  • Report:  #275375

Complaint Review: Webmarketingsource.com/Captures.com - Redmond Washington

Reported By:
- perris, California,

14947 Ne 95th St Redmond, 98052 Washington, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Be warned these people at Webmarketingsource.com and Captures.com will try to take all your money and DO NOT provide you with the services they promise.

It starts with some BULL-SH#TTER calling you up wanting to help you create a website or in my case advertise mine, these people even sound like they could sell there mother's,the person will try to find out how much you could invest into YOUR business.

After numerous times of telling this guy that I really did not need there services cause I know how to advertise online for free he said he wanted me to go to Captures.com and look at there plans, I told him yeah they look good but way to much for what I would be getting, so he finally said "I will give you are Platium plan for half price", cause I had my own site up and running, then he said "You pay $800.00 down on a 90 trial period and if you like what we do after the 90 days you pay the rest".

OH CRAP!! I took the bait..d**n...so I said ok I'll try it. Well while the days were ticking down I kept an eye on my websites Dashboard/Status page to watch the HIT COUNTER and after 30 days I called and said my site is not getting the hits promised. He gave me alittle run-around and took my name,email,site name,and phone number cause "he was not in charge of my site and would pass the info on to person who was when he got back from lunch"....STRIKE ONE!!!

Ok I still have 60 days left so 30 days later....same thing...STRIKE TWO!!!!

About 2 weeks after that I decided I had had enough so I called back to cancel and get refund, instead I get this Butt-hole telling me that the contract was up and I could not get any of my money back, so I cut my loses.

Luckily I paid thru my Paypal Acct. and they could not charge my card for more. About 3 months later I get a collections letter saying I owe over $300.00 more...LMAO!!...so I called the collection person, which had to have been the most evil and rude woman I have ever talked to and she did not want to hear my side she just said pay it or I'll turn it over to the credit company's. Two weeks later I get another letter saying I owe even more now..HAHAHAHA.....oh sorry....I called Captures and the collection bXXXX...oh sorry but it would fit just right, and told both of them if they kept harrassing me I would throw a fraud lawsuit on them.....guess what?..not another word from either.

Webmarketingsource and Captures last time I look had the same address so webmarketing is a front for Captures and I would be willing to bet that the collection people are in bed with them.

Trust me, you better not believe Matt or anybody that is with either company cause there all LIARS!!!!!!

As far as I'm concerned they owe me big time so take my advice and stay away from them.


perris, California


25 Updates & Rebuttals

Never Again!

United States of America
If I were a Juror

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, February 18, 2012

After reading this entertaining and engaging exchange of comments, if I were a juror, I'd have to side with Tony.  I'd say it's pretty clear what type of a company this is just by the way that all of the responses were written.  Who would ever waste so much time impersonating this company?


Las Vegas,
LEAVE TONY ALONE, El cheapos = Thieves, rip Off artists, con men, etc will always justify their actions in their own sick minds.

#3Consumer Suggestion

Mon, March 31, 2008

Thanks for the GREAT tip , about Homestead, that is ,Tony. Thieves, rip Off artists, con men, etc will always justify their actions in their own sick minds.They take money for empty promises and they are GREAT at what they do . Give him a refund and LEAVE him alone.I hope he managed to damage your reputation enough to save others from being ripped off by you. Thanks for this fantastic forum Rip Off Report!Gods speed Tony



#4Author of original report

Sun, December 30, 2007

I never broke any laws by telling the truth and Hosting Company never ask to remove just stated a complaint had been made. wonder who? They also told me not to worry and as you can tell, all-bullsh*t.com is still up and running. They can't remove site w/out going to court and we both know Captures does not want that, but thanks anyway.


Columbia Falls,
Breaking the law is breaking the law, they wouldn't ask you to remove the site otherwise

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, October 24, 2007

For whatever it's worth, Despite whatever this company has done to you, breaking the law is breaking the law, they wouldn't ask you to remove the site otherwise. Your host knows the law, obviously they would not send that email unless they thought you were. After reading your site I can see why they would send you that. You are blatantly breaking laws, whatever they choose to call them, you cannot do that, there are rules. You can choose whether or not to follow them, but this same thing happened to a friend of mine and they got screwed by their host for not complying. Good luck with whatever you choose, but be careful messing with big corporations, things can get ugly, especially in libel lawsuits.


