  • Report:  #1534253

Complaint Review: Stage 94 Investments Cliff Terry - Cedar Park Texas

Reported By:
John - , United States

Stage 94 Investments Cliff Terry
3820 Brushy Creek Rd Unit 97 Cedar Park, 78613 Texas, United States
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Unfortunately I hired cliff terry, aka clifford terry, because he mentioned a mutual acquaintence name. He gave me the sweet talk yada yada yada. I hired him to do seven roofs and several paint jobs.

He took money from me on two paint jobs he never finished. VERY POOR QUALITY WORK!

Ripoffreport Report Image

I also gave him 10K to do the seventh roof. He kept giving excuses, making promises, but just DISAPPEARED. He made promise after promise which he never kept his word is NO GOOD!  I do believe his wife is a real estate agent in TX. He has/had some website such as cliffbuyshousesfastfor cash, and more. He also has other companies with the stage 94 tag so BEWARE THIS GUY. 



1 Updates & Rebuttals


Naples, FL 34105,
United States
clifford terry aka cliff terry is back at it with bulloney

#2Author of original report

Tue, September 24, 2024

it appears his "cliffbuyshousesfast" is back up with this man boasting honesty! He ripped me off and disappeared. Watch out for anyone using the "stage 94" tag in their name whether it be stage 94 roofing, stage 94 real estate---either way same people that cheated me...BEWARE him and his wife shannon

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