  • Report:  #91905

Complaint Review: Xango - Rep. Kim Stevenson - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
- Tempe, Arizona,

Xango - Rep. Kim Stevenson
[email protected] Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This representative of Xango products told me an outright bold faced lie. She said her product was guaranteed and then, would not refund my money when I was not happy with the product. Also, when I reported her to the company, they would not take responsibility for her actions.

After months, I am still angry. This is my only way of receiving satisfaction. I will continue for years to come to use such means.

Customer service still ranks #1--see what happens when customers are treated unfairly?


Tempe, Arizona

19 Updates & Rebuttals


While there haven't been any clinical trials, there has been decades of research.

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, October 17, 2007

I'll be the first to agree...clinical trials are important. However, not nearly as important as the laboratory research that lays the ground work. The mangosteen fruit has been studied since the mid 60's, and that paper was written by a pharmaceutical company. Since then, discoveries have been made by leaps and bounds on the worth of this one fruit. If you doubt the efficacy of this, then go to a popular research site used by thousands of doctors, pubmed.com, and type in the word mangosteen. Two pages of results will pop up with links to hundreds more on the same site. All of these research papers are written on controlled experiments, and a few of the papers can be read in their entirety. Any others require a membership. What it comes down to is this....while some people may not experience a benefit until after 6 months, most others do within the first 4. Why? Because each body is different. The research itself is nothing short of amazing. Let's think logically here. If you have a naturally growing fruit, that in laboratory research has been PROVEN to 13 of 14 cancer cell lines in vitro ( and yes, this is from an actual paper) in 6 days, that 6 of them were from the liver and were all dessimated in that period of time, do you seriously thing that the FDA is going to allow clinical trials to begin when they are responsible for approving these high-cost medications? Let's be realistic here. Pharmaceutical companies make a fortune off of diseases. If that were to suddenly be taken over by a fruit, where do you think they would be? In bankruptcy court!!! OK. Now for the serious thinkers. It's a fruit people!!!! Since when has there even been a clinical trial to prove that orange juice was good for fighting a cold or that the essential fatty acids found in fish where great for helping keep our eyes from drying out quickly. (Contact lens wearers who suffer from dry eye know what I'm talking about)?! Finally...yes I am a distributor. I also know what this product has done for me. I suffer from a host of ailments: RA, fibro, MVP, allergies, asthma, IBS, and the latest, lumbar facet sclerosis related to a lifting injury. I know the pain and problems I had before XanGo. I also know the lack of pain and problems since I began my regimen. This fruit is a complete and utter miracle. Research these papers and learn as I did that not everything is cut and dry, that are still things on this planet that are unexplained and that there are groups that don't want to give up the almighty dollar from prescription drugs rather than actually do what is right and save a life. Good heavens people....need I say more?


Las Vegas,
Xango Hype is all it is

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, July 26, 2006

Two issues I think need addressing. There are now numerous studies out there done on Xango which has proven it has no special medicinal or beneficial qualities over other common vitamins and health products at a very small fraction of the price. Xango likes to throw the word "Antioxidant" around a lot because their juice is filled with them. They like to tell you that by ingesting so many antioxidants that you will have a cure for everything from cancer to ingrown toenails. The truth is, your body has a natural filtration system in your kidneys that filter out excess antioxidants. Your body takes what it needs and the excess is filtered out through your urine. So by taking more antioxidant-rich suppliments you are not benefiting at all by their properties because any excess your body doesn't need is thrown away. There are numerous studies done on this fact and it is this main property that is the backbone of the Xango hype. Second, to those justifying the rediculously high price, understand that price is going toward the network marketing end of the business and not the product. If Wal-Mart were selling this stuff, it would be on shelves for $2.99 a bottle but since they have a network marketing company to support, the high price is justified. Someone earlier stated that the high price is because of the high costs in harvesting the fruit. This is nothing more than Xango propoganda. They want you to believe this so they can continue to perpetuate their deceipt of their product. A very good friend of mine's father has lived in the Phillipines all his life and when he heard that us dumb Americans were paying over $25.00 a bottle for Mangostein juice he laughed until his sides hurt. His exact words were, and I quote, "You guys are paying that much for this nonsense? We've got those stupid fruits growing everywhere out here. It's like a weed we can't get rid of and some moron over there is claiming it's hard to find and charging that kind of money to juice it? You've got to be kidding!" So much for the rarity claim from Xango. By the way, the President of Xango is not a nutritionist, he's not a health expert, dietician or doctor. Nope, he started Xango after leaving a different MLM company.


Response to" Do your Research"

#4UPDATE Employee

Sat, May 20, 2006

I have allowed myself to be recruited as xango distributor recently. After reflection I realized that I had been motivated by the prospect of more money and the anxiety that other people were making money and that I would be "left out." What is wrong with this? Nothing, but the promotion of xango is hype. I am a health care professional with an interest in advanced pharmacology and have taken organic and biochemistry and two years of graduate level pharmacology. No I haven't completed that degree. I work as an registered nurse and have a family to support. Learning the science is long and hard and I am like all the other people, I do need money and do not think there is anything wrong with making it. Unfortunately most people do not educate themselves in science because it is long and hard and does not make as much money as salles for instance. After reading all the xango material including the web sites my conclusion is that all the claims for xango are hype. There have been no human trials to support any of the health claims. People will claim to "feel better" because they expect to. With arthritic or neurotic aches and pains studies show a third of people will claim to feel better when given a placebo (sugar pill). Scientists are testing xanthomes and many other compounds and so there are reports about it. Look carefull though and most of these studies are just biochemical testing and characterization of the compounds which has nothing to do with the effect on people drinking something containing xanthomes, the claimed active ingredient of xango. So yes you can make money selling his product--but you are taking advantage of people.