Captures.com attacks my website now

#6Author of original report

Wed, October 24, 2007

Now Captures.com is trying to get my website's Hosting Company to stop Hosting for me...(I think).....check out this email I got...... Dear Member, As a passive conduit, we cannot monitor user websites, but we respond to breaches of our user agreement when we learn of such behavior. We have received a complaint that your site 'www.all-bullshit.com' libels and defames another party. We are investigating this matter further. However, if any content on your site is untrue, then we ask that you remove that content immediately. Regards Homestead Abuse Team "Libels and Defames" another party?Who are they trying to kid?Wait til I publish my blogs...just think Matt and Gilbert, if I cost you just one customer at an average of 3,000 dollars per client that's over 300% of my refund....I WILL keep posting and posting online till I get that refund.


Quick update

#7Author of original report

Sun, October 21, 2007

Just found out that when Gilbert Walker called me and said "He Owned Captures" and wanted to resolve this well Matt no wonder your not replying......Gilbert does not own it.....he's tech support. PROVES ONCE AGAIN HOW THEY LIE!!!


Update to Heather's non-sense

#8Author of original report

Sun, October 21, 2007

Sorry Heather but I must disagree.... No.1)Sounds like your Advertising for these Scam Artist's. No.2)They lied and stole from me and other's so "I KNOW MY FACTS". No.3)You should of read the beginning better, I asked for refund BEFORE end of trial period. KNOW YOUR FACTS!!! Now let me tell you something,I am a C6/C7 Quadriplegic because somebody ran me off the road and the Salesman knew this when selling me that package.He knew that at that moment I did not have 3 to 4 thousand that's why they only got 850.00, over one months Disability so I think I have every right in this world to talk as "FOULED" mouth as I wish about them. And if you expect me to believe you would not want my money as a customer give me your sites URL'S and I'll make sure you don't.....LIAR. If those people are so great how come they write alot of there own reviews and have lied in each Rebuttal? If YOUR company offered a 90 money back guarantee,would you honor it? If I called 2 weeks before 90 days were up,would you give refund or would you rob people too?

New To Web Mom

Comment about "how good" captures/webmarketing is.

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, October 20, 2007

Heather, I noticed you commented to this report and to my listed report. How are you so sure everyone has had a "great" experience with these two companies? It sounds like you work for them, however I am not judging, but would like some clarification. You stated that you "saw" the ratings with their marketing them bought a website through them. 1: how long did the ratings take on the marketing side? 2: how long did it take for them to correctly set up the background to your new website? 3: did you notice the "downfall" of these companies has happened in the past 3 months? Looks like they were good companies then everything has fallen off. There really is no customer service or follow up per their contract. They don't know how to handle the customers they have, so just let the upset customers get their refunds, and then they might be able to get their reputation back and get better training on their sites and customer service. If you are a satisfied customer please let them know they need to do better. Michelle


Works For Me

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, October 19, 2007

Sorry Tony but I would like to disagree. No. 1 Web Marketing Source is not a front for Captures but are parent companies. No. 2 Captures builds websites and Web Marketing Source performs the marketing on a Captures site and other sites built by other companies. Know your facts!!!! Now, find me a SEO company out there that refunds your money at the end of the contract period. First of all we own a site that was built by a different company and Web Marketing Source does the marketing. Second of all we also purchased a site built by Captures and I can tell you that these guys know what they are doing. They showed us their abilities to do marketing and once we achieved ranking and sales we then proceeded to purchase one of their sites. Before you purchase a package from anyone if you were so unsure why did you buy? Evidentally you didn't ask them the right questions about your site. Was it marketable and was there any issues within your site that needed to be addressed? The way you posted your comment I can honestly tell you I would not want you as a customer. Hint - sometimes you can catch more bees with honey then being rude and foul mouthed with people you deal with.


