  • Report:  #460581

Complaint Review: Wave Asset Management / Keith Haddix - Solano Beach California

Reported By:
- San Diego, California,

Wave Asset Management / Keith Haddix
305 South Sierra Ave #2 Solano Beach, 92075 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
SCAMMED -Please HELP! Keith Haddix with Wave Asset Management ripped me off! Keith coaxed me to use his brand new Debt Settlement Company out of his apartment room on the beach. He pulled my account from Peoples First Financial and said they were on the news with negatives and said to use his new company Wave Asset. Little did I know Keith Haddix was one of the main reasons they were on the news and wanted to change his name to stay ahead of the camera crews.

The other company supposedly fired him because he was stealing! Someone please stop this CRIMINAL -HE WILL STEAL YOUR MONEY and not give you a penny back -HELP. I feel cheated, and can't believe I fell for his scheme! Keith will try and tell you he will settle your credit card debt but instead take your money and never settle anything. BEWARE if you are dealing with Keith Haddix / Wave Asset / Wave Asset Management -you will lose your money. I dont know how people like this sleep at night.

Taken advantage of

San Diego, California


9 Updates & Rebuttals

Help is available!

Public Records on Keith Haddix - CEO of Peoples First Financial Inc.

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, July 14, 2010

This following information is available on:



Case Title: HADDIX vs HADDIX
Case Number: DVN14106
Case Location: North County
Case Type: Domestic
Date Filed: 10/08/2008
Category: A61614 Domestic Violence

Last Name or Business Name  First Name  Primary (P)
HADDIX                              CARRIE      P

Last Name or Business Name  First Name  Primary (P)
HADDIX                              KEITH        P

Microfilm ID  Location  Reel Number  Frame Number
This case has not been mircofilmed.


It is a good thing that these women were able to avoid problems with this person. Also, for the wife to be able to remove herself from this situation was paramount to her living a long, happy life. Please visit the "Rebuilding Shattered Lives" website if you are in this situation as well:


Be safe!


This site is phony

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, October 08, 2009

These posts are all attempts to discredit Keith Haddix. They are filed by his former employers and have no basis in fact. The posts attributed to his family members (his ex-wife, for instance) are false and misleading. They were not filed by his ex. Do not give any credence to the libel on this site. Rip off report does not vet any of these allegations, nor do they ascertain the validity of the identity of the person posting. This is nothing more than an attempt to drive a competitor out of business. I don't know why they bothered, except to settle a personal vendetta. People's first financial is under a criminal investigation, and is no longer in business.


Keith Haddix is dishonest

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, July 16, 2009

I had the misfortune to be married to Keith. He is a dishonest person. He is slovenly, lazy, and inexperienced. I would not trust him with any financial information. The posts about sexual harassment are true; he is a creep and a pervert. He appeared charming when I met him, and he comes from a very nice family, but he is a con artist. As for the anger management, he never went, although he was urged to go by our therapist. He needed to. He has been violent to me on several occasions. I can't believe he would post that he never laid a hand on me. It is only because of my love for him and disbeleif over the situation I was in that I did not have him arrested. Over the course of our marriage he came home beat up twice (once with a concussion)as a direct result of his murderous temper. I did not want to post this and risk angering him further, as I am afraid of him, but I am tired of him rationalizing his own behavior. He will lie to his own mother, if he can get something out of it. He is not qualified to handle the finances of others; he can't even manage his own finances. I supported him throughout our marriage (he had five different jobs in two years). He was unfaithful to me any chance he got, and I suspect he was only with me for my money. Keith, if you are reading this, stay away from me. If you contact me again I will go to court to make the temporary restraining order permanent. I derive no satisfaction from the failure of his business; quite the contrary, I am humiliated by his actions. He should move back to Michigan and try to make an honest living. I doubt he even knows what he word "honest" means.

Keith Haddix "the Real Keith Haddix"

Solana Beach,
To my clients, please realize that this is an anonymous blog and my ex-employers will do anything to tarnish my name because I exposed them.