Thanks for being fair

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, March 13, 2006

This is in response to Joey of Tujungo, CA I thank you for going thru the effort of posting the result of your trouble with XanGo . I am glad you were able to get a proper credit for unauthorized charges. It shows that this forum is truly a fair place to come to. To learb both the negative and the positive of the issues and how they ARE or ARE NOT resolved.


Hello!!! Do the research!!

#6Consumer Suggestion

Sun, February 26, 2006

If anyone has any question as to the magnitude of this product, then how about actually investing a little time and doing the research. There are links that you can follow right from the XanGo websites. One of them is www.pubmed.com, which is very well used by physicians and researchers. Type in the word mangosteen into the search box and hit enter. The number of research papers that have been written on this fruit will shock you, and it is all documented. These papers come from around the world and go as far back as the 60's. It doesn't take a genius to realize, that there must be something to it, otherwise it would never have been so thoroughly researched. As for not doing anything for particular people...everybody's body is different. Some may notice a big difference right off the bat, for others it could take up to six months. It just depends on your system. Before you get involved with any business, research their products. It's not like it is the most difficult thing to do. I mean, we are in the information age traveling on the information super-highway. By the way, all the claims that XanGo makes about their product are TRUE. Again.... research. It's all backed up by third-party and indpependent labs from around the globe. You can even find info on University websites. Don't jump to conclusions until you have turned over every rock to find the truth. Am I a distributor? Yes. However, I have taken the product longer than I have promoted it. I have a large number of health problems that are all under control....without medicines. Here's one more point to ponder....if this was just hype, then why are the people in the regions of Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand, (though they are very poor countries) some of the healthiest people on the planet? People die there more because of starvation than illnesses. They have been using the mangosteen fruit for centuries.



#7Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 15, 2005

It took going to the BBB to get my refund but Xango did finally refund the unathorized charges to my expired credit card.


New York,
New York,
FDA & Dietary Supplements

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, September 14, 2005

FDA regulates dietary supplements under a different set of regulations than those covering "conventional" foods and drug products (prescription and Over-the-Counter). Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), the dietary supplement manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that a dietary supplement is safe before it is marketed. FDA is responsible for taking action against any unsafe dietary supplement product after it reaches the market. Generally, manufacturers do not need to register their products with FDA nor get FDA approval before producing or selling dietary supplements.* Manufacturers must make sure that product label information is truthful and not misleading. FDA's post-marketing responsibilities include monitoring safety, e.g. voluntary dietary supplement adverse event reporting, and product information, such as labeling, claims, package inserts, and accompanying literature. The Federal Trade Commission regulates dietary supplement advertising.


New York,
New York,
Are Mary Kay or Tupperware or Avon or Pampered Chef (owned by Warren Buffet by the way) pyramid schemes?

