  • Report:  #1484469

Complaint Review: All about basements - Schuylerville New York

Reported By:
Leslie - Satatoga, New York, United States

All about basements
101 Main Street Schuylerville, 12871 New York, United States
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I hired this dishonest group in May 2019 to stop water from coming into my basement. 

On the first appointment a girl shows up,Bridget, and i explain the problem. She can’t answer a single question, she keeps saying “i’ll have Dave talk to you. She said this many times. She hesitated when i asked her Daves  last name. I should have just walked away from them at that time! 

The reason that she hesitated is because Daves last name is Aubut. He was the owner of the bankrupt and deceitful “Advanced Basement Technologies” in Barre Vermont. They ripped off hundreds of customers who thought they bought a transferable lifetime warranty, and Aubut skipped town with the cash and hid out in Virginia. 

Dave also walked in my house when he knew i was at work and my girlfriend was home alone. He used the bathroom with the door cracked open. If you search yelp reviews under Advanced Basement Technologies and read about this guy. He was stealing womans underwear. We have a camera and when neither of us were home, he drank milk out of the container and ate out of our refridgerator as well as watched television ordering a soft porn video that was $6.99 on our bill. Of course he denies what we saw on video

The work they did was a disaster. Dave claimed to be certified however when my lawyer asked him for his certification he actually didn’t have any certification. He lied. Dave’s work around my house was horrible. He tried to dig a ditch but blew several holes on his 100 year old machine. He leaked so much fluid from a blown hose that leaked into our basement. Our whole house stinks like gear oil. He claims he can’t smell anything. He charged us for brand new basement windows at $600 each, they don’t fit right. He admitted they were taken out of another house..but says there as good as new! To top it off, our block wall is damaged from him being to close and he claims its in his warranty that he’s not responsible. We still have not gotten any warranty to date.

Our water problem is worse now, our foundation is damaged. The billergerent swearing coming from him are just that what you would expect with a drug using and drug dealing thug who rips people off. We didn’t pay the last part of bill and he drives by our house honking his horn all night. When i called the police to describe him, they know him as a loser. 

I heard that he had a job at another basement company and he was a train wreck. Mtiple complaints.

I have an estimate i got from A competing company to repair the damage they caused and correct it comes to $22500. And These two meatheads have threatened us to pay $6500 more for a job that didn’t work and caused more damage. 

DO NOT HIRE THIS COMPANY! They are liars and have no skills! You will be ripped off and waste money!!!


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