To my disadvantage I have several members of my family that use a joint Credit Card account. Furthering that disadvantage, [when looking over the past monthly charges], I often look for specific or as it will suffice to say, LARGE purchases and/or charges. Well to say the least, recently I noticed a reoccuring charge in the ammount of $7.00 from a WLI Reservations. I asked my wife, my son and daughter if either of them knew anything about the charge. Further inquiries have shown that niether I nor a family member had authorized or signed-up for such a charge. I contacted the company on line to find out what was going on. Upon visiting the web site their information stated that I could not cancel the service without logging in. When I tried to obtain a password to log on to cancel I recieved a responce that said "your password is being emailed now." That was 2 days ago and I have yet to recieved aknowlegedement from them. I'm still in the process of attempting to contact them. As for the time being "I'm being RIPPED OFF!!