  • Report:  #272941

Complaint Review: Webmarketingsource.com Captures.com Visible.net - Redmond Washington

Reported By:
- Redmond, Washington,

Webmarketingsource.com Captures.com Visible.net
14947 NE 95th ST Redmond, 98052 Washington, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I went to work for Warren early this year as a salesman for webmarketingsource.com, a sales organization that pushed SEO like crack rock. The place was pretty disgusting, people playing rap music really loud, surfing porn, people swearing more than in a mafia movie, people shopping for hookers on craigslist, but the numbers on the sales board looked pretty good, so I thought I'd give it a try. Some of these guys were making insane money! Top earners Sal and Mike were clearing well over 6-7g per month. Some cubicles were made out of broken plywood, garbage in peoples cubes, it was nasty and cramped, and they were clearing 400k in fees per month (new business, not just the recurring monthlies!) So you see the kind of people you're dealing with, just greedy. Sal, my manager, tricked me into watching gay porn, by taking me to a cellphonetracker website, which ended up being, instead of something that could locate my cell phone, two guys having graphic anal sex, right there in the office environment, while he was on a call with one of my clients! Said, "I wanted to see if you were gay, he he." (He hit the mute button while on the phone pitching my prospect, just to tell me to go to this site!) Many of the sales people would routinely do spanking/humping motions when the customer had entered into the electronic agreement with their credit cards, including Warren, the Sales Manager. Directly after quitting, I was denied commissions that I'd earned, and am currently formulating a civil suit against the company, which my present legal counsel informs me is a "no-brainer," and a "total winner," with a greedy glint in his eye.

But what the consumer should know, from a former employees' standpoint is this:

WMS Marketing Strategy Condensed-


1. SMC CUSTOMERS- People who got sold on some crappy gift-card redeemable site. These are generally poor people who got sucked into a late-night infomercial with that old guy from Happy Days. These are people that expect to create an income selling useless trinkets at swap meets and flea markets. WMS/Captures proposes to them that their websites will fail unless they have search engine visibility. Of course most of these people are too dumb to realize that they will fail even with search engine visibility because no consumer will ever buy a gift card in order to buy what they really want. SMC customers, wake up, this is wrong for you.

2. SPAM- Bulk email listings are sent out to people who have recently registered domain names for websites. "Amira," a fictitious "Marketing Specialist" who isn't even a real employee, or a real person from what I could tell, sends an email inviting new business owners to freestorelink.com, which is a link farm, but which is really just an underhanded and shady way to acquire new idiots to sell overpriced and ineffective marketing (spamdexing) to. These idiots call in from the email. Mike Bigsby or Sal Hakim answer the phone when people call in on the "Amira Leads" and tell them that Amira just had a baby and is away on maternity leave. What a load of crap! There's no Amira! A special breed of idiot are these "Amira Leads," so they leave them to the 'closers'- Mike, Sal, Travis, Warren, or even Gil, the owner. These guys are smooth talkers, and word is around Redmond, pretty tough, so not to be messed with. I'm not afraid of you guys, your intimidation won't work on me, I know you'll be reading this.

3. YAHOO and ProStores customers- These are the people with the money, they tell you, so don't waste those leads. These are the people that are starting to have a clue with online marketing thing, who all realize that they need to be on the top pages of google.com, but who've already spent tons of money on it already. Most of these people fail, internet businesses don't usually work, unless you have a sales driven product, for instance something that costs you very little to produce (cookie cutter webmarketing packages for 4K, for instance) that you can get thugs to sell for way too much money.

Webmarketingsource.com/Captures/Visible/whoeverwereallyare.com has learned how to do this very well, and I assure you the business of losing other people money is very, very good. Also, they double charged one of my few customers, I'm not sure if it is common practice, but BUYER BEWARE! Poor John lived in a trailer, and most certainly couldn't afford it the two mysterious charges from Visible.net. When he called in irate, I was so ashamed!! John got a refund, so why can't you??

Let me also say this: Webmarketingsource.com is a vehicle to sell for getabag.com, jokersracing.com, jonesyswoodproducts.com. One of the main reasons these companies are used in the sales presentation is that they are owned by the owners and employees of WMS/Captures. Jonesy does payroll, people! All of these visitors/traffic to the sites that they show you, it largely because of the thousands of presentations that the sales floor does every day promoting these websites, not entirely because of technology that they peddle. That being said, any money that you give them could easily be spent on ensuring that THEIR sites are continually doing well, not yours. They have a vested interest in marketing their own sites, which is why there are only 3-5 sites in the presentation, theirs! Simply ask to see more sites, and the curtain is unveiled. Yeah, call Lorrie from getabag.com, I'm sure she'd be happy to help close you down on the sale! Sure, there's nothing in it for her, wink wink!!! What a joke. Or why don't you google some things you might buy on the internet, and take the first site that pops up, and run IT through the site analyzer to see how it could improve! Warren, when your manager tricks an employee into watching gay porn, and revoking commissions earned such that you violate State Wage Laws, you're gonna get bad reviews, and law suits. See you in court, buddies, and then we're gonna get the Seattle Times to write real reviews so that we don't have to rely on RipoffReport. Tick tock.