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, September 14, 2005

I will go line by line and help John understand the errors of his way (John's comments are in brackets): [First off, the 3-Step Plan, which promotes the sale of Xango, appears to be a "Pyramid" type sales group. I do not like "Pyamid" sales or Mass Marketing type of business because of the effects it has on a wide majority of the people who "attempt" to make a better life doing this. It appears that mainly the "minority" of the people involved with this are making "big" money. Most of these people are most like one of the following: 1) People who already had money and have nothing to lose but make more. Remember it always takes money to make money. 2) People who are working other jobs besides this because the "3-Step Plan" can never get them to a point where they can only do the "pyramid" marketing job.] John is a self described hater of "Pyramid schemes" or Mass Market but john doesn't know what a pyramid scheme is. So is Wal Mart a Mass Market business? It seems to me like EVERY where I go Wal Mart is there with advertising and everything, seems like mass marketing to me. XanGo is a Multi Level or Direct Selling company, BIG difference from a Pyramid Scheme. I can give him over 1,000 references of people who have been able to quit their regular job and do XanGo full time! [Secondly, I use the word "Pyramid" frequently because that is exactly what this is! I will give the company credit though. You are told "not to quit your current job" if you depend on the current money to continue your lifestyle. This automatically tells me that "money" talks here. I would suspect that the promoter of this company has made a bunch of money already because of the "Pyramid" sales methodology.] XanGo is not a get rich quick scam so you NEED to keep your job to support yourself until your XanGo business can supplement your current income. This can take from 12 - 24 months, depending on how hard you work the business. This has NOTHING to do with your ability to buy XanGo, it has to do with your ability to survive since you probably won't make a lot in the beginning. Also, what is your definition of a Pyramid Scheme? Is Mary Kay or Tupperware or Avon or Pampered Chef (owned by Warren Buffet by the way) pyramid schemes? [Third, people need to "really" do their home work extensively before they make any type of decission. A lot of people get drawn into this type of "so called" business, and wind up on the bottom line stuck with an expensive box of "juice" that has ingrediants that has not even been approved by the FDA! These people need to be very careful, and quit using "snake-oil" tactics to sell this stuff.] John must not have heard of Aloe Vera or Echinacea or Vitamin C or a whole slew of other products that when they started out had NO FDA approval and started out in a MLM environment. John, I would suggest you stop using ANYTHING with Aloe in it because it got its start in MLM and is STILL sold by Forever Living after 24 years!!! Go to your local GNC or Vitamin Shoppe and see how many supplements THEY sell that are not FDA approved. Hey John, let's boycott those stores as well. Oh wait, they have an actual store front so THAT makes them legitimate. So if XanGo was sold in stores, would that make it legitimate? Did you know that Metabolife started out as an MLM and now can be found in virtually every store in the country! Does that mean that IT was a Pyramid Scam? [Fourth, if Xango is so powerful as the company who bottles says, why has the FDA not put their seal of approval on it? Well I have asked that question same question to a person who has a home based "Pyramid" business backed by the "3-Step Plan" I was told in so many words a conspriacy theory response that the Federal Government does not want you to have something that works like Xango! Now that response borders on the edge of crazy and "lawsuit". I am just waiting for the time when something happens and this company gets sued over a false promise or misrepresenation. Its just a matter of time and it will. Once the word starts flying that a class action lawsuit is on its way, watch the wealthy ones who started this company take their money and RUN! The small groups of people will be left to defend for themselves and possibly lose everything they have.] Once again, supplements are NOT regulated by the FDA and therefore do not need FDA approval. BUT, if the FDA approved it would that make it ok? The FDA approved Phen-Phen, Vioxx, Bextra..should I go on? The only point that I will agree with you on is that whoever the idiot was that told you that the government didn't want this to be approved is just that, AN UNIFORMED IDIOT! This is the rant of a lone distributor, not the company stance. The company goes to GREAT lengths to explain that this DOES NOT work for everyone and it may not work for you but try it and see if it helps. Did you know that traditional FDA approved medication only works for 60% of the people? Our 91% reorder rate over 12 consecutive months speaks for itself. I had a person that works for Exxon tell me that a plane did not fly into the Pentagon, it was a cruise missile because Exxon wanted the price of gas to go up. I am not putting down Exxon because some rogue employee is off his rocker! [Fifth, why is this "juice" so expensive? Also why does the $39.00 distributer price turn into $3000.00 a year?] Do you have ANY idea how expensive Mangosteen is? Our product is made up of 75% Mangosteen! Do some research and find out how much it costs to harvest, process and ship a pound of mangosteen to the US. You can buy a $3 bottle of wine or a $300 bottle of wine, they are all made from grapes! Why shouldn't ALL wine cost $3? [When the company says they supply advertising over the radio, why are you expected to contribute money to the adversting fund? Why does the home based business owner expected to consume this product to promote it?] 2 things. The company does NO advertising; the independent distributors do advertising, so you have been misinformed. Distributors' band together to help defray the cost of advertising for their own businesses. Kind of like car dealerships do, we have the Tri-State Lexus advertisements here all the time. It is for NJ, NY & CT. It was formed so ALL the Lexus dealers can get advertising without having to break the bank. Most distributors BECOME distributors because they love the product, you do not HAVE to consume it. [If it is so good then it should sell by itself. You don't see WalMart employee's trying every item in the store just so they can say that it is good!] This is a GREAT point and it REALLY shows what a savvy and intelligent marketing person you are. Why does Cheer advertise, why does Coke or Pepsi or Clorox or Red Bull or any of the other products in the industry advertise, shouldn't they be so good that they sell by themselves? I guess you have NEVER asked a person their opinion or given your own opinion on a movie or a restaurant that you liked, have you? That would be in direct violation of your hatred towards direct selling. That's all direct selling is, instead of XanGo spending over 50% of their profits on advertising (The industry standard is above 50% of profits go to marketing and advertising) they give that back to their distributors as their personal marketing team. They pay us AFTER the sale whereas the others pay radio, tv and print HOPING that you will buy their product. [Finally, people I would recommend that you do very extensive homework and research on this business before you start spending your hard earned money on something that has a high probability that you will not stay with it. The company knows that and they don't care because for every one of you there are 10 others getting into the business.] I agree, DO YOUR RESEARCH! There are a LOT of scams out there but XanGo is not one of them, sorry John. [What I recommend is this. Get a "real job" and keep it. Many American's today go to work everyday and earn an "honest" days pay without getting through a "Pyramid" sales or marketing scheme.] John, it is SO sad that you are blinded by skepticism that you think a "real job" is working until you are 67. Do you know that over 60% of "retirees" have to WORK after retirement to make their ends meet because Social Security isn't paying their bills!!! How many elderly people do you see at McDonalds, in the kiosks in the mall? Why would you try and DOOM someone to this tragic end to an amazing life? [Judge for yourself! But be very careful. While the company claims that this is not a get rich quick scheme, and I give them credit for that, they do realize that 50% of the people who start this business do not stay with it.] You state that 50% of people in XanGo succeed!! Do you realize that 9 out of 10 small businesses fail or 10% succeed!! These are, as you call it, "real" businesses with "real" jobs. These are businesses that people have shelled out hundreds of thousands of dollars to build and they fail within the FIRST year!!!! So it is ok if a franchise offers me an opportunity and I pay $100,000 where I have to do my own advertising, my own hiring, maintain my employees, QUIT my job and everything that comes with a "real" job or business? But it is not ok for a company to offer you your own business for $35, encourage you to keep your current job and if it doesn't work you are only out, by your calculations, $3,000? I will take a $3,000 failure over a $100,000 failure ANYDAY! [Just be careful with this! John - Belton, Missouri U.S.A.] Whether you do XanGo or not it won't make a difference to me but please be informed before you start throwing rocks and don't steal other peoples dreams. Michael New York U.S.A. P.S. - Joanne, If you would like to contact me I would be more than happy to refund your money. It was the distributors fault, not the companies, but I will take care of it.


