  • Report:  #421262

Complaint Review: Wal-mart - Midlothian Virginia

Reported By:
- richmond, Virginia,

901 Walmart Way Midlothian, 23234 Virginia, U.S.A.
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My name is James

My time at walmart was unbearable i was only 18 when i first started.

please keep that in mind as i was not educated on workers rights.

I had taken a position of overnight stock and thus begins the first of a long list of complaints. starting pay was 6.50 with a over night bonus of 1.00 yeah never saw that. saw 50 cent of it but not the 1.00 it was supposed to of been. I had just finished out my first full week when maurice my manager came by and was unsatisfied by my stocking performance of kraft mac and cheese, so he quickly kicked it and used his foot to remove it all from the shelf then politely told me to pick it up. i went to the store manager over it and was told to do a better job. this went on for around 3 months and working all night till late in the morning dosent leave one with much time to look for more fruitfull employment. many nights we were locked in the store with no way of going out for lunch or smokes unless we bought them from the store. wich dosent seem to bad untill ou realise that ciggerets at walmart are 5-6 bucks and at a wawa they are only 3-3.50. food was limited to microwaveable wich there was only one microwave for 20-30 employees and only 30 mins for lunch you do the math. many times we were pulled off lunch after only 20 mins or less just to get the back rooms cleaned up for company.

overtime went missing frequintly. when it came time to take my first vacation i was excited a full weeks pay to go see family i must be dreaming and i was.

on my return back to walmart i found my check 3 days short of pay. turns out i was listed as part time but worked 40+ hours a week. i made the mistake of saying the dreaded U word and found my self being watched couldent even talk to other employees with out management dropping by with the stealth like swoop of an egale. i quit that place with ferver and went to another state for a better job. then the construction markets tanked with the housing market so i moved back to virginia. Got a job at a sams club outta desperation and wow worse than walmart. Cory Cockman is the store manager at the sams on midlothian. Watch him carefully if u decide to be employed there. He had me coched my second week after i was forced to close the meat department on my own with out being trained on how to do so. then i was coached after being in a car accident and not being able to come in. ths had happend a week after the accident i refused to stay late so i was quickly written up for the day i missed cause of the accident this violated company policy and when i brought this to his attention he made me out to be a liar as if the accident never happend i offerd to get him the police report to which he replied i dont belive you and thats not nessacery. I injured my wrist when a case of boston butts snapped its left handel and snapped my wrist backwards i was told to go back to work till i snapped and demanded to go to the patient first upon my return he pulled me aside and told me and i quote" because of you some one will not be getting a 25 dollar bounus on their check cause you reported your injury". several of my co workers quit one with a 15 year tenure there due to his incompetence when he was asked why by corperate he quickly found me and told me the party line on this was he fired them due to the fact they rufused to clean up the department. well thats sortta true only they opend the store at 5 am cleanup isnt untill 8:30 pm and by then they had gone home. now the 15 year vetran of sams had been a true professional on the job and was an amazing butcher. i should know he taught me. he was by no means sloppy or unsanitary. however after he and others quit sanitation dropped to dangerous levels. meat was turning green with in a day or two. i was the only one trying to train the new hires and was told to let it go just get the shelves full of meat and the sanitation issues would be adressed later. and they were after a case of meat was returned due to a sickness. i never was told anything much about the case just saw the returned meat that was to be sent to a lab for testing. now heres the kicker you guys ready ????

I was hired as a meat wrapper thats 8.00 an hour after being trained to cut meat i should of been bumped up to 13.00 an hour but i kept getting the run a round on why it wasent showing up on my paycheck i asked to speak to H.R and was denied as that was my manager or teamleads job. so after i confronted cory cockman about it he told me i had been denied so i stopped cutting meat, and promptly returned to wrapping meat. this pissed him off as the other cutters were to slow for the high volume needed for the hundreds of customers daily. so i was warned by some one in management that i was in his crosshairs for termination due to this and sure enough 2 weeks later i was fired with out cause or explanation. but V.A is a right to work state so he didnt have to give me one. Please dont think the same of all sams clubs i met managers from other stores who were actually pretty disgusted with the way this one was ran. If u do shop at the one on midlothian if u wonder why things are a mess it is totaly due to his incompentence the other managers are great and good people at that if you have problems id avoid him as he will bs the hell outta you to keep his a*s out of the fire but the others will bend over backwards to fix your issues

The ripoff here is your money,time,and pride and the last one is the worst by far

You as members to the club deserve the best for your membership he dose not provide that. go to west broad or the new one on laburnum many of our best managers got shipped there


richmond, Virginia


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