  • Report:  #422249

Complaint Review: West Corp. - Huntsville Alabama

Reported By:
- Ardmore, Alabama,

West Corp.
11808 Miricle Hills Drive Huntsville, 35780 Alabama, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have been working for West Corp. in Huntsville, AL for nearly two years. The past three weeks have been much like a slave labor camp.

I would first like to mention on my report that I noticed no one else has talked about. The Benefits. West Corp does not have medical benefits for the employees. It offers us a discount program that would surly put a blind man inside a mouse trap if he were to sign up with them. Example: If the employee has a heart attack and goes to the hospital, West benefits would only pay $1500.00 for an open heart surgery. Most folks know that is an average cost of nearly 2 hundred thousand dollars today.

The next thing. Most of the time I have been with West has not been too bad, but over the past three weeks they are requiring us to not only log on and off by use of the computers but also report to someone who has a notebook and pin to write our names on and off the floor. This includes going to the bathrooms.

Next they are holding our shifts and forcing us to work 30 minutes everyday for the next month. Which is not so bad (cause it is after all extra money we all need at this time) What is slave about it is the fact that they are not allowing us to take our lunches and breaks by the times that the computer has us schedualed. They are holding them 30 miutes to an hour over on each of them.

Today really topped a red flag with me. I was on the phones for more than four hours before taking my first break which turned into lunch. It was another 4 hours before I was able to take my first 10 minute break for the day and it turned into a 20 minute break because they would not let me go to my first 10 minute break two hours after I had came back from lunch. This is because Tammy L and Kim W. wants to walk you to the bathrooms and to your braeks every time you turn around.

They are doing a lot of us like that on top of having to clock in and out on both the computer and on their notebook. On another note, the supervisor over the quality control is now comming around on the floor and telling us we do not have the time to document the calls. It should have been done in the time of the call.

Now folks, espeically the ones who work in the healthcare departments please tell me how to document a full claims call in under a 300 second time frame when it takes you four minutes to bring the claim up in imaging system, which we have to open and close each time we have a call or it times out, then we have to be claims experts because Pacificare/ Secure Horizons pays their claims department to denie as many claims as possible to make a commition for the employees. And most of the time it is not documented in a easy location to find it.

Then on the peak of the moutain we have computer systems that are still running in the 15 year old DOS that most of America no longer knows anything at all about them because the company refuses to purchase new software equipment. Plus the computers we have only have 60 to 80 gigs in them to run programs that would lock up my Vista system, with 2 tigs in it, if I were to put that many open screen on it at one time. On the average day I ususally have to have more than 40 screens open for general use(not counting the five more for claims).

West Corp will not pay their employees for the work we do as it is. We use to be able to handle one type of healthcare plan. EX: PPO, HMO, EPO, APO, SECURE HORIZONS OR SENIOR SUPPLIMENTAL PLANS. Now we are required to be versital in all of the area's, never make a mistake or we can loose our jobs and be able to keep the call under 300 seconds and the pay has not been raised one single penny while this company is putting 57.1 Billion Dollars into their pockets in the last Quarter alone.

LOL, no not one penny in a pay raise. Instead they offer to give away a 42 inch HD TV, but you have got to pick up their extra hours of work to qualify for that.

GEEEEESSSSSS people, if I do my job and come back from breaks on time and I do not lay out just because I want to then put in on my check each week instead of bribbing me.

In the long run, West Corp uses people any way they can make a dollar for themselves and for the employees, I guess we can also feel the end of the fork as they pock it up our tails deeper and deeper each day.



