  • Report:  #378474

Complaint Review: Witch Craft Spells Now; Tasha - Internet

Reported By:
- 60613, Illinois,

Witch Craft Spells Now; Tasha
Tasha, New Jersey Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Just another fake on the internet that thinks can make miracles while casting spells. She was nice and supportive until she got paid. Then she didn't even answer emails. Typical...

She said that there are different kinds of spells: those that work faster(but can take up to the same ammount of time like the normal ones). And so I chose the faster one which was also $30 more expensive. Then after over 3 weeks I contacted her (she was so nice when I paid her and she sent me furter instructions, she told me to let her know how great the results are)as I saw no results AT ALL. Since then, I have never heard from her.

Her page says that if the spell doesn't work up to 60 days, you have the money back guaranteed. But there is no reply from her at all.

Don't believe that fake woman, she is a fake!!!!


60613, Illinois


62 Updates & Rebuttals

Fan Of Tasha

In a sea of scammers, Tasha is the real deal!!

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, October 29, 2008

I am writing this testimonial in order to encourage any potential client of Tasha to not pay any attention to any of the lies being told about her by jealous competitors. Tasha cast a love spell for me this past Spring. I was astonished by the fact that her prices were so reasonable and the personal attention she gave me even before I hired her. I had already used two spellcasters prior to finding Tasha, and neither of them had any effect whatsoever. The morning after she cast the spell, however, the person in question called me in tears and told me that she loved me. My situation is extremely complicated, and because of this I still have not received full results yet; however just the fact that I am communicating with my loved one is a supernatural event in and of itself!! My situation is not one that will change overnight, but things are moving steadily forward and I have no doubt that my desire to be married with the woman I love will manifest eventually, and when it does happen it will be in many ways due to Tasha's talent. Tasha did not approach me to write this testimonial; in fact, I asked her to do it when I realized that her good name was being dragged through the mud. She is an extremely honest and kind woman who is running an honest business which I feel sure is not making her rich. Her reasonable rates are evidence that she works due to her desire to help others. I am a real person, and if anyone is considering Tasha for spell work and would like to ask me questions about my experiences with her, please feel free to contact me at (((ROR redacted))) CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Boring Dantalion!!!!!

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, October 27, 2008

Once again Dantalion which is Scam Guard!!! Comes out with a boring statement That I am Trae as I said I am on facebook you plonka! As for Tasha I guess she won't take the challenge and therefore confirm she's a scam too just like Dantalion! Well what can we say about Trae... He joined my group on facebook and he does not own any of the spellcasting websites that Dantalion claims! And he writes good articles too with facts not like Dantalion with no proof what so ever! Once again I got scammed by Dantalion and I advise anyone not to buy any services from spell casters! Unless someone want to prove me wrong with evidence of course! DANTALION SCAM!


Eau Claire,
Why are you trying to drag Drak.net into this?

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, October 27, 2008

Drak.net has existed since 1997, and are based out of Texas. Look them up at webhosting.info if you're so inclined. Their ownership is on public record, they host over 2000 client websites, and five minutes on google would confirm to anyone that they have nothing to do with me other than my being their customer. But, again, this just goes to show how you have nothing to back up anything you say -- unless you want to claim I've somehow doctored public records in Texas (a state I've never actually been to), hacked archive.org into having an archive of old versions of Drak's homepage in there, conned the guys at Liquid Web into letting me lease very expensive servers under a "fake" name, and somehow still had time to *sleep* in there somewhere (not to mention all the scam websites you claim I'm somehow simultaneously running)... all apparently from my tiny little apartment in Northwestern Wisconsin... well, d**n. That would be pretty damned impressive.

Scam Guard

The Capital,
United Kingdom

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, October 27, 2008

Nancy & Jumping are TRAE who clearly regrets exposing Tasha as a scammer, since it has backfired and Tasha clients who've been waiting for months want their money back. Yes Trae www.drak.net is yours - didn't you know? Crickey. No respectable web hosting company would display such scamming nonsense about Fastspells.com, they wouldn't get involved, let alone post on the other ROR on a Sunday. Of course Tasha will get results from Jumping - NOT. She doesn't exist. TRAE DORN keep trying, eat more spinach to start with.


Its time.....

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, October 27, 2008

Scam Guard which is Dantalion so obvious! The Scam artist that can't quite put his reputation back up thanks to me and other of his client that he cheated!!! The truth is in facebook now!!! I am no Trae and so others of his clients! But lets get to Tasha!!!! I mean I read your blog regarding ror, Dantalion and Trae accusation! You are using the same strategy as Dantalion blaming someone else, I mean camon how do you expect us to believe you! But there is a way for you to make us believe you are a genuine spellcaster is to proof me wrong..I am the one that has come out and got proof that Dantalion he is a scam! So here is a challenge for you to prove us wrong surely you could cast a spell for me and get me result something that Dantalion scammed me! Surely a freebie could be worth your reputation to be put back up! I am on facebook just search Frater Dantalion he is a scam and join the group we can talk there if you like! We can all understand if you are not up for it but if I were you I would prove everyone that I am the real deal!


New York,
tasha, does help people in need

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, October 27, 2008

Tasha, Has helped me when I was ill. She did several spell work and they worked for me. When I lost my faith she encouraged me to keep my faith. SHe redid spells when I asked. If you all read laws of attraction they explain clearly why things don't work for us when we want them. We have to get out of the way. If its one thing I learned from tasha is to trust again, I did trust and gained my faith and saw so many wonderful results. Perhas those who didn't get the results they felt they wanted should read laws of attraction and then they may see why their stuff didn't work cause they didn't get out of the way. See, our negative thinking even our worries bring negativity to a work even to a wish. so keep the faith and read laws of attraction beforeyou hire anyone else to pray for u. But , any important thing I want to state is that I don't believe those out there who say Tasha didn't redo spells. When I ran out of money i was flat broke Tasha, did spells for free for me to help me heal, and to bring peace in my home and many other things. I have been to real bad people who took ones money and put me in debt. BUt, I can tell you tasha is not one of them. It was tasha who told me when i had some money left not to buy anymore spells and give things time they will work and they did. I got into some money and Tasha wouldn't accept a penny of it. She told me to care for myself health etc. Now, I am back on my feet when my own doctors rejected treating me cause i didn't have enough money. I had no where to turn. Only Tasha. the little money I had. with just three spells my life turned around for the best. SOrry it didn't work for some. BUt, maybe tasha is not the right person for you. But for me she was a true blessing. Jackie, nancy


Eau Claire,
That's a laugh.

