  • Report:  #1130812

Complaint Review: Windham Professionals - Salem New Hampshire

Reported By:
Class Action Lawsuit Windham Professionals - Littleton, Colorado,

Windham Professionals
380 Main St Salem, 03079 New Hampshire, USA
800 969 0059
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

 Windham Professionals, a collection company called my house during the first week of February, 2013. They essentially said," Send us money within 10 days or we will garnish your wages".


Prior to this phone call, I had never heard of the company. It's now 13 months later and they have been garnishing my wages while not being able to provide any evidence of the debt being mine....much less, it being valid.

There's nothing...no note, no promissory note, no contract.

Just this week I was able to borrow enough money to retain a lawyer.

Windham Professionals have too much power. Because they are supposedly collecting on a government student loan, they don't have to prove the loan is valid or go through the court System to garnish wages. They just fax a letter to the employer and its a done deal-- money is taken out.

This collection company,Windham Professionals are unethical and have way too much power. They are rude, wreck -less and have lied.

I hope that collectively we can all (everyone they have Stolen money from) Can file a class action lawsuit.The only thing they deserve is to have their doors shut.

They have stolen thousands of dollars from me,  ruining my life and now it will cost me thousands in attorney fees to stop them.

Millions of dollars worth of student loans were bundled up and sold--Much like the mortgage mess that turned into a financial Crisis. Apparently a CompanyCalled New York Higher Education Services bought a bundle of loans then they hired Windham Professional to "Collect" on the loans. 

My recommendation is that until this company is put out of business, if they contact you, call a lawyer. Do not make the same mistake I did by waiting thinking this is so wrong it's got to work itselfout....It Wont! They will not willingly Make their wrong right.

They will lie and bully you into their' way-ONLY.And, without any proof that you owe, they will quietly and relentlessly "legally" Steal your money-and without legal representation you will lose....every two weeks.

Yes, you are  (as I was) entitled to a "hearing" but it is of NO Value if you receive the paper work notifying you of the hearing after the hearing date. 

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Tarpon Springs,
Same Problem With Me!

#2General Comment

Wed, August 13, 2014

Yes, I agree that Windham Professionals has used deceptive practices to force people into paying debts that possibly aren't valid and owed.  Back in 2008 I was called into the Human Resources office of my job and was told that my wages were going to be garnished in the amount of $900.00/month because a fax was received "authorizing" wage garnishment.  

When I called Windham Professionals to discuss this BS, I specifically requested documents indicating that I signed for such loans.  Additionally, I asked for specific information "What college or university received the loan money?"  "When did I allegedly sign the loan paperwork?"  "May I see the documents I supposedly signed?"  None of my questions or concerns were ever answered.  Now that it was approaching the date of my wages to be garnished, I contacted Windham Professinoals customer service.  At that point I was told because the wage garnishment judgement was "approved" that there was no time for the research which I had requested to be provided to me.  The representative told me, "The only way to avoid the garnishment of $900.00/month is to agree to a consolidation.  Even if you claim identity theft, agree to the consolidation. That way your wage garnishment will be avoided.  You can then work out the details of identity theft and get it situated later."  

In hindsight, agreeing to the consolidation was a very bad decision on my part!  HOWEVER, given that my net income was only $1,800/month (my bring-home pay was $900 every two weeks) had my wages been garnished 50% of my income, I would have been homeless.  There was no way possible I would have been able to pay my rent, medical insurance, daily living expenses such as gas, food, water, electric, etc and my car payment.  Because of the difficult situation I was literally forced into, I took the bogus consolidation option.  It was a lose-lose-situation for me either way.  

It is now 2014...six years later.  Over the past six years, this coercion incident with Windham Professionals has been an extreme inconvenience and nightmare.  The alleged loan is now serviced by Fedloan Servicing and I have explained to them countless times that I never took out a student loan in the amout of $50,000.  All my correspondence to them has been sent certified mail with return receipt.  The only way to now avoid this from being reported to the three credit bureaus is to call and ask for a forbearance every few months.  The problem is that interest keeps adding up.  The $50,000 loan is now estimated at $118,000.  

I called the university from which I graduated in 1999 and asked for my financial records.  Since it has been so long since I have graudated, the university no longer has my financial records.  Fortunately, my mother keeps very good records.  She has box after box marked with years in the basement of her house.  The last time I visited her I went to the basement and searched through boxes marked 1995-1999.  Fortunately, I found cancelled checks, credit card statements, and bank documents indicating that certificates of deposit had been cashed in and paid to the university.  I made tons of photo copies of the front & back of each check.  I put together an 88-page file and cent it certified mail with return receipt to FedLoan Servicing.  My letter explained that I never took out a loan and the fiasco with Windham Professionals.  

Since nobody can show me original loan documents, dates & amounts of payments to the university, I am requesting for the loan to be discharged.  Hmmm...I wonder why FedLoan Servicing and Windham Professionals can't provide any of the information I've requested?  Oh, I know why...It is because the loans are bull$#it!  The loans NEVER existed because I NEVER took student loans to attend college!  Fortunately, my family was able to pay AND I HAVE CANCELLED CHECKS AND OTHER FINANCIAL DOCUMENTATION TO SUBSTANTIATE THIS!  In my opinion, there is obviously corruption in the student loan industry.  They are clearly finding social security numbers and creating bogus loan accounts that never existed and forcing the victim into a situation where they are foced to pay by wage garnishment OR bullying the victim into a situation where they are forced to consolidate.  When the victim consolidates, Windham Professionals gets a huge sum of money and doesn't have a care in the world as to how it will negatively affect the victim.  I am living this nightmare right now.  

I just sent another huge packet of cancelled checks and bank statements verifying that my family and I paid my college tuition WITHOUT loans!  My documents of cancelled checks, financial statements and receipts to the university total 113 pages.  I pray that this gets discharged.  

Anyone experiencing difficulty with Windham Professionals or FedLoan Servicing is welcome to contact me.  I am not afraid to give my name and information.  I have nothing to hide.  My email address is [email protected] 

Jennifer Dixon 

P.O.Box 1493

Tarpon Springs, FL 34688



There is one thing missing...

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, March 15, 2014

 You never once mentioned if you in fact did have a Student Loan and if you owed money on it?

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