Redmond, Washington


8 Updates & Rebuttals


Taking Care of Customers

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, October 19, 2007

I have read the remarks in this forum and would like to inform those that have a problem with Web Marketing Source and Captures.com that I find their services very beneficial to our business. Does every company make every customer happy. Sometimes no, but any type of reputable business tries their best. Show me one company out there that does not have an unhappy customer at one time or another. You don't come on the internet and post your grievances, you deal with them directly business to business or employee to company. Let me inform you there is no SEO company out there that can do miracles with your website. It's not all the SEO it must also be you as a site owner. It is up to you to ask questions before you buy. We are indebted to Web Marketing.com and Captures for the direction in fixing issues within our site and applying a marketing package. If it wasn't for them our business would not have succeeded. I tried another company before them and wasted my time and money. Thank You Web Marketing and Captures.com


We Are No Longer Officially Responding To This Thread

#3UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 11, 2007

We Will No Longer Officially Respond To This Thread Just an Update, We have made the decision to pursue these matters legally and as a result will no longer be posting responses or rebuttals on this thread or any others with the above ROR posters on them. We take these matters very seriously and do not wish to pursue them in this way, but feel it is the best recourse at this time. Individuals thinking about signing up, or current clients with questions about why we refuse to respond to reports like these, should contact our offices and ask for me by name. I would be happy to offer an explanation.

Fly On The Wall

Captures true colors.....

