  • Report:  #40799

Complaint Review: Wells Fargo Bank - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
- Chandler, Arizona,

Wells Fargo Bank
www.wellsfargo.com Phoenix, 85224 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My report is concerning Wells Fargo, their innacurate on-line banking information, and how one small mistake cost me over $600 worth of overdraft fees in two days!!!

Wells Fargo makes it a point to advertise that they have a wonderful on-line service that we can use to keep better track of our money/accounts. What they don't advertise is that this information is innacurate and cannot be used by the consumer to determine bank balances or verify any account activity.

My account apparently was slightly overdrawn on a Friday - a fact that I was not aware of, since I had been on-line checking my account on Friday evening, and I still had quite a positive balance. Knowing I had written a check that would probably clear, I went on-line early Saturday morning and transferred funds from my savings to my checking to cover that amount. I then went online again and transferred $100 more just to be on the safe side and to have some extra cash for the weekend.

Over the weekend, I used my ATM card to get gas, we went on a short trip and purchased $2.00 here and $4.00 there worth of snacks, etc. We ate out several times....you get the picture. At no point, during this weekend, did my ATM card ever deny a transaction - nor should it have (or so I thought)

I have direct deposit for my paycheck, which went in to our account the following Monday evening. On Tuesday, when checking our account to be sure our deposits went through, I was HORRIFIED to find that my account had been assessed OVER 20 $31.00 overdraft fees, totalling over $600 in FEES that had accumulated in two days!!!! I am a single mother of two - I can't describe to you how used and robbed and cheated and ANGRY I felt!!!

I called customer service immediately and calmly proceeded to explain the situation to a very rude young man ( have his name for future reference) who began talking down to me once he saw that this had happened to be previously (yes, this is not the first time the time difference has screwed me)- his basic help was to tell me that I need to keep better track of my money and not write bad checks. He said there was a note in the computer to not allow any more courtesy fee reversals on my account, and he would not change it.

I let my boyfriend call back and do his best to talk to these people, but still did not matter. Their argument was that we had funds in our account on Friday, my deposits, while showing up as available to me and allowing me to access them all weekend, did not post until Monday - at which time fees had already accumulated from Friday (I guess they posted a check on Monday that effected my Friday balance??) so I became overdrawn on Monday, at which time all the transactions I had made over the weekend had been assessed a $31.00 fee each. At which point, depleted my account on Monday and caused it to be overdrawn again (more fees) until my direct deposit went through Monday night at Midnight.

My argument was, if I had made a mistake and missed recording a check in my ledger, and somehow managed to have it post on Friday and cause my funds to be overdrawn - why not just return the check, charge me for it, and not allow any activity to occur in my account until it was positive again? I am not arguing that paying a fee for a bounced check is a problem - I will do that. It will make me more careful in the future.

But $600.00 is horribly EXCESSIVE - it's a red flag to me that this company deliberately sets it's systems up in a way to gauge and rob it's consumers blind - AND THEY GET AWAY WITH IT!!!! If I didn't have sufficient funds to post a check, why was I allowed to used my ATM card all weekend - does that money not come out of the very same account??? If I make a transfer/deposit on Saturday - and I have access to that money ON SATURDAY - why doesn't the bank?

How can they say they post it on Monday???? If that's true, then don't allow ME access to it either - that might just clue me in that all is not right with my account, that I need to check it and make some more financial arrangements, and FIX IT??!!! But if I had been alerted of this a day earlier, it would have cost them about $300.00- so I guess I can see why they set it up that way.

And as far as any rebuttals from employees saying "if you didn't write bad checks, this wouldn't happen" - sorry. That's not good enough. You know, I know, and everyone else that this has happened to knows that this is excessive, unethical, and hopefully down the line, illegal. I get online constantly to monitor my account so this very thing DOESN'T happen - and the information I got from the last rude CSR I spoke with was that I shouldn't rely on their online services for my account information. That it's my fault I depended on that information to help manage my account - my question now is...... THEN WHY IS IT THERE???

My goal is to get my money back - I have to pay my rent and my kid's chilcare this month. I don't know how the people that are in control (or is it the computers that are in control??) can sleep at night in their expensive beds knowing that they are making their living robbing families out of money they work hard to get and depend on to be in their account when they put it in there.