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, October 26, 2008

Are you actually trying to claim I own Drak.net? *That's* your argument? Drak's been around for quite some time, has quite a few clients, and no -- I don't have anything to do with running them. I've just been a customer of their's for a while.

Scam Guard

The Capital,
United Kingdom
It is yours

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, October 26, 2008

Fastspells shut their doors and threatened my webhost: http://www.drak.net Yes YOUR webhost, it's your company, hence you can put any nonsense on YOUR website.


Eau Claire,
Nice try to change reality...

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, October 25, 2008

What do you mean no reaction? Fastspells shut their doors and threatened my webhost: http://www.drak.net/news/2008/09/17/when-youre-controversial/ Tasha has responded by just claiming that I'm wrong. Everyone's reacted somehow. Only Dantalion brought the crazy.

Scam Guard

The Capital,
United Kingdom
Wake up

#11Consumer Comment

Sat, October 25, 2008

Trae Dorn you should have thought about that before writing an article on a real person ie Frater Dantalion. It's clear why Fastspells.com and Tasha haven't fired back, you are them. You are not Frater Dantalion, did you think for one minute you could bad mouth him and not get a taste of your own medicine?


Eau Claire,
Just a note

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, October 24, 2008

The reason I don't just "ignore it" is because these "reports" show up on google searches for my name, and unlike "Frater Dantalion" I'm using my *actual* name and I feel the need to defend my reputation. It's really a no brainer.


Eau Claire,
That makes absolutely no sense.

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, October 24, 2008

This post is most likely made by 'Frater Dantalion' of black-magic-spells.co.uk, as you'll find similarly worded diatribes against me all over Rip off Report (and earlier on this post) For those who don't know what's going on, I (Trae Dorn) write articles critical of online spellcasters. Dantalion, an online spellcaster, has decided to start this bizarre campaign of defamation in an attempt to both put down his competition and discredit me for a while. His modus operandi is to claim that I run every spellcasting website he can find. And it's getting downright ridiculous. (You can read more about my interaction with this person here: http://www.trhonline.com/article.pl?1223311810 ) Back to the subject at hand, I wrote an article about WitchcraftSpellsNow.com here: http://www.trhonline.com/article.pl?1224610404 Tasha Palladino, the person who runs WitchCraftSpellsNow.com wrote a response to it here: http://www.witchcraftspellsnow.com/response.htm Now, I have the link (as I mentioned in the article) because Tasha e-mailed it to me (although one of my readers also e-mailed it to me, so it must be linked *somewhere*). This is not out of the blue since the original reason I even knew her site existed was because she made the mistake of *e-mailing me* in the response to random Rip off Reports filed by Dantalion claiming that she and I are the same person. Finally, Don't ever buy spells online. They're all scam artists. And apparently Frater Dantalion of black-magic-spells.co.uk has nothing else to do with his day than harass me.

Scam Guard

The Capital,
United Kingdom
TRAE DORN is TASHA - proof:

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, October 24, 2008

Read my other report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384343.htm TRAE doesn't want Tasha's clients reading: http://www.witchcraftspellsnow.com/response.htm hence it is not currently linked up to Tasha's www.witchcraftspellsnow.com so Tasha's clients won't get to read it and request a refund. He might alter it now he's be caught out, but the fact is Frater Dantalion is correct, TRAE is Tasha and all the other scams, if not then why does he over protest? He's posts on ROR countless times daily, Meep is him despite the fake photo on his website. Tasha is him etc. If it wasn't true he'd ignore it, instead he's ranting away 24/7.


Tasha doesn't work!!!

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, October 24, 2008

Everything on Tasha's website is a big lie, she does not refund you after 60 days and when I tried to get my refund paypal said "it is over 45 days, too late". So it is a scam as that is a lie. I used a love spell and money spell, no results from either and no money back, so that prooves to me she is a scam.


Walla Walla,
To verify

#16Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 23, 2008

Just follow Dantalion's research and follow Trae's. It's pretty quick to see which one pans out (Trae's) and which one quickly dead ends or disproves itself (Dantalion). As Trae states, Dantalion actually offers no proof of Trae's connection to any one of these sites. And if you know even a tiny bit about how to research ownership of websites it is readily apparent that, while some groups of spellcasting sites are operated by the same individual or individuals, the claim that they are all run by one person is completely ridiculous. The only thing that actually links all of those sites together (and Dantalion's, I might add) is that they are all scams. You want proof Trae isn't running them? Do the research. Shut them all down. Every last one. Trae and I will be the first in line to thank you and congratulate you. Dantalion will be the first in the unemployment lines.


Eau Claire,
Dear lord...

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, October 22, 2008

For the last time, I DON'T RUN ANY SPELL CASTING SITES. Frater Dantalion is a scam artist hinself trying to discredit his competition (also composed of scam artists). He chose to target me since I've been critical of him online, so he wants to put doubt into people's opinions of me.


New Orleans,
Frater Dantalion was correct?

#18Consumer Comment

Wed, October 22, 2008

Tasha didn't work for me, and she didn't refund me surprise surprise. So Frater Dantalion was correct about Tasha? Is he correct too about Trae? Watch this space. Very strange.


Eau Claire,
Oh for Pete's sake...

