Dallas,#2Consumer Comment
Fri, January 09, 2009
I just got done taking this training and found Larry and his team to be very sincere and helpful. I'm new to real estate investing and they gave me the training and support I need. I can call them anytime and they'll help me. I just thought people should hear the other side of the coin.
Rhome,#3Consumer Comment
Fri, December 19, 2008
I went to the seminar and heard the pitch. It was good enough for me and I went to the training - I just got back. I think Mr. Holder deserves someone to speak on his behalf instead of this person who didn't even go through the training. After going through the seminar, I am convinced this is the right business to be in and it's the right time. I am ordering business cards today. I have 2 neighborhoods targeted that I will drive and find out what is going on. On Tuesday the Records Clerk at the Courthouse is giving me a CD with all the foreclosures for this month. I have two Realtor friends that I am certain will help me with Comps and also with what and where the 3-2-2 houses, ranging from $80 to $150k, are selling etc. I can't wait to get started and I'm glad to have met Larry Holder and joined him.