New York,
New York,
Are Mary Kay or Tupperware or Avon or Pampered Chef (owned by Warren Buffet by the way) pyramid schemes?

#10Consumer Comment

Wed, September 14, 2005

I will go line by line and help John understand the errors of his way (John's comments are in brackets): [First off, the 3-Step Plan, which promotes the sale of Xango, appears to be a "Pyramid" type sales group. I do not like "Pyamid" sales or Mass Marketing type of business because of the effects it has on a wide majority of the people who "attempt" to make a better life doing this. It appears that mainly the "minority" of the people involved with this are making "big" money. Most of these people are most like one of the following: 1) People who already had money and have nothing to lose but make more. Remember it always takes money to make money. 2) People who are working other jobs besides this because the "3-Step Plan" can never get them to a point where they can only do the "pyramid" marketing job.] John is a self described hater of "Pyramid schemes" or Mass Market but john doesn't know what a pyramid scheme is. So is Wal Mart a Mass Market business? It seems to me like EVERY where I go Wal Mart is there with advertising and everything, seems like mass marketing to me. XanGo is a Multi Level or Direct Selling company, BIG difference from a Pyramid Scheme. I can give him over 1,000 references of people who have been able to quit their regular job and do XanGo full time! [Secondly, I use the word "Pyramid" frequently because that is exactly what this is! I will give the company credit though. You are told "not to quit your current job" if you depend on the current money to continue your lifestyle. This automatically tells me that "money" talks here. I would suspect that the promoter of this company has made a bunch of money already because of the "Pyramid" sales methodology.] XanGo is not a get rich quick scam so you NEED to keep your job to support yourself until your XanGo business can supplement your current income. This can take from 12 - 24 months, depending on how hard you work the business. This has NOTHING to do with your ability to buy XanGo, it has to do with your ability to survive since you probably won't make a lot in the beginning. Also, what is your definition of a Pyramid Scheme? Is Mary Kay or Tupperware or Avon or Pampered Chef (owned by Warren Buffet by the way) pyramid schemes? [Third, people need to "really" do their home work extensively before they make any type of decission. A lot of people get drawn into this type of "so called" business, and wind up on the bottom line stuck with an expensive box of "juice" that has ingrediants that has not even been approved by the FDA! These people need to be very careful, and quit using "snake-oil" tactics to sell this stuff.] John must not have heard of Aloe Vera or Echinacea or Vitamin C or a whole slew of other products that when they started out had NO FDA approval and started out in a MLM environment. John, I would suggest you stop using ANYTHING with Aloe in it because it got its start in MLM and is STILL sold by Forever Living after 24 years!!! Go to your local GNC or Vitamin Shoppe and see how many supplements THEY sell that are not FDA approved. Hey John, let's boycott those stores as well. Oh wait, they have an actual store front so THAT makes them legitimate. So if XanGo was sold in stores, would that make it legitimate? Did you know that Metabolife started out as an MLM and now can be found in virtually every store in the country! Does that mean that IT was a Pyramid Scam? [Fourth, if Xango is so powerful as the company who bottles says, why has the FDA not put their seal of approval on it? Well I have asked that question same question to a person who has a home based "Pyramid" business backed by the "3-Step Plan" I was told in so many words a conspriacy theory response that the Federal Government does not want you to have something that works like Xango! Now that response borders on the edge of crazy and "lawsuit". I am just waiting for the time when something happens and this company gets sued over a false promise or misrepresenation. Its just a matter of time and it will. Once the word starts flying that a class action lawsuit is on its way, watch the wealthy ones who started this company take their money and RUN! The small groups of people will be left to defend for themselves and possibly lose everything they have.] Once again, supplements are NOT regulated by the FDA and therefore do not need FDA approval. BUT, if the FDA approved it would that make it ok? The FDA approved Phen-Phen, Vioxx, Bextra..should I go on? The only point that I will agree with you on is that whoever the idiot was that told you that the government didn't want this to be approved is just that, AN UNIFORMED IDIOT! This is the rant of a lone distributor, not the company stance. The company goes to GREAT lengths to explain that this DOES NOT work for everyone and it may not work for you but try it and see if it