Look out Matt, Alyssa's got your back...Lol

#11Author of original report

Fri, October 12, 2007

I'm starting to wonder if these so-called "Imposters" are really Captures Employees, think about it,the names ARE of people who work there and they sure do know alot about Captures,are you putting these people up to this Matt? Or is this a drunk Employee that could not help it....look what time this one was wrote...Alyssa was up at 1am writing that..and all Matt can say is the same thing over and over of how he know's these people and they would never treat a Customer like that...Well keep the threats coming and Alyssa you can bring CJ,Warren,Matt,Gilbert,Ronna...if you can get her out of the Mental Ward...and everybody else at Captures and bring it on.Alyssa, are you guy's really getting annoyed? I sure hope so,and Alyssa,stop staying up late drinking and talking cause your making Captures look bad with YOUR lies. P.S.You should check in with Ronna I bet there's a bed available next to her. Also since Alyssa brought it up about Website Marketing places I would like to add that if ANYBODY NEEDS HELP WITH THEIR WEBSITE,whether it be Hosting,Advertising,Ecommerce or anything, I HIGHLY RECCOMMEND HOMESTEAD.COM ...these people have been great to me and you can check it out...I have 2 websites with them,soon to be 3...and no I DON'T work for them,NOT even on they're Affilate program.I had one of their Customer Support guy's on the phone for 2 hrs. one day and at the end he still treated me like we just started talking...I found my Hosting site.Tried another but they were not that good either, but they did not rip me off either.Gilbert(Owner of Captures) knows I'm with Homestead now and he said Captures could do better than them,if so wouldn't I be with Captures instead....DUHHHH....but their not.


We Will No Longer Officially Respond To This Thread

#12UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 11, 2007

Just an Update, We have made the decision to pursue these matters legally and as a result will no longer be posting responses or rebuttals on this thread or any others with the above ROR posters on them (ie. Tony, Cindy, Imposter). We take these matters very seriously and do not wish to pursue them in this way, but feel it is the best recourse at this time. Individuals thinking about signing up, or current clients with questions about why we refuse to respond to reports like these, should contact our offices and ask for me by name. I would be happy to offer an explanation.


Again, the poster above is not an employee, they are just using the same name (wrong spelling)

#13UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 11, 2007

Impostor and Consumers, You need to know I am the only employee that officially responds here when complaints or rebuttals are made, anyone else is not employed by us. If you look back, you will see I am the only one that has posted any rebuttals from our company and will remain being the only official one. Impostor, you need to know we and ROR can track your IP and account through ROR and we are aware that you are indeed not one of our employees. If you choose to continue posing as one of our employees, you will find that there are laws against that and may end up facing legal charges. Any of your information can be subpoenaed for proof in court. Consumers, you should disregard the post made by the individual above calling themselves, 'Alyssa'. We do have an employee by that name, however she doesn't live in Kirkland, that's not how her name is spelled and she doesn't speak like that to customers. I personally know her and she would never treat anyone like that, EVER.


Step Out Of The Way Matt, Let Me Handle It!

#14UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 11, 2007

Tony You have been nothing but annoying to us, and that is why we are not going to refund your money. Just think of all the things we have done for you. We have NEVER lied to you, we have NEVER been dishonest with you, nor have we taken advantage of you. It was YOU Tony that made the decision to purchase our product, NOT CAPTURES. You need to stop posting these crazy rebuttals, or CJ will come to your house and he will discuss your Captures.com contact with you, so that you will quickly understand it much better! So you need to shut up, and let us do business OUR WAY. All you are doing Tony is using ROR to make us look bad, and you probably are another website marketing company, so MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. For all the customers who want our services at Captures.com, just go to Captures.com and just read the testimonials. And they all tell the TRUTH! And we have NEVER told a lie to our customers EVER! Stop butting in Tony, or you will regret ever knowing us. And that is NOT a threat, so we cannot get into trouble for saying it. First Amendment. So, for all the customers, we can do business as long as we have a copy of your signature, and Captures.com can do anything we want, because we will NEVER get in trouble. Not to mention, Captures.com is NOT ripping ANYONE off! YOU are ripping YOURSELVES off by not using the expensive products that are VERY EASY to use. All you have to do is take the time to use it. In other words, what good is your computer if you do not use it? SO BLAME YOURSELVES! Well, I have just decided, since you got Ronna in the HOSPITAL! I am going to tell Warren, to cancel your case, and there will be NO PROOF of it, so don't bother trying to take us to court, because that won't happen! Thank you for wasting our time, and our money!


