with your card, or you had less money in your pocket than you had thought? How would you return the food? Regurgitation? How about this... Sit at the table at home with your family to eat! My family eats dinner together, respectably, every night. I would never dream of handing something off the shelf to my children and calling it "dinner"... What a terrible example you are leaving them. Why don't you try becoming educated, instead of floundering inside your lovely cult of superstition and hateful propaganda? You $60 in religious education would be better spent reading some philosophy, biology, or Richard Dawkins. All those books you have bought will give you is the reinforcement you need to keep plaguing the world with your nonsense.


San Jose,
Todd's wife and family

#28Consumer Comment

Sat, March 21, 2009

What does Todd's wife or children have to say about that incident and about the conversation here on Ripoff Report?


There is a reason whay many jokingly call wal-mart HELL-MART!

#29Consumer Comment

Tue, March 17, 2009

This is a classic example, but this story does not seem to add up. Yes it is common sense to pay for produce BEFORE you consume it. Hell-mart is no exception. Notice all those large black domed objects a many on (ahem) wal-mart's ceilings? Those are sophisticated SECURITY CAMERAS. They will watch you good for this suspicious activity therefore mentioned here. Wal-mart blatantly warns customers that they are videotaped for a reason. consuming produce before pay for it is especially a terrible idea because of the nature of this retail chain particularly...


To Sarahmarie...

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, March 05, 2009

I strongly suggest that you read this thread further. The OP is not who or what he claims to be.


Poor him :(

#31Consumer Comment

Thu, March 05, 2009

sorry for any mis-spelling, i try to write fast. i only wrote that because i felt it was needed.


Poor him :(

#32Consumer Comment

Thu, March 05, 2009

I have read it all here and it seems are of you are making hate speech! & thats VERY rude. people take hate speech seriously, you probably hurt him badly and i bet you say he deserved well he didn't NO ONE DOES!!! the cashier never rang his item, and some people write hes a thief when it clearly states what he wrote she didn't ring it up. don't start arguing with me because I am not coming back to look at this because I know most of you on here are just plain rude to him. he stated what he stated & thats it, its about helping others NICELY as you should always treat others nicely. if you say well he treated us bad well thats cuz you gave him sh*t!!! You people drove him all away and when he just needed help and wanted to help others, it was all going well till others assholes entered in the conversation. I only read his words not the a-holes writing because hes the one with the story not you. You have nothing worth to say that is positive. where you try to be you misrepresent what he was trying to get out. he gave facts whether you changed it and f*cked with it is your problem so b*tch all you want your the one wasting your breath and for the people who supported him will continue as faithful caring people do. don't tell people what they already know its a waste of time. and it shows you coming off as a bully at least to the ones that are on his side and not the one sided minded people writing rude comments. talk about you people calling him crazy you made him feel all alone to write all that and he did that only to reassure everyone he still believes in him self. when things like this happen i try to be open minded but seeing practically all of you are so negative I don't bother reading it!! I glad that there are sweet caring people out there to assure and be there for him like his wife and kids. I noticed all the kind people seemed to have left because you people start picking on the and trying to tell them their wrong. wells their opinion not your so do as you like but I will you could all come to peace and just stop all this. I got my own life to live so does he so why your buzzing away have fun I am sure you will hence your drama folk.


pay first, then eat

#33Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 22, 2009

I'm sorry this happened to you. You sound like a good Christian man and very honest. But technically, if you eat the food first then you have stolen the food for a brief period of time before you pay for it. The food is not yours until you pay for it, it is still Walmart's property. Just pay for the food first from now on and this won't happen.


Is it wrong or not

#34Consumer Comment

Thu, January 15, 2009

I am wondering with all of this reading if it was really wrong or not on the particular incident in question. While taking something first and especially with the intent not to pay is for sure without a doubt stealing, (but we now know he was intending to pay for it and did) there have been a couple of people speaking up in this thread and saying he was not in the wrong. One lady spoke up who apparently lives in the south and said that many places down there allow you to eat and then take the bill to the cashier afterwards. And even an ex-employee said that was their policy to allow people to not only eat from the deli and pay for food when they check out but eat or drink other things in the store while they shop, hang on to the bag or bottle and pay for it when they check out. Even a manager had told people to do that according to him. So if it is Store policy to allow this to happen, is he not in his right to do just that? Now I am from the north but it seems not to long ago we had resturants mainly all you can eat places that pretty much sat you down and tell you go get your plate eat what you want and then we give you the check and you take it to the cash register and pay. Matter of fact we got a couple of places like that today, so what is the difference I ask? If that is there policy to allow this to happen just as it is Wal-mart policy to allow people to eat in the deli and pay for it later what is the difference? He was doing what he is told to do and it is acceptable. Seems like he is faced with one of those situations where the top man in the company comes up to him and says yes eat all you want and pay for it when done. So he goes aheads and eats all he wants and then pays for it when he is done. Then starts to walk out and the top man comes to him and says you ate first with out paying first and he says well you told me I could, and the top man says yea I did but I just changed the rules a couple of seconds ago. Wow how fair is that. Stupid I know but you see the point. Most of us would never do anything that is wrong Christian or not, but getting permission ahead of time in this case store policy that allows costumers to eat now and pay later is ok in my book. In otherwards if they the store says we are ok with that, it is our rule and our policy then they can not turn around and accuse him of doing it later. and neither should any of us. As far as the Christian side of things God wants us to stand up for what is right and not love the evil of this world. As far as; is it wrong for Todd to go on and on about being a Christian and Christian things proberly not, it is never wrong for a true Born Again Believer to talk of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus said: Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. Matthew 10:32 KJV Maybe some of us do not do it enough. And remember I did say True Born Again Christians, there are some that claim to be Christians and feel they maybe just that, but are not true Born Again Believers according to the Bible. Only God truly knows what is in your heart, that is not for us to judge as has been said here in this post. However I will say there is a difference between judging a person which is wrong and letting them know the truth which the bible presents to us. God gave us the Great Commision: 18And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matthew 28 18-20 God does not want us to judge but to teach, show people what He as written in His Word, so it is important that people know the difference. and you will only know the difference if you read the word of God 2nd Timothy says: 15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 16 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. And it sems like verse 16 may apply here also as it seems there is alot going on here back and forth about who is or is not a Christian. Again only God knows who is or is not. He certainly does not like or approve of alot of arguing and carrying on back and forth. As far as Todd goes, If he is a True Born Again Believer of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (and I believe he is) then the Lord will see him through all of this, rather it is to prove something later, have a stronger testimony, make him a stronger Christian, or any number of other reasons. Some of this here could be as pointed out helping others to see what is happening in this world. We do not know all of the reasons behind this but it is for sure something will come of all of this. It is a safe bet to say that this will come out exactly how the Lord wants this to come out. Rather we think it was the right way or the wrong way, it was the Lord's way. I proberly will not say any more on this unless I feel really compelled to do so. but I wish Todd the best in how any of this turns out. And as somewhat pointed out by scripture already. The wrong doers of this world will get what is coming to them, if not on this earth then in Heaven at the judgement day.


Not Buying It

#35Consumer Comment

Wed, January 07, 2009

Sheesh. I can't believe this thread is still going on after more than three years. I'm no fan of Walmart, although I do shop there (only a fool pays more than he has to), but I must say I don't buy Todd's story for a second, and I see I'm not the only one. If someone were to back me into a corner and force me to give an opinion, I'd have to say the guy's a raving loon.


Not Buying It

#36Consumer Comment

Wed, January 07, 2009

Sheesh. I can't believe this thread is still going on after more than three years. I'm no fan of Walmart, although I do shop there (only a fool pays more than he has to), but I must say I don't buy Todd's story for a second, and I see I'm not the only one. If someone were to back me into a corner and force me to give an opinion, I'd have to say the guy's a raving loon.


Not Buying It

#37Consumer Comment

Wed, January 07, 2009

Sheesh. I can't believe this thread is still going on after more than three years. I'm no fan of Walmart, although I do shop there (only a fool pays more than he has to), but I must say I don't buy Todd's story for a second, and I see I'm not the only one. If someone were to back me into a corner and force me to give an opinion, I'd have to say the guy's a raving loon.


It Appears Christianity Gives you the right to do anything you want...

#38Consumer Comment

Wed, January 07, 2009

As a Christian family man I say, It's people like you who give Christianity a bad wrap. I am sick and tired of people of all races and all colors committing crimes and the saying their a Christian therefore wouldn't do anything like this. You see it on TV every news broadcast; a crime committed then the parents or a relative are interviewed and they say "what a good Christian person he/she is. they wouldn't do anything like this". Then you here how this isn't the first time this crime was committed. A home invasion just the other day and guess what it was a Christian. The church members were on TV saying how this guy was such a good Christian, he would never do anything like this. But he did? Common sense tells you, you pay for the items before consuming them and as you consume them in the store as you are waiting for your wife you have the receipt in your hand. This is what a Christian would have done. This is what anyone would have done! God and Christianity have nothing to do with it! Your religous relationship is personal. That should have never been brought up. All that is is an excuse. I would have arrested you to. Keep religiona and your preferances out of yoiu mistakes. Be a man and raise your chidren with dignity and respect. Teach them to grow up to be proud men of honor with dignity, repect, pride, honesty, etc. for others and society! Fabian Atlanta, Georgia


Wal mart low prices

#39Consumer Comment

Thu, January 01, 2009

I do understand the situation you are in. Please be aware that is the AP loss prevention's job to stop people and have them arrested. Just wanted to let you know, It takes common sense to pay for the items BEFORE you eat. Who in the world would eat the products and then pay for it. I am scratching my head here. I have seen kids and adults go into Grab and Go area designated for customers and employees. I have seen customers take food out and sit down along with eating it. This has been done without paying for it. Example, a roll, only 50 cents. I have seen a customer sit down without guilt and remorse. the customer ate it in from of the store manager. Store manager did nothing to stop it. Tips of the day: Please out of honesty, PAY FOR THE FOOD before eating and keep the receipt. This way you have no problems. It keeps the cops and AP at hand. If they stop you, you have proof that its been paid. In one case It looks like you have gotten caught. Its nice preaching the bible. However, you, Todd, Must understand that IF you cannot find the receipt, most likely you have stolen the products. This is enough grounds for wal mart to have you arrested. You will want to tell your children to PAY for the merchandise so they do not fall into the same path you have fallen into. I want to express sincerity to you Todd, Please, Do not take the cashier's word for nothing. They are there to set up customers for bait to get arrested. I hope this helped out some people who are struggling in tough times ahead.


Rock Island,
I shouldn't reply since this is so old..

#40Consumer Comment

Fri, December 26, 2008

But it has new replies so why not. If anything he said was true he would be making a mint off the lawsuit. I always laugh at the people who say this stuff happened to them and they are mad. I'd be super happy. Because I would have a great lawsuit and make great money. Hell I'd even make a book deal or something if I could. But it never happens to me. I wonder why? Oh yeah because I know the rules that LP has is places like wal-mart to avoid lawsuits. People try to get caught all the time to get the false arrest. If this is true I doubt they stopped him the first time. They would have let him do it at least 2 or 3 times before seeing the pattern and stopping him. If you have not worked in retail in a big box store you simply do not know how much stealing they let happen to avoid lawsuits. The LP lady would have had to have followed him and made sure he had not paid for it. Either way I am 99% sure this report is fake.


my mom (ex-Wal-Mart employee) had similar situation

#41Consumer Comment

Tue, December 23, 2008

Although my story is not nearly as awful as this poor man's, it is similar to back up the fact that this store has become nothing more than a money hungry establishment. My mom worked in the deli dept. of a Wal-Mart and was fired for giving someone a chicken nugget from the hot case to sample before they purchased two pounds of them!!!! You would think that they would rather lose one chicken nugget and gain a $7 purchase on two pounds of them! My mother had been a valuable employee until then. Sir, all I can say is I hope you got yourself a good attorney. Sounds like that whole town has problems from its stores to its gov't.


my mom (ex-Wal-Mart employee) had similar situation

#42Consumer Comment

Tue, December 23, 2008

Although my story is not nearly as awful as this poor man's, it is similar to back up the fact that this store has become nothing more than a money hungry establishment. My mom worked in the deli dept. of a Wal-Mart and was fired for giving someone a chicken nugget from the hot case to sample before they purchased two pounds of them!!!! You would think that they would rather lose one chicken nugget and gain a $7 purchase on two pounds of them! My mother had been a valuable employee until then. Sir, all I can say is I hope you got yourself a good attorney. Sounds like that whole town has problems from its stores to its gov't.


my mom (ex-Wal-Mart employee) had similar situation

#43Consumer Comment

Tue, December 23, 2008

Although my story is not nearly as awful as this poor man's, it is similar to back up the fact that this store has become nothing more than a money hungry establishment. My mom worked in the deli dept. of a Wal-Mart and was fired for giving someone a chicken nugget from the hot case to sample before they purchased two pounds of them!!!! You would think that they would rather lose one chicken nugget and gain a $7 purchase on two pounds of them! My mother had been a valuable employee until then. Sir, all I can say is I hope you got yourself a good attorney. Sounds like that whole town has problems from its stores to its gov't.


my mom (ex-Wal-Mart employee) had similar situation

#44Consumer Comment

Tue, December 23, 2008

Although my story is not nearly as awful as this poor man's, it is similar to back up the fact that this store has become nothing more than a money hungry establishment. My mom worked in the deli dept. of a Wal-Mart and was fired for giving someone a chicken nugget from the hot case to sample before they purchased two pounds of them!!!! You would think that they would rather lose one chicken nugget and gain a $7 purchase on two pounds of them! My mother had been a valuable employee until then. Sir, all I can say is I hope you got yourself a good attorney. Sounds like that whole town has problems from its stores to its gov't.

Securitas Security What A Joke

Miranda rights

#45Consumer Comment

Wed, December 17, 2008

Those are your rights. Since the officer never advised you of your miranda rights the case should be dismissed. Officers know when they make an arrest they have to read you your miranda rights. Also the officer should have invetigated your side of the story instead of being mean to you and your family. Advise your attorney of all this and sue the crap out of wal mart I am a detention officer in Oklahoma with a bachelors of science in criminal justice


Phenix City,
Who cares about walmart

#46Consumer Comment

Fri, December 12, 2008

Who cares about walmart. People don't care about other peoples feelings. Please people stop this nonsense arguing. People get so emotional I used to be that way. I don't even get upset anymore also It's there point to get you upset.


No Anthony, snoworchid is tripping herself up throughout her story! She is obviously making false accusations against Walmart!

#47Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 11, 2008

Anthony you are the one that need to re-read her story. She has so many miss-ups in it I think a 3rd grader could tell a better story! She is saying the clothing was not on sale when purchased but had gone on sale or clearance since the purchase was made: "When I went back to take them they had since been placed on sale or clearance", but back-up and read her sentences prior to this one: "they gave my children some clothing and told me that I would get a $300 gift card for another store. I said well Wal-Mart is cheap and that it would be fine. "They said they had never used Wal-Mart and would go ahead and get it." Ok, what is wrong with this statement? Here she is saying "they (the co-op) gave my children some clothing", so they have already given her the clothes, correct? Along with this she says they also tell her she will be getting a "$300 gift card for another store" to which she states since Walmart is 'cheap' she would like the gift card to be to Walmart. Now, note this, she states, "They said they had never used Wal-Mart and would go ahead and get it." Rembember she already has the clothing with the receipts. Now if they have never used Walmart before how did they give her the clothing from Walmart with a receipt from Walmart! Remember, she says the 'card' was fine. She futher states she " used to card to buy my sons their school stuff and my son the clothes that he needed. ". Her statement is total donkey doo! The only way Walmart would have refused to take the items back is if she did not have a receipt. If she did not have the receipt she would have had to take an exchange of the item, meaning exchange the pants for the exact same pants or take a store credit for the last sale amount the item was sold for. For instance if the item was originally 19.99 when it first went on Walmarts shelf but had since been put on clearance for 5.00, the store would have given her a credit for 5.00. It would be her choice if she wanted to take the credit for the sale price or keep the item. Regardless of some peoples feelings or jealousies against Walmart lets be fair when telling our stories! This is a tall tale being told out of school!


Read The Lady's Story...

#48Consumer Comment

Wed, December 10, 2008

She bought clothes that were on clearance. In almost every case, items bought at clearance prices cannot be returned or exchanged. I can't stand Wal-Mart, but the simple fact is that their stores are in business to make money, and the fact that a customer was given a gift card in an act of charity makes no difference to the subject at hand, nor is it a factor that should influence decisions regarding store policy. The boy should have been there to try on the clothes before they were purchased. Case closed.


Oh Please Snoworchid, you know your fibbing here!

#49Consumer Suggestion

Tue, December 09, 2008

This is a total line of donkey doo, Snoworchid! I have shopped at Walmart for years and years and never have I had an issue returning an item with a reciept! There has to be more to this story than you are telling (there are always two sides to a strory)! If you had the reciept for the clothes that had been purchased just a few weeks (even months for that matter) before Walmart would have refunded or exchanged the items without question! I am sure there are a lot of legitimate complaints about Walmart (any store that is as big and services as many people as Walmart is bound to have complaints, both true and un-true) but yours is not one of them!


Charity Boycott

#50Consumer Comment

Tue, December 09, 2008

I have not been wrongly accused but did create a huge Wal-Mart boycott where I live at. I am a single parent and had been part of a lay off and someone was nice enough to write a letter to the local co-op and they gave my children some clothing and told me that I would get a $300 gift card for another store. I said well Wal-Mart is cheap and that it would be fine. They said they had never used Wal-Mart and would go ahead and get it. The card was fine but I have a son that at age 11 is headed for Pro-Football. (Just a Joke) But he wears size 36 pants and is over 5 feet tall and is just a big boy. The clothes that they got did not fit and they gave the receipt so I could return them. When I went back to take them they had since been placed on sale or clearance it had gone from fall to winter in those couple weeks and they said they could not help me. I retuned the receipt to the charity and told them that I would hang on to the clothes for my other son to grow into. They called the manager and were told that they did not care if they were a charity; they are not there to help charities just to make money. I was shocked. I used to card to buy my sons their school stuff and my son the clothes that he needed. The co-op that spends about $300,000 or more a year in gift cards for needy families will never get another gift card from Wal-Mart or use them to buy items that families need. I was just surprised that they could not exchange the clothes for clothes that were actually of lesser value or the same value. That is their policy and I agree that a policy has to be followed. Charities just know that they are not important to the Corporate Wal-Mart and that they should use the tax payers dollars that make the donations at a store that is willing to go that extra inch to help out when needed. What is a loss from 14 diffrent states at $300,000 for gift cards and another $250,000 in purchases excpet $8 Million a year oops, Wal-Mart American charaties care about the people that they are helping to the tune of millions and this is just one charity I guess that is not really that much to Wal-Mart in Corporate reality.


OK, here goes! What is so wrong with Walmart?

#51Consumer Suggestion

Sun, December 07, 2008

Who makes up Walmart? Walmart employees millions of people nation wide! Look at all of the jobs that would be lost without Walmart (and no, I do not, nor ever have I worked for Walmart). Yes, I believe they are not the best of employers in the essence they do not allow overtime and Walmart managers try to force employers to finish their work 'off' the clock. However, Walmart does employ disabled and handicapped people, young people, and un-educated people. People who would have a very hard time finding work else-where! Let's be honest here, Walmart employees are not, for the most part, people with college degrees. Not the highly educated. But they are people in desperate need of a JOB. A way to earn income, pay their bills, ect. . . a way to be able to say, I have a place in this society! And Walmart does start their workers at a fair wage for the un-educated, dis-abled, handicapped, or just homemaker wanting to make a little extra money. Walmart employees are able to rise and make a career with Walmart if they work hard and show a positive attitude ( I have known people that work for Walmart and are very happy with them). As for Walmart products? Walmart has lower prices, bottom line! They provide a way for low-income people to be able to afford to have that new flat-screen TV, or that computer they need so desperately for work or school! They provide a means for low-income earners to be able to afford food and clothes for their children! Remember you don't have to shop there if you don't want to. After-all, why pay $20.00 at Walmart for those Levi's if you can go to J.C. Pennys and buy the same pair for $45.00. Get my point. The low-income wage earner may be able to afford the $20.00 Levi's from Walmart whereas they could not afford the $45.00 Levi's from J.C. Pennys. Example: For my sons birthday ( a few years back) I went to radio shack and paid over $550.00 (approximate,) for an 32" RCA TV as a birthday present. Two days after the purchase I was at the local Walmart store and the exact same TV was $285.00. Now, do you think I would have willingly paid around $200.00 more for the TV from Radio Shack if I had known it was so much less at Walmart? The anwser is a resounding NO! I would have gladly paid the lessor price at Walmart. As for these people that say they are accused of shop lifting ect . . . For the most part you are bringing it on yourselves. Read your own post! Eating food that has not been paid for is, plain and simple, theft! Giving food or candy to your children that has not been paid for is theft! I was just at Walmart Friday (day before yesterday) and saw this very thing happen. As I was shopping a woman with 4 or 5 children in-tow grabbed a box of cookies off a shelf, ripped open the package and started handing out cookies to her children. This is theft, the package had not been paid for, plain and simple. I have children and never would I have done such a thing when shopping with them. Feed the children before you go shopping. Think of how much money Walmart loses because of people consuming food and not paying for it. Ok , I know some of you are going to cry "but I planned to pay for it"! Well, Walmart does not know if you are going to pay for it or not. A lot of people don't pay for the items they consume. How many times do we find the empty packages on the store shelfs? How can you blame Walmart for wanting to protect their interest? I do and will continue to shop at Walmart. They have the best selection and the lowest prices and that is the bottom line!


Dude, this happened back in 2005. It is Nearly 2009!

#52Consumer Comment

Sun, December 07, 2008

Give it a rest. Hitler claimed to be a good Christian. Lots of people CLAIM to be good Christians and if I listed all of the people in jails and prisons who claimed to have met JAY-ZOOS and become Christian while there, I wouldn't have enough paper... These televangelists who rip off millions of gullible people also claim to be Christians .. I have never seen a Buddhist or Muslim TELEVANGELIST... JUST BECAUSE YOU CLAIM TO BE A CHRISTIAN DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING TO ME... You were wrongfully accused. You should have taken the receipt that PROVES you paid for the items and GONE TO SEE AN ATTORNEY! SUE,SUE,SUE. Walmart has DEEP POCKETS! You DID have the receipt with the PROOF on it. She DID SCAN it, then you should have it showing on your receipt. Good luck but I think you are way past the two-year statute of limitation on Civil Actions... which is what this APPEARS to be... BUT YOU NEED TO SEEK COMPETENT LEGAL ADVICE FROM AN ATTORNEY WHO IS LICENSED TO PRACTICE LAW IN YOUR STATE.


Wal-Mart Shopping

#53Consumer Suggestion

Sun, December 07, 2008

I don't like Wal-mart. I avoid shopping there if at all possible. Their products are cheap and/or factory seconds. The used to advertise American made or assembled. They don't anymore. Most everything they sell is made in China. For you folks who are eating/drinking while you shop before paying, you are technically guilty of shoplifting. Don't give Wal-mart an excuse to treat you as a shoplifter. Todd: You've been posting this for the past three years. Give it a rest. Nothing is apparently happening with your complaint. Telling Wal-mart that you are a devout Christian does you no good. Wal-mart doesn't give a rats behind about your Christian beliefs. Their belief resides on the almighty dollar.


Wal-Mart Shopping

#54Consumer Suggestion

Sun, December 07, 2008

I don't like Wal-mart. I avoid shopping there if at all possible. Their products are cheap and/or factory seconds. The used to advertise American made or assembled. They don't anymore. Most everything they sell is made in China. For you folks who are eating/drinking while you shop before paying, you are technically guilty of shoplifting. Don't give Wal-mart an excuse to treat you as a shoplifter. Todd: You've been posting this for the past three years. Give it a rest. Nothing is apparently happening with your complaint. Telling Wal-mart that you are a devout Christian does you no good. Wal-mart doesn't give a rats behind about your Christian beliefs. Their belief resides on the almighty dollar.


Wal-Mart Shopping

#55Consumer Suggestion

Sun, December 07, 2008

I don't like Wal-mart. I avoid shopping there if at all possible. Their products are cheap and/or factory seconds. The used to advertise American made or assembled. They don't anymore. Most everything they sell is made in China. For you folks who are eating/drinking while you shop before paying, you are technically guilty of shoplifting. Don't give Wal-mart an excuse to treat you as a shoplifter. Todd: You've been posting this for the past three years. Give it a rest. Nothing is apparently happening with your complaint. Telling Wal-mart that you are a devout Christian does you no good. Wal-mart doesn't give a rats behind about your Christian beliefs. Their belief resides on the almighty dollar.


New Jersey,
WOW...I had no clue you couldn't eat and then pay...I'm dead serious

#56Consumer Comment

Sun, December 07, 2008

Sometimes when I go to Walmart, on very rare occasions my husband will get a coke or water from the coolers by the registers and drink while shopping...as soon as he is finished...or half finished....I always take it up to the registers to pay. I never had a problem with this. I see parents all the time at deli counters, order a pack of cheese with the barcodes on it...feed the kids a slice and then pay for the items at the register as usual. wow...and now this guys supposedly a scammer or something? I'm gonna google him to see whats up.


Sign of the times..............

#57Consumer Comment

Thu, December 04, 2008

This is really a bunch of nonsense. Todd has been proved to be a liar. I believe that he just wants people to feel sorry for him.


After All Of This...

#58Consumer Comment

Sat, November 29, 2008

...I almost....almost...yes almost feel sorry for Wal-Mart. Not that I care one bit to enter any of their stores, for my own personal reasons unrelated to anything mentioned or discussed in this thread, I will have to say that I have taken much of what has been related under advisement. My wife has a habit of taking a soft drink from the cooler in the grocery store, and sipping on it while she does her shopping, always paying for it at the register, even if the bottle is empty. I've advised her to refrain from doing it in the future...even though it has never been questioned by a soul in the past. As to Todd and his credibility...well...I'd say that it has been shot to aaach eeeee double tooth picks. He had a good job, and despite all his intended devotion to the man upstairs, apparently no intervention to save the day was on the table. I tell ya'...there are some people in this world that will never get it, even if you take a baseball bat and try to beat it into them. It's really hard to feel sorry for them, isn't it?


Not only that...

#59Consumer Comment

Sun, November 23, 2008

Todd didn't like an assignment he was given, went on leave and didn't return. When his employment was terminated due to budget cuts, Todd claimed religious discrimination.


Just what are you hiding??

#60Consumer Comment

Sun, November 23, 2008

Todd, I just found out some VERY interesting information. It seems that you had a law suit against your former employee, the South Carolina DMV (Civil Action No. 3:05-0042-JFA-JRM) and it didn't go very well did it? To all of you Todd supporters...... Mr. Christian virtue here did sue his former employer and the case was "dismissed with prejudice" by Federal Judge Joseph P. Anderson, Jr. because ole' Todd here decided not to comply with a court order to produce his tax records. And from what I read from the court documents (which can be Googled) he was given quite a bit of time to produce those records but he kept giving the defendants and the court one excuse after the other. His OWN ATTORNEY requested that the court remove him because Todd had willfully avoided discovery. And the court determined that Todd "acted in bad faith" in the discovery process. To put it simply, Todd LIED! Several times. And his lies caught up with him. The case was dismissed on January 10, 2007. Todd, you are not a TRUE Christian. Christian means to be "Christ like." You are like the thieves that rob BILLIONS of dollars from people everyday on TBN. God has a special place in Hell for people like YOU!!


North Carolina,

#61Consumer Comment

Sun, November 23, 2008

Look, I am no WalMart employee, or even apologist, and unlike some, I do not believe that my Faith carries any weight in an argument such as this one. Still no Case number Still no Jurisdiction Still no Judge The letter from "God Smith" literally made my side hurt from laughing! Thanks.


Start from the beginning....

#62Consumer Comment

Sat, November 22, 2008

Ok Todd, First, I don't like Wal Mart. So, having said that, I need to get to the meat of this. Do you realize that you admitted to theft? I read you post and it is that cut and dry. YOU ADMITTED TO THEFT! And you also said that you had done it many times in the past. Opening and consuming something without paying for it is THEFT. No defense. You said that you were arrested and taken to another county. This is where my BS meter went off the scale. I'll give you some of my background; BPA degree, over 15 years in business management punctuated by stints as a police officer. I also hold private investigation licenses from Texas and Arkansas. I have NEVER seen a shoplifter go to jail UNLESS they were disorderly or combative. Come to think of I have never heard of it happening either. As to being taken to another county, I have to tell you that I believe that to be pure BS. I just don't believe that. And here's something else; you said that they told you that you had a five page rap sheet. And you said that you had never been in jail. Well, that means that someone else has YOUR birthdate, name and SSN! That is impossible! As to the complaint about your rights; you are Mirandized at you arraignment if you have been arrested for a minor misdemeanor. Not at the time of arrest. If you had been arrested on a felony charge, your rights would have been read to you right then. Now, my biggest gripe about this whole story of yours is you started out telling all of us how much of a Christian you are. What difference does that make? Preachers are the biggest thieves and liars around...next to politicians. I am aware that Jesus said that if we deny Him before men He would deny us before the Father. And I believe that. But people that wear "Christianity" like a banner usually have something to hide. I know that from hard experience. My wife (2nd by the way. The 1st was a good "Christian" that screwed every man AND woman that she could and stole everything that she got her hands on) works at Wal Mart. I know that the company sucks but, they do not have an anti-Christian agenda and they didn't pick on you because you are a Christian so stop with suffering martyr attitude. As I said before, you stole. That may not have been your intention, but you stole. Todd, face reality. Grow up.


Phenix City,
To stacy

#63Consumer Comment

Sat, November 22, 2008

Have you realized that your nasty comments doesn't hurt me you are the one harassing me. Also stacy quit bothering people here on rip-off report & causing them more grief. Because nobody cares what you have to say so your nasty & hateful comments doesn't bother me. All you do Is bother & harass people on rip-off report & think you can abuse me well you have no right to. Go get a better hobby besides harassing people on rip-off report. I could careless what you think or anyone else, but you are to stubborn to realize that, sense you feel you have the right to be so judgemental of people & harass people for no good reason.


This thread just keeps getting better.

#64Consumer Comment

Sat, November 22, 2008

Even if Walmart takes over the world, so what? Something is going to take over this world eventually. What's bad for some is great for others.



#65Consumer Comment

Tue, November 18, 2008

Since you Charles continue to post update after update after update about your tirade against anyone who has "hurt" you or poor mommy Get a life, get a job, get a grip You are a boil on the butt of humanity


WalMart is planting their people in the government! Run!

#66Consumer Comment

Mon, November 17, 2008

Tinfoil hat time! Fact: Michelle Obama served on a board of a company whose largest client was WalMart. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1551441/Obama-called-hypocrite-for-wife%27s-Wal-Mart-link.html Fact: During the campaign, Obama named a WalMart defender as his economic policy director: http://www.nysun.com/national/obama-taps-wal-mart-defender-as-director/79665/ Obvious conclusion: WalMart has people in the highest levels of government! They will make it illegal to shop anywhere else and force Obama to invade other nations so that WalMart suppliers can open up sweatshops there! How diabolical!


WalMart is planting their people in the government! Run!

#67Consumer Comment

Mon, November 17, 2008

Tinfoil hat time! Fact: Michelle Obama served on a board of a company whose largest client was WalMart. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1551441/Obama-called-hypocrite-for-wife%27s-Wal-Mart-link.html Fact: During the campaign, Obama named a WalMart defender as his economic policy director: http://www.nysun.com/national/obama-taps-wal-mart-defender-as-director/79665/ Obvious conclusion: WalMart has people in the highest levels of government! They will make it illegal to shop anywhere else and force Obama to invade other nations so that WalMart suppliers can open up sweatshops there! How diabolical!


WalMart is planting their people in the government! Run!

#68Consumer Comment

Mon, November 17, 2008

Tinfoil hat time! Fact: Michelle Obama served on a board of a company whose largest client was WalMart. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1551441/Obama-called-hypocrite-for-wife%27s-Wal-Mart-link.html Fact: During the campaign, Obama named a WalMart defender as his economic policy director: http://www.nysun.com/national/obama-taps-wal-mart-defender-as-director/79665/ Obvious conclusion: WalMart has people in the highest levels of government! They will make it illegal to shop anywhere else and force Obama to invade other nations so that WalMart suppliers can open up sweatshops there! How diabolical!


WalMart is planting their people in the government! Run!

#69Consumer Comment

Mon, November 17, 2008

Tinfoil hat time! Fact: Michelle Obama served on a board of a company whose largest client was WalMart. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1551441/Obama-called-hypocrite-for-wife%27s-Wal-Mart-link.html Fact: During the campaign, Obama named a WalMart defender as his economic policy director: http://www.nysun.com/national/obama-taps-wal-mart-defender-as-director/79665/ Obvious conclusion: WalMart has people in the highest levels of government! They will make it illegal to shop anywhere else and force Obama to invade other nations so that WalMart suppliers can open up sweatshops there! How diabolical!


Phenix City,
This has gone on far enough

#70Consumer Comment

Mon, November 17, 2008

This crap has gone on far enough, walmart does fasely accuse people of shop lifting It Is happening all over the country they are a rip-off. All walmart cares about Is money & how many lives they can ruin. Walmart Is scum they are a lot of walmart complaints around the country fasely accusing people of shop lifting walmart has rude custormer service the walmart pharmacy In my area Is horrible. There labor practices also suck look @ how they treat there own employees, there was a walmart manager on here threatening a former employee for making a report agaisnt them. The manager told the employee they need to forget about there past wages cause they will never get them & they will force them into personal bankruptcy how dare them. You can go to other places besides walmart for food & other things, nobody has to be mistreated. Also people on this site defending walmart are also childish.


Todd has a history of false claims and suits! BEWARE

#71Consumer Comment

Tue, November 11, 2008

I googled "Todd Whatley, South Carolina, Walmart" and found a case where he is suing the DMV where he used to work. I know it is him because on page three is states something to the effect of 'Mr. Whatley describes himself as a devout Christian..' and goes on from there. There is also one where he is in a civil case with his homeowner's association. There are so many suits and complaints filed by this man. I believe that HE believes his story, but I also know how perception works, and that a troubled mind can distort facts. By the many many cases that you can find from googling his name, you'll realize that this is a disturbed individual, and not because he is a Christian, because I too am one, but because of his obsessiveness (about anything). I've been reading this thing for over 4 hours, and I am seriously concerned for his family, or at least his wife. Heres why: In one of his early posts (maybe the third or fourth) he mentions how Walmart employees singled him out because they saw a Christian man with his kids and wife, who ALLOWED his wife to browse and shop. I think he means that employees may have noticed his male dominance display over his wife and did not appreciate it. NO I AM NOT A FEMINIST, but this guy is definately a believer in the man-dominant, female-submissive stuff (as taught in the OLD Testament). Well, if that's what he AND his wife believe in, so be it, but he should relize that it does attract negative attention. He has said that his wife is Asian, and someone on here said she is a mail-order bride? That may be innaccurate, but that would explain her submission to his 'permitting' her to shop, though in some Asian cultures, men do play a dominant role in relationships, so who knows? Anyway, Google him. It will lay your mind to rest about whether or not his case has/had a solid foundation. BTW, I do not work for Walmart, I am a full-time Mental Health and Human Services Student at UMA here in Maine.


Todd has a history of false claims and suits! BEWARE

#72Consumer Comment

Tue, November 11, 2008

I googled "Todd Whatley, South Carolina, Walmart" and found a case where he is suing the DMV where he used to work. I know it is him because on page three is states something to the effect of 'Mr. Whatley describes himself as a devout Christian..' and goes on from there. There is also one where he is in a civil case with his homeowner's association. There are so many suits and complaints filed by this man. I believe that HE believes his story, but I also know how perception works, and that a troubled mind can distort facts. By the many many cases that you can find from googling his name, you'll realize that this is a disturbed individual, and not because he is a Christian, because I too am one, but because of his obsessiveness (about anything). I've been reading this thing for over 4 hours, and I am seriously concerned for his family, or at least his wife. Heres why: In one of his early posts (maybe the third or fourth) he mentions how Walmart employees singled him out because they saw a Christian man with his kids and wife, who ALLOWED his wife to browse and shop. I think he means that employees may have noticed his male dominance display over his wife and did not appreciate it. NO I AM NOT A FEMINIST, but this guy is definately a believer in the man-dominant, female-submissive stuff (as taught in the OLD Testament). Well, if that's what he AND his wife believe in, so be it, but he should relize that it does attract negative attention. He has said that his wife is Asian, and someone on here said she is a mail-order bride? That may be innaccurate, but that would explain her submission to his 'permitting' her to shop, though in some Asian cultures, men do play a dominant role in relationships, so who knows? Anyway, Google him. It will lay your mind to rest about whether or not his case has/had a solid foundation. BTW, I do not work for Walmart, I am a full-time Mental Health and Human Services Student at UMA here in Maine.


Todd has a history of false claims and suits! BEWARE

#73Consumer Comment

Tue, November 11, 2008

I googled "Todd Whatley, South Carolina, Walmart" and found a case where he is suing the DMV where he used to work. I know it is him because on page three is states something to the effect of 'Mr. Whatley describes himself as a devout Christian..' and goes on from there. There is also one where he is in a civil case with his homeowner's association. There are so many suits and complaints filed by this man. I believe that HE believes his story, but I also know how perception works, and that a troubled mind can distort facts. By the many many cases that you can find from googling his name, you'll realize that this is a disturbed individual, and not because he is a Christian, because I too am one, but because of his obsessiveness (about anything). I've been reading this thing for over 4 hours, and I am seriously concerned for his family, or at least his wife. Heres why: In one of his early posts (maybe the third or fourth) he mentions how Walmart employees singled him out because they saw a Christian man with his kids and wife, who ALLOWED his wife to browse and shop. I think he means that employees may have noticed his male dominance display over his wife and did not appreciate it. NO I AM NOT A FEMINIST, but this guy is definately a believer in the man-dominant, female-submissive stuff (as taught in the OLD Testament). Well, if that's what he AND his wife believe in, so be it, but he should relize that it does attract negative attention. He has said that his wife is Asian, and someone on here said she is a mail-order bride? That may be innaccurate, but that would explain her submission to his 'permitting' her to shop, though in some Asian cultures, men do play a dominant role in relationships, so who knows? Anyway, Google him. It will lay your mind to rest about whether or not his case has/had a solid foundation. BTW, I do not work for Walmart, I am a full-time Mental Health and Human Services Student at UMA here in Maine.


to rick

#74Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 07, 2008

You asked "what do you do if you didn't like the food"? Well people leave it unopened ! Twice now in the past week I've gone to purchase food and drink in a store only to find it opened and half eaten! Now that is very disgusting. It does not take a scientist to know that you walk up to the counter and pay for it. I , myself, use the self-checkout isle and save the hassle of waiting in line if I am in Wallyworld. We have several super sized stores in my area and it is large, clean and store clerks are very pleasant and helpful. I think that if people would just use their brains and did what they would want others to do if they owned the store, there would not even be a need for a 2 yr old report! One's religious views should not even be a issue here. ps. there are a few others on this thread that need to hear this: Only YOU can CHOOSE to be a victim! If you wish to not be treated poorly then get off your tush and change how you treat others. You will find they react much better to you and then you will in turn be treated with respect. It really isn't hard to do!

Brian C. Burnham


#75Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 07, 2008

I to had the same thing happen to myself in the wally world in Palatka Florida, from a bunch of 3rd grade hillbillys. Went to jail, released 2hours later and got a check from wally world for $75,000.00 and of corse my lawyer took his 40%. I still walked away with a little over $37,000.00 for a 5 hour adventure. Man I would do it again in a heart beat. Find a good lawyer, he's the one driving the 755 BMW with a tag that states " I SUE". Good luck.

Brian C. Burnham


#76Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 07, 2008

I to had the same thing happen to myself in the wally world in Palatka Florida, from a bunch of 3rd grade hillbillys. Went to jail, released 2hours later and got a check from wally world for $75,000.00 and of corse my lawyer took his 40%. I still walked away with a little over $37,000.00 for a 5 hour adventure. Man I would do it again in a heart beat. Find a good lawyer, he's the one driving the 755 BMW with a tag that states " I SUE". Good luck.

Brian C. Burnham


#77Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 07, 2008

I to had the same thing happen to myself in the wally world in Palatka Florida, from a bunch of 3rd grade hillbillys. Went to jail, released 2hours later and got a check from wally world for $75,000.00 and of corse my lawyer took his 40%. I still walked away with a little over $37,000.00 for a 5 hour adventure. Man I would do it again in a heart beat. Find a good lawyer, he's the one driving the 755 BMW with a tag that states " I SUE". Good luck.

Brian C. Burnham


#78Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 07, 2008

I to had the same thing happen to myself in the wally world in Palatka Florida, from a bunch of 3rd grade hillbillys. Went to jail, released 2hours later and got a check from wally world for $75,000.00 and of corse my lawyer took his 40%. I still walked away with a little over $37,000.00 for a 5 hour adventure. Man I would do it again in a heart beat. Find a good lawyer, he's the one driving the 755 BMW with a tag that states " I SUE". Good luck.



#79Consumer Comment

Fri, November 07, 2008

I cant believe that this has been going on since 2005. It's really not that complicated. The attitude of the employee, the manager, the officer, the jailer, the judge.... None of that really matters. The fact is There is no place on earth that you can walk around a huge shopping center, consume unpaid for items. And then expect a good outcome. At some point. There will be a clash of right vs wrong. If you clearly do something that is factually wrong, you take full responsibility for the outcome. There are no signs that say order food from the deli, eat and then pay. There are no signs that say put on clothe and then pay at the front. That's why you were being followed. No retailer wants you to alter(consume) merchandise before you pay. But they do allow you the opportunity to do so as a courtesy. So the basic fact is. The food was not yours to consume yet and you alone bare the responsibility of making sure that the consumption that you made was properly compensated for or you indeed had shoplifted. It's not important to me if you collect a huge reward or if you spend life behind bars. I'm just stating fact. Use your moral compass and you can stay out of trouble. That way ideals like religion, christ-like, honesty, anger and false accusation will not need to be used quite so much.


Lots of things wrong with this

#80UPDATE Employee

Fri, October 24, 2008

Basically, there are over 4,000 Wal-Mart stores in the US alone and each store can have between 150 and 400 employees each. I am sure that some of those folks are going to make some wrong decisions on how to handle situations. Everyone makes less than perfect decisions at least once in their lives no matter where they work I am sure. Even if some of these associates did not handle the situation like Todd had wanted them too, the bottom line is that he was eating food before it was his to eat. Does Todd go to McDonalds, get a #1, eat it and THEN pay? Of course not. Why do we abuse basic common sense because we are in Walmart? Another issue I have experienced, is customers letting their children eat in the store and then they spill or drop something. The parent does not pick it up and an innocent, unsuspecting customer comes along behind them, slips on it and injures themselves before an associate can get to it and clean it up. Guess who pays that medical claim? Walmart does. We had a situation recently where a pregnant customer slipped on a spilled beverage that another customer's child had just spilled. Fortunately she and her baby were both fine. The majority of associates really do care about our customers, so help us keep our environment safe so we can continue to offer prices that help you live better.


Lots of things wrong with this

#81UPDATE Employee

Fri, October 24, 2008

Basically, there are over 4,000 Wal-Mart stores in the US alone and each store can have between 150 and 400 employees each. I am sure that some of those folks are going to make some wrong decisions on how to handle situations. Everyone makes less than perfect decisions at least once in their lives no matter where they work I am sure. Even if some of these associates did not handle the situation like Todd had wanted them too, the bottom line is that he was eating food before it was his to eat. Does Todd go to McDonalds, get a #1, eat it and THEN pay? Of course not. Why do we abuse basic common sense because we are in Walmart? Another issue I have experienced, is customers letting their children eat in the store and then they spill or drop something. The parent does not pick it up and an innocent, unsuspecting customer comes along behind them, slips on it and injures themselves before an associate can get to it and clean it up. Guess who pays that medical claim? Walmart does. We had a situation recently where a pregnant customer slipped on a spilled beverage that another customer's child had just spilled. Fortunately she and her baby were both fine. The majority of associates really do care about our customers, so help us keep our environment safe so we can continue to offer prices that help you live better.


Lots of things wrong with this

#82UPDATE Employee

Fri, October 24, 2008

Basically, there are over 4,000 Wal-Mart stores in the US alone and each store can have between 150 and 400 employees each. I am sure that some of those folks are going to make some wrong decisions on how to handle situations. Everyone makes less than perfect decisions at least once in their lives no matter where they work I am sure. Even if some of these associates did not handle the situation like Todd had wanted them too, the bottom line is that he was eating food before it was his to eat. Does Todd go to McDonalds, get a #1, eat it and THEN pay? Of course not. Why do we abuse basic common sense because we are in Walmart? Another issue I have experienced, is customers letting their children eat in the store and then they spill or drop something. The parent does not pick it up and an innocent, unsuspecting customer comes along behind them, slips on it and injures themselves before an associate can get to it and clean it up. Guess who pays that medical claim? Walmart does. We had a situation recently where a pregnant customer slipped on a spilled beverage that another customer's child had just spilled. Fortunately she and her baby were both fine. The majority of associates really do care about our customers, so help us keep our environment safe so we can continue to offer prices that help you live better.


Lots of things wrong with this

#83UPDATE Employee

Fri, October 24, 2008

Basically, there are over 4,000 Wal-Mart stores in the US alone and each store can have between 150 and 400 employees each. I am sure that some of those folks are going to make some wrong decisions on how to handle situations. Everyone makes less than perfect decisions at least once in their lives no matter where they work I am sure. Even if some of these associates did not handle the situation like Todd had wanted them too, the bottom line is that he was eating food before it was his to eat. Does Todd go to McDonalds, get a #1, eat it and THEN pay? Of course not. Why do we abuse basic common sense because we are in Walmart? Another issue I have experienced, is customers letting their children eat in the store and then they spill or drop something. The parent does not pick it up and an innocent, unsuspecting customer comes along behind them, slips on it and injures themselves before an associate can get to it and clean it up. Guess who pays that medical claim? Walmart does. We had a situation recently where a pregnant customer slipped on a spilled beverage that another customer's child had just spilled. Fortunately she and her baby were both fine. The majority of associates really do care about our customers, so help us keep our environment safe so we can continue to offer prices that help you live better.


Phenix City,
They still can fasely accuse you

#84Consumer Comment

Fri, October 24, 2008

To rick they can still fasely accuse you. The cashier just wanted to abuse there powers, and make something into nothing. Wal-mart opened themselves up to a lawsuit If they arrested the person with no hard evidence they can be held libel for slander. Somehow wal-mart Is getting away with this they have horrible custormer service they also judge custormers, all custormers should receive good custormer service. And If wal-mart employees are rude towards you, the custormer has a right to get hateful back.


Midwest City,
Sounds like there more to the story

#85Consumer Comment

Tue, October 07, 2008

They had enough proof to arrest you. Must have been on video. The Police wouldn't have arrested you if they didn't have some type of proof. Also stop eating food before you pay for it. What would you have done if you didn't like the food?

This Is Me

Simple solution

#86Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 03, 2008

You shouldn't eat things until you have paid for it. Common Sense tells most people that.


Keep On Shopping at the Nastiest Store in Town

#87Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 28, 2008

i can't belive americans keep on complaining and keep right on a shopping at wallys world. it is totally oblivious to me why we keep giving our hard earned money to the chiness. what is wrong with you people? shop MOM and POP. you get more for your money when you invest in them. or at least shop at a retailer that supports your state. THAT IS NOT WAL MART.

Optimus Prime

sounds like what i went through

#88Consumer Comment

Tue, August 19, 2008

this is a your word against wal marts word case and i feel for you cus i also know it all too well pay close attention to this one !!!! police departments love this cus when you are convicted cus they are then entitled to fine you wal mart loves it cus they are going to send you a letter in the mail demanding restitution for the items taken (three times the cost of the item in the first place) case in point... my girl friend works for a casino and a shopplifting conviction could cost her job and i cant work as my health is way too poor every woman has a purse and they allways have make up in it boom it has a wal mart scan tag on it so you stole it you go to a jury trail where there is no jury what so ever and a defender who is interested only in fine money as is the judge no video tape evidence nothing she said you did it so your convicted boom 900 dollar fine try being diabetic and being forced to live on top ramen for 6 months to make sure the fine is paid not so sadly the judge has passed away and i hope he liked the nice caddy he drove with dishonest money took from honest people so i am sure god wont be pleased to see him at all!! ladies careful what you have in your purse its a simple and common way wal mart is takeing advantage of good honest people every single day!! and swindleing good people even more every single day try and protect your self with a live video camera !!! bet wal mart wont even let you in the front door (a greeters real job) cus wal mart knows when there is no video proof you dont have a leg to stand on and police departments wont help you cus they want the fine money THATS AMERICA !!!!! WAL MART IS NOTHING BUT PURE GREED!!! further more i can get over charged for the very first item i pick up !!! three times i a row !!! take a pen and paper and record the shelf price and scan every single item you buy or they will over charge you and if you dont stand up for the money that rightfuly belongs to you in the first place


Wow. Alot of response!

#89Consumer Suggestion

Sat, August 16, 2008

All I have to say is, I used to eat food in the grocery store and then pay for the box or whatever. But it seems like the people in the store give you this evil eye.


To Anonymous

#90Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 15, 2008

If everyone can find the arrest records then why not post a link online for us all to see that he really was arrested. Why doesn't the man post something to prove us all wrong. Use a scanner to scan court documents or something. Prove you aren't lying. Do it to prove you are right or that your doubters are right.


New Jersey,
You have never posted the truth that you are a deadbeat and liar yet.

#91Consumer Comment

Thu, August 14, 2008

'You make me laugh john' --You must to hide your tears from all your crying. 'You make me laugh so hard I can't stop laughing.' --Why are you repeating yourself again? It doesn't make you look any more important and actually makes you look like the retard you are. 'I have not lied In any of my complaints john, that Is just a ferry tale from you.' --Well, I haven't told any stories about riding a 'ferry'. I don't think I've ever ridden one actually. Anyway, you do not tell the truth as I have posted eveidence that you don't. YOU have yet to post ANY shred of proof to your accusations. 'And you are the one harassing me.' --Exposing your lies and fraud is not harassment. Asking for proof of your accusations is not harassment. If that's the case, then every single person who has rad one of your fraudulent postings is harassing you. 'It has seemed you have hijacked this complaint with your arguing.' --Still can't think for yourself and have to steal other people's lines I see. Just like you had to steal Anonymous/Iowa's lines in a response to them. This thread was left for dead for at least 3 months until you had to post more of your useless crap under another of your fraudulent names. 'I don't care who believes me so get over It john your not worth any of my time.' --Well, yeah you do as you continues to cry about it instead of just going away like everyone wants you to. ''And yes I have dealt with bas businesses.' No, you haven't. 'Your nothing but a cyber bully.' --A cyber bully is someone who has to post lies and fraud on the internet for attention and that would be you as it has been PROVEN. 'I have to warn new people on this site so they want be suckered into your web of lies & how you attack innocent people like you have treated me.' --POST PROOF 'I am sure people will get tired of your bickering over nothing you are a liar.' --Doubtful as more have joined in my crusade against your fraud. 'I am tired of being bullied & lied about get over It john you are not controlling me life' --No one is bullying you and I have proven you are a liar. 'I'll be waiting for your next lying rebuttal.' --Why are you writing to yourself now? 'I have been treated like this my whole life john and I am for sure not going to put up with this crap from you or anyone else.' --I don't doubt for a second that people have been exposing you and your lies all your life. You just can;t seem to get a grip on reality. 'You remind me of the bad businesses I have dealt with over the years you act just like them.' --But you never have dealt with bad business. You, yourself have all of a sudden stated you have mental issues so you are not of sound mind to be able to make these judgments. Just like you can't get a CDL but insist on filing a fraudulent report against a trucking company. 'John doesn't like me cause I report the truth' --I have no problem with people that DO tell the truth. You just happen to NOT be one of them. 'John doesn't like me cause I report.' --No one likes fraud on a site that is suppose to help people with REAL problems....not ones they make up. 'He does not like bad businesses being reported to this site so he attacks the posters personally & insulting.' --POST PROOF. 'John Is talking out of his a*s has usually.' --Your name is not John....or is it? 'I've been threw the rip-off he hasn't I refuse to be his victim on this site I am tired of being the victim.' So why are you still responding to this report and keeping it going as you asked for no reason before under another of your fraudulent names? --You live to be a victim yet are stealing from everyone else. 'He Is doing his best to try to ruin me.' --Uh what is there to ruin? You are trying to affect innocent people/companies with your lies and fraud. 'Its amazing how people like him try to ruin innocent people like me on this site.' --Why are you talking about yourself again? 'But I refuse to let him ruin me I don't have to let my life be ruin because of what he says about me, he Is the fraud john Is the liar.' --POST PROOF. I have been asking for over a month now. 'People like him get away with slandering people all the time.' --Why are you talking about yourself now? 'Just like how employers get away with lying john Is doing the same thing.' --POST PROOF. 'I am not going to defend myself agaisnt him anymore I don't have to because I have not lied In any of my complaints.' --You haven't defended yourself yet as what you post are lies and can not be defended against. 'I am set free from this mess I will no longer be controlled buy It any longer.' --More lies. You live for the attention. 'So john If I don't reply again to you comments I will not even read them any more, & I don't care what you post about me In other complaints.' --Another lie as you need the attention and can't help yourself. And yes, you will continue to be exposed.


New Jersey,
You have never posted the truth that you are a deadbeat and liar yet.

#92Consumer Comment

Thu, August 14, 2008

'You make me laugh john' --You must to hide your tears from all your crying. 'You make me laugh so hard I can't stop laughing.' --Why are you repeating yourself again? It doesn't make you look any more important and actually makes you look like the retard you are. 'I have not lied In any of my complaints john, that Is just a ferry tale from you.' --Well, I haven't told any stories about riding a 'ferry'. I don't think I've ever ridden one actually. Anyway, you do not tell the truth as I have posted eveidence that you don't. YOU have yet to post ANY shred of proof to your accusations. 'And you are the one harassing me.' --Exposing your lies and fraud is not harassment. Asking for proof of your accusations is not harassment. If that's the case, then every single person who has rad one of your fraudulent postings is harassing you. 'It has seemed you have hijacked this complaint with your arguing.' --Still can't think for yourself and have to steal other people's lines I see. Just like you had to steal Anonymous/Iowa's lines in a response to them. This thread was left for dead for at least 3 months until you had to post more of your useless crap under another of your fraudulent names. 'I don't care who believes me so get over It john your not worth any of my time.' --Well, yeah you do as you continues to cry about it instead of just going away like everyone wants you to. ''And yes I have dealt with bas businesses.' No, you haven't. 'Your nothing but a cyber bully.' --A cyber bully is someone who has to post lies and fraud on the internet for attention and that would be you as it has been PROVEN. 'I have to warn new people on this site so they want be suckered into your web of lies & how you attack innocent people like you have treated me.' --POST PROOF 'I am sure people will get tired of your bickering over nothing you are a liar.' --Doubtful as more have joined in my crusade against your fraud. 'I am tired of being bullied & lied about get over It john you are not controlling me life' --No one is bullying you and I have proven you are a liar. 'I'll be waiting for your next lying rebuttal.' --Why are you writing to yourself now? 'I have been treated like this my whole life john and I am for sure not going to put up with this crap from you or anyone else.' --I don't doubt for a second that people have been exposing you and your lies all your life. You just can;t seem to get a grip on reality. 'You remind me of the bad businesses I have dealt with over the years you act just like them.' --But you never have dealt with bad business. You, yourself have all of a sudden stated you have mental issues so you are not of sound mind to be able to make these judgments. Just like you can't get a CDL but insist on filing a fraudulent report against a trucking company. 'John doesn't like me cause I report the truth' --I have no problem with people that DO tell the truth. You just happen to NOT be one of them. 'John doesn't like me cause I report.' --No one likes fraud on a site that is suppose to help people with REAL problems....not ones they make up. 'He does not like bad businesses being reported to this site so he attacks the posters personally & insulting.' --POST PROOF. 'John Is talking out of his a*s has usually.' --Your name is not John....or is it? 'I've been threw the rip-off he hasn't I refuse to be his victim on this site I am tired of being the victim.' So why are you still responding to this report and keeping it going as you asked for no reason before under another of your fraudulent names? --You live to be a victim yet are stealing from everyone else. 'He Is doing his best to try to ruin me.' --Uh what is there to ruin? You are trying to affect innocent people/companies with your lies and fraud. 'Its amazing how people like him try to ruin innocent people like me on this site.' --Why are you talking about yourself again? 'But I refuse to let him ruin me I don't have to let my life be ruin because of what he says about me, he Is the fraud john Is the liar.' --POST PROOF. I have been asking for over a month now. 'People like him get away with slandering people all the time.' --Why are you talking about yourself now? 'Just like how employers get away with lying john Is doing the same thing.' --POST PROOF. 'I am not going to defend myself agaisnt him anymore I don't have to because I have not lied In any of my complaints.' --You haven't defended yourself yet as what you post are lies and can not be defended against. 'I am set free from this mess I will no longer be controlled buy It any longer.' --More lies. You live for the attention. 'So john If I don't reply again to you comments I will not even read them any more, & I don't care what you post about me In other complaints.' --Another lie as you need the attention and can't help yourself. And yes, you will continue to be exposed.


New Jersey,
You have never posted the truth that you are a deadbeat and liar yet.

#93Consumer Comment

Thu, August 14, 2008

'You make me laugh john' --You must to hide your tears from all your crying. 'You make me laugh so hard I can't stop laughing.' --Why are you repeating yourself again? It doesn't make you look any more important and actually makes you look like the retard you are. 'I have not lied In any of my complaints john, that Is just a ferry tale from you.' --Well, I haven't told any stories about riding a 'ferry'. I don't think I've ever ridden one actually. Anyway, you do not tell the truth as I have posted eveidence that you don't. YOU have yet to post ANY shred of proof to your accusations. 'And you are the one harassing me.' --Exposing your lies and fraud is not harassment. Asking for proof of your accusations is not harassment. If that's the case, then every single person who has rad one of your fraudulent postings is harassing you. 'It has seemed you have hijacked this complaint with your arguing.' --Still can't think for yourself and have to steal other people's lines I see. Just like you had to steal Anonymous/Iowa's lines in a response to them. This thread was left for dead for at least 3 months until you had to post more of your useless crap under another of your fraudulent names. 'I don't care who believes me so get over It john your not worth any of my time.' --Well, yeah you do as you continues to cry about it instead of just going away like everyone wants you to. ''And yes I have dealt with bas businesses.' No, you haven't. 'Your nothing but a cyber bully.' --A cyber bully is someone who has to post lies and fraud on the internet for attention and that would be you as it has been PROVEN. 'I have to warn new people on this site so they want be suckered into your web of lies & how you attack innocent people like you have treated me.' --POST PROOF 'I am sure people will get tired of your bickering over nothing you are a liar.' --Doubtful as more have joined in my crusade against your fraud. 'I am tired of being bullied & lied about get over It john you are not controlling me life' --No one is bullying you and I have proven you are a liar. 'I'll be waiting for your next lying rebuttal.' --Why are you writing to yourself now? 'I have been treated like this my whole life john and I am for sure not going to put up with this crap from you or anyone else.' --I don't doubt for a second that people have been exposing you and your lies all your life. You just can;t seem to get a grip on reality. 'You remind me of the bad businesses I have dealt with over the years you act just like them.' --But you never have dealt with bad business. You, yourself have all of a sudden stated you have mental issues so you are not of sound mind to be able to make these judgments. Just like you can't get a CDL but insist on filing a fraudulent report against a trucking company. 'John doesn't like me cause I report the truth' --I have no problem with people that DO tell the truth. You just happen to NOT be one of them. 'John doesn't like me cause I report.' --No one likes fraud on a site that is suppose to help people with REAL problems....not ones they make up. 'He does not like bad businesses being reported to this site so he attacks the posters personally & insulting.' --POST PROOF. 'John Is talking out of his a*s has usually.' --Your name is not John....or is it? 'I've been threw the rip-off he hasn't I refuse to be his victim on this site I am tired of being the victim.' So why are you still responding to this report and keeping it going as you asked for no reason before under another of your fraudulent names? --You live to be a victim yet are stealing from everyone else. 'He Is doing his best to try to ruin me.' --Uh what is there to ruin? You are trying to affect innocent people/companies with your lies and fraud. 'Its amazing how people like him try to ruin innocent people like me on this site.' --Why are you talking about yourself again? 'But I refuse to let him ruin me I don't have to let my life be ruin because of what he says about me, he Is the fraud john Is the liar.' --POST PROOF. I have been asking for over a month now. 'People like him get away with slandering people all the time.' --Why are you talking about yourself now? 'Just like how employers get away with lying john Is doing the same thing.' --POST PROOF. 'I am not going to defend myself agaisnt him anymore I don't have to because I have not lied In any of my complaints.' --You haven't defended yourself yet as what you post are lies and can not be defended against. 'I am set free from this mess I will no longer be controlled buy It any longer.' --More lies. You live for the attention. 'So john If I don't reply again to you comments I will not even read them any more, & I don't care what you post about me In other complaints.' --Another lie as you need the attention and can't help yourself. And yes, you will continue to be exposed.


And Todd...seriously

#94Consumer Suggestion

Wed, August 13, 2008

No one who has wasted an hour (or more) of their life reading your asinine story believes for one single second that you actually have an "anonymous" supporter, or hell...any supporter at all. Just the fact that you created another account to SUPPORT yourself makes you that more strange. All I can say is that reading your posts has driven me to pray, and thank god on a daily basis that I live thousands and thousands of miles away from you, your mail order bride (who has paid the highest price EVER for a green card) your two poor, poor children who are being taught by you both, and your tacky home with the paper mache "ten commandments" plaque with the weeping jesus inset.


And Todd...seriously

#95Consumer Suggestion

Wed, August 13, 2008

No one who has wasted an hour (or more) of their life reading your asinine story believes for one single second that you actually have an "anonymous" supporter, or hell...any supporter at all. Just the fact that you created another account to SUPPORT yourself makes you that more strange. All I can say is that reading your posts has driven me to pray, and thank god on a daily basis that I live thousands and thousands of miles away from you, your mail order bride (who has paid the highest price EVER for a green card) your two poor, poor children who are being taught by you both, and your tacky home with the paper mache "ten commandments" plaque with the weeping jesus inset.


And Todd...seriously

#96Consumer Suggestion

Wed, August 13, 2008

No one who has wasted an hour (or more) of their life reading your asinine story believes for one single second that you actually have an "anonymous" supporter, or hell...any supporter at all. Just the fact that you created another account to SUPPORT yourself makes you that more strange. All I can say is that reading your posts has driven me to pray, and thank god on a daily basis that I live thousands and thousands of miles away from you, your mail order bride (who has paid the highest price EVER for a green card) your two poor, poor children who are being taught by you both, and your tacky home with the paper mache "ten commandments" plaque with the weeping jesus inset.


And Todd...seriously

#97Consumer Suggestion

Wed, August 13, 2008

No one who has wasted an hour (or more) of their life reading your asinine story believes for one single second that you actually have an "anonymous" supporter, or hell...any supporter at all. Just the fact that you created another account to SUPPORT yourself makes you that more strange. All I can say is that reading your posts has driven me to pray, and thank god on a daily basis that I live thousands and thousands of miles away from you, your mail order bride (who has paid the highest price EVER for a green card) your two poor, poor children who are being taught by you both, and your tacky home with the paper mache "ten commandments" plaque with the weeping jesus inset.


Dana Point,
This STORY is ridiculous

#98UPDATE Employee

Wed, August 13, 2008

Look, first of all....this is the craziest report/rebuttal that I've ever read on here. The whole thing with disabilities, Christians, God, the Bible, police, shoplifting, etc. is CRAZY!! Let me begin by saying that being a Christian, your faith, you being disabled or wheatever has NOTHING to do with you being arrested. There is no way in hell this story could be factual. IF it even occurred, YOU are leaving parts of it out and neglecting to provide the truth. How do I know? Well, I'm 37 years old. I have a B.S. Degree in Criminal Justice and as it would so happen I've spent the last 13 years of my career in RETAIL SECURITY MANAGEMENT. I've been a retail security executive with four different major retailers. One of them being the closest competitor to your friends at Wal-Mart. You know. The one with the bulleye; I've spent the last 6 years of my career with them. Let me assure EVERYONE that any reputable, large retailer that has a security dept. takes stringent measures to ensure that incidents like this NEVER take place. First....a retailer would NEVER detain, arrest someone for "grazing" or consuming unpaid for food within their store or even after exiting the store. This is a CARDINAL RULE!! It opens the company up to severe and almost certain litigation. In fact, Wal-Mart (as well as most other retailers) have a policy in place where they won't detain a shoplifting subject for stealing ANYTHING under the amount of $25....I know that this is WM's policy! Also, so you really think that after spending well over $100 in other merch. that someone would actually be detained for consuming a few dollars worth of unpaid for food? What kind of business decision would that be? Look, I waste my time writing about this and going on about it forever but I just want to make a point by saying that YOU TODD, sir....are untruthful and I'm still trying to figure out exactly how YOU WERE RIPPED OFF?? It sounds to me like YOU were the one RIPPING OF SOMEONE! Moral of the story here is..... PAY FOR YOUR S*** BEFORE YOU CONSUME IT & DON'T EXIT A RETAIL STORE WITH UNPAID FOR MERCHANDISE! Obviously, your mother didn't teach you this during your Christian upbringing. Perhaps this will be a good educational experience for your children since you claim they were there for the incident.


North Carolina,

#99Consumer Comment

Tue, August 12, 2008

TO THAT PRECIOUS DISABLED MAN IN COLUMBIA SC AND HIS LITTLE FAMILY: If you read this, KEEP FIGHTING!! DON'T GIVE UP!!! I AM PRAYING FOR YOU!! Ignore that dude that called your report a hoax and poked fun of your disability. Anybody can check out your claim. The arrest records and the court proceedings are right there as a public record. Sort of seems that he might fit into the same category as that Loss Prevention Specialist and the Police Officer. Facts are one thing and distorted truths are quite another. ALLEGED PROVABLE FACT: You shopped, you ate, you paid - all in the receipts and court records! Also, according to your statements Miss LPS raided a trashcan and accused you of "eating" more than you paid for. If she did not keep control of the trash from your hands to the trashcan and into her evidence, and the trash doesn't have your fingerprints all over it, it could have been her that ATE THE STUFF and wanted you to pay. You didn't mention if she or the officer finger printed the trash to compare with your arrest prints. If your prints were on the trash and there were bar codes on it - and your prints matched - then you are guilty. If not, you are telling the truth. The main issue that is being missed is you are the one that stated you were disabled. We have no prove of that. Nor, is that in question. Although, my heart goes out to your pain and suffering, if that is indeed true. And, I can only imagine the additional pain these people have caused you and your family. According to your report, your statement is: The Walmart employees accused you of shoplifting food and not paying. You were detained, arrested and spent time in jail for a crime you APPARENTLY did not commit. ALL THESE FACTS ARE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ALL TO CHECK OUT FOR THEMSELVES. REBUTTAL TO THE DUDE - I don't think you know what you are talking about!! Maybe, I don't either, but, I know for a FACT that all I have to do is do an inquiry and get a copy of all the public records surrounding this man's arrest and criminal proceedings to dispute your statements. So, can everyone else that reads your STATEMENT OF FACT that you have claimed this to be a HOAX. I probably can't prove, or disprove this poor man's statement that he is DISABLED. And neither can you without access to his medical records, or you know him personally. Nor, do I need to. But, I DO KNOW FOR A FACT THAT I CAN PROVE WHETHER THIS IS A HOAX REPORT OR NOT. You cannot prove that IT IS A HOAX, as you have stated as being A FACT unless you are the one that wrote the initial report and there are no public records. HOW BOUT IT? ARE YOU THE MYSTERY "SIR TODDOKNIGHT" and you have been blowing smoke at us to just have something to occupy your time? If so, time to fess up!!! But, we both know that this is not the case and that all of us can easily prove or disprove this man's claim that this happened to him at that particular Walmart's and blow your little NASTY GRAM right out of the water!!! But, thanks anyway for giving me another opportunity to sound off in his behalf. I don't plan to get into a debate with you. So, I won't answer you back. So, say whatever you wish. The FACTS ARE IN THE COURT RECORDS ARE THEY ARE NOT. And, we can just as easily get a copy as not. I have said what I needed to say to support his faith and his claim that he was done wrong. For me personally, I believe him and I wish him the best. I pray that God will shower him with an abundance from heaven and give him the justice he deserves. Personally, I don't believe you! And, that is A FACT!!!


New Jersey,
His only 'disability' is trying to seperate reality from his fantasy world.

#100Consumer Comment

Tue, August 12, 2008

This report is a hoax.


New Jersey,
His only 'disability' is trying to seperate reality from his fantasy world.

#101Consumer Comment

Tue, August 12, 2008

This report is a hoax.


New Jersey,
His only 'disability' is trying to seperate reality from his fantasy world.

#102Consumer Comment

Tue, August 12, 2008

This report is a hoax.


New Jersey,
His only 'disability' is trying to seperate reality from his fantasy world.

#103Consumer Comment

Tue, August 12, 2008

This report is a hoax.


North Carolina,

#104Consumer Comment

Tue, August 12, 2008

REGARDING THE DISABLED MAN IN COLUMBIA SC: I would first of all like to thank him for speaking up and reporting his suffering and that of his little family at the hands of some of the employees from the Walmart Supercenter Store, (#1164 Shoplifting) 360 Harbison Blvd, Columbia, SC 29212, 479-273-4000 and a member of the Columbia Police Department. May God grant him victory, grace, and mercy in all that he does and may God's judgement fall on those who have done him wrong, to include any lawyers and judges involved. I hope that he will continue to speak out and help those who have likewise been done wrong. May his pain, suffering, and injustices of what happened to him give someone else the courage to keep on fighting until somebody listens and rights the wrongs that have been done. God will not be mocked and he will not let him down by withholding punishment to those who have knowingly wronged him and who have criticized his faith for standing up for what is right. Either the Bible is true, or it is all a lie. I chose to believe it is true. He has nothing to hide and nothing to loose. He could just as easily have paid his fine and kept this out of the courts and the media. But, he didn't. He chose to stand up for justice for himself and his little family. He stood up for the truth to clear his name, which has been smeared all over the court system. He is a credit and an honor of his parents, to their upbringing and to his heritage. He was not afraid to stand tall and true. Even, when, the additional pain and suffering has helped cause him to probably become more seriously ill. He still stood for what was right. Would I have had that kind of courage? Probably not. So, for those of you, who have brought in the HOA case and have criticized his faith and his displaying the Ten Commandments around his home, if you knew what you were talking about, then you would know the details and outcomes of that case. Do your research and get the real facts. Find out what is happening across the country with HOA. Check and see how many HOA cases have been won in his area. After reading your comments, I researched his case. His was the only one in that particular neighborhood who has actually won an HOA case. Look at the facts of how and why he won and what happened to those who tried to steal his little home. Look at the foreclosures caused by HOA and for other really trivial circumstances. If you know so much about this, as you claimed and have posted for all to see, then you should know the true and complete story. In my opinion, you don't know nearly as much as you have posted. Either that, are you are trying to disguise your true identity. Which is fine. Hide and "sneak" - but the truth will be known sooner or later and it will be time to pay the piped piper. God is just and he is true and faithful. Believe, or not believe, that is your choice. For me, I had rather believe and find out I am wrong, than to not believe and find out God really is "real" and I blew my one chance to stay out of hell. I have seen God's supernatural power. So, for me, there is no debate. I already know for myself. When you go after and attack one of his children, as this poor man has been attacked, you are placing yourself into a situation of divine and supernatural judgment and punishment. Read the Bible and see what happens throughout history in situations such as this. If Disabled in Columbia lied and he filed a hoax, then, the punishment will be on him. However, if he told the truth, and I believe he did, then, God will be the judge of who is right and who is wrong and punish the offenders. So, just remember my words and those of this disabled man. Follow this case as you watch this drama continue to unfold. It isn't about him, or me, but, every other Christian, who has stood up for what was right and decent in our country - a nation founded on Christian faith and belief. Most importantly, it is about our souls and where we are going to spend eternity. Where are you going to spend yours! I want to add that not all Walmart employees, or stores, are like this one that this poor victim encountered. However, the Walmart Company is ultimately responsible. And, we, as consumers and tax payers, are responsible if we look the other way. Most importantly, Walmarts was responsible when this happened and should have gotten to the bottom of this arrest of one of their faithful customers. Just like, the Columbia Police Department was responsible and should have taken action against the behavior of that Officer, as well as, against the Loss Prevention Specialist that obviously disregarded, or does not know the law. But, apparently, they DID NOT CARE and still DO NOT CARE!!! It is all about GREED and a disregard for the Laws of the Land!! To me, both of these employees are the criminals. They abused their power and the rights of a citizen to be protected under the laws of the land for this "bogus" arrest and denial for a fair and speedy trial. There was no acting in good faith. He was abused and wrongfully arrested based on insufficient evidence! WHY??? Both the Officer and this loss prevention woman ignored the Rules of Evidence. In my opinion, both of them need to be fired and fined! This poor man should never have been taken to jail and definitely shouldn't have had to go and be subjected to a court proceeding over a $10.00 salad. Especially, when he offered to pay for whatever she thought he owned just so he could get back to this little family. ALL IN THE COURT PROCEEDING!! (This has to be material for a wonderful book and movie!) He is commended to keep on seeking justice for the pain and suffering from their actions. In my opinion, nothing will take back his pain and embarrassment and that of his little family. The accusations should have been dropped and he should have been given a public apology and some kind of appropriate compensation by Walmarts. Also, for those dear readers who have so gallantly supported him in his claim against the wrong-doing by these employees, who were hired and sworn into office to protect us, I would like to support them and thank them for caring enough to get involved in discussing this case. Who knows, we might be the next ones and need this case to support our defense. If these facts or true as reported, and apparently they are based on the criminal court public records surrounding this case, there was no cash register in the back. Customers would have had to take the food to the front, pay, and then go back and consume the food in the back. Or, leave and go home. So, why the tables in the back? Or, lack of a cash register? Simple. Sounds like a "set-up" of the consumers to me. Customer Service just went out the door, as for as I am concerned. In reading all the postings surrounding this case, my conclusion would be: Why would someone "steal" an estimated $10.00 salad, or whatever, and then pay for over $200 in groceries? Or, prior to this, shop week after week and spend lots of money, and never be arrested if they were a true shoplifter? And most importantly, regarding this particular day, why not just leave the wife to continue shopping with the groceries, take the children to the restroom prior to going up front, and got rid of the bar codes by flushing them down the toilet? Or just, get rid of the bar codes and take the children to the car and wait for "Mama". Real simple, if you wanted to get away with not paying for a $10.00 salad, or whatever the amount was, just get rid of the evidence. You could even "eat" the evidence. That is how stupid this whole case is!!! If there were no "videos" or proof of his actions, and the criminal court proceedings says there wasn't any videos, then, it would have been his word against the Loss Prevention Lady. HELLO! Somebody's elevator just "ain't" on the top floor. This could have all been cleared up if the Loss Prevention Specialist had only used some "commonsense" and called the cashier and manager to the back, to witness the interview with this man. But, no, apparently, she just had to be sure that she had the "goods" and authority to throw her weight around against this poor disabled man, and embarrass him, his wife and small children. Not to count, this woman and her manager went to great lengths to make themselves look good and justified to their headquarters. "The Buck Stops" Here???? To, me this was a total disregard for this poor disabled man and is an abuse by the Walmarts employees and their authority. Now, apparently, the Walmarts Headquarters must be supporting the employees behavior because it seems nothing has been done about this situation, or to right this wrong by their employees. Unless, we hear from the disabled victim to the contrary. And, for some reason, he seems to be silent since he made us aware of his terrible treatment and ordeal. Can you imagine the damage that has been done to his little children in their image of the "big bad police officers" who hauled their daddy (and he apparently has been cleared and found innocent by a jury in a criminal court of law) off in disgrace to jail, all because he ate a salad and allegedly didn't pay for it They have to know these officers didn't care that they were little and were left with their crying mommy, not knowing what had happened to daddy, not to count the scary fact a severe storm was brewing over head. Mommy had to deal with her two babies and all those groceries and no one to tell her where her husband was at, or to help her. Hopefully, in their innocence, they have forgotten this, or were too young to really understand completely. Talk about trauma!! Shame!! Shame!! to all of you that have had a hand in adding to this man's suffering and to those that continue to add to his suffering. You need to get on your knees and ask for forgiveness, not only to God, but from him and his little family, and particularly, the one that made that slur against his precious wife, the mother of his little children. "Mail Order Bride" - what a hateful comment. You do not know her, nor do you know the circumstances surrounding their relationship. What kind of person, who obviously does not have their facts together, could bring themselves to be so cruel and nasty? I sure hope you got a good night's sleep after you wrote that one. So, I will be the strong one and say: "Disabled Man in Columbia, SC - please forgive this person and the rest of the cruelty that has been done to you and your family for they obviously do not know what they are doing or saying!" It is from the pits of hell itself - and don't you be discouraged. And, for the ones of you who claim this is a hoax and you can't find anything on this case, well, you just don't know where to look. The facts are there posted all over the court system and on the internet. God sure has a sense of humor to use the Internet to let his children know when they are not alone in their suffering and that for every child of darkness, there are at least ten children of light just waiting to offer their prayers and support. As a reminder, WE KNOW WHO THE WINNER IS in the end and the fate of those who do not believe and follow Satan. Yea, just so you get it straight, I am one of those Crazy God People too. Crazy about Him and love Him with all my heart and soul. And, I am not ashamed for you or anyone else to know it, including this poor man. So - Dear Disabled Man in Columbia SC - if you do happen to read this - know that you are not alone!!! We both know the power of prayer - and mine is right there in your corner straight to the throne room of the most high God that justice will be done for you and your family. It will not be over until God says it is over. Make no doubt about that. It doesn't really matter what I say or anyone else in these postings. There really is no debate in what I have written. I said what God led me to say and I have no further comments unless God leads me to respond. I offer my prayers to your attorneys, if you are still fighting this, and to you. May they find the right case law to help you get justice in this matter. You are over due that justice and compensation that others will see that you fought the good fight and you did not give up. My best to you and your little family that there will not be any lasting damage for what has been done to you and to them. Anonymous Virgina


Phenix City,
John doesn't like me cause I report the truth

#105Consumer Comment

Sun, August 10, 2008

John doesn't like me cause I report. He does not like bad businesses being reported to this site so he attacks the posters personally & insulting. John Is talking out of his a*s has usually. I've been threw the rip-off he hasn't I refuse to be his victim on this site I am tired of being the victim. He Is doing his best to try to ruin me. Its amazing how people like him try to ruin innocent people like me on this site. But I refuse to let him ruin me I don't have to let my life be ruin because of what he says about me, he Is the fraud john Is the liar. People like him get away with slandering people all the time. Just like how employers get away with lying john Is doing the same thing. I am not going to defend myself agaisnt him anymore I don't have to because I have not lied In any of my complaints. I am set free from this mess I will no longer be controlled buy It any longer. So john If I don't reply again to you comments I will not even read them any more, & I don't care what you post about me In other complaints.


Phenix City,
You make me laugh john

#106Consumer Comment

Sun, August 10, 2008

You make me laugh so hard I can't stop laughing. I have not lied In any of my complaints john, that Is just a ferry tale from you. And you are the one harassing me. It has seemed you have hijacked this complaint with your arguing. I don't care who believes me so get over It john your not worth any of my time. And yes I have dealt with bas businesses. Your nothing but a cyber bully. I have to warn new people on this site so they want be suckered into your web of lies & how you attack innocent people like you have treated me. I am sure people will get tired of your bickering over nothing you are a liar. I am tired of being bullied & lied about get over It john you are not controlling me life. I'll be waiting for your next lying rebuttal. I have been treated like this my whole life john and I am for sure not going to put up with this crap from you or anyone else. You remind me of the bad businesses I have dealt with over the years you act just like them.


For all the amatur sleuths

#107Consumer Suggestion

Sun, August 10, 2008

The crazy gentleman with the God complex has a name. It is Todd Whatley. He mentions it in the response where he talks about his illustrious geneology. I googled it, and it brought up a case where Todd is arguing with the HOA he resides in, about his homee (HUD financed home) in regards to unapproved design alterations..the most amusing is a lovely Ten Commandments plaque right in his yard. How absolutely lovely it must be to be a neighbor of Todd Whatley and his mail order bride. So any of you who have access to those websites you can look up the criminal/public records...do enlighten us when you do a search on Todd Whatley.


New Jersey,
Yup, time to expose more of your lies.

#108Consumer Comment

Sun, August 10, 2008

'Here we go again' --Yup, time to expose more of your lies. 'What gives people who don't know me the right to insult me, they are not In my shoes.' --I don;t know but I can certainly speak about the lies and fraud you have posted here. How can you afford shoes anyway with all the people you owe and no job? 'These people think they have no job worries so they think they can put down people who do have problems.' --Yes, this is exactly what you do, put down people/companies for no reason and you have no job. 'The truth Is the truth hurts them so they find everyway to insult me & call me a liar.' --No, the truth is what I have posted with PROOF. Something you have yet to do in one single post of yours. 'This Is why these bad businesses get away with how they treat people & employers.' --You haven't dealt with a bad business yet so you wouldn't know. 'Of course they are not going to believe me.' --No, why would anyone believe a PROVEN lying fraud? 'They don't believe anyone who files a complaint on this site.' --I believe plenty of intelligent people that post reports on this site as many are not lying frauds like yourself. When are you going to leave like you promised in your fraudulent schneider thread?. 'More lies from john' --Still can't think for yourself and have to steal. 'I don't care how many supporters support you & your lies.' POST PROOF. 'If you don't support bad business why are you doing your best to try to discredit me.' --I have posted the answer many, many times. You are a lying fraud. I have even posted proof just from this thread alone. You posted in another report that you were not going to answer me any more - not that you have actually answered any legitimate questions from anyone yet - and here you are, proving my contention that you are indeed a liar. 'Of course the poster who files complaints don't have any support.' --Sure the intelligent, correct one do. That just eliminates you. 'I have seen nobody support you or what you say has of yet you are just talking out of your a*s like you normally do.' Again, think for yourself and strop stealing my lines as well as my tax money. Here is the proof right here: Faron Houston, Texas U.S.A. Of course he wants a Democrat He and his loser momma are living off social security. He is a taker and not a giver to society. He's a typical leech. Stacey Dallas, Texas U.S.A. Charles the idiot You cannot spell, your posts blame everyone but God, you cannot spell, when you are asked a question or someone confronts you - you blame everyone who has done you 'wrong' - get a life, get a job (and that goes for your deadbeat mother too) and get off you pity pot good grief my kids have better sense than you Stacey the rich one (as you posted on my Safeco rebuttal) http://ripoffreport.com/reports/0/054/RipOff0054830.htm And then you tried to hide under another screen name. Laughable. 'Of course people are agaisnt the poster who filed the complaint agaisnt them.' --Why do you keep repeating yourself? It doesn't make you look any more important or make any of your crap any more right. 'Sorry john I can take a video camera with me everywhere I go If this Is the prove you are wanting all I can tell Is my experince I am not allowed to post the documents I have.' --How are you going to afford a video camera when you have no job and allegedly no money as you posted in the collection reports you crap in. But yet somehow claim to have money in the bank threads you try to ruin? 'Alot of posters can provide the proof on this site all we can do Is make a complaint & update our situatuin with new updates.' --This has nothing to do with other posters. It has to do with exposing YOUR fraud. 'Are you saying sense Its hard for us to provide the proof we shouldn't post our complaints get real.' --No, I say that you are a lying fraud and provide the proof as such. Something YOU can not do.It has nothing to do with anyone else so stop trying to drag more innocent people in to your fraudulent postings.


Phenix City,
More lies from john

#109Consumer Comment

Sat, August 09, 2008

I don't care how many supporters support you & your lies. If you don't support bad business why are you doing your best to try to discredit me. Of course the poster who files complaints don't have any support. I have seen nobody support you or what you say has of yet you are just talking out of your a*s like you normally do. Of course people are agaisnt the poster who filed the complaint agaisnt them. Sorry john I can take a video camera with me everywhere I go If this Is the prove you are wanting all I can tell Is my experince I am not allowed to post the documents I have. Alot of posters can provide the proof on this site all we can do Is make a complaint & update our situatuin with new updates. Are you saying sense Its hard for us to provide the proof we shouldn't post our complaints get real.


Phenix City,
Here we go again

#110Consumer Comment

Sat, August 09, 2008

What gives people who don't know me the right to insult me, they are not In my shoes. These people think they have no job worries so they think they can put down people who do have problems. The truth Is the truth hurts them so they find everyway to insult me & call me a liar. This Is why these bad businesses get away with how they treat people & employers. Of course they are not going to believe me. They don't believe anyone who files a complaint on this site.



#111Consumer Comment

Sat, August 09, 2008

Nothing from Sir Toddoknight. Perhaps he is getting a nice rest at the Happy Acres Rest Home for the Mentally Insane? Or doing some time for theft elsewhere? You must admit that he was quite entertaining at times. Watching his rants was a reminder of no matter how bad things get, at least you are saner than Todd. Unfortunately, I see our other resident professional victim is now hijacking this and trying to make it all about him. Unfortunately, Charles wouldn't know the truth if it came and took a bite out of his backside. I personally don't patronize Wallyworld for the plain and simple reason that I don't like their labor practices. That is my personal choice. I don't need to take up tons of Ed's bandwith to rant and rave about it.



#112Consumer Comment

Sat, August 09, 2008

that is awful! she atleast should have talked to the cashier about your items. she wanted to abuse her powers thinking she was doing something, i would not go back to that store ever again. but wal-mart has money so your fight will be long and hard. good luck to you i hope you win your case" the manager was in the wrong i have seen some many people open stuff and eat and drink when walking thru the store where i shop and never pay, they just put down the containers/boxes/cans/bottle. atleast your being honest and paying for your items. when your honest and try to do the right thing it back fires on you. as for the RUDE cop yelling at your wife he has no right to do this, as i would file a compalint with his department and maybe get the local paper in on it. i would expose wal-mart and that police department for being rude and misconduct!!! God Bless you.


New Jersey,
Keep em coming fraudster.

#113Consumer Comment

Sat, August 09, 2008

Yet more lies for attention The latest just from this thread: 'I don't care who believes me.' --Yeah you do. That's why you cry here on a daily basis posting meaningless, irrelevent drivel and cry when you are exposed for the fraud you are. 'Buy reporting my experince will help others.' --Posting your lies and fraud helps no one. It hasn't even helped you. It just gets you more exposed for the deadbeat you are. 'I guess the people who don't believe me don't like the truth so they result In what you are doing trying to discredit them.' --I see no problems with the real reports from the intelligent people. You don't happen to be one. You discredit yourself alone. You haven't even answered the questions asked of you because that would mean you have to admit you are a fraud. 'I don't care who dislikes me bad businesses do not like being reported to this site cause they can't victimize anymore people.' --That would be true of a legitimate bad business. However, your fraudulent reports do not expose any bad business. Just your lies and need for attention. Well, guess what, here's the attention you so desperately crave. 'You are the fraud john not me, I don't care anymore I will continue to report any bad experinces.' --I am not the one running around lying about people/companies. You are so post the proof. Yet another bullshit lie from you and one of your many fraudulent screen names. 'You can attack me all you feel like you are only hurting yourself. I have nothing futher to say to you.' --Posting FACT with EVIDENCE is not an attack. It is posting the truth with the evidence to back up the claim - something you can not do. I certainly have more supporters on this site than you so I really don't see how exposing your lies and fraud is hurting me. But it is helping many. And you will be back because you need the attention. When are you going to leave like you promised in your fraudulent schneider thread? Yet another lie. 'I am the victim' Yes, you are a professional 'victim'. 'I am the victim here.' --Why do you keep repeating the same things? It does not make you look any more important. ' But I refuse to be the victim any longer.' --This is a flat out lie as you were nevet one to begin with. 'Also john I am not harassing anyone you are the one who Is harassing me so tell me another one.' --No, you are harassing many people/companies just because you didn't get what you want. 'I have the right to comment here just like you.' --Yet you try and tell others to go away. When are you going to leave like you [promised in your fraudulent schneaider thread? I have asked this many times yet get no answer. 'I am tired of being the victim I am not afraid to speak out.' --So stop making believe you are one at every turn and in every complaint that isn't even remotely related to you. 'John might attack other people on this site but I do not have to put up with It.' POST THE PROOF JACKASS as I have asked many, many, many times already. You CAN'T so it is yet another lie. 'If people wanna believe what he says they are welcome to It.' --And they do and appreciate it. Frauds like you need to be exposed at every turn. 'I do not have to put up with his abuse or anyone else.' --You're right and should have gone away long ago when people told you to. Take the hint....no one believes you nor should they.


205 Cherry St Apt 9b,
Story doesnt fit!!!

#114UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 08, 2008

There is no way and I mean no way your story makes sense. I am a former walmart employee and I hate walmart but your story does not add up. First of all it is not illegal to eat while shopping as long as its not a weighable product and you pay before you leave the store which you said you did. They are not gonna waste their time arresting you on less than $10 you had to of had more than what you are saying or you did this alot. If you did hand the empty container to the cashier and she scanned it - it will be on the video, they must show the whole video to the judge or arresting officer. I worked customer service and CSM for 7 yrs I know for a fact that unless they are absolutly certain they will not stop you for shoplifting - it is too risky for them.


Phenix City,
I don't care who believes me

#115Consumer Comment

Thu, August 07, 2008

I don't care who believes me. Buy reporting my experince will help others. I guess the people who don't believe me don't like the truth so they result In what you are doing trying to discredit them. I don't care who dislikes me bad businesses do not like being reported to this site cause they can't victimize anymore people. You are the fraud john not me, I don't care anymore I will continue to report any bad experinces. You can attack me all you feel like you are only hurting yourself. I have nothing futher to say to you.


Phenix City,
I don't care who believes me

#116Consumer Comment

Thu, August 07, 2008

I don't care who believes me. Buy reporting my experince will help others. I guess the people who don't believe me don't like the truth so they result In what you are doing trying to discredit them. I don't care who dislikes me bad businesses do not like being reported to this site cause they can't victimize anymore people. You are the fraud john not me, I don't care anymore I will continue to report any bad experinces. You can attack me all you feel like you are only hurting yourself. I have nothing futher to say to you.


Phenix City,
I don't care who believes me

#117Consumer Comment

Thu, August 07, 2008

I don't care who believes me. Buy reporting my experince will help others. I guess the people who don't believe me don't like the truth so they result In what you are doing trying to discredit them. I don't care who dislikes me bad businesses do not like being reported to this site cause they can't victimize anymore people. You are the fraud john not me, I don't care anymore I will continue to report any bad experinces. You can attack me all you feel like you are only hurting yourself. I have nothing futher to say to you.


New Jersey,
Yet more lies for attention

#118Consumer Comment

Wed, August 06, 2008

'I am the victim' Yes, you are a professional 'victim'. 'I am the victim here.' --Why do you keep repeating the same things? It does not make you look any more important. ' But I refuse to be the victim any longer.' --This is a flat out lie as you were nevet one to begin with. 'Also john I am not harassing anyone you are the one who Is harassing me so tell me another one.' --No, you are harassing many people/companies just because you didn't get what you want. 'I have the right to comment here just like you.' --Yet you try and tell others to go away. When are you going to leave like you [promised in your fraudulent schneaider thread? I have asked this many times yet get no answer. 'I am tired of being the victim I am not afraid to speak out.' --So stop making believe you are one at every turn and in every complaint that isn't even remotely related to you. 'John might attack other people on this site but I do not have to put up with It.' POST THE PROOF JACKASS as I have asked many, many, many times already. You CAN'T so it is yet another lie. 'If people wanna believe what he says they are welcome to It.' --And they do and appreciate it. Frauds like you need to be exposed at every turn. 'I do not have to put up with his abuse or anyone else.' --You're right and should have gone away long ago when people told you to. Take the hint....no one believes you nor should they.


do a do what

#119UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, August 06, 2008

Hey Todd, Sounds like you have a personal mental issue to me. Like everyone else said, your facts do not add up. as for showing you types of what you have done in the past or during the situation; it is against the law to show types unless you have a search warrent. For someone who grew up in the law forcement areas...you sure seem kinda stupid. I can see that you eat while you show, many people do and you wont go to jail for it unless you did it alot and it was over alot of money. Good luck suing Wal-Mart cuz you sure do not have alot of people backing you up.


Policy about eating for food while shopping

#120UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, July 31, 2008

While I have done this MANY times and not had a problem it is called grazing and it is not always a good idea and NO Wal-Mart employee should have told you it was ok. You are consuming something you have not yet paid for. My best suggestion is to take the food to the express checkout and pay for it FIRST, then proceed to sit down and eat it. This will alleviate any further problems.


Phenix City,
I am the victim

#121Consumer Comment

Tue, July 29, 2008

I am the victim here. But I refuse to be the victim any longer. Also john I am not harassing anyone you are the one who Is harassing me so tell me another one. I have the right to comment here just like you. I am tired of being the victim I am not afraid to speak out. John might attack other people on this site but I do not have to put up with It. If people wanna believe what he says they are welcome to It. I do not have to put up with his abuse or anyone else.


Lynda, you get a 9, you did'nt point your toes

#122Consumer Comment

Sun, July 27, 2008

I just wasted 2 hours reading this junk, found it quite amusing. Toad, the only way you can get out of wallyworld without paying for your swamich is to........ ( DIE. )Try that next time.


New Jersey,
Get lost deadbeat.

#123Consumer Comment

Sun, July 27, 2008

'I bet you In another year people will still be posting to this complaint & throwing stones.' --Why are you harassing someone who has every right to post here? Isn't that what you cry on a daily basis when someone exposes your fraud? Donj;t like it, go away. In fact, you add nothing but bullshit here so go away anyways. Just because it is linger than one of your fraudulent reports thee is no need to get jealous. 'This Is the longest active thread on rip-off report there made be others.' --So what. What do you care? You just made it even longer jerkoff. 'I am sure buy this time next there they would be 100 new comments.' --Learn how to spell. 'Why can't people put this to an end this Is getting old its already old.' --I don't know....why can't you put an end to all your fraudulent postings and bumping you fraudulent reports as well as starting more fraudulent ones for no reason. Why is it you are the only one allowed to post and say they can post whatever and wherever they want but no one else can loser? 'I bet buy this time next year this post will still be active.' --So what. What do you care? It has nothing to do with you. 'It has gotten enough attention.' --Awwww are you all jealous because it takes away from the attention you so dearly crave deadbeat? You certainly are. 'The walmart In my area doesn't check my receipts after or look threw my bags.' --Because you actually need money to go into a store and purchase something. You admittedly have no money and no job. This statement, like all your statements are meaningless. 'But the walmart pharmacy has rude & hateful custormer service In my phenix city walmart.' --Just because you don't get what you want does not make them 'rude and hateful'. But, they probably read your bullshit on this site and don't want to deal with you and your fraud just as no one else does. 'Whenever I have a problem I just call the manager sometimes he waits to make sure the employees are doing what they are suppose to I think Its sad the employees have to act like this to have the manager watch them like little babies.' --You can;t even type words properly. I find it hard to believe you can even dial a phone - especially based on your fraudulent sprint report. A phone is not broken just because you don;t know how to dial it. 'Because they will not do there job or act decent he has to stay & make them do what they are suppose to. If they have to treat custormers like this they should be fired.' --Pretty bold statement from someone who has never had a job and steals from the general public. Just go away now as you promised in the fraudulent schneider thread.


Phenix City,
To nick

#124Consumer Comment

Sun, July 27, 2008

I bet you In another year people will still be posting to this complaint & throwing stones. This Is the longest active thread on rip-off report there made be others. I am sure buy this time next there they would be 100 new comments. Why can't people put this to an end this Is getting old its already old. I bet buy this time next year this post will still be active. It has gotten enough attention. The walmart In my area doesn't check my receipts after or look threw my bags. But the walmart pharmacy has rude & hateful custormer service In my phenix city walmart. Whenever I have a problem I just call the manager sometimes he waits to make sure the employees are doing what they are suppose to I think Its sad the employees have to act like this to have the manager watch them like little babies. Because they will not do there job or act decent he has to stay & make them do what they are suppose to. If they have to treat custormers like this they should be fired.


Todd? Denny? Ruth? Shari? Others?

#125Consumer Suggestion

Sun, July 27, 2008

I had to stop in and see how this was going. Anyone hear from Sir Toddoknight lately? I saw that some of my original posts were removed. Rats. I kind of feel partly responsible for the thread, but I couldn't help but point out obvious consistencies. And now some of my wisdom has disappeared for all time. And to the guy a few posts before mine - yes, eating at Dennys before you pay is illegal - that is - if you were doing what Todd was doing: attempting to leave without paying. Don't believe me? Ask a waiter. Show me a retail store where you can walk out and "agree" to pay later. Yeah. Didn't think so. Go to Target, put on some clothes and yell, "catch ya on the flip side" as you walk out and see what happens. That was rhetorical. Don't do that. It's illegal. And you know it. Stop trying to make excuses. So! I'm curious to know how many times the police station in Todd's hometown was called looking for an Officer G. Wise. :) Anyway, are any of the original debaters still on ROR? Check in if you are.


5100 Broadhead St.,
This thread about walmart is.......

#126Consumer Comment

Mon, July 21, 2008

Todd's $ amount may have changed! lol ahhh prices do go up ya know, and maybe he did spend a few thousand at one time that month. Maybe he bought a new Tv, furniture for the kids, pictures, candles,etc... He meant he spent anywhere from $300- $600 per month on average. Just pay for the deli food before you eat it! ahhh haaaa! I just think this whole thing got wayyyyyy out of hand with everyone pointing the fingers at the police, at Walmart, and at Todd! Then theres the peole who were complaining of propper spelling. I laughed at that one. It's a thread on ripoffs.com. Not a flippin' college report! -As what I said before, - All the Walmarts are dirty as heck! (my opinion) -Not all, but some of the workers really need to take a customer service class, and SMILE!!!! -Everyone has a right to their opinion. It doesn't make them bad. People are who they are. If people learn to just except everyone for "who they really are" and not who you want them to be, we would have so much more happiness and less wasted negative energy in this world! Who knows....Maybe after this thread Walmart will totally change their way, but personally I will not shop there, because I just love thw nice, clean, and friendly people at the chain department store i chose.


this is a load todd

#127Consumer Comment

Mon, July 21, 2008

i have AP associates at walmart who are really aggressive and nothing like this has ever happend. non of your facts add up. it sounds like you got caught and instead of taking the high road as a REAL CHRISTIAN would actually do, you are ranting and raving like a crazed mad man which only makes you look bad. I'm not saying wal mart is perfect but we pride ourselves on not making a huge scene, which you claim they did. you say you spent 500-600 a month there in your first posting, then the number just kept getting higher and higher as the b.s. continued. at one point you said you spent 20,000 a month. see when you spin a web of lies you get caught eventually in them. just stop while you have SOME dignity left.


5100 Broadhead St.,
I take it this is The End ?????

#128Consumer Comment

Sat, July 19, 2008

I JUST SIGNED UP FOR RIPOFF REPORT SITE TONIGHT Wow I just spent 5 hours reading this. It could have been pages less without bringing religious beliefs in this, but Todd is who he is, & noone can can who he is. Todd can't even change who he is, because he is who he is & that's that. As far as Walmart, I used to shop there all the time (about 5 yrs ago) when our family first started, and before my favorite store came to my area. Currently, I choose to shop elsewhere due to the fact that I find the New (8 months) Super Walmart here in Madison Wisconsin very dirty, and also feel that some, not all of the employee's are not very personable, or friendly, and the bathrooms always have the most discusting odor! Tip to maintinace employees... CLEAN THOSE BATHROOMS PLEEEEEASE! I have read a couple articles in the past about Walmart having children ages 4 & older do work in other countries for them for barely nothing. Also in the other countries, (not sure which one) Walmart will pay for these single mother's dirty, and crappy bug infested housing, to have the mothers and children work without much freedom. I should really try and find that article to see if it is true or false. Anyways, I have enjoyed this 1st and interesting day on this site. Wow i am exhausted after all of that. If anyone has any good threads that are in action, please let me know! Thank you


I'm Guilty as well....

#129Consumer Comment

Fri, July 18, 2008

Wow, after reading through the first years worth of responses, I ended up skimming towards the end. Yeah, I was bored. Anyways, I have no comment on whether Todd was guilty, without complete details from an investigation; I cannot guess how far the truth goes. Also, no comment on religion. What prompted me to reply, is a simple lack of common sense by so many people on here. Eating before paying. I'm guilty as well. Last week I ate at Denny's Restaurant. Ordered my food then proceeded to eat the food when it was delivered. Sadly, I waited until after my meal was done to pay. In my own defense, the waiter didn't even bring the bill to me until my meal was complete. I guess I do need to go to jail for my transgressions against society! I guess i'm also guilty, I pay my electric bill after I received it, for my previous months electric usage. Same with my internet and phone bills. Guess I need to start prepaying so I don't end up with life in prison! Come on people, use some common sense. How stupid can some of you be? Argue all you want on whether he paid, or didn't pay; whether he's lying or telling the truth. Personally, I have no comment on that. This is about whether you can pay after you've used something. Leave all the B.S. out of your whining about whether or not it's okay to eat before you pay. My Wal-Mart has a sit in deli with a few bench tables, at the very back of the store. Guess what? There isn't even a cashier station at the deli. If you wish to eat in store, as opposed to taking it home, you MUST PAY AFTER YOU EAT. THAT'S MY WAL-MART'S POLICY!. What, do you really expect customers to pick up food at the back of the store, walk to the front of the store, pay, then walk back to the back of the store again? Or maybe those tables and chairs, with the napkin holders and salt and pepper shakers are for "cosmetic" value only? Now, not all walmart's will have the same policy. One lady on here even said it was against their nation wide policy... Laughing at her childlike mentality to believe nationwide rules are actually enforced.... BUT. IF THE WAL-MART, AS STATED ORIGINALLY, GIVES THE OKAY TO EAT BEFORE YOU PAY....THEN BY ALL MEANS, YOU ARE ALLOWED TO EAT BEFORE YOU PAY. Otherwise, 90 percent of this country would be guilty, since most of us don't prepay our utilities, we don't pay in cash for vehicles, and since most of us have to take out a loan to purchase a home. Common sense...Why can't more people use it? Whenever we are given permission to use something before we pay, then we are allowed to use it before we pay. Doesn't matter whether that's a bank loan for a house, electric usage, water usage, satellite usage or anything else. The only exception, is when we ask; and we are told we must pay first. He was told he could eat before he pays. According to the original posting that started all this nonsense, he was told he could eat before he paid!


Saint Paul,
From the flip side...

#130Consumer Comment

Wed, July 09, 2008

Todd, I think you may just be a victim of happen-stance. I have worked in Loss Prevention/Security/Investigations for many years, and I have had this happen to me. This 'Debbie' woman made an error, or whomever was operating the cameras made an error. They stopped watching you for a few seconds, or didn't have a good enough angle to see you give the bar codes. At that point, they SHOULD have just let it go- I would have... here's the problem: if you have a new, or fairly new LP, they get themselves all worked up at the thought and opportunity of making a stop, and that's when things get missed. Yes, they should have looked at your receipt, yes they should have completed a receipt look-up to verify, yes they should have talked to the cashier. But, they didn't, and you wound up in the back room looking at a wall full of mug shots and "most wanted". Now, here's the thing- they may have a policy that they followed to the letter. I don't know, I've never worked for Wal-Mart. However, most LP policies will be the same; "If you don't see it from start to finish, you don't make the apprehension". As far as the police officer goes, maybe he just had gas that morning. It sounds like he was a jerk, but they can have some pretty awful days. It doesn't excuse yelling at your wife, but during stressful events, the memory can make things a little worse than they were. With you being taken to jail; it would all depend on the amount of money that food was worth, and what the city/county monetary minimum is for an arrestable offense. Maybe you had a "same name" incident with somebody else named Todd, who had a wrap sheet 3 miles long. What I can tell you, from experience, is that when people justify themselves by saying things like, " I would never do that, I'm a Christian", that usually doesn't make them look better- it makes you look worse. It's a defensive statement, and anybody who was completed an interrogation course will tell you the same thing. So, for future reference, if you ever get yourself tangled up like this again, don't say that! Nobody is trying to "take down a good Christian family man". Did you know any of them personally? If not, don't sound that trumpet because you'll be looked at as a lunatic. I would be more focused on the police mishandling than the store... you'll be lucky to get an apology out of the store. AC


Todd has to forgive

#131Consumer Comment

Sat, July 05, 2008

Todd has to forgive, has part for being a christian you have to forgive the past. Its hard to forgive those who have wronged you but god wants you to forgive so you can move on. Forgive your enemies & bless you enemies. You have to forgive those who have hurt you & have lied about you to forgive means for you to have peace so you can move on with your life. Bless those who curse you, agaisn has part for being a christian you have to forgive & let the past go. These people are casting stones in this complaint & they probally sin worse.


New Jersey,
'Why must people continue to post to this report'

#132Consumer Comment

Sat, July 05, 2008

>>I don't know....why did you? No one made you, you chose to come crap in it as you do everyone else's. This was sitting not replied to for 4 days yet you had to post your garbage in it. 'Why must people continue to post to this report, I mean I am getting tired of it.' >>Good, please go a way as everyone wants you to. Why are you lying again and posting under a fake name and address? How many bogus usernames do you have here to crap this site up? 'Who are these people to judge, like jesus said one who is without sin cast the first stone.' >>Yet here you are, judging the intelligent people. You are judging many, many companies that yo have absolutely no knowledge of yet bash daily. Just like Jesus, walk away. 'So unless you are with sin yourself you have no right to judge this person it.' >>So what is your excuse liar? ' It seems these people are casting stones & they probally sin themselves.' >>And what is your excuse liar? 'Please give it a rest.' >>Yes, do give us a break and just go away like you promised in the schneider thread. When's that going to happen by the way....or was that just another lie proven? 'This has gone on long enough & I am tired of reading all the bickering & fighting.' >>Just like all your retard fraudulent complaints yet you still post in those falsehoods after they've been sitting for months/years.


Why must people continue to post to this report

#133Consumer Comment

Fri, July 04, 2008

Why must people continue to post to this report, I mean I am getting tired of it. Who are these people to judge, like jesus said one who is without sin cast the first stone. So unless you are with sin yourself you have no right to judge this person it. It seems these people are casting stones & they probally sin themselves. Please give it a rest. This has gone on long enough & I am tired of reading all the bickering & fighting.


Assessment by a Mental Health Professional

#134Consumer Comment

Sat, June 28, 2008

Today I spent almost four hours reading this thread and found it fascinating. I work at a Utah mental health agency and have been treating people like Todd for years. At first, I thought he was just slightly dysfuntional, then the rants became more erratic and I thought he might be posting over the top replies just to get people going. By the time I had read the entire thread, I was impressed. In fact, impressed enough to save the thread as a PDF for group therapy assignments and clinical training. This post demonstrates disordered thinking, classic thinking errors, insight into conduct disordered thinking errors and deeply ingrained narcissistic thinking patterns. It also appears more bi-polar than schizoprenic. Even though there are grandiose religious overtones, I believe wearing his religion works for him and is more related to cultural environment and conduct disorder than a psychotic break from reality. You always have to be aware that things may not be as they seem, so Todd may be an exceptionally talented, therapy-wise, irritant. However, the overwhelming impression of his posts and several exceptional details indicate an individual with significant diagnosable mental health issues. Someone already mentioned bi-polar, which seems likely, coupled with inadequate medication management explaining the "preaching" and emotional inconsistency in his posts. He appears to be taking his medications irregularly. I particulary enjoyed how his story changed over time adding detail to rebut assumptions by critical posters. I also enjoyed the panic, as evidenced by his empty threats and attacks, in his two responses when he believed that a female poster had actual information about him from Walmart HQ. The lack of detail in his cries of victory are a dead giveaway that he lost the lawsuit but his narcissism kept him engaged in the postings. It is his conduct disorder, as evidenced by his obvious legal involvement long before his problems with Walmart (getting booked into jail for a petty theft just doesn't happen. I have heard that story many times and there is always an outstanding warrant involved) and his obvious lying as evidenced by looking at the conflicting and inconsistent facts he gives in his posts. The reason he stopped posting were the effective re-posts asking for his name and case number. He attempted to ignore them and keep "preaching" but these attacks were perfect in that they focused on the flawed persona he had created for us and in his mind. They were a constant reminder that he had lied, but more importantly, destroyed the "Honest Christian Victim" persona he had created in his postings for this online community. He realized that anyone could easily see that he was dishonest because he ignored these posted requests for his name and case number which exhibited the major flaw in his story. I have worked with clients like him who function within our social welfare system but are a severe drain on everyone around them. It is amazing how delusional they sound in their rationalizations so that they can always be right and they are always the victim. It is sad, really, because we don't really see effective change in adults like this. Their narcissistic personality disorder keeps them from having a realistic view of the world and so they redefine everything to fit their dysfunctional preconcieved notions of victimhood. If you are an armchair forensic investigator, mental health professional, law enforcement official or someone who wants to be any of these things this post will fascinate you.

JR Marlin

West Hollywood,
Interest tread

#135Consumer Comment

Tue, June 24, 2008

Well, I can say this, there are a lot of self-proclaimed christians out there... I know of one that bought a $190K house and $30K jeep on someone ELSE's social security number -- never paid a dime on either and had the car repossessed and the house foreclosed on... And all the while she told her daughter that "God takes of us...." when she would hang up for the night. Did I mention she also stole her husband's identity and ran up major debt for the family while she was out pimping herself out to purchase crack? And all the while telling folks about what a great Christian she was.... Christianity for a lot of people is a mere convenience of excuse. When dealing with businesses, they don't care if your a Christian or a King - if you perceive you as a thief, they will treat you as such. The best course is to pay for things BEFORE you consume them and then you have no problems.


New Jersey,
Legina - How do you find free public records?

#136Consumer Comment

Mon, March 31, 2008

Legina - everytime I've ever looked up "free public records", it always prompts that I have to pay for the results. May I ask where you found your info. pertaining to this post? I've been needing to do a little "sleuthing" of my own about a personal matter. Thanks, Susan P.S. - As for this entire thread - wow, how did this get so out of hand? Todd, I'm sorry, but if you're going to make such an accusation against a company, you need more proof than merely claiming to be a Christian. That's got nothing to do with the facts of the incident, whatsoever. You can get yourself into a great deal of trouble making false accusations, so for your sake, I hope you've got the acquired facts/information to back up your story. So far, none have been shown. Please stick to the facts.


Professional Ethics Professor

#137Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 11, 2008

Todd, Don't believe all of the hype these people are telling you. I am a professor at a University in Washington. I teach Business Ethics, and Emotional Intelligence. We have studied these same situations for the past three years and are currently in litigation with a Federal Supreme Court Judge to get a ruling on Wal-Mart, Safeway, Rubicon, Be-Low, and Pride Pantry, to only name a few. When the ruling comes in, these stores will be suffering major fines no lower than 150K per case. We have been assured of this much. We are only waiting on the final ruling on time allowance. In your case, it doesn't have anything to do with you being a Christian, it has everything to do with you being disabled. I am not sure of your visible disability, but if it is very visible this is the reason for your dilemma. Our study has shown that if, and when these types of cases go to court, that the person that accused you of the crime breaks down 9 out of 10 times and confesses that they have a prejudice against people with disabilities, and the case is awarded to you. If you have a really good attorney he will be able to get her to confess. I would love to be able to confer with you on this matter and please contact Rippoff dot com and they can forward any information to me. I will gladly speak with you about this matter. To the College student that wrote a rebuttal, I am ashamed of you son. Of all people you should know that everything isn't as it seems. You need to read between the lines, as do most of you folks. Todd, Good luck in your ventures, and may God Bless You. Dr. Jeff

God Smith

Yes, THE God

#138Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 06, 2008

Todd... Todd, my poor lost child. You're fired.


I know the solution, Todd, but you don't have to accept it and you're free to reject it.

#139Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 05, 2008

I'm sorry to hear what happened to you but I couldn't help but notice how you were the one responsible for setting off the domino effect in two significant aspects. 1) You took the chance of consuming merchandise within the store before purchasing the items first and then eat afterwards whereby everything could've been completely avoided in the first place by paying for the items first irregardless of how many other employees tell you it's okay to eat first and pay later. You were the one who made the decision to behave against the norm, or in other words, think about it, how many others at the time of the incident do you suspect were also eating merchandise in the store before paying for it compared to how many others in the store at the time of the incident made sure to pay for the items first before consuming said items? I do sympathize with you but I see it almost as the near-equivalent of you enjoy being into the habit of wanting to continuously wave your open palm over a candle flame until the day finally arrives when you happen to get burned and then you quickly want to blame the candle manufacturer. I'm sure you had no intentions of cheating Walmart but my understanding of human nature leads me to automatically suspect that something inside of you actually secretly enjoyed the act of eating merchandise before having paid for the items especially when it's safe to say that practically everyone else around you were not behaving in that fashion. It's as though you enjoyed the psychological sensation of sort of being naughty but at the same time not really being naughty because you fully intended to pay for all consumed items. And then 2ndly, you made the awful humongous mistake of immediately antagonizing Ms. Miller by calling her crazy when you knew full well she was most likely making an honest mistake of her own when instead you would've been so much better off by remaining courteous and polite at all times from the beginning to the end especially when you knew full well that she was most likely making an honest mistake of her own. I say "most likely" because I cannot say for certainty if the cashier and Ms. Miller were already working in cahoots together to routinely cheat Walmart by putting blame on innocent customers and then pocketing the money for themselves but the odds of it being like that in this situation sounds too remote to be a likely possibility and I consider it highly improbably such is the case. According to your recent statement it certainly sounds like you immediately insulted Ms. Miller despite knowing full well she was most likely making an honest mistake which in turn only further set off the unfortunate domino effect. If you made the honest mistake of accusing me of something I did not do, how would you feel if I politely pointed out your error in contrast to calling you crazy? I can't imagine you calling her crazy in the polite manner but rather I presume you called her crazy in a demeaning and insulting tone which in turn only fueled your problem to get even worse. My common sense tells me the police was called in not because of a misunderstanding but because of your own demeanor and attitude in the ill fashion you treated Ms. Miller who was apparently merely doing her job. In plain language, it sure sounds like me as though you got huffy about being accused for not paying for the items and that it was your huffiness that got you arrested. Please believe me that I do not mean to insult you at all, but you seem to believe that bragging that your happen to be a very superstitious person should somehow automatically make you above criminal suspicion, or in other words, I do not see it as being to your advantage to continuously claim that you happen to believe in superstition because it has nothing to do with your eating merchandise in the store before having paid for the merchandise, but rather it sounds more like you're trying to use the excuse to detour away from the real issue at hand which is eating merchandise in the store before paying for said merchandise when you knew full well that likely more than 99% of all other customers pay first and eat later. Imagine how it would sound to you if I had been in your similar situation and yet the more I complained about what happened to me I would also insist that I'm not a superstitious person who doesn't adopt any superstitious thinking? Your ploy of playing the superstition card will likely only work on others who may happen to share your superstitious belief as strongly as you do but otherwise to the rest of our world it only sounds like you're guilty of wrong-doing or else why would you continuously what to detour the subject by bringing superstitious belief systems into the picture when it has nothing to do with your behavior in the store nor has nothing to do with your initial treatment towards Ms. Miller for doing her job? More often than not, a customer who has been mistakenly accused of something will find cause to be polite in order to correct the situation whereas in great contrast it's quite often that a person who is guilty of such a crime will try to act huffy and/or try to detour the issue and change the subject. In summary, you can blame the store, Ms. Miller, Officer Wise, and the police department thirdly but you're still lacking in blaming yourself in the first and second place, 1) For going against the norm knowing full well things can go wrong whenever one goes against the norm, and 2) Your disrespect towards Ms. Miller for doing her job and by the time your wife had met face-to-face with Officer Wise you had already deliberately set the ugly domino in motion. Again I say I sympathize with you and I wish the incident had never happened to you but no one had put a gun to your head and forced you to eat items before paying for it, nor did anyone physically force you to insult Ms. Miller for doing her job, the decision was all yours to begin with in the first and second place. You're certainly not obligated to heed my any advice but my advice for you is to acknowledge who is most responsible for everything that went wrong and to start blaming the person who is most responsible for everything that went wrong and stop trying to either blame other people who are less responsible for everything that went wrong and stop trying to detour and change the subject by bringing superstition in the picture. All I'm trying to say, cousin, is if you really want to seriously resolve the mess you've created for yourself then simply get real about who's the real person to put the real blame on in the first place and then I've no doubt the truth will certainly set you free, Todd, but the truth and the solution you seek in not within our courts, not at the police station, and not at Walmart, for the truth you still need to face head-on is still well hidden within yourself, Todd. It's been close to 3 whole years since that unfortunate incident happened and yet just look at how it's still haunting you 3 years later? It saddens me to think that if you do not willingly change your mindset about this whole matter then this whole ugly situation will continue to haunt you and you'll still be stressing out and complaining about this very same issue in another 3 to 10 to 20 years from now. This is obviously draining you, Todd, and I just don't think you really need this kind of continuous on-going undue stress in your life but I acknowledge it's your life and you're free to do what you want to do and it's of your own free will, however, I honestly do wish you well, Todd, and please feel free to extend my best regards to your wife and kids as well, for something tells me they don't like seeing you stressing out over this anymore either. Now let me ask you just two more rhetorical questions before I shut up,...do you still feel confident and righteous today about eating merchandise in other stores other than Walmart just because you know you'll pay for it later and therefore entitled to have the automatic right to be huffy about it and that it should never be your fault if things should happen to go awry again and again and again? If you no longer happen to be in the habit of eating merchandise in stores before paying for it first then what's the rational difference between behaving like you do now-a-days compared to behaving that way in the 2005 incident, or in other words, could your rationale today perchance stand true and be just as applicable 3 years ago as it is today? If by remote chance it just so happens that even today you're still be in the same habit of eating merchandise before paying for it while you're still inside of other stores other than Walmart, then i-yi-yi, Todd, it's 50 years later and your grand-kids are sitting in jail screaming, "If mom, dad and grampa have a right to do it then so can we!!! Attica! Attica! Attica!" :-)


Police report

#140Consumer Comment

Fri, February 29, 2008

Wouldn't it be interesting if someone filed an open record reqest with the Columbia Police Department in order to obtain Officer Wise's official report from the events that unfolded on April 8th, 2005. This report should be available to anyone under open records laws. Just a few observations: 1. Officer Wise rent into a "rage" or did he take control of a situation that was getting out of control because your wife was hindering his investigation by telling your wife so shut up or get cuffed up? 2. You were taken to jail for retail theft. Your complaint indicates that "My rights were never said" The Miranda Warning (or rights as they are commonly called) are applicable when two criteria are present. Custody and Interrogation. You need not be given your Miranda Warning if the officer is interviewing you when you have not been yet arrested. If however, you have been arrested, AND the officer interrogates you, he/she must offer the Miranda Warning and if the officer fails to give that warning, anything you tell the officer is not allowed as evidence in court. 3. Be careful touting your Christian status in conjunction with referring to Ms. Debbie Milller as "crazy." I'm not saying Christians don't make mistakes but I am letting you know that when you preface your entire artical with "I'm a devout Christian," you open the door to VERY INTENSE scrutiny. 4. Haveing worked in loss prevention for a large retailer very similar to Walmart, I can say with conviction, this story is riddled with unaswered questions.


Rhode Island,
Back to the basics

#141Consumer Comment

Fri, February 29, 2008

I myself am an upstanding citizen, have never been arrested, never had back taxes blah blah blah. Not saying that thats anything to hold onto, but just so you would know. I am a full time college student, about a year away from getting my Bachelors degree. I hear stories about scams and a--holes all the time, and all people want to do is get an apology or a little bit of money. If that was me it would be a whole different story. You say you are a Christian man, I myself used to be so I know the religion, so how about an eye for an eye. I would find this "manager/boss" in the street one day and handle this mano y mano. Hit em with a couple solid shots, then pull the Bronx Tale Sunny move, pick him up and say "look at me, remember my face, I did this to you". People do not stand up for themselves anymore and fighting is so looked down upon. Just look at the history of the world, from the earliest civilized people all the way up to the wild west in the 1800's. Religious people from all religions have fought to get what they want or to protect themselves. They would also come to clashes if someone was trying to wrongfully accuse/mess with them. I just dont think people have it in them anymore, or they are scared. But I know 1 thing, if this was me, that "boss" would have got a good old fashioned butt whippin! I would have taken the 30 days in jail or whatever it would end up costing me. 1 word of advice though if anyone is to take this course of action, never use any kind of weapon. Fight someone like a man, it takes a lot more courage.


I have seen and heard of this happening many times this took on a life of it's own because of the Police Dept.

#142Consumer Comment

Tue, February 19, 2008

I have seen this and heard this story a lot. Different Players same story. It took on a life of it's own because of the Police Depts actions that followed including but not limited to the false information they relayed to you upon booking you in (ie. all your supposed prior's). Regardless if people believe it or not . . . You are guilty these days and it is up to you to prove you are innocent (if you can afford to retain counsel). Those who don't believe that hopefully never find yourself in this mans position. Your freedom is easily taken away and then maybe restored in the end with little to no compensation or justice for the wrong done to you. There but for the grace of God could go anyone. You will take a plea down because the legal expenses will get to high, and appearing over and over again will take it's mental toll and you will just want to end this nightmare. Most do. Know this . . . We are in a fallen world and what the enemy has meant for evil God will use for His Glory. I know it is hard as I have seen many others suffer more emotionally than anything else but all you need is faith the size of a mustard seed!


I have seen and heard of this happening many times this took on a life of it's own because of the Police Dept.

#143Consumer Comment

Tue, February 19, 2008

I have seen this and heard this story a lot. Different Players same story. It took on a life of it's own because of the Police Depts actions that followed including but not limited to the false information they relayed to you upon booking you in (ie. all your supposed prior's). Regardless if people believe it or not . . . You are guilty these days and it is up to you to prove you are innocent (if you can afford to retain counsel). Those who don't believe that hopefully never find yourself in this mans position. Your freedom is easily taken away and then maybe restored in the end with little to no compensation or justice for the wrong done to you. There but for the grace of God could go anyone. You will take a plea down because the legal expenses will get to high, and appearing over and over again will take it's mental toll and you will just want to end this nightmare. Most do. Know this . . . We are in a fallen world and what the enemy has meant for evil God will use for His Glory. I know it is hard as I have seen many others suffer more emotionally than anything else but all you need is faith the size of a mustard seed!


I have seen and heard of this happening many times this took on a life of it's own because of the Police Dept.

#144Consumer Comment

Tue, February 19, 2008

I have seen this and heard this story a lot. Different Players same story. It took on a life of it's own because of the Police Depts actions that followed including but not limited to the false information they relayed to you upon booking you in (ie. all your supposed prior's). Regardless if people believe it or not . . . You are guilty these days and it is up to you to prove you are innocent (if you can afford to retain counsel). Those who don't believe that hopefully never find yourself in this mans position. Your freedom is easily taken away and then maybe restored in the end with little to no compensation or justice for the wrong done to you. There but for the grace of God could go anyone. You will take a plea down because the legal expenses will get to high, and appearing over and over again will take it's mental toll and you will just want to end this nightmare. Most do. Know this . . . We are in a fallen world and what the enemy has meant for evil God will use for His Glory. I know it is hard as I have seen many others suffer more emotionally than anything else but all you need is faith the size of a mustard seed!


I have seen and heard of this happening many times this took on a life of it's own because of the Police Dept.

#145Consumer Comment

Tue, February 19, 2008

I have seen this and heard this story a lot. Different Players same story. It took on a life of it's own because of the Police Depts actions that followed including but not limited to the false information they relayed to you upon booking you in (ie. all your supposed prior's). Regardless if people believe it or not . . . You are guilty these days and it is up to you to prove you are innocent (if you can afford to retain counsel). Those who don't believe that hopefully never find yourself in this mans position. Your freedom is easily taken away and then maybe restored in the end with little to no compensation or justice for the wrong done to you. There but for the grace of God could go anyone. You will take a plea down because the legal expenses will get to high, and appearing over and over again will take it's mental toll and you will just want to end this nightmare. Most do. Know this . . . We are in a fallen world and what the enemy has meant for evil God will use for His Glory. I know it is hard as I have seen many others suffer more emotionally than anything else but all you need is faith the size of a mustard seed!


Eating while shopping?

#146Consumer Comment

Tue, February 19, 2008

My suggestion to you and your family is to eat BEFORE you go shopping. Why do you feel it necessary to eat in a store? Some Wal-marts have cafes or resturants in them that you can eat in OR go home after shopping and eat.


Is Todd now posting as Deborah?

#147Consumer Comment

Mon, February 18, 2008

"After two years of research, I have found this case to be true." Still no docket number, county, presiding judge, etc. I wasted 4 hours yesterday reading this thread, and googling everything I could think of to find any corroboration for Todd's account. Nothing. This kind of story, if true, would have hit the newspapers and probably TV at some point. But nothing about some poor sap getting wrongfully arrested as a result of anything involving Wal-Mart anywhere in the world. Virtually ALL successful lawsuits against Wal-Mart have been about slipping and falling. One shoplifter died as a result of being restrained by Wal-Mart employees many months after the "Todd" incident. If the "Todd" story were true, it would be an easy win in civil court for him. Wal-Mart is profit driven and would settle to avoid the bad publicity -- if it were remotely true. "Todd" the Christian is simply a liar, and a very poor representative of his purported faith.

Lee Ving

San Fransciso,
Thanx for that report Enormis

#148Consumer Comment

Sat, February 16, 2008

None of this surprises me. WalMart bases there entire existence on providing the lowest price, but AT ANY COST to taxpayers. That includes there misuse of local and state police for their benefit to reduce their own LP costs. Also keep in mind, the government provides most of the health insurance for their workers. So you who think you are getting, LOW, LOW, prices, are just paying MORE and MORE taxes for WalMart to operate their stores. So to all you numbskulls who just don't get it, WalMart uses YOUR tax dollars to operate their stores.


Police and Wal Mart

#149Consumer Comment

Sat, February 16, 2008

I have several friends in law enforcement. If you mention Wal Mart they really tend to role their eyes. Police around Erie, PA call it "Nuisance MArt". It seems Wal Mart tends to call the Police at "the drop of a hat". (Maybe its just easier for Wal Mart to let the police sort it out). Why couldn't the Wal Mart Manager Just Say, "You are a good customer let's just have you pay for these items, mistakes happen" They could have just shook hands, and kept a customer. I know that in Harborcreek, PA The State Troopers say that they get 1 call a week on average, from ONE location. They have also said Wal MArt could have easily handled 50% of these situations. The police it seems are already in a bad mood before going to Wal MArt Becasue they are so sick of getting called there. One of my PA state Trooper friends has had "words" with certain Wal Mart Managers, that "he has more important things to do." It's sad that the police feel they need to park their police car in a Wal Mart Parking lot because they know that Wal Mart will be reqesting a police presence in any second. Does Wal Mart really care? Really?


This shows you chose the wrong religion!

#150Consumer Comment

Wed, February 13, 2008

Heard of "monotheism?" It means belief in ONE G-d. "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our G-d, the Lord is ONE!" These are the words Moses spoke to the children of Israel in his farewell address to the Jewish people. There is NO father, son, holy ghost thing here, there is only one true faith, and the fact that you have relied so heavily on your Christian beliefs all to no avail proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have placed your faith in the wrong place. Throughout the 20th century, Jews, more so than any other minority, ethnic or cultural group, have been recipients of the Nobel Prize -- perhaps the most distinguished award for human endeavor in the six fields for which it is given. Remarkably, Jews constitute almost one-fifth of all Nobel laureates. This, in a world in which Jews number just a one twenty-fourth of one percent of the population. Some say this is because of education. It is ironic that this international recognition has rewarded Jewish accomplishment in the same century that witnessed pogroms, the Holocaust, and wars that killed millions for no other reason than that they were Jewish. While education has certainly played no small role in the success of jewish intellectual achievement, is it poossible that the Jews really ARE the chosen people? The fact that Todd has continued to believe in Jesus Christ as his savior despite the fact that he has been so severely let down by his Christianity rather reminds me of Einstein's definition of insanity: "When you keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results."


West Virginia,
To Tim...

#151UPDATE Employee

Tue, February 12, 2008

Quota??? How can a manager give an AP/LP Associate a Quota on how many apprehensions they HAVE to make??? I'm sorry, but I think your manager would be smarter than that, because that stat is a huge lawsuit waiting to happen!!! There's no way to meet that quota unless there are actually that many people stealing from that store... My intention on posting this is not to call you a liar, but rather to find out further detail... I really don't see it being viable...


Federal Way,
Thank you for showing Wal Marts aggressive tactics

#152Consumer Comment

Sat, February 02, 2008

My daughter worked for Wal-Mart for a few years and told me that store managers gave Wal-Mart Security people a quota they had to meet or they would be fired. Perhaps you were a victim of that policy. To be placed into custody in another county can also be done when the county that arrested you contracted with another county for keeping inmates into custody. Here in Seattle inmates get transferred over to Yakima which is about 150 miles East of Seattle. It's another one of Wal-Marts aggressive policies that they use to intimadate their employees for keeping their jobs. I hope you get a lawyer to bring this issue into your case. I hope that once you get cleared of the shoplifing charge that you sue Wal-Mart and get compensated for it. I hope you don't shop there again. Another one of Wal-Marts stupid employment policies and any manager as far as I'm concerned who tollerates it ought find another line of work. I hope Wal-Mart learns a lesson from this but with thier track record on these matters, that likely won't happen.


West Virginia,
I'm sorry to say, but

#153UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 30, 2008

TODD is clearly guilty as SIN! Whether you're gonna say it or not, I guess you can say I don't have a classified "life" outside of my work, but I've been reading this for 4 and a half hours. As a CSM for 5 years running, I must say that (if Todd really did get the money from the case) it was wrongful and Wal-Mart needs to be appealing to higher courts to get that money back. While it is true that the deli's that do not have a sitting area (Open-Air Deli's) allow you to take your food with you, this "Todd" guy clearly admitted that he was in a sit-in, which does in fact have a policy that you must pay for your merchandise in the Deli. By NOT doing this, he is clearly liable for what damage was done, and I cannot sympathise ONE BIT! And if you think about it from the Christian standpoint, doesn't he want us to follow the policy of the Earth as we follow the Bible? Back to an earlier part of the post, I believe the original case where he was found innocent was a hoax to get Denny off of his back, and make it appear as if he was indeed, invincible. The truth is, if this were God's doing, that he would have lost. Why? Because God loves us enough to show that you don't need approval from the world to belong to him. Out of truth, I'm also a Christian. But when you work for a retailer, you have to learn to respect everyone, and face consequences for your actions. A "Devout" Christian would accept the whole happening as a lesson from God and say "Thank you for teaching me a lesson, I will not do this again, and I will not let anyone get to me about it." So although Denny put it heavily, he is 100% right in saying that you probably stole the food, but our question to you is: ...Did you learn anything?


Phenix City,
It was easy for walmart to win

#154Consumer Comment

Sun, January 27, 2008

It was easy for walmart to win. This Is the same state where that crooked district attorney falsely accused those college kid's of that horrible crime but later where found not guilty. It, seem's In South Carolina people like to fasely accuse people of crime's & get away with it, walmart In South Carolina Is doing It. I, haven't posted to this report In a while It's amazing 2 year's later people are still replying to this report. Hell, why should walmart care for there custormer's they do not even treat there own employee's right not paying them like they should, well that Is one case that the court's did not rule In walmart's favor.



#155Consumer Comment

Sun, January 27, 2008

Even though I haven't been in a similar situation, I can say this: If this really is true, then I do feel sorry for you. 'Nuff said.


South Carolina,
Pay first

#156UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, January 19, 2008

I am an ex-employee with Walmart and I used to see cases like this all the time and it really bothered me then and now. We teach our kids not to take anything that does not belong to us, but yet adults do the opposite. I have always felt that anything in the store is not mine until I purchase it, which means, you should not consume or use anything until you have paid for it. IT IS NOT YOURS, UNTIL YOU PAY FOR IT!! You are stealing. Also, as a Christian, we have rules to go by as well..."Thou shalt not steal"..We all have rules to go by and some things are common sense. I feel this is one of those things. You don't get gas from a gas station, pull off and ride all the gas out, then come back and pay. You don't even go to a restaurant, eat that morning and come back later on that day and pay. Now, I'm not questioning Todd's integrity because there are many people(diabetes for example) who have circumstances where they have to eat for health reasons, but then those people have gotten store associates to assist them. This was not the case here, it seems. You have to realize that although your intentions were good, not everyone's are, and sometimes the good have to suffer with the bad. I don't agree with how the situation was handled at all, but I do think you could have avoided the whole thing if you had paid for your items first and then ate.


Walmart employee did wrong

#157UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 11, 2008

I was an employee with Walmart Supercenter, and we were trained that the customer is always right. Before arresting the gentleman they should have spoken with the cashier and looked at the receipts as well as the video tapes.


Walmart employee did wrong

#158UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 11, 2008

I was an employee with Walmart Supercenter, and we were trained that the customer is always right. Before arresting the gentleman they should have spoken with the cashier and looked at the receipts as well as the video tapes.


Walmart employee did wrong

#159UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 11, 2008

I was an employee with Walmart Supercenter, and we were trained that the customer is always right. Before arresting the gentleman they should have spoken with the cashier and looked at the receipts as well as the video tapes.


Walmart employee did wrong

#160UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 11, 2008

I was an employee with Walmart Supercenter, and we were trained that the customer is always right. Before arresting the gentleman they should have spoken with the cashier and looked at the receipts as well as the video tapes.


My experiece at wal-mart and comments on other commentators

#161Consumer Comment

Thu, January 10, 2008

this is no longer a thread it is a fricking rope... i want to thank all you ##@#$$ people out there that kept responding to this thread 1.5 years after todd stopped responding and most of you that responded with total drivel while he was still responding. thx to u my comments will probably not be filed as R-R has changed there rebuttal policy and i am willing to bet that is all becuz of this thread ...er i mean rope. hopefully this will get published as i want to wake people up and make them think for them selves. i am neither pro nor con wal-mart but i did start out to be pro several years back when i was dirt poor wal-mart was all i could afford. their price matching policy saved me tons of money not only in food cost but gas cost to cuz i dint have to drive (mostly bus tho so time was saved in this instance) around to every store for ad sale items . and as a matter of fact in the area i shopped i was responsible for a change in how that policy was implemented (if wal-mart sold item by each and the ad was by the pound they would not match it so i went to the regional manager and discussed it with him and they change that policy in the customers favor however over the years it has change back . they claim cuz their cashiers where always doing it wrong . that is pretty lame excuse cuz they could have modified their computers to do it or simply change the way everyone else in the biz was selling stuff . they must like being mavericks or maybe they are just trying to get out of honoring the price matching policy like they shafted me and their correct pricing guarantee) . i was so thankful to wal-mart (ok now dont roll ur eyes yet) for their price matching policy that i decided that when i was on my feet financially i would make my major purchases there. and eventually did buy a vid cam . hmmm that was a mistake ... after i had the camera for about 2 months the rechargable battery went bad so i decided to take the camera back to wal-mart for a refund. to my chagrin they refused saying their policy is refunds on vid cams was only within the first 15 days. I checked my receipt to see if it was on there cuz most big companies i deal with have their return policy right on the reciept but it was not on the receipt. I went to department i bought it from and searched hi and low for a posting of this policy and it was no where to be found. IT was posted only at the return desk. Now it seems to me that only a person who intentionally planned to buy and use then return a product would go to the return desk and check out their return policy. one or two of the earlier post mention walmart low quality and that you could get better quality elsewhere at a modest increase in price. amen to that ...i bot a pair of sandles there and was doing some excercise and they came apart on me . i thot it was my fault so i bot another pair and about 2 weeks after i bot them and they also came apart and i was careful not to do anything that might be considered excessive while wearing them. my roomate bought a tarp from target when i ask him why from target he said that wal-mart was not as big or good and was substantially less money. as for their policy on eating food before u pay ... almost everything time i go in there for major grocery shopping i buy wing or corn dogs or chimichanga (man are the good or what.) i consume them before i pay for them, but i do pay for them. becuz they are 1. cheaper than going elsewhere and eating b4 u getting to wal-mart 2. they assuage my hunger and prevent me from splurge buying. if it were against there policy they would have a cash register there at the deli... Fry's does and posts plainly that food must be paid for b4 cosumed ... Albertsons does . shop lift is wrong and store do persue it to discourage contrary to stupid claims in early post. most shop lifting is for smaller easier to conceal items and some stores will call the police for a 2 dollar item please dont ask how i know. so in conclusion i am moving toward being anti WM . My mission in life is to not just get even with WM but cost them money for the vid cam thing ... so now 90% percent of the money i spend there is on price matched items that i know WM will lose money on :) like last night i bot roma tomatoes their price was 2.87/lb but they had to price match 49c/lb. MY whole point is use ur head dont buy at wal-mart if its an item u cant compare some where else. there is so much more i wanted to say but since i dont know if it will get post i cant afford to potentially waste time ... could not really afford the time it took to write what i did. well i can this i prolly wont post here any more cuz i cant copy and save my material


My experiece at wal-mart and comments on other commentators

#162Consumer Comment

Thu, January 10, 2008

this is no longer a thread it is a fricking rope... i want to thank all you ##@#$$ people out there that kept responding to this thread 1.5 years after todd stopped responding and most of you that responded with total drivel while he was still responding. thx to u my comments will probably not be filed as R-R has changed there rebuttal policy and i am willing to bet that is all becuz of this thread ...er i mean rope. hopefully this will get published as i want to wake people up and make them think for them selves. i am neither pro nor con wal-mart but i did start out to be pro several years back when i was dirt poor wal-mart was all i could afford. their price matching policy saved me tons of money not only in food cost but gas cost to cuz i dint have to drive (mostly bus tho so time was saved in this instance) around to every store for ad sale items . and as a matter of fact in the area i shopped i was responsible for a change in how that policy was implemented (if wal-mart sold item by each and the ad was by the pound they would not match it so i went to the regional manager and discussed it with him and they change that policy in the customers favor however over the years it has change back . they claim cuz their cashiers where always doing it wrong . that is pretty lame excuse cuz they could have modified their computers to do it or simply change the way everyone else in the biz was selling stuff . they must like being mavericks or maybe they are just trying to get out of honoring the price matching policy like they shafted me and their correct pricing guarantee) . i was so thankful to wal-mart (ok now dont roll ur eyes yet) for their price matching policy that i decided that when i was on my feet financially i would make my major purchases there. and eventually did buy a vid cam . hmmm that was a mistake ... after i had the camera for about 2 months the rechargable battery went bad so i decided to take the camera back to wal-mart for a refund. to my chagrin they refused saying their policy is refunds on vid cams was only within the first 15 days. I checked my receipt to see if it was on there cuz most big companies i deal with have their return policy right on the reciept but it was not on the receipt. I went to department i bought it from and searched hi and low for a posting of this policy and it was no where to be found. IT was posted only at the return desk. Now it seems to me that only a person who intentionally planned to buy and use then return a product would go to the return desk and check out their return policy. one or two of the earlier post mention walmart low quality and that you could get better quality elsewhere at a modest increase in price. amen to that ...i bot a pair of sandles there and was doing some excercise and they came apart on me . i thot it was my fault so i bot another pair and about 2 weeks after i bot them and they also came apart and i was careful not to do anything that might be considered excessive while wearing them. my roomate bought a tarp from target when i ask him why from target he said that wal-mart was not as big or good and was substantially less money. as for their policy on eating food before u pay ... almost everything time i go in there for major grocery shopping i buy wing or corn dogs or chimichanga (man are the good or what.) i consume them before i pay for them, but i do pay for them. becuz they are 1. cheaper than going elsewhere and eating b4 u getting to wal-mart 2. they assuage my hunger and prevent me from splurge buying. if it were against there policy they would have a cash register there at the deli... Fry's does and posts plainly that food must be paid for b4 cosumed ... Albertsons does . shop lift is wrong and store do persue it to discourage contrary to stupid claims in early post. most shop lifting is for smaller easier to conceal items and some stores will call the police for a 2 dollar item please dont ask how i know. so in conclusion i am moving toward being anti WM . My mission in life is to not just get even with WM but cost them money for the vid cam thing ... so now 90% percent of the money i spend there is on price matched items that i know WM will lose money on :) like last night i bot roma tomatoes their price was 2.87/lb but they had to price match 49c/lb. MY whole point is use ur head dont buy at wal-mart if its an item u cant compare some where else. there is so much more i wanted to say but since i dont know if it will get post i cant afford to potentially waste time ... could not really afford the time it took to write what i did. well i can this i prolly wont post here any more cuz i cant copy and save my material


My experiece at wal-mart and comments on other commentators

#163Consumer Comment

Thu, January 10, 2008

this is no longer a thread it is a fricking rope... i want to thank all you ##@#$$ people out there that kept responding to this thread 1.5 years after todd stopped responding and most of you that responded with total drivel while he was still responding. thx to u my comments will probably not be filed as R-R has changed there rebuttal policy and i am willing to bet that is all becuz of this thread ...er i mean rope. hopefully this will get published as i want to wake people up and make them think for them selves. i am neither pro nor con wal-mart but i did start out to be pro several years back when i was dirt poor wal-mart was all i could afford. their price matching policy saved me tons of money not only in food cost but gas cost to cuz i dint have to drive (mostly bus tho so time was saved in this instance) around to every store for ad sale items . and as a matter of fact in the area i shopped i was responsible for a change in how that policy was implemented (if wal-mart sold item by each and the ad was by the pound they would not match it so i went to the regional manager and discussed it with him and they change that policy in the customers favor however over the years it has change back . they claim cuz their cashiers where always doing it wrong . that is pretty lame excuse cuz they could have modified their computers to do it or simply change the way everyone else in the biz was selling stuff . they must like being mavericks or maybe they are just trying to get out of honoring the price matching policy like they shafted me and their correct pricing guarantee) . i was so thankful to wal-mart (ok now dont roll ur eyes yet) for their price matching policy that i decided that when i was on my feet financially i would make my major purchases there. and eventually did buy a vid cam . hmmm that was a mistake ... after i had the camera for about 2 months the rechargable battery went bad so i decided to take the camera back to wal-mart for a refund. to my chagrin they refused saying their policy is refunds on vid cams was only within the first 15 days. I checked my receipt to see if it was on there cuz most big companies i deal with have their return policy right on the reciept but it was not on the receipt. I went to department i bought it from and searched hi and low for a posting of this policy and it was no where to be found. IT was posted only at the return desk. Now it seems to me that only a person who intentionally planned to buy and use then return a product would go to the return desk and check out their return policy. one or two of the earlier post mention walmart low quality and that you could get better quality elsewhere at a modest increase in price. amen to that ...i bot a pair of sandles there and was doing some excercise and they came apart on me . i thot it was my fault so i bot another pair and about 2 weeks after i bot them and they also came apart and i was careful not to do anything that might be considered excessive while wearing them. my roomate bought a tarp from target when i ask him why from target he said that wal-mart was not as big or good and was substantially less money. as for their policy on eating food before u pay ... almost everything time i go in there for major grocery shopping i buy wing or corn dogs or chimichanga (man are the good or what.) i consume them before i pay for them, but i do pay for them. becuz they are 1. cheaper than going elsewhere and eating b4 u getting to wal-mart 2. they assuage my hunger and prevent me from splurge buying. if it were against there policy they would have a cash register there at the deli... Fry's does and posts plainly that food must be paid for b4 cosumed ... Albertsons does . shop lift is wrong and store do persue it to discourage contrary to stupid claims in early post. most shop lifting is for smaller easier to conceal items and some stores will call the police for a 2 dollar item please dont ask how i know. so in conclusion i am moving toward being anti WM . My mission in life is to not just get even with WM but cost them money for the vid cam thing ... so now 90% percent of the money i spend there is on price matched items that i know WM will lose money on :) like last night i bot roma tomatoes their price was 2.87/lb but they had to price match 49c/lb. MY whole point is use ur head dont buy at wal-mart if its an item u cant compare some where else. there is so much more i wanted to say but since i dont know if it will get post i cant afford to potentially waste time ... could not really afford the time it took to write what i did. well i can this i prolly wont post here any more cuz i cant copy and save my material


My experiece at wal-mart and comments on other commentators

#164Consumer Comment

Thu, January 10, 2008

this is no longer a thread it is a fricking rope... i want to thank all you ##@#$$ people out there that kept responding to this thread 1.5 years after todd stopped responding and most of you that responded with total drivel while he was still responding. thx to u my comments will probably not be filed as R-R has changed there rebuttal policy and i am willing to bet that is all becuz of this thread ...er i mean rope. hopefully this will get published as i want to wake people up and make them think for them selves. i am neither pro nor con wal-mart but i did start out to be pro several years back when i was dirt poor wal-mart was all i could afford. their price matching policy saved me tons of money not only in food cost but gas cost to cuz i dint have to drive (mostly bus tho so time was saved in this instance) around to every store for ad sale items . and as a matter of fact in the area i shopped i was responsible for a change in how that policy was implemented (if wal-mart sold item by each and the ad was by the pound they would not match it so i went to the regional manager and discussed it with him and they change that policy in the customers favor however over the years it has change back . they claim cuz their cashiers where always doing it wrong . that is pretty lame excuse cuz they could have modified their computers to do it or simply change the way everyone else in the biz was selling stuff . they must like being mavericks or maybe they are just trying to get out of honoring the price matching policy like they shafted me and their correct pricing guarantee) . i was so thankful to wal-mart (ok now dont roll ur eyes yet) for their price matching policy that i decided that when i was on my feet financially i would make my major purchases there. and eventually did buy a vid cam . hmmm that was a mistake ... after i had the camera for about 2 months the rechargable battery went bad so i decided to take the camera back to wal-mart for a refund. to my chagrin they refused saying their policy is refunds on vid cams was only within the first 15 days. I checked my receipt to see if it was on there cuz most big companies i deal with have their return policy right on the reciept but it was not on the receipt. I went to department i bought it from and searched hi and low for a posting of this policy and it was no where to be found. IT was posted only at the return desk. Now it seems to me that only a person who intentionally planned to buy and use then return a product would go to the return desk and check out their return policy. one or two of the earlier post mention walmart low quality and that you could get better quality elsewhere at a modest increase in price. amen to that ...i bot a pair of sandles there and was doing some excercise and they came apart on me . i thot it was my fault so i bot another pair and about 2 weeks after i bot them and they also came apart and i was careful not to do anything that might be considered excessive while wearing them. my roomate bought a tarp from target when i ask him why from target he said that wal-mart was not as big or good and was substantially less money. as for their policy on eating food before u pay ... almost everything time i go in there for major grocery shopping i buy wing or corn dogs or chimichanga (man are the good or what.) i consume them before i pay for them, but i do pay for them. becuz they are 1. cheaper than going elsewhere and eating b4 u getting to wal-mart 2. they assuage my hunger and prevent me from splurge buying. if it were against there policy they would have a cash register there at the deli... Fry's does and posts plainly that food must be paid for b4 cosumed ... Albertsons does . shop lift is wrong and store do persue it to discourage contrary to stupid claims in early post. most shop lifting is for smaller easier to conceal items and some stores will call the police for a 2 dollar item please dont ask how i know. so in conclusion i am moving toward being anti WM . My mission in life is to not just get even with WM but cost them money for the vid cam thing ... so now 90% percent of the money i spend there is on price matched items that i know WM will lose money on :) like last night i bot roma tomatoes their price was 2.87/lb but they had to price match 49c/lb. MY whole point is use ur head dont buy at wal-mart if its an item u cant compare some where else. there is so much more i wanted to say but since i dont know if it will get post i cant afford to potentially waste time ... could not really afford the time it took to write what i did. well i can this i prolly wont post here any more cuz i cant copy and save my material

Joe Kewl

North Carolina,

#165Consumer Comment

Tue, January 01, 2008

And exactly what did your research uncover? Give us some specifics please! Inquiring minds want to know!


New York,
New York,
After Two Years Of Research On This Case: Is REAL!

#166Consumer Suggestion

Mon, December 31, 2007

Like some of you, I wondered about the truth of this case: "was it real or a fake?" After two years of research, I have discovered this case to be real and did in fact happen. I was heart-struck when I found that this actually happen to this man. I have learned that he was found innocent of what WalMart was accusing him of. All that happen to this poor man is not completely known at this point and I am not sure if he or someone close to him made this original posting. I believe whomever it was, became very frustrated and hurt by all the negative and slanderous attacks against them on this website, which caused them to leave and never come back for a long time. I am also not clear what legal action will be taken against WalMart in a civil court. I would be interested to see this go public in a full blown-out civil court case. Then the details can be seen, for I would like to see what all WalMart and the police put this man through. I would also think this would be the basis for a good book or short movie, all the drama is there for sure. Todd or whomever is the author of the original post, (do try to get word to him), that he is not alone. My prayers go out to him and I know God is out there and will not be mocked in any shape or form. Some of those that have responded to your report in a aggressive and unproductive manner are either attorneys for WalMart or people just trying to stir-up a fuss, and really do not care what happen to you or the lack of true justice. When you stated you were a Christian, all to often this word is abused among fake-Christians, and whenever a real Christian is seen, they are mocked and burned. I see this within this long thread. (I wonder if this is the longest thread RipOffReport has?) Never give up! Keep the good fight, and try to find a good attorney that will stick it to WalMart and those bad people that did harm to you and your family. (Many of us good people would really enjoy learning how God punished those evil people) They love money more than God, and whenever they loose money, it hurts them more than anything else. (Usually that is what causes better changes) Make sure it is a civil jury trial, because the only hope of true justice is within the hands of the real people, not the judges or lawyers that can be bought with a price. WalMart is not as powerful as everyone thinks they are. I would like to close on that note of corruption, there is a interesting website labeled infowars that falls into a little bit of what was said about government and corporate corruption. If you do go to this sight, be ready for some really far-off stuff. It could be too much for some to handle, but worth exploring. Again, my heart goes out to you, may God bless you and your family. I really hope 2008 will be a much better year than the pain and suffer you had to deal with for the past few years! God Bless!


