  • Report:  #429417

Complaint Review: Winmark Authorized Agent Group Team Winmark Brad Reynolds And Freddy Mills - Sacramento California

Reported By:
- Portland, Oregon,

Winmark Authorized Agent Group Team Winmark Brad Reynolds And Freddy Mills
455 University Ave. Suite 100 Sacramento, 95825-6579 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
If you are considering working as a Comcast Contractor in Portland, OR and the guy on the other end of the line tells you he is from WINMARK Authorized Agent Group or TEAM WINMARK or they mention BRAD REYNOLDS or FREDDY MILLS - RUN! These guys are slick and very good at what they do - and what they'll do is STEAL FROM YOU.

Don't get me wrong. Comcast is legitimate and there is a lot of money to be made by hard working contractors. You should understand. I am not bitter about selling the product. Since leaving Winmark I have hooked up with another Contractor and am doing great. I actually get paid now and business is good.

What I am upset about is having myself and multiple others RIPPED OFF! Brad and Freddy at Winmark have been doing this for some time now. They are in California, Washington, Utah and are looking for other markets. Their m/o is pretty polished. They will get you into the business, show you how to sell then...


If you keep track of your sales (believe it or not, most guys don't) your checks will be about 1/3 less than what they should be - If you bring it up, you're told "Accounting Error" we'll get it fixed on your next check. Then you're put off...If the next check comes you will be put off again. If you're aren't really good - you're fired after your next complaint.

If you are good, to shut you up they'll offer you a sales manager position - they still won't pay you what they owe you, they'll just keep dangling the carrot. If you still make noise - you're fired - then they drop the real bomb - Their Independant Contractor Agreement states THEY KEEP ALL OF YOUR MONEY for 90-180 days for chargebacks.

Winmark is in violation of multiple state laws in OREGON, where they are NOT EVEN REGISTERED to do business. Myself and half a dozen other past agents are putting together a class action suit against Winmark, Brad Reynolds and Freddy Mills.

As I said before, THERE ARE HONEST CONTRACTORS OUT THERE. Just stay away from WINMARK.

Smarter Now

Portland, Oregon


13 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Bomber_Man is correct!

#2UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 15, 2012

Bomber_Man is correct in his assessment of Teamwinmark.  I have witnessed most of what he said to be true! It seems that it is company policy to cheat the people that work for them, because they know most of the people that end up working for them are not able to find a good paying job and really take advantage of these people! Not only do they act very unprofessional, but they often use very vulgar language and degrade women verbally. They have often made promises of bonuses, in order to get people to work harder, but then don't pay the bonuses when people meet the requirements. Then there is the issue of the so-called background check that they charge each person $500 for, but never give them a copy of. If their so-called background check is so thorough and expensive, then why are there drug addicts and criminals working for Teamwinmark? It seems to me that the "background check" is just another revenue source for the company, like the rest of the fabricated expenses they charge the people for! What is portrayed as a "good income" by the company and the managers, is in reality below minimum wage for most of the people that sell for them! If you have any self-respect, avoid them like the plague and go work for a legitimate company!


NOT the compeition!


Mon, August 31, 2009

I can guarantee you that I do not work for nor have I ever worked for any company that competes against Winmark, and my report is dead on truth of my observations of my employment with them. From what I am reading of the other reports by other people, their reports reflect exact circumstances of what I witnessed as well.

No, it's not a "slander campaign" by the competition... it's Winmark not living up to their "HONESTY OR INTEGRITY".


TeamWinmark is being Slandered by the competing company in the area! False comments and other harmful inaccuarte information is being used!


Tue, August 25, 2009

Just to set the record straight I love Rip-off Report.com and what it does for people and companies. It give us the right to expose horrible companies, and people that practice bad business. I wish the internet and this site were around in my earlier ventures in life. I having this site would have saved me time, money, and heartache.

(About TeamWinmark)
TeamWinmark is a Comcast Contractor, and they really do work hard to take care of their employees. The people that work for the company are really nice people with families, and when you ask them for help they really do step up to the plate to deliver any support they can (money, information, and many other types of support).