And Matt gets shot down again

#15Author of original report

Wed, October 10, 2007

Matt must of trained hard to be a liar..Bravo Matt....but here's the thing, don't say a Resolution is being discussed when Gilbert was talking on about how my website was hard to work with,giving him 6 months when a yr. and a half had passed and nothing,and all I asked for is what I've been asking for WAY before my trial period was up....that's what all this boils down too....you give trial period and if customer is not happy you do what any good Business does...GIVE THEM THEIR REFUND. Now here's the kicker,Gilbert knew my real name,my NEW phone number,my website,yet he claimed my email address was in the Data base wrong...BULLSxxT cause it's in Bold letters twice on the front page of website and just like all the other times I was told I'd get an email...NADA,NINE,ZERO. BTW, Matt I was in the Hospital for 5 Months when I was run off the road and I was able to use a Laptop so who's to say Ronna's not doing the same,maybe the Hospitals in Bellavue or where ever...you guy's use that Hospital excuse alot I've heard. Let's see if you respond to this....I was once a Manager at a Restaurant and if a Customer was not happy with their food and did not want to try something else we gave them a refund PLUS a coupon for a free dinner...99.99% of the time that person WOULD be back...then I was approached by someone who knew me very well but I did not know very well.He knew that I knew about Business Law,Business Management,took the Zenger Miller Working Program and that my true love was working on Cars.He owned a Automotive Repair Company and wanted to hire me to replace 2 people he had lost. Long story short, we had Customer's from out of state bringing they're cars to us because word of mouth about OUR Customer Support,even if my Customer knew nothing about cars they were ALWAYS right.Then one night I was run off the road,moved out West where family was to help me because I'm a Quadriplegic,started a website then was Robbed by Captures.Bad thing is Gilbert sounded very surprised when I told him I paid by Paypal and not a credit card(I could smell the fumes over the phone) so he knew now he could not keep charging me.Not as dumb as you thought huh? You have no conscious, first you guy's rob me,a Quad,and yes the Saleman knew,of more than a whole month's Disability check then I read another report on here where you guy's rob an older couple of alot of money when one of them has Cancer...shame,shame..anyway I feel bad for you knowing you are using all that Computer knowledge to rob people.Atleast Gilbert can count on you to file those xxxxxxT Rebuttal's.


You Just Repeated What I Said In Your Words

#16UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 10, 2007

Tony, No one ever said a resolution had been made. I simply said we called to discuss one with you, which we did and you acknowledged. I also stated that we do not intend on refunding you and that we gave you other options, which you acknowledged. Whether you posted as someone else or not is something only you and the person who posted as Ronna knows. Either way it wasn't one of our employees, only someone claiming to be or using the same name. I stated in my first rebuttal, which you can still see above "We DO HAVE an employee by that name, however she doesn't live in Bellevue and she doesn't speak like that to customers or co-workers." In my second rebuttal I stated, "The person who posted above as Ronna is not an employee of our company, they are using the same name as a person who works for us." Seems pretty clear to me that we admitted we had an employee by that name, but it was highly unlikely that it was her who made that post to you. Part of the reason that it is unlikely is that she was in the hospital the week someone posted that. Seems unlikely that she would have done that from the hospital. In response to... "Second we did not agree on anything,esp.me possibly coming back to Captures." No one ever said we agreed on anything or that you were coming back to us. As a matter of fact, I stated you had no intention on doing business with us and that you were happy with your current provider. I simply said we called to discuss a resolution with you, not that one had been made. We gave you your choices Tony, they remain on the table. We wish you the best of luck with your current provider and would be willing to discuss a resolution, not including a refund, any time.


Matt is full of crap, until refund is made no resolution has been made.

#17Author of original report

Wed, October 10, 2007

Well,Well, I finally get Matt...*Rubs hands together in a fast motion*....Wow Matt I really can't believe you left yourself wide open for this, but this will be fun. First I would like to say I have never met or even heard of a Ronna til the Rebuttal was filed and find it funny that you admit having a Ronna working for Captures...hmmmmm. Second thing is, of course my update looks the same it was made in a mocking form.I think it looks and sounds like you are just trying to down grade ROR now by attacking their site,don't change the subject here Matt. If I were you(first I would not be going thru all this mess)I would be very concerned what I saw about my company when I did a search on Google and what pops up along with your site,not pretty. I don't know who Cindy is but she spoke the truth...Bravo Cindy. Now Matt you bring up the idea of filing a Lawsuit against a supposed "Imposter", well I dare you to waste our money to prove it was not me talking to myself and if you want to bring up Lawsuit's. HOW ABOUT FRAUD? sound familiar?And I was just informed by Gilbert Walker(Owner of Captures) that Ronna,you know the person that DOES work for Captures, is in the Hospital, Mental Ward no doubt, funny thing is they tend to use the Hospital alot. I will admit I had a very respectful conversation with Mr. Walker but no refund. tho he did give options and I respect him for atleast calling but he lied too.First he said that because of my website was hard to do he said 6 months to show any thing, it's been 1 and a half yrs and nothing. Second we did not agree on anything,esp.me possibly coming back to Captures. Matt why didn't you just say that Gilberts bribe just did not work. Besides, I can't even get an email he was going to send but it's probably cause he knows it's a waste. Anyway Matt you lied again but nothing new huh? Nothing will be resolved til refunds are made.I can keep doing all this free posting all day...and my web site Domain name is 2.00 a month so. I'm just wondering if it's really worth it, you have to know that you are loosing tons of clients. Keep trying Matt, keep trying.