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, October 11, 2007

I was hoping I would not have to post on here again but I will until I think you (all of you) understand our company a little better. I posted originally because that is not a fair or unbiased view of our company, and I believe we deserve another perspective so the public who use this unreliable resource can decide for themselves. First of all Cindy, are you a former client of ours? You seem a bit too empathetic to be a random poster. Let's be reasonable. Please don't take my writings out of context. I don't mean this as a slam but when something appears in "quotes" that means it is quoted from somewhere else. You are deliberately skewing what I've said to make me and my company look bad. At no point did I or would I ever "admit" to captures being "greedy". The original text reads like this "You made yourself a part of this 'greedy' company because of the money". The original poster referred to us as "greedy" and then he proceeded to say that he stayed because he saw that some people make alot of money here. I thought his hypocrisy was worth pointing out since HE STATED greed as both a mark against us and his motivation for staying. We are not "greedy", just hard working with a desire to make money. Money is a motivator, it is not the key to happiness and no one should be focused completely on it, but in sales jobs everywhere, money is how your performance is rated. Have you ever been in sales, Cindy? I can see where the confusion comes from, but now it is clarified I hope. In reference to my statement "Why did you talk him into throwing his money away on our ""over priced and ineffective marketing"", when in your opinion, he would never be successful". You forgot the quotes around "overpriced and ineffective marketing", again, a direct quote from the orignal poster. He is waving the flag of his own morality and yet he goes along with something that HE PERCIEVES to be immoral. He does not at all understand the finer points of how our marketing works, why it is priced BELOW most of our competitors prices, and he has obvious disdain for Search Engine Marketing as an industry. He has a grudge as stated here in his own repost "I don't work in the SEO industry, I think it's all crap." He thinks our industry is all crap, he said it clear as day. Do you still believe he is telling the truth about everything? The real truth is that you will most likely never know which of us is telling the truth, you can only voice your opinion which is based on experiences that do not have enough scope to make a valid educated statement about us. Even if you have your own story to tell about us, it does not in any way encompass all of our clients experiences, just yours. Now, I'll give you a bit more detail. First an analogy hopefully better than my Nordstroms comparison (I love analogies). If you spend the $3000 to get a 3" by 5" yellow pages ad, they do not guarantee any kind of return whatsoever, but you have the confidence of knowing that the phone book will be delivered to almost all of the residences in your area. You can see it and touch it, BUT YOU CANNOT GET YOUR MONEY BACK (I hate yelling but I guess it is necessary sometimes to draw proper attention). With us, the task of making you visible is much more difficult, we can't go door to door on your behalf because you can not touch or go to the internet, it is not a real place. It is not easy reaching your target market on the internet and there is alot more competition because it is worldwide and not local like the phone book, but we are darn good at it, the potential is huge, and we do the best job we can, for each of our clients. They sign up with the hope they will make money on the internet but here is where I think most people get frustrated. Obviously you would agree, all feelings about our company aside, that you would get a better marketing program for $4000 than you would for $1600 right? If it costs more, then there must be more work that we are doing beyond those things incuded in a lower package. As you know, not everyone has $4000 to invest in their ecommerce business all at once, so we sign them up at the $1600 level and encourage them to use all that money to upgrade over time to our most advanced level. This whole process of marketing and upgrading until you get to the top can take weeks, months, or even over a year depending on all the variables involved. If you are selling jewelry for example, those keywords are highly competed over and if you truly want to make a successful ecommerce jewelry business you must be willing to invest alot of time and money, much more than $1600. I have spoken with the folks at Titanium-jewelry.com a few times, though not since May of this year. I tried to sell them marketing and they eventually decided to explore other options as they were already doing reasonably well. You know what though, they spend alot of time learning and they have over a $250,000 in inventory in a small warehouse. They are serious and dedicated and will do well. Call them up and ask them if I'm telling the truth, the numbers on the website. Ask them for advice while you've got them on the phone, they are a model of ecommerce success and they are not clients of ours to the best of my knowledge. If none of our marketing works for a client's site, it is them being lazy or their website's platform holding them back, or they are trying to sell something that has too much competition and they do not have the patience/are not serious enough to put in the effort to truly get them where they want to be. there are many factors that can hold you back, those are but a sample. In addition, they can also