  • Report:  #809176

Complaint Review: Wood Forest National Bank - Dixon Illinois

Reported By:
CharlesE - Rockford, Illinois, United States of America

Wood Forest National Bank
South Galena ave Dixon, 61102 Illinois, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have been a customer of Wood Forest National bank for over 3 years now.  I have had several problems in the past of the quality that their debit cards are made out of and also being charged a fee for having a debit card that they charge businesses fees to use especially when I was told when I opened my account that I was not going to be charged for having a debit card that it was free. 

1. I never received a notice that there was going to be a fee for the card in the mail or electronically they just charged it and did not notify that they charged it. 

2.  on the same call in early August of this year I advised them that the card they were charging me for again had to be replaced due to the magnetic strip in the back coming out of the card and not being able to be read on any credit card machines.  I spoke with the Branch manager of the bank who advised me that she would credit me for the fee that I was not informed of and also order me a new card  free of charge and that I could either bring in the old one or destroy it. 

Well after past history of one of their employees taking a card when I had filed a dispute about a year ago for being charged for services not rendered and they never deactivated the card the employee that filed it kept the card took it home and was using it to the tune of 1500 in charges on the account over a 6 mo period.  Even better yet when they order you a new card they have you give over your pin number so she was able to obtain my pin number for the card. 

Always thought you should be able to trust your bank employees yea right not in a million years will I ever trust them again.   I couldn't change the pin number on the card cause I was not in possession of that card anymore.  I even asked them how there could be 2 different cards active on my account with my name on it with 2 different numbers on it when I filed the dispute and how their security department didn't catch that at times there was charges being done POS in 2 different states on the card and their response is that they do their best but pride them selves in being the best in the industry.

Any way to get to the point I Shredded the card properly safely disposed of it in 7 different containers in 7 different disposal centers so that it could not be put back together again and have the number..  So card destroyed no way for it to be  used right errrnt... wrong O they sent out a card with the same numbers on it same exp same 3 digit code on the back and it never made it to me and better yet it was activated right out of the gate before even being put in the mail. 

Even better as I know this from when I got my original card form this bank they send it out in an envelope marked Wood Forest National Bank Card issuing department.  Not Master Card Not Visa. not even blind in an envelope that it wouldn't be obvious that it had a card in it heck by the time my first card made it to me you could read the card number and the expiration date right on the envelope on the outside didn't have to guess what was inside of it as it was obvious and the envelope was half opened I immediately went into the bank complained and made them issue a new card to the bank itself.

Now we all know to use a Debit/Credit card as a debit you need a 4+ digit pin number correct?  Well according to them you can make charges on the internet and their clearing house will automatically convert it to debit w/o the 4+ digit pin number. 

So August to Sept no card so I call their 800 service they say there was no record of the card being ordered but there was a charge for it on my account pretty odd yeah right I wasn't surprised after dealing with them for over 3 years I was used to incompetence of that nature especially after their employee had used a card that they supposedly had to take to destroy it and replace it. 

lol yeah right they used that card.  So I escalated the call to a supervisor to whom stated to me she would contact the local branch and get back to me about it.  2 weeks go by no call so I call back ask what is going on as my online was locked out as well and I was out of town and couldn't go to my local branch see what was going on.  The rep on the phone put me on hold then transfers me to a collections agency telling me that I owe them over 400.00 bucks for charges and over draft fees made to my account from august to that time that were not paid up and if I didn't make a payment to them at that time they were going to report me to chex systems immediately to prevent me from opening an account with any other bank. 

Sure as they promised the action they did just that and the best part was it wasn't even 60 days that it was over drafted to get this charges made on the card that turned out to have been ordered by their local branch and never got to me but get this was a duplicate card with all the information matching. 

Now lets ask our selves this why in all that is holy would a bank knowing that mail does get stolen from time to time allow for a card to be sent out that is: A. The same exact everything duplicate card B. A card that is activated C. When they get caught with their pants down send me right to collections to screw me over for their error instead of doing the ethical thing and fixing their mistake and keeping a customer that would have stayed with them if they hadn't screwed the pooch.  Not one call not one notice in the mail about the over drafts and when their called on their error they try to cover their tracks with it. 

