  • Report:  #294125

Complaint Review: Yahoo - Sunnyvale California

Reported By:
- Tupper Lake, New York,

701 First Avenue Sunnyvale, 94089 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am deeply concerned about the recent suspension of my yahoo-answers account for supposedly violating terms and policy regulations. The simple fact is that yahoo-answers is allowing people to be suppressed from exercising their opinions and beliefs when it doesn't go along with something everyone agrees on. Freedom of speech is not negotiable nor does one person, corporation, or other entity has control over it. I have written to the Yahoo-answer board and the Yahoo Corporation and have yet been contacted by anyone regarding my issue. I would like to know if we do indeed have free speech in cordinance with our constitution or is this just a farce and Bush is right that the "constitution is a goddamn peice of paper"? I will now expose the question that another user asked in Yahoo-answers "Why are jews so much against our freedom of expression?" and my answer was "Because they want the United States under their control!!! Jews are the greediest people around the planet" . I truly believe that this is true and is my personal opinion and while I don't hate jews, I do have doubts as to their motives in our society.

I truly believe that our rights of free speech has been in a downward spiral for sometime and we need to reinforce our goal to use it or lose it!


Tupper Lake, New York


12 Updates & Rebuttals


Just read any of his other rants...you'll understand his issues.

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, December 30, 2007

"Your REBUTTAL will be posted just after midnight, Pacific Time. If you have identified yourself incorrectly under the wrong category, used insulting or foul language, or have provided incorrect contact information, your REBUTTAL will not be posted!" Or how about this little ditty... "2. Online Conduct You agree that: You are solely responsible for the content or information you publish or display (hereinafter, "post") on ROR. You will NOT post on ROR any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, offensive, threatening, harassing, racially offensive, or illegal material, or any material that infringes or violates another party's rights (including, but not limited to, intellectual property rights, and rights of privacy and publicity). You will use ROR in a manner consistent with any and all applicable laws and regulations. By posting information on ROR, you warrant and represent that the information is truthful and accurate. You will not post, distribute or reproduce in any way any copyrighted material, trademarks, or other proprietary information without obtaining the prior written consent of the owner of such proprietary rights and except as otherwise permitted by law." These are from this site, James. Please post a new thread telling us how ED is ripping you off. His rules deny you your "Freedom of Speech" you think you have. The 1st Ammendment concerns the Federal Govt ONLY. If you try to spew your venom on my property, I can have you removed. If you try it in a website you don't own, the same can happen by the owners of that site. Personally, I find you to be amusing, and think your anti-semetic rants should be allowed. When you start wearing armbands, and marching through beer halls, maybe we'll take you less lightly. Untill then, you just give me something to giggle at and shake my head ruefully. I guess you had to find a new target to swipe at, since Bush's approval numbers are only double those of the Dems in Congress. It's hard to look like a serious debater when your side is flailing in the deep end, while your opposition keeps doing whatever he wants. Tell us all again, how stupid he is, when he has never been over ridden, nor stopped by the Dems, who control BOTH houses of Congress. Yes...tell us all how brilliant the Dems are. They can't even figure out how to beat the one person in this Country that has been made out to be borderline retarded...for over 8 yrs now. Remember, he invaded 2 Middle Eastern Muslim Countries, and installed our own guys in office, while never hearing so much as a peep from ANY other Middle Eastern Muslim Country. Please tell us. And see if you can link him to the evil Jews while you're at it. Remember, terrorist attacks against Israel have plummetted to virtual nonexistance, since we went into Iraq. That has to annoy you. Wait...Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism, right? I'll be waiting James. Tupper Lake uber alles.


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Clifford, I hate to differ with you but the ACLU doesn't see it that way!

#3Author of original report

Sun, December 30, 2007

Cliff, I hate to disagree with you and your other pals who don't know what the first ammendment guarantees a person. I think you need to go to ACLU website and look it up my friend. It covers freedom of expression also whether it be wearing certain t-shirts or writing things in papers or on websites. So I guess you are wrong and I should know because I am a proud member of the ACLU and I believe in them alot more than I believe in you people who would easily give up your freedoms for security from the government. The United States government and Bush/Cheney regime are one of the worst terrorist states and corrupt administrations in the world and thats a fact!


South Haven,
Nope, can't stand George Bush but that has nothing to do with what the First Amendment

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, December 29, 2007

Nope, I can't stand George Bush but that has nothing to do with what the First Amendment actually says. Silly and immature attacks will not change what it says either. It's not a matter of opinion, it's very clear in black and white. Have a great New Year.


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Well, I guess you have your opinion and I have mine so be it!

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, December 28, 2007

Listen my sheeple, I bet you are the kind of people who still support Bush even though hes an arogant p***k or the fact that his administration and himself in fact has basically s**t on the constitution through all his illegal acts and executive priveledges or that you support waterboarding or even te new legislation of stripping the rights of our soldiers to come home from war and being able to own firearms, ever if they have been diagnosed or treated with depression or ptsd. Anyway back to my topic, you have your opinion and I have mine so be it, but I will not stand for the suppression of speech in any aspect and that my friends is my choice. If you sheeple want to follow the governments rules like sheep so be it, thats your perogative but I refuse when such laws and rules are utter non-sense and only further the governments hold on the american people. Our own government and agents of the government don't obey the constitution or laws so why the hell should I or anyone else. I also would like to tell all that I in fact don't live in a trailer park so get a clue and I thank you for your little spool about your respect for the poor jews but the fact is that "JEWS ARE THE GREEDIEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD"


South Haven,
The First Ammendment

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, December 28, 2007

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." As you can see here, the First Amendment forbids Congress from making laws that prohibit free speach. That's all and it's a very big deal, but it does not forbid ROR or Yahoo or anyone else from limiting what you can say in their controlled environment. It's very clear in black and white and doesn't need interpretation.