This thing lasted over 2 Years!

#167Consumer Comment

Wed, December 19, 2007

Todd, I don't know if you'll ever read this but...man. First of all I wasn't their so I can't tell for sure whether what you speak is truth, but I CAN tell you that it would never hold up in court. Every single post you made holds absolutely no sway. You are using a common logical fallacy known as appeal to faith, an attorney would spot this in a split second and completely dismantle your argument making you look like a fool. Here's a list of fallacies that completely ruin your argument: 1.) appeal to faith: if the arguer relies on faith as the bases of his argument, then you can gain little from further discussion. Faith, by definition, relies on a belief that does not rest on logic or evidence. Faith depends on irrational thought and produces intransigence. 2.) half truths: (suppressed evidence): An statement usually intended to deceive that omits some of the facts necessary for an accurate description. 3.) bandwagon fallacy: concluding that an idea has merit simply because many people believe it or practice it. (e.g., Most people believe in a god; therefore, it must prove true.) Simply because many people may believe something says nothing about the fact of that something. For example many people during the Black plague believed that demons caused disease. The number of believers say nothing at all about the cause of disease. **This has to do with the fact that you keep stating that their are several other cases against Wal-Mart. Who said that these people aren't just crooks trying to earn an easy buck? 4.) argumentum ad populum: An argument aimed to sway popular support by appealing to sentimental weakness rather than facts and reasons. **I'm just a lowly disabled Christian family man, have pity on me. This one definitely will not hold in court. 5.) appeal to tradition: (similar to the bandwagon fallacy): (e.g., astrology, religion, slavery) just because people practice a tradition, says nothing about its viability. **Just because you practice Christianity does not validate your argument. 6.) ad hominem: Latin for "to the man." An arguer who uses ad hominems attacks the person instead of the argument. Whenever an arguer cannot defend his position with evidence, facts or reason, he or she may resort to attacking an opponent either through: labeling, straw man arguments, name calling, offensive remarks and anger. **Note this one is used on both sides of the argument. 7.)misunderstanding the nature of statistics: (e.g., the majority of people in the United States die in hospitals, therefore, stay out of them.) "Statistics show that of those who contract the habit of eating, very few survive." -- Wallace Irwin **I just thought I'd throw this one in here because it's used against Wal-Mart all the time. "Statistics show that Wal-Mart's stocks are falling, therefore, they have horrible customer service." 8.) statistics of small numbers: similar to observational selection (e.g., My parents smoked all their lives and they never got cancer. Or: I don't care what others say about Yugos, my Yugo has never had a problem.) Simply because someone can point to a few favorable numbers says nothing about the overall chances. **I have eaten before I paid several times, therefore it's not illegal. ****THIS IS THE ONE YOU FAIL TO GRASP. You ate before you paid, just because you've done it before does NOT make it ok. This is why you were arrested. Do you understand now? Stealing = crime = arrest. You can quote the bible all you want but unfortunately you're just avoiding the point in doing so. Now like I said before, I don't know for sure if you did it or not, but it sure sounds like you did and you're using logical fallacies to dissuade people from the truth. What it does sound like is that you have done this several times before, FULLY knowing you were stealing, and the store manager or an employee had noticed this and made an effort to stop you. Once they caught you, they knew who you were, this would be an explanation as to why they would have handled the situation as aggressively as they did. If you really do have children, (I'm not sure if this is part of your argument ad populum fallacy) I worry for their future. A six year old can be very impressionable at that age, and you can bet your actions will affect where they go in life.


San Juan, PR,
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Just a simple suggestion...

#168Consumer Comment

Tue, December 04, 2007

Never, ever, ever assume something is yours unless you have a reciept. End of discussion.


Mount Joy,
Todd is a Fake

#169Consumer Suggestion

Sun, December 02, 2007

I have done a little investigation into this whole issue where Todd claims to have been arrested for shoplifting. First let me say i am not a Wal-Mart lover. I have searched both the criminal and civil court records of Lexington county in South Carolina, which is where this particular Wal-Mart is located. Guess what I came up with? Nothing. There have been no criminal cases in which Wal-Mart was the plaintiff, except for a very recent one in October of this year. I also searched Richland county just for fun and also found no cases. I was not going to even waste my time responding to this report, but I could not help it after I figured out that this whole story must be fabricated by Todd. I am a criminal justice major in college and there are a few parts to this story that do not make any sense at all. First, Wal-Mart is not going to make this big of a deal over $11. Second, Todd would not be arrested by the police for shoplifting $11 worth of merchandise. Third, if by some slim chance he was arrested and charged by the police department, the prosecutor would not even persue this case in court. the courts are over booked as it is and there is not a prosecutor out there that would even pursue this case. the prosecutor would dismiss the charges and move on. Yes, the prosecutor does have this power. The prosecutor is the sole person responsible for what cases the court hears and what cases get dismissed. A case can be dismissed for many reasons, such as lack of evidence, or in this case for being frivolous. Todd, get a life, don't you have anything better to do than to fabricate such a story and waste people's time. If you want to preach the bible, go somewhere else and do it. this website is for people who got ripped off by companies, not for some right wing wack-job to spew his BS about Christ and God. Just so you know Todd, it is illegal to make slanderous remarks about a person or company that are not true. This is defamation if this story is found out to be fabricated, and yes, that is a crime. By the way, no I am not an employee of Wal-Mart, nor am I on their payroll. I am sure that you will come back with some more bible BS that has nothing to do with this and attack my character.



#170Consumer Suggestion

Sun, December 02, 2007

I doubt that the story is all 100% real. 1. Much of what happend as described would in fact be totally illegal. 2. In some states, the copy himself would be banned from being a cop for his part in this. 3. When being accused, the tapes that Walmart would have are required to be public viewable by the accused, and not always by court order. 4. Most Walmarts I know of (per a releative who works there) will not pursue a nonpayment of consumed food if its low enough in cost. (#1 reason why I think this complaint is fake). 5. I rarely shop myself at Walmart because I can always get better price or product elsewhere. THe idea that Walmart is better on price is historical and rarely accurate anymore.


i want my 4 hours back

#171Consumer Comment

Sun, December 02, 2007

for real? i can't believe i spent all that time reading this (well, i DID skip some of the religous references.) seems to me that wal-mart has plenty of ACTUAL shoplifters (i.e., "todd" & logan) to catch that they don't really have time to go around randomly selecting innocent people to persecute/prosecute. i'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume that (since "todd" hasn't posted in a while) the case has been settled in walmarts favor.


wal-mart IS out to get YOU

#172Consumer Comment

Sat, December 01, 2007

first off, its encouraging to hear that another Christian is "fighting the good fight". we wage wars that some people of the world have no idea whatsoever what its like to claim the title "christian". i would like to give you strength by telling you that God is behind you in this venture, and HE alone will deliver you from the monster that we call wal-mart. what i would like to add in, is that i have been attacked by the corporation myself. back in 2005 i was at a wal mart in SEGUIN, TX and i was with friends at the time. i was approached by a manager while being surrounded by their security(i was walking by myself, hence the ability to BE surrounded). she told me that i have "verbally threatened an employee" and that if it wouldnt stop, i would be arrested. first off, i am not confrontational at all. being twenty years old now, i have yet to be engaged in any physical fight, but actually i try my hardest to calm down those who want to fight me. so when she had told me that i had threatened someone, much less someone I DIDNT KNOW, i was taken back. while she was telling me this, i could see a cashier LEANING OVER THE ELECTRONICS COUNTER with a very mean face on looking directly at me. i thought," ok, if i had said something offensive or crude, apologize." but i couldnt think of anything. at around that time, about 4 or 5 of my friends found me, and a couple of the guys where actually bigger than security. :P so they backed up while my girlfriend was trying to explain "look lady, this guy is the LAST PERSON IN YOUR WHOLE STORE that would give you ANY trouble, much less THREATEN SOMEONE." well, we got kicked out, to say the least, but i just wanted to share that yes, wal mart DOES pick out INNOCENT INDIVIDUALS. and i hope you uncover the skeleton mound in their closet. keep fighting the good fight and may God be with you,


Dont blame you for being mad.

#173Consumer Comment

Fri, November 30, 2007

Todd, I would also be very upset if the same thing happened to me. Have you talked with the district attorney about this? Have you talked with the Mayor & City Council where this happened? How about the Chief of Police, although he/she would probably be in favor of the jerk cop. I would ask for a meeting with the Mayor, city council, and Police Chief, OH and make sure the media is there. Have you went to the local news papers, radio stations, and TV stations? Have you made sure that Wal Mart corporate knows about this? Have you contacted a lawyer? Do you have the receipt? What other witnesses can you produce? These big guys think they can get away with treating us little guys like this, DONT LET THEM! Good Luck! John


Dont blame you for being mad.

#174Consumer Comment

Fri, November 30, 2007

Todd, I would also be very upset if the same thing happened to me. Have you talked with the district attorney about this? Have you talked with the Mayor & City Council where this happened? How about the Chief of Police, although he/she would probably be in favor of the jerk cop. I would ask for a meeting with the Mayor, city council, and Police Chief, OH and make sure the media is there. Have you went to the local news papers, radio stations, and TV stations? Have you made sure that Wal Mart corporate knows about this? Have you contacted a lawyer? Do you have the receipt? What other witnesses can you produce? These big guys think they can get away with treating us little guys like this, DONT LET THEM! Good Luck! John


Dont blame you for being mad.

#175Consumer Comment

Fri, November 30, 2007

Todd, I would also be very upset if the same thing happened to me. Have you talked with the district attorney about this? Have you talked with the Mayor & City Council where this happened? How about the Chief of Police, although he/she would probably be in favor of the jerk cop. I would ask for a meeting with the Mayor, city council, and Police Chief, OH and make sure the media is there. Have you went to the local news papers, radio stations, and TV stations? Have you made sure that Wal Mart corporate knows about this? Have you contacted a lawyer? Do you have the receipt? What other witnesses can you produce? These big guys think they can get away with treating us little guys like this, DONT LET THEM! Good Luck! John


Dont blame you for being mad.

#176Consumer Comment

Fri, November 30, 2007

Todd, I would also be very upset if the same thing happened to me. Have you talked with the district attorney about this? Have you talked with the Mayor & City Council where this happened? How about the Chief of Police, although he/she would probably be in favor of the jerk cop. I would ask for a meeting with the Mayor, city council, and Police Chief, OH and make sure the media is there. Have you went to the local news papers, radio stations, and TV stations? Have you made sure that Wal Mart corporate knows about this? Have you contacted a lawyer? Do you have the receipt? What other witnesses can you produce? These big guys think they can get away with treating us little guys like this, DONT LET THEM! Good Luck! John


No Pay, No Eat

#177Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 27, 2007

Dear Devout Christian: You of all people should know it is a sin to take, or eat something that dosn't belong to you. You have abused your freedom as a customer of Wal-Mart. You have abused your previlages as a consumer to take merchandise, consume it with your family prior to your purchase. You committed the crime before you reached the register. You put yourself in the same position as those who eat and do not pay. You put yourself in the same position as those who eat food and place it back on the shelf. You took property that did not belong to you and willingly, knowingly, without remorse comsumed it. It's wrong. Pay before you eat. Wal-Mart is a business, not the Salvation Army on Thanksgiving Day. As a Christian you should be setting a better example for all to follow. Shame on you!



#178Consumer Comment

Thu, November 22, 2007

What really struck me about this guy, was how many times he declared himself to be a "good" or "devoute" christian. My father used to lease real estate, and after a few years, stopped leasing to anyone who made these assertions (always unbidden, by the way). Everyone (not most--everyone) who talked about their christianity left owing money, or having trashed the property. Second, he seems to be building in a concession that he may have, in fact, done what Wal-Mart is accusing him of. He repeatedly refers to his "illness," and even mentions that he would have been willing to pay "if by my illness I had forgotten something." Either he knows that he is right, or he doesn't. By the way, my personal experience is that those who repeatedly refer to their illnesses often belong in the same category as those who refer to their christianity. FInally, I just want to say that those of you who are blaming Wal-Mart in this need to wake up!!! It just does not pass the sanity check that Wal-Mart, the police, and the courts would waste their time on a situation that was so clearly a simple mistake or misunderstanding. Our prisons are filled with completely innocent, ill, devout christian people, whose stories are similar to this guy's.


Coral Springs,
Haved worked in the Loss Prevention field

#179Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 09, 2007

Todd, I am sorry to hear about your experiences, but being in the loss prevention field previously, there are way too many things that are wrong about this. Companies are more afraid of lawsuits than 10 dollars worth of food. Unless there was 100% indisputable evidence of you shoplifting, they wouldn't have done anything. They must watch you enter the department, select the item, conceal or consume the item, not lose constant vision of you and the item, you not purchasing the item, and finally passing all points of purchase. Without any of those, they are not allowed to stop you. Police officers are not judges, he is not there to determine whether your guilty or innocent, that is for a judge to decide. And if you or your lawyer can prove that you didn't consume the items, paid for the items, or the cashier was negligent while ringing them up, then you have a case. Otherwise, your going to have to pay the piper for it. When I would catch a shoplifter, they were always guilty, but they would be pleading and pleading, and 90% of the time crying. Every single time we had a shop lifting incident, our district manager would make sure to review the tapes every time he was in town. If there was a issue on how we handled it, or skipped a step listed in the second paragraph, we wouldn't have a job. Wal Mart doesn't care about your faith, Wal Mart didn't just see you and target you, there was obviously something that alerted them to you. I visit Wal Mart once a week, not because I love it, but because of their prices and selection, and while they do have a deli, they do not have seats. Where did you consume the food? While walking around? When I go anywhere, even if I am not doing anything wrong, I try not to put a target on my back. It is like going to a clothing store and putting clothes under my shirt then taking them out when I go to pay for them. I didn't do anything wrong, but I am sure somebody was watching me that whole time. When you were checking out, I don't understand why the items weren't scanned. The cashier isn't going to risk her job knowing that she didn't scan a item. If it was a honest accident, even if the cameras picked it up, they would assume it was rung up, and wouldn't have stopped you at the front. If you can dispute with evidence, meaning that if Wal Mart doesn't have ALL of the evidence against you, you can sue them for a very large amount of money. I am not saying I don't believe you, because I know there are loss prevention people that do not follow their steps, and if this Ms Miller didn't follow them, and you were wrongly accused, and they can't prove they were in the right, you have a VERY strong case. Get a lawyer ASAP and give them the facts. Good luck Todd, it sounds like a horrible experience you and your family went through, I wish you the best, and God Bless.


Yea, its wrong.

#180UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, November 03, 2007

Okay, if you CONSUME anything before you pay for it, it IS stealing! Even if you intent on paying for it. Until the transaction is complete, the food you are eating is PROPERTY of wal-mart. They Deli gives you the packages, and you pay at the checkout's. The deli's do NOT have cash registers there. It is not a restaurant. Just because they "HANDED" you the food, it is still not yours. You don't pay for chips or soda before you pick them up and put them in the cart, but they are NOT yours until you PAY for them, which you did NOT do.


Yea, its wrong.

#181UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, November 03, 2007

Okay, if you CONSUME anything before you pay for it, it IS stealing! Even if you intent on paying for it. Until the transaction is complete, the food you are eating is PROPERTY of wal-mart. They Deli gives you the packages, and you pay at the checkout's. The deli's do NOT have cash registers there. It is not a restaurant. Just because they "HANDED" you the food, it is still not yours. You don't pay for chips or soda before you pick them up and put them in the cart, but they are NOT yours until you PAY for them, which you did NOT do.


Yea, its wrong.

#182UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, November 03, 2007

Okay, if you CONSUME anything before you pay for it, it IS stealing! Even if you intent on paying for it. Until the transaction is complete, the food you are eating is PROPERTY of wal-mart. They Deli gives you the packages, and you pay at the checkout's. The deli's do NOT have cash registers there. It is not a restaurant. Just because they "HANDED" you the food, it is still not yours. You don't pay for chips or soda before you pick them up and put them in the cart, but they are NOT yours until you PAY for them, which you did NOT do.


Yea, its wrong.

#183UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, November 03, 2007

Okay, if you CONSUME anything before you pay for it, it IS stealing! Even if you intent on paying for it. Until the transaction is complete, the food you are eating is PROPERTY of wal-mart. They Deli gives you the packages, and you pay at the checkout's. The deli's do NOT have cash registers there. It is not a restaurant. Just because they "HANDED" you the food, it is still not yours. You don't pay for chips or soda before you pick them up and put them in the cart, but they are NOT yours until you PAY for them, which you did NOT do.


Questions for the accused

#184Consumer Comment

Mon, October 22, 2007

In your first post you mention you asked several times and the cashier verified the items had been scanned, but did you ask about the other items as well? Why would you focus so much on making sure she scanned these items and nothing else? Seems awful strange that you would keep asking multiple times about the items being scanned! Why would you think other wise if she had already told you they had been scanned and feel the need to keep asking about it? I applaud you for being such a faithful person, but whether God is everywhere or not, you brought religion into something that did not involve it when it comes to the actual facts! You ate food before you bought it, you say you verified it was scanned at the checkout with the clerk, you focus on the fact that you discussed the scanning of said items numerous times even though you were told they were scanned. Your story sounds a bit fishy to me and I honestly feel it was just a simple mistake on your part because accidents do happen and you may have accidentally forgotten to pay for items that were no longer there. Not bashing God so don't take it that way, but the facts of what happened to you can be told without making this a 3 ring revival!


Questions for the accused

#185Consumer Comment

Mon, October 22, 2007

In your first post you mention you asked several times and the cashier verified the items had been scanned, but did you ask about the other items as well? Why would you focus so much on making sure she scanned these items and nothing else? Seems awful strange that you would keep asking multiple times about the items being scanned! Why would you think other wise if she had already told you they had been scanned and feel the need to keep asking about it? I applaud you for being such a faithful person, but whether God is everywhere or not, you brought religion into something that did not involve it when it comes to the actual facts! You ate food before you bought it, you say you verified it was scanned at the checkout with the clerk, you focus on the fact that you discussed the scanning of said items numerous times even though you were told they were scanned. Your story sounds a bit fishy to me and I honestly feel it was just a simple mistake on your part because accidents do happen and you may have accidentally forgotten to pay for items that were no longer there. Not bashing God so don't take it that way, but the facts of what happened to you can be told without making this a 3 ring revival!


Questions for the accused

#186Consumer Comment

Mon, October 22, 2007

In your first post you mention you asked several times and the cashier verified the items had been scanned, but did you ask about the other items as well? Why would you focus so much on making sure she scanned these items and nothing else? Seems awful strange that you would keep asking multiple times about the items being scanned! Why would you think other wise if she had already told you they had been scanned and feel the need to keep asking about it? I applaud you for being such a faithful person, but whether God is everywhere or not, you brought religion into something that did not involve it when it comes to the actual facts! You ate food before you bought it, you say you verified it was scanned at the checkout with the clerk, you focus on the fact that you discussed the scanning of said items numerous times even though you were told they were scanned. Your story sounds a bit fishy to me and I honestly feel it was just a simple mistake on your part because accidents do happen and you may have accidentally forgotten to pay for items that were no longer there. Not bashing God so don't take it that way, but the facts of what happened to you can be told without making this a 3 ring revival!


Santa Rosa,

#187Consumer Comment

Tue, October 16, 2007

I understand as does almost every one else in the entire US is that Wal-Mart is Super Cheap, and an Evil Empire of blood sucking civil right deniers. That being said, a Loss Prevention agent or someone that is charged with protecting the assets of there respective stores, and security, had an enormous job task and responsibities. If you are claiming that you where wrongly detained, wrong accused, and wrongly imprisoned, why in God's great name are you wasting your time, and not filing lawsuits against Wal-Mart and the over aggressive cop that booked you. Why haven't you filed a complaint with the department of corporations in your state and a complaint with the attorney general? Instead of muttering that you are a devout Christian and a family man and that you spend XX of dollars at Wal-Mart, why not seek punitive damages? When a person denies you of your significant rights, it should not be taken lightly. File the charges and the complaint.


New Jersey,
in response to everyone!

#188Consumer Comment

Wed, October 03, 2007

WOW where do I start,well I'm into God but not a religious nut but know enough, I know law very well because all the people I know or seen on t.V who have been falsely accused of things and such alike even myself as a child and teen,now I can't say Matt was targeted for his religious beliefs but as they say "luck of the draw he had the shortest straw"shame for this to happen to anybody, Matthew included,for the people who tried to go against him,you we're not there to judge only the people who were well were!he could be the worst crimminal of all time and it dosen't justify him being treated in any manner less than right,nor his wife with children,even if they did dteal there still is a human respect we must give, he had the intent to pay allegally and we have to go by that we cannot judge God be that of course!and cops have a tendancy to be more than a little harsh on people i've even told a few officer freinds about that and that's just words alone,you want to speak american fine we have a right to be innocent until proven guilty and if matt wants to preach about God let him,cause God knows so we are not to decide the court system is which has unfairly failed in the past as well as companies falsely accusing people,and I beleive it was catholic priest who molested young childern but then again every religion has evil people even those closest presumibly to God so let's get off that talking blasphemy talk to the person who said that, such hipocrits you people it's ok for someone to have an issue and you judge but when it comes to you or your own even when you know your wrong you defend them to the bone,the facts are facts and it will be on camera so if he's right or wrong the camera will decide and knowing footage is available and demanding it so much well he could have left that out but that too will be on the court and lawyers to provide not you unless you personally want to be a lawyer in the case for or against. to the lady who wants to quote the bible and judge matthew also I got something for you shut up leave the man to plead his case,he's just voicing his rights but all you speak your own that's fine but some things are best to br kept to oneself, even me to be honest but leave the guy alone he could be broke or poor healthy or sick,a saint or a sinner,whatever the case it will be decided upon you people don't know all the facts just like I don't only matthew does, and according to store policies you thnik youknow it alls you can eat you can open you can destroy any and everything as long as you 1.don't cause a scene and 2.pay for it before you leave,even put stuff in your pockets and walk the store with them as long as before you leave you what "pay" and if a person is looking suspicious for safety of your family you don't just tell you do it discretely,and for reasons of just pure judgement that was his opinion on what she could of been t doesn't mean everyone has to get harrassed by authorities because they look suspicious,people have gotten uptight and most with good reason but come on so if a guy wears a turbin selling us food or driving are cab we goinfg to call the feds and say he might be a terrorist"NO!" only by actions can we allege anything not looks. Now as well if you do have kids not all are stable or so well disciplined and even when they are if the kids have to go they going to go and I don't even have kids and I know that! Ive seen so many parents looses track of important things because of the children and he asked twice that was enough,even if he asked once it was enough so even more so bringing the empty items was more than more than enough it was up to the individual to say i'm going to ring that up but Matt was not only being a good christain (cause people are good and bad christain or not)he opted to pay for it and make it a concern all that extra was because some people are fools (or idiots as most would say)and some new and others just in a rush or forgetful so let's not act oblivious to the fact in life so many cashiers and even us have made mistakes, so it ain't if you do the crime you do the time he didn't do a crime"allegally" being fair a crime is something intended get your laws and facts straight.it is plain unjust and yes I shop at wall mart Ive traveled alot and only wallmart has beeen open all night and I needed stuff I won't stop because of pride I have pride in myself and family 1st.but to each is own,it just isn't right and we unfortunately have bad apples who spoil the bunch act like you or your friends or family are perfect, like you never laughed at something anyone did was bad even your own. Get over yourselves and let it all play out he's not attacking no-one he's defending his rights and own religious beliefs let him be,don't you have anything else better to do then to stumble on some crazy way to reading a story on a scam within wallmart and critique the guy,me I was looking for scams on money graham and associated with wallmart for personal reasons and looking up something things I stumbled upon here and the stories looked interesting,what are your reeasons your that bored or actually looking to ride wallmart like your b*tch!hay I said i'm into God but not knee deep I'm no hipocrit I do good and bad,but we all have are reasons as to why so get off me God got me,don't need you 2 sponges,keep soaking in your own B.S see hoew far that gets you and I got so much more I care not to go there,but I got you matthew since I know you may or may not want to say it,all of you nonunderstanding or mis-judging or no-life having people "GO 2 HELL!!!" that's right I said it,and maybe I might see you there but to bad you can't decide that shoo not even me only who can jea "GOD CAN"and your not god so "GO-2-HELL" ooh that feels so good can you feel it,and try to come back at me I'm not as nice as Matthew I will light a fire under your *ss!get-it!! I was chosen out of bad to use my good and evil ways to get at the one's who truly do evil or I was just born to not care enough for you but for the little people!you people need to get back slapped,it ain't are fault your husband or wife cheated on you or left you for another,or you just don't have anybody,me I have a beautiful Fiance who goes to school,dosen't drink or smoke nor do I and she models now who's HOT! oh i'm just burning up now,and me I never had a problem with friends or woman I just chosses to be faithful cause it's the good thing,we know how to stay happy do you haters?wait!wait!i'm not done...okaay I will leave you be but anything you have for me I have better,I don't hold back and pretend to be something I'm not unlike you people trying to refrain your thoughts and words,i'm smoking now but I'm going to let you blow off some steam because I'm not the one that's mad.you all be safe and God Bless HAHAHA!Love you my Peoples!...and member if you got something for me it best be nice cause you either c*m hard or not at all when it comes to me cause I have so much more...Matthew...carry on and hope the best for you! ;)


This man was NOT stealing.

#189UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 27, 2007

I was an employee at a WalMart in Alabama before I quit because of how I was treated as an employee. Anyways that's irrelevant. I am posting this because when I read this man's story I was enraged at how someone could possibly be treated this way, Christian or not. When I worked at WalMart we were always allowed to tell customers it was okay to eat food, not only in the deli, but while walking around the store, and then pay at the front with their other items. I saw the general manager himself tell customers this same thing. Those of you who think it is against policy are COMPLETELY WRONG. We had mother's feeding their children cheese curls out of the bag, people drinking drink they had yet to purchase, and so forth. It is absolutely not against WalMart policy to allow customers to do this. We did have acouple of instances when people tried to walk out without paying. They would either throw the debris in the trash cans throughout the store, or just walk out with the empty bottles/bags/etc. When it was noticed that someone was doing this, a member of management would walk up to the person and ask them to pay for the items or have the police called on them. I don't know of any instance when anyone outright refused to pay. So, I just want you all to know that it is absolutely okay to do this, it is not against WalMart policy, and it is an outrage that this man was persecuted in this way!!


This man was NOT stealing.

#190UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 27, 2007

I was an employee at a WalMart in Alabama before I quit because of how I was treated as an employee. Anyways that's irrelevant. I am posting this because when I read this man's story I was enraged at how someone could possibly be treated this way, Christian or not. When I worked at WalMart we were always allowed to tell customers it was okay to eat food, not only in the deli, but while walking around the store, and then pay at the front with their other items. I saw the general manager himself tell customers this same thing. Those of you who think it is against policy are COMPLETELY WRONG. We had mother's feeding their children cheese curls out of the bag, people drinking drink they had yet to purchase, and so forth. It is absolutely not against WalMart policy to allow customers to do this. We did have acouple of instances when people tried to walk out without paying. They would either throw the debris in the trash cans throughout the store, or just walk out with the empty bottles/bags/etc. When it was noticed that someone was doing this, a member of management would walk up to the person and ask them to pay for the items or have the police called on them. I don't know of any instance when anyone outright refused to pay. So, I just want you all to know that it is absolutely okay to do this, it is not against WalMart policy, and it is an outrage that this man was persecuted in this way!!


This man was NOT stealing.

#191UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 27, 2007

I was an employee at a WalMart in Alabama before I quit because of how I was treated as an employee. Anyways that's irrelevant. I am posting this because when I read this man's story I was enraged at how someone could possibly be treated this way, Christian or not. When I worked at WalMart we were always allowed to tell customers it was okay to eat food, not only in the deli, but while walking around the store, and then pay at the front with their other items. I saw the general manager himself tell customers this same thing. Those of you who think it is against policy are COMPLETELY WRONG. We had mother's feeding their children cheese curls out of the bag, people drinking drink they had yet to purchase, and so forth. It is absolutely not against WalMart policy to allow customers to do this. We did have acouple of instances when people tried to walk out without paying. They would either throw the debris in the trash cans throughout the store, or just walk out with the empty bottles/bags/etc. When it was noticed that someone was doing this, a member of management would walk up to the person and ask them to pay for the items or have the police called on them. I don't know of any instance when anyone outright refused to pay. So, I just want you all to know that it is absolutely okay to do this, it is not against WalMart policy, and it is an outrage that this man was persecuted in this way!!


This man was NOT stealing.

#192UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 27, 2007

I was an employee at a WalMart in Alabama before I quit because of how I was treated as an employee. Anyways that's irrelevant. I am posting this because when I read this man's story I was enraged at how someone could possibly be treated this way, Christian or not. When I worked at WalMart we were always allowed to tell customers it was okay to eat food, not only in the deli, but while walking around the store, and then pay at the front with their other items. I saw the general manager himself tell customers this same thing. Those of you who think it is against policy are COMPLETELY WRONG. We had mother's feeding their children cheese curls out of the bag, people drinking drink they had yet to purchase, and so forth. It is absolutely not against WalMart policy to allow customers to do this. We did have acouple of instances when people tried to walk out without paying. They would either throw the debris in the trash cans throughout the store, or just walk out with the empty bottles/bags/etc. When it was noticed that someone was doing this, a member of management would walk up to the person and ask them to pay for the items or have the police called on them. I don't know of any instance when anyone outright refused to pay. So, I just want you all to know that it is absolutely okay to do this, it is not against WalMart policy, and it is an outrage that this man was persecuted in this way!!


Yooo Hoooo! Tooooodddd!!!

#193Consumer Comment

Sun, February 11, 2007

Where in heaven's name did you go? I guess that court date has passed, and the docket was good. I sure hope you figured your legal stuff out, because otherwise, we're going to have to assume you're serving time for your sammich swiping. Or the Owl got you. If nothing else, have your representative or friends give us an update. We don't wish the fires of hell on you - we care!


Beverly Hills,
Oh, please...

#194Consumer Suggestion

Sat, January 27, 2007

I'm not saying that Walmart is innocent in all this, because I'm sure they're guilty of poor customer service, but I also think that whatever sympathy or public support you could have potentially gotten was forfeited by your self-righteous, melodramatic attitude and selective memory regarding your own questionable actions in this matter.


Phenix City,
I will never shop In a walmart

#195Consumer Comment

Sat, January 27, 2007

If, this Is how walmart really acts then I am never shopping their again If walmart has a history of fasely accusing people of shoplifting then why would you want to shop @ a place like that, nobody has the right to fasely accuse anyone!. I, will not shop @ a walmart If this Is how they treat people I never had any problems In walmart myself, but I will go somewhere else to shop If this Is the way walmart does business & I will never work @ any walmart after how they wrongful terminate people just like how they treat their custormers, buy fasely accuse them of shoplifting!. I, will never shop In a walmart again!.


Coconut Creek,
I just had to respond.

#196Consumer Suggestion

Wed, January 24, 2007

I have always taught my daughter, "It's not yours until you pay for it". I am amazed at the amount of people I see in stores opening packages and eating the contents before they get to the register. Parents open things and feed it to their kids to keep them calmed down while shopping. You are teaching them the rule of "you can use it as long as you mean to pay for it", later translated by them as, "you can borrow your friend's toys without permission, as long as you mean to give them back". Let's teach our kids that things in stores are not theirs until it is paid for! Remember good old morals, ethics, etc. Many kids these days do not have them. Maybe if we, as parents, took a little extra time teaching our kids right from wrong, even the smallest lessons will make a big difference. Everyone knows you are not supposed to consume food in a grocery store until you pay for it. The management at grocery stores should not have to watch you eat your food, follow you around the store, then make sure you have paid for it. And why should they just trust you to pay for it? If you are in a store and thirsty, select a beverage, go to the register, pay for it, then drink it while the receipt is wrapped around the bottle. Same with food. It may take a few more minutes out of your day, but for your children it is one valuable lifetime lesson they will remember and hopefully follow.


North Carolina,

#197UPDATE Employee

Mon, January 22, 2007

First of all, let me just say that if Todd were in my class, the other Kindergarteners would laugh at him . But he does get an S for Satisfactory on his imagination.Although, his conduct gets a U! Unsatisfactory. I lost about 4 hours ,not all in one day, of trying to give some merit to his story.I was hoping that just maybe, he wasn't lying.I have come to the conclusion that rooting for the underdog is sometimes wasted energy.But what do I know..I'm only in Kindergarten.Tallest in my class too! Lol, good luck with you life ,Todd. I bet people believe I am in Kindergarten as much as thy believe you didn't swipe that "sammich" and hightail it to the exit using your disability and your childs incontinence as a shield. HAHA!


To Todd....

#198UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, January 06, 2007

first off let me state this to todd before I continue 1 I am a ordained minster within the souther Baptist church as well as the Universal Life Church and an ordained unitarian minister 2 dont try any of your neo-conservative/biblical /religous right thumping rants in relation to this ok here goes for the civil end Todd what you did was not only against company policy but is also against the laws of man and god so is your religious zeal/zest/ attempt to convert others to YOUR way of thinking. Christ would have wanted you to follow in his footsteps and do that which is right and lawful by paying first for the items you consumed then giving thanks to him for having brought the food unto your belly and to have nourished you once again. however the way it seems to me is that you were sealing in the most literal interperitation of the word. my stand point as a minister is this if you had done something like that in the town i lived in and were a member of my congergation i would have pulled you in for counseling of a religious sort and then have attempted to reason with you as a normal human being and would have asked what was wrong and how could you break one of the commandments because you truely show the hypocrisy of "the modern american christian" because you choose to follow the bible as YOU see fit and not as GOD sees fit. God will judge you todd its not my place to judge you nor is it anyone elses but you need to know that YOU were at fault as is defined by the laws of your state and the laws of god thats 2 strikes against your soul i would ask for forgiveness todd before you attempt to put into words/rantings anything because you eed to ge this mark off your oul or you may end up in the pits of damnnation i also would apologize to everyone on this report and say something like: sorry for taking up your time, or something to that affect todd you need to lay off it and relax faith is like a mustard seed one must first plant it in fertile soil and todd yuor faith is groing amongst the hard rocky soil of yuo heart so please stop with the diatribes Reverand Nate


Lake Oswego,

#199Consumer Comment

Sat, September 23, 2006

Hello Nick, long time, I thought everyone gave up on "Toddy" or whoever he is by now,lol. I have a comment of course to something "Toddy " wrote, he said he is of God annointed, and GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED! it kinda sounds tome like he is thinking he IS GOD! Logan, I do hope you read my reply and found shelter and stopped shoplifting, as I said, I have children, and no CHILD should be homeless or hungry,unfortunately, Portland is full of homeless and hungry kids, and it sad to think we live in the richest country in the world and we can't feed our own kids,NOW, before anyone jumps me for logan, Logan is a kid, "Toddy" is an adult, kids make mistakes like that, but he is a grown man who should know better than to feed his family and not PAY for it, which afterall, is what this ROR report is suppossed to be about. Gail, GOOD CHRISTIANS TRY NOT TO VIOLATE THE COMMANDMENTS. YOU KNOW, THOU SHALT NOT STEAL, RING A BELL? TODD PREACHES WHAT SUITS HIM AND LIVES BY DIFFERENT RULES , THAT IS APPARENT IN HIS POSTINGS, APPARENTLY, THAT COMMANDMENT DOES NOT APPLY TO "TODDS" STOMACHE OR HIS FAMILIES.The truth is as one poster put it,you SHOULD PAY FIRST THEN EAT, Wal- Marts have a cashier right there in theie food department , so why not just pay there eat and catch up with his wife, surely if he is going to sit and feed his kids then he doesn't need to pay all at once or have his wife stick around long enough to pay so they can eat HONESTLY, without being arressted, I believe that "Todd" had done this numerous times withoutpaying, and they were on to him,and then when he did it again he got caught. For the poster that stated bringing up disablilty is a diahonest person or somethingto that effect, ( there is SO much to read I can't remember who said what now) ,I only mentioned I was disabled, becuase TODD stated the targeted disabled people and since I am one, and have shopped and ate there (only I paid for my son's and my food before we ate it)I am disabled, and am honest and only stated that becuase if it were true, as Todd says I myself would have been a target.So I said that to prove they do not in fact, target disabled people.Gail, why don't you post those private emails you speak of , it would surely give us more insight as to what Todd is about besides the ranting and raving and believeing he is GOD stuff. If you don't agree with Todd,you are the devil, a different person, I have been accused of not existing , being 2 different men, etc. by Todd becuase I disagreed with him after reading how he skirts these issues of his case, posts everyone elses but his own.. then the lies that clearly come through about who he really is in fact . I believed him at first, felt sorry for his family, I stated that many times , but there were so many lies and holes in his story and when confronted he went on a GOD rant to avoid adressing the direct questions asked of him.My feeling is, if he rants like that here, he most assuredly went off unchristain like when he got caught, thus , ending up in the clink. NOW I know and expect another Tirade from "TODD" and brace yourselves fellas becuase he will go on and on again about the lord, rather than adress the real issue of his docket# court date etc, information he had on so many others, and preached privacy in his own so called case, when asked FOR HIS.It was totally okay to post others private cases , but his privacy is to be respected, it remains clear to me still, the rules that apply to the rest of us, Todd doesn't have to live by himself in his world...


All my friends.....

#200Consumer Suggestion

Sat, August 26, 2006

This is awesome. Todd said he was a victim. Then Todd said that he was a friend REPRESENTING Todd, and writing on behalf of Todd. Then we have Gail, who claims to know Todd, who is actually the friend of Todd, who also won't use her name. Todd is passionate, and also writes about whistleblowing on another portion of ROR, happily disclosing Todd's co-worker's names. We can't even discern weather or not Todd is Todd or Todd is still "Todd's Representative". Much less a case number, docket number or court date. My question is to Gail - is Todd the guy who is full of passion and honor and religious zeal, or is the guy "representing Todd" the one that all those accolades belong to? Finally Logan, the satanic kid who doesn't worship Satan, seems to have a lot in common with our fearless friend Todd. They both steal, and both blame their circumstances to justify their actions. At least the Satan kid isn't threatening Wal-Mart with demons, for pete's sake. Nice to see you have time and access to a computer and the internet, and plenty of time to "make your friends happy" by spending time stealing from Wal-Mart, but can't find a job to buy school clothes, Logan. At least a poor person would steal clothes, but you also said you steal CD's and stuff from the craft aisle to put smiles on the faces of your little gangster friends. I guess that's a lot like stealing a sandwich, not because you were hungry and poor and really needed it, but because you wanted to get away with not paying because you LIKED it. Todd and Logan should make instant buddies out of each other. Lifelong pals. Logan, Todd got caught. Your turn will come soon. Do you want to end up like Todd? There's time to straighten out.


Kathy for world president...lol

#201Consumer Suggestion

Sun, August 20, 2006

Well, I read all of Kathy from Arizona's comments, and in my opinion, she always disagrees with any facts that are printed. Imagine that. She must have alot of fun rebuttelling herself... Have fun Kathy...



#202Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 18, 2006



What did I do?

#203Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 08, 2006

Why do you say I mock Jesus when all I said was that he would pay for his food and then eat it? How did your case go? Getting ready for the big house? I don't see what religion and God and Jesus have to do with you deciding to take it upon yourself to have a snack at Walmart before paying for it, then complain when store management didn't think you should get away with it? I don't think Jesus is out to kill us? That wouldn't be very nice. Why do you insist on turning the good book into a hate manual? So yeah, I'm really sorry if I have a sense of humor about the whole thing and am not doing a thousand hail marys. All I want you to do is admit that if you had paid for your food, none of the alleged transgressions would have taken place. I pay for my food before I eat 100 percent of the time and so far have not had to go to jail for that. Can't you lose the hateful demeanor for at least ten seconds to come to terms with proper Walmart shopping procedure?


South Carolina,
If He Had Returned...

#204Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 07, 2006

If HE "Jesus" had returned, the wicked would have already been "melted-down" to nothing! As the Bible states, when He returns, every knee shall bow, and the elements will melt away... a great earth quake.. etc. "The heathen (wicked) raged, the kingdoms were moved: he (Jesus) uttered his voice, the earth melted" (Psalm 46:6). "The hills (everything) melted like wax at the presence of the LORD, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth" (Psalm 97:5). "The wicked shall see it, and be grieved; he shall gnash with his teeth, and melt away: the desire of the wicked shall perish" (Psalm 112:10). "He sendeth out his word, and melteth them: he causeth his wind to blow, and the waters flow" (Psalm 147:18). "The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned at his presence, yea, the world, and all that dwell therein" (Nahum 1:5). "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up" (2 Peter 3:10). And, since HE (Jesus) was there when everything was created, then actually EVERYTHING is HIS anyway! "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made" (John 1:3). Your statements trying to be funny and mock Jesus and a man of deep faith, actually showed your stupidity and lack of the truth, both in the Bible and concerning the case of Todd. It will be such a "hoot" when God brings Todd all the major VICTORIES and BLESSINGS "rewards" for his faith, trust in the Lord, and for him to stand against all you wicked people that tried so hard to crush him! Praise His "Jesus" Awesome Name!!! Here is some more words, sayth the Lord: "The wicked is snared by the transgression of his lips: but the just shall come out of trouble" (Proverbs 12:13). "In the transgression of an evil man there is a snare: but the righteous doth sing and rejoice" (Proverbs 29:6). "The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe" (Proverbs 29:25). AMEN!!!!!!!!


Somebody did a bad thing at Hastings Cub Foods.

#205Consumer Comment

Mon, August 07, 2006

I went shopping for soda pop at Cub Foods in Hastings, Minnesota yesterday. To get to the soda isle, you have to pass the snack isle. Well as I was passing the pudding section of the snack isle, I noticed that somebody had popped open a pudding container and had themselves a snack. That was wrong. If I had seen the person who did that committing the crime, I would have screamed at the top of my lungs to stop, in the hopes that store management would see him or her, so that he or she would be arrested. I think eating at stores that do not accomadate eating is wrong. Even though Walmart has a section of the store for eating, that doesn't mean you can just grab stuff off the shelves and have yourself a picnic. If I ever got to the point that I am grabbing Funyuns and Twix Bars off the shelf and partying in the Walmart store, I would hope that I would be placed under arrest, because that kind of stuff should not be tolerated. I think if Jesus was alive today, and had to shop at Walmart, he would most certainly pay for his food and then eat. I think a lot of people would be upset if Jesus was going through the isles, chowing down on Ice Cream Sandwiches and Twinkies and making a mess.


Stick to the facts in your case!

#206Consumer Comment

Sun, July 30, 2006

I am not wicked, nor do I mean to insult you. I am not a God hater, for I love God and know you worship God as well. I am just offering you my insights as to avoid future situations of your unfortunate incident that happened at Wal-Mart. You are turning this into a case of whoever does not see my vision is: blind, works for Wal-Mart, or is related to the officer/manager that confronted you, a God hater, or Satan lover. One who embraces religion and finds the righteous path in life does not have to boast and shout of their love for the Lord, it shows in their actions and the way they lead their lives. There are people in the world that have taken some or all of their religious teachings and have went mentally ill in trying to interpret the meanings for you and me, as well as for everyone. One example in this country would be the lady in Houston, Texas who drowns her five children because God told her to. How about the individuals who proclaim to be religious scholars out in your area who decides to shoot and kill doctors because they perform abortions. A similar case would be the individuals in the Middle East who are going into a place and detonating a bomb to kill innocent people to further their cause in the name of the Lord. It is not what God wanted, it is just what their sick mentally insane minds wanted to do. This country is full of radical fundamentalist, and I not talking about Muslims. How is a person like me going to tell these individuals that they are wrong in doing that? The first thing they shout is their love for God, and that they are more holy and righteous than me. To avoid getting consumed into their mental instability, I have a quote printed on my personal checks that read: Do not argue with a fool, for people won't know the difference.


South Carolina,
It is so funny to hear...

#207Author of original report

Sat, July 29, 2006

It is so funny to hear the wicked scream to me to leave God out of everything. I recall on many situations where a few-bad-apple attorneys told me to leave God out, because the laws do not concern Divine Law Yet, the facts are very clear that this Great Country and the Very Laws we enjoy are Founded on Divine Laws. It is extra-humorous when these God-Haters take that claim to leave-God-Out of it; YET, they abuse God whenever they think they wish to impress a customer or club-member. Taking an Oath as they become an Attorney, stating Under God means that you acknowledge Him, His Universal Authority and that everything that you do as an attorney is in reference to Him! As Jesus stated, Those who Deny Me in front of others, I also will Deny him in front of my Father (Holy Bible). So, by stating here on the posting, hiding behind other names and thinking you can shout out to deny God and Leave Him out of it just seals your wicked heart even more. SAMPLE: If a homebuilder built a house, and someone came into the house and started tearing down the foundation can the homebuilder be left out of being referred to? No, the homebuilder would be responsible and in fact punish that person that tried to destroy the home He had built. So, the message goes the same for God, He created everything, therefore, everything is His and all that we do is in reference to Him! Only the wicked seem to think that God can be turned on and off as they see fit. But the truth of the matter is that HE is everywhere, and those that truly love Him, makes sure that He is referenced and acknowledged everywhere. I remember, that whenever I saw someone that was lovesick for a female or a boyfriend, they called and talked about that person all the time. So, are we to change that over the love for God? Or do you truly love God? I for one love God and will talk about Him always. Everything is about Him. Only the wicked rise up to shut-me-up, because they know I shine the light on their evil-deeds. Look back at some of the Prophesies that I have posted on this website Have you noticed it getting hotter? Do you not think it strange that the entire United States is getting HOT at the same time? Almost a hundred people have died in Ca., and a large number of livestock has died. Interestingly, the Holy Bible states that when Jesus is returning, all the elements will MELT! Have you noticed the lakes drying up? Have you notice the huge increase in crime, as the hearts of the wicked grow darker? Look at this posting, see how the wicked rise up to defend their company of murdering that man in Texas! I do not think he did anything; it is a natural reaction when being surround by a large group of angry people to run. The police report on the man stated, He Had NOTHING in Hand!!! No EVIDENCE!!! Yet, these wicked people come on here, claiming to justify their dark-partners for MURDER! Just look at this other posting: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff203491.htm Look at the murderous employees!!! Come on, reply to my posting trying to justify these evil actions by doing so, you are just as black and cold as they are! Just like Jesus stated: They are seeds of their father, who was the FIRST MURDER! They are not life; they are of death! I do not care about your stupid replies and threats Just like Deborah said, if I was scared of any of you I would never have taken on the fight! But, as I have stated many times before, I will fight for righteousness and I am sure Todd will too!



#208Consumer Comment

Sat, July 29, 2006

In shopping at any retail store, consuming food prior to paying for it puts liability on me, regardless of the stores policy. Many retail outlets will allow vendors to hand out free samples, my concern is the one of hygiene. I am not speaking of mine, I am referring to the vendors, not to mention the filthy shopping carts we push around. The carts are filthy because the general public is very dirty and many people never wash their hands. This is a good way to transmit many, many, germs! I do see this from time to time, a shopper strolling around the store consuming grapes and other fruits that are sold by weight. When the shopper gets to the register, what was a package of 2 lbs. of grapes now is 1.2 lbs. of grapes. I am not going to confront the consumer myself , nor say anything to the cashier or manager, but I know that the loss from this activity must be paid by someone. That someone is me. I do agree that the manager and the officer could have handle the situation differently, as well as Todd. I would venture to say Todd has modified his behavior in the new place he does business. In closing, I want to end on two points. First,do not eat at grocery stores regardless of their policies of allowing it. Second, leave the good Lord out of the argument. There are some in the church that have been sexually abused by the Priest, Pastor,Father, and/or church officials and went undetected because they appear to be good christian people, when in fact, they were preying on their victims using the describe and cover of the Lord.



#209Consumer Comment

Sat, July 29, 2006

In shopping at any retail store, consuming food prior to paying for it puts liability on me, regardless of the stores policy. Many retail outlets will allow vendors to hand out free samples, my concern is the one of hygiene. I am not speaking of mine, I am referring to the vendors, not to mention the filthy shopping carts we push around. The carts are filthy because the general public is very dirty and many people never wash their hands. This is a good way to transmit many, many, germs! I do see this from time to time, a shopper strolling around the store consuming grapes and other fruits that are sold by weight. When the shopper gets to the register, what was a package of 2 lbs. of grapes now is 1.2 lbs. of grapes. I am not going to confront the consumer myself , nor say anything to the cashier or manager, but I know that the loss from this activity must be paid by someone. That someone is me. I do agree that the manager and the officer could have handle the situation differently, as well as Todd. I would venture to say Todd has modified his behavior in the new place he does business. In closing, I want to end on two points. First,do not eat at grocery stores regardless of their policies of allowing it. Second, leave the good Lord out of the argument. There are some in the church that have been sexually abused by the Priest, Pastor,Father, and/or church officials and went undetected because they appear to be good christian people, when in fact, they were preying on their victims using the describe and cover of the Lord.



#210Consumer Comment

Sat, July 29, 2006

In shopping at any retail store, consuming food prior to paying for it puts liability on me, regardless of the stores policy. Many retail outlets will allow vendors to hand out free samples, my concern is the one of hygiene. I am not speaking of mine, I am referring to the vendors, not to mention the filthy shopping carts we push around. The carts are filthy because the general public is very dirty and many people never wash their hands. This is a good way to transmit many, many, germs! I do see this from time to time, a shopper strolling around the store consuming grapes and other fruits that are sold by weight. When the shopper gets to the register, what was a package of 2 lbs. of grapes now is 1.2 lbs. of grapes. I am not going to confront the consumer myself , nor say anything to the cashier or manager, but I know that the loss from this activity must be paid by someone. That someone is me. I do agree that the manager and the officer could have handle the situation differently, as well as Todd. I would venture to say Todd has modified his behavior in the new place he does business. In closing, I want to end on two points. First,do not eat at grocery stores regardless of their policies of allowing it. Second, leave the good Lord out of the argument. There are some in the church that have been sexually abused by the Priest, Pastor,Father, and/or church officials and went undetected because they appear to be good christian people, when in fact, they were preying on their victims using the describe and cover of the Lord.



#211Consumer Comment

Sat, July 29, 2006

In shopping at any retail store, consuming food prior to paying for it puts liability on me, regardless of the stores policy. Many retail outlets will allow vendors to hand out free samples, my concern is the one of hygiene. I am not speaking of mine, I am referring to the vendors, not to mention the filthy shopping carts we push around. The carts are filthy because the general public is very dirty and many people never wash their hands. This is a good way to transmit many, many, germs! I do see this from time to time, a shopper strolling around the store consuming grapes and other fruits that are sold by weight. When the shopper gets to the register, what was a package of 2 lbs. of grapes now is 1.2 lbs. of grapes. I am not going to confront the consumer myself , nor say anything to the cashier or manager, but I know that the loss from this activity must be paid by someone. That someone is me. I do agree that the manager and the officer could have handle the situation differently, as well as Todd. I would venture to say Todd has modified his behavior in the new place he does business. In closing, I want to end on two points. First,do not eat at grocery stores regardless of their policies of allowing it. Second, leave the good Lord out of the argument. There are some in the church that have been sexually abused by the Priest, Pastor,Father, and/or church officials and went undetected because they appear to be good christian people, when in fact, they were preying on their victims using the describe and cover of the Lord.


New York,
New York,
If you truly know the person who suffered this injustice, or the Lord Jesus Christ, for that matter, then you would not be running your mouth

#212Consumer Suggestion

Sat, July 29, 2006

My Dear Gail, Eugina, Johnetta, Bevis, Butthead, or whatever your true name really is: If you truly know the person who suffered this injustice, or the Lord Jesus Christ, for that matter, then you would not be running your mouth about this important issue that you apparently do not know a whole lot about. But, I will tell you this, God knows your heart, as He knows mine, and the evil that was done to the man who is referenced in these postings, and his family, will not go unpunished, whether it be in this life or the next. What was done to this man, whether his name is truly Todd, or whatever, and his family, is a disgrace to the people who call themselves "law enforcement"officers, "management", "attorneys", Loss Prevention, or whatever. So, please, Gail, or whoever you are, keep your stupid opinions where they belong, in your ignorant head, not out voicing them on something you apparently know very little about. If you really do know him, then apparently you are a member of the referenced "RAT PACK", and are just as guilty as the rest who mistreated this human being and his family. I am sure, that if the victim is truly named "Todd" then he certainly does not care about your little nasty statements that you know him and his last name. SO WHAT?? If he had worried about that, then I am sure, he never would have taken on the "RAT PACK". Rest assured, and make no mistake about it, he does not stand alone. He has family and friends, but most importantly, he serves a mighty God. If your intent was to threaten him and his family, or whatever you are trying to do, as I took from your statement to this poor man, you apparently are trying to make him think that you have some kind of authority to identify him personally. Well, let me assure you that can likewise certainly be tracked down and identified, as I can be. Again, SO WHAT? Do you really think that, either I, this poor man, FEARS YOU? I can't answer for him, but I can certainly answer for myself. I FEAR NO MAN! ONLY GOD ALMIGHTY!!! You can not do anything to me, or this man, his family, or anyone else, that God does not allow. (CHECK THE WORD OF GOD FOR YOURSELF). This country has courts and judges, for cases such as these situations, both incidents of which you have stated you have PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE. The people involved will definitely be judged in this life and in the next. So, be careful how you attack God's annointed. God will not be mocked!!! This drama will play itself out in accordance to God's will, and no one else's. And, if you truly had first hand knowledge of this man's situation, then you surely would be on top of the complete truth and be wondering if maybe you have wronged a Child of God. So, please get your facts straight and stay on top of what is going on. But, hey that is why I LOVE THIS GREAT COUNTRY WHICH WAS FOUNDED ON CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES. There is no separation of church and state, as some would have us believe . Just the fact that Organized Religions, such as, the Church of England, etc., cannot come in and take over the laws of the land. There was never any intent by our forefathers to separate the people and the laws of the land from the very God who founded and blessed this country. We need not have fear of any man, or woman, for that matter and definitely not someone like you who is playing some kind of little identity games, acting like you are some kind of secret authority on these cases and want to try and torment this man further than he has already been tormented. SHAME, SHAME ON YOU AND THOSE LIKE YOU. And, please do not respond back to me. I do not care for your opinions, nor do I want to engage in unproductive conversation with someone like you. You need help in the area of your heart. You are to be pitied and forgiven for your ignorance. I hope that this poor man will forgive you and the other "RAT PACK" group for the nastiness and hateful cruelty to him and his family under the disguise of Christianity, or whatever, you call yourselves. Thank you and I do pray you get it right because the Lord is truly coming back soon and we all better get things right in this life. In His Precious Name,


pay and eat...

#213Consumer Comment

Wed, July 26, 2006

You are not allowed to eat anything or drink anything or open anything before you pay...Thats belong to them till you pay.. christian?jesus?nothing related with those... pay first..own it then do whatever you want... Bad habits gets you to jail..


Give it a rest already

#214Consumer Comment

Wed, July 26, 2006

I have seen this same report on a regular basis, and I really just want to say Enough Already. Nobody cares if your a Christian, atheist, Buddhist,or whatever it does not make a person better than anyone else on the planet. Get off the subject already. If you were truly wronged, take them to court already. If not, there is no need to post this same sob story several times every month.



#215Consumer Comment

Wed, July 26, 2006

TODD, Did you go to court or not? Could you please let us know. Just the facts.


What was the report number?

#216Consumer Comment

Tue, July 25, 2006

Gail said: "Furthermore, your true name is Todd and I could tell you What your last name is also. I am very familiar with your Whistleblower ROR on this site. You took very liberal license on that ROR to post private emails from your coworkers and state full names." Please Gail, you HAVE to give us that report number! This has been an interesting read so far. Another report by Todd would provide so much more insight.


South Carolina,
Time to get the facts straight

#217Consumer Comment

Tue, July 25, 2006

Todd: I want to say at this point you had my sympathy from the beginning. Why you ask? I know you personally, and I know you are a good family man with high Christian standards. You will not recognize my name because I have used my unknown middle name. You have taken what was an honest report and let it degenerate into a cyber-shouting match. What has it done to promote your case? Your Bible thumping and grandstanding on Christian ethics and multitudinous Bible verses do nothing to prove your point, but they have indeed made God's cause to become a stench in these folks' nose. Furthermore, your true name is Todd and I could tell you What your last name is also. I am very familiar with your Whistleblower ROR on this site. You took very liberal license on that ROR to post private emails from your coworkers and state full names. Do certain rules apply only to you and not to others. Does God love only you? Christians who are truly representing their Lord try to imitate Him in every way. I don't see my God calling people names,lording scripture over them, condemning them to hell because they don't agree with my point. That sea of glass with have un-numbered peoples from all peoples, nations and tongues. Can you not find it in your heart to tone down the rhetoric and just stick to the facts of the ROR? Stick to your commitment to be Christ-like and treat people with respect and civility. Remember like begets like. If you want respect, you must first give it. If you don't like people's rebuttal, you can certainly choose to ignore it. I will say this regarding Todd. I know him to be honest and a person full of traditional family values. It can be said of him...his zeal hath eaten him up! He does tend to come across strong because of his deep faith. In person, he is very kind and respectful. I am sorry he has let this get mixed in with his report which should have stayed neutral with regard to his faith. I have nothing further to add to this statement.


Phenix City,
Dishonest people defend dishonest businesses

#218Consumer Comment

Sun, July 09, 2006

Dishonest people like yourself, would accuse people of filing false complaints! businesses have people come to rip-off report to harass them into stop complaining & accuse people of filing false complaints!, that is why these dishonest companies get away with how they cheat people!. You, can't accuse people of filing false complaints! I get tired of creditors & businesses defrauding good people out of their money & then lying about them like how they do on this website! from honest hard working people who they steal from! & people like you gotta mess everything up for everybody! nothing will ever change! these businesses & people will continue to treat people wrong & be dishonest! its amazing what these crinmals get away with these days ruining innocent peoples lives! & getting away with it which is what really makes me angry!. Believe, what you want about people filing false reports that is what everybody says you see it all over rip-off report! but you know what we are not stupid!.


this is not a man of the True GOD

#219Consumer Comment

Sun, July 09, 2006

The main thing that consernes me is in the beginning they say that they let you eat and then take the bar codes up to them, which Doesn't make since, just like the very person who responded, you have to PAY before you eat. Has there been times I was stopped at the Door? YES and the Siren would go off, sometimes I would just keep walking thinking it was not me, however they stop me and always ask for my receipt and when I show it to them they either A) let me go or B) take me back to the register and then rescan it as to not reset off the alarm. One time I thought I lost my receipt, however It took a bit of time and then I found it. What i also notice is that in the very first sentence he/she says they are disabled, which should set off an alarm. I hate when liers lie about that and falsely accuse a company, which evermore makes it almost impossible for the REAL complaints to be heard. A real disabled person RARELY says they are disabled and doesn't make it look like they are sooo victimized (the true ones,, they say the claim and that's it. REAL people with REAL complaints have REAL evidence and are REALLY willing to work them out and be patient. I bet you that 99 percent or so of the ripoffreport complaints are false reports. I read many of them and they usually are the same thing 1. disabled 2.limited income. 3.same exact words on another report, etc.. Also many complaints I have heard about stores, banks, etc.. I never had trouble when following their rules I agreed to. Call it when it is the other parties fault and don't when you know it is your own fault even if that other party is corrupt. I know that just about every company IS CORRUPT, however I know and agree when It is my fault and try to correct it and guess what Many Companies are nice and work with me if I am Nice and Polite and have a real concern and talk in English. We all have bad experiences however like Judge Judy Says "GET OVER IT." I mean getting upset and blaming the company the first day is alright, however go to bed that night and think about it, think about the situation all day the next day or until you go to bed, and then and only then will you see many details you were not seeing when you were Very angry at the moment. However again Someone who has real complaints (there is a difference about a COMPLAINT, a LIER, a HATER of that particular place for NO reason at all, etc..) will get them solved and quickly, and Also have a believable store that MAKES perfect sense. Oh wait RadioShack near me, a women kept watching me like I was going to steal, I never did buy anything that day I think, and yes I was upset at every Store in the world with RadioShack, however up reflection and relaxing of taking awhile to calm down and constantly thinking about it, I realized that I needed to "GET OVER IT" and not let ONE experience stop my shopping excitement with them. Try not to think about Every person as a building and Company name, think of them as people and then and only then will you see what I have typed and Forgive to be Forgiven, love to love, and Even if someone screams at you and talks to you like madness for no appeareant reason as to just be hateful, love, help, nurture them and don't let anger come out of that mouth, and keep this up and one day they will love you back and say how nice you are and kind, and even might help you out when need be. ;)


Phenix City,
To all who oppose me!

#220Consumer Comment

Tue, July 04, 2006

What, started this was my complaint agaisnt the eeoc this has nothing to do with wal-mart & people trying to use deframtory statements & try to slander my name!, this is all what started this whole thing people who where agaisnt me because of my eeoc complaint!. I, have a right! to post a comment without being accused of being somebody else! or having people harass me or saying negative things to me just because they oppose me!. Again, all this people assualting me on this website was because of my eeoc complaint!, this had nothing to do with wal-mart! so quit getting my reports mixed up with this report & quit posting my complaints to this wal-mart. People, have already ruin my name enough by doing this! but my life ain't ruin & I will not allow anyone to ruin my life!.


South Carolina,
Logan: Some Information For You... If Interested:

#221Consumer Comment

Fri, June 09, 2006

As many of you know, I have spent many long years studying and researching for facts and truths. I started by asking myself what is all this talk about Jesus, God and satan? To answer this question, I kept thinking why is this old book, which was written over 2000 years ago, where men have tried to burn it, hide it, and punish those who kept it, still in existence and so powerful. This is the only book in almost all of the world's languages. This book is the only book printed in more copies every year, and has been for at least a hundred years. The first book ever printed in the USA, was a section of the book of Psalms. The first world printing press was based on printing this book. Only within the past two hundred years, has this book been freely available to anyone wishing to read it. Multiple authors wrote this old book over a 6000-year period, and yet it blends together like only one author wrote it. This book has all of the human experiences, falls, tears, joys, pains, cheers and teachings that no other book in the existence of the human race can compare to it. In my searching, I found this interesting and amazing. Whatever feelings or emotions I was going through, I could find a reference to assist me in this book. I have a personal library; I guess you can call a library, (1000+ books, and another 500+ documentary videos), ranging from Chinese Teachings, Hindu Philosophy, Buddha Manuscripts, Gnostics teaching, et al., and none of these items in my library comforted me, like this old book, The Holy Bible. I wondered, how can this be? And then my second question is, "why does the name Jesus, cause such energized discussions?" If you really want to heat up a chat site, start talking about Jesus and see what happens. Why does this name, Jesus, cause such a fuss? I dove into studying everything I could find about this person, Jesus, and this Bible. I said to myself, that if I discovered to believe that Jesus is real, and the Bible to be true, I would focus the rest of my life on Him and His word. I began my research in the year 1999. I will not try to bore you with all the details of what I discovered and how I came to this life-changing conclusion. I have even begun writing a book based on my experiences. So, I will stop here at this point and let the book tell that part when I have completed the book. I did however wanted to provide some areas I am presently researching in line with your latest reply concerning the "Last Days of This World". Keep in mind, when Jesus returns, the only thing that ends is the wickedness of this world. The new Earth and Heaven will be awesome! No more tears, no more pain, Jesus said a child can play beside the Lion's den. Imagine that! In the book of Amos, the famine during the last days will not be of food, it will be the lack of people calling on Jesus to save them. The Bible states: "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD" (Amos 8:11). Does this not sound like that today? And because people will refuse Jesus, then God has no choice than to remove His protective covering, because He said He would do so, if the people rejected Him and His only Son. This is where satan and his demon army moves in on the people. Jesus said, you would know the time is near (Last Days), like knowing when Springtime nears, because Jesus has told us all things before hand (2000 years before hand). Jesus said: "But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified, for these things must first come to pass. But the end is not at once. (Birth Pains, Rapid-Form, Growing Worse Every Year) Then said He unto them, "Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and great earthquakes shall be in divers places (USGS.gov, Confirms that this has been growing worse every year), and famines (Lack of People Calling on Jesus) and pestilences (Pain and Suffering as a Result of Refusing God/Jesus). And fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven (Ever notice all the NASA pictures, Mars closest to Earth in 60,000 years, Black Planets, Solar Eclipse, et al)" (Luke 21:9-11). Thus far, everything (strange weather, fighting, murders, greed, wickedness, et al.) has been happening just like the book (Holy Bible) said it would happen. I even started posting some highlights of some wickedness that had happen to a good Christian man. It really irks me to see a company or wicked people trying to make the claim they are honest, by selling Christian books and advertising like they are some glamorous host, and yet these people approves of murdering! Jesus said these types of people are just like, Cain, the first murder who killed his brother, Able. Now keep in mind, this word Rapture (The word Rapture is nowhere in the Bible), teaching is not completely correct. Yes, the Bible does say the ones who were faithful in believing God/Jesus, that had died will rise up first and be with the Lord as He is beginning to return to the Earth for the Last Day. Actually an interesting issue is that the First resurrection had already happen during Jesus death on the Cross: "Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost (died). And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; AND THE GRAVES were opened; and many BOBDIES of the SAINTS which slept (died) AROSE, And CAME OUT of the GRAVES after his resurrection (Jesus Resurrection), and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God" (Matthew 27:50-54). The Second resurrection will take place when Jesus returns. But even more exciting is the misguided teachings about Jesus returning in a quiet (thief in the night teachings). Read Revelation, Chapter 19? it talks about what is happening when Jesus returns to Earth. People say this is the "Loudest" section in the entire Bible. Let me give you a sample: "And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth" (Revelation 19:6). That does not sound like something very quiet to me. And there are many other references within the Bible about Jesus return, and it is LOUD! Jesus even said that you will see Him in a cloud of Great Glory and every "knee" shall bow, when He returns. Does it make any since to have the "Son" of the Creator of the World to return in Great Glory, as a quiet thief? Just look at human folks, some big-shot wins a Lottery, and the crowds cheers! I am so excited about Jesus and the truths He has given me? It is a wonderful thing to have the freedom to talk about Him.


Lake Oswego,
Fargo and Logan

#222Consumer Comment

Fri, June 09, 2006

Fargo: I asked the same question, Todds store didn't just go corupt after he GOT CAUGHT EATING /STEALING, so the only REAL answer to that has to be: he ate there a lot for free, and got away with it, and then one day someone was on to him and he got caught. He started with his temper and landed HIMSELF in jail. The cops did not HIDE him as he says. Basically, he couldn't feed his family for free, while mom shopped anymore, so he wants revenge becuase HE stole, hows that for IRONY?! Logan: I am deeply concerned for you, no child should have to steal, ( which you know is wrong) for clothes or food, I know we have alot of help in this country for kids like you and I would encourage you to find someone who can help you, I hope you do. You are young and can still make something of yourself besides a jailbird for stealing, there are other ways to make it through. I do wish you would call teens in crisis or talk to a friends mom and see if maybe you can find a home, no child should ever be without a home and food these days. Please try to find someone to help you. I wish you the best and I hope you try to find some way besides stealing so you don't have a record, for getting your needs met, you didn't mention whether you have a father or not. If so, where is he? My heart is with you Logan, I have kids and I can only imagine how hard it is for you.


Why did you shop at Wal-Mart in the first place?

#223Consumer Comment

Fri, June 09, 2006

Then explain the BILLION dollars worth of SETTLED lawsuits of FALSE IMPRINSONMENTS AND ARREST against Wal-Mart over the past few years? If you knew Wal-Mart made false imprinsonments and arrets in the past and is so bad and corrupted (which I am saying they are NOT), then, being the good Christian that you are, why in the world would you even consider shopping at Wal-Mart in the first place? I mean if you are such a good christian then you should have known that God would never have wanted you to shop in such a corrupted corperation like Wal-Mart in the first place, even sense they use childen to work as you claim? Why did you shop there in the first place? did you just not know about the corroption before? That doesn't make sense to me. *As a note I do not work for Wal-Mart, I think in some way they are corrupt, I am not trying to say you a not a good christian and I am not trying to get in an argument.


i appreciate it...

#224Consumer Comment

Tue, June 06, 2006

thats very very nice of you. and, satanists dont worship satan. it's a philosophy. i dotn worship satan. and i think anyone that does is silly. ESPECIALLY people who sell thier souls, thats like the most ignorant thing you can do, and it's basically spitting in god's face, which i dont approve of. i have only called myself a satanist for a year now, but upon reading the satanic bible, i have realized i have held that disposition for some time now. it's very nice of you, and i do appreciate your concern. i do belive jesus to be kind, and if the rapture does happen, well it would suprise the hell out of me, thats for sure. i guess i dont know what i would do. and well if you look at it alot of things have been happening in recent years that certainly dont disprove that theory. 9/11, the war, the deficit, the oil crisi, prices getting out of control, more and more crime, people doing things to other people that we once thought humans were not capable of, sadly we're proven wrong. on the subject of jesus coming back i am unsure, but now that you mention it, well, it's becoming somewhat convincing.


South Carolina,
To Logan: only have a short time to repent

#225Author of original report

Mon, June 05, 2006

Hello Logan, I am glad you took the time to reply to this thread. I am not sure if any of my words will matter to you. In my years I have had the opportunity to chat with youth that had gone down many paths, some good, some not so good. I have a question. As you have said, you believe in God, and since you worship satan, then you know from him that God and Jesus is real. Therefore, why would you want to worship something that has less power than God and Jesus? Jesus said: "I watched satan fall like lightening"! May I suggest reading two books by Rebecca Brown, MD: 1. He Came To Set The Captives Free 2. Prepare For War I will be glad to purchase the books for you at your local Barnes and Noble bookstore. Just let me know which store you will pick them up. I will buy them and tell the store to let you have them by your call-name here, that way I do not know your real name. Both books are based on a teenager who was fooled by satan to get into his tricks. From the book the teenage girl became one of the "brides of satan" and talks in deep detail the things she saw and experienced. I was very troubled by what they did to little children. I found the books interesting, because the teenager stated many times that whenever satan's worshipers and demons fought against God, Jesus, or People that followed Christ, they would fall flat on their wicked faces. Anyway, you can take my words or through them away. I know the Lord of Lords is soon to return, the signs are all around us and has been recorded in historic books of the Bible (Keep in mind these books of the Bible was written over 2000 years ago). To test this, ask your demon friends and demand they answer you "In Jesus Name" and see what happens. According to the Bible, if you call out to Jesus, the demons must respect Jesus' Holy position and answer. Or if you wish you could use Jesus' Hebrew name, Yeshua. Feel free to reply what happens. I will Pray for you and your friends and family. We only have a short time to repent, before Jesus "Yeshua" returns, then the time is up and the Ruling begins.


There is many options for your situation

#226Consumer Suggestion

Sun, June 04, 2006

I read your letter I felt a great deal of sadness, There is many options for your situation but you have to trust someone. Stealing will get you caught eventually and if you want a good job or more this could prevent you from pursueing it. Have you tried talking to a school councelor or contact a ymca for help. There are group homes where they can help you buy your clothes and food. I commend you for going to school I hope you have good grades. Don't give up on religion satan will only bring you down. There are many people who have made it you can to I just hope you make the right choice before it is to late. take care


there was too much to read, but i get your drift.

#227Consumer Comment

Sat, June 03, 2006

ok, todd. i have read this and i have some comments. i dont work at walmart. i am fifteen years old. i do agree that since the owner is deceased it has come very close to a monopoly. however, it seems to me this has become more of an issue of religion than an issuse of legality, which it should be. i am probably going to get nasty comments from you and mabey others, but just as you wouldent deny your faith, i will not deny mine. i am a satanist. i lean more towards the philosphical side. i do belive in god. i belive i have talked to god before, and also i belive i am out of his jurisdiction. i also belive in satan as somewhat of an entity, but i worship nothing. i also am a shoplifter. i have been shoplifting for three years now from walmart stores and have never been caught. i dont do this for fun or for the thrill, but because i kind of have to. i dont have any money and my mother is.. well.. extreemly irrisponsible. i have been living with my friend for two years. i dont have a home of my own. of the things i steal among these are food, clothing, cds, and lots of things from the craft isle. i steal things for my friends most of the time. we are all in the same boat and i love to give them things. we all make eachother happy. we always pick up things for eachother. as i have been on the other side of the law all my life it's hard for me to see this as very wrong. i know it is, but i wouldent have school clothes otherwise. this goes for many other things i need. i am very self sufficient. i belive your story, people can be like that. lots of police around this area are like that, tell them they are wrong and they explode, and they will never admitt they are wrong or sorry, no matter if proven otherwise. however, i think you need to persue this legaly more so than religiously. also, why do you acuse everyone who does not agree with you to be "of the goat" or "paid by walmart" or "walmart lovers"? why do you say this? you seem very hasty to point fingers sir. i respect your religion, but you do sound a little ridiculous to everyone. i put faith in myself to get things done, and you should do so too, alongside your faith in god. you can pray all you want, but unless you do something as well nothing will get done. you cant sit on your butt and just expect god to do everything for you. you may be disabled but you seem very capable of making an argument. i hope you do so and persue these charges. i hope that all goes well for you and your family, and i hope these employees will be replaced, as well as the cop.


Wow, another doozie.

#228Consumer Comment

Thu, June 01, 2006

Robin said: You are all entitled to believe whatever you want to believe and say whatever you want to say. After seeing over a year's worth of comments where angry words were exchanged among everyone, I just got upset with how people treat people. Did you have a point to make? Because I get upset when criminals steal from legitimate businessmen, and then claim the retailer deserved it (employees are stealing too, or Charles' "racist" statements, etc etc etc). Todd - Still waiting on the case number Or docket Or judge's name.



#229Consumer Comment

Sun, May 28, 2006

"Give it up! quit saying the same things over & over its not getting you anywhere." Truer words were never spoken. So, guess you will not longer beat the dead horses (Raptis, your mom's racist EX-employer, EEOC, videotape dude, Progressive, etc.)by posting the same things over and over without response?


Lake Oswego,

#230Consumer Comment

Sun, May 28, 2006

LET ME CLARIFY, I am the ABOVE person you metioned, and my response was directed at John , who said since I didn't believe Todds story added up I worked at wal mart, I was merely pointing out the FACTS to HIM, not you, that I am no ones employee I am a housewife okay? I used to have a job, but was in an accident, I haven't worked in 2 years. So, therfore I was merely telling "John" to get his facts before he makes a lame remark like that one. It had nothing to do with you. okay. ARE we clear now?


West Virginia,

#231Consumer Comment

Sat, May 27, 2006

I just wanted to add that I am not defending Todd, his story, actions, words, or anything of the like. I and not saying that you all are right or wrong in your thinking or anything you all have said. You are all entitled to believe whatever you want to believe and say whatever you want to say. After seeing over a year's worth of comments where angry words were exchanged among everyone, I just got upset with how people treat people. Thank you all very much!


Phenix City,
Just ignore these thugs you people are sad

#232Consumer Comment

Thu, May 25, 2006

I, would like to know where people got this idea to get me mixed up with this report when i just made a simple comment like everybody else does, & then people got my reports mixed up with this one. getting my reports mixed up with this one like how the above person did, with my landlord/tenant issue was no way mixed up with this complaint. People, have no right to make fun of people like me who are facing these problems.


Phenix City,
Just ignore these thugs you people are sad

#233Consumer Comment

Thu, May 25, 2006

I, would like to know where people got this idea to get me mixed up with this report when i just made a simple comment like everybody else does, & then people got my reports mixed up with this one. getting my reports mixed up with this one like how the above person did, with my landlord/tenant issue was no way mixed up with this complaint. People, have no right to make fun of people like me who are facing these problems.


Phenix City,
Just ignore these thugs you people are sad

#234Consumer Comment

Thu, May 25, 2006

I, would like to know where people got this idea to get me mixed up with this report when i just made a simple comment like everybody else does, & then people got my reports mixed up with this one. getting my reports mixed up with this one like how the above person did, with my landlord/tenant issue was no way mixed up with this complaint. People, have no right to make fun of people like me who are facing these problems.


Phenix City,
Just ignore these thugs you people are sad

#235Consumer Comment

Thu, May 25, 2006

I, would like to know where people got this idea to get me mixed up with this report when i just made a simple comment like everybody else does, & then people got my reports mixed up with this one. getting my reports mixed up with this one like how the above person did, with my landlord/tenant issue was no way mixed up with this complaint. People, have no right to make fun of people like me who are facing these problems.


Lake Oswego,
Sorry John

#236Consumer Comment

Thu, May 25, 2006

Your guess is wrong, I do not work anymore due to an accident, so therefore, I am NOT, I REPEAT ONCE AGAIN since you didn't catch it in my earlier post, I am not a wal mart employee, I am not anyones employee right now. so quit guessing and get the facts okay? That was Todds mistake and if you really read this post you would see I called wal mart about Todd it never happened as he described, they said they have arrested shoplifters and if he was falsely arrested, don't YOU think he would have filed a suit against wal mart?. Think about his story and how he refuses to give out his personal case info , but yet posts other peoples, you couldn't be more wrong John, and for the record, I checked it out unlike you.


Lake Oswego,
Sorry John

#237Consumer Comment

Thu, May 25, 2006

Your guess is wrong, I do not work anymore due to an accident, so therefore, I am NOT, I REPEAT ONCE AGAIN since you didn't catch it in my earlier post, I am not a wal mart employee, I am not anyones employee right now. so quit guessing and get the facts okay? That was Todds mistake and if you really read this post you would see I called wal mart about Todd it never happened as he described, they said they have arrested shoplifters and if he was falsely arrested, don't YOU think he would have filed a suit against wal mart?. Think about his story and how he refuses to give out his personal case info , but yet posts other peoples, you couldn't be more wrong John, and for the record, I checked it out unlike you.


Lake Oswego,
Sorry John

#238Consumer Comment

Thu, May 25, 2006

Your guess is wrong, I do not work anymore due to an accident, so therefore, I am NOT, I REPEAT ONCE AGAIN since you didn't catch it in my earlier post, I am not a wal mart employee, I am not anyones employee right now. so quit guessing and get the facts okay? That was Todds mistake and if you really read this post you would see I called wal mart about Todd it never happened as he described, they said they have arrested shoplifters and if he was falsely arrested, don't YOU think he would have filed a suit against wal mart?. Think about his story and how he refuses to give out his personal case info , but yet posts other peoples, you couldn't be more wrong John, and for the record, I checked it out unlike you.


Lake Oswego,
Sorry John

#239Consumer Comment

Thu, May 25, 2006

Your guess is wrong, I do not work anymore due to an accident, so therefore, I am NOT, I REPEAT ONCE AGAIN since you didn't catch it in my earlier post, I am not a wal mart employee, I am not anyones employee right now. so quit guessing and get the facts okay? That was Todds mistake and if you really read this post you would see I called wal mart about Todd it never happened as he described, they said they have arrested shoplifters and if he was falsely arrested, don't YOU think he would have filed a suit against wal mart?. Think about his story and how he refuses to give out his personal case info , but yet posts other peoples, you couldn't be more wrong John, and for the record, I checked it out unlike you.


to everyone that thought it dosen't add up

#240Consumer Comment

Tue, May 23, 2006

To everyone that thinks it dosen't add up so my guess you all work at Wal-Mart.


Lake Oswego,

#241Consumer Comment

Tue, May 23, 2006

Todd, You sure jump right out there when someone else has a STORY trying to stick up for you, don't you think since you are such a "DEVOUT CHRISTIAN FAMILY MAN", You should instead of insulting the ones that disagree with you, be trying to save "us?"I guess only the people that don't see through your story as we did, get to go to heaven right?You are such a hypocrite, in fact, you scare people out of christianity with your burning and hell talk.Since you are so perfect don't ya think that you should be trying to save us wretched individuals, instead of hating and judging us, you really don't know your bible or live it do you?!


Sure Charles

#242Consumer Suggestion

Fri, May 12, 2006

Charles said: Could it be wal-mart employees are shop-lifting & targeting certian custormers they don't want shopping in their stores. that is a violation of our civil rights I think you're on to something. All those stupid white people with their noisy, germ ridden kids and rotten "Me First" psuedo-patriotic American attitudes are just intolerable for any company. The whites caused Wal-Mart to be audited by INS, which caused Wal-Mart to lose some of their illegal workers and get fined MILLIONS of dollars. If it wasn't for those white people, Wal-Mart wouldn't be in this mess. Civil case, indeed. /sarcasm off


Could be...but it ain't.

#243Consumer Suggestion

Tue, May 09, 2006

Wal-Mart don't give a rat's houhah about your income-if you have it to spend they will be happy to provide a place to spend it. So, Toddie... Court case #? Docket #? Judge's name?


Phenix City,
Heres a thought

#244Consumer Comment

Sun, May 07, 2006

Could it be wal-mart employees are shop-lifting & targeting certian custormers they don't want shopping in their stores. that is a violation of our civil rights wal-mart don't want certain people to shop in their stores, could it be wal-mart is falsely accusing people of shop-lifting because they hate for them to shop @ their store because they are low-incomed people shopping in their stores!.


Phenix City,
You people are sad

#245Consumer Comment

Thu, May 04, 2006

You people are sad!, you people do more harm to wal-marts reputation then the people who report themselves. Give it up! quit saying the same things over & over its not getting you anywhere.


1.3 million employees probably aren't "perfect", but they're people. More love and grace from Todd!

#246Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 04, 2006

Todd said: D: Can and could be sex offenders, seeking prey of young children, taking pictures to put on the internet, touching them, exposing themselves to them, et al. (There is a major case going on right now that demonstrates and proves that Wal-Mart hires these kinds of people). Right. 1.3 million people work for that company. I'll bet some are (gasp!) gay and l*****n, some have different lifestyles than yours, and some may even be smokers! If this asanine supposition you suggest actually existed per capita, I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often that a first time offender with no record would slip through the cracks without first garnering attention from co-workers or management. Todd, do you get mad at schools when molesters try to get kids in their cars on the way home from school? Or do you BLAME THE ACTUAL CRIMINAL? Why am I asking you? You're defending an admitted criminal. Of course you think that way. How do you figure that 86% of theft is internal? Let me guess - walmartsucks.com right? Or was it that new movie you watched to get your "extensive research"? Todd said: C: Will join with other criminals employed by company to scam, steal, any and all forms of inside criminal activity. Where are you GETTING these stupid assumptions? You paint every Wal-Mart employee with a VERY wide brush. I'll bet the "WestSide WalManites" is some gang you made up, full of organized crime that you actually believe exists, led by an Owl or Walnut. Look, the company has a few bad apples, and a few stellar people. What large company DOESN'T? If Todd was falsely arrested, why isn't he sueing Wal-Mart? Well? Todd said: It is interesting that many of the products are not as low in price as other more higher quality products sold in other stores. I found Kroger, Piggly-Wiggly, Lowes, et al., with products of higher grade and not much higher than Wal-Mart. I'll give you that. I was able to save 4 dollars for buying some DVD's at an electronics retailer from the $7.99 bin, instead of paying Wal-Marts $11.99 price. However, that is NOT the norm. Distribution and high quantities allow for a discount from the manufacturers. The more you buy, the bigger the discount. If you're going to tell me that Kroger, Piggly-Wiggly has more buying power direct from the manufacturer, and thus are entitled to a bigger discount, then you know NOTHING about retail. I went to the big orange lumber store, and spent 20 minutes trying to find either a) someone who worked there or b) the item I was looking for - a garden hand-shovel. They didn't even HAVE one. Then I went somewhere else, and they didn't have it either. I got it at Wal-Mart for $2.99. At that point, price didn't even matter. Availability and in-stock was more important than price, and the price is never UNreasonable. Todd said: But, if someone is falsely accused of a crime, such as Todd, he is quickly thrown in jail. Well, if you're losing 86% from the employees (your asanine figure), then Todd would represent a large percentage of the remaining 14% that were customers - and would be charged to the fullest extent of the law. Or was it "only a sandwich"? Todd: No matter who they "murder" (referring to the young man Wal-Mart murdered in Texas), to keep that "Greed". No GREED on the thief's part, eh, Todd? As usual, sticking up for the THEIF. Show me in the Bible where thievery was ever honored or rewarded by God. Your own theology contradicts your point. Finally, this jem from Tressa: My sister hollared "exuse me", noticing the woman's bad attitude. That must be the way you like someone to get YOUR attention. By "hollaring" at them. What a way to get someone motivated to help you. Wal-Mart SELLS helium tanks for balloons for under $20.00. And look out for those dollar stores. ROR has their own report how Family Dollar killed a woman's husband. (#108002)


So tell me, Toddie, where do we fit in?

#247UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, April 27, 2006

I worked for Wally World in the summer of '02. They were hardly my best employer, but were far from my worst. I am NOT a high school dropout. I am NOT a criminal. Nor were most of the fine folk I had the pleasure of working with. You, sir, are NO sociologist. Here is what it boils down to: Case? Court? Docket?


so todd

#248Consumer Comment

Wed, April 26, 2006

What was your case number? What court was your case tried in and in what county and state? Who was the judge that presided over your case?


Simply amazing!

#249Consumer Comment

Wed, April 26, 2006

Tressa said: "Another occasion me and my sister-in-law was told to go to the seafood section to ask a worker to blow up some pastel colored balloons we had purchased from Dollar Tree for Easter." You've got to be kidding me, right? You purchased items from a competitor, then asked for Wal-Mart's assistance with items you did not even purchase from them? No wonder they sent you to the seafood section. I'll bet they had a nice laugh too as you were walking away towards the lobsters. OK, so maybe that wasn't the right thing for them to do. But if it were me and I owned the store, I would just have simply asked you to leave. The things some people think they are entitled to in this world simply amaze me!


South Carolina,
Hi Tressa! Some Details Of WalMart's Problems:

#250Author of original report

Wed, April 26, 2006

Some Details Of WalMart's Problems: During my long research into Wal-Mart, I have discovered that Wal-Mart pays the normal worker very low wages, and most likely no benefits. This does not include the high salaries that senior management gets. The normal employees fall into a few categories: 1. College kids, (who need fast money, flex-hours, nice, but do not care about anything). 2. Simi-educated, (might have high school degree or GED), hates being there, but knows this is the only thing they are able to get, until something new comes. (Can be nice, but usually full of anger). 3. Uneducated, (does not have any education, and really hates being there)... and most likely has a criminal background. This category is most dangerous to customers and the company. A: Over 86% of all theft is conducted by inside (company thefts). B: Will not respect the customer or company policy. C: Will join with other criminals employed by company to scam, steal, any and all forms of inside criminal activity. D: Can and could be sex offenders, seeking prey of young children, taking pictures to put on the internet, touching them, exposing themselves to them, et al. (There is a major case going on right now that demonstrates and proves that Wal-Mart hires these kinds of people). So, the normal employees of Wal-Mart fall under the old saying, "You get what you pay for" (low salaries, no benefits, criminal or angered employees). The other factor is the poor-quality of products being sold. Almost every item that I had bought from Wal-Mart broke or was defective in one form or another. During my research I discovered that Wal-Mart operates large (children and women) sweat shops in Asia (mostly China), that force slave-labor to produce these products at the lowest prices. Then they sale them in the USA with market up profits. It is interesting that many of the products are not as low in price as other more higher quality products sold in other stores. I found Kroger, Piggly-Wiggly, Lowes, et al., with products of higher grade and not much higher than Wal-Mart. I also found that some Wal-Marts in the same area, sale the very same product at various prices. One Wal-Mart just a few miles apart had one-product sales at $5, while the other sold the very same product for $8. So, this provides the fact that Wal-Mart is doing criminal activity against the consumer, by price gauging! This is very wrong, and what is even more wrong is all this politics that accept campaign funding, turn away and let Wal-Mart get away with it. Just like the gas prices going on today. But, if someone is falsely accused of a crime, such as Todd, he is quickly thrown in jail. The Bible only explains this madness. It comforts me, after reading the Bible, to understand that there are wicked people out there, and they will not last, because the Bible teaches that the Righteous will have VICTORY! The wicked worship "GREED", and will stop at nothing to keep that "Greed" as their god. The righteous worship GOD thru JESUS! No matter who they "murder" (referring to the young man Wal-Mart murdered in Texas), to keep that "Greed". So, I know this is a ministry for me to speak the voice of the TRUTH! Expose the evil as it tries to be hidden. Shine the light of the wickedness! I praise the mother that fought for six years to file a lawsuit against Wal-Mart about them hiring criminals and sex offenders! I praise the little girl in her stand, in hopes to protect other young ladies! The interesting issue is I stated by prophecy a year ago, that GOD will bring major punishments on Wal-Mart if they did not REPENT! And look at all these things happening. Like Pharaoh during the time of Moses, after seeing the ten plagues, will Wal-Mart turn from being wicked? You can be blessed by doing the right thing... But like all wicked people and Pharaoh, they quickly turn back to their evil deeds... And then, God will destroy them forever. Many of us lived fine before Wal-Mart, and we will live much better without Wal-Mart! (Unless they REPENT and correct their wickedness) Bye for now...


South Carolina,
Hi Tressa! Some Details Of WalMart's Problems:

#251Author of original report

Wed, April 26, 2006

Some Details Of WalMart's Problems: During my long research into Wal-Mart, I have discovered that Wal-Mart pays the normal worker very low wages, and most likely no benefits. This does not include the high salaries that senior management gets. The normal employees fall into a few categories: 1. College kids, (who need fast money, flex-hours, nice, but do not care about anything). 2. Simi-educated, (might have high school degree or GED), hates being there, but knows this is the only thing they are able to get, until something new comes. (Can be nice, but usually full of anger). 3. Uneducated, (does not have any education, and really hates being there)... and most likely has a criminal background. This category is most dangerous to customers and the company. A: Over 86% of all theft is conducted by inside (company thefts). B: Will not respect the customer or company policy. C: Will join with other criminals employed by company to scam, steal, any and all forms of inside criminal activity. D: Can and could be sex offenders, seeking prey of young children, taking pictures to put on the internet, touching them, exposing themselves to them, et al. (There is a major case going on right now that demonstrates and proves that Wal-Mart hires these kinds of people). So, the normal employees of Wal-Mart fall under the old saying, "You get what you pay for" (low salaries, no benefits, criminal or angered employees). The other factor is the poor-quality of products being sold. Almost every item that I had bought from Wal-Mart broke or was defective in one form or another. During my research I discovered that Wal-Mart operates large (children and women) sweat shops in Asia (mostly China), that force slave-labor to produce these products at the lowest prices. Then they sale them in the USA with market up profits. It is interesting that many of the products are not as low in price as other more higher quality products sold in other stores. I found Kroger, Piggly-Wiggly, Lowes, et al., with products of higher grade and not much higher than Wal-Mart. I also found that some Wal-Marts in the same area, sale the very same product at various prices. One Wal-Mart just a few miles apart had one-product sales at $5, while the other sold the very same product for $8. So, this provides the fact that Wal-Mart is doing criminal activity against the consumer, by price gauging! This is very wrong, and what is even more wrong is all this politics that accept campaign funding, turn away and let Wal-Mart get away with it. Just like the gas prices going on today. But, if someone is falsely accused of a crime, such as Todd, he is quickly thrown in jail. The Bible only explains this madness. It comforts me, after reading the Bible, to understand that there are wicked people out there, and they will not last, because the Bible teaches that the Righteous will have VICTORY! The wicked worship "GREED", and will stop at nothing to keep that "Greed" as their god. The righteous worship GOD thru JESUS! No matter who they "murder" (referring to the young man Wal-Mart murdered in Texas), to keep that "Greed". So, I know this is a ministry for me to speak the voice of the TRUTH! Expose the evil as it tries to be hidden. Shine the light of the wickedness! I praise the mother that fought for six years to file a lawsuit against Wal-Mart about them hiring criminals and sex offenders! I praise the little girl in her stand, in hopes to protect other young ladies! The interesting issue is I stated by prophecy a year ago, that GOD will bring major punishments on Wal-Mart if they did not REPENT! And look at all these things happening. Like Pharaoh during the time of Moses, after seeing the ten plagues, will Wal-Mart turn from being wicked? You can be blessed by doing the right thing... But like all wicked people and Pharaoh, they quickly turn back to their evil deeds... And then, God will destroy them forever. Many of us lived fine before Wal-Mart, and we will live much better without Wal-Mart! (Unless they REPENT and correct their wickedness) Bye for now...


South Carolina,
Hi Tressa! Some Details Of WalMart's Problems:

#252Author of original report

Wed, April 26, 2006

Some Details Of WalMart's Problems: During my long research into Wal-Mart, I have discovered that Wal-Mart pays the normal worker very low wages, and most likely no benefits. This does not include the high salaries that senior management gets. The normal employees fall into a few categories: 1. College kids, (who need fast money, flex-hours, nice, but do not care about anything). 2. Simi-educated, (might have high school degree or GED), hates being there, but knows this is the only thing they are able to get, until something new comes. (Can be nice, but usually full of anger). 3. Uneducated, (does not have any education, and really hates being there)... and most likely has a criminal background. This category is most dangerous to customers and the company. A: Over 86% of all theft is conducted by inside (company thefts). B: Will not respect the customer or company policy. C: Will join with other criminals employed by company to scam, steal, any and all forms of inside criminal activity. D: Can and could be sex offenders, seeking prey of young children, taking pictures to put on the internet, touching them, exposing themselves to them, et al. (There is a major case going on right now that demonstrates and proves that Wal-Mart hires these kinds of people). So, the normal employees of Wal-Mart fall under the old saying, "You get what you pay for" (low salaries, no benefits, criminal or angered employees). The other factor is the poor-quality of products being sold. Almost every item that I had bought from Wal-Mart broke or was defective in one form or another. During my research I discovered that Wal-Mart operates large (children and women) sweat shops in Asia (mostly China), that force slave-labor to produce these products at the lowest prices. Then they sale them in the USA with market up profits. It is interesting that many of the products are not as low in price as other more higher quality products sold in other stores. I found Kroger, Piggly-Wiggly, Lowes, et al., with products of higher grade and not much higher than Wal-Mart. I also found that some Wal-Marts in the same area, sale the very same product at various prices. One Wal-Mart just a few miles apart had one-product sales at $5, while the other sold the very same product for $8. So, this provides the fact that Wal-Mart is doing criminal activity against the consumer, by price gauging! This is very wrong, and what is even more wrong is all this politics that accept campaign funding, turn away and let Wal-Mart get away with it. Just like the gas prices going on today. But, if someone is falsely accused of a crime, such as Todd, he is quickly thrown in jail. The Bible only explains this madness. It comforts me, after reading the Bible, to understand that there are wicked people out there, and they will not last, because the Bible teaches that the Righteous will have VICTORY! The wicked worship "GREED", and will stop at nothing to keep that "Greed" as their god. The righteous worship GOD thru JESUS! No matter who they "murder" (referring to the young man Wal-Mart murdered in Texas), to keep that "Greed". So, I know this is a ministry for me to speak the voice of the TRUTH! Expose the evil as it tries to be hidden. Shine the light of the wickedness! I praise the mother that fought for six years to file a lawsuit against Wal-Mart about them hiring criminals and sex offenders! I praise the little girl in her stand, in hopes to protect other young ladies! The interesting issue is I stated by prophecy a year ago, that GOD will bring major punishments on Wal-Mart if they did not REPENT! And look at all these things happening. Like Pharaoh during the time of Moses, after seeing the ten plagues, will Wal-Mart turn from being wicked? You can be blessed by doing the right thing... But like all wicked people and Pharaoh, they quickly turn back to their evil deeds... And then, God will destroy them forever. Many of us lived fine before Wal-Mart, and we will live much better without Wal-Mart! (Unless they REPENT and correct their wickedness) Bye for now...


South Carolina,
Hi Tressa! Some Details Of WalMart's Problems:

#253Author of original report

Wed, April 26, 2006

Some Details Of WalMart's Problems: During my long research into Wal-Mart, I have discovered that Wal-Mart pays the normal worker very low wages, and most likely no benefits. This does not include the high salaries that senior management gets. The normal employees fall into a few categories: 1. College kids, (who need fast money, flex-hours, nice, but do not care about anything). 2. Simi-educated, (might have high school degree or GED), hates being there, but knows this is the only thing they are able to get, until something new comes. (Can be nice, but usually full of anger). 3. Uneducated, (does not have any education, and really hates being there)... and most likely has a criminal background. This category is most dangerous to customers and the company. A: Over 86% of all theft is conducted by inside (company thefts). B: Will not respect the customer or company policy. C: Will join with other criminals employed by company to scam, steal, any and all forms of inside criminal activity. D: Can and could be sex offenders, seeking prey of young children, taking pictures to put on the internet, touching them, exposing themselves to them, et al. (There is a major case going on right now that demonstrates and proves that Wal-Mart hires these kinds of people). So, the normal employees of Wal-Mart fall under the old saying, "You get what you pay for" (low salaries, no benefits, criminal or angered employees). The other factor is the poor-quality of products being sold. Almost every item that I had bought from Wal-Mart broke or was defective in one form or another. During my research I discovered that Wal-Mart operates large (children and women) sweat shops in Asia (mostly China), that force slave-labor to produce these products at the lowest prices. Then they sale them in the USA with market up profits. It is interesting that many of the products are not as low in price as other more higher quality products sold in other stores. I found Kroger, Piggly-Wiggly, Lowes, et al., with products of higher grade and not much higher than Wal-Mart. I also found that some Wal-Marts in the same area, sale the very same product at various prices. One Wal-Mart just a few miles apart had one-product sales at $5, while the other sold the very same product for $8. So, this provides the fact that Wal-Mart is doing criminal activity against the consumer, by price gauging! This is very wrong, and what is even more wrong is all this politics that accept campaign funding, turn away and let Wal-Mart get away with it. Just like the gas prices going on today. But, if someone is falsely accused of a crime, such as Todd, he is quickly thrown in jail. The Bible only explains this madness. It comforts me, after reading the Bible, to understand that there are wicked people out there, and they will not last, because the Bible teaches that the Righteous will have VICTORY! The wicked worship "GREED", and will stop at nothing to keep that "Greed" as their god. The righteous worship GOD thru JESUS! No matter who they "murder" (referring to the young man Wal-Mart murdered in Texas), to keep that "Greed". So, I know this is a ministry for me to speak the voice of the TRUTH! Expose the evil as it tries to be hidden. Shine the light of the wickedness! I praise the mother that fought for six years to file a lawsuit against Wal-Mart about them hiring criminals and sex offenders! I praise the little girl in her stand, in hopes to protect other young ladies! The interesting issue is I stated by prophecy a year ago, that GOD will bring major punishments on Wal-Mart if they did not REPENT! And look at all these things happening. Like Pharaoh during the time of Moses, after seeing the ten plagues, will Wal-Mart turn from being wicked? You can be blessed by doing the right thing... But like all wicked people and Pharaoh, they quickly turn back to their evil deeds... And then, God will destroy them forever. Many of us lived fine before Wal-Mart, and we will live much better without Wal-Mart! (Unless they REPENT and correct their wickedness) Bye for now...


Baton Rouge,
They do stereotype too

#254Consumer Comment

Tue, April 25, 2006

Todd: My husband and I always shop at Walmart and every single time run into "vicious" employees, as if they own the store! They don't own one dog-on trash can in there to spit in! I've worked in retail, and I have treated all of my customers nicely and with respect! They were spending their money in my store, which they did not have to. I APPRECIATED it!! One day, I saw 2 women working on the floor following us around whispering to each other "watch them". I made sure they saw me waiving them off like I didn't care. On many other occasions, we asked where something is, they just point and say "over there", and keep on conversating like you don't exist. Another occasion me and my sister-in-law was told to go to the seafood section to ask a worker to blow up some pastel colored balloons we had purchased from Dollar Tree for Easter. We got over there and asked a woman working in behind the counter for help. She rolled her eyes, at first not paying us any attention. My sister hollared "exuse me", noticing the woman's bad attitude. Then she said, "this is SEAFOOD!" then my sister said, "don't you think I know that?" We were referred to you to blow up our balloons. Then she goes to get someone in the back for us frowned up. The man was offish, too, hesitating until we talked him into it. Why were we referred to him in the first place if it wasn't his job? My sister-law said, "I don't know what their d**n problem is--it's not my fault they had to work today on Easter weekend!" Walmart employees are so DISCONNECTED!! There is no unity between the workers, or the workers with the customers! I feel you Todd. There are plenty of cheaper places to shop like Dollar Tree, Dollar General, Family Dollar, and Walgreens (with the sales papers).


Sir Toddoknight - waving the sword again...

#255Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 25, 2006

Todd said: 1. Need I speak about what Jesus did to the moneychangers? What DID Jesus do to the thieves who tried to rip people off, Todd? Seems to me that YOUR table would have ALSO been turned over. Stealing sandwiches for your own gain... Todd said: Lesson after lesson, word for word, the Bible is full of "Men and Women of God" that are called to speak out against the wrongs of people and tell them that God will bring "wrath" against them if they do not REPENT! And THAT is EXACTLY what WE say to YOU, Todd. Pay for your sandwiches or be dealt the psychological trashing you richly deserve. Not only do you not repent, you mis-use the word of god to JUSTIFY your actions. Todd said: And NONE-OF-THEM has said anything, INSTEAD, they try to "brush" over the facts, and flood my posting claiming I am acting, not as a Christian and so on. Such trashy, ugly people, these Walmanites! For a guy who likes to send people to hell over a difference in opinion and a sandwich, you sure do quite a bit of "brushing" yourself. YOU repent of your sandwich stealing, thief! Same for that guy who stole stuff, got his shirt ripped off and thrown to the ground. I'm not sympathetic, because I DON'T CONDONE STEALING, Todd. EVEN FROM A RICH MAN OR CORPORATION. Somehow you missed the lesson that taking without paying is WRONG, and i highly doubt that god is on your side in that matter. MAYBE. MAYBE... god has started judging thieves and this is an example of the result! (How ya like THEM apples, Todd?) I'd love to see criminals punished - after all, justice has quite the emphasis in the bible, don't you think? If the thief was Goliath, and the retailer was David... then the death of one is diminshed by the relevance of the whole consequence. But I'll say this - I'll bet no-one is going to swipe from that Wal-mart for a while. That's a good lesson for YOU, Todd. That guy could have been you. You should be praising Wal-Mart for handling YOU with the high level of respect and professionalism that they did. Oh... Docket? Case number? Judge? Bah. I think Chaz is right.


Even the devil can quote scripture to suit his own devices! The devil can assume all forms, too.

#256Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 25, 2006

Hey, Toddie! You been hiding something from us, Toddie? 'fess up! Come clean! Put up or SHUT UP-nearly every person here is sick and tired of the endless putricity that you manufacture and distribute in such vast quantity! Docket? Case number? Judge? If you once again dodge these questions I, for one, will be secure in my knowledge that you come not from God, but from quite the opposite direction. I accuse you here and now of instigating hatred where none existed before. I further accuse you of defaming Christianity. Justify your acts, if you can!


Lake Oswego,

#257Consumer Comment

Sat, April 22, 2006

Hey if I am on walmarts payroll , I would like to have my check please. I would hate to think I was doing someone else's job for free, as I said TODDY BOY, you knew of these cases when you were feeding your face at wal mart for free, it wasn't UNTIL YOU GOT CAUGHT STAELING AND NO MORE FREE FOOD, you launched into this save the world from walmart routine, and like I said I have no doubt if you were still getting free food you'd be there still feeding your face on wal marts dime,OH and where do I collect my check? I have posted alot of postings and didn't realize I was on a payroll with wal mart....Can you direct me Todd to where I can get my check please?


South Carolina,
Here Is The Proof, Wal-Mart is a?

#258Author of original report

Sat, April 22, 2006

... These, Walmanites, (Most likely hired and paid by "Edelman, Wal-Mart's PR firm") can write on these postings all the funk and skunk they want, and claim I am no Christian or whatever trash comes out of their freakish mouths. (I personally thought the claim that I was multiple people posting other claims was very funny! "Tammy, Charles, et al.") But, the fact remains, these, Walmanites are MURDERS! And whoever supports Wal-Mart by calling these facts lies, WHEN in fact it is the truth, makes them as guilty as the very people that committed the actual murder. What is that called? An accessory to murder, you supported and defended the action and ALLOWED it to happen! Jesus said to Pilot, "Those that handed me over to you to MURDER me, is GUILTY of a worse CRIME! (SIN)" So, you have the actual murders! And you have those that hand over those to be murdered, that support and shout out, Murder Him! Here is the proof! Does any tears of compassion come from the Walmanites about this? NO! They will never say anything about this; I have posted on this fact for almost a YEAR! They LOVE the money, and would rather "feel good" that the man got what he should have, or so they claim! I believe the man never did anything, and even if he did, Wal-Mart, VIOLATED his rights by their action and even MURDERED him! All of the Walmanites, CEO, owners, boardmembers, supporters, PR Firm, lawyers, ALL are guilty of this young man's murder! Wal-Mart, according to the Bible, has BLOOD on their hands now! This man's blood cries out, just like Cain's brother's blood cried out for Justice! Watch, and you will see the Lord's justice come against Wal-Mart and these Walmanite murders. And NONE-OF-THEM has said anything, INSTEAD, they try to "brush" over the facts, and flood my posting claiming I am acting, not as a Christian and so on. Such trashy, ugly people, these Walmanites! The real funny thing is, these Walmanites attack many of my words, WHERE, I have copied them directly from the BIBLE, but I did not tell them that, just to see if they would attack them! This proves they are "Fake-Christians", claiming they know the Bible and they know NOTHING! Jesus and "ALL" the Prophets, SPOKE out against the wrongs of the wicked? Why do you think they were "Stoned or Murdered" (Jesus or the Prophets)? Yet, these Walmanites, try to teach me that I am against God for speaking out against the wrongs and what God will do to them for their wickedness! YET, NONE can show me in the BIBLE where Jesus, or other prophets did not speak out against wrong doings? 1. Need I speak about what Jesus did to the moneychangers? 2. Need I speak about the Prophet of what he did against the priest of Baal? 3. Need I speak about the voice of Paul, how he spoke out against the various wickedness of the evildoers? 4. Need I speak about the people during Noah's time, and what did God say? 5. Need I speak about Cain and his wickedness against his brother, what did God say? 6. Need I speak about what Moses did about the wickedness of Pharaoh? 7. Need I speak about the details that John stated in Revelation? Lesson after lesson, word for word, the Bible is full of "Men and Women of God" that are called to speak out against the wrongs of people and tell them that God will bring "wrath" against them if they do not REPENT! Yet, these Walmanites, continue to claim they are people of God, (at least some of them do), and then scream that I am not of God or speak of His truth? I have backed up my position with truth in Scripture! YET, they have not! These, Walmanites, spill out flies of lies and screams of evil against me, in hopes that no one is listening! I laugh at them and their foolishness! Anyway, decide for yourselves, God gave you good folks a brain, here is the proof that Wal-Mart "murdered" that poor man! :::::::::> ==PROOF (a): Wal-Mart kills man for allegedly shoplifting diapers by auh20 Fri Aug 12, 2005 at 11:04:21 PM PDT I saw this posted earlier, but didn't see it get much traction due to the paucity of details. I hope this diary is more recommendable as now there are considerably more details on Stacy's murder by Wal-Mart security personnel. Keep in mind these Wal-Mart employees have no special legal standing different from you or me, even in Texas. Mr. Driver, 30, was chased into the Wal-Mart parking lot, handcuffed and forced down to the hot pavement for allegedly shoplifting. He died in under 10 minutes once he was in the hands of the Wal-Mart employees. First off, here is the original Houston Chronicle story. Driver lived in Cleveland, where his parents own a small business, Lindeman said. Driver was a master carpenter with a 2-month-old son and was about halfway through taking flying courses to get his pilot's license, Lindeman said. Employees told investigators Driver had walked out the store with a package of diapers, a pair of sunglasses, a BB gun and a package of BBs, Martin said. Lindeman said otherwise. "It's our belief he was not shoplifting," he said. More details under the fold. ? auh20's diary :: :: ? Mr. Driver pleaded for his life to deaf ears. "About 30 people were saying, 'Let him up, it's too hot,' " Portz said. He said another employee brought a rug for Driver to lie on, but one of those holding Driver said he was fine where he was. "After about five minutes, (Driver) said, 'I'm dying, I can't breathe, call an ambulance,' " Portz said. Employees struggled with Driver before he was handcuffed, Martin said. "There was a struggle, and when they finally succeeded after getting him detained in handcuffs, he continued to struggle," Martin said. After Driver was handcuffed, Portz said one employee had his knee on the man's neck and others were putting pressure on his back. "Finally the guy stopped moving" and the employees got off him, Portz said. "They wouldn't call an ambulance." "I looked at him and said, 'Hey, he's not breathing,' but one guy told me (Driver) was just on drugs. I told them his fingernails were all gray, and finally they called an ambulance." Wal-Mart is unusual in its tactics of chasing alleged shoplifters. "Most retailers have a policy of not going into a chase or getting into a combative fight with someone," said Joseph LaRocca, vice president of loss prevention for the National Retail Federation. ... "Most retailers' policies would say that if a person becomes combative, let them go," LaRocca added. "You can tell police, and let the police handle the investigation and follow up." Walmart is also refusing to discuss their procedures. Wal-Mart's corporate office has refused to discuss its procedures for detaining and using force against shoplifting suspects in wake of the death of Stacy Clay Driver, 30, on Sunday. ... Christi Gallagher, a Wal-Mart spokeswoman, declined repeated requests to discuss the retail chain's techniques for apprehending and detaining suspected shoplifters or whether it permits use of force against suspects. "We don't speak publicly about our security measures," she said. Refused. No apologies, no pledge to change their agressive loss-prevention policies or even a statement their employees went too far. Nobody has been fired. Wal-Mart apparently has a history of aggressively going after shoplifters. The company, however, is widely known for its aggressive prosecution of shoplifters, said Sgt. Jeff Stauber of the Sheriff's Department burglary and theft division. Its aggressiveness also has led to a number of civil lawsuits for false imprisonment and malicious prosecution Wal-Mart loses millions (perhaps billions) to shoplifting. It's clear where their priorities are. But even then, they are wrong. Costco, who pays their employees well, has reportedly a lower theft rate than Wal-Mart. Don't let this story go away--recommend this diary. Wal-mart is hoping this story will just disappear. Don't let it happen. SOURCE: ((http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/8/13/2421/42647)) ===PROOF (b): ?Nobody Likes What the Wal-Mart Does?? 16th August 2005, 10:01 pm by Giulianna Lamanna Posted in Assortment On Sunday, August 7th, employees at a Texas Wal-Mart murdered a man for shoplifting some diapers and a BB gun. Well... to be fair, he was also taking a pair of sunglasses and a package of BBs. The terrible economic loss that Wal-Mart will suffer from these goods certainly justifies the torture and death of a 2-month-old boy's father. Before I cave in to temptation and start ranting about how our culture values material goods over living things (er... too late), let's go over the details of the event, just for those of you who haven't heard. A 30-year-old man named Stacy Clay Driver pilfered some stuff from the Atascocita Wal-Mart. A bunch of employees spotted him and chased him out into the parking lot. Three of them caught Driver, "who twisted and turned until his shirt came off." "Four or five" of them tackled him to the ground. And held him there. The high temperature that day at a nearby airport was 96 degrees Fahrenheit. The employees held him, facedown, chest naked, on scorching blacktop. They held him down for eight minutes while he pleaded and begged to be let up, while a crowd of around 30 people gathered and pleaded with the employees to show some mercy. "About 30 people were saying, 'Let him up, it's too hot,' " Portz said. He said another employee brought a rug for Driver to lie on, but one of those holding Driver said he was fine where he was. "After about five minutes, (Driver) said, 'I'm dying, I can't breathe, call an ambulance,' " Portz said. .... After Driver was handcuffed, Portz said one employee had his knee on the man's neck and others were putting pressure on his back. "Finally the guy stopped moving" and the employees got off him, Portz said. "They wouldn't call an ambulance. "I looked at him and said, 'Hey, he's not breathing,' but one guy told me (Driver) was just on drugs. I told them his fingernails were all gray, and finally they called an ambulance." Once Driver was already under control and in handcuffs, there was no reason to not take him back into the store and have him wait for the cops to show up. Instead, these employees sadistically tortured the man for eight full minutes until he died of cardiac arrest. They couldn't have known that it didn't hurt him: Driver asked them to call an ambulance, the crowd asked them to stop, and even one of the employees recognized the danger and got a rug. Any Southerner knows that on such hot days, you can fry an egg on the blacktop. So why didn't they stop? Sadly, this kind of situation is not unique to Wal-Mart, or even America. At a grocery store in Toronto, security guards killed a man who was stealing baby formula. (Sidenote: Do these guys specifically target people who are stealing stuff for babies? You know, just to make themselves look even worse?) Outside a Lord & Taylor in Dearborn, Michigan, security guards killed a man whose 11-year-old stepdaughter stole a bracelet. The question on everybody's minds, of course, is: who's to blame? Do sociopaths with no sense of empathy and a tendency towards violence like to take security guard jobs because of the power rush they offer? Do companies like Wal-Mart train their employees to restrain shoplifters - or suspected shoplifters - by any means necessary? Is this a result of the pathology of the corporation? Or a result of desensitization to violence? Those Wal-Mart employees had eight minutes to think about what they were doing. They had eight minutes to remember the hot summers they'd spent in Texas, knowing full well that to stand for even a second on gravel with their bare feet was unbearably painful. They had eight minutes to wonder what they were doing to this man, and several minutes to listen to him tell them that they were killing him; to listen to the crowd tell them that they were killing him. They had eight minutes to wonder whether they could just pick him up and drag him back inside. They had eight minutes to wonder if the loss of a bag of diapers was worth cruelly torturing a man over. And in those eight minutes, they apparently decided that it was. Regardless of who's at fault, that's some twisted-a*s logic. corporation, corporation as psychopath, murder, pathology, wal-mart This entry was posted on Tuesday, August 16th, 2005 at 10:01 pm and is filed under Assortment. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. SOURCE: ((http://anthropik.com/2005/08/nobody-likes-what-the-wal-mart-does/)) ===PROOF (c): Wal-Mart Loss Prevention Workers Murdered Shoplifter Mon, 29 Aug 2005 05:31:54 -0700 Summary: Even though the guy shoplifted and deserved to be punished but to be murdered is completely unjustifiable. What's even worse is the employees lacked empathy when he's being PINNED down on a very hot Houston weather on the HOOD of a black sedan. [Posted By nosliw] By Jamie Nash Republished from Houston Community Newspapers Online A Cleveland man died last Sunday after a scuffle with security guards at the Walmart Super Center located at 6626 FM1960 in Atascocita. According to witnesses, Stacy Driver ran out of the store and was pursued by Walmart loss prevention employees. A short time later, Driver was dead, and the Walmart employees were trying to explain the last moments of his life to police. Charles Portz said he was getting out of his car when he saw a heavy blonde haired man being chased by five people who appeared to be security or store employees. He said he saw them wrestling the man to the ground. ?The blacktop was extremely hot,? said Portz ?He had no shirt on and they wouldn't let him up off the blacktop.? He said one of the men had Driver in a chokehold and had his knee in the back of his neck as the men tried to subdue him. ?He kept trying to get up and they kept pushing him back down,? Portz said. According to Portz, Driver began to plead with them men. ?He's begging, ?Please call an ambulance, let me up, do something, I'm gonna die,? said Portz. He said the loss prevention employees called the police more than once, but another bystander called for an ambulance after realizing Driver was in trouble. Portz said he eventually began to plead with the Walmart employees. ?I told them, this guy doesn't look like he's breathing,? Portz said, ?They said, ?He's all right.? He says he continued to plead with the men, pointing out that the man's fingernails were turning gray. ?They said he's just high on something,? adding, ?They just kept him pinned down for twenty minutes or more until the ambulance came.? He said he believed Driver was dead when the ambulance left with him, but he was not certain. The store employees could not have known that the witness who was pleading with them to let Driver get up from the hot pavement was a high profile Houston attorney, from the Portz and Portz law firm. He said after the man was handcuffed he continued trying in vain to persuade the Walmart employees to allow him to get up, even pointing out that a second pair of cuffs could be used to attach the ones already on Driver to a nearby truck trailer. ?The problem is they kept him down on the blistering concrete with no shirt on,? Portz reiterated. He said law enforcement arrived at about the same time as the ambulance. Detective Robert T. Tonry, with the Homicide Division of the Harris County Sheriff's Department is investigating the death. He confirmed that Driver had struggled with Walmart loss prevention employees before being handcuffed and was not breathing a short time later. Tonry said he was transported to Northeast Medical Center in Humble where he pronounced dead. According to Tonry, some of the items Driver had in his possession which were believed to have been stolen were baby diapers, a BB gun and BBs. Tonry said he was talking to store employees and would be contacting other witnesses. He said anyone else who might have information should contact the Homicide Division of the Harris County Sheriff's Department. Driver was the son of H.C. Driver of Cleveland. Pat Driver was his step-mother and her sister Lily was speaking for the family on Monday. ?The boy was loved and he might have done something wrong, but he did not deserve that,? Lily said, ?The family has no other comment at this time. ?He would have celebrated his 31st birthday on August 31. Instead, his family is making funeral arrangements. As of this writing, the official cause of death had not been released. SOURCE: ((http://nosliw.gnn.tv/headlines/4568/Wal_Mart_Loss_Prevention_Workers_Murdered_Shoplifter)) ===PROOF (d): Top News Man dies in scuffle with security guards By: Jamie Nash August 10, 2005 A Cleveland man died last Sunday after a scuffle with security guards at the Walmart Super Center located at 6626 FM1960 in Atascocita. According to witnesses, Stacy Driver ran out of the store and was (full article contains 657 words and 1 photo) SOURCE: ((http://www.hcnonline.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=15014453&BRD=1574&PAG=461&dept_id=532241&rfi=6))



#259Consumer Comment

Fri, April 21, 2006

Todd, I have been reading this drivel since it started, and I only want to deal in facts... Whats the case number? What county and court was your case tried in? Who was the judge who presided over your case? if you can't answer these simple questions, then don't waste your time... and as Matthew 7:1 says: "Judge not, that ye be not judged" Hypocrite!



#260Consumer Comment

Fri, April 21, 2006

Todd, I have been reading this drivel since it started, and I only want to deal in facts... Whats the case number? What county and court was your case tried in? Who was the judge who presided over your case? if you can't answer these simple questions, then don't waste your time... and as Matthew 7:1 says: "Judge not, that ye be not judged" Hypocrite!



#261Consumer Comment

Fri, April 21, 2006

Todd, I have been reading this drivel since it started, and I only want to deal in facts... Whats the case number? What county and court was your case tried in? Who was the judge who presided over your case? if you can't answer these simple questions, then don't waste your time... and as Matthew 7:1 says: "Judge not, that ye be not judged" Hypocrite!


Lake Oswego,

#262Consumer Comment

Fri, April 21, 2006

I agree with you totally, I think he got caught eating and not paying and made a scene, got HIMSELF arrested, the cops do not purposely HIDE you from your family. He hides behind this devout christain thing , figuring if he says that first, then people would take his word for it. Like I said, he had to have heard of the bad publicity wal mart had at times , yet he shopped there anyways , until he was caught stealing, now he is trying to come off as a hero, saving people from big bad wal-mart none of that bothered him as long as he could feed his family for free, and like I said he would still be eating and shopping at wal mart, if he was till getting free food!


funny how you have nothing to say now Todd

#263Consumer Comment

Thu, April 20, 2006

yes, kudos to the last 2 posters!! . i by far did not read all of todds posts but i did notice for a true "christian" he did comment to posters against him in a very un-christian way. i find most of the people that go on and on about how christian they are are just trying to convince themselves they are truely christian. however todd must not be one. obviously todd had to have omitted parts of his story. he probably caused a big scene in wal mart, just like he did on this post, and that is probably why things happened the way they did. serves him right.


Lake Oswego,

#264Consumer Comment

Tue, April 18, 2006

I said this on the other site but JUST for YOU I am gonna post it here, YOU shopped at walmart by your own postings ALOT, You had to have seen news reports about cases against wal mart yet you shopped there, so besides being a hypocrite, you are A WALMANITE TOO, now since you ate your LAST free meal for you and your family , you attack the hand that fed you for free! I have no doubt if they let you continue to EAT FOR FREE, you would not be on this crusade to save those people you cared NOTHING about , when you were in their deli eating free food!Must cost you alot now to have to buy your own food,it wasn't until you got caught eating free and that ride was up , YOU decided to save all these poor people wronged by walmart, funny how it didn't bother you until the FREE FOOD RIDE WAS OVER! Welcome to the walmanit world buddy, you are what you are.Oh aand the last poster had it right , christians do not insult or get angry as you did KUDOS TO THE LAST POSTER! WELL SAID MY FRIEND!


British Columbia,
This Is A Complete Joke Right?

#265Consumer Comment

Tue, April 18, 2006

Todd, I cannot believe you've spent MONTHS on this site arguing over this. As a born again Christian, I can honestly say we DO NOT treat others half as bad as I've seen some of your posts. Individuals that walk with Christ HAVE NO ANGER. They NEVER speak down about another & certainly don't commit slander. They allow Jesus to take their hand & walk with them. U my friend are not currently walking with him...Far from it. I suggest u go to the Lord & ask forgiveness for all the false accusations & unneeded drama you've caused here. This pertains to everyone else that continues responding to this Todd character. Why fuel the fire? You all know it's not true. Ignore him...& move on..PLEASE! This site is not meant for this purpose.


British Columbia,
This Is A Complete Joke Right?

#266Consumer Comment

Tue, April 18, 2006

Todd, I cannot believe you've spent MONTHS on this site arguing over this. As a born again Christian, I can honestly say we DO NOT treat others half as bad as I've seen some of your posts. Individuals that walk with Christ HAVE NO ANGER. They NEVER speak down about another & certainly don't commit slander. They allow Jesus to take their hand & walk with them. U my friend are not currently walking with him...Far from it. I suggest u go to the Lord & ask forgiveness for all the false accusations & unneeded drama you've caused here. This pertains to everyone else that continues responding to this Todd character. Why fuel the fire? You all know it's not true. Ignore him...& move on..PLEASE! This site is not meant for this purpose.


British Columbia,
This Is A Complete Joke Right?

#267Consumer Comment

Tue, April 18, 2006

Todd, I cannot believe you've spent MONTHS on this site arguing over this. As a born again Christian, I can honestly say we DO NOT treat others half as bad as I've seen some of your posts. Individuals that walk with Christ HAVE NO ANGER. They NEVER speak down about another & certainly don't commit slander. They allow Jesus to take their hand & walk with them. U my friend are not currently walking with him...Far from it. I suggest u go to the Lord & ask forgiveness for all the false accusations & unneeded drama you've caused here. This pertains to everyone else that continues responding to this Todd character. Why fuel the fire? You all know it's not true. Ignore him...& move on..PLEASE! This site is not meant for this purpose.


British Columbia,
This Is A Complete Joke Right?

#268Consumer Comment

Tue, April 18, 2006

Todd, I cannot believe you've spent MONTHS on this site arguing over this. As a born again Christian, I can honestly say we DO NOT treat others half as bad as I've seen some of your posts. Individuals that walk with Christ HAVE NO ANGER. They NEVER speak down about another & certainly don't commit slander. They allow Jesus to take their hand & walk with them. U my friend are not currently walking with him...Far from it. I suggest u go to the Lord & ask forgiveness for all the false accusations & unneeded drama you've caused here. This pertains to everyone else that continues responding to this Todd character. Why fuel the fire? You all know it's not true. Ignore him...& move on..PLEASE! This site is not meant for this purpose.


Todd, to talk about insulters and fools...

#269Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 18, 2006

Sir Toddoknight, your drivel has come to a new, improved level, and that last verbal turd you dropped in here was the worst of all. Todd said: You people make me so sick, how you come in here eating off of people's emotions, and stirring up the dust, sitting back under your bogus names, behind your computers, typing insults after insults against people that truly post what terrors has happen to them! - Hilarious! Okay, Quick Review: 1. Todd stirred emotions of REAL Christians with his bogas story. 2. Todd sat back behind a BOGUS NAME, as in "representative". 3. Todd returns questions and doubt with "insult after insult" 4. Todd's "terror" is a judgement from God for stealing. 5. Might I add, "bearing false witnesss"? Todd said: Go ahead, for whatever evil stone you cast at me, I will bring on FIRE back at you, to shake you to the core! - False prophet! You couldn't light a fire with a match and gas. You will bring NOTHING to ANYONE, with the slight possibility of eyes-watering-from-laughter or the shaking-of-heads-in-disbelief at your laughable claims. Oh, God IS real - it is YOU that makes the crucifixion a joke to unbelievers. Todd said: Did you enjoy the pigs, falling down from the cliff into the water? Ha Ha Ha Ha!!! This is GREAT, doing the WORK OF THE LORD!!!! -Todd, I didn't realize you did that work. I read that JESUS did that. What are you claiming this for YOURSELF for? Oh, this is your reward, indeed. Todd said: For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the FAITH - OH, I missed it - are you dying a martyr's death here, Todd? Oh man. Todd, the last time I heard crap like that fall out of someone's mouth, they found a bunch of guys who ate poisoned pudding, castrated themselves and waited for the Hale-Bopp Comet to grab their souls. They were found dead in their "church". Todd said: You LOOSERS have to go around following me wherever I go, like those pest-ee gnats buzzing around in the deep South! - We are our "brother's keeper"! LOL! You have no place telling people what to do with their problems when your own backyard is a mess. Todd said: If they have lied, then shame on them. I was talking with Sherri anyway, so BUTT OUT! - Ooohh, did I hit a nerve with interrupting your little chat? You dirty old man! Sherri ain't buying what you're selling, and you'd align yourself with the butt of a horse if you thought it would agree with you. Todd said: I'll shoot words at you back on the Insulter/Flooding website! But you people really need to stop hurting people with your insulting words! This is getting out of hand! Oh, we're all 'fools' and 'loosers', but it is I that needs to stop using insulting words? Since when is your concern for anyone but yourself? You haven't visited that site for a LONG time, and guess what - I don't play by YOUR RULES. You have proven yourself a liar, and it would only be a dis-service for anyone to be fooled by your "expertise" at anything to at least know that. And the minute you bear false witness on me again, I'll jump down your throat and correct you. Again. Go on.. .let's see you stamp your feet, and light your fires, throw pigs off a cliff, whatever...


Todd... the blind can't lead the blind!

#270Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 18, 2006

How do you figure you're going to help anyone on ANY other thread when you can't even conclude your own, Todd? I find it interesting that, in spite of the secrets, lies, half-truths, mis-statements and mis-representation you've done here, you have no business telling others what to do.


Valley View,
I have a question..

#271Consumer Comment

Sun, April 16, 2006

When does the movie come out?


Valley View,
I have a question..

#272Consumer Comment

Sun, April 16, 2006

When does the movie come out?


Valley View,
I have a question..

#273Consumer Comment

Sun, April 16, 2006

When does the movie come out?


Valley View,
I have a question..

#274Consumer Comment

Sun, April 16, 2006

When does the movie come out?


South Carolina,
Bring It On!

#275Author of original report

Sun, April 16, 2006

... Now hold on and be ready to be shaken! You need to take a long wait before you respond to this post, for I am about to give you "God's Words" and NOT MINE! Be fair warned! === "I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall JUDGE the quick and the dead (Lost/Wicked) at HIS appearing and HIS kingdom; PREACH the word; be READY in season, AND out of season; reprove, REBUKE, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine (teaching/backed by Scripture). For the time will come when they (WICKED) will not endure sound doctrine (Want to HEAR the truth or Scripture); but according to their own DESIRES (Wickedness), after their own LUSTS shall they heap to themselves teachers (Fake Christians/Liars/False gods), having itching ears (Wicked wanting this more than the TRUTH); And they shall turn away their ears from the TRUTH, and shall be turned unto FABLES (Fakes, Liars, Demons, et. al.). But watch thou (True Christians) in all things (TEST everything with Scripture), endure afflictions (Test/Trials), do the work of an EVANGELIST, make FULL PROOF of thy MINISTRY (Speak It, Show It, Live It, Teach It, Express It!). For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the FAITH: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of RIGHTEOUSNESS, which the Lord, the righteous JUDGE, shall give me at that day (Day of the LORD): and not to me only, but unto all them (BELIEVERS) also that love HIS appearing (RETURN)" (II Timothy 4:1-8, KJV). EVANGELIST: n 1: a preacher of the Christian gospel (Good News About Jesus, God, Word-Bible) source: WordNet ? 2.0, ? 2003 Princeton University ==== Need I write more? Go ahead, for whatever evil stone you cast at me, I will bring on FIRE back at you, to shake you to the core! Bring it ON! I enjoy a good FIGHT to prove that I am of God and you are nothing more than a demonic "Looser"! As Jesus said, "I saw satan fall like lightening!" Ha Ha Ha Ha? Jesus is so COOL in His words, He put's satan and his demonic low-lives in their evil place, EVERYTIME!!! Oh hey satan, demon, remember this day? Isn't this the time YOU LOST your POWER over this WORLD???? Ha Ha Ha? What a LOOSER!!!! Did you enjoy the pigs, falling down from the cliff into the water? Ha Ha Ha Ha!!! This is GREAT, doing the WORK OF THE LORD!!!! What's wrong? Do I hear a tear falling? Stomping your feet again? wanting another piece of me? Come on? bring it on? YOU LOOSER!!! I got a sword, (the WORD of the LORD) ready for ya! Can't HANDLE the truth! Your time is very near! Your future does not look too bright? Oh, wait, it does, FIRE!!! The TRUE KING, JESUS, HAS RISEN!!! PRAISE GOD!!!


South Carolina,
Oh Nick-at-Night! Your Stench Is Everywhere!

#276Author of original report

Sun, April 16, 2006

My words must really shake you, Oh "Dragon-Stench"! Where is your Taz-Mana-Ruth or Demon-Dog-Amon (Damon)? You LOOSERS have to go around following me wherever I go, like those pest-ee gnats buzzing around in the deep South! Have you and your "slim-squad" harassed any old ladies lately? Or kicked down any family men to the ground and fried them to death? Or put away any 80 years old, that later died in jail because of the SHOCK? Your Walmanite "Public Relations" insulting will not work anymore; we good folks are on to you! Ha Ha Ha! I was making a statement, like I always do, UNLIKE you and the other Walmanites, I care about people, and tend to think they have posted here truthfully. If they have lied, then shame on them. I was talking with Sherri anyway, so BUTT OUT! I'll shoot words at you back on the Insulter/Flooding website! But you people really need to stop hurting people with your insulting words! This is getting out of hand! But, what can I do but speak the TRUTH and put you in your place! That is what you hate the most! My words hurt you! Sir TODDoKNIGHT, is here... bringing TRUTH, Voicing Justice, Calling down the Red-Dragon's DOGS!!! The Walmanites are "L"-oosers! Bye for now


South Carolina,
Beware Of The Fakes! There Are Wolves cover In Sheep's Skins!

#277Author of original report

Sun, April 16, 2006

===== Hello Good Folks, I felt I needed to post to you someone that is claiming to be a "Follower of God", and yet discriminates against me and my faith in the LORD! I guess He never read the Bible where Paul preached against this very fact! Or where Jesus said, someone that falsely claims to be a follower of Christ, and tries to cause harm to a True-Follower will face a worse punishment than those who REFUSE Christ! Those who know the Bible can easily read back over my postings and see very clearly that I have never misused the Bible, taken the glory for myself, or mistyped the WORD of GOD! If I stand alone here, because the words I write are to hard for you, then so be it! BUT, I am for the LORD, and I will speak out against the wicked! The GLORY is all for GOD! He gave Todd the VICTORY! Please read what this FAKE Christian wrote and then read my reply? The time is now, the LORD is on His way back, Do not FEAR, God takes care of His own that LOVE HIM and call out to JESUS, THESE fakes will BURN! The really sad fact is this person, Damon, clearly states he is having FUN hurting people more by attacking their postings! What a LOOSER! Bye for now? ======= Submitted: 4/15/2006 4:38:10 PM Modified: 4/15/2006 4:38:10 PM Nick, you know all this is in good fun! No hard feelings buddy, I actually enjoy your attacks on "Todd". Your right, and you tried to point it out to me, "Todd" is a blasphemer and yes tried to USE Christianity as a blinder to his phony persona. As I told Ruth, if I took anything on Ripoff seriously, well I would have to question my life and the purpose of it. It is unfortunate, someone would risk their eternal soul for attention and self gratification like "Todd". For each verse he quotes and each reference of GOD used, I will only believe, will stamp his place in the "lake of fire". Yet Nick, who am I to judge ;). P.S-GOD BLESS you brother! GOD BLESSES!!! Damon - Denver, Colorado U.S.A. ======= My Goodness... What Fools! Damon, I do not know what bible you are reading, but you must not know much. God does not BLESS, those who refuses HIM! Plus, there is NOWHERE I have misused God in any of my postings. The OT and NT, clearly have people of GOD tell the wicked what they are doing wrong and what God is going to do to them. I can tell right off, you know NOTHING, and act like you are some person of Christ! One that makes this stick, is what Jesus said, "The WORLD loves it's own, and will HATE me, because it HATED Jesus first." That is why you all are buds. Plus, I am sure you are with the same PR group hired by Wal-Mart to flood these reports and curse the people that post them. In fact, that makes you a murder just like them, which assisted those of Wal-Mart that killed that young man in Texas. Frankly, I do not care if you say you think I am a Christian or NOT... Jesus makes it clear, THOSE who go around pumping themselves up to get glory for THEMSELVES and not GOD, have their reward. I on the other hand, have given GOD all the GLORY... Not once did I say, this case was because of me, or that I was the one that gave Todd the glory... from the beginning I have always stated it would be GLORY to God to bring Todd the VICTORY... and GOD DID BRING VICTORY!!! So IN YOUR FACE... Looser! I guess you are going to give some kind of saying, Oh that is not Christian like... WRONG!!! Then you have never read the parts where often God or people of GOD, teased the wicked of their false faith in some fake gods!!! So, go ahead, keep passing the stones... I know where I am going; I know where I am... It is you and the other wicked bunch that needs to check your place... This is not fun and games! This company is really HURTING people! And you come on here playing with them! Shame on YOU! I will put you in your place and call it the way I see it... so come on if you dare, I am not scared of your demonic resources, I eat them for breakfast, and they know it! The LORD is on His way back, and you are seeing things happen that "all the wise men" of this world cannot explain! You know it, and others know it! The BIBLE is the ONLY document that explains what is happening, that is fact enough for me to know HIStory is the only TRUE FACT here! You people make me so sick, how you come in here eating off of people's emotions, and stirring up the dust, sitting back under your bogus names, behind your computers, typing insults after insults against people that truly post what terrors has happen to them! Many will fall, and REFUSE Jesus for whom He is... ONLY a few will call OUT to Jesus and be SAVED!!! How is it that you test the spirits to see if they are of God and NOT? Hmmmm... From all of the postings I see from you, you have failed that test... BUT, from mine, it is clear where I am from... So, go ahead, have your jokes, drink a few, scratch yourself, cyber hug the other Walmanites, your day will soon come... And if you do not REPENT, then you will see the FIRE! If by my postings, JUST one person REPENTS and turns to the LIGHT, it will all be worth it... YOU may never know, I may never KNOW, BUT YHWH will know! Damon, if you are really of the Kingdom, you really need to watch your mouth against another Follower... BUT if you are not, and are faking and falsely claiming to be a Follower, then your punishment will be worse than those Walmanites, who have clearly stated they are not followers of Christ... I would be very careful how you state things against me, since you are trying to claim as being in the Kingdom. You can take it or leave it that is your FREE, God given right! But, the punishment is God's right! I will pray for you, that you REPENT and stop trying to curse my faith, THIS IS NOT A JOKE OR A FUNNY issue, this is serious now! Even the wicked that came against the angles of the LORD in Lot's home, joked and wanted to do wickedness on them... AND what happen? Did God do anything? Did God laugh too? Go read the Bible and then come back here and joke some more... I will in turn respond some more issues on how serious it is to curse a man-of-God! The real joke is you foolish people, that really think you are above God, since you come on here and no one knows who you really are... such fools! Bye for now...


Lemmee see if this'll post, this time....

#278Consumer Comment

Sat, April 15, 2006

I dunnoh why it didn't post a couple days ago. Howdy-Doodles, Folks! :D You know, we have quite an interesting crop of peoples here. On one hand, there are brilliant individuals who present their opinion using both a Christian and Non-Believer's perspective. But there's a common thread that binds them. That thread is threefold. 1.)Complete disagreement with this "Todd/Todd's Friend", the "Devout Christian", for one, AND 2.) the fact that "Todd/Todd's Friend" does more to drive people seeking Faith AWAY from the Christian religion, let alone ANY religion. 3.)Not to mention, "Todd/Todd's Friend", you do more to prove that Christians are nothing more than rote-taught zealots who mercilessly judge and regurgitate scriptures, no better than the average terroist/jihadist. Thanks a heap, Chum. Chalk one up for affirming the image of a smiting and vengeful God, out of touch with his own children. Can you please leave the very delicate occupation of ministry, as well as the direction of very fragile human spirituality to those better credentialed and/or qualified? Thanks! :D Speaking of misdirected zealotry...I see "Charles" has burped a chunk. Mary of Deland...you left out a few other reports that show you what a fine and upstanding citizen we have in Chuckles: Report #154773 and #165478, regarding George W. "I wanna be a dictator, ?coz it's easier" (LOL!) Bush, (Charles is the ?official mascot of the 'Democrap' party!) and the horrible Southern Drivers of Georgia, on dubyah-dubyah-dubyah, DOT ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff171062.htm Beyond that, there's alotta reading in the list you have provided! Wow! You've done your homework, Girl...kudos! :) Now, back to ?Todd? or ?Todd's Friend?: I have to agree with others here...at first, when I started reading this post, I felt a degree of empathy for "Todd" or whomever he is. Like most, I failed to see what his being 'disabled' OR a 'devout Christian' had to do with anything, but I assumed he was mentioning these things to give us a 'feel' of life from his perspective. But the minute anyone showed even the mildest skepticism, he goes into this maelstrom preaching mode, and calls anyone that doesn't agree with him wholeheartedly a 'God Hater' and 'Sinner' (among others). Todd identifies those who do not agree with his opinion as: "FOOL: 'One who is deficient in judgment, sense, or understanding' ", by his own declaration. Now, I'm neither a Saint nor a scholar (you know, 'All have sinned, and fall short of the Glory...'), but according to the New International Version of the Bible, this is what Jesus has to say about someone calling his or her fellow human being a "fool". Matthew 5:22: "But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, 'Raca' is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell." ("Raca" Roughly translated, "fool" but means "You good-for-nothing moron!") Don't 'forget' some parts and club us with the ones that suit you. And frankly, I can use any version of the Bible and come up with basically the same thing; a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet (that's from Shakespeare's "Romeo And Juliet", Todd's "friend".). So don't bother challenging me about one version of the Word as opposed to the next. As far as this person "Todd" is concerned, if you made a mistake, you should make it right by whatever means. When you have to stand before the Almighty, he isn't going to use the standards of this world to make the decision as to your salvation or condemnation. The only person he will deal with directly is you, when it is your time. And he'll measure you by HIS yardstick and none other. His are the only absolutes, then. But in all honesty, do you think you do yourself (or your friend, whichever the case may be) any justice by commenting with such vitriol? If you are a friend, stop destroying this "Todd" person's integrity...and be a better friend. If you are, in fact, Todd, then you really need to step back and take a look at your own character; you're expecting these people to live up to some level of Christianity you can't even attain. What example do you set? And I exhort you to prove that my disagreement with YOU defines me as a "hater of God". Are you God? Do you have a 'God-Complex'? I can tell by your screed that you aren't the Former...and only you can answer the latter. I disagree with my Husband all the time, but I still love that darling man with all my heart (seventeen years, by mid-summer, in fact!). Being secure in your relationship enough to disagree with another is all part of good character, my Brother. I can love you as a Christian, but despise the fact that you're sullying the moniker "Christian" with your written behavior. Which, by the way, I do, my Brother. One bad apple won't spoil the bushel, but it will indeed ruin the pie. Out, damned spot! You make me think of a young man I met; he was "saved" a couple years ago, but hasn't changed his ways hardly at all. He reads in the Bible and sees "confess your sins to be forgiven"...what does he do? He sleeps with his girlfriend whom he isn't married to; he lives a life of laziness and excess (in his mid-twenties and still lives with his Mom---he just doesn't want to have to pay bills---you know, that whole "Peter-Pan" or "failure to launch" thing.). While others foot the bill. His hobbies? Online gaming and working as little as humanly possible while posing as a "devout Christian." This is a guy who will shamelessly throw a tantrum---yes, I mean a kicking, screaming, raging fit---if his Mom doesn't get him what he wants. His logic is: "As long as I ask God to forgive my sins, I can do all I want and I won't go to Hell." Unhappily, this had been his behavior and mindset since his supposed 'salvation'. When anyone or myself tries to help him to understand his role in the Christian Faith, he doesn't want to hear it---or he starts accusing others of "not understanding, being bad followers of the Word...or, just hating Christians, God, or Jesus." Sound familiar? And as far as you being "disabled", what, in all honesty, does that really have to do with anything? Is it because you want everyone to feel sorry that you've had to endure hardship at the hands of the Evil Empire (Wal*Mart)? You seem to want to be seen as a victim...as apparently, the sympathies of others makes you feel justified and happy with yourself. How many cases of insurance fraud are costing honest folks millions in high insurance rates, because so many people are out there saying, "I'm disabled, and I can't work!"? They get 'handicapped' tags to display in their cars, so they can park their enormous four-wheel drives and SUVs or Cadillacs (paid for by their insurance companies, and our taxes, thank you very much!). Or they grow to such cases of obesity ("I'm disabled, so I can't work, so I'll loaf at home and get SSI and disability---in ADDITION to welfare!") that they need a scooter to haul their obscene hulk to the convenience store to pick up their 24-pack of Twinkies and two-litres of Mountain Dew. (You know, I do understand that there are legitimate needs, but no one can tell me, that there aren't cases where some are taking egregious advantage of an overtaxed and under investigated system!) Why do these people need so much sugar and caffeine? They aren't going anywhere manually! (Another odd thing I notice...Wal*Marts attract these types! They teem in droves! So do those ?Dollar? Stores! What's up with that...?) Whoops...went off on a tangent. Sorry! :) Just curious, but are you an evacuee from New Orleans? You know the ones...the "I can't get everyone to feel sorry for me, and I can't get a free living" bunch that thinks, because they've been on Welfare for three generations that somehow Katrina's tragedy should allow them to move up in the world? (D'you get the vibe that these moochers really, REALLY tick me off? You're right, they do, and I'm tired of hearing all the sob stories. I can understand getting help through the system for a few months if you absolutely MUST...but not for the YEARS some of these people have invested in it!) I tell you the truth; I don't feel sorry for you...you're feeling sorry for yourself enough for the next hundred people. So don't waste my time. Now you can call me a "Wal*Martite", or whatever, if that's what you (a ?Christian') needs to do (call others names, for lack of FAITH) in order to feel better. I don't really shop at the place (well, maybe once a year, if that?does that qualify me as a 'regular'?), but I did take part in the construction of a Super-Wal*Mart in the Florida Panhandle. I loved that job...bought a nicer building, and more jobs to the community in which I lived. Guess I'm gonna smoke a turd in Hell for that one, hunh? Once again, whatever the circumstance; do the right thing by the Word you claim to read, and use as a bludgeon inappropriately. Hang the judgments of others, be the good man you think you are, disabled or otherwise. In the future, here's some tips: 1.) Eat before you go to the store, OR: 2.) Buy it, pay for it, then eat as a Family, THEN do your shopping. You buy twice as much when you shop hungry anyway. In truth, is your appetite such that you simply MUST eat as your wife does all the shopping? Are you really that much a slave to your hunger? What about your poor wife? Does this poor soul sit alone and eat, with no Family to interact with her? I'll bet when your wife stands beside you, she makes the "one" in the number "10", doesn't she? And remember, "Todd/Todd's Friend", that Wal*Mart provides those scooters for the customer's convenience. ;)


Nikki's point is well taken

#279Consumer Comment

Fri, April 14, 2006

When I initially read Nikki's post, I thought that perhaps it was time to stop fueling Todd's lunacy. But after further thought, I realized that keeping this thread alive is a good thing; any rational person reading this thread will not base their buying decisions on this undocumented report. As a matter of fact, this "report" would drive me to go support WalMart, were I contemplating such a decision. Much like Chuck's "reports," I quickly reach the conclusion that doing business with any company that has little patience with idiocy is a good idea, indeed. Ironic that their reports would cause us to support the reportee, but true. And Todd, I'll point out one more thing which, if you took it to heart, would make you more effective in your quest to spread the Gospel. Most people do not respond well to having others' beliefs forced upon them; we cease being a receptive audience when those beliefs appear to teeter on the brink of fanaticism. Witness by your deeds; words mean nothing when actions belie them.


C'mon, Nick--you know better than that!

#280Consumer Comment

Fri, April 14, 2006

Now Nick, you must be aware that Todd will not respond to a fact-based post in a rational manner! He will "respond" by posting another rant attacking your character, or mine, or any other logical, intelligent line of thought which catches his attention. Todd--I do not shop at WalMart; my reasons for this decision are private. I don't shop at a xxxxxx either, and am well aware that neither organization gives a hoot about my lack of patronage. When you initially posted your report, I had no reason to doubt you, and I followed your "story" with interest. Now, however, I am watching it with the type of mesmerized horror normally reserved for violent traffic accidents--I want to look away, but I can't. And by the way, I am a conservative Republican, and a Christian. God gave me a brain, and the ability to be discerning. I utilize both those gifts. If you, Todd, get some joy or satisfaction by attacking me, based solely on your own perceptions of who I might be, I say go for it! It's good to know I brought joy or satisfaction to anyone's day--even yours, Todd.


One Year Later......

#281Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 14, 2006

I wanted to take was it Robert ? up on his bet that one year later this thread would still be running, I have only read never responded, even though I can spell and use proper grammer, (thought Todd would appreciate that) but I have to laugh that here we are a year later .....HEY Robert did you state a Phrophesy ? yes I believe you did..... Nikki


Well spoken, Charles...

#282Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 14, 2006

Indeed! This from Sir Toddoknight, whose claims that God makes "haters and insulters" so stupid that they can't spell or use proper grammar. But now that Charles fails to see Sir Toddoknight as a liar, he is immediately "Well Spoken". I've never seen someone slaughter their english vocabulary, grammar or punctuation as bad as Charles, but now, I'm sure it will be music to Toddoknights's ears in THIS parched thread. Charles - not picking on you here, as much as I'm pointing out Todd's hypocrisy. Facts is facts, tho, bud. Your grammar is ghastly, and according to Sir Toddoknight being a grammar nut, you're considered a satanist in his book. Keep it up Sir Toddoknight. Hey, did you see my post above which describes the demographic of CHRISTIAN Wal-Mart shoppers? I'm curious to your response to the matter.


South Carolina,
MARY and the other Walmanites are liars!

#283Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 14, 2006

These are people hired and paid by Wal-Mart to try and build up the "PR", because good folks are posting the wrongs done by the wickedness and evil this corporation does to people! Murders! That family is Texas has no "dad" because of your support and EVIL tactics! I will NEVER stop voicing the wrongs you do to people! You know I speak the truth, because my words shake your inner soul to the ground. Go email your group on the Wal-Mart intranet, have a laugh or two, but you cannot stop the "good-folks" that speak out against your wrongs! History teaches, righteousness will WIN, every time! It hurts when you lost that BILLION+ in legal cases, hmmm... You wicked people are liars and murders, and I will never hold you in light of anything more, UNLESS you REPENT! Oh, I pray, you repent before the LORD returns... If you do not, you will not last in the flame... I know I am a minister of the flame of FIRE! You people talk like you know the Bible, and try to tell us True Christians how to live, "FOOLS", you know nothing! REPENT and LIVE! Those demons that lie to you can never save you, ONLY JESUS can. PRAISE GOD!


Now THERE'S a phrase I thought I'd never see!

#284Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 13, 2006

"Well spoken, Charles..." speaks absolute VOLUMES about what Todd defines as sane thinking. I am still laughing at the utter incongruity of Todd's phrasing. Chuck, that's probably a compliment you've never heard before, and never will again--so don't examine it or its source (Todd), too closely. lol :)


Now THERE'S a phrase I thought I'd never see!

#285Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 13, 2006

"Well spoken, Charles..." speaks absolute VOLUMES about what Todd defines as sane thinking. I am still laughing at the utter incongruity of Todd's phrasing. Chuck, that's probably a compliment you've never heard before, and never will again--so don't examine it or its source (Todd), too closely. lol :)


Now THERE'S a phrase I thought I'd never see!

#286Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 13, 2006

"Well spoken, Charles..." speaks absolute VOLUMES about what Todd defines as sane thinking. I am still laughing at the utter incongruity of Todd's phrasing. Chuck, that's probably a compliment you've never heard before, and never will again--so don't examine it or its source (Todd), too closely. lol :)


South Carolina,
Well Spoken, Charles... Even ROR has Discovered...

#287Author of original report

Thu, April 13, 2006

Hi Charles, You are 100% correct. Even RipOffReport has discovered that a large corporation will hire lawyers to attack people who file reports on this website. Even claim they are real people that have been hurt by the company, JUST so they can find out who the real people are, names, addresses, phone numbers, SO they can HARASS them in not filing legal charges against the corporation! Shame on them! I am very happy for RipOffReport, and as I have said before, when GOD blesses me with some extra money, I will give them some so they can continue to be a VOICE for us victims! I am also happy for people, like Charles, that is not SCARED of these lowlives and murders, and will FIGHT back with our voices! God Will Give Us Victory! Amen!


Phenix City,
I am not todd

#288Consumer Comment

Thu, April 13, 2006

These attacks agaisnt me & judging how i write my reports & saying my reports don't make sense, i have not done nothing wrong!. But these attacks about my reports is just mad you are sad & have nothing better nothing to do then just abuse & attack people about their postings only to do more harm to them which you intend to do!. people use this website to write complaints not to be accused of filing false complaints the company has people do this to get people from filing complains for them to get away with their bad business!.