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, July 09, 2009

Hi Everyone, This is the real Keith Haddix. It's unbelievable to me that my ex-employer, who has REAL legal problems of their own, would take the time every few days to add to this joke of an accusation. It makes me sick that I'm wasting precious time from my day to respond to the anonymous things written about me, above. I guess I'll go through each laughable accusation one-by-one, and DEBUNK each with FACTS: Myth #1: I carpooled with a "woman" named Adrianne and touched her leg. Fact #1: I used to carpool to PFF with 3 men. Their names are Dante, Justin, and Josh. I did catch a ride to work one day with a woman who worked at PFF for a few weeks. She was a very nice married woman with two kids, and she left PFF for a better job. I repeat, she gave me a ride to work one day, because my "red truck" was being repaired. I never touched her, she never touched me, in fact, we simply discussed how bad the situation at PFF was and she confided in me that she had found another job. I explained to her in confidentiality that I had dreams of eventually opening my own company. I want to say her name was Amanda, and she was Hispanic. Very, very nice woman. Myth #2: I tried to hit on a female employee and her mother, by giving her perfume ads and stealing her phone number from another employee (while married). Fact #2: The two women in question here are named Monica (mother) and Brittney (daughter), and they both worked for PFF. Brittney began to befriend me after she found out I was going through divorce. Brittney gave me her cell phone number because she knew I liked wine and wanted to take me to a wine tasting bar in San Diego she is fond of. Evidently they serve wine by the ounce. Brittney used to come to my desk every now and then, and noticed that I would pull men's cologne ads from the various sales ads my clients received, and place them in my desk drawers to help mask the smell of the dirty, dumpy, old building we worked at. I offered her the women's perfume ads, and she was very happy to get them. I gave her 7-8 perfume ads, one time! Myth #3: Keith coaxed me to use his new debt settlement company out of his apartment room on the beach. Fact #3: After seeing that my ex-employer was utilizing client trust account money to pay their "bills", I could no longer work for them and have my name tarnished. I couldn't even make any money because they didn't want me actually doing what the client monies are there for. i.e., settling debts! So, I left and started my own professional consultation company under my own LLC, legally and respectfully. As of this moment (7/9/09), I have not charged $1 for my services! Myth #4: Keith had to be enrolled in anger management because he fought with his wife and another employee. Fact #4: I have never been enrolled in anger management, nor had to be enrolled in anger management. I have never touched my ex-wife. Myth #5: I finally got fired. Fact #5: (see Fact #3) To my current and potential clients: Thank you for reading this. If you have any doubt as to my abilities and/or credentials, please contact me. I will be happy to explain this whole, stupid situation to you.


San Diego,
Glad Someone Finally Came Out -Sexual Harassment/Keith Haddix

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, June 30, 2009

I am glad someone finally came out with the truth about keith haddix, he came on to me also as a creep. I used to work in the same department as keith at a company called peoples 1st, and he would creep me out on a daily basis, harassing me constantly. Keith eventually convinced me to carpool from Oceanside with him from a location I do not want to disclose. At the time I didn't know he was married as he would always have his wedding ring off (found out later about). The guy scared me and weirded me out so badly on our 1st and only carpool together that I never rode with him again. He even rubbed my leg in his red ford pickup with "Keiths Travel Agency" on the side of it? I eventually quit this job for a few reasons, but keith's harassment was one of the main one's. The guy would cut out perfume adds on a daily basis and give them to several women that worked at peoples 1st, telling them how good they smelled all the time -what a weird character! From the looks of this blog, he finally got fired, as I complained to my manager in the department several times about keith and they did nothing! I can't believe this guy was married, keith would always forge documents and try to rip off the company and everyone he was with, later complaining about his wife and his good credit. My x-husband did the same thing to me and I ruined him for it! Sincerely, Adrianne

I Hate Sex Offenders!

San Diego,
Sexual Harrasment is a CRIME!

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, June 26, 2009

This individual Keith Haddix sexually harassed my friend's daughter for over a month while he was still married at this company. The guy is a creep and weirdo. Keith would bring her perfume ads 30-40 at a time and tell her she smelled good. He would then try to coax her over to his house on a daily basis and implied getting with her and her mom at the same time. After this he would not stop calling her cell phone that she never even gave to him; he got it from someone else that worked at the company. I hope that they press charges against him as this is not right. I too am a mother of 2 daughters and would call the police if someone did this to my daughter. I hate sexual predators like this, they are on the news every night! If Keith does this again we will take matters into our own hands. Stay away from us Keith Haddix.

