  • Report:  #1534307

Complaint Review: Brunswick Maine - Brunswick Maine

Reported By:
Former wife - United States

Brunswick Maine
Brunswick, Maine, United States
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Joseph R. Fallon 

He moved there after his wife of 34+ years filed to divorce him.

His wife Susan Elizabeth Fallon had enough with his going out with other women who worked with him at Philips North America OR who sailed with him at Boston Yacht Club in Marblehead MA.

There were quite a few other women in their marriage - including Karen who slept over on the family sailboat Sojourn with Joe Fallon, Sharon the health club trainer from Philips North America who Joe took out to dinner at Boston Yacht Club + got drunk then was arrested by the Topsfield MA Police for DUI in his brand new sports car...Eve Lee who worked with Joe Fallon at Philips North America Medical Products = she rented a limo for his 60th birthday + took him out partying in Boston with his wife NOT invited.

Dinner engagements after work where his wife didnt know where he was until he snuck home in the middle of the night like a real sneaky spouse that disrespects his wife.

And of course the week at Key West Race Week when their child was a baby or the annual party blow out called the Beringer Overnight Race.. the annual PHRF New England sail boat races with 3 days of parties in Marblehead...Joe Fallon just felt he deserved to let the good times roll while his wife was the loving dedicated wife who was raising

their child + taking care of their home

The list of marital transgressions + infidelities goes on + on...his wife didn't have to worry about contracting anything communicable because they had slept in separate bedrooms for almost there entire marriage. He preferred to sleep with a 6' purple stuffed dinosaur named SPARKY. Just like the husband who cheated on gorgeous Christie Brinkley, Joe Fallon acted like an idiot + his wife left him once + for all.

Joe Fallon's wife Susan requested he attend mental health counseling but he refused as he LIKED being the life of the party + an unfaithful husband. His behavior disrespected his wife + son. He hurt them both with his narcissist personality + toxic behaviors.

Sadly his social life outside of marriage was more important than being a good husband, a positive role model for his child + responsible family man.

For the sake of their child, Joe Fallon's wife waited FOR YEARS to file for divorce. She didn't want to hurt their child so she sacrificed her personal happiness as a truly good loving mother would do to protect her child.

Susan Elizabeth Fallon didn't disclose what a lousy husband Joseph R. Fallon had been in the petition for divorce because she wished to remain civil + amicable. She expected her husband to be cooperative, respectful + reasonable.

He was none of the above.

Since Susan Elizabeth Fallon filed for divorce from Joseph R. Fallon Sr. = he has harassed her after she moved FAR AWAY FROM HIM. Now WHY would a woman who has filed for divorce after 34+ years LEAVE NEW ENGLAND + HER HOME when her estranged husband had been ordered to leave???

Why has she MOVED far far away from this creepy 71 year old male?

And now that he lives in Brunswick Maine = he already became embroiled in a legal dispute with his new neighbors BEFORE he even moved in to the home he was building... he disrespectfully tried to obtain approval to erect a 120' ugly ham radio tower on his ocean front property that would have been in direct view of his neighbors. The homes in his Brunswick Maine neighborhood called Pennellville are beautiful quintessential American ship builder historic homes that have been lovingly maintained by devoted current owners. The story of the legal dispute was published in The Forecaster. It's not at all surprising Joseph R. Fallon of Brunswick Maine acted so arrogantly to his neighbors + town officials = it's consistent with how he treated his wife.

There IS far more to this divorce story than most people know...and women today are simply not tolerating men who harass + abuse them...

Stay tuned = more to follow

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