  • Report:  #643080

Complaint Review: World Pharmacy - Internet

Reported By:
patricia - portland, Oregon, United States of America

World Pharmacy
none internet Internet, United States of America
best pharmacy.com and World Pharmacy is the site name that shows up
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Well what a RIP OFF SCAM TRAD new scam be ware. I got an email from World Phamacy, was looking for oxycodone. Have been on pain management have cancer 40 + operations cronic pain on disability.  All the sudden lost my doctor. Desperated for help got hit hard with rip of scams.

 Taking all I had. Now I have  alomst no meds left at all. Have been on MS CONRIN for several years with oxycodone for break thought pain. even on other meds.  The MS is time release if u dont know. I am in mid 50's a bit nieve.

 After getting  this site on my email , ordered what said Vicodin said with Oxycodone w parcatomole. The next day did get a call from the cussomer service man name MATTHEW at the number above I star 69 it too. He said he would get me what I wanted as told him my condition he even said he was chocked up. Gave me a #to call for customer support to get it processed, because they r secure site tell them the amount only he said and the word znanflex and nothing more which he said was Generic. Excited thinking it was true but not quite understanding the oxy being in vicdin for all the others on the site said hydrocodone, and stilll do even on newest site have it on my favorites. He was me nervous fed ex  the package was so please i even went to order more items .

 When the package came it was a capsule powder Zanaflex which i found is just a muscle relaxer very cheap. I tried to stop order but already went thought I called mattew at same number and knew i had been scamed called a pharmacy and found   I COULD HAVE DIED TAKING THIS ZANAFLEX NOT OXY OR VICODIN knew then I was scamed tried to stopped other orders. to late!  He promised he would get me the correct med never did.

Then few days later got more emails saying the site had been hacked by Russians. bla bla excuse. Now i feel so embarassed and am suffering dont know how to get the meds I need er only will give 15 tabs 1 time take 3 moths to get in new pain management doc. Its not right I'm stuck. The secure  site customor support HEALTH SOLUTIONS  HAD FED EX COME PICK UP THE BAD MED because Im working with them to bring justice they said the would refund that amount as for the other to items I oreder on there new site for oxycontin which was not there before after they scam enough put up a new site and keep doing it. The still even have in pain med section botton left the seciton for Vicodin with it saying oycodoone and the parhdole and if u look lower it says on it vidodin is hydrodocone so if they r at all a rep pharm they should know that even aafter my telling them.

 They shut down the site it was save on favorites with a pictiure instead of President in the Middle east peace.

I just found a new site after called MD MARKET WHERE U GET 90 VICODIN FOR 599.00 COD WITH HEALTH QUESTIONAIRE AND PERCOETT TO EXPENSIVE 30. ALSO ORDERED 80 MG OXY AND THEY HAD PERCODAN I AM TO GET TOMORROW FED EX COD MO. SEE WHAT HAPPENS That seeme the way to go for just end of last week a rep called saying from online pharmacy and tried to tell me he would get me percoett and to lie and telll the support site people i wanted torodol which i never had said no and reported him on the spot. But he got my info so I had to cancle my account. I need a realiable doctor or supplier pharmacy until i can get to a pain managament cliinic. Last year when I ran out of meds had an attmept to take my life Was in so much pain trying to go of Fentynal, Moriphine, percotte, some and xanax alone after having enough 40 plus operations cancer and much more Im very much suffering and need help. What is wrong with our system we treat animals more humain that suffering people.

I saved all emails from them have it star 69 for proof they called Llots of times in to days atelast 40 time harrassing me. Then when I called the number  before and his  leaving it on my machine they said no Matthew here we r just a currior service and we cant get in coming calls which is a lie for I have proof he called from that number. He was even so dumb to send me emails about the hackers with other customers emails attached. Ill do what ever to help no won else get this treatment. I now have mone on top of everything else and soon will be in horrible with drawls if I cant and dont get the meds from the new pahrmaicy s I found . They had it all Oxycotin, peroctte, oxydodone all the pain meds hard to find but u pay won gave u 100 of each up to 80 with doctor form and approval online thanks be careful out there


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