Chandler, Arizona

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Wells Fargo Bank

21 Updates & Rebuttals


affect the cause convience is no substitute for integrity

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, September 10, 2004

The best idea is not to give your hard earned cash to the banking system. We are aptly able to handle our finances ourselves. convience is no substitute for integrity.what energy surrounds banks and money?. Keep the faith,Corey,there is a much bigger picture.


Baxter Springs,
Find a small home town bank or credit union

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, July 08, 2003

There must be some prestige in banking at one of the major banking institutions, otherwise, why would any one pay all their outlandish fees. I have smaller bank that has branches in only 2 states. If I make a mistake and have any NSF checks or debits they clear them from the smallest to the largest to minimize fees. I only pay $15 per if they bounce and if they debits that come to my account without any fees. overdraw I pay $15.93 plus a few cents interest for the time I was overdrawn. Also, if the deposit is only a memo credit, (not yet post to the account) I can draw on that money as well as use it towards other checks or If it is available to me then it available to pay my checks without penalty. If a hold is put on a check that I have deposited, then there is no memo credit for 3 days until the check clears and that is noted on my deposit slip receipt. This only occurs if I deposit a personal check from someone with a check number below 2000 or has been with their current bank for less than 2 years. From what I read, it sounds like the bank post debits to your account before they posted the deposit which is not right. Deposits are to be posted first before the debits. I don't understand how banks are charging $30-35 for returned check fees. If I remeber correctly, the law states that the bank can't charge these fees to "punnish" but only to cover their cost of processing the return check. Good luck finding a new bank. Just a suggesting, have the person opening your account go over and review whith you all the disclosures...LINE BY LINE.

Your Neighbor

If You're Still Bank Shopping ...

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, July 07, 2003

Corry, I came across your complaint about Wells Fargo while searching US BANK, with whom I am having an identical problem. I was a long time customer of Firstar Bank (never had any problems) which was bought by US BANK (the problems never end.) As a result of being surprised with endless fees and charges I began monitoring my checking and savings account daily on their website. In fact, I printed a copy every day for a month so I could compare the day-to-day transactions for the checking account. One particular Friday I began with a positive balance and also made a deposit with the bank teller. Being aware of the check clearing process, the next morning I went online and transferred money from savings to checking. ALL funds in the savings acct had been cleared for well over a month so this was a clean "cash" transfer. I used my debit card all weekend only to discover on the following Tuesday that I had been assessed $29 fees for every swipe of the card for 3 days. Apparently the transfer from savings to checking was "deposited pending verification of funds"!!!! And of course the check I deposited was "deposited pending verification of funds" and the positive balance I started with was eaten by the first of several $29 fees. After this fiasco and run around, I checked several months of bank statements only to discover that it also seems to be a common practice to hold deposits. I have deposit receipts which often appear on my statement 2-3 days later than the deposit was made. These banks are raiding our accounts for fees, then bouncing checks generating even more fees ... it's a vicious circle. I just wanted to warn you about US BANK. I also have a friend here in AZ who banks with WASHINGTON MUTUAL and she tells the same horror stories. Presently I am waiting for everything to clear in my checking and I plan to close the account. Good luck to you, and if you find a good little neighborhood bank here in AZ, let me know. By the way - Justin and friends - I am a well educated professional woman earning over 60K annually. I'm no dumbass. The bank industry has changed dramatically in the last 20 years ... but you probably weren't born yet.


those stage coaches were robbed by outlaws, but by Wells Fargo officials

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, June 12, 2003

I believe that back in the days of the old west none of those stage coaches were robbed by outlaws, but by Wells Fargo officials so they can steal their own customer's money. Why stop a good thing now?