helps. Did you know that traditional FDA approved medication only works for 60% of the people? Our 91% reorder rate over 12 consecutive months speaks for itself. I had a person that works for Exxon tell me that a plane did not fly into the Pentagon, it was a cruise missile because Exxon wanted the price of gas to go up. I am not putting down Exxon because some rogue employee is off his rocker! [Fifth, why is this "juice" so expensive? Also why does the $39.00 distributer price turn into $3000.00 a year?] Do you have ANY idea how expensive Mangosteen is? Our product is made up of 75% Mangosteen! Do some research and find out how much it costs to harvest, process and ship a pound of mangosteen to the US. You can buy a $3 bottle of wine or a $300 bottle of wine, they are all made from grapes! Why shouldn't ALL wine cost $3? [When the company says they supply advertising over the radio, why are you expected to contribute money to the adversting fund? Why does the home based business owner expected to consume this product to promote it?] 2 things. The company does NO advertising; the independent distributors do advertising, so you have been misinformed. Distributors' band together to help defray the cost of advertising for their own businesses. Kind of like car dealerships do, we have the Tri-State Lexus advertisements here all the time. It is for NJ, NY & CT. It was formed so ALL the Lexus dealers can get advertising without having to break the bank. Most distributors BECOME distributors because they love the product, you do not HAVE to consume it. [If it is so good then it should sell by itself. You don't see WalMart employee's trying every item in the store just so they can say that it is good!] This is a GREAT point and it REALLY shows what a savvy and intelligent marketing person you are. Why does Cheer advertise, why does Coke or Pepsi or Clorox or Red Bull or any of the other products in the industry advertise, shouldn't they be so good that they sell by themselves? I guess you have NEVER asked a person their opinion or given your own opinion on a movie or a restaurant that you liked, have you? That would be in direct violation of your hatred towards direct selling. That's all direct selling is, instead of XanGo spending over 50% of their profits on advertising (The industry standard is above 50% of profits go to marketing and advertising) they give that back to their distributors as their personal marketing team. They pay us AFTER the sale whereas the others pay radio, tv and print HOPING that you will buy their product. [Finally, people I would recommend that you do very extensive homework and research on this business before you start spending your hard earned money on something that has a high probability that you will not stay with it. The company knows that and they don't care because for every one of you there are 10 others getting into the business.] I agree, DO YOUR RESEARCH! There are a LOT of scams out there but XanGo is not one of them, sorry John. [What I recommend is this. Get a "real job" and keep it. Many American's today go to work everyday and earn an "honest" days pay without getting through a "Pyramid" sales or marketing scheme.] John, it is SO sad that you are blinded by skepticism that you think a "real job" is working until you are 67. Do you know that over 60% of "retirees" have to WORK after retirement to make their ends meet because Social Security isn't paying their bills!!! How many elderly people do you see at McDonalds, in the kiosks in the mall? Why would you try and DOOM someone to this tragic end to an amazing life? [Judge for yourself! But be very careful. While the company claims that this is not a get rich quick scheme, and I give them credit for that, they do realize that 50% of the people who start this business do not stay with it.] You state that 50% of people in XanGo succeed!! Do you realize that 9 out of 10 small businesses fail or 10% succeed!! These are, as you call it, "real" businesses with "real" jobs. These are businesses that people have shelled out hundreds of thousands of dollars to build and they fail within the FIRST year!!!! So it is ok if a franchise offers me an opportunity and I pay $100,000 where I have to do my own advertising, my own hiring, maintain my employees, QUIT my job and everything that comes with a "real" job or business? But it is not ok for a company to offer you your own business for $35, encourage you to keep your current job and if it doesn't work you are only out, by your calculations, $3,000? I will take a $3,000 failure over a $100,000 failure ANYDAY! [Just be careful with this! John - Belton, Missouri U.S.A.] Whether you do XanGo or not it won't make a difference to me but please be informed before you start throwing rocks and don't steal other peoples dreams. Michael New York U.S.A. P.S. - Joanne, If you would like to contact me I would be more than happy to refund your money. It was the distributors fault, not the companies, but I will take care of it.