#19Consumer Comment

Tue, October 21, 2008

Guys -- there are no genuine spell casters. They're all scams... And for those of you who want to know more about the REAL Tasha: http://www.trhonline.com/article.pl?1224610404


United Kingdom
I am also interested to find out more about Carmen

#20Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 21, 2008

I checked http://www.love-spells-witch.co.uk and there is tons of information but she's also listed on the lovespells.org.uk site which someone mentioned is a scam site on another report so I wanted to check if anyone has used her and if they are happy with the service provided



#21Consumer Comment

Mon, October 20, 2008

Hi, I was wondering if anyone has had Carmen from http://www.love-spells-witch.co.uk/ cast a spell for them, if it worked or not, and how long it took for there spell to work? Carmen seems like a good, honest person from speaking with her and her site seems legit. I have been doing a lot of research on different spell casters and POSITIVE----- She is about the only spell caster that I have not seen any complaints on. NEGATIVE-----I have also not seen any reviews or testimonials on her at all except the ones that she has posted on her website. Can anyone tell me if they have had her help them by casting a spell, and if so if it worked or not, and how long it took for the spell to work. Can anyone tell me any spell casters that you have had cast spells for you that have given good results and are not fakes please


Tasha is a con woman, not a witch.

#22Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 19, 2008

Tasha's spells did not work for me, she gave no explanation and no refund. Clearly a scam. I used several spells and not one changed a thing. www.witchcraftspellsnow.com is a scam, I speak for myself. Tasha needs stopping, although there is no Tasha, her name is probably David.


United Kingdom
I was scammed by Tasha, I don't care about Frater.

#23Consumer Comment

Sun, October 19, 2008

Why are you sticking up for a scam or are you the scam? Tasha caused me lots of heartache, she is a scam. Why blame someone else for bad postings, how can a scam witch work? & whatever Frater is correct, the site breaks the law. I have reported her, I will get my own back. I REPORTED HER, not Frater or he might have, but I've reported her to the authorities. Don't try to make a mockery of your clients. Cheats, Joan you are Tasha scam, I am not fooled.

Joan M

PROOF - Spell caster trying to tarnish tasha's name - READ

#24Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 16, 2008

did anyone notice that every single complaint filed against tasha has the same pattern of writing.... check out how Frater Dantalion writes, he doesnt use paragraphs and he doesnt just have one big runoff statement. he seperates each sentence or two sentences by a paragraph...look at his post and then look at all the complains, they are written the same style, look at Trae Dorn's blog about him and you can see all the emails sent to Trae from Frater also match the same style. all i know is that i have used tasha and she worked and apparently many other peple had the same experience... the end all of frater and this complaint - this is evidence to support that tasha is real: 1. Frater posts in a certain style, he types his thoughts line by line, without using real paragraphs and without just having one lon paragraph like most people. All the complaints are written by the same person, suggesting the same person posted all of them. 2. Frater has still not shown any evidence that Trae Dorn runs this or any other site. All he posted is a statement and nothing more. I'm sorry but on the web and especially sites like these, statements arent good enough, we need proof. 3. Frater runs a website that competes with tasha's, of course it would come in handy tarnishing one of the most successful spell casters on the net who has had a spotless record. 4. the website has been up since Feb of 2007 and not one complaint has been filed until Oct 08? doesn't seem right to me..... 5. Frater is currently facing hell on his own ripoffreport of many many people cornering him and exposing that he is fake himself. search ripoffreport and check it out for yourself. 6. Trae's blog has defended himself against these allegations and provides proof against every single one of frater's accusations..... 7. People are coming together and contacting Paypal about frater and frater is now pending an investigation from PayPal. Tasha has no investigation pending against her...... 8. i contaced tasha and asked her about this complaint. she cross referenced her records and never had a client named meg from Illinois. also, in the 2 years she has been online, she has had only 2 claims against her in paypal and this is only because two people wanted a refund and failed to contact her first, she quickly took responsibility and gave them the refund. 9. Tasha has conditions and terms of use, funny for a scam site to have legal documents isnt it? 10 tasha's website, in design, and operation is not similar to any other spell casting site... BOTTOM LINE - FRATER DANTALION IS TRYING TO TARNISH THE NAME OF PRObABLY THE ONLY GENUINE SPELL CASTER ON THE NET. And his game is not working, alone with Trae Dorn, tasha's real clients have exposed Frater and his games..... END OF THE LINE FRATER (Note, I am sure more complaints will be posted by him that will all of a sudden not resemble his writing style, Frater, you are a joke, tasha is sweet and innocent, leave her alone....)



#25Consumer Comment

Thu, October 16, 2008

Tasha is a con artists preying on vulnerable people like myself??I don't believe she actually casts a love spell, she pretends to I think. I got no results whatsoever and my email address is blocked, she treats us all the same when we ask why results have not appeared. www.witchcraftspellsnow.com says None of my practices focus on the devil or any evil beings. yes they do Tasha, you are an evil being. I strongly recommend that you don't use this website.


Looks like I will have to set the record straight!

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, October 16, 2008

Tasha is as real as they come! You must be talking about some other wannabe spell caster from some other spell casting service name !! You really should get the fact's straight before come on here trying to tarnish the name of the woman who cast spells on my behalf! Yes I too have dealt with frauds and people who take your money and leave you with nothing to show for it but I met Tasha 2 months ago and she ISN'T anywhere near what you would consider a fake or even a bad business woman. You want to call her names?? I got a few names I would like to call her. Hmm lets see..OH here is a good one. A SKILLED WITCH haha yep I love the way that sounds. How about this one...umm A LIFE SAVER!! Its cause of her Im alive!!! I can swear on the bible with these statements!! I gave her my money and my business and I would gladly do it again and tell others to do it as well. You want a spell that actually works go to her website and get good results. I should have went to her years ago instead of messing with people who don't know what they are doing. Lawyers, reporters and anyone else hit me up cause Im not going to lie to you and these statement's are true. Tasha from Wictchcraftspells.com is the real thing don't settle for the imitations or anything less than the best!!!