use money spent with us to get one of our amazingly well built and simple to use Captures.com Websites, which are already search engine friendly and obviously pair beautifully with our marketing. As someone who talks to ecommerce business owners everyday, there is about 1 in 50 of them who actually know what it takes to be successful on the internet. The rest believe simply throwing a website online is good enough, and that people will just find them magically. Our whole sales pitch is designed to help people understand the need for efforts towards visibility. Type in "Webmaster Guidelines" into google and read up on their suggestions for getting better ranking and positioning. One of my favorite phrases to tell them is "Having a website is an expensive hobby isn't it." For most people, that's exactly what it is, a hobby, not a business. They do not treat it like a business but keep throwing money at it as though that's all the effort they need to put in. It takes more. There are alot of poorly built sites out there that are doomed to fail but they want to try and we want to help them try. Like I stated, if the marketing doesn't work with their site, they can take the money and upgrade to one of our search engine friendly sites and we will coach them through it. And to answer your question "Why don't you all just keep your mouths shut and quit defending your rip off company?" We are not the type of people to keep our mouths shut, we are Americans just like you and we have the right and inclination to defend ourselves, especially in the face of former customers and employees who vent their frustration at our expense. We are not a ripoff company, we are very real and very good. If you don't believe me, come to the Webmaster World Public Conference in Las Vegas this December and you can say it to our faces. Our booth will be right next to Google and Craigslist so it will be easy to find. Here is our profile from last years conference (http://www.pubcon.com/exhibitor/captures.htm) Please read it and see how other professionals see us. It is frustrating to have to be on here and clarify with so much detail what I thought would be easy to understand, but I am glad to do it if it helps people see that we are not thugs and we strive for excellence rather than greed. I would love to see a post from one of our satisfied customers but I fear it won't come, as they have no reason to feel ripped off and come on here. You know we have over 5000 clients now and I just searched rip off report for the names of our three companies, all of which have their own purpose I'll remind everyone, and no more than 15 results come up for each, several of which are repeats. That just illustrates that we are a company that is getting bigger. Do you trust the Better Business Bureau? Look them up on rip off report, you'll find hundreds of entries about how they protect their paying BBB members from complaints against their businesses. We know the internet, and it is so easy in this digital age to strike whoever you wish with an unseen jab to the ribs, whether anonymous or named. I illustrated this in my last post in a brief paragraph where I said these words "Now if what you've written previously is any indication of who you are, here is what I can discern about you. You are an exaggerator who makes broad generalizations based on your limited experiences. You have enough knowledge of Crack rock sales to compare it to the way we do business." That statement was a response to the original poster's referring to our company as "a sales organization that pushed SEO like crack rock." His attempt at sarcasm and associating us with that vile substance did not amuse me. My comments were meant to reach that original poster and illustrate how crazy that allegation is, but were obviously misinterpreted so I retract that statement completely. I do not wish to slander this man, my intention is to defend us so that people may think twice before they just blindly agree with these damaging remarks. So in closing, I don't believe a comparison of me to the poster known as Ronna is fair, though I'd be happy to proofread your next post for grammatical errors befoe you post it if you wish. I think that you, Cindy, are correct in shooting down my comparison of our Company to Nordstroms, they sell products and we provide a service, which are indeed two different things. I offer no further comparison at this time because there is no one to compare us to other than our competition, and possibly the phone book since it is a competitive form of advertising. I was not that involved before because I really do hate these type of forums because they are not in any way fact checked, but now I am invested. I cannot sit by idly while the Company I love gets slammed by people who have a vendetta against us. I hope this further clarifies my position and if you need any more information or have any questions, I'd be happy to respond as a fly on the wall. Oh and Cindy, I am not in the hospital, I do work for captures, which is why I am posting anonymously, and time is always running out, though I doubt we have hit our peak yet. We refund customers when it is deserved but like the phone book, you are committed to the term of your contract without refund typically. Our marketing comparitively takes much more time to reach visibility than it takes the phone book to reach your doorstep. Even they can sell you a full page ad that people will see first if your willing to fork over $10000 instead of $3000 for a smaller one but for some reason people just don't understand the differences and similarites of our service. I don't want to step on anyone's toes, I just want our side to be heard.