Lake Oswego,
Mary and Nick, also Todd

#289Consumer Comment

Thu, April 13, 2006

Mary: Thanks for the info buti would behere allday if i read all those and charles is hard enough tounderstand, I have though read some of his postings ,but for future curiosity ( when I have more time) I will sit here and read through them at least they are entertaining! Nick : God says where 2 or more people congregate in my name , that is church. Sounds like you have church to me lol:) Todd: Did you happen to watch the TEN COMMANDMENTS THIS WEEK?! If you didn't you should have might have learned alot from Moses! For the last poster, we have the right to question the offense, and yes, call on it, if it is a public complaint, since Toddy was more interested in condeming us to hell for disagreeing with him, I decided to find out for myself if it happened, and notice he stated he was going to drive his SON HOME TO GO, not the stores restroom, and when my kids were little, they would NOT have been able to wait for me to load a $150.00 worth of stuff in the car, strap them in the car seat, get myself in and belted, and out of there. They would have wet their pants by then. I didn't catch that at first, by my first posting WHEN I STUCK UP FOR TODDY BOY! You see I felt bad for him at first, then things didn't make sense, then Todd was his "friend" then Todd, then Kirk, then Spock, Then Scotty, and then SIR TODDKNIGHT KNIFING US ALL. ALL this from A "DEVOUT CHRISTIAN"


It is time to stop this mess!!

#290Consumer Comment

Thu, April 13, 2006

I have just read the numerous posts about this Walmart case. I have to say it is time to stop the maddness. Just know that this Todd guy has admitted he isn't the one who experienced the problem and move on with your lives. What kind of enjoyment are you guys receiving by posting all these requests for court records and calling Walmart to verify this happened. I think it has been proven time and again that this is not a factual case. Let it go. Post your final farewell to Todd and move on to something with more meaning. Todd...or whoever you are...STOP!!! You are giving the true Christians a bad name. Those with a true relationship with Christ do not sit around bashing and judging those around us. "Turn the other cheek"...remember those famous words from the Bible? And just for the record, it is legal (in most states) to consume products while in the store as long as the items are paid for at checkout. I have done that before and I verify before I leave the checkout counter that the items are, in fact, on the receipt. If you don't want to take that extra 5 seconds to check, then just don't do it. Those of us with children know of the sudden bathroom needs but it only takes 5 seconds to check your receipt and a child can wait 5 more seconds.


North Carolina,
Maybe there is light at the end....nope just a street lamp

#291Consumer Comment

Thu, April 13, 2006

Todd, in rare form, I am posting a 2nd comment on this thread. Todd, judge not, lest ye be judged. You are not winning any ground using scripture to justify that you are right and everyone else is going to hell. It is that very form of 'witnessing' that chases people away for chosing Christ as their Savior. Unlike politicians, who seperate their actions from their Faith, I choose to incorporate the moral and ethical intentions of my chosen Faith in the way I live and in the way I interact with people. Funny enough, this has lead to a pretty smooth life for me, no major drama, no big conflicts, no on going war with 'the heathens'. When the Lord moves me, I may talk about my faith and my choices in life and how simple and happy choosing the live this way has made me. I refuse to judge people, this is a free country, I do fight against injustice in large and small form. I can say that through my Faith, I have truly saved my own life, and through those choices and changes I have made, I beleive I have brought about positive change in others. Yet, I am a southerner, I call 'em as I see 'em. Todd, stop using God and the Bible to attack persons that do not agree with your OPINION. You have already demostrated that you ARE NOT HONEST, ARE A THEIF, and that you abuse religous concepts and tools to attach and judge and belittle people whom you don't know, and have no clue as to their relationship with the Creator. Whereas I choose to 'love my enemy', 'hate the sin, not the sinner', and to 'forgive those that tresspass', you think that your diatribes serves the purpose of being a 'sword of the Lord'. This is a world where the multitudes will not embrace the true nature of Faith by being terrorized and scared to choose any particular religion. Here's something for ya Todd, I have my faith in the Christ, I beleive that there is a Creator, I beleive that the Bible when used correctly by individuals, is an instrument, or tool, that implements God's will, however. just like any tool, it can be used for other than its intended purpose. I have never liked labels because even though labels identify, they also separate, so if people ask me what religion I am, I say that i follow the Bible. By reading ROP and other forums, I find myself asking for forgiveness for feeling revolted by the glibness of so-called Christians. Maybe that I why I haven't set foot in a church service for 20 years. (But feel I have been blessed with a good wife, good friends, and the opportunity to spread joy and good will to all, without threatening anyone with fire and brimstone, as we all know, one only needs to go around your own town as see where a benevelent God's hand is needed, but alas, it may be rejected or not asked for, free will ya'll!) At least I've got enough since to pay for my snacks before I eat them. (excuse all the grammar and spelling errors) "Not too much Relevations before supper, you'll spoil your appetite!"


Wrong AGAIN!

#292UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, April 13, 2006

Todd said: You made a very good point. Actually, we good FOLKS, out number these Walmanites, not all good folks have expressed themselves here on this site I hope that wasn't another 'prophecy', Sir Toddoknight. Each month, Wal-Mart is visited by a larger population (59% of U.S. adults) than any other store, surpassing other merchants by at least a factor of TWO!! The next closest competitors are Target (25%) and Kmart (17%). But wait Todd... there's MORE.... Among many attitudinal statements provided to respondents, I believe that the government should encourage prayer in public schools was the strongest predictor of whether or not a consumer shops at Wal-Mart. Among those who Strongly Agree with the statement, 72% (index 122) shopped at Wal-Mart in the past month. Only 41% (index 69) of those who Strongly Disagree shopped at the retailer. Agreement with this statement was associated with Wal-Mart shopping in all regions, urban and rural, except for the Eastern Census Division where no relationship was observed. source: npdinsights dot com. You were wrong TWICE in ONE SENTENCE. In fact, religious people who support prayer in school are MORE LIKEY to shop at Wal-Mart! God-haters indeed! Todd said: FOOL: "One who is deficient in judgment, sense, or understanding" How ya like THEM apples, Todd? Try again.



#293Consumer Comment

Wed, April 12, 2006

The thought of Todd and Charles on the same report sends shivers down my spine. The old saying "Birds of a feather..." comes to mind.


RUTH--A Day's Reading For You!! :)

#294Consumer Comment

Wed, April 12, 2006

Just to stay "on topic," although neither Todd nor Charles appears to understand that concept, first let me mention that Todd, true to his clear lack of character, fails in his latest post to address his documented intellectual property theft. As to Charles,I too became curious as he continually rambled on about his "old reports." So I did a bit of research. Ready? ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff173905.htm ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff173705.htm ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff86105.htm ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff67080.htm ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff160343.htm ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff183235.htm ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff183369.htm ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff174855.htm ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff184526.htm http://ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff184563.htm The above are reports written by Chuck. The next reports are some (I'm certain not all) that he responded to: ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff182008.htm ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff183328.htm ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff183143.htm (this one has a bonus in that Todd also posted on it!) ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff184848.htm ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff170283.htm ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff174770.htm These next two that he responded to are interesting, as he effectively manages to hijack the original threads. And the irony of all this is that , had he not spent so much time whining about his "old reports," I never would have gone looking! So, once again, Chuck brings on his own misery! These are fascinating: ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff172825.htm ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff80497.htm Happy reading!


Lake Oswego,
Holly I know what you mean

#295Consumer Comment

Wed, April 12, 2006

It is too wierd Charles AND Todd, I read the raptis posting too. Over and over again he says the same thing. I have no idea what he meant by his "old postings"Charles is too hard for me to understand his postings do not make sense, I tried to figure out what they did to his mom and I just don't get it.Its confusing, now he is here and I am with you both of them at once is WAY TOO MUCH FOR ME! Does he mean he has other complaints we haven't come across yet? God I hope not the one I saw was bad enough.lol


South Carolina,
Who Is Judged?

#296Consumer Comment

Tue, April 11, 2006

Charles... Good to see that you have joined in on the Party! You made a good point. But do not forget, these Walmanites, have stated that I was you, Tammy, and a few others. These Walmanites are such FOOLS! FOOL: "One who is deficient in judgment, sense, or understanding" These Walmanites have no life (unsaved), but to go around bullying people, and harassing little old ladies and MURDERING fathers, and say they are justified (wickedness). Shame, shame. It is so funny, that these "low-lives" go around violating laws and rights of the people, but then they cry out loud and point their evil fingers at people, accusing them of breaking the law, when in fact these low-lives (Walmanites) are murdering people! (Both physically and financially) You made a very good point. Actually, we good FOLKS, out number these Walmanites, not all good folks have expressed themselves here on this site, but they are beginning to in other ways. (Money talks and people walk) Keep up the good work, Charles. I hope and pray God gives you the victory you seek. I know He will, if you keep Him first. Don't let these "low-lives" get to you. Just laugh at them, because we know where they will be if they do not REPENT. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation (Judgment); but is passed from death unto life (saved)" (John 5:24, KJV). "And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:? And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: The sun shall be turned into darkness (day eclipse), and the moon into blood (night eclipse), before the great and notable day of the Lord come: And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Acts 2:17, 19-21, KJV). "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved" (Romans 10:9, KJV). Amen, Brother... give a big hug to your mother for me. And all you good folks out there, keep the faith, the Lord is on His way and put an End to all this wickedness! PRAISE GOD!


It always amazes me.....

#297Consumer Comment

Tue, April 11, 2006

That Todd continues to put his foot in his mouth (shall I restate and say his keyboard up his wazoo? lol). No problem, it seems that we can always count on Todd for a good laugh. Hmmmm, I see this coming now....(concentrates hard, eyes closed, hands on forehead).....new thread.....AP discriminates against Todd......no wrong doing.......and now we become AP lovers and god insulters.............LOLOLOLOLOL


Why is Charles on here?

#298Consumer Comment

Tue, April 11, 2006

And what is he talking about? I thought his complaints had to do with his crazy mother losing her job and the EEOC? He said someone is pasting his old posts to this one. Huh? I don't think I can handle Todd and Charles on the same thread. That is just too much. Maybe he got tired of responding to himelf and jumped on this one to try and get some replies. Charles, please go sell crazy somewhere else, we're all stocked up here!


Lake Oswego,
Hey Todd they are SOOOOO right!

#299Consumer Comment

Tue, April 11, 2006

Todd Don't you know printing someone elses copywrited material is illegal? What gets me is YOU even printed the discalaimer!


"Intellectual" Property

#300Consumer Suggestion

Mon, April 10, 2006

LOL. Todd just STOLE something else. Hey Todd, do you have a copy of the written permission by the Associated Press? Although a kleptomaniac may steal uncontrollably without realization, judicial courts in the United Kingdom and United States will not accept "kleptomania" as a legal excuse. Uh oh....

Let The Facts Speak For Themselves.....

New York,
New York,

#301Consumer Comment

Mon, April 10, 2006

When you start copyrighting your incoherent drivel, sir, I will also protect YOUR right not to have it disseminated without your express written permission. I would consider it a public service of the highest order.


Phenix City,
to: lets get the facts strait

#302Consumer Comment

Sun, April 09, 2006

You should look @ youself lets get the facts strait, you are going to various website yourself & reposting my old complaints you are breaking the law yourself & trying to defamat my chracter also, you need to look @ yourself before you judge anybody else because you are going to website to & posting my old complaints to this website when will criminals see that crime doesn't pay!. You have to hide your real name so you can go post peoples old reports to different reports on this website to only do more harm to people then good!.

Let The Facts Speak For Themselves.....

New York,
New York,

#303Consumer Comment

Sun, April 09, 2006

You have now, in public and in print, STOLEN intellectual property. The article YOU reprinted was an AP story--look at the bottom of your post. I don't believe that the AP takes kindly to copyright infringement. This appears to be the second time you have stolen something in front of many witnesses.....

Let The Facts Speak For Themselves.....

New York,
New York,

#304Consumer Comment

Sun, April 09, 2006

Look at the bottom of your latest rant, Todd. It will tell you quite clearly that by reprinting this copyrighted article in a public forum, you have stolen intellectual property. Fascinating--you break the law in the public eye yet again.


South Carolina,
As Many Refuse God, His Protection Is Removed...

#305Author of original report

Sun, April 09, 2006

Below is the latest storms to hit the USA in about a week of each other. And notice all the talk in the News about Jesus and God? Storm Survivors Try to Pick Up the Pieces By JOHN GEROME 9 April 2006 GALLATIN, Tenn. (AP) - Diesel smoke filled the air as work crews used heavy equipment to clear paths through tornado-strewn debris and victims rummaged for mementos in the remains of their neighborhoods. Clumps of yellow insulation hung from trees like Spanish moss, and the sound of helicopters, chain saws and trucks created a loud, steady rumble. Among those searching for keepsakes in the rubble Saturday, Jenny Tuck carried a cedar chest and a photograph. ''I found an old picture of my mother,'' she said, holding up the dirty silver frame. Twelve deaths were blamed on the tornadoes, which weather officials said were spotted Friday in about 10 Tennessee counties. It was the second deadly storm system to hit the state in less than a week. Last weekend, thunderstorms spinning out dozens of tornadoes killed 24 people in western Tennessee and four others in Missouri and Illinois. ''After the tornadoes in west Tennessee, I said, 'Lord help us if it comes through a more densely populated area,''' Gov. Phil Bredesen said. ''And then it did a week later.'' Sumner County emergency officials implemented a dusk-to-dawn curfew for the areas hardest hit areas and National Guard soldiers were brought in to patrol. The worst damage appeared to be in Gallatin and other suburbs northeast of Nashville. Steve Hurt and eight others survived by taking shelter in a fireproof room with concrete walls at Lee Electric Supply Co. in Gallatin. ''You could hear people yelling and screaming outside and the debris hitting the walls,'' said Hurt, who said one of his co-workers was killed. One tornado chewed up a path about 150 to 200 yards wide and at least 10 miles long, said Jimmy Templeton of the Sumner County Sheriff's Department. ''I'm amazed we didn't have more fatalities,'' said Sonny Briggance, rescue chief for the Sumner County emergency management agency. Seven people were killed in Sumner County and three in Warren County, about 65 miles southeast of Nashville. Two more people died in a Gallatin hospital, state Emergency Management Agency spokesman Randy Harris said. Hospitals admitted at least 60 people injured in the storms. As many as 1,600 homes were damaged or destroyed in Warren and Sumner counties, according to a preliminary count, Harris said. Several multimillion-dollar homes were pulverized. Dan Powe took cover in a crawl space with his wife, 4-year-old daughter and a neighbor as a tornado leveled his home. He said he had come home for lunch, and decided to stay after seeing the weather reports. ''The only reason those girls are safe is that I stayed home from work, because my wife told me that she wouldn't have gotten under the house,'' Powe said. He hoped to salvage a boat in his garage, about the only part of the home still partially standing. Nashville Electrical Service reported hundreds of electrical lines down and power outages affecting up to 16,000 customers, mostly in Goodlettsville. About 1,000 customers remained blacked out, and it could take a week to restore all service, the utility said. Another line of severe thunderstorms rolled through Alabama and Georgia late Friday and early Saturday, damaging homes and businesses in Atlanta suburbs. Two people in Alabama were injured by falling trees, but no deaths were reported. Storms also pounded southern West Virginia, blacking out more than 16,000 customers, utilities said. Associated Press writer Kristin M. Hall contributed to this report. 04/09/06 07:30 ? Copyright The Associated Press. All rights reserved. The information contained In this news report may not be published, broadcast or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press.


Lake Oswego,

#306Consumer Comment

Wed, April 05, 2006

His story IS fabricated and now Wal-Mart has some serious all the time shoppers becuase of him,and he calls us much worse than fools, try walmanits, idiots, etc. look for the insulters/haters site and read that one he really shows his true colors there, and we want to know how we ripped him off, becuase I took it upon myself to get to the bottom of his fabricated story? he starts out by saying I am a DEVOUT CHRISTIAN, figuring we would think if he is such a man of god he wouldn't lie. ALOT of us defended him at first, until hcouldn't provide simple info, if in, fact he was found not guilty, the more we asked the more of a "TIRADE" he went on, then, he said becuase he won his case, records were destroyed, I used to work at a courthouse in the archives and I know they do NOT destroy arrest records guilty or innocent, especially if it WAS FALSE arrest, he then could sue wal mart civilly. he has been laying low since we outed him pretty good. I am going to check out the haters site, becuase he really bashes us there and I want to see if he has shown up yet. YOU ARE SO RIGHT HE IS NO CHRISTIAN< HE IS A HYPOCRITE THOUGH, if oyu were falsely arrested, wouldn't you file a civil case? Nick and I joke about him now even on other sites we make little notes to eachother about going to wal mart, so just laugh at him, he is afterall, a joke all by himself.


Time to move on T-odd

#307Consumer Comment

Tue, April 04, 2006

T-odd is definitely not Christian. He does not tell the truth, he steals, calls people "fools", and does not understand that he appears evil and demented. This attack against Wal-Mart is unjustified, and is obviously fabricated. What a farce...and now he thinks of himself as a HERO? It would be wise of him to never return, but we all know he is NOT wise nor does he live his life as Christ would. The lies spewing from his mouth is more like Satan. I'm sure God has a plan for you and you will forever burn in your misery. T-odd, your credibility is ZERO (not hero) They should ban you for filing a false report. Wal-Mart should be compensated for you smearing their name, unjustified. I love to shop there, especially since you are so against it.


Time to move on T-odd

#308Consumer Comment

Tue, April 04, 2006

T-odd is definitely not Christian. He does not tell the truth, he steals, calls people "fools", and does not understand that he appears evil and demented. This attack against Wal-Mart is unjustified, and is obviously fabricated. What a farce...and now he thinks of himself as a HERO? It would be wise of him to never return, but we all know he is NOT wise nor does he live his life as Christ would. The lies spewing from his mouth is more like Satan. I'm sure God has a plan for you and you will forever burn in your misery. T-odd, your credibility is ZERO (not hero) They should ban you for filing a false report. Wal-Mart should be compensated for you smearing their name, unjustified. I love to shop there, especially since you are so against it.


Time to move on T-odd

#309Consumer Comment

Tue, April 04, 2006

T-odd is definitely not Christian. He does not tell the truth, he steals, calls people "fools", and does not understand that he appears evil and demented. This attack against Wal-Mart is unjustified, and is obviously fabricated. What a farce...and now he thinks of himself as a HERO? It would be wise of him to never return, but we all know he is NOT wise nor does he live his life as Christ would. The lies spewing from his mouth is more like Satan. I'm sure God has a plan for you and you will forever burn in your misery. T-odd, your credibility is ZERO (not hero) They should ban you for filing a false report. Wal-Mart should be compensated for you smearing their name, unjustified. I love to shop there, especially since you are so against it.


Time to move on T-odd

#310Consumer Comment

Tue, April 04, 2006

T-odd is definitely not Christian. He does not tell the truth, he steals, calls people "fools", and does not understand that he appears evil and demented. This attack against Wal-Mart is unjustified, and is obviously fabricated. What a farce...and now he thinks of himself as a HERO? It would be wise of him to never return, but we all know he is NOT wise nor does he live his life as Christ would. The lies spewing from his mouth is more like Satan. I'm sure God has a plan for you and you will forever burn in your misery. T-odd, your credibility is ZERO (not hero) They should ban you for filing a false report. Wal-Mart should be compensated for you smearing their name, unjustified. I love to shop there, especially since you are so against it.


Attention Readers!!!!

#311Consumer Suggestion

Mon, April 03, 2006

If you have read every word up to this point, your IQ has officially dropped 10 points. Don't feel bad. I've slammed my head againts the wall arguing with this mental case, so mine dropped 20. Congratulations! Hey Todd, I suppose it would be a waste of time to ask for your court date, judge's name, docket numb... awww hell, forget it.


Lake Oswego,
No Kidding

#312Consumer Comment

Sun, April 02, 2006

Sheri, April, Denny and Nick, something Sheri said stuck with me,there was this family that moved into our old neighborhood , before we moved out here , they lived right behind us, well THIS guy would walk the neighborhood all day toting his BIBLE in one hand, speaking of God to everyone of the neighbors, and get this! He too, got busted for running a METH lab! COULD HAVE BLOWN US AND OUR KIDS SKY HIGH, but what gets me is he was always preachin'! They got busted becuase the blew up the kitchen in their rental home and the lanlord couldn't re rent the home for years, had to have all the walls and floors anything the chemicals could have stayed on ( basically everything) had to be redone from the foundation on up. BUT I will say this even he wasn't as far out there as our fictious Todd. I admit I come on just to see his new reaction they keep getting weirder and he has it out for me, especially, becuase I checked him out, I think he is one of those people that say the are a devout christian, so other people will take him at his word, at first I defended him, but then the other posts starting asking him for the info he should be able to provide, especially if he won his case,he said they destroyed his case when he won, what if he wanted to sue them in civil court for false arrest? They just do not destroy records of the courts or police , they go to the archives, every traffic ticket, or anything, victim of a crime, that information is all stored. I worked as a deputy clerk for the clackamas county courthouse many years ago, and thats what I did the archives for awhile.then he started calling me denny I still get a charge out of that one! Only becuase helied, and he cannot defend himslef, and those two party converstaions i swear are vioces in his head, anyways he is my joke for the day I guess, now that he has been exposed, and if he really does have a friend he morphed into , becuase in the beginning it was"HIM" it happened to, you are right , he sure is deeply involved in his "friends "life and thats just wierd too.


North Carolina,
wow... Every once in a blue moon

#313Consumer Comment

Sat, April 01, 2006

Every once in a blue moon I check up on this little story.. It gets more scary with every one of Todd's friend's posts. I wonder if the real Todd even knows how deluded his friend is, and how he seems wayyyy too concerned with his friend's life????? Is Todd your "partner" or something? Does Todd know how overly concerned you are with his life? Is Todd really your friend, or is he someone you are stalking? This guy gets worse every time he posts.It is truly scary to know that someone like him is in functioning society.The kind of guy that shoots you in the face when you accidently step on his toe on the city bus!



#314Consumer Comment

Sat, April 01, 2006

"Preacher Bob" was the manager of the last apartment I lived in, back in Studio City. He was an "actor" and claimed to be a pious, God-loving Christian. Well, "Preacher Bob" was supposedly away on a movie shoot with Kevin Costner (filming "Tombstone"), but came back suddenly. One afternoon, I hear commotion downstairs, and there are some nice men with "FBI" on their windbreakers, guns drawn on "Preacher Bob", as they did a take down. Seems like "Preacher Bob" was not on location, but doing some bank robberies in New Mexico and Arizone, all because "God told me to." Only thing is, I think "Preacher Bob" was a wee bit saner than Toddles.


So Todd

#315Consumer Comment

Sat, April 01, 2006

Whats the case number? What county and court was your case tried in? Who was the judge who presided over your case?


So Todd

#316Consumer Comment

Sat, April 01, 2006

Whats the case number? What county and court was your case tried in? Who was the judge who presided over your case?


So Todd

#317Consumer Comment

Sat, April 01, 2006

Whats the case number? What county and court was your case tried in? Who was the judge who presided over your case?


Lake Oswego,
Hey toddy you haven't "slain" me yet! Still her and still a woman

#318Consumer Comment

Fri, March 31, 2006

i bet TODDY THE DEFENDER OF LIES that you didn't even bother to find out if I was a girl or not you idiot, and you don't scare me with your stupid ramblings anyways, i have a good friend thats a shrink I went to school with I am gonna send him this page, becuase after that last one you really are nuts, and I think we should be worried about your mental health, he that preaches the loudest, must be the biggest hypocrite and liar afterall, what bothers you Todd,I found out for sure you are a liar?!I did my research on your accusations and found out the truth? You didn't think that for one minute by lying and saying you are a DEVOUT CHRISTAIN anyone would bother to check it out? That last posting was pure jibberish it didn't make sense at all to normal people anyways, maybe they will understand you better in the physc ward. I swear you are the biggest nut job I have ever seen, and to stalk us as Denny pointed out, is even freakier than you are just in this posting.Maybe I should post my photo since you do no reaserch and want to insist I am a guy, I went from not existing at all to being DENNY! I guess in your wierd little mind thats a step up! grow up and DO GOOD WORKS AS THE BIBLE says insteading of showing the world what an idiot you really are. Still can't believe you called me a man LOL too funny!think what you want you wierdo, we all know you are not normal in the head anyways.


Lake Oswego,
Hey toddy you haven't "slain" me yet! Still her and still a woman

#319Consumer Comment

Fri, March 31, 2006

i bet TODDY THE DEFENDER OF LIES that you didn't even bother to find out if I was a girl or not you idiot, and you don't scare me with your stupid ramblings anyways, i have a good friend thats a shrink I went to school with I am gonna send him this page, becuase after that last one you really are nuts, and I think we should be worried about your mental health, he that preaches the loudest, must be the biggest hypocrite and liar afterall, what bothers you Todd,I found out for sure you are a liar?!I did my research on your accusations and found out the truth? You didn't think that for one minute by lying and saying you are a DEVOUT CHRISTAIN anyone would bother to check it out? That last posting was pure jibberish it didn't make sense at all to normal people anyways, maybe they will understand you better in the physc ward. I swear you are the biggest nut job I have ever seen, and to stalk us as Denny pointed out, is even freakier than you are just in this posting.Maybe I should post my photo since you do no reaserch and want to insist I am a guy, I went from not existing at all to being DENNY! I guess in your wierd little mind thats a step up! grow up and DO GOOD WORKS AS THE BIBLE says insteading of showing the world what an idiot you really are. Still can't believe you called me a man LOL too funny!think what you want you wierdo, we all know you are not normal in the head anyways.


Lake Oswego,
Hey toddy you haven't "slain" me yet! Still her and still a woman

#320Consumer Comment

Fri, March 31, 2006

i bet TODDY THE DEFENDER OF LIES that you didn't even bother to find out if I was a girl or not you idiot, and you don't scare me with your stupid ramblings anyways, i have a good friend thats a shrink I went to school with I am gonna send him this page, becuase after that last one you really are nuts, and I think we should be worried about your mental health, he that preaches the loudest, must be the biggest hypocrite and liar afterall, what bothers you Todd,I found out for sure you are a liar?!I did my research on your accusations and found out the truth? You didn't think that for one minute by lying and saying you are a DEVOUT CHRISTAIN anyone would bother to check it out? That last posting was pure jibberish it didn't make sense at all to normal people anyways, maybe they will understand you better in the physc ward. I swear you are the biggest nut job I have ever seen, and to stalk us as Denny pointed out, is even freakier than you are just in this posting.Maybe I should post my photo since you do no reaserch and want to insist I am a guy, I went from not existing at all to being DENNY! I guess in your wierd little mind thats a step up! grow up and DO GOOD WORKS AS THE BIBLE says insteading of showing the world what an idiot you really are. Still can't believe you called me a man LOL too funny!think what you want you wierdo, we all know you are not normal in the head anyways.


Lake Oswego,
Hey toddy you haven't "slain" me yet! Still her and still a woman

#321Consumer Comment

Fri, March 31, 2006

i bet TODDY THE DEFENDER OF LIES that you didn't even bother to find out if I was a girl or not you idiot, and you don't scare me with your stupid ramblings anyways, i have a good friend thats a shrink I went to school with I am gonna send him this page, becuase after that last one you really are nuts, and I think we should be worried about your mental health, he that preaches the loudest, must be the biggest hypocrite and liar afterall, what bothers you Todd,I found out for sure you are a liar?!I did my research on your accusations and found out the truth? You didn't think that for one minute by lying and saying you are a DEVOUT CHRISTAIN anyone would bother to check it out? That last posting was pure jibberish it didn't make sense at all to normal people anyways, maybe they will understand you better in the physc ward. I swear you are the biggest nut job I have ever seen, and to stalk us as Denny pointed out, is even freakier than you are just in this posting.Maybe I should post my photo since you do no reaserch and want to insist I am a guy, I went from not existing at all to being DENNY! I guess in your wierd little mind thats a step up! grow up and DO GOOD WORKS AS THE BIBLE says insteading of showing the world what an idiot you really are. Still can't believe you called me a man LOL too funny!think what you want you wierdo, we all know you are not normal in the head anyways.


Run away!!!! Run away!!!!

#322Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 31, 2006

I think we just found the lost scene from Monty Python's Holy Grail. What?! No Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch to thrust upon us Walmartites, thus blowing thine enemies to bits in the name of the lord?


South Carolina,
Into The Darkness We Must Go!

#323Author of original report

Thu, March 30, 2006

As the darkness fades away, and a small light of truth begins to shine, in the mist of the abyss. "What is it", some say. Others say, "It is nothing". But still some, very few, I may add, wonder if it is a sign. A sign in which they have longed for, to rescue them from a long labor of delusion. This darkness from the Walmanites, spills out the abuse and confusion to the Shoperites from knowing the truth, and hence programmed them of years of propaganda that they receive large amounts of savings, but in fact, it is far, far, far, far, really far, from the truth. The people cry out, "Is there anything more? Why must we suffer from this imprisonment from which we are blinded to endure?" But the people's cries go unnoticed, UNTIL? What's that? (Chun Chun Chun?) How can this be? (Blru Whoa Flum) Cheers the Shoperites! Is this our longed HERO, from wince we have longed and prayed for? It is, the great, and KoOooool? Yes, you know who? "TODDOKNIGHT"!!! (Dun Dun Dun? Trum Trum) "RrrrroooOOOaaaRrrrr" The Shoperites cheer! Our hero, Sir Toddoknight, slashes his cyber sword, to the left, no no, to the right, with ever inch causing the Walmanites, Red Dragon, "LP" to slither back more and more, with every frightful second! "Oh, I can not bear to watch!" The people shout! But, Sir Toddoknight, is no ordinary hero, he is embraced by the Lord of Lords, giving him the Shield of Faith, and the Sword of Truth, he truly has the Armor of God on folks! NO! Sir Toddonknight is down, from a mighty blow! But where did that blow come from? Look, among the dark shadows of the Red Dragon, some small figures. They? slimmed their way into the fight! No? They are the "Insulterriots" from the dark rings of NAL! They are more wicked than the Red Dragon himself, they are beloved by the Walmanites with open arms, and will attack anyone that speaks against the darkness. Violations and curses come from their veins! They are evil in the darkest form. These Insulterriots, swarm around the Shoperites, that try to shop elsewhere with rounds of magical weapons, such as, but not limited to, "I'm your friend", "One day I am a guy, but I can be your girl too", "You lie!", "I know you paid for that, but you will be arrested anyway!"? These weapons, has done these Insulterriots well in the past. But are they any match for our hero? Sir Toddoknight seems to be down? He is not moving folks! The Insulterriots are moving in with False-Imprisonment cages, so they can destroy our hero's character. Is our hero finished? "Get Up!" The people shout! "Get Up!" It looks like the Insulterriots have destroyed our hero. Do we have any hope now? Will we ever be set free from the yoke of the Walmanites? The darkness closes in for the final murder of our hero, I have to look away. "Oh, God and Jesus, please help!" The Shoperites pray. ?Suddenly? OH THE BRIGHTNESS OF THE LIGHT! What is happening! Oh, is it? It is, It is He, the one and only? The? The? King of King, and Lord of Lords, Himself! He has RETURNED! What glory! What awesome power. In one turn, He speaks with such firmness, such force, and such strength? His near brightness has knocked the Insulterriots face down on the ground! The Red Dragon, is running in shame! But FIRE, yes folks, FIRE comes from the Lord of Lords mouth when He speaks, and the FIRE has completely consumed the Red Dragon, it is gone! The Insulterriots, they get up? They are casting all kinds of stones at Toddonknight? The Lord of Lords has turned His anger on them now. The Lord of Lords, speaks, and FIRE comes out once again, and fries every one of the wicked Insulterriots! The Shoperites cheer! They praise the Lord of Lords, and thank ole Toddoknight, for his faith and courage to stand against such a mighty dark power of the Walmanites. There is Great thanksgiving and praising to God and the Lord of Lords. The crowd yells, "We need more people like, Sir TODDOKNIGHT! Hip Hip, Hurray! Hip Hip, Hurray! The land is full of blessings, once again. The people have REPENTED, and returned to the Lord of Lords and God, and thus, true Blessings come among them. But, if ever in the future, the wicked, and dark, Walmanites return to cause harm to the Shoperites, they know, the Lord of Lords, will bring them once again a Hero, of true value and savings, trustworthiness and honesty, a hero that opens the doors for little old ladies, and smiles bright at the young ladies, but is loyal to the end. He is our dependable hero, Sir TODDOKNIGHT! YEAH? YEAH? YEAH!!!! PRAISE GOD!!! HE IS AWESOME!!! For now, this chapter closes, until we call upon him again, when we need him. May he stop in from now and then. We love him. Sir TODDOKNIGHT! We Thank God, He has given us, YOU! Long Live, Sir TODDOKNIGHT! :p


Showing more to Todd's psychotic behavior

#324Consumer Comment

Thu, March 30, 2006

He is now infiltrating other walmart threads where you, Ruth, NIck and I have posted where the OP of the report was shown to be wrong. He's now a stalker. Yet he can't answer a few simple ;questions posted to him. I suggest that we keep this report alive until such time he gives up spreading his religious rhetoric or answer the questions posed to him, so that other who see his replies to other Walmart reports, know that he's one to ignore.


Lake Oswego,

#325Consumer Comment

Thu, March 30, 2006

Elizabeth I think you and nick are right, he is on something ( he'll say he is high in the lord WATCH!) And Nick, I think you are right he really does talk to Spock lol , I am simply astounded he called me a guy! I showed my husband of 23 years his posting and him calling me DENNY, and he about hit the floor laughing so hard! My husband never gets on my computer, he bought it for me for CHRISTMAS becuase I had had numerous surgeries and he and the kids were gone all day and I was laid up and lonely, and it was how I communicated with my best friend in canada, by the way I sent this page to her and she is laughing at the "preacher' too! Especially about me being Denny! My husband now thinks I had a sex change and turn back into his wife whenever I want to, teasing me mercilessly about it.OH TODDY AREA CODE IS 503 in case information asks you that, I certainly can't have you spreading rumors that I am a man, it would ruin my reputation here, I have posed as a girl all my life! Seems my gynecologist would have noticed something amiss too, geez I must be good at it! AND I CAN GIVE BIRTH I THINK THAT ONE MIGHT HAVE MADE THE PAPERS THOUGH YOU DOPE! Todd you have alot to learn now you are SHOOTING PEOPLE IN CYBERSPACE! MY HOW CHRISTAINLY OF YOU! again I say you hypocrite now we are toying with you becuase you are so far out there, you are paranoid now lol, I simply can't believe your stupidiity anyother person idiot or not ( I callyou names becuase you like to call us names and I feel thats fair)would have admitted lying by now, so PLEASE go se your shrink and get your medication the thing about YOUR disease is you people don't know you are sick so you stop taking your meds. so I would suggesst you get off the street drugs and on the prescribed ones buddy! You are mental and these postings prove it beyond a doubt, talking like Spock and Jim was a clear instance os one of your many persnalities so either fess up with the verifiable info or go check yourself int he menatal ward so you can get help before YOU REALLY DO SHOOT SOMEONE THIEF!


Saint Charles,
Oh lordy

#326Consumer Comment

Wed, March 29, 2006

Todd has really lost it now Beam me up Toddy, I want to be on whatever delusional ship you're flying on. Sounds like a heck of a ride....... Anyone seen Todd's Lithium? I think he misplaced it.


Lake Oswego,
Hey Frank?Todd

#327Consumer Comment

Wed, March 29, 2006

read my first posting when I believed you, I assure you I am NOT Denny , just becuase we don't agree with you does not make me DENNY . Thats the best one yet, I told you, and even gave you the number to walmart to ask if a woman named RUTH FROM LAKE OSWEGO CALLED ABOUT TODD AND ALERTED THEM TO THIS SITE, and obviously, you didn't bother to call and find out I left my name address and phone number for their legal department, and unless I had a sex change recently and don't know it , I was, when I got up this morning a woman and the mother of 3, better yet yo yo, my names in the book last name McCollum you idiot, So, before you go acussing me of being someone else get your freakin facts straight! I don't agree with you Todd, I did research this to the best of my ability, and all I found out is your a liar! so grow up and quit acussing me of being someone else! I am who I am and thats that.Is that the best you can do? We asked for YOUR case NUMBER becuase YOU made a report here, it would have stopped some of us from shopping there had it been true, I had every right to ask for info to prove it and so did the others, your reluctance to provide this info and then claim it was destroyed , destroyed YOUR credibility.AFTERALL, TODDY THERE ARE TWO SIDES TO EVERY STORY AND WE JUST WANTED THE OTHER SIDE, OH BIG CRIME IN THAT HUH?You posted it, we wanted to know the TRUTH you preached so much about, I have been truthful, you haven't.SO, now I am Denny, how did you like that one Denny? Oh and NICK I"ll say hi to ya on the other site, next I'll be accused of being you too lol, oh Todd, I know your area code so any ideas of harassing me by phone forget it, I will report you to the phone company, but hey feel free to check out me and see if I am the real thing you dope.I also have caller ID and I don't think you want a harrasement lawsuit, so call information and give them my name and see what you come up with in LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON, UNLIKE you I can prove I am what I say Iam.I have no problem with proving that unlike you.So you have nothing to lose but your liar image, so why not post the info asked for?!Lord are you for real?! Calling me DENNY?! LOL


Here we go again!

#328Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 29, 2006

Denny said: What was your case number? What county court was this tried in? What judge sat before your case? Hold on. Every time you ask that, this thread grows by another 5%. Awww, too late! Here comes another 5 page diatribe on either: 1. How Wal-Mart has ever had trouble 2. How great god is 3. Something about victory 4. How Denny is a hater. Hold on to your hats...


answer the questions todd

#329Consumer Comment

Wed, March 29, 2006

What was your case number? What county court was this tried in? What judge sat before your case?


South Carolina,
Frank, We Need To Group And Protect Our Freedom

#330Author of original report

Wed, March 29, 2006

Hi Frank, I have been thinking about your words, "Gather the weak, and create a force that the strong has to reckon with". In a strange way, that is what Christianity is about. (Looking after the weak, praying for righteousness, asking God to help, et al.) Plus, if you read any historical documentations, (worldwide), you will discover that most uprisings were fought of this type. The weak becoming tired of the rich oppressing them, and the weak rising up to speak their voices and over through that wicked organization. Matter of fact, the Declaration of Independence calls for us to that Duty! It is strange, that I have been thinking, that if God gives me the resources and strength, I will organize this group, to be the Voice of the People, asking for the Spirit of Truth. Maybe, RipOffReport is the first step. I will need to pray more and seek the Lord's guidance. These organizations and corporations need to stop with there abuse of people's rights. I have researched so many postings of RipOffReport, and it brings tears to my eyes at all the suffering people have had to deal with. It does get my goat to see many of the same insulters riding around feeding off of the sorrows of others. Reminds me of the spirit of Jezebel in the Bible. And yes, Todd had the best attorney there is. And he was found Not Guilty! Praise God! It was a long hard road. I am not sure where he will be going with this, but I am sure he and I, want to make sure he is the last to be mistreated like this. Whatever legal area needs to be explored, this needs to stop, and however long it takes. Victory will be given, By God! Oh, how I wish Jesus would quickly return, there almost seems to be no end to the wickedness of some. Praise Him!


Hey Ruth! :)

#331Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 29, 2006

Oh, we've asked a million times. "Privacy" and all, especially interesting when dealing with the PUBLIC RECORD! Ruth said: now TODDY has created a walmart rip off posting INSULTERS/GOD HATERS, so far as of yesterday just Denny was on it , Now how is that a rip off? It's a terrible injustice imposted on society at large.... and simply PALES in comparison to stealing a sandwich from a large discount retailer. I'm amazed at the humbleness, gentleness and grace the people questioning Todd got! But I figure if Todd got a "victory", well, I sure hate to think what the LOSERS look like! Ruth said: The Spock /Jim conversation really proves he is mentally ill or just plain out there, either or he definetly needs a shrink! Heh. No kidding. I think he really thinks he had that conversation. But for the first time in this post, I give him an A for "creativity". See you over at the "other post"? #173153


Hey Ruth! :)

#332Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 29, 2006

Oh, we've asked a million times. "Privacy" and all, especially interesting when dealing with the PUBLIC RECORD! Ruth said: now TODDY has created a walmart rip off posting INSULTERS/GOD HATERS, so far as of yesterday just Denny was on it , Now how is that a rip off? It's a terrible injustice imposted on society at large.... and simply PALES in comparison to stealing a sandwich from a large discount retailer. I'm amazed at the humbleness, gentleness and grace the people questioning Todd got! But I figure if Todd got a "victory", well, I sure hate to think what the LOSERS look like! Ruth said: The Spock /Jim conversation really proves he is mentally ill or just plain out there, either or he definetly needs a shrink! Heh. No kidding. I think he really thinks he had that conversation. But for the first time in this post, I give him an A for "creativity". See you over at the "other post"? #173153


Hey Ruth! :)

#333Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 29, 2006

Oh, we've asked a million times. "Privacy" and all, especially interesting when dealing with the PUBLIC RECORD! Ruth said: now TODDY has created a walmart rip off posting INSULTERS/GOD HATERS, so far as of yesterday just Denny was on it , Now how is that a rip off? It's a terrible injustice imposted on society at large.... and simply PALES in comparison to stealing a sandwich from a large discount retailer. I'm amazed at the humbleness, gentleness and grace the people questioning Todd got! But I figure if Todd got a "victory", well, I sure hate to think what the LOSERS look like! Ruth said: The Spock /Jim conversation really proves he is mentally ill or just plain out there, either or he definetly needs a shrink! Heh. No kidding. I think he really thinks he had that conversation. But for the first time in this post, I give him an A for "creativity". See you over at the "other post"? #173153


South Carolina,
Ruth... which is Denny (seems to be)

#334Author of original report

Tue, March 28, 2006

Now who is the LIAR? I thought you said you were no longer posting, or was that one of your other names? The cases I posted are ALL CIVIL!!! Not Criminal, you really need to get a life. You act like you know something about investigation, but you and your home-boy'z expose yourself as knowing nothing as being rejects from the want-a-be cops you wish you were. You go and pick out small statements trying to make your case, but it lacks merit to even be taken seriously. From the very beginning of this posting, you and your posse-group, accused me of lying, before you even knew the details. Then you acted as if you first cared, but then attacked my honesty. When that did not work, you went after my faith, knowing it was deep emotions for me. You feed off of the posting, since it was a place to post the truth of the matter. I agree with Frank, the docket or case number of Todd's case has nothing to do with it, nor would it have anything to do. You know very well those items can not be posted while this issue was pending, and now that God has Given Todd Victory, you then try to bring that out as some kind of reasoning to call me a liar. The fact of the matter is your group is nothing more than brunt's trying to cause others to reframe from reading these postings, so the truth will still be hidden. Just like in times of old, when the Roman Church use to have there so called police-force, running around and catching true Christians, that refused to worship a idol, and then you turned them over to be burned at the steak! Just because you change your name from Denny to Ruth, does not blind us good folks to the fact you are the same "insulting" person as before. I agree very much with Frank, he is well educated in your "insulting plots" to try and destroy people who post against the mighty Walmanites. Praise God! VICTORY! And I am sure, when God wishes, all will know of these wrongs!


South Carolina,
Hi Frank... History Is Well Remembered!

#335Author of original report

Tue, March 28, 2006

Hi Frank, I was glancing back over the historical postings, because Denny had stated that I had said that Todd stole and lied, which is totally false. (As we all know Denny's history of "insulting") Anyway, I found MANY people that came to make good suggestions and provide support. I did find that your reply very honest and up front. I felt your words should be regenerated. I also wanted to thank all the others that came up with open arms, together we will put an end to these "bullies" taking advantage of our rights and liberties. Praise God, there are good folks out there that will not put up with this stuff. And, Frank, I agree, if there are more people that know how to use a computer and the internet, there would be a whole lot more postings on RipOffReport about WalMart. I just learned of a 81 year man in North Carolina, that had purchased some fruits at a WalMart, and was ran down by LP people and ruff-handled and accused of stealing items. From what I heard, the man almost had a heart-attack, and yelled back at them that he was a war hero for this country! The man of course was found not guilty and let go. But not until many people surrounded the LP people that knew of the old man and began yelling at the LP that they were crazy! (My grandmother was one of the people yelling at the LP and she is the one that told me the story) ===Here is Frank's Past Posting=== Rebuttal Consumer Comment Submitted: 12/20/2005 4:49:28 PM Modified: 12/20/2005 4:49:28 PM I am amazed!! Todd, It seems that you have done a great job gathering attention of additional enemies! In 3 months since I last visited this website, you have managed to attract 3 times the amount of replies (mostly negative). That leads me to conclude that Wal-Mart is really paying attention to your voice...and how it is ruining their reputation. First of all, I do apologize in advance if I got the names wrong. But Kate, how can you not expect someone to not go in shock, suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder, and ask him or her to just let it go when he was falsely accused? I have posted my story on June 28th, 2005, also on this chain. Being that I have a job with very little time to spare, I have decided not to fight on. Even though I have chosen to bow down to the almighty, (IE. Walmart, the courts)and took the unjust punishment, (IE. fines, community service ETC), there is not one day that goes by that I don't think about how unfair my entire experience has been. For all those wrongfully accused people out there, we are all suppose to just let something like this go by like nothing happened? tell that to the pregnant lady! What if she suffered a miscarriage? Here is a thought for those attacking Todd: If the guilty is expected to repend and apologize for their wrongful actions, how about a sorry from Walmart for a change? For those asking for Todd's docket # and case#, please explain why this is of importance to you. At the end of the day, it all comes down to the testimony of witnesses as well as any available evidence (probably unkept) from Walmart. In my opinion (correct me if I am wrong)the docket # and case# only provide a person with information that was taken exclusively from the side of the plaintiff. Are we suppose to believe that Walmart tell nothing but the truth? More importantly, judging from my experience, even if all of this leads to Walmart falsely accusing someone, one can still be found guilty in court! As for Dale and most recently Lynda, I am glad you guys are professionals. I don't know if you are related to Walmart in anyway (judging from the comment you are), but I will be forthcoming and tell you my docket # is 17050 and was filed in Mercer County in the state of NJ. I would love to get an explaination how the court can find me guilty when all evidence showed that the LPO's story was inconsistant. If you guys are real professional, you would help me to ease my mental suffering a lot by exploring my case. As for those asking why Todd is not forthcoming with the outcome of his case, my case took me 9 months to resolve, so it should take him at least the same amount of time. Denny, we all know that you work for Walmart. Quite honestly, if I had a business, I would do everything to avoid getting sued millions of dollars. You are doing a great job. Most people don't have the time or patience to spend 2 hours reading this thread, unless this effect them personally. So if you can interject every so often and say that Todd is guilty, people will have that engrained in their head and assume that he is. Great advertising scheme. In regards to someone's posting about contacting the media? That is not going to work. I have tried that and came to an unfortunate conclusion: media companies are funded by advertisements. Walmart is a big contributor. I had a reporter who was interested in my story, but was shot down by the editor. Who can blame them? Walmart pays their salary! Finally, Todd. The only one who knows the truth is yourself, and the accuser. I really hope that you are indeed innocent, and win in court. We all know that you have spent a tremendous amount of time just in this posting alone. Just as a suggestion: Stop repling to those who are obvious in an attempt to discourage you. Concentrate your effort and do these 2 things: 1. Find the best lawyer and win your criminal case. 2. Contact all the wrongfully accused people you can find and have a class action lawsuit. ( I will be the first in line) Just think Todd, people like us, who are somewhat computer literate, are able to find websites like this to find out similiar occurances around us. What about the rest of the wrongfully accused, those who do not have the same skills/resources available to us? Many of them may have been forced to "admit" their guilt because they were scared out of their wits! As a side note. When I did a search about wrongful arrest on ripoffreport.com on other major retailer, nothing showed up except for Walmart. Wonder why.... So Todd, please oblige to the request of those who oppose you, stop ranting. Stream your efforts into a more productive avenue. Gather the weak, create a force that the strong has to reckon with. Maybe at that time, Walmart will finally hear our message that it is wrong to wrongfully accuse innocent individuals. Good luck with everything. Please keep us informed, good or bad. Frank Happy holidays everyone. Did you know that certain Walmarts have stopped using the word "Xmas" and replaced it with "holiday"? (IE. Holiday tree, holiday card) They are doing this so they won't offend people with different faith. What a joke. Another example how everything is about the $.. Frank - North Brunswick, New Jersey U.S.A. ===


Lake Oswego,
Hey Nick

#336Consumer Comment

Tue, March 28, 2006

Nick, how many times now did we NICELY ask for that info, now TODDY has created a walmart rip off posting INSULTERS/GOD HATERS, so far as of yesterday just Denny was on it , Now how is that a rip off? becuase I called and check out his story and he lied about only HIS RECORDS BEING DESTROYED? Preached about not violating his privacy, then posts all those peoples names ,case#'s and counties and states they live in, doesn't it make sense if they won their cases their records would have BEEN DESTROYED TOO LOL , they don't destroy those records, and I can't believe he tried that lie at all, butlike I said one lie leads to another until the lIAR is proven to be one, or trips himself up, in this case BOTH of those things happened, and the wal mart incident didn't.lol what a freak. The Spock /Jim conversation really proves he is mentally ill or just plain out there, either or he definetly needs a shrink!


South Carolina,
What Is That Sound? Whoosh! Whoosh!

#337Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 28, 2006

I keep hearing that sound, Whoosh! Whoosh! What is it? That is the sound made when the Lord returns and His word comes down like fire and destroys the WICKED, for not repenting! Whoosh! Whoosh! I can tell many of you, "NAL", that you are lying about knowing anything about Christianity. First of all, GOOD WORKS DOES NOT SAVE you! Acknowledging that God came in the Flesh, as Jesus Christ, can ONLY save you, and REPENTING of your PRIDE (selfish conclusion that Jesus and God were not real). Confessing to God that you are a sinner (refusing God), and believing that the Lord Jesus Christ died for your sins on the cross and was raised for your justification, you do now receive and confess Him, as your personal Savior. The Bible states: "That you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved" (Romans 10:9). "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My WORD and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall NOT come into JUDGMENT, but has PASSED from death into LIFE" (John 5:24). So, to be a Christian has nothing to do with GOOD works: "how many times you smile, laugh, allow the wicked to run over you, help each other, love one another, give money to others, talk to others, goto Church, apply for Church functions, et al". To be a TRUE Christian, you have to CONFESS that you once REFUSED God's love, by bringing His Son, Jesus, to this Earth, that died for OUR sins, and rose on the THIRD day... ONLY by Jesus can you be SAVED! That is what a Christian is. None of this modern-day, hobo-jobo stuff you hear everywhere defines the correct description of a Christian. That is a delusion from the TRUTH. PRAISE GOD! That He allows us to join His kingdom, by just asking forgiveness of our pride, and accepting Jesus for whom He is. The world has far to high of a price for its membership, which is death. I choose Life, and I know where I will be when the KING returns! Where will you be?


North Carolina,
This is just so livid!

#338Consumer Comment

Tue, March 28, 2006

I've been reading this thread since its inception, and have witness it morph into a discertation into diviniation and religion and now has missed the point entirely (in most respects). So now for my 2 cents worth: Todd, you need to realize that, regardless of past actions, and regardless of your moral beliefs, that your actions at Wal-Mart gave the impression that you were doing wrong. In most states, in almost every retail establishment, you need to PAY for your product BEFORE you CONSUME it. It doesn't matter how often you did this, it doesn't matter how honest you are about paying for them, your practice of consuming what is Wal-mart's property before you pay for it can be considered Theft, you got busted on it, because in the course of your consumption, you COULD have just thrown away the packages, or used other packages to have scanned to pay for it. This is the assumption that Wal-mart has to make because it caught you in the act of consuming it's property before you paid for it. I am sorry that you got arrested, but again, this is in response to the action you chose to take. I am sure there is security camera footage that shows you consuming Wal-mart property (i.e picking it up, opening it and eating it before you paid for it). This action taken is illegal, regardless that you used the empty packages to be scanned. To me this is a matter of common sense, for you it seems to be a matter of bad judgment. I usually pay for my groceries (clothes, dvd's, books, liquor, whatever) before I consume or use them. Seems to me its a lot less hassle to have a receipt of things that haven't been consumed before I paid for them. Religion has nothing to do with what you experienced, maybe you should ask God for some wisdom, and maybe He will bless you with some common sense. Strip away all the emotional squabble, and stick to the facts of the matter, most people will see that you made a error of judgment in the way you handle other's properties, as intent is not bearing on your actions. Remember that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Wal-mart may not be the best moral player in the game, but they are not always the bad guy. You need to admit you made a mistake, and for that you have taken your licks. You victimized yourself. And that truth will keep you free. Maranatha!


Simi Valley,
The definition of 'cult'

#339Consumer Comment

Tue, March 28, 2006

"Even satan knows the scriptures well and uses them to trap people into the cult... " In regards to the above quote, here's a little something I found on Merriam Webster Online... cult 2 entries found for cult. To select an entry, click on it. Main Entry: cult Pronunciation: 'k< Function: noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: French & Latin; French culte, from Latin cultus care, adoration, from colere to cultivate -- more at WHEEL 1 : formal religious veneration : WORSHIP 2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents 3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents 4 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator 5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion. I'd say Christianity falls under one of those definitions. :)


An Innocent man, indeed!

#340Consumer Suggestion

Mon, March 27, 2006

Tood said: SPOCK: No Jim, what are they and how do they punish men who are innocent? SPOCK: Is it logical to punish a man that has done nothing wrong? JIM: Once the innocent man enters the trap, the Walmanites, enslave them with large financial drains and cast them into proton prison cells. SPOCK: That is horrible, Jim. Three referencces to "innocent". But that's a FAR DIFFERENT "Todd" that we read in your other posts: Let's review, Todd: Todd: People sometimes FORGET to pay, and my illness is proven to do that at times! Todd: Another thing. Want to talk about who the real theft is. I remember returning some items I paid $30 for and your store would not refund me the same price, instead your store only gave me $5. That in itself would justify any mistake I may have made, if I ever made a mistake. Todd: So, for you to keep trying to take Wal-Mart's side and say that I must have some past-rap-record and that justifies them to arrest me. YOU ARE WRONG!!! Todd: One thing I learned in that jail was.... Innocent men don't make excuses when they are accused of wrongdoing. They gladly offer ANY proof of that "supposed wrondgoing" being illegitimate. What is the case number, Todd? Judge's name? C'mon! Prove me to be the "god hater" and doubter you claim I am.


Lake Oswego,
Tood you are so full of it

#341Consumer Comment

Sun, March 26, 2006

Okay, lets start this one here,In one of your posts you attacked Denny and I becuase he makes 100g a year and I live in a wealthy suburb, let me tell you something Todd, my husband and I worked very hard to put ourselves here, I went to school,worked 2 jobs and my husband worked 2 jobs for us to be here, so my son could get the best education he could, so DO NOT attack me or Denny for having ambition and wanting a better life for our child GOT IT?! Secondly, once again, you go on and on JUDGING PEOPLE that disagree with you as "GOD haters" a Conspiracy , you know Todd , those "conspiracy" theories and signs of bi polar, and schizophrenica.Now I am wondering if you hear voices too. Iam not "conspiring" in any way, I just wanted the truth, a truth that would have kept me from shopping there, you posted this as I have said numerous times, and when asked to back it up you call those that disagree with you names, how christianly Todd.You lied about YOUR CASE BEING DESTROYED, but before I put that posting in I did MY research by emailing YOUR state, just in case your state had different laws than mine. Thirdly, this site was meant for snooping around in, which by your own admission you do yourself. Denny, Nick and I and the others had been respectful of asking you for info to back up this claim. We were called names and subjected to someone who has the idea he is better than all of us and hides behind his "Christain beliefs" You know Todd, you talk about me slandering you and us invading you privacy, yet you have branded us "God haters" and God knows what else you have called us, becuase we disagree with you. You Also violated the privacy of all those cases you posted without their permission.One poster has a point, when he said you seem to know the looks on the kid's faces and all that, I personally think you made this whole thing up and I got you riled when I called Wal-mart. I don't think you thought anyone would take it that far did you? Well, I did, and I will tell you why, I do shop there as well and many other stores, I have my son with me and if people could just be picked at RANDOM and arrested I wouldn't want to put my son in that position nor myself. Do Not attack my personality, i will tell you something I am very well loved, in my church and by my friends when I can physically attend A service. Also I took care of my dying father , who passed away recently, singly handidly , becuase my mother went on life support 5 weeks before he died, I left my family, my animals etc., to care for him and moved in , my whole family was going to put my dad in a home ( which I promised I would never do )We drained our "house Fund" for his medications and health care needs, becuase we have had planty of time to buy a houe but myparents only had a short time to live, I HONORED MY FATHER AND MOTHER and no matter how hard it was emotionally, I kept that promise to my dad even after my brother choked me, becuase I refused to let them move dad,so they could sell his house, and they even threatened to put his beloved pets in the poud( that wouldn't have happened they would have come with me) BUT they scared that dying man to death, he refused to let me open the curtains for weeks! Since I was a nurse, I got an injuction from a judge stating as long as I lived there 24/7 with him, nothing, even dad, could be removed from the house My parents said I have always had a big heart, to much so sometimes, which is why I took you at your word at FIRST.I lost them BOTH at the same time, but I never gave up right up until the end.Have tou been through that Todd?! Makes that Wal- mart complaint of yours sound like a walk in the park doesn't it? I am telling you this becuase I am so sick and tired of this christain bashing on me for wanting the truth, so I am such a bad person huh Todd?! Then I was disabled in an accident, 3 surgeries and having another next month.I am telling you and the other posters out there what I am really like not how Tod paints me becuase I diagree with him and think he well, after the records destroying remark, he is a liar. I also rescue animals and provide aloving foster care home for them. I have made mistakes SURE TODD, WHO HASN'T? BUT WHEN I MAKE ONE, I own up to it and say I am sorry and ask forgiveness, I ALSO lEARN FROM IT, I am NOT the monster you proclaim me to be. YOU are so full of your self and your christainity that everyones wrong, BUT TODD, you know Todd, it is one thing to CLIAM you are of God, but another thing to actually live up to it, in one posting you said you were actually helping people "better" themselves by correcting grammar. HOW BIG OF YOU! You have sat in judgement and refused to prove the truth you were asked for , for such an innocont man.A christian one at that! I think you should spout less of Gods word and actually try living it, by RESPECTING PEOPLE EVEN IF YOU DISAGREE WITH THEM!Finally, I would like to repaeat, if you provide the info asked for, I will be the first to apologize, and ask YOUR forgiveness.providing you can provide the truth, otherwise I will keep DOING God's work and not just preaching about it, and if I were you in the future I wouldn't post things that aren't true unless you can back them up, I was so disapponted in you, I really wanted you to provide the truth, I beleived in you becuase you said you were a man of God, stupid on my part, just becuase someone says they are doesn't mean they are, and your name calling and threats are proof, you need lots of work in the god department, Asking you to back up your claim does not make us satanists, or anything else, but peole who want the TRUTH, not ramblings about God.truth you cannot provide, your recoprds were destroyed , yeah right.


South Carolina,
Jim, Is It Logical?

#342Author of original report

Sat, March 25, 2006

Message sent to RIPOFFREPORT, broadcasting the voice of truth! ===BEGIN MESSAGE=== SKOCK: Jim? JIM: Spock? SPOCK: Jim? JIM: Yes, Spock, speak. SPOCK: Is it logical? JIM: Is what, logical? SPOCK: Is it logical to punish a man that has done nothing wrong? JIM: Only the alien lifeform called Walmanites. SPOCK: Jim, what are Walmanites? JIM: Spock, in all of our space travels, you have never heard of Walmanites? SPOCK: No Jim, what are they and how do they punish men who are innocent? JIM: They set up branches of motherships within cities of men, luring them in by deceiving them with pleasures of low-priced goods. But actually, they are as a spider attracting a fly to the web. SPOCK: And then what? JIM: Once the innocent man enters the trap, the Walmanites, enslave them with large financial drains and cast them into proton prison cells. SPOCK: That is horrible, Jim. JIM: Yes, and that is not the end of it. SPOCK: What else could happen? JIM: Then the Walmanites, drains the life blood of every good thing the innocent man has done, by attacking his character by using their Posse Squad of Low-Lives usually called Northern Atheist Liberals (NAL). SPOCK: What does the NAL do? JIM: The NAL goes around hunting down the good man's story, and aggressively attacking it to discredit the truth of the matter, in order to protect the Walmanites traps for the next victim. SPOCK: Jim, I do not understand the logic here. JIM: Spock, it is simple. The evil Walmanites can get up to $6,500 per victim! That is all profit. SPOCK: Seems like they are some kind of greedy profiteers. JIM: That is exactly what they are. And the Walmanites enjoy watching people suffer over something as little as a bag of sugar or diapers. They sometimes even MURDER people over their GREED! SPOCK: That is terrible! Can the Federation do anything to stop these EVIL Walmanites. JIM: Well, the Walmanites are very powerful, they control many political and governmental elements, BUT they do not control the people, their deceptive BLIND FOLD, is slowly coming down, just like the Tobacco Companies, Phone Companies, and Electric Companies. SPOCK: Jim, how do we do this? JIM: By communicating the stories on websites, just like RIPOFFREPORT.COM, that is a starting point. Letting others know of the problems and the evil plans of the Walmanites and others like them, we can stop their oppression. SPOCK: Now, that sounds logical to me. JIM: Scottie, begin Captains Log, Report these message into text and broadcast it on RIPOFFREPORT right now. SCOTTIE: I? I? Captain, It is done. SPOCK: Well, done Captain. ===END MESSAGE===


I heard something!

#343Consumer Suggestion

Sat, March 25, 2006

Todd said: Did Anyone Hear Something? I did! That "pftpftpftpftpftpft" sound was your credibility deflating like a balloon losing its air. Shelley's only defense to your post was that she also hates Wal-Mart and feared a conspiracy to steal her bag of sugar. My goodness, is this the best you've got? I've shopped there almost every week for 5 years, and NOTHING. How can this be?! Even if that psychotic sugar-swiping conspiracy COULD be true, it would only be to recoup the losses caused by Todd's "forgetfulness". Shelley, I think Todd owes you a bag of sugar. Finally, to "Todd's Representative", I find it very interesting that you knew the expressions on Todd's kids' faces and what they said when Todd was arrested. And the exact words the LP said to Todd. And what Todd learned in jail. How about that, TODD'S REPRESENTATIVE? You'd have to have been there at every moment of Todd's wild story, and NOT ONCE did you say "I'll have to ask him". Sounds like a bunch of hooey. And just like the sandwich you walked out with, well, no-one is buying any of this either!


Todd has utterly gone round the bend!

#344Consumer Suggestion

Sat, March 25, 2006

I am NOT an Atheist. I am NOT a liberal. If Appalachia is in the north, then northerner I be. I have never participated in brutal assault, although you have accused me taking part in it. You, Todd, have levied infamous charges against me, and you had better come up with some proof pretty damned quick. You are a serpent, and I call you as much to your face. Here's where it gets interesting, Toddie. You clearly do NOT want to have ANYTHING in common with me, and the LORD knows you don't! Here is what we DON'T have in common: I am NOT a poltroon. I am NOT a shoplifter. I am NOT a heretic. I am NOT a pharisee. I am NOT a liar. I do NOT viciously attack my non-Christian brethren for their beliefs. I do NOT cheapen the holy, precious, word of God in a petty spat that is definitely of secular origin. I do NOT dodge the issues at hand with vitriolic and often insane outbursts. See how very different we are? PRAISE GOD! Pax vobiscum NMS


Oh, the quacks says our replies are insane.

#345Consumer Comment

Sat, March 25, 2006

yet he's the one spouting scripture to an audience who doesn't give a d**n. who's the insane one? What's the case number? Where was this trial held? Who was the judge who presided over the case? What court handled the complaint?


South Carolina,
Did Anyone Hear Something?

#346Author of original report

Sat, March 25, 2006

Did Anyone Hear Something? I keep thinking I hear something, like a spoiled child crying for another toy. Oh, it is those stupid insulters again, or as Shelley called them, "Northern Atheist Liberals (NAL)"... I guess it is not totally their fault; it was just because they never had parents to teach them proper manners and ENGLISH! HEEHAW! You duf-o's crack me up, I get a good old laugh every time I read your insane replies. I am sure glad you're not my employees. How is the Wal-Mart crime ring going? Did ya ruff-up any little old ladies today? Or just your usual attacks on the helpless. !!!


South Carolina,
Oh Rocks Hide Us From His Face!

#347Author of original report

Fri, March 24, 2006



Lake Oswego,
well, Todd here you go again

#348Consumer Comment

Fri, March 24, 2006

Just for your information Todd I worked at a courthouse for quite awhile and if you were "hauled off" to jail in another county it IS still in the public records , The police departments have to keep those records for people like you. Another thing, just becuase I wanted to get to the truth, and I might add others as well as myself nicely, respectefully, and even at first sided with you, I cannot tell you when i first read your posting how BAD I FELT FOR YOU, but as I said before as time went on and on, and you refused to give a case #, (By the way anything with a case number guilty or inncoent has to be stored, so as not to use that case number again and come up with two different cases), It would also state that you were aqutitted, We gave you every possible chance to defend this posting and never once did you have enough respect for those who, at first felt sorry for you and your family, to give us the county, state, judge, or case # but you HAD no problem whatsoever posting OTHER peoples cases. You avoided every specific question that was asked of you, by spouting on and on about God, how can we believe in you and defend you, when you won't back up your posting? Anyone that later in the thread disagreed with such as myself, was bashed on, with long drawn out postings about being Wal- mart lovers and God haters, which had nothing to do with the fact that over and over again we asked for simple info, guilty or innocent of you went to court and were arrested if there is a police report on file for the incident, we aren't stupid "Todd" and don't give us they destroyed the case # because you were found not guilty, just look at OJ Simpsons case is even there he was aqutted but his legal papers are still there. Those who have been CHARGED WITH A CRIME and FOUND NOT GUILTY for example he had a prior incident case # and was aquttited of that charge, I don't know where you are getting counsel but if anyone really told you your case was destroyed they are not in law enforcment or andother legal profession, so taking you at your word I emailed a S.c police department as was told, as here in OREGON, S.C DOES NOT DESTROY CASES OR CASE #'S even if the party was found not guilty, so that sir, is a blatant lie. You have been found out now Todd, so why don't you just own up to it instead of piling one lie after another on top of the original lie in this posting, I have even said PLEASE TODD MAKE A LIAR OUT OF ME, AND GIVE US THE INFO ASKED FOR. As I told you your posting scared me to death at first that someone could be treatedly so badly that i was never going to set foot in Wal-mart again, As I stated before, if innocent people were being hauled off to jail and it happened to you, it certainly could happen to anyone, by the way I AM NOT ON WAL _ MARTS PAYROLL nor have I ever been, I was a private nurse after i left the courthouse, I was working there to finish nursing school. Almost 3 years ago, I was in an accident that disabled me, so I had nothing to gain by contacting Wal_mart to get the TRUTH, you were so unwilling to give, I am appalled that you don't want your "privacy" invaded, but you put enough information on this posting to where anyone can find these people. If they won as you say, how come their cases weren"t destroyed, ONLY OURS HUH? You have attacked my personality ( saying I was using a false name) and why Todd? becuase I thought this posting was so scary I wanted to know the truth and since it was in question, and you POSTED it , it was up to you to prove it happened in order for us (who believed you at first and even stuck up for you ) )read my first posting,) I did stick up for you, you lied to us and you have more excuses than a small child. You just spout the bible and thats how you get around the questions asked of you, I did nothing wrong by contacting the store, and having them take a look at your posting and leaving my name and address for them, I wanted the TRUTH TODD, YOU PREACH AND PREACH, but thou shall not covet the truth isn't one of your christainly beliefs apparently. If I had found out you were, in fact, being truthful, I would have come on and apologized to you, my mistake, as I said before MISTAKES teach us humility, and I would have been honest enough to admit I was wrong, as it turns out you are wrong, you have been outed, so what do you do? You preach your privacy , yet you go and put all those poples cases on this posting again to divert attention away from the issue, which was, in fact, a complaint against a store, not a church, not a mission, not a religous group, a WAL-MART STORE. Please, anyone that doesn't believe me feel free to e mail a S.C police department and ask them if they destroy their records especially, If Todd was found innocent becuase then he would have a civil suit to take up against walmart and have the verdict to prove his case. IT is also kept for their protection Todd. If you filed a civil suit by being found not guilty, they would have ot HAVE the case #, so that is the biggest lie so far, really Todd you could only come up with that? Lets try, it never happened, there is no case number, and Todd is a liar who professes to be a God fearing man preaching the bible , when it suits him, but then not living up to the very words of God he is using to skirt the issue.As I stated before Todd I will kepp praying for you, to get help, I really think now you should admit it and humble yourself and apologize, I know I would forgive you if you were just honest enough to admit you lied.One more thing Todd, just becuase I wanted the truth an took my own measures to find it out, does NOT mean I am not a christian. I am a wal mart shopper, who, YOUR ORGINAL POSTING SCARED ME TO DEATH, I was one of your defenders until you wrecked it by not backing up your claim. It got even worse since you seem to think your privacy is more important that the other peoples privacy you posted in this site, with out their knowledge or permission. The thing there is in all those cases NOT ONE WAS YOURS, so it is not okay for us to invade "Todds" privacy, but he he can invade peoples privacy all he wants, how hypocritical, and save the name calling Todd, and just stick with the facts. I am not afraid of you Todd, I pity you for doing what you did. Like I said you chip away at peoples trust when you do something like this and that is sad, it is hard enough to trust people as it is, without people like you doing something like this ALL IN THE NAME OF GOD.


It's impossible to read through all of Todd's ramblings!

#349Consumer Comment

Fri, March 24, 2006

But truly, Shelly, you should at least skim through to get a gist of the conversation. Our little Todd seems to wander off in his own little world, and very little that he says has any relevance whatsoever to this ripoffreport. In the beginning, many of us were willing to give hime the benefit of the doubt, but doubt began creeping in, a little here, just a bit there, until we've all pretty much come to the conclusion that Todd has been leading us around for his own amusement. In fact (NEW THEORY HERE FRIENDS!!!), maybe we're a part of a social experiment by Todd, possibly for an underground group of government scientists, sent out to measure how much NONSENSE one group of people can take! *wink, wink* Yup, thats got to be it. It would explain why he's so evasive with all of us (after all, declassifying material can take decades!!), it would explain why he rambles incessantly saying nothing at all (trying to keep us all in the experiment, he's got some type of subliminal message in those ramblings! hehehe). Hmmm, I'm thinking I might be on to something here.... Denny, Ruth, Chaz (and all our other friends that have been following this thread lo these many months), what do you think?? I'm sure Todd will come back with some long winded, totally off the wall response to this light hearted reply, but since I haven't been listening to him for quite some time anyway, it's really not important. I've gotten quite adept at scrolling through his and finding the important posts! *wink* May you all have a WONDERFUL day!!


Again todd ignores questions and posts with rhetoric

#350Consumer Comment

Fri, March 24, 2006

OF course, he offers: No case number No court name or county that we can see if there was an actual trial No name of the judge. NOt even a shred of proof. Such is the modus operandi of a clearly sociopathic invidual. Trust Todd as much as you would trust the bum on the street to not buy liquor with any money you gave him.


Todd strikes again!!

#351Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 24, 2006

Once again, a vast wasteland of eternal nothingness. WHERE is your case number? WHERE is your docket number? WHO presided? Don't you even bother to waste my precious time with your quacking pap, and perversion of the word of God! Save your breath and my time, bubba, because we both know what your are, and I have NO interest in what you think I am. For a self-ordained prophet, you sure have no qualms about lying like a rug! The heII of it is, Todd, you lied about something that any high-school senior can set right! No matter if your case went guilty or dismissed, you were provided a copy of the judgment. That is the law, and every plaintiff and defendant must be provided with them. The judgment will contain, among other things, the case and docket numbers, as well as the presiding judge's name and signature. There is a case number assigned to every case that passes through our civil and criminal court systems, and it survives whatever the outcome, because it is a matter of court records! How would appeals, reviews, etc. be handled if the information was destroyed? Indeed, you ought to lie about something that would not be so easy to debunk! NMS


Wal-mart rips us all off

#352Consumer Comment

Fri, March 24, 2006

Ok, with all the rants and ravings on this post that I could not possibly read through, All I have to say that I agree with the original posting person and I believe his story, Wal-mart will do anything in it's power to make an extra buck. As for the Northern atheist liberals that are posting, sorry, but I don't pay attention to idiots. The first time I remember significantly being ripped off by WM was right before Christmas last year, for a bottle of perfume stocking stuffer approx. value $20. It was on my receipt but not in the bags that I came home with. Ok, am I supposed to check every item to be sure the cashier isn't stashing things somewhere??? No, because I would get chastised by other customers for holding up the line!! Anyway, I called the store on Highway 80 in Mesquite. They were only too happy to tell me to stand in the long, long, long customer service line that seems to form around the holidays and get a full refund!! NOT!! The reason I'm totally pissed off tonight is because I've come home twice this week from two different Wal-marts without everything that I paid for. On Saturday, it was a missing bag of sugar. Only what, $2.00?? but when you know that you paid for the sugar and it didn't come home with you it really pisses you off. I stopped by a different WalMart on the way home last night. Specifically to get the ingredients to make Nachos, but also picked up some other items. I have the receipt saying I bought sliced Jalepenos, but tonight, no jalepenos in the house or in the car, I know I took everything out of the cart in the parking lot. HMMMM wonder what happened to them?? Are they in the same place as the sugar and the perfume? Yes, probably, back on the shelves of Walmart. There have been other small items that were missing too, but I assumed that I lost them or didn't pay for them. Now that I save the receipts, it's getting clear as to what's been going on. Guess I should compare item for item with the receipt when I get home. What bullshit!! After awhile, you just figure out what's going on. After the perfume incident, I always, always make sure the plastic bags on the carousel are all empty before I leave with my stuff. So, the only conclusion I can draw is that the cashiers are using the opportunity when I'm having to put all my own stuff in the cart to stash things out of the way, maybe there's a restocking bonus for these people or maybe they get to take it home if they get by with it?? I don't know, the only thing I know is that it's happened too many times to me for there not to be something going on here. I wonder if anyone else is experiencing this disappearing purchase phenonemon? Yes, I will start to shop elsewhere. Not only because of being ripped off, but also because I'm sick of the 300 lb aisle blockers I have to try to maneuver around in the store, and then there's all the kids running around unattended, you can't even move through the place. Walmart's prices aren't that great to put up with all this crap.


South Carolina,
Walmart kills a man for shoplifting (Aug 19, 2005 - 09:32 PM)

#353Author of original report

Fri, March 24, 2006

Oh Ruth, You claim you are for the good of the people, but you have exposed yourself to be part of the Wal-Mart clan. Just as the Bible teaches, the rich ride on the backs of the poor. The information connected to the cases I provided in my last posting was "Attorney contacts". And they are cases listed in Civil Cases, not a Criminal Case. Big difference. Plus, since Todd had victory, "ALL RECORDS of his case ARE DESTROYED!" And before the court, it was a PENDING issue; therefore under the Constitution and the LAWS of the LAND, NOONE has access to the Record, IT IS NOT PUBLIC RECORD, until the court made a ruling against Todd. And since the court found Todd, NOT Guilty, ALL records ARE Destroyed! That is the LAW! If anyone, during the Pending, or now, after Todd is found to be innocent, publicly post his personal information and any court recorders, will VIOLATE his privacy, and they are accountable, which is a CRIMINAL crime in itself! This posting does not VIOLATE that, because there is NO private information, except the horrible treatment that Wal-Mart did to Todd. And since Ms. Miller, and the Police took the action, and it was found that Todd's story was TRUE, there is no violation as well. So, go-ahead call Wal-Mart, call everyone, it does not matter. I am not SCARED of any man or woman, because there is nothing to be scared of. I have had investigators in all areas examine this thread in extreme detail to make sure NOTHING has been violated, and I have been given a "green light", so in your FACE! By this information, which is the basics of the RIGHTS of the people, and EVERY lawyer should know, as well as INVESTIGATORS, leads me to understand the people (insulters) aggressively attacking this posting and demanding and trying to tell me it is Public Record, is NOT an attorney and NOT an investigator! Most likely they are employed by Wal-Mart, and or rejected by the Military and or can never get a REAL investigator job! It is within my RIGHT to post this Story, and it is commanded as a Christian to speak in the form to express the Story. For you to now DISCRIMINATE against my faith, because you disagree with my method of written is so outrageous, I try to keep myself from laughing so hard that my chest hurts. You have your opinion, and I have mine. You wish to be on Wal-Mart's side, and I choose to be on Todd's and the others that have been done wrong. But because you disagree with this posting, does not give you the RIGHT to try and VIOLATE the privacy of Todd. With that said, I have heard you and the "insulters" ramble on for two weeks about proof that Wal-Mart does these things to people, and there you go, TONS of proof. And yet, while the LIGHT shines in your eye, you continue to attack this posting. SHAME ON YOU! So, just for you, here is another REAL and horrible case that you're "Good-Old-Wal-Mart" has done to a person. Read it, and then go ahead and post another insult on this poor man's grave if you dare. ==== Man held down on burning pavement until he died Wal-Mart loss prevention workers tackled a man suspected of stealing diapers - a new father with a two month old child - holding him down with a choke hold and knee to the back while he was shirtless on the scalding pavement of a Wal-Mart parking lot in Texas. Wal-Mart loss prevention workers tackled a man suspected of stealing diapers - a new father with a two month old child - holding him down with a choke hold and knee to the back while he was shirtless on the scalding pavement of a Wal-Mart parking lot in Texas. Wal-Mart LP's Kill Suspected Shoplifter The incident was witnessed by dozens of shoppers, including a prominent Texas attorney, Charles Portz: Charles Portz said he was getting out of his car when he saw a heavy blonde haired man being chased by five people who appeared to be security or store employees. He said he saw them wrestling the man to the ground. "The blacktop was extremely hot," said Portz "He had no shirt on and they wouldn't let him up off the blacktop." He said one of the men had Driver in a chokehold and had his knee in the back of his neck as the men tried to subdue him. "He kept trying to get up and they kept pushing him back down," Portz said. According to Portz, Driver began to plead with them men. "He's begging, 'Please call an ambulance, let me up, do something, I'm gonna die," said Portz. He said the loss prevention employees called the police more than once, but another bystander called for an ambulance after realizing Driver was in trouble. Portz said he eventually began to plead with the Walmart employees. "I told them, this guy doesn't look like he's breathing," Portz said, "They said, 'He's all right." He says he continued to plead with the men, pointing out that the man's fingernails were turning gray. "They said he's just high on something," adding, "They just kept him pinned down for twenty minutes or more until the ambulance came." He said he believed Driver was dead when the ambulance left with him, but he was not certain. The store employees could not have known that the witness who was pleading with them to let Driver get up from the hot pavement was a high profile Houston attorney, from the Portz and Portz law firm. He said after the man was handcuffed he continued trying in vain to persuade the Walmart employees to allow him to get up, even pointing out that a second pair of cuffs could be used to attach the ones already on Driver to a nearby truck trailer. "The problem is they kept him down on the blistering concrete with no shirt on," Portz reiterated. He said law enforcement arrived at about the same time as the ambulance. More: (http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/metropolitan/3303871) (http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=15014453) Experts discourage using force in shoplifting cases The tactics used on suspect who died puts focus on Wal-Mart's policy By ROBERT CROWE Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle Stacy Driver, shown with his father, Huey, in this family photo, died Sunday in the custody of Wal-Mart employees after the struggled to detain him in handcuffs for suspected shoplifting. Security experts discourage the aggressive tactics used by Wal-Mart employees who struggled with a suspected thief who later died. "Most retailers have a policy of not going into a chase or getting into a combative fight with someone," said Joseph LaRocca, vice president of loss prevention for the National Retail Federation. Wal-Mart's corporate office on Tuesday refused to discuss its procedures for detaining and using force against shoplifting suspects in wake of the death of Stacy Clay Driver, 30, on Sunday. Driver, of Cleveland, was chased by employees after he left the store in the 6600 block of FM 1960 East with items they said he stole. Four employees in the Atascocita Wal-Mart wrestled Driver ? who was shirtless at the time ? to the ground and struggled with him on the hot pavement for 10 to 30 minutes, witnesses said. He stopped breathing and later died at a Humble hospital. "Most retailers' policies would say that if a person becomes combative, let them go," LaRocca added. "You can tell police, and let the police handle the investigation and follow up." LaRocca said he is not familiar with Wal-Mart's shoplifting policies, but the chain has a large "loss-prevention" department dedicated to reducing profit "shrinkage" by shoplifters and each Wal-Mart store has loss-prevention employees who monitor and confront suspects. Harris County sheriff's Lt. John Martin said employees struggled with Driver for some time before they could get him under control in handcuffs. While in handcuffs, he continued to struggle until he stopped breathing, witnesses said. The Harris County Medical Examiner's Office has not released an autopsy report yet. Martin said the autopsy is complete, but coroners are still awaiting the results of toxicology tests. "If they determine the death was caused by the action of employees, that would obviously take the investigation in a different direction than if he had a heart problem," Martin said. Jim Lindeman, an attorney for the Driver family, said the man had no serious health problems. Sticker switch alleged Store managers told investigators that Driver entered the store with items marked with a stickers showing he had purchased them, but then he walked into a restroom and placed the stickers on different items ? a BB gun, diapers, sunglasses and a pack of BBs ? before walking out. When witness Charles Portz saw the employees struggling with Driver on the parking lot pavement, he did not see any of the alleged stolen items but the sunglasses. "That's what got my attention, the employee kicked him in the back of the leg, knocked him off balance then they just threw him down to ground," Portz said. LaRocca said that most shoplifting suspects, when confronted by store employees, will not flee or become combative. In most cases, suspects will turn over merchandise and wait for police. Christi Gallagher, a Wal-Mart spokeswoman, declined repeated requests to discuss the retail chain's techniques for apprehending and detaining suspected shoplifters or whether it permits use of force against suspects. "We don't speak publicly about our security measures," she said. Ralph Witherspoon, president of Witherspoon Security Consulting in Cleveland, Ohio, said there should be less of an incentive to pursue and struggle with suspects who do not take merchandise with them. The International Association of Professional Security Consultants recommends that retail security personnel do not strike, tackle, sit on a suspect, or engage in any contact that might cause physical injury. Danger of asphyxia "No merchandise is of such value as to justify physical injury to a suspect," the association states in its "Best Practices" section of its Web site. Witherspoon always informs his clients that struggling with combative suspects can lead to death by "positional asphyxiation." "This can happen when someone is on top of a suspect who's face-down with hands handcuffed behind their back," he said. "This prevents them from breathing, and they suffocate." For the past decade, the International Association of Chiefs of Police has warned against the dangers of positional asphyxia, and many police departments have re-evaluated use-of-force procedures because some suspects have died in struggles. Witherspoon said the issue is especially acute among retail loss-prevention personnel because they don't have the same training as police officers. Texas law allows store employees to make a citizen's arrest as long as they have cause to do so, said Chris McGoey, president of McGoey Security Consulting in California, "You can use 'reasonable' force to recover merchandise or detain a person long enough to summon police," McGoey said. "As a rule of thumb, you don't want loss-prevention people tackling people and wrestling people onto the ground, and you certainly don't want them chasing people into parking lots." He also is unfamiliar with Wal-Mart's policies, but he thinks the country's largest retailer would strictly prohibit chases and physical combat. Going after shoplifters The company, however, is widely known for its aggressive prosecution of shoplifters, said Sgt. Jeff Stauber of the Sheriff's Department burglary and theft division. Its aggressiveness also has led to a number of civil lawsuits for false imprisonment and malicious prosecution. LaRocca said retailers lose just more than $30 billion annually to "shrinkage," which includes shoplifting and lost product... Source: (23 March 2006) (http://www.mediaisland.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=487&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0)


Ruth, you said more in a paragraph than I could in a whole post!

#354Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 24, 2006

Well put! I salute people who get to the meat of the issues! NMS


Lake Oswego,
Let me clarify the address thing

#355Consumer Comment

Fri, March 24, 2006

When I said you gave out adresses I meant the counies , citys states, and names of people JUST TO BE CLEAR, and their case #'s, YOU posted alot of private info ( though I know it is public records) But I seriously doubt anyone of those people would have wanted YOU TO PUBLISH their cities states and counties,Did you ASK them if you could invade THEIR privacy? since you are so protective of YOUR OWN, maybe becuase THERE IS NO CASE NUMBER AND YOU ARE AN OUT AND OUT LIAR! Go ahead call me a heathen for checking you out, I don't really care for your brand of religion sir. Also your postings have nothing at all to do with you so called complaint and now people are just steamed at you for it, yet Todd you still spout the scriptues, one of the posters said and I agree YOU SHOULFD HANG YOU HEAD IN SHAME AND BEG GOD'S FORGIVNESS, but you know what I will still pray for you , that you will get the help you so DESPERATELY NEED.


Lake Oswego,
One more thing Todd

#356Consumer Comment

Thu, March 23, 2006

After reading your HUGE posting on other peoples cases, I noticed that you gave OUT THEIR ADDRESSES! How dare YOU INFRINGE on THEIR privacy but i also noticed YOUR CASE AND ADDRESS wasn't there. Who do you think you are talking about privacy and then listing all those peoples private info? Then saying your privacy needs to be protected, what a hypocrite, and I truly hope you get what you asked for or better yet one of those peoples whose adress you printed sees this and sues the heck out of you for posting it. I, along with all the other "god Haters' have asked one simple thing of you PROOF, it will stop some people from shopping wal mart and if was true. So don't post peoples personal info then go around "protecting" "Todd's " privacy, you hypocrite.Your brand of christianity is the worst, and God also said beware of FALSE prophets, rememeber that prophecy you gave in an earlier posting? having said that, I will be curious and checking to see how WAL MART handles this.Oh by the way Denny you said made 100g, and he can afford to testify, I happen to live in one of the wealthiest suburbs in our state TODD, and would love to see you get what you deserve.


Lake Oswego,
What happened to my posting about my talking to wal mart #1164

#357Consumer Comment

Thu, March 23, 2006

YOU, Todd seem to be very scared at the moment and you should be , but in case you think I am a made up person like you, then call Wal_mart #1164 @803-732-1943, and ask them if a RUTH from Lake Oswego called yesterday about this posting, I left my name address and phone number for the legal department as well, it is time you stopped lying and SOMEONE gets the truth! Hiding behind OTHER CASES ( I MIGHT MENTION YOU CARED NOTHING FOR THEIR PRIVACY, BY THE WAY, just an ovservation) but the only case you refuse to talk about was YOU OWN, HMMMM.... could it be maybe someone called you out on your lies in this posting as well as your so called kind of christainity, so before you attack me buddy and accuse me of not being who I am , UNLIKE you I can prove I called and who I am, but I will not be made a fool of by so called christians like yourself. I hope you got that Todd, you can keep that kind of christianity you have Todd, if it involves lying and skirting the truth, from the moment you posted this site you LOST your privacy and OWED it to the consumers to tell the truth.For the RECORD Wal amrt was directed to this site and their legal department as well, that is why Todd chose to dig up others peoples cases and invade their privacy, someone called him on this posting yesterday, ME, and yet not one of those rambling on cases were yours? I find that funny, Todd since you were so innocent. I assure I am a real person and I am sure Wal mart will have no problem telling you that I DID, IN FACT, call them on this posting.


South Carolina,
How Come You the INSULTERS Do Not Answer My Question?

#358Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 23, 2006

This generation is so "spoiled rotten"! The generation that came out of the "deep depression" and both World Wars knew very well the Glory, Gifts and Respect of God and Others. The "insulters" that keep claiming they are Christians and continue to post insulting remarks, proves they are nothing more than wolves. Let's look at this in a reality sample. You walk into a store (RipOffReport). And you over hear someone complaining about what was done wrong to them (complaint posting). You jump in their face and begin calling them a liar and demanding proof. (insulters). You also tell them to stop talking about God and referencing about the Glory of Jesus. (discrimination). REALITY: 1. I am one hundred percent sure you would be to scared to confront someone to say those things. (So you hide behind fake names, Internet, and feel safe to insult the posters). 2. If you had the nerve to confront someone, most likely you would get pounded to a pulp. -OR- Yelled at to the point you would begin crying. Here is the issue now. You remind me of the "old-school-yard-bullies". They would cry out that they needed protection whenever someone had enough of their bully tactics. BUT, whenever they were bulling someone, they would refuse the same protection to the victim. Jesus talked about this too. When He referred to the lawyers, (hey, seems to reflect today's lawyers too), these lawyers would demand burdens on the people (laws, policies, et al.), that they, lawyers, would never burden themselves with. These lawyers wanted nothing more than to control and take from the people. Jesus called these people, Hypocrites!!! (Which refers to the Greek actors that used a mask that had two faces in one). You, insulters, have NO respect of others. And since some of you claim you are Christian, you'd better check yourself closely. Because the worst sin you can ever do is claim you are a follower of Christ, and yet you are not. Jesus said to Pilot, the one that turned me over to you (crucified him, false Christian) are of a worse sin than those who know not Christ and sin. It is also interesting that you insulters cry out "freedom of speech", but refuse and attack someone that is in his or her full right of that freedom. Makes me wonder, you must have had a parent that never taught you properly, manners, respect, and so on. And you were so spoiled in getting your way and never "paddled", that you grew up in the "insulting-disrespectful-manner" that you are today. Since you hate God so much, why don't you send me all the money that has His name on it? I am sure I will find people in need that can use it. Oh no, you hate God, but you will gladly TAKE His gifts! Hypocrites! I am still waiting for you, insulters, to answer my Question. The insulters avoid everything of truth, because it checks their spirit that what I speak is the truth, and they cannot handle it. They sit behind their computer in shock and anger, trying to ignore the truth, but it continues to haunt them. They try to forget my words, which were inspired by God to write, and they cannot get these words out of their foolish minds. They try to reason themselves in some fashion that God is not real. But because I have stated such examples of God's greatness and existence, their reasoning has been slaughtered. This is the nature of their attacks, going all the way back 12 months ago. They refuse, and want to believe God is not real, so they do not have to subject themselves to the possibility to be accountable to the wickedness they do to others. If they were good people as they try to claim, they why such hatred and disrespect to this posting and others like it? Because the insulters live in the flesh and not the Spirit of the Lord, the flesh is cruel, cold and harsh. Looking at a small child that relates to its flesh, will attack another child for a toy, without any regard to the other child's well being. The same element exists here as well. These insulters from the very beginning attacked this post before I even responded to their aggressive and disrespectful tactics. I have learned these insulters do the same tactics to other postings as well. So how is this explained? That can be simply explained. They show no regard to others, and whenever someone questions and brings light to their misconduct, they divert every effort to attempt to discredit the person. These are tactics often used by "bullies" to derail the idea that the bullies have done wrong. This is often displayed in a teenager that has been caught doing wrong. And whenever the teenager continues to display this practice, the original complainer will point out these additional misconducts, in hopes that righteousness and true justice will be performed. So here are the pointers. This thread was started with three elements and TOPICS: 1. Wrongdoing by Wal-Mart against a man and his family. 2. The faith of the man (Christian, God, Jesus, Victory). 3. The PURPOSE of the posting (witnessing the man's faith, and the testimony). Here is the definition of the technical term "THREAD". thread n. [Usenet, GEnie, CompuServe] Common abbreviation of 'topic thread', a more or less continuous chain of postings on a single topic. To 'follow a thread' is to read a series of Usenet postings sharing a common subject or (more correctly) which are connected by Reference headers. The better newsreaders can present news in thread order automatically. Not to be confused with the techspeak sense of 'thread', e.g. a lightweight process. Interestingly, this is far from a neologism. The OED says: "That which connects the successive points in anything, esp. a narrative, train of thought, or the like; the sequence of events or ideas continuing throughout the whole course of anything;" Citations are given going back to 1642! Source: Jargon File 4.2.0 NOW, hopefully, these INSULTERS have been educated, let's have some REAL chats and REFRAME from all these INSULTS and direct ourselves to the wrongs being done, the faith, the victories, and most important a SOLUTION. AMEN! PRAISE GOD!


Valley View,
Suggestion for you, Todd

#359Consumer Comment

Thu, March 23, 2006

If you REALLY want to take up space here, why don't you post all the frivilous lawsuits brought against WalMart that the plaintiff LOST? You probably don't have that much RAM on your computer to bring them up all at one time. Evidently they have Internet access in the jail in which you're currently sitting.


Saint Charles,
Respecting privacy?

#360Consumer Comment

Thu, March 23, 2006

Todd, You claim you are respecting "Todd's" privacy by not posting the case number, court, county, judge, etc. HOWEVER - you had no concern for Todd's privacy when you posted the whole event to begin with - you listed the store name, location, date, etc. Court cases are a matter of PUBLIC record, not private unless ordered sealed by a judge. Once again, you prove yourself to not be an honest, Christian man. You, sir, are a liar and a hypocrite. You should hang your head in shame and ask God's forgiveness.


New York,
Thats Very Nice Todd

#361Consumer Comment

Thu, March 23, 2006

But what is YOUR case number???? Why won't you answer the question?


Todd - a brief history - yesterday and today!

#362Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 23, 2006

Well, let's see here. To summarize: You claimed to be Todd, but later recanted. Now "Todd" is a story told to you by a friend But YOU registered to this site by the name of Todd But Todd stole from Wal-Mart "Todd hailed victory" BUT No-one can verify it Yet we should celebrate this fulfilled prophecy Except that we can't verify it And Wal-Mart has a long history of lawsuits That site doesn't mention Todd's lawsuit So therefore, Wal-Mart is bad, and Todd is righteous But no-one can verify it.... That's a great testimony. That's like saying "Christ has Risen!", but you can't go look in the empty tomb, the apostles sealed it and won't allow anyone to look. Blessed are those who believe without seeing, but that was referring to Christ and his resurrection. NOT Todd and his sandwich stealing. I guess invesigation and questioning the validity of someone's supposed "truth" or character is a "sin" to you. Merely claiming "I'm a man of God" does not get you off in court, nor should it BASED on that assumption ONLY. Todd said: What matters is God, I believe, wanted this posting to be started and if just ONE PERSON has found their way to the Lord and REPENTED, then it was ALL WORTH IT. And.... Todd said: This thread is filled with Glory to GOD, and GOD ONLY! This thread is filled with PRAISING GOD, and HIM ONLY! Okay... POP QUIZ HERE. Which replies have best praised God? Todd: I think my dogs have more brainpower than all of the "insulters and God haters" combined. Todd: If I was an executive of HBO (Home Box Office), I would have my writers create a new show, like "The Office", but call it the "The Fools"! Todd: "My name is D-E-N-N-Y" I am ten, no five, no I think thirty years old? I dropped out of school so I can work for Wal-Mart and be a bully? ant that fun?" Todd: Please go take some spelling courses, your lack of proper grammar is giving me a headache whenever I am trying to see what word you meant to spell. HA! Todd: Oh, and I just discovered one of the major reasons your company is so whacked up? Can you say, "I love Clinton?" Todd: I get a laugh at your uneducated posts. Todd: Here are a few posts this "Danny-Girl" has posted on other postings Todd: I can tell you have no life Todd: It is really sad. If you go get a real education, you may turn into a better person, then again maybe not. Todd: If you are such a witch, with demons on your shoulder, then ask them and they will tell you Todd: (Actually I know the document very well... just want to state how insane you are) Todd: see me seeking out your postings and screaming out slanderous fornications because I did not like your references! Anyway, enough wasting my pearls on you? Todd: the rest of us to follow your brain-dead examples Todd: Unlike your character slandering of me, because I tend to use Christ and Biblical references within my communication... Todd: you are part of this problem and you are part of the Wal-Mart scam. (Yet, we need to blindly believe YOUR side of the story, eh?) Todd: Wal-Mart has not asked for forgiveness, matter of fact they want more blood from me. (Which of course, explains all of your "class action lawsuit" posts!) Todd: Because you are BLIND! I am sure you enjoy your large salary which is most likely paid for by Wal-mart. In which case Wal-Mart stole from the hard workers, so you could enjoy off of their labors. Todd: Plus, I am hoping that God provide a more open-minded jury, than the narrow-minded brain-dead expression you have stated in your response. Todd: You are brainwashed, I wonder whenever you go to Wal-Mart do you kiss the managers photograph as if he was the pope or something? I wonder. Todd: I pray that the high profile attorney joins with the family and wins the entire bank-roll of Wal-Mart so bad that they are put out of business. They are evil and wicked and this latest posting proves it. (Ahhh.. the good works of RETALIATION) Todd: Your blindness puts me at awe every time I read your words. Todd: You are so full of it. Todd: If my case is rare and you say I am not telling the truth, then explain that you evil person! Your greed has blinded you to the facts. Todd: Your store sucks and is very wrong how you treat people. Todd: Another thing. Want to talk about who the real theft is. I remember returning some items I paid $30 for and your store would not refund me the same price, instead your store only gave me $5. That in itself would justify any mistake I may have made, if I ever made a mistake. (MAY HAVE? IF? HA! Yes, This is not the FIRST TIME Todd has justified his wrongdoings.... Hey, Todd! I'm sure God is HONORING the way you steal and say it was owed to you!) Oh, and... Todd: The next day I did a COMPLETE BACKGROUND of myself and it showed NOTHING!!!" Todd: So, for you to keep trying to take Wal-Mart's side and say that I must have some past-rap-record and that justifies them to arrest me. YOU ARE WRONG!!! (HEY TODD.. IF THE ABOVE IS TRUE, EXPLAIN THIS:) Todd: One thing I learned in that jail was.... (Facts are stubborn things) Todd: Oh, and just wait and see what God is going to do to you. Todd: You hide that because it shows how evil you really are. Todd: you are nothing more than the blind leading the blind. And you worship the Lord in Vain. Todd: I do not even judge myself, except to the fact that I did not do what I have been accused of. Todd: People sometimes FORGET to pay, and my illness is proven to do that at times! Todd: I guess the wrong I did, as a True Christian, is shop at a store (Wal-Mart), that is known to use (Child-slave-labor)! Todd: Again, I only offered to pay for any food I may have overlooked, but in fact I had paid for everything. To offer to pay for anything extra, that is a humble thing to do. (Or a nervous response to a guilty conscious!) Todd: The Lord will punish them for their evil, that's a fact! (You speak for God's plans now?) Todd: I guess the wrong I did, as a True Christian, is shop at a store (Wal-Mart), that is known to use (Child-slave-labor)! Todd: I am not a grammar or English expert, I may not say the proper words, and my illness can cause me not to say the right words at times (4-17) (HAHAHAHAHA - considering you were correcting everyone else's grammar, I found this especially humorous!) Todd: You are very BLIND! So which one of your statement's have been "soley to Praise God's Name"? Finally, to "Todd's Representative", I find it very interesting that you knew the expressions on Todd's kids' faces and what they said when they were arrested. And the exact words the LP said to Todd. And what Todd learned in jail. How about that, TODD'S REPRESENTATIVE? Sounds like a bunch of baloney. I don't have to call you a liar. You convicted yourself from the first post to the last. Congratulations. You are a fraud.


Todd - a brief history - yesterday and today!

#363Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 23, 2006

Well, let's see here. To summarize: You claimed to be Todd, but later recanted. Now "Todd" is a story told to you by a friend But YOU registered to this site by the name of Todd But Todd stole from Wal-Mart "Todd hailed victory" BUT No-one can verify it Yet we should celebrate this fulfilled prophecy Except that we can't verify it And Wal-Mart has a long history of lawsuits That site doesn't mention Todd's lawsuit So therefore, Wal-Mart is bad, and Todd is righteous But no-one can verify it.... That's a great testimony. That's like saying "Christ has Risen!", but you can't go look in the empty tomb, the apostles sealed it and won't allow anyone to look. Blessed are those who believe without seeing, but that was referring to Christ and his resurrection. NOT Todd and his sandwich stealing. I guess invesigation and questioning the validity of someone's supposed "truth" or character is a "sin" to you. Merely claiming "I'm a man of God" does not get you off in court, nor should it BASED on that assumption ONLY. Todd said: What matters is God, I believe, wanted this posting to be started and if just ONE PERSON has found their way to the Lord and REPENTED, then it was ALL WORTH IT. And.... Todd said: This thread is filled with Glory to GOD, and GOD ONLY! This thread is filled with PRAISING GOD, and HIM ONLY! Okay... POP QUIZ HERE. Which replies have best praised God? Todd: I think my dogs have more brainpower than all of the "insulters and God haters" combined. Todd: If I was an executive of HBO (Home Box Office), I would have my writers create a new show, like "The Office", but call it the "The Fools"! Todd: "My name is D-E-N-N-Y" I am ten, no five, no I think thirty years old? I dropped out of school so I can work for Wal-Mart and be a bully? ant that fun?" Todd: Please go take some spelling courses, your lack of proper grammar is giving me a headache whenever I am trying to see what word you meant to spell. HA! Todd: Oh, and I just discovered one of the major reasons your company is so whacked up? Can you say, "I love Clinton?" Todd: I get a laugh at your uneducated posts. Todd: Here are a few posts this "Danny-Girl" has posted on other postings Todd: I can tell you have no life Todd: It is really sad. If you go get a real education, you may turn into a better person, then again maybe not. Todd: If you are such a witch, with demons on your shoulder, then ask them and they will tell you Todd: (Actually I know the document very well... just want to state how insane you are) Todd: see me seeking out your postings and screaming out slanderous fornications because I did not like your references! Anyway, enough wasting my pearls on you? Todd: the rest of us to follow your brain-dead examples Todd: Unlike your character slandering of me, because I tend to use Christ and Biblical references within my communication... Todd: you are part of this problem and you are part of the Wal-Mart scam. (Yet, we need to blindly believe YOUR side of the story, eh?) Todd: Wal-Mart has not asked for forgiveness, matter of fact they want more blood from me. (Which of course, explains all of your "class action lawsuit" posts!) Todd: Because you are BLIND! I am sure you enjoy your large salary which is most likely paid for by Wal-mart. In which case Wal-Mart stole from the hard workers, so you could enjoy off of their labors. Todd: Plus, I am hoping that God provide a more open-minded jury, than the narrow-minded brain-dead expression you have stated in your response. Todd: You are brainwashed, I wonder whenever you go to Wal-Mart do you kiss the managers photograph as if he was the pope or something? I wonder. Todd: I pray that the high profile attorney joins with the family and wins the entire bank-roll of Wal-Mart so bad that they are put out of business. They are evil and wicked and this latest posting proves it. (Ahhh.. the good works of RETALIATION) Todd: Your blindness puts me at awe every time I read your words. Todd: You are so full of it. Todd: If my case is rare and you say I am not telling the truth, then explain that you evil person! Your greed has blinded you to the facts. Todd: Your store sucks and is very wrong how you treat people. Todd: Another thing. Want to talk about who the real theft is. I remember returning some items I paid $30 for and your store would not refund me the same price, instead your store only gave me $5. That in itself would justify any mistake I may have made, if I ever made a mistake. (MAY HAVE? IF? HA! Yes, This is not the FIRST TIME Todd has justified his wrongdoings.... Hey, Todd! I'm sure God is HONORING the way you steal and say it was owed to you!) Oh, and... Todd: The next day I did a COMPLETE BACKGROUND of myself and it showed NOTHING!!!" Todd: So, for you to keep trying to take Wal-Mart's side and say that I must have some past-rap-record and that justifies them to arrest me. YOU ARE WRONG!!! (HEY TODD.. IF THE ABOVE IS TRUE, EXPLAIN THIS:) Todd: One thing I learned in that jail was.... (Facts are stubborn things) Todd: Oh, and just wait and see what God is going to do to you. Todd: You hide that because it shows how evil you really are. Todd: you are nothing more than the blind leading the blind. And you worship the Lord in Vain. Todd: I do not even judge myself, except to the fact that I did not do what I have been accused of. Todd: People sometimes FORGET to pay, and my illness is proven to do that at times! Todd: I guess the wrong I did, as a True Christian, is shop at a store (Wal-Mart), that is known to use (Child-slave-labor)! Todd: Again, I only offered to pay for any food I may have overlooked, but in fact I had paid for everything. To offer to pay for anything extra, that is a humble thing to do. (Or a nervous response to a guilty conscious!) Todd: The Lord will punish them for their evil, that's a fact! (You speak for God's plans now?) Todd: I guess the wrong I did, as a True Christian, is shop at a store (Wal-Mart), that is known to use (Child-slave-labor)! Todd: I am not a grammar or English expert, I may not say the proper words, and my illness can cause me not to say the right words at times (4-17) (HAHAHAHAHA - considering you were correcting everyone else's grammar, I found this especially humorous!) Todd: You are very BLIND! So which one of your statement's have been "soley to Praise God's Name"? Finally, to "Todd's Representative", I find it very interesting that you knew the expressions on Todd's kids' faces and what they said when they were arrested. And the exact words the LP said to Todd. And what Todd learned in jail. How about that, TODD'S REPRESENTATIVE? Sounds like a bunch of baloney. I don't have to call you a liar. You convicted yourself from the first post to the last. Congratulations. You are a fraud.


Todd - a brief history - yesterday and today!

#364Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 23, 2006

Well, let's see here. To summarize: You claimed to be Todd, but later recanted. Now "Todd" is a story told to you by a friend But YOU registered to this site by the name of Todd But Todd stole from Wal-Mart "Todd hailed victory" BUT No-one can verify it Yet we should celebrate this fulfilled prophecy Except that we can't verify it And Wal-Mart has a long history of lawsuits That site doesn't mention Todd's lawsuit So therefore, Wal-Mart is bad, and Todd is righteous But no-one can verify it.... That's a great testimony. That's like saying "Christ has Risen!", but you can't go look in the empty tomb, the apostles sealed it and won't allow anyone to look. Blessed are those who believe without seeing, but that was referring to Christ and his resurrection. NOT Todd and his sandwich stealing. I guess invesigation and questioning the validity of someone's supposed "truth" or character is a "sin" to you. Merely claiming "I'm a man of God" does not get you off in court, nor should it BASED on that assumption ONLY. Todd said: What matters is God, I believe, wanted this posting to be started and if just ONE PERSON has found their way to the Lord and REPENTED, then it was ALL WORTH IT. And.... Todd said: This thread is filled with Glory to GOD, and GOD ONLY! This thread is filled with PRAISING GOD, and HIM ONLY! Okay... POP QUIZ HERE. Which replies have best praised God? Todd: I think my dogs have more brainpower than all of the "insulters and God haters" combined. Todd: If I was an executive of HBO (Home Box Office), I would have my writers create a new show, like "The Office", but call it the "The Fools"! Todd: "My name is D-E-N-N-Y" I am ten, no five, no I think thirty years old? I dropped out of school so I can work for Wal-Mart and be a bully? ant that fun?" Todd: Please go take some spelling courses, your lack of proper grammar is giving me a headache whenever I am trying to see what word you meant to spell. HA! Todd: Oh, and I just discovered one of the major reasons your company is so whacked up? Can you say, "I love Clinton?" Todd: I get a laugh at your uneducated posts. Todd: Here are a few posts this "Danny-Girl" has posted on other postings Todd: I can tell you have no life Todd: It is really sad. If you go get a real education, you may turn into a better person, then again maybe not. Todd: If you are such a witch, with demons on your shoulder, then ask them and they will tell you Todd: (Actually I know the document very well... just want to state how insane you are) Todd: see me seeking out your postings and screaming out slanderous fornications because I did not like your references! Anyway, enough wasting my pearls on you? Todd: the rest of us to follow your brain-dead examples Todd: Unlike your character slandering of me, because I tend to use Christ and Biblical references within my communication... Todd: you are part of this problem and you are part of the Wal-Mart scam. (Yet, we need to blindly believe YOUR side of the story, eh?) Todd: Wal-Mart has not asked for forgiveness, matter of fact they want more blood from me. (Which of course, explains all of your "class action lawsuit" posts!) Todd: Because you are BLIND! I am sure you enjoy your large salary which is most likely paid for by Wal-mart. In which case Wal-Mart stole from the hard workers, so you could enjoy off of their labors. Todd: Plus, I am hoping that God provide a more open-minded jury, than the narrow-minded brain-dead expression you have stated in your response. Todd: You are brainwashed, I wonder whenever you go to Wal-Mart do you kiss the managers photograph as if he was the pope or something? I wonder. Todd: I pray that the high profile attorney joins with the family and wins the entire bank-roll of Wal-Mart so bad that they are put out of business. They are evil and wicked and this latest posting proves it. (Ahhh.. the good works of RETALIATION) Todd: Your blindness puts me at awe every time I read your words. Todd: You are so full of it. Todd: If my case is rare and you say I am not telling the truth, then explain that you evil person! Your greed has blinded you to the facts. Todd: Your store sucks and is very wrong how you treat people. Todd: Another thing. Want to talk about who the real theft is. I remember returning some items I paid $30 for and your store would not refund me the same price, instead your store only gave me $5. That in itself would justify any mistake I may have made, if I ever made a mistake. (MAY HAVE? IF? HA! Yes, This is not the FIRST TIME Todd has justified his wrongdoings.... Hey, Todd! I'm sure God is HONORING the way you steal and say it was owed to you!) Oh, and... Todd: The next day I did a COMPLETE BACKGROUND of myself and it showed NOTHING!!!" Todd: So, for you to keep trying to take Wal-Mart's side and say that I must have some past-rap-record and that justifies them to arrest me. YOU ARE WRONG!!! (HEY TODD.. IF THE ABOVE IS TRUE, EXPLAIN THIS:) Todd: One thing I learned in that jail was.... (Facts are stubborn things) Todd: Oh, and just wait and see what God is going to do to you. Todd: You hide that because it shows how evil you really are. Todd: you are nothing more than the blind leading the blind. And you worship the Lord in Vain. Todd: I do not even judge myself, except to the fact that I did not do what I have been accused of. Todd: People sometimes FORGET to pay, and my illness is proven to do that at times! Todd: I guess the wrong I did, as a True Christian, is shop at a store (Wal-Mart), that is known to use (Child-slave-labor)! Todd: Again, I only offered to pay for any food I may have overlooked, but in fact I had paid for everything. To offer to pay for anything extra, that is a humble thing to do. (Or a nervous response to a guilty conscious!) Todd: The Lord will punish them for their evil, that's a fact! (You speak for God's plans now?) Todd: I guess the wrong I did, as a True Christian, is shop at a store (Wal-Mart), that is known to use (Child-slave-labor)! Todd: I am not a grammar or English expert, I may not say the proper words, and my illness can cause me not to say the right words at times (4-17) (HAHAHAHAHA - considering you were correcting everyone else's grammar, I found this especially humorous!) Todd: You are very BLIND! So which one of your statement's have been "soley to Praise God's Name"? Finally, to "Todd's Representative", I find it very interesting that you knew the expressions on Todd's kids' faces and what they said when they were arrested. And the exact words the LP said to Todd. And what Todd learned in jail. How about that, TODD'S REPRESENTATIVE? Sounds like a bunch of baloney. I don't have to call you a liar. You convicted yourself from the first post to the last. Congratulations. You are a fraud.


Todd - a brief history - yesterday and today!

#365Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 23, 2006

Well, let's see here. To summarize: You claimed to be Todd, but later recanted. Now "Todd" is a story told to you by a friend But YOU registered to this site by the name of Todd But Todd stole from Wal-Mart "Todd hailed victory" BUT No-one can verify it Yet we should celebrate this fulfilled prophecy Except that we can't verify it And Wal-Mart has a long history of lawsuits That site doesn't mention Todd's lawsuit So therefore, Wal-Mart is bad, and Todd is righteous But no-one can verify it.... That's a great testimony. That's like saying "Christ has Risen!", but you can't go look in the empty tomb, the apostles sealed it and won't allow anyone to look. Blessed are those who believe without seeing, but that was referring to Christ and his resurrection. NOT Todd and his sandwich stealing. I guess invesigation and questioning the validity of someone's supposed "truth" or character is a "sin" to you. Merely claiming "I'm a man of God" does not get you off in court, nor should it BASED on that assumption ONLY. Todd said: What matters is God, I believe, wanted this posting to be started and if just ONE PERSON has found their way to the Lord and REPENTED, then it was ALL WORTH IT. And.... Todd said: This thread is filled with Glory to GOD, and GOD ONLY! This thread is filled with PRAISING GOD, and HIM ONLY! Okay... POP QUIZ HERE. Which replies have best praised God? Todd: I think my dogs have more brainpower than all of the "insulters and God haters" combined. Todd: If I was an executive of HBO (Home Box Office), I would have my writers create a new show, like "The Office", but call it the "The Fools"! Todd: "My name is D-E-N-N-Y" I am ten, no five, no I think thirty years old? I dropped out of school so I can work for Wal-Mart and be a bully? ant that fun?" Todd: Please go take some spelling courses, your lack of proper grammar is giving me a headache whenever I am trying to see what word you meant to spell. HA! Todd: Oh, and I just discovered one of the major reasons your company is so whacked up? Can you say, "I love Clinton?" Todd: I get a laugh at your uneducated posts. Todd: Here are a few posts this "Danny-Girl" has posted on other postings Todd: I can tell you have no life Todd: It is really sad. If you go get a real education, you may turn into a better person, then again maybe not. Todd: If you are such a witch, with demons on your shoulder, then ask them and they will tell you Todd: (Actually I know the document very well... just want to state how insane you are) Todd: see me seeking out your postings and screaming out slanderous fornications because I did not like your references! Anyway, enough wasting my pearls on you? Todd: the rest of us to follow your brain-dead examples Todd: Unlike your character slandering of me, because I tend to use Christ and Biblical references within my communication... Todd: you are part of this problem and you are part of the Wal-Mart scam. (Yet, we need to blindly believe YOUR side of the story, eh?) Todd: Wal-Mart has not asked for forgiveness, matter of fact they want more blood from me. (Which of course, explains all of your "class action lawsuit" posts!) Todd: Because you are BLIND! I am sure you enjoy your large salary which is most likely paid for by Wal-mart. In which case Wal-Mart stole from the hard workers, so you could enjoy off of their labors. Todd: Plus, I am hoping that God provide a more open-minded jury, than the narrow-minded brain-dead expression you have stated in your response. Todd: You are brainwashed, I wonder whenever you go to Wal-Mart do you kiss the managers photograph as if he was the pope or something? I wonder. Todd: I pray that the high profile attorney joins with the family and wins the entire bank-roll of Wal-Mart so bad that they are put out of business. They are evil and wicked and this latest posting proves it. (Ahhh.. the good works of RETALIATION) Todd: Your blindness puts me at awe every time I read your words. Todd: You are so full of it. Todd: If my case is rare and you say I am not telling the truth, then explain that you evil person! Your greed has blinded you to the facts. Todd: Your store sucks and is very wrong how you treat people. Todd: Another thing. Want to talk about who the real theft is. I remember returning some items I paid $30 for and your store would not refund me the same price, instead your store only gave me $5. That in itself would justify any mistake I may have made, if I ever made a mistake. (MAY HAVE? IF? HA! Yes, This is not the FIRST TIME Todd has justified his wrongdoings.... Hey, Todd! I'm sure God is HONORING the way you steal and say it was owed to you!) Oh, and... Todd: The next day I did a COMPLETE BACKGROUND of myself and it showed NOTHING!!!" Todd: So, for you to keep trying to take Wal-Mart's side and say that I must have some past-rap-record and that justifies them to arrest me. YOU ARE WRONG!!! (HEY TODD.. IF THE ABOVE IS TRUE, EXPLAIN THIS:) Todd: One thing I learned in that jail was.... (Facts are stubborn things) Todd: Oh, and just wait and see what God is going to do to you. Todd: You hide that because it shows how evil you really are. Todd: you are nothing more than the blind leading the blind. And you worship the Lord in Vain. Todd: I do not even judge myself, except to the fact that I did not do what I have been accused of. Todd: People sometimes FORGET to pay, and my illness is proven to do that at times! Todd: I guess the wrong I did, as a True Christian, is shop at a store (Wal-Mart), that is known to use (Child-slave-labor)! Todd: Again, I only offered to pay for any food I may have overlooked, but in fact I had paid for everything. To offer to pay for anything extra, that is a humble thing to do. (Or a nervous response to a guilty conscious!) Todd: The Lord will punish them for their evil, that's a fact! (You speak for God's plans now?) Todd: I guess the wrong I did, as a True Christian, is shop at a store (Wal-Mart), that is known to use (Child-slave-labor)! Todd: I am not a grammar or English expert, I may not say the proper words, and my illness can cause me not to say the right words at times (4-17) (HAHAHAHAHA - considering you were correcting everyone else's grammar, I found this especially humorous!) Todd: You are very BLIND! So which one of your statement's have been "soley to Praise God's Name"? Finally, to "Todd's Representative", I find it very interesting that you knew the expressions on Todd's kids' faces and what they said when they were arrested. And the exact words the LP said to Todd. And what Todd learned in jail. How about that, TODD'S REPRESENTATIVE? Sounds like a bunch of baloney. I don't have to call you a liar. You convicted yourself from the first post to the last. Congratulations. You are a fraud.


Wow Todd, what was all that ?

#366Consumer Comment

Thu, March 23, 2006

considering that none of what you posted had to deal with your case. The fact: 1) you lied 2) you haven't posted proof of anythign happened to you and you just spammed this site with two frivolous posts that had nothing to do with you. The more you try to deviate from the fact that you haven't provided a shred of proof for the fairy tale post you made originally, nothing you post will disuade us from getting the truth out. Again, you do not post anything factual pertaining to your case. No court document number No case number Not even the court it was tried in and not even a judge's name. What does that 1000 line post have to do with your case? aBSOLUTELY zero. You prove yet again, Todd, that you have nothign to contribute but religious rhetoric, and posing as a Christian when your actions, and behaviour show you to be the complete opposite.


Lake Oswego,

#367Consumer Comment

Thu, March 23, 2006

dON'T ATTACK my faith, i CALLED WAL-MART AND I SENT THEM TO this site to read your accusation, they told me they were unaware of this posting and I can promise you it willgo to their legal department. In 5 minutes I got more information from them then you have given when you have been asked for it, so be careful Todd I am a woman of my word, and unlike some others, I don't have to spout off about God, and my beliefs, seems like everytime you are cornered in some way about telling the TRUTH you launch into your ramblings about God , you are definetly up to no good now Todd and your day has come. people like you Todd chip away at the natural trust we should have in one another, and you ruin society that way, by causing good people to fall for your false accusations, and believ and defend you, you're right, I was confused, YOU confused me, but not giving out the simple info to PROVE your accusation, so I wanted to know the truth? What is wrong with that? I couldn't take YOUR WORD FOR IT , since al you cared about was preaching your faith. You posted this, you made tha accusation, therefore, you should have provided the info to prove it,You were given chance after chance Tood to come clean and you didn't. people like you make it hard to trust in the good out there, and I find that rather sad, if you suceeded in one thing, you suceeded in violating mans or womans trust in another fellow human being. thanks alot. So i did my own research and boy di it rile you, that might just be the longest ranting so far. so i know you don't want ot produce your case number or ANYTHING that might prove your innocence, so I merely asked the other party involved, walmart. becuase if they WERE AS YOU said falsely accusing people it could have happened to any of us, and I for one would take that into consideration , considering like I said, have a child with me usually, and I would certainly think about not shopping there, if it can happen to"innocent people"then of course it could happen to me, and yes, it would drastically afect my shopping there, so you costed them business, if there are others that believe you and refuse to shop there becuase of ths posting, Also just becuase I wanted to know the truth, does not make me a god hater or, any less of a christian,perhaps you shouldn't start these postings if you aren't willing to back them up.


Todd! Such a load of slop!

#368Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 23, 2006

Todd; Why don't you just be a man? Tell the truth and shame the devil! I know good Christian people. While I cannot claim to be particularly good, I am a child of God and brother of Christ. He knows it, I know it, and I am secure enough in my knowledge that I don't have to resort to gatepost sermonary. I do have to say that you aren't being a very good representative of Christ, or his teachings! Everybody on this post that professes to be a non-Christian has been most level-headed and respectful. Why can't you do the same? Don't you know salvation is derived of grace alone, and you can't browbeat anyone to it? I have been in a few of God's houses, temples, synagogues, you-name-it over the years. Some all but resonated with His presence, and some had only the barest flicker, but in all that time I don't guess I've had the misfortune to have encountered such a bold and patently false prophet as you seem to be! Using His great and holy word in such a base and callous manner is no less than blasphemy. Insinuating that He would take innocent life over a crooked business dealing is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. You know it, too, or you would come clean. It is my firm belief that your twisted ideals, and warped pseudo-ecumenical blathering will surely come back to haunt you. From all outward appearances, you are a vile heretic; the image of hypocrisy. And another thing, try reading for CONTENT and let the grammar and spelling alone (it doesn't need anything, anyway.) Once again I remind you that there is absolutely nothing you can tell me that I do not already know (except your docket, and case numbers, and you've been dodging that issue since day one.) If I were in your shoes I would fear most particularly for my own soul, and leave everyone else's be!


South Carolina,
Real and True Cases Won Against Wal-Mart... Wal-Mart is very scared of this website

