  • Report:  #1442672

Complaint Review: Walmart -

Reported By:
The Broom - United States

United States
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This is a review about all Walmarts and other stores in general. Based on an experience I had recently. I just wanted some socks. Before entering the store I have already been on at least 5 cameras outside the store. I walked into the Walmart. A telescopic camera lense extends out of the wall and stops about 3 inches from my face. I can see the inverted reflcetion of my face in the fish-eye lense before it retracts back into the wall. I start to make my way to the socks. I notice cameras everywhere... everywhere all over the ceilings, everywhere I look. Then a voice over the intercom... "Security scan and record section 3E" I'm like is that me? The little criminal that I am here to buy some socks... I've done it now. Better parasitize my image by making a living off of villifying me. The Villain, here to buy some socks! Mwah-hah-ha-hahaaaa I make a break for the socks... I see people pass me giving me the evil eye... are they people or agents sent to watch me close up... you never know what I might do next. What if I pocket the socks and the camera can't see? Send the secret shoppers. Why even make it secret? Obviously I'm a criminal. Why not just assign a secret shopper to each shopper and have them shadow the shopper throughout their shopping session? They can walk right next to the shopper, in fact they can hold the shoppers hand! Then you never have to be alone, since you never are alone anymore anyway at least now they can give you some company... I grabbed the socks and started to make a break for the register. A drone came down from the ceiling and started flying next to me. A small speaker on the side of the drone then said to me, "Okay criminal... you are now in possession of the one and only product. That product is worth more than your life. All of this technology is here to serve and protect that product. You worthless human criminal just give us your money and get back to serving your baby raping self proclaimed elite lizard masters" I'm not kidding the Walmart drone actually said that to me. Suddenly I was surrounded by the police. They said, "Make the purchase or we will beat you to death." I made the purchase and they tore the socks out of my hands and began beating me. Somehow I managed to get up and run as fast as I could out of the Walmart shouting, "I just wanted some socks, I just wanted socks, I don't understand."

True story bro

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