Again, Caputure shows off their true colors!!

#5Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 10, 2007

I am definitely convinced that Caputures has a bunch of "low life thugs" employed. Not only does the "Fly on the Wall", (which we all know is a fellow employee), admit that Caputures is "GREEDY", he also attacks the former employee of being a former crack dealer. I love the part where the "Fly on the Wall" writes "Why did you talk him into throwing his money away on our over priced and ineffective marketing, when in your opinion, he would never be sucessful". Unbelieveable, you are just as bad as "RONNA" minus all the cuss words. I also love how the "Fly on the Wall 'compares buying a sweater at Nordstroms to purchasing web marketing with your company. Nice try buddy, but not even close. There is a difference. You see, at Nordtroms you can actually see the sweater, feel the sweater, try on the sweater, and "GET YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE SWEATER!!! Why don't you all just keep your mouths shut and quit defending your rip off company. Every time I check on here, you guys just add further insult to your company. Matt don't try and say this isn't an employee of the company. Oh, I'm sorry, the "Fly on the Wall" is most likely in the hospital right now and couldn't have possibly posted this. I have a feeling time is running out for you guys. REFUND these people their money before you owe them more from a CLASS ACTION LAW SUIT!!!

Fly On The Wall

The other side

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, October 09, 2007

Let me just start by saying that having it out in forums like this is, in my mind, ridiculous. It is an easy way to relieve yourself of a certain guilt or anxiety you may be feeling and you can anonymously "rip" on people for any reason true or false. I do not condone, in any form, the harassment of employees by their superiors, but I have been in some situations where alleged harassment could have been an attempt at bonding taken out of context. Or it could be simply not welcome at all, as you've described. If your case is the latter, I am unhappy to hear that you feel your complaints did not register, but based on your fuming first post, perhaps you did not express them as well as you could have. Sal is one of the best people I have ever met and I find it extremely hard to believe he would be malicious towards an employee under his supervision. He is a genuine nice guy. You know, I get sick every time I see one of those disgusting Anti-Smoking commercials on tv, which I never mean to watch, so do I need to file a claim against that agency or the station it is broadcast on? Should I start a website petitioning them to take those awful things off the air? They're just trying to help disuade the youth of america from years of smoking and lung cancer, yet it personally offends me and they "trick me" into watching since it is broadcast to my home. Indeed I am upset with comcast for allowing such filth to come through, I shouldn't have to change the channel to enjoy the tv watching experience, in my own home especially. Perhaps I am misunderstanding the motivation to use those tactics to elicit a response out of me, and perhaps a petition would be a bit extreme, yet I can't prevent the message from reaching me. I am a big proponent of venting frustration, but in ceative and positive ways, not by personally naming people with one side of a story gone wrong. You have expressed regret over that, which is good but it should not have occurred, that is unfair especially when you choose to remain unnamed to the public reading this. I too remain unnamed, for a purpose which I'm sure is similar to yours, yet you choose battle as though it were the only option available to you. In the early weeks of your position at captures I have no doubt that you were drawn in by the money and overlooked the bad things you percieved. Everyone is different my friend and we each have our own motivations for doing what we do, I myself have a terrible time cleaning if there are other people around and will wait until no one is around to tidy up. Just one of my quirks I guess. This company has done its best to meet the growing demand for Search Engine Optimization and Ecommerce services, and our product is solid. It is definitely among the best out there. I mean come on, we are Google Preferred Ecommerce Providers. You think they would give that status to a company like the one you are describing? I have watched many website owners come and go and let me tell you, since you don't know, how it really works. The internet is vast in the scope of how much information is out there. You want to sell a plasma tv on your website? There are literally 400 million competitors you must overcome to get to the front of that search. Overcoming odds like that takes time. Most people don't know they need help first of all, and those that do typically have an unreasonable expectation of how long it should take them to see results in this budding and flooded market. It takes more than just us to succeed, the site owner is just as if not more responsible for their success as we are. You have a very dismal view of our industry, which you made clear, but that is because you don't understand it, even if you think you do. You are right about SMC clients, I wish none of them signed up with SMC because they don't know what they're getting into, but I know their money is safer with us than with SMC. We will do something for them, rather than sell them an empty dream. With us they get a great service and an ecommerce lesson to go with it. Salesman are just that, their job is to get people inerested and sign them up. I'll tell you where the problem lies though. Let's make it easy, Compare Captures.com to a company like Nordstroms. They offer goods that are expensive but of high quality to everyone who dares wander in from the mall concourse. Granted they do not call you up and ask you to come but nonetheless, you have seen the store and know what's in it. I personally don't shop there because I think it is overpriced and the quality is not worth the cost. I can get clothes elsewgere for less money that I wil be happier with. I did buy a sweater from there once, for about $70 and I hardly ever wore it. Should I file a complaint because it did not live up to my expectation? Our products are meant for serious business owners, but we'll sell them to anyone who wants them, that is the nature of a profitable business. You think Nordstroms loses sleep over the fact that I didn't like my sweater? I mean it looked nice enough, I bought it, but they just go on doing business, not caring that I didn't get what I wanted. And I have moved on and chosen not shopping there as my