Pleasant Hill,
The Main Point

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, June 12, 2003

"My argument was, if I had made a mistake and missed recording a check in my ledger, and somehow managed to have it post on Friday and cause my funds to be overdrawn - why not just return the check, charge me for it, and not allow any activity to occur in my account until it was positive again?" Corry, Banks claim they are extending a courtesy when they allow you to continue to accrue overdrawn fees. I believe it to be completely unethical. They are providing you a loan you do not want so that they can charge you $30 for each and every transaction, until you realize days later what has occurred. You're shocked and surprised that this has happened probably because you never overdraw your account and you rightly assumed that the first check that attempted to go thru with unsufficient funds would be bounced and the account rendered inactive until positive again. Such a simple point, but banks make no money by going down the common sense road on this issue, so they pass it off as a courtesy and provide their csr's with the cookie cutter answers that only make you realize how ridiculously unethical the bank is to their customers. I can relate 'cause this just happened to me on a smaller scale but same concept. And I'm about to give my bank branch a loud lesson in ethics.


New Mexico,
Re: Finding another bank

#7Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 10, 2003

Hi Corry. My husband and I had been customers of Norwest bank for over 4 years when they merged with Wells Fargo. We did not have any problems with Norwest Bank at all. But when Wells Fargo merged with Norwest, we started having problems with our account. All of our problems were resolved with Wells Fargo. When we moved to a smaller town, we looked for a locally owned bank that is not a Nationwide chain. We found one and have had no problems at all. So if you could possibly find a locally owned bank or maybe even a credit union, that would probably be the best. I have heard that some of the big banks are starting to charge customers for going inside the bank and talking to a teller. Good luck finding a new bank.


Corey's Defense

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, April 08, 2003

I have read through this thread with great dismay. Corey, regardless of whether your bank "error" was intentional or not, you do not have to defend yourself and your children against such spurious commentary as posted here. I have had a similar situation with my bank and discovered in the process of resolution that the greatest lack of cooperation came from the low level CSRs in Customer Service. They all seemed to be young people with attitudes very similar to those posted here by alleged Wells Fargo employees. In the future, should anyone need to resolve banking problems, call Customer Service and ask to speak to a supervisor immediately. Do not discuss the problem with the first kid who answers the call. Get a mature individual on the other end of your receiver and your problem will be solved much quicker and more amiably. Good luck to you and your children, Corey!


I did the same thing, but...

#9Consumer Suggestion

Sun, March 16, 2003

I also am a consumer of Wells Fargo, almost 6 years and have only had one problem to speak of. I have direct deposit and once in a blue moon use the direct deposit advance that is available to me. Well, one Friday, because I knew I was going away for the weekend, in addition to my just deposited paycheck, transferred an additional sum from the direct deposit advance. Me and my infinite wisdom, went on my trip, had a terrific time and came home thinking everything was fine. OOPS!!!Imagine my surprise when I got an overdraft notice in the mail. I ALWAYS keep my checkbook balanced BUT I discovered since I made the advance on the same day as the deposit(which didn't actually post til Monday, the fee and the amount were taken out because it was considered THE NEXT DEPOSIT. My only defense was I had NO idea that's how it was done BUT I paid the fees. I am alot more aware of fine print now. I am still with them because outside of that, they are a good bank, they did refund my overdraft fees which alone equaled $93, but I had to pay the checks that had come through. And I no longer do the direct deposit advance EVER. It taught me a lesson and I laugh about it now, am too darn old not to laugh about it. I know I'll probably get blasted for this post, but God bless you and God bless America. Good Luck everyone.



