  • Report:  #690016

Complaint Review: Westlake Financial - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
Jennifer - , Ohio, United States of America

Westlake Financial
PO BOX 54807 Los Angeles, 90054 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Due to health problems that left us with incredible medical bills we had to file for bankruptcy three years ago. This makes it very difficult to obtain financing. We were in need of a vehicle and the Ford dealership we went to did everything they could to help us. The were able to get us financing through Westlake Financial.

We should have known from the beginning that they were not reputable company and would be nothing but a pain to deal with. It took me two days to make the first payment and a bunch of loops to jump through to get them to take the payment.

First, they changed the due date for the payment, making it earlier than what is on the contract we signed.

We have had a difficult couple of months with a very sick child and a new baby. This made working difficult and money was very tight. We have never not made a payment, but we have had a late payment last month, and our payment this month is late. Mind you that the payment isn't even 30 days late, it is 7 days late.

Last month I had mailed out the payment, called and let them know the check number the date it was mailed and everything so that they knew the payment had infact been sent. They noted our account, complained that I had mailed a payment instead of doing it online (which costs more) or calling and doing it on the phone (which costs more) but they said that was fine, thanked me for the payment and that was the end of the call.

Four days later we get a call from a Repo company telling us they are on the way to get the vehicle. I call Westlake back asking what in the world is going on. I had called given all the payment information, was told that it was fine and now I am getting called from the Repo people. This Westlake financial representatives tells me that because the funds are not on the account yet they are coming to get the vehicle unless I give them a payment over the phone "right now."

I asked what about the payment that was mailed to them. I am told they will note the account and not process that payment, but the only way that I can stop the repossession is to pay right now or I will incur more fees once I try to get the vehicle back. Feeling trapped I give them our debit card number, pay the extra fee and ask what I am suppose to do about the check.

They advise me to call the bank, stop payment on the check ($40) and they will not process the payment when it comes in.

Two days later our checking account is hit with the check that they said they would not cash once they had it! They had already taken the payment so the money was not there in the bank. So we had the $40 to stop payment, were told by the bank that they couldn't guarantee anything if it came in because of the short notice, had to pay overdraft fees for the check PLUS a return check fee. This came to an additional $100!

I called Westlake to ask why they had not honored what they had said, was told by a different representative that she was not sure why they gentleman I had talked to earlier in the week had advised me of the actions I should take because they process all payments when they come in.

This month, we had made payment arrangements. Didn't even bother thinking about sending a check. Gave them the debit card information, the payment amount and the date, for this Friday. We were again told that was fine, they would run the card and everything was fine.

Today (with two days to go before they run the card) I get a call from the repossession people again. I call Westlake back and ask them what in the world is going on. They tell me that because our payment is late they are taking the vehicle back. I again say, but you took our card and the date to run it and told us that it was fine. This representative tells me that they are going to take the vehicle if I don't make the payment right now. I tell them that the funds aren't going to be available until Friday, that is why we made the payment arrangements and gave you everything last Thursday so that it was all taken care of. We were told that it was fine. He tells me that the payment arrangement has been canceled they want the payment now.

I asked why they do they accept payment arrangements and then turn around and right before they can follow through on the payment arrangement do we get the threatening phone calls. Again he says that if I want to keep the vehicle I need to make the payment now, the dealership wants the vehicle back.

I am so mad and frustrated at this point that I hang up on the representative. I call the dealership.

The dealership tells me that there must be a mis-communication somewhere they have no record of asking for or wanting the vehicle back.

I highly recommend avoiding doing business with Westlake Financial. They do nothing but lie and make threats so that you feel trapped and helpless! They are frauds and bullies.

This isn't about not making payments, this is about a company that uses threatening tactics to get what they want out of you after they have already agreed to something else.

















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