payback. To address in short some of your other points, we do have a firewall, not your typical crap windows firewall, a real one that is residing at our network point mindlessly blocking anything we deem unfit and it works pretty well but it's built and vontrolled by humans who as a species have a long history of not being perfect. We do not tolerate "porn surfing" or that sort of behavior and if it occured it would be dealt with accordingly. Just yesterday I tried to go to a fishing lure website and since they sold knives it was blocked under the category of weapons. When that happens we manually remove individual URLs from being blocked incorrectly, so there is your firewall lesson. Also, since you are from a family of lawyers, you don't think perhaps you are just a little prone to seeking out injustices and crusading against them. Or seeking out any fight you think you can win. I can certainly understand why you would take up this crusade with such fervor, the alleged event happened to you, and you have the backing of a family of lawyers. Why would you be scared? You say why would you lie, but I argue why would you tell the truth? Just because you make a challenging statement about telling the truth doesn't mean you haven't embellished a little or alot right? Lawyers are certainly known for their ability to tell the truth. That's why OJ hired Johnny Cochran back in the day, because he was so good at telling the truth, or at least way better than the prosecutor was that's for sure. But do we throw all of our lawyers under the bus and label them as liars and thieves? No. They are an essential part of our society (whether that is fortunate or not I don't know) and captures is an essential part of our industry. I have seen this company undergo many changes in the course of growing up. This industry is still relatively new and there are really no standards or regulations so each company is a pioneer in a way. We are among those pioneers and I am confident that in the coming years Web Marketing Source, Captures, and Visble.net will be among the most respected names in the business. We do not use any of those names as a front, they are all connected but I am not going to tell you how since that is our business model and it is not public information. Take Ford, Lincoln, and Mercury for example, is Ford trying to fool your lawyer father into thinking that the Lincoln Navigator he drives isn't made by Ford? No, that is simply their premium brand name and has a different function than the Ford Motor Company as a whole does. That is how business works. I'm not sure if I've addressed all your points, I don't think I have and I don't care to look again. All I know is that you got yourself into a situation, apparently it went sour for you but only the people who were directly involved really know what happened so you have no right to vent your anger the way you have. You have done what you think is the right thing by pusuing some sort of legal action, which says to me that you just can't let it go. Isn't your time worth more than that too? I mean what is the son of a family of lawyers doing in sales anyway, what a waste, you could be out there pursuing the education to take on a real crusade against a company that is doing real harm. Such as the affore mentioned tabacco companies, oh but you probably smoke so it's not a big deal right, you are one of their customers. Do yourself a favor, quit smoking, use the money to pursue an education of some worth and make sure you don't cite wikipedia in your term papers, people on there can post stuff without knowing what the_____ they're talking about. Now if what you've written previously is any indication of who you are, here is what I can discern about you. You are an exaggerator who makes broad generalizations based on your limited experiences. You have enough knowledge of Crack rock sales to compare it to the way we do business. You made yourself a part of this "greedy" company because of the money, making you what, not greedy? And you admitted that your legal counsel is also, greedy. ("with a greedy glint in his eye") You don't know anything about business, period. As far as your opinion of our Amira Lead system, you think you can call AFLAC and ask to speak with the duck? Our spokesperson may or may not have been real at one time, she doesn't have a face, but she does her job without complaint so we keep her around. You make speculations on how to be a succesful ecommerce entrepaneur, but i doubt you've been one. You refer to us as thugs, but how hard is it to say no and hang up the phone. I get calls from people trying to sell me something, and I hang up on them. I've never had a mafia telemarketer threaten to put me in cement shoes unless I buy his Marketing for my website. You refer to one of YOUR customers as poor John and that he lives in a trailer. First almost every company in the world makes mistakes sometimes when charging people monthly fees. Second, if poor John was so poor, why did you talk him into throwing his money away on our "overpriced and ineffective marketing" when in your opinion he would never be successful. In fact that is your true character coming out, you came in here, made your judgements with little information, decided we were bad but that you'd stay anyway since you are greedy, and then when you finally got a bearing on this supposed moral compass of yours, you left with six shooters ablazing loaded full of blame and assumption. As for the promotion of our owners websites, should they not reap the benefit of the company they created? Should we give other people exposure that they did not pay for? That would be nice of us for sure but I don't think I'm going to go fill up my car at the pump and ask for a free gallon since I'm choosing them as my gas station. You get as far as you pay to go, which is why we have packages ranging from $400 to $4000, we like to work with everyone who has the desire to succeed, and you failed to mention that any money that people spend with us can be applied toward an upgrade and that we guarantee the satisfaction of our customers, sometimes to the point of refunding them or building them a website. I don't know who you are, but I know who we are and frankly, you don't know anymore about us, what we do, or how our business works than someone who dropped out of high school after a few weeks exclaiming that it is all a crock and does no one any good. So please, keep your opinions between you and your family of counselors. As a footnote I'd like to add that I am not unlike you, I am passionate and pursue many causes as a service to my fellow man. I just wanted to illustrate how an argument can look from the other side, since you had no interest in telling the public that information.