#369Author of original report

Thu, March 23, 2006

This information is for those good folks, to know this report is true and the references of other cases are real against the wrongs that Wal-Mart does against people. NOTE: These are just a few, there are THOUSANDS! I am sure Wal-Mart is very scared of this website. It is very sad to learn of all these wrongs. I use to support Wal-Mart, until what happen to Todd and other people. Wal-Mart, you should be a shamed of yourself! You claim you are their to help us, but you take us for granted!!! Shame... Shame on you! ===CASE RECORDERS=== Trip Over Trailer Hitch Ends Heart Surgeon's Career ? $3.96 Million Michigan Award Plaintiff, a 54-year-old heart surgeon, tripped over the tongue of a trailer hitch while carrying a bulk package of paper towels in the parking lot of a Sam's Club. He suffered a spinal injury, which caused his hands to shake continually. The accident ended his career. Plaintiff alleged that Sam's Club should have marked the trailer hitch with a cone. The jury returned a $5.28 million verdict, but reduced the award by 25 percent for comparative negligence. Charles Butler v. Wal-Mart, Kalamazoo Co. (MI) Circuit Court No.______. Unknown Assailant Shoots Michigan Landscaper in Wal-Mart Parking Lot ? $375,000 Michigan Award. Plaintiff, a 45-year-old landscaper, developed a speech impediment, lost his sense of smell, and injured his arm, ankle and knee when an unknown assailant shot him in a Wal-Mart parking lot. It was not an error to exclude reports of crimes committed in the vicinity of a larger regional retail center in the same city. It was also not an error to exclude the criminal assailant from the verdict form. The jury returned a verdict of $1,500,000. It found Wal-Mart responsible for 25 percent of the verdict and the management company responsible for 25 percent. The Florida Supreme Court affirmed the verdict. Wal-Mart v. Lawrence Howard McDonald, 705 So.2d 560 (Fla 1997); 676 So.2d 12 (Fla.App. 1 Dist. 1996) Jeffrey B. Morris and Daniel A. Smith, Jacksonville, FL for plaintiff. Jeffrey P. Gill, Pensacola, FL; Richard A. Sherman, Rosemary B. Wilder, Fort Lauderdale, FL and Noah H. Jenerette, Jacksonville, FL for Wal-Mart. Illinois Woman Injures Back, Arm and Hand After Slipping on Snow and Ice on Wal-Mart Sidewalk ? $117,000 Illinois Award Plaintiff suffered a herniated disc and pain in her arm and hand when she fell after slipping on ice and snow that accumulated on the sidewalk outside a Wal-Mart store. The jury awarded plaintiff $117,000. Deborah Reagan v. Wal-Mart, U.S. District Court, Southern District of Illinois, Case No. 94-CV-902. Jack A. Strellis for plaintiff. James DeFranco for Wal-Mart. Utah Woman Develops Thoracic Outlet Syndrome After Falling in Wal-Mart Parking Lot ? $281,790 Utah Award Plaintiff, a thirty-one year old administrative assistant, suffered from herniated cervical discs and developed thoracic outlet syndrome when she fell after tripping over a metal rod in the parking lot of a Sam's Club. Plaintiff had to have some of her ribs surgically removed because of the thoracic outlet syndrome. Wal-Mart maintained that plaintiff's injuries could not have resulted from her fall. The jury returned a $320,542 verdict, but reduced the award by seven percent for comparative negligence. Stevenett v. Wal-Mart, Salt Lake County, Utah District Court, Case No. 960902302. G. Eric Nielson, Salt Lake City, UT for plaintiff. Robert G. Gilchrist, Salt Lake City, UT for Wal- Mart. Louisiana Woman Injures Hands, Elbows and Knees in Fall on Concrete Slab Near Store Entrance ? Appeals Court Affirms $40,877.53 Award Plaintiff injured her hands, elbows and knees when she fell after tripping on a concrete slab near the entrance to a Wal-Mart store. The slab was elevated 0.5 inches higher than the adjoining slab. Plaintiff testified that she was paying attention to the automobiles in the parking lot instead of looking where she was walking. The jury returned a $47,877.53 verdict, but reduced the award by 10 percent for comparative negligence. The appeals court affirmed the jury verdict. Lois J. Nichols v. Wal-Mart, 698 So. 2d 53 (La.App. 3 Cir. 1997). Robert Lawrence Beck Jr. and Eugene A. Ledet Jr., Alexandria, LA for plaintiff. James Dey Kirk, Alexandria, LA for Wal-Mart. Seventy-Seven Year-Old Woman Breaks Hip After Tripping on Ridge in Entry Ramp ? Texas Supreme Court Reverses $400,000 Punitive Damages Award, Affirms $180,000 Compensatory Award Plaintiff, age 77, broke her hip when she fell after tripping on a ridge where an entry ramp to a Sam's Club was 5/8 of an inch higher than the parking lot. Although the area outside the store officially belonged to the lessor, Sam's built the ramp and controlled the surrounding area as if it were its own. No other stores used the ramp. Evidence indicated that Sam's employees knew the surface was not level. Plaintiff was the first person to trip and fall over the ridge. It was not an error to introduce evidence of the gross sales at the store for the month of the incident and the following month. It was a harmless error, if an error at all, for the court to supply a dictionary to the jury during the deliberations. The jury awarded plaintiff $285,000 in compensatory damages and $400,000 in punitive damages. It also awarded plaintiff's husband $105,000. The trial court reduced plaintiff's compensatory damages award by $100,000 on the grounds that the jury had awarded it for loss of consortium. The Texas Supreme Court reversed the punitive damages award on the grounds that plaintiffs failed to prove gross negligence, but affirmed the adjusted compensatory damages award. Wal-Mart v. Sarah Alexander, 868 W.2d 322 (Tex. 1993); 827 S.W. 2d (Tex. Appl.? Corpus Christi 1992). Melchor Chavez, Brownsville, TX and Jeffrey L. Jackson, San Benito, TX for plaintiffs. J. Preston Wrotenbery, Houston, TX; David R. McAtee and Kelly Crawford, Dallas, TX for Wal-Mart. Secretary Suffers Ulnar Nerve Entrapment After Sheet of Ice Falls from Roof of a Wal-Mart Store and Hits Her ? $600,000 New York Award Plaintiff, a 34-year-old medical secretary, required ulnar transpositon surgery for ulnar nerve entrapment on her dominant left arm after a sheet of ice fell from the roof of a Wal-Mart store and struck her. The injury cost plaintiff the use of her hand and prevented her from returning to work. Plaintiff alleged that another sheet of ice had fallen a few minutes before the one that struck her. Plaintiff also contended that the roof of the building was improperly designed. Wal-Mart claimed that its employees told plaintiff to stay inside the store after seeing the first piece of ice fall, but plaintiff failed to heed the warning. Wal-Mart also contended that the roof was properly designed. The jury awarded plaintiff $600,000. DiGennaro v. Wal-Mart, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of New York, Case 95- CV-0176. Jordan D. Hecht, New York, NY for plaintiff. Richard C. Nigro, Mineola, NY for Wal-Mart. Connecticut Woman Injures Spine When Struck by Automatic Entrance Door ? Second Circuit Reverses Judgment as a Matter of Law for Wal-Mart, Reinstates $212,030 Jury Award for Plaintiff Plaintiff injured her spine when the store's automatic entrance door struck her in the back. A store employee allegedly instructed plaintiff to stand behind the door. The jury returned a $302,900 verdict for plaintiff, but reduced the award by 30 percent for comparative negligence. After the trial court granted Wal-Mart's post-verdict motion for judgment as a matter of law, the Second Circuit reversed the trial court and reinstated the jury's verdict for plaintiff. Sandra Chylinski v. Wal-Mart, 150 F.3d 214 (2nd Cir. 1998). Michael J. Walsh, Hartford, CT for plaintiff. Richard F. Waring and Thomas J. Rechen, Hartford, CT for Wal- Mart. Tennessee Woman Breaks Nose When Automatic Door Strikes Her Face -- $31,500 Verdict Plaintiff required a rhinoplasty to repair a broken nose after the store's automatic door struck her in the face. Plaintiff contended that Wal-Mart maintained and adjusted the doors improperly. Wal-Mart contended that plaintiff caused the doors to react when she attempted to talk to a Salvation Army representative. The jury returned a $35,000 verdict, but reduced the award by 10 percent for comparative negligence. Murphy v. Wal-Mart, Washington County (TN) Circuit Court, Case No. 16189. J. David Miller, Kingsport, TN for plaintiff. Gene Gaby, Greeneville, TN for Wal-Mart. Missouri Woman Injures Neck After Tripping on Frozen Floor Mat ? Appeals Court Affirms $275,000 Award Plaintiff, age 49, injured her neck when she fell after tripping on a floor mat in the vestibule of the Wal-Mart store. A combination of moisture tracked into the store and cold weather caused the mat to freeze so that it no longer laid flat. Before plaintiff fell, an observer saw two or three people slip on the floor mat and told the store's assistant manager about the problem. A Wal-Mart training video tape identified floor mats as a ?big problem? of safety. It was not an error for the court to refuse to instruct the jury that corporations should be entitled to the same fair trial as a private individual. The appeals court affirmed the jury's $275,000 award. Barbara A. Preston v. Wal-Mart, 923 S.W.2d 426 (Mo.App. W.D. 1996). John E. Turner, Kansas City, MO for plaintiff. Kevin R. Locke, Kansas City, MO for Wal-Mart. Seventy-Seven Year-Old Floral Arranger Sprains Thumb and Develops Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy After Falling Over Mat in Wal-Mart Entrance ? $400,000 Texas Verdict Plaintiff, a 77-year-old part-time floral arranger, sprained her thumb and developed reflex sympathetic dystrophy when she fell after tripping on an improperly maintained mat. Plaintiff could not return to her job or care for herself. A Texas jury awarded plaintiff $400,000. Deggs v. Wal-Mart, Jefferson Country (TX) District Court, Case No. B-145, 449. Paul F. Ferguson Jr., Beaumont, TX for plaintiff. Lee K. Scuchart, Houston, TX for Wal-Mart. Woman Injures Shoulder and Back in Slip and Fall on Puddle of Water at Wal-Mart Exit ? Arkansas Supreme Court Affirms $20,973 Award Plaintiff injured her shoulder and lumbar spine when she fell after slipping on a puddle of water that was located between the checkout counter and the exit door. When plaintiff returned to the store to report the accident ?minutes? after her fall, the water was still on the floor. It was not an error to reject Wal-Mart's proposed jury instructions when an Arkansas Model Instructions instruction covering the same subject matter was on point. The jury awarded plaintiff $20,973 for medical expenses and the Arkansas Supreme Court affirmed the award. Wal-Mart v. Edith Ann Kelton, 806 S.W.2d 373 (Ark.1991). Stephen M. Sharum, Fort Smith, AR for plaintiffs. Ben Core, Fort Smith, AR for Wal-Mart. Louisiana Man Injures Shoulder After Slipping on Unknown Liquid Substance ? Appeals Court Affirms $23,000 General Damages Award Plaintiff required rotator-cuff surgery when he fell on his right shoulder after slipping on an unspecified liquid substance on the floor of the store. After the accident, the plaintiff's pants leg was wet, and the Wal-Mart accident report indicated that ?[t]here was a puddle of water and he apparently slipped.? It was raining on the day of the accident, the cashier was close to the accident area, and the customer service manager was in the general area. The jury awarded plaintiff $23,000 in general damages, plus documented medical expenses. The appeals court affirmed the award. Henry Kennedy v. Wal-Mart, 715 So.2d 593 (La.App. 3 Cir. 1998). Curtis Rodney Harrington, Notchitoches, LA for plaintiff. Vicki C. Warner, Shreveport, LA for Wal-Mart. Louisiana Man Injures Knee and Ankle After Slipping on Tracked-In Water ? Appeals Court Affirms $37,405.50 Award Plaintiff injured his left knee and ankle when he slipped after entering a Wal-Mart store. It was raining. Wal-Mart failed to follow its ?written rainy day procedure? of placing additional floor mats in the entrance area. It was not an error for the trial court to allow the testimony of a postal worker who also slipped that day. The trial judge awarded plaintiff $36,405.50 for his damages and awarded plaintiff's wife $1,000 for loss of consortium. The appeals court affirmed the awards. Edwin L. Barton Sr. v. Wal-Mart, 704 So.2d 363 (La.App. 3 Cir. 1997). Philip Gardiner Hunter, Alexandria, LA for plaintiffs. James Dey Kirk, Alexandria, LA for Wal- Mart. Florida Woman Suffers Rotary Dislocation of Neck and Temporomandibular Injury After Slipping on Body Shampoo in Wal-Mart Store ? $1,300,889.95 Florida Award Plaintiff, a 29-year-old parking lot attendant, suffered a rotary dislocation of her neck and a temporomandibular injury when she fell after slipping on body shampoo on the floor of the store. Plaintiff stepped backwards onto the shampoo, slipped, and hit her head on the bottom shelf. Wal-Mart claimed that two of its employees checked the aisle five minutes before the accident and found that it was clean. The testimony at trial, however, indicated that much more time had elapsed since the most recent inspection. In May 1999, the jury awarded plaintiff $371,389.95 for past medical expenses, $148,500 for future medical expenses, $17,000 for past lost earnings, $467,000 for past pain and suffering, and $297,000 for future pain and suffering. Ibis Henderson v. Wal-Mart, Broward Co. (FL), Case No. 96-11429 18. Evan Rosen and Ronald Rosen, Hollywood, FL for plaintiff. Jeffrey Gill, Pensacola, FL for Wal-Mart. Texas Plaintiff Injures Back and Soft Tissue in Neck After Slipping on Water in Aisle ? $391,000 Award Plaintiff injured his back and the soft tissue in his neck when he fell after slipping on water that was on the aisle floor. The jury awarded plaintiff $391,000. Rebecca Tinsley v. Walt-Mart, Jefferson County (TX) District Court, 58th District, Case No. A-148-700. Brent W. Coon for plaintiff. Alan N. Magenheim, Houston, TX for Wal-Mart. 42-Year-Old Female Plaintiff Suffers Bulging Disc After Slipping on Shampoo Spill ? $76,000 Florida Award Plaintiff, age 42, suffered a bulging disc when she fell after slipping on shampoo that spilled on the aisle floor. The jury awarded plaintiff $76,000. Leticia Gutierrez v. Wal-Mart, Dade County (FL) Circuit Court, Case No. 96-9856 CA 09. Donald Jones and Melvin C. Alldredge, Miami, FL for plaintiff. Christopher Johnson, Pensacola, FL for Wal-Mart. Secretary Develops Chronic Bursitis After Slipping on Spilled Car Cleaner ? $390,000 Georgia Award Plaintiff, a secretary, suffered a fractured sacrum when she fell after slipping on car cleaner in the store's automotive aisle. The injury caused plaintiff to develop chronic bursitis, which left her unable to sit for long periods of time. Wal-Mart claimed that a safety cone was present in the aisle, but the store incident report did not mention a warning cone. The jury awarded plaintiff $350,000 and awarded her husband $40,000 for loss of consortium. Barbara Vining v. Wal-Mart, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Georgia, Case No.____________. Clay D. Land and Jerry A. Buchanan, Columbus, GA for plaintiffs. Anthony A. Rowell, Atlanta, GA for Wal-Mart. Housekeeper Tears Meniscus After Slipping on Grease at Wal-Mart Repair Garage ? $82,700 Louisiana Verdict Plaintiff, a 49-year-old housekeeper, tore her meniscus and aggravated her arthritis when she fell after slipping on grease on the floor of the store's automobile repair garage. Wal-Mart asserted that plaintiff should have been aware of her surroundings. The jury awarded plaintiff $82,700. Miller v. Wal-Mart, Baton Rouge (LA) District Court. William S. Neblett, Alexandria, LA for plaintiff. Phillip A. Fontenot and Stacey Knight, Lafayette, LA for Wal-Mart. Missouri Plaintiff Injures Leg After Slipping on Liquid Soap ? Seventh Circuit Affirms $18,750 Award Plaintiff injured her leg when she fell after slipping on liquid soap on the aisle floor. No leaking container was found. The jury awarded plaintiff $18,750. The Seventh Circuit affirmed the award. Dolores Howard v. Wal-Mart, 160 F.3d 358 (7th Cir. 1998). Joan M. Lockwood, St. Louis, MO for plaintiff. James E. DeFranco, Belleville, IL for Wal-Mart. Louisiana Woman Injures Knee and Hand After Slipping on Popcorn in Store Aisle ? Appeals Court Affirms $6,500 General Damages Award, Reduces $713.50 Special Damages Award to $557.50 Plaintiff severely injured the soft tissue in her hand and aggravated a prior knee injury when she fell after slipping on some popcorn on the aisle floor. Plaintiff fell four or five feet from the pharmacy counter; at least two store employees had a clear view of the aisle at the time. The trial judge awarded plaintiff $6,500 for general damages and $713.50 for special damages. The appeals court affirmed the general damages award, but reduced the special damages award to $557.50 because some of the physician visits that the court used in the calculation of special damages had no relationship to the injuries sustained in the store. Virginia Cobb v. Wal-Mart. 624 So.2d 5 (La.App. 5 Cir. 1993). Pierre F. Guadin Jr., Gretna, LA for plaintiff. Frederick R. Campbell and Lisa Miley Geary, Metairie, LA for Wal-Mart. Texas Woman Injured After Slipping on Ice Cubes and Water ? Appeals Court Affirms $22,172.74 Award Plaintiff suffered an unspecified injury when she fell after slipping on ice cubes and water on the floor of the store. The store sold fountain drinks at its snack bar. The store employees did not prevent customers from carrying food and drinks while shopping. The store's safety manual emphasized that all store employees were responsible for maintaining safe floors. The store conducted only three routine ?safety sweeps? of the floor each day. The jury awarded plaintiff $22,172.74 for physical pain, mental anguish, physical impairment and medical care. The appeals court affirmed the award. Wal-Mart v. Lorene Rangel, 966 S.W.2d 199 (Tex.App.?Fort Worth 1998). Susan Taylor, Sandra Cook and Bryan Pope, Dallas, TX for plaintiff. David R. Work and Bobby G. Pryor, Dallas, TX for Wal-Mart. Louisiana Woman Injures Knee, Neck and Shoulder After Slipping on Smashed French Fry in Wal-Mart Aisle ? Appeals Court Affirms $3,417.26 Award Plaintiff injured her knee, neck and shoulder when she fell after slipping on a smashed french fry on the aisle floor. Plaintiff was maneuvering a recently purchased bicycle at the time of the injury. Wal-Mart lacked a policy preventing its customers from taking food into the store. The area around the smashed french fry was black, as if carts had been pushed around it. A private investigator claimed that he visited the accident area several times and observed Wal-Mart employees ignoring spilled food and beverages. The jury returned a $4,556.35 verdict for plaintiff, but reduced the award by 25 percent for comparative negligence. The appeals court affirmed the award. Tanya Beninate v. Wal-Mart, 704 So.2d 851 (La.App. 5 Cir. 1997). G. Michael Grosz III and Peyton B. Burkhalter, Gretna, LA for plaintiff. I. Rene Derojas, Metairie, LA for Wal-Mart. Woman Injures Hip, Neck, Shoulder and Leg After Slipping on Unknown Substance on Aisle Floor ? Louisiana General Damages Award Increased from $11,000 to $35,000 Plaintiff injured her hip, neck, shoulder and leg when she fell after slipping on an unknown substance on the aisle floor. Plaintiff claimed that she was looking straight ahead when she slipped and was not distracted by merchandise on the shelves. Plaintiff was familiar with the store. Plaintiff provided evidence that the injuries significantly altered her quality of life. Plaintiff's husband failed to establish that his wife's injury caused him specific damages. The appeals court increased the jury's general damages award from $11,000 to $35,000 and affirmed the verdict apportioning 45 percent of the fault to plaintiff and 55 percent to Wal-Mart. Susie Peck v. Wal-Mart, 682 So.2d 974 (La.App. 3 Cir. 1996). Earl B. Taylor and Laura T. Marler, Opelousas, LA for the plaintiffs. Philip Andre Fontenot, Lafayette, LA for Wal-Mart. Kentucky Man Injures Knee After Slipping on Unknown Substance in Wal-Mart Garden Center ? Appeals Court Affirms $44,316.75 Award Plaintiff injured his knee when he fell after slipping on an unknown black substance or a ?wet and nasty? piece of cardboard on the floor of the Wal-Mart's garden center. Plants were stacked in the aisle and water drained into the aisle from the roof. The jury returned a verdict of $2,516 for past medical expenses and $56,573 for past and future pain and suffering, but reduced the award by 25 percent for comparative negligence. The appeals court affirmed the award. Wal-Mart v. Bobby Lawson, 984 S.W.2d 488 (Ky.App. 1998). Will T. Scott, Pikeville, KY for plaintiff. Jason E. Williams, London, KY for Wal-Mart. Missouri Man Suffers Herniated Disc After Slipping on Spilled Dog Food in Pet Food Aisle ? $540,000 Missouri Award Plaintiff, age 38, suffered a herniated disc at T11-12 when he fell after slipping on spilled dog food that was in the pet food aisle of the defendant store. Plaintiff could not return to work after the injury. Plaintiff contended that Wal-Mart failed to clean the area, barricade it, or warn its customers of the danger. The jury returned a verdict of $660,000, but reduced the award by 20 percent for comparative negligence. Dennis Emery v. Wal-Mart, 976 S.W.2d 438 (Mo.1998). Thomas A. Connelly, St. Louis, MO for plaintiff. Jeffry Thompson, St. Louis, MO for Wal-Mart. Twenty-Four-Year-Old Man Suffers Multiple Injuries After Tripping Over Children's Rocking Chairs at the End of a Store Aisle ? Louisiana Supreme Court Reduces Award from $100,033.57 to $73,525.18 Plaintiff, age 24, lacerated his forehead, suffered blackouts and dizziness, strained or sprained his neck, shoulder and back, and injured his jaw when he fell after tripping on three red 1.5-foot-high children's rocking chairs that were located at the end of a store aisle. A store employee who passed down the aisle 5-15 minutes before the accident saw two rocking chairs on the floor and put them back on the shelf. One chair was lying on its back, with only its spindle rungs in view. Plaintiff indicated that he might need future medical assistance. The jury awarded plaintiff $90,033.57 for damages and awarded plaintiff's wife $10,000 for loss of consortium. Although the appeals court reversed the jury's $5,000 award for future medical expenses, the Louisiana Supreme Court restored the award to $2,500. The Supreme Court reduced plaintiff's remaining $88,033.57 damages award and plaintiff's wife's $10,000 award by 25 percent for contributory negligence. Donald Kimble v. Wal-Mart, 539 So.2d 1212 (La. 1989); 527 So.2d 1163 (La.App. 3 Cir. 1988). John L. Olvier, Sunset, LA for plaintiffs. Frank A. Flynn, Lafayette, LA for Wal-Mart. Idaho Shopper Requires Knee and Shoulder Surgery After Slipping on Plastic Hanger ? $33,000 Idaho Award Plaintiff injured her knees and shoulders when she fell after slipping on a plastic hanger on the aisle floor. The jury awarded plaintiff $33,000. Nancy Cathey v. Wal-Mart, Bonneville (ID) Judicial District, 7th District, Case No. CV- 96-5266. Dennis R. Petersen for plaintiff. C. Timothy Hopkins for Wal-Mart. Texas Man Knocked Unconscious After Tripping on Vacuum Cleaner Cord Left in Aisle ? $30,000 Texas Award Plaintiff was rendered unconscious when he hit his head on the store's floor after tripping on a vacuum cleaner cord left in the store's aisle. Additionally, plaintiff suffered a herniated disc. The jury awarded plaintiff $30,000. David Abney v. Wal-Mart, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Texas, Case No. 96-CV-729. John Werner for plaintiff. Alan Magenheim, Houston, TX for Wal-Mart. Missouri Shopper Suffers Herniated Disc After Tripping Over Two-Wheel Dolly in Store Aisle ? $45,000 Missouri Award Plaintiff, age 56, suffered a herniated disc at L5-S1 when he fell after tripping over a two-wheel dolly in the store aisle. Plaintiff's wife added a claim for loss of consortium. Wal-Mart maintained that the dolly was in plain view and that plaintiff failed to pay attention to his surroundings. The jury returned a verdict of $150,000, but reduced the award by 70 percent for comparative negligence. Plaintiff's wife received nothing for her claim. Hastings v. Wal-Mart, U.S. District Court, Western District of Missouri, Case No,. 94-CV-0830. Franklin T. Thackery and Daniel L. Duncan, St. Joseph, MO for plaintiffs. Kevin R. Locke, Kansas City, MO for Wal-Mart. Air Force Aero-Medic/Airman Suffers Severe Closed Head Injury After Being Hit by Falling Merchandise ? $4 Million Nevada Award Plaintiff, a 26-year-old married Air Force aero-medic/airman, suffered from intractable seizures and developed a closed-head injury when a ?wall? of merchandise that the store stocked on shelving above him collapsed and caused him to hit his head on the store's floor. The closed-head injury manifested itself in cognitive impairment, organic mood disorder and epilepsy. The Air Force discharged plaintiff for mental incompetence. Plaintiff claimed that Wal-Mart was aware of other incidents resulting from stacking merchandise on risers in public areas. Wal-Mart claimed that its stores have 52 million visitors per week and that the chances that a person in a store would be injured by falling merchandise are one in 500,000. The jury awarded plaintiff $4 million. Shafer v. Wal-Mart, U.S. District Court, District of Nevada, Case No. 95-CV-650. James J. Murphy and Frank T. Pasternak, Milwaukee, WI for plaintiff. Philip Hymanson and J. Christopher Jorgenson, Las Vegas, NV for Wal-Mart. Seventy-Five-Year-Old Indiana Man Injures Foot While Attempting To Avoid Falling Merchandise -- Appeals Court Affirms $50,000 Award Plaintiff, a 75-year-old retired man, injured his foot when he hit it on a display while attempting to avoid a falling stack of trunks. The store failed to establish that plaintiff bumped or touched the stack of trunks. While he had the flu, plaintiff stopped taking the Motrin that his doctor prescribed for the pain from the accident, but he resumed taking it after he recovered. Plaintiff introduced evidence that he was incapacitated for two months following the injury, that the injury was permanent, that surgery was recommended, that he was unable to hunt and fish as he had before the accident, and that his marriage had been "pretty rough" since the injury. It was not an error to instruct the jury that Wal-Mart was charged with actual knowledge of a dangerous condition created by its own act, since a store employee had stacked the trunks. The jury awarded plaintiff $50,000. The appeals court affirmed the award. Wal-Mart v. Delmar E. Blaylock, 591 N.E.2d 624 (Ind.App. 3 Dist. 1992). Melissa S. Mattingly, Evansville, IN for plaintiff. Robert L. Simpkins, Evansville, IN for Wal-Mart. Missouri Woman Suffers Herniated Disc and Arm, Leg and Hand Injuries After Being Hit by Falling Merchandise ? $337,500 Award Plaintiff suffered a herniated disc and injuries to her arms, legs and right hand when boxes fell from an overhead display and hit her. Between the time of the incident and trial, plaintiff was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. The appeals court ruled that it was not an error for plaintiff to introduce evidence of the interaction of her injuries with her multiple sclerosis. The appeals court affirmed the jury's $337,000 award. Betty Shannon v. Wal-Mart, 974 S.W.2d 588 (MO. App. W.D. 1998). John Turner, Kansas City, MO for plaintiff. Michael Jerde, Kansas City, MO for Wal-Mart. Clerical Worker Suffers Brain Damage After Being Hit by Falling Paint Cans ? $606,000 Arizona Award Plaintiff, a clerical worker, suffered brain damage after four one-gallon paint cans fell from the store's shelf and hit her on the head. The brain damage impaired plaintiff's memory and executive function skills, and caused anxiety and panic attacks. Plaintiff alleged that the shelving was unstable and that Wal-Mart should not have stacked the cans four-high. Wal-Mart contended that plaintiff must have turned one of the cans. After the trial court dismissed plaintiff's res ipsa loquitur claim, the jury returned a $674,430.23 verdict on the gross negligence claim, but reduced the award by 10 percent for comparative negligence. Terri Sholl v. Wal-Mart, Brazoria Co. (TX), 149th District Court, Case No. 94M1271. Gordon E. Davenport, Alvin, TX for plaintiff. Alan N. Magenheim, Houston, TX for Wal-Mart. Kansas Shopper Suffers Disc Damage After Being Hit by Box Containing Baby Crib ? $179,690 Award Plaintiff aggravated a bulging disc, and suffered a cervical strain and a head contusion after a box containing a baby crib fell from the shelf and hit him. Wal-Mart alleged that plaintiff was not paying proper attention to his surroundings. The jury awarded plaintiff $179,000. Renyer v. Wal-Mart, Shawnee (KS) District Court, Case No. 92-CV-1596. B. Keith Kocher, Topeka, KS for plaintiff. E. Wayne Taff and R. Michael Steele, Kansas City, KS for Wal-Mart. Two Pallets of Soft Drink Cans Fall on Customer ? $200,000 Texas Punitive Damage Award Reduced to $100,000, Remainder of Judgment for Plaintiff Affirmed Plaintiff suffered unspecified injuries when two pallets containing soft drink cans fell on her in a Sam's Club. The pallets were not shrink-wrapped and/or shelved or tied to reduce the risk of falling. Plaintiff's injuries prevented her from returning to her job at a printing company. Her physicians claimed that she could only perform light work. The appeals court ruled that the trial court was not obligated to ask the jury to find whether an unreasonable risk of harm existed; it was also not obligated to define ?unreasonable risk of harm?. It was not an error to admit hearsay testimony regarding alleged statements by two Sam's Club employees. It was not an error to submit jury instructions on gross negligence and exemplary damages. It was not an error for the trial court to order a remittitur of $100,000 of the $200,000 punitive damage award, since evidence suggested that Sam's had safety programs and did not intend to injure the plaintiff. It was not an error to exclude hearsay evidence that a Pepsi vendor informed Wal- Mart's district manager that stacking the pallets three high was satisfactory. The appeals court affirmed the judgment for plaintiff. Wal-Mart v. Mary Jo Berry, 833 S.W.2d 587 (Tex.App.Texarkana 1992). Joe D. Gregory, Grapevine, TX for plaintiff. David R. McAtee, Kelly M. Crawford and Joe Horlen, Dallas, TX for Wal-Mart. Woman Suffers Unspecified Injuries After Falling Box Hits Her ? Texas Appeals Court Affirms $500,000 Award Plaintiff suffered an unspecified injury when a box fell from a shelf above her and hit her on the head. A customer on the other side of the shelf allegedly caused the box to fall by moving a box on his side. The shelf on plaintiff's side did not have a lip for preventing the merchandise from falling. It was not an error to introduce evidence of an OSHA standard. It was also not an error to introduce evidence of a similar accident at another store, since the accident was relevant to the knowledge of plaintiff's expert. The jury awarded plaintiff $500,000. The appeals court affirmed the award. Wal-Mart v. Bettye Jean Seale, 904 S.W.2d 718 (Tex.App.? San Antonio 1995). Curtis L. Cukjati, Jeffrey A. Hiller and Pat Maloney Jr., San Antonio, TX for plaintiff. J. Preston Wrotenbery and Tina Snelling, Houston, TX and Gerald Zwernemann, San Antonio, TX for Wal-Mart. Alabama Woman Suffers Nerve Damage to Brain After Falling Merchandise Hits Her On Head ? Judgment for Plaintiff on Negligence Claim Affirmed, Judgment for Plaintiff on Wantonness Claim Reversed Plaintiff suffered nerve damage to her brain after a footlocker fell from the top shelf and hit her on the head. Wal-Mart maintained that many safety procedures were in place to protect customers and that they were unaware that this kind of accident was likely to happen. It was not an error to award damages for mental anguish when the plaintiff suffered a head injury that required her to consult with various physicians on several occasions. It was also not an error to exclude Wal-Mart's evidence on the number of customers and transactions at Alabama Wal-Mart stores. The jury awarded plaintiff $100,000 in compensatory damages on the negligence claim and $175,000 in punitive damages on the wantonness claim. The Alabama Supreme Court affirmed the compensatory damages award, but reversed the punitive damages award. Wal-Mart v. Elizabeth Thompson, 726 So.2d 651 (Ala.1998). William L. Utsey, Butler, AL and Wyman O. Gilmore Jr., Grove Hill, AL for plaintiff. Bradley R. Byrne, K.W. Michael Chambers and R. Scott Hetrick, Mobile, AL for Wal-Mart. Courier Suffers Nerve Damage and Hernia After Being Hit by Falling 4"x4" ? Pennsylvania Federal Court Awards $1,748,000 Plaintiff, a 28-year-old delivery courier, suffered nerve damage in his shoulder and a hernia after a 16-foot-long piece of four-by-four lumber fell and struck his shoulder. Despite three orthopedic surgeries, plaintiff could not return to his old job and had to accept a lower paying light-duty position. Wal-Mart asserted that the incident never occurred or that plaintiff knocked the lumber over as he ran past it while pulling a dolly. Wal-Mart also alleged that plaintiff had pre-existing medical conditions. The jury returned a verdict of $235,000, but reduced the award by 24 percent for comparative negligence. Subsequently, the Third Circuit reversed that award because the trial court failed to charge on individual items of damages. A second trial yielded a $2 million verdict for plaintiff and a $300,000 verdict for plaintiff's wife, again with a 24 percent reduction for comparative negligence. The Third Circuit affirmed the award. William Fichter v. Wal-Mart, U.S. District Court, Western District of Pennsylvania, Case No. 95-CV-228. Michael J. Colarusso, Pittsburgh, PA for plaintiffs. Romel L. Nicholas, Pittsburgh, PA for Wal-Mart. Business Owner Suffers Closed Head Injury After Being Hit by Falling Ice Augers ? $3,327,243 Colorado Award Plaintiff, a 43-year-old HVAC business owner, suffered a closed head injury when two 40-pound boxes that contained ice augers fell and struck him on the head, neck and chest. Plaintiff's injury caused short-term memory loss, loss of visual learning ability and permanent psychological injures. The boxes were stacked on a top shelf, about ten feet above the floor. When the boxes fell on plaintiff, a store employee was on the top step of a six-foot wooden stepladder to retrieve one of the augers for plaintiff.. Plaintiff asserted that Wal-Mart failed to follow its own policy of requiring that heavy merchandise be stored on the bottom shelves. Plaintiff also contended that Wal-Mart knew, because of 17,000 falling merchandise incidents in the past five years, that stacking merchandise at that height was dangerous. The jury awarded plaintiff $3,027,243. It also awarded plaintiff's wife $300,000 for emotional distress. Scharrel v. Wal-Mart Stores, Denver Co.(CO) District Court, Case No. 94-CV- 2734. Jeffrey A. Hyman, Richard I. Brown and Brenda M. Sauro, Denver, CO for plaintiffs. John P. Mitzner and Robert McCormick for Wal-Mart. Shopper Injures Leg, Ankle, Hip, Lower Back and Shoulder After Tripping on Microwave Box ? $15,000 Missouri Award Plaintiff, age 41, suffered soft tissue injuries to her right leg, ankle, hip, lower back and shoulder when she fell after tripping over a microwave box that was protruding into the aisle. Wal-Mart countered that plaintiff failed to keep a proper lookout. The jury returned a verdict for $150,000, but reduced the award by 90 percent for comparative negligence. Whitaker v. Wal-Mart, St. Louis (MO) Circuit Court, Case No. 606830. Steven C. Gelber, Clayton, MO for plaintiff. Stefan J. Glynias, St. Louis, MO for Wal-Mart. Ohio Woman Suffers Permanent Injury of Perineal Nerve When Wal-Mart Employee Lowers Pallet on Her Foot ? $112,000 Award Plaintiff suffered a permanent injury of her perineal nerve when a Wal-Mart employee lowered a pallet onto her foot. The jury awarded plaintiff $112,000. Sonja A. Stankoski v. Wal-Mart, Franklin County (OH) Court of Common Pleas, Case No. 96CVC-10-8015. Patrick H. Boggs for plaintiff. John A. Burgess for Wal-Mart. College Student Loses Left Eye When Bow Malfunctions in Wal-Mart Store ? $1.3 Million Colorado Award Plaintiff, an 18-year-old college student who was ten hours shy of obtaining his pilot's license, had to have his left eye surgically removed after an incident involving a bow at a Wal-Mart store. When plaintiff pulled the bow's string back without an arrow in place, the bow's nok set disengaged and struck plaintiff in the left eye. The young man's eye was damaged so severely it had to be surgically removed. Plaintiff claimed Wal- Mart should have disengaged the string to prevent customers from firing the bow without an arrow in place. He also contended the store should have warned and supervised its customers. Plaintiff filed a products liability claim against the bow's manufacturer, Golden Eagle Archery. Plaintiff reached a $235,000 settlement with Golden Eagle. Subsequently, the jury awarded plaintiff $1.3 million against Wal-Mart. Jaksch v. Wal-Mart Stores, Denver (CO) District Court, Case No. 92-CV-4026. Ronald S. Pred and Jon C. Boesen, Denver, CO for plaintiff. Woman Suffers Multiple Injuries After Demonstration Gilder Chair Collapses ? $355,000 Colorado Award Plaintiff injured her lumbro-sacral spine, cervical spine and shoulder and developed thoracic outlet syndrome when she attempted to sit on an oak glider chair placed on the sales floor as a demonstrator and the chair collapsed. Plaintiff had attempted to return to her job as a secretary, but her work aggravated her injuries and she had to retire. Plaintiff estimated that she lost $154,000 in earnings. Plaintiff's husband added a loss of consortium claim. The jury awarded plaintiff $355,000. It awarded plaintiff's husband nothing. Deanna Hoffmeister v. Wal-Mart, Garfield County (CO) District Court, Case No. 95-CV-103. Martin H. Freeman, Aspen, CO for plaintiffs. Scott J. Eldredge for Wal-Mart. Child Picks Up BB Gun in Wal-Mart Store and Shoots Georgia Customer -- Eleventh Circuit Affirms $75,467.59 Award A child picked up a BB rifle in a Wal-Mart store and shot plaintiff in the back. The child was attempting to shoot at a target board in the back of the sporting goods department. Wal-Mart displayed rifles next to ammunition, at a height between foot level and waist level. A store employee testified that unsupervised children had loaded and handled BB rifles or handled loaded rifles in the store several times prior to this incident. He also testified that employees had noticed loaded rifles and open BB-ammunition containers at the location of the rifle and ammunition display. Plaintiff asserted the store had failed to take precautions against the risk of misuse of rifles and ammunition before or after the incident. Plaintiff introduced evidence of customers being shot at other Wal-Mart stores. Wal-Mart refused settlement demands of $450 and $2,000; at trial, the store offered $2,000. In November 1995, the court denied Wal-Mart's motion for summary judgment. The court refused to allow plaintiff's expert to testify. In March 1996, the jury awarded plaintiff $467.59 in medical expenses, $5,000 in personal injuries, and $70,000 in punitive damages. The Eleventh Circuit affirmed the award in August 1997. Gregory D. Rothman v. Wal-Mart, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Georgia at Atlanta, Case No. 94-CV-2719. James Alan Gober, Scott Ernest Taylor, and Henry R. Chambers, Atlanta, GA for plaintiff. Albert J. DeCusati, Atlanta, GA for Wal-Mart. Man Tears Rotator Cuff When Metal Display Shelf Falls on Shoulder ? $26,500 Utah Award Plaintiff suffered a partial rotator cuff tear when a metal display shelf fell from an aisle and hit his shoulder. The jury awarded plaintiff $26,500. Conder v. Wal-Mart, U.S. District Court, District of Utah, Case No. 96-CV-00312. Craig V. Wentz, for plaintiff. Mitchel T. Rice, Salt Lake City, UT for Wal-Mart. Three-Year-Old Child Injured by Falling Clothing Rack ? Texas Appeals Court Affirms Judgment for Plaintiffs Plaintiff's three-year-old daughter suffered unspecified injuries when a clothing rack that she was playing on fell on her. The store had set the rack at its lowest position. The appeals court concluded that the trial court's application of res ipsa loquitur was a harmless error and affirmed the lower court's judgment for plaintiffs. Wal-Mart v. Tony Lerma, 749 S.W.2d 572 (Tex.App.?Corpus Christi 1988). John William Black, Brownsville, TX for plaintiffs. Jaime A. Drabek and Paul Q. O'Leary, Brownsville, TX and Jack McKinley, Houston, TX for Wal-Mart. Kansas Truck Driver Injured by Falling Clothing Rack ? $750,000 Award Plaintiff, a 35-year-old truck driver, suffered lumbar strain after a clothing rack fell on him in the store. Wal-Mart contended that plaintiff exaggerated the extent of his injuries. The jury awarded plaintiff $750,000. Allington v. Wal-Mart, District Court of Kansas (Shawnee), Case No. 95- CV-817. Terry E. Beck, Topeka, KS for plaintiff. R. Michael Steele, Kansas City, KS for Wal-Mart. Woman Suffers Neck, Face and Arm Injuries After Display of Pickles Collapses on Her ? $465,000 Tennessee Award Plaintiff, age 56, suffered cervical spondylosis with superimposed strain, bruises of the neck, face and arm, and depression after a display of pickles collapsed on her. Plaintiff claimed a 20 percent whole-body impairment. Plaintiff asserted that Wal-Mart constructed and supervised the display negligently. Plaintiff relied on the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur. Wal-Mart claimed that plaintiff was responsible for her injuries and that she was exaggerating them. The jury awarded plaintiff $415,000. It also awarded plaintiff's husband $215,000 for loss of consortium, but the trial judge reduced the award to $50,000. Cox v. Wal-Mart, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Tennessee, Case No. 91-CV-283. Robert D. Arnold, Knoxville, TN for plaintiff. Gene Gaby, Greeneville, TN for Wal-Mart. Sixty-Three-Year-Old Woman Requires Knee Surgery After Tripping Over Empty Display Pallet ? $180,000 Missouri Award Plaintiff, age 63, required surgery for a knee sprain when she fell after tripping over an empty display pallet at the store. Wal-Mart maintained that the third party defendant, County Distributing, was responsible for leaving the pallet empty. The store also alleged that plaintiff's injuries were preexisting or the result of aging. The jury returned a $200,000 verdict against Wal-Mart, but reduced the award by 10 percent for contributory negligence. It returned a defense verdict for the third party defendant. Sandy v. Wal-Mart, Pettis County (MO) Circuit Court, Case CV496-291CC. George A. Tyree, Blue Springs, MO for plaintiff. Michael J. Jerde, Kansas City, MO for Wal-Mart. Louisiana Woman Suffers Head, Arm, Shoulder and Back Injuries After Falling Over Improperly Positioned Display ? Appeals Court Adjusts Award to $250,250 Plaintiff suffered shoulder and back injuries, tingling in her arms and neck, headaches and dizziness when she fell after tripping over a four-foot-by-four-foot, 6.375-inch-high wooden stack base. Plaintiff alleged that the stack base was unattended, that a large portion of the base was empty of merchandise and that Wal-Mart failed to follow its internal safety procedures for dealing with stack bases. Wal-Mart asserted that the black bottom portion of the display base contrasted with the light-colored floor, that a large sign on a five-foot pole was in the center, and that plaintiff took several steps backwards without checking to see that her path was clear. Plaintiff was not employed at the time of the incident and did not plan to seek full-time employment. She contended that she was likely to suffer pain from the incident for the rest of her life, but presented little evidence of required medical treatment. Plaintiff suffered a major depression after the incident, but the depression was in remission. The jury returned a verdict finding Wal-Mart 65 percent at fault and plaintiff 35 percent at fault. It awarded plaintiff $285,000 in damages. Subsequently, the trial court reduced plaintiff's comparative fault to 10 percent and raised the amount awarded for several items of damages. This increased the total amount of plaintiff's award to $790,000. On appeal, the appeals court adjusted plaintiff's gross damages total to $385,000, but reinstated the jury's apportionment of comparative fault. Virginia Hutchinson v. Wal-Mart, 573 So.2d 1148 (La.App. 1 Cir. 1990). Thomas B. Waterman, Ponchatoula, LA for plaintiff. Frederick Campbell and Lisa Miley Geary, New Orleans, LA for Wal-Mart. Texas Shopper Suffers Post-Concussion Syndrome After Falling Over Backwards in Defective Chair in Store ? $40,000 Award Plaintiff, age 35, suffered post-concussion syndrome after falling backwards on a defective chair at a Sam's Club. Plaintiff also sued the chair's manufacturer, Globe Business Furniture. Plaintiff alleged that Globe negligently designed the chair and that Wal-Mart negligently assembled it. Wal-Mart admitted that it improperly assembled the chair. Globe denied any negligence. The court found Wal-Mart 100% negligent and awarded plaintiff $40,000. Walker v. Wal-Mart, Harris County (TX) District Court. Marshall B. Brown and Donna Finan McCarty, Houston, TX for plaintiff. Alan N. Magenheim, Houston, TX for Wal-Mart. Elderly Woman Injures Back When Stool in Store Collapses ? $53,000 Texas Award Plaintiff, an elderly woman, suffered a low back injury when a stool on which she was sitting to look at patterns at a table collapsed. Wal-Mart maintained that plaintiff had a pre-existing injury. The jury awarded plaintiff $53,000. Burchett v. Wal-Mart, Kaufman County (TX) District Court, Case No. 36673. Robert Hudnall, Dallas, TX for plaintiff. Steven P. Amis, Dallas, TX for Wal-Mart. Elderly Man Suffers Blood Clot in Leg After Falling From Bench in Store ? $4,000 Kentucky Award Plaintiff, age 72, suffered a blood clot in his left leg after he fell off a bench in the defendant store. When plaintiff was sitting on the bench, it tilted, which caused him to fall. Plaintiff contended that Wal-Mart failed to secure the bench. Wal-Mart denied negligence and contended that plaintiff was contributorily negligent. The jury returned a $5,613 verdict, but reduced the award by 30 percent for contributory negligence. Hunt v. Wal-Mart, Pike County (KY) Circuit Court, Case No. 95-C1-00430. Gary C. Johnson, Pikeville, KY for plaintiff. Clifford B. Latta, Prestonburg, KY for Wal-Mart. Louisiana Shopper Injures Wrist After Tripping Over Another Customer's Wheelchair at the Store Entrance ? Louisiana Appeals Court Affirms $30,000 General Damages Award and $5,168.43 Past Medical Expenses Award, Reduces $5,452 Future Medical Expenses Award to $2,528 Plaintiff suffered a torn ligament and nerve entrapment in his right wrist when he fell after tripping on a customer's wheelchair that was stored in the store's entrance area. Wal-Mart had safety policies that stipulated that unused customer wheelchairs had to be folded and facing the rear of the store, but the foot-rest of the wheelchair was unfolded and hidden by a plant display, and the wheelchair faced the entrance aisle. Plaintiff contended that the chance that he would need fusion surgery for his injury was 40-50 percent. The court of appeals affirmed the jury's $30,000 general damages award and $5,168.43 past medical expenses award. It reduced the $5,452 future medical expenses award to $2,528. Ronald George v. Wal-Mart, 722 So.2d 119 (La.App.. 3 Cir. 1998). Terry G. Aubin, Pineville, LA for plaintiff. Philip Andre Fontenot, Lafayette, LA for Wal-Mart. North Dakota Man Suffers Permanent Vision Damage After Slipping on Undiluted Liquid Soap on Restroom Floor ? $228,765 Award Plaintiff sustained permanent vision damage when he fell after slipping on a puddle of undiluted liquid soap on the floor of the store's restroom. The appeals court ruled that it was not an error for the court to admit expert testimony that a visual sweep of the restrooms was necessary every half hour to prevent slip-and-fall incidents. The plaintiff's expert had testified as a qualified expert in thirty-five states, investigated over 4,000 slip-and-fall accidents, and testified at least 500 times in cases involving slip-and-fall accidents. The store's witnesses provided conflicting testimony on the store's procedure for inspecting its restrooms. It was harmless for the court to admit expert testimony on the issue of future damages, since the store failed to demonstrate that the testimony led to a miscarriage of justice. The jury's $228,765 award was affirmed. Jason Ray v. Wal-Mart, 120 F.3d 882 (8th Cir. 1997). Collin P. Dobrovolny, Minot, ND for plaintiff. Jennifer K. Trucano and Daniel E. Ashmore, Rapid City, SD for Wal-Mart. Louisiana Woman Injures Back and Neck After Slipping in Wal-Mart Restroom ? Appellate Court Increases Award from $64,000 to $250,000, Awards Plaintiff's Husband $20,000 for Loss of Consortium. Plaintiff required five surgeries on her neck and lower back when she fell after slipping on an unknown substance on the restroom floor. Her husband claimed that the injury had a harmful effect on both their social and sexual lives and forced him and his stepson to be responsible for most of the household chores. The appeals court increased plaintiff's award for general damages form $64,000 to $250,000 and awarded plaintiff's husband $20,000 for loss of consortium. Kathleen Spangler v. Wal-Mart, 673 So.2d 676 (La.App. 1 Cir. 1996). Charest Thibaut III, John S. Thibaut Jr., Baton Rouge, LA and Al LeBlanc, Maringouin, LA for plaintiffs. John Swift and Kyle L. Gideon, Lafayette, LA for Wal-Mart. Woman Ruptures Achilles Tendon When Wal-Mart Employee Strikes Her From Behind With Fully Stocked Cart ? $963,000 Florida Award Plaintiff, a 46-year-old day care center director, ruptured her Achilles tendon when a Wal-Mart employee pushed a fully-stocked cart into her. Wal-Mart admitted liability. The jury awarded plaintiff $853,000 and plaintiff's husband $110,000 for loss of consortium. Browning v. Wal-Mart, Manatee County(FL) Circuit Court, Case No. 93-1623. Thomas W. Carey and Thomas D. Roebig Jr., Clearwater, FL for plaintiffs. Vincent M. D'Assaro and Hunter A. Hall, Orlando, FL for Wal-Mart. Seventy-One-Year-Old Plaintiff Suffers Multiple Injuries When Sam's Club Employee Strikes Her With Line of Carts ? $72,700 Florida Award Plaintiff, a 71-year-old retiree, injured her anterior cruciate ligament, strained her back and tore the menisci of the inner aspect of the knee when a Sam's Club employee pushed a line of carts into her. Wal-Mart contended that plaintiff was negligent because she suddenly stopped walking. The jury awarded plaintiff $72,700. Miller v. Wal-Mart, Hillsborough County (FL), Circuit Court, Case No. 91-1988. Fritz Gray, Tampa, FL for plaintiff. Vincent M. D'Assaro, Orlando, FL for Wal-Mart.. Shopper Suffers Temporomandibular Injury When Falling Metal Sign Hits Her ? $50,000 Louisiana Award Plaintiff required surgery to her temporomandibular joint after an unsecured metal-framed shelf sign fell from a shelf located approximately six feet from the floor and hit her as she attempted to retrieve merchandise from a shelf. Wal-Mart failed to post signs indicating that the shelf was not intended to be accessible by customers. The appeals court affirmed the jury's $48,200 award to plaintiff and $1,800 award to plaintiff's husband for loss of consortium. Elizabeth B. Leonard v. Wal-Mart, 721 So.2d 1059 (La.App. 1 Cir. 1998). Brian L. Williams, Baton Rouge, LA for plaintiffs. Roy C. Beard, Metairie, LA for Wal-Mart. Food Demonstrator Fractures Both Arms After Becoming Entangled in Rope Used To Close Store Aisles ? $143,979 Florida Award Plaintiff, a 68-year-old food demonstrator, fractured both her arms when she fell after becoming entangled in rope that was used to close off store aisles. The jury returned a $240,000 verdict, but reduced the award by 40 percent for comparative negligence. Elwert v. Wal-Mart, Duval County (FL) Circuit Court, Case No. 96-02200- CA. Evan J. Yegelwel and Theodore S. Pina Jr., Jacksonville, FL for plaintiff. Sam's Club Pursues Prosecution of Bad Check While Plaintiff Claims Check Forged With Stolen Information -- Jury Awards Plaintiff $75,000, Seventh Circuit Reverses $35,000 Punitive Damages Award Plaintiff sued Wal-Mart for malicious prosecution after a Sam's Club brought criminal charges against her to collect on a bad check for $180. The check was forged with information from plaintiff's lost or stolen wallet. Although the police contacted Sam's Club and explained plaintiff's plight, the store continued to pursue the prosecution. Wal-Mart testified that it was prepared to drop charges as soon as it received a police report, but that it never received one. It was an error for the trial court to instruct the jury on punitive damages when plaintiff failed to raise the issue until after both parties rested. The jury awarded plaintiff $40,000 in compensatory damages and $35,000 in punitive damages. The Seventh Circuit reversed the punitive damages award; Wal-Mart declined to appeal the compensatory damages award. Deeanna Brewer v. Wal-Mart, 87 F.3d 203 (7th Cir. 1996). W. Scott Montross, Indianapolis, IN for plaintiff. Thomas L. Davis and Robert W. Wright, Indianapolis, IN for Wal-Mart. Shopper Wrongfully Arrested for Passing Bad Check at Sam's Club ? $40,000 Missouri Award Plaintiff sued Sam's Club for malicious prosecution after being charged with writing a bad check at the store. Plaintiff was arrested and held in jail for seven hours; the charges were dismissed four days later when it was determined that the plaintiff's brother passed the bad check. The jury awarded plaintiff $30,000 in actual damages and $10,000 in punitive damages. Richardson v. Wal-Mart, Clay County (MO) Circuit Court, Case No. CV193-7379-CC. Benny J. Harding and David J. Weimer for plaintiff. Kevin R. Locke and David S. Baker for Wal-Mart. Nurse Detained and Prosecuted on Suspicion of Shoplifting ? $128,050 Kansas Award Plaintiff, a 23-year-old nurse, sued Wal-Mart for false arrest, invasion of privacy, outrageous conduct and malicious prosecution after being detained outside the store, accused of shoplifting, arrested and prosecuted. The court dismissed all of the charges. Plaintiff charged that Wal-Mart wanted to perform a strip search. She also contended that the store planted the evidence in her bag. Wal-Mart argued that the merchandise found in the plaintiff's shopping bag was not listed on the sales ticket. The jury awarded plaintiff $57,100 for false arrest, $2,200 for invasion of privacy, $24,000 for outrageous conduct and $44,750 for malicious prosecution. Wash v. Wal-Mart, Wyandotte (KS) District Court, Case No. 89C-3338. Bryson R. Cloon, Overland Park, KS for plaintiff. Robert F. Rowe Jr., Kansas City, KS for Wal-Mart. Alabama Woman Sues Store for False Imprisonment After Being Detained on Suspicion of Shoplifting ? $200,000 Award Affirmed Plaintiff sued Wal-Mart for false imprisonment after a store employee questioned and detained her on the suspicion that she stole a coat from the store. The Alabama Supreme Court affirmed the jury's $200,000 award. Wal-Mart v. Sharon Jones, 533 So.2d 551(Ala. 1988). Ronald A. Drummond, Scottsboro, AL for plaintiff. Donna S. Pate, Huntsville, AL for Wal-Mart. Woman Sues Store for False Arrest and Malicious Prosecution After Being Detained and Prosecuted on Suspicion of Shoplifting ? $20,850 Arkansas Award Affirmed Plaintiff sued Wal-Mart for false arrest and malicious prosecution after being detained by a store employee on the suspicion that she stole a pen from the store. Plaintiff claimed that she had forgotten to pay for the pen. The Wal-Mart employee called the police, initiated a prosecution for shoplifting, and continued the prosecution even though the City Attorney recommended that the prosecution be dismissed. The employee claimed that he was unaware of the store's shoplifting procedure. The Arkansas Supreme Court affirmed the jury's $850 compensatory damages award and $20,000 punitive damages award.. Wal-Mart v. Katherine Yarbrough, 681 S.W.2d 369 (Ark. 1984). William T. Morris, Fort Smith, AR for plaintiff. J.L. Hendren, Bentonville, AR for Wal-Mart. Shopper Sues Wal-Mart After Being Detained and Searched on Suspicion of Shoplifting -- $300,000 Texas Award Plaintiff, age 39, sued Wal-Mart after being detained, escorted to a store office, and searched on the suspicion that he had stolen something from the store. As plaintiff was leaving the store, a Wal-Mart loss prevention associate grabbed his shoulder, spun him around and, with two other employees, took him to the back office. Inside the office, the employee acknowledged that he had not seen plaintiff conceal any merchandise. Nonetheless, he demanded that plaintiff empty his pockets and drop his pants. After plaintiff refused to drop his pants, the employee ordered plaintiff to raise his shirt. Plaintiff explained that his torso was heavily bandaged because he had recently undergone three major surgeries in connection with a liver transplant. The employee ordered him to remove his bandages. Plaintiff contended that he could not remove the bandages, since he had to take precautions to ensure that the wound would not be exposed in an unsterile environment. Plaintiff claimed that the employee disregarded his expressed concern over exposing his wound and continued to demand that he remove the bandages. Afraid that the employee would remove the bandages himself, plaintiff carefully loosened the bandages. This satisfied the employee, so he told plaintiff that he was free to leave. The employee refused to apologize or explain his actions. Plaintiff alleged that an assistant store manager and support manager witnessed the entire interrogation and search, but did nothing to stop it. The trial court granted Wal-Mart's motion for a directed verdict on the intentional infliction of emotional distress and malice claims. Subsequently, the jury awarded plaintiff $300,000. Carl W. Cockrell v. Wal-Mart, Matagorda County (TX) District Court. Case No. 98-H-0059-C. Scott Broussard and Anthony R. Segura, Houston, TX for plaintiff. J. Preston Wrotenbery, Houston, TX for Wal-Mart. Minnesota Man Sues Wal-Mart for Defamation, False Imprisonment and Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress After Store Employee Detains and Accuses Plaintiff ? Judgment for Plaintiff on Defamation Affirmed, Judgments for Plaintiffs on False Imprisonment and Negligence Reversed, $180,000 General Damages Award Remanded for New Trial Plaintiff sued Wal-Mart for defamation and false imprisonment after a store employee told police that plaintiff stole merchandise. Plaintiff also sought damages for negligent infliction of emotional distress. The police detained plaintiff for twenty minutes. None of the store employees involved believed that they could have made an in-store detention of plaintiff. The store employee's investigation did not provide him with sufficient facts to believe that the statements he made to the 911 operator were valid. The store employee did not direct plaintiff's detention. It was an error to submit negligence to the jury as a separate cause of action. The general damages questions on the verdict form was not associated with the specific causes of action. The appeals court affirmed the trial court's judgment for plaintiff on his defamation claim, but reversed the trial court's judgments for plaintiff on his false imprisonment and negligence claims and remanded the $180,000 general damages award for a new trial. Gregg J. Smits v. Wal-Mart, 525 N.W.2d 554 (Minn. App. 1994). Ronald H. McLean and Jane L. Dynes, Fargo, ND for plaintiff. David A. Ranheim, Michael J. Wahoska and Edward B. Magarian, Minneapolis, MN for Wal-Mart. Customer Sues Wal-Mart for Slander After Being Accused of Shoplifting ? Arkansas Supreme Court Affirms $25,000 Award Plaintiff sued Wal-Mart for slander after an employee accused her of shoplifting from another store during the previous week. The employee made the accusations in an area of heavy consumer traffic and in view of two other store employees. It was not an error to admit testimony for the purpose of proving that the employee made the accusations, rather than the truth of the statements. The jury awarded plaintiff $25,000. The Arkansas Supreme Court affirmed the award. Wal-Mart v. Carolyn Dolph, 825 S.W.2d 810 (Ark. 1992). Brooks A. Gill, Dumas, AR for plaintiff. Edwin Lowther Jr. and Samuel Bird, Monticello, AR for Wal-Mart. Texas Retiree Injured by Shoplifting Suspect and Security Personnel During Apprehension ? $60,224 Award Plaintiff, age 61 and retired, suffered herniated discs when a shoplifting suspect and store security personnel struck her in a Wal-Mart store. Plaintiff contended that the employees were negligent in taking the suspect through the store when it was filled with Christmas shoppers. Wal-Mart claimed that it took appropriate measures during the apprehension of the suspect. The jury awarded plaintiff $60,224. It awarded plaintiff's husband nothing on his loss of consortium claim. Subsequently, the parties settled the case for a confidential amount. Hutto v. Wal-Mart, Cherokee County (TX) District Court, Case No. 92-6-00354. Russell C. Brown, Henderson, TX for plaintiffs. Tom Henson, Tyler, TX for Wal-Mart Employee Fired For Interracial Dating -- Fifth Circuit Affirms $19,000 Compensatory Damages Award, Reinstates Punitive Damages Award at $75,000 Plaintiff, a white female former employee, sued Wal-Mart for racial discrimination on the grounds that she was fired for dating an African-American man. The store claimed that plaintiff was fired for shopping for store merchandise during working hours. The evidence, however, suggested that plaintiff's husband made the purchase, that other employees purchased items at the end of their shifts without being disciplined, and that the supervisor who made the decision to fire plaintiff ignored corroborating evidence and refused to investigate. Plaintiff testified that her supervisor remained silent when another supervisor told plaintiff she "would never move up with the company being associated with a black man." She also indicated that her husband's supervisor told him a few days before the termination that "they" were going to "mess with" and "terminate" plaintiff. Plaintiff's supervisor had given her a one-day suspension for an earlier incident of shopping for store merchandise during working hours; she had also received a written reprimand for holding a Christmas party without contacting him, even though she had left messages on his voice mail concerning the party and had held the same party for four years. The jury awarded plaintiff $19,000 in compensatory damages and $100,000 in punitive damages. Subsequently, the trial court granted Wal-Mart's motion for judgment as a matter of law on the punitive damages claim. The Fifth Circuit affirmed the compensatory damages award. It also reversed the


South Carolina,
A Question At The End? For Ruth and Others...

#370Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 23, 2006

Ruth (If that is your true name): You write very strong words and seem to be buddies with the insulters and God Haters. If you recall it was me, that suggested that some of the insulters seem to be the same person and supplying multiple reports to make it look like someone else supporting their twisted position. Are you sure you are a Christian? This Report is true, as I think someone in some earlier reporting verified some of the items to be true. This report is just like the sample that Jesus said whenever the people saw all that He did, still did not want to believe in who He really was, the Son of God. The same subject is reflected here. You have seen the proof, and yet you refuse to believe the truth. Why is that? I will not violate, nor do I think Wal-Mart or anyone else will violate Todd's private information by posting it on this website. If they do then that can be a court case in itself. I am sure Wal-Mart is well aware of this posting and is well aware of Todd's case, and is frantically scrambling around trying to justify their violations against Todd and others. From what I know of Todd, I am sure he will prosecute anyone and everyone that violates his privacy. He trusted me in telling me his story, and I felt it was of interest to post it. It is not unusual for a report that is based on someone else, to reflect as it was the person in subject. This happens all the time, and I am sure you do the same thing. That in itself does not constitute a rejection of the report in being truthful or not. Plus, me trying to assist the "insulters" in typing, spelling and using proper grammar should not be grounds for rejecting the report either. They should thank me for helping them improve themselves. Actually, I have only done that a few times. But if you would be fair, I have taken much more insults from them for an entire year. Even as much so, that these insulters now claim they know Christians, and that I am acting outside of the Christian ring, if there was such a one. The requirements of not arguing on small matters are between two Christians, the rule does not apply to non-Christians. Plus, this is no small matter, nor is this between Christians. The insulters that I have communicated to clearly informed me that they were not Christian. Therefore, it would seem you have not read the part where Jesus conflicted with the priest and leaders at the time almost on the same level. He corrected their education, their grammar, and their faith. Some of the leaders even ask the question, "How is it this man knows so much, when He has never studied in our school?" So, I would be very careful in pointing your fingerer at me and claiming I am not a Man of God. But I will say, if I have conflicted with God's words (not mans), then I will repent. But, I see nothing where I have conflicted with His word, and I have given Him the Praise in this entire thread. I will not sit back and let the wicked trample all over God and a Man of God. As a Christian, God, commands us to point out the wrongs being done, and if rejected by the wrongdoers, then we are to knock the dust from our feet and proclaim that the people have rejected God, and if they do not repent, God will punish them. But this is not the true nature of the topic here. The true nature is, did Wal-Mart do what is claimed in this posting. Well, as it has been dramatically expressed, they did. And Todd's victory has proven that it was done. By you threatening me, to inform Wal-Mart of this posting is not the first time anyone has threatened that. I think it was Lori sometime back that did the same. I will tell you as I told her, Wal-Mart was informed by me back when this report was first started back in April of 2005. And if Lori has spoken correctly, she informed Wal-Mart as well. And I think someone else said the something. With that said, lets correct something here and now. Slander is defined as this: 1. Law. Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation. 2. A false and malicious statement or report about someone. So, one will have to prove that this has happened in this thread. But since, Todd has won his victory, it is proven that this report is TRUE. And even if Todd did not get victory in the case, it would still not be slander, because the posting would be one side of the story. But since, God gave Todd victory, which it strengthens, the report. So, there is no slander here. Those that state they are lawyers and they are going to attack me for slander and whatnot, is crazy! If they want to throw away money and time to some lawyer for a loosing legal battle on their part, then go ahead. But know this, I will counter sue whatever bogus claims anyone tries to bring against me. So bring it on, if you dare. It would be entertaining to say the least. Plus, the various statements by the "insulters and God Haters" are nothing new. You can go back to the very first postings and read for yourself that these insulters began attacking this post from the start. I did research and found these same people attack others as well. If Wal-Mart wants to bring all of this to some kind of legal battle, then go ahead, but then everything will be forced to come into play. All of these "insulters" will be required to testify in court, most likely on their own cost of travel, to testify their connection and insulting attacks against me, and so on. Wow, the cost on all these insulters would be high. Air travel, hotel, and food, et al. But I think it was Denny that said he made over $100,000 per year, so he can afford it. But from my understanding that is low pay where he lives. I do not see who would pay him $100K for such poor grammar; I think he said he was connected to Wal-Mart, or something. Oh, big surprise. Now, with your aggressive statements and attacks accusing me of going around to other postings is very wrong. And I can only pray that you have not caused further pain and suffering to those poor people by attacking their posting. Then that would turn it into a large class-action court case. You may need to ask yourself if you could afford such a financial loss for such insults against a report that is true. Today, I know what God is going to do. He expresses it very clearly in His Bible. This country that uses His name has become a pit of demon lovers. Not all, but many. I look around and see such wrongs going on. I can understand some people put up red flags whenever someone states the name of Jesus. But does that prove that "all" have misused God's name? And this posting has provided a nice sample of that. You have something started out by expressing a wrongdoing that was conducted against a man and his family. And the posting is right off surrounded by attacks. It is interesting, that the very first responding was a Christian with prayers. And I know the last will be a Christian with Praises. But most reject the posting and others like it, because it references God. I found a posting like this one, without any God reference at first, and not one attack was on that one. UNTIL, the poster or someone said something about God. Then these "insulters and God Haters" attacked the posting with aggressive tactics. Now, to be fair, these "attackers" not only attack reports with referencing to God, but they also attack mostly, "Wal-Mart" reports. This leads me to believe they are connected to Wal-Mart in one-way or another. And I think some have even admitted to it. Okay, now lets get to something else. You say on one hand you want to believe, and then on another you say you do not. I am confused of your position in this regard. But then you say, you will believe if I post the full identity of Todd so you and these "insulters" can verify the posting. Is this correct? Well now. As I have said, I will not, and I do not care how pissed off you get. I will not violate Todd's information. You can either believe the posting or not, it really does not matter. What matters is God, I believe, wanted this posting to be started and if just ONE PERSON has found their way to the Lord and REPENTED, then it was ALL WORTH IT. This posting will continue if God wills it, and nothing or any of the "insulters" can do ANYTHING about it! If God is done with this posting, then HE, and HE alone will remove it. But, as I know of HIM, HE will not and will make sure it stays for all to see HIS GLORY AND VICTORY. An innocent man, that went thru such sorrows conducted by the wicked, has shown his faith in the LORD, and victory was given to him. That is a modern version of the Book of JOB. It is so wonderful, and I am glad to be a part of it. Oh, Praise God. I do have something for you, if you really are a Christian, as you claimed you are. I was praying and asking God what I might say to you to help you in your quest to Jesus, if in fact you really are seeking the truth. Please read Psalm 113, it is just for you. Then ask yourself this. In this entire posting, did I once take the Glory for myself or for Todd? Did I ever state that it was because of ME that victory came for Todd? Did I ever state that victory came because of Todd? Think about that. This thread is filled with Glory to GOD, and GOD ONLY! This thread is filled with PRAISING GOD, and HIM ONLY! What is wrong with that? I have read where many claim I am like people that misuse God's name to take money or glory for themselves, so have I done that? These people, including yourself, has accused me falsely and without a cause. You hate me, because I Praise God for proving His words are true. But as the this case went on, and I felt such grace coming from Todd. What a wonderful story of faith. It is as if I was reading it directly from the Bible. One last thing. I will say this. If God wants you to know the truth of the matter, then you will know, if not, then you would have never believed in the first place. God knows the heart. And unlike these "insulters" that attempt to crucify me because they hate the fact I have posted truths here, really bring me no discomfort. I on the other hand, know where my heart is and what the truth of the "Big Picture" is. Which brings me to something else. Ask yourself this. If God is not real and the Bible is a fluke. Then why in just five years has there been: 1. Two 110-story buildings blown up, where over 2000 people died, over a religious war? (World Trade Center) 2. A tidal wave that destroys cities, towns in a blink of an eye, within multiple countries. (2004 Asian Tsunami) 3. Two powerful Hurricanes (Katrina and Rite-Catagory5) hit the same place with weeks of each other that completely destroy a city (New Orleans), which was known for its wickedness against God and Poor Christians. 4. Major fires all over the globe, mainly in cities that have high wickedness. 5. A third of the world is starving, when you have so many rich people and companies (ever in human history) that do nothing about it. 6. The sea, within the Earth, and the air, is all hotter than ever recorded. 7. Crimes and wrongdoings are at the highest levels ever. (Globally) Ever notice all the Christian talk everywhere? I have another question to ask, and I am asking this for everyone. Please be truthful now. Where you live, if all of a sudden you lost everything in a major storm. (Home, money, food, family, water, everything) And you were left among all the ruble, you had no communication, and for miles around you see nothing, hear nothing, just yourself. You try to find people, but you cannot. And it is way to far away to go anywhere. You are basically trapped. Plus, the sun is hot and beating down on you. You are hungry and thirsty. Days turn into weeks, and weeks into months with no one to help you. What would be the first thought in your mind? 1. Would you call on God? (Most say this, not even knowing it, "Oh God!") 2. Would you call on some man-made-up god? 3. Would you do nothing? I am very interested in your response to this. But if you wish not to answer, that is okay to.


Those that have found this same report on other sites

#371Consumer Comment

Wed, March 22, 2006

Please post the url of the site(s) in question. This would give us a clearer picture of who in FACT Todd really is.


Saint Charles,
Oh Todd?

#372Consumer Comment

Wed, March 22, 2006

I distinctly remember you saying in one of your early posts "The truth will set me free." I think its safe to say you're still shackled. I've grown quite tired of your lying and hypocrisy. Get a life. Better yet, get a TRUE Christian life.


Lake Oswego,
I will not violate Todd's privacy

#373Consumer Comment

Wed, March 22, 2006

todd you are what we have found you out to be you said as a third party"I will not violate Todd's privacy butyet in the SAME POSTING YOU SLIPPED AND REFERRRED TO YOURSELF AS TODD AND IT WAS SIGNED TODD, I am no longer looking for proof, but as i stated on one of your other sites where you pose as "kathy" or Charles" I am going to contact Wal-mart an have them take a good look at your postings and then I am going to contact claude Raptis ( if you didn't make that name up too) and then Global (kathy's post) and I haven't made it to the referenced "Allstate post", one refered to in one of those two sites,by some one who also suspects you are the same person and have the companies take a good read here, they might find this slander of their companies interesting, and iam sure in the consipiracy against you they can find out who you are legally, by tracing your postings , so be careful out there Todd, Charles, kathy whoever you are, kills me all that preachin" and you are just a liar in dire bneed of attention.I was sure glad to read that Todd was referenced too in one of those prior postings, becuase i was still giving you the benefit of the doubt, and as one person said in those pots, you seem to make up people to agree with you tooand referred to THIS posting believeing you were in fact Todd as well.You are a fraud and like i said i will bring this to Wal-marts attention. So get your proof in order Todd you are gonna need it.I am only turning this in to wal mart and the other companies becuase you deserve what you asked for, you took advantage of good people trying to believe in you and help you, and you made fools out of us, shame on you, but you know what YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW, and your day is upon you, my friend. what a lousy thing to do to people.


Lake Oswego,
For the record

#374Consumer Comment

Wed, March 22, 2006

For the record it is this sites INTENTION that you surf it, and check out postings that is what it was created for to INFORM the public and yes, I do have better things to do, but I happen to LOVE my computer it is my quiet time.So what if I surfed and found rantings that either were you, or were not? You have to admit though the God hater stuff made it to those sites too, and I find it hard to believe that 3 different postings should all have the same basic GOD TALK "GOD WILL PREVAIL, GOD HATERS" ETC. So, like I said, if I am wrong I ask for forgiveness, and I will take my humility and learn from it, I won't spout on and on to aviod the subject , or try to divert attention away from my mistake, from the similarities I noticed between these 3 sites,BUT IT REALLY DOES SOUND LIKE THE SAME PERSON POSTED ALL 3!I told people to go and check the out for themselves, then they could make thier own decision.


Lake Oswego,
Todd iam still waiting for YOU to post your proof

#375Consumer Comment

Wed, March 22, 2006

Todd if you are telling the truth why don't you just post it for crying out loud.I happen to come on everyday and when I am on I check to see if you can prove your case. Your refusal to do so is outrageous and , for the record jesus didn't broadcast he was the son of God , every time he had the chance, we get it, you are a christian, so can you please post the info and put a close to this, so that those of us that believed in you, don't feel entirely stupid for doing so? I shop wal- mart so I would like to know if this really happened or not, I do not need to be educated in the scriptures, I NEED to be EDUCATED in the proof you supposedly have.I will give you this you are very good at skirting the "incident" you claimed happened and you were found innocent , so what harm would it be to share that with us? You shared the bad why not the good?I just don't get you Todd, and i am wondering if anything you say is true even your faith, you have ben judgemental ( at least i admitted i was )you have called people names that simply asked for the facts, you have called these same people ignorant, becuase not all of us can type well.Just cut loose with the proof will ya?


South Carolina,
Is This The Information You Seek?

#376Author of original report

Wed, March 22, 2006

You know my entrance unto you, that it was not in vain: But even after that I had suffered before, and were shamefully entreated, as you know, at Wal-Mart, I was bold in our God to speak unto you the gospel of God with much contention. For my exhortation was not of deceit, nor of uncleanness, nor in guile: But as I was allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so I speak; not as to please men, but God, which trieth my heart. For neither at any time did I use flattering words, as you know, nor a cloke of covetousness; God is witness: Nor did I seek glory from men or women, when I might have been burdensome, as the apostles of Christ. But I was gentle among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children: Although, during a few situations I was in deep sorrow and may have seemed angry. None the less, my words were inspired to speak by God. So being affectionately desirous of you, I was willing to have imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but also my own soul, because you were dear unto me. For you remember, that my labour and travail: for labouring night and day, because I would not be chargeable unto any of you, I preached unto you the gospel of God and the witnessing that God directed me to speak. You are witnesses, and God also, how holily and justly and unblameably I behaved myself among you that BELIEVE: As you know how I exhorted and comforted and charged every one of you, as a father doth his children, That you would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory. For this cause also I thank God without ceasing, because, when you received the word of God which you heard from me, you received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that BELIEVE. For you, became followers of the churches of God which are in Christ Jesus: for you also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as the wicked have done in times of old: Which were both killed for the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men: Forbidding us to speak of the Glory of God that the LOST might be saved, to wash their sins away: for the wrath is coming upon the wicked to the uttermost lands and seas of the World. But I, being taken from you for a short time in presence, not in heart, endeavoured the more abundantly to see your face with great desire. Wherefore I would have come unto you once and again; but Satan hindered me. For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming? For you are our glory and joy. YHWH!


You say WHAT????

#377Consumer Comment

Wed, March 22, 2006

You don't want to violate Todd's privacy? First of all, it was all well and good to have a running commentary and evangistical rant for the past several months on Todd's behalf (ok, we get it now, this didn't happen to you, so you've finally decided to step up and admit lying, correct? How upright of you!) but now you DON'T WWANT TO VIOLATE HIS PRIVACY. How interesting. The last time I checked, a court case is public knowledge, and the infomation available to any and all who want it, through the FOIA. You're not violating anything, except the trust (again) of those that have followed this thread. Ah, well, we all pretty much had it figured out anyway. The indications are all pretty much there, you know, it wasn't you, no one can find a similar case, your Jim Baker type of preaching at us 'sinners' and God Haters (um, btw, he went to jail too, remember? What a coincidence!). I'll continue to check in from time to time to check on Denny, Nick, Ruth and all of the others that have shown through their words and good hearts that they actually care about others, and regardless of beliefs, they live with their heads up, willing to lend a hand to any less fortunate. Maybe at some point, actual information will be posted (ok, guys, I know, but I have to have that little shred to hang on to! *wink*). If not, thats ok, it won't change my compassion for the next person that comes along, nor my willingness to lend a hand when needed. Many blessings my friends!


Todd, I really don't get it

#378Consumer Comment

Wed, March 22, 2006

As I said previously, Legina and Ruth seem to get a grasp on your situation Todd. I still know nothing of your guilt or innocence; nevertheless, being a man of faith, I felt a responsibility to defend you because of your self-proclaimed allegiance to Christ. Whether you are or not, this is not my judgement. On this thread that you created, to my chagrine, I was put in a situation where I not only felt an obligation to shield my faith but, to some extent, assist to exonerate you. I will not waiver in my faith in the LORD; however, I do pray for you for using the LORD's name in vain. You claim to campaign against Wal-mart because of your incident and for others that have been wronged, so this thread would have been the perfect opportunity to expose this establishment. Unfortunately, it becomes more apparent that your using ripoff to gain recognition, calling attention to yourself, not GOD. There were times I might not have said the most uplifting things (I can be very passionate); but I pray and ask for forgiveness in those instances. Todd, you should be held accountable and do the same! Honestly, will GOD have you sit and mock others by correcting their spelling and/or grammer? GOD is perfect and is the only authority to correct imperfect man. Todd regardless of your intentions, GOD will forgive you. Todd just realize Romans 3:23,"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of GOD". During these times that we may fail always keep to heart 1 Corinthians 13:4-7,13(NKJV),"Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love." I agree with Ruth about humility, we all will experience this through some event in our life. Todd thanks to you, I am humbled. Many prayers for you! GOD BLESSES!!!


No news here...

#379Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 22, 2006

Todd; I see you have refused once again to provide the simple information that everyone has asked for. Is that any great surprise? No. Clearly, it isn't. You instead clung tenaciously to your tried-and-true protocol of hollow verse, and needless (and often incorrect) dissemination of grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure, all the while continuing to commit errors both ghastly and comical! I do so hope that my tax dollars weren't used in funding your education, for if such is the case then I fear I have been swindled. NMS P. S. None of your "corrections" to my former post cured anything, and two were clumsy, and stupidly executed. I must say, if you seek to correct written communication of any sort you really must try thinking for yourself. Your computer's word processor has its fine points, but it is no substitute for brains. NMS


No news here...

#380Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 22, 2006

Todd; I see you have refused once again to provide the simple information that everyone has asked for. Is that any great surprise? No. Clearly, it isn't. You instead clung tenaciously to your tried-and-true protocol of hollow verse, and needless (and often incorrect) dissemination of grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure, all the while continuing to commit errors both ghastly and comical! I do so hope that my tax dollars weren't used in funding your education, for if such is the case then I fear I have been swindled. NMS P. S. None of your "corrections" to my former post cured anything, and two were clumsy, and stupidly executed. I must say, if you seek to correct written communication of any sort you really must try thinking for yourself. Your computer's word processor has its fine points, but it is no substitute for brains. NMS


No news here...

#381Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 22, 2006

Todd; I see you have refused once again to provide the simple information that everyone has asked for. Is that any great surprise? No. Clearly, it isn't. You instead clung tenaciously to your tried-and-true protocol of hollow verse, and needless (and often incorrect) dissemination of grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure, all the while continuing to commit errors both ghastly and comical! I do so hope that my tax dollars weren't used in funding your education, for if such is the case then I fear I have been swindled. NMS P. S. None of your "corrections" to my former post cured anything, and two were clumsy, and stupidly executed. I must say, if you seek to correct written communication of any sort you really must try thinking for yourself. Your computer's word processor has its fine points, but it is no substitute for brains. NMS


South Carolina,
Thanks Walker... Praise God!

#382Author of original report

Wed, March 22, 2006

Hi Walker, Thanks for your posting. I do and have posted that I do, pray for everyone here. (Even if I think they need more than prayer... maybe a good ole-spanking... ya know like grandma's use to do) I do LOVE them (hard love). Other wise I would never put such efforts to chat with them. I have other things I need to do than keep responding to this post, but I feel God wishes me to witness and help others, so therefore I continue. Someone needs to pickup the cross and help Jesus. It is our duty as Christians. We are command to do so. I will agree, not everyone at Wal-Mart is evil or bad. I do know some home-grown-great people there. Many have even given me some inside details of the inner problems. But I refer to Wal-Mart as a whole. They had 12 months to REPENT and make things right in Todd's case, but they refused and God has proved that Todd is a man of God. Anyway, I will pray for you and Praise God! YHWH!


South Carolina,
WOW! I Leave For A Few Days And?

#383Author of original report

Wed, March 22, 2006

I must laugh out loud on this one! Unlike you "Insulters and God Haters", I am not glued to my computer searching, reading and trying to cause further harm to the people that have taken the liberty to post the horrible events that had happen to them. If these "insulters and God haters" are lawyers and or real investigators, which I highly doubt, whom ever they represent is in big trouble, because they no nothing of proper legal procedures and processes. For an example these "want-a-bees" come on a public website to waist time and make investigative claims against the original posting. Even so much so, as to surf all over other postings on RipOffReport, shouting insults to other posters and claiming that the report is not authentic. This is just down right cruel to say the least. It is one thing to attack this posting, but to attack someone else that is in such deep emotional breakdowns because of the events that happen to them is just outrageous. I can understand the words of Jesus when He talked about the priest and lawyers buzzing around trying to plot a method to catch Him so they could crucify Him. With that said, I will address something that I had already done in the past. First of all, I will not violate Todd's privacy by publicly posting something that has no business being torn by the wolves (insulters and God Haters). Todd has suffered enough already. Secondly, I will not educate those who attempt to claim they are real lawyers and investigators, when they have exposed themselves as knowing NOTHING of legal proceedings. If they wish to learn then they need to go and apply for a law school and pay the $35,000 for that degree. Thirdly, I frankly do not care weather you rant and rave if this posting is real or not. I can see right through your lying hearts that you care nothing for the problems and issues. Because if you did, you would not be wasting time trying to destroy this postings and others like it, but rather trying to repair the problem. (wrongdoing) This leads me to believe these "insulters and God Haters" are nothing more than funded by Wal-Mart going around insulting postings on this website. I will also state, that the very first posting "Date Created: 4/14/2005", "I am now fighting this as best I can, and I will sound the trumpet as loud as I can to make the people know what corporations are doing to our freedom! It is out of control and needs to STOP! God Will Give Me Victory!" Both parties involved know very clearly of the truth of the matter and that God did give Todd the VICTORY!!! God is so awesome, real, and I praise Him every day. This is what causes serious anger to the "insulters and God Haters". Is because of the God reference. I have say so what! I really could care less. I know the truth; I have seen the truth, and God will project the situation when it serves His purpose to do so in HIS TIMING. By For Now? PRAISE GOD! (Doesn't that just get your tail-butt in a twist every time I reference God? And you know it is the truth to the insulters and God Haters)


South Carolina,
WOW! I Leave For A Few Days And?

#384Author of original report

Wed, March 22, 2006

I must laugh out loud on this one! Unlike you "Insulters and God Haters", I am not glued to my computer searching, reading and trying to cause further harm to the people that have taken the liberty to post the horrible events that had happen to them. If these "insulters and God haters" are lawyers and or real investigators, which I highly doubt, whom ever they represent is in big trouble, because they no nothing of proper legal procedures and processes. For an example these "want-a-bees" come on a public website to waist time and make investigative claims against the original posting. Even so much so, as to surf all over other postings on RipOffReport, shouting insults to other posters and claiming that the report is not authentic. This is just down right cruel to say the least. It is one thing to attack this posting, but to attack someone else that is in such deep emotional breakdowns because of the events that happen to them is just outrageous. I can understand the words of Jesus when He talked about the priest and lawyers buzzing around trying to plot a method to catch Him so they could crucify Him. With that said, I will address something that I had already done in the past. First of all, I will not violate Todd's privacy by publicly posting something that has no business being torn by the wolves (insulters and God Haters). Todd has suffered enough already. Secondly, I will not educate those who attempt to claim they are real lawyers and investigators, when they have exposed themselves as knowing NOTHING of legal proceedings. If they wish to learn then they need to go and apply for a law school and pay the $35,000 for that degree. Thirdly, I frankly do not care weather you rant and rave if this posting is real or not. I can see right through your lying hearts that you care nothing for the problems and issues. Because if you did, you would not be wasting time trying to destroy this postings and others like it, but rather trying to repair the problem. (wrongdoing) This leads me to believe these "insulters and God Haters" are nothing more than funded by Wal-Mart going around insulting postings on this website. I will also state, that the very first posting "Date Created: 4/14/2005", "I am now fighting this as best I can, and I will sound the trumpet as loud as I can to make the people know what corporations are doing to our freedom! It is out of control and needs to STOP! God Will Give Me Victory!" Both parties involved know very clearly of the truth of the matter and that God did give Todd the VICTORY!!! God is so awesome, real, and I praise Him every day. This is what causes serious anger to the "insulters and God Haters". Is because of the God reference. I have say so what! I really could care less. I know the truth; I have seen the truth, and God will project the situation when it serves His purpose to do so in HIS TIMING. By For Now? PRAISE GOD! (Doesn't that just get your tail-butt in a twist every time I reference God? And you know it is the truth to the insulters and God Haters)


South Carolina,
WOW! I Leave For A Few Days And?

#385Author of original report

Wed, March 22, 2006

I must laugh out loud on this one! Unlike you "Insulters and God Haters", I am not glued to my computer searching, reading and trying to cause further harm to the people that have taken the liberty to post the horrible events that had happen to them. If these "insulters and God haters" are lawyers and or real investigators, which I highly doubt, whom ever they represent is in big trouble, because they no nothing of proper legal procedures and processes. For an example these "want-a-bees" come on a public website to waist time and make investigative claims against the original posting. Even so much so, as to surf all over other postings on RipOffReport, shouting insults to other posters and claiming that the report is not authentic. This is just down right cruel to say the least. It is one thing to attack this posting, but to attack someone else that is in such deep emotional breakdowns because of the events that happen to them is just outrageous. I can understand the words of Jesus when He talked about the priest and lawyers buzzing around trying to plot a method to catch Him so they could crucify Him. With that said, I will address something that I had already done in the past. First of all, I will not violate Todd's privacy by publicly posting something that has no business being torn by the wolves (insulters and God Haters). Todd has suffered enough already. Secondly, I will not educate those who attempt to claim they are real lawyers and investigators, when they have exposed themselves as knowing NOTHING of legal proceedings. If they wish to learn then they need to go and apply for a law school and pay the $35,000 for that degree. Thirdly, I frankly do not care weather you rant and rave if this posting is real or not. I can see right through your lying hearts that you care nothing for the problems and issues. Because if you did, you would not be wasting time trying to destroy this postings and others like it, but rather trying to repair the problem. (wrongdoing) This leads me to believe these "insulters and God Haters" are nothing more than funded by Wal-Mart going around insulting postings on this website. I will also state, that the very first posting "Date Created: 4/14/2005", "I am now fighting this as best I can, and I will sound the trumpet as loud as I can to make the people know what corporations are doing to our freedom! It is out of control and needs to STOP! God Will Give Me Victory!" Both parties involved know very clearly of the truth of the matter and that God did give Todd the VICTORY!!! God is so awesome, real, and I praise Him every day. This is what causes serious anger to the "insulters and God Haters". Is because of the God reference. I have say so what! I really could care less. I know the truth; I have seen the truth, and God will project the situation when it serves His purpose to do so in HIS TIMING. By For Now? PRAISE GOD! (Doesn't that just get your tail-butt in a twist every time I reference God? And you know it is the truth to the insulters and God Haters)


South Carolina,
WOW! I Leave For A Few Days And?

#386Author of original report

Wed, March 22, 2006

I must laugh out loud on this one! Unlike you "Insulters and God Haters", I am not glued to my computer searching, reading and trying to cause further harm to the people that have taken the liberty to post the horrible events that had happen to them. If these "insulters and God haters" are lawyers and or real investigators, which I highly doubt, whom ever they represent is in big trouble, because they no nothing of proper legal procedures and processes. For an example these "want-a-bees" come on a public website to waist time and make investigative claims against the original posting. Even so much so, as to surf all over other postings on RipOffReport, shouting insults to other posters and claiming that the report is not authentic. This is just down right cruel to say the least. It is one thing to attack this posting, but to attack someone else that is in such deep emotional breakdowns because of the events that happen to them is just outrageous. I can understand the words of Jesus when He talked about the priest and lawyers buzzing around trying to plot a method to catch Him so they could crucify Him. With that said, I will address something that I had already done in the past. First of all, I will not violate Todd's privacy by publicly posting something that has no business being torn by the wolves (insulters and God Haters). Todd has suffered enough already. Secondly, I will not educate those who attempt to claim they are real lawyers and investigators, when they have exposed themselves as knowing NOTHING of legal proceedings. If they wish to learn then they need to go and apply for a law school and pay the $35,000 for that degree. Thirdly, I frankly do not care weather you rant and rave if this posting is real or not. I can see right through your lying hearts that you care nothing for the problems and issues. Because if you did, you would not be wasting time trying to destroy this postings and others like it, but rather trying to repair the problem. (wrongdoing) This leads me to believe these "insulters and God Haters" are nothing more than funded by Wal-Mart going around insulting postings on this website. I will also state, that the very first posting "Date Created: 4/14/2005", "I am now fighting this as best I can, and I will sound the trumpet as loud as I can to make the people know what corporations are doing to our freedom! It is out of control and needs to STOP! God Will Give Me Victory!" Both parties involved know very clearly of the truth of the matter and that God did give Todd the VICTORY!!! God is so awesome, real, and I praise Him every day. This is what causes serious anger to the "insulters and God Haters". Is because of the God reference. I have say so what! I really could care less. I know the truth; I have seen the truth, and God will project the situation when it serves His purpose to do so in HIS TIMING. By For Now? PRAISE GOD! (Doesn't that just get your tail-butt in a twist every time I reference God? And you know it is the truth to the insulters and God Haters)


Eating Food at Wal-mart and being accused falsely

#387Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 21, 2006

Todd, Hello, I am in a wheelchair also. I know it is hard to push or wheel a wheel chair to the front of a Super Wal-Mart. The best thing that could have happened is first gone and paid for the Eats and then gone back and ate the food. I know about what you did because I have done it too , be somewhere with a big wheelchair in a crowd. But the Bible does say "don't let your good works be evil spoken of' and thats all Satin needed for people say " I thought he was a Christian. You know let the one's with no sin cast the first stone. I have met some good people that worked in Wal-Mart and met some snobs. I won't take nothing from Wal-Mart staff, I will call 1-800 WalMart and complain or give a credit to someone and I have don it right in the store. See the people that think they don't have no sin are ready to condim. I just want to say pray for your accusers and next time do it another way. Good luck and God Be With You. Walker Beeville ,TX


Lake Oswego,

#388Consumer Comment

Tue, March 21, 2006



Lake Oswego,
Denny check this out!

#389Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 21, 2006



Lake Oswego,
If this shows me anything i have learned the are a lot of fair and kind people out there!

#390Consumer Comment

Tue, March 21, 2006

Well Denny, I would have to say "Todd needs to come out of the closet"And own up to his acussation if wal- mart reads this still going on, and the police officer, Todd could be in bing "slander trouble" with Wal mart, if Todd would own up I would fogive him in a second, becuase that has to take guts to admit to alot of people who backed him up and trusted in his original posting,that he cannot produce proof , so the "INCIDENT" may probably all be a lie, this web site amazed me at how many people are good hearted out there, and all we asked for was a lousy county, judges name or docket/case# I will forgive 'Todd" if he comes clean, for chipping away at peoples trust and their faith in people. I was on another site yesterday and for the life of me I can't remeber what psoting, but I am gonna try, there was a guy named "Charles" that went on and on about his landlord taking advantage of him and his mother, he too, kept bringing up the lord, first thing I thought was OH MY GOD THAT SOUNDS JUST LIKE TODD! So now iam wondering if you are wander postings and making this same sort of ruckus.The site was alanlord /tenant and it had the landlords name in it real hard to pronounce name, different name, and '"Charles" was rambling on and on again ,same story over and over again, huge long postings, and the bible keep being brought up and it really did look like Todd's posting here.The usage of non believers stuff along those line with any one that disagreed with him.The names alone "Todd" "Charles" sound "common, and in the first posting it was HIS mothers posting, then it went to him and his mother, any of this sounding familiar Todd?! If you have done this i would have ot say,you are vey troubled, needs loads of attention you get on here, in dire need of help,A young angry kid, that loves to argue, or a liar, or maybe iam wrong about all this to say it was in fact you, in that site, but it looks an awful lot like this posting, in that case I ask your forgivness, but i got a hunch...... i have really tried to answer why you would keep the name calling and preaching going on and then supply no proof, and lately, Todd noone has seen you post too recently, and I know you get the rebuttals sent via email to you. Most christians don't scream every posting that that is what they are, you are trying to divert focus away from the "incident", and on to God , becuase the incident never happened? maybe? I wanted so badly to believe in you, I really felt sorry for you and your family, most of all your kids.You let alot of really good people down Todd, maybe we aren't spouting sciptures, but at one time are hearts were with you, I lost it about halfway through, i started wondering then. So I am truly disappointed, that you didn't prove your story too, not becuase I don't want wal mart to treat people that way,But becuase you took advantage of everyone that believed in you. You owed us proof when you posted this listing oh and on the other site, "charles" keeps insisting he has photos and can prove it, much like you did and failed to produce, this IS judgemental, I know,but Todd I really did want to find out the truth and now am pretty sure it is made up.So go ahead and rant at me for being judgemental, but read some of your own postings before you do, I see ALOT of judgement there, the prior poster was right about everything they said about you losing the good people. people that believed in you and your faith. I am so sorry for you "Todd" and maybe "Charles" but I can no longer support you in this until you make a liar out of me, and I hope you do, its good humility to be human and make a mistake . Trust i will have learned SOMETHING FROM IT TODD, so produce what you got so it can be verified or quit with the preachin' okay?


Todd wouldn't know what Cold hard facts were

#391Consumer Comment

Tue, March 21, 2006

Even if it were to hit him in the face. Remember, All that "Todd" has wrote is a FAIRY TALE. Already proven by a poster in this thread alone, that he could not find one filed CASE or DOCKET in the SAME county as "Todd" that remotely fits the actions and description of the incident "Todd" has reported here. Remember "todd" is a pseudonym; he's already said that the incident didn't happen to him, the posts that it did happen to him. Said that his name wasn't "Todd". So, what kind of Christian is he since he started off with a lie?


Todd wouldn't know what Cold hard facts were

#392Consumer Comment

Tue, March 21, 2006

Even if it were to hit him in the face. Remember, All that "Todd" has wrote is a FAIRY TALE. Already proven by a poster in this thread alone, that he could not find one filed CASE or DOCKET in the SAME county as "Todd" that remotely fits the actions and description of the incident "Todd" has reported here. Remember "todd" is a pseudonym; he's already said that the incident didn't happen to him, the posts that it did happen to him. Said that his name wasn't "Todd". So, what kind of Christian is he since he started off with a lie?


Todd wouldn't know what Cold hard facts were

#393Consumer Comment

Tue, March 21, 2006

Even if it were to hit him in the face. Remember, All that "Todd" has wrote is a FAIRY TALE. Already proven by a poster in this thread alone, that he could not find one filed CASE or DOCKET in the SAME county as "Todd" that remotely fits the actions and description of the incident "Todd" has reported here. Remember "todd" is a pseudonym; he's already said that the incident didn't happen to him, the posts that it did happen to him. Said that his name wasn't "Todd". So, what kind of Christian is he since he started off with a lie?


Todd wouldn't know what Cold hard facts were

#394Consumer Comment

Tue, March 21, 2006

Even if it were to hit him in the face. Remember, All that "Todd" has wrote is a FAIRY TALE. Already proven by a poster in this thread alone, that he could not find one filed CASE or DOCKET in the SAME county as "Todd" that remotely fits the actions and description of the incident "Todd" has reported here. Remember "todd" is a pseudonym; he's already said that the incident didn't happen to him, the posts that it did happen to him. Said that his name wasn't "Todd". So, what kind of Christian is he since he started off with a lie?


Ok, Todd, the time has come

#395Consumer Comment

Mon, March 20, 2006

It seems that you've accomplished alienating people instead of bringing them to the Lord. You started this thread by filing accusations, continued it by verbally assaulting those that responded to you, and now comes the time of truth. Are you going to own up to either A) being the person involved in this complaint and giving verifiable information or B) owning up to NOT being the person in this complaint (IE: admit that you lied and ask forgiveness). There have been many on here who initially supported you, and as time went on, realizing that they've been taken for a ride. Others on here have been bashed, judged (doesn't your bible say 'Judge not, lest ye be judged'?) and run into the ground. You have turned this into a crusade, believe as you believe, or be damned. Regardless of my spiritual beliefs, I've never been subjected to the type of behavior that youe've exhibited. I live by my beliefs, am kind to others, and teach my children the same. I don't hold up my beliefs in defense of actions that I know are wrong, but instead take responsibility. In all of my life, I've NEVER met a 'Christian' such as yourself. Please, post your docket number, or any other information that will verify your story, or apologize and drop it. In the spirit of being 'Christian', stop the name calling, stop attacking others beliefs, and accept that all we want is the cold hard facts.


Lake Oswego,
Todd I ask once again

#396Consumer Comment

Mon, March 20, 2006

Todd In my last posting I neither condemed you nor did I defend you, I can't defend you if you don't give the simple info you should have, if, in fact this has happened to you. As I said before I know my bible. Everyone that doesn't agree with you, or respectfully asks for more info, is berated, and labeled and a non believer by you, or one of your internet friends, I am non judgemental,but I would like to see you defend yourself with the court case #, docket# etc. I cannot understand WHY you chose to ignore those requests, in the beginning I even stuck up for you, I thought how horrible what they put this poor man and his family through, but as I read on and on and on, I see nothing christianly about calling people non believers, satanists etc, becuase they ask for verifiable information. You never answered my question as to WHY you refuse to cut loose with the info that will prove, you are in fact, telling the truth.It is a simple request and don't you think it is only fair to share that info, since you started this posting by attacking Wal-Mart, yet you have given no proof when asked for, skirt around the issue, call people names and go and and on about the bible, you aren't complaining about a church or religious organization, you are in fact, complaining about and "INCIDENT" that occurred in a store. Just becuase poeple can't type they are not stupid, and I, for one, think that was uncalled for.You go on about the bible in long drawn out responses when the simplest thing to do is just give the info so it can be verified.It would save you alot of defending yourself.Is it that you CAN'T give this info out becuase you don't have it?Personally, rather than take attacks from people and name calling, I would rather just give them verifiable info. I also stated I am not against you Todd, I would like to believe you, really I would, so what would it hurt you to give the case and docket number, and the judges name? Why would you want to sit here and be called names and a liar? When if it happened, you have the proof to prove you are innocent and have been.People aren't attacking you becuase of your christianity, it is your refusal to prove you are truthful.If you can't prove it then you have been lying and that is slander.So, Todd like I said I am not against you, but I would like you to post the info, I have followed this thread and I would like to see that you are in fact, being truthful.You said you were found innocent so why not give the info out? I just don't understand how you are willing to endure the name calling and the horrible things people are saying about this thread and other people , becuase they don't agree with a response, that is unecessary.Again, please don't respond to me about God and the Bible , as I said I have read my bible, and this isn't about God, it is about and Wal- Mart, and you. You attack people and ramble on about God and the bible it has nothing to do with the "incident", so please Todd don't respond to this with calling me a non believer ,satanist, or some long drawn out response with scriptures, I really am only interested in knowing the truth and since it is in question, why not defend yourself with the info asked for and not the scriptures? I did not call you names , nor did I sit in judgement on you so please do not do that to me.I merely asked for the court info, which Todd, remember you started this thread with an accusation, and are simply being asked to back it up, yet you do not respond to those simple requests,I am wondering why you won't. I am truly puzzled.It makes your complaint uncredible when you call people names and bring God and the bible into it. I am glad you are strong in your faith, thats what America is all about the FREEDOM to make our OWN choices and not be berated for them, becuase it doesn't happen to be the way you believe. So, come on Todd, prove them wrong and give the simple info requested of you and get your credibility back.And please no attcks on my typos no ones perfect.


Lake Oswego,
Todd I ask once again

#397Consumer Comment

Mon, March 20, 2006

Todd In my last posting I neither condemed you nor did I defend you, I can't defend you if you don't give the simple info you should have, if, in fact this has happened to you. As I said before I know my bible. Everyone that doesn't agree with you, or respectfully asks for more info, is berated, and labeled and a non believer by you, or one of your internet friends, I am non judgemental,but I would like to see you defend yourself with the court case #, docket# etc. I cannot understand WHY you chose to ignore those requests, in the beginning I even stuck up for you, I thought how horrible what they put this poor man and his family through, but as I read on and on and on, I see nothing christianly about calling people non believers, satanists etc, becuase they ask for verifiable information. You never answered my question as to WHY you refuse to cut loose with the info that will prove, you are in fact, telling the truth.It is a simple request and don't you think it is only fair to share that info, since you started this posting by attacking Wal-Mart, yet you have given no proof when asked for, skirt around the issue, call people names and go and and on about the bible, you aren't complaining about a church or religious organization, you are in fact, complaining about and "INCIDENT" that occurred in a store. Just becuase poeple can't type they are not stupid, and I, for one, think that was uncalled for.You go on about the bible in long drawn out responses when the simplest thing to do is just give the info so it can be verified.It would save you alot of defending yourself.Is it that you CAN'T give this info out becuase you don't have it?Personally, rather than take attacks from people and name calling, I would rather just give them verifiable info. I also stated I am not against you Todd, I would like to believe you, really I would, so what would it hurt you to give the case and docket number, and the judges name? Why would you want to sit here and be called names and a liar? When if it happened, you have the proof to prove you are innocent and have been.People aren't attacking you becuase of your christianity, it is your refusal to prove you are truthful.If you can't prove it then you have been lying and that is slander.So, Todd like I said I am not against you, but I would like you to post the info, I have followed this thread and I would like to see that you are in fact, being truthful.You said you were found innocent so why not give the info out? I just don't understand how you are willing to endure the name calling and the horrible things people are saying about this thread and other people , becuase they don't agree with a response, that is unecessary.Again, please don't respond to me about God and the Bible , as I said I have read my bible, and this isn't about God, it is about and Wal- Mart, and you. You attack people and ramble on about God and the bible it has nothing to do with the "incident", so please Todd don't respond to this with calling me a non believer ,satanist, or some long drawn out response with scriptures, I really am only interested in knowing the truth and since it is in question, why not defend yourself with the info asked for and not the scriptures? I did not call you names , nor did I sit in judgement on you so please do not do that to me.I merely asked for the court info, which Todd, remember you started this thread with an accusation, and are simply being asked to back it up, yet you do not respond to those simple requests,I am wondering why you won't. I am truly puzzled.It makes your complaint uncredible when you call people names and bring God and the bible into it. I am glad you are strong in your faith, thats what America is all about the FREEDOM to make our OWN choices and not be berated for them, becuase it doesn't happen to be the way you believe. So, come on Todd, prove them wrong and give the simple info requested of you and get your credibility back.And please no attcks on my typos no ones perfect.


Lake Oswego,
Todd I ask once again

#398Consumer Comment

Mon, March 20, 2006

Todd In my last posting I neither condemed you nor did I defend you, I can't defend you if you don't give the simple info you should have, if, in fact this has happened to you. As I said before I know my bible. Everyone that doesn't agree with you, or respectfully asks for more info, is berated, and labeled and a non believer by you, or one of your internet friends, I am non judgemental,but I would like to see you defend yourself with the court case #, docket# etc. I cannot understand WHY you chose to ignore those requests, in the beginning I even stuck up for you, I thought how horrible what they put this poor man and his family through, but as I read on and on and on, I see nothing christianly about calling people non believers, satanists etc, becuase they ask for verifiable information. You never answered my question as to WHY you refuse to cut loose with the info that will prove, you are in fact, telling the truth.It is a simple request and don't you think it is only fair to share that info, since you started this posting by attacking Wal-Mart, yet you have given no proof when asked for, skirt around the issue, call people names and go and and on about the bible, you aren't complaining about a church or religious organization, you are in fact, complaining about and "INCIDENT" that occurred in a store. Just becuase poeple can't type they are not stupid, and I, for one, think that was uncalled for.You go on about the bible in long drawn out responses when the simplest thing to do is just give the info so it can be verified.It would save you alot of defending yourself.Is it that you CAN'T give this info out becuase you don't have it?Personally, rather than take attacks from people and name calling, I would rather just give them verifiable info. I also stated I am not against you Todd, I would like to believe you, really I would, so what would it hurt you to give the case and docket number, and the judges name? Why would you want to sit here and be called names and a liar? When if it happened, you have the proof to prove you are innocent and have been.People aren't attacking you becuase of your christianity, it is your refusal to prove you are truthful.If you can't prove it then you have been lying and that is slander.So, Todd like I said I am not against you, but I would like you to post the info, I have followed this thread and I would like to see that you are in fact, being truthful.You said you were found innocent so why not give the info out? I just don't understand how you are willing to endure the name calling and the horrible things people are saying about this thread and other people , becuase they don't agree with a response, that is unecessary.Again, please don't respond to me about God and the Bible , as I said I have read my bible, and this isn't about God, it is about and Wal- Mart, and you. You attack people and ramble on about God and the bible it has nothing to do with the "incident", so please Todd don't respond to this with calling me a non believer ,satanist, or some long drawn out response with scriptures, I really am only interested in knowing the truth and since it is in question, why not defend yourself with the info asked for and not the scriptures? I did not call you names , nor did I sit in judgement on you so please do not do that to me.I merely asked for the court info, which Todd, remember you started this thread with an accusation, and are simply being asked to back it up, yet you do not respond to those simple requests,I am wondering why you won't. I am truly puzzled.It makes your complaint uncredible when you call people names and bring God and the bible into it. I am glad you are strong in your faith, thats what America is all about the FREEDOM to make our OWN choices and not be berated for them, becuase it doesn't happen to be the way you believe. So, come on Todd, prove them wrong and give the simple info requested of you and get your credibility back.And please no attcks on my typos no ones perfect.


Saint Charles,
Stick to the facts, Todd

#399Consumer Comment

Mon, March 20, 2006

Todd, Your posts still do not answer the basic factual questions being asked of you. What was your case number? Where was it prosecuted? Your case has NOTHING whatsoever to do with you being a "Christian." They are simple questions being asked of you and if you are telling the truth then it is a simple answer. You are doing nothing more now than proving yourself to be the liar we are assuming you are. Save the Bible rhetoric and the preaching and answer the questions. IF you are the "Devout Christian" you claim to be then be honest - God expects nothing less.


Posting the exact same post twice? Why?

#400Consumer Suggestion

Mon, March 20, 2006

Have I called people idiots or mock someone for their spelling? Nope. And yet you do, and when spelling and grammer becomes your issue with me, your already lost any point. Have I used the terms of fool or idiot of any other person other than you? Re-read these postings before trying to take a position. Get your facts right Nick! Nick must have selective reading, any of your inquisitions directed towards me I have promptly combated, to the point that my spelling and grammer annoys you. Again, maybe you should return to church, why? You are to far gone in this agnostic kick, that you won't lend an ear to let Ephesians 4:29 come to fruition. Nick, take a look at Legina's and Ruth's post, they get it. P.S-Nick I don't get why you will post the same thing twice? Maybe a little redundant? ;)


Damon, etc = Todd

#401Consumer Comment

Mon, March 20, 2006

Todd, you were asked very respectfully to post proof or to answer whether or not either one of those cases were yours. You haven't. You've smeared Wal-mart at every step without providing any kind of proof. The best defense you can come up with is to act as a spellchecker. You can't provide any proof that any of this happened, yet you want support. You can't post without posting something totally vile at this point, so why are you still here? It's pretty much been proven that you lied. The defenders you have here have looked no further than you "I am a devout Christian" B.S. . Everyone else can see that you have lied. And you can't be reasoned with. You refuse to have an adult conversation. Here's what I think the truth is: You heard this story secondhand. My best guess is that it happened to someone you don't like, whose values and morals annoy you. Who tries to push their religion on you. You got bored or high or drunk or all three and stumbled across this website. You decided to post this story to see what would happen. You did it mainly as a parody but you saw it growing into something and you couldn't resist fanning the flames more. You eventually admitted that this incident did not happen to you, but no one seemed to care. So you stayed and continued to argue and berate people over their "stupidity". And now you just can't stop yourself. I also think that Damon and some of your more rabid defenders are just aspects of your personality. You saw that you were getting the crap kicked out of you and decided to register pretending to be other people so that you could have people to agree with you. Kinda sad.


Wal-Mart is right and you are wrong.

#402Consumer Suggestion

Mon, March 20, 2006

Damon said: You call me out and now is infuriated that your dense rhetoric was exposed. ..and now ARE infuriated. Todd? What do we say about grammar and spelling here? Let's see a little consistency here. Infuriated by you? Nope, try again. You didn't call me out for anything! TODD was the one saying that he had the right to judge. Is he not doing an amazing job at judging EVERYONE who disagrees with him? Here, Damon, take a look. Here are a FEW of the "JUDGEMENTS" Todd has posted: 1. The insulters are "poor losers" just like their master, satan (Disagreement with Todd = not saved) 2. It is because they are confused that in all of their worshiping power of greed and corruption (Disagreement with Todd = Worshipping anything except God) 3. The insulters prayed to their false god, satan and demons, who are actually criminals themselves (Disagreement with Todd, the sammich swiper = YOU are now a criminal!) 4. I think my dogs have more brainpower than all of the "insulters and God haters" combined. (Disagreement with Todd = Dumber than his dogs) 5. I pray these fools see the light before it is too late. (Disagreement with Todd = ?You're a fool!?) This is especially interesting in light of: "And whoever says to his brother, "Raca!" shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, "You fool!" shall be in danger of hell fire (Matt 5:22)." I wouldn't get too close in helping someone in danger of hellfire, Damon. Here's the kicker though: Todd says on 3-14: "I do, or at least I hope, I have demonstrated my love for others and hope that they understand my purpose. I just read a scripture today talking about how many are blinded to the truth of God, because they refuse Him in their hearts. LOL!!!! And I wonder why! God gets such great press from a self proclaimed "prophet" and ambassador of Christ, I JUST DON'T GET IT!! Why are people NOT flocking to Christ! Well, I don't expect much from you, either, Damon. On 3-16, you entitled a post called "Maybe you should return to church.? But on 3-17, you said "I have not been for a few years now, but seek fellowship" DIRECTLY after you accused me of being the kettle calling the pot black. Damon said: I'm sorry we are all sinners except for you Nick I never said I wasn't a sinner, so stop playing the martyr. But I own up to my mistakes. I don't blame corporations, or Satan or police officers or judges. And I pay for what I purchase, so NO-ONE can accuse me of stealing. And I don't defend those who do, and then claim it's a test from God. It's called "avoiding the appearance of evil", which is noted in 1Thess 5:22. Todd obviously failed to do that! Damon said: Now Nick, how would you know? This statement makes it appear as if you are a sympathizer. YES! I am a sympathizer of lost souls. I don't champion my status in the kingdom of heaven in an attempt to label and OSTRACIZE everyone who doesn't subscribe to my denomination as "lost" or "wicked". Neither of you two numbskulls offer ANY enticement for any non-believer to become a Christian. The way you two talk: To hell with the "Great Commission", let's just accuse Todd's doubters of being lost, wicked and hateful instead of making the crucifixion mean something more than your personal vendetta against Wal-Mart. You could be the two most victorious guys in the Kingdom of Heaven for all I know. But I can't tell, because you're being such VICTIMS about the whole thing. And then there's Todd's penchant for revenge. Where does THAT fit in a "spiritual life", Damon? Damon said: Although you are redundant with your many furious outburst you make, you have no point and you continue to be a simpleton... For such a simpleton, I seem to have a hard time getting an answer from you. How can you call people fools and idiots (for their SPELLING for cripes sake), or in Damon's case rally behind that, and then out of the same mouth, say "PRAISE GOD" and ?God Blesses!?? Ephesians 4:29: Let no evil talk come out of your mouth, but only what is good for giving necessary teaching, and for grace to those who give ear. Explain this, Damon. Chime in Todd - it's been a few days since hearing from you: I'm all ears.


South Carolina,
God Has Everything To Do With It!

#403Author of original report

Sun, March 19, 2006

Ask yourself this. "Is life only the results of our own interpretations and actions?" Or is there something more, than being born, functions in life, and then death? Is that all? Why is there a group of Books (Bible), that have been passed down for 4000+ years, translated in every language on Earth, the most published, and can relate to anything within our own life's? WHY? So, what does this have to do with this post (Wrongdoing, Greed, et. al.), or even God for that matter (Praise, Victory, Love, et. al.)? EVERYTHING. Every person that has found Christ was because of someone else Witnessing to him or her in one way or another. God has called me to make this posting known, and to help those who have a heart to CHANGE and REPENT! Those who have tried to trick me, by stating they know the Bible and that this posting should reframe from bringing God the Glory, is either a liar, or has not read the Bible. There are many samples and COMMANDS that tell a Christian's first duty is to witness! How would anyone know about God if everyone shut up about Him? Paul was a murder, liar, and sinner. King David was a murder, liar, and sinner. Peter a liar, sinner. And all REPENTED, and was loved by God. Samuel, John, Daniel, and others kept themselves pure, by REPENTING, Praying, Thanksgiving, Praising and making sure they kept the WILL of God. So, as many know by now, I will NOT STOP bringing God the Glory! This post is a witnessing of the wrongs that were done to a Christian man and his family, and the awesome power that God has done. This story is too bright to keep hidden away. It is the wickedness of the world that tries to put out that fire. But as the wicked have learned all within HISstory, is you can never take GOD OUT of LIFE! It is funny; that there are two types of people in this posting that really expose themselves: 1. The ones that love God want to hear more about Him and what He has done in this situation. 2. The others have two areas: 2a. Some come right out and Hate God. 2b. The other area is they act as if they are of God, but their very words expose them that they are not of God. I need none of you to tell me of my relationship with God and how I am to live in His will. I know very well my position and relationship with Him. And I know if someone conflicts with His words and attempts to justify evils being done to others, by trying to silence the voice of righteousness, then those that attempt to curse that voice, are not of God. God is very upset with this country that bears His name and claims to be flowers of Him. It is funny that you do not see any of these "insulters and God Haters" throw away all the money that has "In God We Trust". Instead, they keep it, take it, and use it. They even do wrong to themselves to get it! I have tried my best to express the truth of the matter and what is happening in our country. I know there are many that know I speak the truth. This year you will see God's hand as He rebukes the wicked further, as He moves His protected face away from them, since they REJECT Him. When He does this, the evil spirits will move in to destroy. I can not understand some people's proud hearts, when so many horrible things have happen in these past FIVE years (2000-2005), that many still refuse GOD! It really makes me wonder and I shake my head, and plea to God, that maybe I am not being a loud enough voice. Maybe, if others spoke louder and stopped being silent. We could save these proud people. Only God knows. So, you see, I speak the voice of truth. This voice is for HIS WILL, not mine! If you do not want to read these words, as I have spoken many times, you do not need to respond or even read them! But since you do, then these words must be troubling you and causing you to check your own spirit and maybe you do need to REPENT! I pray for all of you, and hope none burn in the fire of the word, when the Almighty speaks it, when He returns. PRAISE GOD!!! HE HAS GIVEN VICTORY! HIS WORDS STAND FOREVER!!! PRAISE HIM!!! PRAISE HIM!!!


South Carolina,
Denny, Here Is Your Corrected Posting?

#404Author of original report

Sun, March 19, 2006

Denny, Here Is Your Corrected Posting? ===1=== Deborah & Nick, what does your postings have to do anything with the fact that.. ....Todd is a thief, a liar, and a sinner? That he violated his "christian" (C) beliefs by commiting (COMMITTING) a crime here on Earth, and got caught? And that as a "christian" (C) he now attacks others (I thought that in the christian (C) faith, it says to love thy neighbor or some bs like that?). So what if "God" saved him this day; for those of us who have seen his postings here; he shows the classic signs of a psychopath, who is in need of professional help and maybe some instutition (INSTITUTION) time. HE is not sane, in any sense of the word. "God" saved him, in his own mind; yet here is this "christian" (C) thinking that the atrocities of nature that have happened recently are due to "god's will" of those who "disagree" with him or "god haters" What kind of christian (C) is that? To wish harm on others? (IMPROPER GRAMMAR) That is way too hypocritical. Deborah and Nick, stick to preaching in your place of worship, at a church, where like minds like yours (you can take Todd with you), are willing to hear it. We however, are using this site, to show that Todd, for the liar he is. Denny - Honolulu, Hawaii U.S.A. === Denny, Your Second Corrected Posting? ===2=== what's the case number , todd? (IMPROPER GRAMMAR) the court it was tried in? the judge who presided? Fact todd, (IMPROPER GRAMMAR) something that you seem to have a trouble of grasping. Denny - Honolulu, Hawaii U.S.A. ===END===


Todd - where did you go? You're letting Damon fight your battle for you.

#405Consumer Suggestion

Sun, March 19, 2006

Damon said: You call me out and now is infuriated that your dense rhetoric was exposed. ..and now ARE infuriated - not "is". Hey Todd? What do we say about grammer and spelling here? Something about being stupid and "Godless"...?? Infuriated by you, Damon? Nope, try again. You didn't call me out for anything! TODD was the one saying that he had the right to judge. Is he not doing an amazing job at judging EVERYONE who disagrees with him? Here, Damon, take a look. Here are a FEW of the "JUDGEMENTS" Todd has posted: 1. The insulters are "poor losers" just like their master, satan (Disagreement with Todd = not saved) 2. It is because they are confused that in all of their worshiping power of greed and corruption (Disagreement with Todd = Worshipping anything except God) 3. The insulters prayed to their false god, satan and demons, who are actually criminals themselves (Disagreement with Todd, the sammich swiper = YOU are now a criminal!) 4. I think my dogs have more brainpower than all of the "insulters and God haters" combined. (Disagreement with Todd = Dumber than his dogs) 5. I pray these fools see the light before it is too late. (Disagreement with Todd = You're a fool!) This is especially interesting in light of: "And whoever says to his brother, "Raca!" shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, "You fool!" shall be in danger of hell fire (Matt 5:22)." I wouldn't get too close in helping someone in danger of hellfire, Damon. Here's the kicker though: Todd says on 3-14: "I do, or at least I hope, I have demonstrated my love for others and hope that they understand my purpose. I just read a scripture today talking about how many are blinded to the truth of God, because they refuse Him in their hearts. LOL!!!! And I wonder why! God gets such great press from a self proclaimed "prophet" and ambassador of Christ, I JUST DON'T GET IT!! Why are people NOT flocking to Christ! Well, I don't expect much from you, either, Damon. On 3-16, you entitled a post called "Maybe you should return to church. But on 3-17, you said "I have not been for a few years now, but seek fellowship" DIRECTLY after you accused me of being the kettle calling the pot black. Damon said: I'm sorry we are all sinners except for you Nick I never said I wasn't a sinner, so stop playing the martyr. But I own up to my mistakes instead of wishing God would smite my opposition. I don't blame corporations, or Satan or police officers or judges. And I pay for what I purchase, so NO-ONE can accuse me of stealing. And I don't defend those who do, and then claim it's a test from God. It's called "avoiding the appearance of evil", which is noted in 1Thess 5:22. Todd obviously failed to do that! Damon said: Now Nick, how would you know? This statement makes it appear as if you are a sympathizer. YES! I am a sympathizer of lost souls. I don't champion my status in the kingdom of heaven in an attempt to label and OSTRACIZE everyone who doesn't subscribe to my denomination as "lost" or "wicked". Neither of you two winners offer ANY enticement for any non-believer to become a Christian. The way you two talk: To hell with the "Great Commission", let's just accuse the lost of being lost, wicked and hateful instead of making the crucifixion mean something more than your personal vendetta against Wal-Mart. You could be the two most victorious guys in the Kingdom of Heaven for all I know. But I can't tell, because you're being such VICTIMS about the whole thing. Who wants a faith with a bunch of victims? And then there's Todd's penchant for revenge. Where does THAT fit in a "spiritual life", Damon? Damon said: Although you are redundant with your many furious outburst you make, you have no point and you continue to be a simpleton... For such a simpleton, I seem to have a hard time getting an answer from you. How can you call people fools and idiots (for their SPELLING for cripes sake) and then out of the same mouth, blast your "PRAISE GOD for MY VICTORY" rants? Ephesians 4:29: Let no evil talk come out of your mouth, but only what is good for giving necessary teaching, and for grace to those who give ear. So Damon - what is the answer?


South Carolina,
Just For You Chaz? "Cuss Fuss"?

#406Author of original report

Sun, March 19, 2006

As requested, your correct posting. Enjoy. ===Chaz stated:=== And now, from the REAL WORLD... Todd; you lying, thieving, pandering, pharisaic, poltroon; (IMPROPER GRAMMAR) Have I quite made my opinion of you clear? Do you need me to supply an interpreter? I assure you, (YOU;) I can restate it in words of just one syllable, if such is easier to penetrate that thoughtless turnip that sprouts from your shirt collar. You and your ilk disgust me so violently I am forced to keep a bucket close at hand, that I don't besoil (BE SOIL) a perfectly nice carpet at your mere sight. Why don't you think before you open your mouth and belch hate-filled bile and automatic verse? Are the precesses (PROCESSES) of logical thought so foreign to your brains? You compare yourself to St. John? St. John was jailed for serving the Lord. You were jailed for petty theft. St. John, I am sure, did NOT throw tantrums every hour on the hour or invoke the Father's name like a spoiled little child. (*Wah!* Just you wait till MY dad gets hold of you! *Wahhhh!*) You, sir, are NO St. John! You bleat about the persecution of the non-believers, but as far as I have seen, the non-believers have NOT told all and sundry that a great tempest rose and innocent lives were lost because of nefarious businessmen. You bemoan the fact that you were falsely imprisoned and persecuted at the hands of the faceless enemy, yet time and again you refuse to provide the very information that could have blackened their name and cleared yours. This is what you are. You are the wolf, who (WHICH) dons sheep's raiments, (RAIMENT'S) and going forth among the other sheep, contaminate them with your venomous tongue, and vitriolic hatred. No self-respecting follower of Christ would dirty their (HIS OR HER) presence with you or your self-ordained amen corner! I humbly pray that I am never faced with a serpent such as yourself, (YOU) because I would be sorely tempted to walk in the ways of a sinner, and smite them in their nose, and there would be much weeping, and smashing of teeth. I remain (IMPROPER GRAMMAR) A friend and servant of all true Christianity (and NOT your sick vision of it) NMS P.S. Please correct my spelling and grammar, and annotate the same, to this post. Chaz - Spencer, Iowa U.S.A. ===END===


Legina and Ruth are GENUISES!!!

#407Consumer Suggestion

Sun, March 19, 2006

Praise to you two for taking proactive roles in encouraging the truth from Todd instead of beating the man down with malevolent accusations. I pray that Todd would not attempt to use the LORD as validation for any criminal act, for that would be blasphemy. By the grace of GOD, I pray for Todd's innocence. It is only fair that people request this case number, be able to impartially analyze, and determine the truth. Through my first post in support of Todd, I suggested that Todd not respond to "ignorant people"; rather, give his burdens to the LORD. The ignorant people? Those choosing to contribute insulting remarks and unjust assumptions of Todd. Whether wrong or right, GOD has everything to do with all that is done in life. Legina and Ruth,again kudos to you two for driving Todd's original post to course. GOD BLESSES!!!


Phenix City,
I am a wal-mart custormer

#408Consumer Comment

Sat, March 18, 2006

I am a wal-mart custormer I have been shopping their all my life & I have never been accused of shop lifting the key to make wal-mart to think you are not shop lifting is not to hang in a certian area to long don't stand & just don't keep walking back & forth in the same place in the place you are shopping, 2 do not put your hands in your pocket this could quickly lead for wal-mart employees to think your shop lifting or hanging out in one place they have cameras all over the store they have them hidden on the top ceiling they can watch your every move so becareful where you stand or if you keep walking back & forth, sure alot of people gets falsely accused of shoplifting but they have to prove it on video sure a genius altar the images in the video to make it look like it was you doing the shoplifting & the culpret gets away with stealing so the courts need to look at that. If you don't have the money do not go to a store its very easy to get falsely accused of shop lifting but if they don't have the proper evidence to prove that you are the culpret then they can't charge you but then again alot of innocent people are falsely accused of crimes & put in prision the rest of their life the trick is to let them think your not shoplifting is not to stay in a place to long then you will have no troubls & always show your receipt for the things you pay for then you will have no troubles.


Lake Oswego,
Why is this thing so out of control?

#409Consumer Suggestion

Sat, March 18, 2006

I first wrote a thread stating I had been told it was okay to eat in the store and pay later, that is true walmart has said that, but as I read on and on,all I see are ramblings about God, and the BIBLE and NOT the incident, I am now asking myself, Todd if you were found inncoent, why will you NOT provide the readers of this thread with the dicket number , county case #, and court date, I stated that allthough, I was told I could pay later I usually have my son with me, and to set a good example for him, i pay for it right then and there, to be aressted for shoplifting in front of my kids ,would be the WORST example I could set for him,. I also cannot type well sorry for typos, but that doesn't make one stupid. Todd you seem to be hiding something rather than JUST SUPPLY THE INFO ASKED FOR, becuase afterall, YOU DID START THIS POSTING and if you are so innocent, then WHY NOT? What would it hurt? I cannot defend the practice of eating first pay later, becuase as a Christian myself, I morally believe it is wrong to eat iN ANY STORE and trust one will pay at the cashier , and as I stated I ususally have my son with me and it is not a good practice for him to see. Your children were rpobably freaked out and i have not heard you once say anything about how this affected them. I am not against you Todd, but what is wal mart suppossed to do to get their merchandise back if you didn't pay? Pump your stomache, you continually skirt around a simple request for a date, court case#, or docket number or county, I have to wonder why, being a christian has nothing to do with it. i am a firm believer in God but i must admit i have scrolled through most of your ramblings about God and the bible in an effort to find the info that was requested of you. Why won't you supply the information? Afterall you say you have nothing to hide, and please do not respond to this with a long response about christianity and the bible, I have read my bible and I know what it says , but i am curious to see the info asked for posted, and that doesn't make me a wal mart lover either. Right is right and wrong is wrong. poeple are just trying to get the facts , so prove your innocence without rambling on about God, and skirting the issue, just give the information asked for and people will stop. I am shocked at some of the rebutals and YOUR responses to them, most of them have nothing at all to do with the real issue, the complaint. this isn't about you being a christain and you are not a preacher are you? so why not prove your innocence with the case #'s etc? why go on and on about god when it is false arrest you are trying to defend yourself on an quit skirting around the real issue by using religion. This could all end, the attacks and name calling etc, if you provide that info to PROVE WHAT YOU SAY IS TRUE. Most of all i fel for your kids who had to see all of that. and in the future, if you are going to pay anyways , why not just pay for it and get the receipt? I will continue to pray for you and your family and I also pray Todd you give the info asked for with out rambling about something that has nothingot do with this case.


New Mexico,
How did a case on shoplifting become about Christ?

#410Consumer Comment

Sat, March 18, 2006

Hello. I was so intrigued by the nature of this post. I could not understand how a simple case of accused shoplifting could turn into such a heated religious argument. First things first. I am terribly confused as to who Todd is. Is he the accused victim in this case, as he originally states, or is he just a consumer advocate, who is speaking out about this case on the behalf of the alleged victim? If the later is the case, then "Todd" lied. He originally stated that this incident happened to him. If it did not directly happen to him, then he has lied. I will not quote what the bible says about liers, I think that there has been enough preaching going on here. At first glance I felt sorry for Todd and his family for having to be accused of this horrible ordeal. But the more that I read about the events that transpired, the more that I began to question what really happen. Was he leaving something out? Was there more to this story?There are several fact that Todd states are true beyond a doubt. First, there really is a Debbie Miller that is a manager at the Walmart in question. Second, there is an Officer by the name of G. Wise with badge number 10855. Beyond that info I could not disprove, nor verify any more details of his story. Unfortunetly, both parties were unavailable to confirm or deny Todd's story. But I did have an associate manager at the Walmart confirm that a situation similar to Todd's story did in fact take place. She could not give me specific details of the event because she was not present, but had second hand knowledge from Ms. Miller. Still hearsay is not admisable. I also wanted to point out that it is not illegal to detain someone for questioning in a shoplifting incident. As long as it takes place within a reasonable amout of time, this is standard procedure. It does not mean that the person being detained is arrested, just detained for questioning. In order to arrest the individual, the arresting officer must have sufficient evidence against the accused suspect. Just taking the word on a manager will not be enough to arrest the individual. Second, I wanted to point out that it is not standard police procedure (in any county) to transport and detain an individual in another county/city jail for the sake of hiding the individual from his family. In order to transport a suspect to another detention facility, the original county's/ city's jail must have exceeded the maximum inmate capacity. Only then will the suspect be transported to another county. Not because the suspect has warrants in an adjourning county. This is considered due process. Third, I wanted to point out that according to Todd this event took place in Columbia, Sc. This means that even though Todd was transported to another jail facility, the city/county that the alledged crime took place in has jurisdiction over the case. Not the town where the accused suspect was jailed at. So, based on that info, I looked up court records. I cross refrenced any record that had "Walmart" and a defendant named "Todd". Two cases had a match with that info. One was a case that involved a shoplifting incident case # I972658, and one that involved a fradulent check incident, case # H656229. I just want to know Todd if either of these cases are yours? Please do not try to disparage my character, or my religious beliefs for expressing my views and opinions. Be open and honest and state the facts of the case. Todd, I commend you for being so strong in your Christian beliefs.


South Carolina,
Own Up Todd - I am not only a cop in Supervisors position, but I am a lawyer

#411Consumer Comment

Sat, March 18, 2006

Todd, There is a more to a false accusation than you aware, I have checked Richland County, and the whole Irmo and Harbison area, you are not mentioned, so please provide a case number etc, or you will be charged under criminal court and civil court, I have the power. I am not only a cop in Supervisors position, but I am a lawyer, thats right, I finished Law School, and just got admitted into the SC Bar, so please provide the proof, or I personally will file charges naming you and the website in the petition and complaint to the court. Oh yeah, this can be prosecuted under the civil and penal codes. Todd, as another black to another, you are a Negro! Other word omitted! Thats what you are!


South Carolina,
Own Up Todd - I am not only a cop in Supervisors position, but I am a lawyer

#412Consumer Comment

Sat, March 18, 2006

Todd, There is a more to a false accusation than you aware, I have checked Richland County, and the whole Irmo and Harbison area, you are not mentioned, so please provide a case number etc, or you will be charged under criminal court and civil court, I have the power. I am not only a cop in Supervisors position, but I am a lawyer, thats right, I finished Law School, and just got admitted into the SC Bar, so please provide the proof, or I personally will file charges naming you and the website in the petition and complaint to the court. Oh yeah, this can be prosecuted under the civil and penal codes. Todd, as another black to another, you are a Negro! Other word omitted! Thats what you are!


South Carolina,
Own Up Todd - I am not only a cop in Supervisors position, but I am a lawyer

#413Consumer Comment

Sat, March 18, 2006

Todd, There is a more to a false accusation than you aware, I have checked Richland County, and the whole Irmo and Harbison area, you are not mentioned, so please provide a case number etc, or you will be charged under criminal court and civil court, I have the power. I am not only a cop in Supervisors position, but I am a lawyer, thats right, I finished Law School, and just got admitted into the SC Bar, so please provide the proof, or I personally will file charges naming you and the website in the petition and complaint to the court. Oh yeah, this can be prosecuted under the civil and penal codes. Todd, as another black to another, you are a Negro! Other word omitted! Thats what you are!


South Carolina,
Own Up Todd - I am not only a cop in Supervisors position, but I am a lawyer

#414Consumer Comment

Sat, March 18, 2006

Todd, There is a more to a false accusation than you aware, I have checked Richland County, and the whole Irmo and Harbison area, you are not mentioned, so please provide a case number etc, or you will be charged under criminal court and civil court, I have the power. I am not only a cop in Supervisors position, but I am a lawyer, thats right, I finished Law School, and just got admitted into the SC Bar, so please provide the proof, or I personally will file charges naming you and the website in the petition and complaint to the court. Oh yeah, this can be prosecuted under the civil and penal codes. Todd, as another black to another, you are a Negro! Other word omitted! Thats what you are!


You must be lonely?

#415Consumer Suggestion

Sat, March 18, 2006

Nick, your man-crush for Todd is beginning to rear it's ugly head. Your aggression becomes comical. The funny thing is, you continue to try to pry something out of Todd. For what? Self gratification? Another hardin criminal off the streets? You call me out and now is infuriated that your dense rhetoric was exposed. Nick, who does this remind you of? Nick said, It's wanna-be psuedo-spiritualists like you two that justify EVERY reason an atheist or agnostic has for NOT wanting to EVER go to church. Now Nick, how would you know? This statement makes it appear as if you are a sympathizer. Nick (if you claim to be spiritual), what is your purpose? Since you claim that Todd is not following the example set in the Bible, maybe you should introduce yourself as pot to kettle? Then you have this innate fascination with the church. (I have nothing against those that attend)I have not been for a few years now, but seek fellowship(prayer, Bible study, worhship, etc) I'm sorry we are all sinners except for you Nick, perhaps you live a sheltered life with a feverish anticipation for Todd's next post? Nick you are lost. You have proven this with your sadistic thoughts of Todd as a sock puppet and hopes of Todd soliticiting prostitutes; you read the Bible, claim that you are spiritual and condone atheism? Although you are redundant with your many furious outburst you make, you have no point and you continue to be a simpleton; you never fail to amuse me, thanks! I appreciate your support Deborah! GOD BLESSES!!!


And now, from the REAL WORLD...

#416Consumer Suggestion

Sat, March 18, 2006

Todd; you lying, thieving, pandering, pharisaic, poltroon; Have I quite made my opinion of you clear? Do you need me to supply an interpreter? I assure you, I can restate it in words of just one syllable, if such is easier to penetrate that thoughtless turnip that sprouts from your shirt collar. You and your ilk disgust me so violently I am forced to keep a bucket close at hand, that I don't besoil a perfectly nice carpet at your mere sight. Why don't you think before you open your mouth and belch hate-filled bile and automatic verse? Are the precesses of logical thought so foreign to your brains? You compare yourself to St. John? St. John was jailed for serving the Lord. You were jailed for petty theft. St. John, I am sure, did NOT throw tantrums every hour on the hour or invoke the Father's name like a spoiled little child. (*Wah!* Just you wait till MY dad gets hold of you! *Wahhhh!*) You, sir, are NO St. John! You bleat about the persecution of the non-believers, but as far as I have seen, the non-believers have NOT told all and sundry that a great tempest rose and innocent lives were lost because of nefarious businessmen. You bemoan the fact that you were falsely imprisoned and persecuted at the hands of the faceless enemy, yet time and again you refuse to provide the very information that could have blackened their name and cleared yours. This is what you are. You are the wolf, who dons sheep's raiments, and going forth among the other sheep, contaminate them with your venomous tongue, and vitriolic hatred. No self-respecting follower of Christ would dirty their presence with you or your self-ordained amen corner! I humbly pray that I am never faced with a serpent such as yourself, because I would be sorely tempted to walk in the ways of a sinner, and smite them in their nose, and there would be much weeping, and smashing of teeth. I remain A friend and servant of all true Christianity (and NOT your sick vision of it) NMS P.S. Please correct my spelling and grammar, and annotate the same, to this post.


Not Wal-Mart's fault!

#417Consumer Suggestion

Sat, March 18, 2006

Todd's Sock Puppet says: I could understand the "insulters and God Haters" if Todd was the only one that had this evil done to him. But, all one has to do is do a search on RipOffReport.com for Wal-Mart and you will find MANY! Many WHAT?! People who consume goods and walk out without paying for them? Wow, nice try! Most of what I saw "against Wal-mart" was complaining about greeters checking receipts or lack of customer service. Or not taking items back without a receipt. Not STEALING! Todd's Sock Puppet says: With that said, How can anyone try to put a "blind-eye" on that fact? I go to Wal-Mart about once a week for my shopping, and have done so for about 5 years. I've never been accused of stealing because I pay for my purchases BEFORE I open them, and AFTER I leave the store. That is COMMON SENSE. And every day, millions of people go through the doors of Wal-Mart with no incidents. Todd, however, was somehow unable to do this. Further, Todd "casts his prophecies" about his future, yet could not see the obvious problem directly in front of him when it runs him over like a truck. How do you put a "blind-eye" on THAT fact? Maybe Todd learned his lesson from a higher power about consuming items before he pays for them.



#418Consumer Comment

Sat, March 18, 2006

what's the case number , todd? the court it was tried in? the judge who presided? Fact todd, something that you seem to have a trouble of grasping.


South Carolina,
And Trains Just Keep Coming!

#419Author of original report

Fri, March 17, 2006

I could understand the "insulters and God Haters" if Todd was the only one that had this evil done to him. But, all one has to do is do a search on RipOffReport.com for Wal-Mart and you will find MANY! With that said, How can anyone try to put a "blind-eye" on that fact? The issue is this, the "insulters and God Haters" think that everyone is brain-dead, and think that everyone listens to them! WRONG! The truth is there, the truth will set Todd FREE, which it did! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD!



#420Consumer Comment

Fri, March 17, 2006

The biggest reason I can think of to keep this thing going is because we non-believers want Todd to keep his rhetoric going. He and his are the best sales for anti-christianism. No we non-believers will non accost anyone on the streets, on the internet or anywhere else. Buddhist won't either. Muslims don't even do it though they show a hatred of things different then them just like christians do. Preach on...there is going to be an effect.


Just an Observation

#421Consumer Comment

Fri, March 17, 2006

When you meet someone on the street, you are naturally polite and conscious of the other person's feelings. Normally you wouldn't outright accuse a complete stranger of lying, nor call them names or engage in any sort of abusive behavior because there would be a good chance you'd get punched in the jaw. The Internet has changed that. On the Internet strangers are no more than text on a screen and people don't have to fear the incoming fist like they would out in the real world. You can never (ever) convince someone to reveal something or change their opinion over the Internet unless they're willing to do so in the first place. The easiest way to rid you of someone that is annoying (revealingly so) is to ignore him or her. I've noticed that the more any given person responds, the more infuriated Todd becomes, which in turn results in more mud slinging, gospel spouting and other similar things. It's obvious Todd isn't going to give us a case number or anything related, and nothing we can do will change that. What say we just leave this thread and stop provoking all parties involved? This site is dedicated to those who have been wronged by a business or are disgusted by a corporation's practices. Last I checked it's not a soapbox for religion or catapults from which mud is slung in great heaps. Then again, who am I to try and tell anyone what they should and shouldn't do?


Uhm... Denny....

#422Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 17, 2006

Denny said: Deborah & Nick, what does your postings have to do anything with the fact that.. Didn't you mean Deborah and Damon? I'm not buying Todd's "I'm a Christian, therefore everyone who disagrees with me is evil" garbage. To Damon: Fine. I'm glad you've found fellowship with a thief. Just because I don't go to church with a bunch of parroting bigots doesn't make me a non-Christian nor does it take away my spirituality, which is basically the picture you painted. The jails are full of innocent people, too. They SWEAR they're all innocent.. Damon SAID: Nick, it may serve you best to find your spiritual purpose. If the Bible is your docutrine of truth, receive more accurate interpretation of it. TODD used that interpretation, DAMON! I was just going with it. Is sarcasm that foreign? What's your intepretation to what you ignored in my last post: The Bible prohibits stealing. And the Bible says to "avoid all appearances of evil". Or how about "Owe no man anything"?! Tood, apparently, is above all of these "Biblical principles". I'd tell Todd myself, but I can't tell if I'm typing to him or his wet-nurse or "representative" or gardener. (crickets chirping) Just as I thought. If church is where Todd goes, and THIS is the result (treating people badly, justifying sin, accusations, and then using God's name in a bunch of soundbypes to proclaim your innocence), then you're wrong. I better stay as far away as I can. I see nothing either profitable OR Godly in any of that. Damon SAID: Nick, you must have some vendetta to continue your analysis of Todd and feel some need to bring down those who love our LORD to you level. I do. I think Todd is being a hypocrite. (Hey, if he can accuse others of wrongdoing, why not me?) He has proven himself a liar, others are posting using his account and pretending to be him, and he backtracked a few times. So PRAISE GOD PARDON ME if I find a few inconsistencies in his story, here. It's not "Bringing him down" that I seek to do, but instead, rebuke his rotten accusations to other posters who question a report HE CHOSE to make public on ROR, and then trumpet his faith as his primary defense. He then compares himself to the Apostle Paul, which is laughable. LAUGHABLE. You did everything Paul RESTRAINED HIMSELF from doing, and OPPOSITE of what Paul ACTUALLY DID! Shame on you. "Bring Down" those who love the lord to my level? Let's talk about my level. The difference between me and "Christian Todd" is that I have never been accused of stealing. Yet *I* need to get *MY* life straight and get back to church? If Todd doesn't wish to be judged, then why did he bring his grievance here? It's wanna-be psuedo-spiritualists like you two that justify EVERY reason an atheist or agnostic has for NOT wanting to EVER go to church. But according to you, Todd and Damon, "God wanted it that way." You two deserve each other.



#423Consumer Comment

Thu, March 16, 2006

As a non-believer I am constantly assaulted by the pious. I believe in freedom of speech and worship though I don't try to get others to non-believe. Here's what I know. Church attendance is in decline. I will list some statistic from polls taken. For my part I have no objection to a person believing anything but object strongly at the pretense that they have the market on morality and salvation. I object to Christians trying to vilify other religions because of their beliefs. I object to the demonization of non-believers by believers. I want to hear your sales pitch as much as I want to hear an Amway zealot. The good news is that if the tends keep up, there will be fewer and fewer of you. There are many reasons for this for my part, Todd and others like him are just repugnant. "The percentage that attends church on any given weekend is declining in over two thirds of the counties in the United States. [Among the states with the highest percentages of declining counties were Minnesota, Wisconsin, and South Carolina.] (US counties: Increase or decline in percentage of population attending a Christian church on any given weekend 19902000) If the present trends continue, the percentage of the population that attends church in 2050 will be almost half of what it is today. (Projected percentage of population attending church on any given weekend)"


Deborah & Nick, what does your postings have to do anything with the fact that..

#424Consumer Comment

Thu, March 16, 2006

....Todd is a thief, a liar, and a sinner? That he violated his "christian" beliefs by commiting a crime here on Earth, and got caught? And that as a "christian" he now attacks others (I thought that in the christian faith, it says to love thy neighbor or some bs like that?). So what if "God" saved him this day; for those of us who have seen his postings here; he shows the classic signs of a psychopath, who is in need of professional help and maybe some instutition time. HE is not sane, in any sense of the word. "God" saved him, in his own mind; yet here is this "christian" thinking that the atrocities of nature that have happened recently are due to "god's will" of those who "disagree" with him or "god haters" What kind of christian is that? To wish harm on others? That is way too hypocritical. Deborah and Nick, stick to preaching in your place of worship, at a church, where like minds like yours (you can take Todd with you), are willing to hear it. We however, are using this site, to show that Todd, for the liar he is.


New York,
New York,
Well Spoken Damon We Need To Help Each Other

#425Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 16, 2006

Damon: I can see you have come to help. I began responded a few days back because it seemed Todd or his representative was being mocked by so many. I agree with your responses they are very well educated. Non-Christians are very confused today with all of these false teachings. We as real Christians should speak out more to help everyone. This is why I felt Todd's story is real. How can someone reference the Bible so well and speak such strong words for OTHERS in hope that they repent to be saved? I see that as someone that is not selfish but caring that these wrongs be stopped. Todd's story makes no other sense but to help others find a way. And I do agree that something major is going on in all fronts. One thing is that non-believers do not understand. That Christians fight not as the world does but as spirits. Various Christians have various callings. Some preach, some teach, some translate, and some combine all. Some are soft, some are strong, some fight in one-way, and another may fight in another way. These issues may confuse non-believers because they do not understand the depth of God's reasoning. God even teachings us that at times His purpose may not make sense at the time but once we learn of the end results we then look back and say, "How awesome God is". I just want to tell Todd that I am sure there are many good Christians out there reading his posting and understand his deep love for others and trying to send God's message that they need to repent and make things right with God. And for him not to get upset over the mocking but to be happy over it because that is a sign that he is of God because Jesus said if they mock you they mock Me and the world hated Me first. Damon and Todd and Representative may God guide you to help others that need support for the kingdom of God is at hand. I am very happy to see Christians speaking out and joining hands in "hard love" to expose the wrongs that are being done to people. Also showing a path for those to repent and be saved. God Bless you and your Family! :)


Maybe you should return to Church

#426Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 16, 2006

Nick, let me clarify a principle of the Bible. Whenever you might notice "He" in the Bible, it makes a point of emphasis, referring to Jesus and/or GOD. So your argument that, "If I'm a Christian, by your logic, I would also be 'ordained by GOD to be Judge of the living and dead'". There is never mention that "man" is to be decreed any position, as in ACTS 10:42, "He" is regarding Jesus (You should know this, you still read the Bible?). Sure, if you believe Todd is this malicious criminal, then according to GOD's will he committed this atrocious act. If you can rememeber, Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus, believe it or not, GOD appointed this to occur. "For GOD so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16, NKJV). Nick, it may serve you best to find your spiritual purpose. If the Bible is your docutrine of truth, receive more accurate interpretation of it. You appear to have a crusade against Christ and scream mercy because you do not want to create some "spiritual war"? Again, I am not the one to judge. To your comment, "I can't wait to see THAT answer" to "perhaps Todd can explain why he is so against authority that he subjects himself to when he shops at Wal-Mart (Loss prevention, police, courts, etc) when 'GOD himself has set up every authority on Earth'". You answered it my friend, GOD is authority (not your loss prevention, police, Fred Phelps and whomever you hold above GOD). Nick, you must have some vendetta to continue your analysis of Todd and feel some need to bring down those who love our LORD to you level. It is time you find truth, maybe this "Church's Chicken"? place can edify the Word and give you a better understanding. I leave this for you Nick, "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart"(Jeremiah 29:11-13, NKJV). We pray for you! P.S- When your arguments are substantiated, we will have a better discussion. And I am my brothers keeper! GOD BLESSES!!!


Damon, I can't believe you're buying this....

#427Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 16, 2006

Damon, here is what I actually wrote: Uhm, Damon.. maybe TODD will be the one that God will deal with. When unbelievers unapologetically follow the "10 Commandments" better a self-righteous thief, well... ... let's just say that God effectively turned over Todd's money-changing tables in the Temple... and leave it at that. What I meant was that some people here who don't consider themselves believers, yet follow the 10 Commandments, yet the guy championing "All Things Christ" has stolen, slander people, belittle people who don't profess his faith (and thereby, lending unconditional support to Todd's cause), and then swing the Jesus Paddle in an attempt to hurt people with it. Righteousness is not a metal bat you can swing whatever direction you want. That's not Christianity, that's a dark shade of a Crusade mixed with a dull cloud of martyrdom. Perhaps Todd can explain why he is so against authority that he subjects himself to when he shops at Wal-Mart (Loss prevention, police, courts, etc) when "God himself has set up every authority on Earth". I can't wait to see THAT answer. Damon says: "And He commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is He who was ordained by GOD to be Judge of the living and dead"(ACTS 10:42, NKJV). What?! So let me get this straight. The guy steals, gets caught and NOW is the time to start talking about Christ's love and redemption? It seems awfully... uhm... CONVENIENT. How about the Christians and NON-Christians who didn't steal? If I'm a Christian, by your logic, I would also be "Ordained by God to be Judge of the living and dead". Well, with that authority, I say Todd is GUILTY. PRAISE GOD! x1000!!! And a cherry on top! Damon says: The fact is that GOD sovereignly appoints everything that comes to pass. So Nick (in lame-man terms), there is nothing that happens that is outside of GOD's sovereign will. Right. "Lame man" terms, indeed, how spiritual of you. So then God APPOINTED Todd to steal from Wal-Mart, and then Slandor the very store he stole from? How dare any man question Todd or his "character" during his tenture as a human on earth, including cops, judges, etc.! Your Calvanist attitude towards people's actions is disturbing, but it's your right to have it. Your mentality is to take anyone's opposition and turn it into a spiritual war. Or in Todd's case, a spiritual and legal matter that might make him some quick cash and satisfy his need for revenge. The Apostle Paul was in prison for trumped up charges. Who did HE sue? Who did HE blame? Who did HE slandor? Who did he speak ill of? Tell me Damon. Did Paul act like THIS?! Is Todd following the example set in the Bible? No. HE says he is, but his words are COMPLETE CONTRADICTION. Damon says: The injustice that Todd appears to have endured (with walmart, the ridicule from others, and the diabolical intent of the police) seems to be beyond his control. Possibly, a faithful test of character by GOD, which we see as a perfect example of sovereign will. LOL!!! Or a good manipulator! Beyond his control? Not paying for a sammich? While prancing about with "God's Will", you have obviously forgotten about "Human Nature", "temptation" and the human condition. Todd swings his crucifixion cross, hitting anyone who says anything contrary to him, noting that anyone who agrees with him "obviously is saved"... and only the hellbound souls could possibly disagree with him. Fred Phelps (do a google search, Damon!) fundamentally says the same thing. Agree with me, or burn. "Cross my path, and God will chop your life short." If THAT is what Christ died for in your church, you'd do a better job by tearing it down and erercting a "Church's Chicken", which could better serve the community. Damon: Nick, you can continue to cry and create fictious scenarios, but make a valid point before ranting about nothing! Here's a point, Damon: The Bible prohibits stealing. And the Bible says to "avoid all appearances of evil". Or how about "Owe no man anything"?! Tood, apparently, is above all of these "Biblical principles". I'd tell Todd myself, but I can't tell if I'm typing to him or his wet-nurse or "representative" or gardener. One man in the bible paid back 4-fold what he took. In a glaring contradition, Todd wants to sue. Don't tell me he is following the "Will of God", because that doesn't include REVENGE or RETALIATION from Christians. Vengeance is MINE, sayeth the Lord. A true Christian would have forgiven someone for their evil deeds and done their best to avoid that situation again, even with a SHRED of humbleness. This is ALL ABOUT REVENGE. Wow, and you want to teach me Christian principles? I left the church years ago because of people like you. I still have my faith and study the Word, but it sure isn't because some theif on the internet says "praise god" like a broken record while objecting to following the law and belittling non-believers along the way. Shame on Todd for doing it, and you Damon for defending it.


South Carolina,
Nice Examination, Damon... PRAISE GOD!!!

#428Author of original report

Tue, March 14, 2006

... I do my best to express my thoughts... I think I may run on the same line as Paul's writings. I did like reading your examination statement: " So obviously, we are accountable when we disobey GOD. The injustice that Todd appears to have endured (with Wal-Mart, the ridicule from others, and the diabolical intent of the police) seems to be beyond his control. Possibly, a faithful test of character by GOD, which we see as a perfect example of sovereign will." I am not sure if it was you that stated about responding to every post. I usually do not, unless I feel God wills me to make a point. Even if everyone disregarded my colorful postings, that still does not darken the fact that some many people have been the victim in one form or another. And one cannot refuse the fact that some major is going on in the world. You have the very document that majority of the world attempts to destroy, that documented thousands of years ago, that events such as the ones we are experiencing today are the results of God's anger and hope that we all repent and become part of His Kingdom. I do, or at least I hope, I have demonstrated my love for others and hope that they understand my purpose. I just read a scripture today talking about how many are blinded to the truth of God, because they refuse Him in their hearts. This posting has been a major learning experience for me. How some can attack someone that speaks something other than what they refuse to believe. Some that have responded to my post, "insulters and God Haters", use aggressive tactics, to try and silence someone they do not agree with. These insulters, hide behind false names and locations, so they feel untouchable, so they can expose their true wicked hearts without punishment. They swim around lurking for anyone that raises a voice to the wrongs being done, and then they strike with swift aggressive vulgar insults. Nonetheless, if God wills me, I will continue to be a voice. For I truly believe we are running out of time. The White Judgment is just around the corner, and WE as Christians, are commanded to take the Word, as Love (Hard Love/Tough Love), and tell everyone. The scripture relating to the servants that Jesus told to take the bags of Gold, as you may know, were relating to the Word of God. And the servant that Jesus cursed was the one that refused the word or tell others. Oh well, some may never learn, some may never want to learn, and some seek to learn.


Saint Charles,
All I can say.......

#429Consumer Comment

Tue, March 14, 2006

Oh man I can't believe I read this whole thing - well not the WHOLE thing, I had to skip some of the crazier rantings of good old Todd. All I can say is thank goodness I know TRUE Christians and they have shown me through their example that Todd is definetly NOT what a Christian is. If he were the epitome of a TRUE Christian I think I would have to just settle for going to Hell. Oh and Todd? It's not really fitting to sit and make fun of other folks spelling and grammar when you don't seem to be able to spell so well yourself. I noticed that quite a bit of what you misspell is actually religious words and phrases - intersting given that you claim to be such the bible scholar. Examples - The last time I looked we are a country for FREEDOM OF SPEACH! (Pretty sure thats SPEECH) But our country was founded on the Christian moral laws such as, "Thou shall not steel" (You mean a DEVOUT Christian such as you can't spell all the words in the Ten Commandments?) These Devine Laws were written over four thousand years ago, and our secular laws written only two hundred years ago. (Ummm, thats DIVINE laws, Todd.) Todd, no offense here but I smell a pile of poo and I'm pretty sure its coming from right under your computer desk. Shovel out the manure pile and start shooting straight with us. Either that or take your Lithium.


Nick, your point was?

#430Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 14, 2006

"...unbeliever unapologetically follow the '10 Commandments'..." WHAT? With what appears to be your disdain for Todd, I would imagine the contrary. The assertion that Todd is this thief, you imply with your statement that he is willingly obeying these Commandments. Now which one is it? "And He commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is He who was ordained by GOD to be Judge of the living and dead"(ACTS 10:42, NKJV). And certainly not you or I, so who is to say that Todd is not truthful, a matter of fact, why should he care? Nick you need a little education, so school is in session. GOD's "Ultimate" will, by understanding this aspect of GOD's will, should come some recognition of GOD's sovereignty and the many facets of GOD's nature. The fact is that GOD sovereignly appoints everything that comes to pass. So Nick (in lame-man terms), there is nothing that happens that is outside of GOD's sovereign will. "In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will"(Ephesians 1:11, NKJV). You see, nothing happens that is beyond GOD's control. Clearly, this comprehension of GOD's sovereign will does not suggest that GOD causes everything to happen. Rather, it establishes GOD's sovereignty is proof that GOD must permit every and any event to occur. GOD can always decide to either allow or stop the actions and events of this world. Due to the realization that GOD allows things to happen, GOD has "willed" them in this sense of the word. Another important note to realize is that GOD's soverign will is often hidden from us until after it comes to pass. An aspect of GOD's will that is intended for us to see is known as GOD's "perceptive" will. The perceptive will of GOD is GOD's declared will concerning right or wrong. Nick, using your hypothetical encounter for Todd with a prostitute would constitute as an example of perceptive will. Why? Because in the instance of perceptive will, GOD has revealed both the Word as well as in our conscience, through which GOD has written moral law upon the hearts of all women/men. Whether found in Scripture or in our hearts, GOD has made these laws binding upon us. So obviously, we are accountable when we disobey GOD. The injustice that Todd appears to have endured (with walmart, the ridicule from others, and the diabolical intent of the police) seems to be beyond his control. Possibly, a faithful test of character by GOD, which we see as a perfect example of sovereign will. Nick, you can continue to cry and create fictious scenarios, but make a valid point before ranting about nothing! GOD BLESSES!!!


Nick, your point was?

#431Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 14, 2006

"...unbeliever unapologetically follow the '10 Commandments'..." WHAT? With what appears to be your disdain for Todd, I would imagine the contrary. The assertion that Todd is this thief, you imply with your statement that he is willingly obeying these Commandments. Now which one is it? "And He commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is He who was ordained by GOD to be Judge of the living and dead"(ACTS 10:42, NKJV). And certainly not you or I, so who is to say that Todd is not truthful, a matter of fact, why should he care? Nick you need a little education, so school is in session. GOD's "Ultimate" will, by understanding this aspect of GOD's will, should come some recognition of GOD's sovereignty and the many facets of GOD's nature. The fact is that GOD sovereignly appoints everything that comes to pass. So Nick (in lame-man terms), there is nothing that happens that is outside of GOD's sovereign will. "In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will"(Ephesians 1:11, NKJV). You see, nothing happens that is beyond GOD's control. Clearly, this comprehension of GOD's sovereign will does not suggest that GOD causes everything to happen. Rather, it establishes GOD's sovereignty is proof that GOD must permit every and any event to occur. GOD can always decide to either allow or stop the actions and events of this world. Due to the realization that GOD allows things to happen, GOD has "willed" them in this sense of the word. Another important note to realize is that GOD's soverign will is often hidden from us until after it comes to pass. An aspect of GOD's will that is intended for us to see is known as GOD's "perceptive" will. The perceptive will of GOD is GOD's declared will concerning right or wrong. Nick, using your hypothetical encounter for Todd with a prostitute would constitute as an example of perceptive will. Why? Because in the instance of perceptive will, GOD has revealed both the Word as well as in our conscience, through which GOD has written moral law upon the hearts of all women/men. Whether found in Scripture or in our hearts, GOD has made these laws binding upon us. So obviously, we are accountable when we disobey GOD. The injustice that Todd appears to have endured (with walmart, the ridicule from others, and the diabolical intent of the police) seems to be beyond his control. Possibly, a faithful test of character by GOD, which we see as a perfect example of sovereign will. Nick, you can continue to cry and create fictious scenarios, but make a valid point before ranting about nothing! GOD BLESSES!!!


Nick, your point was?

#432Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 14, 2006

"...unbeliever unapologetically follow the '10 Commandments'..." WHAT? With what appears to be your disdain for Todd, I would imagine the contrary. The assertion that Todd is this thief, you imply with your statement that he is willingly obeying these Commandments. Now which one is it? "And He commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is He who was ordained by GOD to be Judge of the living and dead"(ACTS 10:42, NKJV). And certainly not you or I, so who is to say that Todd is not truthful, a matter of fact, why should he care? Nick you need a little education, so school is in session. GOD's "Ultimate" will, by understanding this aspect of GOD's will, should come some recognition of GOD's sovereignty and the many facets of GOD's nature. The fact is that GOD sovereignly appoints everything that comes to pass. So Nick (in lame-man terms), there is nothing that happens that is outside of GOD's sovereign will. "In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will"(Ephesians 1:11, NKJV). You see, nothing happens that is beyond GOD's control. Clearly, this comprehension of GOD's sovereign will does not suggest that GOD causes everything to happen. Rather, it establishes GOD's sovereignty is proof that GOD must permit every and any event to occur. GOD can always decide to either allow or stop the actions and events of this world. Due to the realization that GOD allows things to happen, GOD has "willed" them in this sense of the word. Another important note to realize is that GOD's soverign will is often hidden from us until after it comes to pass. An aspect of GOD's will that is intended for us to see is known as GOD's "perceptive" will. The perceptive will of GOD is GOD's declared will concerning right or wrong. Nick, using your hypothetical encounter for Todd with a prostitute would constitute as an example of perceptive will. Why? Because in the instance of perceptive will, GOD has revealed both the Word as well as in our conscience, through which GOD has written moral law upon the hearts of all women/men. Whether found in Scripture or in our hearts, GOD has made these laws binding upon us. So obviously, we are accountable when we disobey GOD. The injustice that Todd appears to have endured (with walmart, the ridicule from others, and the diabolical intent of the police) seems to be beyond his control. Possibly, a faithful test of character by GOD, which we see as a perfect example of sovereign will. Nick, you can continue to cry and create fictious scenarios, but make a valid point before ranting about nothing! GOD BLESSES!!!


Nick, your point was?

#433Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 14, 2006

"...unbeliever unapologetically follow the '10 Commandments'..." WHAT? With what appears to be your disdain for Todd, I would imagine the contrary. The assertion that Todd is this thief, you imply with your statement that he is willingly obeying these Commandments. Now which one is it? "And He commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is He who was ordained by GOD to be Judge of the living and dead"(ACTS 10:42, NKJV). And certainly not you or I, so who is to say that Todd is not truthful, a matter of fact, why should he care? Nick you need a little education, so school is in session. GOD's "Ultimate" will, by understanding this aspect of GOD's will, should come some recognition of GOD's sovereignty and the many facets of GOD's nature. The fact is that GOD sovereignly appoints everything that comes to pass. So Nick (in lame-man terms), there is nothing that happens that is outside of GOD's sovereign will. "In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will"(Ephesians 1:11, NKJV). You see, nothing happens that is beyond GOD's control. Clearly, this comprehension of GOD's sovereign will does not suggest that GOD causes everything to happen. Rather, it establishes GOD's sovereignty is proof that GOD must permit every and any event to occur. GOD can always decide to either allow or stop the actions and events of this world. Due to the realization that GOD allows things to happen, GOD has "willed" them in this sense of the word. Another important note to realize is that GOD's soverign will is often hidden from us until after it comes to pass. An aspect of GOD's will that is intended for us to see is known as GOD's "perceptive" will. The perceptive will of GOD is GOD's declared will concerning right or wrong. Nick, using your hypothetical encounter for Todd with a prostitute would constitute as an example of perceptive will. Why? Because in the instance of perceptive will, GOD has revealed both the Word as well as in our conscience, through which GOD has written moral law upon the hearts of all women/men. Whether found in Scripture or in our hearts, GOD has made these laws binding upon us. So obviously, we are accountable when we disobey GOD. The injustice that Todd appears to have endured (with walmart, the ridicule from others, and the diabolical intent of the police) seems to be beyond his control. Possibly, a faithful test of character by GOD, which we see as a perfect example of sovereign will. Nick, you can continue to cry and create fictious scenarios, but make a valid point before ranting about nothing! GOD BLESSES!!!


Tell us, TODD, what can be the only fate of a pharisee?

#434Consumer Comment

Tue, March 14, 2006

This individual has clearly traded the reality of day-to-day life for the self-delusional cloud of radical fundamentalism. Myself, I think he drove a poor bargain. Anybody who would claim with a straight face that innocent lives were taken by divine intervention, to avenge the actions of a few dubious businessmen, is a heretic of the worst sort! I can only beg indulgence, and affirm once again that true Christians don't subscribe to such melodramatic trash, and unreconstructed slop. I am not going to waste further breath with "Todd". I am a gentleman, and cannot truly express my feelings for him. As ?Todd? is clearly NOT a gentleman, I am confident that he knows EXACTLY what I think of him. Offered up as it's worth, NMS


South Carolina,
My? My? My? How Disrespectful Some Can Be?

#435Author of original report

Mon, March 13, 2006

My? My? My? How Disrespectful Some Can Be? Just look how busy the little bees have been? The actual fact is they care not about this posting or whatever happens to Todd? but they hate the fact that the posting references God and the fact that His words strike them deep into their dark hearts. For by this case, I am the messenger, bringing the message of truth? and the facts that the truth has set Todd free. These "Insulters and God Haters" foam at the mouth, stomp their feet, grind their teeth, let their heads spin around, faces turning green, eyes rolling white, and yucky vomit pouring out of their wicked mouths. Has anyone noticed that after the "Man of God" was proven innocent, and his story was posted here "Praising God", that these "Insulters and God Haters" mocked God and the Man of God, that one of the worse storms hit the area around Wal-Mart's Head Quarters? Anyone notice that? ===WEATHER=== Tornadoes possible for Southeast (beginning 7 March 2006): In the nation's midsection, partly cloudy skies were forecast in the Plains and parts of the Mississippi Valley, where rain showers and thunderstorms could strike. Lightning, strong winds and hail may be associated with the storms as they move east. Tornadoes Rip Across Midwest Killing Two (Between 8 March thru 10 March 2006): Several other people were injured as the storm system pounded the central Mississippi Valley with hailstones as big as softballs, high wind and torrential rain. It was not immediately clear how many tornadoes struck the area straddling the Mississippi River from Missouri into Illinois. The twisters were part of a long line of stormy weather that stretched from the southern Plains up the Ohio Valley. In Missouri's Jefferson County, just south of St. Louis, high wind struck a new subdivision, destroying seven homes. Five people were hurt, but the extent of their injuries was unclear, the National Weather Service said. High wind tore the roof off a McDonald's restaurant in the tourist town of Branson. A severe thunderstorm also hit eastern Kansas on Sunday morning, knocking out power lines and blowing out windows. The agency sounded tornado sirens as the storm ripped through Douglas County, but no twisters had been confirmed. Elsewhere, storms scattered across the West gave Arizona a break from a prolonged dry spell, with Phoenix getting an inch of rain Saturday after a record 143 days without a drop. More than a foot of snow fell at higher elevations in northern and eastern Arizona. Snow and sleet in the San Francisco area Saturday caused a 28-vehicle pile just north of the Golden Gate Bridge in which two people were killed. As much as 1 1/2 feet of snow fell during the weekend in the mountains of California's eastern San Diego County, and one illegal immigrant died Saturday after getting caught in the freezing weather. Wind Gusts were reported at 214 mph! Source: Associated Press (7 March ? 11 March 2006) ==== Denny is improving, congratulations. But you still produce poor results. Denny's Misspelling and Poor Grammar Again: ==== yup, ^^^ that's basically what his posts and replies are to the matter at hand. Not one iota of fact Not one iota of information Not one verifiable proof that this really happened. warning to all who read this report: IT is a made up fairytale, a farce, a lie, for bringing attention to a notable psycopathic, (MISSPELLED) morally inept individual; who now hides behinds scripture, to make you think that he is an honorable, and honest "Chrstian". (MISSPELLED) He belives (MISSPELLED) that there is only "god" despite the many other religions available in this world, and only subscribes to the fact that he is the only one telling the truth, and that all others, who question his credibility are "God haters". Remember: ALL POSTS BY TODD WITHIN THIS REPORT ARE LIES, and the original complaint is a FAIRY TALE. Already supported by another poster, that no case ever appeared in the state or city concerning Walmart, (WRONG GRAMMAR) or a person named "Todd", in any court of justice (criminal, civil, or federal). =====Nick=== Todd said: The statements by "Aladia" are so full of fallacies; I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. I had to stand up and bend my head down so the airflow would clear from the dramatic and excessive laughing you caused. Or maybe you were clearing your throat from all the verbal diarreha (MISSPELLED) you've been leaving around. ===== At least I can see that by correcting the "Insulters and God Haters" that they have started educating themselves in proper spelling and grammar. That is a start in learning to read the Bible. The next step is learning how to use your brain and begin to know manners and respecting others. Then you need to learn to control yourselves and come off of that "ego head-strong" and "I am above the law" inner-formation that you have. One other thing I just had to ask. Since Wal-Mart continues to do this evil against so many innocent people, does that not violate the very "Philosophy" of Wal-Mart as described below: "A Philosophy for Success In 1962, Sam Walton laid the foundation for Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. with three principles: have respect for the individual, give service to our customers and strive for excellence." 1. Was there RESPECT to the lady with child as Wal-Mart LP employees caused her to go into labor? 2. Was there RESPECT to the 61 year old that Wal-Mart falsely accused and put her in prison where she DIED? 3. Was there RESPECT for Todd and his little children and wife, as Wal-Mart falsely accused him and had him hauled off like some MURDER? (And the list goes on) Any oh how, I must go for now. However God directs me, there I will follow. I am sure He is not completed with this ordeal. One thing I have learned of God, is He strives at every opportunity to prove that He is real, if it serves His purpose. PRAISE GOD! PRAISE HIS ALMIGHTY NAME!!! YEAH! ...


Here's a few ideas....

#436Consumer Suggestion

Mon, March 13, 2006

Todd said: The statements by "Aladia" are so full of fallacies; I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. I had to stand up and bend my head down so the airflow would clear from the dramatic and excessive laughing you caused. Or maybe you were clearing your throat from all the verbal diarreha you've been leaving around. Todd said: It is always funny to discover Non-Christians trying to teach and force Christians what the Bible teaches! And it's funnier when said non-believers know Scripture better than you do. Or compare Wal-Mart shoppers to "Baal". Then DAMON pipes in: Why even dignify these ignorant people by responding to them? All problems you have (these people, Walmart, the police, courts and any other nay sayers) will be dealt with by the LORD. Uhm, Damon.. maybe TODD will be the one that God will deal with. When unbelievers unapologetically follow the "10 Commandments" better a self-righteous thief, well... ... let's just say that God effectively "turned over Todd's money-changing tables in the Temple"... and leave it at that. Damon FURTHER shows his ignorance: Todd, you being a "Christian" man should know that the burdens you shoulder of this world are handled not by you, or these insensible people, but by GOD! So if Todd got busted with a prostitute instead of stealing from Wal-Mart, you're saying that it is because of God? Why have ANY laws, then? Chaz: Do you truly believe that the blessed product of all of God's Saints', Prophets', and enlightened scribes' labor and toil is solely to further your dubious case against a discount department store? Finally, a little common sense here. Chaz, unfortunately, Todd claims himself a prophet of God. On his 4-15 post, he claims: Todd: You can trace my blood line all the way back to Daniel Boone, and even the Whatley's that battled in the War of Independence of 1776! Just to give you a prophecy so you know I am a true man of God, this case will be dropped, either by WalMart, or a Jury in court; Victory is the Lords! God has told me so! .... so I think he might say, "Yes". Unfortunately, we can't verify his "prophecy" is true, since he won't let the people see the great work the lord has done by releasing the docket number, or even the name of the Judge. All the readers of this post are being led to hell because Todd wouldn't tell us the Truth. "I may be able to speak the languages of human beings and even of angels, but if I have no love, my speech is no more than a noisy gong or a clanging bell." 1Corinthians 13:1-3 Hey Todd! DING DING DING!


Remember Also He Admitted This Did NOT Happen To HIM

#437Consumer Comment

Mon, March 13, 2006

Oh, one other thing, I am not the person "Todd" that this thing happen to, all though I know that person and what happen to him, I went out to post his story and expose the wrongs that has been going on. You'll find this under the post titled " Is That A Threat!". Todd admits that this did not happen to him, but to a phantom "friend". Of course, you have to wonder why such a good Christian would start this report with a lie by claiming that this incident happened to him.


A Christian by any other name?

#438UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 13, 2006

?Todd's? manic diatribes in no way reflect the gentle and selfless nature of true Christianity. True Christians also don't call on God's holy name when they become embroiled in some predicament or other, of decidedly secular nature. Todd; I am of the opinion that you are but an empty shell, a shameless poltroon, the very least of your misdoings being the utter disgrace which you have proved yourself to be to the hallowed ranks of true Christians. Why come you here and spout your empty verse? Do you truly believe that the blessed product of all of God's Saints', Prophets', and enlightened scribes' labor and toil is solely to further your dubious case against a discount department store? Forbid it, Great God! How can you unapologetically and systematically cheapen His holy word, and seek to put it to that purpose? Don't you know that even the devil can quote scripture to suit his own devices? God is above all of of mans' petty squabbles, pathetic bickering, and mindless holier-than-thou one-upmanship! He misses nothing, and sees everything, and knows exactly how devout we are (or aren't) without a hollow sermon at each door and corner! And another thing! God doesn't play Santa Claus, either! You can't go along like a great buffoon asking Him to do your dirty work for you, smiting your trespassers and exalting you over all of humanity! Do you think He cares a whit about material matters? His presence is spiritual, and matters of the spirit are by nature disconnected with worldly concerns! You don't pray for a get out of jail card-you pray for the insight to sort things out while you are sitting in that cell. You don't pray for revenge-you pray for the grace to bear you burdens, and enlightenment as to how to correct the situation. You certainly don't go calling on God to punish someone who doesn't agree with you, you pray for inspiration, to see what you can do to overcome differences and get along. Sir, all that is worldly will die as it must, but the soul lives on! Were I in your shoes I would seek good council for my soul, and govern myself accordingly. A word to the wise suffices. NMS


Here is all of Todd's replies:

#439Consumer Comment

Sun, March 12, 2006

yup, ^^^ that's basically what his posts and replies are to the matter at hand. Not one iota of fact Not one iota of information Not one verifiable proof that this really happened. warning to all who read this report: IT is a made up fairytale, a farce, a lie, for bringing attention to a notable psycopathic, morally inept individual; who now hides behinds scripture, to make you think that he is an honorable, and honest "Chrstian". He belives that there is only "god" despite the many other religions available in this world, and only subscribes to the fact that he is the only one telling the truth, and that all others, who question his credibility are "God haters". Remember: ALL POSTS BY TODD WITHIN THIS REPORT ARE LIES, and the original complaint is a FAIRY TALE. Already supported by another poster, that no case ever appeared in the state or city concerning Walmart, or a person named "Todd", in any court of justice (criminal, civil, or federal).


Todd, give it to the LORD

#440Consumer Suggestion

Sun, March 12, 2006

Todd, Why even dignify these ignorant people by responding to them? All problems you have (these people, Walmart, the police, courts and any other nay sayers) will be dealt with by the LORD. Everyone that has tried to anger you are doing this purposefully, they have nothing better to do. Your fight just grows larger with each response. Todd, you being a "Christian" man should know that the burdens you shoulder of this world are handled not by you, or these insensible people, but by GOD! GOD BLESSES!!!


Todd, give it to the LORD

#441Consumer Suggestion

Sun, March 12, 2006

Todd, Why even dignify these ignorant people by responding to them? All problems you have (these people, Walmart, the police, courts and any other nay sayers) will be dealt with by the LORD. Everyone that has tried to anger you are doing this purposefully, they have nothing better to do. Your fight just grows larger with each response. Todd, you being a "Christian" man should know that the burdens you shoulder of this world are handled not by you, or these insensible people, but by GOD! GOD BLESSES!!!


Todd, give it to the LORD

#442Consumer Suggestion

Sun, March 12, 2006

Todd, Why even dignify these ignorant people by responding to them? All problems you have (these people, Walmart, the police, courts and any other nay sayers) will be dealt with by the LORD. Everyone that has tried to anger you are doing this purposefully, they have nothing better to do. Your fight just grows larger with each response. Todd, you being a "Christian" man should know that the burdens you shoulder of this world are handled not by you, or these insensible people, but by GOD! GOD BLESSES!!!


Todd, give it to the LORD

#443Consumer Suggestion

Sun, March 12, 2006

Todd, Why even dignify these ignorant people by responding to them? All problems you have (these people, Walmart, the police, courts and any other nay sayers) will be dealt with by the LORD. Everyone that has tried to anger you are doing this purposefully, they have nothing better to do. Your fight just grows larger with each response. Todd, you being a "Christian" man should know that the burdens you shoulder of this world are handled not by you, or these insensible people, but by GOD! GOD BLESSES!!!


Thou shalt not steal

#444Consumer Comment

Sun, March 12, 2006

Todd, All of the bible quotes would not be necessary if you would have followed thou shall not steal


Thou shalt not steal

#445Consumer Comment

Sun, March 12, 2006

Todd, All of the bible quotes would not be necessary if you would have followed thou shall not steal


Thou shalt not steal

#446Consumer Comment

Sun, March 12, 2006

Todd, All of the bible quotes would not be necessary if you would have followed thou shall not steal


South Carolina,
It Is Always Funny...

#447Author of original report

Sun, March 12, 2006

It Is Always Funny... It is always funny to discover Non-Christians trying to teach and force Christians what the Bible teaches! What a "Hoot"! It is sad that you have never wished to learn the truth and still live in blindness. Jesus stated very clearly that He NEVER came to make PEACE for the WORLD! (That is twisted worldly teachings) He, Jesus, came to divide the SHEEP (Lovers of Christ) and the GOATS (wicked-nonChrist). Try not to be confused, I LOVE YOU (Hard Love) and wish my words might lead you to the LIGHT. But I CANNOT LIE to you and be a "CARE BEAR" and tell you that you will not see the anger of the Lord while you continue to say He is not real! You and the world teaches children in schools to HATE HIM (Evolution)! While at the same time MURDER the unborn! And persecute the INNOCENT! Allow a man to live with a man, and a woman to live with a woman and teach children that it is okay! This violates the very words of God, and cuts deep into His anger. I being a "TRUE MAN OF GOD", cannot and will not be silent on these issues. Although I LOVE you and wish you to live, I love GOD more, and will do His words and I will not do yours or the worlds. For I know the truth, and Todd's case has proven and confirmed that God is real! The wicked in Todd's case drummed up every weapon they could to convict an innocent man of God, and God destroyed everything and proved that Todd was innocent! God directed this case of Todd's, in order to use him and me to bring the message and glory of God! Just look at this thread, what a discussion on both sides, which was all caused by the trials that God allowed to come on Todd. Just like the Book of Job, Todd stayed faithful, and used the trial to bring God the GLORY! That in itself should demonstrate the truth of the matter. Here is what the Lord has shown me to tell you and others reading this posting: "Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace WITH THOSE WHO CALL ON THE LORD out of a PURE heart" (II Timothy 2:22, KJV)! "When the wicked came to eat up my flesh, my enemies and foes, they STUMBLED and FELL" (Psalms 27:2, KJV). "As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the LORD is proven; He is a SHIELD to all who trust in HIM" (Psalms 18:30, KJV). "For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion; in the secret place of His tabernacle He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock" (Psalms 27:5, KJV). "And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened, which is THE BOOK of LIFE. And the dead were JUDGED according to their works (REF: Rev. 21:8), by the things which were written in the books" (Revelation 20:12, KJV). "But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death (killed by the Living-Word-of-God by NOT REPENTING)" (Revelation 21:8, KJV)! "Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live" (Hebrews 12:9, KJV)? "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such TURN AWAY! Always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. But evil men (and women) and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works" (II Timothy 3:1-17, KJV). Bye for now:


Father Lucifer You Never Looked So Sane

#448Consumer Comment

Sun, March 12, 2006

Todd you are truly a piece of work. You sit there with your bible in one hand and typing all kinds of hateful insults with the other. It's obvious that you have no grasp of kindness or how to treat others with respect. I would imagine that this is why your butt got slapped in handcuffs so quick at Walmart. I would imagine that you treat everyone with the same hatred and disdain. Not only am I disgusted by the way you have treated people in this report, I am disgusted at the Christ nut groupies whose support you have managed to win. You want to know the truth? You don't practice a true brand of Christianity. You practice the fundamental crap that has ruined Christianity in this country. And now some moron wants to go making ROR's of the people in this thread who have seen through your veil of lies. You have doled out more abuse than necessary to those who started out asking you basic polite questions. You've made your religion so prominent in this report when it had no place. Then you insulted others values, morals, education and spiritual beliefs when they started asking you to provide more details pertaining to your case. Your story doesn't make any sense. I can't fathom why you would post it here. I don't believe that there is any shred of truth to anything you've said. Normally, I don't support police violence-----------but it may have done you some good had the cop cracked you in the head a couple times with a very heavy object. I suggest that if you want to be so close to God, you go suck on the end of a .357. As far as I can see you are just another loser sucking away my tax dollars with your "I have emotional problems" B.S. Obviously those problems haven't stopped you making a complete jerk of yourself on the internet.