Boynton Beach,
Satisfied customer of Tasha's

#27Consumer Comment

Thu, October 16, 2008

I have used Tasha MANY times. I had been ripped off quite a few times from other people proporting to cast spells. Nothing really worked. Until, I came across Tasha. She has always gotten right back with me, and I am more than satisfied with her results. I go to her with many different situations, and they are always resolved; somethings take longer than others. But, that's the way the world works. I will continue to use Tasha. She's awesome!!!!


New York,
New York,
glad that scam is finally exposed

#28Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 15, 2008

I reckon it is a bunch of people with a network of scams I've read this on other websites. I AM A CLient and got no results, the recast was a waste NIL. TASHA sucks. Scam


United Kingdom
:-( scammed as well

#29Consumer Comment

Wed, October 15, 2008

I was very badly scammed, Tasha witch from www.witchcraftspellsnow.com Tasha said I was cursed in a past life, but a real psychic said I am not. All of my spells failed and my emails are blocked by the fake witch at www.witchcraftspellsnow.com She said if I expose her on ROR, she will post my details, that means she isn't confidential and is breaking the law (confidentiality laws) and cannot be trusted. I will not be frightened into keeping quiet, if I can prevent just one person being scammed this will be worth it. Because of what happened to me, I think the good reports here are fake, by her and her husband trying to protect their scam website. How can a fake witch get results for you? Has anyone visited her Ill-Alli Temple ? My inquiries indicate it doesn't exist, Tasha is one big liar.

Scammed By Tasha

It is true TASHA is a Fake

#30Consumer Comment

Wed, October 15, 2008

www.witchcraftspellsnow.com scammed me very badly, 1st when I was in tons of pain because my heart was breaking I used a love spell, because she was so nice to start with I ordered a custom spell for something very private and a protection spell. Nothing worked, the protection failed because someone on drugs mugged me and broke my arm, the love spell failed because by boyfriend left me for someone else and the private thing failed too. Tasha was then really nice so that I would buy much stronger spells as well as have a recast. So I did, but as things were getting worse I asked for support by phone or email, this never happened, I never heard from her again. www.witchcraftspellsnow.com is a scam, no caring witch would block your email addresses. www.witchcraftspellsnow.com and Tasha just take your money, that is all Tasha is interested in. I want to warn everyone not to use www.witchcraftspellsnow.com, www.witchcraftspellsnow.com is fake. WWW.WITCHCRAFTSPELLSNOW.COM is the devil's work.


United Kingdom
tasha witchcraft spells are BRILLIANT AND WORK.

#31Consumer Comment

Tue, October 14, 2008

im shocked about this report on Tasha and her spells...... i havent known this lady long but already her spells have worked superbly and shes been brilliant for me.... shes very genuine and responds to allll my emails .... i am now with her again for yet another spell because they have all worked so well.... its a great shame that negative people on here have to attack someone whos caring and genuine .... this seems more a case of jealousy to me and people sitting in judgement that dont have a clue...... i will defiently stay with her as she knows her stuff from what i can tell.....


no, it didn't go me way

#32Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 13, 2008

i used tasha, nothin happened, i don't reckon she is real. me spell was cast for cameron diaz to fall in love with me, after 6 months there is no camerone, instead my gay friend has told me he cant stop thinking about me, and he loves me. This ain't the result i was lookin for. if she can't do it just say. 4 spells for the same thing and no result, so she not got the hang of castin spells. what a big scam, tahsa, you are crap.


no, it didn't go me way

#33Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 13, 2008

i used tasha, nothin happened, i don't reckon she is real. me spell was cast for cameron diaz to fall in love with me, after 6 months there is no camerone, instead my gay friend has told me he cant stop thinking about me, and he loves me. This ain't the result i was lookin for. if she can't do it just say. 4 spells for the same thing and no result, so she not got the hang of castin spells. what a big scam, tahsa, you are crap.

Joan M

TASHA - the sweetest, most authentic spell caster I know.

#34Consumer Comment

Mon, October 13, 2008

i have usd many of the spell casters on that list and got scammed by lots of them, but tashas site was the only one to ever really help me and that doesnt mean just castin a spell but also staying there for support morrally way after the spell was casted already. frater says that all of these websites are run by the same person, but never really gives ANY EVIDENCE OR PROOF. he owns a spell casting site himself and if you put the pieces together it is pretty simple. if he groups all the other spell casting sites together as one big scam, then people will be left to go to his website only. the first post is most likely frater and if it was a real customer of tasha, then i encourage you to try to contact her again, perhaps something happened to the email you sent. however, i highly doubt that the first post was genuine at all. frater, we all want to know, how did you come to the conclusion that all of those websites are run by one person, you still havent given an ounce of proof..... all of those websites you listed on that list vary greatly, some have professional web design, some hae amatuerish some have terms of service, some don't some have a physical address, some don't some have different ways to pay than others some have really low prices, some have realy high prices some have spells for certain things, some dont some have donation options, some dont some have subscription options, some dont it just doesnt seem like one person would run every spell casting site on the net except yours. i am sure there are a fair share of scams out there in this area, but i am confidence (from experience) that tasha is NOT one of them - LEAVE HER ALONE FRATER DANTALION, YOU ARE JUST TRYING TO MAKE YOUR BUSINESS LOOK BETTER!


Los Angeles,
I AM ANOTHER VICTIM OF TASHA FROM www.witchcraftspellsnow.com

#35Consumer Comment

Mon, October 13, 2008

Tasha's spell for me to be a famous actress has failed. Her weight spell failed, I remain obese. Tasha's love spell for me failed, I have not even meet Johnny Depp, nor has he fallen in love with me. Tasha's separation spell failed to split Johnny Depp and his wife up. Tasha's lottery spell also failed. None of her spells work and this is after 7 months, her recasts failed to alter my life too. I agree with Meg, this is a mean scam by a fake woman. I have to say do not use Tasha and www.witchcraftspellsnow.com because it is like having your money stolen. I am looking for a new witch and nearly used www.provenlovespells.com David Bulfone luckily I was smart enough to check what Rip Off Report had to say about him first, WOW: he too is an enormous scam, worst than Tasha. Thank you Rip Off Report, you have saved me a small fortune, and 1000s of other consumers. www.witchcraftspellsnow.com fraudulent website, fronted by Tasha the cheating, fake witch.


