  • Report:  #1534244

Complaint Review: Keono Ashton Polchies (Polchies Fabrication & Restoration) - DeLand Florida

Reported By:
Mike - Deland, United States

Keono Ashton Polchies (Polchies Fabrication & Restoration)
548 Old Daytona Rd DeLand, 32724 Florida, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Tells Customers You Get what you paid for and then lies about doing the jobs and uses customers vehicles to drive back and fourth to places because he has a suspened license and doesnt want to get caught he has lost my car keys twice and then yelled at me for questioning him about my car. I show up with out telling him to find my vehicle gone and towed away i go get my car and bring to him because I paid him 4k and had really bad unfinished work done to it. I only chose to go to him because he was cheap and had 5 star reviews on google to to find out he was the one creating a bunch of emails and fake phone numbers to created his 5 star ratings and having other ppl and family create these 5 star reviews lying about work he has done this guy is a drug user and criminal i did a background check on this guy and he escaped prison for burning someones home down and possible death in canada and now he will be facing prison time for shooting at someone in palaka like omg this guy just couldnt be more aweful. Beware I lost out as so many other customers of his DO NOT DARE COME TO THIS GUY!! I PROMISE YOU WILL REGRET IT!! Manipulator,Scammer, Fraud,Liar,Stealer 


do not trust him or any one that works for him he will take all your money than lie and say it was this or that bull****

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