Matt is full of crap, until refund is made no resolution has been made.

#18Author of original report

Wed, October 10, 2007

Well,Well, I finally get Matt...*Rubs hands together in a fast motion*....Wow Matt I really can't believe you left yourself wide open for this, but this will be fun. First I would like to say I have never met or even heard of a Ronna til the Rebuttal was filed and find it funny that you admit having a Ronna working for Captures...hmmmmm. Second thing is, of course my update looks the same it was made in a mocking form.I think it looks and sounds like you are just trying to down grade ROR now by attacking their site,don't change the subject here Matt. If I were you(first I would not be going thru all this mess)I would be very concerned what I saw about my company when I did a search on Google and what pops up along with your site,not pretty. I don't know who Cindy is but she spoke the truth...Bravo Cindy. Now Matt you bring up the idea of filing a Lawsuit against a supposed "Imposter", well I dare you to waste our money to prove it was not me talking to myself and if you want to bring up Lawsuit's. HOW ABOUT FRAUD? sound familiar?And I was just informed by Gilbert Walker(Owner of Captures) that Ronna,you know the person that DOES work for Captures, is in the Hospital, Mental Ward no doubt, funny thing is they tend to use the Hospital alot. I will admit I had a very respectful conversation with Mr. Walker but no refund. tho he did give options and I respect him for atleast calling but he lied too.First he said that because of my website was hard to do he said 6 months to show any thing, it's been 1 and a half yrs and nothing. Second we did not agree on anything,esp.me possibly coming back to Captures. Matt why didn't you just say that Gilberts bribe just did not work. Besides, I can't even get an email he was going to send but it's probably cause he knows it's a waste. Anyway Matt you lied again but nothing new huh? Nothing will be resolved til refunds are made.I can keep doing all this free posting all day...and my web site Domain name is 2.00 a month so. I'm just wondering if it's really worth it, you have to know that you are loosing tons of clients. Keep trying Matt, keep trying.


Matt is full of crap, until refund is made no resolution has been made.

#19Author of original report

Wed, October 10, 2007

Well,Well, I finally get Matt...*Rubs hands together in a fast motion*....Wow Matt I really can't believe you left yourself wide open for this, but this will be fun. First I would like to say I have never met or even heard of a Ronna til the Rebuttal was filed and find it funny that you admit having a Ronna working for Captures...hmmmmm. Second thing is, of course my update looks the same it was made in a mocking form.I think it looks and sounds like you are just trying to down grade ROR now by attacking their site,don't change the subject here Matt. If I were you(first I would not be going thru all this mess)I would be very concerned what I saw about my company when I did a search on Google and what pops up along with your site,not pretty. I don't know who Cindy is but she spoke the truth...Bravo Cindy. Now Matt you bring up the idea of filing a Lawsuit against a supposed "Imposter", well I dare you to waste our money to prove it was not me talking to myself and if you want to bring up Lawsuit's. HOW ABOUT FRAUD? sound familiar?And I was just informed by Gilbert Walker(Owner of Captures) that Ronna,you know the person that DOES work for Captures, is in the Hospital, Mental Ward no doubt, funny thing is they tend to use the Hospital alot. I will admit I had a very respectful conversation with Mr. Walker but no refund. tho he did give options and I respect him for atleast calling but he lied too.First he said that because of my website was hard to do he said 6 months to show any thing, it's been 1 and a half yrs and nothing. Second we did not agree on anything,esp.me possibly coming back to Captures. Matt why didn't you just say that Gilberts bribe just did not work. Besides, I can't even get an email he was going to send but it's probably cause he knows it's a waste. Anyway Matt you lied again but nothing new huh? Nothing will be resolved til refunds are made.I can keep doing all this free posting all day...and my web site Domain name is 2.00 a month so. I'm just wondering if it's really worth it, you have to know that you are loosing tons of clients. Keep trying Matt, keep trying.


Matt is full of crap, until refund is made no resolution has been made.