(My Personal Story)
I'm a student and have been living off student loans for a while now. I should have started looking for a job way before I actually did. When I started with TeamWinmark they said if I ever need help just ask. I was behind in rent about to be evicted, and many other bill were stacking up. I ask them for some help well before I was going to receive my first check. They took care of my rent and gave me enough cash to get back on my feet. Then a little while ago my tires blew out on my car (hadn't changed them in over 4 years). TeamWinmark stepped up to the plate and paid for my new tires!!! I have nothing, but wonderful things to say about this company personally. I also love the people I work with; they are all really wonderful people.

(What is going on)
People that leave TeamWinmark were in the same position I was in when I started and couldn't wait for their first checks and didn't both to ask for an advance. So leaving in a harder position than they came in, they get nabbed up by  the competing company in the area and are told to slander the old company (us), so the competing company  is the only one left in the area which equals more money for all of them. The majority people in the competing company (name with held - taking the higher ground) don't care what happens to the people at TeamWinmark. Seems to me when people have a grudge and dollar signs flashing in their eyes they will right anything.

(Untrue Statements)
I understand the inflammatory comments said, and I would have done the same if I didn't have the courage to ask for what I needed. When people walk away without asking for help they are not giving the company a chance to prove how great they really are. Personal attacks and false statements about personal member of the company are very damaging and I hope people here realize how much stuff stated here is done by managers for the competition that never even worked for TeamWinmark.

(What I really want)
People to continue to use this site to voice their concerns or complaints about TeamWinmark (If they are true statements please). That both companies stop slandering each other ((even though I can't find bad stuff said anywhere about the competition, because TeamWinmark refuses to practice such immorally wrong behavior.). I love the people I work for and wish only the best for them and the business.

(Thank you for your time)
I know that was an eye full. I hope that lays all the inflammatory comments to rest!
God Bless and have a wonderful day :)


TeamWinmark is being Slandered by the competing company in the area! False comments and other harmful inaccuarte information is being used!


Tue, August 25, 2009

Just to set the record straight I love Rip-off Report.com and what it does for people and companies. It give us the right to expose horrible companies, and people that practice bad business. I wish the internet and this site were around in my earlier ventures in life. I having this site would have saved me time, money, and heartache.

(About TeamWinmark)
TeamWinmark is a Comcast Contractor, and they really do work hard to take care of their employees. The people that work for the company are really nice people with families, and when you ask them for help they really do step up to the plate to deliver any support they can (money, information, and many other types of support).

(My Personal Story)
I'm a student and have been living off student loans for a while now. I should have started looking for a job way before I actually did. When I started with TeamWinmark they said if I ever need help just ask. I was behind in rent about to be evicted, and many other bill were stacking up. I ask them for some help well before I was going to receive my first check. They took care of my rent and gave me enough cash to get back on my feet. Then a little while ago my tires blew out on my car (hadn't changed them in over 4 years). TeamWinmark stepped up to the plate and paid for my new tires!!! I have nothing, but wonderful things to say about this company personally. I also love the people I work with; they are all really wonderful people.

(What is going on)
People that leave TeamWinmark were in the same position I was in when I started and couldn't wait for their first checks and didn't both to ask for an advance. So leaving in a harder position than they came in, they get nabbed up by  the competing company in the area and are told to slander the old company (us), so the competing company  is the only one left in the area which equals more money for all of them. The majority people in the competing company (name with held - taking the higher ground) don't care what happens to the people at TeamWinmark. Seems to me when people have a grudge and dollar signs flashing in their eyes they will right anything.

(Untrue Statements)
I understand the inflammatory comments said, and I would have done the same if I didn't have the courage to ask for what I needed. When people walk away without asking for help they are not giving the company a chance to prove how great they really are. Personal attacks and false statements about personal member of the company are very damaging and I hope people here realize how much stuff stated here is done by managers for the competition that never even worked for TeamWinmark.

(What I really want)
People to continue to use this site to voice their concerns or complaints about TeamWinmark (If they are true statements please). That both companies stop slandering each other ((even though I can't find bad stuff said anywhere about the competition, because TeamWinmark refuses to practice such immorally wrong behavior.). I love the people I work for and wish only the best for them and the business.

(Thank you for your time)
I know that was an eye full. I hope that lays all the inflammatory comments to rest!
God Bless and have a wonderful day :)


Port Orchard,
Wish I'd read this sooner!