Eau Claire,
Just a note

#36Consumer Comment

Sat, October 11, 2008

My name is Trae Dorn. The post by "Frater Dantalion" claiming Tasha is me is ludicrous. I make no claims as to whether or not Tasha is legitimate (I am personally of the opinion that people shouldn't buy spells online honestly, and find it unlikely that an internet spellcaster is genuine, but it is besides the point -- I know nothing about Tasha so I reserve judgment). I've written some critical statements about internet spellcasters on my site, and after sending a "correction" to him about an entry on his website where he was effectively calling all of his competitors scams and blaming it on an individual named Jens Johanson (or something like that) he decided to start publicly attacking me -- I believe in an attempt to scare me off. He's posted quite a bit to Rip off Report as well, and you can read about it at my website: http://www.trhonline.com/article.pl?1223311810

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
Tasha is a scam & a man.

#37Consumer Comment

Sat, October 11, 2008

Tasha is a man Tasha is a scam Tasha is Trae Dorn Tasha is Spoiled Brat Tasha is Bestsaxon Tasha is Get A Life Tasha is Joy E.b. Tasha is Kt TASHA IS A FAKE Tasha is Kimber1964 Tasha is Akhtar Tasha is Ano Tasha is Lee M. Tasha is all usernames in her favour. Tasha is breaking Federal Trade Commission laws.


United Kingdom
5 times happy customer of Tasha

#38Consumer Comment

Sat, October 11, 2008

I am honestly perplexed by the person who posted nasty comments about Tasha. I am a five times customer, and have recommended her to various friends since, none of whom I've heard back any bad reports. Only praise. Tasha has done innumerable good in helping me improve my business and run of bad luck I seemed to be going through. I don't know what I would have done without her. The report posted about her is utterly utterly ludicrous - might suggest the poster maybe take some initiative and maybe email Tasha if she has not had a response or things haven't kicked into gear. Tasha, being the busy/talented lass that I know she is, can't be expected to read everybody's on this planet of our's, minds.


Heartache --Get a Grip of yourself ...

#39Consumer Comment

Sat, October 11, 2008

My gosh ...if Heartache & Louisa really purchase from Tasha, then just send an email back to her that your spells have not been working ...I'm sure she will cast a 2nd spell without extra fees for you. Hopefully, you can get a grip of yourself & move on in life with better light & positivities. You both are too depressive for this world --check into a psychiatric ward to get helps if you need to. Need a #??? gee...

Lee M.

The Work Of A Competitor

#40Consumer Comment

Sat, October 11, 2008

This report was with no doubt submitted by a competitor by the name of Frater Dantalion. All of the negative comments about Tasha were also planted by him. I also find it rather suspicious that Tasha's website has been around for almost 2 years, but all of a sudden, here comes this ernomous stream of complaints. Why now? I have never used Tasha's services before. So please don't mistake this as a "I got results therefore, she's not a fraud" report. I believe in spells, but think the best spells are the ones you do YOURSELF. You should never pay someone for them.


Tasha is real

#41Consumer Comment

Fri, October 10, 2008

Tasha helped me 3 times. She is nice person and a good witch. Every time she casted spell for me, it worked before 60 days. That is because nothing in your life is not going to happend if you are just looking for someone who will do all the work for you. Tasha will give you positive energies, and if you choose not to take them, well it is your problem. Her prices are very reasonable and she answered to all my e-mails. So go and get a life and leave her alone.


West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Tasha is Genuine

#42Consumer Comment

Fri, October 10, 2008

I have used Tasha's services on 2 occasions and she has been very helpful. On both occasions she delivered what was promised with full instructions. Her service in my opinion represents excellent value for money as most other spell casters charge much higher fees. I know for sure that 1 spell I had done from Tasha achieved the results I wanted. Another one I am still waiting on. You will have to judge yourself from the spell cast and result. But I really do not think that Tasha is ripping any one off. I highly suspect that a competitor might be behind the false allegation.


Gold Hill,

#43Consumer Comment

Fri, October 10, 2008



I knew Tasha would come back and post undercover that she is real. Tasha is a scam and a fake.

#44Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 10, 2008

Kt is lying while I am crying. Other victims post your comments please. How can a scam really work? Her website is breaking the law?


Kt you are TASHA

#45Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 10, 2008

Once a scam always a scam. You are trying to salvage your reputation. It is not working. Her website breaks the law, if she was real it wouldn't.


Negative vs Positive Energies: A Consumer Truth!

#46Consumer Comment

Fri, October 10, 2008

As a recent customer of WitchCraftspellsnow.com/Tasha, I just want to say that Tasha has provided me great services. So to my understanding that negative/positive energies coming from the casted/purchased spells happen differently to different customer on this website. For my cases, I requested several spells casting for positive causes & so I must have received all positive energies from Tasha. So what is the truth? The following story is the true experience that I have on witchcraftspellsnow.com & with Tasha: When I first come to her, I request a spell to pass an exam since I have failed this important exam for nearly a year. Tasha has been very nice & constructive with her spells & directions. I pass my exam after the 2nd recast and find my life well going with the career front. Then, I come back and request for 2 more spells for a job promotion + to see my old lover. After 60 days, Tasha has been so kind to give me a 2nd recasts, the results do not turn out to be exactly what I have in mind but they do happen in a different ways. I do gain some more moneys from my jobs + see an old lover (not the one I have in mind but the one I have lots of passions for in the previous months). So the services good/bad? Compare to many other spell casters out there, I have to say Tasha charges a fair fee for her services & not too expensive. If you're an adventurer, go for the spells & try to generate positive energies to increase the wishes. If not, then you should not even tried the spell in the first place. For experiencing many spell casters recently, I learn one thing. The power is within you & the spell is the positive energies transported to you to help carrying out what you wish. Tasha has done her job & given the customer the necessary energies that one seeks. So is she good? Well... her website is worth a try for any adventurers who wont mind a decent fee to get good lucks in life. To me, she is a good witch who does respond to her emails in a timely manner & does her fair shares of services. Best of light to anybody reading this little experience of mine :).