Father Lucifer You Never Looked So Sane

#449Consumer Comment

Sun, March 12, 2006

Todd you are truly a piece of work. You sit there with your bible in one hand and typing all kinds of hateful insults with the other. It's obvious that you have no grasp of kindness or how to treat others with respect. I would imagine that this is why your butt got slapped in handcuffs so quick at Walmart. I would imagine that you treat everyone with the same hatred and disdain. Not only am I disgusted by the way you have treated people in this report, I am disgusted at the Christ nut groupies whose support you have managed to win. You want to know the truth? You don't practice a true brand of Christianity. You practice the fundamental crap that has ruined Christianity in this country. And now some moron wants to go making ROR's of the people in this thread who have seen through your veil of lies. You have doled out more abuse than necessary to those who started out asking you basic polite questions. You've made your religion so prominent in this report when it had no place. Then you insulted others values, morals, education and spiritual beliefs when they started asking you to provide more details pertaining to your case. Your story doesn't make any sense. I can't fathom why you would post it here. I don't believe that there is any shred of truth to anything you've said. Normally, I don't support police violence-----------but it may have done you some good had the cop cracked you in the head a couple times with a very heavy object. I suggest that if you want to be so close to God, you go suck on the end of a .357. As far as I can see you are just another loser sucking away my tax dollars with your "I have emotional problems" B.S. Obviously those problems haven't stopped you making a complete jerk of yourself on the internet.


Father Lucifer You Never Looked So Sane

#450Consumer Comment

Sun, March 12, 2006

Todd you are truly a piece of work. You sit there with your bible in one hand and typing all kinds of hateful insults with the other. It's obvious that you have no grasp of kindness or how to treat others with respect. I would imagine that this is why your butt got slapped in handcuffs so quick at Walmart. I would imagine that you treat everyone with the same hatred and disdain. Not only am I disgusted by the way you have treated people in this report, I am disgusted at the Christ nut groupies whose support you have managed to win. You want to know the truth? You don't practice a true brand of Christianity. You practice the fundamental crap that has ruined Christianity in this country. And now some moron wants to go making ROR's of the people in this thread who have seen through your veil of lies. You have doled out more abuse than necessary to those who started out asking you basic polite questions. You've made your religion so prominent in this report when it had no place. Then you insulted others values, morals, education and spiritual beliefs when they started asking you to provide more details pertaining to your case. Your story doesn't make any sense. I can't fathom why you would post it here. I don't believe that there is any shred of truth to anything you've said. Normally, I don't support police violence-----------but it may have done you some good had the cop cracked you in the head a couple times with a very heavy object. I suggest that if you want to be so close to God, you go suck on the end of a .357. As far as I can see you are just another loser sucking away my tax dollars with your "I have emotional problems" B.S. Obviously those problems haven't stopped you making a complete jerk of yourself on the internet.


Father Lucifer You Never Looked So Sane

#451Consumer Comment

Sun, March 12, 2006

Todd you are truly a piece of work. You sit there with your bible in one hand and typing all kinds of hateful insults with the other. It's obvious that you have no grasp of kindness or how to treat others with respect. I would imagine that this is why your butt got slapped in handcuffs so quick at Walmart. I would imagine that you treat everyone with the same hatred and disdain. Not only am I disgusted by the way you have treated people in this report, I am disgusted at the Christ nut groupies whose support you have managed to win. You want to know the truth? You don't practice a true brand of Christianity. You practice the fundamental crap that has ruined Christianity in this country. And now some moron wants to go making ROR's of the people in this thread who have seen through your veil of lies. You have doled out more abuse than necessary to those who started out asking you basic polite questions. You've made your religion so prominent in this report when it had no place. Then you insulted others values, morals, education and spiritual beliefs when they started asking you to provide more details pertaining to your case. Your story doesn't make any sense. I can't fathom why you would post it here. I don't believe that there is any shred of truth to anything you've said. Normally, I don't support police violence-----------but it may have done you some good had the cop cracked you in the head a couple times with a very heavy object. I suggest that if you want to be so close to God, you go suck on the end of a .357. As far as I can see you are just another loser sucking away my tax dollars with your "I have emotional problems" B.S. Obviously those problems haven't stopped you making a complete jerk of yourself on the internet.


South Carolina,
Truth Emerges

#452Consumer Comment

Sun, March 12, 2006

The truth emerges....Todd, something is really wrong with your story, I have searched the greater Columbia area (city and county) court records, which includes Lexington and Richland Counties, all the way up to Newberry, in all the jurisdictions where there is a Wal-Mart. I searched for the last Month, and guess what, no case matches yours. Anyone can go to their local courthouse and search the same, and anyone else can follow this up in SC. I am in SC myself, and either Todd is not your real name, or you were involved in a case which I found with Wal-Mart that involved a plea deal, which sounded something like your case, only with a different name, in which the person pleaded guilty, care to fill us in?


South Carolina,
Truth Emerges

#453Consumer Comment

Sun, March 12, 2006

The truth emerges....Todd, something is really wrong with your story, I have searched the greater Columbia area (city and county) court records, which includes Lexington and Richland Counties, all the way up to Newberry, in all the jurisdictions where there is a Wal-Mart. I searched for the last Month, and guess what, no case matches yours. Anyone can go to their local courthouse and search the same, and anyone else can follow this up in SC. I am in SC myself, and either Todd is not your real name, or you were involved in a case which I found with Wal-Mart that involved a plea deal, which sounded something like your case, only with a different name, in which the person pleaded guilty, care to fill us in?


South Carolina,
Truth Emerges

#454Consumer Comment

Sun, March 12, 2006

The truth emerges....Todd, something is really wrong with your story, I have searched the greater Columbia area (city and county) court records, which includes Lexington and Richland Counties, all the way up to Newberry, in all the jurisdictions where there is a Wal-Mart. I searched for the last Month, and guess what, no case matches yours. Anyone can go to their local courthouse and search the same, and anyone else can follow this up in SC. I am in SC myself, and either Todd is not your real name, or you were involved in a case which I found with Wal-Mart that involved a plea deal, which sounded something like your case, only with a different name, in which the person pleaded guilty, care to fill us in?


South Carolina,
Truth Emerges

#455Consumer Comment

Sun, March 12, 2006

The truth emerges....Todd, something is really wrong with your story, I have searched the greater Columbia area (city and county) court records, which includes Lexington and Richland Counties, all the way up to Newberry, in all the jurisdictions where there is a Wal-Mart. I searched for the last Month, and guess what, no case matches yours. Anyone can go to their local courthouse and search the same, and anyone else can follow this up in SC. I am in SC myself, and either Todd is not your real name, or you were involved in a case which I found with Wal-Mart that involved a plea deal, which sounded something like your case, only with a different name, in which the person pleaded guilty, care to fill us in?


South Carolina,
Hey... God Haters and Insulters... Stop IT!!! So Much Laughs!

#456Author of original report

Sat, March 11, 2006

... You God Haters and Insulters, your words lack true merit to even be taken seriously. I read your misspelled, poor grammar and foolishness, which is so funny. I begin rolling in the floor every time I read them. Studies state that laughing improves your health, so I must thank you for the good humor! I laugh and smile all day long after reading your postings. I think my dogs have more brainpower than all of the "insulters and God haters" combined. Please let me know where I can send some tithing to you so we can setup a relief fund that allows you to go get an education. The statements by "Aladia" are so full of fallacies; I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. I had to stand up and bend my head down so the airflow would clear from the dramatic and excessive laughing you caused. If I was an executive of HBO (Home Box Office), I would have my writers create a new show, like "The Office", but call it the "The Fools"! The idea that you do not believe in God is even more foolish than your improper misspelling and poor grammar. Thanks for the laughs, now I have some more things to joke with my fellow mates. PRAISE GOD!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!! ALMIGHTY ONE!!! I pray these fools see the light before it is too late. Watch this year (2006), it will be nothing like last year (2005), with two major hurricanes hitting the same spot twice! (Katrina and Rita) The fools will run in fear, they will call for the rocks to cover them in the sight of the Almighty! Run fools; run... for nothing can save you after you have wasted your time to repent. The insulter's and God Hater's infectious disease attempts to destroy the fabrics of life, like a proton eradicating into a photon. "And Elijah came unto all the people and said, "How long halt ye between two opinions? If the LORD be God, follow Him; but if Baal, then follow him. And call ye on the name of your gods, and I will call on the name of the LORD; and the God that answereth by fire, let Him be God." And all the people answered and said, "It is well spoken. And Elijah said unto the prophets of Baal, "Choose you one bullock for yourselves and dress it first, for ye are many; and call on the name of your gods, but put no fire under it." And they took the bullock which was given them, and they dressed it, and called on the name of Baal from morning even until noon, saying, "O Baal, hear us!" But there was no voice, nor any that answered. And they leaped upon the altar which was made. And it came to pass at noon that Elijah mocked them and said, "Cry aloud, for he is a god! Either he is talking, or he is pursuing, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he sleepeth and must be awakened." And they cried aloud, and cut themselves according to their manner with knives and lancets, till the blood gushed out upon them. And it came to pass, when midday was past, and they prophesied until the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that there was neither voice, nor any to answer, nor any that regarded. And it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near and said, "LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it be known this day that Thou art God in Israel, and that I am Thy servant, and that I have done all these things at Thy word. Hear me, O LORD! Hear me, that this people may know that Thou art the LORD God, and that Thou hast turned their heart back again." Then the fire of the LORD fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood and the stones and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench. And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces and they said, "The LORD, He is the God! The LORD, He is the God!" (1 Kings 18:21-39, NKJV). I pray you understand and repent, but how can you if you do not learn to read and write properly? The Bible is the "Living Word of God"! AMEN! Yeshua and YHWH! ...


South Carolina,
PRAISE GOD! VICTORY! The insulters get an "F" for misspelling and poor grammar!

#457Author of original report

Sat, March 11, 2006

PRAISE GOD! VICTORY! The insulters get an "F" for misspelling and poor grammar! In a classroom setting, the insulters would receive a big fat "F" for misspelling and improper grammar! Just take a look at their latest postings, what a mess! ==== As they say on the net, Todd Rebuttal Entered: 3/10/2006 Modified: 3/10/2006 Once you start attacking someone's spelling and grammar, that means you have lost the arugment, (MISSPELLED) have nothing to add or contribute to the post/thread/argument at hand, and now must resort to childish tactics to "maintain" the attention you so actively need NOTICE TO YOU TODD: YOU have been asked repeatedly for the CASE number, the Court and county it was filed in, and of course the JUDGE who presided over your case. The FACT that you have never provided such information, means that ALL ALONG, this has been a FARCE of a tail; a means for you to keep the attention on yourself, and away from your idiotic activities. It proves that your original post here, is nothing more than a FAIRY TALE. A lie; something we have come to learn about you, over the months you've been keeping this report active. Now, who is being a "child"? Todd. YOU are, todd, (WRONG GRAMMAR) and I suspect that you're the child yourself. YOu (WRONG GRAMMAR) are disgrace to your religion, as there have been "christians" (WRONG GRAMMAR) who have also replied to this report who think you are not "christian" (WRONG GRAMMAR) by any definition of the word. YOU are liar; a cheat, a sinner, a morally inept individual, with no conscious over anything that you do. YOu (WRONG GRAMMAR) believe every one is wrong, and you're always right. YOU do know what we call people like you, Todd? A psycopath. (MISSPELLED) Take your meds, Todd, you've been off them for far too long Would you care to post at least ONE verifiable fact about your case, or are you going to make that up as well? ===Denny, what school did you go to? You need to go hirer a teacher to teach you basic elementary spelling and grammar! (I do not say this to insult you, but to help you in life!=== ====== Praise to Walmart (MISSPELLED) Rebuttal Entered: 3/10/2006 Modified: 3/10/2006 I have watched this complaint unravel with great interest. I personally don't believe that any store should be allowed to check reciepts (MISSPELLED) unless they have real reason to suspect a person of wrongdoing. Having said that I find your report utterly amazing. Why does it seem that when people find God, they lose all capacity for reasonable thought. Let me lay out an example for you: Someone goes into Walmart (MISSPELLED) and grabs a Dayrunner (WRONG FORM OF COMPANY NAME) or Address book, a pack of pens and makes use of both items as they do their shopping. They use the pens to write down their plans for the next week, items that they need to pick up, taking note of sales going on the store, etc? Then they rip off the bar code from the items, sticking the items in their purse and then hand the barcodes over to the cashier to scan. What would you think of a person that does that? Is it illegal? No. But what if the cashier misses the barcodes and they don't end up on the reciept? (MISSPELLED) Whatever the shopper intended to do doesn't matter. What does matter is they now have items that were not paid for in their purse. You ate items from the deli and started to carry them out of the store(In your stomach)without them on the reciept. (MISSPELLED) Some of the things in your report don't ring true. You were concerned enough to ask the cashier twice whether or not she rang up the items, yet you couldn't take two seconds to check your receipt to make sure that there were on there before you left? I'm sorry, but I don't believe that. Why didn't you speak calmly to the police once they got there. Why didn't you defend yourself with something more then "I am a Christian so therefore I am innocent." I get the feeling that you are saying that no Christian can commit crimes. Well, a lot of guys in the Mafia are devout Catholics, speaking of Catholics-----Have you noticed that 6% of Priests are child molesters. Jeffery Dahmer (ARE YOU SURE THIS IS HOW THE NAME IS SPELLED?) had "found God" and so did Eileen Wournos. (SAME QUESTION) They were still serial killers. I am sure the guys who headed Enron were in church every time the doors opened. Do you see my point? What or who you worship has very little bearing on whether or not you are a criminal. So, please, get off the Christian thing. I also get the feeling you think that you were treated wrongly by the police and Walmart (MISSPELLED) because of your religion. They wouldn't have even known that you were so Christian had you not taken every breath to tell them. Truth is, there is no conspiracy against Christians. There are so few of you in the world that it would be pointless. I also take issue with you saying that you weren't read your rights. If this is true then it is horrifying, but I find it hard to believe that a police officer would be foolish enough to risk having the case thrown out on something as incredibly minor as not reading you your rights. I would be more willing to believe you if you would defend yourself with something more than bible verses. Your religion is irrelevant in this matter. I can predict that you will see this comment as little more than a heathen trying to lure you away from the light of God or something as equally tiring. The truth is you've made this about your religion and by relying on quotes from the bible and jubilant shouts to the almighty God in heaven; you have lessened you credibility. You should stick to the facts of your case and argue those. ===Aladia, I think you need to take the same spelling and grammar class with Denny Maybe, Wal-Mart will pay for it from the $6,500 they stole from innocent people they falsely arrested!==== God is GREAT!!! PRAISE HIM!!!! The insulters are "poor losers" just like their master, satan (This is not misspelled, I choose to lower his evil name for he is a low-life like the insulters and God haters) PRAISE HIM!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!! Do you know what makes the "insulters and Wal-Mart Lovers" so angry at my posting? It is because they are confused that in all of their worshiping power of greed and corruption, was nothing compared to the MIGHTY and AWESOME POWER of GOD ALMIGHTY!!! The insulters prayed to their false god, satan and demons, who are actually criminals themselves, and satan had no power over a TRUE MAN OF GOD!!! I am looking forward to talking with Todd further about the details I hear Wal-Mart stormed out of the courtroom when they were informed BEFORE the judge returned the verdict. That means, the court was in relationship with Wal-Mart! Because Wal-Mart knew BEFORE the reading of the verdict and the returning of both parties to the court! I am not sure of all the details; I only heard a small part of it from Todd. The main focus is VICTORY VICTORY VICTORY VICTORY VICTORY!!!! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! AMEN! YHWH!


New York,
Come on, Todd

#458Consumer Comment

Sat, March 11, 2006



Lake Oswego,
I think maybe todd did pay

#459Consumer Comment

Sat, March 11, 2006

Okay I believe in god, lets settle that right now and end the God discussion,things that bother me are 1.HOW DID miss Miller find out of all thoe garbage cans in the store THOSE EXACT RECEIPTS?! She went for them AFTER looking at your receipt, if you indeed did throw them away at the cash register, then how come the cashier didn't notice?! 2. I know when a small child has to go they have to go, and you didn't say you were going to DRIVE HIM HOME to go, you didn't say you weren't going to use the stores bathroom either, so kathy , I have no idea where you got that, most parents know they can't hold it for a drive home so the rational thing would be to use the store restroom, 3 We have the constitutional right to confront our accuser, and why didn't they call the cashier UPSTAIRS to veryify or not verify. 4. YOu should have asked for the receipt back to see for yourself if they were in fact scanned, but as i said that goes back to , with all the food and merchandise they sell how did she know EXACTLY WHICH ITEMS TO BRING BACK TO YOU!I am thinking they were on the receipt she didn't want to admit she made a mistake checked the garbage cans at the cashier, and then accused you, also the cop, well what a jerk, they are suppossed to get both sides of the story not just the stores,I think you were harassed but in the future, I would pay for my food upfront, and I will defend you on the practice wal mart has of paying up front( at the cashier with your other items) , however I always chose to pay for it before i eat it, to prevent this sort of thing.I too have been told by wal mart employees it is alright to eat it and pay up front, that is their practice since I live in oregon and have been told the same thing, just keep the codes they said.I do notthink 20.00 worth of deli food was grounds to arrest a man in front of his children or talk to his wife that way and I would certainly take that issue up with a lawyer. What woul dit have hurt if they had nothing ot hide to review the film WITH the COP present? so no, i don't think you were entirely wrong, i believe you paid for the food and ms.Miller didn't turn red for no reason . But i think she din't want to be embarrassed harassing a man with a child, some people will go to great lengths to hide the fatc they made amistake, but in the future Todd pay for your food BEFORE you eat it, becuase your kids were in thatstore and to witness their dad being hauled off like that is worse than the accusation to me. My sons respect is something that is important to me, and they learn by example, and believe me justly or unjustly being hauled off in front of your kids was ruthless, on the cops and wal marts part, and most people would get just a citation nowdays for shop lifting , not jail, they complain our jails are over crowded , and that is a misdeameanor here. GOOD LUCK TO YOU TODD AND I DO SUGGEST YOU SEEK LEGAL COUNSEL, SOMETHING ISN'T RIGHT HERE, My prayers will be with you and your family.


As they say on the net, Todd

#460Consumer Comment

Sat, March 11, 2006

Once you start attacking someone's spelling and grammar, that means you have lost the arugment, have nothing to add or contribute to the post/thread/argument at hand, and now must resort to childish tactics to "maintain" the attention you so actively need NOTICE TO YOU TODD: YOU have been asked repeatedly for the CASE number, the Court and county it was filed in, and of course the JUDGE who presided over your case. The FACT that you have never provided such information, means that ALL ALONG, this has been a FARCE of a tail; a means for you to keep the attention on yourself, and away from your idiotic activities. It proves that your original post here, is nothing more than a FAIRY TALE. A lie; something we have come to learn about you, over the months you've been keeping this report active. Now, who is being a "child"? Todd. YOU are, todd, and I suspect that you're the child yourself. YOu are disgrace to your religion, as there have been "christians" who have also replied to this report who think you are not "christian" by any definition of the word. YOU are liar; a cheat, a sinner, a morally inept individual, with no conscious over anything that you do. YOu believe every one is wrong, and you're always right. YOU do know what we call people like you, Todd? A psycopath. Take your meds, Todd, you've been off them for far too long Would you care to post at least ONE verifiable fact about your case, or are you going to make that up as well?


Walmart workers grazing

#461Consumer Comment

Sat, March 11, 2006

I also have to respond to this. You say you saw Walmart workers walking around eating food from the deli. I can say with almost a 97% certainity that this is false. How do I know that? I worked in a Walmart for longer than I care to admit and there were things you were told(Not nicely asked, mind you, but TOLD) not to do. One of those things was to never ever eat anything on your meal break from the deli or anything from grocery with your work smock on and to pay for everything before you stuck one crumb of it in your mouth. Walmart took the stance that it basically looked trashy to have employees in Walmart blue walking around the store and munching on chicken tenders while on their breaks. Grazing by customers or employees is generally frowned upon in Walmart because of the chance of items not being paid for. Not to mention that people tend to be messier in a store and will leave wrappers, lids, spoons, drink cup.......what have you any place other than in a garbage can.


Praise to Walmart

#462Consumer Comment

Sat, March 11, 2006

I have watched this complaint unravel with great interest. I personally don't believe that any store should be allowed to check reciepts unless they have real reason to suspect a person of wrongdoing. Having said that I find your report utterly amazing. Why does it seem that when people find God, they lose all capacity for reasonable thought. Let me lay out an example for you: Someone goes into Walmart and grabs a Dayrunner or Address book, a pack of pens and makes use of both items as they do their shopping. They use the pens to write down their plans for the next week, items that they need to pick up, taking note of sales going on the store, etc? Then they rip off the bar code from the items, sticking the items in their purse and then hand the barcodes over to the cashier to scan. What would you think of a person that does that? Is it illegal? No. But what if the cashier misses the barcodes and they don't end up on the reciept? Whatever the shopper intended to do doesn't matter. What does matter is they now have items that were not paid for in their purse. You ate items from the deli and started to carry them out of the store(In your stomach)without them on the reciept. Some of the things in your report don't ring true. You were concerned enough to ask the cashier twice whether or not she rang up the items, yet you couldn't take two seconds to check your receipt to make sure that there were on there before you left? I'm sorry, but I don't believe that. Why didn't you speak calmly to the police once they got there. Why didn't you defend yourself with something more then "I am a Christian so therefore I am innocent." I get the feeling that you are saying that no Christian can commit crimes. Well, a lot of guys in the Mafia are devout Catholics, speaking of Catholics-----Have you noticed that 6% of Priests are child molesters. Jeffery Dahmer had "found God" and so did Eileen Wournos. They were still serial killers. I am sure the guys who headed Enron were in church every time the doors opened. Do you see my point? What or who you worship has very little bearing on whether or not you are a criminal. So, please, get off the Christian thing. I also get the feeling you think that you were treated wrongly by the police and Walmart because of your religion. They wouldn't have even known that you were so Christian had you not taken every breath to tell them. Truth is, there is no conspiracy against Christians. There are so few of you in the world that it would be pointless. I also take issue with you saying that you weren't read your rights. If this is true then it is horrifying, but I find it hard to believe that a police officer would be foolish enough to risk having the case thrown out on something as incredibly minor as not reading you your rights. I would be more willing to believe you if you would defend yourself with something more than bible verses. Your religion is irrelevant in this matter. I can predict that you will see this comment as little more than a heathen trying to lure you away from the light of God or something as equally tiring. The truth is you've made this about your religion and by relying on quotes from the bible and jubilant shouts to the almighty God in heaven; you have lessened you credibility. You should stick to the facts of your case and argue those.


Praise to Walmart

#463Consumer Comment

Sat, March 11, 2006

I have watched this complaint unravel with great interest. I personally don't believe that any store should be allowed to check reciepts unless they have real reason to suspect a person of wrongdoing. Having said that I find your report utterly amazing. Why does it seem that when people find God, they lose all capacity for reasonable thought. Let me lay out an example for you: Someone goes into Walmart and grabs a Dayrunner or Address book, a pack of pens and makes use of both items as they do their shopping. They use the pens to write down their plans for the next week, items that they need to pick up, taking note of sales going on the store, etc? Then they rip off the bar code from the items, sticking the items in their purse and then hand the barcodes over to the cashier to scan. What would you think of a person that does that? Is it illegal? No. But what if the cashier misses the barcodes and they don't end up on the reciept? Whatever the shopper intended to do doesn't matter. What does matter is they now have items that were not paid for in their purse. You ate items from the deli and started to carry them out of the store(In your stomach)without them on the reciept. Some of the things in your report don't ring true. You were concerned enough to ask the cashier twice whether or not she rang up the items, yet you couldn't take two seconds to check your receipt to make sure that there were on there before you left? I'm sorry, but I don't believe that. Why didn't you speak calmly to the police once they got there. Why didn't you defend yourself with something more then "I am a Christian so therefore I am innocent." I get the feeling that you are saying that no Christian can commit crimes. Well, a lot of guys in the Mafia are devout Catholics, speaking of Catholics-----Have you noticed that 6% of Priests are child molesters. Jeffery Dahmer had "found God" and so did Eileen Wournos. They were still serial killers. I am sure the guys who headed Enron were in church every time the doors opened. Do you see my point? What or who you worship has very little bearing on whether or not you are a criminal. So, please, get off the Christian thing. I also get the feeling you think that you were treated wrongly by the police and Walmart because of your religion. They wouldn't have even known that you were so Christian had you not taken every breath to tell them. Truth is, there is no conspiracy against Christians. There are so few of you in the world that it would be pointless. I also take issue with you saying that you weren't read your rights. If this is true then it is horrifying, but I find it hard to believe that a police officer would be foolish enough to risk having the case thrown out on something as incredibly minor as not reading you your rights. I would be more willing to believe you if you would defend yourself with something more than bible verses. Your religion is irrelevant in this matter. I can predict that you will see this comment as little more than a heathen trying to lure you away from the light of God or something as equally tiring. The truth is you've made this about your religion and by relying on quotes from the bible and jubilant shouts to the almighty God in heaven; you have lessened you credibility. You should stick to the facts of your case and argue those.


South Carolina,
Now The Wicked Shift Their Mouths! And Do Not Know How To SPELL!

#464Author of original report

Fri, March 10, 2006

Just like the wicked, the truth is one for the righteous and they get so angry they begin to foam at the mouth. I really do not care about all of your insults; I have read many of your insane and insulting commits to other postings on RipOffReport. Here are just a few, look at the uneducated posting. No wonder you work for Wal-Mart as a LP Bully. That's what Wal-Mart likes, so they can control you better. It is really sad. If you go get a real education, you may turn into a better person, then again maybe not. I get a laugh at your uneducated posts. I can tell you have no life; you are wasting company money, which can get you fired as stealing from them. Here are a few posts this "Danny-Girl" has posted on other postings: I have taken the liberty to show Denny where his mistakes are within brackets "()". Maybe this will help him on his new path of righteousness. Once he becomes educated, maybe he will begin reading the Bible and learn the truth. Denny did you know it was Christians that started education in our Nation? 1: ====Wal-Mart In Opelousas Louisiana Manager Thomas Nelson embarrassed harassed yelled at me Opelousas Louisiana=== the only dopes here, JOe (TYPO) are those who choose to keep ..on shopping at a place they feel that have wronged them over and over again. Yet there are thousands out there that know how to "go on with their lives" instead of think that their is a conspiracy going on at every corner, or behind their backs. There is no gestapo (MISSPELLED) like tactics on the part of walmart (WRONG GRAMMAR) to make sure yOU (TYPO) have and leave with everything you've bought. How would you like to have bought and paid for a gallon of milk, and forget to collect it but the guy at the door was able to catch that on your receipt? Wouldn't you be grateful? Walmart has these greeters for one thing, to make the CUSTOMER knows that they are aknowledge (MISSPELLED) as the ENTER and LEAVE The store. This helps prevent theft. You know what THEFT does right, Joe? It raises prices of the goods you buy. Wnat (MISSPELLED) that gallon of milk to START costing you $7 instead of $3? Sure, they can't CATCh (TYPO) everyone, but the simple aknowledgement (REAL TROUBLE HERE) is at least one way to make a "thief" change his mind. I surely have walked out of Walmart without being "asked" to show my receipt many times over. If Im (MISSPELLED) carting out a tv (WRONG GRAMMAR) set or a bulky item, I see these greeter to either get help or just so they know that Im (MISSPELLED) not "stealing" the item. Only people like "JOE" see this as a bad thing Sorry, joe, (WRONG GRAMMAR) the world odesn't (MISSPELLED) revolve around your ignorant views. ITs (MISSPELLED) their property and they have every right to "police" it as they do. If you dont (MISSPELLED) like ,you can ALWAYS not shop there. And Walmart isn't the ONLY store that practices this: Sams (WRONG GRAMMAR) Club Costco Target Kmart Sears from time to time So why attack Walmart? Door greeters have been around ,and ACCEPTED by the public and business world for the last half of the 20th century. IF you didn't like them, why shop at these stores? Denny - Honolulu, Hawaii U.S.A. ++++++ All walmart (MISSPELLED) had to see that this guy was a lunatic, and to put any more iota of effort to defend themselves against someone who evidently needs three months in a psychiatric ward, would be enough for me to withdraw my "court case" against the individual. He skirted the law, because I bet that the behaviour (MISSPELLED) he's shown here, was the same behaviour (MISSPELLED) he's shown for his court case Or, in true sociopathic (MISSPELLED) ways, this whole thing was a BULL CRAP story to begin with, becasue (MISSPELLED) "TODD" wants the attention. NOTICE still that "TODD" has never ONCE provided a : 1) Court CAse (TYPO) number 2) The district this was tried in. 3) The judge who presided over the case. The fact that he continues to do so, only excaserbates (MISSPELLED) the lie he has perpetuated on the Ripoffreport.com community. He has "ripped" us off, because of this ficticious (MISSPELLED) tale. ======= (NOTE: Denny, you really need to go back to school and learn how to spell and use proper grammar before doing all these postings!) ++++ the only time i (WRONG GRAMMAR) have to show Is if im (WRONG GRAMMAR) carrying out big bulky items that CAN:T fit in a shopping bag. I mean WHAT is the big deal? You carrying a big bag of dog food; SHOW your receipt. What's so hard? Denny - Honolulu, Hawaii U.S.A. ((NOTE: Are all of these "insulters and God Haters" such uneducated thinkers? (Laura and Denny to name a few) Use your brains and try spelling correctly once and a while!)) Have you noticed all the new "RipOffReports" of the wrong doings that Wal-Mart has done. I see you insulters attacked the young mom because in her title she mentioned the word "Christian". I am sure that caused your tail to wrinkle up tighter than a old man sucking on a lemon peel! I have another message for you from God: "Blessed are you when they revile (I am sure you have no idea what this word means) and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake" (Matthew 5:11). "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled" (Matthew 5:6). Oh, and I just discovered one of the major reasons your company is so whacked up? Can you say, "I love Clinton?" We all know where her path goes. Please go take some spelling courses, your lack of proper grammar is giving me a headache whenever I am trying to see what word you meant to spell. HA! "My name is D-E-N-N-Y" I am ten, no five, no I think thirty years old? I dropped out of school so I can work for Wal-Mart and be a bully? ant that fun?" Lastly, I must say, if I had employees that were going around and arresting people for no reasons, but to harass, I would fire them on the spot! Maybe that is what the Military did. I do know they do not put up with misconduct in any shape or form.


Deborah as deluded as "Todd", God did not help Todd, his lunacy did

#465Consumer Comment

Fri, March 10, 2006

All walmart had to see that this guy was a lunatic, and to put any more iota of effort to defend themselves against someone who evidently needs three months in a psychiatric ward, would be enough for me to withdraw my "court case" against the individual. He skirted the law, because I bet that the behaviour he's shown here, was the same behaviour he's shown for his court case Or, in true sociopathic ways, this whole thing was a BULL CRAP story to begin with, becasue "TODD" wants the attention. NOTICE still that "TODD" has never ONCE provided a : 1) Court CAse number 2) The district this was tried in. 3) The judge who presided over the case. The fact that he continues to do so, only excaserbates the lie he has perpetuated on the Ripoffreport.com community. He has "ripped" us off, because of this ficticious tale.


I still maintain.....

#466Consumer Comment

Fri, March 10, 2006

That you should seek professional help for your mental health problems, Todd. As for my beliefs, maybe you should do a bit of research. Just because I'm wiccan does not mean that I serve Satan, or any other evil entity. My life is a peaceful existance with everyone and everything around me. I don't spout off and try to convert everyone around me, I'm quite comfortable with those of different faiths, and I'm very happy in my own space. MY children are taught to take responsibility for their actions, to respect those around them, to do what is right. My family lives with the belief that the power of three (what you do, good or bad, comes back to you threefold) is a strong force in your life, and that a good and kind person is rewarded many times over, while a wicked, nasty person is punished in the same manner. YOUR children are living in an atmosphere that shows them that as long as you shout 'Praise God', you can justify most anything. Shame on you! Those that know me (including a baptist preacher, his daughter, a luthern preacher, and his daughter, and even my very christian parents), neither condemn me nor single me out for my beliefs. I don't have to shout 'Praise God' to justify my actions, since I LIVE by my beliefs, and do what's RIGHT! You may have skirted punishment at this moment for your actions (which you will still have to answer for, whether by my beliefs of the power of three, or your own on judgement day standing before your Lord), but since you still haven't given out any pertinent information, none of us can verify ANY PART of your longwinded story, now can we? At least now the rest of us can rest assured that since you've been "vindicated", maybe your ramblings will stop.


New York,
New York,
Glad to see someone taking a stand!

#467Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 10, 2006

Hi Todd (or representative): I know many people as well that has been a victim of Wal-Mart's cruelty and false arrest. Most of the LP people are rejects out of the Military AFES (Military version of Wal-Mart) where they could never become real police, and therefore take whatever they can get. I have heard stories of some of these LP deeply involved in organized crime rings. These "police-want-a-bees" are very aggressive bullies that target anyone and everyone and will even jump on a small child if they could! Now I am not saying there are no "bad shoplifters out there" but that does not conclude the mistreatment of good people! Because Wal-Mart pumps tons of money into the state and local elective politics they are basically given a "green-light" to do whatever they want. But they know that if normal people heard of the case they would throw it out (which I am not sure if this happen I would be surprised that a local city judge would throw out a case that Wal-Mart demanded). Please let me know if the case was a jury of normal people and not just a judge that would be interesting to learn. I agree that God has given you a great victory. I know first hand that if nothing like this has ever happen to you before it can be very stressful. I also praise God! Do not listen to the people that keep mocking you and insulting you most likely they are LP and Wal-Mart employees swimming around this website like sharks trying to confuse normal people from reading about the truth. These insulters as you have stated in your posting are just like the Hitler SS in the Second World War. Do not get upset with them there are many normal people reading your posting. We may not let ourselves be known by responding to your posting. But we are here and enjoy reading every word you write and agree with everything. We have prayed for you and wish you many blessings for the pain you have suffered. I am glad to learn of your fight and the victory God has given you. You have lifted our spirits to give us hope that justice can happen when normal people are around! I say praise God and always give Him the glory too! Thank you Todd or your representative that is posting your story. I am sure God is going to bless you very much. Amen.



#468Consumer Comment

Thu, March 09, 2006

>>>>>>Are we in the presence of a split personality? If so, which one was found not guilty?<<<<<<< Ahh, c'mon, Robert--this one's easy! The one found not guilty is clearly the one who WASN'T in the deli eating that day!!


South Carolina,

#469Author of original report

Thu, March 09, 2006

PRAISE GOD!!! VICTORY FROM GOD!!!! PRAISE GOD!!! VICTORY FROM GOD!!!! The Truth Shall Set You Free!!! Here is a message to those evil people that just posted more insults and mocked at God's friend and servant! "Thus saith the LORD, the God of Israel, unto thee, O Baruch: Thou didst say, Woe is me now! for the LORD hath added grief to my sorrow; I fainted in my sighing, and I find no rest. Thus shalt thou say unto him, The LORD saith thus; Behold, that which I have built will I break down, and that which I have planted I will pluck up, even this whole land. And seekest thou great things for thyself? seek them not: for, behold, I will bring evil upon all flesh, saith the LORD: but thy life will I give unto thee for a prey in all places whither thou goest" (Jeremiah 45:2-5)! You, wicked, you have just seen God's mighty power, He has spoken and shown the truth of the matter and you still "MOCK HIM"! You had 12 months to REPENT and remove your wickedness against a servant and friend of God... NOW God is going to bring His WRATH against you, Oh you of twisted spirit! "(For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;) The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished: But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities. Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord. But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption; And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you; Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children: Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness; But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb a*s speaking with man's voice forbad the madness of the prophet" (II Peter 2:8-15). These wicked people that continue to "MOCK" the man of God, God will strike the thing, which you love. Be for warned. I have posted a "Praise God Posting" where I heard Todd has won, and God gave him victory. And you "wicked and evil spirited people" return with more "insults and mocking"! Read these words and learn them well, unless you repent right now, God will "strike" you down! Go ahead an listen to those demons if you wish, for they know the truth that what I write comes from God directly! "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost" (II Peter 1:21). Praise God... Almighty One... Thank You Jesus!!! Amen!!! For all those Christians that are being attacked by these wicked and evil people, just keep the Faith, pray and God will BRING YOU VICTORY! Keep in mind, we, TRUE CHRISTIANS, are ministers of the flame of FIRE (Word Of God, the Living Word)!! "And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire" (Hebrews 1:7). I will not stop posting the GLORY of God and the VICTORY that he has given!!! AMEN! PRAISE GOD!!! AMEN!!!


Who Wrote the Post or is Todd a split personality??

#470Consumer Comment

Thu, March 09, 2006

I am confused. The response indicates it was written by someone other than Todd. Then it was signed by Todd. Are we in the presence of a split personality? If so, which one was found not guilty?


Now Todd speaks of himself in the "third person"?

#471Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 09, 2006

Good gravy. Not only did he swipe a "sammich", but Todd has officially hijacked an entire organized religion. But trust Todd and his angry wheelchair-pulpit proclaimations. If you say "praise god" 50 times, you're spreading both christianity AND the truth. It just HAS to be.... right? I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.


Did they clear your record?

#472Consumer Comment

Thu, March 09, 2006

If they didn't, then you still have a record for the rest of your life, so you shouldn't be so smug just because they let you off the hook this time. Both Walmart and the Police have your number now, so don't try your looney shoplifting tricks anytime soon. BTW, God had nothing to do with your getting away with it.


That's wonderful

#473Consumer Comment

Wed, March 08, 2006

That means you won't have any problem at all giving us what we've asked for all along then...the Docket Number for the criminal case.


South Carolina,

#474Author of original report

Wed, March 08, 2006

I know there are many of you praying and waiting for the outcome of this case. I just got word from Todd, that he was "Found Not Guilty"!!! Although I knew he was not guilty of this accused crime, the court agreed to it as well. I will tell all of you "God Haters and Wal-Mart Lovers" out there, you had every opportunity to be fair and not jump onto Todd, and with your anger and quick hatred against him because of his deep Christian faith, you will now see God's wrath! I do not know all the details of what happen in the court with Todd, but once I know I will let you know. Todd said Wal-Mart went into all kinds of discrimination and lies! I want to hear everything when I talk to Todd again and will let you know. I will not put out too much information because Todd said God may use him to punish Wal-Mart for their evildoing and may need to keep the evidence undercover for any future legal proceedings. But this update is to give GOD the GLORY!!!! PRAISE HIM!!! HE IS GREAT!!! HE IS REAL!!! I will pray for all of you Christians that have been falsely accused by Wal-Mart that you will see the VICTORY too! I will pray for those God-Haters too, in hopes you will REPENT, before Jesus returns and then it is too late! PRAISE GOD!!! PRAISE GOD!!! Praise His Holy NAME!!!! Thank you JESUS!!! In YOUR FACE SATAN YOU SUCK!!!! I guess Laura the witch, that satan could do nothing against the ALMIGHTY JESUS!!!! Stop worshiping the "low-lives" and go for the "real-LIFE"!!! In Jesus!!!! PRAISE GOD VICTORY!!!! VICTORY!!! VICTORY!!!!


Another take on what might have happened...

#475UPDATE Employee

Thu, February 02, 2006

I think there is another possibility to what may have happened. I think it is possible that the original poster did indeed go to Wal-Mart and to the deli and select some food to eat and after the fact, he would pay for it. When he went to pay for the food and the other items he had, he may have used an EBT card. So while all of the items he purchased WERE rang up by the cashier and did appear on the receipt, some of them might have remained unpaid for. How could this have happened you may ask? Not all items are elgible to be paid for with an EBT card...namely items which can be eaten in the store which in this case is items from the deli. So, the original poster goes to pay for the items which have all ready been eaten. He twice asks the cashier if the items have been rung up. The cashier assures him the items have been rung up because they have. Then, the original poster's child has to use the restroom. It's around this time that the cashier has a total amount due from the original poster. The original poster has a larger amount due than what he has money for. He didn't realize his EBT card couldn't be used to purchase food he could and did eat in the store. But he's all ready eaten the food and now his child has to use the bathroom. So, the original poster leaves the deli with his child and they head to the restroom. Once they arrive at the restroom, the action taken by Wal-Mart is suspended because LP's (at least here in my town) can't follow anyone into the restrooms. When they come out of the bathroom, they attempt to leave the store. Since they hadn't paid for all that they consumed, they have just shoplifted. Just because the original poster says he had a receipt which had all the items listed, it doesn't mean he paid for ALL the items.


Another take on what might have happened...

#476UPDATE Employee

Thu, February 02, 2006

I think there is another possibility to what may have happened. I think it is possible that the original poster did indeed go to Wal-Mart and to the deli and select some food to eat and after the fact, he would pay for it. When he went to pay for the food and the other items he had, he may have used an EBT card. So while all of the items he purchased WERE rang up by the cashier and did appear on the receipt, some of them might have remained unpaid for. How could this have happened you may ask? Not all items are elgible to be paid for with an EBT card...namely items which can be eaten in the store which in this case is items from the deli. So, the original poster goes to pay for the items which have all ready been eaten. He twice asks the cashier if the items have been rung up. The cashier assures him the items have been rung up because they have. Then, the original poster's child has to use the restroom. It's around this time that the cashier has a total amount due from the original poster. The original poster has a larger amount due than what he has money for. He didn't realize his EBT card couldn't be used to purchase food he could and did eat in the store. But he's all ready eaten the food and now his child has to use the bathroom. So, the original poster leaves the deli with his child and they head to the restroom. Once they arrive at the restroom, the action taken by Wal-Mart is suspended because LP's (at least here in my town) can't follow anyone into the restrooms. When they come out of the bathroom, they attempt to leave the store. Since they hadn't paid for all that they consumed, they have just shoplifted. Just because the original poster says he had a receipt which had all the items listed, it doesn't mean he paid for ALL the items.


Another take on what might have happened...

#477UPDATE Employee

Thu, February 02, 2006

I think there is another possibility to what may have happened. I think it is possible that the original poster did indeed go to Wal-Mart and to the deli and select some food to eat and after the fact, he would pay for it. When he went to pay for the food and the other items he had, he may have used an EBT card. So while all of the items he purchased WERE rang up by the cashier and did appear on the receipt, some of them might have remained unpaid for. How could this have happened you may ask? Not all items are elgible to be paid for with an EBT card...namely items which can be eaten in the store which in this case is items from the deli. So, the original poster goes to pay for the items which have all ready been eaten. He twice asks the cashier if the items have been rung up. The cashier assures him the items have been rung up because they have. Then, the original poster's child has to use the restroom. It's around this time that the cashier has a total amount due from the original poster. The original poster has a larger amount due than what he has money for. He didn't realize his EBT card couldn't be used to purchase food he could and did eat in the store. But he's all ready eaten the food and now his child has to use the bathroom. So, the original poster leaves the deli with his child and they head to the restroom. Once they arrive at the restroom, the action taken by Wal-Mart is suspended because LP's (at least here in my town) can't follow anyone into the restrooms. When they come out of the bathroom, they attempt to leave the store. Since they hadn't paid for all that they consumed, they have just shoplifted. Just because the original poster says he had a receipt which had all the items listed, it doesn't mean he paid for ALL the items.


Another take on what might have happened...

#478UPDATE Employee

Thu, February 02, 2006

I think there is another possibility to what may have happened. I think it is possible that the original poster did indeed go to Wal-Mart and to the deli and select some food to eat and after the fact, he would pay for it. When he went to pay for the food and the other items he had, he may have used an EBT card. So while all of the items he purchased WERE rang up by the cashier and did appear on the receipt, some of them might have remained unpaid for. How could this have happened you may ask? Not all items are elgible to be paid for with an EBT card...namely items which can be eaten in the store which in this case is items from the deli. So, the original poster goes to pay for the items which have all ready been eaten. He twice asks the cashier if the items have been rung up. The cashier assures him the items have been rung up because they have. Then, the original poster's child has to use the restroom. It's around this time that the cashier has a total amount due from the original poster. The original poster has a larger amount due than what he has money for. He didn't realize his EBT card couldn't be used to purchase food he could and did eat in the store. But he's all ready eaten the food and now his child has to use the bathroom. So, the original poster leaves the deli with his child and they head to the restroom. Once they arrive at the restroom, the action taken by Wal-Mart is suspended because LP's (at least here in my town) can't follow anyone into the restrooms. When they come out of the bathroom, they attempt to leave the store. Since they hadn't paid for all that they consumed, they have just shoplifted. Just because the original poster says he had a receipt which had all the items listed, it doesn't mean he paid for ALL the items.


Todd, let's get real for once

#479Consumer Comment

Tue, January 31, 2006

Just because I seek "The Truth", you will probably judge me and label me an "insulter". You are not my judge and frankly you can label me whatever you want. But let's get real for once. Either you took something from Wal-Mart without paying for it, or you didn't. By your own admission, you did. Whether it was intentional or not, you still took something without paying and there are laws against that. "Thou shalt not steal" is even your Fathers words, not mine. It would appear you might even be making up this entire episode. "Thou shalt not lie" comes to mind. The commandment does not give any stipulation when it's ok to lie, it just says lying is wrong and against God. Now I am a long haired 44 year old white male that wears a leather jacket. Some judge me because of my hair, and I honestly don't care. I have set off the door alarm at Wal-Mart several times. Each and every time, they check my bag, check my receipt, log it in a book and allow me to go on my way. Honestly, I have never had a problem like you are describing. First of all, I don't take it out on the retired door greeter. They are just doing their job, and I've done nothing wrong. I'm sure if I pushed them, they would push back. The entire event is in Gods hands so I don't even worry about it. Worrying to a Christian is uneccesarry. A true believer does not worry, nor do they fire back. Should something negative happen..."Turn the other cheek". Why is it this long haired, leather jacket clad freaky person can set off alarms without any hassles? Maybe it's because I treat people with respect. Based on your posts alone, you do not do the same. Why not just answer the questions? 1.)Case Number? 2.)Court Date? What are you hiding from? I'm sure you would get more support if you just stuck to the facts in the case and removed your beliefs from your posts. God did not partake in your activities that got you in this spot. That is assuming what you are saying is fact, or coming from a delusioned religious fanatic that feels Christians can do no wrong. Which is it?


Bullhead City,
time to stop, you've taken what seemed like a legitamate complaint and twisted into a never ending rant on your fundementalist chritian belifes

#480Consumer Comment

Mon, January 30, 2006

this has gone on long enough. you've taken what seemed like a legitamate complaint and twisted into a never ending rant on your fundementalist chritian belifes. then you attack the morals of anyone who disagrees with you. implying that they are of the devil, a time honored neo fundamentaist tradition. the same kind of mentality that is displayed by another radical religious faction....alqueda. obviously you have ample time to sit and type your rant so you must not have a case pending against walmart. perhaps you could not find a lawyer to represent you in a such a shakey case. undoubtedly another part of the global conspiracy against "good christian families". so lets hear about the progress of your case and the facts surrounding it or go away. this site is for real consumer concerns not a forum for religios zellots.


Valley View,
Good Lord!!!!

#481Consumer Comment

Mon, January 30, 2006

Todd, what do any of your ramblings have to do with your initial complaint of being ripped off by Walmart? ANSWER THE QUESTION MAN! This thing is so blastedly long that even though I have a cable ISP, I have to wait for it to download. Has your case come up for trial? Oo boy--now we'll get a so-called Christian sermon. TELL US THE TRUTH--YOU'RE THE ONE WHO STARTED THIS COMPLAINT!


Valley View,
Good Lord!!!!

#482Consumer Comment

Mon, January 30, 2006

Todd, what do any of your ramblings have to do with your initial complaint of being ripped off by Walmart? ANSWER THE QUESTION MAN! This thing is so blastedly long that even though I have a cable ISP, I have to wait for it to download. Has your case come up for trial? Oo boy--now we'll get a so-called Christian sermon. TELL US THE TRUTH--YOU'RE THE ONE WHO STARTED THIS COMPLAINT!


Valley View,
Good Lord!!!!

#483Consumer Comment

Mon, January 30, 2006

Todd, what do any of your ramblings have to do with your initial complaint of being ripped off by Walmart? ANSWER THE QUESTION MAN! This thing is so blastedly long that even though I have a cable ISP, I have to wait for it to download. Has your case come up for trial? Oo boy--now we'll get a so-called Christian sermon. TELL US THE TRUTH--YOU'RE THE ONE WHO STARTED THIS COMPLAINT!


Valley View,
Good Lord!!!!

#484Consumer Comment

Mon, January 30, 2006

Todd, what do any of your ramblings have to do with your initial complaint of being ripped off by Walmart? ANSWER THE QUESTION MAN! This thing is so blastedly long that even though I have a cable ISP, I have to wait for it to download. Has your case come up for trial? Oo boy--now we'll get a so-called Christian sermon. TELL US THE TRUTH--YOU'RE THE ONE WHO STARTED THIS COMPLAINT!


"Todd" does it again. Sermons, preaching and posts things that has nothing to do with this report

#485Consumer Comment

Sun, January 29, 2006

1) What is the case number of the court filing that Walmart has against you? 2) Have you consulted a lawyer?


"Todd" does it again. Sermons, preaching and posts things that has nothing to do with this report

#486Consumer Comment

Sun, January 29, 2006

1) What is the case number of the court filing that Walmart has against you? 2) Have you consulted a lawyer?


"Todd" does it again. Sermons, preaching and posts things that has nothing to do with this report

#487Consumer Comment

Sun, January 29, 2006

1) What is the case number of the court filing that Walmart has against you? 2) Have you consulted a lawyer?


"Todd" does it again. Sermons, preaching and posts things that has nothing to do with this report

#488Consumer Comment

Sun, January 29, 2006

1) What is the case number of the court filing that Walmart has against you? 2) Have you consulted a lawyer?


South Carolina,
I Must Say I Am Sorry For The Mr. Rogers and Captain Kangaroo Posting...

#489Author of original report

Sun, January 29, 2006

I must say I am sorry for that posting... (Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Rogers) The person that sent it to me is a good friend and I thought they had checked the source, so I felt it was a good posting. But after a long chat with them, they wanted me to check the info. Either way, I am humble enough to say I am sorry. I am sure the "insulters" will enjoy kicking me down because of this simple mistake. Have fun now, but I will keep up the fight! A good blessing out of this, is the educated reader will see how wicked the "insulters" will be, but using this mistake to their advantage to insult me further. But a good heart knows we are not perfect, even Jesus himself ask, "Why do you call me good, there is only one that is good, and the is GOD"! With that said, I am sorry to you good readers (not the insulters), if my mistake has caused you harm. But I am sure you are stronger than that, and will know I have a good heart and know what the purpose of this posting is all about. Additionally, the scam email about Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Rogers, shows how twisted the wicked can be in their "lies" and is the same kind of evil I have been pointing at, ever since this post started... scam! Wal-Mart has employees that "scam" customers and drop false charges on them. Other scams are those "get-rich-quick" things. And I am sure some people have seen those bogus emails about someone leaving millions in a bank and need you to help them and they will give you a percentage... all you have to do is pay the fee... I think the FBI calls it "fee-scam" or something. I hope Jesus returns quickly, I am very tired of all these scams, lying, murdering, insulters, and so on. But until then, I will enjoy the good things that God has blessed me with. Such as my family, nature and life itself. Praise God! Let the wicked destroy themselves! But I will not let them destroy me or the inocent... thats a promise! Here is the research on the BOGUS email... The people that "dreamed up" such lies about two great Children entertainers should burn in the fire, unless they repent. It would be interesting if the source of the bogus story came from the "spammer" that is now serving 30 years and a mulity million dallar sancation agianst him now... I wonder. ===Real Research=== (it started in 2002) Captain Kangaroo Court Claim: Lee Marvin, actor, and Bob Keeshan, television's "Captain Kangaroo," fought together at Iwo Jima. Status: Multiple: * Actor Lee Marvin fought in the Pacific theater during World War II, received a Purple Heart, and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery: True. * Lee Marvin and Bob Keeshan, television's "Captain Kangaroo," fought together in the battle for Iwo Jima: False. Origins: The above-quoted bit of purported dialog from the Tonight Show does have some elements of truth to it, but although actor Lee Marvin was a guest on that late-night talk show at least seven times during Carson's tenure as host, most of what is reproduced above is an outright fiction or a transcript based on someone's badly flawed memory. Lee Marvin did enlist in the U.S. Marines, saw action as Private First Class in the Pacific during World War II, and was wounded (in the buttocks) by fire which severed his sciatic nerve. However, his injury occurred during the battle for Saipan in June 1944, not the battle for Iwo Jima, which took place several months later in February 1945. Marvin also received a Purple Heart and was indeed interred at Arlington National Cemetery (but he was not, as some versions of this piece claim, awarded a Navy Cross). Bob Keeshan, later famous as television's "Captain Kangaroo," also enlisted in the U.S. Marines, but he did so too late to see any action during World War II. Keeshan was born on 27 June 1927 and enlisted two weeks before his 18th birthday, several months after the fighting at Iwo Jima. In a 1997 interview, Keeshan explained that he "enlisted in the U.S. Marines but saw no combat" because he signed up "just before we dropped the atom bomb." In 2003 someone thought to throw children's television host Fred Rogers into the mix by add the following bit to the existing e-mail about Lee Marvin and Bob Keeshan. Numerous rumors about children's host Mr. Rogers having a violent or criminal past have been bandied about for years, but there is nothing to any of them. As our Mr. Rogers page explains, Fred Rogers never served in the military. ===Mr. ROgers=== Claim: Children's television show host Fred Rogers hid a violent and criminal past. Status: False. Origins: The television world recently mourned the loss of Fred Rogers, the gentle and genial host who delivered lessons on love, kindness, and friendship to children for over 30 years on the television program Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. His show-opening "Won't You Be My Neighbor?" ditty, his daily on-camera donning of a cardigan sweater and comfortable shoes, and his tinkling Neighborhood Trolley were all familiar, reassuring icons to millions of children (and their parents). Any popular, decent, clean-cut celebrity is fair game for all sorts of scurrilous rumors these days, it seems we're either too cynical or too bored to accept that a kindly, soft-spoken man who made a career out of teaching and communicating with children as an adult no funny costumes, no frenetic comedy gags, no sickly sweet "baby talk" could possibly live up to his television image. He must be concealing some deep, dark secret antithetical to his public persona, and the variety of rumors floated about Mr. Rogers over the years certainly reflected that sentiment. Among the more common of the Mr. Rogers-related urban legends are the following claims: * Fred Rogers began his television career as a result of his being convicted of child molestation; one condition of his sentence was that he fulfill a community service obligation by performing a television show for children on a local public station. This circumstance explains the lack of children on his program and the presence of adult characters with suggestive names, such as Mr. McFeely Given the protests and boycotts directed at Disney when it was revealed that Victor Salva, the writer-director of their 1995 film Powder (released through Disney's Hollywood Pictures subsidiary), had served time for child molestation, it stretches credulity to the breaking point to believe that the host of a children's program on public television could have remained in that position for thirty-three years without having been hounded off the air amidst howls of condemnation from thousands of outraged parents. Fred Rogers got his start in television through his musical background when, after earning a bachelor's degree in music composition in 1951, he was hired by NBC television in New York to serve as an assistant producer (and later as a floor director) for several of the music-variety type programs (The Voice of Firestone, The Lucky Strike Hit Parade, The Kate Smith Hour) prevalent on TV in the early 1950s. A few years later, he returned to his hometown area to develop programming for WQED in Pittsburgh, the nation's first community-sponsored educational television station. One of the first programs he developed for WQED was The Children's Corner, which contained many of the elements and characters Fred Rogers would incorporate into his own show when he made his on-camera debut as host of Misterogers for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in 1963. Aside from the difficulties of working with very young children on scripted television shows, the lack of children on Mister Rogers' Neighborhood was due simply to stylistic choice. Although some children's shows of the era featured youngsters who interacted with hosts on-camera, other shows (such as Sheriff John, my local favorite) opted to create the illusion of a one-to-one relationship between host and viewer by excluding children from the studio. The latter method allowed a host to establish a rapport with the youngsters in his viewing audience by appearing to be speaking to them directly, not to the other children on the screen with him. As for Mr. McFeely, the grandfatherly character who runs the "Speedy Delivery Messenger Service" in Mister Rogers' neighborhood, his name is easily explained: 'McFeely' is also Fred Rogers' real middle name, taken from his grandfather, Fred Brooks McFeely. * Fred Rogers served as a sniper or as a Navy Seal during the Vietnam War, with a large number of confirmed kills to his credit. This same rumor has often been applied to boyish country singer-songwriter John Denver (among others), and it's just as false when told of Fred Rogers. Not only did Fred Rogers never serve in the military, there are no gaps in his career when he could conceivably have served in the military he went straight into college after high school, he moved directly into TV work after graduating college, and his breaks from television work were devoted to attending the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (he was ordained as a Presbyterian minister in 1963) and the University of Pittsburgh's Graduate School of Child Development. Moreover, Fred Rogers was born in 1928 and was therefore too old to have enlisted in the armed services by the time of America's military involvement in Vietnam. * Fred Rogers always wore long-sleeved shirts and sweaters on his show to conceal the tattoos on his arms he obtained while serving in the military. As noted above, Fred Rogers never served in the military, and he bore no tattoos on his arms (or any other part of his body). He wore long-sleeved shirts and sweaters on his show to maintain an air of formality although he was friendly with the children in his viewing audience and talked to them on their own level, he was most definitely an authority figure on a par with parents and teachers (he was Mister Rogers to them, after all, not Fred), and his choice of dress was intended to establish and foster that relationship. * Fred Rogers "flipped the bird" to his young audience during the taping of his final show in December 2000. A widely-circulated photograph of Fred Rogers with extended middle finger is available on many Internet sites, but it's a digitally manipulated image, not a frame from a Mister Rogers' Neighborhood broadcast (and out of respect for Fred Rogers, we're not displaying it here). Last updated: 28 February 2003 === Again, sorry to those good readers (not the insulters), I will try to "keep on my toes" the next time! :)


"Todd" Ad nauseum. broken record

#490Consumer Comment

Sat, January 28, 2006

Again "Todd" avoids the question at hand 1) What is the case number of the court filing that Walmart has against you? 2) Have you consulted a lawyer? What with these two questions can't you answer, "Tood". Why do you have to continue to go into sermons, precghing about things that have no bearing on your report or the facts at hand? Your continued postings of sermons, do not help you at all "Todd". So why cant you simply answer the two questions that have been put forth to you repetedly, that you have yet to answre without going into a sermon? Your next reply, should only contain 2 answers, "Todd" Answer to 1 (with a court case number) and "yes or no" for answer 2.


Todd..do your homework !!!

#491Consumer Comment

Sat, January 28, 2006

Todd Do you believe everything sent to you on the internet? The story you have printed about Lee Marvin, Bob Keeshan and Mr Rogers is a big internet farce and only partially true. CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report. Lee Marvin and Bob Keeshan, television's "Captain Kangaroo," fought together in the battle for Iwo Jima: False. Example: [Collected on the Internet, 2002] Dialog from a Tonight Show... Johnny Carson...His guest was Lee Marvin. Johnny said..."Lee, I'll bet a lot of people are unaware that you were a Marine in the initial landing at Iwo Jima...and that during the course of that action you earned the Navy Cross and were severely wounded." And you know how Lee was..."Yeah, yeah...I got shot square in the a*s and they gave me the Cross for securing a hot spot about halfway up Suribachi. Bad thing about getting shot up on a mountain is guys gettin' shot hauling you down. But Johnny at Iwo I served under the bravest man I ever knew...We both got the Cross the same day but what he did for his Cross made mine look cheap in comparison. The dumb b*****d actually stood up on Red Beach and directed his troops to move forward and get the hell off the beach. That Sgt. and I have been life long friends...When they brought me off Suribachi we passed the Sgt. and he lit a smoke and passed it to me lying on my belly on the litter..."Where'd they get you Lee?"...."Well Bob...if you make it home before me, tell Mom to sell the outhouse."..... "Johnny, I'm not lying...Sgt. Keeshan was the bravest man I ever Knew - Bob Keeshan.... You and the world know him as Captain Kangaroo." Variations: A later version of this piece included a tacked-on a prologue about Lee Marvin's burial in Arlington National Cemetery: Many people have always been a bit offended that Lee Marvin is buried in a grove of 3 and 4 star generals at Arlington. His marker gives his name, rank (PVT) and service (USMC). Nothing else. I thought to myself, d**n here's a guy who was only a famous movie star who served his time, why the heck does he rate burial with these guys? Well, following is the amazing answer: I always liked Lee Marvin, but did not know the extent of his Corps experiences. Including award of the Navy Cross. There is only one higher award...the Medal Of Honor. Origins: The above-quoted bit of purported dialog from the Tonight Show does have some elements of truth to it, but although actor Lee Marvin was a guest on that late-night talk show at least seven times during Carson's tenure as host, most of what is reproduced above is an outright fiction or a transcript based on someone's badly flawed memory. Lee Marvin did enlist in the U.S. Marines, saw action as Private First Class in the Pacific during World War II, and was wounded (in the buttocks) by fire which severed his sciatic nerve. However, his injury occurred during the battle for Saipan in June 1944, not the battle for Iwo Jima, which took place several months later in February 1945. Marvin also received a Purple Heart and was indeed interred at Arlington National Cemetery (but he was not, as some versions of this piece claim, awarded a Navy Cross). Bob Keeshan, later famous as television's "Captain Kangaroo," also enlisted in the U.S. Marines, but he did so too late to see any action during World War II. Keeshan was born on 27 June 1927 and enlisted two weeks before his 18th birthday, several months after the fighting at Iwo Jima. In a 1997 interview, Keeshan explained that he "enlisted in the U.S. Marines but saw no combat" because he signed up "just before we dropped the atom bomb." In 2003 someone thought to throw children's television host Fred Rogers into the mix by add the following bit to the existing e-mail about Lee Marvin and Bob Keeshan: On another note, there was this wimpy little man (who just passed away) on PBS, gentle and quiet. Mr. Rogers is another of those you would least suspect of being anything but what he now portrays to our youth. But Mr. Rogers was a U.S. Navy Seal, combat proven in Vietnam with over twenty-five confirmed kills to his name. He wore a long sleeve sweater to cover the many tattoo's on his forearm and biceps. A master in small arms and hand-to-hand combat, able to disarm or kill in a heartbeat. He hid that away and won our hearts with his quiet wit and charm. America's real heroes don't flaunt what they did, they quietly go about their day to day lives, doing what they do best. They earned our respect and the freedoms that we all enjoy. Look around and see if you can find one of those heroes in your midst. Often, they are the ones you'd least suspect, but would most like to have on your side if anything ever happened. Numerous rumors about children's host Mr. Rogers having a violent or criminal past have been bandied about for years, but there is nothing to any of them. As our Mr. Rogers page explains, Fred Rogers never served in the military. Last updated: 17 July 2005


South Carolina,
You "Insulters" Know Nothing About Christians

#492Author of original report

Sat, January 28, 2006

... You "Insulters" know nothing about True Christians and how we do our best to help the World (people) find the right path. Here is some information I bet you never knew This information is why my generation was one of the last, if not the last "respectful and loving" generation. Why? Because, every morning in "public school" we said the Lord's Prayer, said the "Whole National Anthem" and watch character building and loving television shows. Not these "kill your brother", "fight till you drop", "what drugs are in your pocket", "who is a homo" or "witch craft is good"! My generation watched shows like "Captain Kangaroo" and "Mr. Rogers". Something interesting about the people that operated these shows, read the information below. This is some reach another investigator sent me enjoy! === Some very interesting and little know facts about some celebrities.............. You Might Not Ever Guess Captain Kangaroo passed away on January 23, 2004 as age 76 , which is odd, because he always looked to be 76. (DOB: 6/27/27.) His death reminded me of the following story. Some people have been a bit offended that the actor, Lee Marvin, is buried in a grave alongside 3 and 4 star generals at Arlington National Cemetery. His marker gives his name, rank (PVT) and service (USMC). Nothing else. Here's a guy who was only a famous movie star who served his time, why the heck does he rate burial with these guys? Well, following is the amazing answer: I always liked Lee Marvin, but didn't know the extent of his Corps experiences. In a time when many Hollywood stars served their country in the armed forces often in rear echelon posts where they were carefully protected, only to be trotted out to perform for the cameras in war bond promotions, Lee Marvin was a genuine hero. He won the Navy Cross at Iwo Jima. There is only one higher Naval award... the Medal Of Honor. If that is a surprising comment on the true character of the man, he credits his sergeant with an even greater show of bravery. Dialog from "The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson": His guest was Lee Marvin. Johnny said, "Lee, I'll bet a lot of people are unaware that you were a Marine in the initial landing at Iwo Jima...and that during the course of that action you earned the Navy Cross and were severely wounded." "Yeah, yeah... I got shot square in the bottom and they gave me the Cross for securing a hot spot about halfway up Suribachi. Bad thing about getting shot up on a mountain is guys getting' shot hauling you down. But,Johnny, at Iwo I served under the bravest man I ever knew... We both got the cross the same day, but what he did for his Cross made mine look cheap in comparison. That dumb guy actually stood up on Red beach and directed his troops to move forward and get the hell off the beach. Bullets flying by, with mortar rounds landing everywhere and he stood there as the main target of gunfire so that he could get his men to safety. He did this on more than one occasion because his men's safety was more important than his own life. That Sergeant and I have been lifelong friends. When they brought me off Suribachi we passed the Sergeant and he lit a smoke and passed it to me, lying on my belly on the litter and said, where'd they get you Lee?' Well Bob... if you make it home be fore me, tell Mom to sell the outhouse!" Johnny, I'm not lying, Sergeant Keeshan was the bravest man I ever knew. The Sergeant's name is Bob Keeshan. You and the world know him as Captain Kangaroo." On another note, there was this wimpy little man (who just passed away) on PBS, gentle and quiet. Mr. Rogers is another of those you would least suspect of being anything but what he now portrays to our youth. But Mr. Rogers was a U.S. Navy Seal, combat-proven in Vietnam with over twenty-five confirmed kills to his name. He wore a long-sleeved sweater on TV, to cover the many tattoos on his forearm and biceps. He was a master in small arms and hand-to-hand combat, able to disarm or kill in a heartbeat. After the war Mr. Rogers became an ordained Presbyterian minister and therefore a pacifist. Vowing to never harm another human and also dedicating the rest of his life to trying to help lead children on the right path in life. He hid away the tattoos and his past life and won our hearts with his quiet wit and charm. America's real heroes don't flaunt what they did; they quietly go about their day-to-day lives, doing what they do best. They earned our respect and the freedoms that we all enjoy. Look around and see if you can find one of those heroes in your midst. Often, they are the ones you'd least suspect, but would most like to have on your side if anything ever happened. Take the time to thank anyone that has fought for our freedom. With encouragement they could be the next Captain Kangaroo or Mr.Rogers === Also go see that movie "End of the Spear". It's a true story and half the movie goes to help people. Before I saw the movie I was always told by these "evolutionist" that it was "them" that got these people to move away from killing each other. Well, as I have learned in my research, what someone tells may not be the truth, so find out for yourself. That's why you should read the Bible for yourself and research the evidence to discover what is truth and what is a lie! Go see that movie, it also gives you an idea of living in a world like what the "evolusionist" want you to live in... "The stronger eats the weeker"! I refuse to live in that kind of world, and history teaches that most do not either. Many just do not know how to get out, that is where good Christians come in. To show the way, even if the good Christians loose their lives in doing so. None of this "blow you up, you blow me up"... "it is a voice that moves the masses"! Oh one last thing... Question to you "insulters"... which do you think people want to listen to... Here you insult someone with your garbage mouth? Or some real research that brings in issues of a concerning factor? Insulters do not really need to answer, because we already know what your uneducated reply will be "*@#" correct! Bye for now... ... For you "insulters" I put some misspelled words in that last post just for you. HeeHaw!


It's not spam unless it is unsolicited email

#493Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 27, 2006

It's not spam unless it is unsolicited emails - sent to your personal email address. This is a public forum, and what is posted here is at the discretion of the site owner and/or moderator. So unless someone here is sending spam to your personal email address, your point is null and void. I still sincerely doubt your story. Your story has changed, and anytime someone questions you you come back with insults and religious tirades. It's great to live for God, and great to share scripture and have religious discussion and debate. But WalMart did not choose you because you are a Christian. How could they even know that you were a Christian unless you were walking around with a Bible in your hand and quoting scripture. Besides that, do you mean to say that you were the only Christian in the store that day? Or were there many people harrassed that day? Also, while I don't doubt WalMart's slimy tactics in general, I still don't think there is a conspiracy against the Christians of the nation. And everything else you have written on here has been so completely off topic it's incredible. And by the way, does everyone remember this guy said that he wasn't really the one this happened to anyway? What else has he not been completely honest about? Oh, that must be why he answers every question with an insult and religious ramblings. To avoid really answering any questions.


South Carolina,
I have learned most of these LPs and Wal-Mart managers (not all), are uneducated bullies

#494Author of original report

Fri, January 27, 2006

Just like a "bully": insulting everyone, flooding the communication, and screaming at everyone Most important: "you never learned how to spell, read or write properly." That's why you did not read all my postings; otherwise you would know the purpose of my post. I have learned most of these LPs and Wal-Mart managers (not all), are uneducated bullies, and whenever they see good people with families shopping, they get angry and create ways to cause the good folks harm. (Mistreatment, false imprisonment, false arrest, et al.) And Wal-Mart HQ enjoys it, because they can cash in on about $6,500 per family member mistreated! That is the purpose of my postings! To expose the wrongdoing! Can you read that? Instead you keep trying to confuse people by stating "the way I write" is my purpose. But you are wrong, because you never read my postings. If you did, you would know what my purpose was and see the how I write it! I can tell you must have dropped out of school, because one of the first things taught in English 101, is to read a book or poem and write a report on the two issues, purpose and method of the writer. Du! "Ahhh.. What'z Up Doc? Uhh.. Duuu which way did he go George Duuuu" (Little old cartoon joke). Here are some corrections for you! Jibberish = GIBBERISH (unintelligible talking) "Who is talking unintelligible here?" Preeching = PREACHING (an address of a religious nature) "Yeah, I can say many, if not all my postings have this at its core. Don't like it, go somewhere else!" I must correct myself, if you are a college student, then you must have paid off someone to do your homework! Ha! It is interesting that non-Christian keep trying to tell us Christian how we should live like Christians. That is so ludicrous. Ludicrous (broadly or extravagantly humorous) "Defined just for you bullies." :)


South Carolina,
(Table-of-Truth): "Spammers" "Insulters" and "Flooders" Beware!..

#495Author of original report

Thu, January 26, 2006

How can I update the case when the court has not even happen yet! You are just trying to flood the issues that I bring to the "Table of Truth"! Here is some information for you, "Spammers", "Insulters", and "Flooders". Beware! Good people that really care about issues and communicate to one another are getting very angry over you "insulters" causing us trouble. Read what is happening to you! === AOL Wins 5M Judgment Against Spammer By MATTHEW BARAKAT, Associated Press Writer 26January 2006 ALEXANDRIA, Va. - A man who sent billions of junk e-mails hawking online college degrees, sexually explicit Web sites and "generic Viagra" must pay more than $5 million in penalties to America Online, a federal judge ruled. Christopher William Smith, of Prior Lake, Minn., was considered one of the world's worst spammers, operating under the name Rizler. He is now in jail in Minnesota awaiting trial on criminal charges that he violated federal drug laws while operating an online pharmacy. On Tuesday U.S. District Judge Claude Hilton issued a summary judgment against Smith ordering him to pay $5.3 million in damages and $287,000 in legal fees to AOL, which filed a civil suit against Smith under the Can-Spam act. AOL spokesman Nicholas Graham said Smith "was the poster child for the Can-Spam Act," which Congress enacted in 2004 to crack down on unsolicited junk e-mail. "This is someone we've been pursuing for three years," Graham said. "It's one of the largest judgments we've received." Hilton issued a summary judgment in favor of Dulles-based AOL after Smith "refused to participate in this case, willfully disregarding ... discovery obligations and failing to comply with multiple court orders," according to the judge's order. Court records show that Smith's lawyers withdrew from the case several months after it was filed. In addition to e-mails promoting generic Viagra and pornographic Web sites, Smith also advertised cable TV descramblers and p***s enhancement pills. In an initial response to AOL's lawsuit, Smith's lawyers denied wrongdoing and questioned the constitutionality of the Can-Spam law. Graham said that AOL has won tens of millions of dollars in judgments against more than 30 spammers under the federal law and a similar Virginia law. America Online, Inc. is a subsidiary of Time Warner Inc.


Another classic "Todd" post

#496Consumer Comment

Wed, January 25, 2006

Yup. once again, Todd doesn't address the questions put forth and is on a sermon preeching bible thumping post. Notice the pattern folks? When asked, or questioned, Todd starts preeching. When shown to be liar, Todd then threatens everyone. Now, after this post, Todd will no 'threaten' and follow up with another sermon. And again, avoid the question that was put forth many times; HOW GOES YOUR CASE WITH WALMART TODD? WHAT:S THE CASE NUMBER?


Whoa Nelly...

#497Consumer Comment

Wed, January 25, 2006

Todd, you are really creeping me out with all this. My wonderful Daddy is a Southern Baptist minister, and even he doesn't walk around spewing forth this jibberish. AND NO, I am NOT a Satanist - I'm a Christian as well - but good grief, you are sounding like a televangelist here - and not in a good way. Wasn't this supposed to be about WAL MART? I think this has gotten WAAAAY out of hand - and more than a little bizarre. It's frightening that when I was stationed at Ft. Jackson, you were very close by; surprised I didn't see any burning bushes, lol. But if this keeps YOU entertained...


South Carolina,
Hi Everyone... I Have A Better Plan To Expose The "Insulters"...

#498Author of original report

Wed, January 25, 2006

Hi Everyone! I have a better plan, rather than just filing a complaint with Rip Off Report on these "insulters". Since Rip Off Report is for us good folks to post those that has harmed us in the "Real-World", lets use Rip Off Report to post those who have harmed us in the "Cyber-World" as well. I have started a posting called: "Wal-Mart "Lovers And Insulters" - Flooding Rip Off Report Postings... Wal-Mart "Lovers And Insulters" Everyone Can Post The Names Of the "Insulters" and Wal-Mart "Lovers" Here... Columbia South Carolina" This is where we can come together and post these "insulters" and Wal-Mart "lovers", so everyone can discover what is really going on. I will be posting much of the research as to where I discovered many of these "insulters" post on others peoples postings, and it seems to be the same people using "bogus" names. The point of this, is to at least let us know who are real posters and who are nothing more than "trouble-makers", which try to "bully" us from express the truths of what happen to us. Let me know what you think. Bye for now... God Bless, And He Will Give Me Victory! PS. Clarita (if that is your real name), I enjoyed reading your reply about the Ten Commandments, very good posting. I have Judge Roy's book and read it often! It is very wrong what they did to him and I saw him cry when they took him down in that courthouse. I know of some other court cases that I know he would be very interested in knowing. We must join forces and bring this country back to where it was formed. I have done much research, and this is a Christian Nation! Everything to do with the development of Our Great Nation, was and is Christian! Below is some samples: 1. The Star-Spangled Banner: (Last verse) "And this be our motto: "In God is our trust!" 2. National Anthem: (Last verse) "Our fathers' God, to Thee, Author of Liberty, To Thee we sing;... Protect us by Thy might, Great GOD, our KING!!!!" 3. First Nation's ORDER: "Make THANKSGIVING a day to BLESS THE LORD, GOD ALMIGHTY" 4. First President's Speech: "This country was formed by the HAND OF THE ALMIGHTY (GOD)" 5. Main Government Buildings: "In GOD We Trust" 6. Nation's Money: "In GOD We Trust" 7. Legal Foundation: "Reflection of the BIBLE" Anyone that claims this is not a Christian Nation, is not of this Nation and is a LIAR to themselves! The historical documents that are the foundation of this Great Nation, honors the fact that this is a CHRISTIAN NATION, and having GOD as Our King! The Separation of Church and State is there to prevent any CHURCH GOVERNMENT! It is not there to REMOVE the very foundations and ERASE the historic placement of GOD within this country! WE THE PEOPLE, control this country, and WE THE PEOPLE can remove any JUDGE, ANY GOVERNMENT, ANYTHING... In fact, the very Declaration of Independent, tells us, it is OUR DUTY, to make sure the FOUNDATIONS of our NATION are not taken away from us. All three Founding Documents, Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights, reflects and states reference to GOD, LORD, ALMIGHTY!!! AND, most of the movie stars, news media, and loud-mouths screaming to remove the "CHRISTIAN" out of Our Country, are not even from our Nation... Most of them are out of Canada, and are born from the British Loyalty, that were pushed up into Canada by Washington's Army in 1776! These British Loyal wish nothing more than to see Our Great Nation crumble. WE NEED TO BRING our country back. Look how the CHILDREN are being treated. Little children are bringing guns to school and killing other little children! Drugs are heavy in children. Sex is heavy in children. They are being taught that they mean nothing, they are a formation of a one cell-blob, that will go nowhere, and it is those who eat the others before you get eaten, live. I was one of the last generations that use to have prayer and saying the WHOLE National Anthem in Public School, before it was taken away by a group of "Six-Men" dressed in BLACK! WE NEED to bring our country back to where it came from. I am not talking about all that evil slave stuff! Actually, that was brought in by those greedy dutch and British anyway. I am talking about the foundation of the CHRISTIAN Nation! Our voices are the two-edged sword! Use it! "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people" (Proverbs 14:34). Make this as a note: Last year's (2005) will be nothing (WEATHER, Other Troubles), to this year (2006), if we do not BRING GOD back to Our Country. I tell you the truth, you will see each year growing worse and worse if we do not REPENT and CLEAN up this mess. Mark these words and come back at the begining of next year (2007) and tell me I was wrong. We will see. I pray for us. ====


South Carolina,
Denny and Other Insulters... Take this as a Warning!

#499Author of original report

Wed, January 25, 2006

This is my final warning for you to stop replying "insulting responses" to my posting. You and your other "insulting" postings has violated the rules of this website, and I am going to request that your "REPLY postings" be deleted. If you continue to post your insults, I will file a complaint with the owner of Rip Off Report to ban you from ever having access to this site again. This request to ban you, will include your IP/TCP, MAC address, and ISP linkage (I am sure you have no idea what I am talking about). I have researched you and other "insulters" and see where you have "flooded" many other postings on this website! This site is for people to come and express what happen to them and for others to help each other. This site is not for some "lack of morals and spoiled teenager", to insult people that have wished to post what happen to them. This website was developed for people to tell others what happen to them in the way they wish to. And it is a violation of their freedom for you to come in and flood their posting with your insults. I am sure you are one of those "internet-bullies" that has no formation of responsibility and never was taught the proper manners of respecting others. I am sure you are the generation only out for yourself, and to destroy everyone else. So take this as the last warning. Do Not Reply To My Posting Again, with your INSULTS! And even if Rip Off Report does nothing, but I am sure they will, everyone else that are reading this post will just ignore your "rude-remarks" anyway.


Clairetta surmonizes and loses

#500Consumer Comment

Tue, January 24, 2006

Clairetta, what does judge moore and the illegal display of the Ten Commandments on public property have anythbing to do with Todd's thievery and lying? Surmonizing isn't going to prove todd innocent, only FACTs Will. He will have swear upon the bible in court, to tell the truth, yet he's been shown to be a liar here, in his various responses. Clairetta, he wont be victorious over this. He's already demonized himself, and dug a hole so deep, that even devil can't throw this soul out of hell.


Judge Roy Moore Was Attacked for Not Removing Ten Commandments

#501Consumer Comment

Tue, January 24, 2006

So those of you who don't believe Christians are attacked, why would a judge be removed from the bench just because he wouldn't take down the Ten Commandments in his courtroom? Is it just possible something unforward is happening to our country? Below is a summary of what happened to him, and how the state where he lives is also trying to end his attorney career. There is also a poem written by him, which shows the true state of our country regarding how we are, definitely, losing our freedoms. I am neither supporting nor denying what happened to or with Todd, I am only making it available for you to keep an open mind to the possibilty someone could be attacked for having their beliefs. To my knowledge, according to our constitutional rights, he, as well as others, have been treated wrong, but nothing has been done to change this. Yesterday, I bought a book of the great artist of our time, Norman Rockwell. In it, I found four of his well known pictures. Freedom from Fear, Freedom from Want, Freedom of Worship, Freedom of Speech. I had not intended to buy this book. A friend took me to a thrift store where I found it sitting right out in the open where I couldn't miss it. I didn't need it. I already have two books quite like it. It was the pictures I wanted, which I will frame to remind my household how we Americans need to remember who we are and our rights. I also received the following the very same day. Coincidence? In my opinion, no. I believe we are being told something that we need to take stock in. With that for you to feed your mind, here is what I received. HERE IS A FOLLOW UP TO THE JUDGE THAT REFUSED TO REMOVE THE 10 COMMANDMENT FROM HIS COURTROOM The following is a poem written by Judge Roy Moore from Alabama. Judge Moore was sued by the ACLU for displaying the Ten Commandments in his courtroom foyer. He has been stripped of his judgeship and now they are trying to strip his right to practice law in Alabama. The judge's poem sums it up quite well. America the Beautiful, or so you used to be. Land of the Pilgrims' pride; I'm glad they'll never see. Babies piled in dumpsters, Abortion on demand, Oh, sweet land of liberty; your house is on the sand. Our children wander aimlessly poisoned by cocaine, Choosing to indulge their lusts, when God has said abstain. From sea to shining sea, our Nation turns away From the teaching of God's love and a need to always pray. We've kept God in our temples, how callous we have grown. When earth is but His footstool, and Heaven is His throne. We've voted in a government that's rotting at the core, Appointing Godless Judges who throw reason out the door, Too soft to place a killer in a well deserved tomb, But brave enough to kill a baby before he leaves the womb. You think that God's not angry, that our land's a moral slum? How much longer will He wait before His judgment comes? How are we to face our God, from Whom we cannot hide? What then is left for us to do, but stem this evil tide? If we who are His children, will humbly turn and pray; Seek His holy face and mend our evil way: Then God will hear from Heaven and forgive us of our sins, He'll heal our sickly land and those who live within. But, America the Beautiful, if you don't - then you will see, A sad but Holy God withdraw His hand from Thee. ~Judge Roy Moore Please tell me, did Judge Moore deserve to be removed from the bench because he stood upon the principles of our forefathers who fought for our country's freedoms? Is it just possible that Todd was treated unfairly? Do some deep soul searching before answering. Todd, I have read your many posts, and I have this to say. In the event you ever do get some kind of finish to your case, it will be interesting to find what happens. But know this, if a judge can be removed for his beliefs and refusal to remove the Ten Commandments from his courtroom, what can happen in your situation? I am not saying God is or is not on your side. I just want you to be aware of what you are really up against. I will not respond to any posts from this point, although I will be reading where this all finally ends. My only purpose for posting this is to bring it to other's attention what is happening to our country and why. Think on these things. It will be interesting to see if Todd is victorious or loses, but with his believing, I would venture to say, maybe victorious?


South Carolina,
More Research Has Been Conducted

#502Author of original report

Mon, January 16, 2006

... More research has been conducted into some of these "insulters" as I will now address them. It seems like some of them maybe college kids or in school. Because usually around the Holidays, whenever school is out at long periods, there is no postings from them. Plus, most of their postings are meaningless, and just use anger, insults, speaking of wrath, and so on. Their goal, it seems, to flood the original post and not allow any creditable post to be noticed. If a reader will look back at all of the posts in this thread, (at least 210 pages worth), the reader will conclude that whenever someone post an educated posting, these "insulters" flood around the educated posting, in hopes no one will see the educated posting, to be able to read the educated posting. For an example, do a simple search on Rip Off Report, say for Wal-Mart. Then click into the many postings, and the reader will soon discover, the same research that I have learned. Which proves that these "insulters" flood the various postings, in order to disrupt the purpose of the original posting. Many common starting points of these "insulters" responses, will begin by stating that they were going to post a complaint about the company, but instead became offended by the original post, and therefore, instead insult the original posting. After reading over many threads, it became apparent that the same language and grammar structuring was similar to the others. Thus, allowing me to conclude it was the same person, or the same group of people. These "insulters", in which I tend to believe, is only one person with many logon names, posing as multiple people, so in order to support their "insulting" responses. The other goal of these "insulters" is to keep the "frenzy" going. This objective by the "insulters" is to confuse the original posting author and educated readers. Out of all of these (responsive) postings on this thread, only about 20% would be usable. The rest is out numbered by these useless "insulters" responses; that curse, use insulting remarks, fowl language, improper replies, uneducated levels of suggestions, et. Reading over the rules of Rip Off Report, these "insulters" have violated the laws of this website. But as the original author, that is okay. Because this research will provide the educated reader the understanding that many of these insane responses are nothing more than ruffles in the wind. An educated reader, and I have found a few, that have responded to these "insulters". That these educated readers that responded to these "insulters", have discovered the "insulters" blistering objectives and have "put-them-in-their-place". For this, I solute you far a job well done. Together, we will continue to communicate effectively and in hopes to improve our lives. This website is one of many focal-points to begin that processes. I am well aware of large companies paying off governments, which produce no justice. But a change is in the making. This Christian Nation, is founding by the PEOPLE, and for the PEOPLE. It is WE the people that can change any law. Can make Justice righteousness, clean up the problems. I use to be one of those that said nothing, or very little if I did. When God called me to these many fights, I was shocked at the problems. Now I am a voice, hopefully, my voice will join many other voices, which will become the "Trumpet Of Truth"! And begin the change. God said, from one "blood" He formed all the Nations. We can do it. Christians created this Nation, for all to live Freely. No Church Government, but a Christian Government. History proves this to be the fact. Let us stand firm. Let us join together. Let us, speak out against the fraud. Against the Lies. Against the Wrongs. We need to bring Our Country back to the Christian teachings, and freedoms we once Had. We can do it. We must do it. This Nation has 86% Christian. I am not calling for a Church operated government, I am calling that Our Nation return to it's Christian Foundation. And let us, put a stop to all these wrongs being done. Let this website be the first to speak the Voice. Let this website be the spark that light shined bright for a clean Nation. God Will Bring Us Victory! Bye for now ...


If this is how Christians act...

#503Consumer Comment

Mon, January 16, 2006

I really don't care if Todd ate anything and didn't pay for it or did, whatever. If this is how 'Devout Christians' act then why would anybody what to be one. I am a Christian but I don't think that God really cares that you are fighting Walmart. I believe he has others things in the world that are really more important, you know, wars, hunger, people blowing other people up. That is where the real evil is. I just don't think Walmart is evil enough for God to care. I know I came into this late in the game but this, to me, is interesting. Please, Todd, don't come after me calling me some satan thing or quoting scriptures. I have read the bible, I know what it says.


This coming from someone who was arrested for SHOPLIFTING!

#504Consumer Comment

Sat, January 14, 2006

"You are watching to many movies. A kidnapping can be reported at anytime, and the police are to take action right then. If your statement is correct, then the "Amber Alert" is made-up." No, the Amber Alert is there because its concerns a REAL kidnapping. Being DeTAINED by a store because they caught you shoplifting is not kidnapping. IN any definition of the word. So, if the police "ask" you to come down to the station, and didn't ARrEST you, just to ask questions, and keep you there for 6 hours and you want to leave, is that KIDNAPPING? no. it isn't. YOU are being detained. The security of the store can DETAIN you (and put you under citizens arrest, which is recognized by law in this country) until the real authorities arrive. In your case they did. They held you until the police could come pick you up. Dont think that your situation meets the criteria of a kidnapping, because it all DEFINITIONS of the word, you weren't. You're neither a lawyer, or a police officer, TODD (and I use Todd lightly since you stated you are not Todd), so we can assume that your pseudo legal "wranglings" are as bull as this report you've posted. Again, Walmart SEcurity detained you until the real police arrived because you were suspected of shoplifting, and arrested for that crime. NO kidnapping was involved, since YOUR wife knew where you were at all times, before the police arrived. Todd wrote: NOTE: I have conducted much research on many other Wal-Mart postings on Rip Off Report and I have discovered many of the same "insulting and Wal-Mart Lovers" that try to "flood" this post, they do the something to other posts. These people are nothing more than to cause harm to the post that tell the true story." Yes its a conspiracy against consumers that walmart employees must now defend on ripoffreport.com their company, when its clear that hte consumer was in the wrong; that the ONLY people who would respond to these reports are walmart employees oro related in someway to walmart Not only are you delusional Todd, you are in need of some heavy medication. I hope that Walmart rules againt you, and asks for LEGAL and punitive damages.


South Carolina,
Denny... It shows how much you know about the law...

#505Author of original report

Sat, January 14, 2006

Denny's post: "kidnapping unless the person has been missing for "less than" 24-36 hours". You are watching to many movies. A kidnapping can be reported at anytime, and the police are to take action right then. If your statement is correct, then the "Amber Alert" is made-up. Every TRUE-criminal investigator knows that the "hot-time" is within the first 24 hours, and close to the place of the crime. If an investigator waited 24-36 hours, the leads of the investigation would become "cold". So, by your statement, you are not a TRUE investigator and most likely just one of those Wal-Mart lovers coming onto Rip Off Report, just to insult the postings to decay the out-cry of wrongs and evils that Wal-Mart is doing. NOTE: I have conducted much research on many other Wal-Mart postings on Rip Off Report and I have discovered many of the same "insulting and Wal-Mart Lovers" that try to "flood" this post, they do the something to other posts. These people are nothing more than to cause harm to the post that tell the true story. We now know who you are, and ignore your posting. People are growing to know the truth, and will not even read your insulting remarks. Now, others know that you are not any Police or Investigator. Most likely a paid Wal-Mart manager trying to close down people that speak the truth of the matter. God Will Give Me Victory! The Truth Will Be Known! Bye for now.


I wish you the best of luck.... I suggest fighting the charges!!!!!

#506Consumer Comment

Sat, January 14, 2006

I suggest fighting the charges. DO NOT PLEAD GUILTY. TAKE IT TO TRIAL. YOU CAN BE YOUR OWN ATTORNEY. DON'T FALL FOR THE .....Assistant District Attorney's lies. They have to prove that you stole the item. Let them produce the tape. The empty food carton. I am not an attorney. I can tell you that it takes a lot for a jury to convict. I saw first hand how someone was bullied into taking a plea. She excerised her constitutional right to a jury trial. The jury could not reach a verdict. The state motioned for dismissal. It was so bad that the investigator was coaching the Assistant District Attorney (ADA) on questions to ask. Quite a few jury members had looks on their face that suggested that they were mad about fiviorous nature of the case. Your son can testify that what transpired with the cashier. You can Subpeona the cashier and tape record as to what was purchased on that time and date. File motions to dismiss etc. I would suggest going Pro se. As for Walmart. I buy less and less from them. I never ever go into their store with anything in my pockets. I always save receipts. I do not trust over zealous security personnel. They get bored and imaginate things to accuse customers of. I think everyone needs to take steps to protect themselves from these bullies. Remember that people see and hear what they want.


Get a life

#507Consumer Comment

Fri, January 13, 2006

Todd, Let me spell out for you what everyone is saying but you aren't getting. You're a loser. Put your disabled a*s in your hummingbird and drive down to a church and ask them for help. They will nod their head sympathetically but generally they will resent your inability to accept responsibility but maybe they will offer a free meal where Walmart did not. Help us out, crawl onto an ice flow like Inuit's do so polar bears can eat you and you will no longer a burden to the village. I am tired of paying taxes for your disability. I am tired of being accosted by your self-righteous indignation that you are owed. You owe us for supporting your tired disabled a*s. So shut up, turn on NASCAR, grab a Bud and put us out of your misery. If Jesus saves he should have saved himself. He hasn't done much for you either.



#508Consumer Comment

Fri, January 13, 2006

The whole point of this post is for the guy to get his rocks off seeing how many people he can get involved in this stupid and most likely made up post. I had advised people to stop responding so that the thread dies and buddy here cant get his rocks off driving everyone crazy. Did it ever dawn on anyone else that this is what the post was really about? Or do you really think the guy is this stupid? Would you be this stupid as to believe its all about jesus and getting jacked around from walmart? He no doubt doesnt either. It saddens me even more that ripoff report allows these RIDICULOUS posts to continue where there is obvious brain damage and no value to consumers here. It tarnishes everyone else who has legitimate complaints as they wont be taken as seriously because of idiot posts like this. stop replying to the post -and buddy will eventually quit his immature behaviour.


there is no such law

#509Consumer Comment

Fri, January 13, 2006

There is no such law in place. If authorities (that means police and fbi) dont consier a kidnapping a kidnapping unless the person has been missing for "less than" 24-36 hours, why would 3 minutes be considered kidnapping? Unwillfully detained, but that is not illegal.


..It's all making sense now.

#510Consumer Comment

Fri, January 13, 2006

If it was a sit-in deli, why didn't you pay for the food there? Maybe that's why Wal-mart had you arrested for stealing. You didn't pay at the place of purchase. Maybe the cashier didn't ring up the items, because they were supposed to be paid for in the deli. It's all making sense now.


Folly Beach,
South Carolina,
I understand it's kidnapping if held 3 minutes

#511Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 13, 2006

Somewhere I read that if a store detains a customer for over 3 minutes and the customer is found not guilty of shoplifting, etc., federal law says it is kidnapping and there is a serious fine charged the store. Does anyone know of this law?


Gee Todd, I guess you're right

#512Consumer Comment

Fri, January 13, 2006

Or maybe, they are closing the deli because it isn't profitable. It's hard to make a profit when people like you wander around stealing the products they are trying to sell. As for Maryland, don't worry. The Governor rightfully vetoed the bill. It's not a company's responsibility to make sure everyone has health insurance. That idiotic bill only covered Wally World...no other company at all was required to do anything. Shouldn't you be in jail by now?


South Carolina,
This Columbia Wal-Mart Is Closing Down It's Sit-in Deli!

#513Author of original report

Fri, January 13, 2006

NEWS FLASH: Just discovered today, that this Wal-Mart is closing down it's "entrapment-sit-in-Deli"! Hmmmm... makes one wonder why? It has almost been a year since the false arrest, and now Wal-Mart closes down it "sit-in-Deli"... I think it is because of this posting and other postings like it that has Wal-Mart scared and running for the hills. NOTE: You (Wal-Mart) can run, but you cannot hide, we already had all the evidence of the "entrapping"! You will not win in a true-court of law. And it looks like people have had enough of your evil ways and taking action. Please read the latest newspaper posting just prior to this posting. NOTE: Keep in mind after this posting, some Wal-Mart lovers will post that I am crazy, or some insulting posts, but I will keep posting the truth here. God Will Give Me Victory! Praise Him!


South Carolina,
Maryland Senate Overrides Veto of WalMart Bill

#514Author of original report

Fri, January 13, 2006

Maryland Senate Overrides Veto of WalMart Bill By KRISTEN WYATT, Associated Press Writer 12 January 2006 ANNAPOLIS, Md. - Maryland legislators voted Thursday to enact a first-in-the-nation requirement that Wal-Mart Stores Inc. spend more on employee health care. The measure, touted as a money-saver for the state-supported Medicaid program, takes effect despite the governor's veto of the bill. Labor unions have said they are seeking similar legislation this year in at least 30 other states. Supporters of the measure say the retailing giant unfairly takes advantage of taxpayer-funded health care plans because some workers are paid too little for them to afford Wal-Mart's health insurance. "The taxpayers are giving a health-care subsidy to the largest retailer on earth," argued Democratic Delegate Kumar Barve. The House and Senate, both controlled by Democrats, both notched the three-fifths margins needed to override a veto last May by Republican Gov. Robert Ehrlich. The bill requires companies with more than 10,000 Maryland employees to spend at least 8 percent of their payroll on employee health care or pay the difference into the state's Medicaid fund. Of the state's large employers, only Wal-Mart spends less than 8 percent on health care. The company employs about 17,000 Marylanders at more than 40 Wal-Mart and Sam's Club stores, and about 1.3 million people nationwide. Critics of the legislation called it a dangerous precedent that ultimately would cost Maryland jobs. A Wal-Mart executive called the bill a poorly worded mandate for a single company. Wal-Mart spokeswoman Mia Masten said Thursday that the bill "could be the beginning of a slippery slope." "We believe everyone should have access to affordable health insurance, although this legislation does nothing to accomplish that," said Masten, who said the retailer may partially pull out of Maryland if the bill becomes law. She said Wal-Mart was unfairly singled out because of "partisan politics" and that Medicaid's problems go beyond the behavior of one company. The veto override had been one of the session's most intensely lobbied, with business groups taking out print ads supporting a veto and labor groups rallying and taking out their own ads siding with supporters. The decision is being closely watched by labor unions and legislatures around the country. "We expect that today's vote will generate important momentum in many other state legislatures," said Nu Wexler, a spokesman for Washington-based Wal-Mart Watch, which is funded by a union. The unions have said the states they will focus on include Colorado, Connecticut and Washington. Some Maryland Democrats had harsh words for Wal-Mart, which is based in Bentonville, Ark. "Don't dump your employees that you refuse to insure into our Medicaid system," said the bill's sponsor, Sen. Gloria Lawlah. In the House, Delegate Anne Healey compared Wal-Mart to a schoolyard bully. But House Republican Leader George Edwards called the measure an unwarranted intrusion into private enterprise. "If you don't want to work for Wal-Mart, no one's twisting your arms. Go somewhere else and work," Edwards said. The company faces legal pressure nationwide. In Pennsylvania, a judge this week approved a class-action lawsuit by employees who say the company pressured them to work off the clock. Last month, a California jury awarded workers $172 million for illegally denied lunch breaks, and Wal-Mart settled a similar Colorado case for $50 million. The company is appealing the California verdict and may pursue an appeal of the class-action certification in Philadelphia. A spokeswoman for Wal-Mart, Sarah Clark, said a law like Maryland's "does nothing to help the 46 million uninsured individuals in this country."


Who took this guys straight jacket off?

#515Consumer Comment

Wed, January 04, 2006

Todd, exactly WHAT do most of your posts have to do with the OP? We started out with a theft charge, and here we are rambling on about the evils of Walmart again! You post under the guise of your religous beliefs, yet you are as fanatical as you accuse Walmart of being! Jim Jones, David Koresh and others come to mind while reading some of the stuff that you write. The more that I read, the more I wonder if maybe the welfare of your children should be checked into, because my friend, your ramblings can't be healthy for such young impressionable minds. Another posibility is that you take some strong meds for your disability, and get carried away at the keyboard while 'under the influence', in which case, perhaps your wife should password protect it, and keep it locked when you're having a 'bad' spell! Off topic, and having nothing to do with the theft post, you have some points. Walmart is a business giant, and just as the larger cable companies, phone companies, gas companies, etc. undercut the mom and pop, Walmart does the same. However, because of wages paid, a majority of low income families can't afford to shop at the mom and pop. If you're buying one or two items, the $1-$2 difference doesn't make a major impact on your budget, however, if you purchased all of your items at the mom and pop, you're talking $100's a month (let's take diapers as an example...you can purchase a jumbo bag at Walmart or Kmart for $10.99+-, buying a small bag at mom and pops general store (1/2 the diapers) runs you $9.79. A young family earning $6.50 an hour can't afford this kind of a financial burden.) Looking at it from this prospective, Walmart doesn't look so bad to the young couple, as it has allowed them to not only purchase diapers, but maybe a warm shirt for the baby (because the house has to be kept cooler because heating costs are so high). Do you honestly think that this young couple thinks Walmart is evil??? If you truly want to make a difference, maybe you should expend some of this energy working to get higher minimum wages, which would allow the working poor to afford to shop elsewhere. Write letters to lawmakers, making them aware that a large majority of people do not earn a living wage, disability and social security benefits are so low that people must choose between heat and medication or food. The reason that Walmart enjoys the success that it does is because it fill a niche in society that, because of the high costs, mom and pops are unable to fill. Until people can earn enough to pay for all of the neccesities in life, Walmart will be the store of their choosing.


South Carolina,
Is It A Lie Or Truth? Is Wal-Mart Good For America

#516Author of original report

Wed, January 04, 2006

... Is It A Lie Or Truth? I just watched a TV show called, Is Wal-Mart Good For America? On the show it had all the Wal-Mart lovers together in one room, Party'ng and chanting how Wal-Mart is good for America. Everyone should remember that WorldCom, Enron and other large companies like this said the SAME THING! And look what happen. They lied about the stocks, stole people's income, ran off mom-and-pop businesses, etc. And when the Truth was discovered, it crashed the stocks and made people loss everything! And many lost their retirements, homes, savings, lives, etc. Greed and wickedness never pay, history informs the truth of the matter. Wal-Mart just announced that in 2005 it increased sales by 20%! (I think this is a BIG FAT LIE!) This because a large part of the increase was by bringing in products from China to sale at lower prices than American products. Which caused good-honest American companies to fold and file bankruptcy, which costs the taxpayers BILLIONS! The only ones getting rich are the Wal-Mart big wigs and the elected representatives that Wal-Mart pays. This past year the American Trade declined to 70% below! Oh, hey Wal-Mart lovers, did Wal-Mart loose the Federal Trade court case that proved that Wal-Mart was working with China to crush and cause American companies to file bankruptcy? Or was that a lie? Wondering if you would post some truth, rather than keep trying to insult me in hopes I will stop posting truths here. Just wondering if you are going to start telling the truth! One last thing, Wal-Mart, better hope I or the people I know, that you do not try to pay-off the judge, because if I discover that, Woe to you... The proof I have on you concerning this case, you will never win... GOD will give Me Victory and I will post it here! Just wait until I get the total cost, that the taxpayers had to pay for this case... I do not think they will be too happy... And what is it you are accusing the original poster about? Shoplifting for how much money? And the original poster can prove his innocents! And Wal-Mart was proven to have fraud BILLIONS in the Federal Trade Case! Every wonder if there are good, honest elected representatives and Federal investigators that maybe investigating all of this? Makes me wonder, the truth will be known sooner or later... You could REPENT now, and the blow will not be as hard... people are forgiving if you repent... But they will put wrath on you if you LIE and cause harm to their lives. Oh, ask your marking and business representatives, is it true that to every one customer that is affected by you wronging them that they tell at least 14 other people. And those 14 tell they're 14 and so on. Before you know it, over 100,000 people know of the wrongs you have done to that one customer. That would become a loss of about $1 MILLION every year! And as I have already stated, the $1 BILLION in loss of False Imprisonment Cases that Wal-Mart has lost... I tend to think that Wal-Mart is LIEING about their stocks... At this point no one knows the truth, because in is assumed that Wal-Mart ships all their money to their HQ, and then their HQ ships the money to an overseas bank accounts... hmmmmm... did not know I knew that did you... One other thing, are you getting a little scared of Walgreen? I hear that you are loosing many customers to Walgreen and other companies like them. Have you seen customers going to other stores lately? Makes me wonder if you have been cooking the stocks to show that 20%, just like WorldCom and Enron. Hi everyone, go see that new movie, Fun with d**k and Jane, gives some insight of how some of these large companies can lie and be the REAL thief! Bye for now as I seek the truth, I will post the truth Oh One Last Thing Praise God that He gave me a brain, so I will not be deceived by Wal-Marts LIES!!! May others use their brains and discover the truth as I have been doing Praise Your Mighty Name, Oh LORD. YHWH ...


San Diego,
Paying for your purchases is best

#517Consumer Suggestion

Wed, January 04, 2006

I have been reading the various comments here and I would like to add my two cents. First, I am on disability and so because SSI doesn't pay a lot I have to shop where ever I can get the best deal.Wal Mart happens to be one of those places.Why shop at a grocery store when I can get the same thing for, often, half the price.And I am not an ex employee or a current employee and I only wish I was being paid for my opinion. Second, faith is not a reasonable argument for any action like eating a product before paying for it and doesn't constitute honesty.Everyone should be treated the same way and should follow the same rules when shopping.I am a Christian man as well and I would never "assume" that I can eat or take something from a store or even eat it or use it in the store without first paying.This is just common sense and faith has nothing to do with it unless you want to abide by what the Bible says regarding stealing. Third, nothing that I have read here would suggest to me that Todd is not responsible for his actions.Wal Mart and any other company for that matter, is not responsible for making sure you pay for something before eating and/or using it.But they do have the right, for their protection, to pursue anyone who would eat and/or use their products before paying for them. Todd, You were wrong to do that and you need to remember that you are responsible for paying for anything you want before eating/using it.If you can't do that then you are the one to blame.You're also responsible for making sure that you were charged for it.No excuses.-Dan


I hope Todd isn't representing himself in court

#518Consumer Comment

Fri, December 30, 2005

He'll get the death penalty. Not one of his statements has been accurate(a nice term for not telling the truth) and yes, he is guilty of stealing food. The idea that it's okay if you have the funds on you to cover the theft when you get caught, is meaningless. Nearly all shoplifters have the money to pay for what they steal. I shall correct Todd in his latest misconception of reality. I know this will hurt Todd, so get someone to hold your hand. "BIRTHDATE OF JESUS Jesus was not born in Bethlehem. He was born in a building about a kilometre south of the Qumran platue. Jesus was born during the reign of high priest Simon Boethus who was in power between 23 to 5 b.c. Jesus was born on March 1, 7 b.c. In order to regulize his status he was allocated the official birthday of 15 September in line with the Messianic requirment. It was in a.d. 314 the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great changed the date of Jesus's birthday to December 25. Sad to say this date is still believed by many to be his birthdate. Constantine had two reasons for making the change. Firstly it separated the Christian celebration from any Jewish association. In doing so Constantine was trying to suggest Jesus was a Christian, not a Jew. The second reason was so that the new birthdate of Jesus would coincide with and then eventually replace the Pagan Sun Festival. The reality is that December 25 is the Pagan Sun Festival." That's the reason we use pine varieties for a Christmas Tree, instead of a palm. You will not find too many Douglas Firs in Israel. Now, go away Todd.


Todd stop wasting time in this post

#519Consumer Comment

Fri, December 30, 2005

Todd... It seems like everybody has his or her own opinion about you in this case. It was really exhausting to read the whole post and try to make an accurate conclusion with all those worthless and confusing arguments about god. In my opinion, you need to stop posting and go to court. Your name has already been soiled by a huge majority who claims you are guilty. (I'm not one of those). Remeber the more you post, the more complicated it'll be to clean it. In this type of case in which there is no absolute agreement, only civl justice shall prove you rightness. God be with you.


Todd stop wasting time in this post

#520Consumer Comment

Fri, December 30, 2005

Todd... It seems like everybody has his or her own opinion about you in this case. It was really exhausting to read the whole post and try to make an accurate conclusion with all those worthless and confusing arguments about god. In my opinion, you need to stop posting and go to court. Your name has already been soiled by a huge majority who claims you are guilty. (I'm not one of those). Remeber the more you post, the more complicated it'll be to clean it. In this type of case in which there is no absolute agreement, only civl justice shall prove you rightness. God be with you.


South Carolina,
Response to Jack... A Little National History and Christmas Research...

#521Author of original report

Fri, December 30, 2005

... Response to Jack... A Little National History and Christmas Research... Hi Jack! Well stated. Jesus teaches that in the last day many will come in His name, but will be a wolf in sheep's clothing to trick people and cause them to leave and hate the True Christian Faith. I have seen so many people that have Bibles in their hand and talk so Christian, and yet do such bad things. The Bible is very clear on the subject, no man, woman, idol or anything should be placed before God. If someone does this, they will loose the Faith. They have to love God and put Him first. I have discovered that most of those that leave the faith is because they are too lazy to read the Bible and build the spiritual relationship with God. They try to make God into a "Fast-Food" thing, rather than a long-term-trusting relationship. I just read tonight Romans 10 - 13. Very interesting read. I really believe we are in the Last Days, and the spiritual battle over the separation of the goats and sheep. It is interesting that those who worship satan and his demons often use the icon of a goat. ===Christian Nation's History Research=== As far as this is a Christian Country, the historical documents of this Nation are very clear. The very first president, Washington, gave honor to God that this Nation was because of Him. And this Nation's president's first Executive Order was to make Thanksgiving a National Holiday in honor, respect, praise, and thanksgiving to Jesus Christ and God Almighty. PLUS, letters written by Washington's granddaughter clearly state that Washington was a strong Christian. NOW, Washington knew of the "Separation of Church and State", but yet, made reference to God in His first speech. PLUS, Washington's first ORDER, which was requested by CONGRESS, to make Thanksgiving a National Holiday in honor to Christ. This was AFTER the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence was signed. Congress and Washington all knew of the "Separation of Church and State". So, why these two very important events and government orders, since the law of the land was government to "Separate Church and State"? It is because, the law of the land was that NO CHURCH GOVERNMENT! No church body could control Our Christian Country. BUT, Our Country had every intent, and so ORDERED, this Country to be a Christian Nation and therefore, acknowledge GOD ALMIGHTY as the reasons that this country was formed. It is very CLEAR in all historical documents, that the Christian Founding Fathers, made it that this Country was formed by God Almighty and respect given to Jesus Christ as it's King! It is also written that it is the DUTY of the "People of this Christian Nation". That whenever the government fails to keep the grass-roots and foundation of this Country, that we are to rise up (voting or whatever, speak out, etc) to guide this country back to the original creation. This Country's Christian roots should not be "whipped-out" because a room of six men and one woman, vote to do so. There is 86 percent of people in this Country that state that God and Jesus are real and this Country was formed by God. The Founding Fathers cry out to these 86 percent, to bring Our Country back to the grass-roots. If you want to believe in a stick, a fat hairless bold man, a scary looking goat, then that is your right. But it is Our Country's Right to keep its founding roots, and honor and respect the historical foundations of this Christian Country. I agree, no Church should control this country. I disagree, that the taking out the Christian element that was so dramatically painted within the historical founding of this Christian Nation. That is an outrage. ===Christmas Research=== For the person that posted concerns about Christmas, actually for thousands of years it has been taught that Jesus was born on Christmas (Month of Dec.), but the Magi went to him when Jesus was a young boy. The image of the Christmas story as the Magi (wiseman) visiting a Baby Jesus is give as a nice understanding of the birth. Below is some research on the subject. ===RESEARCH1=== Was Christmas star a double eclipse of Jupiter? (CNN) -- A U.S. astronomer said he has uncovered the first reference to the star of Bethlehem outside the Bible, in a 4th-century writings. For centuries, scientists and scholars have debated about the nature of the Biblical light, which they suggested was a comet or supernova. But Michael Molnar concluded that the star was actually a double eclipse of Jupiter roughly 2,000 years ago. The former Rutgers University researcher studied a symbolic star map on an ancient Roman empire coin from Syria, which depicts Aries the ram and other celestial symbols. Molnar, deducing that Aries was the sign of the Jews, figured that ancient astrologers would have searched that constellation for a sign of a savior of the kingdom of Judea. The Mathesis, a book written in 334 A.D. by Firmicus Maternus, an astrologer of Constantine the Great, described an astrological event involving an eclipse of Jupiter by the moon in Aries, and said that it signified the birth of a divine king. ===RESEARCH2=== Jupiter to be at its brightest in years (Bethlehem Star) At 12am the night of December 31, 2001 and the beginning of January 1, 2002, Jupiter and Saturn will line up over head. This junction lineament has been documented and believed to be the Star of Bethlehem (lined up on 25 December year 3 B.C.), according to the Magi (the wiseman during Jesus birth). The historic lineament, over 2000 years ago, was Jupiter and Saturn lined up in the Aries Star Cluster (Arsis was considered the land of Judea, Israel) A few years before the lineament, Jupiter circled Aries to notify that the Son of the King of the Universe would be born in Judea, Israel. Jupiter is considered the King and Saturn the Son. The Magi also knew of the prophecy of the coming of the Son of God by Daniels teachings. ==== ...


The holidays - I'm no longer of the Christian faith. My youth pastor molesting children in our group was enough to change my mind.

#522Consumer Comment

Fri, December 30, 2005

I do hope everyone had a nice holiday. And yes I say it that way because I'm no longer of the Christian faith. My youth pastor molesting children in our group was enough to change my mind. My hypocrite parents and inlaws are bad enough examples and I am more then happy in my alternate path. Besides, if God was so great I'd think he'd be making sure those who adore him so much don't land themselves in these situations. That however is a tangent. Happy Holidays is being used more now because being AMERICA we have freedom of religion and Christianity is becoming more a minority every day. My daughters holiday concert at school this year had 3 Christmas songs done at the VERY end. The program was all about possibilites and being able to grow up and learn with open minds. Gotta love a public school that knows its place, that many cultures have made their way into this district and don't appreciate Christmas being forced on them. And FYI, history(even Christian history) will tell you that Christ was supposedly born in February or March, NOT December, but the church changed the date to be closer to the Pagan holiday of Yule in an attempt to convert more people. Because back then, whether you believe it or not the Pagan population was already going strong. Many of the traditions Christians observe today have Pagan roots and they don't even know it. Funny I've not looked for this posting for weeks and there's still no update on the status of the actual CASE.


Los Angeles,
They were not Christians... not all who say they are Christians are in fact Christians

#523Consumer Comment

Thu, December 29, 2005

To the person that wrote this: "Don't we all remember when Christians burned people at the stake during the inquisitions? They all thought they were doing the right thing." I am sorry to inform you that not all who say they are Christians are in fact Christians. A true Christian would never have done any of those things. That is just against the teachings and leading of Christianity. Apparently you don't understand this yet because you are not born again. Please don't judge all Christians by those who say they are and do bad things.


Los Angeles,
They were not Christians... not all who say they are Christians are in fact Christians

#524Consumer Comment

Thu, December 29, 2005

To the person that wrote this: "Don't we all remember when Christians burned people at the stake during the inquisitions? They all thought they were doing the right thing." I am sorry to inform you that not all who say they are Christians are in fact Christians. A true Christian would never have done any of those things. That is just against the teachings and leading of Christianity. Apparently you don't understand this yet because you are not born again. Please don't judge all Christians by those who say they are and do bad things.


Los Angeles,
They were not Christians... not all who say they are Christians are in fact Christians

#525Consumer Comment

Thu, December 29, 2005

To the person that wrote this: "Don't we all remember when Christians burned people at the stake during the inquisitions? They all thought they were doing the right thing." I am sorry to inform you that not all who say they are Christians are in fact Christians. A true Christian would never have done any of those things. That is just against the teachings and leading of Christianity. Apparently you don't understand this yet because you are not born again. Please don't judge all Christians by those who say they are and do bad things.


Los Angeles,
They were not Christians... not all who say they are Christians are in fact Christians

#526Consumer Comment

Thu, December 29, 2005

To the person that wrote this: "Don't we all remember when Christians burned people at the stake during the inquisitions? They all thought they were doing the right thing." I am sorry to inform you that not all who say they are Christians are in fact Christians. A true Christian would never have done any of those things. That is just against the teachings and leading of Christianity. Apparently you don't understand this yet because you are not born again. Please don't judge all Christians by those who say they are and do bad things.


Devout Christians ..I put my hand on my wallet for fear it would be gone

#527Consumer Comment

Thu, December 29, 2005

The minute I read that you are a devout christian, I put my hand on my wallet for fear it would be gone. Here's a thought from a normal citizen. I have plenty or credit cards, debit cards etc. Once in a blue moon I forget to put my wallet in my pocket. Had I eaten the food before that discovery, I would be stealing. Since it is normal for me to pay for things prior to consuming them I have not had the problem that you have. Satan must be working his mojo on you. So maybe this will help you in the future. Pay for what you consume or be branded the thief you are. Now it's time to fall on your sword and say you aren't perfect, just forgiven.


North Carolina,

#528Consumer Comment

Thu, December 29, 2005

I totally agree with Cassandra from Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. All the religious ranting & raving give Christians a bad name. That being said, I want to be honest & state that I have not read all the posts b/c the above mentioned rants got old quick. I got about a quarter of the way through & scrolled down to the bottom & read Cassandra's before I wanted to make this suggestion ( Forgive me if this has already been said. Again, I did not read all of the posts.) As to Todd's situation, God Bless You in the fight against the way you were mistreated by Wal-Mart employees. I wanted to comment on a similar situation that can be avoided. I personally have many times just purchased a drink from a gas station before going to Wal-Mart or similar stores & took the drink inside with me. I always have a receipt & in the case of Wal-Mart, I always stop & check in with the nice old lady at the door so she can put one of those neon stickers that they use for returns to prove that you had it when you walked in. As to Todd's specific situation: Almost everytime I go into a grocery store, I will stop & get a 20oz diet coke from one of the mini-fridges at the register & drink most, if not all, of it while shopping. I agree with you in not believing this is stealing (if you pay for it before you leave the store). I have a 5-year old, a 2 year old, & a 6 month old, & I have even opened a box of Cheez-its to distract my kids & make the experience more bearable (But never let them eat any kind of fruit b/c it is charged my weight). I too live in the south, I go to the same grocery store (Food Lion) 99% of the time, so all of the employees there recognize my face & know I am a regular customer that spends over $100 a week - point is, they trust me. THE DIFFERENCE IS= No matter how whiny or loud my children are being, I always make it a point to specifically tell the cashier to ring these open or empty containers up. Like I said, they trust me, so if I just put them on the conveyor belt or hand an empty coke bottle to the cashier, they assume that I already had them when I entered the store & I just want them to throw the trash away for me. I am not attacking you in anyway or saying that you didn't do this, I just wanted to make a suggestion to possibly help prevent your situation from happening to others. Todd, again, God bless you in your fight against the mistreatment by Wal-Mart's employees


South Carolina,
Response To Cassandra and Others... "Are We To Praise GOD for This CHRISTIAN NATION?"

#529Author of original report

Thu, December 29, 2005

Response To Cassandra and Others... "Are We To Praise GOD for This CHRISTIAN NATION?" Did EVERYONE enjoy the Holiday? (This was given from GOD in remembrance of the Birth of His Son) Hi Cassandra and Others! Cassandra's last comment: " In regards to the original post.... if the food was paid for, regardless of whether or not he ate it before purchasing it, the woman should have handed him back his receipt and said, "Have a nice day." If there was an error and the food was not paid for, she should have asked him to go back to the checkout and pay for the food. Easy enough; and everyone goes home happy" That is the LOGICAL and PROPER thing to do, and I have asked this question many times... BUT after much research I have discovered the reason why Wal-Mart does these False Accusations... MONEY... In the end, (most people fall to this scam), Wal-Mart mostly gets about $6,500 per person... ($1000 (shoplifting charge) + ($200 Civil Letter Claim) + ($5300 Most likely from Civil Law Suit) Wal-Mart has done this to thousands of people in this CHRISTIAN NATION (Well proven by Historical Documents that this is a Christian Nation formed in Thanks to God and Jesus)... It is estimated that Wal-Mart pulls in about $6.5 MILLION per year in doing this SCAM! And the scary thing is, that Wal-Mart does not have to pay anything to run the scam, the TAXPAYERS pay for it! The Police, Jail, Court, etc. (All paid for by me and you)... So, in reality, Wal-Mart does NOT give back to the COMMUNITY as we are lead to believe, THEY actually STEAL from the COMMUNITY! Wal-Mart gives large contributions to elected representatives, which allow them to run the SCAM. (In this state, the Governor wore a Wal-Mart apron for a month, telling the people that the state should be ran like Wal-Mart... BUT the movement of concerned citizens is becoming aware of this SCAM and are working on putting a STOP to this CRIME... This website is part of that movement... (PS. There is a movie out talking about the Price for Low Prices... Wal-Mart tried to STOP this movie, and even went so far as to make one of their own, to counter attack the movie... Interesting and brings the Question for further examination) >>This Next Statement Is For the Wal-Mart Lovers and God Haters: bye for now... PRAISE GOD AND THIS CHRISTIAN NATION!!! Don't LIKE IT, MOVE to the Middle East... I am sure they will welcome you, JUST like, Our Country Welcomes THEM... (Yeah Right!) PS2: I have many JEWISH (Actually this term was used after the last return of the last tribe of Judea to rebuild Jerusalem... the real term for all the tribes are called HEBREW! Many historical references confirm this... I even have very close friends that are "Christian-Rabbi" (Teacher). PS3: How do you express a TRUE and DEEP love for something or someone? By talking about them all the time WHY is it that people never want to SHOUT on the roof tops about the GREATEST love of all? GOD sent HIS son that died for US! Only by Jesus can you be saved! You see all this football game craziness, and it is called a true fan! But whenever someone that loves the LORD so much and expresses that love, he/she is called a "NUT"! What a strange group of people, I often wonder how God looks at these people. They act crazy whenever they win money, car, other worldly things BUT never respond or express what the TRUE love of God means They try to contain it, lock it up and never express it to anyone, UNLESS they can SELL it and make tons of MONEY by it. PLEASE, show me in the BIBLE in many references, where we are NOT to PRAISE, give THANKS, and PRAY to HIM (GOD ALMIGHTY)! Please show me, where Jesus, Paul, and Others, never expressed themselves in PUBLIC about the TRUE love of GOD. If you can show me all of that, and it tells me NOT to do these things, then I will reframe from ever EXPRESSING my LOVE for GOD ever again! YHWH!


Chippewa Falls,

#530Consumer Comment

Thu, December 29, 2005

I have literally spent the last couple of hours looking at this post and all of its comments. It has gone from one mans experience at Wal Mart to a discussion of race, corrupt public officials, quality of goods, religion, and a lot of name calling. I'll keep this short, as my opinion probably isn't worth much! I felt sorry for Todd after reading the initial post, and thought maybe he had come across an employee on a power trip. However, after reading more posts, I am beginning to think that he is the type of person who scares other people away from Christianity. I am not trying to be offensive; and I am certainly not qualified to judge anyone. However, if I was not already a Christian and read those posts; I would probably make the (very inaccurate) generalization that Christians are overzealous and fanatical. In regards to the original post....if the food was paid for, regardless of whether or not he ate it before purchasing it, the woman should have handed him back his receipt and said, "Have a nice day." If there was an error and the food was not paid for, she should have asked him to go back to the checkout and pay for the food. Easy enough; and everyone goes home happy.


Just for "Todd".

#531Consumer Comment

Wed, December 21, 2005

I'll ignore all of the religious rhetoric in "Todd's" last post, and just comment on this: "Bill O'rielly, has been jumping all over WalMart and other companies that are trying to force everyone to change the day from Merry Christmas to Happy Holidays. Many are turning away from companies that are doing this... I just heard that WalMart is hurting real bad in the stocks as a result. Just a interesting note." WalMart is trying to force us to say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas"? I'm sorry, I must have missed that memo. Plus, I have not yet had any local WalMart LP officers come to my house and force me to say "Happy Holidays". OK, enough funning. Now I'm being serious. Could it be that WalMart is just trying to cater to the greatest amount of people without causing offense? If you had a Jewish friend (I doubt that you do), would you say to them "Merry Christmas", or "Happy Holidays"? Do you think they would be offended if you said Merry Christmas? And what about the buddists, islamics and so on? And stop going off on these wild religious tangents. If you believe in God, and think he will see you through this ordeal, then more power to you. But there is no need to go off the way you have. You only come off as a fanatic religious nut.


Just for "Todd".

#532Consumer Comment

Wed, December 21, 2005

I'll ignore all of the religious rhetoric in "Todd's" last post, and just comment on this: "Bill O'rielly, has been jumping all over WalMart and other companies that are trying to force everyone to change the day from Merry Christmas to Happy Holidays. Many are turning away from companies that are doing this... I just heard that WalMart is hurting real bad in the stocks as a result. Just a interesting note." WalMart is trying to force us to say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas"? I'm sorry, I must have missed that memo. Plus, I have not yet had any local WalMart LP officers come to my house and force me to say "Happy Holidays". OK, enough funning. Now I'm being serious. Could it be that WalMart is just trying to cater to the greatest amount of people without causing offense? If you had a Jewish friend (I doubt that you do), would you say to them "Merry Christmas", or "Happy Holidays"? Do you think they would be offended if you said Merry Christmas? And what about the buddists, islamics and so on? And stop going off on these wild religious tangents. If you believe in God, and think he will see you through this ordeal, then more power to you. But there is no need to go off the way you have. You only come off as a fanatic religious nut.


Todd, you are a hypocrite.

#533Consumer Comment

Wed, December 21, 2005

Todd, You preach and you moan and you cry... boo h*o - they tried to get you to PAY FOR WHAT YOU ATE!!! Wal-Mart is out to get you because you are a Christian? That is insane. Wal-Mart is strongest in the Bible Belt - why allienate their core customers? Think before you type. As far as spouting all of your bible verses and your gospel, remember this... In the sermon on the mount Jesus said, "Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces" (Matt. 7:6). This is what you are doing, Todd - you are casting pearls, making it easier for everyone else to say you are crazy. If you truly believe what you are saying happened to "Todd", stick to the facts and leave God out of it. I know what you are going to say - you cannot leave God out of it because you are a true believer... but it does not matter. On the other hand, I enjoy reading your rants... Just remember to take your medication.


South Carolina,
Hi Frank... Point Well Taken.

#534Author of original report

Wed, December 21, 2005

You Know I Just Had TO Do Another Posting Like This Just Before Christ Birthday... Praise Him!!!!


Hi Frank! (Merry CHRISTmas)! Before I begin responding to your most educated posting, I wanted to enlighten you on some research regarding the Wal-Mart shift from "Merry CHRISTmas" to "Happy Holidays" (note: HOLI (as Holy) (as Holy Bible/Holy Being/Jesus is Holy)... No matter how anyone tries to change it, these two months are about the glory of GOD Almighty! Bill O'rielly, has been jumping all over WalMart and other companies that are trying to force everyone to change the day from Merry Christmas to Happy Holidays. Many are turning away from companies that are doing this... I just heard that WalMart is hurting real bad in the stocks as a result. Just a interesting note. Here is something else, I did some research on "Separation of Church and State and the Founding Fathers"... When George Washington became the first president, during the oath to office, he reference God Almighty as the reason this country was formed. PLUS, George Washington's first executive order, by request of Congress, Made a Law in his first Proclamation to make THANKSGIVING a Day to give God the Glory and Thanks for this country. And that the ONLY reason this country was form by a bunch of starving, homeless, poor, Christian soldiers that won against the most powerful Army in the World at the time, British Royal Army. Washington, no one can deny the battle was won by the Almighty Hand of GOD. Keep in mind Washington did these two things AFTER the Constitution, Bill Of Rights, and Declaration of Independence was written and SIGNED! Does that give any light of the understanding of the Separation of Church and State? Wait, there is more, much more... Abraham Lincoln went so far as to make sure that God was kept as the "Center Point of Our Great Nation"! He also wrote about THANKSGIVING as being the Day of Glory and Thanks to the LORD! It was only until Roosevelt, when he got a bunch of letters from businesses that complained that Thanksgiving was causing them to loose MONEY because the day was to close to Christmas shopping. (Sound like the same talk today with Holiday name change)... When Roosevelt went to change the day, a HUGE OUTCRY from the People (remember WE THE PEOPLE), forced Our Government, to make sure the day never changed, so Congress acted to keep the day the same. Here is something else... Ever wonder if the "Star -Spangled Banner" has any other words? Usually, people only hear the first section of the song, BUT if you sing the whole song you will come to the part of why the FLAG was still there against such a huge enemy. The end of the song reads like this: "And this be our motto: "In God is our trust!" And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph... shall wave... O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!" There has been many notes I have discovered of Our Founding Fathers and what was meant by "Separation Of Church and State"... The Supreme Court has it all wrong... the rulings made to take Prayer out of Public School and all this other issues over the Ten Commandments, is way out in Outer Space... The "Christian" Founding Fathers developed this country as a Christian Country, but did not want or allow a Church Government! Yes, NO Church Government! No Church can come in and control Our Government. The Christian Founding Fathers never allowed GOD or CHRIST to be taken out of this Country, Otherwise they would have NEVER made so many references to God and Jesus in all the Laws, Buildings, Orders, Speeches, etc. Make since? Anyway, just wanted to get that off my chest... Okay, back to your posting... Your statement: " So Todd, please oblige to the request of those who oppose you, stop ranting. Stream your efforts into a more productive avenue. Gather the weak, create a force that the strong has to reckon with. Maybe at that time, Walmart will finally hear our message that it is wrong to wrongfully accuse innocent individuals" This is a very nice suggestion and well taken as advice. I will do my best to look into your suggest and implement it for future postings. And I agree, my posting maybe getting the attention it needs. I do know many are reading it. I also know that some of the ones that claim to be investigators, or MIBs, if they are, are not trained in the investigators I know. A True investigator would never bring attention to themselves in the manner they have stated, being hidden is their most valuable weapon in fighting crime. I know many retired federal investigators that still would never post anything public claiming they were investigators and going around acting like they are investigating someone. This leads me to conclude that many of the ones that are claiming this, are the same person. And yes, you are correct. I have been informed that these people, if they are more than one, just "stirring up the pot", "feeding the frenzy", knowing my faith is deep with me, and therefore, use that to cause me to respond dramatically, often rambling. I try to stay focused and to the point, but something's need to be said and I express myself and others that I feel need to be heard as well. I do allow others to use my post and workout some "pointers" that others my need. And you are correct, we will join forces. I do have the best attorney I have ever met working on my case. He is very educated, knows the ropes in and out. The last attorney was... something unexpected... I would just say, he tried to fool me into thinking I should take the bargain deal and not fight. I discovered later what his motive were and refused. So what if WalMart wins and takes everything I own, but I will not allow them without a large fight! And I know, sooner or later a I get a court that will see the truth and I will win. The evidence (tons of it) are against WalMart. I really want to give the details here, but I cannot... but when God gives me the Victory, I will do so... and all will be Amazed and Know that God is real and my faith is real... Something else, I agree those that flood this thread so negatively, ever wonder it is after someone has posted a very productive response to my posting? I was very angry when they flooded over the issue with the pregnant lady. They were trying so hard that no one would read that posting. Oh, I took this thread an blended it to a MS Word document, it came out over 200 pages! So, Lynda saying it took 24 mins. to fax to Wal-Marts HQ, was a lie... It took almost an hour for me to print to whole thing... (FACT1: Printing on an Inkjet, 30-40 seconds per page X 8000 seconds = 134 mins. = 2.22 hours) (FACT2: Faxing 85 seconds X 17000 seconds = 284 mins. = 5 HOURS!) (FACT3: COST to Print Half a Rim-of-paper $15) (FACT4: COST to Fax "9 cents per min/2 mins per page = (18 cents) X 3600 cents = $36 dallors) Lyda said she faxed it to three places TOTAL: $87 NOTE including the time it took someone to print out all those pages, FAX, read in detail, and make a so-called investigation. And the time she claims spent on researching me. SHE must be: 1. Hired by WalMart, to waist so much time and resources. 2. Has no life. 3. Really wants to make a point to shut a man down because he uses the "God/Jesus/Christian/etc" words. 4. Just bored out of her mind and just "feeding the frenzy" and really does not care either way if someone has been falsely accused or anything, just being entertained by the pains of others... kind of like someone watching someone getting killed on a nightly news program and not caring a hoot of why. (I really think this is the one) Anyway, enough with the fact findings, I would rather spend my time working with people like you and others that are trying to make things right and correct the wrongs being done. I will keep you posted. I have asked if the case can be video recorded so all can see the truth of the matter. I am making it a documentary. Have you heard of the one called, "Price of Low Prices"? Oh, have you noticed that Walgreen (not sure if it is spelled correctly) is kicking WalMarts butt! They have very low prices, better service, and they really care about customers. And, yes, I have done very much research in looking for False Arrest, False Imprisonment, and so on... and 98 percent of responses are WalMart. Here is what I think is happening, not sure if I said it before... "It's the perfect scam". WalMart falsely arrest someone... that customer goes into all kind of modern hell... the person tries to do the right thing, they are scared, not sure what happen, and just want it put behind them... so MOST take the plea-bargain, just to get it past them... EVEN that most never did what WalMart claims... WalMart knows these statistics very well... WalMart then sends the scared customer a Civil Demand Note... telling them to pay $200! They scared person thinks this will help, so they sign it and pay... (WalMart now has $200, PLUS whatever the criminal court rules, lets say usually $1000, PLUS community time) (sub total $1500)... Then WalMart, with a signed (forced-confession), files a Civil Lawsuit against the scared customer, this most likely gets WalMart and extra $5000! Now WalMart walks away with (Total $6500), which is all PROFIT! Put this into play of hundreds of thousands of people all over this country, you get an estimate of about $6.5 MILLION! (PER YEAR) goes directly to WalMart's POCKET! Not to mention the local city attorneys that get paid, that may or not know of the scam. (Keep in mind, I can not say the attorneys are involved directly, because they may just be trying to help the scared person, but they should know something is up with so many being falsly accused over a STUPID Food Item or something like that)... BUT, it is a BIG MONEY MAKING SCAM!!! And WalMart knows it! That's why they hate my posting so much, they had their chance to clear my name... I warned then at the time, "I am a fighting Christian", "I will get to the bottom of it and expose the true crime here". Does that sound about correct, Lynda and other WalMart supports? Did not think I would discover all of this? PLUS, I am working on getting former LPs to write confessions on this very thing... some have already stated this is what is happening... WalMart does not care of anything, they have their LPs and Store Managers, ready to hit someone, so they can make that $6500 or more... $6.5 MILLION a year scamming the People, is a big money making scam! WE THE PEOPLE, need to rise up and stop this. PLUS, the Homeowners Association is just as bad. What a major scam too. I think the HOA is the ran by the WalMart Scam club too. Anyway, I know it will not last for them, WE WILL HAVE VICTORY! This is God's Country, WE ARE A CHRISTIAN NATION! Founded by Christians, for all to live and work with us, BUT WE OUR CHRISTIAN... The Facts speak for themselves. ===I just get very upset whenever I think of what is happening to so many people, like you Frank, it just makes my so angry! I came to a song by Annie Medows called, "Fighter"... what a song that expresses my feelings. I do know God will bring Us Victory, we just need to turn back to Him, and clean up all this mess. MERRY CHRISTmas!!!! ))))-----> You Know I Just Had TO Do Another Posting Like This Just Before Christ Birthday... Praise Him!!!!


South Carolina,
Hi Frank... Point Well Taken.

#535Author of original report

Wed, December 21, 2005

You Know I Just Had TO Do Another Posting Like This Just Before Christ Birthday... Praise Him!!!!


Hi Frank! (Merry CHRISTmas)! Before I begin responding to your most educated posting, I wanted to enlighten you on some research regarding the Wal-Mart shift from "Merry CHRISTmas" to "Happy Holidays" (note: HOLI (as Holy) (as Holy Bible/Holy Being/Jesus is Holy)... No matter how anyone tries to change it, these two months are about the glory of GOD Almighty! Bill O'rielly, has been jumping all over WalMart and other companies that are trying to force everyone to change the day from Merry Christmas to Happy Holidays. Many are turning away from companies that are doing this... I just heard that WalMart is hurting real bad in the stocks as a result. Just a interesting note. Here is something else, I did some research on "Separation of Church and State and the Founding Fathers"... When George Washington became the first president, during the oath to office, he reference God Almighty as the reason this country was formed. PLUS, George Washington's first executive order, by request of Congress, Made a Law in his first Proclamation to make THANKSGIVING a Day to give God the Glory and Thanks for this country. And that the ONLY reason this country was form by a bunch of starving, homeless, poor, Christian soldiers that won against the most powerful Army in the World at the time, British Royal Army. Washington, no one can deny the battle was won by the Almighty Hand of GOD. Keep in mind Washington did these two things AFTER the Constitution, Bill Of Rights, and Declaration of Independence was written and SIGNED! Does that give any light of the understanding of the Separation of Church and State? Wait, there is more, much more... Abraham Lincoln went so far as to make sure that God was kept as the "Center Point of Our Great Nation"! He also wrote about THANKSGIVING as being the Day of Glory and Thanks to the LORD! It was only until Roosevelt, when he got a bunch of letters from businesses that complained that Thanksgiving was causing them to loose MONEY because the day was to close to Christmas shopping. (Sound like the same talk today with Holiday name change)... When Roosevelt went to change the day, a HUGE OUTCRY from the People (remember WE THE PEOPLE), forced Our Government, to make sure the day never changed, so Congress acted to keep the day the same. Here is something else... Ever wonder if the "Star -Spangled Banner" has any other words? Usually, people only hear the first section of the song, BUT if you sing the whole song you will come to the part of why the FLAG was still there against such a huge enemy. The end of the song reads like this: "And this be our motto: "In God is our trust!" And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph... shall wave... O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!" There has been many notes I have discovered of Our Founding Fathers and what was meant by "Separation Of Church and State"... The Supreme Court has it all wrong... the rulings made to take Prayer out of Public School and all this other issues over the Ten Commandments, is way out in Outer Space... The "Christian" Founding Fathers developed this country as a Christian Country, but did not want or allow a Church Government! Yes, NO Church Government! No Church can come in and control Our Government. The Christian Founding Fathers never allowed GOD or CHRIST to be taken out of this Country, Otherwise they would have NEVER made so many references to God and Jesus in all the Laws, Buildings, Orders, Speeches, etc. Make since? Anyway, just wanted to get that off my chest... Okay, back to your posting... Your statement: " So Todd, please oblige to the request of those who oppose you, stop ranting. Stream your efforts into a more productive avenue. Gather the weak, create a force that the strong has to reckon with. Maybe at that time, Walmart will finally hear our message that it is wrong to wrongfully accuse innocent individuals" This is a very nice suggestion and well taken as advice. I will do my best to look into your suggest and implement it for future postings. And I agree, my posting maybe getting the attention it needs. I do know many are reading it. I also know that some of the ones that claim to be investigators, or MIBs, if they are, are not trained in the investigators I know. A True investigator would never bring attention to themselves in the manner they have stated, being hidden is their most valuable weapon in fighting crime. I know many retired federal investigators that still would never post anything public claiming they were investigators and going around acting like they are investigating someone. This leads me to conclude that many of the ones that are claiming this, are the same person. And yes, you are correct. I have been informed that these people, if they are more than one, just "stirring up the pot", "feeding the frenzy", knowing my faith is deep with me, and therefore, use that to cause me to respond dramatically, often rambling. I try to stay focused and to the point, but something's need to be said and I express myself and others that I feel need to be heard as well. I do allow others to use my post and workout some "pointers" that others my need. And you are correct, we will join forces. I do have the best attorney I have ever met working on my case. He is very educated, knows the ropes in and out. The last attorney was... something unexpected... I would just say, he tried to fool me into thinking I should take the bargain deal and not fight. I discovered later what his motive were and refused. So what if WalMart wins and takes everything I own, but I will not allow them without a large fight! And I know, sooner or later a I get a court that will see the truth and I will win. The evidence (tons of it) are against WalMart. I really want to give the details here, but I cannot... but when God gives me the Victory, I will do so... and all will be Amazed and Know that God is real and my faith is real... Something else, I agree those that flood this thread so negatively, ever wonder it is after someone has posted a very productive response to my posting? I was very angry when they flooded over the issue with the pregnant lady. They were trying so hard that no one would read that posting. Oh, I took this thread an blended it to a MS Word document, it came out over 200 pages! So, Lynda saying it took 24 mins. to fax to Wal-Marts HQ, was a lie... It took almost an hour for me to print to whole thing... (FACT1: Printing on an Inkjet, 30-40 seconds per page X 8000 seconds = 134 mins. = 2.22 hours) (FACT2: Faxing 85 seconds X 17000 seconds = 284 mins. = 5 HOURS!) (FACT3: COST to Print Half a Rim-of-paper $15) (FACT4: COST to Fax "9 cents per min/2 mins per page = (18 cents) X 3600 cents = $36 dallors) Lyda said she faxed it to three places TOTAL: $87 NOTE including the time it took someone to print out all those pages, FAX, read in detail, and make a so-called investigation. And the time she claims spent on researching me. SHE must be: 1. Hired by WalMart, to waist so much time and resources. 2. Has no life. 3. Really wants to make a point to shut a man down because he uses the "God/Jesus/Christian/etc" words. 4. Just bored out of her mind and just "feeding the frenzy" and really does not care either way if someone has been falsely accused or anything, just being entertained by the pains of others... kind of like someone watching someone getting killed on a nightly news program and not caring a hoot of why. (I really think this is the one) Anyway, enough with the fact findings, I would rather spend my time working with people like you and others that are trying to make things right and correct the wrongs being done. I will keep you posted. I have asked if the case can be video recorded so all can see the truth of the matter. I am making it a documentary. Have you heard of the one called, "Price of Low Prices"? Oh, have you noticed that Walgreen (not sure if it is spelled correctly) is kicking WalMarts butt! They have very low prices, better service, and they really care about customers. And, yes, I have done very much research in looking for False Arrest, False Imprisonment, and so on... and 98 percent of responses are WalMart. Here is what I think is happening, not sure if I said it before... "It's the perfect scam". WalMart falsely arrest someone... that customer goes into all kind of modern hell... the person tries to do the right thing, they are scared, not sure what happen, and just want it put behind them... so MOST take the plea-bargain, just to get it past them... EVEN that most never did what WalMart claims... WalMart knows these statistics very well... WalMart then sends the scared customer a Civil Demand Note... telling them to pay $200! They scared person thinks this will help, so they sign it and pay... (WalMart now has $200, PLUS whatever the criminal court rules, lets say usually $1000, PLUS community time) (sub total $1500)... Then WalMart, with a signed (forced-confession), files a Civil Lawsuit against the scared customer, this most likely gets WalMart and extra $5000! Now WalMart walks away with (Total $6500), which is all PROFIT! Put this into play of hundreds of thousands of people all over this country, you get an estimate of about $6.5 MILLION! (PER YEAR) goes directly to WalMart's POCKET! Not to mention the local city attorneys that get paid, that may or not know of the scam. (Keep in mind, I can not say the attorneys are involved directly, because they may just be trying to help the scared person, but they should know something is up with so many being falsly accused over a STUPID Food Item or something like that)... BUT, it is a BIG MONEY MAKING SCAM!!! And WalMart knows it! That's why they hate my posting so much, they had their chance to clear my name... I warned then at the time, "I am a fighting Christian", "I will get to the bottom of it and expose the true crime here". Does that sound about correct, Lynda and other WalMart supports? Did not think I would discover all of this? PLUS, I am working on getting former LPs to write confessions on this very thing... some have already stated this is what is happening... WalMart does not care of anything, they have their LPs and Store Managers, ready to hit someone, so they can make that $6500 or more... $6.5 MILLION a year scamming the People, is a big money making scam! WE THE PEOPLE, need to rise up and stop this. PLUS, the Homeowners Association is just as bad. What a major scam too. I think the HOA is the ran by the WalMart Scam club too. Anyway, I know it will not last for them, WE WILL HAVE VICTORY! This is God's Country, WE ARE A CHRISTIAN NATION! Founded by Christians, for all to live and work with us, BUT WE OUR CHRISTIAN... The Facts speak for themselves. ===I just get very upset whenever I think of what is happening to so many people, like you Frank, it just makes my so angry! I came to a song by Annie Medows called, "Fighter"... what a song that expresses my feelings. I do know God will bring Us Victory, we just need to turn back to Him, and clean up all this mess. MERRY CHRISTmas!!!! ))))-----> You Know I Just Had TO Do Another Posting Like This Just Before Christ Birthday... Praise Him!!!!


South Carolina,
Hi Frank... Point Well Taken.

#536Author of original report

Wed, December 21, 2005

You Know I Just Had TO Do Another Posting Like This Just Before Christ Birthday... Praise Him!!!!


Hi Frank! (Merry CHRISTmas)! Before I begin responding to your most educated posting, I wanted to enlighten you on some research regarding the Wal-Mart shift from "Merry CHRISTmas" to "Happy Holidays" (note: HOLI (as Holy) (as Holy Bible/Holy Being/Jesus is Holy)... No matter how anyone tries to change it, these two months are about the glory of GOD Almighty! Bill O'rielly, has been jumping all over WalMart and other companies that are trying to force everyone to change the day from Merry Christmas to Happy Holidays. Many are turning away from companies that are doing this... I just heard that WalMart is hurting real bad in the stocks as a result. Just a interesting note. Here is something else, I did some research on "Separation of Church and State and the Founding Fathers"... When George Washington became the first president, during the oath to office, he reference God Almighty as the reason this country was formed. PLUS, George Washington's first executive order, by request of Congress, Made a Law in his first Proclamation to make THANKSGIVING a Day to give God the Glory and Thanks for this country. And that the ONLY reason this country was form by a bunch of starving, homeless, poor, Christian soldiers that won against the most powerful Army in the World at the time, British Royal Army. Washington, no one can deny the battle was won by the Almighty Hand of GOD. Keep in mind Washington did these two things AFTER the Constitution, Bill Of Rights, and Declaration of Independence was written and SIGNED! Does that give any light of the understanding of the Separation of Church and State? Wait, there is more, much more... Abraham Lincoln went so far as to make sure that God was kept as the "Center Point of Our Great Nation"! He also wrote about THANKSGIVING as being the Day of Glory and Thanks to the LORD! It was only until Roosevelt, when he got a bunch of letters from businesses that complained that Thanksgiving was causing them to loose MONEY because the day was to close to Christmas shopping. (Sound like the same talk today with Holiday name change)... When Roosevelt went to change the day, a HUGE OUTCRY from the People (remember WE THE PEOPLE), forced Our Government, to make sure the day never changed, so Congress acted to keep the day the same. Here is something else... Ever wonder if the "Star -Spangled Banner" has any other words? Usually, people only hear the first section of the song, BUT if you sing the whole song you will come to the part of why the FLAG was still there against such a huge enemy. The end of the song reads like this: "And this be our motto: "In God is our trust!" And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph... shall wave... O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!" There has been many notes I have discovered of Our Founding Fathers and what was meant by "Separation Of Church and State"... The Supreme Court has it all wrong... the rulings made to take Prayer out of Public School and all this other issues over the Ten Commandments, is way out in Outer Space... The "Christian" Founding Fathers developed this country as a Christian Country, but did not want or allow a Church Government! Yes, NO Church Government! No Church can come in and control Our Government. The Christian Founding Fathers never allowed GOD or CHRIST to be taken out of this Country, Otherwise they would have NEVER made so many references to God and Jesus in all the Laws, Buildings, Orders, Speeches, etc. Make since? Anyway, just wanted to get that off my chest... Okay, back to your posting... Your statement: " So Todd, please oblige to the request of those who oppose you, stop ranting. Stream your efforts into a more productive avenue. Gather the weak, create a force that the strong has to reckon with. Maybe at that time, Walmart will finally hear our message that it is wrong to wrongfully accuse innocent individuals" This is a very nice suggestion and well taken as advice. I will do my best to look into your suggest and implement it for future postings. And I agree, my posting maybe getting the attention it needs. I do know many are reading it. I also know that some of the ones that claim to be investigators, or MIBs, if they are, are not trained in the investigators I know. A True investigator would never bring attention to themselves in the manner they have stated, being hidden is their most valuable weapon in fighting crime. I know many retired federal investigators that still would never post anything public claiming they were investigators and going around acting like they are investigating someone. This leads me to conclude that many of the ones that are claiming this, are the same person. And yes, you are correct. I have been informed that these people, if they are more than one, just "stirring up the pot", "feeding the frenzy", knowing my faith is deep with me, and therefore, use that to cause me to respond dramatically, often rambling. I try to stay focused and to the point, but something's need to be said and I express myself and others that I feel need to be heard as well. I do allow others to use my post and workout some "pointers" that others my need. And you are correct, we will join forces. I do have the best attorney I have ever met working on my case. He is very educated, knows the ropes in and out. The last attorney was... something unexpected... I would just say, he tried to fool me into thinking I should take the bargain deal and not fight. I discovered later what his motive were and refused. So what if WalMart wins and takes everything I own, but I will not allow them without a large fight! And I know, sooner or later a I get a court that will see the truth and I will win. The evidence (tons of it) are against WalMart. I really want to give the details here, but I cannot... but when God gives me the Victory, I will do so... and all will be Amazed and Know that God is real and my faith is real... Something else, I agree those that flood this thread so negatively, ever wonder it is after someone has posted a very productive response to my posting? I was very angry when they flooded over the issue with the pregnant lady. They were trying so hard that no one would read that posting. Oh, I took this thread an blended it to a MS Word document, it came out over 200 pages! So, Lynda saying it took 24 mins. to fax to Wal-Marts HQ, was a lie... It took almost an hour for me to print to whole thing... (FACT1: Printing on an Inkjet, 30-40 seconds per page X 8000 seconds = 134 mins. = 2.22 hours) (FACT2: Faxing 85 seconds X 17000 seconds = 284 mins. = 5 HOURS!) (FACT3: COST to Print Half a Rim-of-paper $15) (FACT4: COST to Fax "9 cents per min/2 mins per page = (18 cents) X 3600 cents = $36 dallors) Lyda said she faxed it to three places TOTAL: $87 NOTE including the time it took someone to print out all those pages, FAX, read in detail, and make a so-called investigation. And the time she claims spent on researching me. SHE must be: 1. Hired by WalMart, to waist so much time and resources. 2. Has no life. 3. Really wants to make a point to shut a man down because he uses the "God/Jesus/Christian/etc" words. 4. Just bored out of her mind and just "feeding the frenzy" and really does not care either way if someone has been falsely accused or anything, just being entertained by the pains of others... kind of like someone watching someone getting killed on a nightly news program and not caring a hoot of why. (I really think this is the one) Anyway, enough with the fact findings, I would rather spend my time working with people like you and others that are trying to make things right and correct the wrongs being done. I will keep you posted. I have asked if the case can be video recorded so all can see the truth of the matter. I am making it a documentary. Have you heard of the one called, "Price of Low Prices"? Oh, have you noticed that Walgreen (not sure if it is spelled correctly) is kicking WalMarts butt! They have very low prices, better service, and they really care about customers. And, yes, I have done very much research in looking for False Arrest, False Imprisonment, and so on... and 98 percent of responses are WalMart. Here is what I think is happening, not sure if I said it before... "It's the perfect scam". WalMart falsely arrest someone... that customer goes into all kind of modern hell... the person tries to do the right thing, they are scared, not sure what happen, and just want it put behind them... so MOST take the plea-bargain, just to get it past them... EVEN that most never did what WalMart claims... WalMart knows these statistics very well... WalMart then sends the scared customer a Civil Demand Note... telling them to pay $200! They scared person thinks this will help, so they sign it and pay... (WalMart now has $200, PLUS whatever the criminal court rules, lets say usually $1000, PLUS community time) (sub total $1500)... Then WalMart, with a signed (forced-confession), files a Civil Lawsuit against the scared customer, this most likely gets WalMart and extra $5000! Now WalMart walks away with (Total $6500), which is all PROFIT! Put this into play of hundreds of thousands of people all over this country, you get an estimate of about $6.5 MILLION! (PER YEAR) goes directly to WalMart's POCKET! Not to mention the local city attorneys that get paid, that may or not know of the scam. (Keep in mind, I can not say the attorneys are involved directly, because they may just be trying to help the scared person, but they should know something is up with so many being falsly accused over a STUPID Food Item or something like that)... BUT, it is a BIG MONEY MAKING SCAM!!! And WalMart knows it! That's why they hate my posting so much, they had their chance to clear my name... I warned then at the time, "I am a fighting Christian", "I will get to the bottom of it and expose the true crime here". Does that sound about correct, Lynda and other WalMart supports? Did not think I would discover all of this? PLUS, I am working on getting former LPs to write confessions on this very thing... some have already stated this is what is happening... WalMart does not care of anything, they have their LPs and Store Managers, ready to hit someone, so they can make that $6500 or more... $6.5 MILLION a year scamming the People, is a big money making scam! WE THE PEOPLE, need to rise up and stop this. PLUS, the Homeowners Association is just as bad. What a major scam too. I think the HOA is the ran by the WalMart Scam club too. Anyway, I know it will not last for them, WE WILL HAVE VICTORY! This is God's Country, WE ARE A CHRISTIAN NATION! Founded by Christians, for all to live and work with us, BUT WE OUR CHRISTIAN... The Facts speak for themselves. ===I just get very upset whenever I think of what is happening to so many people, like you Frank, it just makes my so angry! I came to a song by Annie Medows called, "Fighter"... what a song that expresses my feelings. I do know God will bring Us Victory, we just need to turn back to Him, and clean up all this mess. MERRY CHRISTmas!!!! ))))-----> You Know I Just Had TO Do Another Posting Like This Just Before Christ Birthday... Praise Him!!!!