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, July 27, 2009

I worked for Team Winmark for three weeks in Seattle, and I just quit a few days ago due to the way they conduct their business. In those three weeks I have a lot of complaints about this company. I worked for three weeks and never got an ID badge. I know this goes against Winmarks policy as well as Comcasts policy. I was given an ID number to use after 2 weeks by Jeff Ivy so that I could finally start making money for myself instead of writing orders in other peoples name and they get paid on it, but Jeff just kept saying that Comcast was dragging their feet on it. He always had some kind of excuse and blamed it on someone at Comcast saying that it was their fault and he didn't know what was going on but that I should still go to work every day. I have made at least $1500 for other sales people since I started. I kept asking Jeff when I was going to get my ID so that I could make my own money and he would tell me to shut up and go to work. When I told him that I didn't want to work because I wasnt making any money and working weeks for $200 he told me that I was stupid but to hang in there because I was going to be a manager soon and make a lot more money. It seems that everyone else was having a problem getting paid too when I was there. Payday comes on Thursday, but over half the people didn't get paid and people who did get paid all seemed to think that their paycheck was wrong. I was promised $200 training pay that I never received. In their ad on Craigslist it said $200 per day paid training. But then I was told that you can make $200 per day AND you get $200 for your training. Sounds like a lie to me. My sales manager was a good enough guy, but he didn't know what he was doing. He didn't help me at all or really even train me. He left that to other people on the team. When I would call him for help he would say that he was too busy and call me back but never would. Jeff Ivy is the manager over everyone else. He seems to be in charge but doesnt act like it. At the meeting he curses, makes fun of people, yells, and talks about how great he used to be. He is not professional at all and acts like a college steroid using frat boy. He acts like he wants to be your friend but doesnt do anything about your problems. I asked him at least twice a week about my ID from Comcast and he just kept saying that he is looking into it. When I asked him about working with out a badge he told me to wear the Comcast hat and vest and I'd be ok that no one asks for it anyways. I could write a lot more, but I am just happy to be done with Winmark. I worked for 3 weeks for them and never got paid a cent. I wasted my gas driving around, wasted my time that I could have been looking for a REAL job, and just made other people money the whole time I was there since I didn't have a badge. I really feel like I was scammed by this company and especially Jeff Ivy about this job. I really wish I had found this site before I wasted my time working for them.


Held together by half-truths and shady business...

#7UPDATE Employee

Fri, April 24, 2009

Every report here claiming that Team Winmark does bad business is completely true. Every report of new hires working without ID badges, every report of lying to the customer, every report of employees not getting paid their due, they are all true. Every market that Team Winmark operates in has the absolute same issues due to the supposed "leadership" that runs the different markets. They have young boys in senior management positions who motivate through skirting the law and their contract with Comcast, but mostly by intimidating the sales people into working with a promise of eventual pay. I've seen senior managers get into fistfights with current and previous employees, seen a company owner snorting cocaine at a company office, and even seen prostitutes brought into the company office to "service" management. If Comcast, or any of the other companies that use Team Winmark were to know exactly the illegal activity that occurs within this company, they would drop them like a bad habit. They are opening themselves to such extreme liability and they are being represented by this company in such a way that Comcast must not have any idea. If Comcast did, they would distance themselves as far away from Team Winmark as possible. If you see that ad on Craigs List, don't respond. Try a different contractor. Heck, go work at McDonalds... because working for Team Winmark will not pay off, and is not worth the absolute joke that this company puts its employees through.


Shed some light on Winmark Authorized Agent Group, Team Winmark, Brad Reynolds and Freddie Mills

