  • Report:  #1157714

Complaint Review: Wells Fargo Bank - Nationwide

Reported By:
Gregory - Plano, Texas,

Wells Fargo Bank
Nationwide, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?



I have been with Wells Fargo since the early 90s (join account with my mom when I was under 18)

I have been having a lot of trouble lately after losing my job and have been prioritizing where my money should go so I can make ends meet and still have what I need to look for a job and provide what I can.


Apparently according to Wells Fargo bank confirmed to me by a Mr. Luke Bolander a supervisor in the collections portion of Wells Fargo, when your account runs behind farther then 45 days they are authorized to take whatever money they can from your account and leave you with as little as possible. This was unknown to me as I have made timely payments for nearly 9 years. 

Yes I know I have gotten the debts but why kick a man while hes down. I explained the situation to the company weeks before telling them that as soon as I found a job I would contact them again to get the account up to speed and back on track. NO ONE TOLD ME ABOUT THEM BEING ABLE TO TAKE MY FIANCES MONEY AND LEAVING US WITH LESS THAN 50 DOLLARS. 

Had I known this, I would have made every pre-caution to try to avoid it instead of having to looking into our join account and find out they have taken what little money we have trying to make it to the next day.

We all run through hard times and sometimes need a little time to catch up, unfortunately for me Wells Fargo decided to take money that was not mine, and leave us with very little to go by.

If you ever run through tough times, and have a joint account with wells fargo, make sure to remove yourself or close the account if you run into the same situation I am running into now, they don't care about you, Mr. Bolander was more worried about collecting money and using the fine print as a reason for what they are doing.





5 Updates & Rebuttals


Yes You Did Authorize This!

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, June 27, 2014

Apparently, what you're saying in a round-about way is you have a checking account with WFC as well as some tyupe of credit account.  When you agreed to terms of the checking account, you agreed to the "Right of Offset" provision which means WFC can go into your checking account to pay your other obligation to them.  No, I don't work for them.


Right of Offset

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, June 27, 2014

What you are dealing with is known as the "Right of(to) Offset".  This is where a Financial Institution has the right to take money from one account to pay for a delinquency in another account.  Oh and before you think this is unique to Wells Fargo, every single bank and loan has this same condition. 

I have been having a lot of trouble lately after losing my job and have been prioritizing where my money should go so I can make ends meet and still have what I need to look for a job and provide what I can.

 I explained the situation to the company weeks before telling them that as soon as I found a job I would contact theem again to get the account up to speed and back on track.

- And can you please show us where in the terms of the loan/line of credit/credit card you got it said you could set when and how much they get paid if times got "rough".  Let me help you out and save you time...there is NO such term.  You made a legal agreement to pay a certain amount at certain times.  If you fail to do this YOU are in default and are subject to other actions.


- Well yes this is in the Terms of the account.  

Had I known this, I would have made every pre-caution to try to avoid it instead of having to looking into our join account and find out they have taken what little money we have trying to make it to the next day.

- While it is in writing that says they may take this action, no bank will ever tell you they are about to do it.  Why?  Because of your statement above.  Had they informed you when they were going to do this, the "precaution" you would have taken was to withdraw the money, which defeats the purpose of this.

We all run through hard times and sometimes need a little time to catch up, unfortunately for me Wells Fargo decided to take money that was not mine, and leave us with very little to go by.

- Guess what you are getting married, so learn the new word "ours".  This was used by both you and your Fiance and it was YOUR money as well..as much as you don't want to admit it.  But even if every penny was your fiance money, she used it only for her needs...it was still in a JOINT account and they had every legal right to take it. 

One other question...just how much is your wedding costing?



#4General Comment

Thu, June 26, 2014

 It may not be YOUR actual money, but YOUR name is on the account which makes the money yours. If you check your paperwork you will see that ANY account that YOUR name is on is fair game when it comes to collections. Like I said, YES IT SUCKS!!!! But as far as they are concerned if YOUR name is on the account then whatever is in that account is available to pay what you owe. This is WHY you don't get a joint account. If you want to secure your money in the future then keep it under your mattress. It is unfortunate but it IS what you agreed to. We get it, its someone elses cash. The bank doesn't see it that way. Kinda like any debt you have while married is SHARED with your partner. Its one of the reasons I myself have yet o get married. My woman has THOUSANDS of dollars in medical bills from useless/fruitless/hypochondriac emergency room visits. I cant marry her until either her debt is cleared or she files for bankruptcy. Same thing holds true with joint accounts. If say your woman dropped her paycheck in there, but since a joint account means multiple people, her checks makes it in but is IMMEDIATLY removed due to a collections issue. Its HER money but you two SHARE the account. Yes it sucks. YES!!! Its a horrible situation to have to be in. BUT ITS NOT A RIPOFF!!

Your report is a kneejerk reaction to the situation. Youre letting anger override your common sense. Take a few deep breaths and then MOVE ON!!!!! There is NO WAY to get back monies removed for what you owed the bank. All you can do is REMOVE yourself from the joint account and have any free cash put into your PERSONAL account. OR pay them off and get them out of your life. Your only real option is going to be some form of loan. Maybe a family member can help you out so you don't get into a WORSE situation by getting a payday loan. maybe you can pawn something instead. I don't know. What I do know is that its perfectly legal for them to do as they have done. Financial law is pretty strict. Banks KNOW this and do everything in their power to avoid any lawsuit over money issues. Banks don't get the same pass in a court room that a private citizen gets. Other then a govt bail out......... You like many other Americans fall into that "sign here" trap. YOU sign away never realizing WHAT you are signing away. I take ANY chance I get to read WHATEVER I am being asked to sign. Im kinda partial to camping on the couch with some soup and a blanket and REALLY digging into paperwork I have been asked to sign. This way atleast I have a good idea as to what I agreed to.


I owe them money, but they are taking money that is not mine.

#5Author of original report

Thu, June 26, 2014

I am filing a report for the fact they are taking money out of the bank account without authorization it's not my money they are taking which is why I posted this to begin with.


How long....

#6General Comment

Thu, June 26, 2014

 Exactly how long are YOU expecting THEM to wait for what you owe them?? They gave you 45 days+. So stop your whining as YOU have NOT been ripped off. This is the cost of NOT paying what you owe in the timely manner that is asked of you.. WHY is it that its ALWAYS the businesses fault because YOU are a deadbeat?? THEY did their part, they loaned you money at a time when YOU NEEDED IT!!! Why is it so reprehensible that THEY want their money?? YOU must be a sociopath. THEY are the only ones who can sit there and think like YOU DO!! If this was YOUR money that was owed to you, and YOU had waited more then a month for a payment, and the person who owes you that money gives you money to hold onto but its NOT a payment. Exactly how long would YOU wait to get paid? Probably not as long as they have waited. Yes it SUCKS!!!! But!!! THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!! You even say it in the opening of your post................I have been having a lot of trouble lately after losing my job and have been prioritizing where my money should go so I can make ends meet and still have what I need to look for a job and provide what I can.............So the choices YOU have made has put you in this situation. YOU have not been ripped off. YOU signed the paperwork that allowed them to do this. If you did not know they could do this to you, then that means that you NEVER read the information you were signing at the bank. They gave you paperwork to take home. If you did not read this, how can THEY be held responsible. YOU AGREED TO IT!!!!! Yes it sucks, but there is NOTHING you can do about it. YOU agreed to this. YOU chose to hold off on making a payment. YOU get to suffer with this until you get caught up.

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