  • Report:  #555621

Complaint Review: Worldwide Acquisitions Inc. - Woburn Massachusetts

Reported By:
Yours truly, Joe - Revere, Massachusetts, United States of America

Worldwide Acquisitions Inc.
400 Cummings Park Suite #3500 Woburn, Massachusetts, United States of America
(781) 759-1291
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Where to begin!? That's a 26 letter multiple choice question for Worldwide Acquisitions.

If you guessed (Z) All of the above. You're absolutely correct. For your reward, you get to ring this bell and run around a human merri-go round exchanging high fives!! Exciting?? I guess it could be... If your best friend is Billy Jean and your nicknamed the 'king of pop'. If that's the case, then this is your dream job.

Yes, Unfortunately I am a former employee of this poorly managed company. I'm a little upset. As if you couldn't tell, right? Well, I have a good reason to be mad about my termination from this company. In fact, they actually did me the biggest favor in the world. However, I am not going to stand by and let the same thing happen to hard working people like myself.

So here's my short little story. Once upon a time, I signed up on careerbuilder.com hoping to find a job like anyone else who needs to pay the bills. I found an entry-level outside sales position posted by worldwide acquisitions. Wow, it seemed like one of those jobs where I was under-qualified and if I got this job, I'd feel like the luckiest guy in the world. Guess what? I got the job. If only I knew it was too good to be true... I wouldn't be in the position I am now.

Let me take you through the basics real quick. The first interview was no more than 10 minutes. I could have said the world was flat and be invited back for a 2nd interview. I guess the 2nd interview makes up for short length of the 1st by job shadowing a trainer for 6 hours. Ohh and they call this a half-day of work. Seriously, they do. My trainer of course had to be Kevin Graziano, former GM of Global Marketing Enterprises which is basically a generic version of worldwide acquisitions. He was a real cool guy, someone who is easy to talk to and very professional. I had a great amount of respect for Kevin right off the bat. During the ride back from the 2nd interview Kevin told me what to say in my 3rd interview so that I would definitely get the job. I did exactly what he told me and I was offered the job. A choice of $300 base pay + $25 commission or $75 commission. Ohh not to forget the benefits, wait there are NONE. Well, unless you consider paying extra for health care a benefit. Like an idiot, I accepted the job. The way they talked about growth opportunities and the pay scale was like music to my ears.

Monday the 11th. It was my first day of training. Note: training takes up to 1-2 weeks and you're not allowed to be late by even a minute or you will not get paid a mere $200 when completed. I went out to Medway with Cameron, who I personally believe to be the best trainer in the company. God bless him.

Tuesday, I was supposed to go all the way to Natick for a meeting on new promotions. Mind you this was at 10am which meant I had to leave my house before 9. I ended up arriving 30min late to this 'optional' meeting because my GPS died and I had to stop and ask for directions every half mile. So after the pointless meeting on new promotions, I had to still learn about the old ones to promote for the rest of the week. I followed Kevin all the way up to Dunstable! Which might as well have been in the middle of nowhere. The houses were separating by football field gaps and we were only able to visit like 5 houses where he did all the talking. I learned nothing!!

Wednesday, I had a doctor's appointment until 12. On my way to work my car was rear-ended by some nutcase. I had the biggest headache so I decided it was pointless to waste another day suffering in the freezing weather. I let Kevin know I wouldn't be coming in for the day. Like that even mattered, He didn't answer my phone calls or texts.

Thursday, Kevin took me aside, told me I had 2 strikes. Tuesday and Wednesday. He asked me if I knew what 3 strikes meant. And I said, "Yea, It means I suck at baseball". I was kind of shocked he even asked me. Meanwhile, I was also wondering how the heck I had 2 strikes when I had yet to receive a first one. I lost a lot of respect for Kevin that day.

Friday, I went back to Medway with Cameron. Thank god. I'm finally going to learn something. I was able to do everything right and all I had to do was get more comfortable around the customers. So, I promised Kevin I would do my best.

Saturday, That's right. We have to work Saturday as well!! 6 days a week, over 50 hours, and we had to be there by 10am! Well, I woke up a little late but skipped breakfast so I could leave my house on time. I even made up my own sales pitch which took me 3 hours the night before. On my way to work, I hit a detour and had to find a way around it, which I did. I arrived 5 minutes late to a room full of half our employees that were playing a game where someone is blindfolded and another person has to guide them through the room. It was ridiculous. After the game, Kevin pulled me aside. Asked me again if I knew what 3 strikes meant. I played dumb. He told me that the company is 'letting me go'. Wow. Really?? I just worked a 50 hour week and spent $70 on gas, bought a suit for $140 and spent hours upon hours of my own free time studying the product knowledge. And you're letting me go because I was 5 minutes late to recess. You have got to be kidding me. What's even worse is they pay me nothing!