To this day I have a collections company calling me starting at 7 am and continuing to contact me all the way up to 10 pm at night out of Chicago making threats of coming to my house taking my car taking my house to which I know they cannot do to settle a debt.  Threats of going to my work place threats of filing false tips of fake disability threatening to strong arm me.  I told them I am working with the Regional Manager to get them to fix and resolve their error so that they would not have to harass me and break the law to which I would gladly turn over the conversations ( didn't have any but threatened them that I did right back with their own game) to the FTC and they said they were untouchable that the FTC couldn't do a thing to them that they were foreign with a US call.  So I then asked them if they were how were they planning to come to my house and do all to me they said they would do to me Considering my car is paid in full and that my house is as well so that there was no liens on the properties and that they couldn't touch them let alone the bank they are representing was not the loan company for either one.

I did file a complaint with the FTC against them and it is being investigated considering they still continue to Harass me daily from morning till night it will only end very badly for them as the cannot all before 9 am in the morning and cannot call after 9 pm at night and they call any where from 15 to 20 times a day and when I hang up on them they have been known to call right back.  If I knew that I wouldn't end up in a bad situation I would trace the number down to their US location and proceed to walk in their doors and tell them to go head try what they threatened to do to me and see how far they get when the cops show up with a camera hidden on me and then turn that over to the media.

There was a company in Rockford that I am sure many know very well called Camco that was shut down for the exact reasons that this company will more than likely get shut down for as well.

SO upon finding this out I immediately get back on the phone with them and inform them that I will report them to the Attorney Generals office in my state as well as FTC and FDIC for this behavior as the law states that an account cannot be legally turned over to a collections agency w/o notifying the person that you are doing that to in writing of the debt that is owed and then you have to wait 30 days after that send a certified letter then at 90 days you may take actions against them to collect the debt.  I know this as I have owned businesses in the past where I have had to do this to dead beats to get them to pay up. 

They did not follow the law thinking that I would be some poor dumb hillbilly that wouldn't know my a*s from a hole in the ground and they would get off Scott free on this.  I spoke with a regional manager who told me that I could not do anything about half of the charges as they came in as debits and I again asked him how can a person charge against my account with a debit card w/o the pin number and he gave me the same ole song and dance that there clearing house automatically does that for some vendors do save them on extra charges for a card being used as a credit card instead of debit difference on master card is Credit is 5% debit is 2.5 or was a the time is what he explained to me. 

I told him he will fix this or I will bring down the wrath of the law on their bank and see to it that they get an unexpected audit from the IRS as yes banks are not supposed to make profits if they are indeed not for profit however they are NA not a regular bank there fore they are a business not a FDIC regulated institution there fore they can make a profit just the same as a credit union can as well and various other types of banks. 

So their Regional Manager Brian back in November tells me that some of the charges are over 90 days old and cannot be disputed per their policy  Knowing that the card had a replacement ordered for it back in August and that I had destroyed the original card and yet the replacement never showed up and was reported that it didn't show up back in Sept which was within their dispute period never mind the fact that they should have shut the card off not left it active.

I even advised their employees that until I receive the new card back in August that I would not be depositing any checks as I don't write any checks I only use my debit card as credit and would not be putting money in a bank that I didn't at the time even have any checks for that w/o my permission they ordered checks for my account didn't ask me if I wanted them as I don't use checks their a pain in the butt to deal with most of the time a long line in a store is due to a check.  Their employee said an I quote that is fine you have a positive balance on your account at this time now and that there didn't appear to be anything pending against my account, and they would close the card out and that as long as I didn't write any checks for more than 13.00 that I would be fine. 

She then orders Checks and not their free checks she orders checks with anti theft stuff in them and a holographic image on the top as well as anti washable inked pens and charges my account over 30.00 for the checks and pens that I didn't order from them and did not request.  All I needed was my card no checks as again I don't write any checks to any place or any body, and if I need cash I go to their ATM if when their closed.  To which they charge you to use their own ATM even if it is to get a balance on the account they still charge you for that.  They charge you 1.00 to get a balance and 2.50 to take money out of their atms.  Oh yeah and a few of their fraudulent charges that were against my account were from over seas and they charged me fees for those as well and said that those came in as ATM charges and again how in the heck am I going to get hit with an ATM charge when an ATM requires a pin# to be entered into a key pad to do so.