#10Consumer Suggestion

Sun, March 09, 2003

I don't work for Wells Fargo, but I do work as a level four Banker (Not a teller)at their direct competitor, BANK ONE. I understand you will be "shopping" for a new bank, well sorry to say all overdraft fees are comperable where ever you may take yourself. It is your obligation and reward to maintain a register of all of your activity, if you read our Rules and Regs book, as well as that of Wells, and B of A, you will find almost no difference in our policys and rules. When you overdraw your account and we do not return your item, you are basically taking out a loan without our permission, basically stealing not the banks money but the money of your fellow depositers. I agree that are fees for overdrawing your account are pretty steep, but ultimatly the reponsibility for maintaining your account falls on you not the bank. If you had maintained your register, you would have known precisley how much money is in your account at all times. Online Banking and the automated systems provide both a "current balance" and an "available balance". Your current balance was your final balance when the bank "closed their books" on the last business day, your available is what you may draw against up to the minute. If you truely observed online banking and the VRU and had understood that all banks hold an authorization amount for one day then you would have seen that your available was inflated the next day when the hold fell off, duh if you didnt make a deposit and your balance was higher the next day than it was the previous day, why would you think that money was there for you to spend? Could it be that perhaps you were being, dare I say it...DISHONEST and hoping that the bank made mistake that you thought you could capitalize on, sorry hon, welcome to the computer age, WE ARE NEVER WRONG. And thats why, sorry Wells, we are Arizona's Best Bank. Also we WON'T reverse your fees like wells did; our perspective is this: As a federally monitered entity, we are required to be fair and consistant with our policys and proceedures, what we charge our premier clients we will also charge you, and you can rest assured, that the fees that wont be reversed for you will not be reversed for the wealthiest of customers in other words, if we can't and wont reverse fees for our wealthiest depositers, we will certainly not reverse them for a minimum wage earning, sub-risk catagory, greesy vagabond. As for you shopping for another bank, Try Japanese owned B of A, we don't want or need your careless, sloppy money managing risking the deposits of honest depositers. Click, dial-tone, good bye, yes, on your merry way.


Just to clear something up.....

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, January 20, 2003

I wasn't going to respond, but this is rediculous. I don't know how you came to the assumption that I am on welfare, and I certainly don't know what gives you the right to insult my children when you don't know me or them...... I am a single mom because I was in a marriage for 9 years that turned violent, and I gave up my comfortable, financially secure life to get out of a situation that would have ended up with two motherless children if it had continued. My children and I have gone through more in the past 12 months than you two idiots (I'm sure you know who I'm referring to)could even fathom. How dare you infer that I am anything less than what I am - an excellent mother, an excellent employee, a person who tries in every way to do the right thing. I have not been on welfare a day in my life; I have worked since I was 14 years old and I can bet it's been a hell of a lot harder than you two ever have. I said I would get my money back, and I did. That is the most important thing. Thank you again to those that supported this post.


Just to clear something up.....

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, January 20, 2003

I wasn't going to respond, but this is rediculous. I don't know how you came to the assumption that I am on welfare, and I certainly don't know what gives you the right to insult my children when you don't know me or them...... I am a single mom because I was in a marriage for 9 years that turned violent, and I gave up my comfortable, financially secure life to get out of a situation that would have ended up with two motherless children if it had continued. My children and I have gone through more in the past 12 months than you two idiots (I'm sure you know who I'm referring to)could even fathom. How dare you infer that I am anything less than what I am - an excellent mother, an excellent employee, a person who tries in every way to do the right thing. I have not been on welfare a day in my life; I have worked since I was 14 years old and I can bet it's been a hell of a lot harder than you two ever have. I said I would get my money back, and I did. That is the most important thing. Thank you again to those that supported this post.


Los Angeles,
Common decency must not be prerequisite for employment at Wells Fargo