Kevin, I hope you read this. The reason why your company went under in Ohio is because of poor management. As one of your trainee's, I'm telling you the honest to god truth. Please learn how to give people the benefit of the doubt sometimes and realize that bad things do happen and not to let them go without really giving them a chance. Especially if they can help your company grow in the future.

With all that being said. I would never work for this company again. Even if they offered me my job back and a promotion. Any company that who's top expense involves spending $3,200 in online-recruiting is a company that needs some serious help. My names Joe and I'll see you on the bell!!

P.S. If you do decide to accept a job with this company, at least you'll have the annual chucky cheese parties to go to and the everyday games in the morning that could be spent on making sales. Games are more fun, right?? I believe they're holding a hopskotch competition after the coloring book contest. Hurry up and reserve an interview!

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4 Updates & Rebuttals


Why you REALLY got fired

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, January 20, 2010

The reason you were fired seems simple enough...you showed them that you're incompetent, and like others have stated, any company would fire an employee that did what you did the first week.

The unfortunate truth is far harder to see.

In order for "companies" like this to exist, they not only need a constant stream of new bodies to replace the people who wised up and left (because this is a cult/scam, don't kid yourself) but they need to CONSTANTLY maintain a positive atmosphere in the office.


Besides the obvious that a positive attitude will help your sales...the positive attitude is also used to keep people in the cult.  By constantly preaching that you should always show up with a positive attitude (however absurdly impossible that might be) it helps to keep people coming back to work.  Break that positive atmosphere and people will immediately realize, "hey, I am being taken advantage of here!!"

I was given "warnings" because I yawned in a meeting one day, and was leaning on something.  

They actually did you a favor, but honestly you shot yourself in the foot that first week.

And what's worse is that you fail to recognize it.


United States of America
Not ignorance, common sense

#3Consumer Suggestion

Mon, January 18, 2010

Here's something to remember going forward...

There is no such thing as OPITIONAL in your first week with a company. Any company. If they have a meeting, then you get there (on time) and soak in all you can. It's called putting your best foot forward. It may be optional for those who already know the ropes and are on track with whatever the meeting is about, but for a new guy...it's really anything but optional.

As for your "doctor's appointment" and "car wreck", I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and counting the two as only one fail. Anyone with common sense would reschedule a doctor's appointment so it does not coincide with their first week of work. Again, this is common sense. No appointment is so important that it can not be moved unless your ailment is so severe that you are unable to work a regular job anyway...it's really that simple.

Also, 5 minutes late is LATE. Geez. People today don't seem to get that anymore. I was taught that just being on time was like being five minutes late. It's important to not only be there, but to be ready to go as well. You want to well at your next job? Really let that sink in then, because it's a good rule to live by. 5 minutes early is on time, on time is late, and 5 minutes late is inexcusable. Simple, huh?

Saying "The 2nd time I was late by a mere 5 minutes. That one was my fault. However, It's not like I missed anything important" is a reflection of your poor attitude. It indicates a general lack of respect for other people.

Finally, I don't care what type of half-a*s, mickey-mouse operation made the mistake of hiring you. It doesn't matter if they're are the lowest of the low or the best of the best, you would have likely been out on your a*s either way.

Frankly, if an operation that has nothing but complaints and can't seem to do anything right and is as bad you claim won't put up with your monkey-business, what does that say about you? Think about it. What do you gain with all this?

Remember, it's never productive to speak ill of anyone... it only makes you look bad. This applies to all aspects of life...speaking ill of an ex-girlfriend will turn off potential mates as quickly as speaking ill of a former employer will turn off potential interviewers...

Move on. Good luck.


United States of America
Your reply is based on ignorance.

#4Author of original report

Sun, January 17, 2010

First of all. I was late for a meeting that was 'optional'. The 2nd time I was late by a mere 5 minutes. That one was my fault. However, It's not like I missed anything important and I've showed up at least 15min early all the other times.

Secondly, yes I had a doctor's appointment and an unfortunate accident on the same day. It could have happened to anyone. With that being said... my work ethic was never in question and do some research on worldwide acquistions. Tell me what you find. Complaints, complaints, and more complaints.



United States of America
Easy to avoid in future...

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, January 17, 2010

I've got to side with the company on this one, friend.

The bottom line is that in your FIRST week of work, you were late twice, took time off for a doctor's appointment and called in sick once...in one week. YOUR FIRST WEEK!!?!!?!

I don't care if the company is run out of someone's basement by a guy in a bathrobe covered in cheeto and gravy stains...they're paying you to be someplace each day at a certain time and in your first six days, you dropped the ball three times...that's a 50% fail rate!!!! Sure, you had plenty of excuses, but none of them really hold water...

Don't reply, it'd just be embarrassing. Just chalk up this whole experience as a lesson learned and move on.

Most importantly, remember to be on time at your next job.

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