I told him he will either take care of it or I will make his life miserable.  I had to threaten them this past Saturday with legal actions to get him to call me back.  Which he did telling me that 30 days later they still are researching the disputes.

Then he tells me that even if they had canceled the card like they were supposed to do so that the number is already tied to my account and that if a recurring charge came into the account that was a canceled service as there was 2 of those that they would not be able to stop them as they are recurring charges and that they are pre-authorized agreements with vendors and they say that is a law that they cannot go against. 

So what do I do I contact the FTC and ask them about it and what does the FDIC state that they cannot do that and if they did they would themselves be committing fraud by allowing charges to go against a card that is no longer active and has been reported lost damaged or stolen.  So I get back on the phone with this gentleman who always contacts me from a number that he thinks is blocked little does he know that I get called on a business line that records number that are incoming and blocked and records the actual number.  He tries to BS me into believing that its master cards policy to do that not theirs.  I stopped him in his tracks and informed him I just got off the phone with the FTC and they did indeed inform me that their actions are illegal and they might want to reconsider them.

Brian proceeds to try and buffalo me into thinking that they were wrong that there was nothing they could do about the charges and that the FTC cannot touch them.  Then states to me after he answers the phone as Brian that it wasn't Brian that I was speaking to that it was Bobby and that Brian was not available to speak with but he was same LEVEL manager with Wood Forest bank from a different Region in town for a meeting and had answered his phone for him.

I advised him that he is screwing with the wrong hick that I am not stupid and wont be treated as such.  I am in the process of filing complaints with all governing bodies that can go after them and hope that they get shut down or fined or even better taken over by the government like other banks have had done to them in the past for illegal behavior such as this and others like Amcore bank which had to sell because of their behaviors and employees that stole from people and many more.

At this time I am stuck using a stupid prepaid green dot card till I get this resolved and there are many places that don't take them so I have to go against my own rules most of the time and carry cash on me as allot of gas stations do no accept a pre paid card let alone and that is for another complaint but I am trying to get rid of Direct TV and go to Dish Network they don't take prepaid cards either which really screws a person over so basically until they fix this they have me over the barrel with it and I am screwed I cant open an account with any banks as they are legally required now to check Chex Systems as there is stuff reported to that aside from your credit report.

Any attorneys that would like to take this case Pro Bono and wait to get paid till it settles I would love to hear from as I am a disabled person that they are taking advantage of and that is wrong and they know it their employees know I am disabled so they think that no one would take it to represent me in this case and go after them and that I wouldn't have the ability to go after them being disabled consider there are many others out there that have had this very problem with them and the fact that they indeed jumped the gun and shot right to collections when they knew they screwed up will bite them in their Arse

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Where do you get your ideas?

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, January 25, 2012

In reading through your novel trying to figure out where the "RipOff" is I noticed a few interesting comments that perhaps you can explain.

not rendered and they never deactivated the card the employee that filed it kept the card took it home and was using it to the tune of 1500 in charges on the account over a 6 mo period. 

- So what you have just admitted is that you only reconcile your account every 6 months.  Because if you did it regularly you should have noticed this after the first month, or even sooner if you use On-Line banking.  This really is a "blow" to the rest of your claims.

wrong O they sent out a card with the same numbers on it same exp same 3 digit code on the back and it never made it to me and better yet it was activated right out of the gate before even being put in the mail. 
- And how do you know this for a fact if you never got the card?  In actually trying to read the rest of your report it sounds like when you requested this card your account was already overdrawn so they didn't even send out the card.

Then we get into some of your "interesting" comments.