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 17, 2009

Winmark Authorized Agent Group, Team Winmark, Brad Reynolds And Freddy Mills Phone: 916-912-0213 Fax: 916-565-7788 455 University Ave. Suite 100 Sacramento, California, 95825-6579 It's funny that the "VP of Teamwinmark" commented. Winmark has no VP. The only ones in charge and can speak for it, are as follows: Brad Reynolds-Sole proprietor Freddie Mills-Owner Jeffrey Williams-General Manager Jeff Ivy-Washington Regional Manager "Yvonne"-Corporate Head, Salt Lake, Utah I am a previous Manager at TeamWinmark. Many people have had many problems with Winmark. I am one of them.Brad Reynolds and Freddie Mills run an interesting operation. Companies usually pay wages, usually give you badges, usually give you turf to work, usually give you printouts of what installed, and pay you on time. Not Winmark. Plus the checks don't usually bounce, and they don't ask you to forge any signatures or pass "interesting" checks... Winmark is interesting at best. Hounding you for sales and threatening to fire you when not making quota. Team Winmark will not take care of you. They say they will. I was promised that I would be paid, also that my team would be paid. I slowly watched my sales reps be starved off by the authorities Brad and Freddie put in place. Proof came in my W2...which was sent out late by Winmark Authorized Agent Group. If you truly are holding pay for 90 to 180 days, it still needs to be claimed on a W2. They said that in several months of working with them I made only a couple thousand dollars (to which I will show proof as well as other evidence of illegal and immoral actions taken. Winmark... Will screw you, they still owe my team, my friends and myself thousands of dollars apiece. Comcast please make sure we get paid; we liked selling your products. Bomber_man PS. I will fight you to the end


Shed some light on Winmark Authorized Agent Group, Team Winmark, Brad Reynolds and Freddie Mills

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 17, 2009

Winmark Authorized Agent Group, Team Winmark, Brad Reynolds And Freddy Mills Phone: 916-912-0213 Fax: 916-565-7788 455 University Ave. Suite 100 Sacramento, California, 95825-6579 It's funny that the "VP of Teamwinmark" commented. Winmark has no VP. The only ones in charge and can speak for it, are as follows: Brad Reynolds-Sole proprietor Freddie Mills-Owner Jeffrey Williams-General Manager Jeff Ivy-Washington Regional Manager "Yvonne"-Corporate Head, Salt Lake, Utah I am a previous Manager at TeamWinmark. Many people have had many problems with Winmark. I am one of them.Brad Reynolds and Freddie Mills run an interesting operation. Companies usually pay wages, usually give you badges, usually give you turf to work, usually give you printouts of what installed, and pay you on time. Not Winmark. Plus the checks don't usually bounce, and they don't ask you to forge any signatures or pass "interesting" checks... Winmark is interesting at best. Hounding you for sales and threatening to fire you when not making quota. Team Winmark will not take care of you. They say they will. I was promised that I would be paid, also that my team would be paid. I slowly watched my sales reps be starved off by the authorities Brad and Freddie put in place. Proof came in my W2...which was sent out late by Winmark Authorized Agent Group. If you truly are holding pay for 90 to 180 days, it still needs to be claimed on a W2. They said that in several months of working with them I made only a couple thousand dollars (to which I will show proof as well as other evidence of illegal and immoral actions taken. Winmark... Will screw you, they still owe my team, my friends and myself thousands of dollars apiece. Comcast please make sure we get paid; we liked selling your products. Bomber_man PS. I will fight you to the end


Shed some light on Winmark Authorized Agent Group, Team Winmark, Brad Reynolds and Freddie Mills

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 17, 2009

Winmark Authorized Agent Group, Team Winmark, Brad Reynolds And Freddy Mills Phone: 916-912-0213 Fax: 916-565-7788 455 University Ave. Suite 100 Sacramento, California, 95825-6579 It's funny that the "VP of Teamwinmark" commented. Winmark has no VP. The only ones in charge and can speak for it, are as follows: Brad Reynolds-Sole proprietor Freddie Mills-Owner Jeffrey Williams-General Manager Jeff Ivy-Washington Regional Manager "Yvonne"-Corporate Head, Salt Lake, Utah I am a previous Manager at TeamWinmark. Many people have had many problems with Winmark. I am one of them.Brad Reynolds and Freddie Mills run an interesting operation. Companies usually pay wages, usually give you badges, usually give you turf to work, usually give you printouts of what installed, and pay you on time. Not Winmark. Plus the checks don't usually bounce, and they don't ask you to forge any signatures or pass "interesting" checks... Winmark is interesting at best. Hounding you for sales and threatening to fire you when not making quota. Team Winmark will not take care of you. They say they will. I was promised that I would be paid, also that my team would be paid. I slowly watched my sales reps be starved off by the authorities Brad and Freddie put in place. Proof came in my W2...which was sent out late by Winmark Authorized Agent Group. If you truly are holding pay for 90 to 180 days, it still needs to be claimed on a W2. They said that in several months of working with them I made only a couple thousand dollars (to which I will show proof as well as other evidence of illegal and immoral actions taken. Winmark... Will screw you, they still owe my team, my friends and myself thousands of dollars apiece. Comcast please make sure we get paid; we liked selling your products. Bomber_man PS. I will fight you to the end