South Carolina,
Hi Frank... Point Well Taken.

#537Author of original report

Wed, December 21, 2005

You Know I Just Had TO Do Another Posting Like This Just Before Christ Birthday... Praise Him!!!!


Hi Frank! (Merry CHRISTmas)! Before I begin responding to your most educated posting, I wanted to enlighten you on some research regarding the Wal-Mart shift from "Merry CHRISTmas" to "Happy Holidays" (note: HOLI (as Holy) (as Holy Bible/Holy Being/Jesus is Holy)... No matter how anyone tries to change it, these two months are about the glory of GOD Almighty! Bill O'rielly, has been jumping all over WalMart and other companies that are trying to force everyone to change the day from Merry Christmas to Happy Holidays. Many are turning away from companies that are doing this... I just heard that WalMart is hurting real bad in the stocks as a result. Just a interesting note. Here is something else, I did some research on "Separation of Church and State and the Founding Fathers"... When George Washington became the first president, during the oath to office, he reference God Almighty as the reason this country was formed. PLUS, George Washington's first executive order, by request of Congress, Made a Law in his first Proclamation to make THANKSGIVING a Day to give God the Glory and Thanks for this country. And that the ONLY reason this country was form by a bunch of starving, homeless, poor, Christian soldiers that won against the most powerful Army in the World at the time, British Royal Army. Washington, no one can deny the battle was won by the Almighty Hand of GOD. Keep in mind Washington did these two things AFTER the Constitution, Bill Of Rights, and Declaration of Independence was written and SIGNED! Does that give any light of the understanding of the Separation of Church and State? Wait, there is more, much more... Abraham Lincoln went so far as to make sure that God was kept as the "Center Point of Our Great Nation"! He also wrote about THANKSGIVING as being the Day of Glory and Thanks to the LORD! It was only until Roosevelt, when he got a bunch of letters from businesses that complained that Thanksgiving was causing them to loose MONEY because the day was to close to Christmas shopping. (Sound like the same talk today with Holiday name change)... When Roosevelt went to change the day, a HUGE OUTCRY from the People (remember WE THE PEOPLE), forced Our Government, to make sure the day never changed, so Congress acted to keep the day the same. Here is something else... Ever wonder if the "Star -Spangled Banner" has any other words? Usually, people only hear the first section of the song, BUT if you sing the whole song you will come to the part of why the FLAG was still there against such a huge enemy. The end of the song reads like this: "And this be our motto: "In God is our trust!" And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph... shall wave... O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!" There has been many notes I have discovered of Our Founding Fathers and what was meant by "Separation Of Church and State"... The Supreme Court has it all wrong... the rulings made to take Prayer out of Public School and all this other issues over the Ten Commandments, is way out in Outer Space... The "Christian" Founding Fathers developed this country as a Christian Country, but did not want or allow a Church Government! Yes, NO Church Government! No Church can come in and control Our Government. The Christian Founding Fathers never allowed GOD or CHRIST to be taken out of this Country, Otherwise they would have NEVER made so many references to God and Jesus in all the Laws, Buildings, Orders, Speeches, etc. Make since? Anyway, just wanted to get that off my chest... Okay, back to your posting... Your statement: " So Todd, please oblige to the request of those who oppose you, stop ranting. Stream your efforts into a more productive avenue. Gather the weak, create a force that the strong has to reckon with. Maybe at that time, Walmart will finally hear our message that it is wrong to wrongfully accuse innocent individuals" This is a very nice suggestion and well taken as advice. I will do my best to look into your suggest and implement it for future postings. And I agree, my posting maybe getting the attention it needs. I do know many are reading it. I also know that some of the ones that claim to be investigators, or MIBs, if they are, are not trained in the investigators I know. A True investigator would never bring attention to themselves in the manner they have stated, being hidden is their most valuable weapon in fighting crime. I know many retired federal investigators that still would never post anything public claiming they were investigators and going around acting like they are investigating someone. This leads me to conclude that many of the ones that are claiming this, are the same person. And yes, you are correct. I have been informed that these people, if they are more than one, just "stirring up the pot", "feeding the frenzy", knowing my faith is deep with me, and therefore, use that to cause me to respond dramatically, often rambling. I try to stay focused and to the point, but something's need to be said and I express myself and others that I feel need to be heard as well. I do allow others to use my post and workout some "pointers" that others my need. And you are correct, we will join forces. I do have the best attorney I have ever met working on my case. He is very educated, knows the ropes in and out. The last attorney was... something unexpected... I would just say, he tried to fool me into thinking I should take the bargain deal and not fight. I discovered later what his motive were and refused. So what if WalMart wins and takes everything I own, but I will not allow them without a large fight! And I know, sooner or later a I get a court that will see the truth and I will win. The evidence (tons of it) are against WalMart. I really want to give the details here, but I cannot... but when God gives me the Victory, I will do so... and all will be Amazed and Know that God is real and my faith is real... Something else, I agree those that flood this thread so negatively, ever wonder it is after someone has posted a very productive response to my posting? I was very angry when they flooded over the issue with the pregnant lady. They were trying so hard that no one would read that posting. Oh, I took this thread an blended it to a MS Word document, it came out over 200 pages! So, Lynda saying it took 24 mins. to fax to Wal-Marts HQ, was a lie... It took almost an hour for me to print to whole thing... (FACT1: Printing on an Inkjet, 30-40 seconds per page X 8000 seconds = 134 mins. = 2.22 hours) (FACT2: Faxing 85 seconds X 17000 seconds = 284 mins. = 5 HOURS!) (FACT3: COST to Print Half a Rim-of-paper $15) (FACT4: COST to Fax "9 cents per min/2 mins per page = (18 cents) X 3600 cents = $36 dallors) Lyda said she faxed it to three places TOTAL: $87 NOTE including the time it took someone to print out all those pages, FAX, read in detail, and make a so-called investigation. And the time she claims spent on researching me. SHE must be: 1. Hired by WalMart, to waist so much time and resources. 2. Has no life. 3. Really wants to make a point to shut a man down because he uses the "God/Jesus/Christian/etc" words. 4. Just bored out of her mind and just "feeding the frenzy" and really does not care either way if someone has been falsely accused or anything, just being entertained by the pains of others... kind of like someone watching someone getting killed on a nightly news program and not caring a hoot of why. (I really think this is the one) Anyway, enough with the fact findings, I would rather spend my time working with people like you and others that are trying to make things right and correct the wrongs being done. I will keep you posted. I have asked if the case can be video recorded so all can see the truth of the matter. I am making it a documentary. Have you heard of the one called, "Price of Low Prices"? Oh, have you noticed that Walgreen (not sure if it is spelled correctly) is kicking WalMarts butt! They have very low prices, better service, and they really care about customers. And, yes, I have done very much research in looking for False Arrest, False Imprisonment, and so on... and 98 percent of responses are WalMart. Here is what I think is happening, not sure if I said it before... "It's the perfect scam". WalMart falsely arrest someone... that customer goes into all kind of modern hell... the person tries to do the right thing, they are scared, not sure what happen, and just want it put behind them... so MOST take the plea-bargain, just to get it past them... EVEN that most never did what WalMart claims... WalMart knows these statistics very well... WalMart then sends the scared customer a Civil Demand Note... telling them to pay $200! They scared person thinks this will help, so they sign it and pay... (WalMart now has $200, PLUS whatever the criminal court rules, lets say usually $1000, PLUS community time) (sub total $1500)... Then WalMart, with a signed (forced-confession), files a Civil Lawsuit against the scared customer, this most likely gets WalMart and extra $5000! Now WalMart walks away with (Total $6500), which is all PROFIT! Put this into play of hundreds of thousands of people all over this country, you get an estimate of about $6.5 MILLION! (PER YEAR) goes directly to WalMart's POCKET! Not to mention the local city attorneys that get paid, that may or not know of the scam. (Keep in mind, I can not say the attorneys are involved directly, because they may just be trying to help the scared person, but they should know something is up with so many being falsly accused over a STUPID Food Item or something like that)... BUT, it is a BIG MONEY MAKING SCAM!!! And WalMart knows it! That's why they hate my posting so much, they had their chance to clear my name... I warned then at the time, "I am a fighting Christian", "I will get to the bottom of it and expose the true crime here". Does that sound about correct, Lynda and other WalMart supports? Did not think I would discover all of this? PLUS, I am working on getting former LPs to write confessions on this very thing... some have already stated this is what is happening... WalMart does not care of anything, they have their LPs and Store Managers, ready to hit someone, so they can make that $6500 or more... $6.5 MILLION a year scamming the People, is a big money making scam! WE THE PEOPLE, need to rise up and stop this. PLUS, the Homeowners Association is just as bad. What a major scam too. I think the HOA is the ran by the WalMart Scam club too. Anyway, I know it will not last for them, WE WILL HAVE VICTORY! This is God's Country, WE ARE A CHRISTIAN NATION! Founded by Christians, for all to live and work with us, BUT WE OUR CHRISTIAN... The Facts speak for themselves. ===I just get very upset whenever I think of what is happening to so many people, like you Frank, it just makes my so angry! I came to a song by Annie Medows called, "Fighter"... what a song that expresses my feelings. I do know God will bring Us Victory, we just need to turn back to Him, and clean up all this mess. MERRY CHRISTmas!!!! ))))-----> You Know I Just Had TO Do Another Posting Like This Just Before Christ Birthday... Praise Him!!!!


North Brunswick,
New Jersey,
I am amazed!!

#538Consumer Comment

Tue, December 20, 2005

Todd, It seems that you have done a great job gathering attention of additional enemies! In 3 months since I last visited this website, you have managed to attract 3 times the amount of replies (mostly negative). That leads me to conclude that Wal-Mart is really paying attention to your voice...and how it is ruining their reputation. First of all, I do apologize in advance if I got the names wrong. But Kate, how can you not expect someone to not go in shock, suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder, and ask him or her to just let it go when he was falsely accused? I have posted my story on June 28th, 2005, also on this chain. Being that I have a job with very little time to spare, I have decided not to fight on. Even though I have chosen to bow down to the almighty, (IE. Walmart, the courts)and took the unjust punishment, (IE. fines, community service ETC), there is not one day that goes by that I don't think about how unfair my entire experience has been. For all those wrongfully accused people out there, we are all suppose to just let something like this go by like nothing happened? tell that to the pregnant lady! What if she suffered a miscarriage? Here is a thought for those attacking Todd: If the guilty is expected to repend and apologize for their wrongful actions, how about a sorry from Walmart for a change? For those asking for Todd's docket # and case#, please explain why this is of importance to you. At the end of the day, it all comes down to the testimony of witnesses as well as any available evidence (probably unkept) from Walmart. In my opinion (correct me if I am wrong)the docket # and case# only provide a person with information that was taken exclusively from the side of the plaintiff. Are we suppose to believe that Walmart tell nothing but the truth? More importantly, judging from my experience, even if all of this leads to Walmart falsely accusing someone, one can still be found guilty in court! As for Dale and most recently Lynda, I am glad you guys are professionals. I don't know if you are related to Walmart in anyway (judging from the comment you are), but I will be forthcoming and tell you my docket # is 17050 and was filed in Mercer County in the state of NJ. I would love to get an explaination how the court can find me guilty when all evidence showed that the LPO's story was inconsistant. If you guys are real professional, you would help me to ease my mental suffering a lot by exploring my case. As for those asking why Todd is not forthcoming with the outcome of his case, my case took me 9 months to resolve, so it should take him at least the same amount of time. Denny, we all know that you work for Walmart. Quite honestly, if I had a business, I would do everything to avoid getting sued millions of dollars. You are doing a great job. Most people don't have the time or patience to spend 2 hours reading this thread, unless this effect them personally. So if you can interject every so often and say that Todd is guilty, people will have that engrained in their head and assume that he is. Great advertising scheme. In regards to someone's posting about contacting the media? That is not going to work. I have tried that and came to an unfortunate conclusion: media companies are funded by advertisements. Walmart is a big contributor. I had a reporter who was interested in my story, but was shot down by the editor. Who can blame them? Walmart pays their salary! Finally, Todd. The only one who knows the truth is yourself, and the accuser. I really hope that you are indeed innocent, and win in court. We all know that you have spent a tremendous amount of time just in this posting alone. Just as a suggestion: Stop repling to those who are obvious in an attempt to discourage you. Concentrate your effort and do these 2 things: 1. Find the best lawyer and win your criminal case. 2. Contact all the wrongfully accused people you can find and have a class action lawsuit. ( I will be the first in line) Just think Todd, people like us, who are somewhat computer literate, are able to find websites like this to find out similiar occurances around us. What about the rest of the wrongfully accused, those who do not have the same skills/resources available to us? Many of them may have been forced to "admit" their guilt because they were scared out of their wits! As a side note. When I did a search about wrongful arrest on ripoffreport.com on other major retailer, nothing showed up except for Walmart. Wonder why.... So Todd, please oblige to the request of those who oppose you, stop ranting. Stream your efforts into a more productive avenue. Gather the weak, create a force that the strong has to reckon with. Maybe at that time, Walmart will finally hear our message that it is wrong to wrongfully accuse innocent individuals. Good luck with everything. Please keep us informed, good or bad. Frank Happy holidays everyone. Did you know that certain Walmarts have stopped using the word "Xmas" and replaced it with "holiday"? (IE. Holiday tree, holiday card) They are doing this so they won't offend people with different faith. What a joke. Another example how everything is about the $..


North Brunswick,
New Jersey,
I am amazed!!

#539Consumer Comment

Tue, December 20, 2005

Todd, It seems that you have done a great job gathering attention of additional enemies! In 3 months since I last visited this website, you have managed to attract 3 times the amount of replies (mostly negative). That leads me to conclude that Wal-Mart is really paying attention to your voice...and how it is ruining their reputation. First of all, I do apologize in advance if I got the names wrong. But Kate, how can you not expect someone to not go in shock, suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder, and ask him or her to just let it go when he was falsely accused? I have posted my story on June 28th, 2005, also on this chain. Being that I have a job with very little time to spare, I have decided not to fight on. Even though I have chosen to bow down to the almighty, (IE. Walmart, the courts)and took the unjust punishment, (IE. fines, community service ETC), there is not one day that goes by that I don't think about how unfair my entire experience has been. For all those wrongfully accused people out there, we are all suppose to just let something like this go by like nothing happened? tell that to the pregnant lady! What if she suffered a miscarriage? Here is a thought for those attacking Todd: If the guilty is expected to repend and apologize for their wrongful actions, how about a sorry from Walmart for a change? For those asking for Todd's docket # and case#, please explain why this is of importance to you. At the end of the day, it all comes down to the testimony of witnesses as well as any available evidence (probably unkept) from Walmart. In my opinion (correct me if I am wrong)the docket # and case# only provide a person with information that was taken exclusively from the side of the plaintiff. Are we suppose to believe that Walmart tell nothing but the truth? More importantly, judging from my experience, even if all of this leads to Walmart falsely accusing someone, one can still be found guilty in court! As for Dale and most recently Lynda, I am glad you guys are professionals. I don't know if you are related to Walmart in anyway (judging from the comment you are), but I will be forthcoming and tell you my docket # is 17050 and was filed in Mercer County in the state of NJ. I would love to get an explaination how the court can find me guilty when all evidence showed that the LPO's story was inconsistant. If you guys are real professional, you would help me to ease my mental suffering a lot by exploring my case. As for those asking why Todd is not forthcoming with the outcome of his case, my case took me 9 months to resolve, so it should take him at least the same amount of time. Denny, we all know that you work for Walmart. Quite honestly, if I had a business, I would do everything to avoid getting sued millions of dollars. You are doing a great job. Most people don't have the time or patience to spend 2 hours reading this thread, unless this effect them personally. So if you can interject every so often and say that Todd is guilty, people will have that engrained in their head and assume that he is. Great advertising scheme. In regards to someone's posting about contacting the media? That is not going to work. I have tried that and came to an unfortunate conclusion: media companies are funded by advertisements. Walmart is a big contributor. I had a reporter who was interested in my story, but was shot down by the editor. Who can blame them? Walmart pays their salary! Finally, Todd. The only one who knows the truth is yourself, and the accuser. I really hope that you are indeed innocent, and win in court. We all know that you have spent a tremendous amount of time just in this posting alone. Just as a suggestion: Stop repling to those who are obvious in an attempt to discourage you. Concentrate your effort and do these 2 things: 1. Find the best lawyer and win your criminal case. 2. Contact all the wrongfully accused people you can find and have a class action lawsuit. ( I will be the first in line) Just think Todd, people like us, who are somewhat computer literate, are able to find websites like this to find out similiar occurances around us. What about the rest of the wrongfully accused, those who do not have the same skills/resources available to us? Many of them may have been forced to "admit" their guilt because they were scared out of their wits! As a side note. When I did a search about wrongful arrest on ripoffreport.com on other major retailer, nothing showed up except for Walmart. Wonder why.... So Todd, please oblige to the request of those who oppose you, stop ranting. Stream your efforts into a more productive avenue. Gather the weak, create a force that the strong has to reckon with. Maybe at that time, Walmart will finally hear our message that it is wrong to wrongfully accuse innocent individuals. Good luck with everything. Please keep us informed, good or bad. Frank Happy holidays everyone. Did you know that certain Walmarts have stopped using the word "Xmas" and replaced it with "holiday"? (IE. Holiday tree, holiday card) They are doing this so they won't offend people with different faith. What a joke. Another example how everything is about the $..


North Brunswick,
New Jersey,
I am amazed!!

#540Consumer Comment

Tue, December 20, 2005

Todd, It seems that you have done a great job gathering attention of additional enemies! In 3 months since I last visited this website, you have managed to attract 3 times the amount of replies (mostly negative). That leads me to conclude that Wal-Mart is really paying attention to your voice...and how it is ruining their reputation. First of all, I do apologize in advance if I got the names wrong. But Kate, how can you not expect someone to not go in shock, suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder, and ask him or her to just let it go when he was falsely accused? I have posted my story on June 28th, 2005, also on this chain. Being that I have a job with very little time to spare, I have decided not to fight on. Even though I have chosen to bow down to the almighty, (IE. Walmart, the courts)and took the unjust punishment, (IE. fines, community service ETC), there is not one day that goes by that I don't think about how unfair my entire experience has been. For all those wrongfully accused people out there, we are all suppose to just let something like this go by like nothing happened? tell that to the pregnant lady! What if she suffered a miscarriage? Here is a thought for those attacking Todd: If the guilty is expected to repend and apologize for their wrongful actions, how about a sorry from Walmart for a change? For those asking for Todd's docket # and case#, please explain why this is of importance to you. At the end of the day, it all comes down to the testimony of witnesses as well as any available evidence (probably unkept) from Walmart. In my opinion (correct me if I am wrong)the docket # and case# only provide a person with information that was taken exclusively from the side of the plaintiff. Are we suppose to believe that Walmart tell nothing but the truth? More importantly, judging from my experience, even if all of this leads to Walmart falsely accusing someone, one can still be found guilty in court! As for Dale and most recently Lynda, I am glad you guys are professionals. I don't know if you are related to Walmart in anyway (judging from the comment you are), but I will be forthcoming and tell you my docket # is 17050 and was filed in Mercer County in the state of NJ. I would love to get an explaination how the court can find me guilty when all evidence showed that the LPO's story was inconsistant. If you guys are real professional, you would help me to ease my mental suffering a lot by exploring my case. As for those asking why Todd is not forthcoming with the outcome of his case, my case took me 9 months to resolve, so it should take him at least the same amount of time. Denny, we all know that you work for Walmart. Quite honestly, if I had a business, I would do everything to avoid getting sued millions of dollars. You are doing a great job. Most people don't have the time or patience to spend 2 hours reading this thread, unless this effect them personally. So if you can interject every so often and say that Todd is guilty, people will have that engrained in their head and assume that he is. Great advertising scheme. In regards to someone's posting about contacting the media? That is not going to work. I have tried that and came to an unfortunate conclusion: media companies are funded by advertisements. Walmart is a big contributor. I had a reporter who was interested in my story, but was shot down by the editor. Who can blame them? Walmart pays their salary! Finally, Todd. The only one who knows the truth is yourself, and the accuser. I really hope that you are indeed innocent, and win in court. We all know that you have spent a tremendous amount of time just in this posting alone. Just as a suggestion: Stop repling to those who are obvious in an attempt to discourage you. Concentrate your effort and do these 2 things: 1. Find the best lawyer and win your criminal case. 2. Contact all the wrongfully accused people you can find and have a class action lawsuit. ( I will be the first in line) Just think Todd, people like us, who are somewhat computer literate, are able to find websites like this to find out similiar occurances around us. What about the rest of the wrongfully accused, those who do not have the same skills/resources available to us? Many of them may have been forced to "admit" their guilt because they were scared out of their wits! As a side note. When I did a search about wrongful arrest on ripoffreport.com on other major retailer, nothing showed up except for Walmart. Wonder why.... So Todd, please oblige to the request of those who oppose you, stop ranting. Stream your efforts into a more productive avenue. Gather the weak, create a force that the strong has to reckon with. Maybe at that time, Walmart will finally hear our message that it is wrong to wrongfully accuse innocent individuals. Good luck with everything. Please keep us informed, good or bad. Frank Happy holidays everyone. Did you know that certain Walmarts have stopped using the word "Xmas" and replaced it with "holiday"? (IE. Holiday tree, holiday card) They are doing this so they won't offend people with different faith. What a joke. Another example how everything is about the $..


North Brunswick,
New Jersey,
I am amazed!!

#541Consumer Comment

Tue, December 20, 2005

Todd, It seems that you have done a great job gathering attention of additional enemies! In 3 months since I last visited this website, you have managed to attract 3 times the amount of replies (mostly negative). That leads me to conclude that Wal-Mart is really paying attention to your voice...and how it is ruining their reputation. First of all, I do apologize in advance if I got the names wrong. But Kate, how can you not expect someone to not go in shock, suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder, and ask him or her to just let it go when he was falsely accused? I have posted my story on June 28th, 2005, also on this chain. Being that I have a job with very little time to spare, I have decided not to fight on. Even though I have chosen to bow down to the almighty, (IE. Walmart, the courts)and took the unjust punishment, (IE. fines, community service ETC), there is not one day that goes by that I don't think about how unfair my entire experience has been. For all those wrongfully accused people out there, we are all suppose to just let something like this go by like nothing happened? tell that to the pregnant lady! What if she suffered a miscarriage? Here is a thought for those attacking Todd: If the guilty is expected to repend and apologize for their wrongful actions, how about a sorry from Walmart for a change? For those asking for Todd's docket # and case#, please explain why this is of importance to you. At the end of the day, it all comes down to the testimony of witnesses as well as any available evidence (probably unkept) from Walmart. In my opinion (correct me if I am wrong)the docket # and case# only provide a person with information that was taken exclusively from the side of the plaintiff. Are we suppose to believe that Walmart tell nothing but the truth? More importantly, judging from my experience, even if all of this leads to Walmart falsely accusing someone, one can still be found guilty in court! As for Dale and most recently Lynda, I am glad you guys are professionals. I don't know if you are related to Walmart in anyway (judging from the comment you are), but I will be forthcoming and tell you my docket # is 17050 and was filed in Mercer County in the state of NJ. I would love to get an explaination how the court can find me guilty when all evidence showed that the LPO's story was inconsistant. If you guys are real professional, you would help me to ease my mental suffering a lot by exploring my case. As for those asking why Todd is not forthcoming with the outcome of his case, my case took me 9 months to resolve, so it should take him at least the same amount of time. Denny, we all know that you work for Walmart. Quite honestly, if I had a business, I would do everything to avoid getting sued millions of dollars. You are doing a great job. Most people don't have the time or patience to spend 2 hours reading this thread, unless this effect them personally. So if you can interject every so often and say that Todd is guilty, people will have that engrained in their head and assume that he is. Great advertising scheme. In regards to someone's posting about contacting the media? That is not going to work. I have tried that and came to an unfortunate conclusion: media companies are funded by advertisements. Walmart is a big contributor. I had a reporter who was interested in my story, but was shot down by the editor. Who can blame them? Walmart pays their salary! Finally, Todd. The only one who knows the truth is yourself, and the accuser. I really hope that you are indeed innocent, and win in court. We all know that you have spent a tremendous amount of time just in this posting alone. Just as a suggestion: Stop repling to those who are obvious in an attempt to discourage you. Concentrate your effort and do these 2 things: 1. Find the best lawyer and win your criminal case. 2. Contact all the wrongfully accused people you can find and have a class action lawsuit. ( I will be the first in line) Just think Todd, people like us, who are somewhat computer literate, are able to find websites like this to find out similiar occurances around us. What about the rest of the wrongfully accused, those who do not have the same skills/resources available to us? Many of them may have been forced to "admit" their guilt because they were scared out of their wits! As a side note. When I did a search about wrongful arrest on ripoffreport.com on other major retailer, nothing showed up except for Walmart. Wonder why.... So Todd, please oblige to the request of those who oppose you, stop ranting. Stream your efforts into a more productive avenue. Gather the weak, create a force that the strong has to reckon with. Maybe at that time, Walmart will finally hear our message that it is wrong to wrongfully accuse innocent individuals. Good luck with everything. Please keep us informed, good or bad. Frank Happy holidays everyone. Did you know that certain Walmarts have stopped using the word "Xmas" and replaced it with "holiday"? (IE. Holiday tree, holiday card) They are doing this so they won't offend people with different faith. What a joke. Another example how everything is about the $..


Fort Myers,
United States Minor Outlying Islands
monkey warefare

#542Consumer Comment

Mon, December 12, 2005

I have discovered that sometimes you can not fight Goliath on his own terms. The lagal system is totally unavailbe to most of us. Sometimes I will just declare monkey warefare on a company. This could consist of for example hiding an expensive roast behind some auto parts in the auto section. When legitimate means of fighting back are not available then its war and every thing becomes fair game in war. You dont have to agree with me. I feel justified and thats all that matters not your opinion of me.


North Carolina,
This whole thing has gotten rediculous...

#543UPDATE Employee

Fri, December 09, 2005

Between the original post and every one since, this is just rediculous. First of all, for those who say Todd was wrong to have not paid before he ate the food b/c that breaks store policy: Whatever. I work at Wal-Mart. People ask and are told they can eat the food as long as they pay before they leave. Customers and employees both do it ALL the time. It's not a big deal. The Deli doesn't have a register. You have to pay somewhere else. In our store, most people paid in the Snack Bar, but it's a Subway now, so you have to go up front to pay. Regardless, no one cares. People eat before paying ALL THE TIME. For the people that are going off on Todd about how he stole it so he deserves whatever he got: You're either blind or illiterate. I'll go for the latter. He's said more times than I bothered to read that he paid for all of it and that they arrested him anyway. That brings me to Todd. Your story makes no sense. It's believable up to the point that she turns red and doesn't let you leave. Wal-Mart doesn't have LP guys going around spotting all the Christians to falsly acuse them of stealing chicken poppers and potato wedges. Nor do they arrest people for grazing after it's been determined that they did, in fact, pay for the items before attempting to leave the store. Under the law, it's illegal for a store to accuse someone of theft without solid proof, much less arrest them. That alone is enough for you to sue and win at least a couple grand. In that you supposedly spent the night in jail, a whole load more of Wal-Mart's dirty money. Not to mention a case against the Police Department. If this had really happened to you, a quick call to the local news station would have made you famous. Not only a Wal-Mart scandal (and you know the media eats that up), but you'd have a legit claim against the Police (and you know how the people eat that up). Most likely, you were grazing, a manager spotted you. You paid for your things and headed for the door where you were stopped by the manager that saw you. She probably asked to see your reciept because she'd noticed you were grazing and needed to make sure you'd paid. You raised a stink, caused a scene and EITHER... 1. She saw you'd paid then escorted you out of the store for being out of control. You then got really pissed off and decided to go online and embellish the story to make Wal-Mart look bad. OR... 2. She saw that you had not paid and took you into the security room, as is standard procedure, where they began processing you. You started freaking out screaming SATAN and consipiracy theories and the police were called at that point. Your arrest not being just for theft, but more for your conduct after. No matter what, as far as I can tell, the extent of your "fight" has been googling and arguing with people on this site for the past 6 months. If it really did happen to you, not much is going to come from it at this point. Wal-Mart may be the root of all that is evil in the world, but they don't go Christian huntin' for sport. There are more legitimate fights to be faught against this company. Give it up already.


provide evidence, you say...

#544Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 08, 2005

Interesting this statement of yours: >>Everyone of these "bully-cops" that attack this posting have never disputed or even attempted to provide evidence that the truth posted within this thread to be a lie.<< Well a number of people here have posted requesting evidence from you. All you respond with is your religious ramblings. I am not a witch, athiest or God hater. But I do find it interesting that whenever someone points out holes in your story all you can respond with is how God is going to strike us all down, and you talk like you think you are "holier than thou." I am a Christian. It offends me that you posted this story and the more you post the more it looks as though you weren't being completely honest. But apparently you think anyone who questions your story is an athiest bully cop employed by WalMart. Well I am not an athiest, I am not a bully cop, and I am not on WalMart's payroll. I am a Christian who knows how to spot a fishy story when I see one! Oh yeah, Mr. Bible man, remember what the book of Revelations says about false prophets...and people who pretend to be righteous? As someone else stated, share with us a REAL update. Not interested in hearing about other various lawsuits against WalMart. Not interested in hearing about the various disasters of the world and the second coming...I can read about those elsewhere. In reading this site, what I am interested in is an update, such as the following..."I had my court date...the judge said this." or "I will be going to court on suchandsuch date." or "I paid a fine and it is settled." NOT "God is going to strike down the MAFIA-run Walmart!" Love how you change the subject and ramble in different directions rather than face the issue at hand. And don't you DARE call me a God-hater. What I am is a LIAR-hater! Quit avoiding the truth and clouding the issue with your self-righteous blather. You are not the only true Christian on this earth. In fact I think Christianity is your disguise because a true Christian would not have lied like you did.


South Carolina,
Show Me The Money

#545Author of original report

Thu, December 08, 2005

Here is a newly discovered, what seems to be a motive behind these "false arrest", that Wal-Mart is conducting. Brief: A customer walks into a store, goes to purchase something, walks out of store, accused of shoplifting, arrested. Now this is where it gets interesting. Based on this, according to Wal-Mart and these "bully-cops" (LP or others), you are guilty because they say you are. No trial, no evidence, just Wal-Mart and the people they gather as so-called witnesses. The whole thing comes down to two things: (1): Money (2): GREED (1/2): The money is based on the letters and following, "rigged" civil law suits that follow the false arrest. Wal-Mart sends the customers letters demanding a "signed confession" and pay for a bill of about $200-2000! Wal-Mart entraps the customer thinking the whole issue will end if they just pay this bill. NO, it is just the start of the GREED! If the customer signs this, it is a statement saying that the customer did the crime, EVEN if they did not do the crime. The pool of slim-bucket, Wal-Mart legal depart then moves in to take everything they can from you in the lower courts. If you think about it, this is the perfect MOFIA legalized crime deal. Wal-Mart, from what I hear, MILLIONS! A customer walks in the store, and walks out owing THOUSANDS to Wal-Mart. This post has become one of many to expose these truths. The select few that attack this post are connect to Wal-Mart in some way to silence the truth. Just like in the MOFIA organizations in the 30's and 50's, Wal-Mart has become the modernized corporate scam-artist. So who is the thief here? After reading over all the posts, don't be fooled by these "bully-cops" attempting to push a run-off from the original post. The whole objective of their posts is to destroy the truth. And it makes them even angrier because the post reflects the Christian moral issue. That causes them to be reminded that what they are doing to people is wrong, very wrong. The point is simple. Is Wal-Mart doing these things to people? Research and the facts clearly state the issue to be true. Everyone of these "bully-cops" that attack this posting have never disputed or even attempted to provide evidence that the truth posted within this thread to be a lie. Rather, they insult and attack the author of his statements of Christian faith. These insults are using from a "bully-cop" trying to intimidate someone to agree with their twisted idea. In doing so, it allows them to control you and it also protects them to get away with whatever wrongs they have done against you. Satan and his goons, always operate in this manner. They come at you fast, angry, to scare you into the ways they want you to follow. One interesting issue is, talking about the spirits, is that even satan and his demon followers, respect Christ's position. They know very well His power and might. In talking with some people that use to be in the cult, they inform me that whenever they came across true-people-of-God, they had to back off, because the demons would not engage for fear of the punishment. Interesting thought. I wanted to talk about this, because most of these "bully-cops" have stated they are witches, unbelievers, antitheist, and other God-hater-faiths. But coming back to the issue at hand. History will prove that, organized criminals that do the things that Wal-Mart is doing only last a short time. Once people become aware of the truth, they take legal action and bring righteous into play and stop the wrongdoing. This is a known historic fact. The "bully-cops" know this and are trying their best to stop postings such as this, in order to suppress the truth and keep it from being known to the public. Now, you watch after this posting there will be more insulting responses, such as, but not limited to: "Your guilty", "Your Lying", "You know you stole", "Wal-Mart is wonderful", "Leave God out of it your going to hell" bla bla bla bla and so on It is also interesting to point out, how these "bully cops" respond like they know me and go so much as to state what type of person I am, when they know nothing of me. Even if the very cop that made the arrest, he would not even know the victim directly, because everything happen with a 20 min. or less timeframe. (Talking about the time the police showed up until the arrest and to jail). So, how can you know someone from that short of time? Plus, the postings on this website still do not provide an actual description of the person. Another note: These same "bully cops" called me crazy when I talked about God going to destroy the city of New Orleans because of the evils it was doing. At the time no one knew of the organized crimes, the police their having made up positions, collecting multiple salaries, police looting, beating up people, the high drugs, high crime, leaving the poor behind, and other issues it was a wicked, wicked city. Here is something I hear from a EPA person I know. He said there is so much contamination from the oil that soaked into the ground, that there is a major high risk to humans if they move back their. But you do not hear this from the government, instead they just want the people to come back. It is very obvious, that God destroyed the wickedness of that city just like He did Sodom and Gomorra. (Not sure if spelled correctly) And it is a sign of what is to come if the wicked continue to hurt the righteous. I am looking forward for Jesus to return, to much wickedness. Although, I do enjoy His righteous winning against the wicked I often imagine God laughing hard whenever He hears the wicked talk such foolishness that He is not real and so on Anyway, the major topic of this update was the idea, that Wal-Mart uses these stupid "false-arrest" to get thousands of dollars from people. The funny thing is, Wal-Mart people are so stupid, because, the people are rising up against it and suing them back and collecting BILLIONS! Does not sound to smart, does it? Bye for now


South Carolina,
Show Me The Money

#546Author of original report

Thu, December 08, 2005

Here is a newly discovered, what seems to be a motive behind these "false arrest", that Wal-Mart is conducting. Brief: A customer walks into a store, goes to purchase something, walks out of store, accused of shoplifting, arrested. Now this is where it gets interesting. Based on this, according to Wal-Mart and these "bully-cops" (LP or others), you are guilty because they say you are. No trial, no evidence, just Wal-Mart and the people they gather as so-called witnesses. The whole thing comes down to two things: (1): Money (2): GREED (1/2): The money is based on the letters and following, "rigged" civil law suits that follow the false arrest. Wal-Mart sends the customers letters demanding a "signed confession" and pay for a bill of about $200-2000! Wal-Mart entraps the customer thinking the whole issue will end if they just pay this bill. NO, it is just the start of the GREED! If the customer signs this, it is a statement saying that the customer did the crime, EVEN if they did not do the crime. The pool of slim-bucket, Wal-Mart legal depart then moves in to take everything they can from you in the lower courts. If you think about it, this is the perfect MOFIA legalized crime deal. Wal-Mart, from what I hear, MILLIONS! A customer walks in the store, and walks out owing THOUSANDS to Wal-Mart. This post has become one of many to expose these truths. The select few that attack this post are connect to Wal-Mart in some way to silence the truth. Just like in the MOFIA organizations in the 30's and 50's, Wal-Mart has become the modernized corporate scam-artist. So who is the thief here? After reading over all the posts, don't be fooled by these "bully-cops" attempting to push a run-off from the original post. The whole objective of their posts is to destroy the truth. And it makes them even angrier because the post reflects the Christian moral issue. That causes them to be reminded that what they are doing to people is wrong, very wrong. The point is simple. Is Wal-Mart doing these things to people? Research and the facts clearly state the issue to be true. Everyone of these "bully-cops" that attack this posting have never disputed or even attempted to provide evidence that the truth posted within this thread to be a lie. Rather, they insult and attack the author of his statements of Christian faith. These insults are using from a "bully-cop" trying to intimidate someone to agree with their twisted idea. In doing so, it allows them to control you and it also protects them to get away with whatever wrongs they have done against you. Satan and his goons, always operate in this manner. They come at you fast, angry, to scare you into the ways they want you to follow. One interesting issue is, talking about the spirits, is that even satan and his demon followers, respect Christ's position. They know very well His power and might. In talking with some people that use to be in the cult, they inform me that whenever they came across true-people-of-God, they had to back off, because the demons would not engage for fear of the punishment. Interesting thought. I wanted to talk about this, because most of these "bully-cops" have stated they are witches, unbelievers, antitheist, and other God-hater-faiths. But coming back to the issue at hand. History will prove that, organized criminals that do the things that Wal-Mart is doing only last a short time. Once people become aware of the truth, they take legal action and bring righteous into play and stop the wrongdoing. This is a known historic fact. The "bully-cops" know this and are trying their best to stop postings such as this, in order to suppress the truth and keep it from being known to the public. Now, you watch after this posting there will be more insulting responses, such as, but not limited to: "Your guilty", "Your Lying", "You know you stole", "Wal-Mart is wonderful", "Leave God out of it your going to hell" bla bla bla bla and so on It is also interesting to point out, how these "bully cops" respond like they know me and go so much as to state what type of person I am, when they know nothing of me. Even if the very cop that made the arrest, he would not even know the victim directly, because everything happen with a 20 min. or less timeframe. (Talking about the time the police showed up until the arrest and to jail). So, how can you know someone from that short of time? Plus, the postings on this website still do not provide an actual description of the person. Another note: These same "bully cops" called me crazy when I talked about God going to destroy the city of New Orleans because of the evils it was doing. At the time no one knew of the organized crimes, the police their having made up positions, collecting multiple salaries, police looting, beating up people, the high drugs, high crime, leaving the poor behind, and other issues it was a wicked, wicked city. Here is something I hear from a EPA person I know. He said there is so much contamination from the oil that soaked into the ground, that there is a major high risk to humans if they move back their. But you do not hear this from the government, instead they just want the people to come back. It is very obvious, that God destroyed the wickedness of that city just like He did Sodom and Gomorra. (Not sure if spelled correctly) And it is a sign of what is to come if the wicked continue to hurt the righteous. I am looking forward for Jesus to return, to much wickedness. Although, I do enjoy His righteous winning against the wicked I often imagine God laughing hard whenever He hears the wicked talk such foolishness that He is not real and so on Anyway, the major topic of this update was the idea, that Wal-Mart uses these stupid "false-arrest" to get thousands of dollars from people. The funny thing is, Wal-Mart people are so stupid, because, the people are rising up against it and suing them back and collecting BILLIONS! Does not sound to smart, does it? Bye for now


South Carolina,
Show Me The Money

#547Author of original report

Thu, December 08, 2005

Here is a newly discovered, what seems to be a motive behind these "false arrest", that Wal-Mart is conducting. Brief: A customer walks into a store, goes to purchase something, walks out of store, accused of shoplifting, arrested. Now this is where it gets interesting. Based on this, according to Wal-Mart and these "bully-cops" (LP or others), you are guilty because they say you are. No trial, no evidence, just Wal-Mart and the people they gather as so-called witnesses. The whole thing comes down to two things: (1): Money (2): GREED (1/2): The money is based on the letters and following, "rigged" civil law suits that follow the false arrest. Wal-Mart sends the customers letters demanding a "signed confession" and pay for a bill of about $200-2000! Wal-Mart entraps the customer thinking the whole issue will end if they just pay this bill. NO, it is just the start of the GREED! If the customer signs this, it is a statement saying that the customer did the crime, EVEN if they did not do the crime. The pool of slim-bucket, Wal-Mart legal depart then moves in to take everything they can from you in the lower courts. If you think about it, this is the perfect MOFIA legalized crime deal. Wal-Mart, from what I hear, MILLIONS! A customer walks in the store, and walks out owing THOUSANDS to Wal-Mart. This post has become one of many to expose these truths. The select few that attack this post are connect to Wal-Mart in some way to silence the truth. Just like in the MOFIA organizations in the 30's and 50's, Wal-Mart has become the modernized corporate scam-artist. So who is the thief here? After reading over all the posts, don't be fooled by these "bully-cops" attempting to push a run-off from the original post. The whole objective of their posts is to destroy the truth. And it makes them even angrier because the post reflects the Christian moral issue. That causes them to be reminded that what they are doing to people is wrong, very wrong. The point is simple. Is Wal-Mart doing these things to people? Research and the facts clearly state the issue to be true. Everyone of these "bully-cops" that attack this posting have never disputed or even attempted to provide evidence that the truth posted within this thread to be a lie. Rather, they insult and attack the author of his statements of Christian faith. These insults are using from a "bully-cop" trying to intimidate someone to agree with their twisted idea. In doing so, it allows them to control you and it also protects them to get away with whatever wrongs they have done against you. Satan and his goons, always operate in this manner. They come at you fast, angry, to scare you into the ways they want you to follow. One interesting issue is, talking about the spirits, is that even satan and his demon followers, respect Christ's position. They know very well His power and might. In talking with some people that use to be in the cult, they inform me that whenever they came across true-people-of-God, they had to back off, because the demons would not engage for fear of the punishment. Interesting thought. I wanted to talk about this, because most of these "bully-cops" have stated they are witches, unbelievers, antitheist, and other God-hater-faiths. But coming back to the issue at hand. History will prove that, organized criminals that do the things that Wal-Mart is doing only last a short time. Once people become aware of the truth, they take legal action and bring righteous into play and stop the wrongdoing. This is a known historic fact. The "bully-cops" know this and are trying their best to stop postings such as this, in order to suppress the truth and keep it from being known to the public. Now, you watch after this posting there will be more insulting responses, such as, but not limited to: "Your guilty", "Your Lying", "You know you stole", "Wal-Mart is wonderful", "Leave God out of it your going to hell" bla bla bla bla and so on It is also interesting to point out, how these "bully cops" respond like they know me and go so much as to state what type of person I am, when they know nothing of me. Even if the very cop that made the arrest, he would not even know the victim directly, because everything happen with a 20 min. or less timeframe. (Talking about the time the police showed up until the arrest and to jail). So, how can you know someone from that short of time? Plus, the postings on this website still do not provide an actual description of the person. Another note: These same "bully cops" called me crazy when I talked about God going to destroy the city of New Orleans because of the evils it was doing. At the time no one knew of the organized crimes, the police their having made up positions, collecting multiple salaries, police looting, beating up people, the high drugs, high crime, leaving the poor behind, and other issues it was a wicked, wicked city. Here is something I hear from a EPA person I know. He said there is so much contamination from the oil that soaked into the ground, that there is a major high risk to humans if they move back their. But you do not hear this from the government, instead they just want the people to come back. It is very obvious, that God destroyed the wickedness of that city just like He did Sodom and Gomorra. (Not sure if spelled correctly) And it is a sign of what is to come if the wicked continue to hurt the righteous. I am looking forward for Jesus to return, to much wickedness. Although, I do enjoy His righteous winning against the wicked I often imagine God laughing hard whenever He hears the wicked talk such foolishness that He is not real and so on Anyway, the major topic of this update was the idea, that Wal-Mart uses these stupid "false-arrest" to get thousands of dollars from people. The funny thing is, Wal-Mart people are so stupid, because, the people are rising up against it and suing them back and collecting BILLIONS! Does not sound to smart, does it? Bye for now


South Carolina,
Show Me The Money

#548Author of original report

Thu, December 08, 2005

Here is a newly discovered, what seems to be a motive behind these "false arrest", that Wal-Mart is conducting. Brief: A customer walks into a store, goes to purchase something, walks out of store, accused of shoplifting, arrested. Now this is where it gets interesting. Based on this, according to Wal-Mart and these "bully-cops" (LP or others), you are guilty because they say you are. No trial, no evidence, just Wal-Mart and the people they gather as so-called witnesses. The whole thing comes down to two things: (1): Money (2): GREED (1/2): The money is based on the letters and following, "rigged" civil law suits that follow the false arrest. Wal-Mart sends the customers letters demanding a "signed confession" and pay for a bill of about $200-2000! Wal-Mart entraps the customer thinking the whole issue will end if they just pay this bill. NO, it is just the start of the GREED! If the customer signs this, it is a statement saying that the customer did the crime, EVEN if they did not do the crime. The pool of slim-bucket, Wal-Mart legal depart then moves in to take everything they can from you in the lower courts. If you think about it, this is the perfect MOFIA legalized crime deal. Wal-Mart, from what I hear, MILLIONS! A customer walks in the store, and walks out owing THOUSANDS to Wal-Mart. This post has become one of many to expose these truths. The select few that attack this post are connect to Wal-Mart in some way to silence the truth. Just like in the MOFIA organizations in the 30's and 50's, Wal-Mart has become the modernized corporate scam-artist. So who is the thief here? After reading over all the posts, don't be fooled by these "bully-cops" attempting to push a run-off from the original post. The whole objective of their posts is to destroy the truth. And it makes them even angrier because the post reflects the Christian moral issue. That causes them to be reminded that what they are doing to people is wrong, very wrong. The point is simple. Is Wal-Mart doing these things to people? Research and the facts clearly state the issue to be true. Everyone of these "bully-cops" that attack this posting have never disputed or even attempted to provide evidence that the truth posted within this thread to be a lie. Rather, they insult and attack the author of his statements of Christian faith. These insults are using from a "bully-cop" trying to intimidate someone to agree with their twisted idea. In doing so, it allows them to control you and it also protects them to get away with whatever wrongs they have done against you. Satan and his goons, always operate in this manner. They come at you fast, angry, to scare you into the ways they want you to follow. One interesting issue is, talking about the spirits, is that even satan and his demon followers, respect Christ's position. They know very well His power and might. In talking with some people that use to be in the cult, they inform me that whenever they came across true-people-of-God, they had to back off, because the demons would not engage for fear of the punishment. Interesting thought. I wanted to talk about this, because most of these "bully-cops" have stated they are witches, unbelievers, antitheist, and other God-hater-faiths. But coming back to the issue at hand. History will prove that, organized criminals that do the things that Wal-Mart is doing only last a short time. Once people become aware of the truth, they take legal action and bring righteous into play and stop the wrongdoing. This is a known historic fact. The "bully-cops" know this and are trying their best to stop postings such as this, in order to suppress the truth and keep it from being known to the public. Now, you watch after this posting there will be more insulting responses, such as, but not limited to: "Your guilty", "Your Lying", "You know you stole", "Wal-Mart is wonderful", "Leave God out of it your going to hell" bla bla bla bla and so on It is also interesting to point out, how these "bully cops" respond like they know me and go so much as to state what type of person I am, when they know nothing of me. Even if the very cop that made the arrest, he would not even know the victim directly, because everything happen with a 20 min. or less timeframe. (Talking about the time the police showed up until the arrest and to jail). So, how can you know someone from that short of time? Plus, the postings on this website still do not provide an actual description of the person. Another note: These same "bully cops" called me crazy when I talked about God going to destroy the city of New Orleans because of the evils it was doing. At the time no one knew of the organized crimes, the police their having made up positions, collecting multiple salaries, police looting, beating up people, the high drugs, high crime, leaving the poor behind, and other issues it was a wicked, wicked city. Here is something I hear from a EPA person I know. He said there is so much contamination from the oil that soaked into the ground, that there is a major high risk to humans if they move back their. But you do not hear this from the government, instead they just want the people to come back. It is very obvious, that God destroyed the wickedness of that city just like He did Sodom and Gomorra. (Not sure if spelled correctly) And it is a sign of what is to come if the wicked continue to hurt the righteous. I am looking forward for Jesus to return, to much wickedness. Although, I do enjoy His righteous winning against the wicked I often imagine God laughing hard whenever He hears the wicked talk such foolishness that He is not real and so on Anyway, the major topic of this update was the idea, that Wal-Mart uses these stupid "false-arrest" to get thousands of dollars from people. The funny thing is, Wal-Mart people are so stupid, because, the people are rising up against it and suing them back and collecting BILLIONS! Does not sound to smart, does it? Bye for now


Todd, you are not alone, My Brother!

#549Consumer Suggestion

Wed, December 07, 2005

Todd - I have read your story with increasing anxiety. I have not experienced this first hand, but I have heard many many stories of Wal-Mart and their trampling of civil rights. Please know that there are those of us out here who believe you and support you. We need voices like yours to raise up our holy cause and bring righteousness and human dignity back to the world. I have met more and more people like us, and I can tell you it is definitely us against the world! We actually are joining together every day, joining in an ever-growing circle of same-minded, justice seekers. As a matter of fact We are looking for a leader. Someone to lead us all on our crusade. Todd, I believe you are that leader. Please join us Todd. Lead us. We Need You! I will have a representative from our group come by and pick you up. We all drive nice white wagons. We even have a club jacket all ready for you a nice spiffy jacket with arms that tie around the back I am sure it will fit you perfectly. Have no fear, Todd. Everything will be all right. Just go with the nice men in the white paddy wagon. Just relax



#550Consumer Comment

Wed, December 07, 2005

Todd, You have come back fighting and ranting and raving which makes you look guilty. Most everyone on this post thinks you are because of your actions through words! I tend to believe you are guilty too! Innocent people don't fight and act out like you have on here. What does YHWH mean at the end of your last post? YOO h*o WOO h*o or what? Just wondering. Nice day now! Clear?


South Carolina,
Had 2 C this 4 myself

#551Consumer Suggestion

Wed, December 07, 2005

After this web-string was passed around HQ I had to hop on here and see this for myself. All I can say is DUDE!, it is all just like the fax we received. Nothin' altered, nothin' changed. This guy is a total jerk. And as this chick Lynda pointed out, nothing he has said is very accurate. TO LYNDA @ G.B.D. RECOVERY; I can not discuss on going investigations but I will say that you r on the right path. I can say 2 that this guy is a bigger jerk in real life than he acts on this thing. When u say jail house attorney u said a mouth full there my luv. Thats it in a nut shell. And when I say nut I am talking about him. I tried to contact u on the office number on your fax cover sheet but your secretary or whoever took my call said that u were in the field and he would not give me your cell phone #, because he said the last guy that did got fired. OUCH. He said u wouldnt care if it was xmas time you would fire him just as quick as if it was his birthday. That is understandable as I have always said people in your profession are like the "Men in black" he he he. Please take no offence to that remark, but u know what I am saying. Please return my call when u get a chance. I would like to talk to you. Thank you. PS You can crash on my couch! ;)


South Carolina,
Has The Whole World Gone Mad?.. Oh Wait I See What Is Going On...

#552Author of original report

Mon, December 05, 2005

Scared? Oh, let me go change my paints again, because the mighty Lynda speaks terror against me HA! I eat demons for breakfast and spit out satan on a regular bases! They know who I am and who I represent. If you are such a witch, with demons on your shoulder, then ask them and they will tell you "Ummm we can not touch him, for we fear the mighty Sword! He scares us whenever we go near him, because he reminds us of our future you know the fire" Now I am seeing the real "God Haters" coming to life now I have thought about Lynda's post and now I get it. d**k from Decatur, Georgia said it clearly. There are these "bully cops" (sorry d**k if I did not use your words correctly/ and I know from your post you do not use your real name, just as I do not either really proves how good these bully-cops are hheee!), but the point is there. It seems to be that Lynda, Robert, Danny and a few other names are the same person or at least the same group of people. They use the same form of grammar and word formations. They keep posting aggressive post, with slander, hatred, and insults. Although, I did enjoy reading the post about the future "computer cyber crime thing" (can not remember who posted that one) very creative. But anyway, back to the issue at hand, "bully-cops" Their objective (if it is more than one), to pick on this posting because: (1): It brings truth to the problems with Wal-Mart and other companies like it. (2): It exposes the wrongs that some "bully-cops" do. (3): It talks about God and Christ (Big Issue With Them). So, they do whatever they can to attack this posting in hopes that it will be stopped. Lets look at some facts from this groups last posting, mainly, Lynda's (if it is her real name). A. You would not be able to run any criminal checks, because you would need the full name and social security number of the person in question. B. If you were able to get that personal information, someone gave it to you. That is were the violation comes into play. Clear? C. In South Carolina, a pending criminal case is NOT PUBLIC RECORD! I just checked with the clerk of court again, and it is confirmed clear? D. If you did call Wal-Mart HQ, so what, they already know the truth and the wrongs that has been done to "Todd". E. If you called the very store that this took place, they should not have given you any information, and if they did, which you stated they did, in a court of law under OATH, they would have to tell the court, your name and other information, which again would start the violation here. Clear? F. Again, if you called the store where this action took place, and you gave them this information, so what, SLANDER?, is stating something that did not happen. But, if they talked to you, then it is confirmed that the issue had taken place and therefore, no slander had been justified. Again, it would be more of a violation on their part to hand over pending information to you. Clear? G. It would be a violation on your part to post personal information on this website, that I and or anyone close to the victim, did not consent to you to post. And I can tell you it will be discovered and whatever extends of the law will be explored. Clear? With all that said, this story is true and it did happen. I do not need to tell you anything further. That fact still remains. I know from my detailed research and investigation what Wal-Mart is doing and how they are skimming money from people. That is wrong and they will be stopped. Now I know how Jesus felt when His own people turned against Him. And twisted the truth in all kinds of ways to try and trap Him, just so they can control Him, and destroy God. But, God had the last word after all. Jesus said, not one stone will lay on another and 40 years later, after Jesus was murdered, every stone was crushed! Interesting fact. This posting is not for Lynda or people that work for Wal-Mart, it is for the good people that seek justice and knowledge of the wrongs being done to people. Wal-Mart, and the police officer in question is more than welcome to come and post their views here, it would be interesting to see what they have to say. But if they tell the truth, then they know this post states is the truth. The BIG FACT here is Lynda and this God-Hating group go to such arrays to destroy or discredit this post hmmmm That in itself proves the truth of this post and what makes Lynda so mad with anger, is I speak the truth about that and people are taking notice and responding in a healthy manner to this post Just like P and Lori Doesn't that get your "goat-hair-up" Lynda you may need to do some more voodoo.. woodoo tonight to try and stop me from posting again wait I feel your power my finger is so weak my computer is slowing down oh.. what dark power is this Lord Jesus help! WHAM Don't you know, Light is far more powerful than darkness? Try it sometime go into a dark room and turn on a little candle, and suddenly the darkness fades away! Why serve a lowlife prisoner like satan and his goonies, go for the GOLD, become a sister of the TRUE light, Jesus! He is awesome! Praise Him Lord Jesus, may your power go into these words and reach those that seek you May these pearls not be wasted among swine (pigs). I hope and pray I have brought glory to your name, Oh mighty Jesus this I pray Amen. Yeah praise your Almighty Name ! YHWH!!! bye for now.


I think that this case is made up

#553Consumer Comment

Mon, December 05, 2005

Hey Everyone, "Todd" really had us going for a while right? Well reading this reminds me of the time I read a livejournal that was completely fabricated by a boy posing as a girl. The entire point of the journal was to see how people responded to it and to see how many people believed that this was a real person. "Todd" is probably a college or highschool kid who sits on the computer all day and tried to come up with a completely ridiculous story that he would defend with completely irrational logic, the coming of God to reign down on the wicked in conjunction with Walmart propogating a crime ring conspiracy against the "Christian man" . His level of fanaticalness (I don't think that this is a real word, but it does the job)is borderline insane. Its hard to comprehend that someone, unless they are a complete idiot (which if Todd is a real person, he is and I am genuinely afraid of his confirmation that he was able to reproduce and pass on his genes), could stick to this sort of logic. His story was plagued (no pun intended) with outlandish reactions of generally everyone in it. I personally think that based on the shear lack of intelligence of the report filer and their relentlessly argumentative nature, that "Todd" isn't real person and he just a bored boy/girl sitting behind a computer somewhere laughing about the commotion he/she caused.


West Virginia,
a thought

#554Consumer Comment

Mon, December 05, 2005

well lets see first of the constitution protects against unlawful search and seazures something they were worried about with the brittish is what you were prob looking for. and second now u claim that this case didnt happen to you it happened to someone else. some christian you are. all these months you claimed it happen to you all of a sudden it happened to someone else which is it. get your facts straight point fingers at yourself instead of calling everyone else herotics or liars for people not agreeing with you.


Here's some food for thought

#555Consumer Suggestion

Mon, December 05, 2005

Food for thought - and don't worry, this food is free, so you don't have to worry about whether you paid for it or not! Hmmm...you NOW, after all of this state that you are not actually Todd. Well, all this time you were saying that you were. Now you are saying you lied? That is not very Christian-like. Now Lynda did not violate any rights you have to privacy (nor did Wal-Mart) because all of the information she posted that she got from Wal-Mart was GENERAL information, and nowhere does she state specific details of your particular case. Only details of Wal-Mart's policy regarding shoplifters. As far as Wal-Mart trying to bring down a Christian man, well why would they care if you are a Christian? Everyone knows Wal-Mart is out for the money, and a dollar spent by a Christian is the same dollar spent by a Jew, Muslim or Athiest. As long as that dollar is spent in their store, I really don't think they care what faith or race of the person who spends the money. Read the news on Wal-Mart - it's plain and clear they are after the almighty dollar. Just because you are a Christian, no matter how devout you are, does not make you exempt from mistakes and/or wrongdoing. I think it is pretty obvious that you have not been completely honest here. You know when you catch someone in a lie you wonder how many other things they said were lies. Well in this case, by saying you aren't really Todd, you admit you were lying in your original post, so that makes one wonder how honest you were with the other details. As far as Wal-Mart paying off the courts, consider this: Here in California, there are regular Wal-Marts - Super Wal-Marts are just now beginning to spring up. Wal-Mart has had court cases in many cities where local citizens fought against opening/expansion of Superstores. I know of at least one case where Wal-Mart was ran out of town due to citizens protesting and fighting in court. Don't you think that if Wal-Mart had all the power in the courts as you say, that they would have won their cases for new stores, rather than lost? Don't you think that if they were buying off judges they would not waste their time fighting you, one man, that they would rather spend it on a fight for a new store that will increase their revenue greatly? One also wonders, now that we know you are not really Todd, if all of the religious spewing you have done comes from you (the writer) or Todd (the alleged). This whole story sounds so fishy to me. If you are telling the truth, well there is surely enough evidence to clear your name - and if you are lying then you will get what you deserve. And as for you being a true Christian sent to fight injustice, well I know of some homeless children who were abused that could use your help. But it sounds to me more that you are fighting your own perceived injustice, not serving others. You have wasted a lot of time, energy and vengefulness on this. Put it behind you and move on already! And remember, Todd or whoever you are, God forgives our mistakes in judgement. But we have to admit when we are wrong.


Toad is after revenge!

#556Consumer Suggestion

Mon, December 05, 2005

OK Lets see where this goes. I am not at the least bit worried about you. You are afraid you are about to be exposed, which you are. I have contacted the store and informed them the slanderous things that you have said about them, as well as the LP person whom arrested you. I hope you don't mind Toad but I also took the liberty of faxing them all of your slanderous posts. I have a call into the police station so the police office you slandered here may also know EXACTLY what is being said and by whom. I am sure he will want a copy of this as well, fear not my false brother in Christ, I will send him a copy of your post as well. Maybe he has a computer and would like to step in and respond to your false allegations against him as well. Maybe he will want to do more. You are the one that has done nothing but threaten and lie to people, so now that you are running scared, keep running brother. Surely even someone who has the mental illness that you have, and the jail house lawyer skills you have shown to all of us time and time again would realize that someone would look into your false story, as this is the Rip Off Report, not Toads Story Board. When you post what you have posted it becomes public, not private, just as your police record is public. Anyone, not just myself can dig into it and see what the deal is with you and your constant lies. That is what they are, constant lies. Now you are "threatening" to come after me? I am scared. Real scared. I am so scared that I had better hurry up and get the copies of the public records to post here before you do something to harm me. I will telex for them tomorrow, turn around time is about 3 to 5 days. I hope you have done no harm to me before I can get them back. I must open up a PO box miles from my home so you will not know where to find the reports, or me. I have to say that you if nothing else are amusing. You post crap, expect people to feel sorry for you and then freak out when you get backed into a corner. Your jail house knowledge should have told you that someone, somewhere was going to dig into your story. Feel lucky that it was not a reporter, think of how much more of an idiot you would have looked like! At least this way, you are just looking like a total fool to a few hundred people, not a few thousand. I am sure that by the time Deb Miller and Officer Wise get done with the things you have said about them, you will have to pawn your computer to help pay for the attorney. Doing us all a great service of not being faced with your brand of BS everyday. WAIT! Let me correct myself, you will not have to pawn your computer to pay for anything. The good and honest citizens of Columbia will have to pay your attorney fee. Well, you have me real scared. I must go turn off all of my lights, go to Home Depot and get a set of false address numbers to stick on the front of my home so you can not find it. I should also stop by Walgreens and buy some hair dye. I guess that from all of the faxing and mailing I should also stop by Office Max and purchase more paper so I can write to all of my employees and explain to them that as of tonight, they are all like Toad, unemployed because Toad is after me and I must sell my company, dye my hair, and move to Arkansas to become a chicken farmer for Tyson so he can not find me. WAIT! What am I thinking? Toad has clearly said here time and time again that God talks to him and Toad before you do go there, no, I am not jealous that the voices have picked your head and not mine. Back to God. God might tell Toad that I am going to move to Arkansas, dye my hair and become a chicken farmer for Tyson. I guess my best move with Toad threatening to get me would be to move to Columbia South Carolina and go to work for Walmart. I know that is the one place he will never find me. When I speak to Officer Wise, I will tell him how scared I am that the Toad is after me, perhaps he will let me crash on his couch for safety when I get to Columbia. You have me running scared. I give you my word that the absolute next time I post here will be with the copy of the public police report and your extensive and public criminal history. Until then, please, please don't come after me Toad! I guess it really sucks to be busted for stealing then busted for lying. Poor, poor Toad.


South Carolina,
Oh... One Other Thing... Lynda...

#557Author of original report

Mon, December 05, 2005

I have one other thing to add... I read back over your posting, and it was such a hoot... I almost fell out of my chair over your threats and craziness! I would bet you are one of those want-a-be police or LP "Lost Police" thugs. Let me ask... was Wal-Mart following the "T" in their process to accusing Lori's friend of Shoplifting, and taking her to the security back of stealing a "HAM"! She states: "She explained to them that she is pregnant... she wouldn't raise up her blouse in front of everyone. They wouldn't listen. These jerks dragged her to the security office and threw her into a chair. Security kept saying, that they know she stole a ham, it's on tape... They would not let her go. When he arrived in the security office, they had no idea he was a police officer, they accused him of being in on this whole thing..." Lori then states: All this stress caused her to go into LABOR and that night she gave birth to a pre-mature baby boy, who is doing fine now. They are suing and I hope everyone who is wrongfully accused by these jerks does the same. GOD BLESS!!! What do you have to say about this story from Lori? Am I still the only one that wrongdoing has happen to by Wal-Mart, following their security process to the "T"! I think "T" stands for "Terrorizing", "Troubling", and Trick-not-a-Treat"... Oh, and what about the "BILLION" dollars worth of cases that Wal-Mart LOST! I have interviewed with LP employees, and former LP employees, that ALL state that Wal-Mart setups up customers in order to bring fear into anyone that thinks they "Mess With The Big-Boy-Wally"! Some even told me about how Wal-Mart COOKS THE BOOKS in order to keep their stock prices high. It is going to be so funny, when Wal-Mart tries this stuff in Japan and China, those countries don't play, they will shoot them But yeah, China does it to their own people anyway, so I guess it is a perfect match for China and Wal-Mart to join forces. Wickedness attracts wickedness. Am I clear? Is that the truth? Go ahead, post some more threats... we'll see where this goes. Bye..


South Carolina,
Oh... One Other Thing... Lynda...

#558Author of original report

Mon, December 05, 2005

I have one other thing to add... I read back over your posting, and it was such a hoot... I almost fell out of my chair over your threats and craziness! I would bet you are one of those want-a-be police or LP "Lost Police" thugs. Let me ask... was Wal-Mart following the "T" in their process to accusing Lori's friend of Shoplifting, and taking her to the security back of stealing a "HAM"! She states: "She explained to them that she is pregnant... she wouldn't raise up her blouse in front of everyone. They wouldn't listen. These jerks dragged her to the security office and threw her into a chair. Security kept saying, that they know she stole a ham, it's on tape... They would not let her go. When he arrived in the security office, they had no idea he was a police officer, they accused him of being in on this whole thing..." Lori then states: All this stress caused her to go into LABOR and that night she gave birth to a pre-mature baby boy, who is doing fine now. They are suing and I hope everyone who is wrongfully accused by these jerks does the same. GOD BLESS!!! What do you have to say about this story from Lori? Am I still the only one that wrongdoing has happen to by Wal-Mart, following their security process to the "T"! I think "T" stands for "Terrorizing", "Troubling", and Trick-not-a-Treat"... Oh, and what about the "BILLION" dollars worth of cases that Wal-Mart LOST! I have interviewed with LP employees, and former LP employees, that ALL state that Wal-Mart setups up customers in order to bring fear into anyone that thinks they "Mess With The Big-Boy-Wally"! Some even told me about how Wal-Mart COOKS THE BOOKS in order to keep their stock prices high. It is going to be so funny, when Wal-Mart tries this stuff in Japan and China, those countries don't play, they will shoot them But yeah, China does it to their own people anyway, so I guess it is a perfect match for China and Wal-Mart to join forces. Wickedness attracts wickedness. Am I clear? Is that the truth? Go ahead, post some more threats... we'll see where this goes. Bye..


South Carolina,
Oh... One Other Thing... Lynda...

#559Author of original report

Mon, December 05, 2005

I have one other thing to add... I read back over your posting, and it was such a hoot... I almost fell out of my chair over your threats and craziness! I would bet you are one of those want-a-be police or LP "Lost Police" thugs. Let me ask... was Wal-Mart following the "T" in their process to accusing Lori's friend of Shoplifting, and taking her to the security back of stealing a "HAM"! She states: "She explained to them that she is pregnant... she wouldn't raise up her blouse in front of everyone. They wouldn't listen. These jerks dragged her to the security office and threw her into a chair. Security kept saying, that they know she stole a ham, it's on tape... They would not let her go. When he arrived in the security office, they had no idea he was a police officer, they accused him of being in on this whole thing..." Lori then states: All this stress caused her to go into LABOR and that night she gave birth to a pre-mature baby boy, who is doing fine now. They are suing and I hope everyone who is wrongfully accused by these jerks does the same. GOD BLESS!!! What do you have to say about this story from Lori? Am I still the only one that wrongdoing has happen to by Wal-Mart, following their security process to the "T"! I think "T" stands for "Terrorizing", "Troubling", and Trick-not-a-Treat"... Oh, and what about the "BILLION" dollars worth of cases that Wal-Mart LOST! I have interviewed with LP employees, and former LP employees, that ALL state that Wal-Mart setups up customers in order to bring fear into anyone that thinks they "Mess With The Big-Boy-Wally"! Some even told me about how Wal-Mart COOKS THE BOOKS in order to keep their stock prices high. It is going to be so funny, when Wal-Mart tries this stuff in Japan and China, those countries don't play, they will shoot them But yeah, China does it to their own people anyway, so I guess it is a perfect match for China and Wal-Mart to join forces. Wickedness attracts wickedness. Am I clear? Is that the truth? Go ahead, post some more threats... we'll see where this goes. Bye..


South Carolina,
Is That A Threat!

#560Author of original report

Mon, December 05, 2005

Lynda, Your latest posting has so many violations; it would be hard for me to list them all. I will draw attention to one of them: "I will not hesitate to take this a step farther..." If you are such a criminal investigator as you claim you are, then you would know about a document called the "Bill Of Rights or Constitution"! Let's see, does the Bill Of Rights or Constitution, state that "NOONE" can "INTRUDE", "SEARCH" and or "ARREST" someone without what?.. I think I forget the rest... (Actually I know the document very well... just want to state how insane you are) PLUS... you taking on the action to contact Walmart HQ, and they calling you and giving information about my case, is directly a violation of "Privacy"... Is that clear? By your very posting would give me the grounds to bring up criminal charges against you, by your threats. You are so... what is the word I am thinking of... so... whatever. Your posting assist me in additional evidence in knowing that Wal-Mart and other large companies like them, think they are above the Law. And they think they can abuse the Rights of the people. I know criminal investigation and procedures very well, and Wal-Mart has violated many of them. Is that clear? Like I said, I have a ton of stuff against Wal-Mart, and they can buy off the smaller courts if they wish, but this case will go all the way to the Supreme Court if need be! I am sure you are one of those that think the meaning of Separation of Church and State, was written to take God out of everything. HA! The facts still remain; can a corporation violate someone's rights and falsely accuse them? PLUS, as many have posted, I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE THIS HAS HAPPEN TO... Oh, one other thing, I am not the person "Todd" that this thing happen to, all though I know that person and what happen to him, I went out to post his story and expose the wrongs that has been going on. Second, I know very well the Laws of this state and country, as well as the very formation of this country. And as stated before, go ahead and dig your hole deeper, it will be so funny when the end results of this situation come out, and watch your face go into shock when it happens. This battle is not the first I have done and won. I have taken on larger issues than this and won. God does not make mistakes; He had me get involved to expose the truth. And, someone close to Todd contacted WalMart HQ a long time ago, and it was recorded and documented that they, Wal-Mart stated, it was a mistake on Wal-Marts account to arrest Todd. So, you are just blowing smoke. And that is just one the "tons" of evidences, there are many more. Maybe, this case will trigger a Class action. Oh, I forgot, our great leader, after being paid-off by large corporations, like Wal-Mart, made a law limiting large Class-Action lawsuits. Hurray for Rights violations... (I am making a joke!) So hopefully Wal-Mart is so stupid, (yeah that's the word I was looking for), to attempt to use anything in this thread of anything you may drum up, and I would be glad to read it... there maybe something to add to the Rights violations... Wal-Mart and Wal-Mart lovers like you must be scared stiff, to make such efforts to silence this posting... Hurray for RipOffReport.com, it is doing its job... and I will round up some funds to give them to keep them going, we need more like them... I am sure if you lived during the time the Declaration Of Independence was being written, you would be a King Of England lover and run around snitching on your neighbors and family that did not support the King I bet you are also part of the Homeowners Associations with their homestead Rights violations as well It never seems to stop amazing me at how some people cry, Freedom from God, but then these same people suppress others to their MOFIA, n**i views and cults. Bring'em on I'm not scared I will fight! I think I will get a group to post a National Newspaper Advert, informing people where they can go to discover the wrongs being done to people... OR do corporations and people like you also take the Freedom Of Speach away from people too? Time will tell, and the truth will be known. You just hate the fact that, I talk about GOD, and you want to try to DESTROY my post because you are hoping to destroy God in the process. Isn't that the core of the issue of your posting? Bye for now...


One Call To Walmart Says It All

#561Consumer Suggestion

Sun, December 04, 2005

After reading this thread again and again, I must say I was real confused how religion and Walmart mix, but read on I finally figured it out. I decided that after so many had pointed out that "Todd" would not give case numbers, docket numbers, etc. He just wanted to be the BBB's preacher and tell everyone else where they are going wrong, I took the liberty of doing a little investigation. Hope you don't mind, Todd. I phoned Walmarts HQ in Bentonville Arkansas 1-800-925-6278. I explained to the legal department the reason I was looking for this information. They asked me if I could print this thread and fax it to them. I did. (P.S. it took 24 minutes to fax big, big thread). I called them back 2 hours later. He told me that he would research this matter and call me back with any details he would be able to give me. He told me that if there was a pending criminal charge the information would be minimal. It is Walmarts policy not to discuss any open criminal case. Fair enough. It is also fair to say that they may use this in court if need be. That was Tuesday. When Friday rolled around I had pretty much gave up on a return phone call, I did however receive one at 1:34 PM Mountain time from the legal department. The following is the information the legal department was allowed to release to me on this matter. Walmart has one of the most high tech. camera setups at any consumer store. At that particular store they also have up to 4 LP walking the floor at any given time, watching for suspicious customers along with LP monitoring the camera system. They have a 10 step procedure (vs. K-Marts 6 step) that must be followed to a "T" before any arrests can be made. The 10 step procedure is in place to insure that when a person is accused of shoplifting by a "LP" (Loss Prevention Associate) that person has actually committed a crime. Thus preventing a Walmart "LP" from making false arrests, that in turn can bring a civil actions against Walmart, and embarrassment for the consumer. Part of this procedure includes a LP witnessing the suspect approach the merchandise and attempting to leave the store without payment. These actions are all recorded and reviewed while the suspect is being held. Only when the suspect has met the criteria for a formal arrest will the local police be notified. Other wise the suspect will be released. Walmarts LP has the right to handcuff and hold any suspect until they have concluded the in store investigation. Looking at tapes, speaking to the "LP", speaking to associates involved, etc. Walmart also monitors and records audio and video in the interrogation room. These cameras are in place to keep the accused shoplifter from making false accusations (of physical contact, verbal threats etc. from the suspect) against the LP interrogator, and on the opposite side of the coin they are in place to keep the LP from becoming physical or verbal with any shoplifting suspect. All Walmart interrogators have been to a "lengthy" school for interrogation and must be certified to become one..for what ever that is worth. As for a shoplifter being taken to another county. The legal department spokesperson that called me back told me that there is ONE and only ONE reason a suspect would be arrested and taken to another county. That reason would be that when the police arrived and the shoplifter was ran for wants and warrants, that person had an outstanding warrant in the county he was essentially extradited to. At that time that shoplifter would be taken to that county to answer the charges of that warrant. The shoplifter then would have a hold on him from the county the Walmart caught him shoplifting in and would be sent back to that county and or city of arrest for the shoplifting charge when the old warrant was satisfied. The person would then be processed and a judge would set the bond, and the person could then bond out of jail. Any of this sound about right Todd? So with the facts in mind I would like to point out a few of the flaws with Todd's story that were pointed out to me by the legal department. There are really to many to cover, some have already been covered if you will read his original post and compare it to the Walmart policy I have posted here. >> At first she did not want to look at the receipt.<< "It is a mandatory step to look at the receipt if the accused shoplifter has one." >> I kept repeating lets go talk to the cashier and she can clear this up that I gave her all the Price Bar Codes and Empty Container items. Ask her! If there is a problem it is with the cashier, not me! << "All of the cash registers have a camera focused on them, all of the cash registers can also be accessed from the LP center this is to ensure that a cashier scans each item and does not "skip scan" items for friends or family" >> I demanded to see these videotapes so it will prove I gave everything to the cashier. They refused to let me see anything. I said let me call an attorney! They refused!<< "At this point Todd was not in police custody, they do not let people make phone calls that is done from the local justice center, and since they did have enough evidence to have him formally charged with larceny the tapes would go into police evidence. They do not allow criminals to view tapes. They are not obligated to show the criminal the evidence they have against them". >> I began telling him the truth and my wife showed up at the door in the back where they had taken me.<< "When a person is in the interrogation room, they do not allow them to have company, nor do they let it be made known to anyone except the thief where the room is. If Todd's wife would have been with him she would have been taken to the room with him so they could sort out the facts of her involvement in the crime (she was at the cash register). At no time would an associate have taken her to see him." >> My rights were never said<< "Yes, they in fact were READ" >> I was never told what I was being arrested for<< PERSONAL OBSERVATION: Up till he made this comment he CLEARLY stated he knew he was being held for shoplifting. Old Todd contradicted himself a bit here. >> I never saw a warrant until I arrived at the jail!<< "There would not be a warrant for his arrest at this point, the warrant was obviously from the other county that had the hold on him. A police officer will not have a warrant for an arrest when he picks up a thief. A judge and or D.A. are the only persons who can issue a warrant." >>It seems to be all lies to take down a good Christian family man.<< You know Todd a good Christian tells the truth and doesn't take things that do not belong to them, nor would a good Christian take things off of the shelf and try to return them with a reciept from samething they purchaced the day before. After learning what I have learned about Walmart and their policies, this whole thing sounds to me like you are guilty as guilty can be, and you know it. I would not give Walmart a penny of my money. I would not take sides with them either. When your wrong you are wrong. Be a man and tell the truth, Lord knows that word is not in your vocabulary, up to this point anyway. Whats worse than the fact that you have lied, probably more than any other criminal in your shoes would have, is the fact that you hide behind the bible when you do it. I have known several people who have went to jail (that is EXACTLY where you belong) the one thing most of them have in common is that while they are in jail, they find religion. Oddly enough, they come out preaching just as you have done here. I think the only true statement you have made is the fact that you do have a rap sheet 5 pages long. By now I am sure it is even longer. Another thing that gave your guilt away was the comment that you wanted to call your attorney. The only type of an attorney that would handle this sort of thing is in fact a criminal attorney. A Workman's comp., accident, probate etc.. would not handle a criminal case. By admitting you wanted to call your attorney, is to admit that you are a criminal with a phone number of a criminal attorney you have used in the past, or a phone number to one that you were given by another criminal last time you were in jail. In my business I deal with frauds and liars on a daily basis I am sad to say. My hope and wish for you is the same one I have for each and everyone of them. May the next lie you tell be the one you choke to death on. Of course being exposed for the liar that you are will only bring out a HUGE rebuttal of how wrong I am. Please keep this in mind Todd. I am in the type of business that I can pull up criminal records. All I need is the place, and date. You gave us the officers name if that much is true. Criminal matters ARE a matter of public record. Come clean, as I will not hesitate to take this a step farther and post the facts that you have so carefully guarded. The truth wont set you free, but it may make you fell better, try it sometime.


New Orleans,
Todd Criminal or Civil Case?

#562Consumer Comment

Fri, December 02, 2005

Todd, I have one question for you - is your case with Wal-Mart criminal or civil? You keep saying that Wal-Mart is delaying your case, but your original post makes the situation out to be criminal (arrest warrant, police involved, time in jail). Wal-Mart has no standing in the criminal court system -- they can't delay your case -- only the proscuting attorney's office can. So, what is the **real** story?? If Wal-Mart is indeed delaying the case, then they have filed a civil action against you and that has nothing to do with your original post. You need to update the thread with any underlying legal action in order for your position to have any merit. And, as Laurie in Kalkaska, Michigan, said, if you don't want to respond to this question, don't bother posting. You really bring shame on all those who are Christian and who truly follow their faith.


Ft. Wayne,
Anyone wanna make a bet?

#563Consumer Comment

Fri, December 02, 2005

I'll gladly bet anyone (except Todd, of course) $20 that this thread will still be going strong one year from now. I'm willing to wager that our Resident Preacher will still be railing against The Great Satan, a.k.a. Wal*Mart, and that there will still be no update on his case other than, "it's still pending," or, "Wal*Mart keeps delaying it," or, "God will give me victory!" Anyone care to take me up on this?


Ft. Wayne,
Anyone wanna make a bet?

#564Consumer Comment

Fri, December 02, 2005

I'll gladly bet anyone (except Todd, of course) $20 that this thread will still be going strong one year from now. I'm willing to wager that our Resident Preacher will still be railing against The Great Satan, a.k.a. Wal*Mart, and that there will still be no update on his case other than, "it's still pending," or, "Wal*Mart keeps delaying it," or, "God will give me victory!" Anyone care to take me up on this?


Ft. Wayne,
Anyone wanna make a bet?

#565Consumer Comment

Fri, December 02, 2005

I'll gladly bet anyone (except Todd, of course) $20 that this thread will still be going strong one year from now. I'm willing to wager that our Resident Preacher will still be railing against The Great Satan, a.k.a. Wal*Mart, and that there will still be no update on his case other than, "it's still pending," or, "Wal*Mart keeps delaying it," or, "God will give me victory!" Anyone care to take me up on this?


Ft. Wayne,
Anyone wanna make a bet?

#566Consumer Comment

Fri, December 02, 2005

I'll gladly bet anyone (except Todd, of course) $20 that this thread will still be going strong one year from now. I'm willing to wager that our Resident Preacher will still be railing against The Great Satan, a.k.a. Wal*Mart, and that there will still be no update on his case other than, "it's still pending," or, "Wal*Mart keeps delaying it," or, "God will give me victory!" Anyone care to take me up on this?


Maybe the food wasnt paid for

#567Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 01, 2005

Todd- It sounds like you had a really bad day. I can see how others would be inclined to think that these items were possibly not paid for. You make it seem as though you were concerned that these items were paid for, but not concerned enough to check the receipt? Thats puts up a red flag right there. Also, for a store to put so much effort in catching you in the act, there had to of been some type of history there. If each store spent the entire time watching each individual to be sure nothing was stolen they would have to hire numerous additional staff. I think (well, i hope) you learned a valuable lesson that day - Wait until you've purchased the merchandise before you start chowing down. That should prevent further problems down the road, no matter what store you go to.


South Carolina,
It Has Been Given Many Times... Do I Need To Tag It With A Flashing Light?

#568Author of original report

Thu, December 01, 2005

>>>>>HIGHLIGHTED FOR THOSE WHO KEEP MISSING MY UPDATE NOTES TO THE CASE<<<<< I have said it many times about the update of the situation. Wal-Mart keeps delaying the case... I forget all the multiple reasons... I think the last reason was they said they were unprepared to give a fair trial, or something like that. As I have said, they know under discovery, I have a ton of evidence that proves I did nothing wrong and they have done the wrong. I really cannot give any other details to that while this is a pending issue. >>>>END OF CASE UPDATE<<<< >>>WARNING MIGHT BEGIN TO WRITE FAITH STATMENTS READ AT YOUR OWN RISK<<<< But, I will however post what I feel of the total picture of what I believe to be going on within our Nation. I do not tend to push my belief onto anyone else, but I should have at least the respect to my own thread to speak freely as I wish. Correct? Or is that a separation of church and state too? Have you read the book by Rebeca Brown, "He came to set the captives free"? I was wondering if there is any truth to that. I have been told there is. The book deals with people within the cult. She also wrote another book, "Prepare For War". Anyway, I do not speak to satisfy a select few. I speak in hopes to express what has happen to me and maybe help others to stop this corporate aggression. Yes, I admit, sometimes I express myself deep into my faith. But, that is who I am. (Stated this many, many, many times in my OWN thread) NOTE: If I owned a store and I posted at the very beginning my belief and if you entered knowing very well, I will be expressing my faith, and you still enter, and then claim you are offended by my statements. You could do nothing, and by law I could press charges against you for disturbing the peace... Because I posted at the beginning of my posting about my faith and how I express myself... Thus, you would be violating my freedom and discriminating against me... Correct? ===Just Curious To This Statement=== What can I say, that is the artist in me coming out. A true artist is full of emotions and often expresses themselves with love and passion. That is one thing that gets me to read deep into Paul and Jesus's words, because they speak with such love and passion. Anyway, I am very busy, bye for now...


Good Heavens

#569Consumer Comment

Thu, December 01, 2005

Todd, I believe that the comments made here are supposed to be relevent to the 'ripoff' that you're posting about. Your posts read more like sermons, trying to 'convert' those of us that aren't quite so radical in our beliefs. I was born and raised in a very religious family, but even I find that you come on just a bit too strong. You've been asked several times for an update on the 'ripoff' that you initially posted, and to that end, we've heard nothing. Every response seems to become another 'sermon' for those of us that have been following what's going on. I have to admit, that in the beginning, I truly felt that you had been (at the very least) strongarmed by Walmart. However, in the months that have followed, I'm beginning to wonder if the complaint was only a way to draw others in so that you could do a little preaching, hoping to reach out to people that you wouldn't otherwise be able to reach through conventional means. If this is the case, by all means, preach away. However, you could at least be upfront about it, and then you wouldn't get anymore posts asking as to the status, and getting frustrated that no answers are forthcoming. If you have an update on your problem, please feel free to respond to my post. If not, please don't bother, as a Witch I have my own beliefs, and I'm not interested in 'converting'. I'm interested only in the just treatment of another human, regardless of race, sex or religion.


again Todd evades the real question

#570Consumer Comment

Thu, December 01, 2005

Yup, just like a crook to evade questions that pertain to the issue at hand.


again Todd evades the real question

#571Consumer Comment

Thu, December 01, 2005

Yup, just like a crook to evade questions that pertain to the issue at hand.


again Todd evades the real question

#572Consumer Comment

Thu, December 01, 2005

Yup, just like a crook to evade questions that pertain to the issue at hand.


again Todd evades the real question

#573Consumer Comment

Thu, December 01, 2005

Yup, just like a crook to evade questions that pertain to the issue at hand.


South Carolina,
Is It Logical For The Decay Of Our Freedom To Speak Out?..

#574Author of original report

Wed, November 30, 2005

JONATHAN: Wow, I am impressed with your logical posting. I had no idea that I was so far in outer space with my posting and ideals of the subject matter to my claim. Based on your posting, I can now go and have a good night sleep, since I no longer have to be concerned with posting my case in hopes to assist others in their struggles for justice. Oh... Stop... Wait a second... Is this logical? Lets examine the elements of this issue referring to your reasoning for trying to silence me... 1. I should reframe from making suggestions that I am speaking out for those who are unable to... Is this correct? It must be because the core of your response to me suggest as much. 2. So if I was to abide by your wise and all knowingly advice, I therefore would be completely silence on the subject matter. And just go-with-the-flow of things and all the "Evolutional" transition to take effect. Because such efforts are meaningless anyway. Is that the connectional approach of your posting? Before I do your suggestive and most persuasive advice I have just one question. Or maybe two. Let's see if I understand the truth of the matter here. You have responded to a posting within a website directly developed for the mere reasoning to allow people the righteous methods to express the wrongs and concerns of issues that have effected them and in hopes to allow others to respond and assist in those published issues and concerns. Did I get that description correctly? Lets sum up the question... Am I not to post anything in which I believe to be a voice of concern for those that may not have a voice to express themselves of the wrongs that has been expressed to them, on a website that its whole purpose of existing is for that reason? Do you understand the question? Is your respond and advice to me really a logical conclusion to be taken reasonably? I mean, really, get with the program. So what if I reference Holy Scripture, and I write in the methodology in which I do. That is my right, is it not? I read the methods you and others write, and that is your right to do so. But, does that constitute reason for you to discriminate against me and attempt to silence me because I refer to Scripture in my methods? Have you ever seen that movie, "Soylet Green" (if spelled correctly). Whenever a corporation and or government reduces the freedoms of the people, corruption steps in. This therefore causes aggression, which deteriorates to nothing more than the "Strong controlling the Weak"! This has happen multiple times in human history remember the n**i party? They even had little children turning in their parents because the parents spoke out against the party. And murdering millions of people because of their faith or because they were different is so twisted! Day by day, I see our Great Nation is attempting to spiral downward into despair. I discovered a wonderful book written in 1900, "The Century Book of Facts". It is a very nice book. I enjoy the references to the very founders of Our Great Country. They talk directly what the Constitution and Bill of Rights were for and what the meaning of the issues is. Thomas Jefferson stated: "The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time." Abraham Lincoln stated: "I know that the Lord is always on the side of the right. But it is my constant anxiety and prayer that I and this nation should be on the Lord's side." George Washington stated: "No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than those of the United States". Abraham Lincoln stated: "This great book is the best gift God has given to man. ...But for it we could not know right from wrong." John Adams stated: "I believe in God in His wisdom and benevolence, and I cannot conceive that such a Being could make such a species as the human merely to live and die on this earth. If I did not believe (in) a future state, I should believe in no God." U.S. Grant stated: "Hold fast to the Bible as the sheet-anchor of your liberties; write its precepts in your hearts and practice them in your lives. To the influence of this book we are indebted for all the progress made in true civilization, and to this we must look as our guide for the future." Abraham Lincoln stated: "I can see how it might be possible for a man to look down upon the earth and be an atheist, but I cannot conceive how he could look up into the heavens and say there is no God." Martin Luther stated: "I would advise no one to send his child where the Holy Scriptures are not supreme. Every institution that does not unceasingly pursue the study of God's word becomes corrupt." General Omar Bradley stated: "We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount." I post this posting for the concern of those seeking justice, liberty and the freedom. I will not be silenced by any aggressor with foolish words. It is interesting that for every foolish posting, there are then a few good educated postings. I ignore the foolish ones, they need not consume my time. Unless I feel I need to respond for the greater truth. But, my purpose is for those who have been hurt by these "Modern Moffia" corporations. As long as I have life and breath, I will speak out. LORI: I am glad to read your message, and yes, if my case will be one to cause awareness and protection of our rights, I will push forward. God Bless,


South Carolina,
Is It Logical For The Decay Of Our Freedom To Speak Out?..

#575Author of original report

Wed, November 30, 2005

JONATHAN: Wow, I am impressed with your logical posting. I had no idea that I was so far in outer space with my posting and ideals of the subject matter to my claim. Based on your posting, I can now go and have a good night sleep, since I no longer have to be concerned with posting my case in hopes to assist others in their struggles for justice. Oh... Stop... Wait a second... Is this logical? Lets examine the elements of this issue referring to your reasoning for trying to silence me... 1. I should reframe from making suggestions that I am speaking out for those who are unable to... Is this correct? It must be because the core of your response to me suggest as much. 2. So if I was to abide by your wise and all knowingly advice, I therefore would be completely silence on the subject matter. And just go-with-the-flow of things and all the "Evolutional" transition to take effect. Because such efforts are meaningless anyway. Is that the connectional approach of your posting? Before I do your suggestive and most persuasive advice I have just one question. Or maybe two. Let's see if I understand the truth of the matter here. You have responded to a posting within a website directly developed for the mere reasoning to allow people the righteous methods to express the wrongs and concerns of issues that have effected them and in hopes to allow others to respond and assist in those published issues and concerns. Did I get that description correctly? Lets sum up the question... Am I not to post anything in which I believe to be a voice of concern for those that may not have a voice to express themselves of the wrongs that has been expressed to them, on a website that its whole purpose of existing is for that reason? Do you understand the question? Is your respond and advice to me really a logical conclusion to be taken reasonably? I mean, really, get with the program. So what if I reference Holy Scripture, and I write in the methodology in which I do. That is my right, is it not? I read the methods you and others write, and that is your right to do so. But, does that constitute reason for you to discriminate against me and attempt to silence me because I refer to Scripture in my methods? Have you ever seen that movie, "Soylet Green" (if spelled correctly). Whenever a corporation and or government reduces the freedoms of the people, corruption steps in. This therefore causes aggression, which deteriorates to nothing more than the "Strong controlling the Weak"! This has happen multiple times in human history remember the n**i party? They even had little children turning in their parents because the parents spoke out against the party. And murdering millions of people because of their faith or because they were different is so twisted! Day by day, I see our Great Nation is attempting to spiral downward into despair. I discovered a wonderful book written in 1900, "The Century Book of Facts". It is a very nice book. I enjoy the references to the very founders of Our Great Country. They talk directly what the Constitution and Bill of Rights were for and what the meaning of the issues is. Thomas Jefferson stated: "The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time." Abraham Lincoln stated: "I know that the Lord is always on the side of the right. But it is my constant anxiety and prayer that I and this nation should be on the Lord's side." George Washington stated: "No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than those of the United States". Abraham Lincoln stated: "This great book is the best gift God has given to man. ...But for it we could not know right from wrong." John Adams stated: "I believe in God in His wisdom and benevolence, and I cannot conceive that such a Being could make such a species as the human merely to live and die on this earth. If I did not believe (in) a future state, I should believe in no God." U.S. Grant stated: "Hold fast to the Bible as the sheet-anchor of your liberties; write its precepts in your hearts and practice them in your lives. To the influence of this book we are indebted for all the progress made in true civilization, and to this we must look as our guide for the future." Abraham Lincoln stated: "I can see how it might be possible for a man to look down upon the earth and be an atheist, but I cannot conceive how he could look up into the heavens and say there is no God." Martin Luther stated: "I would advise no one to send his child where the Holy Scriptures are not supreme. Every institution that does not unceasingly pursue the study of God's word becomes corrupt." General Omar Bradley stated: "We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount." I post this posting for the concern of those seeking justice, liberty and the freedom. I will not be silenced by any aggressor with foolish words. It is interesting that for every foolish posting, there are then a few good educated postings. I ignore the foolish ones, they need not consume my time. Unless I feel I need to respond for the greater truth. But, my purpose is for those who have been hurt by these "Modern Moffia" corporations. As long as I have life and breath, I will speak out. LORI: I am glad to read your message, and yes, if my case will be one to cause awareness and protection of our rights, I will push forward. God Bless,


South Carolina,
Is It Logical For The Decay Of Our Freedom To Speak Out?..

#576Author of original report

Wed, November 30, 2005

JONATHAN: Wow, I am impressed with your logical posting. I had no idea that I was so far in outer space with my posting and ideals of the subject matter to my claim. Based on your posting, I can now go and have a good night sleep, since I no longer have to be concerned with posting my case in hopes to assist others in their struggles for justice. Oh... Stop... Wait a second... Is this logical? Lets examine the elements of this issue referring to your reasoning for trying to silence me... 1. I should reframe from making suggestions that I am speaking out for those who are unable to... Is this correct? It must be because the core of your response to me suggest as much. 2. So if I was to abide by your wise and all knowingly advice, I therefore would be completely silence on the subject matter. And just go-with-the-flow of things and all the "Evolutional" transition to take effect. Because such efforts are meaningless anyway. Is that the connectional approach of your posting? Before I do your suggestive and most persuasive advice I have just one question. Or maybe two. Let's see if I understand the truth of the matter here. You have responded to a posting within a website directly developed for the mere reasoning to allow people the righteous methods to express the wrongs and concerns of issues that have effected them and in hopes to allow others to respond and assist in those published issues and concerns. Did I get that description correctly? Lets sum up the question... Am I not to post anything in which I believe to be a voice of concern for those that may not have a voice to express themselves of the wrongs that has been expressed to them, on a website that its whole purpose of existing is for that reason? Do you understand the question? Is your respond and advice to me really a logical conclusion to be taken reasonably? I mean, really, get with the program. So what if I reference Holy Scripture, and I write in the methodology in which I do. That is my right, is it not? I read the methods you and others write, and that is your right to do so. But, does that constitute reason for you to discriminate against me and attempt to silence me because I refer to Scripture in my methods? Have you ever seen that movie, "Soylet Green" (if spelled correctly). Whenever a corporation and or government reduces the freedoms of the people, corruption steps in. This therefore causes aggression, which deteriorates to nothing more than the "Strong controlling the Weak"! This has happen multiple times in human history remember the n**i party? They even had little children turning in their parents because the parents spoke out against the party. And murdering millions of people because of their faith or because they were different is so twisted! Day by day, I see our Great Nation is attempting to spiral downward into despair. I discovered a wonderful book written in 1900, "The Century Book of Facts". It is a very nice book. I enjoy the references to the very founders of Our Great Country. They talk directly what the Constitution and Bill of Rights were for and what the meaning of the issues is. Thomas Jefferson stated: "The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time." Abraham Lincoln stated: "I know that the Lord is always on the side of the right. But it is my constant anxiety and prayer that I and this nation should be on the Lord's side." George Washington stated: "No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than those of the United States". Abraham Lincoln stated: "This great book is the best gift God has given to man. ...But for it we could not know right from wrong." John Adams stated: "I believe in God in His wisdom and benevolence, and I cannot conceive that such a Being could make such a species as the human merely to live and die on this earth. If I did not believe (in) a future state, I should believe in no God." U.S. Grant stated: "Hold fast to the Bible as the sheet-anchor of your liberties; write its precepts in your hearts and practice them in your lives. To the influence of this book we are indebted for all the progress made in true civilization, and to this we must look as our guide for the future." Abraham Lincoln stated: "I can see how it might be possible for a man to look down upon the earth and be an atheist, but I cannot conceive how he could look up into the heavens and say there is no God." Martin Luther stated: "I would advise no one to send his child where the Holy Scriptures are not supreme. Every institution that does not unceasingly pursue the study of God's word becomes corrupt." General Omar Bradley stated: "We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount." I post this posting for the concern of those seeking justice, liberty and the freedom. I will not be silenced by any aggressor with foolish words. It is interesting that for every foolish posting, there are then a few good educated postings. I ignore the foolish ones, they need not consume my time. Unless I feel I need to respond for the greater truth. But, my purpose is for those who have been hurt by these "Modern Moffia" corporations. As long as I have life and breath, I will speak out. LORI: I am glad to read your message, and yes, if my case will be one to cause awareness and protection of our rights, I will push forward. God Bless,


South Carolina,
Is It Logical For The Decay Of Our Freedom To Speak Out?..

#577Author of original report

Wed, November 30, 2005

JONATHAN: Wow, I am impressed with your logical posting. I had no idea that I was so far in outer space with my posting and ideals of the subject matter to my claim. Based on your posting, I can now go and have a good night sleep, since I no longer have to be concerned with posting my case in hopes to assist others in their struggles for justice. Oh... Stop... Wait a second... Is this logical? Lets examine the elements of this issue referring to your reasoning for trying to silence me... 1. I should reframe from making suggestions that I am speaking out for those who are unable to... Is this correct? It must be because the core of your response to me suggest as much. 2. So if I was to abide by your wise and all knowingly advice, I therefore would be completely silence on the subject matter. And just go-with-the-flow of things and all the "Evolutional" transition to take effect. Because such efforts are meaningless anyway. Is that the connectional approach of your posting? Before I do your suggestive and most persuasive advice I have just one question. Or maybe two. Let's see if I understand the truth of the matter here. You have responded to a posting within a website directly developed for the mere reasoning to allow people the righteous methods to express the wrongs and concerns of issues that have effected them and in hopes to allow others to respond and assist in those published issues and concerns. Did I get that description correctly? Lets sum up the question... Am I not to post anything in which I believe to be a voice of concern for those that may not have a voice to express themselves of the wrongs that has been expressed to them, on a website that its whole purpose of existing is for that reason? Do you understand the question? Is your respond and advice to me really a logical conclusion to be taken reasonably? I mean, really, get with the program. So what if I reference Holy Scripture, and I write in the methodology in which I do. That is my right, is it not? I read the methods you and others write, and that is your right to do so. But, does that constitute reason for you to discriminate against me and attempt to silence me because I refer to Scripture in my methods? Have you ever seen that movie, "Soylet Green" (if spelled correctly). Whenever a corporation and or government reduces the freedoms of the people, corruption steps in. This therefore causes aggression, which deteriorates to nothing more than the "Strong controlling the Weak"! This has happen multiple times in human history remember the n**i party? They even had little children turning in their parents because the parents spoke out against the party. And murdering millions of people because of their faith or because they were different is so twisted! Day by day, I see our Great Nation is attempting to spiral downward into despair. I discovered a wonderful book written in 1900, "The Century Book of Facts". It is a very nice book. I enjoy the references to the very founders of Our Great Country. They talk directly what the Constitution and Bill of Rights were for and what the meaning of the issues is. Thomas Jefferson stated: "The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time." Abraham Lincoln stated: "I know that the Lord is always on the side of the right. But it is my constant anxiety and prayer that I and this nation should be on the Lord's side." George Washington stated: "No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than those of the United States". Abraham Lincoln stated: "This great book is the best gift God has given to man. ...But for it we could not know right from wrong." John Adams stated: "I believe in God in His wisdom and benevolence, and I cannot conceive that such a Being could make such a species as the human merely to live and die on this earth. If I did not believe (in) a future state, I should believe in no God." U.S. Grant stated: "Hold fast to the Bible as the sheet-anchor of your liberties; write its precepts in your hearts and practice them in your lives. To the influence of this book we are indebted for all the progress made in true civilization, and to this we must look as our guide for the future." Abraham Lincoln stated: "I can see how it might be possible for a man to look down upon the earth and be an atheist, but I cannot conceive how he could look up into the heavens and say there is no God." Martin Luther stated: "I would advise no one to send his child where the Holy Scriptures are not supreme. Every institution that does not unceasingly pursue the study of God's word becomes corrupt." General Omar Bradley stated: "We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount." I post this posting for the concern of those seeking justice, liberty and the freedom. I will not be silenced by any aggressor with foolish words. It is interesting that for every foolish posting, there are then a few good educated postings. I ignore the foolish ones, they need not consume my time. Unless I feel I need to respond for the greater truth. But, my purpose is for those who have been hurt by these "Modern Moffia" corporations. As long as I have life and breath, I will speak out. LORI: I am glad to read your message, and yes, if my case will be one to cause awareness and protection of our rights, I will push forward. God Bless,


Please update on your lawsuit

#578Consumer Comment

Wed, November 30, 2005

Todd, Can you please update those of us who care about this on whether your lawsuit has made any progress? Was you able to take any civil actions against Walmart? Thanks.


Lori Todd and others like them

#579Consumer Comment

Wed, November 30, 2005

yes your GOD is in your minds, and only in your minds. todd was not treated unfairly. he was treated like hte criminal he was. Good for Walmart. Anyone who agrees with Todd and his sinful act are blind, and ignorant. Dont forget this plain and obvious fact] TODD STOLE FOOD. Yeah ,we should commend this man for stealing food.


Oklahoma City,
Dear Todd

#580Consumer Comment

Wed, November 30, 2005

Thank you for your kind comments!! I really hope and pray that your lawyer nails Wal-Mart too the wall!! What they did to you and your family was wrong and they need to pay for it!!! Not to mention the police officers involved!! Of course, they all WILL have to answer for this some day in front of the greatest court I know, the Lord. Oh, to be a fly on the wall when that happens. You are so right!! God, who created our country, is being taken out of EVERYTHING!!! This guy in California who wants "under God" taken out of the Pledge of Allegience and "in god we trust" taken of our currency is just one shining example. I'm soooo sick of it!!! I have instructed my children that if this happens with the pledge, they will still say "under God" and I will still say it!! I don't care WHAT THE SUPREME COURT HAS TO SAY ABOUT IT!!! As far as reprinting all the money, let the government send the bill to this God hater!!! Please let us know what happens with your law suit!! God Bless!!


Guilty as charged

#581Consumer Comment

Wed, November 30, 2005

I have asked this thief repeatedly for Case#, Docket, etc and he won't provide them. This is because he doesn't want anyone to actually know who he is, and from that information, find his entire criminal record. He was probably found guilty and given probation. Hopefully, the Judge had him gagged during the trial so he couldn't spew his twisted religious nonsense. Nowhere in any religion does it say it's okay to be a thief.


Ft. Wayne,
Todd's case has likely concluded.

#582Consumer Comment

Wed, November 30, 2005

Other than his rambling, borderline incoherent, fanatical sermons, Todd has not provided anyone with an update on his case in months. I presume he either plea bargained to a lesser charge or was found guilty.


Ft. Wayne,
Todd's case has likely concluded.

#583Consumer Comment

Wed, November 30, 2005

Other than his rambling, borderline incoherent, fanatical sermons, Todd has not provided anyone with an update on his case in months. I presume he either plea bargained to a lesser charge or was found guilty.


South Carolina,
Ironically of your statement...

#584Author of original report

Tue, November 29, 2005

DANNY: Ironically of your statement, the fact still remains. Let me enlighten you of the similar situation. Lori's story, my story and a others posted here make it very clear, even a child could understand So I will try my best to communicate to you in a first-grade level A corporation abuses its power, to entrap and entangle customers, in order to satisfy their twisted views and personal agenda. Does that assist the definition? Unlike your character slandering of me, because I tend to use Christ and Biblical references within my communication, does not constitute the fact that there is something wrong with companies like Wal-Mart. That also does not provide justification of what Wal-Mart did to me. Plus your statement of my postings is false! I never said I stole anything! I never operated surreptitiously or with the intent to steal. And is it logical to state how could I admit to doing something wrong when I never did anything wrong? Just because you and a small amount of God haters and Wal-Mart lovers post aggressively on this website, does not define the rest of us to follow your brain-dead examples. We all have minds and know how to use them if we wish to! The next time you go eat at a local restaurant, don't start crying if the police are called in to arrest you because you sat down and began eating the food before paying after you walked into the store! If Wal-Mart's policy is to entrap customers, then they need to take a strong look at the Federal Laws! Oh did I mention the Constitution or the Bill Of Rights? Or maybe you were out surfing the big-wave while your high school teacher was teaching about that subject. Oh yeah, that's right, public schools do not teach those subjects anymore, because the founding fathers were Christian and often quoted Biblical references. Instead they teach, what, sex education and how to say no to drugs It is good that some smart parents are taking charge of the situation and spending time educating their children at home in addition to the public schools. Otherwise you would see children killing children, children killing parents, parents killing children, drug abuse, teenager pregnancies and moral decay. Martin Luther stated it very clearly: "I would advise no one to send his child where the Holy Scriptures are not supreme. Every institution that does not unceasingly pursue the study of God's word becomes corrupt." Oh, wait, that is happening now If people do not start speaking out about these abuses, then the situation will just keep getting worse. You may not care with your Wal-Mart salary, but there is a growing movement of concerned people, like Lori and myself, blowing the trumpet. Some may not know how to speak out, so Lori, a few others, and myself are taking the stand and that is what scares you the most. If and when God blesses me with extra funding, I will give some to this website for their efforts in keeping the freedom of speech, (free)! You do not see me seeking out your postings and screaming out slanderous fornications because I did not like your references! Anyway, enough wasting my pearls on you my objective was to chat with Lori. LORI: I am glad to hear your friend is okay, I'll pray for her and her child. I am glad I was not there or I would have been punching out some people! I guess that is why God allowed me to be in handcuffs, when that twisted police officer was verbally abusing my wife. But hey, he will get his reward when my attorney is done with him. When my case is done, I will put most of the details here. You will see how awesome God is and how He looks out for us all. We have so much evidence against Wal-Mart all they can do is delay let them delay until Judgment Day, either way, if they do not repent and make things right, they will burn in the fire.


Lori, comparing apples and oranges

#585Consumer Comment

Tue, November 29, 2005

Since you're unable to comprehend the DIFFERENCE of situation between your "friend" and TODD's (where he admitted that he stole), your friend was innocent. Todd isn't. Get a grip Lori.


Oklahoma City,
Sue the pants off them Todd

#586Consumer Comment

Tue, November 29, 2005

My prayers are with you and your family Todd on this whole ordeal. Wal-Mart and their so called security is a joke!! Let me inform all these Wal-Mart lovers what they did to a friend of mine. She was 8 months pregnant and went to Wal-Mart to pick up some groceries, her husband, a deputy sheriff, dropped her off because he had to run a few quick errands at another shopping center across the street. She finished her shopping and on the way out, was approached by security. They claimed that she stole a ham and had it stuffed up under her blouse. She explained to them that she is pregnant, and being the modest person that she is, she wouldn't raise up her blouse in front of everyone. They wouldn't listen. These jerks dragged her to the security office and threw her into a chair. In the security office, she did raise her blouse and showed them that she was pregnant. Security kept saying, that they know she stole a ham, it's on tape and what did she do with it. They would not let her go. Her husband arrived a short time later, couldn't find her in the store anywhere, fearing something had happened to her, he contacted store security, and was told she was in their office because of shoplifting. When he arrived in the security office, they had no idea he was a police officer, they accused him of being in on this whole thing. He pulled out his badge and boy did they start to back pettle. All this stress caused her to go into labor and that night she gave birth to a pre-mature baby boy, who is doing fine now. They are suing and I hope everyone who is wrongfully accused by these jerks does the same. GOD BLESS!!!


Eventually The Truth Will Catch Up To You,
Articulate please...

#587Consumer Comment

Tue, November 29, 2005

Todd, I have read this thread for many months, and after your initial message I came away with this. You cheated Wally-World and got caught. GET OVER IT. Please articulate on the people who are, "unable to speak out." Did they have their tongues cut out because they are heretics? Mutes? Lepers? What gives? Take personal responsibility for YOUR actions, and STOP blaming others for YOUR mistake. The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it.


South Carolina,
That Is The Multi-Billion Dollar Question...

#588Author of original report

Tue, November 29, 2005

Hi O'tria, That is the question I keep asking myself... why, why, why??? I did nothing wrong and was even willing to pay for the mistake, even though it was not my mistake. Or I guess you could say, my mistake was trusting Wal-Mart as a good, customer service company and I should have researched the internet first and I would have found Ripoffreport and known the truth before hand. But I guess, God wanted me to discover this horror for myself and become one of the voices for others unable to speak out. Boy, the people I am discovering that has been done wrong by Wal-Mart... it is very sad... The worse case I can find is the poor lady that died in jail over the shock of the whole issue. They made her stay in jail many days, and she never did anything!!! Whatever happens to Wal-Mart and other companies over this wickedness, they did it to their own greediness and wicked nature. They will learn not to treat people this way and get away with it, sooner or later, they will pay the piper. God does not like ugly (wrongdoing)! Anyway, thanks for your post. These past few posts have been very interesting to learn of others horror stories.


South Carolina,

#589Consumer Comment

Tue, November 29, 2005

I was in this same Wal-Mart me and my daughter last winter. I brought blankets in with me to keep my daughter warm until we got inside the store. Being that it was crowded we had to park a great bit of walking distance. Once inside I remove the blankets from her and put them inside the cart. We got pampers and baby wipes. I picked up a childrens movie to give to my daughter to have something to play with while I looked around. When I got to the cash register I paid for the pampers and baby wipes. I had forgotten all about the movie until the buzzard went off while I was leaving. When my cart got checked by the greeter the movie was underneath my daughters blanket. I apologize and was allowed to go back to the register to pay for the movie. No body ask questions, no police came, and I definitely wasn't taking to jail. It was a mistake and oversight on my part. So how come you wasn't justified the same way.


South Carolina,

#590Consumer Comment

Tue, November 29, 2005

I was in this same Wal-Mart me and my daughter last winter. I brought blankets in with me to keep my daughter warm until we got inside the store. Being that it was crowded we had to park a great bit of walking distance. Once inside I remove the blankets from her and put them inside the cart. We got pampers and baby wipes. I picked up a childrens movie to give to my daughter to have something to play with while I looked around. When I got to the cash register I paid for the pampers and baby wipes. I had forgotten all about the movie until the buzzard went off while I was leaving. When my cart got checked by the greeter the movie was underneath my daughters blanket. I apologize and was allowed to go back to the register to pay for the movie. No body ask questions, no police came, and I definitely wasn't taking to jail. It was a mistake and oversight on my part. So how come you wasn't justified the same way.


South Carolina,

#591Consumer Comment

Tue, November 29, 2005

I was in this same Wal-Mart me and my daughter last winter. I brought blankets in with me to keep my daughter warm until we got inside the store. Being that it was crowded we had to park a great bit of walking distance. Once inside I remove the blankets from her and put them inside the cart. We got pampers and baby wipes. I picked up a childrens movie to give to my daughter to have something to play with while I looked around. When I got to the cash register I paid for the pampers and baby wipes. I had forgotten all about the movie until the buzzard went off while I was leaving. When my cart got checked by the greeter the movie was underneath my daughters blanket. I apologize and was allowed to go back to the register to pay for the movie. No body ask questions, no police came, and I definitely wasn't taking to jail. It was a mistake and oversight on my part. So how come you wasn't justified the same way.


South Carolina,

#592Consumer Comment

Tue, November 29, 2005

I was in this same Wal-Mart me and my daughter last winter. I brought blankets in with me to keep my daughter warm until we got inside the store. Being that it was crowded we had to park a great bit of walking distance. Once inside I remove the blankets from her and put them inside the cart. We got pampers and baby wipes. I picked up a childrens movie to give to my daughter to have something to play with while I looked around. When I got to the cash register I paid for the pampers and baby wipes. I had forgotten all about the movie until the buzzard went off while I was leaving. When my cart got checked by the greeter the movie was underneath my daughters blanket. I apologize and was allowed to go back to the register to pay for the movie. No body ask questions, no police came, and I definitely wasn't taking to jail. It was a mistake and oversight on my part. So how come you wasn't justified the same way.


Go to work with a recorder

#593Consumer Suggestion

Sat, November 26, 2005

Bob My Dad used to work at a walmart in springfeld Ill and in Batesvill Ark and he had to writ things down to cath walmar mangers age discriminating, If I had to work for a walmar I would had a voice activated recorder and a pad of paper and a pencile, but with reading what I read I guess just to be safe, next time I enter a walmart make sure that I do not do anything that could look bad, and check my pocket before I leave the store, you just never know with out thinking some one could put something small in there pocket and BAM!!! you in the big house, so the old ARMY saying of stay alert stay alive applys here. Sir I hope the one that is accused of eating and not paying wins this case and proves his innocents and I whish this site had a spell check because as you can tell I need it, go figuer I am now living in ARKANSAS


Eating in the store

#594Consumer Comment

Sun, November 20, 2005

When I lived in Kentucky, I used to see people munching on goodies while they shopped. In Tennessee, I've seen where parents open a box of animal crackers for junior to eat as they shopped. In Texas, there was wholesale munching of foods before being bought. Here in Arizona, I actually bought a burrito, paid for it in the deli, chit chatted with the deli person, and munched on it as I shopped (it was during my lunch hour) and when I was leaving the store, a wal-mart employee stopped me and accused me of stealing. He said they had all these camera shots of me eating a burrito and then just walking out of the store without paying for it. I asked him is he also had camera shots of me paying for the burrito in the deli and he said no. I pulled out the receipt from my pocket and he claimed that the time stamp was for earlier in the day - duh! I pushed my buggy over to the deli and asked the deli person if she remembered me paying for my burrito and she said "Of course", the wal-mart fart then just stormed off. When I went back a few days later, I was informed that they had terminated the deli person for telling the truth. I also found out from a couple other wal-mart employees that they've been told that if they call in sick any time between now and the new year, they will be terminated. Most of the wal-mart employees I've talked to are Moms and Dads and if junior gets sick and has a temp of 104, well, guess who gets terminated. Remember, the seeds you sow is the harvest you reap.


South Carolina,
I know God will give me a Victory

#595Author of original report

Sun, November 06, 2005

Hi P, Dee and Other Christians, Thanks for your support and prayers. As I have said before, I can not give out too much information on this pending issue, but I will give an update as things happen. I know God will give me a Victory and will prove God is real and what happen is the truth. P, I could not find the radio station you are talking about, but I enjoy 107.7 FM, 87.9 FM are very nice Christian radio stations. It is wonderful how many new stations are poping up everywhere. I know the enemy must me "raging mad" that his plan of stoping us from talking Jesus is not working. Jesus said He will not return until all have heard of Him. Isn't interesting that so many Christian are taking a stand and speaking out at this time. I also like 890 AM, this has many wonderful things on it and they have a website www.amazingfacts.com I also have something you maybe interested in. They just found what they think to be the oldest Christian church in the world, (artifacts that is), (but we know the Christian church is much older)... The artifacts are over 1700 years old! This proves that the Christian church is older than many of the other major religions of the world, since most of those started around 600-700 AD! Anyway, does not matter to me what they find, I know what the truth is, this only supports the truth even more. Here is the news report... enjoy. === http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051105/ap_on_sc/israel_ancient_church Archaeologists Discover Ancient Church By ARON HELLER, Associated Press Writer Sat Nov 5, 4:59 PM ET JERUSALEM - Israeli archaeologists on Saturday said they have discovered what may be the oldest Christian church in the Holy Land on the grounds of a prison near the biblical site of Armageddon. The Israeli Antiquities Authority said the ruins are believed to date back to the third or fourth centuries, and include references to Jesus and images of fish, an ancient Christian symbol. "This is a very ancient structure, maybe the oldest in our area," said Yotam Tepper, the head archaeologist on the dig. The dig took place over the past 18 months at the Megiddo prison in northern Israel, with the most significant discoveries taking place in the past two weeks, Tepper said. Scholars believe Megiddo to be the New Testament's Armageddon, the site of a final war between good and evil. Tepper said the discovery could shed new light on an important period of Christianity, which was banned by the Romans until the fourth century. "Normally we have from this period in our region historical evidence from literature, not archaeological evidence," he said. "There is no structure you can compare it to, it is a very unique find." Channel Two television, which broke the story Saturday evening, broadcast pictures of a detailed and well-preserved mosaic bearing the name of Jesus Christ in ancient Greek and images of fish. Pietro Sambi, the Vatican's ambassador to Israel, praised the find as a "great discovery." "Of course, all the Christians are convinced of the history of Jesus Christ," he told Channel Two. "But is it extremely important to have archaeological proof of a church dedicated to him? Certainly." Joe Zias, an anthropologist and a former curator with the Israeli Antiquities Authorities, said the discovery was significant but unlikely to be the world's oldest church. He said there were no churches until Emperor Constantine legalized Christianity in the fourth century. "The earliest it could be is fourth century and we have other fourth-century churches. I think what is important here is the size, the inscription and the mosaics," he said. "I think it is an important find as far as early Christianity but I wouldn't say it was the oldest church in the world." The Antiquities Authority said more than 60 prison inmates took part in the dig in recent months. Channel Two said there is speculation that Israel may move the prison and open a tourist attraction in its place. "If it's between a prison and a church, I would like a church," Zias said. "You can put a prison anywhere." Israeli Tourism Minister Avraham Hirshzon said the discovery could greatly increase tourism to Israel. "If we nurture this properly, then certainly there will be a large stream of tourists who could come to Israel. There is great potential and together with the evangelical center in the north could bring great strides in tourism," he told Channel Two.



#596Consumer Comment

Sun, November 06, 2005

Man. It took me ages to scan thru the posts. I read Todd's initial post VERY carefully and then read a few after that very carefully as well, but after a while I could see it had become a platform of hellfire and brimstone toward anyone w/ a dissenting opinion and flowers and sweetness for anyone in agreement w/ Todd. Oy. Many have already said these things, so I will just agree with the following: 1) I shop at WalMart because they do have the lowest prices and I am not richer than a god or "the" God. I am not evil because of this. Although I will say it is always hotter than Hell in there, so maybe...? *GRIN* 2) I have never in my life been in any store that lets its customers stroll around eating packaged foods from the shelves OR on demand foods from the deli, bakery, coffeebars, or any other such items. My local WalMart has a section in the deli area where the "grab n go" foods are...like hot pockets and subs and all that. There is a seating area just to the right of these cases and further right there is the regular deli counter cash register. It is fully expected that before you go into the seating area (where there are microwaves for heating up those grab n go items) you PAY for the food first. I have NEVER EVER EVER seen anyone go in the seating area and cooking/eating their foods w/o paying first....and for the hot items at the deli like the fries and the mac n cheese and the chicken and all of that stuff, you ask the clerk for it, the clerk gets it and you PAY. There's no way around this. 3. No store in its right mind would allow a person to eat now, pay later. Too many people would eat now and NOT pay later. 4. I don't work at WalMart, Todd, I work at a Discover Card in the fraud prevention/ investigations department. So you can't hold that over me just because I don't agree w/ you. Also, I can assure the world that WalMart does, indeed, have video and that they happily share it with us to help us solve credit card crimes on a daily basis. Whether they have video of you, I don't know. But they do have video. 5. Many have said it, and I agree: "Anyone who disagrees is obviously a plant by the opposition to discredit." See above. There are many other places I have posted on this site, and even people who hate me for my postings will not deny that I work at Discover. 6. As a person who has to interrogate people over the phone, I have had intensive training on how to spot a liar. Many things you've done in writing seem to suggest that you are lying. Overall, however, the major indicator is your vehemence. Persons who are telling the truth have the TRUTH behind them. They don't need to pull all the melodramatic stunts you have pulled in your posting...the outcrying about the Christian injustice, how there is a conspiracy, how WalMart is evil and anyone who doesn't believe your line of bull is "in on it" with them or an employee...just to name a few. 7. As an addendum to #6...you said "...putting the poor in jail when they try to feed their starving children." Whether you intended it to or not, you just explained your own guilt. You're a disabled, low income dad trying do right by his children...but you are doing it by stealing. 8. It is very easy to say you will pay for something once you've been caught shoplifting. The #1 response of a captured shoplifter is "This is just an 'honest' mistake...Here, let me just pay for this and we can forget the whole thing." Great. But it's funny how you keep making that same mistake over and over and over.... 9. You were never clear on whether you paid. You blame the cashier, claiming she told you twice that she "got" those items. Yet you didn't check your own receipt. No one in the world is going to arrest you if the items are on the receipt...unless perhaps, only SOME of the many items are there and others aren't. This is another popular theft technique. It's called the SOMMERALL. As in "hey, I can steal some or all of this stuff, depending on who is paying attention." That way you can be belligerent and bluster about how you honestly paid for that stuff while not mentioning the "other" stuff that you didn't pay for. 10. Yes, Todd. There's a big employee theft ring in the deli department. They steal truckloads of food and then find the poor disabled Christian guy and they blame it on him. Get real, weirdo. A counterfeit skimming ring is WAY more likely and MUCH more profitable for theft rings than pilfering a few sandwiches. Oy. Ok. I'm ready. Bring on another gazillion paragraph posting denouncing me as a sinner, bound for hell and blah, blah, blah... I need a nap, anyway.


San Diego,
I'm not a Physiatrist but...

#597Consumer Comment

Sat, November 05, 2005

Todd, My immediate evaluation based on what you have written here: I believe you're experiencing an extreme phase of acute paranoia, and your encounter at this store was a direct result of just one more schizophrenic episode You really should seek psychiatric help, ASAP! Good Luck!


Todd won't give any actual facts

#598Consumer Comment

Sat, November 05, 2005

I, and others, have repeatedly asked for Docket numbers, and other pertinent information. He will not give it up. The only reason is because he is guilty and probably already cut a deal.


I Hope You Win, Todd!

#599Consumer Comment

Sat, November 05, 2005

May our Dear Lord JESUS give you the victory! I will be looking for the outcome of your case.


Todd, time for an update

#600Consumer Comment

Fri, November 04, 2005

What is the current status of your theft case? Are you out on bond, were the charges dismissed? Are you banned from Walmart? Did you ever find out why you were shipped out of county? You started this thread, you should at least keep us informed. Please try to stay on subject without the preaching.


South Carolina,
South Carolina,
Columbia, South Carolina

#601Consumer Comment

Fri, November 04, 2005

First let me tell ALL of you, I do not know Todd. I am only in Columbia, South Carolina because my spouse retired from the US Army here. I have travel with my spouse all over the world and have come across many people. Unless you have visited WAL-MART on Harribson in Columbia, South Carolina and experienced the unprofesionalism of not just of the customer service but management as well, please do not criticize him. Todd, on my way to work every morning I listen to 101.3 FM, they play a spiritual song every morning "Jesus Will Work It Out", but Todd, you have to let him. God Bless.


South Carolina,
Hmmm... Some Spoke As A Dragon...

#602Author of original report

Fri, November 04, 2005

... Interestingly you keep talking about the wife-swap show. I saw it a few times and one note was the wives that were Christian had cleaner homes, more respectful children, and had a more of a deeper love and respect for their husband. The others without Christ were out of control, delusional, and the children were rude and some really messed up attitudes. Makes me wonder, the Bible says, those who have the Holy Spirit in their home, has a happy home. Those few shows I saw proves the Bible once again to be true. By your last posting, you stated you will not respond anymore, then good. If you do again, then that would make you a liar, and your words mean nothing, correct? All I have to say is, I am so happy that God says He can see the heart of a person, and only man sees the outside, man enjoys to entertain the outside. I have done my best to display what happen to me, and so what if some of my postings showed anger. I am tired of all this talk about a Christian is to lay over and not say anything. And I am tired of someone telling me I cannot speak of my faith whenever I want to say anything. As I have said before and I will repeat it again, this is my post, I have expressed the truth in the best way that I can. There is a major problem with the way Wal-Mart is treating people, and something needs to be done about it. I pray they repent. Instead of trying to destroy the messenger, you should go out and discover if it is true what Wal-Mart is doing. In fact, I think you know. In fact, you entered my title, which clearly states what Wal-Mart did to me, and you entered my post and read it and responded the way you did. How do I not know you are not hired by Wal-Mart to try and stop someone from expressing the truth of the matter. I think the fact remains, you are part of this problem and you are part of the Wal-Mart scam. I know from my research that companies like Wal-Mart (not sure if Wal-Mart is directly involved), but large companies are trying to stop this website and others like it. How do we not know that you are part of the enemy going out and trying to confuse the public of postings like mine, so in order to make people think they are not what the poster said they were? I even read one posting trying to make the claim he searched my case and found it was not there. What a major LIE! This responder also said he check with the very Wal-Mart and stated that my case never happen there. WHAT ANOTHER FAT LIE!!! So here is the reality check, this is happening, people know it is happening and there is nothing that you or people like you can silence the truth of the matter. Again, as I have said, it is in God's hands and He will bring me victory and I will post that victory here when it happens. Then that will make the enemy look like a donkey, wouldn't it? I rest my case for now.


Bowel Movement

#603Consumer Comment

Fri, November 04, 2005

Todd, Regarding your comment "The movement has started, not just me, but is moving nonetheless. If you do not like this country and its Christian founding, then move elsewhere." I must say that this country was founded by people who were avoiding persecution for their religious beliefs or non-beliefs. They didn't come here to found a new Christian world. This country was founded on the principal that if you don't like it, you can vote in a democratic way to change it. You can speak freely, of course, but you are deranged and are putting on the Christ blinders that won't let you look at something else. My guess is you had some tragedy in your life and came out of it ok...and think God had something to do with that. Fine...ok...whatever. But don't you damned well go and tell me to move out because you disagree with me that we evolved from apes or otherwise and think that GOD rules the frigging world and all of us should act like you. I really pity for those in Kansas (see CNN's story today about the Intelligent Design theory creeping up us like moss on a tree). If we don't scrape this crap off and get back to the roots of our tree, it's gonna die. I don't need your god, nor anyone elses. I starting to think you really did steal something and now are going to go to any length to get out of it. I'm not yelling "Crucify Him", I'm just saying SHUT THE HELL UP already...we heard you once and decided we don't want to hear you again. Jesus just happened to live in a really crappy time of humanity where we crucified anyone who didn't follow normal standards of that time. I think he had some bad luck, but wasn't anything other than a fantastic storyteller that had some actual nice things to say about how we should all live. You kooks took it way out of context and mythicized it (if that's a word) into come contorted and deranged cult. Since it was a dominant cult, and Christians were willing to kill people to force their beliefs on everyone (like WACO and Jim Jones and others like them) then it became as large as it is today. Same with other religions. Sorry, Todd, but Christians are a serious minority in the world no matter how many you still try to convert. I could keep ranting on and on just like you...but I'm done now and onto other things that better serve my time and efforts. You've gotten enough of our attention already, which is what your goal was in the first place. PLEASE - nobody else respond to this kook and he will just go away.


Marc - good point

#604Consumer Comment

Fri, November 04, 2005

Marc, you have a great point...and I do think the guy is looney-tunes. Just curious did you ever see the "wife swap" episode on TV with the crazy fat Christian lady screaming insanely at everyone? I think this guy's related.


West Virginia,
to a lame response

#605Consumer Comment

Fri, November 04, 2005

you talk about respect yet you have none for others yourself. you call everyone that spouts out the bible non christian but yourself hello if thats not being hypocritical i dont know what is. you talk about having freedom of speech everyone else here does also. if you dont like what someone will say about your post then dont post it in the first place if you dont like criticism. and you say uneducated answers you're just mad people can pick out your lies. and you obviously claim to be perfect by saying everyone that doesnt have your opinion is basically inferior. you say everyone is being rude to you why dont you take a look at some of your past posts. one post you said the devil can quote back scriptre as well when someone was trying to pick out what was wrong about your ideals. then you call people fake christian and non christian without even knowing a person how do you know their religion maybe their beliefs differ from yours. a bulk of the christians voted for bush now look what we got. i myself a christian did not vote for him. im not against you for religion im for that but its not the reason they ended up arresting you.


South Carolina,
Is The World As Educated As They Think They Are?

#606Author of original report

Fri, November 04, 2005

Tis, Tis These last few post are so far out of what I posted it does not even deserve the time for me to respond. Any educated readers, which there are some, have even responded in the past, but then unless you look for them it is hard, because of all these other uneducated postings smother the good responders. I never said I was perfect, and no one is, except Christ and look what the World did to Him. Plus, I have never changed my story by going into a Christian frenzy. Just read my very first post and what is the FIRST words do I write? Just in case you are to LAZY to read back to my first posting, here it is for you, "I am a devout Christian"! So from these very first FIVE words, the reader will know that I speak as a person devoted to the Bible and Christ. It irks me whenever someone other than a Christian can ramble on about a "Sun-god", or a "Essence of Everything", or a "Stick in the Mud", the world does not have a problem. But whenever someone starts to talk about JESUS, the world ramps together to shut the person up. I can just hear the famous words, "Crucify Him", "Crucify Him"! The last time I checked, we still have freedom of speech. I know a few are trying to take that away, but for now, I still have it. So, by reading my first FIVE words, you still continued into the door of my posting and read it. Since you entered my house, you should have the manners to just leave without trying to insult me. The first five words are clearly posted and "warn or encourage" readers to either continue to enter or just leave. I would never enter your home and begin insulting you. I would just kindly leave. Interestingly, a report was just published that said Americans and other countries are becoming "RUDER" each year. Not caring about others as they use to. Just look at the disrespect some people have towards my posting. They care not about me or what happen to me, and would rather insult me and in hopes prevent me from ever posting again. Well, I have a "News Flash" for ya. Many good, true Christian are tired of rolling over and playing dead! It is well commanded by God, as I have clearly stated in my other posting, that God commands true Christians to stake a stand and tell the wicked what they are doing wrong! I am tired of opening up a paper, magazine and reading about children killing children. I am tired of turning on the TV and watching someone go half nude at a football game! I am tired of seeing porno-music for sale at stores where teenagers have easy access to it. Plus, I am tired of these "rude" people wanting respect for themselves but not giving any to anyone else. I will and am doing what you fear most, PUBLICALLY SPEAKING OUT!! The movement has started, not just me, but is moving nonetheless. If you do not like this country and its Christian founding, then move elsewhere. I am sure the Arabs you love so much will welcome you. Go over there and be rude to them and see how long you last. The Islam teachings tell them to kill everyone except Islam people. Just look how they treat their own kind, do you think they will treat you any better? The true teachings of Christ say nothing of going out and killing the enemy, does it? This does not mean to not defend yourself if someone breaks into your home and tries to kill your children, I will defend them to the end. It is talking about hatred. Do not hate your enemy, but love them. Pray that they repent. But it commands to not be a part of their wrongdoings. Tell them the truth and be done with it. Where in all of my postings have I said I hated my enemy? I have spoken the truth that God will punish the wicked if they do not repent. I have prayed for everyone. So again, give me the respect by honoring my posting. If after reading my very first posting and the very first five words and you continue to read. Then you should pay me the respect that you continued on your own and therefore you should not dishonor me by trying to insult me in hopes that I will shut up. I rest my case at this time.


Joe, you missed the point of the original poster

#607Consumer Comment

Thu, November 03, 2005

Todd got caught stealing inside Walmart, and probrably a lot more. He's diverted attention away from the original post by giving sermons instead of just telling us what has happened since the event. He won't give enough detail as to why he was carted off in the first place, but instead implies the Devil's is working in Walmart, and demons are running amok in the Police Department and court system. He doesn't care that he's making Christians look like kooks so he's obviously not as Christian as he makes out. I think he's going for the looney-tunes defense.


West Virginia,
forgot to add a few things

#608Consumer Comment

Thu, November 03, 2005

wanted to add some things to my response. as far as not being judemental i say todd is because i saw in one thread how he accused of one person basically being the devil for spouting back scripture to him.i guess whomever doesnt share his views about wal mart is equal to being the devil to him. which is not the case. if anyone else doesnt share in his views of anything is not a christian to him.


West Virginia,
response to todd

#609Consumer Comment

Thu, November 03, 2005

isnt it kind of erogant to think you are the only real christian out there. didnt christ teach to be humble and not brag about you being a christian or your accomplishments. as far as lawsuits every company faces that blockbuster, wal mart, microsoft. every billion dollare company faces something like that. instead of taking food eating it first take the time out to pay for it first what does it matter time wise to do either or. either way you'll eventually have to go to the counter to pay anyways. christ also teaches judge not les ye be judged. yet you're judging everyone saying oh they arent christian they are this they are that. and as far as documentaries go they can manipulate facts one way or another and statistics to say whatever they want. learned that much in statistics class last semester.why i dont believe in those kind of documenteries unless they state how they got those facts. i dont think wal mart is an evil company or anything just certain individuals with in the company. only reason people are pissed off that they are killing economy if other companies would have the good sense to combine everything the way they have then they would be more competitive.


added mindlessness

#610Consumer Comment

Thu, November 03, 2005

I almost forgot, but have to inject this one little piece, then I'm done. Working with a guy recently who ended up becoming a youth minister, I really have some evidence that Christianity and specifically Catholicism is a cult. Why? This poor guy swore to me that scientists who did radio-carbon dating were all frauds and that the data was all made up as a collusion somehow to falsely show that the world was older than it is according to the bible. In-depth conversations with him regarding this, he informed me that the world cannot possibly be over 10,000 years old because it was "created" by God no earlier than that. Any evidence, such as fossils, radio-carbon dating techniques and core-samples of ancient soils are all lies told to the masses to prove that evolution doesn't exist and to dis-prove creation. He had the solid thought that dinosaur fossils were all made-up by scientists and weren't older than that magical 10,000 year mark. He flat-out believed that all that evidence was just lies and intentional falsehood. Even showing the guy a trilobite fossil that was MILLIONS of years old, he said that any scientific test we did to show that it was that old was flawed or otherwise falsified to favor us heathens who were anti-creation. In no way could I show that it was possible my trilobite fossil was millions of years old. It just wasn't possible to him. I feel really sad and scared for our future generations that are under this person (or anyone like him) being taught that this scientific evidence is all mumbo-jumbo. These are the same people that, like those down in Kansas, ban scientific books and references and don't allow teaching of evolution. To me, this is behavior of a cult. Can't be any simpler than that. Brain-washing people to believe in fantasies like this in defiance of cold, hard factual evidence proven by methods that can be reproduced, documented and tested...that is denial brought on by brain-washing. This is just plain looking at the facts and saying that it's not a fact. This is akin to looking at a green crayon and saying it's blue and truly believing it. Of course, you can go on and be all philosophical about even the existance of the crayon in the first place, but again...let's be adults here. We evolved a brain for a reason, I think. This is why I am really opposed to pretty much most religions...how can they all be right. I think, of all of them, Bhuddists probably have it the closest if any of them are. At least you don't see Bhuddists go around self-aggrandizing and murdering people for their beliefs. If you aren't a Bhuddists...they don't care! But if you aren't a Christian, or a Muslim, or Islamist...then you must burn in hell or forcibly be converted or murdered for all they care. This, again, is the behavior of a cult. It's just been around so long that it got really big. Think about it. 2000 years ago, somebody told a story that seemed pretty incredible. Coincidently there was a comet flying by...and that turned into a miricle of miricles...and then a good story teller was born who wanted to promote a peaceful style of living. That all got twisted by simple minds and retold over the years so it became engrained as truth, since all those who were around to witness it (nor those for centuries afterward) were not as scientifically able to dissect fact from fiction. At one time, to those peolpe, the world was flat and the center of the universe. We all know better than that now, except for my former co-worker and his followers. Many of us finally figured out that this is a nice story, based on good intentions and the data available at the time, but is found as fiction just as much as the world was found not to be flat. It is able to be proven that radioactive materials decay at a certain rate (half-life) and that by guaging the current state and working backword, we can fairly accurately attain the age of any given thing. That someone denies this and dismisses it as collusion and scientific lies is living in a dangerous world and in serious denial of the facts. Did you ever notice that the more educated a person gets, the less religious they tend to be? Hmmmm....do you think it may be simply becuase they had sense enough to rationalize and figure something out and have the sense to stop believing in their fantasies as being reality? I'm done.


How pompous you are

#611Consumer Comment

Thu, November 03, 2005

I am really amazed that Christians like the previous post all think that they are perfect and that GOD is looking out for them....and that they are all so important and not insignificant enough for nobody to give a rat's a*s about them. For one, Christians are a MINORITY in the religious world. Does this make the BILLIONS of Bhuddists wrong? Does this condemn them to hell? How about all the HINDU...MUSLIM...and other religions? Why, oh why, do Christians always think their religion is the most important one? I don't care what religion you are...if you think that some magical entity is guarding your a*s, then brother, you have a rude awakening coming some day for you. NOBODY gives a crap how dedicated you are to your religion. When you're laying face-up pushing up the daisies, you'll finally figure that you are not being guarded one bit more than the drunk on skid row or the poor aids-infested kid in Gambia (what'd those poor kids do except to be born in the wrong place?). Why isn't GOD looking out for them? Why does he favor you and not them? Here's my litmus test: Let's say you are in a plane crash. You religious idiots who survived are going to say "God protected me" or "I must be needed for a further purpose". What about those other 200 people who got all their limbs torn off in the crash? Are they any less significant than you? How pompous you are to think that you are somehow that much more special. This is the problem...religion and Christianity especailly is nothing more than a majorly organzied CULT. When you make that last second field goal...GOD must have been on your side, eh? What about the poor slob who dropped the pass? Did God make him drop the ball? You're so self-congratulatory! You don't go crying when you lose that God made you drop that pass, do you...but you're the first to say he help you make it. Don't you think you caught it becuase you were either just in the right place at the right time, damned lucky, or that the other guy just wasn't athletic enough to stop you? Nope...you somehow have to inject GOD into the formula. I pity you for having such a small mind. Just like Jim Jones, your kool-aid days are going to come as a religion some day.


South Carolina,
Blind Leading The Blind... After 2000 Years It Is Still Going On...

#612Author of original report

Thu, November 03, 2005

... Hi Jeff and Others Like Him, 1. I would like to ask if you have ever read the Bible? My references to God bringing me victory and what He will do to the wicked is not my words, they are His. " And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them" (Ezekiel 25:17, KJV). " Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord" (Romans 12:19, KJV). " In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ" (2 Thessalonians 1:8, KJV). Need I say more on this subject? Let's move on, shall we. 2. It is a proven fact what I say is the truth as to what happen. Frankly, I do not care if you think I am speaking the truth or not. Others know what I say is the truth and when God brings me the victory, I will post all details on this thread. "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" (Hebrews 4:12, KJV). 3. I am not some crazy small town fanatic screaming out some deluded fairytale story! The fairytale is your imagination that nothing is going on and life is this happy-go-lucky world. I just read some new reports of at least five major crimes against children. Oh, wait a second; you say I am making up everything. Am I making those things up too? "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind" (2 Timothy 1:7, KJV). 4. If Wal-Mart is such a nice company, why then have they not paid their workers properly? Oh, and what about the lie they told publicly, that they would start giving out health benefits to workers. And the same second the lie was being told; a top CEO was sending a memo to top heads to only hirer healthy people! Am I making that up too? A nice movie to watch that is out now is called, North Country (I think is the name) This is based on a true story, or will you say this is a "dream team" too. 5. Am I making up the BILLION$ worth of lawsuits that came against Wal-Mart where they lost of doing the same evils they did to me? Am I correct in saying so? 6. Where is it that my facts have changed within this thread? Some of my updates may have strong details and some may just have teasers (old production term for brief description of a topic). It is very simple, man goes with family to Wal-Mart, is approved to eat some food before paying (just like at any iHOP, Ryan's, Applebee's, etc), told to take price stickers to cash register after all shopping, gave everything to cashier, paid, (son had to go to restroom, large storm coming), (lots of people, noise, so on), asked the cashier to make sure everything was scanned, confirmed by cashier, walked out, falsely accused, falsely imprisoned, etc... Family humiliated, screamed at, threatened, etc... Taken to a far off prison where noone could find me, not even the judge when my family demanded my right for a bond hearing! Oh, did I leave anything out? Oh, yeah, the "made-up" five page rap sheet! There are other things, but I'll leave that for now. Now, for those of you that have trouble-reading threads, read back at all my updates and reference it back to this one, is it the same? Does it have the same meaning? I do not say in one update it was Target, and I was with my girlfriend, or was it at Radio shack? Oh, no, I tell the truth exactly what happen every time. I may forget one detail from another; hey show me someone that can remember every single detail of something that happen 8 months ago? Do you remember what you were doing? I am sure if some big black dog bit your hand over five years ago you would remember that correct? You may not remember every detail, or some things may come here and come there, but the core of the issue is the same every time you tell it. Our human minds are programmed to remember "shockers", that's why when we try to remember things; we go over them over and over again. That is why I read the Bible all the time, so I know how to live. You should try it some time. You will see a whole new light about life. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" (Ephesians 6:12, KJV). 7. There are some crazies out there that are false Christians. I just read a report about a man and woman was walking in the cold, butt-naked, with there two children. The police later discovered these wak-o's, had just murdered their little girl thinking she was a demon. They stabbed her so many times, the knife broke. They then covered her with Bible pages. This matter and ones like it, is where people are so messed up, and have been used by satan to cause harm to the truth of Christianity. Just like in times of old, where people claimed to be Christian and went and dressed up like a Knight and murdered women and children. Where does Christ tell a Christian to do that? "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils" (1 Timothy 4:1, KJV). "Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity" (1 Timothy 4:12, KJV). When I say I will take a stand, I am talking about not allow those that have done me wickedly to walk all over me and I say nothing about it. Actually, God commands me in the Bible to tell people of the wickedness they do. That is a direct commandment. God says if I do not, and they are later punished by Him, their blood is on my hand for not doing my duty. Now, don't get me wrong, I speak my peace about it and respond accordingly in a proper manner and then let the seeds fall where they may. If the wicked after hearing my warning continue their evilness, and then they are punished, my hands are clean because I did what I was commanded to do. Do you think I am just writing this for my own amusement? Do you think it is written in the Bible that God commands His followers to do this duty? Should I quote the scripture reference here? Let's say this, go out and find a Bible, read it and search for it, and if you do not find that commandment, let me know, (Has to be a King James Version), Do you understand this? I am serious, go out and see if you can "NOT FIND" where God commands His servants, followers, people, to tell the wicked what they are doing wrong, and if God's people did not do this command, the wicked's blood will be on God's people. Do you understand? "And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming" (2 Thessalonians 2:8, KJV). Do you understand my position now? I love God with all my heart. I will do His will, not mine. God commands me to post what has happen here and what wickedness Wal-Mart has done to others and me. We are talking about the King of the Universe! This is His order to me. I will not break this commandment for nothing! "And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power" (1 Corinthians 2:4, KJV). You can either acknowledge the truth or deny it that is your right. But that does not change the truth or my right to post the truth. Lastly, let me say something here. The Bible says for you to test the spirit in order to know if they are from God or not. I wonder if you know what the test is? If you did, then you would know if I am of God or not. Any spirit that is not of God will fail the test that is the law, period! Should I give the test? God also tells me not to waist my message on blind ears, but because I know others are reading this thread and many of them know what I am talking about, I will post the test so they know I am truth. "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32). Here is the test: "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error" (1 John 4:1-3,6, KJV). Here is my test: I confess I believe and know Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, died for our sins, rose on the third day, and only through Him can we be saved! I rest my case for now ...


Ft. Wayne,
Robert in Jax:

#613Consumer Comment

Wed, November 02, 2005

I take it you've never heard of the Army of God. This is a Kansas based group that promotes violence toward abortion providers. Several of their members are incarcerated for felonies, which include 1st degree murder & arson. They even refer to the killing of a physician in Florida as a "termination procedure". The 700 club's Pat Robertson recently advocated the assassination of Venezuela's president. Have you ever heard the Rev. Fred Phelps Jr. speak? He truly believes that God hates homosexuals. He also operates a website that keeps a running count on "how many days Matthew Shepard has been in Hell". President Reagan was supplying Saddam Hussein with Bubonic Plague & Anthrax strains at the same time Saddam was using them on the Kurds. The point of my original post was not to engage anyone in a religious/political smear fest, but to point out that just as the Arab States have Muslim followers who gladly twist and distort religion to suit their own desires, we have Christian followers who do the same thing here. Todd has not killed anyone, but he feels as though God, Jehovah, Providence, Yahweh, etc. has called upon him personally to speak up against Wal*Mart. Frankly, I think Todd enjoys the fact that by invoking the name of God here, he gets immediate sympathy from others who are sincere in their beliefs, and may not understand his depravity. BTW, I don't believe one word of Todd's story.


David Koresh murdered nobody

#614Consumer Comment

Wed, November 02, 2005

The FBI and BATF did all of the killing. They could have knocked on the door and handed him the arrest warrant. The Sheriff in Waco said they could have done like he did, called David and asked him to come in. The guy went running into town everyday. They could have picked him up then, while he was on his morning jog. But noooooooooo. Janet Reno had to make a name for himself, and have the BATF try and invade the house in a second story window. That agent got tagged, just as anyone trying to enter my house through a window would. Next up were tanks. Yep...that's what everyone needs to knock on a door...a tank. The agents were shooting at everyone trying to leave the burning house...real nice. Nope, the Federal Government killed the Branch Davidians. This was also the same group of idiots who went to Ruby Ridge Idaho to kill a 13 year old boy and his mother, after they set up the father for a shotgun that was a whole 1/4 inch too short. Great guys, the Clinton Gang. As for Jim Jones, he was nuts, and so were his followers. They killed a Congressman or two, but who doesn't dream of doing that? The group as a whole, comitted suicide. They did not go out and make wholesale murder part of their religion.


Jersey City,
New Jersey,
Todd...if that is your real name, doesnt the Bible say TELL THE TRUTH???

#615Consumer Comment

Wed, November 02, 2005

Its very interesting the way you have manipulated every single individual reading your posts, the way you dragged your so called "faith" into it was hillarious if your out right insulting the intelligence of everyone subjected to read your incredible recount of a made up tale. The fact of the matter is, the incident you claim to have taken place at Walmart NEVER occured! There is no proof in any public files in that Police Dept. and there is no knowledge of that event recollected by ANY employee of that Wal-Mart. Moreover, it is my belief you simply made up this whole thread to rant about your "Faith" - you are one illiterate minister at a small church who is seeking attention, STOP using Christianity for your selfish reasons, and get off your computer and change the "wrongs" with yourself first before criticizing others and the entire country. Not only have you proved over and over in this whole thread that you could not stick to the facts you mentioned in your previous posts. One or two variables ALWAYS change when you retell your incident, where this really happend, you would be able to keep up with the facts. Hypocrits like yourself are the reason the "wrongs" you mention are not corrected in a period of over 3000 years.


Murdering "Thumpers"

#616Consumer Comment

Wed, November 02, 2005

"It's because our "Thumpers" don't go around murdering thousands of innocent people at a time, or kidnap others and chop off their heads. Is that answer simple enough for you? Robert - Jacksonville, Florida U.S.A." How about David Koresh? Remember Jim Jones? Oh excuse me, these guys just murder their own followers.