I told him he will fix this or I will bring down the wrath of the law on their bank and see to it that they get an unexpected audit from the IRS as yes banks are not supposed to make profits if they are indeed not for profit however they are NA not a regular bank there fore they are a
business not a FDIC regulated institution there fore they can make a profit just the same as a credit union can as well and various other types of banks

- Perhaps you should take a look and see what "NA" means.  I also guess you never heard of the Comptroller of the Currency.

If you do so you are in violation of the Patriot Act and can be Fined several thousands of dollars up to and including possibly being shut down depending on the amount of Violations on the account or number of accounts there was violations on .
- I might have missed this but can you please provide us with the section of the Patriot Act that states this?

Also considering that I have been in the Walmart in Dixon said hi to the employees of the bank several times one would think that if they were trying to get a hold of me they would have said hey you got a min we need to discuss your account status.

- Well aren't you full of yourself.  I am sure that the employees were doing nothing more than watching everyone go by every hour of the day in the hopes that they see you to be able to talk to you about your account.

1 day to respond to me after that I go to a lawyer and you will get a intent to sue notice from them.
- Don't wait a day..go to a lawyer today, explain your situation.  Let them know all of this research you have done and how you are sure you can get a 7 figure settlement in front of a jury trial.  Be sure to come back and post what the lawyer said and how much of a retainer they are going to charge you for them to represent you.

Oh and before you ask I am not an employee of this or any bank.


Still nothing but lies and fruad from WoodForest Bank!!!!!

#3Author of original report

Wed, January 25, 2012

So that number they gave me to call has been disconnected.  2 Their so called Regional Manager Kevin wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the face.  He told me that every thing was taken care of my account was restored and all I had to do was go in and make a deposit of 63.00 and some change to ensure it was restored.  I went into the bank and proceeded to make said deposit.  The bank states oh no you owe us over 160.00 I advised them they needed to get ahold of Kevin.  Guess what no one heard of him.

When I was done dealing with him he told me that I was to dispute the report to Chex Systems as they would not remove a report they made in their error after they admitted that they had been calling a number that was no longer active and leaving messages with personal information in them to god knows who.  When I asked him the number that he was calling then advised him that they were calling the wrong number he said well that's not my problem.  I told him it was their problem they were calling that number and it was their problem that they sent out an active card and did not cancel a card that could no longer be used.

I again spoken with the FDIC about the charges to my card and again was advised by their reps that in order for a charge to be made as a Debit there is only one way for it to be done it has to have the pin number to ensure that it is done correctly.

Kevin also advised me that he would contact the collections agency that was calling me about their screw up telling me that they are owed at the last call was 600 and some change.  I advised them that it was already settled with their client and they needed to contact them and verify it with their regional manager Kevin.  I was advised then that they are Wood forest employees and that no such Kevin exists.

Kinda funny a company would risk massive fines from the government for a screw up as big as they have done and possible being shut down as I know I am not the only person that they have screwed over.  At the end of last year they were ordered by the IL Attorney generals office to refund massive over draft charges to all their IL customers up to a said amount.  and get this they did.   They were fined for this as well and fare warned any more issues and they can face being shut down and not allowed to operate in the State of IL.

I will say this their screw up has screwed me from opening an account with any other bank in the country and if they think I am going to take this and just walk away they got another thing coming its election year and what you can get done by a politician is amazing especially when their up for re election. 

The bank here in Rockford said they are looking into it and that is what they have been saying for the last 2 weeks now no response their also the ones that stated that there was no Kevin that was a Regional manager working for them and that there was never a Regional manager named Kevin either.  So who did their company have me giving my personal information to thats what I would like to know?  Especially when he was in the Dixon IL branch and even had me call him there and I have the Voice mail showing he called me and asked for me to call him back there and the record on my phone bill showing that I did indeed call him there as well as my phone bill shows all phone numbers  for calls that came in as well as calls that I made and there is no calls on record showing that the bank ever attempted to contact me advising me that my account was over drafted at all I contacted them advising them that my card that they ordered had never showed up.

This all happened after I spent a ton of money on checks that their company told me that I had to purchase instead of cheap generic Checks that I normally get because I rip the deposit slips out and burn the rest of the book they advised me that I had to buy these special checks that were anti theft checks and pens that were special anti washable ink pens that was the only way the checks were going to be honored do to high amount of fraud against their customers.  I spent 45.00 and some change to purhcase these said checks and pens.  Then they close my account and tell me to stick them in my rear end. 