Tasha is a scam, who has hurt me on top of all the hurt I already have. Never use her please, it will go wrong for you. Tasha is fake!!

#47Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 10, 2008

Those posting saying Tasha is real are by Tasha herself, trying to make herself look good, because they do not say how she really is. I having been waiting for results for nearly 9 months and it has cost a lot of money to get this far. I experienced similar to Meg. Please do not use Tasha, or if you already are, forget her and find someone who can help. I just heard from a friend my ex boyfriend's new girlfriend who he meet 6 months ago is having his baby. I know I'll never get results now. I just think Tasha and her scam is very cruel and I hope she experiences the same one day. I have a message for Tasha, you are a cold, heartless cheat and when the day of reckoning comes there will have to pay for what you have done. You try to drive people to the brink with your lies and robbing. It is horrible to know when you trust someone they are really a Judas. I will not trust again like this, ever. Now I have told the truth, will she come back and post a batch of comments saying she is real? That seems to be her game. TASHA from the website www.witchcraftspellsnow.com is a FAKE WITCH, I promise you what I say is real, I have no reason to lie. I have been hurt and most of my money I was the fool who parted with it. No replies to me emails.

Joy E.b.

Tasha@witchcraftspellsnow is NOT a fake!!! The REAL DEAL!!!

#48Consumer Comment

Thu, October 09, 2008

I have known Tasha now for the past two years, I stumbled upon her site after being scammed by other "so called" spellcasters, asking for rediculous amounts of money to perform their spells. I would have to say out of numerous casters that I have gone for help with my problems...Tasha is the ONLY person that has helped me, and not asked for more money to complete her spell. She is ALWAYS there to answer your questions, before..during..and after your spellcast. There has never been a time that she doesn't respond to your emails...it states on her website that it could take 1-3 days for a response, but believe me when I say she ALWAYS responds...Tasha is a beautiful person, and she is here to HELP us. I will continute to purchase spells from her as hers are the only ones that WORK!!! So if you're looking for a TRUE spellcaster...TASHA is the one you need to talk to, look no further. She cares and she will HELP you!!!!! This lady is the REAL DEAL people. I don't know what I would have done without her!! Joy E.B.


Tasha's spells really do work...

#49Consumer Comment

Thu, October 09, 2008

I would like to say that I ordered many spells from different people, in the last 4 months. And none of them worked, until I found Tasha. And decided to give her a try, because she offered a 60 day money back. From when I purchased the spell and until now, shes kept contact with me. And everything she said worked. She told me the spell will start working between 2-3 weeks, or it can take up to 8 weeks or longer. And by 2-3 weeks, I could tell this guy had feelings for me. before the 8 weeks was up, I was back with him. And I know that the spell worked, this guy loves me more than he ever did before. I see a complete difference in him. I dated this man before, then we broke up. Thats when I asked Tasha to perform this love spell on him, to bring him back. This guy is madly in love with me, and only has eyes for me. So, I would like to say to all these people out there, that Tasha is a true spell caster. She was helped me out so much. And I really don't know what I would do without her help. The reason why I know Tasha is a real caster is because, when I first purchased the love spell. This guy wouldn't even talk to me. And by 2-3 weeks, he was calling me. And he was so confused, because he started to have feelings for me. Then by 8 weeks, we got back together. And my situation, I believe to be a little harder than most. And because my boyfriend lives in another state. So, its not like I can see him everyday. But now, we have decided that he's going to move here, to be with me. Everything Tasha said, happened in the time frame she gave me. And I can tell how much he really loves me now. And it is more than he ever has before. So, to me this is proof that Tasha is for real. I would buy more spells from Tasha any day, because I know they will work, and I believe in her. I'm a real customer, that purchased a spell on July 8,2008.

Get A Life

Tasha isn't a fake...

#50Consumer Comment

Thu, October 09, 2008

First OFF, I was a client w/ Tasha starting in 2007. I've actually ordered 6 SPELLS FROM HER!! Now if she was sooo fake, why on EARTH would I order her spells? Anyway, I've talked with Tasha MANY of times, and she has always stated that the spell may take up to 2 wks, 2 months, or longer DEPENDING ON THE SITUATION!!!! It's not an overnight success. I recently had contacted her in question to my other 5 spells that I bought from her because they STILL aren't at their peak. (Meaning, I still have YET to see anything.) Once again, she still stated the same thing to me, it TAKES TIME DEPENDING ON THE SITUATION. NOW HOLD ON!!! Just because I haven't gotten full experience of my last 5 spells, doesn't mean she's fake. The first spell I ever bought from her, is working VERY NICELY! :) She also tells you to keep an open mind about the spell or spells that you purchase. Due to the fact that negative thinking, (as w/ ANYTHING) can put SLOWER EFFECTS on the spells that she's cast. So, WHOEVER this is, I suggest that you give her an apology. Just remember: "What goes around, comes around..." Maybe your bad energy is keeping your spell or spells from working??? K.Lael~


St. Petersburg,
TASHA is NOT a Fake

#51Consumer Comment

Thu, October 09, 2008

I am a client of Tasha, "Witchcraftspellsnow". Although I have used the service only 2 or three times, I found that she was VERY accurate in what she told me, performed her service as she stated, AND I HAD RESULTS within 10 days !!! This lady really knows her stuff, and I went to her after been RIPPED OFF by ANOTHER person purporting to be able to cast spells. They did not work ! I went to Tasha and I had results within 10 days ! THAT IS NOT FAKE, it is real ! This lady is the genuine article and I can only assume that the person on here trying to defame her, must be in some way in competition with her and seeking to make here look bad. Ignore this posting by this clown who obviously has an axe to grind. B.Saxon. Florida


Palm Harbor,
I bought in the past from Tasha without any problems

#52Consumer Comment

Thu, October 09, 2008

I bought some spells from Tashawitchcraftspells. She was nice, polite and the spells worked pretty well. Some in surprising ways. I think she helped my situation. Of course, faith is part of the process. Spells work with the energies of the individual.