New York,
New York,
Are Mary Kay or Tupperware or Avon or Pampered Chef (owned by Warren Buffet by the way) pyramid schemes?

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, September 14, 2005

I will go line by line and help John understand the errors of his way (John's comments are in brackets): [First off, the 3-Step Plan, which promotes the sale of Xango, appears to be a "Pyramid" type sales group. I do not like "Pyamid" sales or Mass Marketing type of business because of the effects it has on a wide majority of the people who "attempt" to make a better life doing this. It appears that mainly the "minority" of the people involved with this are making "big" money. Most of these people are most like one of the following: 1) People who already had money and have nothing to lose but make more. Remember it always takes money to make money. 2) People who are working other jobs besides this because the "3-Step Plan" can never get them to a point where they can only do the "pyramid" marketing job.] John is a self described hater of "Pyramid schemes" or Mass Market but john doesn't know what a pyramid scheme is. So is Wal Mart a Mass Market business? It seems to me like EVERY where I go Wal Mart is there with advertising and everything, seems like mass marketing to me. XanGo is a Multi Level or Direct Selling company, BIG difference from a Pyramid Scheme. I can give him over 1,000 references of people who have been able to quit their regular job and do XanGo full time! [Secondly, I use the word "Pyramid" frequently because that is exactly what this is! I will give the company credit though. You are told "not to quit your current job" if you depend on the current money to continue your lifestyle. This automatically tells me that "money" talks here. I would suspect that the promoter of this company has made a bunch of money already because of the "Pyramid" sales methodology.] XanGo is not a get rich quick scam so you NEED to keep your job to support yourself until your XanGo business can supplement your current income. This can take from 12 - 24 months, depending on how hard you work the business. This has NOTHING to do with your ability to buy XanGo, it has to do with your ability to survive since you probably won't make a lot in the beginning. Also, what is your definition of a Pyramid Scheme? Is Mary Kay or Tupperware or Avon or Pampered Chef (owned by Warren Buffet by the way) pyramid schemes? [Third, people need to "really" do their home work extensively before they make any type of decission. A lot of people get drawn into this type of "so called" business, and wind up on the bottom line stuck with an expensive box of "juice" that has ingrediants that has not even been approved by the FDA! These people need to be very careful, and quit using "snake-oil" tactics to sell this stuff.] John must not have heard of Aloe Vera or Echinacea or Vitamin C or a whole slew of other products that when they started out had NO FDA approval and started out in a MLM environment. John, I would suggest you stop using ANYTHING with Aloe in it because it got its start in MLM and is STILL sold by Forever Living after 24 years!!! Go to your local GNC or Vitamin Shoppe and see how many supplements THEY sell that are not FDA approved. Hey John, let's boycott those stores as well. Oh wait, they have an actual store front so THAT makes them legitimate. So if XanGo was sold in stores, would that make it legitimate? Did you know that Metabolife started out as an MLM and now can be found in virtually every store in the country! Does that mean that IT was a Pyramid Scam? [Fourth, if Xango is so powerful as the company who bottles says, why has the FDA not put their seal of approval on it? Well I have asked that question same question to a person who has a home based "Pyramid" business backed by the "3-Step Plan" I was told in so many words a conspriacy theory response that the Federal Government does not want you to have something that works like Xango! Now that response borders on the edge of crazy and "lawsuit". I am just waiting for the time when something happens and this company gets sued over a false promise or misrepresenation. Its just a matter of time and it will. Once the word starts flying that a class action lawsuit is on its way, watch the wealthy ones who started this company take their money and RUN! The small groups of people will be left to defend for themselves and possibly lose everything they have.] Once again, supplements are NOT regulated by the FDA and therefore do not need FDA approval. BUT, if the FDA approved it would that make it ok? The FDA approved Phen-Phen, Vioxx, Bextra..should I go on? The only point that I will agree with you on is that whoever the idiot was that told you that the government didn't want this to be approved is just that, AN UNIFORMED IDIOT! This is the rant of a lone distributor, not the company stance. The company goes to GREAT lengths to explain that this DOES NOT work for everyone and it may not work for you but try it and see if it helps. Did you know that traditional FDA approved medication only works for 60% of the people? Our 91% reorder rate over 12 consecutive months speaks for itself. I had a person that works for Exxon tell me that a plane did not fly into the Pentagon, it was a cruise missile because Exxon wanted the price of gas to go up. I am not putting down Exxon because some rogue employee is off his rocker! [Fifth, why is this "juice" so expensive? Also why does the $39.00 distributer price turn into $3000.00 a year?] Do you have ANY idea how expensive Mangosteen is? Our product is made up of 75% Mangosteen! Do some research and find out how much it costs to harvest, process and ship a pound of mangosteen to the US. You can buy a $3 bottle of wine or a $300 bottle of wine, they are all made from grapes! Why shouldn't ALL wine cost $3? [When the company says they supply advertising over the radio, why are you expected to contribute money to the adversting fund? Why does the home based business owner expected to consume this product to promote it?] 2 things. The company does NO advertising; the independent distributors do advertising, so you have been misinformed. Distributors' band together to help defray the cost of advertising for their own businesses. Kind of like car dealerships do, we have the Tri-State Lexus advertisements here all the time. It is for NJ, NY & CT. It was formed so ALL the Lexus dealers can get advertising without having to break the bank. Most distributors BECOME distributors because they love the product, you do not HAVE to consume it. [If it is so good then it should sell by itself. You don't see WalMart employee's trying every item in the store just so they can say that it is good!] This is a GREAT point and it REALLY shows what a savvy and intelligent marketing person you are. Why does Cheer advertise, why does Coke or Pepsi or Clorox or Red Bull or any of the other products in the industry advertise, shouldn't they be so good that they sell by themselves? I guess you have NEVER asked a person their opinion or given your own opinion on a movie or a restaurant that you liked, have you? That would be in direct violation of your hatred towards direct selling. That's all direct selling is, instead of XanGo spending over 50% of their profits on advertising (The industry standard is above 50% of profits go to marketing and advertising) they give that back to their distributors as their personal marketing team. They pay us AFTER the sale whereas the others pay radio, tv and print HOPING that you will buy their product. [Finally, people I would recommend that you do very extensive homework and research on this business before you start spending your hard earned money on something that has a high probability that you will not stay with it. The company knows that and they don't care because for every one of you there are 10 others getting into the business.] I agree, DO YOUR RESEARCH! There are a LOT of scams out there but XanGo is not one of them, sorry John. [What I recommend is this. Get a "real job" and keep it. Many American's today go to work everyday and earn an "honest" days pay without getting through a "Pyramid" sales or marketing scheme.] John, it is SO sad that you are blinded by skepticism that you think a "real job" is working until you are 67. Do you know that over 60% of "retirees" have to WORK after retirement to make their ends meet because Social Security isn't paying their bills!!! How many elderly people do you see at McDonalds, in the kiosks in the mall? Why would you try and DOOM someone to this tragic end to an amazing life? [Judge for yourself! But be very careful. While the company claims that this is not a get rich quick scheme, and I give them credit for that, they do realize that 50% of the people who start this business do not stay with it.] You state that 50% of people in XanGo succeed!! Do you realize that 9 out of 10 small businesses fail or 10% succeed!! These are, as you call it, "real" businesses with "real" jobs. These are businesses that people have shelled out hundreds of thousands of dollars to build and they fail within the FIRST year!!!! So it is ok if a franchise offers me an opportunity and I pay $100,000 where I have to do my own advertising, my own hiring, maintain my employees, QUIT my job and everything that comes with a "real" job or business? But it is not ok for a company to offer you your own business for $35, encourage you to keep your current job and if it doesn't work you are only out, by your calculations, $3,000? I will take a $3,000 failure over a $100,000 failure ANYDAY! [Just be careful with this! John - Belton, Missouri U.S.A.] Whether you do XanGo or not it won't make a difference to me but please be informed before you start throwing rocks and don't steal other peoples dreams. Michael New York U.S.A. P.S. - Joanne, If you would like to contact me I would be more than happy to refund your money. It was the distributors fault, not the companies, but I will take care of it.