#13Consumer Comment

Sun, January 19, 2003

I originally posted this in response to Zack in Phoenix. I felt the need to post it again because it seems Justin and Tyrone have so much in common with Zack. It is apparent the three of you haven't attended charm school recently. In fact, it sounds as if you probably flunked out of kindergarten. I might suggest each of you obtain a copy of, "Everything I Ever Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten". Hopefully you would learn something from it. I don't know if the three of you actually are employees of Wells Fargo, or not. It seems much more likely you are employees of one of their competitors and this is a marketing technique to get Wells Fargo customers to change to another bank, hopefully yours. Believe me when I say "free checking" or the promise of a calendar for opening a new account, is not nearly the incentive to change banks as getting away from dealing with any one of you three if you worked where I did my banking. Here is what I wrote to Zack in November 2002: My response is to Zack in Phoenix. You too seem to be forgetting a minor detail. If I remember correctly, friendly, couteous, personal customer service is one of the things Wells Fargo promises when you open an account with them. The last time I checked stating, "...learn to read these things like half of the ignorant customers that complain don't do", is not exactly friendly or courteous. I guess it is personal, I'll give you that. I don't know what your position is at Wells Fargo but I would guess it would be safe to say you do not deal with grievance resolution. I haven't seen Wells Fargo's disclosures that are given when an account is opened. I would assume they are very similar to the ones I received from my bank. Mine is an 82-page, small print booklet and addendums changing or modifying this are sent enclosed with my monthly statement several times a year. I looked up in my booklet of disclosures check processing order and it is one paragraph on page 58. I also found 3 addemdums modifying this in regards to debit card purchases. If we all worked in the banking industry, or had the good fortune to be as perfect as you are Zack, we probably wouldn't incur the types of fees Ryan from Albuquerque is talking about. As you are well aware, Zack, debits are not posted in the order they occur but instead by highest to lowest amount. This can result in multiple fees being imposed for overdrafts, even though funds were present when the debit was made. Why do you think debits are posted in this manner, Zack? Is Ryan ignorant because he didn't read the small print on page 58 of his disclosures and all the addendums and notifications of changes received later? I would guess Ryan probably just forgot to debit a check he had written against his account. I know it is illegal to write bad checks and my guess is, so does he. I doubt he was writing a "bad check". I know you are perfect Zack, and have never made an error or forgotten to do anything ever in your life, but the majority of us are not perfect. The majority of us are also willing to accept the consequences of our mistakes. What I believe was discouraging to Ryan was not accepting the consequences but the severity of the consequences in comparison to his error. If I forget to debit the amount of a check I have written and the bank opts to honor it, or even if they return it, it makes since to most of us we should be charged a penalty. What occurs is ATM/Debit/Credit cards are used frequently. Banks encourage the use of their phone and on-line banking services to keep an accurate, more up to date, view of accounts. This debits are listed even when noted as pending, or recent activity, because they have not yet been posted. If Ryan made the horrific mistake of forgetting to debit a check he had written, the phone banking or on-line banking would not help at all. His balance and the banks would be the same. He knows when he made the debits the money was there and the phone banker and on-line banking would show the same thing. If then his forgotten check is received and honored by the and they deduct it before his other transactions, it can cause multiple overdrafts to be incurred. The single check he forgot to record could feasibly cause his account to be only deficient by $1.00 and this could result in perhaps $150.00 in overdraft charges in a single day. If you do not think this is excessive Zack, I do not agree. You say Ryan is ignorant because he didn't know what was in his disclosures. I think he just made a simple mistake. I also think banks are aware people make simple mistakes all of the time. If you read the dislosures yourself Zack, you will see the bank even says what they will do if they make a mistake. Do you think debits and credits are posted to accounts in the manner they are because it is easier this way or because it is beneficial to their customers? They are done this way so those of us who are not as brilliant as you are Zack, can increase their revenue. I believe it is legal, customers are notified of it through disclosures and it will continue. I do not believe it gives someone like you, Zack, the right to be a smart-a*s. I work in health care Zack. Care to discuss what is covered under your medical insurance plan and we can see if you are aware of and understand all benefits and exclusions provided to you in the benefit information package. Steve - Los Angeles, California P.S. Dear Zack, Justin and Tyrone-Anyone of you ever get a speeding ticket? Out there in AZ where you all seem to swarm...I mean live, isn't the speed limit 70 or 75mph on the interstates? I was wondering how you'd like it if law enforcement used your logic for bank fees to apply to speeding tickets. You're out there on the interstate, toolin' along at around 77mph (in your 1976 pinto wagons) and the limit is posted at 70mph. Mr. Law Enforcement pulls you over and you get not one, but SEVEN tickets, each with a separate fine you must pay. It makes since to the three of you, right? After all, to go 77mph you must have gone 71mph, 72mph, 73mph, etc. All of those speeds were over the posted limit, too. I doubt you'd want to pay seven fines for your one infraction. Believe it or not guys, it's a very similar thing to your bank fees. Speed limit signs would be your disclosures!


Irresponsibility runs wild...