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
Tasha is a scam by Trae Dorn (a man).

#53Consumer Comment

Thu, October 09, 2008

This is a scam run by Trae Dorn owner of www.trhonline.com One thing all of Trae Dorn's scam websites have in common is none have a mailing address, which the law states is required for websites selling services or products whether one is needed or not. The only websites of Trae Dorn's that have addresses are fastspells.com and spelllock.com, but for whatever crazy reason he exposes fastspells.com as a scam (on www.trhonline.com) and he says he plans to do the same with spelllock.com. Yes it is easy enough to do a check on the trading laws in your country, it's the same everywhere, websites MUST have a physical contact address if they are selling something. All Trae Dorn's website are breaking the law. The law protects the consumer. Odd how you can only pay for your spells by PayPal, no business bank account or anything? Trae Dorn has started a ridiculous hate campaign against me, posting lies on his www.trhonline.com website and sadly all over ROR. On the other hand, my website and this report states the truth, the truth always wins in the end. I am posting here as myself, I don't need to hide. A spell casting website must by law display: spell prices, have terms and all the sensible things you would expect if you was buying a DVD from a large company. Trae Dorn's websites are using hotmail, yahoo and google email addresses, not website business ones. If a large company sent you an email from [email protected] you would be alarmed, I suggest you treat all websites using free email addresses the same way. The law: USA - http://www.out-law.com/page-424 UK - http://www.oft.gov.uk/shared_oft/business_leaflets/general/oft958.pdf (an Office of Fair Trading download) Here is a list of Trae Dorn's law breaking scams - does anyone really think a website breaking trading and e-commerce laws offers a genuine service? Of course not. Would you knowingly choose to use a website that breaks the law? No. TD's scams: www.fastspells.com www.spelllock.com www.witchcraftspellsnow.com www.provenlovespells.com www.21stcenturymagick.com www.haitianvoodoospells.com www.secretwitchcraft.com www.spells4free.com www.orderofisis.com http://aishalovespellsscam.blogspot.com is owned by Trae Dorn Http://www.psyforums.com/ http://www.psychic-source.com/ http://www.angelblueessential.com/ http://www.goldman-y.com/ http://www.thebestof2worlds.com/ http://lovespells.spaces.live.com/ww.divinelovespells.com - Lee Ann www.profesorjorge.com/english.htm Professor Jorge www.divinepsychic.org/ Sharon Notre-Dame www.firespells.com - Isidore Bonjoko www.angellovespells.com - Angel-Priestess Maria www.moonspells.org - High Spirit-Priestess Faera www.venuslovespells.com Priestess Samantha Venus www.lovespells.ws Deborah www.thebestof2worlds.com www.psychicdena.com - Psychic Dena www.psychichelp.net - Altea www.templeatlantis.com www.realvoodoo.org - Josue J. Lenoir www.revenge-spells.com - Luther Joseph LaFortune www.wiccanwitchcraft.org/ http://lovespells.spaces.live.com/ www.weightlossspells.net - Gwendyth www.afterlifepsychic.com/


Rhode Island,
Tasha scammed me too, I am not surprised to learn she is really male

#54Consumer Comment

Wed, October 08, 2008

I used several spells over a 6 mth period, nothing worked. I was fed short emails of hope. WARNING: Do not use Tasha www.witchcraftspellsnow.com because she is really a man it says on another report http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/379/RipOff0379221.htm and more importantly, she cannot grant results for you. I lost a lot of money, I am really upset to learn she is not real, but better than false hope.

Bad Housekeeping

A real witch wouldn't have charged you a dime

#55Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 07, 2008

I'm a proud witch myself and have been one for almost a decade. Many times people have asked me for help in a variety of things: finding a new job, finding a boyfriend/girlfriend, you get the idea... Look, it DOES WORK, but it works best if you DO IT FOR YOURSELF. When people ask me to do something for them most of the time I show them how to do it themselves because that's what yields the best results. Charging a price for a spell is considered unethical by the majority of Wiccans in this country, I'm sorry you met with the exception. Remember, if you want it done right, do it yourself. Blessed Be

Spoiled Brat

Tanith from healingspirit.org?

#56Consumer Comment

Tue, October 07, 2008

Sand, you accuse Tasha of being a fraud, but you post another witch who has had SEVERAL rip off reports posted against her as some type of savior. Tanith from healingspirit.org.uk has a bad reputation. Check it out yourself if you don't believe me. Just type her name in the Search A Company Field on this Report. It doesn't sound like you were ever a client of Tasha'a since you clearly did not provide a short story or summary of how Tasha supposedly scammed you. I want to make it clear that I am in no way trying to indicate that Tanith from healingspirit.org. is definately a scam because I have never used her services, but I can say that she has a bad reputation.


Tasha from www.witchcraftspellsnow.com is a scam and rip off, really fake you know.

#57Consumer Comment

Tue, October 07, 2008

I was looking for a tasha report to post on, ,it is a major scam taking over theInternet, don' t use her no matter how desparate you are. You will be glad you didn't. I found something good though, use www.healingspirit.org, this is real, it was a relief to find it.


Tasha from www.witchcraftspellsnow.com is a scam and rip off, really fake you know.

#58Consumer Comment

Tue, October 07, 2008

I was looking for a tasha report to post on, ,it is a major scam taking over theInternet, don' t use her no matter how desparate you are. You will be glad you didn't. I found something good though, use www.healingspirit.org, this is real, it was a relief to find it.