Why would I lie? What do I gain? I offer a complete refutation of your argument here.

#7Author of original report

Wed, September 12, 2007

Gentlemen, my delay in filing suit is not a legitimate reason for doubting my story. You know full well who I am, or I wouldn't have received several calls on my cell phone the day after the first review was posted. I have the message saved. I intend to file suit, the statute of limitations on these claims lasts a while- 2 years. And the "firewall" nonsense that you espouse is simply not true, or I wouldn't have this story to tell. Your job is to surf myriad different sites and sell to them, not prevented by secure firewall settings! Nothing prevents you from selling to porn sites, or browsing for hookers on craigslist. And for all the hundreds of sites I visited at your company, never once was I barred from seeing a single one of them. Firewalls can be picky, yours was not picky even once, I never even got a "Are you sure you want to view this site?" message. Of course, I never INTENTIONALLY viewed porn, but was tricked into doing so. Also, consider: Why would I be telling this story? What do I have to gain? I don't work in the SEO industry, I think it's all crap. Why would I be so angry with your company if you had indeed treated me fairly? I'm mainly angry, not about the lack of professionalism in the office, but for that I never got commission checks for my final work week, but was reissued a draw check that was less than the checks that I'd lost, which I later found. Here is numeric proof I got ripped! Do I have the old checks, yes. Do I have the reissue check deposit record from my bank, yes. Do I understand basic arithmetic? Yes. I got shorted as retaliation for my complaints to Warren, which is VERY SERIOUS, retaliating against HR complaints. Rebut that. The reason I stuck around: Money. Profit is not a dirty word. I was starting to make some money, which I didn't get paid. I'd already complained to Sal about the workplace standards during a team meeting a week before I left, and he'd told me that there was nothing that could be done about it: one of the main perpetrators was related to the owner, he said. I disagree, something could be done about, no effort was taken. My complaint stopped there. A subpoena of IP records will indicate what sites are being browsed. Go ahead and try to delete them, I'd be careful about that, though. Had you just paid me the commissions that I'd earned, I likely would have left you alone. Instead you sent me a check that totaled to less than the state's minimum wage. I just got the paperwork to file through the DOL, they operate on a sixty day clock, they will pursue it, I won't have to even appear. I'd like to see that judgement go through so as to make my civil case smoother sailing. I've got time. As for placing my name on this site, why would I have to do that? You know who I am. You called me the next day SEVERAL TIMES! You identified me based on the story I wrote, which in my opinion acknowledges the truth in it, or you wouldn't have known who to call and leave a rude voice message with, and a text message saying, "Sorry," when I forbade you to contact me. Didn't ask Sal about that? Or will you just deny THAT ever happened either? So your rebuttal was comprised of a couple main points, let's summarize and refute them, before you further obfuscate matters: 1. You believe me to be a liar. -I have no motivation to lie. There is nothing to gain, and much to lose from lying about a profitable company. I simply think that your company preys on poor people and, times being tough already, I'd like to see fewer dumb Americans getting ripped. Obviously that's not my real motivation, spite is. Further, the DOL will determine whether I'm lying about the Wage and Hour issues and Fair Labor Standards Act violations, it would be pretty silly for me to prevaricate to a federal agency, don't you think? Why would I risk perjury over spite? Plainly, I wouldn't, but am simply aware of and exercise my rights, here that of the 1st amendment. Verification of this Wage and Hour claim will make my civil case much better. First things first. 2. I have delayed filing suit, therefore, what I say must be untrue, you say. -This is an obvious fallacy. I partly addressed this above. Quite frankly, I don't want to sue you, I don't like doing so, and have avoided the matter, as it has caused me much stress already. I come from a family of lawyers, so have free counsel, and it still sucks to go through this with you. However, my communications with Warren in terms of reaching a settlement agreement went sour before they started, so I am forced to do so, however reluctantly. If I contacted you now, why would things be any different? Better late than never, where litigation is concerned. My claims can be proved. Destruction of IP records is highly illegal and very easy to trace, I know times and dates. Also, my firewall does not prevent me from going to said site, I just tested it. Next! 3. It is wrong to name individuals. -I agree with you that there are perhaps classier ways of going about this than sounding my frustration in a public forum. I tried to speak with Warren, who, instead of helping me resolve the issue fairly instructed me to NEVER CONTACT HIM AGAIN, and then sent me a check that omitted an entire week of my work! (Hence the DOL claim) However, it is untrue that my claims have to be relegated to the company alone, the individual who harassed me, the same individual who called me the other day on my private line, could himself be pursued. He messaged me after I forbade any form of contact, albeit just to say sorry. No worries on that, I suppose, though the first message was rude. This is all quite a headache, what's really sad about it is that you'd rather go through this online argument (which you lose no matter what based on the forum,) waste the man hours rebutting me online which costs you money, risk your reputation online (what's left of it,) over less than one thousand dollars of unpaid commissions. I'm not looking for a golden parachute here, fellas, or a huge 50K lawsuit, just basic restitution for being treated like a rag. Maybe a little justice too, I simply don't like you or the way you treat customers or your employees. The humping/spanking motions you folks make when clients purchase are disgusting. Your Sales Floor Manager does it too! Everything I've said is the absolute truth, else you'd file libel and slander immediately yourselves against me. And if you want me to hurry up and have my lawyer contact you, fine. I'd make sure, though, that when you call somebody down like you just did to me, they better not have the kind of hand I'm playing. It's a stupid play, Matt. I've never met you, which makes me wonder if you're really just another "Amira," but I think you really believe what you're saying, and I don't think you've done your homework on what's really happened to me, or you couldn't in good conscience spew forth such rot. Warren and my team's manager know what really happened, so ask yourself again, what do I gain except a soap box to stand on from writing this? It certainly doesn't help ME, might even hurt me. So why would I do it, unless I really had an axe to grind? Would I do this if I WERE treated fairly? I'm in sales, I risk my reputation, it's a small world, and Lord knows you're gonna talk about this to whoever you can. Consumers, as stupid as they might sometimes be, will read this and know that I'm not lying, which is your main contention, that I am a liar. You underestimate them. And since I'm not lying, you must be, or just don't know the truth. Maybe things have changed over there since I left... I won't speculate. What happened happened, I gave you guys a real effort, and this is how you repay me, with castigation, denial of wages earned, and gay porn pranks, and after all that, I still get calls! Greed makes you blind. Just think about what you've said to me, and how plausible it really sounds that I would randomly get online and rant about this without some sort of real gripe. What about the other complaints, do you expect PR to make those people vanish, be discredited? I'm not your competition. This blog doesn't make you likely to settle with me, just makes you more hostile. I gain nothing but justice, and satisfaction for my spite. I was advised against blogging against you, but if it saves just one person the money that they'd spend on you and your marketing, than I've done the world a service, I firmly believe. Whatever other communication we have will be done through my counsel, I've already requested my personnel file for the pursuance of the DOL claim, I guess no one told you about that either, Matt. It's just the first domino, this isn't going away until you make it go away, you've just chosen the hard way. In the future, do the right thing to prevent this. I'm glad ripoffreport.com is out there for "quick indexing" of reality. This comes up on the first page now of google when I search for your company and its multiple aliases. The pen IS truly mightier than the sword. And thanks, ripoffreport! You're doing a wonderful job!! Take care. RippedOffSalesman, Redmond, WA


We Care About Our Employees ...