West Virginia,
wal mart

#617Consumer Comment

Wed, November 02, 2005

hi first off ill continune to shop at wal mart just beause it makes more economic sense. and its the only place in my town to buy a movie. unless u want to drive an hour away to a mall. i dont think they persecuted your religous beliefs by doing that they probably didnt even know your religion. i dont think they are an evil company just a few certain individuals dont make up the whole company. with lawsuits thats the way some people make their living find anything and everything to sue about. i know you'll probably say im not christian and all but i am. i go to church. im a member of campus crusade for christ. i think it was just that manager and cop that are the bad apples not wal mart as a whole. as far as class action law suits they happen all the time with big companies i dont think it will break them since they are a billion dollar company. and as far as iraq i say bush should try to fix problems here such as unemployment, economy, before going into another country trying to run things fix our own problems first. oh and im not an employee or anything so cant use that against me either just a college student.


That is a simple question, Jeff

#618Consumer Comment

Wed, November 02, 2005

It's because our "Thumpers" don't go around murdering thousands of innocent people at a time, or kidnap others and chop off their heads. Is that answer simple enough for you?


Ft. Wayne,
I was wondering

#619Consumer Comment

Wed, November 02, 2005

After reading all of this I have just one question. Why is it we Americans are so concerned with fundamentalist religious extremism in the Middle East when we already have plenty of it in our own backyard.


Ft. Wayne,
I was wondering

#620Consumer Comment

Wed, November 02, 2005

After reading all of this I have just one question. Why is it we Americans are so concerned with fundamentalist religious extremism in the Middle East when we already have plenty of it in our own backyard.


Ft. Wayne,
I was wondering

#621Consumer Comment

Wed, November 02, 2005

After reading all of this I have just one question. Why is it we Americans are so concerned with fundamentalist religious extremism in the Middle East when we already have plenty of it in our own backyard.


Ft. Wayne,
I was wondering

#622Consumer Comment

Wed, November 02, 2005

After reading all of this I have just one question. Why is it we Americans are so concerned with fundamentalist religious extremism in the Middle East when we already have plenty of it in our own backyard.


South Carolina,
The Question Comes To Mind...

#623Author of original report

Tue, November 01, 2005

... The question comes to mind, some people say, stop talking about things of wrong doing. If I did, if Jesus did, if Paul did, or any of the Prophets in the Bible did. Would anyone know about the wrongs? Or even care? Would the hope of any change take place? Or would it stay the same? I will not stop, unless God calls me directly to stop. I know God has called me to post the things I have posted. The truth has to be known. ...


South Carolina,
Shannon! You Must Have Missed My Point!

#624Author of original report

Tue, November 01, 2005

... Shannon, You must have misread my update, in someway you write as agreeing to what I was trying to say, but then you speak as if I am against you or something. Anyway, my point was that Wal-Mart, other companies, (people that do wickedness) against people for GREED and POWER, are very wrong. And my other point was there is actual proof that there is an increase in crimes, environmental events and so on. And yes, there are false Christians, as you also said. Jesus and other Prophets in the Bible stated all of this, which would be a sign of His coming return. My point was trying to highlight that area. If you misread it, then I cannot help that, I am trying to respond to you so you understand. And as far as people going over to Iraq, my brother, cuz'ns, and many other family and friends have been over there, or still there, and some have been injured and nearly killed. So your point on that, I know very well. Matter of fact, one of my family members that is a very strong Christian, which was teased by many of his army group about his Christianity, just like people on my post have teased me. Was the very one who saved all of them from a burning Humvee (not sure if spelled correctly). Now his army group, some of them, is asking him to teach him about his faith. Isn't awesome how God operates? I did not say this to go off subject. But actually is part of my point. I post the way I do, because it is who I am. There is a major spiritual battle going on right now. Jesus is on His way and those who or on the other side will not be saved. You can either ignore what I say, respond back in an insulting manner, or simply go about your business. If what I say is "madness", then you have nothing to be worried, do you? For my words would be pointless, correct? But, what if what I say is real, is correct? What if God and Jesus are real? The devil has played the best trick he could ever play, and that is to convince the world he is not real, therefore making the world think God and Jesus are not real. Although, I have always studied the Bible and loved my Heavenly Father, I did have some background thoughts, if He was real. He allowed me to go around and try other worldly faiths, and other things to try and discover the truth. I could not understand praying to a man made statue and claiming that was God. It was lifeless, no breath, no life and man made it! I could not understand claiming there is no divine creator, when you have such complex structures, such as two cells that you cannot see form a living human body! I have seen so many evils of this world; I want nothing to do with it. What I read in the Bible, is so wonderful, the LIGHT that Jesus promises is more than anything anyone else can promise. To me, I want that. To me, I live for that. To me, I want that to be real. To me, I have that hope of a better live. To me, I want that internal peace. And if I have to believe in the Bible, God and Jesus to get all of that, then I will and I did. I feel so much peace and love, like a huge void has been filled. There is really no words I can describe that feeling. There is nothing you or anyone else can say to insult me into not believing God and Jesus are real. My life has been convinced and I have become a rock on this subject. If you do not believe, that is your right. If you wish to go and pray to a stick in the mud and call it God, that is your right. So, do I attack your faith and your right for that? No. So, why attack mine? Why is it that whenever someone speaks of Jesus or God, swarms of people start attacking that person. But, interestingly, some people come to the aid of that person. So, all it not lost. And yes, I know many come claiming to be followers of Christ and are nothing more than crushers of your faith. A good book to read is "He Came To Set The Captives Free" by Rebecca Brown, MD... The book is real scary, talking about people that are so close to satan that they become deformed, and things. If you want to read a real scary book, then read that one. Mrs. Brown claims the book was written as a real event. But the core of the story talks about how the inner battle of good and evil are going on in this world. It talks about how companies, educational systems, governments and elements as these are used to destroy us and cause us to leave the faith. If you do not care about anything I am saying, it is a good book to read none the less. There is another book, "Fast Facts About False Teachings", that is also a very good book to read. I am reading a new book, "Judgment Day", that just came out where it talks about details of governments engaging wrongs against people. Not sure about what to say about it, since I just started reading it. Anyway, I hope I have cleared up the air of the point of my posting. Interestingly, after I had posted my update last night, I read where a grandmother had stabbed her 2-year-old granddaughter so many times; the police could not recognize her human body. Many police officers that have been on the force over 30 years have never seen anything like that before. All of this is madness, and it is the first time in history, that I know. Other people I have interviewed also state this is the first time these kinds of increased crimes have ever been going on. Interestingly, if you research people over 3000 thousand years ago, you will discover they were just as cruel. Again, Jesus said, towards the end, and near His return, the time will be like the time of Noah. If you read in the Bible the details of the people during that time, it is like picking up a daily newspaper today. The similarities are just almost unbelievable. Oh, and for the record, every time I hear or read of some wrongs being done to someone, I am very emotional, and when little children are the victims I do cry. I am man enough to state that here! Where is your voices for those little children? You agreesivally attack my posting because I use Bible references, but yet you do not say anything of the wrongs that has been going on. What about United Way taking millions of money that was donated for those little children in Asia after that Tidal Way hit? Where is your voice for them? My voice is here and other websites like this. I will be there voice, and for the wrongs that has been done to many people like myself. Whenever the manager heard I was a Christian, I could see his anger towards me. At that point, that is when discrimination came into play! But say whatever you wish, I know the truth and the truth will be known. God will give me victory. And every time I remember my little son's eyes, crying at what Wal-Mart was doing to his mommy, and me, I become very upset. I should have never been treated that way! I do not care what any of you post by stating that Wal-Mart was correct in treating me that way. That is wrong! When some people respond to my posting in stating I deserved to be treated that way over something I did not do. And even if I did, that treatment is way out of line! Wal-Mart refused to listen to reason and took me down for a blown-up, made-up, false charge and treated my family and me wickedly. Bottom line, my son was so scared he thought the police were going to shoot his mommy! I remember hearing him ask, "Mommy is the man with the gun going to shoot you?" I also remember, my son coming into the room and asking me why am I handcuffed. Did I do something wrong! He also said, Daddy you always teach me to not do wrong, why are they saying you are doing wrong? SO GET OFF MY BACK!!! Yes, I am emotional about this! Yes, I will continue to highlight my faith in my postings! Yes, I will continue to fight those evil punks all the way to the Supreme Court if I have to. And even if this wicked world does not give me justice, I know Jesus will! So, don't through all this responses back at me telling me I did wrong and deserved the treatment I got. I have seen drug dealers standing on school corners treated much better than I was. I have seen murders treated much better. So, don't come back on me saying I am crazy or insane! I am not, I am mad that is for sure. And God has given me one awesome attorney that is going to tear a new hole in Wal-Mart that is for sure. God has promised me Victory, and when that happens I will post it here. PLUS, it would be one thing if I was the only one that this has happen to, but as I have already stated in other postings, Wal-Mart has done this to hundreds of people! Oh, let me say something else. Wal-Mart is getting ready to be hit with a MAJOR lawsuit. I'm talking about BILLIONS, if not TRILLIONS, in a sex discrimination class action case. Now, are you still thinking God is not angry with this company? Still thinking this company is a "La-La-Goodie" company? If you recall in some of my prior postings, I said, I am a true man of God, and God will punish Wal-Mart what they did to me and others like me. Still wondering if that is going to happen? Still wondering if my words are real or not? You'll see, more will happen, I promise you. There is a major difference between a false-Christian talking "bla-bla", and a true man of God speaking the truth. The Bible says, that what a true man of God says, comes 100% true, then he is a real man of God. So, we will see. Still wondering? Still angry at my words? It is not me you are angry with, it is God you are angry with. Don't get me wrong, I am commanded to forgive, and I have done so. That does not say, I am not to go forward and punish Wal-Mart for the wrongs they have done, in hopes they repent and stop doing wrong to people. Wal-Mart has not asked for forgiveness, matter of fact they want more blood from me. If my case is the tool God is using to stop Wal-Mart and other companies from doing these wrong against people, then so be it. I am not scared of them. I hope and pray I have cleared up my point and you understand what I was trying to say. I am sure if I was talking to you would understand. A message board is good in some areas, but can cause confusion. Face-to-face talking would have cleared many things up. Bye for now... ...


East Carondelet,
It amazes me.......

#625Consumer Comment

Tue, November 01, 2005

It really amazes me when a Christian speaks out on his/her opinion concerning a horrific situation that had taken place with them when they bring religion into it. He has every single right to bring "God" into situation if he is a Christian. Its called Freedom of Speech! Thats not our place to decide whether he is or not. And it is not our place to judge him by his past/present. After all no one has the right to judge him for that is "Gods" place to do so. Not ours! We take religion out of our schools, govt..etc, Then we wonder why our society is the way it is today! Todd... the best advice that I can give you is to "Let Go and Let God". For He will see you thru all of this and the truth will come out out in the end!



#626Consumer Comment

Tue, November 01, 2005

Let me tell you something Todd, I am retired Navy. Been out of the service 3 years now. My husband is currently a Navy Reservist who could be deployed at any minute. Don't you for a minute start to lecture about freedom and where people can go if they don't like your fanatical postings. Are you out there right this minute fighting for those freedoms? Are you over there trying to defend your right to love God the way you do without persecution? And on this.. "Today, you have people in high positions, that make more money than a hundred people in one year, and yet they still lie, cheat, and do wickedness. You have today, leaders of our own governments taking from the poor, and then putting the poor in jail when they try to feed their starving children." Yeah and dear old George W Bush proclaims he's a Christian. Between the war, the cut in state programs for education and single working mothers, food stamps, medical care for our children and elderly...thats wickedness if I ever saw it! So should we assume on that definition of "Christian" you also lie, cheat and do wickedness? I know some really great Christians actually, people who are in touch with their faith but don't feel the need to shove it at me every 5 seconds. What about the Christians who commit every sin during the week to repent on Sunday then go right back out on Monday and do them all again? Why do I get the feeling when you got married it was in your vows for your wife to recite "love, honor and obey"? You talk about how your familys bloodline runs all the way back to whatever...guess what? I have Native American bloodlines. You could say my people were killed off by a bunch of radical Christians from Europe who thought them savages. Almost everyone has some sort of roots to an influential history figure nowadays, find a new argument. And for a little history lesson...do some research on the various printings of the Bible. I found the information and history about King James particularly interesting. A tyrant more then a biblical scholar really. No use throwing Scripture at me either. I was raised to be Catholic til I was about 10, changed over to basic Christianity til I was 16, when my youth pastor was convicted of molesting 8 boys in our youth group. My mother is still Christian and my husband was raised Catholic, I have VERY Catholic inlaws. I made it a point in my teen years to study just about every religion out there. I could quote Bible verses right back at you but that's not who I am. (and I won't tell you what I practice now as you'll just use it to take away any weight this reply might have, not going to give you ammunition) I would think by now this dispute would have been resolved. Can't we just get over it already? Bleh, I had to have been bored to have made it back to posting on this topic.


South Carolina,
Truth Will Be Known... And God Will Bring Me Victory! Here is something else...

#627Author of original report

Tue, November 01, 2005

... Hi Dawn, P, and Everyone else, I felt I needed to give you a thank you for your nice response to my posting. There have been some rather strange and aggressive responses that really have no purpose in my thread, but let them post what they feel. Many of them have tried to curse me and shut me up with insults. But I can tell they have not read my many posting and try to divert the truth of the matter. It is interesting that on this website there are other people who have posted stories like mine and they have many supportive responses. Mine has been attacked because I felt to implement my faith by speaking the "B", "J", "G" and "C" words. A question comes to mind, why does the word "Bible", "Jesus", "God" and "Christian" cause such hatred from some people? What did a true "Christian" or "Jesus" ever do to them? If someone that claimed to be a Christian and hurt them for no reason in anyway, then those people were not a true Christian. Now, a Christian should defend themselves, and the Bible is very clear on that matter. The Bible never teaches that someone can come into a Christian's home and destroy his/her family and not defending his/her home. The teachings of Christ are to not hold a grunge or have hatred towards your enemies. But be humble, that does not teach to lay down and play dead! I will not even waste my energy in responding to them directly, but will respond in the manner I feel God wishes me to. I will also respond to those who are seeking help in this dark world. "Know this, the darkness will not last; the light is getting brighter and soon will destroy the darkness" (Todd, 2005). "It takes a lot of energy for a man to take a stand for what he believes to be right, when so many accuse him of being wrong" (Todd, 2005). "But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb a*s speaking with man's voice forbad the madness of the prophet. These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever. For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage. For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire" (2 Peter 2:16-22) Does anyone understand what this scripture teaches? In this last days of darkness, all should know by now the truth of Jesus Christ, and if they have known and yet rejected, it will be a worse punishment to you than if you never knew of Him. I wonder if I did a test by posting my story again without my reference to my faith, what responses would I get? I cannot and will not deflect my faith and my inner heart from God for anyone! Go ahead and scar me with a "scarlet letter" if you wish, frankly I am glad you do so. I would rather be scar by you, than to deny my Father in Heaven and lose the Kingdom, than be were the wicked would be when Jesus returns. I thank Dawn, P and other people that know what I say about the evils of Wal-Mart and the truth of Jesus. Wal-mart and wicked people like them, have done great wrongs to many people, not just Christians, but many people of many faiths. I feel more wrongs are being done to Christians than any others, because I feel it is during the last hour of this world. And the enemy of God knows it. Please tell me that the crimes that are going on today or the same as years past? Where was it in our country's history that a 6 year old shot another 6 year old? Or a 10 year old shot his parents as they slept? Or a 13 year old murders his parents? Or parents that do unspeakable things to their children? What about all the drug use among children? When I was a youth councilor, I saw and heard things that would bring a tear to anyone that had any feeling in their heart. I saw evil up close when I saw a man strike a pregnant woman down to the ground because she had asked for some money to feed her starving 3 year old! I have seen many children suffer by the hands of liars that claimed to be helping them, and they did nothing more than take advantage of these little children. Or a company wrongfully accuses a person of eating something and throws them in jail! I guess eating in a restaurant is a crime of everyone that eats before paying, and when they go to pay, they are then thrown in jail. Is this proper? Is this the world you want to live in? Has it always been like this? Will it get better or worse? Today, you have people in high positions, that make more money than a hundred people in one year, and yet they still lie, cheat, and do wickedness. You have today, leaders of our own governments taking from the poor, and then putting the poor in jail when they try to feed their starving children. What was a worse crime after hurricane Katrina? The man that stole diapers for his 3-month-old baby, or when the police officer hit him over the head and nearly killed him for looting? What is the worse crime? A man accused of not paying for some small food item, or where managers take something that was already paid for and put it back on the shelf to be resold? Should I continue? What is a real crime, when a young girl is accused of taking some makeup and taken to jail, and the very same police that took that young girl, goes back to a store across the street at a later time, and takes over $20,000 worth of computer products? Or what about a high-ranking justice person has prosecuted many people claimed to have messed with children, and yet this high-ranking person messes with his own two girls at home. These girls become so messed up, they try to kill themselves multiple times! Should I go on? Do you want to hear more? Just turn on your local news and you will be entertained as watching a movie of the large amounts of crimes going on. Have any local shootings? Any drug users? Any rapes? Any crimes at all on your local news? Go to your local library and do some research from the past 20 years and tell me if there has been an increase or not? By the way, check on the historic climb of environmental events too. Explain all these "record breaking" environmental events? Earthquakes, hurricanes, flooding and fires? Is this normal? Then explain why in some areas of our planet, where there are historic buildings that has been untouched by any of these events for thousands of years, all of a sudden destroyed by them in our time? Explain that? There are many people I have quotes from that have told many in all parts of the world, "Nothing Has Ever Happen Like This Before" "I have Never Seen Anything Like This Before" and other statements like this. And these statements are from people that are in their 70's or 90's! So, I am sure they know the past events. I hurt when I see someone in pain or has suffered a great loss. How do you feel, when you see pictures of someone that has loss all they ever had? What about the children of the world. Did you know most events that I had spoken of in this response, most that have suffered are children? Do you care, or just say "I'm glad its not me, and think I'm glad I have my money"! So, don't accuse me that I know not my faith or what I know to be the truth of my faith, I am not mad! It is you that go about like nothing is happening, allow yourselves to live in a "lala-land", a dream of "false-peace" that will never happen. There is only one peace, and that is with the Lord. I have seen many lives turned around because of the Lord and His words. I studied all of the faiths of the world, and even tried some of them, and "ALL" of them are worthless, except "ONE", and that is knowing Jesus and loving Him and Our Heavenly Father. There is one and only one document that explains these events and why. This document recorded a person 2000 years ago, and it is happening just as he said it would. That person was Jesus Christ! And I would like to speak one last thing in hopes the reader understands my perspective in referencing my faith. There has been many times I have heard people ramble on about a football player that scored a special touchdown, these people went on for years talking about that football player. I have even heard people talk about a baseball player that use to point to where he would hit the ball and that ball went exactly where he wanted it to. People have talked about that baseball player for over 40 years! What about people that spoke some words that everybody enjoyed hearing, say a leader? It is a strange thing that some people carry on like they do over what one person did or said, but reject the very words of the Creator's Son! Can man create life from nothing? Every technology we have today was developed from something the Creator already created? Name one thing that someone developed from direct scratch? And something else, lets talk about evolution. Oh I am sure some have their skin turn at thought of what I might begin to say about this word. Makes me wonder why they hate anyone to challenge it, but its okay for them to say all kinds of things against the Bible. He's something that troubles me so, if evolution was fact? (And I was a student of evolution years ago, so don't tell me I know nothing of the theories or it's teachings). (I was one whom use to write the very word, "evolve" in many of my writings). In order for evolution to be fact, as it so teaches, that everything is in the process of evolving, how come we do not see any evidence from the past and present? I have yet to discover any living "half dog/human" living today? It is almost to funny, that all this theories came out of a lizard that swam in a ocean and one that was on the land. Or one bird had a longer physical item than the other. Something that can be easily explained even today. Lets say, is there any humans that have a bigger lip than another? Or skin colors vary? What is the cause of this? Do you know? Is it some form of evolution? No, it is not! It has been well proven that mutations are the cause of genes, and can be easily seen in various race-partners that produce a child together. The child will reflect various elements of the parents. If evolution was fact, the child would have formed into a new creature or something other than the parents. Does this happen? From a biological perspective, does this happen? Can you tell if the child is anything than a human? Is the blood the same, is the DNA the same? Did the child begin to form into something other than human? Lets talk about findings of human remains thousands of years ago? Any change from today? Matter of fact they traced one of the DNA traces from a human remain of someone thousands of years ago to a actual living person! There was no change! Both DNA structures were human and could easily be recognized as human. Okay, I think I have proved my point. My perspective is this. I feel very strongly that God is real. That Jesus is real. And God inspired the very words in the Bible. With that said, you will understand that all my writings will reflect my strong belief in one-way or another. I do not attack anyone, unless I am defending my faith or myself. I do not go out to hurt anyone. Let me explain if I may. Last year I found a young man digging in a garbage can. He must have been in his mid-twenties. He asked me for some money to buy some food. I did better than that, I went out, yes to Wal-Mart, the very one that arrested me. (Keep in mind this was before the arrest). I bought the young man a pair of shoes, lots of food and some other personal items he needed. Plus, I gave him an extra $200. He kept thinking me and even began shouting to everyone in the store that I was a good Christian man. That I was the only one to ever help him in this manner. Then he cursed all of those that would never help him. Do you think this is the end of the story? Do you think I am just telling you this to have some form of twisted entertainment? I can tell you, I can find much better things to do than to write to you my troubles. But God has called me to do His work. Anyway, I told the young man if he needed anymore help to give me a call. To make a long story short, I tried to help him many times. Until I discovered he was using me and lying to me, that what ever money I could get for him was going towards drugs! Now, what would you do? You went out of your way to help someone, and discovered they were abusing your very kindness? Would you call the police? Have them arrested? It was in my right to do so. And I could have had the judge make him repay me every dime. No, I prayed for guidance and the Lord directed me to speak my peace about it and let him go, for God will deal with the young man. That's the difference between a righteous man and a wicked man. A wicked man does not care about anyone else or what happens to him or her, they just want to crush whom ever they can. But a righteous person will go out of their way to discover the truth and then pray about what to do. And many times, God may call the righteous to fight, speak, listen or walk away. My purpose in this posting and the many updates I have done is not directly about me. It is not some formation of twisted elusion. It is about all the wrongs that are being done to others and me like me. It is about the prophecy that was spoken of 2000 years ago. It is about, the sparking of the light, to engulf the darkness. To open the eyes of the blind that wish to see. Not all will want to see. Not all will want to shine with the light, they will return back to the darkness. See, this is not about some small little nobody in South Carolina. I do not even put my full name of these postings. It is about the larger battle going on, between light and dark. Good and evil. Have you noticed, that for the second time in two years in a row, that Mars, has been the closes in 60,000 years! Did you know Mars is referred to as the planet of WAR? Did you know the war has never ended between satan and God? It will continue until Jesus returns. Something kind of funny. Even the demons respected the position of Jesus when they begged Him not to torment them before the time. And Jesus gave them permission to go into the swine (pigs). What "before the time" were they referring to? Or do you know the meaning of swine? It is stating that the devils have an open market to take over anyone that is unclean, like swine! And the "before the time" is referring to the Latter Day, Judgment Day, Great Day of the Lord, Jesus return! (Mark 5 and Luke 8). Do you know about the increase in satan worship and demonic possession lately? Need I mention "Harry Potter"? Take a count of how many movies and television programs has been broadcasted within this past year concerning the cult? Do you know? 2, 5, 10, 20? How many of those have very detailed and bloody scenes, of crushing bones, and other unspeakable things visually projected on the screen. And yet one movie, actually there were two, "The Passion" and the "Gospel According to John", had so much attention as being described as a horrible and violent movie. And what is even more strange is during the showing of these two movies, there were 3 very dramatically horror movies showing people being eaten, bloodied, and all kinds of terrorable things being shown. So we come back to my earlier question. Why is it whenever someone uses a reference to the "B", "J", "G" and "C" words, that some want to call the writer "mad", "out of his mind", "need help" and so forth. But, you have publicly broadcasted references to satan, demons, bloodbaths and other things, and yet these same people say nothing against that. This I do not understand. Please be so kind to bring me understanding to this that troubles me so. Why? Why? Why? Actually I know why. Do you want to know why? One of the reasons I found myself reading the Bible so much, is it had so many answers to many of my questions, if you just searched for it. I will not post my answer here, until I read some others if they dare answer the question, why they always attack someone that refers to God, Jesus, Bible, or Christ. And yet, they say nothing to the evil things being publicly produced. Please answer this if you dare. I rest my case until then. Good night all. May God bless those who know Him, and hopefully those that refuse Him will learn that He has blessed you with your most valuable asset, your life! Thank about it. :P ...


Need My Personal Info,
God Loves you, Todd

#628Consumer Comment

Mon, October 31, 2005

Everyone else thinks you're a jack*ss. I was especially amused when you fired back when someone else quoted scripture at you, because Satan knows the scriptures and can quote them to his own ends. Very smart - YOU can use the bible to defend yourself, and if anyone else uses it to attack you, they're the DEVIL. You will win every argument, because by definition you cannot lose. You are the right hand of God, and everyone else is a heathen, satanist, liberal demon. I just hope you realize someday you live in the real world, and have to deal with real people who don't give a d**n that you're a righteous christian soldier who's being martyred by the evil forces of Wal-mart. You scare me, Todd. I think you might be mentally ill. Please get some help, and stop taking it all so seriously. God doesn't want that for you.


And to think I quit Walmart Over the Kitty

#629Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 29, 2005

Wow! I guess I quit going to Walmart for the wrong reasons. When CNN reported last January that the manager at the Evensville Indiana store had 2 of his employees go to the sporting goods department, get a gun, and shoot and kill a lost kitty that wound up in the store I vowed never to step foot in another Walmart. I never have nor will I ever again. I guess my reason for staying away is kind of shallow compared to everyone else's. For the sake of the conversation I would like to think the poor little kitty went to heaven, and the manager with his 2 employees are headed in the opposite direction.


Arthur City,
Think before you speak and read before you respond!

#630Consumer Comment

Sat, October 29, 2005

In response to Todd... I would first like to point out that you got your facts wrong before you "went off" on me. I am not Cheryl who made the "Gawd" comment, my name is Carolyn and this was my FIRST time posting. Secondly, I absolutely agree wholeheartedly that this website is very needed and also hope that it will remain. It is part of our very nature to sound out against those who have wronged us, and our nation was built on that in part. If you take the time once again to re-read my response you will see that I work FOR a company and was hoping to use this website as a tool to help better my personal service to my clients; I however, only HOPED that it would be used more civilly and wisely, and less for personal attacks and religious comments, if you were wronged by a religious organization or were persecuted for your religion... as opposed to your actions... I would welcome your comments in the threads, I do not however see how you are trying to help or better any one else's situation by "ranting" about your beliefs? I have re read your original posting carefully, and many times, and no where in it does it say that ANYONE... on that day... in that Wal-Mart store... in any way... suggested... said... insinuated, or implied... that they were questioning you or arresting you for your religious beliefs. But did for your actions. I would like to point out though that in no time during your rebuttal to my response did you address the wrongdoing of your actions in that Wal-Mart store, nor did you address my point that you DO in fact personally attack people that are also expressing their opinion. For one who preaches about Rosa Parks (that is the name of the little old lady on the bus by the way I think she earned the respect to be called by name) and the late great Dr Martin Luther King, you should be as open to the opinion they express as you feel others should be of yours... As an aside... I refuse to dignify the comparison that you make of your self to Dr King, I think you put these things in solely for provocation to incite others for your own amusement) I am sorry for the stress this situation has caused you, I am sorry for any your family has suffered, as I am sorry for any who have suffered anywhere. I feel though that you are picking at an open wound and will never begin to heal yourself by continuing these rants! (That is what they are by the way... RANTS not constructive postings to help yourself or others) I would also like to point out that there are several chat rooms and other websites that were designed specifically for people who need others to hear their thoughts on religion, theories, conspiracies and so forth... you may want to check them out. You know we don't all have to agree, as long as we are mature and open enough to respect each other's opinions. It seems to me that, that is a lesson that has also been preached for a very long time... I will not be posting on this thread as I feel it is a waste of my time and the time of those who read it, it is neither constructive nor helpful. I hope, however Todd that you will put all this energy instead, into filing your claim, accepting its results, and healing your self and seeing all to it's Fruition... Good Luck!


Todd and Dawn are religious zealots

#631Consumer Comment

Fri, October 28, 2005

Todd, Your Statement: "Doesn't your statements violate your very words? Because you took the time to write and post your statement to my posting. Plus it was a two-parter at that." No she is not violating her words. She is stating facts, something you and Dawn have a hard time comprehending. What Wal*Mart does as a business, it has nothing to do with religion. What they do to protect their business, it has nothing to do with religion. simple fact is that you stole food, ate it, and didn't pay for it. You got arrested for doing so, and it was within WalMart's right to do so. And you again, bring instances of other "things" and situations that HAVE nothing to do with the crime you committed. You were wrong in all counts yet you think you are the victim. YOU really need to grow up. Dawn: Your statement: For the idiot that said God has nothing to do with Walmart,you are truly in denial take a look around you and say that again. As a so called "filthy GOD hating Liberal", even I know that GOD has everything to do with everything. You must be one of the people trying to take GOD out the Pledge of Allegiance. Shows exactly why your ilk have put America behind the times. God has nothing to do with my life ( THANKFUL FOR THAT ), and it sure has HELL doesn't have to do with everything. Sorry, that Buddhist temple I visit often, there is no mention of God there. Thank goodness.


Overland Park,
I am so tired of people like you who use religious beliefs to exclude yourselves or excuse your behaviors.

#632Consumer Comment

Fri, October 28, 2005

I am a Christian? I am so tired of people like you who use religious beliefs to exclude yourselves or excuse your behaviors. You think that your declaration of being " Christian" erases or excuses you of any and all accusations wheather they be accurate or not. Give me a break! Some of the biggest lawbreakers, rapist, liars and crooks sit in prison as we speak and claim to be such devout Christians.Your claims of being Christian have nothing to do with the Law and is not a "get out of jail free card"


South Carolina,
South Carolina,
You are right

#633Consumer Comment

Fri, October 28, 2005

Todd, I visted the Wal-mart on Harbison last night after leaving that Lowes out your way and let me tell everyone out there Todd is not lying, this store is off the chain. Todd if I ever return to Wal-mart it will not on Harbison, I will stick to the one on Two Notch.


Ok, I have decided to say something

#634Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 28, 2005

To Todd, It sounds like Walmart went off the deep end. I see people in Walmart in my town do this all the time and I have not seen anyone hauled off in cuffs. The cops were way out of line talking to your wife like that. My father is a pastor and he doesnt believe in lawsuits but thats where he and his daughter(me)tend to differ. Turning the other cheek isnt part of my mantra. You have the right to convey your religious beliefs. I dont think you are hiding behind them to make your point honestly. I hope you find some closure to what happened to you. No one deserves to be humiliated like that. I have seen them treat murderers with better dignity than that. For the idiot that said God has nothing to do with Walmart,you are truly in denial take a look around you and say that again. As a so called "filthy GOD hating Liberal", even I know that GOD has everything to do with everything. You must be one of the people trying to take GOD out the Pledge of Allegiance.


Ok, I have decided to say something

#635Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 28, 2005

To Todd, It sounds like Walmart went off the deep end. I see people in Walmart in my town do this all the time and I have not seen anyone hauled off in cuffs. The cops were way out of line talking to your wife like that. My father is a pastor and he doesnt believe in lawsuits but thats where he and his daughter(me)tend to differ. Turning the other cheek isnt part of my mantra. You have the right to convey your religious beliefs. I dont think you are hiding behind them to make your point honestly. I hope you find some closure to what happened to you. No one deserves to be humiliated like that. I have seen them treat murderers with better dignity than that. For the idiot that said God has nothing to do with Walmart,you are truly in denial take a look around you and say that again. As a so called "filthy GOD hating Liberal", even I know that GOD has everything to do with everything. You must be one of the people trying to take GOD out the Pledge of Allegiance.


Ok, I have decided to say something

#636Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 28, 2005

To Todd, It sounds like Walmart went off the deep end. I see people in Walmart in my town do this all the time and I have not seen anyone hauled off in cuffs. The cops were way out of line talking to your wife like that. My father is a pastor and he doesnt believe in lawsuits but thats where he and his daughter(me)tend to differ. Turning the other cheek isnt part of my mantra. You have the right to convey your religious beliefs. I dont think you are hiding behind them to make your point honestly. I hope you find some closure to what happened to you. No one deserves to be humiliated like that. I have seen them treat murderers with better dignity than that. For the idiot that said God has nothing to do with Walmart,you are truly in denial take a look around you and say that again. As a so called "filthy GOD hating Liberal", even I know that GOD has everything to do with everything. You must be one of the people trying to take GOD out the Pledge of Allegiance.


South Carolina,
Response to Carolyn: Your Posting Is...

#637Author of original report

Fri, October 28, 2005

... Carolyn, Your statement: "I hope that everyone when reading this will maybe think again before using this as a platform to express their religious beliefs and theories and will refrain from attacking others, morals opinions and or character and use this for what it was intended... " And your prior statement: "Personally the whole GOD WILL SAVE US AND CONDEMN OTHERS is a bit off the wall. gawd has nothing to do with Walmart" Doesn't your statements violate your very words? Because you took the time to write and post your statement to my posting. Plus it was a two-parter at that. As you said you are a smaller company than Wal-Mart and customers have filed complaints against your company. A customer has the right to post whatever they feel. Some may go off into other subject matters as they are very upset with the poor-treatment and lack of customer service. But does that rank as logic to erase what happen to them? No, it does not. What makes you mad and companies like Wal-Mart, is that customers are finding public broadcasting elements on the internet, that allow them to freely express the poor treatment. And this causes a large movement of customers to begin to take action, either boycotting or filing lawsuits against those companies. That is why you and other companies try to pump all this "hate-remarks" against a poster, so in order to try and silence them. But you just do not get it. Customers that post, will not be silent! I often wonder if the internet was available during the 1960's what kind of postings would be there. I am sure that little lady that refused to move from her seat on the bus, for that racist young man, would be all over the postings. Do you think they would have the right to express themselves? Did you know the very rights of race was first recorded in the Bible? I guess not. What about Martin Luther King, Jr. Do you think he would post on this website if he could? Do you think he would reference the Bible? Have you ever read his "I Had A Dream"? If you read it, and know the Bible, you will know he references much of his speaking from Bible teachings. Should I continue? Let's say this website was around back in the 1600's or 1700's, what kind of postings do you think you would read? Would customers express themselves with Bible references or just do nothing like you would prefer? Did you know Rhode Island was the first state to pass a law making slavery illegal? Why do you think they did that? Do you think people that were treated as slaves would post here and make Biblical references? What if the children that are trapped in the slave markets in Asia, that are operated by Wal-Mart and other large companies, do you think they would post here? Do you think they would make any references to the Bible, if they knew what the Bible taught? The fact of the matter is, I started this thread, I should have the right to post what I wish. My posting and the threads to that posting are related. They either go into discussions of my faith, or to what happen to me at Wal-Mart. Some responses are bad and some are good. But to make your statement, does not matter, people will still post what they wish, how they wish and when they wish. And I hope and pray the man that started this website and others like it, keep the window open where customers can inform others how companies treat them. Because I am 100% sure, if I walked up to your company, there is no notice of a customer being done wrong there, would it be? I rest my case, concerning your response. ...


Arthur City,
I am Amazed...Shocked...appalled, and have been thoroughly entertained...

#638Consumer Comment

Fri, October 28, 2005

Wow what a mess this has all become... A word to Todd the originator of this diatribe of dribble and all his many supporters and his opposition as well... This website was designed to act as a sounding board for those who feel they have been wronged in some way by a company or business, and would like to inform others of it. The responses and rebuttals were made available for not only other Consumers to sound out about a way to help or suggestions on solutions, but, for the business or company itself to respond. That being said I have been amazed at the time, energy, and ridiculous babble I have just read. I work for another company that is notably smaller than Wal- Mart and have seen postings made against my company. I researched these postings to see if I could in any way provide better service to my customers. Upon reading postings against my company I was amazed at the absolute lunacy of some of our customers... having seen this I wondered if these are being written against our "tiny" company what must huge companies such as Wal-Mart have? Well Much to my Surprise. Please everyone involved here... take that energy and put it to better use... For the record I stand on this side of this issue... Todd; No matter how you were treated you reacted to that treatment badly, Regardless of law, store policy, common practice, morality, religious standing and beliefs, the good or bad day that the manager, policeman, cashier might of had... Blah blah blah... the fact remains. An item that has been produced for purchase by a consumer belongs to the retailer until it is paid for in full. If a person consumes(eats) this item before paying for it they have taken something that does not belong to them, and that person cannot under any stretch of the imagination have any possible hope of returning that item in its original condition, and are knowingly destroying that item by eating it, so you sir took what did not belong to you and destoyed it!!! If I take something and destroy it and then go the checkout and pay for it I have still done wrong. By any law, policy, or moral code, because I destroyed something that DOES NOT BELONG TO ME!! I hope that everyone when reading this will maybe think again before using this as a platform to express their religious beliefs and theories and will refrain from attacking others, morals opinions and or character and use this for what it was intended... a way for other consumers to research a business and the practices and complaints and defend or agree with that business or complaint in a normal civil and adult manner... So...thanks for the entertainment and no thanks for the longwinded and ridiculous thread that precedes this statement.


South Carolina,
Just Have To Smile At These Latest Responses... Here Some More Truth In The Matter...

#639Author of original report

Fri, October 28, 2005

Well, well, aren't there many Truth-haters out there! But I see a few who understand my postings and know the truth of the matter. Let me clear something up with those who keep responding to my post and discriminating against me because of my faith. "Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?" (II Corinthians 13:5, KJV) FIRST: This is my posting and I have the freedom in this country that my family throughout the ages have fought and bleed blood for that freedom. So, if you do not like my post, then go elsewhere. If you do not like the freedom of this country move elsewhere. If you know you will loose that freedom in another country and decide to live in this country, then mind your own business and let me post what I wish on my own posting. In fact, you cannot stop me from posting what I wish, anyway. So your words of trying to silence me are in vain and do not matter. Therefore, I will continue and you can just go fizzle somewhere else. Period! "Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened" (Romans 1:21, KJV). "But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men" (Matthew 15:9, KJV). SECOND: As I have posted many times, my faith is part of me and I often speak in the formation because it is who I am. Again, if you do not like it, then surf somewhere else. THIRD: I speak the truth that Wal-Mart did me wickedly, and I know God will punish them for their wickedness against a true man of God. "For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth" (II Corinthians 13:8, KJV) 1. Wal-Mart falsely accused me! 2. Wal-Mart refused the truth and tampered with the facts! 3. Wal-Mart falsely punished me for no reason! 4. Wal-Mart threatens my wife and children! 5. Wal-Mart refuses to listen to reason and continues to attempt to destroy my life! 6. Wal-Mart is full of greed and therefore has blinded themselves to the truth. 7. Wal-Mart will be punished for their wickedness, if they do not repent and correct the evils; they have done to others and me. FORTH: It is crystal clear that I was wronged by Wal-Mart, I can tell some of you have not read my postings, or otherwise you would see the truth of the matter. A few of my postings I made a prophecy that Wal-Mart would begin being punished for their wickedness against true people of God. "Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompense; he will come and save you" (Isaiah 35:4) "To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn" (Isaiah 61:2). "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord" (Romans 12:19). Please read over just a few of today's new paper reports: 1. Wal-Mart critics take cause to church (Oct 27, 2005) Wal-Mart's critics, opening a new front in their war on the retail goliath, are borrowing from actor-director Mel Gibson's promotional playbook. Producers of a new documentary, Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price, will show it at about 1,000 churches, synagogues and religious sites nationwide on Nov. 13. www.usatoday.com/money/industries/retail/2005-10-26-wal-mart-f... 2. Wal-Mart memo sparks criticism (Oct 27, 2005) Wal-Mart's effort this week to improve its public relations by offering new health insurance options for its workers took a hit Wednesday with the release of an internal memo recommending the company consider changes that would "dissuade unhealthy people from coming to work at Wal-Mart." www.usatoday.com/money/companies/management/2005-10-26-wal-mar... 3. Wal-Mart calls for higher minimum wage Oct 25, 2005 Wal-Mart Stores, under attack from critics including labor groups and environmentalists, has called on Congress to raise the minimum wage, and has vowed to cut energy usage, reduce waste and offer lower-price health care to employees. www.usatoday.com/money/industries/retail/2005-10-25-walmart_x.... Need I say more? For the time would extend into the late hour if I was to continue describing and providing the facts, that the wrath God is beginning to bring against the wicked. Not just Wal-Mart, but all the others that do wickedness against His people. I will stop for now, and I will post my update when God brings me victory, in which He will. I want to thank those who know I speak the truth and have supported me in this situation. That has been a great help. I know Jesus is on His way to return, and we must do our part in witnessing the "good-news". I pray you all see the LIGHT, and live in the LIGHT, Bless you all brother and sisters of the living FATHER...



#640Consumer Comment

Thu, October 27, 2005

Personally the whole GOD WILL SAVE US AND CONDEMN OTHERS is a bit off the wall. gawd has nothing to do with Walmart.


Remember when Christians burned people at the stake?

#641Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 24, 2005

Don't we all remember when Christians burned people at the stake during the inquisitions? They all thought they were doing the right thing. Stop playing the God card and deal with the hear and now. God doesn't show up in court, nor can anyone supoena him/her/it anyway. I watched that "wife swap" show on TV and I can tell you I saw one HUGE a*s fat woman on TV screaming Christianity things at everyone about...and she was completely INSANE and possibly psychotic to boot. Being Christian doesn't mean you get special treatment. So you did or didn't do it...maybe your kid ate a candy bar when you weren't looking...that happens all the time. I would suggest if you believe in God to try to get him to be a witness for you in court to prove you are innocent. Good luck....'cause the rest of us are sick of people using the God card.


Leave religion out of it

#642Consumer Comment

Mon, October 24, 2005

Todd I have friends who work at the county jail, I also have friends who work in retail. I know about people being detained for things they may or may not have done. I also know about people with disabilities being discriminated against (its happened to my mom) for a company to get their money. But one point that has been made...while your history is decent, and the court system was based on the "divine laws", now that doesn't hold up anymore. The courts are not going to hear your argument of being a Christian and that's not going to give you any merit whatsoever when it comes to convincing a judge or jury. They're gonna look at facts. I don't know what the truth is nor do I really care. Its frustrating to me as a person to come here and try and read reports and spend an hour reading Scripture instead. I'm glad your strong in your faith and while I know all about your supposed to spread the word and work of God to others, some of us really would rather do without. As someone whose studied many religions in depth I've found they're essentially the same, don't steal, don't kill, what you do to others can come back at you, etc. If your gonna put religion into your case, do it in your own heart and mind, spouting it in a courtroom is going to get you thrown back in jail for contempt because its irrelevant to your case and spouting it here is just going to get people attacking you. And for the record, I'm a parent to 2 children under age 6, I've asked the people at Walmart if its okay to open an box of crackers to give some to my fussing 1 year old and they've been okay with it. It may be against store policy but it does happen. I shop at Walmart because paying $4.39 for my body wash instead of $5.99 at Meijer is a better deal. Here in the metro Detroit suburbs there are very few "mom and pop" stores so I shop the major chains, and being on a limited budget I shop where its cheapest.


Todd.....do you have a mental disability

#643Consumer Comment

Mon, October 24, 2005

I don't think Wal-Mart cares about your religious beliefs. In fact, back when I shopped at WalMart (YEARS AGO) I saw nothing in the religion sections OTHER than Christian stuff and they refused to carry Kosher food. Did I file a complaint that I was discriminated against because I was Jewish? Ummm..no. I just looked elsewhere. I read your original post and subsequent posts, and it is fairly obvious that you have some sort of mental illness. You may need to seek treatment or get your medication adjusted. Also, if you are on disability (AKA living off my dime) why are you having children? If you can't work to support yourself, how can you raise children? If you have a mental illness (and I am on anti-depressants, so I am NOT being judgemental about that...but I work full time) and are not being treated, your children might be at risk from you. PLEASE GET TREATMENT.


Los Angeles,
Common Sense (a rare commodity)

#644Consumer Suggestion

Sat, September 24, 2005

I understand that there are stores, such as this Wal-Mart, where you may eat food from their in-house deli and are expected to pay for it at the cashier when you exit. I've never been in such a place but I "get it" when it is explained to me, as some commentators here seem _not_ to understand. They mentioned eating "in the aisles" which is not what you are talking about, apparently. I assume you are talking about a quasi-food court sort of arrangement where you actually _sit down_ and eat your food, then pay via the cashier when you exit. And that the company _wants_ customers to do it this way -- that it's not just some accomodation they made just for you (as some here seem to think.) Fine. Personally, I think this is a dumb and unpleasant way to do business. The idea of having customers carry their messy old food wrappers around the store with them, and having to hand them to a cashier who then has to laser-scan these messy used food wrappers strikes me as demeaning to all parties involved. Why not hand customers a computer print-out of what they've eaten from the deli, and let them hand the print-out to the cashier? That would be a lot cleaner and less prone to abuse. But I'm not getting paid by Wal-Mart to come up with ideas to improve their business, and I don't care that much. The thought of actually _eating_ (let's call it "feeding") inside a Wal-Mart is even more nauseating to me than the thought of shopping at one. Now, let's talk about the laser-scanning issue which seems to be Todd's problem. "Let's go talk to the cashier," you said, as if that would "clear up" the problem. It would not. See, if the cashier only knows what you've eaten by the messy used wrappers (yuck) you hand to her, and she diligently laser-scans those into the register, that WILL NOT clear anything up if a customer LOSES one or more of the wrappers. Say, by accidentally dropping them in a wastebasket. (I'm not saying Todd did this, I'm just speculating as to what SOMEONE could do.) If one or more of the used food wrappers is missing, it doesn't matter how diligent and accurately the cashier has done her job. There will STILL be something missing, and it WON'T show up on the register tape, and she CAN'T "clear it up." She doesn't know! Maybe that's why the manager refused to go to the cashier to "clear it up." Again, I think this is why this is a dumb system on the part of Wal-Mart. It's way too easy to lose some of those messy, used food wrappers on the way to the cashier, given the hugeness of the store. But it's not the cashier's fault. Another thing: Todd seemed _too_ concerned that the cashier had scanned everything. He makes a point of having her confirm _twice_ that she scanned everything he handed her. What is the need to do this, when you are STANDING RIGHT THERE practically in front of her, and can SEE everything that she's doing? You handed her the items yourself. Either you saw her scan them or you didn't. I understand that you said you didn't have time to read the print-out because you were in a hurry. But you had to be standing right there while she actually did the laser-scanning. I'm NOT accusing you personally of anything (since I wasn't there) but writing your report like this gives the impression, maybe unintentionally, that you were trying to create an "alibi" by having the cashier take the possible blame. Thus your insistence that the manager "clear it up" with the cashier. But based on what I wrote above about potential "lost" food wrappers (i.e. used wrappers that MAY have been ACCIDENTALLY discarded before you got to the cashier), even if the cashier did everything 100% right, and scanned everything you _gave_ her, there could be missing wrappers of eaten food and she would never have known about it. That would NOT be her fault. Confirming "twice" that the cashier had scanned everything you _gave her_ would be meaningless, in this case. That would also explain why the manager showed you wrappers from the trashcan. Now, you could reasonably argue that those wrappers were not yours, and that may be true. They'd have to prove those were your discarded wrappers that you failed (accidentally) to hand over to the cashier. But you didn't mention that in your report. It's still a yucky way to run a "restaurant," and I will avoid consuming food-related items (I won't dignify it by calling it "dining") at this facility myself.


Yes Patrick I do have a "civil side".

#645Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 23, 2005

Patrick; I do care about people. However Patrick, how would you like it if someone came to your work & badgered you "just for fun"? Not like they had an interest or anything. Just because they wanted to cause trouble? How would you like it if I sent other people to "other thread(s)" that you had commented on & tried to make a fool of you? What would you think about me? Would you think I was just "misguided"? Would you feel sympathy for me? Even if I pointed out your "spelling mistakes" & prompted your Employer to get rid of you? Keep on going in your direction Patrick & you will be labled more as a fool. However for this thread, I respect you & your honest posts, that in this case. Make sense. In that way I show that I am "above people" like you who do go to peoples workplaces & badger them. I not only respond "civily", but I need to repeat my civil explanation "over & over" as the person attacking thinks he can get "one up on me" by bringing up "old arguements", already dealt with, because he has no "new ones". Yes Patrick I can be civil. I also can stay on subject for the "most part". I am sure Todd understands everything now. I am glad he had a place to vent & I hope my last post made him laugh. Only for the good of others I write.


New Tech

#646Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 23, 2005

I don't know if it has hit your town or city yet, but in case it has not, here is the store of the future. They are already operating in many Major Cities, grocery stores that is. No checkout tellers! That's right none! You take your stuff to a machine. The only people employed are "stock people" & security to monitor your every move. You take your stuff to the machine & you scan it yourself. Then the machine gives you the total & you deposit money, or card. The machine gives you change & prints out a receipt. You bag your stuff & they might hire someone to carry your stuff to the car for you. So these things are being phased out! Ah hah... the future! Now all they need to do is insert that "micro chip" inside of your body when born & you won't even need the machine to make change. They will scan you! Good or bad thing? Lowers prices. Eliminates Jobs. As Walmart has proven, people generally care more about prices than jobs, so it will probably go over just fine. So Todd... if this was 2025, you would not even have an issue here. If you left the store without being scanned, stomach & all, a robot cop would show up & beam you directly into jail, processing all your paperwork as you went. Push one button for Guilty & button #2 if you would rather wait for trial. ***beep you selected wait for trial*** Waiting time for trial is presently ****beep 3 weeks 5 days***. Please press "ok" to confirm your request or cancel to go back to "main menu". Your wife will be contacted electronically & will be informed of your whereabouts. A job check will let your employer know as well. Social Services will be sent your present "rap sheet" & they will make a decision on whether to "pick up your kids" & put them in a foster home until you comply with Edict 442a of the (cc#326) code of the Parenting act for your State. ***beep*** my puter time is up. :O)


I can only give you my "personal perspective"

#647Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 23, 2005

Todd & Patrick & anyone else reading this thread; For years I was turned away & "turned off" by religeon & the hipprocrates I saw. At one time in my life I went searching for my children which had been hidden from me since my Divorce. I was feeling "so much pain" & very exasperated in my hunt. Everywhere I went, I hit a "brick wall". Finally, at "last resort"... I prayed. The prayer went something like this: Dear God or Jesus or whoever you are; I wish I could believe in you & I wish I could ask for your help. I am so troubled right now trying to find my children. I just don't believe in those hipprocrates that say they are religeous! They sit in their Churches & they Judge Everyone! They tell me to be a Christian, I can't smoke or drink or swear or do anything that seems normal to me. They want me to "dress right & walk right & talk right" & God I just don't believe in them. I do not want to join a Church. Please God if you can help me... please do it! Well, I don't care what anybody says, cause some words came into my head & I did not put them there. I even asked "what"? & the words were repeated. These are the words: Jesus Christ never preached a Church! Well I was amazed! Definately against everything I had ever been taught! So I grabbed a Bible & I began to highlight everything I could find in it that Jesus Christ ever said. Then I compared the books. I took from them the highlights that were in agreement with eachother from Mathew, Mark & Luke. I have a problem with John & I am not going to put that here. Anyway, guess what? Jesus Christ never did preach a Church! As a matter of fact he hated the Churches of the day which were Synagogues of his time. He actually made a "big stink" in them & preached on the Sabbath, which was illegal at the time. He called some of them hipprocrates & pharohcies! He made a "big deal" to make sure no one followed him in that way. More I found out that even though Jesus gave us the "Lords Prayer", the Churches had changed it. They changed Jesus words! How dare they!. The Lords Prayer is written the same way in Mathew & in Luke. He told people how to pray in the "preface to the Lords Prayer" Mathew 6 & backed up by Luke! So I became enraged! How dare they change Jesus words! How many Churches are doing this? I went from Church to Church asking them to recite the "Lords Prayer". None of them said it correctly. All reading from the "same Bible". Then I figured out why they changed it. It was over money. As usual. Something Jesus was not into. I have spent some time makeing this known in the past. I even have asked the question "How can you be a Christian & go to a Church?" I like getting a rise out of some people sometimes. :O) So in the end I am not religeous, I don't go to a Church. I am open to Jesus being even an alien. I am open to science. I am open to everything, but I also call myself a Christian because I believe in what Jesus said & I try to follow his words. I don't believe you can be a Christian if you do not follow his words & I see a lot of people calling themselves Christian, that definately don't, but they go to a Church. Jesus has something to say about that! Stop it! If you Judge people, you are "NOT" Christian! Now I am guilty of Judgeing people, from time to time, as old habits are hard to break. However if the main point in your Church is to do "exactly that", it is not Christian & it has "no right" calling itself as such! Jesus said in the "preface" that when you pray, go into your closet & "Shut The Door" & pray to thy Father which is in "private". Not for you to make a spectical of yourself with. Do ya hear me Billy Graham? Oral Roberts? Jack Van Impe? Huh? You money rakers!


Wow. civil side

#648Consumer Comment

Fri, September 23, 2005

Wow, The civil side of James. Will miracles (no pun intended, of course) never cease! It's nice to know that others may think the same way as I do. The one thing a I can say for sure though, is that I don't know for sure. I don't think any of us really does, not matter what they "think". But alas, this is not a report about religions or belief systems, but rather about the actions of Wal-Mart against an individual. Who's to say for sure if all of the foods items were properly paid for, but I still think the policy of non-consumption before purchase is the best policy. Unfortunately, my wife does not feel that way, and I get angry with her whenever we are shopping, and our 4-year old whines for a snack only because she sees it, not because she is hungry, and my wife happily opens the package to appease her. Oh well, whatever it takes to maintain a happy marriage (lol).



#649Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 23, 2005

Dear Patrick; I am not going to use it against you, as I do think the idea has merit. It is more than possible you are absolutely correct. & Todd... well thanks for the reply


Thank you too Todd

#650Consumer Comment

Fri, September 23, 2005

When you aren't into one of your "Thumper" rants, your posts can be very lucid and informative. Thank you, from another Atheist(religion code #75 in the USMC).


South Carolina,
Interesting Perspective... James...

#651Author of original report

Fri, September 23, 2005

I was going to make a nice posting for Adolf, and most likely still will. I like the fact he has put some thought behind his posting. I have some very good research he maybe interested in. When I started my research on searching for the truth I conducted many experiments. I will post some of them at a later time. I know some have read way over what I have been posting and did not see what I was saying for the trees blinding them. But as I have said before, I enjoy reading people of educated responses. Those that quickly post some kind of a personal attack just because they hate the "J", "G", or "B" word is just blowing smoke. I did want to say; I enjoyed reading your perspective. I would say, Book of John is a very good read, it is full of the love. I call Book of John the "Loverboy" of the Bible. Luke is more of a historical and detailed writer. And they are just now discovering many of his details of events, people and historic places are becoming true evidence. And if you look at the dates when the books were written, you can see that most of them were just 30 or so years after the event. That would make most of the writers in their 60-70 age. This is one thing that use to stand out in my mind during my research. I do have one other thing to add to Adolf, since he talked about logic, in which I like to talk about also, is read what one of the most effective logic researcher wrote: "Good scientific method is based on the idea of reproducible evidence. In other words, it is better to do an experiment yourself rather than rely on the say-so of someone else who has done it and claimed certain results" (Douglas N. Walton, Informal Logic, 1989, p.174-175). Walton also writes: "It might be that nobody has ever disproved the existence of God, but it does not follow that it is impossible to prove it" (Douglas N. Walton, Informal Logic, 1989, p.44). As I have said before, I enjoy educated postings. Thank you for your postings.


Response to James.

#652Consumer Comment

Thu, September 22, 2005

James, First, I will also say that I am a stout atheist. And I just want to comment on your post, and give everyone "something else" to think about too. For the sake of argument, we'll both agree that Jesus did indeed walk the earth 2000 years ago. And his time on earth was chronicled in part by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. How do we know Jesus was who he said he was? Anyone can say they are the son of God. And how do we even know that God exists for that matter? Now, you may call me crazy (what else is new), but here is one possibility that I have considered over the years. Jesus was an alien. That's right, I said it, an alien. Now bear with me. Over 2000 years ago, how technologically advanced was the human race? Technology was practically non-existent at that time. So then you have a virgin women who was empregnated supposedly by God (depending on which religion you subscribe to), and brought forth the son of God. Anything that could not be readily explained (virgin birth, feeding the masses, etc) was generally labeled a "miracle". What if they are not miracles, but just occurances that are beyond our understanding? I say she was artificially inseminated by an alien race that was on earth to study the human culture. They created a "savior" to see what affect that would have on the world population of the time. Or, maybe they had decided we were headed downhill too quickly, and stepped in to save us from ourselves. I know, I know. You will now use this as ammunition against me in all the other Bush and Great Cars & Trucks reports. Quite frankly, I couldn't give a rodent's mule (figure it out). To me, this seems like the most logical explanation. I mean, think about it. Genesis says God created the heavens and earth. Then, he brought forth Adam and Eve. Scientists have estimated the earth's age at millions, possibly even billions of years old. That's an awful lot of time between creation and where we are today. To me, the bible just does not make sense, and is just an odd collection of stories and tales. And talk about the all-time ripoff, churches would be it. The amount of money pumped into churches every year is astounding. Take the Mormon church for example. Forget Microsoft, if the LDS church were a coporation, it would rank right up there along with them and Wal-Mart. If you're feeling charitable, go out and volunteer some time at the local homeless shelter, be a mentor to underpriviledged children, spend time in a nursing home with folks who have no family left. God does not want your money (but boy the church elders sure do!). Anyways, that's my 2 cents.


Response to James.

#653Consumer Comment

Thu, September 22, 2005

James, First, I will also say that I am a stout atheist. And I just want to comment on your post, and give everyone "something else" to think about too. For the sake of argument, we'll both agree that Jesus did indeed walk the earth 2000 years ago. And his time on earth was chronicled in part by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. How do we know Jesus was who he said he was? Anyone can say they are the son of God. And how do we even know that God exists for that matter? Now, you may call me crazy (what else is new), but here is one possibility that I have considered over the years. Jesus was an alien. That's right, I said it, an alien. Now bear with me. Over 2000 years ago, how technologically advanced was the human race? Technology was practically non-existent at that time. So then you have a virgin women who was empregnated supposedly by God (depending on which religion you subscribe to), and brought forth the son of God. Anything that could not be readily explained (virgin birth, feeding the masses, etc) was generally labeled a "miracle". What if they are not miracles, but just occurances that are beyond our understanding? I say she was artificially inseminated by an alien race that was on earth to study the human culture. They created a "savior" to see what affect that would have on the world population of the time. Or, maybe they had decided we were headed downhill too quickly, and stepped in to save us from ourselves. I know, I know. You will now use this as ammunition against me in all the other Bush and Great Cars & Trucks reports. Quite frankly, I couldn't give a rodent's mule (figure it out). To me, this seems like the most logical explanation. I mean, think about it. Genesis says God created the heavens and earth. Then, he brought forth Adam and Eve. Scientists have estimated the earth's age at millions, possibly even billions of years old. That's an awful lot of time between creation and where we are today. To me, the bible just does not make sense, and is just an odd collection of stories and tales. And talk about the all-time ripoff, churches would be it. The amount of money pumped into churches every year is astounding. Take the Mormon church for example. Forget Microsoft, if the LDS church were a coporation, it would rank right up there along with them and Wal-Mart. If you're feeling charitable, go out and volunteer some time at the local homeless shelter, be a mentor to underpriviledged children, spend time in a nursing home with folks who have no family left. God does not want your money (but boy the church elders sure do!). Anyways, that's my 2 cents.


Response to James.

#654Consumer Comment

Thu, September 22, 2005

James, First, I will also say that I am a stout atheist. And I just want to comment on your post, and give everyone "something else" to think about too. For the sake of argument, we'll both agree that Jesus did indeed walk the earth 2000 years ago. And his time on earth was chronicled in part by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. How do we know Jesus was who he said he was? Anyone can say they are the son of God. And how do we even know that God exists for that matter? Now, you may call me crazy (what else is new), but here is one possibility that I have considered over the years. Jesus was an alien. That's right, I said it, an alien. Now bear with me. Over 2000 years ago, how technologically advanced was the human race? Technology was practically non-existent at that time. So then you have a virgin women who was empregnated supposedly by God (depending on which religion you subscribe to), and brought forth the son of God. Anything that could not be readily explained (virgin birth, feeding the masses, etc) was generally labeled a "miracle". What if they are not miracles, but just occurances that are beyond our understanding? I say she was artificially inseminated by an alien race that was on earth to study the human culture. They created a "savior" to see what affect that would have on the world population of the time. Or, maybe they had decided we were headed downhill too quickly, and stepped in to save us from ourselves. I know, I know. You will now use this as ammunition against me in all the other Bush and Great Cars & Trucks reports. Quite frankly, I couldn't give a rodent's mule (figure it out). To me, this seems like the most logical explanation. I mean, think about it. Genesis says God created the heavens and earth. Then, he brought forth Adam and Eve. Scientists have estimated the earth's age at millions, possibly even billions of years old. That's an awful lot of time between creation and where we are today. To me, the bible just does not make sense, and is just an odd collection of stories and tales. And talk about the all-time ripoff, churches would be it. The amount of money pumped into churches every year is astounding. Take the Mormon church for example. Forget Microsoft, if the LDS church were a coporation, it would rank right up there along with them and Wal-Mart. If you're feeling charitable, go out and volunteer some time at the local homeless shelter, be a mentor to underpriviledged children, spend time in a nursing home with folks who have no family left. God does not want your money (but boy the church elders sure do!). Anyways, that's my 2 cents.


Response to James.

#655Consumer Comment

Thu, September 22, 2005

James, First, I will also say that I am a stout atheist. And I just want to comment on your post, and give everyone "something else" to think about too. For the sake of argument, we'll both agree that Jesus did indeed walk the earth 2000 years ago. And his time on earth was chronicled in part by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. How do we know Jesus was who he said he was? Anyone can say they are the son of God. And how do we even know that God exists for that matter? Now, you may call me crazy (what else is new), but here is one possibility that I have considered over the years. Jesus was an alien. That's right, I said it, an alien. Now bear with me. Over 2000 years ago, how technologically advanced was the human race? Technology was practically non-existent at that time. So then you have a virgin women who was empregnated supposedly by God (depending on which religion you subscribe to), and brought forth the son of God. Anything that could not be readily explained (virgin birth, feeding the masses, etc) was generally labeled a "miracle". What if they are not miracles, but just occurances that are beyond our understanding? I say she was artificially inseminated by an alien race that was on earth to study the human culture. They created a "savior" to see what affect that would have on the world population of the time. Or, maybe they had decided we were headed downhill too quickly, and stepped in to save us from ourselves. I know, I know. You will now use this as ammunition against me in all the other Bush and Great Cars & Trucks reports. Quite frankly, I couldn't give a rodent's mule (figure it out). To me, this seems like the most logical explanation. I mean, think about it. Genesis says God created the heavens and earth. Then, he brought forth Adam and Eve. Scientists have estimated the earth's age at millions, possibly even billions of years old. That's an awful lot of time between creation and where we are today. To me, the bible just does not make sense, and is just an odd collection of stories and tales. And talk about the all-time ripoff, churches would be it. The amount of money pumped into churches every year is astounding. Take the Mormon church for example. Forget Microsoft, if the LDS church were a coporation, it would rank right up there along with them and Wal-Mart. If you're feeling charitable, go out and volunteer some time at the local homeless shelter, be a mentor to underpriviledged children, spend time in a nursing home with folks who have no family left. God does not want your money (but boy the church elders sure do!). Anyways, that's my 2 cents.


Dear Todd

#656Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 22, 2005

Todd; I bet the next time, you will go with your kids to the Deli counter, get what they want & pay for it on the spot, won't you? What does it have to do with being Christian? It's amazing that it has taken this long for you to have this problem. Your not talking about a "small company" store here. Your talking about a Walmart. Way too many people there to expect a cashier to even remember you. Definately not one with a "quick mind" for the money they pay in wages. Not one that they want to have you "screaming at" in front of customers, if they fear that could happen. You know, but I can see the main reason why you had this problem. You made such a big deal! First of all they only wanted you to fill out a form. You were not satisfied with that & even went into "crying" & getting the police involved & getting the policemans badge number. So they made an example of you. Now you say you are a Christian, & it really is not a point in this whole thing. However since you brought it up, think about what Jesus would do if faced with this situation. Lady confronts him outside the store, & says "Sir, you did not pay for the items you consumed". Jesus say's "Excuse me, let me check my reciept, as I did take the tags up to the counter to get scanned. You know what maam? Your absolutely right! The cashier did not scan the items I brought to her. Can we take this up with the cashier? I am really very sorry!" He would understand that the lady who confronted you outside has a job that most people would not want. If you were calm with her & filled out the form, that probably would have been the end of it. You made such a big deal, instead, with her, the Manager, with the Policeman, who's job you probably would not want either, that you ended up crying & demanding his badge number. All the time proclaiming Jesus name by saying you were a Christian. Now think there Todd. Would Jesus act in that way? Do you think there is a halo surrounding you that would tell anyone who suspected you of theft that "no it could not be you"? No, of course not! Each of these people you "demanded things of" were simply doing their job. Here you are almost proclaiming you are "Jesus himself" & yet not acting in any way as he would. So "they know" you will get off in court most likely. You know as well as do I. However what they did was 2 things. 1> They made you think for the future about when you should pay for stuff, so this never happens again. 2> Hopefully you will get the "jist" of this & realized that you made too much of a big deal! Hell even in front of your kids "for God's sake"! Now I am not "judgeing you", & I might be totally "out to lunch" in my evaluation. I do know however how these people work & why they do what they do. Some people cause them so much trouble, they know they cannot exact punishment legally. So they give you the "big run around" & scare the hell out of you in the process. On purpose by the way! It might have been the lady who confronted you that was "having a bad day" or it might have been the Manager, or the Policeman. Who knows? It could have been any of those three. It also might have been you & your "self righteous attitude". However we know how to avoid this in the future now don't we? Just make sure it is paid for at the Deli counter.


Dear Todd

#657Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 22, 2005

Todd; I bet the next time, you will go with your kids to the Deli counter, get what they want & pay for it on the spot, won't you? What does it have to do with being Christian? It's amazing that it has taken this long for you to have this problem. Your not talking about a "small company" store here. Your talking about a Walmart. Way too many people there to expect a cashier to even remember you. Definately not one with a "quick mind" for the money they pay in wages. Not one that they want to have you "screaming at" in front of customers, if they fear that could happen. You know, but I can see the main reason why you had this problem. You made such a big deal! First of all they only wanted you to fill out a form. You were not satisfied with that & even went into "crying" & getting the police involved & getting the policemans badge number. So they made an example of you. Now you say you are a Christian, & it really is not a point in this whole thing. However since you brought it up, think about what Jesus would do if faced with this situation. Lady confronts him outside the store, & says "Sir, you did not pay for the items you consumed". Jesus say's "Excuse me, let me check my reciept, as I did take the tags up to the counter to get scanned. You know what maam? Your absolutely right! The cashier did not scan the items I brought to her. Can we take this up with the cashier? I am really very sorry!" He would understand that the lady who confronted you outside has a job that most people would not want. If you were calm with her & filled out the form, that probably would have been the end of it. You made such a big deal, instead, with her, the Manager, with the Policeman, who's job you probably would not want either, that you ended up crying & demanding his badge number. All the time proclaiming Jesus name by saying you were a Christian. Now think there Todd. Would Jesus act in that way? Do you think there is a halo surrounding you that would tell anyone who suspected you of theft that "no it could not be you"? No, of course not! Each of these people you "demanded things of" were simply doing their job. Here you are almost proclaiming you are "Jesus himself" & yet not acting in any way as he would. So "they know" you will get off in court most likely. You know as well as do I. However what they did was 2 things. 1> They made you think for the future about when you should pay for stuff, so this never happens again. 2> Hopefully you will get the "jist" of this & realized that you made too much of a big deal! Hell even in front of your kids "for God's sake"! Now I am not "judgeing you", & I might be totally "out to lunch" in my evaluation. I do know however how these people work & why they do what they do. Some people cause them so much trouble, they know they cannot exact punishment legally. So they give you the "big run around" & scare the hell out of you in the process. On purpose by the way! It might have been the lady who confronted you that was "having a bad day" or it might have been the Manager, or the Policeman. Who knows? It could have been any of those three. It also might have been you & your "self righteous attitude". However we know how to avoid this in the future now don't we? Just make sure it is paid for at the Deli counter.


Hey there Adolf

#658Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 22, 2005

Adolf; Far be it for me to put myself in with any so called "religeous" person. I certainly don't believe in that, any more than Jesus did. However I do know that Jesus walked on this earth. I will tell ya why. Cause 4 people wrote about him, & they basically all had the "same story". That is not the only reason either. What they wrote about what he said, makes a lot of d**n sense. The "main thing" he kept on saying, which the "Churches never seem to get"... the one thing he kept on saying, over & over again was "Judge not lest ye be judged & ye will be Judged with the same mete as ye Judge others". Jesus was a carpenter & if he wanted to build a d**n Church, he would have built one! He also told his followers to "pray in a closet, because if you make a spectical out of yourself, you have already won your reward". Now far be it for me to expect you to read the "entire Bible". Most of it I personally cannot vouch for. However if you just read the chapters Mathew, Luke, Mark & John (you can actually drop John if ya wish)... you would get a pretty good idea of a very smart man with a very real message that some hippocrates have not gotten to this day! You also would get a pretty good idea how many of these "religeous people" are so far off in "left field" it isn't funny. It might open your mind a little. Just a suggestion. Oh & by the way if you do read those chapters... don't let anyone tell you what Jesus meant. You figure it out for yourself. Jesus was a "real rebel". You might relate. Cheers


Rhode Island,
Wal-Mart gives big money to George Bush

#659Consumer Comment

Thu, September 22, 2005

So he must hate Christians too. So please, stay home next election.


Uh-oh! Out comes the God / Christian card again... now here's some dialogue from "the oher side".....so to speak. Let's see both sides of the coin.

#660Consumer Comment

Thu, September 22, 2005

Being of sound mind I am an inarguably confirmed athiest. My ethics and honesty far surpass many of the self-professed Christians I've known in my many years. I do what is right not because of some nonexistent afterlife in which one is allegedly punished,but a personal desire to do what I (and society at large) have deemed "the right thing to do". I do agree with the "Golden Rule" as stated in Christian dogma. . Here's some dialogue that makes a whole lot more sense to me than the contradictory, confusing, rantings in the Christian bible. . When a man speaks to God that is called prayer. When God speaks to a man that is usually known as a delusion. Usually but not always. For some reason many people are prepared to accept that there are exceptional people who God talks to directly. . When God does choose to speak through a man for some strange reason he contradicts himself. For a supreme being with omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence and a beneficent character this is very strange behaviour. . I cannot help thinking that if God wanted to save the world by sending down his only son he rather cocked up his strategy. Why did he send Jesus when he did? That is, after thousands of generations of men had died without the chance to be saved and yet before mass communications had been fully developed. It seems rather a mystery. If leaving millions of men's souls unsaved is not a problem why didn't he wait until say, 1970, to send his son, then the whole world would be in a position to hear his words today on the world-wide media that an omniscient God must have predicted? God must have written off the souls of millions of people before deciding to send in his boy. That strikes me as rather dumb for an omniscient God. . OK, let us grant that God cocked up the timing but he got the rest right, didn't he? No. He talks to his prophets such as Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, the Mormons, Moonies and the rest and gives them conflicting messages. Or perhaps he only speaks to some of them and the others are evil manipulators. It strikes me as terrible strategy. If mere mortals are going around pretending to spread your holy word why don't you turn them into pillars of salt or smite them with a thunderbolt? If you want your message delivered by men and to be understood by men why not tell several men the same message, at the same time, across the whole world? That would convince me, if the same story about the will of God emerged from four or five cultures at once, met up, got translated and were found to agree. That would have in church like a shot. But God has missed his chance. . If such a thing happened today everyone would think it was a conspiracy. Naturally the believer answers this skepticism by chastising me for even daring to consider the motives of God. I cannot help it, I have been educated to question everything, I make no apologies for extending that questioning, even into the mind of God. Or more accurately into the mind of a hypothetical God. . My beliefs in the supernatural are quite clear. The supernatural is an oxymoron. There is the natural world, natural laws operate, these are knowable but not yet fully known. The extent of our ignorance of natural laws is impossible to measure. Two hundred years ago scientists would probably estimate that they understood half of what was knowable, I guess today's scientists might guess the same, in another two hundred years they still might guess the same. The more science learns the more the extent of the unknown. But there is nothing that is unknowable. That is my faith, or more respectably, that is my working hypothesis. God is an invention of man, a social construct. All human societies have some form of religion, from simple animism and ancestor worship through polytheism, monotheism and deism. . From the earliest periods of history there have also been a growing minority of atheists. Many atheists have seen through religions and found them hollow. Others have seen how they operate and propagate themselves and have come to reject them because they can see why they exist. I reject religion on both grounds. I know there is no God. I know why we invented him. . I understand what other people are perceiving when they say they feel the presence of God, it is a common illusion. My brain knows that my vision has a hole in the middle of it, where the optic nerve leaves the eye from the wrong side, there is a gap in my perception, I can prove it to myself logically with "magic tricks" but my brain also "knows" that my vision is perfect. One form of knowledge is learned, one is instinctive and not open to logic. The religious believer knows there is a God in the non logical way I know my vision is perfect. Both are wrong. There is a hole in my vision because my distant ancestors in the Cambrian era evolved a pit of light sensitive cells with the nerve fibres in front of the light sensitive parts. Any sensible God or digital camera designer would have started again, putting the light sensitive parts of the cell next to the clear liquid filled reservoir and put the wiring round the back. But all fish, reptiles, birds and mammals have to put up with this design fault, wiring on the inside of the eye, and a great big bunch of unseeing nerve fibres right in the middle where the eye really wants to focus. This is a fact that many teachers will gloss over, they will tell you that there is a "blind-spot" in the middle of your vision, they will show you how to demonstrate it to yourself, they will not point out the implications. . The implications are that it is not possible to come up with any argument from design to explain this fact. Only evolution explains it. Once a simple eye had emerged wired up in this way it was not possible to invert it without making it work less well in the short term. Evolution cannot go backwards, even half a step, just as a river only ever flows downhill even if it meanders for miles. Evolution can only make our eyes better by making subtle changes, turning our eyes inside out, to be the right way round, was only an option for a brief period of time in chordate evolution. No such mutation happened at this time. It is now too late. . It may be of some comfort to know that squid and octopuses have eyes that are very similar to ours but with the nerves where they belong, behind the photoreceptors. They were evolved completely separately, we have no common ancestor with eyes. This is to my mind one piece of evidence for the non existence of God that will outweigh every weeping statue, every vision of the virgin and every tomato with the message "there is no God but Allah" in its pips. It is proof every animal was not created from scratch, made perfectly by an all wise God, it is very strong evidence for evolution. Evolution cannot start again from a blank design, evolution turned a second rate basic design into the beautifully functioning eyes we chordates use today. . What is the difference between a prophet and a lunatic? Prophets hear the voice of God and talk with him. God reveals himself to prophets and they do his work. Lunatics hear voices in their heads. The difference is only good public relations. "God told me to kill my son" has been used as an excuse in courts a few times, but usually the defence lawyers use it as evidence of insanity. What is different about Abraham and Isaac? To me there is no difference. We have been told that Abraham did hear the voice of God, that his claim is legitimate. Just good public relations. . P.S. EDitor-sorry this's s long, buy I get my craw full of all the bleatings of the God group.


Long Beach,
I can't believe what I am reading here!

#661Consumer Comment

Wed, September 21, 2005

Todd, I cannot believe what I am reading here. I really hope that you started this whole thing as a hoax. If you didn't, I feel very sorry for you. I am sure you are going to accuse me of being the devil or something along those lines since I disagree with your view of your theft, however let me state right now I am a Christian. Every day I try to do 'what Jesus would'. It is a constant struggle. As a Christian (if you really are), you would agree with that. What disturbs me is how you committed a crime and think it's ok because you are a Christian. It seems to me with all your ranting and raving and pointing fingers at other people, that you are just a few steps away from becoming the next David Koresh! It is not ok to steal because you are Christian. You don't seem the least bit repentent for your crime. Where do you possibly think it's ok to order food, eat it, and not pay for it? And how can you expect anyone to believe that you ordered this food, had time to SIT DOWN AND EAT IT, but yet you did not have time to pay for it? Who in their right mind thinks that is ok? I highly doubt you even ordered this food. It was probably in one of those refridgerated containers, you took it out, ate what you wanted, never took it up to the counter to pay for it and you were caught on tape. No food server is going to give you food without paying for it. Give us all a break here, Todd. None of what you are saying makes any sense. A true Christian does not start accusing people of being the devil when others disagree with what he says. I think you seriously need to consider getting professional help. Wal-Mart has nothing to do with it.


Am I the only one?

#662Consumer Comment

Wed, September 21, 2005

When TtT(Todd the Thief) start up again, he puts me to sleep immediately with his Bible Thumping. I'll bet he's one of those loudmouths who stand on street corners screaming at everyone else about their "fornicating", and "blaspheming", etc. They tried those tactics in NC years ago. We ran them all out. They would literally scream at the top of their lungs at you while you sat waiting for the green light. Unreal. There wewre a few cases of beatings due to this tactic. Apparently, some parents got tired of having to explain to their children what the crazies were yelling, and they were dealt with. They are no more, where I am from. SC is still filled with them though...they were bad outside of Parris Island, in Beaufort. I really hope there is a God, Todd. You don't stand a s****..


South Carolina,
A Rightious

#663Author of original report

Wed, September 21, 2005

This is for Tom, Denny and Dale Do not know if I should even bother to respond to you directly. Most educated folks that have become victims to this aggressive assault by Wal-Mart and other large corporate aggression know first hand, I speak the truth. Yes, I am strong on my Biblical grammar, for I know a deeper truth, which seems that your mind is to blind to see. Even if one does not want to listen to the deeper perspective that does not delude the fact that something very wrong is going on. I know I did not do this crime, and God will give me victory. And when that happens, I will post that victory here. And as far as you stating prior that you knew someone that went and looked at the public record is a big fat lie! There is no public record on pending criminal cases in South Carolina. Unlike your twisted views that I am guilty before trial, we here in the South, at least some good Christian folks, believe in the Christian teachings of "Due Process". Ever hear of that term? It was written by a Christian, which was taught by the Biblical teachings of a fair trial of anyone accused of a crime, whom wrote it on one of the most important documents ever written in human history. What document do you think I am talking about? As I remember it is stored somewhere in D.C. But I guess you would never know that or whom I am referring to, would you? I know that God allows persecutions to be afflicted upon His children, in order to build up their faith and witness to others of His Majestic Glory: "Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses" (1 Timothy 6:12). Since my last posting, and frankly I am not posting for you are ones like you, but for those that have been attacked in the same way that I have been. In hopes that we good folks join together by educating each other at what is going on and stop it. That is my mission here. God has blessed me with some major advancements to my case. One, he has lead me to one of the most effective attorneys in the South, which is one of the best. The second thing is my investigator has uncovered a mountain of evidence in my favor that will blow Wal-Mart's charges, right out of the water, come trial day. I am not going to post any details of that here. But God is Awesome! You watch, before it is over with, as I warned Wal-Mart that day, they have arrested the wrong Christian, Wal-Mart will wish they never did anything to me or all those other folks Wal-Mart attacked. I stand on Christian Principles, and if God is willing, I will take on the fight. Before this war is over, Wal-Mart will be nothing of what it use to be. I have told my attorney go full force into the attack, bring'em down! Wal-Mart has become a very evil company, and I see nothing good within its dark walls. It has destroyed towns, families, and chocked the economy. It may have started out as a good company, but today it is a plague. It causes our political electives to go against the people. It causes taxes to rise, which makes poor people even poorer. It crushes good family businesses into nothing but dust in the wind. And, if God is willing, I will be the spear to bring them down that is a promise. If God is willing. I will. Praise Lord, your mighty Name, Oh Jesus! May I bring Glory to Your Name!


South Carolina,
A Rightious

#664Author of original report

Wed, September 21, 2005

This is for Tom, Denny and Dale Do not know if I should even bother to respond to you directly. Most educated folks that have become victims to this aggressive assault by Wal-Mart and other large corporate aggression know first hand, I speak the truth. Yes, I am strong on my Biblical grammar, for I know a deeper truth, which seems that your mind is to blind to see. Even if one does not want to listen to the deeper perspective that does not delude the fact that something very wrong is going on. I know I did not do this crime, and God will give me victory. And when that happens, I will post that victory here. And as far as you stating prior that you knew someone that went and looked at the public record is a big fat lie! There is no public record on pending criminal cases in South Carolina. Unlike your twisted views that I am guilty before trial, we here in the South, at least some good Christian folks, believe in the Christian teachings of "Due Process". Ever hear of that term? It was written by a Christian, which was taught by the Biblical teachings of a fair trial of anyone accused of a crime, whom wrote it on one of the most important documents ever written in human history. What document do you think I am talking about? As I remember it is stored somewhere in D.C. But I guess you would never know that or whom I am referring to, would you? I know that God allows persecutions to be afflicted upon His children, in order to build up their faith and witness to others of His Majestic Glory: "Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses" (1 Timothy 6:12). Since my last posting, and frankly I am not posting for you are ones like you, but for those that have been attacked in the same way that I have been. In hopes that we good folks join together by educating each other at what is going on and stop it. That is my mission here. God has blessed me with some major advancements to my case. One, he has lead me to one of the most effective attorneys in the South, which is one of the best. The second thing is my investigator has uncovered a mountain of evidence in my favor that will blow Wal-Mart's charges, right out of the water, come trial day. I am not going to post any details of that here. But God is Awesome! You watch, before it is over with, as I warned Wal-Mart that day, they have arrested the wrong Christian, Wal-Mart will wish they never did anything to me or all those other folks Wal-Mart attacked. I stand on Christian Principles, and if God is willing, I will take on the fight. Before this war is over, Wal-Mart will be nothing of what it use to be. I have told my attorney go full force into the attack, bring'em down! Wal-Mart has become a very evil company, and I see nothing good within its dark walls. It has destroyed towns, families, and chocked the economy. It may have started out as a good company, but today it is a plague. It causes our political electives to go against the people. It causes taxes to rise, which makes poor people even poorer. It crushes good family businesses into nothing but dust in the wind. And, if God is willing, I will be the spear to bring them down that is a promise. If God is willing. I will. Praise Lord, your mighty Name, Oh Jesus! May I bring Glory to Your Name!


South Carolina,
A Rightious

#665Author of original report

Wed, September 21, 2005

This is for Tom, Denny and Dale Do not know if I should even bother to respond to you directly. Most educated folks that have become victims to this aggressive assault by Wal-Mart and other large corporate aggression know first hand, I speak the truth. Yes, I am strong on my Biblical grammar, for I know a deeper truth, which seems that your mind is to blind to see. Even if one does not want to listen to the deeper perspective that does not delude the fact that something very wrong is going on. I know I did not do this crime, and God will give me victory. And when that happens, I will post that victory here. And as far as you stating prior that you knew someone that went and looked at the public record is a big fat lie! There is no public record on pending criminal cases in South Carolina. Unlike your twisted views that I am guilty before trial, we here in the South, at least some good Christian folks, believe in the Christian teachings of "Due Process". Ever hear of that term? It was written by a Christian, which was taught by the Biblical teachings of a fair trial of anyone accused of a crime, whom wrote it on one of the most important documents ever written in human history. What document do you think I am talking about? As I remember it is stored somewhere in D.C. But I guess you would never know that or whom I am referring to, would you? I know that God allows persecutions to be afflicted upon His children, in order to build up their faith and witness to others of His Majestic Glory: "Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses" (1 Timothy 6:12). Since my last posting, and frankly I am not posting for you are ones like you, but for those that have been attacked in the same way that I have been. In hopes that we good folks join together by educating each other at what is going on and stop it. That is my mission here. God has blessed me with some major advancements to my case. One, he has lead me to one of the most effective attorneys in the South, which is one of the best. The second thing is my investigator has uncovered a mountain of evidence in my favor that will blow Wal-Mart's charges, right out of the water, come trial day. I am not going to post any details of that here. But God is Awesome! You watch, before it is over with, as I warned Wal-Mart that day, they have arrested the wrong Christian, Wal-Mart will wish they never did anything to me or all those other folks Wal-Mart attacked. I stand on Christian Principles, and if God is willing, I will take on the fight. Before this war is over, Wal-Mart will be nothing of what it use to be. I have told my attorney go full force into the attack, bring'em down! Wal-Mart has become a very evil company, and I see nothing good within its dark walls. It has destroyed towns, families, and chocked the economy. It may have started out as a good company, but today it is a plague. It causes our political electives to go against the people. It causes taxes to rise, which makes poor people even poorer. It crushes good family businesses into nothing but dust in the wind. And, if God is willing, I will be the spear to bring them down that is a promise. If God is willing. I will. Praise Lord, your mighty Name, Oh Jesus! May I bring Glory to Your Name!


Thou Shalt Not Steal

#666Consumer Comment

Tue, September 20, 2005

Tom and Denny are 100% correct. Attacking them and accusing them of being on the payroll is a "great" defense for a thief. Go for it. If I took 4 items from the deli, ate all 4 while shopping, discarded one of the packages in a wastebasket (hidden in napkins) and paid for the remaining 3...does that make me a thief? According to some here the answer is no? If I get caught, and try to convince others I did no wrong because I brought the empty containers with bar codes to the checkout, am I still a thief? But look at the receipt, it shows I paid for them!!! What if I told you I was a Christian? Am I still a thief? But I know scriptures, doesn't that count?? What if I told you that in the past, this store ripped me off on an exchange...THEY STOLE FROM ME FIRST!! Am I still a thief? Ok, I know that there are a few people unhappy with this store chain for whatever their reason. Doesn't it make sense that I did NOT steal anything because this store has wronged other people in other ways? Doesn't this store chain deserve to be boycotted because they made these allegations of theft to a Christian? I think the original poster was looking for others to join the bandwagon of Wal-Mart bashing and thought he could hurt their bottom line. A thief needs to twist and turn stories and omit facts to shield the TRUTH. The TRUTH is... You took something that didn't belong to you... You tried to conceal your crime... You got caught... You will pay the price of this crime! For the record... I am not on the payroll or have any business dealings with Wal-Mart.


North Brunswick,
New Jersey,
Read before you write

#667Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 16, 2005

Jodi, if some accused you of stealing a grape, or a sandwich, the penalties are severe. You get arrested, fined, and most likely, do community service. Now if you are innocent of this crime, how would you feel? Would you then want to share your exerience to the rest of us? Or maybe you think it is ok to take what ever is dished out to you, right or wrong? Tom and Denny, I have to agree with Todd that you guys are on Walmart's payroll. You kept on stating that Todd took the food, ate it, threw the wrapper in the garbage, and left the store. But you guys certainly don't seem to read real well because he also state it that he took the wrapper to the cashier to PAY for the items!!! I don't know the rules in that particular Walmart. But what IF they have the same procedure as most resturants, which is order and eat first, pay last? Sure, Todd is a bit over zealous when it comes down to his beliefs, but it doesn't negate the fact that several people, including myself, was wrongfully accused of stealing on this website! Are we all attention seekers? I can certainly think of better things to do than spending countless amount of hours reading and typing about this disgusting issue! Bottomline is, I can't verify whether all the postings about people's experience are true on this website. But if those of you who think that Walmart and their employee do nothing wrong except reporting the truth? You are indeed the blind one.


was it a sandwich

#668Consumer Comment

Wed, September 07, 2005

I thought it was a salad? grapes or chips? is this really worth discussing for 5 years?


seek medical help

#669Consumer Comment

Wed, September 07, 2005

Gang: i put my 2 cents in a few months ago . my post was about Todd here needing to chow down in the store for reasons unknown . He cant wait until he leaves the store like everyone else. Its a well known scam -to ditch the wrappers. i also went on about if he was a christian -he wouldnt be on some holy rampage. we all know this. but finally -has it dawned on anyone that Todd could have made this whole story up? He is some kind of sociopath who craves attention and creates a 'theatre of the absurd'? his rants are ridiculous to the point that it almost seems as though he is doing it 'tongue in cheek'. he loves the attention , control and feedback from everyone. Todd: this is a site for those who have been ripped off from companies. It is not your private playground for your emotional problems. Seek medical attention. Honest. the joke is over. Seek medical help.


Todd, are you sure you know what you are talking about?

#670Consumer Comment

Wed, September 07, 2005

*****Are you 100% that I stole something? I have told my story over and over again and you do not want to listen.***** Lets see, You ate a sandwhich in Walmart ( against policy) and did not pay for it. You admitted to doing this. To Steal: To take (the property of another) without right or permission. To move, carry, or place surreptitiously. you did not have permission to take that sandwhich. Store policies state that you must pay for items you wish to purchase. "Why? Because you are BLIND! I am sure you enjoy your large salary which is most likely paid for by Wal-mart. In which case Wal-Mart stole from the hard workers, so you could enjoy off of their labors. Sound just like the old slave-trade is still alive and kicking." And im the one that's blind??? This initself speaks loudly that you are blind, Todd.


South Carolina,
Are You Sure?

#671Author of original report

Tue, September 06, 2005

Denny, Are you 100% that I stole something? I have told my story over and over again and you do not want to listen. Why? Because you are BLIND! I am sure you enjoy your large salary which is most likely paid for by Wal-mart. In which case Wal-Mart stole from the hard workers, so you could enjoy off of their labors. Sound just like the old slave-trade is still alive and kicking. Shame, shame.


South Carolina,
Are You Sure?

#672Author of original report

Tue, September 06, 2005

Denny, Are you 100% that I stole something? I have told my story over and over again and you do not want to listen. Why? Because you are BLIND! I am sure you enjoy your large salary which is most likely paid for by Wal-mart. In which case Wal-Mart stole from the hard workers, so you could enjoy off of their labors. Sound just like the old slave-trade is still alive and kicking. Shame, shame.


South Carolina,
Are You Sure?

#673Author of original report

Tue, September 06, 2005

Denny, Are you 100% that I stole something? I have told my story over and over again and you do not want to listen. Why? Because you are BLIND! I am sure you enjoy your large salary which is most likely paid for by Wal-mart. In which case Wal-Mart stole from the hard workers, so you could enjoy off of their labors. Sound just like the old slave-trade is still alive and kicking. Shame, shame.


Again, Todd, you STOLE. End of Story

#674Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 06, 2005

And no amount of praying, preaching, and outright lies from you are going to change the fact that you stole food. you ate that food while shopping and walmart arrested your @$$ for doing so. Plain and simple Your praying, and preaching ( yet you are so not a true christian, even though you want to convince us that you are ), wont change that you are a criminal. Shoplifting is a crime, and well you got caught. and again, USING the tragic events of Lousiana and those who have died as "proof" of God's working is unholy sick and twisted. You need to lay off the inahalants, Todd. Check yourself into a hospital for a full evaluation,


South Carolina,
WOW!!! So Who Is The Criminal Here?.. Here Is More Truth...

#675Author of original report

Tue, September 06, 2005

Wow! So you know God and Jesus so well that you do not even respect them enough to write their names in the proper form. Amazing. Here is some more truth for ya, which I have discovered against the evils of Wal-Mart. Is it a crime for a business to take an item that was already paid for by a customer, in which the customer forgot under the cart, and the business resale's that same item within the store? Is that a crime? I have seen this happen and many people have told me this has happen. So, who is the criminal here? Secondly, is it a crime for a business to take EXPIRED food items, rewrap them and place a new expired date on the food item? Is that a crime? Should I continue? Is it a crime to falsely accuse, falsely imprison, and falsely entrap a customer? Is that a crime? Your statements are not even educated enough for me to even respond to. But, I felt I must at least educate you a little on your beloved store. And lastly, since you seem to state you know God and Jesus so much, what scriptures are you referring to? Where does it say that God and Jesus punish an innocent man? Even King Solomon was just and had great wisdom from the Lord to review the truth in a matter concerning the two mothers and one baby. Even Jacob doing God's will, was not even punished... Oh wait you know God and Jesus so I am sure you knew that already. Or what about Joanna, was he punished for doing wrong? Did he break any man-made laws? Or was he refusing to listen to God? Oh, and must we forget, did Daniel break any man-made laws when he refused to bow down to the kings idol, and instead kept God's laws. When the king tried to kill Daniel, did God give Daniel victory? Is there anymore? Oh, I keep forgetting you respond like you know God and Jesus and therefore I have done wrong and Wal-Mart is this big righteous company. I am sure you will state that Wal-Mart was in the right to MURDER those two people! You are brainwashed, I wonder whenever you go to Wal-Mart do you kiss the managers photograph as if he was the pope or something? I wonder. Plus, I am hoping that God provide a more open-minded jury, than the narrow-minded brain-dead expression you have stated in your response. If the court and jury are like you, then your right I have no chance. But I tend to have hope in our legal system, that it is not as corrupt as one would think. I am totally prepared for whatever the court may throw at me. I know no man-made court system will be as fair and as just as the Lord's court. I have no convictions and know I never did this crime. The court wanted me to sign a plea in which my record would be clean, and all I had to do is pay some fees and do some community time. If I was guilty, as you want to claim, WHY did I continue down this hard road and not take that easy Plea? Why? Mr. Smarty Paints? I know my chances of a fair and clean court case are almost none. I know very well, that the judge and jury may slam me down before I can even speak. I have heard it many times, not just from you but others I know. I have also heard people, church people, telling me to fight. The court may try to crush me, and Wal-Mart is very big to do so. But I know the Lord and Father in Heaven are larger than the mighty Wal-Mart. And God will crush them if they do not repent for what they have done to others and me. I am humble in my ways, but I will not allow anyone, to run over me. God often calls for followers to take a stand and be a "Real Christian". I wonder if you were put under the test as I have been, would you stand? Or would you run and hide under a rock? I am standing tall, in front of all and telling them, I will not agree and lie, I did not do this crime! Come do to me what you will; I know that no weapon formed against me will ever harm me! That is truth, that is fact, and you will see what God will do in this case. God will give me Victory!

Stephen D

does he not see how insane not to mention guilty he makes himself?

#676Consumer Comment

Tue, September 06, 2005

its funny how you mention lack of understanding the bible because you obviously dont understand it because you missed the "thou shall not steal" stone you to death? murder you? crazy boy you aren't even worth the murder conviction. we might call the men in white coates on your crazy a$$ but thats about it. you are a thief and you got caught, case closed. you can bring all the fight you want you will still lose because you took stuff from wal-mart without paying for it and you will do jail time (and everyone that posted here will rejoice in song) you seem to have a hard time accepting something simple we call reality. god and jesus want nothing to do with you. they sided with wal-mart. they dont associate with criminals.


South Carolina,
Oh Really?..

#677Author of original report

Mon, September 05, 2005

I can see how respectful you two have for God and Jesus, you never even write their names in the proper form. Plus, your lack of understanding for the Bible is expected, since you never learned to read it. From your response, it would seem you just are lazy in not reading the Bible to study it, and therefore just go by what someone tells you it says. When was the last time you studied the Bible? If you would have studied it, you would not have responded in the manner that you did. If you educated yourself in the Bible and I have written something that conflict with the Bible, then state it and we can have an educated chat. Otherwise, stay away from my posting. I am sure your family seed is the same as those that would stone me to death if I were to speak against the mighty Wal-Mart. I can see by your words, just because I raised my voice against the might of Wal-Mart, you wished you could murder me, correct. Ask yourself this, were any of the Bible writers falsely accused?, Arrested?, Beaten?, Taken from their homes?, Murdered?, Stolen From?, Lied to?, Thrown to the Lions?, etc... Is my story any different? Just because big Wal-Mart accuses me and had me arrested makes me Guilty? What happen to innocent until proven guilty? Is the legal system fair, when the Governor of our state parades around with a Wal-Mart vest on? Are you going to justify Wal-Mart for murdering those two people? I am sure you justify the police in New Orleans to shot and kill a man trying to get food for his little baby when he ran into a store. Is that justified? Have you ever watched Mel Gibson's, The Passion Of Christ, did you watch the scene where Christ was beaten to the point where you almost could not notice who he was? Was that justified? What about Stephen being stoned to death? Was that justified? Here's the problem with your two posts. First you really did not read or understand my words, nor did you ever read the Bible or you would have posted something else. Second, if my words are not correct, then it really does not matter correct? Third, if my words are correct, then would it be a good idea to repent and live righteously, rather than wickedly? Let me try to rephrase my wording in a manner you maybe able to understand. I have posted much proof that something very wrong is going on with Wal-Mart, some of you know that to be the truth. Others do not want to accept that truth, and that is your right to. But just because some do not want to see the truth of the matter does not mean that the problem is not there. I have posted many facts that prove that there is a serious problem. So, are we just going to sit back and let the problem consume us and get out of control? Or our we going to do something about it? I will say when I see something that really affects me, such as someone being murder-having diapers for his little baby, which does not deserve death! I do at the time express myself with deep emotions. What can I say, I am a caring person. And if you ever read deeply into the Bible you will discover that the writers are the same way. So, since I have studied the Bible all my life, my being is a formation of the Bible writers. If you do not like it, then to bad, that is me. But, stop expressing and personally attacking me, but rather read what I read, is there any truth there? Is there a problem that I speak of? If so, what are we going to do about it? I am just the messanger; I know what God is going to do about it. I do not know the actual detail, that is His business, but from reading His words He will take down the wicked. If you do not believe me, then read His words for yourself. God's word states: "For he seeth that wise men die, likewise the fool and the brutish person perish, and leave their wealth to others. Their inward thought is, that their houses shall continue for ever, and their dwelling places to all generations; they call their lands after their own names. Nevertheless man being in honour abideth not: he is like the beasts that perish. This their way is their folly: yet their posterity approve their sayings. Selah. Like sheep they are laid in the grave; death shall feed on them; and the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning; and their beauty shall consume in the grave from their dwelling. But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave: for he shall receive me. Selah. Be not thou afraid when one is made rich, when the glory of his house is increased; For when he dieth he shall carry nothing away: his glory shall not descend after him. Though while he lived he blessed his soul: and men will praise thee, when thou doest well to thyself. He shall go to the generation of his fathers; they shall never see light. Man that is in honour, and understandeth not, is like the beasts that perish" (Psalm 49:10-20). It often disturbs me how some people claim to be a Christian, going to church, shaking hands, acting like they read the Bible, and yet, when someone that truly studies the Bible and quotes the Bible, these people attack him/her personally like they know nothing of the Bible. I can not tell you how many times someone has told me, "You got to forget about your Christian principles, This is a court of law". The funny thing is how small their mind is, for the very laws of our country were founded on the Christian laws. "Thou shall not murder., Thou shall not steal, Thou shall not lie, etc.." I can imagine God laughing so hard at the ignorance of these people stating such foolishness. Another good description of what God states is this: "Why boastest thou thyself in mischief, O mighty man? the goodness of God endureth continually. The tongue deviseth mischiefs; like a sharp razor, working deceitfully. Thou lovest evil more than good; and lying rather than to speak righteousness. Selah. Thou lovest all devouring words, O thou deceitful tongue. God shall likewise destroy thee for ever, he shall take thee away, and pluck thee out of thy dwelling place, and root thee out of the land of the living. Selah. The righteous also shall see, and fear, and shall laugh at him: Lo, this is the man that made not God his strength; but trusted in the abundance of his riches, and strengthened himself in his wickedness. But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever. I will praise thee for ever, because thou hast done it: and I will wait on thy name; for it is good before thy saints" (Psalm 52). Oh, one other thing. The wicked (Wal-Mart) can do nothing to me that the Lord does not allow. His word clearly states that He will take care of me, no matter what. Wal-Mart is not the worse battle I have ever been in, and each and everyone God gave me victory. The Bible states He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. So, I know He will give me victory and He is just in doing so. Just like He saved Daniel from the Lion's Den, He will save me from the wick again. I did nothing wrong and Wal-Mart knows I did nothing wrong. That's why they keep adding lies to the case and bringing up more and more (false) witnesses. If what Wal-Mart says is true, then explain that? You cannot explain it, and therefore you personally attack me to try and shut me up. But as long as God calls me to speak, I will do so. Wal-Mart is very wrong at what they are doing and they know it. There is another report on this website by "Jose" from North Carolina that states how "Loss Prevention" people will setup customers, and falsely accuse them. It is sad that he was fired illegally, but it was all part of God's planning to expose the truth. So, are you still going to tell me that Wal-Mart is correct to say I stole something? When so much facts are building up against Wal-Mart? I have a witness that use to work at the very store where I was accused and she has given me much detail of the criminal activity that Wal-Mart operates. Are you going to say she is lying? Is Jose and others that have talked to me, lying? I never wanted to take on this fight. I enjoy peace. But I will not allow someone to plow over me. If Wal-Mart remembers my words when they accused me, "I am a fighting Christian! I will fight you on this issue!" I cannot remember my exact words, but it was like this. And I remember the manager laughing at me, then turning and stating, "Secure the video tapes"! It is almost too funny that some people do not believe that God and Jesus are real. I pray for these people. Let me ask you, will you remember the people of New Orleans in two years? I am sure you do not even remember the people of 9/11. I pray often for them and remember them. I also pray for these people that are victim to Wal-Mart and other evils that attack them. I hope that Jesus return, so every knee will bow and confess He is Lord. That will be a great day! Oh, one last thing. God will give me victory! I am not scared of these people one bit. Bye for now.

Stephen D

*cough* You're crazy

#678Consumer Comment

Mon, September 05, 2005

You are completely off your rocker and you seriously need to admit yourself into the nearest looney bin. if you truly didnt care what people thought or you or care what they posted about you then you would never have replied at all, your replies tell us that you very much care what people think of you. and what we think is YOU ARE NUTS! what does wal-mart have to repent for? you stole from them and they caught you. as far as 99.99% of people would say they did a good job in getting a thief out their store. you are a nut job, god nor jesus would have anything to do with you.

C. L.

West Virginia,
You are a looney tune and should be in the Sunday comics.

#679Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 05, 2005

Taking the lords' name in vein as you are doing is repulsive. You are repulsive!!! You are nothing but a common theif, so I hope you pay. Whoever heard of taking what you want to eat, eat it, and then pretend you were going to pay for it. You got caught. Hope you have to do your time. Wal Mart is a great business, and I am glad that I have the privilege to have one that is close to me so I can shop there. You should thank your lucky stars that your fat rump isn't behind bars now. Get ready, it will be. Have fun, you stupid ignorant sob.


South Carolina,

#680Author of original report

Sun, September 04, 2005

Hi Folks! I wanted to give you a update to some discoveries that I have just found out. In reference to my earlier posting that God will reveal the truth and punish Wal-Mart, of the evils they are doing against people. Some of you will refuse this posting and call me crazy, frankly I do not care what you call me, but many others know I speak the truth and will be at awe at what I am about to tell you. My posting on the 27Aug2005 stated: " is I quoted scripture and the fact that God would not stand for this evil. Did you ever hear in the paper of the top CEO and son of Sam Walton dieing in a plane crash? Or did you here of the Federal investigation of other top CEO's frauding the workers of Wal-Mart? Using abusive tactics to prevent workers from joining a union, so Wal-Mart can keep them slaves? Or did you hear of Wal-Marts decline in the stock market? Or what about all these large law suits being filed against Wal-Mart and the top managers? I believe, that since my posting to inform (by the way, I did contact the head office and tell them of this posting, so they are well aware of what I am saying) Wal-Mart, and of their refusal to repent and make things right, God is punishing them just like He did the pharaoh of Egypt during Exodus. It's that awesome! I do not know how much more real you can get than that. So, let this posting be another Bench Mark to prove that God is real, and what I say is the truth. After this posting be watching the news and sooner or later you are going to hear of another major scam, lawsuit, or wrongdoing by Wal-Mart. And they are going to be in major trouble. It may even be an up rising against Wal-Mart in another country. I do not know what God may do, he has not told me so. But I know from the Bible He will do something" (Ripoffreport.com posting 27Aug2005). Please read how the Prophecy has come true. Keep in mind God just allowed me to discover the results on 4Sep2005! In Houston Texas: "Walmart Kills Houston Man for Shoplifting" (http://houston.indymedia.org/news/2005/08/42397.php ,Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2005): Walmart Kills Houston Man for Shoplifting by x Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2005 at 11:59 AM ------------------ (http://houston.indymedia.org/news/2005/08/42397.php ) Walmart Kills Houston Man for Shoplifting by Always low prices! Saturday August 20, 2005 at 03:44 PM Wal-Mart loss prevention workers tackled a man suspected of stealing diapers - a new father with a two month old child - holding him down with a choke hold and knee to the back while he was shirtless on the scalding pavement of a Wal-Mart parking lot in Texas. Wal-Mart LP's Kill Suspected Shoplifter Man held down on burning pavement until he died Wal-Mart loss prevention workers tackled a man suspected of stealing diapers - a new father with a two month old child - holding him down with a choke hold and knee to the back while he was shirtless on the scalding pavement of a Wal-Mart parking lot in Texas. The incident was witnessed by dozens of shoppers, including a prominent Texas attorney, Charles Portz: Charles Portz said he was getting out of his car when he saw a heavy blonde haired man being chased by five people who appeared to be security or store employees. He said he saw them wrestling the man to the ground. "The blacktop was extremely hot," said Portz "He had no shirt on and they wouldn't let him up off the blacktop." He said one of the men had Driver in a chokehold and had his knee in the back of his neck as the men tried to subdue him. "He kept trying to get up and they kept pushing him back down," Portz said. According to Portz, Driver began to plead with them men. "He's begging, 'Please call an ambulance, let me up, do something, I'm gonna die," said Portz. He said the loss prevention employees called the police more than once, but another bystander called for an ambulance after realizing Driver was in trouble. Portz said he eventually began to plead with the Walmart employees. "I told them, this guy doesn't look like he's breathing," Portz said, "They said, 'He's all right." He says he continued to plead with the men, pointing out that the man's fingernails were turning gray. "They said he's just high on something," adding, "They just kept him pinned down for twenty minutes or more until the ambulance came." He said he believed Driver was dead when the ambulance left with him, but he was not certain. The store employees could not have known that the witness who was pleading with them to let Driver get up from the hot pavement was a high profile Houston attorney, from the Portz and Portz law firm. He said after the man was handcuffed he continued trying in vain to persuade the Walmart employees to allow him to get up, even pointing out that a second pair of cuffs could be used to attach the ones already on Driver to a nearby truck trailer. "The problem is they kept him down on the blistering concrete with no shirt on," Portz reiterated. He said law enforcement arrived at about the same time as the ambulance. More: (http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/metropolitan/3303871 ) (http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=15014453 ) (http://www.infoshop.org/inews/article.php?story=20050819185544407) Notice that a witness was a top high profile attorney! Woe to Wal-Mart, your judgment is at hand, REPENT, or you are going to face the full Wrath of God Almighty! This I know and as you continue to destroy people's lives with your Greed, God is going to destroy you!!! All will see your destruction. Now this posting is very emotional to me. I am very upset with this. I tell you, if I was there and saw what was happening, I would have tried to kick some butt! I would have got a baseball bat on some evil people! But God allowed this in order to prove His prophesy. My heart cries out to the family of that man. My prayers go out to that man's family, his little baby will always be asking what happen to her daddy! Where will you be, you evil Wal-Mart? This has got to stop people, No store should ever lay a hand on anybody, period! If they see someone shoplifting or think they are shoplifting, they call the police to meet them. They should not stop them, they should not touch them, PERIOD!!! We the People, of this country need to rise up and make the laws needed to stop this. I have already told you of the 61-year-old lady that died in jail, and now here is another life taken by the evil. How many need to die before action is taken? How many? I pray that the high profile attorney joins with the family and wins the entire bank-roll of Wal-Mart so bad that they are put out of business. They are evil and wicked and this latest posting proves it. Wal-Mart, take this posting as another warning from a True Man Of God, REPENT and be saved, are God will bring more Wrath against thee! For those of you good folks, be watching my post. If Wal-Mart never repents and further proof of God's wrath against them, I will post them as God reveals them to me. I pray for those good folks that have become victim to Wal-Marts evil. "Lord please help that family and all the other families that have been targeted by this evil. May they call out to you and be saved and be blessed. I also pray for the people within Wal-Mart to come forward and repent and make things right. A company can be a good company without doing evil against the customers. I pray for all of them Lord. I pray that you return now and put a stop to all this evil. I pray. In Jesus name, Amen".


North Carolina,
Wal-Mart is Not a Business, It's An Economic Disease.

#681Consumer Comment

Sat, September 03, 2005

Denny- Sorry about the previous misnomer. "dustin, you say you aren't posting to insult, but you are." I can respect your right to your opinion. I hope you can do me the same turn. "Im not low income Im not poor. I just know when I see a low price for something I need or want, I will go to a place that has the best deal." I'm glad to hear of your success. Did you know that your income is greater than 84.5% of your fellow statesmen? Only 16.5% of Hawaiians enjoy the extravagant lifestyle that you do. "IF WalMart has it, then so be it. If mom and pop cant handle it, its not my problem. " I suppose this would be a good philosophy for me too if I didn't have a Mom & Pop. Also, I guess the 28.6% of the people in your state who aren't employed by corporations are glad to see that you are doing everything in your power to get their numbers down. "I earn a 6 figure salary, own my own home in one of hte most expensive states in the union to live in. Yet I know a good deal when I see one." Uh, you mean a good deal for YOU, Denny. I suppose though when you and the other 70.9% of the corporate employees in Hawaii pay the highest tax rate in the country, you can get pretty bitter about paying for all those people needing all those government handouts when they could be working ...somewhere. I suppose a 6 figure salry gets a pretty good tax on it huh? But who cares about those 126,154 people there in Hawaii who live in poverty. They should get a job right? I hear Wal-Mart pays a hefty $19,000 per year to its employees. Always Low Wages, Always. "Yes I shop at WalMart, why? cause until i see lower prices at other stores, I just can't see spending $5 more for an item that costs less at WM." What you don't see, is that the money you give wal mart goes back to the corporate HQ in Bentonville,AK and if you've never been to AK, I can tell you, it ain't going into their economy either. So, where does it go? Well, it goes to its former vice chairman, Tom Coughlin. To the tune of $500,000 through expense account abuse. Guess old Tom knows a good deal when HE sees one too. And I'll bet he wasn't making $19,000 a year. 'Cause if he was I'd say good for him. "Dont like it? Too bad. I see WM as a business out to make money. Who isn't? That's their goal. If they prices things lower that makes them the best profit, then that's the way things are." Ahh, yes. Profit. Mom & Pop are out to make a profit too. In order to feed their children so they can go to school without hunger and learn to be the Doctors and Lawyers who will assit you through your future days of dealing with class action lawsuits against Merck and other multinationals that are making the "best profit" and have left you victim to a stroke, heartattack or worse dead in the name of their "goal". I say "Make the money" - please we're all capitalist here. That isn't the point. The point is. At what cost? Not only do individuals have a responsibility to each other, so do the faceless multinationals. America has zero social capital. We could stand to build up a bit. "Dont like it? Go live in the Ukraine or anothe country. Because all businesses are out there to "make money."" Wow, what an incredibly witty retort. You see, I live in this country because I don't like "it", AND I have the power to do something about "it". Your response makes me think of poor Rosa Parks. Would you have told her if she didn't like the back of the bus then she should move to the Ukraine? Maybe not. But she didn't like it, AND she exercised her power that all Americans are granted, the power to change "it". I'm no Rosa Parks, but we all have this very same power to change "it". "I live in a state that doesn't do its own manufacturing of ANYTHING. We are only known for our pineapples, sugar Cane, tourism, and Kona Coffee , where the first two are already handled better in other countries. We import everything, so that means if WalMART is the best place to get the best prices, you bet your bottom dollar that I'll be shopping there." Actually, your manufacturing industry comprises 3.5% of your industry there. Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining combined constitute only 2.3%. Educational, health and social services comprise 19% and Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation and food services make up 16% but, most notably, Retail trade comprises 12.2%. Wal-Mart is Not a Business, It's An Economic Disease.


South Carolina,
Dustin... Interesting Response... "Franz Kafka's (the trial)"

#682Consumer Comment

Sat, September 03, 2005

Dustin, Very educated and interesting response. These are the types of responses I would like to read. Rather you agree with my posting or not, if it is educated in a manner to communicate and try to resolve the issues, I would rather enjoy that then the whole situation put together. I know I am full of Christian faith and often implement my writing with scriptural teachings. And yes often times I ramble on and lead off subject, but other times I am on key. Your posting blew me away, because most are just personal attacks against me and sometimes I attack back. But I would rather be humble of the entire issue and discuss the problem. I found another posting the other night of a man that was falsly accused in front of his children. He did not use the Christian word and many responded positively to his post. There were a few tighties, but his posts were good. Not as colorful as mine, I am tending to think mine has got to be the longest thread here. I did not know my description reflected a prior historic ligature, such as the one you suggested, "Franz Kafka's (the trial)". I will try to discover it on Amazon or Walden books, where I have an account. I just tried to tell a story that best described my situation that the reader maybe able to understand. I am excited that you liked it and made a recommendation. I have one for you if you are interested. Have you ever read Douglas Walton, Informal Logic, Critical Argumentation? "It might be that nobody has ever disproved the existence of God, but it does not follow that it is impossible to prove it" (Walton, 1989, p.44). Many of the aggressive responses to my post are plagued with fallacies of personal attacks. Walton states: "personal attack is inherently dangerous and emotional in argument, and is rightly associated with fallacies and deceptive tactics of argumentation" (Walton, 1989, p. 134). I also enjoy Walton's statement: "Good scientific method is based on the idea of reproducible evidence. In other words, it is better to do an experiment yourself rather than rely on the say-so of someone else who has done it and claimed certain results" (Walton, 1989, p.174-175). This statement describes my research on discovering the truth in my faith. I tested many elements of what the Bible said based on experiences and historic facts to reach my conclusion of my belief. I also researched the Wal-mart situation and discovered the disturbing relationships with other people that have had a similar encounter with this store. Therefore, I blended in my first posting the emotions, feelings, and what facts I could discover the formatted the post. Mixed into that mixture was my Biblical understanding as well. Some agreed and some did not. But I would rather read an educated response such as your latest one that really brings to the table the issue rather than pinpointing my Biblical statements. Anyway, thanks for your posting.


North Carolina,
Better brush up on you KAFKA!

#683Consumer Comment

Fri, September 02, 2005

"There can be no doubt"said K., quite softly, for he was elated by the breathless attention of the meeting; in that stillness a subdued hum was audible which was more exciting than the wildest applause"there can be no doubt that behind all the actions of this court of justice, that is to say in my case, behind my arrest and today's interrogation, there is a great organization at work. An organization which not only employs corrupt warders, oafish Inspectors, and Examining Magistrates of whom the best that can be said is that they recognize their own limitations, but also has at its disposal a judicial hierarchy of high, indeed of the highest rank, with an indispensable and numerous retinue of servants, clerks, police, and other assistants, perhaps even hangmen, I do not shrink from that word. And the significance of this great organization, gentlemen? It consists in this, that innocent persons are accused of guilt, and senseless proceedings are put in motion against them..." The Trial Franz Kafka oh yeah ...from the publisher...a short description of your- er THE Book. A terrifying psychological trip into the life of one Joseph K., an ordinary man who wakes up one day to find himself accused of a crime he did not commit, a crime whose nature is never revealed to him. Once arrested, he is released, but must report to court on a regular basis--an event that proves maddening, as nothing is ever resolved. As he grows more uncertain of his fate, his personal life--including work at a bank and his relations with his landlady and a young woman who lives next door--becomes increasingly unpredictable. As K. tries to gain control, he succeeds only in accelerating his own excruciating downward spiral. Todd - Your story sound a bit like you have re-stated Franz Kafka's "the trial"...You should note that very last part of the description. If you can find a copy of this at your LOCAL bookstore (because I can't imagine wal-mart carries this classic book) I would highly recommend this seccular work to you. Danny - i'm glad to hear of your material accomplishments. I'm saddend that your perception is such that you felt insulted. I imagine though, that you don't let your feelings get in the way of achieving your 6 figures and low prices,so please sir, I employ you not to take a pejorative with me, I'm no threat to your priorities.


Again Todd, this is about your religion, just that you stole

#684Consumer Comment

Fri, September 02, 2005

Again, Tood this whole situation isn't about you being a Christian ( that is debatable however ), or that you think you're a "good person" ( also debatable ), but that you stole food, didn't pay for it, and WalMart saw to it to have you arrested for that crime. Black and white. You ate a sandwhich without paying for it, so WalMart felt you were a shoplifter. So they called the police on you, and they took you to another county (not WalMart's problem). Business is business. No amount of "scripture" or "praying" or your trying to forget the truth ( that is the fact you stole a sandwhich ), will change that fact. The courts do not rely on scripture or praying. They rely on evidence and facts. God has no place in the court system, and he shouldn't even be brought up in the first place. You do realize that many "Christians" own a good amount of stock in WalMart. So what does that say about them? Then again, many atheists, budhists, taoists, catholics, jewish, and other relgious belivers do own stock in the big Wally World coroporation. ####################################### Just look at these latest responses! What anger, what judgmental positions, and yet these know nothing of the subject or even care of the truth. Your blindness puts me at awe every time I read your words. Still over two thousand years there are still seeds of Cain living, ready to kill someone of truth. ####################################### Truth is , you're the one that is blind here, Tood. What we call this post is "the pot calling the kettle black." You have "anger" written throughout all your responses. You have judgemental reasonings throughout all your responses. And Cain has nothing to do with the fact that you stole. ####################################### I do not respond for you to understand, because I can see by your words you are very stiff-necked and never ready to understand. ####################################### Pot calling the kettle black again, Todd. ####################################### So, I will post for those that are caring and ready to listen. ####################################### Save your scriptures for people who actually care, that means, for the church. ####################################### I tell you a truth. About two years ago I was talking to my sister and told her that if New Orleans with all their satan worship and voo doo demon lovers, God will bring on the worse storm ever and completely destroy them. And that will be the warning for this country to either bring this country back to Him, or suffer further punishment. The scripture above supports that. Believe it or not, it does not matter. I tell you another prophecy so you will remember these words. The next punishment will be either Las Vegas (for their sin runs deep), or the state of California, I am not sure if it will be the entire state of multiple cities. But there will be punishment for their sin against the Lord. Call me crazy if you wish, but the truth still remains. Keep in mind they called Jesus crazy when he told them, See this building, how great it is, I tell you the truth, not one stone will be on another"! ####################################### and here you go again, think that God will act on your behalf, and ot use the situation that has happend in the GULF because of Katrina, to base your argument on is the SIGN of a sick and twisted individual. NO TRUE christian will wish harm upon anyone, no matter their beliefs. What happened there is nothing more than a catastrophe, and shouldn't be used as a basis for your personal agendas. You've shown through your respones that you are not a true Christian, but someone who is vindictive, mean, cruel, relentless, unkind, and now a thief.


South Carolina,
The Truth of the Matter...

#685Author of original report

Fri, September 02, 2005

Just look at these latest responses! What anger, what judgmental positions, and yet these know nothing of the subject or even care of the truth. Your blindness puts me at awe every time I read your words. Still over two thousand years there are still seeds of Cain living, ready to kill someone of truth. I do not respond for you to understand, because I can see by your words you are very stiff-necked and never ready to understand. So, I will post for those that are caring and ready to listen. I have some scripture for you good folks. But before I do that let me tell a story, as many of you good folks know Jesus often told stories in order to assist people to understand. Here goes the story: A man was walking down the street and entered his home. Later the police arrived and put the man under arrest. When the man asked why, he was never given an answer. If was just told that he was wanted for many outstanding crimes. Later when the man did get out on bond, the man discovered that his neighbor that he often spent joyful time with had turned against him and told the police this man was a neighborhood thief. The evil neighbor even got other neighbors to be witnesses against the good man. The evil neighbor hid some items from their home in order to make their case known. But the good man never did anything, but was true. The evil neighbor had the city take the good man to court and presented to the court all the lies. The evil neighbor went so far as to pay the judge so to make sure the good man went down. The good man thought he had no one to help, except his little book. The good man read his little book, over and over again. The good man knew this little book was his answer to his troubles. The little book told the good man to pray. The good man prayed and gave praise. The good man even prayed for the evil neighbor and all who had come against him, for the good man was humble in his ways. The little book told the good man not to worry, for his troubles will be over and he will win. The good man had the faith in what the little book said. And in the end, the good man won. But sadly the evil neighbor never repented and was struck down with a terrible illness, in as much that the evil neighbor died. The good man was not happy that he won and a terrible punishment had come against the evil neighbor. Rather the good man was glade that his faith stood firm on the words of the little book. Because of the faith of the good man, he was blessed double of his losses from the beginning of the troubles the evil neighbor started. Do you know what the little book was that the good man was reading? Here is the scriptures that support the story above: "Save me, O God, by thy name, and judge me by thy strength. Hear my prayer, O God; give ear to the words of my mouth. For strangers are risen up against me, and oppressors seek after my soul: they have not set God before them. Selah. Behold, God is mine helper: the Lord is with them that uphold my soul. He shall reward evil unto mine enemies: cut them off in thy truth. I will freely sacrifice unto thee: I will praise thy name, O LORD; for it is good. For he hath delivered me out of all trouble: and mine eye hath seen his desire upon mine enemies" (Psalms 54, KJV). Those wicked people that continue to mock me and the words I use from the Lord, be careful, for you mock Him. I am not perfect and I never said I was, but I never did this crime, I am accused falsely, and the Lord knows the truth of the matter. You will see, victory will be the Lords. I am not scared of any man-made court! But you better be scared of the Lord's court, for He knows your heart and will bring judgment against thee wicked. Hear is the scripture for you: "Why boastest thou thyself in mischief, O mighty man? the goodness of God endureth continually. The tongue deviseth mischiefs; like a sharp razor, working deceitfully. Thou lovest evil more than good; and lying rather than to speak righteousness. Selah. Thou lovest all devouring words, O thou deceitful tongue. God shall likewise destroy thee for ever, he shall take thee away, and pluck thee out of thy dwelling place, and root thee out of the land of the living. Selah. The righteous also shall see, and fear, and shall laugh at him: Lo, this is the man that made not God his strength; but trusted in the abundance of his riches, and strengthened himself in his wickedness. But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever. I will praise thee forever, because thou hast done it: and I will wait on thy name; for it is good before thy saints" (Psalms 52, KJV). I tell you a truth. About two years ago I was talking to my sister and told her that if New Orleans with all their satan worship and voo doo demon lovers, God will bring on the worse storm ever and completely destroy them. And that will be the warning for this country to either bring this country back to Him, or suffer further punishment. The scripture above supports that. Believe it or not, it does not matter. I tell you another prophecy so you will remember these words. The next punishment will be either Las Vegas (for their sin runs deep), or the state of California, I am not sure if it will be the entire state of multiple cities. But there will be punishment for their sin against the Lord. Call me crazy if you wish, but the truth still remains. Keep in mind they called Jesus crazy when he told them, See this building, how great it is, I tell you the truth, not one stone will be on another"! I will pray for you and hope you repent before judgement comes against you. And all of those who know I speak the truth and have supported my posting, may the Lord bless you this day. For I know the Lord allowed this trouble to happen so I would bring Him glory. I am sure even these words will not stop the wicked from posting aggressively against this post, let them come. And let their words be their undoing. I know the truth and I know the Lord will help me and I will glorify Him! Blessings,


South Carolina,
The Truth of the Matter...

#686Author of original report

Fri, September 02, 2005

Just look at these latest responses! What anger, what judgmental positions, and yet these know nothing of the subject or even care of the truth. Your blindness puts me at awe every time I read your words. Still over two thousand years there are still seeds of Cain living, ready to kill someone of truth. I do not respond for you to understand, because I can see by your words you are very stiff-necked and never ready to understand. So, I will post for those that are caring and ready to listen. I have some scripture for you good folks. But before I do that let me tell a story, as many of you good folks know Jesus often told stories in order to assist people to understand. Here goes the story: A man was walking down the street and entered his home. Later the police arrived and put the man under arrest. When the man asked why, he was never given an answer. If was just told that he was wanted for many outstanding crimes. Later when the man did get out on bond, the man discovered that his neighbor that he often spent joyful time with had turned against him and told the police this man was a neighborhood thief. The evil neighbor even got other neighbors to be witnesses against the good man. The evil neighbor hid some items from their home in order to make their case known. But the good man never did anything, but was true. The evil neighbor had the city take the good man to court and presented to the court all the lies. The evil neighbor went so far as to pay the judge so to make sure the good man went down. The good man thought he had no one to help, except his little book. The good man read his little book, over and over again. The good man knew this little book was his answer to his troubles. The little book told the good man to pray. The good man prayed and gave praise. The good man even prayed for the evil neighbor and all who had come against him, for the good man was humble in his ways. The little book told the good man not to worry, for his troubles will be over and he will win. The good man had the faith in what the little book said. And in the end, the good man won. But sadly the evil neighbor never repented and was struck down with a terrible illness, in as much that the evil neighbor died. The good man was not happy that he won and a terrible punishment had come against the evil neighbor. Rather the good man was glade that his faith stood firm on the words of the little book. Because of the faith of the good man, he was blessed double of his losses from the beginning of the troubles the evil neighbor started. Do you know what the little book was that the good man was reading? Here is the scriptures that support the story above: "Save me, O God, by thy name, and judge me by thy strength. Hear my prayer, O God; give ear to the words of my mouth. For strangers are risen up against me, and oppressors seek after my soul: they have not set God before them. Selah. Behold, God is mine helper: the Lord is with them that uphold my soul. He shall reward evil unto mine enemies: cut them off in thy truth. I will freely sacrifice unto thee: I will praise thy name, O LORD; for it is good. For he hath delivered me out of all trouble: and mine eye hath seen his desire upon mine enemies" (Psalms 54, KJV). Those wicked people that continue to mock me and the words I use from the Lord, be careful, for you mock Him. I am not perfect and I never said I was, but I never did this crime, I am accused falsely, and the Lord knows the truth of the matter. You will see, victory will be the Lords. I am not scared of any man-made court! But you better be scared of the Lord's court, for He knows your heart and will bring judgment against thee wicked. Hear is the scripture for you: "Why boastest thou thyself in mischief, O mighty man? the goodness of God endureth continually. The tongue deviseth mischiefs; like a sharp razor, working deceitfully. Thou lovest evil more than good; and lying rather than to speak righteousness. Selah. Thou lovest all devouring words, O thou deceitful tongue. God shall likewise destroy thee for ever, he shall take thee away, and pluck thee out of thy dwelling place, and root thee out of the land of the living. Selah. The righteous also shall see, and fear, and shall laugh at him: Lo, this is the man that made not God his strength; but trusted in the abundance of his riches, and strengthened himself in his wickedness. But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever. I will praise thee forever, because thou hast done it: and I will wait on thy name; for it is good before thy saints" (Psalms 52, KJV). I tell you a truth. About two years ago I was talking to my sister and told her that if New Orleans with all their satan worship and voo doo demon lovers, God will bring on the worse storm ever and completely destroy them. And that will be the warning for this country to either bring this country back to Him, or suffer further punishment. The scripture above supports that. Believe it or not, it does not matter. I tell you another prophecy so you will remember these words. The next punishment will be either Las Vegas (for their sin runs deep), or the state of California, I am not sure if it will be the entire state of multiple cities. But there will be punishment for their sin against the Lord. Call me crazy if you wish, but the truth still remains. Keep in mind they called Jesus crazy when he told them, See this building, how great it is, I tell you the truth, not one stone will be on another"! I will pray for you and hope you repent before judgement comes against you. And all of those who know I speak the truth and have supported my posting, may the Lord bless you this day. For I know the Lord allowed this trouble to happen so I would bring Him glory. I am sure even these words will not stop the wicked from posting aggressively against this post, let them come. And let their words be their undoing. I know the truth and I know the Lord will help me and I will glorify Him! Blessings,


South Carolina,
The Truth of the Matter...

#687Author of original report

Fri, September 02, 2005

Just look at these latest responses! What anger, what judgmental positions, and yet these know nothing of the subject or even care of the truth. Your blindness puts me at awe every time I read your words. Still over two thousand years there are still seeds of Cain living, ready to kill someone of truth. I do not respond for you to understand, because I can see by your words you are very stiff-necked and never ready to understand. So, I will post for those that are caring and ready to listen. I have some scripture for you good folks. But before I do that let me tell a story, as many of you good folks know Jesus often told stories in order to assist people to understand. Here goes the story: A man was walking down the street and entered his home. Later the police arrived and put the man under arrest. When the man asked why, he was never given an answer. If was just told that he was wanted for many outstanding crimes. Later when the man did get out on bond, the man discovered that his neighbor that he often spent joyful time with had turned against him and told the police this man was a neighborhood thief. The evil neighbor even got other neighbors to be witnesses against the good man. The evil neighbor hid some items from their home in order to make their case known. But the good man never did anything, but was true. The evil neighbor had the city take the good man to court and presented to the court all the lies. The evil neighbor went so far as to pay the judge so to make sure the good man went down. The good man thought he had no one to help, except his little book. The good man read his little book, over and over again. The good man knew this little book was his answer to his troubles. The little book told the good man to pray. The good man prayed and gave praise. The good man even prayed for the evil neighbor and all who had come against him, for the good man was humble in his ways. The little book told the good man not to worry, for his troubles will be over and he will win. The good man had the faith in what the little book said. And in the end, the good man won. But sadly the evil neighbor never repented and was struck down with a terrible illness, in as much that the evil neighbor died. The good man was not happy that he won and a terrible punishment had come against the evil neighbor. Rather the good man was glade that his faith stood firm on the words of the little book. Because of the faith of the good man, he was blessed double of his losses from the beginning of the troubles the evil neighbor started. Do you know what the little book was that the good man was reading? Here is the scriptures that support the story above: "Save me, O God, by thy name, and judge me by thy strength. Hear my prayer, O God; give ear to the words of my mouth. For strangers are risen up against me, and oppressors seek after my soul: they have not set God before them. Selah. Behold, God is mine helper: the Lord is with them that uphold my soul. He shall reward evil unto mine enemies: cut them off in thy truth. I will freely sacrifice unto thee: I will praise thy name, O LORD; for it is good. For he hath delivered me out of all trouble: and mine eye hath seen his desire upon mine enemies" (Psalms 54, KJV). Those wicked people that continue to mock me and the words I use from the Lord, be careful, for you mock Him. I am not perfect and I never said I was, but I never did this crime, I am accused falsely, and the Lord knows the truth of the matter. You will see, victory will be the Lords. I am not scared of any man-made court! But you better be scared of the Lord's court, for He knows your heart and will bring judgment against thee wicked. Hear is the scripture for you: "Why boastest thou thyself in mischief, O mighty man? the goodness of God endureth continually. The tongue deviseth mischiefs; like a sharp razor, working deceitfully. Thou lovest evil more than good; and lying rather than to speak righteousness. Selah. Thou lovest all devouring words, O thou deceitful tongue. God shall likewise destroy thee for ever, he shall take thee away, and pluck thee out of thy dwelling place, and root thee out of the land of the living. Selah. The righteous also shall see, and fear, and shall laugh at him: Lo, this is the man that made not God his strength; but trusted in the abundance of his riches, and strengthened himself in his wickedness. But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever. I will praise thee forever, because thou hast done it: and I will wait on thy name; for it is good before thy saints" (Psalms 52, KJV). I tell you a truth. About two years ago I was talking to my sister and told her that if New Orleans with all their satan worship and voo doo demon lovers, God will bring on the worse storm ever and completely destroy them. And that will be the warning for this country to either bring this country back to Him, or suffer further punishment. The scripture above supports that. Believe it or not, it does not matter. I tell you another prophecy so you will remember these words. The next punishment will be either Las Vegas (for their sin runs deep), or the state of California, I am not sure if it will be the entire state of multiple cities. But there will be punishment for their sin against the Lord. Call me crazy if you wish, but the truth still remains. Keep in mind they called Jesus crazy when he told them, See this building, how great it is, I tell you the truth, not one stone will be on another"! I will pray for you and hope you repent before judgement comes against you. And all of those who know I speak the truth and have supported my posting, may the Lord bless you this day. For I know the Lord allowed this trouble to happen so I would bring Him glory. I am sure even these words will not stop the wicked from posting aggressively against this post, let them come. And let their words be their undoing. I know the truth and I know the Lord will help me and I will glorify Him! Blessings,


South Carolina,
The Truth of the Matter...

#688Author of original report

Fri, September 02, 2005

Just look at these latest responses! What anger, what judgmental positions, and yet these know nothing of the subject or even care of the truth. Your blindness puts me at awe every time I read your words. Still over two thousand years there are still seeds of Cain living, ready to kill someone of truth. I do not respond for you to understand, because I can see by your words you are very stiff-necked and never ready to understand. So, I will post for those that are caring and ready to listen. I have some scripture for you good folks. But before I do that let me tell a story, as many of you good folks know Jesus often told stories in order to assist people to understand. Here goes the story: A man was walking down the street and entered his home. Later the police arrived and put the man under arrest. When the man asked why, he was never given an answer. If was just told that he was wanted for many outstanding crimes. Later when the man did get out on bond, the man discovered that his neighbor that he often spent joyful time with had turned against him and told the police this man was a neighborhood thief. The evil neighbor even got other neighbors to be witnesses against the good man. The evil neighbor hid some items from their home in order to make their case known. But the good man never did anything, but was true. The evil neighbor had the city take the good man to court and presented to the court all the lies. The evil neighbor went so far as to pay the judge so to make sure the good man went down. The good man thought he had no one to help, except his little book. The good man read his little book, over and over again. The good man knew this little book was his answer to his troubles. The little book told the good man to pray. The good man prayed and gave praise. The good man even prayed for the evil neighbor and all who had come against him, for the good man was humble in his ways. The little book told the good man not to worry, for his troubles will be over and he will win. The good man had the faith in what the little book said. And in the end, the good man won. But sadly the evil neighbor never repented and was struck down with a terrible illness, in as much that the evil neighbor died. The good man was not happy that he won and a terrible punishment had come against the evil neighbor. Rather the good man was glade that his faith stood firm on the words of the little book. Because of the faith of the good man, he was blessed double of his losses from the beginning of the troubles the evil neighbor started. Do you know what the little book was that the good man was reading? Here is the scriptures that support the story above: "Save me, O God, by thy name, and judge me by thy strength. Hear my prayer, O God; give ear to the words of my mouth. For strangers are risen up against me, and oppressors seek after my soul: they have not set God before them. Selah. Behold, God is mine helper: the Lord is with them that uphold my soul. He shall reward evil unto mine enemies: cut them off in thy truth. I will freely sacrifice unto thee: I will praise thy name, O LORD; for it is good. For he hath delivered me out of all trouble: and mine eye hath seen his desire upon mine enemies" (Psalms 54, KJV). Those wicked people that continue to mock me and the words I use from the Lord, be careful, for you mock Him. I am not perfect and I never said I was, but I never did this crime, I am accused falsely, and the Lord knows the truth of the matter. You will see, victory will be the Lords. I am not scared of any man-made court! But you better be scared of the Lord's court, for He knows your heart and will bring judgment against thee wicked. Hear is the scripture for you: "Why boastest thou thyself in mischief, O mighty man? the goodness of God endureth continually. The tongue deviseth mischiefs; like a sharp razor, working deceitfully. Thou lovest evil more than good; and lying rather than to speak righteousness. Selah. Thou lovest all devouring words, O thou deceitful tongue. God shall likewise destroy thee for ever, he shall take thee away, and pluck thee out of thy dwelling place, and root thee out of the land of the living. Selah. The righteous also shall see, and fear, and shall laugh at him: Lo, this is the man that made not God his strength; but trusted in the abundance of his riches, and strengthened himself in his wickedness. But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever. I will praise thee forever, because thou hast done it: and I will wait on thy name; for it is good before thy saints" (Psalms 52, KJV). I tell you a truth. About two years ago I was talking to my sister and told her that if New Orleans with all their satan worship and voo doo demon lovers, God will bring on the worse storm ever and completely destroy them. And that will be the warning for this country to either bring this country back to Him, or suffer further punishment. The scripture above supports that. Believe it or not, it does not matter. I tell you another prophecy so you will remember these words. The next punishment will be either Las Vegas (for their sin runs deep), or the state of California, I am not sure if it will be the entire state of multiple cities. But there will be punishment for their sin against the Lord. Call me crazy if you wish, but the truth still remains. Keep in mind they called Jesus crazy when he told them, See this building, how great it is, I tell you the truth, not one stone will be on another"! I will pray for you and hope you repent before judgement comes against you. And all of those who know I speak the truth and have supported my posting, may the Lord bless you this day. For I know the Lord allowed this trouble to happen so I would bring Him glory. I am sure even these words will not stop the wicked from posting aggressively against this post, let them come. And let their words be their undoing. I know the truth and I know the Lord will help me and I will glorify Him! Blessings,


New York,
Good Grief....

#689Consumer Comment

Fri, September 02, 2005

Are we STILL beating this dead horse??? I can picture all of us... 50 years from now, still listening to Todd rant about how persecuted he was by the evil Wally Mart corporation.. But then, what would I do for a laugh!


Not poor. not low income. A deal is a deal no matter who has it.

#690Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 01, 2005

dustin, you say you aren't posting to insult, but you are. Im not low income Im not poor. I just know when I see a low price for something I need or want, I will go to a place that has the best deal. IF WalMart has it, then so be it. If mom and pop cant handle it, its not my problem. I earn a 6 figure salary, own my own home in one of hte most expensive states in the union to live in. Yet I know a good deal when I see one. Yes I shop at WalMart, why? cause until i see lower prices at other stores, I just can't see spending $5 more for an item that costs less at WM. Dont like it? Too bad. I see WM as a business out to make money. Who isn't? That's their goal. If they prices things lower that makes them the best profit, then that's the way things are. Dont like it? Go live in the Ukraine or anothe country. Because all businesses are out there to "make money." I live in a state that doesn't do its own manufacturing of ANYTHING. We are only known for our pineapples, sugar Cane, tourism, and Kona Coffee , where the first two are already handled better in other countries. We import everything, so that means if WalMART is the best place to get the best prices, you bet your bottom dollar that I'll be shopping there.


Not everything is garbabe.

#691Consumer Comment

Thu, September 01, 2005

*****All I have to do is sell garbage instead of quality. Instead, I choose to do quality work so I sell good parts.***** ###########################################33 so what makes at $249 digital Camera made by Sony sold at Walmart, different from the $300 digital Camera (same model) made by Sony garbage? Except that WalMart is willling to sell it $50 cheaper than the "mom and pop" store? Same model and brand, got good reviews by consumers. If you think that the only thing that are sold at WalMart garbage, you haven't shopped there in a long while. ######################################## *****It works this way in nearly all small businesses. Want a good pizza? Go to the big chains. Want a GREAT pizza? Go to the little guy who needs word of moth advertising to draw the crowds. Works this way for all small businesses.****** ######################################## Funny, a great pizza is the one I make at home. No store can make a great pizza. And I buy my ingredients from a super WalMart or Safeway. And no, NOT all small businesses work that way. I know of some really bad small businesses that shouldn't even be open because of their bad products and services.


Final Response

#692Consumer Comment

Thu, September 01, 2005

I do NOT work for Wal-Mart nor do I know anyone that works for Wal-Mart. I DO shop there occasionally as they have what I want at a price I feel is reasonable. I find things I need for my business at Wal-Mart that I cannot find at any other establishments in my local economy. As I stated earlier, I don't believe that Wal-Mart is evil or against Christians or minorities. You will never be able to convince me otherwise so save your breath. I believe, like any large business, that some of their employees may not be the smartest or most professional. You will find that type of individual EVERYWHERE. Wal-Mart does not hold exclusive rights to this flaw. I have a relative that knows the details in this case. He's not a Wal-Mart employee nor is he in law enforcement. He's a public defender and has researched and found the specifics in this case. Your arrest record is public information. We all must face our accusers if we are charged with a crime. Most crinimals were not caught on their first "Devils work". The same is true for you. You've shoplifted before and got away with it. This time you got caught. How dare you try and turn this back on me. Be a man and accept your punishment. Only other criminals will sympathize with you. BIG EVIL WAL-MART? Not even close. I have never had an issue shopping there or anywhere. But then again I pay for what take with me. It's really painless when you follow the rules of society and the law.


A final Comment

#693Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 01, 2005

I have run my own business, I can tell you that the people (Of any sex, color, religion) who loudly provlaim GOD IS ON MY SIDE are the biggest thieves I have ever had to work with. After a short time I started looking at the cars brought to me for repair, if any vehicle had an open bible on the seat, or prominently displayed , say on the dashboard.That person tried to cheat me every single time. It got so bad that whenever a "Bible Car" came in, I told them I coulden't work on their car. Cut the stealing down 80%. Lesson, the louder "GOD" is named, the bigger the thief.


A final Comment

#694Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 01, 2005

I have run my own business, I can tell you that the people (Of any sex, color, religion) who loudly provlaim GOD IS ON MY SIDE are the biggest thieves I have ever had to work with. After a short time I started looking at the cars brought to me for repair, if any vehicle had an open bible on the seat, or prominently displayed , say on the dashboard.That person tried to cheat me every single time. It got so bad that whenever a "Bible Car" came in, I told them I coulden't work on their car. Cut the stealing down 80%. Lesson, the louder "GOD" is named, the bigger the thief.


A final Comment

#695Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 01, 2005

I have run my own business, I can tell you that the people (Of any sex, color, religion) who loudly provlaim GOD IS ON MY SIDE are the biggest thieves I have ever had to work with. After a short time I started looking at the cars brought to me for repair, if any vehicle had an open bible on the seat, or prominently displayed , say on the dashboard.That person tried to cheat me every single time. It got so bad that whenever a "Bible Car" came in, I told them I coulden't work on their car. Cut the stealing down 80%. Lesson, the louder "GOD" is named, the bigger the thief.


North Carolina,
Local Businesses

#696Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 01, 2005

I'm sorry you don't see the BIG picture about why the prices are so low and how come you need them to be. Chances are, you need the low prices because you have a low income (not to imply you are poor or uneducated or anythng else...after all i don't know you), and you have a low income because there are limited jobs available to you. There are limited jobs because the businesses (manufacturing, wholesale and retail) that used to exsist in your area and mine and everyone's for that matter, don't exist anymore because of places like Wal-Mart. The advantage to Wal-Mart is that they offer low prices. We all need low prices. Who doesn't like to save money? The disadvantage is, that you wouldn't need prices so low if you had a better paying job (again,this is NOT an insult - simply an assertion that WE ALL need better paying jobs), and you (WE) would have a better paying job, or at least a chance at a better job, if there were a greater number of merchants, manufactures, and wholesalers in this country that weren't put out of business by places like Wal-Mart. I argue that, at some point, shopping at places like Wal-Mart is at your (our) own peril. I think that at some point you realize you are feeding the beast that is eating you and you (WE) have to break the cycle. So, that's my $0.02.


I CAN compete easily with Wally World Denny

#697Consumer Comment

Wed, August 31, 2005

All I have to do is sell garbage instead of quality. Instead, I choose to do quality work so I sell good parts. It works this way in nearly all small businesses. Want a good pizza? Go to the big chains. Want a GREAT pizza? Go to the little guy who needs word of moth advertising to draw the crowds. Works this way for all small businesses.


You are all missing the important point

#698Consumer Suggestion

Wed, August 31, 2005

If God can forgive him, why can't Wal-Mart? All we have to do is scream "I'm a Christian" and we can do whatever we want because God has forgiven us, and if someone can't forgive whom God has forgiven, then that person deserves to BURN IN HELL!!! Rob a bank? God forgives you. Keep the money. Kill someone recently? God forgives you, so you can do it again and get forgiven again. After all, if Jesus can get crucified between two thieves, he should have no problem welcoming a few more thieves into heaven. Todd, He's waiting for you.


If local business owners can keep prices lower than WalMart

#699Consumer Comment

Wed, August 31, 2005

...then I'll be happy to shop with them. but if they can't compete, then too bad.


South Carolina,
You are way out of line...

#700Author of original report

Wed, August 31, 2005

First of all, if I am so guilty as you claim that I am. Why are you even responding to my post? Why? I'll tell you why, because you know I am correct that Wal-mart has done me wrong and you are doing your best to try and lead the people to your wickedness. Second, you do not even know me or my heart, so how could you judge me on that matter. All someone has to do is go to findlaw.com and run a search on Wal-mart and they can see for themselves. Plus there is another website wal-martlitigation.com which also outlines multiple cases where Wal-Mart has done evil. Read the one about the lady that died in jail and where the family won $111 million. There is other resources as well. Should I continue to list them? I am willing to bet you are part of the Wal-mart train, destroying peoples lives, refusing proper justice, delaying rightiousness. But as I have said many times, God knows what is happening and He will take care of it. Third, you are so wrong to state, "You are not a Christian". I am sure you do not even know the actual formation of the word. At least I know that when the Lord returns there will be proper justice, no scamming from attorneys when that happens.


South Carolina,
You are way out of line...

#701Author of original report

Wed, August 31, 2005

First of all, if I am so guilty as you claim that I am. Why are you even responding to my post? Why? I'll tell you why, because you know I am correct that Wal-mart has done me wrong and you are doing your best to try and lead the people to your wickedness. Second, you do not even know me or my heart, so how could you judge me on that matter. All someone has to do is go to findlaw.com and run a search on Wal-mart and they can see for themselves. Plus there is another website wal-martlitigation.com which also outlines multiple cases where Wal-Mart has done evil. Read the one about the lady that died in jail and where the family won $111 million. There is other resources as well. Should I continue to list them? I am willing to bet you are part of the Wal-mart train, destroying peoples lives, refusing proper justice, delaying rightiousness. But as I have said many times, God knows what is happening and He will take care of it. Third, you are so wrong to state, "You are not a Christian". I am sure you do not even know the actual formation of the word. At least I know that when the Lord returns there will be proper justice, no scamming from attorneys when that happens.


South Carolina,
You are way out of line...

#702Author of original report

Wed, August 31, 2005

First of all, if I am so guilty as you claim that I am. Why are you even responding to my post? Why? I'll tell you why, because you know I am correct that Wal-mart has done me wrong and you are doing your best to try and lead the people to your wickedness. Second, you do not even know me or my heart, so how could you judge me on that matter. All someone has to do is go to findlaw.com and run a search on Wal-mart and they can see for themselves. Plus there is another website wal-martlitigation.com which also outlines multiple cases where Wal-Mart has done evil. Read the one about the lady that died in jail and where the family won $111 million. There is other resources as well. Should I continue to list them? I am willing to bet you are part of the Wal-mart train, destroying peoples lives, refusing proper justice, delaying rightiousness. But as I have said many times, God knows what is happening and He will take care of it. Third, you are so wrong to state, "You are not a Christian". I am sure you do not even know the actual formation of the word. At least I know that when the Lord returns there will be proper justice, no scamming from attorneys when that happens.


South Carolina,
You are way out of line...

#703Author of original report

Wed, August 31, 2005

First of all, if I am so guilty as you claim that I am. Why are you even responding to my post? Why? I'll tell you why, because you know I am correct that Wal-mart has done me wrong and you are doing your best to try and lead the people to your wickedness. Second, you do not even know me or my heart, so how could you judge me on that matter. All someone has to do is go to findlaw.com and run a search on Wal-mart and they can see for themselves. Plus there is another website wal-martlitigation.com which also outlines multiple cases where Wal-Mart has done evil. Read the one about the lady that died in jail and where the family won $111 million. There is other resources as well. Should I continue to list them? I am willing to bet you are part of the Wal-mart train, destroying peoples lives, refusing proper justice, delaying rightiousness. But as I have said many times, God knows what is happening and He will take care of it. Third, you are so wrong to state, "You are not a Christian". I am sure you do not even know the actual formation of the word. At least I know that when the Lord returns there will be proper justice, no scamming from attorneys when that happens.


North Carolina,
1 question - 1 comment

#704Consumer Comment

Wed, August 31, 2005

Question: I see that it has been over 4 months (seems like a long time to wait to see a judge for shoplifting) since this incident occured, and I was wondering when you would be attending court so we could get an update on your case. Comment: The good news is that you will no longer be shopping at Wal-Mart. Welcome to the club!! I think you are a bit off-base with your point of view, but whatever it takes! Thank you for your protest against Wal-Mart, and for supporting small businesses that the owner knows your name and will appreciate the $600 a month you keep in your local economy. You have to think of each dollar you have as a Vote, and where you spend it is what you are voting for. So, please keep voting for your local business owners, they'll love you for it.


Your Story is....

#705Consumer Suggestion

Wed, August 31, 2005

...filled with half truths and inconsistencies. You make no sense. You think you can bring down Wal-Mart? Then you are also disillusioned. You were caught doing something illegal and you want to blame others. This is not a conspiracy against Christians or minorities. How dare you to even suggest it. You are not a Christian, you bear no fruit. You might have convinced others in your life that as a Christian, it is not possible for you to commit this crime... However, the wise people here are smart enough to know better. I am really surprised you keep coming back as you have virtually no support here. Is Wal-mart always right? No one is saying that. Is Wal-Mart perfect? Not even close. Is Wal-Mart evil? Not to the millions that shop there everyday and continue to come back. I'm sure if there was such a "perfect" place, Wal-Mart would be out of business. It would appear you feel justified to steal from Wal-Mart because you feel they ripped you off on an exchange? Why did you go back unless it was to "even the score". Bottom line is YOU GOT CAUGHT. They don't need to look at the receipt, the evidence was retrieved from the garbage can and you know it. How do you explain that? How do you expect any support? Because you are a Christian? A Christian that bears no fruit? Seems to me, people like that have other labels and our prisons (and some churches) are filled with them.


288 Billion in sales this year

#706Consumer Comment

Wed, August 31, 2005

Todd That's 288 BILLION DOLLARS in gross sales. I doubt the $100,000 they lose from you and your friends will cause them much concern. Im not a big Wal-mart fan either but you need to be realistic about your situation and quit using religion to mask the fact that your're a petty shoplifter who got caught.