Your a fool

#7Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 27, 2007

You are a fool, freedom of speech applies to the GOVERNMENT trying to control speech, which it can sometimes do legally, but that is another issue. Yahoo (or any other non-government organization or person) is not limited by what they can do with the freedom of speech law, it does not apply to them, at all. Get over yourself and get off Yahoo answering for the betterment of the community.


Consider the source

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, December 26, 2007

Yes, James from Tupper Lake (lol), it would figure that someone from a trailer park would scream '1st Admendment' because a web site wouldn't let him express his Hitler-like views on the Jewish community. With all the hate and terrorism today, I find it appalling that you actually come on a public forum and compain about your precious 'rights'. People like you are disgusting. Freedom of speach does not pertain to trailer-trash... it's in the Constitution, maybe not in writing, but it's very strongly implied. You need to read it very carefully!


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Jim, go back and read my original post and you will see It was not that bad!

#9Author of original report

Wed, December 26, 2007

Jim, I must say that you under-estimate me my friend. I don't need money to be a powerful voice in this country. I have ways of doing things and getting them done to my satisfaction as I am a very determined man. I will say however that I don't need to sue Yahoo.com but bring as much negative publicy to them in any way that I can and you will be amazed at how a much a company can lose. I appreciate you giving me your two cents in this situation but to be frank with you I feel that you are not understanding the severity of this situation. This country was founded on principles and just because the idiots in the executive office don't practice morality in their principles doesn't mean that us citizens shouldn't practice it. I would like to suggest that you either give some good input or something useful or speak your mind and move on to the next report. I suggest going to Tupper Lake sections in the ripoffreports if you would like to see where the X-files originated!


It's Your Choice

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, December 25, 2007

Your 1st amendment rights are limited only by the Terms and Conditions on Yahoo and if you don't like those limits, that's tough. In fact, your rights are MORE limited HERE on ROR, than they are on YAHOO. In order to get your rights suspended on YAHOO, you must have done something really stupid. If you post something offensive, it will be posted on YAHOO. On ROR, if you post an offensive rebuttal, be certain it's guaranteed not to be posted. Instead of complaining about it, you can sue YAHOO. Sell everything you own, find a lawyer and spend several thousands defending your rights. In the end, you will be homeless and the court will decide in YAHOO's favor since there is legal precedent giving YAHOO and any other website the right to limit your speech.


Tupper Lake,
New York,
I don't accept suppresed speech nor restriction of my rights as an american citizen!

#11Author of original report

Tue, December 25, 2007

To all: I don't care if you accept the concept of limited speech but I do not and that is my right. I am a constant poster on the ripoffreport and have been one for some time. I have also posted in various newspapers throughout my course of editing. I do understand the policies that some websites do have and accept them but when some people are suppresed for their beliefs while others are not is a different story and that is the problem that I have. I have seen many, many worse posts on the ripoffreport and on yahoo-answers but they have been allowed to stay and there was no suspensions of accounts. I will continue to fight this as far as I have to go to put an end to this mockery or should I say discrimination!


You Have 1st Amendment Rights With Yahoo

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, December 24, 2007

However, they have a right to limit your speech so that is not offensive to others; what you want is Freedom of Speech without consequence, and you don't like the consequences. Too bad. With the right to free speech comes the right to be arrested for it, the right to be prosecuted for it, and the right to be persecuted for it. There is no such thing as the 1st amendment without consequence. You don't even have 1st Amendment Rights on ROR! Post something offensive, attacks others, or otherwise hurtful? ROR has the right not to post your irrelevant drivel if it is in fact - irrelevant drivel. Do you believe this website is administered by Bush? If so, I would stop posting here because he'll find you through your IP address...... Best of luck to you.........


South Carolina,
Your first amendment rights...

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, December 24, 2007

Yes, you do have the right of freedom of speech, however there are certain times that it can be controlled. While I am on the clock at my place employment, my employer can set rules on what I can and con not say. No cussing, no sexual remarks, no telling people they're stupid, that type of thing. Likewise, if you are using a service like Yahoo answers you have to sign an agreement. In that agreement the company does have the privilege of stating what types of comments will not be allowed. If you are using their service, you either abide by these rules or you don't get to use their service. So, do you have the right to free speech? Yes you do. You can say anything you want on any street corner, you can scream it from the rooftops. But if you try it in abusiness as an employee or customer, then the company has the right to refuse you service. Goes back to the old "you don't have the right to yell fire in a crowded movie theater" unless there is a fire. And I know I'm probably going to regret opening this can or worms, but here we go... Gee James for the record, exactly when and where is your quote from President Buch from? I don't remember it from any of his speeches that I've heard, so exactly when and where did he say this?

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