#8UPDATE Employee

Mon, September 10, 2007

Rippedoffsalesman, First of all, we truly care about our employees and would never condone the types of actions you describe in your report nor would we tolerate employees acting as you have alleged in your report. We follow strict policies with regards to harassment, employee conduct, dress attire and other common business/employee policies. If there is ever a need to modify these policies or add new policies the appropriate measures are taken to update current policy and enforce it within our company. On to your report ... I couldn't help but notice you posted this complaint as an "anonymous" person. How do you expect US, or anyone else, to look into these matters if we don't know who you are and you fail to publicly state, at least your first name? How do you expect others to take your report seriously if you are not even willing to claim it as your own? At first, I thought this was a crude joke until I read further and it became apparent that you were serious. Had you left your name, you would have found that we would have contacted you right away to investigate whether or not your claims were valid and whether or not you were due another commission check. Since you didn't leave a name, I will just update you on policy here instead. Readers should be aware that the individual who posted this report was not employed at our company for more than a few weeks and is no way familiar with how business is conducted at our company. What has been reported is either rumor, made up or a complete lie about either our company as a whole or individuals within the company. To me, it appears as if you made all this up because you are under the impression that you are due another commission check or didn't receive what you thought you were due upon leaving the company. You were paid in full and are not due any additional monies. Any appointments, scheduled billing or unclosed accounts you had when you left are not included in any commissions. You should know this, we told you that and it works the same in MANY other commission based selling companies around the world. In response to the harassment claim ... One of the reasons why I believe you have either made up or lied about much of your report is that the content you have described in the "link" to a free cell tracker is not even allowed through our corporate firewall. Our custom firewall blocks all content off of the Internet that falls under certain categories like porn, free downloads or social sites like Myspace and Facebook. Our employees cannot even access the sites you talked about, how could you have visited one if they are not allowed through our firewall? What tells it all for me is how you describe all these nasty things that supposedly took place while you were employed here, yet you choose to continue working here for several weeks after you state they happened. If it were me, and I was unhappy with ANY work environment, NO AMOUNT of numbers on ANY board would make me stay at a place that I didn't feel comfortable. You state it is so horrible here, yet stayed as long as you did, why? In addition, we have many clients who come TO OUR OFFICES in order to find out more about the services we offer. How could we manage to keep a single one if the environment you described was being portrayed to them? We couldn't. Not only that, but the majority of clients who come into our office drop by unannounced and with no pre-set appointment, so you can see how we MUST follow policy. How could we have so many clients come to our office if the environment here was like you have described in your report? Due to the reasons mentioned, I do not believe you have a leg to stand on in regards to a suit. You were not employed here long enough to know the inner workings of the company and based off the accusations we have already "de-bunked," I do not feel that your other accusation warrant a direct response. I feel if you had been honest with your legal counsel in the first place about WHAT REALLY HAPPENED, that they would not be so willing to proceed. Much of your report was slanderous which speaks very poorly of your character. If this was an actual claim, and there was even a glimpse of truth to it, you would have skipped over all the finger pointing and slander and gotten right to what you thought you were owned. In addition to the statements above, a person with REAL claims usually leaves their name and not an "anonymous" signature, as I stated in the beginning. If you have an actual problem you should consider taking it up with the company instead of pointing fingers at other employees of the company and it's clients. In the end, none of the employees you mentioned or the clients are responsible for what you claim took place. There shouldn't have even been mention of others as your claims are related to the COMPANY alone. I hope we were able to shed some light on your report. I am truly sorry if you really feel like you have been ripped off by our company or any one who works here. We try very hard to maintain a professional environment full of good people and quality service offerings. If you are serious about your claim and filing suit (as I doubt you are), have your legal counsel contact us, we would have no problems discussing your claims with them.

R. Clark

We would love to speak with you!

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, September 08, 2007

After reading your post I commend you for your bravery and honesty in standing up to your former employers and also for warning potential innocent consumers to steer clear of them. I know of a lady that is looking into a possible lawsuit on this company and would love to speak with you. I'm sure you know how many consumers have been scammed out of thousands of dollars from this company since you used to work there. Her info is posted in this forum: http://discussionboard.prostores.com/showthread.php?p=22972 I truly hope you can contact her so you and all Captures countless other victims can seek some sort of justice here. I am absolutely sickened with this company after reading what they have done to you and everyone else on here. Company's should not be allowed to do this to consumers. But I feel if everyone joins together in numbers then something can get accomplished here. Best of luck with your pending law-suit. It's about time someone stood up to these crooks!

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