#707Consumer Comment

Wed, August 31, 2005

Todd, it seems as if you are angry with your last posting. Christians don't tell others they are "full of it." Everything is so twisted up here it's not even funny. Todd, let this go! And might I remind you, Wal Mart will NEVER repent as they are a makeup of thousands of people and workers. They are not one single person. You are asking thousands to repent of something they aren't guilty of. Only a few are at the store you shopped at (and I think they are guilty of nothing. You are!). And your family and friends spending $10,000 a month there is some made up ridiculous number! Get real! I am suspicious now that you are guilty. You are fighting too much with your words. If you were innocent you would let it go and not be so defensive. Maybe all of this hullaballoo has to do with that 'anxiety disorder' you were talking about. You are obsessed with this whole thing. Have you been also diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? If you haven't. See your psychiatrist today. He may help you get it under control!

Stephen D

This guy is totally off his rocker

#708Consumer Comment

Wed, August 31, 2005

I wonder if "god" is the ONLY voice he hears in his head you are not christian, you are pretending to be christian do you arent sent to hell. its just like the death row convict saying hes found god, he hasnt found god hes just trying a last ditch effort to avoid hell. you are a thief and a liar. Honestly Wal-mart doesnt need your theiving money. you arent the reason the stock is going down, it can be most attributed to the rising gas prices. lets hope they throw this looney tune in jail so we dont have to hear his nonsense.


South Carolina,
WHAT!!! "container wrapped in napkins"!

#709Author of original report

Wed, August 31, 2005

"container wrapped in napkins"! Where did this come from? What a liar! As I have said, most likely I will never have a chance against the big-bad Wal-Mart, because they own the police and the courts. What I do have is my voice, and you can never stop that. If my words where not the truth, then why do you respond to my posting? Hmmmm... Because you know there are millions of people reading my post and that are taking action not shopping at your evil store anymore. Checked your stock prices lately? And what about your top CEOs frauding the hard workers? Are you saying that is a lie too. You can drum up a 100 people in the store to bend the truth if you wish, frankly I do not care. I know my Lord will take care of me. I pray for you, for His wrath will come hard against you. Do you see the warning signs already? Oh, what about that 61 year old you accused of the same thing and you kept her in the jail until she died. Didn't her family win $111 million against your company. Are you going to post and state here that I am lying about that to? Shame on you people for what you are doing to people. Oh, that reminds me, where is the video tape? I have read a letter from your HQ that there is no video tape. I bet there is a video tape and it shows me giving everything to the cashier and PAYING!!! You hide that because it shows how evil you really are. See me in court? This is no true court of law, this is an execution of good folks. I use to spend about $600 per month in your stores. My family and friends I know use to spend about $10,000 per month in your stores. And since they know the truth of what you evil company did to me, you have lost that money. That is over $100,000 per year. Oach! That must hurt. Does not make business correct to accuse a customer over a $11 (oh wait you keep changing the price, last I checked you now say I owe $14)... So which is it, $11, 12, 13, or 14? Don't really know do you? First rule in any investigation is know your facts before you accuse someone. My arrest warrant says $12, but what you gave my attorney was $14. Plus on the document it states, "Not a real receipt, training only". Plus lets talk about tampering with evidence. Ummm... Sounds like a setup to me. Direct violation of "Due Process", and a "Fair Trial". So go ahead do the worse evil you can do, if you dare, I am not scared of you or your wicked homies. I will continue to post, I will continue to make my voice known. The story will be heard. Oh, and just wait and see what God is going to do to you. Another thing. Want to talk about who the real theft is. I remember returning some items I paid $30 for and your store would not refund me the same price, instead your store only gave me $5. That in itself would justify any mistake I may have made, if I ever made a mistake. Your store sucks and is very wrong how you treat people. One thing I learned in that jail was, many of your employees are known criminals and the manager of that store is liked and good friends with the punks in that jail. Is there something wrong here? If the Lord gives me the resources I will expose this evil all over the country. I do not need to take anything, I pay for everything. I live by my Christian life and have a Ten Commandment tablet in my front yard, so get off my back. What you hate the most is the word "Christian", that is what gets your goat the most. I think it will be so funny that God places the entire jury as Christians that have had clashes with your company in the past. And they know first hand of your wickedness. That would be funny. And actually that is happening in other cases. Is it true that Wal-Mart has lost over $1 Billion in false arrest and false imprisonment cases? Why don't you tell the truth on that one. If my case is rare and you say I am not telling the truth, then explain that you evil person! Your greed has blinded you to the facts. So go ahead, post what you will. Do to me what you will. I am not scared of what you may do to my body, past Christian suffered a whole lot more than what you can through at me, you should rather be scared of who can kill your soul! This will not be the death of me, and if God willing, I will let the public know what you and your evil company are doing. I know you have your brain-dead homeboy'z post insulting remarks and attack my posting. But you are to blind to read what I am saying or what good folks are saying. My situation is not the only case of this wickedness you are doing. The public are not blind. Tell me, is there any whistleblowing of your stores "cooking the books"? Or using "Children as slaves"? Or not paying workers properly, rather than make then work long hours without pay? Or hirer sexslaves? Oh, you did not know I know all of this, hmmmm... I may be injured, but I can do some serious research and I have resources you have no idea I have. You may win the first battle by paying off the court, but you will not win the war. That is a promise. If you know so much, and all these so-called witnesses, then post here the details of what they are claiming, "omitting is that some of the items (not all) were disposed of in a trash container hidden in napkins". You are so full of it.


Half Truths are also lies

#710Consumer Comment

Tue, August 30, 2005

I believe there is "some" truth to the original posters comments. However, I have information that this person would not like to be known to the people posting here. The fact is, the original poster did consume food before paying. Truth is the original poster did take the packages with bar codes to the register. What the original poster is omitting is that some of the items (not all) were disposed of in a trash container hidden in napkins. This is likely a common practice for this person. They were seen to consume food and pay for items. However, this day the subject was observed from the time they picked up the food until checkout time. Claiming to be a Christain and devoted to God has worked for this individual in the past, so this defense is the only one they can use. It's too late for the original poster to come clean for this forum. He has dug his own grave. I would bet money that he even believes what he is claiming. Practice makes perfect right? Don't waste your time on such a skilled liar. Wal-Mart is NOT against Christians but they must protect themselves from skilled con artists and shoplifters. If the original poster owned their own business that was losing money to these thieves, I'm sure he would prosecute ANYONE caught (not suspected) of stealing. Eating food and not paying for it is stealing. Throwing away the container wrapped in napkins to conceal the crime is his method. If the orignal poster TRUELY believes in God, he will repent his sins and accept his punishment. God KNOWS the TRUTH, and now all you you do too. See you in court!



#711Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 30, 2005

I agree with Shari's thoughts above. This issue is really very simple, If you didn't pay for the food, then you are guilty. If you did pay for it, then you are innocent.... Plain and Simple. The only part of Shari's thoughts that I didn't totally agree with was the part about leaving it in God's hands..... I would suggest that you leave it in your Attorney's hands (being that this is a Legal issue, and not a Religious one).


South Carolina,
Did Paul write his letters in Vain, then???

#712Author of original report

Tue, August 30, 2005

I can see by these last three postings so very twisted minds, that has not even read the Bible or what I posted. Read 1 and 2 Corinthians, The Acts, Hebrews, Mark and Luke, and well as others and you will discover that Paul and other Men/Women of God stood up to wrong-doing. And even shouted out what was going on. Your responses to me makes not merit as to decay my posting. You judge me and what I say without even reading my words or what the truth of the Bible is. I do not even judge myself, except to the fact that I did not do what I have been accused of. I cannot stop the fact that I am a Christian and have that teaching reflected in my writings. Here is a story for ya. A man goes to a store, the store has a open bar, eat first pay later. Man gets food, and then packs up other items to pay for. Man goes to cashier, hands everything to cashier and PAYS!!! Then store arrest man and tells him he stole the food without paying. But the man provides the pay stub, and tells the story what happen. Store refuses to listen and send the man to jail and threatens to send the man's whole family to jail. Man fights the problem. So agree and assist. Some are nasty and try to justify the store. Man's life is on the line for a falsified $12/13, store will cause man to suffer for the rest of his life for something the man never did. Now do you still think the man is wrong to post what happen an express his beliefs. Here's the truth in these past three responses. If I never wrote the word, "Christian" you would agree to my posting and not have a problem. And I feel that is the hang-up on your responses, because you go off on me and your statements never talk about the rest of my posting. If you read my posting in detail. I tell the story and I reflect my Christian reasoning. I do not know how much more clear I can be. Interestingly, my posting has caused many people to wake up to what is happening and stopped shopping at the store. I am hoping and praying that the store repent and make things right. I have been wronged by them and they know it. If you can not see the light, then you are nothing more than the blind leading the blind. And you worship the Lord in Vain.

Stephen D

oh my god do you ever shut up?

#713Consumer Comment

Tue, August 30, 2005

You are GUILTY, you are a THIEF! you were caught stealing and no court of law will find you innocent. perhaps next time you should actually pay for your items instead of trying to get it for free. god strikes down sinners like you. and christ has turned his back on you.


Alright Already.. .let's stop! True Christians go about things in a much different manner than you have displayed here.

#714Consumer Comment

Tue, August 30, 2005

After reading several postings by everyone regarding this whole Wal Mart thing; it appalls me that Todd would keep stating that he is a 'devout Christian.' I am a Christian and go about my business everyday witnessing for Christ and showing others how Christ has changed my life. I don't do it pushy or in an offensive way. How Todd is acting is very foolish and has been offensive to many other people. He needs to leave this whole thing in God's hands and stop fighting it and let God fight it for him. That's the most simple way. God said, "vengeance is mine saith the Lord." That says it plain and clear that God will take care of it. So, Todd, stop fighting this yourself and give God control. True Christians go about things in a much different manner than you have displayed here. It grieves me that you have gone this far to look and make yourself so foolish. You have put a bad name to Chrisitianity here. Let it go!


Even his Attorney is evil

#715Consumer Comment

Tue, August 30, 2005

That's right, his own Attorney thinks he's guilty so he must be against Christians. What a load. Todd is going to have fun in prison.


Even his Attorney is evil

#716Consumer Comment

Tue, August 30, 2005

That's right, his own Attorney thinks he's guilty so he must be against Christians. What a load. Todd is going to have fun in prison.


Even his Attorney is evil

#717Consumer Comment

Tue, August 30, 2005

That's right, his own Attorney thinks he's guilty so he must be against Christians. What a load. Todd is going to have fun in prison.


Even his Attorney is evil

#718Consumer Comment

Tue, August 30, 2005

That's right, his own Attorney thinks he's guilty so he must be against Christians. What a load. Todd is going to have fun in prison.


you're right, Todd, a plot against Christians, attended ritual sacrifices at my local Alpharetta, Georgia, Wal-Mart

#719Consumer Comment

Mon, August 29, 2005

it is a plot against Christians. I personally have attended ritual sacrifices at my local Alpharetta, Georgia, Wal-Mart, where we ate babies, drank the blood of Christians, and sacrificed goats. I think they even threw in a couple of chickens. These sin-filled orgies of bloodlust and desire were organized by local Wal-Mart managers! The wholesome 'small-town America' Wal-Mart projects is a front to hide their true devious intentions -- the destruction of Christians, widespread availability of abortion, and homosexual marriages on every street corner! Praise be to Satan! All hail our Master, Wal-Mart!


South Carolina,
Just discovered Update Method...

#720Author of original report

Sun, August 28, 2005

I just discovered the update section... next update I will use this method.


South Carolina,
UPDATE and Responses... From Editor of this Posting...

#721Consumer Comment

Sun, August 28, 2005

Wow, what colorful responses to my postings. I had no idea when God directed me to make this posting that it would allow so many to be educated into the problems with false arrest. I felt I needed to give an update to my posting since it has been some time since my last posting. Before I get into the update I would like to thank everyone for their posting, either good or bad. All have been helpful in the understand of how both angles could be relayed in my posting. For that, I would like to thank all of you. You took the effort to respond, and I am grateful. With that said, let me clear the air on a few issues. Any of you that may know court proceedings and preparing for court, knows very well it could be client suicide to make a public statement or posting of the details of the case. That in itself should prove that what I said was the truth and direct facts of the events that happen to me. Why you may ask? Well, I felt I have nothing else to loose. I looked at the possibility that the corrupted court system would slam me down because of the mighty greed machine pumping the fraud and therefore I would never have a fair chance at justice. I did pray hard before making any posting and felt that God lead me to make the people aware of what is happening. I can read by some of your postings, that the corrupt accounts happen to others are as true as my story. That makes me even more upset of this fact that others are suffering as me. This has to stop, we need to band together and take our country back. I am not saying we need to make laws violating other people rights. But our country was founded on the Christian moral laws such as, "Thou shall not steel", "Thou shall not murder", "Thou shall not lie", "Thou shall not commit adultery", and so on These Devine Laws were written over four thousand years ago, and our secular laws written only two hundred years ago. One does not need to research hard to discover that many of country's foundations of laws are directly based on Devine Laws. So for most of us to sit back and allow our reconnection of Devine Laws to be eroded away is very disturbing to me. I have learned that in the state of South Carolina, within the court hearings and depositions, they do not even require you to swear to tell the truth, "So help you God". Instead they require you to swear on nothing. How can someone swear on nothing? That bogs my mind and is almost too funny to be reality. I am sure my ancestors that fought to found this country would be very upset and most likely would have never fought if they knew what this country is becoming. That peoples our just allowing the country's basic principles to be decayed into nothing more than swearing on nothing. Another fact during the formation of our country, was the concern that the Supreme Court would have such powers as to outline and force the people to what they may think was the proper method of our land. The Supreme Court is appointed and once appointed answers to no one. At least our elected representatives can be impeached or replaced. The Supreme Court is there. I wonder how many of you knew this fact? As I recall, the first Supreme Court made a statement that he would only rule by the direction of the Devine Law (not his exact words, but the effect is there). I am sure he would be very upset at the ruling of the Supreme Court over the Ten Commandments. Okay enough on the history lesson and my opinion, I am sure many of you our wondering the update of my case. Well, I have discovered that the corruption is very deep here in the South. So deep, that many claim to be Christians and or nothing more than liars. I am sure this is not just limited to the South, as many of you have dramatically detailed in your postings. What I am talking about, is I have discovered my former attorney has been leading me along and charging me large amounts of fees knowing very well the case is nothing. I even went out and hired my own private investigator that went into the Wal-Mart and took photographs of these bogus cameras, interviewed with Asst. Managers, and even ate some food at the "Open Deli" and asked (recorded) the Asst. Manager at the Deli, that it was okay to eat the food and pay later. The investigator went so far as to talk with the cashier (names, dates, all taken), where the cashier confirmed that this was okay. My attorney was outraged that I did this, but he was doing nothing to defend me. Matter of fact he wanted me to agree to a plea to admit to something I did not do. When I stated that it goes against my Christian Principles, even against persecution my former attorney responded, ""You got to forget your Christian Principles, that does not matter in a court of law"! I responded, "Our court of law is based on Devine Law!" I am now seeking a new attorney, so if there are any honest good ones out there, please respond and let me know your email address. Also, here is a promise for all of you that attack my posting and still think I am guilty. If the court charges me, even against the facts, I will not be silent. I will continue to blow the whistle on this problem and other problems that I am exposing. I am very tired of all this wrongdoing going on and I am doing something about it. The only effective thing I know how to do at this point is public expose what is happening. Some can either believe me what I say, or not, that is your God given right. But please, stop posting such uneducated posting that some of you have posted. I would rather see educated postings, to try and resolve this problem, rather than try to destroy my caricature. I have no conviction, because I and Wal-Mart knows I never did what they claim I did. Believe it or not. Oh and one other thing, those of you that attacked my faith and tried to make the argument that Christ was silent and never said anything. I can tell very well you know nothing of the scriptures. The books of the Holy Bible are full of false accusations of the prophets and followers of Christ. Are you trying to tell me the Christians that were ripped apart by Lions deserved it just because they would not worship the emperor of rome? Or what about the Christians that were burned at the stake because they would not worship an image of the pope during the dark ages? Or what about the Chinese Christians being gassed, shot, their whole family being raped in front of them because they would not worship the Chinese government, instead would worship God only. What do you have to say about that? Even Paul in the bible talks about the coppersmith that falsely accused him and had him put in prison. Paul even went so far as to list many of his trials and bad treatment, and then he states that the Lord rescued him from every one. This Wal-Mart is not the first time I have been accused by the enemy. And by far is not the large beast I have fought. Every one the Lord gave me victory, and thus this Wal-mart case will be victorious. All Wal-Mart has to do is come clean and repent and work to better themselves instead of all this greed and lies they spread. One thing I have learned of God by reading His words, is He gives a sinner time to repent on their own, often a very long time (more than I can say about secular courts), and if they do not, then His face turns against them. I would rather not have God's anger against me, but rather His love. Let me bring some light to you that God is real and what I say is very true. One thing the Bible teaches is a true Christian is to talk about prophesy, and if the person is a true Christian the prophesy will come true 100%. Now satan also does this, but his prophesy only happen about 50-75%. God's is the only 100%. All right, I am going to show you something that is going to just blow your mind and open your eyes to the wonderful and awesome truth that God and Jesus are real. Just by using my posting here, interestingly, that might be why God has allowed me this trial all along just to start this posting. Okay here we go. (Now keep in mind some of you may be to blind to understand what I am about to tell you, but just bare with me, it is awesome.)(It is so cool, I almost can not understanding it, but I do.) Notice the date of my first posting? I was very upset, and I know I did ramble on a bit, just like I am doing now. But I do my best to express my thoughts, so forgive me if I am not clear enough. If you notice the first date of my posting, I also discovered right after that of another Christian that was being falsely accused and persecuted by Wal-Mart for shoplifting. The difference between his posting and mine, is I quoted scripture and the fact that God would not stand for this evil. Did you ever hear in the paper of the top CEO and son of Sam Walton dieing in a plane crash? Or did you here of the Federal investigation of other top CEO's frauding the workers of Wal-Mart? Using abusive tactics to prevent workers from joining a union, so Wal-Mart can keep them slaves? Or did you hear of Wal-Marts decline in the stock market? Or what about all these large law suits being filed against Wal-Mart and the top managers? I believe, that since my posting to inform (by the way, I did contact the head office and tell them of this posting, so they are well aware of what I am saying) Wal-Mart, and of their refusal to repent and make things right, God is punishing them just like He did the pharaoh of Egypt during Exodus. It's that awesome! I do not know how much more real you can get than that. So, let this posting be another Bench Mark to prove that God is real, and what I say is the truth. After this posting be watching the news and sooner or later you are going to hear of another major scam, lawsuit, or wrongdoing by Wal-Mart. And they are going to be in major trouble. It may even be an up rising against Wal-Mart in another country. I do not know what God may do, he has not told me so. But I know from the Bible He will do something. Anyway, enough on that part for now. Again thank all of ya for your creative and colorful responses. That is the starting point for a better change, is the express yourselves. Next will be the legal actions of change. All we ever wanted was to live in peace and happiness. I suggest that all those wick, greedy people just go form your own country and live there. Or maybe lets all build them a spaceship and send them out to some far off planet and just leave us alone. Now that is an idea. Oh wait a minute, that is kind-of what God is going to do in Revelation. Get rid of all the wicked and leave us good folks to live in Peace and Happiness. All He is doing now is giving time for those to change from wickedness to righteousness, when all that has happen, then the cleaning up comes. Come Lord, please come. And may all of you have a Blessed day and I pray for everyone of ya to understand my posting and take a step in the light and out of the darkness. PS. Pray I find a honest attorney. And Wal-Mart repents and makes things right. Thanks. In Christ and Christ In Me,


South Carolina,
South Carolina

#722Consumer Comment

Fri, August 12, 2005

Stay out of it Russell for Conway,SC. I have lived in Columbia, S.C. for over 4 years (wife of retired military) The cops here in South Carolina do whatever they want to and the state backs them up, and I am a woman of color! Wal-mart use to be my store until I read this article. This site has confirmed the negative stories I have heard about Wal-mart. That cop did it he knows he did and Wal-mart played a part in it. Get off the original author he is not lying about Wal-mart or South Caroina Police. Being ex-military and traveling all over the world South Carolina is the worse state ever and the judicial DOES not protect victims like original author, but will cover up the mess of a bad cop like the one who violated this consumer.


No Frank...We all did read Todd's little tale of woe

#723Consumer Comment

Wed, August 10, 2005

We all did read Todd's little tale of woe. That is why we know he's telling a good one. He admits he ate food without paying for it. That is STEALING. If he had waited to eat the food until AFTER he paid for it, he'd be fine. Noooooo. He had to chow down while wandering around Wally World. He claims he gave the cashier the empties at the register so he could then pay for the stuff. Riiiiight. You believe that one if you wish. He dumped the empties wherever he was and hoped the store wouldn't know, figuring on them being swamped with more white trash than they could handle. It did not work as he pl;anned, and he was arrested. He was then sent to another county(jurisdiction) instead of the one he was arrested in. This is because he was WANTED in another county, probably for STEALING. I do not defend WalMart. I simply poke holes in someone's insane story that makes no sense. Read my earlier explanation of the conspiracy theory for d**k in GA. Todd is guilty. If he's found not guilty, he will surely have no problem to post the docket number and all other pertinent info so it can be verified. People who have nothing to hide....as they say. He won't though. He'll be busy serving his sentences in at least two different counties and we won't hear anymore of his whining about religious persecution or framing for awhile.


North Brunswick,
New Jersey,
for all you donkeys with blinders on

#724REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, August 09, 2005

For a moment, let us all stop insulting one another, and think for a second. I am reading a lot of pro-Wal-Mart rebuttals. Most of them have NOT read Todd's story in detail, and have spun out a different version of what he really said. Yes, Todd is fanatical at times. Nevertheless, it is not a common practice for a store to not give a customer his receipt back is it? A lot of rebuttals from different people even went as far as stating that if the Walmart employee stated that she saw Todd shoplifting, Todd must be guilty. Are you guys really that blind? We have men executed in this country because of witnesses making false testimonies, only to find out the accused was innocent due to a DNA test conducted after the execution. Meanwhile, are we suppose to believe that there is absolutely no chance, that these Wal-Mart employees simply made a mistake! Rather than handing out an apology, and face a possible multi-million lawsuit, could it be possible that Wal-Mart, as a whole, decided to cover up the incident as much as it can? Wal-Mart may have the best of intent to prevent shoplifting. It even has explicit rules that its employees are suppose to follow. But when a mistake happens, Wal-Mart also does an oustanding job to cover it. Why wouldn't they, it certainly make sense for them to do so to protect their image and wallet! However, when people condone these type of things to happen, both common citizens and those who were designated to protect the law, we have a real problem in our society. It is funny that these pro Wal-Mart readers decided not to attack my story. I would love to see what kind of rebuttal they invent. It was posted in June of this year. Feel free to reply.


The truth shall indeed set you free

#725Consumer Comment

Sat, July 23, 2005

Dear shoplifting guy I dont know about you, but its not the usual thing to do to eat food in a supermarket before you pay for it. Even if they say 'ok ok' but pay for it before you leave.... the question begs Are you so starving u cant just wait until u leave the store? I dont see too many people cooking up steaks -eating cereal - or fryin eggs in the store before they pay for the merchandise. So u ate it and forgot to pay for it? ok , but any way u slice it - you didnt pay for it -whether u forgot or not . So walmart is going to arrest you. That is their right to do so . If it was simple teller error that she forgot to ring it in -it would have been cleared up in seconds and you would have paid for it and left. But YOU DIDNT TELL THE TELLER TO RING IT IN DID YOU? Instead of humbly apologizing for your error or their error or whatever, you go on some holy rampage of some kind? -like YOU are the VICTIM somehow? You see - real christians -you know - people who ACTUALLY FOLLOW CHRIST would be the first to admit their mistake even if it was not intended and do anything to make it up to walmart. why? because they treat others how they themselves would like to be treated. If you arent guilty - you wouldnt be coming on here like u are getting 'jacked around' but instead , as a christian you WOULD BE PRAYING FOR WALMART to see the lignt -not wish Gods VENGANCE rain down upon from the heavens in PURE SPITE. you spout out crap u read -but totally dont follow. Its obvious from your attitude you are self centered - you somehow 'speak for God' like you have the authority and know what he thinks. You are a selfish guy feeling sorry for yourself and USING Gods name to drape yourself around in like a self righteous flag. This to me says not only are you not a Christian -but if i was to be forced to make a choice either way - your attitude tells me you HAD NO INTENTION OF PAYING FOR THE FOOD YOU ATE. Before you go pull more scams - wrap your head around this - Real victims feel dumbfounded and sad and confused as they dont understand why they are being arrested for shoplifting cause they honestly cant see what they did wrong. Con artists -GET MAD -when confronted as a defence mechanism because they have something to hide -which is what your holy crusade is all about - deflecting the truth away from the fact you ate this food and didnt pay for it. so how bout u just pay walmart for the food you stole. In fact how about you renounce yourself and follow jesus -not just read s**t and spout it out. The real you shows thru.


New York,
Use Some Common Sense

#726Consumer Comment

Fri, July 22, 2005

Todd,it is a shame what a mess you got yourself into with Walmart. But Todd, give me a break! I would think that you would have enough common sense no to eat food off of the counter in a supermarket, no matter they be Walmart or any other grocery store. To me, it is just plain stupid. So who gave you permission to eat their food before paying? The guy mopping the floor? He doesn't care what you do, and he has no authority over store policy. Only the Store Manager can give you permission, and you obviously didn't use your head and ask the right person. I really doubt the Manager would have given you permission anyway. If the Manager had caught you eating his food in the aisles, you would have been arrested on the spot, too, and you'd be in a worse jam. At least the way it worked out, you have a receipt for the alleged stolen items. That's about all you have going for you in this case. Whether or not that holds up in court if you sue them, is up to the judge. I wouldn't expect him to be sympathetic with you, since you ate Walmart's food without paying first. You can eat now pay later at a restaurant, but that's ridiculous at a supermarket! At least Walmart didn't pursue further pressing the charges, so consider yourself fortunate you only spent one night in jail. As far as the police officer is concerned, it's always best policy to just shut-up and not put him under stress while he is performing an arrest; otherwise he might arrest whoever is annoying him as interfering with the arrest. You undoubtedly consider this unfair, but the officer probably doesn't want to arrest you, but it is his job, and upon a complaint by the store, he must take you in, he has no choice. It is an extremely high-stress situation for him, so give him some respect and you'll get his in return. Anyway, all the Walmarts that I know of have a lunch counter where you can eat, so why weren't you eating there, where there would be no problems? Eating unpaid for food in the aisles is a dumb thing to do, and is most likely a health code violation for the store on top of being theft by you. So of course the store isn't going to allow it, and they have the right to protect their inventory by having you arrested. The Manager doesn't know what you've actually eaten, there's no way for her to verify what you tell her. She doesn't know you, even if you're the most honest and religious man on the planet. And the cashier has no first hand knowledge of what you've eaten, either. It is an unfortunate incident and next time you feel hungry, use the brain God gave you and eat at the lunch counter or pay for your groceries first and then and eat at home! Any supermarket would have arrested you, so I consider this an unfair complaint against Walmart. They have the right to protect their inventory, as any store does! Walmart is aggressive about shoplifting since their margins are lower than most stores, and they must keep their shrinkage low to keep their low prices.


leave christianity out of it

#727Consumer Comment

Fri, July 22, 2005

I live in Utah and just a stones throw from BYU. Some of the biggest crooks in the valley are BYU students so the "good christain family" argument doesnt wash. Wal-Mart, Sam's Club, etc, employees are just doing their jobs. If what you say is true it does sound a little heavy handed but if you stole you stole. Period. Sam's Club employees are annoying. They stop you at the door to make sure you haven't stolen anything. However, once you exchange legal currency for merchandise the merchandise becomes YOUR property, not theirs. So unless they have resonable cause to stop you then ignore them. If they want to call the cops let them. Anyway, if Wal-Mart thinks they have a case then let them take you to court and let them prove what you did. Maybe you will win $111 million in a malicious prosecution lawsuit and then you can shop anywhere you want!


South Carolina,
Whatever Dick

#728Consumer Comment

Fri, July 22, 2005

Sure you went there d**k, but I do have a degree for real, not like the one you wipe your butt with. Mine is actually a MBA from Coastal Carolina and Webster University. So, yes I am a cop, and a supervisor at that. But my other job is financial consulting, and I probably make more in one year doing that, than you will ever see in a lifetime. Sure, keep blowing it out your butt, but at least I pulled myself up by my bootstraps and made something of myself. Sure you are a lawyer so you say, but I bet I know the law better than you do any day! Stop lying you stupid idiot, and try telling the truth, sure you're a lawyer....right! Keep dreaming!


Sure Dick... You're a lawyer

#729Consumer Comment

Thu, July 21, 2005

You're a lawyer. First, Attorneys call themselves ATTORNEYS, not lawyers. Second, for a person who went to Yale, you sure can't spell or use proper grammar. I went to Harvard. Nice place. I delivered some equipment there when I drove a truck way back when. I guess that's why you believe that incredible story Todd spews forth and why you concoct these insane conspiracy theories. You are delusional or pathological. Your choice. Take your meds and go with the nice men.


No Russell, I'm Just A Lowly Lawyer Who Graduated from Yale.

#730UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, July 21, 2005

I guess you have heard of Yale University. Thanks for showing how dumb cops are now days and what you truly are. You know, what you call the "n" word. That's you. Oh and tell us Russell, is Todd black or white and don't pretend you didn't ask when you called the white trash at Wal-Mart to inquire? Did you actually think they were going to tell you the guy was innocent and they screwed up? You see what I mean about you being stupid? No I can proudly say I've never worked at Wal-Mart. Thanks for making me laugh though. Have a good one ole'sport.


Beverly Hills,
Oh come on now, I guess because he's christian AND disabled he feels the world owes him.

#731Consumer Comment

Thu, July 21, 2005

I guess because he's christian AND disabled he feels the world owes him. newsflash for you buddy no one owes you SQUAT. you are a thief and you got caught it's your own fault. god has no play in it. If god did he would have stopped you from stealing food. you were arrested because you stole, it's your own fault and now you will have to deal with it. Vicks 3:16


South Carolina,
Hey Dick.....You make me laugh

#732Consumer Comment

Wed, July 20, 2005

Hey d**k, Attack the argument for once, not me, I checked with Wal-Mart tonight, and ******Surprise***** what he did go's against their store policy, NATIONWIDE, and guess what, he got caught. And no, by the way, I haven't ever visited Beaufort, or Hilton Head, I have the money to, but just haven't. Since you attacked my character, I will attack yours....you Georgia Assholes are all the same, lets show our stupid White or Black asses in Myrtle Beach. You have no clue "d**k" because that is what you are, have you ever worked for Wal-Mart or have you ever ridden a beat with a cop? Because surprise!!!!! I have done both! I worked in LP for a long time here, and I know how it goes...this is a guilty b*****d who just wants to complain about it, and now that I know the store policy, I can only say...go to hell idiot.


Russell & Robert If you can't take it, don't dish it out.

#733UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, July 19, 2005

Both of you are the real dicks here. If you can't take it, don't dish it out. How do you like being attacked and called liers? Don't like it much do you. You think you can come on and call the original reporter a lier and everything else you can think up in your little brains. I have taken much pleasure in sending your bs right back to you. Russell, since you're so sure Todd is black, do us a favor and go to his trial and let us all know. I will bet you he's white. And Robert, you just need to get a life. You are so far out there with your rationalizations that I can't stand reading your rebuttals. If you think Wal-Mart hasn't mastered covering their asses when they realized they screwed up and falsely accussed someone then you're nuts. And if you think the police in most parts of this country and especially South Carolina can't be bought then you are equally ignorant. They kiss Wal-Mart's a*s because of the revenue they create for the county's which goes to pay for the salaries of the police. That's so elementary I can't believe I'm actually having to teach that to you. Common Sense 101. Russell was first pretending to be a white man bashing the blacks in an effort to make whites look bad. Having lived in South Carolina for a while I know the blacks there are far more predjudiced than the whites and the black moms and dads teach hate. What disturbes me the most is Russell is in fact black and seems to think that Todd is a black man who deserves to be included in the "niger" catagory just because he was falsely charged with eating a hotdog at Walmart. Whether Todd's black or white, even if he did steal a hotdog or whatever, that wouldn't qualify him for "niger" status. Todd's only mistake that I can see is he shopped at Wal-Mart to begin with. Whoever stated that they taste tested a few grapes in the grocery store to make sure they were firm is the real thief. That's stealing because he never intended to pay for the grapes. Was that you Robert, I can't remember? I'll check when I'm done here. You've got to change your evil ways Russell or one day you'll be just as sleezy as the s**t for cops at the City of Beaufort PD, S.C. who run the date rape drug ring involving a child daycare center.


keep the "god" crap out.

#734Consumer Comment

Mon, July 18, 2005

the guy did something criminal. sorry, but his fault. can't wait to get to the car to eat? grab a bite before you shop maybe? He was caught, he was arrested and he is more than likely guilty of shoplifting stores here do not ALLOW you to eat their food before purchase (simply because what prevents you from finishing that pcakge of potato chips and leaving the rubbish behind and not paying for it?) EAT outside. end of story. keep the religious crap out.


What happened everyone??

#735Consumer Comment

Mon, July 18, 2005

Of course I was not there, however, I am guilty of the same thing.. I can go to the grocery store and i will snack on things before I pay for them, and YES I do pay for them. I don't think that Todd seems like the type of person to steal. It clearly states that they do not have video tapes, the receipt cam back that he DID pay for the items.. So I do not see how wal-mart will have a case at all!... As far as shoplifting goes.. that is when a person takes something out of the store and doesnt pay for it. In this case he paid before he walked out of the store, so how do any of you think that they have a case??? Todd, I know you and your family will beat this and I will add you to my prayer list. And you are correct, with God in your heart, he will take care of you.


What happened everyone??

#736Consumer Comment

Mon, July 18, 2005

Of course I was not there, however, I am guilty of the same thing.. I can go to the grocery store and i will snack on things before I pay for them, and YES I do pay for them. I don't think that Todd seems like the type of person to steal. It clearly states that they do not have video tapes, the receipt cam back that he DID pay for the items.. So I do not see how wal-mart will have a case at all!... As far as shoplifting goes.. that is when a person takes something out of the store and doesnt pay for it. In this case he paid before he walked out of the store, so how do any of you think that they have a case??? Todd, I know you and your family will beat this and I will add you to my prayer list. And you are correct, with God in your heart, he will take care of you.


What happened everyone??

#737Consumer Comment

Mon, July 18, 2005

Of course I was not there, however, I am guilty of the same thing.. I can go to the grocery store and i will snack on things before I pay for them, and YES I do pay for them. I don't think that Todd seems like the type of person to steal. It clearly states that they do not have video tapes, the receipt cam back that he DID pay for the items.. So I do not see how wal-mart will have a case at all!... As far as shoplifting goes.. that is when a person takes something out of the store and doesnt pay for it. In this case he paid before he walked out of the store, so how do any of you think that they have a case??? Todd, I know you and your family will beat this and I will add you to my prayer list. And you are correct, with God in your heart, he will take care of you.


What happened everyone??

#738Consumer Comment

Mon, July 18, 2005

Of course I was not there, however, I am guilty of the same thing.. I can go to the grocery store and i will snack on things before I pay for them, and YES I do pay for them. I don't think that Todd seems like the type of person to steal. It clearly states that they do not have video tapes, the receipt cam back that he DID pay for the items.. So I do not see how wal-mart will have a case at all!... As far as shoplifting goes.. that is when a person takes something out of the store and doesnt pay for it. In this case he paid before he walked out of the store, so how do any of you think that they have a case??? Todd, I know you and your family will beat this and I will add you to my prayer list. And you are correct, with God in your heart, he will take care of you.


Dick, Dick, Dick,,, Cops don't just do that because they have nothing better to do

#739Consumer Comment

Mon, July 18, 2005

The man was arrested. Cops don't just do that because they have nothing better to do. In fact, he was taken to another county. Perhaps he was WANTED in another county. Think about that. One day, a cop drives bt Wally World and says "I think I'll arrest someone who is completely innocent". "I like doing all the paperwork involved and going to court on my day off". "Yep, I'll go there and try NOT looking for a reason to NOT arrest an innocent guy". And at Walmart, another group of people say "Let's get together and frame some poor shlub for eating food without paying". "Let's all make sure we doctor the video tapes and make new register tapes to make it look like he did it". "I know it will take an amazing amount of resources to do the video editing and rewrite the programming on all of the registers to make it look like he really did something illegal, but let's go for it". Now, I will ask you just once...do you really believe that scenario or are you, as you put it, "just plain stupid"? I vote for the latter. And since you apparently like calling people names, I would think you'd be better off if you weren't a "d**k".


South Carolina,
There You Went Again Dick.....

#740Consumer Comment

Sun, July 17, 2005

Well d**k, let me just say, I never said anything about the receipt, the word I used was evidence. I didn't even notice if that was taken...I was referring to videotapes etc that would usually be taken as evidence. Oh and by the way, I don't arrest just blacks, I arrest whoever breaks the law. Look, I have been in my job long enough to tell you that something stinks nad of all the times I have been to Wal Mart, I wouldn't even write a report unless it was documented on videotape and verified in a written statement by the cashier. Oh and by the way just because his heritage may include Daniel Boone doesn't automatically make him white, my roots can be traced back to Jefferson, ever heard of slave owners? Anyway, go ahead and attack my character again, and then try to attack the argument, because if you would attack the argument, you might be worth talking to.


Robert - From Jacksonville

#741UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, July 17, 2005

Are you on drugs? I never said for him not to show his receipt to anyone. He should have held it in his hands and let them look at it. Now that they took it from him he can't show it to anyone. DUUUUUHHHH! He could have shown it to anyone he wanted to whether be the cops or magistrate or whoever. The manager of the store already has a back up copy of his receipt that stays on the spool at the register. But instead Wal-Mart took his receipt from him and refused to give it back. Why do they need to do this do you ask. Because they are committing fraud against him. They didn't want him to have his receipt to defend himself. Wal-Mart has probably already made a fake receipt up to replace his real receipt which they will bring to court to try to make the charges stick. When his attorney requests a copy of it before the trial they will simply give his lawyer a copy of the fake one they make. If you think they are not devious enough to do this then you are either on drugs or you need to start taking them to help you think straight. You probably work for Wal-Mart because you keep trying to confuse situations and twist words in Wal-Marts favor everytime you leave a rebuttal concerning that nasty corporation. Or maybe you're just plan stupid. You decide.


Here's a thought... Perhaps if he did show it to the people involved...manager, cops, magistrate, etc....he would not have been arrested or charged with shoplifting.

#742Consumer Comment

Sun, July 17, 2005

His reciept is his private property and he doesn't have to show it to anyone? Perhaps if he did show it to the people involved...manager, cops, magistrate, etc....he would not have been arrested or charged with shoplifting. I restate my opinion that he did indeed steal the food. His unwillingness to show the reciept and be done with the bother sort of proves this. If I was put in a position where I was accused of doing this, I would immediately choose to show the reciept and demand a public apology. He "chose" to be cuffed and stuffed. The prisons are full of "innocents" and churches are full of "saints". Too funny. But what do I know. I don't steal food and claim I paid for it. I still think he chowed down and left the empties wherever he dropped them. Religion is the last refuge of scoundrels. I shop at Target. They cater to a higher class of customer, and I never see anyone being hauled off.


RUSSELL - THERE YOU GO AGAIN! you are the one attacking the character of the original reporter by saying he most likely goes to church and then hangs with the drug dealers.

#743UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, July 16, 2005

Now how do you know I've never been a cop? Is it because I don't jump to conclusions and act like I know everything. You don't know a thing here and you are the one attacking the character of the original reporter by saying he most likely goes to church and then hangs with the drug dealers. Someone needs to defend this man against the likes of you. I'm not surprised at all to hear you are black. As a matter of fact I kindof suspected you were but I sure as hell wasn't going to state that until I had further evidence. Yeah, I know there are nigers and white trash (wiggers) out there and they are definately congragated in South Carolina. But for you to be so pompus as to state this guy is definately guilty, you just show what an idiot you are. Let's say since you live in Conway, a crappy place by the way whether beachy or not, why don't you get your butt in your police car and go to his trial. I bet you're going to be afraid to because I bet you already know you were wrong. You went back and read the part about Daniel Boone and realized, s**t just like in school you were to lazy to do your home work before submitting your rebuttal and you failed. You didn't respond to his report to make a helpful comment you responded to be argumentative and hostile and not even in a constructive or responsible manner. You are a bully and a hypocrite. I bet you are the one who hangs out with the drug dealers and pimps. You are a disgrace to the uniform and a danger to society. Thank you for identifying yourself as a cop because everyone who sees this will know the cops in South Carolina have earned their reputation. Thank you also for admitting as a cop the blacks are usually the ones committing the crimes in South Carolina. That's why the courts and jails are full of blacks. But instead of attacking a white you who probably isn't guilty, take your black a*s to the streets and preach to your own kind. They seem to be having a hard time getting the message. After that you might consider taking a change of heart on if you want to continue being a public servant. I can assure you the public is not going to stand for bad cops much longer. By the way, you state you don't work in Conway, you just live in Conway because it's a beach town. I don't get the logic there. They still have cops in beach towns you know. Either way, I'm just wondering why you felt the need to add in Conway being a beach town. You could have just put I don't work in Conway and that would have been sufficient. I hope you don't think that living in a beach town is all impressive and all and gives you more credance because I doesn't. Get a life old sport and know my name's not really d**k. But I'm glad to see you noticed. ONE MORE THING - RUSSELL Why show him his receipt? Are you kidding? First the receipt belongs to him. He shouldn't have given it to them. It was given to him when he paid and it became his private property at that moment. In addition, it is also his "EVIDENCE" my dear. His EVIDENCE of Wal-Mart's crime and that he is innocent. You cops are way out of control and you proved it.


South Carolina,
I know in SC we won't take the report unless the theft is documented on video tape, and why would we show that evidence to the alledged?

#744Consumer Comment

Sat, July 16, 2005

d**k, you have never been a Police Office, and have no clue as to the times I go to Wal Mart each and every day for Shoplifting complaints. I know in SC we won't take the report unless the theft is documented on video tape, and why would we show that evidence to the alledged? They will have there day in court last time I checked. I can smell a false report a mile away, because over the years I have seen enough of them, and this guy is blowing it out his butt. I am an African American by the way, and I don't hate my own people, and the assertion that I am racist is ignorant. There are bad blacks that we and the white people can even call the N word, and there is white trash right along with it...no race is perfect, but I also know how each race is, a lot of people go to church every Sunday, and then either go get drunk in the bar, and associate with the local drug dealers, so tell me how this is Christian. Also, I don't work in Conway, this is a beach area, I just live in Conway. So d**k, since you are one, get your facts straight, because I know what I am talking about, and you don't, so next time attack the argument, and not my character.


South Carolina,
I know in SC we won't take the report unless the theft is documented on video tape, and why would we show that evidence to the alledged?

#745Consumer Comment

Sat, July 16, 2005

d**k, you have never been a Police Office, and have no clue as to the times I go to Wal Mart each and every day for Shoplifting complaints. I know in SC we won't take the report unless the theft is documented on video tape, and why would we show that evidence to the alledged? They will have there day in court last time I checked. I can smell a false report a mile away, because over the years I have seen enough of them, and this guy is blowing it out his butt. I am an African American by the way, and I don't hate my own people, and the assertion that I am racist is ignorant. There are bad blacks that we and the white people can even call the N word, and there is white trash right along with it...no race is perfect, but I also know how each race is, a lot of people go to church every Sunday, and then either go get drunk in the bar, and associate with the local drug dealers, so tell me how this is Christian. Also, I don't work in Conway, this is a beach area, I just live in Conway. So d**k, since you are one, get your facts straight, because I know what I am talking about, and you don't, so next time attack the argument, and not my character.


South Carolina,
I know in SC we won't take the report unless the theft is documented on video tape, and why would we show that evidence to the alledged?

#746Consumer Comment

Sat, July 16, 2005

d**k, you have never been a Police Office, and have no clue as to the times I go to Wal Mart each and every day for Shoplifting complaints. I know in SC we won't take the report unless the theft is documented on video tape, and why would we show that evidence to the alledged? They will have there day in court last time I checked. I can smell a false report a mile away, because over the years I have seen enough of them, and this guy is blowing it out his butt. I am an African American by the way, and I don't hate my own people, and the assertion that I am racist is ignorant. There are bad blacks that we and the white people can even call the N word, and there is white trash right along with it...no race is perfect, but I also know how each race is, a lot of people go to church every Sunday, and then either go get drunk in the bar, and associate with the local drug dealers, so tell me how this is Christian. Also, I don't work in Conway, this is a beach area, I just live in Conway. So d**k, since you are one, get your facts straight, because I know what I am talking about, and you don't, so next time attack the argument, and not my character.


South Carolina,
I know in SC we won't take the report unless the theft is documented on video tape, and why would we show that evidence to the alledged?

#747Consumer Comment

Sat, July 16, 2005

d**k, you have never been a Police Office, and have no clue as to the times I go to Wal Mart each and every day for Shoplifting complaints. I know in SC we won't take the report unless the theft is documented on video tape, and why would we show that evidence to the alledged? They will have there day in court last time I checked. I can smell a false report a mile away, because over the years I have seen enough of them, and this guy is blowing it out his butt. I am an African American by the way, and I don't hate my own people, and the assertion that I am racist is ignorant. There are bad blacks that we and the white people can even call the N word, and there is white trash right along with it...no race is perfect, but I also know how each race is, a lot of people go to church every Sunday, and then either go get drunk in the bar, and associate with the local drug dealers, so tell me how this is Christian. Also, I don't work in Conway, this is a beach area, I just live in Conway. So d**k, since you are one, get your facts straight, because I know what I am talking about, and you don't, so next time attack the argument, and not my character.


Staying out of the religion debate, but agreeing with the assertion that eating while shopping is an acceptable practice

#748Consumer Comment

Sat, July 16, 2005

Like I said, I'm not going to touch any of the religious comments that have been made throughout this thread, but as a Walmart shopper (10 children, and a monthly spending amount of approx. $1000 at Walmart) I've also been told that it's acceptable to have a drink while shopping, or even open and consume snacks while shopping, paying at the checkout at the conclusion of our trip. At both stores that I shop at, I've checked numerous times before I opened the product (several times for baby bottle refills, as well as water or sugar for myself), and have always been assured that this was acceptable. This also happens to be the policy of our local Toys R Us store. NEVER have I been stopped while shopping, never accused, never any problems. Gotta say that I'm glad I live in the north country! I have to extend my hopes for good luck in the future to you, and let you know that this IS an accepted practice in our area.


Russell, What's Wrong With You! You sound very dangerous and bitter

#749UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 15, 2005

Spoken just like a South Carolina cop. Judgemental as hell. The guy said his roots go back to Daniel Boone so how can you profile him as most likely being black. By the way, you can say black instead of "African American" because you obviously have no respect for blacks like most cops in South Carolina. And as for you insisting he is guilty after he said they took his receipt and wouldn't show him the security tapes, well, it sounds like you are probably one of the crooked cops that Wal-Mart uses to pull their devious stunts. Go back to church you so called Christian, you need it. But pay more attention in Church than you did reading the report. You give COPS a bad name. By the way, you do know we call you all COPS because of the way you people always COP attitudes. You sound very dangerous and bitter. I'm glad I don't live in a piss hole place like Conway, South Carolina where you do your policing. OH, and please quite trying to equate lawyers with cops. Everybody knows it's not lawyers who charge people with crimes, stupid.


Russell, What's Wrong With You! You sound very dangerous and bitter

#750UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 15, 2005

Spoken just like a South Carolina cop. Judgemental as hell. The guy said his roots go back to Daniel Boone so how can you profile him as most likely being black. By the way, you can say black instead of "African American" because you obviously have no respect for blacks like most cops in South Carolina. And as for you insisting he is guilty after he said they took his receipt and wouldn't show him the security tapes, well, it sounds like you are probably one of the crooked cops that Wal-Mart uses to pull their devious stunts. Go back to church you so called Christian, you need it. But pay more attention in Church than you did reading the report. You give COPS a bad name. By the way, you do know we call you all COPS because of the way you people always COP attitudes. You sound very dangerous and bitter. I'm glad I don't live in a piss hole place like Conway, South Carolina where you do your policing. OH, and please quite trying to equate lawyers with cops. Everybody knows it's not lawyers who charge people with crimes, stupid.


Russell, What's Wrong With You! You sound very dangerous and bitter

#751UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 15, 2005

Spoken just like a South Carolina cop. Judgemental as hell. The guy said his roots go back to Daniel Boone so how can you profile him as most likely being black. By the way, you can say black instead of "African American" because you obviously have no respect for blacks like most cops in South Carolina. And as for you insisting he is guilty after he said they took his receipt and wouldn't show him the security tapes, well, it sounds like you are probably one of the crooked cops that Wal-Mart uses to pull their devious stunts. Go back to church you so called Christian, you need it. But pay more attention in Church than you did reading the report. You give COPS a bad name. By the way, you do know we call you all COPS because of the way you people always COP attitudes. You sound very dangerous and bitter. I'm glad I don't live in a piss hole place like Conway, South Carolina where you do your policing. OH, and please quite trying to equate lawyers with cops. Everybody knows it's not lawyers who charge people with crimes, stupid.


Russell, What's Wrong With You! You sound very dangerous and bitter

#752UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 15, 2005

Spoken just like a South Carolina cop. Judgemental as hell. The guy said his roots go back to Daniel Boone so how can you profile him as most likely being black. By the way, you can say black instead of "African American" because you obviously have no respect for blacks like most cops in South Carolina. And as for you insisting he is guilty after he said they took his receipt and wouldn't show him the security tapes, well, it sounds like you are probably one of the crooked cops that Wal-Mart uses to pull their devious stunts. Go back to church you so called Christian, you need it. But pay more attention in Church than you did reading the report. You give COPS a bad name. By the way, you do know we call you all COPS because of the way you people always COP attitudes. You sound very dangerous and bitter. I'm glad I don't live in a piss hole place like Conway, South Carolina where you do your policing. OH, and please quite trying to equate lawyers with cops. Everybody knows it's not lawyers who charge people with crimes, stupid.


South Carolina,
You Don't Know

#753Consumer Comment

Thu, July 14, 2005

You sir, are obviously blowing this out your smokestack, yes you stole, and just admit it. I bet that you sir did what you are accused of, and as a police officer that all registers at Wal-Mart are on tape, and it would show the empty items being scanned, simple enough. You are guilty if the tapes showed them not being scanned, because sir, the cameras can follow you around the store. Lean on your crutch of christianity, but I am a christian, and I can honestly see when someone is lying...just like you. Let me summarize this for you, you are probably an african american "christian" who goes to church each Sunday, and then "fellowships" with the corner drug dealers, as far as I am concerned, and all lawyers and law enforcement, they don't charge without proof...take your cying game elsewhere


So Sorry,
Another Thought About Walmart Corruption

#754Consumer Comment

Wed, June 29, 2005

It is not out of the realm of possibilities that Walmart has been or will be accussed of targeting the minority racial groups in the policing of their stores. Therefore, in an effort to try to fight any such possible charges (outstanding or anticipated), they may have hatched a very devious plan to simply arrest people of non-minority status who they know are innocent in order to bring down the ratio of black to white person arrests before going to court or before the situation is discovered. Columbia, South Carolina has a high number of black citizens, and we all know how the relationship between that State and the black population can best be described. Just a theory at this point but nevertheless.........certainly worth thinking about.


So Sorry,

#755Consumer Comment

Tue, June 28, 2005

Todd, I'm not going to tell you why but I totally believe you are telling the truth. Also I happen to know for a fact that most of the police departments and court systems in South Carolina are as corrupt as they come. Walmart is a corporate bully no different than Lowe's or Home Depot plan and simple. J. from California is correct in stating that once they know they have made an error, they don't care. They will never admit it because they are just that slezzy and conscience free. Get a good lawyer and try to involve the media if you can but remember the networks and local stations receive tons of money from Walmart advertising so they have been bought to a certain degree as well. The only thing you can hope for is some how some way this turns into a big enough story so that the media will get more mileage out of covering the story than kissing Walmart's a*s and turning a blind eye. The media will pretend that their news/editorials, etc. are seperate from the entertainment divisions but we all know how that changes when a company that spends as much money on ads as Walmart does is involved. Also unfortunately for you so many people lie so well claiming to be innocent when they're not that now days most people whether police or news or courts just can't tell who's telling the truth and who's not. And that brings me to my next point which is if you are innocent and you play your cards right you can beat them with the truth. Because if you are right and they are wrong they will have no option but to lie and bury themselves. However you have to stick with the absolute truth about absolutely everything. One minor white lie can put the ball back in their court and you will be out. So remember, the truth is your answer and your answer is the truth, period. The see no evil hear no evil world we now live in is part of the problem for you. Try not to let the bastards get you down. Sorry I couldn't tell you anything you probably didn't already know or heard. I thought I will offer my support anyway. Hope I help. You show in a great way how the police now use children and the social service department to intimidate people into submitting to their bullying as well. That is purhaps your best angle with the media. Many many people have experienced that all over this country and that's alot better story for the media than someone falsely accused of stealing a hot dog or whatever. AGAIN, SHAM ON YOU SCUM OF WALMART. BUT THANKS FOR SHOWING YOURS ASSES ONCE AGAIN AND PROVING ONCE AGAIN WHAT I HAVE KNOWN ABOUT YOU PEOPLE TO BE TRUE.

Le Tascia

Another Point to consider

#756Consumer Comment

Tue, June 28, 2005

I just wanted to add another point to this discussion that hasn't been considered or discussed. No one has acknowledged or discussed the possibility that it could be considered "standard practice" in this area of South Carolina to eat food items prior to paying for those items. I think that although most rational minds can conclude that this is still not a wise decision, given the possibility that the impression of theft can be given; it is still important to note that in many areas of the south, including large metropolitan areas like Atlanta, Georgia where I live, it is common practice to consume an item and bring its empty carton to the register for payment upon check-out. I'm not implying that this isn't (or is) against some corporate policy, or local law - I'm simply suggesting that, as a commonplace practice, it should be considered when debating this subject. I thought it was interesting that no one mentioned this. (For the record, I am a Christian minister who shops at Walmart (although I strongly disagree with their employee treatment), and has never been employed by Walmart, nor do I ever expect to be. I do not eat before paying, nor do I allow my children to - although I will admit to tasting a couple of grapes before purchasing to make sure they are sweet and firm). God Bless!


La Canada,
Todd you are not being Christ Like

#757Consumer Suggestion

Tue, June 28, 2005

Todd what would Christ have done? Whoops we know what Christ did when accused of crimes he did not do. Are you sure you want to go down this road my friend? Todd you are not being Christ Like


Setting a good example

#758UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, June 28, 2005

Dear Todd i worked for Wal-mart and would still be working for Wal-Mart if i didnt move to Japan.My husband is in the military and i have worked at alot of different Wal-Mart store's.I know that a Wal-Mart employee should never tell you that you could eat something with out paying for it. But ONE thing as an ADULT you should know is you cant eat anything with out paying for it first.And as a christian you know that would be stilling cause it dont belong to you till you pay for it.And as a christian you cant go around tell people that someone is evil.That would be judging someone and you dont know what is in there heart and walk with God. Matt 7:1-5 1 "Judge not, that you be not judged. 2For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. 3And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? 4Or how can you say to your brother, "Let me remove the speck from your eye'; and look, a plank is in your own eye? 5Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. And now you wonder why so many people dont want to go to church cause we as christians are not setting a good example of how to be good christians.God wants you to love people not fight.Isnt that WHY Jesus died for us is cause he loved us and took on are sins.Not because of hate.You as a christian should smile and say i will pray for you.Cause the devil wants you to fight and get angery thats what makes him happy.God dont call you to fight Wal-Mart he calles you to preach the truth of his words.All im saying is as an Adult christian you should have know to pay for your stuff before you ate it.Cause till you payed for it was property of Wal-mart's.You wouldnt like it if i came to your house and picked up something and took it and when you caught me I told you that i was jest barrowing it. GOD BLESS YOU !!!


North Brunswick,
New Jersey,
Be prepared to lose

#759Consumer Suggestion

Mon, June 27, 2005

Todd, I am sorry to see that Walmart has such a strong control over our legal and police department of this country nationwide. I also had a similiar situation that occured to me in Sept of 2004. The security guard essentially stopped me outside the store, and demanded for me to go to the backroom with him without any explaination. While we waited for a manager to arrive, he took a disposable camera off the shelf and told the manager that I tried to steal this. In court, this camera was never submitted by Walmart as evidence. They said that they put it back on to the shelf so it could be sold, even after I ask for it to be kept for fingerprint test. Also during court, it was found that: 1.The police report and the internal Walmart report that the security guard wrote stated that ran out the store after I began to exit the store. The surveillance video and his testimony stated that he walked out of the store 28 seconds before I exited the store. The time sequence and his demeanor simply does not match up. 2.The video does not show the witness that the security guard supposedly picked up @ door 1, stated in his testimony 3.The security guard admitted during trial, that his testimony, was different then what was indicated on the police statement and the internal Walmart report. With all these inconsistancies, the municipal court found me guilty. After appealing the decision, the appeals court found me guilty. Please tell me where I can find justice in this country. Walmart had no hard evidence to support their claim. Their only evidence, was the security guards words, which was not credible comparing to all available evidence. Todd, the sad truth is, retailers as powerful as Walmart, has everything under control. I am not here saying that things are the same everywhere in this nation. But certain towns are influenced. Walmart knows that a false arrest can lead to a substantial lawsuit. So even if they made a mistake and one is indeed innocent, you are going to go down and they are going to make sure of that. At this point, I don't have anywhere else to seek for justice except for the media. Todd, having walked down the same path that you are about to, here is my advice: 1.If you are really innocent, fight for your honor. Don't let Walmart get away with this. 2.Make sure you collect all available evidence. 3.Get a good lawyer. He is your ticket to seek further damages that this is causing you. If you are found guilty, all bets are off. 4.Expect to lose. From your story, there were a lot of injustice already. If Walmart and its management dare to treat you unfairly, and the police dare to violate all the rules, chances are, they have backing to support their actions. 5.Contact the media. Let your story be heard. I wish I had done so. I trusted the justice system and didn't contact the media. Make sure to do so under the consent of your lawyer. You don't want Walmart to come back and sue you for defamation. Todd, I wish you good luck. Like C from Anytown CA said, the court doesn't recognize color or faith. From my experience, it recognizes the color of GREEN! Also, the victims need to band togather to fight this evil. If you or any others are willing to give me your email addresses, please email me @ [email protected] We need to work togather to eliminate further injustice.


North Brunswick,
New Jersey,
Be prepared to lose

#760Consumer Suggestion

Mon, June 27, 2005

Todd, I am sorry to see that Walmart has such a strong control over our legal and police department of this country nationwide. I also had a similiar situation that occured to me in Sept of 2004. The security guard essentially stopped me outside the store, and demanded for me to go to the backroom with him without any explaination. While we waited for a manager to arrive, he took a disposable camera off the shelf and told the manager that I tried to steal this. In court, this camera was never submitted by Walmart as evidence. They said that they put it back on to the shelf so it could be sold, even after I ask for it to be kept for fingerprint test. Also during court, it was found that: 1.The police report and the internal Walmart report that the security guard wrote stated that ran out the store after I began to exit the store. The surveillance video and his testimony stated that he walked out of the store 28 seconds before I exited the store. The time sequence and his demeanor simply does not match up. 2.The video does not show the witness that the security guard supposedly picked up @ door 1, stated in his testimony 3.The security guard admitted during trial, that his testimony, was different then what was indicated on the police statement and the internal Walmart report. With all these inconsistancies, the municipal court found me guilty. After appealing the decision, the appeals court found me guilty. Please tell me where I can find justice in this country. Walmart had no hard evidence to support their claim. Their only evidence, was the security guards words, which was not credible comparing to all available evidence. Todd, the sad truth is, retailers as powerful as Walmart, has everything under control. I am not here saying that things are the same everywhere in this nation. But certain towns are influenced. Walmart knows that a false arrest can lead to a substantial lawsuit. So even if they made a mistake and one is indeed innocent, you are going to go down and they are going to make sure of that. At this point, I don't have anywhere else to seek for justice except for the media. Todd, having walked down the same path that you are about to, here is my advice: 1.If you are really innocent, fight for your honor. Don't let Walmart get away with this. 2.Make sure you collect all available evidence. 3.Get a good lawyer. He is your ticket to seek further damages that this is causing you. If you are found guilty, all bets are off. 4.Expect to lose. From your story, there were a lot of injustice already. If Walmart and its management dare to treat you unfairly, and the police dare to violate all the rules, chances are, they have backing to support their actions. 5.Contact the media. Let your story be heard. I wish I had done so. I trusted the justice system and didn't contact the media. Make sure to do so under the consent of your lawyer. You don't want Walmart to come back and sue you for defamation. Todd, I wish you good luck. Like C from Anytown CA said, the court doesn't recognize color or faith. From my experience, it recognizes the color of GREEN! Also, the victims need to band togather to fight this evil. If you or any others are willing to give me your email addresses, please email me @ [email protected] We need to work togather to eliminate further injustice.


North Brunswick,
New Jersey,
Be prepared to lose

#761Consumer Suggestion

Mon, June 27, 2005

Todd, I am sorry to see that Walmart has such a strong control over our legal and police department of this country nationwide. I also had a similiar situation that occured to me in Sept of 2004. The security guard essentially stopped me outside the store, and demanded for me to go to the backroom with him without any explaination. While we waited for a manager to arrive, he took a disposable camera off the shelf and told the manager that I tried to steal this. In court, this camera was never submitted by Walmart as evidence. They said that they put it back on to the shelf so it could be sold, even after I ask for it to be kept for fingerprint test. Also during court, it was found that: 1.The police report and the internal Walmart report that the security guard wrote stated that ran out the store after I began to exit the store. The surveillance video and his testimony stated that he walked out of the store 28 seconds before I exited the store. The time sequence and his demeanor simply does not match up. 2.The video does not show the witness that the security guard supposedly picked up @ door 1, stated in his testimony 3.The security guard admitted during trial, that his testimony, was different then what was indicated on the police statement and the internal Walmart report. With all these inconsistancies, the municipal court found me guilty. After appealing the decision, the appeals court found me guilty. Please tell me where I can find justice in this country. Walmart had no hard evidence to support their claim. Their only evidence, was the security guards words, which was not credible comparing to all available evidence. Todd, the sad truth is, retailers as powerful as Walmart, has everything under control. I am not here saying that things are the same everywhere in this nation. But certain towns are influenced. Walmart knows that a false arrest can lead to a substantial lawsuit. So even if they made a mistake and one is indeed innocent, you are going to go down and they are going to make sure of that. At this point, I don't have anywhere else to seek for justice except for the media. Todd, having walked down the same path that you are about to, here is my advice: 1.If you are really innocent, fight for your honor. Don't let Walmart get away with this. 2.Make sure you collect all available evidence. 3.Get a good lawyer. He is your ticket to seek further damages that this is causing you. If you are found guilty, all bets are off. 4.Expect to lose. From your story, there were a lot of injustice already. If Walmart and its management dare to treat you unfairly, and the police dare to violate all the rules, chances are, they have backing to support their actions. 5.Contact the media. Let your story be heard. I wish I had done so. I trusted the justice system and didn't contact the media. Make sure to do so under the consent of your lawyer. You don't want Walmart to come back and sue you for defamation. Todd, I wish you good luck. Like C from Anytown CA said, the court doesn't recognize color or faith. From my experience, it recognizes the color of GREEN! Also, the victims need to band togather to fight this evil. If you or any others are willing to give me your email addresses, please email me @ [email protected] We need to work togather to eliminate further injustice.


North Brunswick,
New Jersey,
Be prepared to lose

#762Consumer Suggestion

Mon, June 27, 2005

Todd, I am sorry to see that Walmart has such a strong control over our legal and police department of this country nationwide. I also had a similiar situation that occured to me in Sept of 2004. The security guard essentially stopped me outside the store, and demanded for me to go to the backroom with him without any explaination. While we waited for a manager to arrive, he took a disposable camera off the shelf and told the manager that I tried to steal this. In court, this camera was never submitted by Walmart as evidence. They said that they put it back on to the shelf so it could be sold, even after I ask for it to be kept for fingerprint test. Also during court, it was found that: 1.The police report and the internal Walmart report that the security guard wrote stated that ran out the store after I began to exit the store. The surveillance video and his testimony stated that he walked out of the store 28 seconds before I exited the store. The time sequence and his demeanor simply does not match up. 2.The video does not show the witness that the security guard supposedly picked up @ door 1, stated in his testimony 3.The security guard admitted during trial, that his testimony, was different then what was indicated on the police statement and the internal Walmart report. With all these inconsistancies, the municipal court found me guilty. After appealing the decision, the appeals court found me guilty. Please tell me where I can find justice in this country. Walmart had no hard evidence to support their claim. Their only evidence, was the security guards words, which was not credible comparing to all available evidence. Todd, the sad truth is, retailers as powerful as Walmart, has everything under control. I am not here saying that things are the same everywhere in this nation. But certain towns are influenced. Walmart knows that a false arrest can lead to a substantial lawsuit. So even if they made a mistake and one is indeed innocent, you are going to go down and they are going to make sure of that. At this point, I don't have anywhere else to seek for justice except for the media. Todd, having walked down the same path that you are about to, here is my advice: 1.If you are really innocent, fight for your honor. Don't let Walmart get away with this. 2.Make sure you collect all available evidence. 3.Get a good lawyer. He is your ticket to seek further damages that this is causing you. If you are found guilty, all bets are off. 4.Expect to lose. From your story, there were a lot of injustice already. If Walmart and its management dare to treat you unfairly, and the police dare to violate all the rules, chances are, they have backing to support their actions. 5.Contact the media. Let your story be heard. I wish I had done so. I trusted the justice system and didn't contact the media. Make sure to do so under the consent of your lawyer. You don't want Walmart to come back and sue you for defamation. Todd, I wish you good luck. Like C from Anytown CA said, the court doesn't recognize color or faith. From my experience, it recognizes the color of GREEN! Also, the victims need to band togather to fight this evil. If you or any others are willing to give me your email addresses, please email me @ [email protected] We need to work togather to eliminate further injustice.


Response to Kathy and others - you know very little about law enforcement

#763Consumer Comment

Sat, June 18, 2005

Well first thing I have to say to Kathy is you know very little about law enforcement. Let me give you a little of my backround. I worked as a loss prevention manager for a major retailer for 9 years and after that I was a police officer for 5 years. You are never taken to another county jail even if you have a warrant in that county. Legal requirement is that you are jailed in the county jail where the crime occured. He would have been sent to jail in the county that the wal mart was located. He could not have been booked in one county for a crime that was commited in another. The only reason he might have been sent to an adjacent county is if the county jail where the crime occured was at capacity. And that is only if they have a mutual aid agreement to house adjacent county prisoners. 99% of the time that is not done because it costs the arresting county more to house him in another county jail. Second is that in his post he states the items were on the receipt, the loss prevention rep probably knew she screwed up but did not want to back down for fear of loosing her job. Some retailers will terminate you for 1 false detention charge, because if it is a true false dentention it can cost that company thousands of dollars from a lawsuit. I know this for a fact because one of my loss prevention reps that I had detained someone falsely and the person resisted. While trying to handcuff the person he tightened the cuffs too tight and refused to loosen them. The person suffered permanent nerve damage to his hand. The person sued and was awarded over 500,000 in damages. I terminated the person the same night. Another rep that worked for me had a false detention and there was no incident what so ever and this person sued and was awarded over 30,000. That is why it is preached (no pun intended) that if you are not 100 percent sure let them go. Another thing the amount of the loss was 11.00. That falls under a misdemeanor in probably 99.9 percent of the counties in america. Even in South Carolina Read SECTION 16-13-110. Shoplifting. (A) A person is guilty of shoplifting if he: (1) takes possession of, carries away, transfers from one person to another or from one area of a store or other retail mercantile establishment to another area, or causes to be carried away or transferred any merchandise displayed, held, stored, or offered for sale by any store or other retail mercantile establishment with the intention of depriving the merchant of the possession, use, or benefit of the merchandise without paying the full retail value; (2) alters, transfers, or removes any label, price tag marking, indicia of value, or any other markings which aid in determining value affixed to any merchandise displayed, held, stored, or offered for sale in a store or other retail mercantile establishment and attempts to purchase the merchandise personally or in consort with another at less than the full retail value with the intention of depriving the merchant of the full retail value of the merchandise; (3) transfers any merchandise displayed, held, stored, or offered for sale by any store or other retail mercantile establishment from the container in which it is displayed to any other container with intent to deprive the merchant of the full retail value. (B) A person who violates the provisions of this section is guilty of a: (1) misdemeanor triable in magistrate's court and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than five hundred dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days if the value of the shoplifted merchandise is one thousand dollars or less; (2) felony and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than five years, or both, if the value of the shoplifted merchandise is more than one thousand dollars but less than five thousand dollars; (3) felony and, upon conviction, must be imprisoned not more than ten years if the value of the shoplifted merchandise is five thousand dollars or more. SECTION 16-13-111. Reports of shoplifting convictions. A first offense shoplifting prosecution or second offense resulting in a conviction shall be reported by the magistrate or city recorder hearing the case to the Communications and Records Division of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division which shall keep a record of such conviction so that any law enforcement agency can inquire into whether or not a defendant has a prior record. SECTION 16-13-120. Shoplifting; presumptions from concealment of unpurchased goods. It is permissible to infer that any person wilfully concealing unpurchased goods or merchandise of any store or other mercantile establishment either on the premises or outside the premises of the store has concealed the article with the intention of converting it to his own use without paying the purchase price thereof within the meaning of Section 16-13-110. It is also permissible to infer that the finding of the unpurchased goods or merchandise concealed upon the person or among the belongings of the person is evidence of wilful concealment. If the person conceals or causes to be concealed the unpurchased goods or merchandise upon the person or among the belongings of another, it is also permissible to infer that the person so concealing such goods wilfully concealed them with the intention of converting them to his own use without paying the purchase price thereof within the meaning of Section 16-13-110. SECTION 16-13-130. Sections 16-13-110 and 16-13-120 are cumulative. The offense created by Section 16-13-110 and the inferences provided in Section 16-13-120 are not exclusive and are in addition to previously existing offenses and those rights and presumptions as were heretofore provided by law. SECTION 16-13-140. Defense to action for delay to investigate ownership of merchandise. In any action brought by reason of having been delayed by a merchant or merchant's employee or agent on or near the premises of a mercantile establishment for the purpose of investigation concerning the ownership of any merchandise, it shall be a defense to such action if: (1) The person was delayed in a reasonable manner and for a reasonable time to permit such investigation, and (2) reasonable cause existed to believe that the person delayed had committed the crime of shoplifting. The officer in this case had the option not to even take him to jail. A misdemeanor is a summonable offense. That means he could have written him a summons to appear in court. When I worked as an loss prevention manager I would direct my reps not to even call the police unless the theft was over 50.00. We would let them go and file charges ourselves with the prosecutor. It was less expensive that way. As far not being allowed to see the video tape, they don't have to let you see them. It is their property and their option on letting you view them. Your lawyer (if you already have one) can subpoena the court for a copy of the tape. Question for you. Did they keep the receipt? If they did you can demand it back, that is your property and can prove if the items were or were not rang up. Get an attorney for your case, it they are wrong they will probably do everything in their power to lose evidence, delay your case and other things. Have your wife or a close friend go back into walmart and get the name of the cashier if you don't already know it, she can be a witness for you down the road. Just don't go in there yourself if you do you can be charged with trespassing. If you have been wronged file a civil suit against walmart. And no offense but your religious backround matters very little to retail stores. I have caught a preacher shoplifting a pair of shoes and a catholic nun shoplifting a bra.


Response to Kathy and others - you know very little about law enforcement

#764Consumer Comment

Sat, June 18, 2005

Well first thing I have to say to Kathy is you know very little about law enforcement. Let me give you a little of my backround. I worked as a loss prevention manager for a major retailer for 9 years and after that I was a police officer for 5 years. You are never taken to another county jail even if you have a warrant in that county. Legal requirement is that you are jailed in the county jail where the crime occured. He would have been sent to jail in the county that the wal mart was located. He could not have been booked in one county for a crime that was commited in another. The only reason he might have been sent to an adjacent county is if the county jail where the crime occured was at capacity. And that is only if they have a mutual aid agreement to house adjacent county prisoners. 99% of the time that is not done because it costs the arresting county more to house him in another county jail. Second is that in his post he states the items were on the receipt, the loss prevention rep probably knew she screwed up but did not want to back down for fear of loosing her job. Some retailers will terminate you for 1 false detention charge, because if it is a true false dentention it can cost that company thousands of dollars from a lawsuit. I know this for a fact because one of my loss prevention reps that I had detained someone falsely and the person resisted. While trying to handcuff the person he tightened the cuffs too tight and refused to loosen them. The person suffered permanent nerve damage to his hand. The person sued and was awarded over 500,000 in damages. I terminated the person the same night. Another rep that worked for me had a false detention and there was no incident what so ever and this person sued and was awarded over 30,000. That is why it is preached (no pun intended) that if you are not 100 percent sure let them go. Another thing the amount of the loss was 11.00. That falls under a misdemeanor in probably 99.9 percent of the counties in america. Even in South Carolina Read SECTION 16-13-110. Shoplifting. (A) A person is guilty of shoplifting if he: (1) takes possession of, carries away, transfers from one person to another or from one area of a store or other retail mercantile establishment to another area, or causes to be carried away or transferred any merchandise displayed, held, stored, or offered for sale by any store or other retail mercantile establishment with the intention of depriving the merchant of the possession, use, or benefit of the merchandise without paying the full retail value; (2) alters, transfers, or removes any label, price tag marking, indicia of value, or any other markings which aid in determining value affixed to any merchandise displayed, held, stored, or offered for sale in a store or other retail mercantile establishment and attempts to purchase the merchandise personally or in consort with another at less than the full retail value with the intention of depriving the merchant of the full retail value of the merchandise; (3) transfers any merchandise displayed, held, stored, or offered for sale by any store or other retail mercantile establishment from the container in which it is displayed to any other container with intent to deprive the merchant of the full retail value. (B) A person who violates the provisions of this section is guilty of a: (1) misdemeanor triable in magistrate's court and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than five hundred dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days if the value of the shoplifted merchandise is one thousand dollars or less; (2) felony and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than five years, or both, if the value of the shoplifted merchandise is more than one thousand dollars but less than five thousand dollars; (3) felony and, upon conviction, must be imprisoned not more than ten years if the value of the shoplifted merchandise is five thousand dollars or more. SECTION 16-13-111. Reports of shoplifting convictions. A first offense shoplifting prosecution or second offense resulting in a conviction shall be reported by the magistrate or city recorder hearing the case to the Communications and Records Division of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division which shall keep a record of such conviction so that any law enforcement agency can inquire into whether or not a defendant has a prior record. SECTION 16-13-120. Shoplifting; presumptions from concealment of unpurchased goods. It is permissible to infer that any person wilfully concealing unpurchased goods or merchandise of any store or other mercantile establishment either on the premises or outside the premises of the store has concealed the article with the intention of converting it to his own use without paying the purchase price thereof within the meaning of Section 16-13-110. It is also permissible to infer that the finding of the unpurchased goods or merchandise concealed upon the person or among the belongings of the person is evidence of wilful concealment. If the person conceals or causes to be concealed the unpurchased goods or merchandise upon the person or among the belongings of another, it is also permissible to infer that the person so concealing such goods wilfully concealed them with the intention of converting them to his own use without paying the purchase price thereof within the meaning of Section 16-13-110. SECTION 16-13-130. Sections 16-13-110 and 16-13-120 are cumulative. The offense created by Section 16-13-110 and the inferences provided in Section 16-13-120 are not exclusive and are in addition to previously existing offenses and those rights and presumptions as were heretofore provided by law. SECTION 16-13-140. Defense to action for delay to investigate ownership of merchandise. In any action brought by reason of having been delayed by a merchant or merchant's employee or agent on or near the premises of a mercantile establishment for the purpose of investigation concerning the ownership of any merchandise, it shall be a defense to such action if: (1) The person was delayed in a reasonable manner and for a reasonable time to permit such investigation, and (2) reasonable cause existed to believe that the person delayed had committed the crime of shoplifting. The officer in this case had the option not to even take him to jail. A misdemeanor is a summonable offense. That means he could have written him a summons to appear in court. When I worked as an loss prevention manager I would direct my reps not to even call the police unless the theft was over 50.00. We would let them go and file charges ourselves with the prosecutor. It was less expensive that way. As far not being allowed to see the video tape, they don't have to let you see them. It is their property and their option on letting you view them. Your lawyer (if you already have one) can subpoena the court for a copy of the tape. Question for you. Did they keep the receipt? If they did you can demand it back, that is your property and can prove if the items were or were not rang up. Get an attorney for your case, it they are wrong they will probably do everything in their power to lose evidence, delay your case and other things. Have your wife or a close friend go back into walmart and get the name of the cashier if you don't already know it, she can be a witness for you down the road. Just don't go in there yourself if you do you can be charged with trespassing. If you have been wronged file a civil suit against walmart. And no offense but your religious backround matters very little to retail stores. I have caught a preacher shoplifting a pair of shoes and a catholic nun shoplifting a bra.


Response to Kathy and others - you know very little about law enforcement

#765Consumer Comment

Sat, June 18, 2005

Well first thing I have to say to Kathy is you know very little about law enforcement. Let me give you a little of my backround. I worked as a loss prevention manager for a major retailer for 9 years and after that I was a police officer for 5 years. You are never taken to another county jail even if you have a warrant in that county. Legal requirement is that you are jailed in the county jail where the crime occured. He would have been sent to jail in the county that the wal mart was located. He could not have been booked in one county for a crime that was commited in another. The only reason he might have been sent to an adjacent county is if the county jail where the crime occured was at capacity. And that is only if they have a mutual aid agreement to house adjacent county prisoners. 99% of the time that is not done because it costs the arresting county more to house him in another county jail. Second is that in his post he states the items were on the receipt, the loss prevention rep probably knew she screwed up but did not want to back down for fear of loosing her job. Some retailers will terminate you for 1 false detention charge, because if it is a true false dentention it can cost that company thousands of dollars from a lawsuit. I know this for a fact because one of my loss prevention reps that I had detained someone falsely and the person resisted. While trying to handcuff the person he tightened the cuffs too tight and refused to loosen them. The person suffered permanent nerve damage to his hand. The person sued and was awarded over 500,000 in damages. I terminated the person the same night. Another rep that worked for me had a false detention and there was no incident what so ever and this person sued and was awarded over 30,000. That is why it is preached (no pun intended) that if you are not 100 percent sure let them go. Another thing the amount of the loss was 11.00. That falls under a misdemeanor in probably 99.9 percent of the counties in america. Even in South Carolina Read SECTION 16-13-110. Shoplifting. (A) A person is guilty of shoplifting if he: (1) takes possession of, carries away, transfers from one person to another or from one area of a store or other retail mercantile establishment to another area, or causes to be carried away or transferred any merchandise displayed, held, stored, or offered for sale by any store or other retail mercantile establishment with the intention of depriving the merchant of the possession, use, or benefit of the merchandise without paying the full retail value; (2) alters, transfers, or removes any label, price tag marking, indicia of value, or any other markings which aid in determining value affixed to any merchandise displayed, held, stored, or offered for sale in a store or other retail mercantile establishment and attempts to purchase the merchandise personally or in consort with another at less than the full retail value with the intention of depriving the merchant of the full retail value of the merchandise; (3) transfers any merchandise displayed, held, stored, or offered for sale by any store or other retail mercantile establishment from the container in which it is displayed to any other container with intent to deprive the merchant of the full retail value. (B) A person who violates the provisions of this section is guilty of a: (1) misdemeanor triable in magistrate's court and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than five hundred dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days if the value of the shoplifted merchandise is one thousand dollars or less; (2) felony and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than five years, or both, if the value of the shoplifted merchandise is more than one thousand dollars but less than five thousand dollars; (3) felony and, upon conviction, must be imprisoned not more than ten years if the value of the shoplifted merchandise is five thousand dollars or more. SECTION 16-13-111. Reports of shoplifting convictions. A first offense shoplifting prosecution or second offense resulting in a conviction shall be reported by the magistrate or city recorder hearing the case to the Communications and Records Division of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division which shall keep a record of such conviction so that any law enforcement agency can inquire into whether or not a defendant has a prior record. SECTION 16-13-120. Shoplifting; presumptions from concealment of unpurchased goods. It is permissible to infer that any person wilfully concealing unpurchased goods or merchandise of any store or other mercantile establishment either on the premises or outside the premises of the store has concealed the article with the intention of converting it to his own use without paying the purchase price thereof within the meaning of Section 16-13-110. It is also permissible to infer that the finding of the unpurchased goods or merchandise concealed upon the person or among the belongings of the person is evidence of wilful concealment. If the person conceals or causes to be concealed the unpurchased goods or merchandise upon the person or among the belongings of another, it is also permissible to infer that the person so concealing such goods wilfully concealed them with the intention of converting them to his own use without paying the purchase price thereof within the meaning of Section 16-13-110. SECTION 16-13-130. Sections 16-13-110 and 16-13-120 are cumulative. The offense created by Section 16-13-110 and the inferences provided in Section 16-13-120 are not exclusive and are in addition to previously existing offenses and those rights and presumptions as were heretofore provided by law. SECTION 16-13-140. Defense to action for delay to investigate ownership of merchandise. In any action brought by reason of having been delayed by a merchant or merchant's employee or agent on or near the premises of a mercantile establishment for the purpose of investigation concerning the ownership of any merchandise, it shall be a defense to such action if: (1) The person was delayed in a reasonable manner and for a reasonable time to permit such investigation, and (2) reasonable cause existed to believe that the person delayed had committed the crime of shoplifting. The officer in this case had the option not to even take him to jail. A misdemeanor is a summonable offense. That means he could have written him a summons to appear in court. When I worked as an loss prevention manager I would direct my reps not to even call the police unless the theft was over 50.00. We would let them go and file charges ourselves with the prosecutor. It was less expensive that way. As far not being allowed to see the video tape, they don't have to let you see them. It is their property and their option on letting you view them. Your lawyer (if you already have one) can subpoena the court for a copy of the tape. Question for you. Did they keep the receipt? If they did you can demand it back, that is your property and can prove if the items were or were not rang up. Get an attorney for your case, it they are wrong they will probably do everything in their power to lose evidence, delay your case and other things. Have your wife or a close friend go back into walmart and get the name of the cashier if you don't already know it, she can be a witness for you down the road. Just don't go in there yourself if you do you can be charged with trespassing. If you have been wronged file a civil suit against walmart. And no offense but your religious backround matters very little to retail stores. I have caught a preacher shoplifting a pair of shoes and a catholic nun shoplifting a bra.


South Carolina,
I agree, but only to a point

#766Consumer Suggestion

Fri, June 17, 2005

Walmart treats people like that because they are trying to cut down on items being stolen. It's not every person at the entrance that does this, just certain ones. I never said my dad steals anything. Walmart down here doesn't care if you eat, or drink anything before you pay. My dad is an extremely honest man. He makes sure everything is paid for and HE MAKES A POINT to give everything to the cashier. Don't take my words and twist them around so that you won't look ignorant. It didn't work too well. I still shop at Walmart. I just think it's annoying when you have a cart full of bags that shows you have checked out, and then a box that is too big for a bag in the cart too. But I know they are just doing their job. I would imagine Walmart has to deal with quite a bit of thieves. My husband and I helped catch one one night while we were shopping in Walmart. So contrary to your thinking, I am a very honest person. Don't talk about something or someone unless you know them. You just proved your ignorance.


They treat you like a thief...

#767Consumer Comment

Thu, June 09, 2005

Because that is their typical customer. You even say your dad STEALS food and drinks while wandering around. He is STEALING the stuff because he has NOT paid for them yet. Just because he pays before he leaves means nothing. Walmart is not a restaurant. For those who want to argue the semantics of theft versus paying when you leave, I've heard the whole story before. "I hadn't left the store so I didn't steal anything". BS! Untill you pay for the items, they are NOT yours. Why not open up the toys and play with them. If your dad didn't know he was being watched, he would not bother to pay when he left. He knows he's being watched so he makes sure he pays for the stuff. Just like the geniuses that gobble down grapes and candy at the grocery store. The stuff is sold by weight, so if they eat as much as they can so they don't have to pay for it. Here's an idea. If you're that hungry, go to a restaurant, or eat at home. Amazingly, I have never been accused of shoplifting anything. It may have something to do with how I was raised, or it may have something to do with I'm not stupid enough to put myself in a situation where I could be suspected.


South Carolina,
It could've been a mistake.

#768Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 08, 2005

I would've imagined it was a mistake, but the employees should have handled things differently. They should've taken time to listen to everything and not rush around. But maybe that's how they like to handle things. I do shop at Walmart because I like their prices. My dad has always grabbed a drink or ate something while we're shopping. And he always takes whatever it is to the cashier and ask her to ring it up. He stands there and watches to make sure everything is done correctly. Walmart employees here don't care about that either. The only problem I have with Walmart is when I exit the store. I feel like they treat everyone as thieves. I understand they don't want anyone to get away with stolen merchandise, but stopping and asking about every little thing annoys me. I have been stopped about a 1.99 magazine that I did pay for, but it wasn't in a bag. I gave her the receipt and she checked everything and then asked me if I had paid for my magazine. I know they're just doing their job, but I don't like being treated like a thief. I think they should go about some things in a different way.


Spare us.. All liars shall be cast into the Lake of Fire.

#769UPDATE Employee

Wed, May 11, 2005

Just because you are a 'Christian', that doesnt make you special in the eyes of the world. Todd, your full of crap. YOur using your religion as a crutch to justify whatever crime you are hiding. You are trying to have us believe what? Christians dont steal? Christians do alot of things they arent suppose to. Remember what Jesus said, Todd: All liars shall be cast into the Lake of Fire.


South Carolina,

#770Consumer Comment

Fri, April 22, 2005

Seems noone has pointed this out, but seems to me that brandishing Christianity/faith as a weapon is one of the signs that all is not as it seems. This is happening throughout this thread, but we also have another red flag that gets raised... >>Oh Give Me A Break!!! YOU: Wal-Mart Lovers! You would be agreeing with me if you were not being paid by Wal-Mart!<< Anyone who disagrees is obviously a plant by the opposition to discredit. This whole thing has all the signs (and smells) of either something that is completely fabricated or spun to cause harm to others.


South Carolina,
Should Someone Pay For Something They Did Not Do?

#771REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, April 22, 2005

Hi Folks, I thank many of you for your responses. It has allowed me to see what this world has come to. Brother and sister turn against each other, to destroy a life over some little thing that is falsely accused! But I do see good folks, for they out number the wicked, if we rise up, we can make a difference, make your voice known! The last time I checked, the US Bill of Rights, you are innocent until proven guilty! But this world wants you to be guilty until proven innocent! SHAME! I have already said many times that I have the proof I did nothing wrong. But then a few of you keep stating I did do something wrong. I guess the wrong I did, as a True Christian, is shop at a store (Wal-Mart), that is known to use (Child-slave-labor)! Just look at what Wal-Mart is doing to it's own employees, working them underpaid, no support, and then accuses them of wrongdoings. It is a very bad sign when an employer falsely accuses it's customers of shoplifting, and then it's another thing when the same employer accuses it's employees! I have another scripture that says it all: "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as their's also was. But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, 11 Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works" (Holy Bible, KJV, 2 Timothy 3).


Pay for your crime

#772Consumer Comment

Thu, April 21, 2005

I don't see what all the christanity has to do with it. I see in the paper in our area 5 to 10 people a week are arrested for shoplifting at Wal-Marts, and prosecuted. If you don't like Wal-Marts don't go in there. But like the old saying if "You can't do the time, don't do the crime." You can sure tell when there is a full moon out.


Todd's a True Christian Leave him alone.

#773Consumer Comment

Thu, April 21, 2005

Well Todd, As a ture Christian why haven't you gone to your priest for confession. Confess that you gave the impression that you stole. Then ask for forgivness then serve some pentence, say 20 Hail Mary's. Then Celebrate that we true Christians have a new holy father. As with Daniel Boone, Could you go to your cousin Pat Boone for help? I will pray to the Blessed virgin and to saint jude to help your case. As the Right Rev. Father Mc Quarter once said. Thank Heaven for 7-11. That's were I shop. God Bless.


New York,
It's time to stop

#774Consumer Comment

Thu, April 21, 2005

You need to stop handling snakes, you've been bit one too many times.


South Carolina,
Answer To Prayer... 2 Timothy 4

#775REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, April 20, 2005

Okay, here is what the Lord has responded to me from the Bible. 2 Timothy 4 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. Do thy diligence to come shortly unto me: For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia. Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works: Of whom be thou ware also; for he hath greatly withstood our words. At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me: I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge. Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.


South Carolina,
Response to Cynthia - WOW! we all point back to one source.

#776REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, April 19, 2005

Wow, Cynthia! Your good posting made me happy! I just wanted to let you know the part about my bloodline did not mean anything that I was better than anyone else. I was trying to state that I was a fighter all the way back. And just to let you know, my family roots do have Native Am. Ind. blood there too. Also, my wife is Asian. My brother's wife is Asian. And our family jokes that my sister may get. If you read deep into the Bible you will discover we all came from one source. Even science has now confirmed what the Bible has said all along, we all point back to one source. Everybody's blood is the same color! I am not raciest and I dislike whenever some people uses that against someone. I saw that first hand when I worked in Asia. And another thing, do you remember what the main thing that Paul preached about? Peter and some others were being raciest about who would hear the gospel. Peter just wanted it to go to the Jews. But, Paul said all people are of God and they all need to hear it. So, if I was to be raciest, I am not a true Christian. I am not raciest, and therefore am a true Christian. I just wanted to clear that up. Thanks. I think you for your prayers and good posting. There have been some good postings, and some, lets say some strange postings. My posting must have struck a nerve with some folks. Hey, praises the Lord, maybe my posting will be the key to make changes for the good. Glory be to God. PS. I will also pray for you and your humble family. In Christ and Christ In Me.


South Carolina,
Response to KEN = At first I was not going to respond to your aggressive and inaccurate posting.

#777Author of original report

Tue, April 19, 2005

But then again, the first duty of a Christian is to teach what the Bible has taught me. I can tell by your posting you know nothing of the Bible; the stories in the Bible are full of wrongdoings being conducted against Christians. Even Paul, writes about a coppersmith that falsely accused him and had him put in jail. Or what about David? King Saul falsely accused him and sought to kill him. Or what about Elijah? When Jezebel falsely accused him and sought to kill him. (I like the part when she sent 50 soldier to get him and he stated, If I am a man of God, then fire come out of heaven and consume you and it DID!) Want some more samples? Okay, what about John the Baptist? He was falsely accused and beheaded by a teenagers dance! (Talk about shame!) And there are many more. And another thing your posting to what I said is in correct. Why don't you go back and read my postings word-for-word, and you will notice I never said I ate food and never paid! I said I ate the food and gave all the Price Bar Codes and empty containers to the cashier! (I have a witness that can state this fact!) I offered to Wal-Mart (in good faith) that if they believed I had ate more than what was on the receipt, (if by my illness I had forgotten something) then I would be willing to pay for that! That is what I said! But the fact remains, I PAID FOR WHAT I ATE! I have the proof of this fact; Wal-Mart did not want to look at that proof. (I for one can not imagine this could have happen, but believe me, if it did not happen to me, I would not of thought it could have happen. And the more I research, the more I find happening to other people too.) Again, I only offered to pay for any food I may have overlooked, but in fact I had paid for everything. To offer to pay for anything extra, that is a humble thing to do. (And even videotapes will prove this fact!) None of this crazy stuff you posted happen in my words. Oh, one more thing, the biggest story in the Bible was about Jesus who was also falsely accused! So that would mean that most of the Bible, at least the major portion of the people was falsely accused of a BOGUS crime! So, tread lightly when you point your finger back at me and try to force God back at me. I will respond back with the truth, satan tries this many times and can often cause people to get trapped. I am only as wise as God and the Holy Spirit allows me to be, all my teachings comes from God, he has the glory, not me. Do I need to say more? In Christ and Christ In Me.


I am not an employee of Wal Mart

#778Consumer Comment

Tue, April 19, 2005

Todd: I am not full of anger at you or your story ... nor do I love Wal Mart. I don't shop or work there, either. I simply questioned your story because the facts, to me, do not add up. You overreacted and started spewing religious stuff and quite a lot of anger at ME. I'd say, in psychological terms, what you did is a textbook example of projection. Not to mention that's not very Christian. However this turns out, I wish you nothing but the best of luck.


South Carolina,
OK - Just the facts - sweet and simple:

#779Author of original report

Tue, April 19, 2005

1. A young family went to their weekly Wal-Mart's trip. ($600 per month spending) 2. The father and children ate in the deli and took the price and empty containers with them, (Must have been alright, or Wal-Mart would have had them pay for the food before they HANDED it to them and they ate it.)(This Wal-Mart has two types of Deli's!)(One that you pay before eating, the other you can eat before paying!) (Very Important Fact!) 3. "If" the cashier and or father had overlooked any item(s). ((No intent to steal)) - it was just overlooked. And the father was "willing" to pay for any overlooked item(s), if there was ANY. (I offered this at the very beginning!)(The Receipt Shows I PAID for EVERYTHING) 4. There could always be overlooked items made - so is the Customer always wrong? It seems to be the practice now? What happened to the basic principle of good sound business? We loose many customers over this, or give this customer the benefit of the doubt and let him pay for any overlooked items if there was any? 5. Then traumatize the young wife and children. 6. And try to destroy a family man's life over a bogus claim of $11! When in fact I offered to pay for any items claimed that I might have overlooked! WHY???? What has happened to the basic customer service that Sam Walton put into place that built this company? Wal-Mart is accusing me of $12! (Which went up from what they first told me $11) So, my life is worth only a bogus $12! And the sad fact is I was willing to pay for that bogus $12 ($11) in case I did overlook that item! Many people I talk to cannot understand that. The scary thing is, that people I talked to in jail could not understand this. (And they are confessed criminals!) And many of these criminals said they have family and friends that work at this Wal-Mart!! What is wrong with this picture! Okay, most of you know, I am a Christian, and I have to respond with some Christian Bible preaching. This event just adds more facts that Jesus is on His return very soon. I do pray for Ms. Miller and others. I do not hate them; I do hate the evil that they did to others and me. But it is very heart breaking that people have come to this low point, to destroy someone over such little things as $12 ($11), and even bogus at that. In Christ and Christ In Me,


You see what you look for. an evil rampaging machine fueled with the blood of innocent children

#780UPDATE Employee

Mon, April 18, 2005

Todd, Indeed, Wal-mart is going to seem like an evil rampaging machine fueled with the blood of innocent children... because you are looking for scandals. There is no perfect, family-oriented, saintly business out there - simply because the nature of business is to make money. It's a cutthroat world, and no retail chain employing MILLIONS of people is exempt from getting a bad egg here and there. One bad egg will cause a bigger stir than 500 good employees, because the media thrives on slinging mud. When was the last time you turned on the news to hear about random acts of kindness? Unfortunately, the crap gets all the publicity. The only company that still looks good is the one you don't know that well.


South Carolina,
It Is Interesting... The Two-Response Sides

#781Author of original report

Mon, April 18, 2005

Hi Folks! It is interesting the two sides of responses to my posting. One side which knows of the problems with Wal-Mart and is supportive. While the other side aggressively attacks my posting with great anger. I would think that the supportive side is the normal folks that know the truth. The other side is Wal-Mart lovers, that most likely are employed by Wal-Mart and our the same group doing this to so many people. For this group, there is nothing I can say, I have told the truth and tried my best to express what happen, and they refuse to listen and try to nail me on a cross that I must be in the wrong. Shame on you, for you are so bias and blind to the truth! The supportive group is normal folks just trying to live and have been abused in one way or another by the evil hand of Wal-Mart. For you I am glad to see that I am not the only one that has been attacked by this evil corporation. You may not agree with my Christian statements and that is your right. But at least we are trying to come together and expose this evil corporation. I wonder if Wal-Mart is relate or connected to Seaboard Corporation is some way? If anyone knows this please let me know. I know God will give me victory; he has already started working in that area. I did nothing wrong and I can prove it! Everyday more witnesses are coming to me. I just discovered one today that was actual a customer at the time I was there and saw me give the Price Bar Codes to the cashier and PAY!!! Now this does not look to good for Wal-Mart! This customer also saw Wal-Mart drag me off to the back! And I have hired an attorney; I hired one the very first moment Wal-Mart did this evil to me. My honor will be restored and I will fight as hard as I can to expose this evil. This is wrong and all those Wal-Mart lovers know it is wrong. Why did Wal-Mart take me out the back door and not the front? Why was I not shown these bogus videos? Why did Wal-Mart not want to talk to the cashier? Why did Wal-Mart not want to look at the receipt? Many questionable actions by Wal-Mart leads to a major problem. The Lord will punish them for their evil, that's a fact!

John 3:16

Only Through Me Will You Find Salvation...

#782Consumer Comment

Mon, April 18, 2005

Todd, its time to "turn the other cheek". Your religious ranting will not save you. You are a known criminal in 3 states. You do not even have a real "disability" but are faking to scam the insurance company. You don't want to see the tapes from the store because they show you and your family stealing food and MORE. You have been for months and just got caught. Wal-Mart is evil but a necessary evil. You on the other hand are just a crook hiding behind the bible. Here's some advice: stay out of Wal-Mart and forget the bible-thumper act or you will continue to experience HELL ON EARTH!!!



#783Consumer Comment

Mon, April 18, 2005

I cannot believe they arrested you. I mean come on, a Devout Christian. Everyone knows that Christians do not commit crimes. And accusing a Devout Christian of doing something like this is almost as blasphemous as accusing a Priest of child molestation.......! How preposterous!!! ******** You know, I have been guilty of eating things before I paid for them. Many times I have opened a Pepsi and drank it while I was shopping. The only difference is that I actually paid for it when I checked out. Now, if you didn't pay for what you ate, then you are guilty. Period. No one cares if you are a Devout Christian or not. According to your receipt, YOU DID NOT PAY FOR IT.... That is stealing and Devout Christians do not get special treatment when it comes to Theft.... That is what this country is based on. It is not Wal Mart's responsibility to follow you around and keep track of what you eat while you are in there store, nor is it their responsibility to make sure you pay for it. You should have made sure you paid for it......NO EXCUSES !!!!! So, if you did indeed eat the food and did not pay for it......then it is your fault.... Now quit crying and praying about it. If God wanted you to not be in this trouble, then he would have made sure you paid for it.... so praying about this will not change your situation. In fact, while you are praying about it, why don't you pray for some "Smarts". You did not pay for the food and you got caught. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you did it on purpose, but that does not excuse your failure to pay. If you do the crime, you have to pay the time!!!!!! Get over your holey self!!!


Carol Stream,
Sometimes people do crazy things we don't understand

#784Consumer Comment

Mon, April 18, 2005

Todd, I stand behind your decision to fight Walmart on this. I obviously wasn't there, but I have seen injustice before. My husband has been the music director of our Christian church since he was 16-years-old. Once, he was driving his new Camaro, and was pulled over by a police officer. The officer pulled him out, asked him how "a dirty Mexican like you can afford a car like this", and beat him up. (It was in the middle of the night on an empty street.) It turns out that another of his hispanic friends was beat up by the same racist officer. They went to the police station, but no one believed them. It makes no sense that an officer of the law would do something so horrible, right? Well, it happens. Todd, I personally don't think they knew you were Christian (unless you were being very obvious about it), and I know from experience that South Carolina is a very Christian state. But I do think that they might have targeted you because they thought you had money. What good is it to Walmart to prosecute a thief that they know is poor? Walmart wouldn't be able to squeeze any money out of them. But they might have thought they could get money out of you, since you shop there all the time, and your wife was buying stuff, and you were eating at the deli. Maybe they thought they could sue you in the future for a whole lot of money. Just a thought. Like I said, sometimes people do stuff that is just really hard to believe until it happens to you, and then you can see for yourself. And I believe that you had no idea that eating before paying was wrong. My mom did that when I was a little girl...if I was crying in the store, she would open a box of cookies and give me some, but she would always pay for it, and the cashiers always said it was fine. Unfortunately, things have changed but not everyone is aware of that. Some dishonest people have made things harder for everyone. I also do believe that it is near the end of times, and Todd, you need to fight for your right to keep the 10 commandments in your front yard. That is your property and your right. The one thing I don't agree with is your comment about your geneology. What does where your blood came from have to do with anything? Does being white make you a more honest, better person? Hey, the first white people in the America (your ancestors) were brutal murderers and rapists. They killed the Native Americans and stole their land. So don't bring race or geneology into this. When it comes to skin color, you are no better than anyone else. Well, that's all I have to say...but FIGHT ON! I know you will win this battle. I will pray for you.


Carol Stream,
Sometimes people do crazy things we don't understand

#785Consumer Comment

Mon, April 18, 2005

Todd, I stand behind your decision to fight Walmart on this. I obviously wasn't there, but I have seen injustice before. My husband has been the music director of our Christian church since he was 16-years-old. Once, he was driving his new Camaro, and was pulled over by a police officer. The officer pulled him out, asked him how "a dirty Mexican like you can afford a car like this", and beat him up. (It was in the middle of the night on an empty street.) It turns out that another of his hispanic friends was beat up by the same racist officer. They went to the police station, but no one believed them. It makes no sense that an officer of the law would do something so horrible, right? Well, it happens. Todd, I personally don't think they knew you were Christian (unless you were being very obvious about it), and I know from experience that South Carolina is a very Christian state. But I do think that they might have targeted you because they thought you had money. What good is it to Walmart to prosecute a thief that they know is poor? Walmart wouldn't be able to squeeze any money out of them. But they might have thought they could get money out of you, since you shop there all the time, and your wife was buying stuff, and you were eating at the deli. Maybe they thought they could sue you in the future for a whole lot of money. Just a thought. Like I said, sometimes people do stuff that is just really hard to believe until it happens to you, and then you can see for yourself. And I believe that you had no idea that eating before paying was wrong. My mom did that when I was a little girl...if I was crying in the store, she would open a box of cookies and give me some, but she would always pay for it, and the cashiers always said it was fine. Unfortunately, things have changed but not everyone is aware of that. Some dishonest people have made things harder for everyone. I also do believe that it is near the end of times, and Todd, you need to fight for your right to keep the 10 commandments in your front yard. That is your property and your right. The one thing I don't agree with is your comment about your geneology. What does where your blood came from have to do with anything? Does being white make you a more honest, better person? Hey, the first white people in the America (your ancestors) were brutal murderers and rapists. They killed the Native Americans and stole their land. So don't bring race or geneology into this. When it comes to skin color, you are no better than anyone else. Well, that's all I have to say...but FIGHT ON! I know you will win this battle. I will pray for you.


Carol Stream,
Sometimes people do crazy things we don't understand

#786Consumer Comment

Mon, April 18, 2005

Todd, I stand behind your decision to fight Walmart on this. I obviously wasn't there, but I have seen injustice before. My husband has been the music director of our Christian church since he was 16-years-old. Once, he was driving his new Camaro, and was pulled over by a police officer. The officer pulled him out, asked him how "a dirty Mexican like you can afford a car like this", and beat him up. (It was in the middle of the night on an empty street.) It turns out that another of his hispanic friends was beat up by the same racist officer. They went to the police station, but no one believed them. It makes no sense that an officer of the law would do something so horrible, right? Well, it happens. Todd, I personally don't think they knew you were Christian (unless you were being very obvious about it), and I know from experience that South Carolina is a very Christian state. But I do think that they might have targeted you because they thought you had money. What good is it to Walmart to prosecute a thief that they know is poor? Walmart wouldn't be able to squeeze any money out of them. But they might have thought they could get money out of you, since you shop there all the time, and your wife was buying stuff, and you were eating at the deli. Maybe they thought they could sue you in the future for a whole lot of money. Just a thought. Like I said, sometimes people do stuff that is just really hard to believe until it happens to you, and then you can see for yourself. And I believe that you had no idea that eating before paying was wrong. My mom did that when I was a little girl...if I was crying in the store, she would open a box of cookies and give me some, but she would always pay for it, and the cashiers always said it was fine. Unfortunately, things have changed but not everyone is aware of that. Some dishonest people have made things harder for everyone. I also do believe that it is near the end of times, and Todd, you need to fight for your right to keep the 10 commandments in your front yard. That is your property and your right. The one thing I don't agree with is your comment about your geneology. What does where your blood came from have to do with anything? Does being white make you a more honest, better person? Hey, the first white people in the America (your ancestors) were brutal murderers and rapists. They killed the Native Americans and stole their land. So don't bring race or geneology into this. When it comes to skin color, you are no better than anyone else. Well, that's all I have to say...but FIGHT ON! I know you will win this battle. I will pray for you.


Carol Stream,
Sometimes people do crazy things we don't understand

#787Consumer Comment

Mon, April 18, 2005

Todd, I stand behind your decision to fight Walmart on this. I obviously wasn't there, but I have seen injustice before. My husband has been the music director of our Christian church since he was 16-years-old. Once, he was driving his new Camaro, and was pulled over by a police officer. The officer pulled him out, asked him how "a dirty Mexican like you can afford a car like this", and beat him up. (It was in the middle of the night on an empty street.) It turns out that another of his hispanic friends was beat up by the same racist officer. They went to the police station, but no one believed them. It makes no sense that an officer of the law would do something so horrible, right? Well, it happens. Todd, I personally don't think they knew you were Christian (unless you were being very obvious about it), and I know from experience that South Carolina is a very Christian state. But I do think that they might have targeted you because they thought you had money. What good is it to Walmart to prosecute a thief that they know is poor? Walmart wouldn't be able to squeeze any money out of them. But they might have thought they could get money out of you, since you shop there all the time, and your wife was buying stuff, and you were eating at the deli. Maybe they thought they could sue you in the future for a whole lot of money. Just a thought. Like I said, sometimes people do stuff that is just really hard to believe until it happens to you, and then you can see for yourself. And I believe that you had no idea that eating before paying was wrong. My mom did that when I was a little girl...if I was crying in the store, she would open a box of cookies and give me some, but she would always pay for it, and the cashiers always said it was fine. Unfortunately, things have changed but not everyone is aware of that. Some dishonest people have made things harder for everyone. I also do believe that it is near the end of times, and Todd, you need to fight for your right to keep the 10 commandments in your front yard. That is your property and your right. The one thing I don't agree with is your comment about your geneology. What does where your blood came from have to do with anything? Does being white make you a more honest, better person? Hey, the first white people in the America (your ancestors) were brutal murderers and rapists. They killed the Native Americans and stole their land. So don't bring race or geneology into this. When it comes to skin color, you are no better than anyone else. Well, that's all I have to say...but FIGHT ON! I know you will win this battle. I will pray for you.


Thanx Todd I am not misinformed nor "stupid"

#788Consumer Comment

Mon, April 18, 2005

My spirituality is in in check and what I depend on every day I am not misinformed nor "stupid" (my words not yours) I only state that when it is a complaint against a certain company or individual that the complaint is just that - a COMPLAINT! I have the right as anyone does here to voice my opinion - That is the great thing about being an AMERICAN CITIZEN! I am sorry that you had to suffer at the hands of Wal-Mart and I am not judging because of situation I am done with this Say a prayer for me when I get to Iraq


Wal-mart is a CULT

#789UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, April 17, 2005

TODD, I feel for you. I'm from the south and I know people are more trust worthy there. SO they probably did tell you that you could take your bar codes to the front registers. I also was a CSM (mgr)about 13 years ago at Wal-mart. I worked there abuot 6 months until I was like "HECK WITH THIS!" I had two Female bosses that tried to be-little me every chance they could. I also had a Store Assistant Mgr. tell me everyday about all the sexy dreams he was having about me. I know about the cameras they have.. THEY SPY ON THERE EMPLOYEES WITH THEM! I got demoted because I said to another employee in private (I thought) That the Store Manager was a Pervert. Next thing I know someone told me, "You know they herd you say that" I luckily found a job at high end Department store a month later. Problem was my first day that I was suppose to go to work at my new job, I stopped by Wal-mart to pick up my check. They said, Yeah, we have it, Be right back.. . So waited, and waited, looked at watch.. I thought to my self, somethings not right.. SO I went to the front of the store.. there was the lady that said, I'LL be right back, and three store Managers.. THEY WERE TRYING TO PAY ME BACK FOR QUITING! They wanted me to be late.. See how they are?? It's like a Click in High School! SO to this day, Unless someone gives me a gift card. . I go to TARGET! SUPER-WALMART STAY OUT OF CALIFORNIA! I LIKE VONS!


Time to prepare a proper defence.

#790Consumer Comment

Sun, April 17, 2005

Todd, please listen to Matthew and Stacey. What Matthew said was briliant. When you get to court, your God and Jesus and family legacy and grand conspiracy stuff won't fly. It's not because the judge is against God and Jesus, but because when he's up on the bench for you, he's interested only in exactly WHAT HAPPENED AT WAL-MART. Your postings have not been very clear in this area. You need to prepare a proper legal "secular" defence. An attorney would be very helpful to you now. An attorney would know how to use the court to get copies of the videotapes, receipts, and other evidence Wal-Mart may be planning to use against you. Also you may need witnesses on your side, such as the employee(s) who told you it was OK to eat first and pay later. Even if you did eat the food and not pay for it, there are several valid defenses you could use. You do not want to have a criminal conviction on your record. By the way I'm 2 years "clean" of Wal-Mart abuse and dependency (i.e. no longer shop there). I'm certainly not being paid by them.


Time to prepare a proper defence.

#791Consumer Comment

Sun, April 17, 2005

Todd, please listen to Matthew and Stacey. What Matthew said was briliant. When you get to court, your God and Jesus and family legacy and grand conspiracy stuff won't fly. It's not because the judge is against God and Jesus, but because when he's up on the bench for you, he's interested only in exactly WHAT HAPPENED AT WAL-MART. Your postings have not been very clear in this area. You need to prepare a proper legal "secular" defence. An attorney would be very helpful to you now. An attorney would know how to use the court to get copies of the videotapes, receipts, and other evidence Wal-Mart may be planning to use against you. Also you may need witnesses on your side, such as the employee(s) who told you it was OK to eat first and pay later. Even if you did eat the food and not pay for it, there are several valid defenses you could use. You do not want to have a criminal conviction on your record. By the way I'm 2 years "clean" of Wal-Mart abuse and dependency (i.e. no longer shop there). I'm certainly not being paid by them.


Time to prepare a proper defence.

#792Consumer Comment

Sun, April 17, 2005

Todd, please listen to Matthew and Stacey. What Matthew said was briliant. When you get to court, your God and Jesus and family legacy and grand conspiracy stuff won't fly. It's not because the judge is against God and Jesus, but because when he's up on the bench for you, he's interested only in exactly WHAT HAPPENED AT WAL-MART. Your postings have not been very clear in this area. You need to prepare a proper legal "secular" defence. An attorney would be very helpful to you now. An attorney would know how to use the court to get copies of the videotapes, receipts, and other evidence Wal-Mart may be planning to use against you. Also you may need witnesses on your side, such as the employee(s) who told you it was OK to eat first and pay later. Even if you did eat the food and not pay for it, there are several valid defenses you could use. You do not want to have a criminal conviction on your record. By the way I'm 2 years "clean" of Wal-Mart abuse and dependency (i.e. no longer shop there). I'm certainly not being paid by them.


New York,
Ok, Let me see if I understand this... Walmart is a large satan-filled organization

#793Consumer Comment

Sun, April 17, 2005

Walmart is a large satan-filled organization that is out to get a "devout Christian man" because they didnt see him pay for food he ate but swears he paid for? We know he is devout becuase he can spout scripture and can pray up a storm.. and besides, he bought $60 worth of Biblical Research books. Now we also find out that his "homeowners" association must also be anti-Christian because they won't allow him to have the Ten Commandments in his front yard - even though ordinances he agreed to when he became part of the association - do not allow it. In other words, laws and ordinances are for everyone else but him because he is so "devout." Well, I figured out what his disability is .. He's a wacko right-wing religeous nut who won't be happy until we have our our own little theocracy here in America with our own Christian Ayatolla running the show .. Lord protect us from these nutcases..


South Carolina,
Response to Stacy If your spirit is checked

#794REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, April 17, 2005

Hi Stacy, That is the problem with this country; some people want to leave God out of everything. I cannot and will not leave Him out. God is everywhere in our country. Our country was formed on the basis of God. You have the freedom to worship Him or a stick in the mud. But to try and cause me to erase these facts, I will never do. This whole fight is about Him! If you do not understand this, then you may not ever. You cannot stop me from preaching the truth and I will continue. I know Wal-Mart singled me out because I was a Christian family man. I have seen some people get enraged when they see a family man with his children and allow his wife the break to go shop around. And I could see the anger in Ms. Miller's eyes because of this. Come on, most of you Wal-Mart lovers can not understand and have even tried to write that I must have done things in the past why Wal-Mart did this to me. I HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING WRONG AT WAL-MART! Then explain what other reason why Wal-Mart has done this to me then? I am not a grammar or English expert, I may not say the proper words, and my illness can cause me not to say the right words at times, but I do the best I can and just tell the truth. If you cannot handle the truth, then you never will. I will not leave God out, this is my life and what Wal-Mart has done has God all around it. If your spirit is checked, then maybe you need to build your relationship with Him.


Kudos to Matthew

#795Consumer Comment

Sun, April 17, 2005

Your response was well thought out and very well put Leave God out of this situation and your religion Stick to the facts!


South Carolina,
Response to Bill "Family-Boycott" of Wal-Mart

#796Author of original report

Sun, April 17, 2005

Hi Bill, Thanks for your caring posting. If anyone that is not being paid by Wal-Mart, and look at my case, as well as others, they will see the truth. To answer you, I never knew Wal-Mart was like this, until they did the wrong to me like they did. I can promise you, I will NEVER EVER take my $600 a month to them again. And I have already notified other family tree member that have now done a "Family-Boycott" of Wal-Mart. This is about a total of $20,000 a month that will not be spent at Wal-Mart stores EVER AGAIN. Unless Wal-Mart REPENTS and tries to fix the problem. But you know as well as I, that "dark-hearted and uncaring" people will never repent! That was one of the things Jesus cried about, that many did not repent. But many do, and that is what this fight is all about, to help those that are pure to see the light, repent and do the right thing. I agree, we good people, even if you are not a Christian, you must have some goodness in you, are you would not be trying to do the right thing. Wicked people do only evil, they never try to do the right thing, because they are cold-blooded! Anyway, I just wanted to answer you, that I never knew of the problems of Wal-Mart until I had this done to me. I was one of the blind ones to. The sad part about me is I saw one of the child-slave camps in Asia, but did not think there was a connection, until this happen and it was like an "eye-open-wide"! Oh, how sad it is. If anything, my trumpet blowing stops the child-abuse! I do not care about my life, I am willing to lay it down for Christ, so those little children will go free! From now on, I will make sure the product I purchase are child-slave-safe!


South Carolina,
Oh Give Me A Break!! YOU: Wal-Mart Lovers!

#797REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, April 17, 2005

Oh Give Me A Break!!! YOU: Wal-Mart Lovers! You would be agreeing with me if you were not being paid by Wal-Mart! First of all, God is all in my life and I cannot leave Him out. I talk about Him all the time, what can I say, I LOVE Him and His Words and hold them dear to me. If you do not like what I write, THEN DO NOT READ IT, MUCH LESS RESPOND TO MY POSTING!! Something I say must be truth and checks your spirit to respond. The last time I looked we are a country for FREEDOM OF SPEACH! Second, your response posting are way off of what I was saying, you even took out sections of my postings and caused it to be misread. So, you Wal-Mart lovers are trying to tell me that Wal-Mart was correct that they had a reason to arrest me? Then explain the BILLION dollars worth of SETTLED lawsuits of FALSE IMPRINSONMENTS AND ARREST against Wal-Mart over the past few years? If the mighty Wal-Mart was such a clean and justice corporation that never does anything wrong, then explain that? Are you trying to say that all those courts thought wrongly of Wal-Mart and they did not read the facts that Wal-Mart did wrongdoing? If so, you are blind leading the blind! And let me clear something else up. You must not read the scriptures correctly, JESUS made PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS all the time against the PRIEST and others! He did not go around and quietly talk to people; He went to the very center of the town and told it like it was. All the wrongdoing going on and pointed the finger at those wick people. That's what started those wicked people to kill him. And when Jesus raised the dead man, they knew He would soon get everyone to hear his message and they would loose the POWER TO BLIND THE PEOPLE! (Sounds just what Wal-Mart is trying to do, SILENCE THOSE WHO SPEAK THE TRUTH!) If I am not speaking the truth, then Wal-Mart has nothing to worry about. But, if I speak the truth, why did Wal-Mart try to slam me down so hard! I did nothing wrong and they knew it. Plus, the fact these people are stealing from people all the time! I was told today how these managers at this store are cooking the books on employee hours. Not to mention the information about the sex-puppies that the managers hire. Since I have started researching and interviewing people, I am discovering all kinds of criminal things going on at Wal-Mart. I also found out that Wal-Mart dislikes a company that had products in their stores, and the mangers ordered employees to destroy $80,000 worth of this man's products! This man filed a major lawsuit against Wal-Mart over this, and from my understanding it is still in court. Do I need to continue? Do you still think Wal-Mart is a lovable, just, and happy place? I will tell you, because of this, my entire family has stop shopping at Wal-Mart, they have told me that this will hurt Wal-Mart monthly sales from several stores in various towns and cities, close to $20,000 A MONTH! In my family home of four, I was spending about $400 per month just on food. I spent about an extra $200 on other items. That is $600 that I can GUARANTEE Wal-Mart will NEVER EVER see FROM ME AGAIN!!! And my family tree is very close and we all HATE WRONGDOERS, and Wal-Mart has done me WRONG! So my family has BOYCOTTED Wal-Mart from our shopping list. Most likely we will go to Publix, where I know some of the managers personally from Christian talks! And my friend said that they would have never treated anyone or me like that! They are very customer service, and if they even thought someone had not paid for consumed food, they would have stopped them and ask them to make sure to pay. People sometimes FORGET to pay, and my illness is proven to do that at times! Although I PAID! The point is, you have good-minded people that care and try to workout the problem, and you have WICKED-MINDED people like Wal-Mart that care not the trouble they cause people, and try to destroy their lives! I'll repeat my situation in the simplest way I can so you Wal-Mart lovers understand. "I was told many times that I can eat food at the deli and pay at the cashier afterwards. I PAID FOR MY FOOD!!! The "rent-a-cop" brain-dead Ms. Miller, stated that I did not pay. On the receipt it showed that I did pay! She then said I had eaten more than I paid for and went and dug into some trashcan from where, I do not know. But the empty containers I used were given to the cashier to throw away (after she scanned them)(If she did not scan all of them, that is her fault)(But she told me twice she scanned them and I paid for them)! I was very upset at the whole thing, I never screamed or caused a fuss. It was the POLICE officer, G. Wise that was yelling, not me! I told Ms. Miller if the cashier did not scan everything, I would be willing to pay for any mistake that the cashier made (thinking to help out the cashier in case she did not scan everything). But if you read the receipt I PAID FOR EVERYTHING!!! And they hauled me to ANOTHER county and said I had a 5-page-rap sheet! I got out the next day after my family made a fuss. The next day I did a COMPLETE BACKGROUND of myself and it showed NOTHING!!!" So, explain why I was slammed to another county? Even my friends that are Police officers cannot understand this! While I was in jail they showed me this BOGUS 5-page-rap-sheet, but would not give me a copy! The next day, I went to the top dog, and demanded the Freedom Of Information Act to give me that copy! (Now No One Can Find Those BOGUS rap sheets!) (Just like Wal-Mart cannot show me these BOGUS VIDEOTAPES!) Third, All of this leads me to believe something is very wrong here. The postings back and forth between Kathy, and me I was saying that satan will use WICKED people to do wrong to TRUE CHRISTIAN to cause them to be destroyed. If you read the BIBLE you will discover this fact. Forth, A proper manager would have seen that I never did this and just offered a truce. Even one Police officer which is a friend of mine, (I will not say his name, because I will use him as a witness to the Wal-Mart problems), told me that Wal-Mart did the same thing, from the same store, to a friend of hers! My friend also told me, after reading over the $150 receipt that the officer that went ahead and arrested me should be disciplined. This police officer that arrested me, never wanted to listen to my story, as soon as he walked in, he had most of the BOOKING arrest filled out, plus he showed up a few minutes after they brought me to the back. And the fact this officer began treating my wife and CHILDREN just prove the fact something is very wrong here! So, this Wal-Mart planned to take me down from the very beginning. I can assure you, I will research all of this down and trumpet blast the truth! This was wrong, it has been done in the past by Wal-Mart, it is a proven fact that Wal-Mart is doing this to many people in this country. (God has called me and others TO EXPOSE THE WRONGDOINGS of Wal-Mart, to HELP those that cannot HELP themselves!) So, you Wal-Mart lovers go ahead and keep trying to accuse me and hate me, and try to use my words against me, the fact still remains, I did nothing wrong, I am a true Christian, and it does not matter if you want to believe me or not. God is in control of this, and the TRUTH WILL SET ME FREE! God has already told me what is going to happen. He knows my heart and knows what happen. All you Wal-Mart lovers are trying to do is try to cover up the fact that Wal-Mart messed up and never does anything wrong. Matter of fact I just interviewed two Wal-Mart employees that may become witnesses to support the wrongs Wal-Mart is doing. Lastly, you Wal-Mart lovers that try to shut me up by throwing Christ back at me, will not work. Even when Jesus was alive the priest tried to do the same thing to Him, and by the grace of God, He never shut up! Matter of fact, even Paul was told the same thing. I will continue to use my LORD's words, I will continue to post this problem of Wal-Mart, and I have just got started. I have already emailed many of my military friends and other worldwide friends. The seeds are being planted, and the truth will grow! Noone will stop the truth! Another thing, if Wal-Mart is such a GOOD-COMPANY why are they part of the group of companies trying to shut down this website? If the postings on this site are not speaking the truth, then why is the website trying to be shut down? Hmmm? The signs are here that the time is very short for Jesus to return, you have a third of the world bowing down to a dead man that clams he is Christ on earth, and he is the one to forgive your sins if you pray ten times to a female. You have major earthquakes all over the place. You have strange weather conditions that have the most experienced scientist scratching their heads. You have greedy people like Wal-Mart slaving children, falsely accusing people and destroying their lives for BOGUS $11!, You have priest molesting children. You have children killing children and even parents! You have parents killing children. You have a third of the people running from one place to another place claiming they talk to a vision of a female of Christ. You have horror story after horror story of people dieing of starvation, when there is more food being produced and THROWN AWAY everyday! Not to mention we have had more sun and moon ellipses than ever in recorded history. There is all kinds of new discoveries and things happening in space like never before. So, if some of you claim to be a Christian and then tell me I am just making all this up? You are very BLIND! Evil is real! It is in your face. I agree with Paul, "daily I do not fight against flesh and blood, I fight against the powers of darkness in the spirit"! That is what I was talking about and why I talk about God for He is my LIFE! I do not care what they try to do to my flesh and blood! My LORD will protect me and not allow them to have it, He and ONLY He can allow then attacking me, and if I am just with Him, He will not allow them to do anything to me. And I am Just with Him, He brought me to this fight for a reason, and as I told Wal-Mart, I will stand and FIGHT! And those of you that want to learn of other corporations violating peoples rights, go to the website www.ahrc.com This is about Homeowners Associations! I am fighting them too; they HATE my Ten Commandments in my front yard. In Christ and Christ In Me, Todd


Fort Pierce,
a simple solution

#798Consumer Suggestion

Sun, April 17, 2005

Todd: I am sorry to hear how Walmart treated you, but what I don't understand is why, when you stated many negatives about them, that you knew before this incident, you even shop there. I don't really think they are aiming this at you for your christianity. They seem to treat many people the same way-christian or not. My solution is to just stop spending your money there. I haven't been in a Walmart in 5 or 6 years. I made a concious decision not to shop there, mostly because of how they do business. If more of us would talk with our dollars, maybe they would stop treating customers like crap. I wish you luck with your lawsuit and hope you don't stop until they admit they were wrong.


Your facts don't add up.

#799UPDATE Employee

Sat, April 16, 2005

Todd, You are mistaken if you believe Wal-mart cares in the slightest about your faith. Wal-mart employees are generally interested in one thing: making a buck. This goes from the cashier (who is in it for her paycheck) to the bigwigs (who are in it to keep the company running and secure their place in the corporate world). I am an employee of Wal-mart and I am a Christian. These are not totally incompatible things. I'm in college and I need a job - incidentally I work at Wal-mart because it pays decently (in my area) and I shop there because it's cheap. I do not see why the fuss was made if you are indeed as honest as you claim to be. Cashiers make mistakes - most of the time this type of conflict is resolved with an apology and a separate transaction in which the missing items are rung up. Wal-mart does not call the police at the drop of a hat. It doesn't add up to me that you were so concerned that you asked the cashier twice if she had rung up the items, yet you didn't look at the receipt yourself - which should have required even less energy! >>>> I was shocked and looked at the receipt and discovered the items I paid for (over $150!). Her face turned bright red and she left the room, she returned with items from a trashcan. She asked me if these items were mine. <<<< Why were you shocked? The cashier must have told you the price of the sale when you paid for it. Also, you did not mention whether you saw the items in question on the receipt or not. If they were not on your receipt, they were not paid for. If you gave the cashier the items and they did not show up on the tape, she made a mistake which could have been solved in five minutes, sans a police visit. Was this trashcan located at the register where you paid for your items? It does not make sense that security would dig up items out of the trashcan in the presence of the cashier without asking a few questions. >>>>> She demanded I sign some kind of a form. <<<<< You should never, ever sign any kind of form without reading and understanding it completely. >>>>>(At this point I usually check it myself, but my son was complaining that he needed to go to the restroom and I wanted to get back home because a bad thunderstorm was coming, so I trusted the cashier and went on to exit the store).<<<<< This seems like a very poor excuse. If you have spent enough time to eat and shop for $150 worth of merchandise, you have had plenty of time to take your son to the restroom IN THE STORE. If he can wait long enough for you to drive home, he can wait long enough for you to read the receipt! I agree with Kathy in that it is unthinkable that a store manager would contact the police before questioning the cashier involved. I also find that your response to Kathy is overly emotional and belligerent. Apparently the best you can do in asserting your innocence is vehemently repeating the fact that you are a Christian. It does not seem to me that belittling another's intelligence and making wild accusations about the "hidden agenda" of an impersonal retail establishment are properly Christian behaviors. >>>>> Third, I was told prior to that date that it was okay to consume food at the Deli and pay for the items at the front cashier as I exited (in which I did! Ms. Miller's Face Turned Bright Red when she saw I had paid for the items! You must have not read that part in my posting!) <<<< Actually you omitted the part about Ms. Miller seeing that you had paid for the FOOD items. You merely mentioned the total cost of your order. >>>>> They just wanted to take down a honest Christian family man, that's why! I do have a documented illness, and I was all upset and could not speak clearly because I began going into an Anxiety Attack. WalMart did not care and I am sure would have loved to see me have a heart attack and die right there. But God called me to this fight, and fight I shall. I do not fight against flesh and blood, but rather spiritual! <<<<< It is nothing short of absurd to think that Wal-mart, as an entity, cares about your faith or your illness. Wal-mart is made up of millions of different people - some Christian, others not. I doubt that, unless you have a history of ill will with a specific employee of the store, anyone there wanted to see you in any condition other than in your car driving home with a legitimate receipt. >>>> You can trace my blood line all the way back to Daniel Boone, and even the Whatley's that battled in the War of Independence of 1776! <<<< This is completely irrelevant. Wal-mart does not know or care about your bloodline. >>>> So, don't try to twist scripture back on me to try and confuse me that I have done a crime! I have done NO CRIME! You can side with the GOATS if you want to. The TRUTH still remands and will be know, which will set me free. Which brings a question, why are you so much on the side of Wal-Mart, and taking there side and not even reading my words that point to the facts. Instead you are trying to add something to my words that is not there. <<<< No one is trying to confuse you or assert that you have done a crime - only to understand how rational businesspeople (as we assume store managers are required to be) could be led to making a false accusation without any investigation into the incident. >>>> For your inforation, Ms. Miller did follow me around, but I just thought she was some kind of child kidnaper. <<<< This speaks volumes. Loss prevention employees do not single out honest-looking individuals and follow them around. Their job is to identify and prosecute the dishonest ones. Furthermore, if you really thought she was a pedophile... why did you not confront her, or have an employee contact security about her? >>>> For conclusion, Almost ALL of the prophets, and even JESUS himself was arrested FALSELY! <<<< And Jesus responded quite differently. He "opened not his mouth" in the face of injustice, but he forgave even the ones who crucified him. Jesus was "full of grace," but you are "full of wrath." One more thing... >>>> In my opinion I think there is some sort of major crime ring going on and WalMart causes good folks to go down like this so to cover-up that crime ring, I am researching this fact. <<<< It seems highly improbable that prosecuting a person for eating unpaid-for deli products would remotely have anything to do with a crime ring. And I imagine not many mafia-types are putting in time at Wal-mart. There are plenty of conspiracies in the world; please devote your energy towards factual rather than perceived injustice.


Leave God out of this and follow the rules.

#800Consumer Comment

Sat, April 16, 2005

Surely a man of God knows "but other people did it" is not a valid excuse. Pay for your food and then eat it and you will never find yourself in this situation again. You decided to bypass the commen sense rule of paying for your food before eating it. You admit you did wrong. Your justification that others were breaking the same rule does not get you out of trouble. You basically tell us you broke the rules and now you want us to feel sorry for you? Couldn't even you admit that the chances of this happening to you would have been less then one percent if you had just paid for your food before you and your children consumed it? Then the part about you going to jail has me wondering just how well you behaved yourself when you found yourself in this situation. You must have caused an awful commotion to he hauled off to jail for stealing 10-20 dollars worth of food. Next time, maybe you will behave yourself instead of breaking down in tears and screaming at people. (or you just made this whole part up to make us feel sorry for you). I'm done. I want to end with the suggestion that you leave God out of this. What does God have to do with you breaking the rules? Why do you wish the end of the world? You are confused about this stuff. God doesn't want people hating others or wishing the destruction of the world.


South Carolina,
Response... Even satan knows the scriptures...

#801REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, April 16, 2005

Kathy, Even satan knows the scriptures well and uses them to trap people into the cult... A great book on this topic is written by Rebecca Brown MD, "He Came To Set The Captives Free"! and "Prepare for War!, I have done nothing wrong, I am a true Christian, it does not really matter if you want to know the truth or not. But the truth still stands and God will set me free! I have done Biblical and Historical Research for www.holypath.com for many years! I even have a 3' x 3' Ten Commandment Tablet in my front yard which is a centerpiece for my garden. I have had it there for three years! I even have a small copy of the Ten Commandments on every doorpost as described in DEUT! So, don't try to twist scripture back on me to try and confuse me that I have done a crime! I have done NO CRIME! You can side with the GOATS if you want to. The TRUTH still remands and will be know, which will set me free. Which brings a question, why are you so much on the side of Wal-Mart, and taking there side and not even reading my words that point to the facts. Instead you are trying to add something to my words that is not there. I know your spirit is shaken up because you do not comprehend that a company like Wal-Mart can do something to a innocent man. Well, then explain all these court cases I am discovered where Wal-Mart has lost close to a BILLION dollars in FALSE IMPRISIONMENT! Explain that Sherlock. Here are some scriptures that assist your misunderstanding. "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous" (Matthew 23:27-29). "My son, if thou wilt receive my words, and hide my commandments with thee; So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding; Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding; If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures; 5 Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God" (Proverbs 2:1-6). "He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints. Then shalt thou understand righteousness, and judgment, and equity; yea, every good path" (Proverbs 2:8-9). For your inforation, Ms. Miller did follow me around, but I just thought she was some kind of child kidnaper. Second, when I said she scaned, I meant she read over the reciept, she NEVER went to the cashier, and REFUSED to do so. Later I discovered that I did pay for the items and is found on the reciept! Third, I have not done anything wrong at Wal-Mart. So, as you said, this is a conspiricy against true Christian. Unless you are someone who goes one side at times and then to the other side depending on the situation. The evil one is real and uses wicked people to try and destroy good Christian folks! That's a fact. The Bible is very clear on this subject. For conclusion, Almost ALL of the prophets, and even JESUS himself was arrested FALSELY! So, for you to keep trying to take Wal-Mart's side and say that I must have some past-rap-record and that justifies them to arrest me. YOU ARE WRONG!!! My God, which is the author of truth and justice, knows I did nothing wrong and will come down hard on these wicked people. The JURY will see the facts, not some one sided wicked people. Even Paul wrote about the coppersmith that had him falsely arrested, and God brought Paul through EVERYTIME and PUNISHED those wicked people. That is a FACT! I know what happen, I was there. I pray you understand. I think you just have a problem I am publishing these evil things going on in these big stores, and since you are a part of it, just maybe the Holy Spirit is calling you to get out. We only have a short time before the LORD RETURNS, and then it is to late. Don't be lied to, there is no SECRET RAPTURE thing, the LOUDEST scripture is CHRIST RETURNING. Earthquakes, Loud Trumpets, to name a few, does not sound like a quiet disappearing event to me. There is a reason why God brought me to this fight, maybe its just for you to read my words and seek out the truth of this big problem and make a change. Ever think about that? In Christ and Christ In Me...


I doubt WalMart has a gigantic plan to take down Christian men and women

#802Consumer Comment

Sat, April 16, 2005

Todd: Conspiracy theories are all well and good -- personally, I doubt WalMart has a gigantic plan to take down Christian men and women. Also, I never said the store manager had a past rap sheet on you (of any kind). I'm just surprised the manager did not offer to go with your side of the story ... that is, if it was a first-time offense. And I did read your part about Ms. Miller scanning the register tape. My question is, how do YOU know the items were on there? You didn't check the register tape. She did - and said they weren't there. That doesn't sound like a conspiracy to me ... it sounds like a legal prosecution for theft or shoplifting. (And, as to why she didn't suggest you pay for these items in the deli section -- why would she? Was she physically present when you ate the food? Was she following you around the store? I doubt it.) In closing, you have every right to say and believe what you wish. However, please take THESE words to heart: Matthew 6:6-7 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words." Ecclesiastes 5:2 Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few."


South Carolina,
Response To Jim... The courts are against our freedom

#803REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, April 16, 2005

Holy Greetings Jim, I am discovering there are more and more people like you and me that have fell prey to this problem. If anything, the November 2004 elections proved that we Christians out number those that wish to do evil in this country, and we Christians are beginning to take stands! The courts are against our freedom and this has gone on long enough, we Christians our beginning to take back our legal system. The case against the Ten Commandments is a major factor, as well as the "In God We Trust" in our schools. I have lived long enough to sample both school systems, with God's prayer in the schools and the other with no prayer in the schools. And facts show that whenever the prayer was taken out, we have children killing children. I agree about Sam Walton, if he was still alive I know I could have sent him a letter and he would have FIRED those jokers in that Wal-Mart. My brother knew of Sam Walton, because they were in the same aero club! I know of Sam Walton from my brother mostly and know he was very respectful and always put the customer first, not greed! He would have looked at my case and knew it was a setup by Wal-Mart to distort the facts and make it look like I did something wrong. When in fact I never did anything wrong. He would have taken them down and tried his best to comfort me as a good customer in which I am. It does look like a major lawsuit will be coming down the tubes against Wal-Mart. There is a very good website that highlights many, many wrongdoings by Wal-Mart, so it is not just me stating this. There is something very wrong with Wal-Marts today. Check out this website: http://www.wal-martlitigation.com/index.html? I suspect some kind of Wal-Mart crime ring with these security guards and police, and them going around and accusing people, allows them to do a write-off on the accounts to blame those people. When in fact it is those security guards all along. My father worked on a big case some years back with similar elements like this. You know the old saying, "History will repeat itself", or maybe what the Bible states, "Nothing New Under The Sun". Anyway, thank you for your honorable posting, it comforted me, and I know God will Bless you for it. The most powerful thing we have today is our voice and we need to blow the trumpet to everyone and inform everyone of the wrongdoing going on at Wal-Mart. God Will Give Us Victory.


South Carolina,
The Truth Will Set Me Free... Response to Kathy!

#804Author of original report

Fri, April 15, 2005

Kathy, First of all, I would need to ask if you have read all the details in my posting? I clearly stated that my family and even the people in the jail did not understand why I was there. Later they showed me some "BOGUS" 5-page rap sheet of some prior accused crimes! When I did get out, I checked with NCI (I am sure you may know what this is since you claim you use to work in law enforcement), and as I already knew MY RECORD IS CLEAN!!! The NCI report SHOWED NOTHING! I repeat MY RECORD WAS CLEAN!! So, you may ask why the BOGUS report? In my opinion I think there is some sort of major crime ring going on and WalMart causes good folks to go down like this so to cover-up that crime ring, I am researching this fact. Second, before my disability, one of my prior contracts was working on US Military Security Development Systems, and the fact that I grew up in a Law Enforcement home, so I know a few things. There are good cops and there are very bad cops! The whole thing was wrong, and corporations are violating people's rights by their method of accusing, sentencing, and prosecuting people without even looking at the facts! This directly violates the BILL OF RIGHTS!!!! And I have already researched many cases where WalMart has done this to people! The worst case I can find is to a 60 old lady where WalMart accused her, put her in jail for 30 days, she died and the family won $111 MILLION! There are many cases I have found where WalMart has falsely accused people. So, to sit there at your computer and try to insult my knowledge and point your fingerer at me and suggest that WalMart is correct to arrest me, just encourages me to fight harder to correct the wrong and hopefully prevent WalMart from ever doing this again! I promised WalMart that they are making a mistake I did nothing wrong and I am a "Fighting Christian"! I will not stand down against this wrong that has been done to my family! Third, I was told prior to that date that it was okay to consume food at the Deli and pay for the items at the front cashier as I exited (in which I did! Ms. Miller's Face Turned Bright Red when she saw I had paid for the items! You must have not read that part in my posting!) Forth, even on that day, many people were they're eating food and later walking to the cashier to pay for their consumed food. I even viewed a few WalMart employees. So to suggest that I have walked out without paying is false! I said if there is any error it is on the cashier not me! Fifth, Ms. Miller stated she had videotapes of me doing this, I demanded to see these videotapes and they could not produce these tapes! Why? Because the whole thing was BOGUS!! They just wanted to take down a honest Christian family man, that's why! I do have a documented illness, and I was all upset and could not speak clearly because I began going into an Anxiety Attack. WalMart did not care and I am sure would have loved to see me have a heart attack and die right there. But God called me to this fight, and fight I shall. I do not fight against flesh and blood, but rather spiritual! Sixth, You state with your background that the manager must have a past rap sheet on me doing this before? Do you mean eating at the Deli and paying after I consumed? If so, yes, THAT IS WHAT THE DELI IS FOR, EATING!!! Use some common sense, or has the main news media robbed you of this simple brain function? Seventh, If the manager was concerned if I was going to pay for the food, WHY DID HE/SHE NOT ASK ME IF I WAS GOING TO PAY FOR THE ITAMS BACK AT THE DELI? That would have been the honest and ISO Standard thing to do (I am sure you and others like you do not know what ISO are)! He/She, could have come up to me and said, Sir, you need to make sure you pay for that, our new policy is to pay before you eat. I would have replied that I am sorry; I was told in the past this was okay, and I would have gladly had him/her follow me to the cashier and make sure it was all paid for. And I would have made sure in the future to do so. I am no shoplifter! I am a TRUE CHRISTIAN, I have a higher power I report to, which clearly teaches not to steal! These BOGUS and False Charges just shows me we are closer to Jesus returning, and everyone of these wicked people will have to answer to what they have done to me and others! This is wrong, you know it and I know it. As I have stated before, there are many cases of this FALSE IMPRISIONMENT and FALSE ARREST, and I will not stand for it! You can trace my blood line all the way back to Daniel Boone, and even the Whatley's that battled in the War of Independence of 1776! Just to give you a prophecy so you know I am a true man of God, this case will be dropped, either by WalMart, or a Jury in court; Victory is the Lords! God has told me so! So, be watching this case carefully, and you will see God's wonderful power at work! I know I did not do this accused crime, God knows my heart is pure, and others know I never did this crime. Matter of fact, those wicked people could not understand how I was able to get out of jail so quickly! Do you know what I told them? "BLESSED BE TO GOD, HE WILL SET ME FREE!! GOD HAS ALLOWED YOU TO DO YOUR WICKEDNESS FOR 25+ HOURS, NOW HE WILL TURN HIS WRATH ON YOU! Interestingly, just a few days later, a major case has been opened against WalMart, where the top CEO had paid people, to discourage employees to not join a workers union. (So WalMart can continue making workers slave with low pay) They have even discovered that WalMart had a special bank account to pay these insiders. History states this is what organized crime leaders did to the labor workers back in the 1920-40's! I even discovered that three states are filing charges against WalMart making children work long hours! Sound like child-slave-labor to me. And if the time served me right, I could go into other research where WalMart has paid companies and even owns some in Asia and other countries with Child-slave-labor! God has called me for two things! 1. To stop shopping at WalMart because of the evil this company does to little children! 2. To discover all the problems and expose the truth! Now it is so hypocritical for WalMart to falsely accuse me and others of stealing some little small item, when these PUNKS and CROOKS are stealing and forcing CHILDREN into SLAVE LABOR! SHAME ON THEM! SHAME! God's wrath on wicked people of the past will look like a walk in the park, to the wrath God will put on WalMart and other evil companies like them. I would heavily suggest you leave WalMart and repent and start a new career. There are honest security jobs out there. There is no reason to be employed by criminals, unless you are one yourself. For that I will pray for you, as I have done so for Ms. Miller. I feel very strongly we are in the Latter Times when I keep discovering these types of things going on. So, don't tell me God is not real. Unless WalMart repents and makes things right; God will come down on them. The Bible is full of His judgments on the wicked! As the Bible states, He is the same yesterday, today and the days to come! I would like to conclude at this point, Psalms 7! "O LORD my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me: Lest he tear my soul like a lion, rending it in pieces, while there is none to deliver. O LORD my God, If I have done this; if there be iniquity in my hands; If I have rewarded evil unto him that was at peace with me; (yea, I have delivered him that without cause is mine enemy:) Let the enemy persecute my soul, and take it; yea, let him tread down my life upon the earth, and lay mine honour in the dust. Selah. Arise, O LORD, in thine anger, lift up thyself because of the rage of mine enemies: and awake for me to the judgment that thou hast commanded. So shall the congregation of the people compass thee about: for their sakes therefore return thou on high. The LORD shall judge the people: judge me, O LORD, according to my righteousness, and according to mine integrity that is in me. Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins. My defence is of God, which saveth the upright in heart. God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day. If he turn not, he will whet his sword; he hath bent his bow, and made it ready. He hath also prepared for him the instruments of death; he ordaineth his arrows against the persecutors. Behold, he travaileth with iniquity, and hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood. He made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made. His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own pate. I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high." In Christ and Christ In Me,


RE: WalMart incident things don't make sense

#805Consumer Comment

Fri, April 15, 2005

Todd, A few things don't make sense in your story. >>Our normal task; would be for me and my children to go to the Deli section and eat or drink something while my wife picked up the items we would purchase. After I would consume the food, I would take either the empty container or take the Price Bar Code up to the cashier for payment. (I was told to do this many times by store employees).<< If so, then they were violating store policy. WalMart requires all deli or food items to be purchased BEFORE being consumed. >>I took the empty containers and Price Bar Codes with me to the cashier along with a full cart of items my wife had wanted. I gave everything to the cashier and had asked if she had scanned the empty containers and Price Bar Code items. The cashier confirmed twice she did. (At this point I usually check it myself, but my son was complaining that he needed to go to the restroom and I wanted to get back home because a bad thunderstorm was coming, so I trusted the cashier and went on to exit the store).<< It would have taken at most 30 seconds to scan the register tape. Your son couldn't wait that long? >>As I exited the store, a lady by the name of Debbie Miller approached me and said I consumed food and did not pay for it. I told her you are crazy, I paid for it. At first she did not want to look at the receipt. When I insisted, she looked and said nothing is on there. I was shocked and looked at the receipt and discovered the items I paid for (over $150!). Her face turned bright red and she left the room, she returned with items from a trashcan. She asked me if these items were mine. She demanded I sign some kind of a form. I kept repeating lets go talk to the cashier and she can clear this up that I gave her all the Price Bar Codes and Empty Container items. Ask her! If there is a problem it is with the cashier, not me! Ms. Miller refused and left the room again. She returned with another man she said was her boss, he said call the police and secure the videotapes. I said, Sir, you are making a big mistake, I will fight this thing, and I have not done anything wrong. I am a devout Christian; and therefore would never do this! I demanded to see these videotapes so it will prove I gave everything to the cashier. They refused to let me see anything. I said let me call an attorney! They refused! A few seconds later the Columbia Police G. Wise, badge number # 10855, arrived and began writing an arrest booking. I began telling him the truth and my wife showed up at the door in the back where they had taken me. Officer Wise went into a rage and began yelling at my wife, who had with her my two children. All she was asking (in a normal voice) was what was happening, an employee had showed her where I was. This outrageous officer threatened to have my wife arrested and take my two children to foster home. Because of my illness, I broke down in tears, and kept repeating I did nothing wrong. The store demanded that I be taken to jail, and the enraged officer took me to jail. My rights were never said, I was never told what I was being arrested for, I never saw a warrant until I arrived at the jail!<< I agree that the officer should not have yelled at or made threats to your wife and children -- very unprofessional. I would make a formal complaint about that. On the other hand, in most instances of this nature, store managers prefer NOT to make a scene and will talk to the cashier. (How do I know? I used to work in a retail store, and also know several others who do.) A false arrest would be very bad for their image. And yet, from the sound of your story, this was not the first time you'd done this. >>Strangely, the police took me to another jail in a other county. My family called all night and the next day and could not locate me. They were told there is no one in custody by my name. I even asked the prison when will I go to the bonds court, and I was refused my request, and they even told me I had a five page rap sheet of all kinds of charges. (I have never been put in jail before)!<< You would not have been jailed in another county unless you had outstanding warrants or pending charges in that other county. (Yes, I've worked with law enforcement -- that's how it works.) Your wife was likely not told that you were taken to the other county. >>I still cannot understand why the store manager and police did not want to talk to the cashier. The items were scanned and paid for, and she was the one who scanned them and she knows what the truth is.<< If the items were scanned, they'd be on the register receipt. You admitted you didn't check the receipt to see if they were; Ms. Miller scanned the tape and said they were not. How do you know with such certainty the items were scanned? Again, it appears this isn't the first time you've done this type of thing. The store manager likely knew of you through the retail or police network ... and had likely known before now that you had eaten things without paying for them. I don't know what the other charges are in the other county, but they're probably similar to this. I'm not surprised you went to jail ... and you'll likely be there for a while. Shoplifting and stealing are crimes, and one should pay for doing them ... no matter whether they're disabled or not.


Wal-Mart stores getting more vicious everyday!

#806Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 15, 2005

Todd, Our family hopes you will see this injustice through to the end and bring court charges againgst Wal-Mart and the Columbia Police department. Include each person involved with this false arrest. Include the cops name G. Wise, badge #10855. Include the Wal-Mart store manager, also. Wal-Mart is not the company they once were in the beginning. Now that the original owner is deceased, the Wal-Mart chain is becoming more and more vicious in the way they treat folks. You would think, as a decent citizen, that your rights are protected by the police, but, as you see, even police officers are treacherous, too. In fact, there are many police officers that are nothing more than legal bullies with guns. In the end, Todd, you will only be hurting others if you do not follow through with lawsuits against the Wal-Mart store, and the Columbia Police Department. Officers like G. Wise, are a real threat to civilized society, and should be fired from the police department. Don't let the bullies from Wal-Mart, and the bully from the Columbia Police department scare you off. Sue them! Make them pay! God does not expect us as Christians to be wimps! You have every right under God's law to sue these types of people for their malicious actions. Good luck, and God Bless you and your family.


Wal-Mart stores getting more vicious everyday!

#807Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 15, 2005

Todd, Our family hopes you will see this injustice through to the end and bring court charges againgst Wal-Mart and the Columbia Police department. Include each person involved with this false arrest. Include the cops name G. Wise, badge #10855. Include the Wal-Mart store manager, also. Wal-Mart is not the company they once were in the beginning. Now that the original owner is deceased, the Wal-Mart chain is becoming more and more vicious in the way they treat folks. You would think, as a decent citizen, that your rights are protected by the police, but, as you see, even police officers are treacherous, too. In fact, there are many police officers that are nothing more than legal bullies with guns. In the end, Todd, you will only be hurting others if you do not follow through with lawsuits against the Wal-Mart store, and the Columbia Police Department. Officers like G. Wise, are a real threat to civilized society, and should be fired from the police department. Don't let the bullies from Wal-Mart, and the bully from the Columbia Police department scare you off. Sue them! Make them pay! God does not expect us as Christians to be wimps! You have every right under God's law to sue these types of people for their malicious actions. Good luck, and God Bless you and your family.


Wal-Mart stores getting more vicious everyday!

#808Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 15, 2005

Todd, Our family hopes you will see this injustice through to the end and bring court charges againgst Wal-Mart and the Columbia Police department. Include each person involved with this false arrest. Include the cops name G. Wise, badge #10855. Include the Wal-Mart store manager, also. Wal-Mart is not the company they once were in the beginning. Now that the original owner is deceased, the Wal-Mart chain is becoming more and more vicious in the way they treat folks. You would think, as a decent citizen, that your rights are protected by the police, but, as you see, even police officers are treacherous, too. In fact, there are many police officers that are nothing more than legal bullies with guns. In the end, Todd, you will only be hurting others if you do not follow through with lawsuits against the Wal-Mart store, and the Columbia Police Department. Officers like G. Wise, are a real threat to civilized society, and should be fired from the police department. Don't let the bullies from Wal-Mart, and the bully from the Columbia Police department scare you off. Sue them! Make them pay! God does not expect us as Christians to be wimps! You have every right under God's law to sue these types of people for their malicious actions. Good luck, and God Bless you and your family.

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