#14UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 17, 2003

I'd just like to start by saying I agree with everything that Justin said about the policies and procedures of Wells Fargo. I'd like to answer the response to his response. "Wells Fargo follows all policies set forth in all disclosures given out when any account is opened and before Wells Fargo Online Banking can be used My answer: Who do you think sets up these policies? And does following them make them ethical?" Wells Fargo set these policies up for everyone to follow the exact same way. By agreeing to use the service, following the policies is ethical. If you decide that you think the policies are wrong, you shouldn't sign up. The b*****d mother should know all policies before she agrees to anything, maybe that's why she doesn't get any child support. "He says: Wells Fargo offers Direct Deposit advance, Overdraft Protection (through a savings account or a credit card My answer: I can hear the OJays sing, Money Money Money Money...Money...Money Money Money Money....Money (add lib, In our pockets, fat fees, in our pocketses, lets get more feessss, in our pocketsesss)" If the crack mom kept a check register, she would never have to use these services provided to customers who use their checking accounts like credit cards. Overdraft protection is provided free of charge (as long as you don't use it). So, if you don't use it, you don't pay for it. The sad reality is, there are a lot more of these irresponsible scumbag women who keep pumping out children instead of working a day in their life. "He says: most banks follow the same procedures My answer: Yeah, couldnt agree more! BUT not all of them!" A majority of the customers who don't get stuck with the fees that this w***e accrued have no problem with Wells Fargo or their policies (any other bank for that matter.) What happens is, these people love to blame everyone else for their inability to do 2nd grade math. His point was that the problem was just going to follow her from bank to bank. "He says: Until you accept responsibility for your actions My answer: What responsibility are you talking about? The customer did transfer the money from her savings to checking to cover what would be coming through, PLUS $100 extra! The RESPONSIBILITY was with the bank to post this. Not just for the customer to withdraw, but for them to honor as available for the checks, when they come through. Only a very unethical and greedy bank will put a hold on a transfer from savings to checking!" The responsibility of not using your checking account like a credit card. If you don't have money, don't spend money. A transfer done on Saturday is just like any other transaction done on the weekend, it won't post until the next business day is over. Therefore, it posts sometime before Tuesday's business day. Once again, these policies aren't just made up as we go along, they were clearly explained in the disclosures given to all customers who sign up for bank accounts at Wells Fargo. No holds were placed, just waiting for regular posting of the money just like any deposit she would've made in the branch on Saturday. I guess these people cannot understand what they signed, they were too busy figuring out ways to spend money they never had. "He says: Get a clue and quit wasting my time My answer: I hope she does NOW" Me too. The simple fact of the matter is this: Had she not overdrawn her account and followed policies that she agreed to when she signed up for the account (these are regular bank procedures, developed way before 1995 or whenever that other guy decided that everyone was out to get him.) The problem is, people think that customer service means give you whatever you want. Why don't we all just charge up about $1000 on our ATM cards and blame the bank for not doing what we wanted. Let's go over some of her statements from her original complaint: "who began talking down to me once he saw that this had happened to be previously (yes, this is not the first time the time difference has screwed me)-" Obviously she's had problems with this and was well aware of the bank's procedures for business done over the weekend. This wasn't the first time the bank screwed her, but who would know better about being screwed than a mother of b*****d children? "Over the weekend, I used my ATM card to get gas, we went on a short trip and purchased $2.00 here and $4.00 there worth of snacks, etc. We ate out several times....you get the picture. At no point, during this weekend, did my ATM card ever deny a transaction - nor should it have (or so I thought)" Using your ATM card is just like writing a check, that's the whole purpose of it. When using your PIN, the card will only be declined if it is reported lost or stolen or is not activated. 20 purchases over one weekend. "Knowing I had written a check that would probably clear, I went on-line early Saturday morning and transferred funds from my savings to my checking to cover that amount" a check that would PROBABLY clear??? This shouldn't be a guessing game. YOU NEED TO KEEP A REGISTER FOR YOUR CHECKS INSTEAD OF PLAYING PIN THE TAIL ON THE b*****d CHILD when it comes to your account balance. "and the information I got from the last rude CSR I spoke with was that I shouldn't rely on their online services for my account information." No, we should all rely on our ability to record checks in our own check registers. Does this make sense to anyone but me and Justin? The policy for my bank is that if you can show that you have a check register for the last month and it is kept accurately, and it was a simple mistake, then exceptions can be made to this rule. 95% of cases don't end up this way, because people like to assume to know how much money they have instead of knowing their money to the penny. I know for a fact that if someone offered this lady $600 to keep her check register accurate for a month, she'd do it. But people always want something, and they hate it when they lose something. She never considered losing $600 for something so 'trivial' as writing down her expenditures. It's probably why she didn't think something as 'trivial' as contraceptives were necessary either. Although I can't see why they gave you your money back, I know for a fact that it will happen again, unless you learn your lesson and start doing two things: 1) Keep a check register 2) Quit having b*****d children.