Problems with the business.

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, July 15, 2005

First off, the 3-Step Plan, which promotes the sale of Xango, appears to be a "Pyramid" type sales group. I do not like "Pyamid" sales or Mass Marketing type of business because of the effects it has on a wide majority of the people who "attempt" to make a better life doing this. It appears that mainly the "minority" of the people involved with this are making "big" money. Most of these people are most like one of the following: 1) People who already had money and have nothing to lose but make more. Remember it always takes money to make money. 2) People who are working other jobs besides this because the "3-Step Plan" can never get them to a point where they can only do the "pyramid" marketing job. Secondly, I use the word "Pyramid" frequently because that is exactly what this is! I will give the company credit though. You are told "not to quit your current job" if you depend on the current money to continue your lifestyle. This automatically tells me that "money" talks here. I would suspect that the promoter of this company has made a bunch of money already because of the "Pyramid" sales methodology. Third, people need to "really" do their homework extensively before they make any type of decission. A lot of people get drawn into this type of "so called" business, and wind up on the bottom line stuck with an expensive box of "juice" that has ingrediants that has not even been approved by the FDA! These people need to be very careful, and quit using "snake-oil" tactics to sell this stuff. Fourth, if Xango is so powerful as the company who bottles says, why has the FDA not put their seal of approval on it? Well I have asked that question same question to a person who has a home based "Pyramid" business backed by the "3-Step Plan" I was told in so many words a conspriacy theory response that the Federal Government does not want you to have something that works like Xango! Now that response borders on the edge of crazy and "lawsuit". I am just waiting for the time when something happens and this company gets sued over a false promise or misrepresenation. Its just a matter of time and it will. Once the word starts flying that a class action lawsuit is on its way, watch the wealthy ones who started this company take their money and RUN! The small groups of people will be left to defend for themselves and possibly lose everything they have. Fifth, why is this "juice" so expensive? Also why does the $39.00 distributer price turn into $3000.00 a year? When the company says they supply advertising over the radio, why are you expected to contribute money to the adversting fund? Why does the home based business owner expected to consume this product to promote it? If it is so good then it should sell by itself. You don't see WalMart employee's trying every item in the store just so they can say that it is good! Finally, people I would recommend that you do very extensive homework and research on this business before you start spending your hard earned money on something that has a high probability that you will not stay with it. The company knows that and they don't care because for every one of you there are 10 others getting into the business. What I recommend is this. Get a "real job" and keep it. Many American's today go to work everyday and earn an "honest" days pay without getting through a "Pyramid" sales or marketing scheme. Judge for yourself! But be very careful. While the company claims that this is not a get rich quick scheme, and I give them credit for that, they do realize that 50% of the people who start this business do not stay with it. Just be careful with this!


New York,
The Xango Hype

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, July 07, 2005

Someone gave me a bottle of Xango, and a pitch that it was the greatest thing since sliced bread, and that their marketing plan was "the best I've ever seen!". I tried it, and it is a fruit juice drink that frankly takes a little getting used to (the taste) but not bad. Here's what I have problems with: 1) The claims, and 2)the price at $25 per bottle. Their literature claims it's good for just about any malady known (move over Dr. Hook's Snake Oil, you've got competition). They also claim a huge body of scientific study to back up their claims as to the benefits of "Xanthones". Do some searching on the Internet; I found that their claims are wildly exaggerated with little or no solid research, in my opinion. I recall one so-called benefit was that the juice has a direct antiseptic effect on bacteria. There are many natural chemicals and substances that have anti-bacterial effects, if applied directly to the bacteria. But that isn't what happens when you consume something and it has to go through the digestion process. And even if it did, Clorox also has antibacterial action. Would you drink Clorox? You can get it for less than $25... Then the price: Should be $3-4 per bottle, $5 TOPS. But at $25, it is insanity, makes no sense, in my opinion. Except of course to allow for many layers of profit for the MLM model (while the original uplines are raking in obscene profits). An earlier poster had it right: Just another overhyped MLM that will fade when people figure out it is just another healthy fruit juice that has some good nutrients and minerals, but won't prevent cancer, heart attacks, aging, diabetes, hallitosis, baldness, or anything else directly and is amazingly overpriced. Meanwhile, if you are paying $25 per bottle for this fruit juice: SUCKER!!!


New York,
The Xango Hype

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, July 07, 2005

Someone gave me a bottle of Xango, and a pitch that it was the greatest thing since sliced bread, and that their marketing plan was "the best I've ever seen!". I tried it, and it is a fruit juice drink that frankly takes a little getting used to (the taste) but not bad. Here's what I have problems with: 1) The claims, and 2)the price at $25 per bottle. Their literature claims it's good for just about any malady known (move over Dr. Hook's Snake Oil, you've got competition). They also claim a huge body of scientific study to back up their claims as to the benefits of "Xanthones". Do some searching on the Internet; I found that their claims are wildly exaggerated with little or no solid research, in my opinion. I recall one so-called benefit was that the juice has a direct antiseptic effect on bacteria. There are many natural chemicals and substances that have anti-bacterial effects, if applied directly to the bacteria. But that isn't what happens when you consume something and it has to go through the digestion process. And even if it did, Clorox also has antibacterial action. Would you drink Clorox? You can get it for less than $25... Then the price: Should be $3-4 per bottle, $5 TOPS. But at $25, it is insanity, makes no sense, in my opinion. Except of course to allow for many layers of profit for the MLM model (while the original uplines are raking in obscene profits). An earlier poster had it right: Just another overhyped MLM that will fade when people figure out it is just another healthy fruit juice that has some good nutrients and minerals, but won't prevent cancer, heart attacks, aging, diabetes, hallitosis, baldness, or anything else directly and is amazingly overpriced. Meanwhile, if you are paying $25 per bottle for this fruit juice: SUCKER!!!