Shed some light on Winmark Authorized Agent Group, Team Winmark, Brad Reynolds and Freddie Mills

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 17, 2009

Winmark Authorized Agent Group, Team Winmark, Brad Reynolds And Freddy Mills Phone: 916-912-0213 Fax: 916-565-7788 455 University Ave. Suite 100 Sacramento, California, 95825-6579 It's funny that the "VP of Teamwinmark" commented. Winmark has no VP. The only ones in charge and can speak for it, are as follows: Brad Reynolds-Sole proprietor Freddie Mills-Owner Jeffrey Williams-General Manager Jeff Ivy-Washington Regional Manager "Yvonne"-Corporate Head, Salt Lake, Utah I am a previous Manager at TeamWinmark. Many people have had many problems with Winmark. I am one of them.Brad Reynolds and Freddie Mills run an interesting operation. Companies usually pay wages, usually give you badges, usually give you turf to work, usually give you printouts of what installed, and pay you on time. Not Winmark. Plus the checks don't usually bounce, and they don't ask you to forge any signatures or pass "interesting" checks... Winmark is interesting at best. Hounding you for sales and threatening to fire you when not making quota. Team Winmark will not take care of you. They say they will. I was promised that I would be paid, also that my team would be paid. I slowly watched my sales reps be starved off by the authorities Brad and Freddie put in place. Proof came in my W2...which was sent out late by Winmark Authorized Agent Group. If you truly are holding pay for 90 to 180 days, it still needs to be claimed on a W2. They said that in several months of working with them I made only a couple thousand dollars (to which I will show proof as well as other evidence of illegal and immoral actions taken. Winmark... Will screw you, they still owe my team, my friends and myself thousands of dollars apiece. Comcast please make sure we get paid; we liked selling your products. Bomber_man PS. I will fight you to the end


Story is totally true

#12UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, March 11, 2009

I cannot believe that VP of Winmark has the nerve to rebuttle his story. I am from State of Washington who used to work for them. Tens if not Hundreds and thousands of sales people have experienced the same or much worse working for them. What they do is to have the new sales people to use their managers sales ID # to sell(which is prohibited by Comcast - you are not suppose to sell without your own sales ID badge) for weeks(without ID badge) and managers get paid for their sales(suppose to reimburse them) and don't reimburse them(they will collect their sales copies to destroy the evidence). They train their sales reps to bull s**t to comcast customers and when complain comes in, they just blame it on their sales rep and fire them. I heard that class action law suit will be file in Washington State too. I think that Comcast(maybe not at very top) knows whats going on too, but WinMark does a lots of sales for Comcast, so they(maybe few people in Comcast) are either getting paid(or something) to shut their mouth or simply looking the other way. Its impossible when you have so many sales reps been ripped off (and many rumors about it)that Comcast doesn't know anything about it. Maybe class action sue should include Comcast too!

Vp Of Operations

Malicious contempt

#13UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 05, 2009

Sir, I am the VP of Operations for Teamwinmark and know your name and know your story. I am saddened by your derision and acrimony. At one time you were very much a valued member of the Portland team. Unfortunately your acumen and navet as a contractor shrouded your judgment which ultimately ended in your own demise. We have over 500 satisfied and successful contractors currently working with us across the nation. We have the reputation of being the # 1 sales contractor in all our markets and have an elite team of support people making sure we not only pay on time but pay the highest commissions in the industry. Our managers and sales people are some of the finest in the country and we offer each person a unique one of kind, without limit bonus structure. It is unfortunate that you couldn't succeed with us. However, we do wish you every success in the future with the company you have chosen and hope they can educate you on the chargeback policies and procedures instigated by our client, Comcast.


Winmark TeamWinmark Team Winmark

#14Author of original report

Sun, March 01, 2009

These guys do have a website: teamwinmark.com/home You've got to love their mission statement: Honesty, Integrity and Hard Work - well the work was hard!

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