  • Report:  #1534252

Complaint Review: Don Farr Moving & Storage - Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

Reported By:
Pamela D Kimball - San Francisco, California, United States

Don Farr Moving & Storage
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

My brief description above should suffice for now. Let me know if there's a need to elaborate. I have photos of the Danish Modern Knoll broken lamp, torn Knoll/Richard Schwarz sofa with interior disintegrating; Knoll/Jacobsen Egg Chair & Ottoman with innards disintegrated into powder and seat cover missing, base to 24" Knoll/Saarinen side table dislocated/broken, chip on edge of a painting; rips and stains on bedsheet... there was quite a bit more, but it was several years ago & I'd have to go through my Don Farr file to bring up what I'm not remembering off the top of my head. Aside from how very valuable these 1960s originals are, they were the patrimony from my beloved Father.

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