Former Employee

San Diego,
Keith Haddix

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, June 12, 2009

I used to work with Keith and recently departed the same company. Keith was at times a nice guy but very difficult to work with and most of the sales staff had problems with him as he liked to talk down to people and take credit for everything to do with the department he was in. Keith and another guy in the debt department used to fight all the time and I hear Keith has to be enrolled in "anger management" because of his former wife and abuse. I personally never had any problems with him, but herd he harrased several women that worked for the company. Several women also quit this company or wanted to quit from what i hear because of Keith's harrasment. Keith and this company did do several good things for people though despite what most of these posts say on the internet. As far as the 20/20 news thing goes, Keith and just about everyone posting on these sites was part of the company at the time this story was done -you be the judge. In my opinion it was a pretty biased news report as they always are but did feature some unhappy customers. It seems like when anyone leaves this company they complain to everyone about the news like hypocrits on these stupid blogs. Im sure the company and x-employee's blog back and forth on these sites as always. Keith from what I hear was fired for stealing and doing exactly what he says on this site, "starting his own company" in the exact same business, most companies I worked for did not allow this? Keith did settle debt for the company but from offers he received in the mail according to other people in the office. Keith must have now started this new company from previous clients from his former employer like most of the people that leave this company try and do. I would stay clear of Keith Haddix or his former employer's as they all have a lot of bad publicity and are all over these internet blogs. Take the information on these blogs lightly though as most of it is x-employee's compalining about the former company and the company complaining right back about the former employee's? Sounds funny, but you can get some good facts from these posts. Hope this information helps anyone reading this.


You can wish in one hand....

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, June 11, 2009

I've PERSONALLY known Keith for at times more years than I care to admit, and been through a few grips with him here and there both personally and professionally. In the last 10 years? That's saying quite a bit. I have NEVER... EVER... EVER EVER EVER, witnessed any behaviour similar to this within his personal and professional lives. EVER. I also find this funny that he hasn't even started selling... yet there's a complaint? Muchless the fact that the person filing this complaint stated that the initial meeting was at his PERSONAL RESIDENCE? Hmmm... slightly suspicious. I don't even want the people I work with to know what type of car I drive much less where I live.... Who would really visit a complete stranger's personal residence to discuss something they could speak about on the phone or at a coffee shop some where? It's baffling. I call this a HOAX and would love to see some signed paperwork proving this. I bet there isn't any. Based off my relationship with Keith over the years, I'd say this complain holds absolutely ZERO water and it sounds like someone who is trying to make him look bad has seen the movie Wallstreet one too many times. You're no Gordon Gekko... time to fess up and move on. Manage that.

Keith Haddix-wam

Solana Beach,
After leaving my former "crook" of an employer, this Report was filed in anger.

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, June 11, 2009

It's completely laughable to us at Wave Asset Management that we already have a complaint, considering we have not even begun attaining leads or conducting business. It's true, my name is Keith Haddix, and my profession is Asset Management with an emphasis on Debt Settlement. As this is my only known profession, I have left my former employer to start my own business. However, I have just started this business and have not even started selling, yet. So, please realize that this is a clear case of Peoples First Financial's crooked employees, specifically the Hutchison brothers, trying to slander me before I can even get started. Unfortunately, this type of thing is what they focus on, because their business practices are un-sound, and their ethics are lacking. I left Peoples First Financial because they would not give my client's deserved refunds, were using my client's trust account money (settlement monies) to pay company payroll during slow times, and generally did not believe in customer service of any kind. Heck, half the time I was there, we were either having phone, internet, or merchant services problems. I would also like to enter a piece of evidence as to the type of company they really are. Please watch the 20/20 video at the following link: http://abcnews.go.com/Business/story?id=7132970&page=1 To all of my former clients who may read this, I wish you the best in your dealings with Peoples First Financial. Beware that they are being evicted from their building, have had their printers re-possessed, and are generally in a bad financial state of affairs, even though their debt settlement program (run by me for 14 months), was completely successful. They are poor businesspeople, and are terrible at managing their own money. Please contact Keith Haddix personally if you would like proof of past success and barometers for the future. By the way, it's spelled Solana Beach, not Solano!

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