#20Author of original report

Wed, October 10, 2007

Well,Well, I finally get Matt...*Rubs hands together in a fast motion*....Wow Matt I really can't believe you left yourself wide open for this, but this will be fun. First I would like to say I have never met or even heard of a Ronna til the Rebuttal was filed and find it funny that you admit having a Ronna working for Captures...hmmmmm. Second thing is, of course my update looks the same it was made in a mocking form.I think it looks and sounds like you are just trying to down grade ROR now by attacking their site,don't change the subject here Matt. If I were you(first I would not be going thru all this mess)I would be very concerned what I saw about my company when I did a search on Google and what pops up along with your site,not pretty. I don't know who Cindy is but she spoke the truth...Bravo Cindy. Now Matt you bring up the idea of filing a Lawsuit against a supposed "Imposter", well I dare you to waste our money to prove it was not me talking to myself and if you want to bring up Lawsuit's. HOW ABOUT FRAUD? sound familiar?And I was just informed by Gilbert Walker(Owner of Captures) that Ronna,you know the person that DOES work for Captures, is in the Hospital, Mental Ward no doubt, funny thing is they tend to use the Hospital alot. I will admit I had a very respectful conversation with Mr. Walker but no refund. tho he did give options and I respect him for atleast calling but he lied too.First he said that because of my website was hard to do he said 6 months to show any thing, it's been 1 and a half yrs and nothing. Second we did not agree on anything,esp.me possibly coming back to Captures. Matt why didn't you just say that Gilberts bribe just did not work. Besides, I can't even get an email he was going to send but it's probably cause he knows it's a waste. Anyway Matt you lied again but nothing new huh? Nothing will be resolved til refunds are made.I can keep doing all this free posting all day...and my web site Domain name is 2.00 a month so. I'm just wondering if it's really worth it, you have to know that you are loosing tons of clients. Keep trying Matt, keep trying.


Matt is full of crap, until refund is made no resolution has been made.

#21Author of original report

Tue, October 09, 2007

Well,Well, I finally get Matt...*Rubs hands together in a fast motion*....Wow Matt I really can't believe you left yourself wide open for this, but this will be fun.First I would like to say I have never met or even heard of a Ronna til the Rebuttal was filed and find it funny that you admit having a Ronna working for Captures...hmmmmm.Second thing is, of course my update looks the same it was made in a mocking form.I think it looks and sounds like you are just trying to down grade ROR now by attacking their site,don't change the subject here Matt.If I were you(first I would not be going thru all this mess)I would be very concerned what I saw about my company when I did a search on Google and what pops up along with your site,not pretty.I don't know who Cindy is but she spoke the truth...Bravo Cindy. Now Matt you bring up the idea of filing a Lawsuit against a supposed "Imposter", well I dare you to waste our money to prove it was not me talking to myself and if you want to bring up Lawsuit's....HOW ABOUT FRAUD?...sound familiar?And I was just informed by Gilbert Walker(Owner of Captures) that Ronna,you know the person that DOES work for Captures,is in the Hospital,Mental Ward no doubt,funny thing is they tend to use the Hospital alot.I will admit I had a very respectful conversation with Mr.Walker but no refund..tho he did give options and I respect him for atleast calling but he lied too.First he said that because of my website was hard to do he said 6 months to show any thing, it's been 1 and a half yrs and nothing.Second we did not agree on anything,esp.me possibly coming back to Captures.Matt why didn't you just say that Gilberts bribe just did not work.Besides, I can't even get an email he was going to send but it's probably cause he knows it's a waste.Anyway Matt you lied again but nothing new huh? Nothing will be resolved til refunds are made.I can keep doing all this free posting all day...and my web site Domain name is 2.00 a month so.....I'm just wondering if it's really worth it, you have to know that you are loosing tons of clients.Keep trying Matt, keep trying.


Contact Has Been Made, A Resolution Is Being Discussed

#22UPDATE Employee

Tue, October 09, 2007

Just an Update regarding the original poster, Tony. As I stated in my previous rebuttal, the person who posted above as Ronna is not an employee of our company, they are using the same name as a person who works for us. We have made contact with Tony in regards to his complaint against our company. He has mentioned that he was not sure whether Ronna is the one who posted that rebuttal or if it was someone else. Either way, he took the time to tell us his issue and gave us the opportunity to find him a solution. Currently, we have given Tony a couple of choices in regards to his account. We explained why he wouldn't be getting a refund and he seemed to understand our reasoning and took the time to listen to his options. We continue to work towards a resolution, although he has made it clear he wishes to remain with the provider he replaced our company with. He has stated that if things don't work with them, that he will think about letting us have another chance at working on his site. Thanks for speaking with us Tony! I wish you success with your new provider and hope they can achieve your goals. As we talked about, please consider us again if it doesn't work out. You will always have a credit for the amount of money you spent with our company. The credit can be applied to any of our services, or services that are offered by some of our partners/sister companies.