New York,
The Xango Hype

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, July 07, 2005

Someone gave me a bottle of Xango, and a pitch that it was the greatest thing since sliced bread, and that their marketing plan was "the best I've ever seen!". I tried it, and it is a fruit juice drink that frankly takes a little getting used to (the taste) but not bad. Here's what I have problems with: 1) The claims, and 2)the price at $25 per bottle. Their literature claims it's good for just about any malady known (move over Dr. Hook's Snake Oil, you've got competition). They also claim a huge body of scientific study to back up their claims as to the benefits of "Xanthones". Do some searching on the Internet; I found that their claims are wildly exaggerated with little or no solid research, in my opinion. I recall one so-called benefit was that the juice has a direct antiseptic effect on bacteria. There are many natural chemicals and substances that have anti-bacterial effects, if applied directly to the bacteria. But that isn't what happens when you consume something and it has to go through the digestion process. And even if it did, Clorox also has antibacterial action. Would you drink Clorox? You can get it for less than $25... Then the price: Should be $3-4 per bottle, $5 TOPS. But at $25, it is insanity, makes no sense, in my opinion. Except of course to allow for many layers of profit for the MLM model (while the original uplines are raking in obscene profits). An earlier poster had it right: Just another overhyped MLM that will fade when people figure out it is just another healthy fruit juice that has some good nutrients and minerals, but won't prevent cancer, heart attacks, aging, diabetes, hallitosis, baldness, or anything else directly and is amazingly overpriced. Meanwhile, if you are paying $25 per bottle for this fruit juice: SUCKER!!!


Not good by me I wasn't satisfied with their product

#16Consumer Comment

Wed, June 01, 2005

I signed up for the autoship; however I did it on a card that was due to expire in 3 months in the event that I wasn't satisfied with their product. 3 months later the service had ended, I was no longer receiving the goods and I get a phone call from Xango to give a current card because the one they had had expired. I told them I did not wish to continue my membership, as the product did nothing for me as "stated". 2 months after that, I received a shipment and then 2 weeks later another shipment. I called to find out how they could be charging an expired card after I had already canceled the service. I was told they never received my cancellation in WRITING and that they changed the expiration date in order to continue shipping. I guess it was stupid of me to think that by verbally canceling my membership and not receiving any products for 3 months this was a cancelled service. I did try to fight this with the credit card company but since I did not put the cancellation in writing as their policy states the credit card company cannot do anything about it. In my book not a very ethical company and I feel once people start to see the product doesn't live up to the hype they will soon go the way of the other MLM's that couldn't deliver.


RE: Some facts about Xango to help you decide

#17UPDATE Employee

Sat, May 14, 2005

When posting facts it helps to have them correct. The company does not require any purchase whatsoever. The purchases that you refer are only used in calculation of certain pay-outs. In the company's printed Policies and Procedures it is specifically stated that no purchase of the product is ever required. As to the money back guarantee, there is both a 30-day and a 90-day money back guarantee. This is handled by the corporation and not individual distributors. This company is very responsive to all of it's reps and customers, I find it hard to believe that a valid would be ignored. And yes, I am an independent distributor.


Some facts about Xango to help you decide

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, May 12, 2005

I have investigated Xango/Million Dollar Secret (via an on-line inquiry sent through an article found on AOL's financial pages, of all places) and to my mind it's a classic MLM. To save you the hassle of negotiating the very slow and irritating promo site, I can tell you they they do require mimimum monthly "purchases" of their participants. "Good" level: Standard ADP (Automated Delivery Program) ONE case, cost $100 EVERY MONTH. In the first month only you'll have to add the $35 business registration fee. First month total $135. "Better" level: Family ADP TWO cases, cost $200 EVERY MONTH. Again, in the 1st month only, add the $35 fee, total $235. "Best" level: Family ADP, TWO cases, cost $200 EVERY MONTH. PLUS place an initial order of FIVE cases, plus orders for various brochures (cost not stated). In the first month only, total $535. And of course there's shipping and handling on all the shipments, cost of which will depend on where you live. If I thought that the cost of the minimum points puchase for Melaleuca (about $50) was too expensive for me or for my downline folk, then you know what I think of this program. Percentage commissions are probably better though!

Mike Leinweber

The product is awesome and the company is top notch!!

#19UPDATE Employee

Sat, November 06, 2004

I am an active distributor with Xango. The product is awesome and the company is top notch!! The website clearly states that there is a 30 day guarantee and applies only to wholesale purchases. This individual may have bought just one retail bottle. If one wishes a refund they should contact the company directly before the end of the 30 day period if the distributor does not follow through in assisting the customer with a refund request from a wholesale purchase. I can't say enough about how great Xango is and in my opinion it has reached a whole new level of nutritional supplementation. CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Las Vegas,
money back guarantee is a 30 day, empty bottle guarantee

#20Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 31, 2004

As a distributor of XanGo, all I can say is that the product does indeed come with a money back guarantee. However, the guarantee is a 30 day, empty bottle guarantee. The person who filed the complaint does not mention how long she actually had the product before she tried returning it. I cannot speak for the rep either, but I would hope she informed the customer about the policy.

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