  • Report:  #54487

Complaint Review: Websmart Interactive\Vertex One Benefits Group - Charleston South Carolina

Reported By:
- Stoon, Saskatchewan,

Websmart Interactive\Vertex One Benefits Group
164 Market St Suite 374, Charleston, 29401 South Carolina, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Well where do I Start? WebSmart Interactive claims to be a teleservices company well it was, at one point, until BUZZ STITZER came along. I met Buzz on a couple occasions, talk about low in the gene pool of life come on " Buzz " is that a name or some bee hanging around? Your sting hurt hundereds of employees. Sorry to get off track. To start, WebSmart Interactive( a teleservice firm ) is Vertex One, but unfortunately we found out a bit too late, myself and hundereds of other sales reps were led to believe it's legitimacy. We used to call for a company called Global Financial, a credit Restoration company, that offered products and services for $ 221.95, you can imagine the obscene money we made for Global with roughly setting up 400 people a day to take the service. A few months after calling for Global, our General Manager came to work and said " We were no longer calling for Global due the the high amount volume we produced. " So he proceeded to explain that we were now calling for a new company named...VERTEX ONE BENEFITS GROUP, which coincidently, was 100% exactly the same offer with the execption it was $2.01 cheaper! Obiviously, you don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to figure things out here, Buzz-Boy saw the cash we made for Global and Dollar Signs flashed in his (one good)eye...you know, like in the cartoons...you see what we are getting at. Buzzy made yet another STUPID LaME buisness...one of many in my expeirence with WebSmart. Buzz if you read this, go flip burgers at McD's where for Gods SAKE! You can't screw that up! Maybe I give you too much credit here...but hey, I'm just trying to be fair! To make a long story short ( I could go on forever here...but I wasted enough time thinking of this place ) we all showed up to ork April 23, to have a note staring at us in the face, telling us they closed the buisnees down. NICE...especially to those who have family to feed and a financial obligations to meet. Obviously they couldn't meet their financial obligations when the company doesn't really exist!!!! ANYONE THAT GAVE OUT BANKING INFO FROM A TELEMARKETER REPRESENTING VERTEX ONE BENEFITS GROUP AND YOUR DRAFT DATE HAS NOT YET COME....CALL YOUR BANK IMMEDIATELY AND PUT A STOP TO YOU PAYMENT...SO BUZZ CAN'T TAKE YOUR CASH A RUN!!!! FOR THOSE WHO WERE RIPPED OFF...on behalf of myself and the other sales reps....we are sorry, we didn't know it was a scam until it was too late. I will leave this rant now with words of wisdom to ANYONE who hires Buzz Stitzer...make his cheques payable to WebSmart Interactive Telephone Rep Fund . Thank you. Deanok Stoon, Saskatchewan

U.S.A. Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Global Financial

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