Appalled at Ronna's response to client!!

#23Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 03, 2007

Ronna, Ronna, Ronna, you bad girl you. You should be ashamed at yourself. I was doing my homework on finding a reputable web marketing company for my current website. Unfortunately, I came across Captures.com. According to the BBB this company has had 33 unsatisfactory complaints in the last 36 months, 32 being in the last year!! I also found many complaints in multiple forums, as well as ROR. Thank God I did my research before choosing this company. After reading the rebuttal from Ronna to a customer named "Tony", I was appalled. Ronna just confirmed that Captures is run by a bunch of "Thugs" and very unprofessional people. Capture needs to take a course in Business Etiquette 101. As for Matt's comment that "Tony is carrying on a conversation with himself", is just another example of attacking the client. As a business owner myself, what ever happened to "The customer is always right?" I feel sorry for all the victims that have been screwed by your company. My advice to Matt- "Future consumers that find these reports are always going to side with fellow consumers that have been victimized by your company." Why would anyone believe anything your company states after reading all the negative feedback and viewing the BBB records? Answer me this Matt- Why would this many people be so unhappy with your business practices? And don't tell me you have many, many who are happy. That doesn't matter when you have so many that are not. What about the ex-employee that came forward and shed some light on what your company is really about? Do the right thing if you have a conscience, and refund these people their money. I wouldn't be surprised if your company ends up in a major law suit over all this.


I am the ONLY employee that RESPONDS to ROR reports... Anyone else claiming they are, do not work for us.

#24UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 03, 2007

Tony and Impostor, Tony, you need to know I am the only employee that responds here when complaints or rebuttals are made. If you look back, you will see I am the only one that has posted any rebuttals from our company and will remain being the only one. Impostor, you need to know we and ROR can track your IP and account through ROR and we are aware that you are indeed not one of our employees. If you choose to continue posing as one of our employees, you will find that there are laws against that and may end up facing legal charges. Any of your information can be subpoenaed for proof in court. Consumers, you should disregard the post made by the individual above calling themselves, Ronna. We do have an employee by that name, however she doesn't live in Bellevue and she doesn't speak like that to customers or co-workers. I personally know Ronna and she would never treat anyone like that, EVER. We are looking into this, take these matters very seriously. It is my personal opinion that the same person is posting their own rebuttals, as we have refused to post one of our own, in an attempt to keep a conversation going with themselves. It's pretty plain to see that the fake rebuttal and the response from Tony are outlined the same and certainly appear to be written by the same person. This is a great example of WHY ROR is not a place consumers should consider accurate or a provider of ACTUAL fact. Anyone can post, anyone can register an account under any name and anyone can state opinion. To me, that is in no way proof of anything other than this site should be considered what it is, an open information area where anyone can post an opinion. I understand that some people on ROR may have legitimate complaints that may warrant action by a particular company, however it should not be considered a consumer HELP resource, rather a consumer forum or blog.


Response to Bonna's Rebuttal at Captures

#25Author of original report

Tue, October 02, 2007

Ronna,Ronna,Ronna,you Poor Child you have shown Captures true colors. First you attack my spelling and grammer,bravo...good start.This is all coming from a REAL problem child who wrote the Rebuttal on a Sunday morning at 8am talking about me needing Bi-polar meds advised from a relative..hmmmmm....so it sounds like you are one of her patients, say it ain't so.You seem to know more about Mental Drugs than my case so you should listen more.Are your ear's perking up? Good Girl!!!! Next, I never said How many hits so you should maybe learn to read better, and how long is long enough to wait for those hits, it's been over a year and no hits from Captures. Yes I think I can maintain my humor after all this esp. knowing your rebuttal has put a smile on my face :-)...I can advertise with Goggle Adsense and get better results so please, don't tell me Captures has helped Thousands.Push those Veins back in... Good Girl.... So Bonna...oops sorry....NOT!!!!but does sound like you have one...lol. Pay the rest? You are kidding right? Thought so. You want to help? Look it up on those call logs and see that I called and Canceled and simply refund my money...and everybody else that has filed a report.BTW, don't threaten to take me to Court...DO IT I DARE YOU!!! You must of been hired to write Rebuttal's cause you not one time mentioned any kind of FACTS about my case.Stop breathing so hard u'll hyperventilate... Good Girl.... Now the only thing your Rebuttal proves is that you are either 1)A Doctor 2)A Kindergarden(which you spelled wrong) Teacher who know's her Nursery Rhymes 3)A Looney,which is where I have my money on cause you seem to know alot about Bi-polar and crazy people like yourself.Anyway,I am not here to play the cut down game with you cause you have just shown the world how Captures Customer Support works so I thank you, boy I can't wait to publish that Rebuttal on my other website.....I gotta go do it now, but before I go I would like to say if you have a new boyfriend it's either because your mental or were beaten PROFUSELY with the ugly tree not just a stick, got it? Good Girl P.S. Make me pay the amount owed...please...I'd love to get you axx-holes in court.