#15Consumer Comment

Thu, January 16, 2003

Wow. I can imagine the way Ms. Soderberg and Ms. Winters will feel when they read the amazing response one of their local employees has posted on this site - and Justin, since I have been in contact with them all week, you better believe they will receive a copy of your response. Your efforts to undermine me are pathetic and I will not waste any more time on you than it takes to forward this link to the heads of Wells Fargo, AZ. UPDATE!!!! After appealing my case to the Vice President of Consumer Banking and Finance here in AZ, all $620 of charges were reversed as a final courtesy from Wells Fargo. I am shocked and amazed that what started out as the week from hell for me is now over and done with. Basically, while we agreed to disagree on what had taken place, someone made a decent and moral choice, and I have my life back. There are still a few good people left in Wells Fargo - Ms. Soderberg, Ms. Simper - I thank you for your time and for making it possible for me to pay my rent and give my parents back the money I had to borrow. For all of you that posted here in support - thank you so much for your words.....to know there are others out there who have gone through the same situation is a tremendous eye opener - I learned much in reading the posts on this site. I am currently in the process of finding another bank - want to get out while I can, and I will be using this website to make sure I make a good choice. Good luck to those of you who will run into these same issues, and to those of you that already have. My advice to you is to just take it to the top.



#16Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 16, 2003

Justin, it sounds to me like you have A major issue with yourself. Are you one of those disgruntled employees' from Wells Fargo that got fired because he could not handle being A big time bank teller.. I think so Justin.. Whats wrong Justin you could not handle your 20k A year big time job.. Your going off on some nice lady that you do not even know. She has alot more class than you have Justin. Take some anger management and learn to like yourself A little better Justin and maybe you can move on to something better. I am sure that Mcdonalds is hiring Justin. Go check it out that is right up your alley loser...........


Corri, what more proof do you need?

#17Consumer Suggestion

Wed, January 15, 2003

Hi Corri, I feel very sorry that you became the victim of this bank. I normally do not reply to unethical employees posting their stupidity, but I wanted you to see, that because of what he said, you should realize what an unethical bank this is. A respectful business would never hire employees who talk like that. Therefore, he works for a bank run by greedy managers. Just like I stated in my earlier post, they make you feel like youre stupid or a bum or a criminal. I guess this shill went for the Stupid and Bum response. 1) he said: read your account agreements and disclosures (stupid) 2) in a colorful way he pointed to you being a single Mom of two (bum) Im gonna show you were he is lacking! To start with he says, Wells Fargo follows all policies set forth in all disclosures given out when any account is opened and before Wells Fargo Online Banking can be used My answer: Who do you think sets up these policies? And does following them make them ethical? He says: Wells Fargo offers Direct Deposit advance, Overdraft Protection (through a savings account or a credit card My answer: I can hear the OJays sing, Money Money Money Money...Money...Money Money Money Money....Money (add lib, In our pockets, fat fees, in our pocketses, lets get more feessss, in our pocketsesss) He says: most banks follow the same procedures My answer: Yeah, couldnt agree more! BUT not all of them! He says: Until you accept responsibility for your actions My answer: What responsibility are you talking about? The customer did transfer the money from her savings to checking to cover what would be coming through, PLUS $100 extra! The RESPONSIBILITY was with the bank to post this. Not just for the customer to withdraw, but for them to honor as available for the checks, when they come through. Only a very unethical and greedy bank will put a hold on a transfer from savings to checking! He says: Get a clue and quit wasting my time My answer: I hope she does NOW


Read your Account Agreements and Disclosures...