Tasha from www.witchcraftspellsnow.com is a scam and rip off, really fake you know.

#59Consumer Comment

Tue, October 07, 2008

I was looking for a tasha report to post on, ,it is a major scam taking over theInternet, don' t use her no matter how desparate you are. You will be glad you didn't. I found something good though, use www.healingspirit.org, this is real, it was a relief to find it.


Tasha from www.witchcraftspellsnow.com is a scam and rip off, really fake you know.

#60Consumer Comment

Tue, October 07, 2008

I was looking for a tasha report to post on, ,it is a major scam taking over theInternet, don' t use her no matter how desparate you are. You will be glad you didn't. I found something good though, use www.healingspirit.org, this is real, it was a relief to find it.

Spoiled Brat

3 time Repeat Customer

#61Consumer Comment

Sun, October 05, 2008

The allegations that you are making are false. Tasha will NEVER tell a client that a spell would go faster if they pay $30 additional. I have worked with Tasha on 3 seperate occasions and happy with the outcomes which explains why I am and will always be a returning customer. If you do a search engine check on Tasha from witchcraftspellnow.com, you will see information posted on a blog in which she is a member. She was promoting her "new" website and speaking with other members of the Wicca community (some of whom were ridiculing her for charging money for spells amongst other things) After reading Tasha'a responses to certain questions on the blog, on top of her very detailed answers to several questions that I had, I felt very comfortable with doing business with her. Tasha's spells are the cheapest that I have come across on the internet. I think her most expensive spell is the custom spell which costs $90 which is still reasonable compared to others..but I want to stress again, that she NEVER told me that any spell that I purchased would manifest quickly. She is genuine. She has been on the internet since the beginning of 2007 ( I believe January 2007), here it is over a year and a half later and no complaints except yours. That says a lot about Tasha's authenticity. Don't you think that there be more complaints if she were scamming people? Let me give you a good example of what I'm talking about: A website by the name of fastspells.com run by Kimberly Rose was started on January 3, 2008. Within 6 or 7 months of them doing business on line, there were tremendous amounts of scam reports put out on this individual. Thanks to Trae Horn Kimberly Rose AKA Brittney Reynolds of fastspells.com has shut down the website as well as many others belonging to her by September 19th of this year after he did such a wonderful job in exposing her for the scam that she is and WILL ALWAYS BE. It is not fair that a genuine witch who has assisted me and I'm pretty sure countelss others in changing aspects of their lives for the better to be slammed like this.

Spoiled Brat

3 time Repeat Customer

#62Consumer Comment

Sun, October 05, 2008

The allegations that you are making are false. Tasha will NEVER tell a client that a spell would go faster if they pay $30 additional. I have worked with Tasha on 3 seperate occasions and happy with the outcomes which explains why I am and will always be a returning customer. If you do a search engine check on Tasha from witchcraftspellnow.com, you will see information posted on a blog in which she is a member. She was promoting her "new" website and speaking with other members of the Wicca community (some of whom were ridiculing her for charging money for spells amongst other things) After reading Tasha'a responses to certain questions on the blog, on top of her very detailed answers to several questions that I had, I felt very comfortable with doing business with her. Tasha's spells are the cheapest that I have come across on the internet. I think her most expensive spell is the custom spell which costs $90 which is still reasonable compared to others..but I want to stress again, that she NEVER told me that any spell that I purchased would manifest quickly. She is genuine. She has been on the internet since the beginning of 2007 ( I believe January 2007), here it is over a year and a half later and no complaints except yours. That says a lot about Tasha's authenticity. Don't you think that there be more complaints if she were scamming people? Let me give you a good example of what I'm talking about: A website by the name of fastspells.com run by Kimberly Rose was started on January 3, 2008. Within 6 or 7 months of them doing business on line, there were tremendous amounts of scam reports put out on this individual. Thanks to Trae Horn Kimberly Rose AKA Brittney Reynolds of fastspells.com has shut down the website as well as many others belonging to her by September 19th of this year after he did such a wonderful job in exposing her for the scam that she is and WILL ALWAYS BE. It is not fair that a genuine witch who has assisted me and I'm pretty sure countelss others in changing aspects of their lives for the better to be slammed like this.

Spoiled Brat

3 time Repeat Customer

#63Consumer Comment

Sun, October 05, 2008

The allegations that you are making are false. Tasha will NEVER tell a client that a spell would go faster if they pay $30 additional. I have worked with Tasha on 3 seperate occasions and happy with the outcomes which explains why I am and will always be a returning customer. If you do a search engine check on Tasha from witchcraftspellnow.com, you will see information posted on a blog in which she is a member. She was promoting her "new" website and speaking with other members of the Wicca community (some of whom were ridiculing her for charging money for spells amongst other things) After reading Tasha'a responses to certain questions on the blog, on top of her very detailed answers to several questions that I had, I felt very comfortable with doing business with her. Tasha's spells are the cheapest that I have come across on the internet. I think her most expensive spell is the custom spell which costs $90 which is still reasonable compared to others..but I want to stress again, that she NEVER told me that any spell that I purchased would manifest quickly. She is genuine. She has been on the internet since the beginning of 2007 ( I believe January 2007), here it is over a year and a half later and no complaints except yours. That says a lot about Tasha's authenticity. Don't you think that there be more complaints if she were scamming people? Let me give you a good example of what I'm talking about: A website by the name of fastspells.com run by Kimberly Rose was started on January 3, 2008. Within 6 or 7 months of them doing business on line, there were tremendous amounts of scam reports put out on this individual. Thanks to Trae Horn Kimberly Rose AKA Brittney Reynolds of fastspells.com has shut down the website as well as many others belonging to her by September 19th of this year after he did such a wonderful job in exposing her for the scam that she is and WILL ALWAYS BE. It is not fair that a genuine witch who has assisted me and I'm pretty sure countelss others in changing aspects of their lives for the better to be slammed like this.

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