I'm Sorry Tony, but Captures is only Here to Help you.

#26UPDATE Employee

Sun, September 30, 2007

Dear Tony, First of all, we do not know what you are talking about. Captures has helped thousands of customers get to the top of the major Search Engines, and we have information to prove it. Second, with you being a website owner, you sure do have a problem with your spelling and grammar, as we can see in your report that you filed on this page. Maybe you should go back to school, or maybe you should go to the mental hospital and get prescribed some psychiatric medications to help that troubled mind of yours. My cousin says that Seroquel(R) will do the trick, and it will help alleviate your apparent schizophrenic and bi-polar disorders that you have. Well, if you are complaining and laughing at the same time about your "so-called" problems with Captures, then that is an indicator of bi-polar disorder, and I rest my case on this issue with you Tony. You see, Captures knows what we are doing and you, Tony... do not. That is why you hired us, my friend... You need to do two simple things Tony, and that is just pay the f&%#ing bill, and wait a little bit longer... If you do these two simple things, then you will see your website go to the first page or the tops of Google, Altavista, YAHOO! and all the other Search Engines not listed here. And you will see even more traffic dedicated to your website. You eventually get what you pay for, right? Of course! But in the meantime, you need to stop this rancid behavior or we will take you to the Supreme Court for intimidating our company under the charges of Harassment and Debtor. Well, on the Debtor charge, you should have read the fine print on the contract that has your signature, and that Captures still has a notorized xeroxed copy of in our Financial Department. Do you understand me Tony? Good boy... Anyway, you made a rude statement about Captures being in bed with our Collection Agency? Tony... shame on you! Why would you think of something ridiculous like that? Because I sure don't understand you, or your lame argument based on your last statement. And, you and making comments like we are @xx-holes? Whatever dude...... Oh well, as mentally challenged as you are, you probably do not even know the meaning, but give it some time, and speaking of time: Tony... You agreed to activate your Platinum Plan (which, you Tony - misspelled in your report) ---Lauging My @xx Off---, and you are going to get what you are paying for. That is why we are requesting the rest of the balance that is due, which is your standardization fee. And, as far as your Hit Counter is concerned, it says here that you are receiving over three thousand site hits - NOT three hundred. Maybe you should go back to kindergarten to learn how to count again, or better yet, just talk to your Doctor and get prescribed a daily double-dosage of Thorazine(R) and/or Haldol(R) instead. Yes Tony, these powerful drugs will help you, and I think that it may help you become more positive. Doing things like painting cool pictures, and singing way off-key. It still sounds good - but different, well the same tone in the songs we hear gets boring, so change is always good for us. These are just some perfect examples and this is based on my observations of my cousin's mental health patients that she treats very well, as you can see if you want, by e-mailing you some pictures of these very happy people. Remember Tony, Captures does not want to hurt you. That is truly your PARANOIA in that troubled mind of yours, speaking those crazy lies that you told about Captures, to you. Tony, you need to understand that, Captures' job is only to help you and our thousands of other customers that we have to make lots more money than you are right now in your future online venture. Okay? Good boy.......... Tony, why don't you set an appointment with me, by hosting a decent lunch at McCormick and Schmitz here in Seattle, Washington, and I will give you a pat on the back. How's that, sweetheart? At least you will get the rare privilage, so budget and plan our rendezvous accordingly. HEY TONY! Do you want me to help you save your money on this scheduled appointment? I think a single-day round-trip airfare should do. Nah, just stay in California, you retarded loser... I'll just eat there TODAY with my new boyfriend, and we will think about you instead. Mainly thinking about the funds that you gave us at Captures, via your Signed Contract Obligation. HA HA HA HA HA! - giggle - You are dismissed, Tony.... ---Because Captures has LOTS of WORK to do.... P.S. Remember to pay your Bill, and you will get our Thrill, so you need to Chill, and stop being so Mentally Ill.... - wink -

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