And yes I called their number 20 times to make sure it wasn't a case of them just blocking me and called if from different numbers as well it is a disconnected number. 

Wood Forrest if you wish to get my account back and the large settlement that I have coming in and its a 6 figure settlement you have my phone number in your system you better have someone in The back end in higher management contact me. Your refusing to do so than that is a sign that your company is accepting guilt and want to run from this I will be disputing the report to Chex Systems and I will ensure that your company is forced to remove that report to them as it was done illegally in the process of getting there and closing of my account without properly attempting to contact me. 

There was no phone calls to my phone only to a number I no longer have and I was able to get in-touch with the person that has it and was informed that personal information was being left in the messages which is illegal as hell they are willing to sign a deposition stating that they have had that number since May of this year.  Your staff was giving the new phone number to contact me at when I changed it it took finally calling into the 800 number in July to get it changed as every time I tried to do so at the bank in Dixon they couldn't get it right and I see after all of this that they couldn't be bothered to try the new number on the file after it was on there and that supposed Kevin verified it was on there as well.  Your staff didn't remove the old number after the new number was given to them.  Instead they just left it there and when the bank in Dixon called or so they said they did which according to the person that has it now stated they were leaving messages that had illegal information left in them w/o verifying that you are speaking with the person you are intending to contact and not speaking with them in person and not verifying that they are who you intend to be speaking with you cant leave balance information nor account information status of the account etc...  If you do so you are in violation of the Patriot Act and can be Fined several thousands of dollars up to and including possibly being shut down depending on the amount of Violations on the account or number of accounts there was violations on .

Also considering that I have been in the Walmart in Dixon said hi to the employees of the bank several times one would think that if they were trying to get a hold of me they would have said hey you got a min we need to discuss your account status.  Not this crap of not actually getting ahold of me when there was a number supplied to them when I got it which was the proper number to contact me at not the one that they were calling.  and Again that Kevin verified with me that there was another number that was on the account being my old number and that was the number that they were calling not the New number that they should have been calling.  And considering that they didn't reach anyone on the number they were calling and seen another number I would think that common sense would say hey lets try that number instead maybe we might get a hold of him, but I am guessing that is a turn off when hiring employees that if they have that you just turn them away so you get stupid people working there that have no common sense. 

When I called in yesterday I was treated like a criminal by your customer service staff and then transfered to the collections company instead of given to a Supervisor as I requested and am legally entiteled to as well.  I called in 4 times to the 800 number yesterday and all 4 times was transfered to the Collections. 

Your company has 1 business day to respond to me on the phone number that you have been supplied by me to get this taken care of if not as I said that just shows that you don't want to fix your errors and that you want to see a government audit on your company and fines and keeps going with out your fixing it and you will hear from my lawyer and I will be seeking Damages as your company has stained my Chex Systems report and I wont be able to open an account with a bank for the next 5 years because of it, and don't think a lawyer wont be able to recover a nice settlement that is in the 6 or 7 figure range when I put it all in front of a Jury and with the way people feel about banks these days you can only see how they would react to this case and where the award would be.  I have researched it and guess what it would be more like the 7 figure range for the settlement so now were going to not only discuss your screw up were also going to discuss what your company is going to give me to settle this without me bringing a Lawyer into this situation for its Ignorance and Damage to my Chex Systems Ratings.  It was clear before your company pulled this garbage now its down to 100 points out of 800 from your 1 reporting to them.  So yeah I will be going after you for all that I can get out of your business if you dont satisfy me with this. 

1 day to respond to me after that I go to a lawyer and you will get a intent to sue notice from them.

1 day

Woodforest Customer Service

The Woodlands,
Woodforest National Bank Consumer Outreach

#4UPDATE Employee

Fri, December 16, 2011

Woodforest National Bank is dedicated to providing quality customer service and we would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you directly.  Please contact our Consumer Outreach Director at 281-764-1014 or email [email protected].

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