#18UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 14, 2003

Once again, another mindless consumer goes about her daily activities blaming everyone but herself for the mistakes she makes. Wells Fargo follows all policies set forth in all disclosures given out when any account is opened and before Wells Fargo Online Banking can be used. Maybe your actions explain your b*****d children. I pity their fatherS who have to deal with your blameless banter that spews from your grill. Wells Fargo offers Direct Deposit advance, Overdraft Protection (through a savings account or a credit card) and you can even link a line of credit up to cover any moronic mistakes you make writing bad checks. Unfortunately for you, most banks follow the same procedures, so you'd have the same problems at any bank you went to. It would be easy to assume that you wouldn't learn your lesson from $600 in overdraft fees, you didn't even learn your lesson from two welfare babies you're having a hard time supporting because your mishandling of your money has set you back to the lowliest of spots: borrowing money from other people who don't have it. Until you accept responsibility for your actions, and admit you suck at keeping a check register, you deserve the punishment of non-stop basketball commentary from Bill Walton. Wells Fargo doesn't want you, Wells Fargo doesn't need you. Get a clue and quit wasting my time holding up Customer Service Reps who can help my customers who actually have money. See ya on ChexSystems!


Things have changed

#19Consumer Suggestion

Mon, January 13, 2003

Hi Corry Things have changed. Way back in 1995 I realized that something was changing in the way Banks and Credit Card Co's were doing business. I didn't know how or why. I don't keep up with politics, or too much of the news because it is depressing. However, I did notice that things changed by the way they were responding to my business with them. They responded by treating me like I'm stupid or a Bum or a criminal. So, therefore, I decided: THEY were all of the above! Way back in 1995 I closed my account with Capital One because they were trying to do to me all of the scams I've been reading about on this website. I closed my Citibank Credit Card because of not posting payments on time etc, basically doing all the scams they are doing now with a 'business as usual attitude'. I closed my Credit Union Bank account because after doing flawless business with them for over 2 years they couldn't even approve me for a car loan! I got rid of anyone who wasn't doing right BY ME! Loyalty means nothing anymore (except maybe your family). Since I noticed this in 1995, they have just perfected their scams and found even more loopholes. You MUST realize that this bank is scamming you out of your hardearned money. You put the money from your savings to your checking. There is no hold on that! That is ridiculous! Forget about the money that was coming in monday. They should have credited your transferred money right away. BUT because they saw an opportunity to scam you, THAT is what they did. Get rid of them and don't look back. You will have the last laugh! Find out from your friends whom they are banking with and their experience. You may find a really great bank! Elvera PS: I am just a fearless as Marlene from Miami who is fighting with OCWEN. I look forward to read her posts!


Big lawsuit for Wells Fargo, state of California

#20Consumer Comment

Sun, January 12, 2003

hi-- You might want to do an internet search for more details on the "juicy tidbit" Wells Fargo post dated 1/11/03. There is a 38 million dollar lawsuit against Wells Fargo by the State of California on behalf of over 15 thousand California customers. If the details are similar to your case, I bet getting a refund just got easier. Good luck to you.



Sat, January 11, 2003

Yes - I do have direct deposit and have to forward the full amount allowed to clear my bills - my direct deposit had already covered the amount that was deducted, but in order to afford my bills, I have to now advance myself the maximum allowed as well as borrow money (how humiliating) to make sure my other bills will all clear. In this situation, I had electronically transferred money from my savings account - on Saturday - to my checking account......the money was already in their bank and showed up instantly on my online register as available to use - their response that it didn't actually post until Monday seems rediculous. If the money is in their bank already - shows up instantly online as being accessible to me - why does it "post" on Monday? My guess is that no only was it Monday, but that it was Monday evening - I would not be surprised if it was the very last transaction done that day, so they could incurr as many $31.00 charges as possible before showing my account to be positive again. If they posted it late Monday, even that amount would not have been sufficient to cover all the charges which had been incurred on that day. I am currently pursuing steps to have these charges reversed. Corry Chandler, Arizona


I hate Wells Fargo, BUT...

#22Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 09, 2003

If you have Direct Deposit, have you signed up for the Direct Deposit Advance? They have that and you can get an advance of $300 to $500 depending on income and they charge a fee. That would have kept you out of overdraft. They just debit that from your account when your Direct Deposit goes in.

We had Wells-Fargo when we first got married, kept reasonably high balances, but they STILL nickle and dime you to death. They had to go. But please be sure to clear your overdraft, as they WILL put you in Chex-systems and once that happens, you would not be able to get an account ANYWHERE for five years.

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