Ardmore, Alabama


1 Updates & Rebuttals

me in Wisconsin

Slave workers Huntsville Alabama

#2Author of original report

Wed, April 08, 2009

This is an update to the first report I placed on the site. There was a lot of miscommunication that had occurred and I want to take a minute to correct myself. First of all, I was in the wrong for saying names or pointing fingers. I was not told of what was going on and like a cornered animal I fought back by speaking my mind. Since that time, we are working together to try to resolve the main issues I had addressed. The main points I had made before was: 1. The Bathroom Breaks 2. The Benefits for the employees 3. The DOS Systems 4. Added work without the pay increase. At the time I wrote the letter I was very upset with what was going on at my current place of employment. WE, the employees, were not told that they where experimenting with our facility for a new monitoring system. The only thing we were told is what you will do and what you will not do. We finally received an email near the end of February which let us in on the fact we were being used as an experiment. Speaking for many people there, if we had been told about the experiment upfront, we would have been glad to participate and the extra pressure and emotional turmoil we all felt would not have progressed to the anger, stress and dissatisfaction we all felt at that time. My personal issue was having to ask someone when I could go to the bathroom. I have not lived at home in more than 25 years and did not want to be treated like a child still in preschool. If I had known what was going on I would have been more than glad to give my full cooperation to the company. I have been raised up in the public services field. At the store my parents worked when I was a child, I was highly influenced by both the military and by the local police. I have taken both high school and college courses in Psychology. I have learned that it is human nature which causes us to lash out when we are placed in a corner, much like an animal defenses. When a human being knows what to expect or why something is being done they are more likley to accept the changes and the new rules to the books. A sudden change sets off a warning sign and when it is unexpected or without a reason it can alter behavior in many ways. The benefits: Sadly but true, I cannot take back my anger for the lack of benefits the company has, nor can I change the issue to help future employees. I signed up with the health benefits and after receiving the summery of benefits I had learned that they were merely a supplemental package. For an example; my husband has degenerative disk disease of the spine. He has already had two neck surgeries and is possibly going to need another one. According to the summery of benefits the Health Insurance coverage would pay $1000/year per schedule leaving us with a balance of over $150,000.00 to pay out of our pockets. I am looking at the schedule of surgical procedures as I am writing this and will be more than glad to email anyone who asks for a copy of it. The computer systems: Sadly to say again, I cannot change this for myself or others. The company updated the computers but not the software. The software is the big issue here. Some of the software is still in DOS format. I do not want to point fingers at who is responsible for the software. Everyone in America knows we have a lot of issues when it comes to the American health issues. The government knows we have a problem, but they do not know how to correct it. I am not going to say that the software used by health insurance is the problem. I am going to say that it does have a hand in the problem when the older software is not compatible with the newer computer systems. My last issue, the added work without the added pay equals more stress to the employees. When anyone is given extra work it applies stress to the mind and soul until the new job is learned. Now here is the catcher, more work, more stress, no added pay, no increase in the time to get the job done (that we have been told), having to stay within a given time and provide the best possible customer service a company has to offer and having to ask to go to the bathroom when your bladder is about to flood the Mississippi River. MY question: How would you feel or react to the situation? Final thoughts, I regret the fact that I said a few names and hurt a few feelings by using the first Amendment Rights. My first letter has caught a lot of attention that it should have in some ways and should not have in other ways. I said in my first letter that the company I work for had been great before the sudden changes brought on in January of 2009. I meant it. I had loved my job until that time and would still love the company if they had informed me and the other employees of their intent to inforce a new monitoring system. A simple email sent out to the workers would have saved a lot of emotional turmoil. I know that even though I am writing a recantation letter as a way to defend the companies that I have placed in harm, I also know that I can be fired on the spot for placing the names in the letter to begin with. The names of the people and the companies were wrong for me to mention. I will be an adult and admit I was wrong in doing that to everyone who reads this letter. The facts and actions that have been a result of a bad reaction, I cannot be responsible for nor can I change as I have mentioned in each of the main issues above. I am willing to say I am sorry to those I may have hurt for giving out their names. Unfortunately facts are facts for the issues that not only our company faces, but millions of stock owner held companies around the world face each and every day. FACT: Without the employees you have no company. FACT: Without companies, employees have no jobs. This is a two way street and no one on the road wants to be just a number or referred to as a seat (as was told by a supervisor from a company rep).

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