  • Report:  #1477796

Complaint Review: PHONE SCAM - 1-877-279-7504 - Sacramento CA

Reported By:
AG - North Highlands, CA, United States

PHONE SCAM - 1-877-279-7504
Sacramento, CA, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

2 Days in a row I have gotten a call from my Electric company’s in my area. Caller ID verifies it is the utilities company's listed 800 number calling you.

A person with an accent tells you that your power will be cut off in the next hour unless payment is made. They then instruct you to call an 800 number to make payment arrangements... seems legit.

Yesterday the number that was given to call back is 800-460-2206 SMUD

Today the number that was given is 877-279-7504 PG&E.

When you call the message sounds really close to the real utilities reordering. It is good... seems really legit considering that they call you from the published 800 for the utility company.

This is where the scam comes in:

They instruct you to go to Rite-Aid and go get a Authorized Utility Bill Pay card - AKA "Money Pak" and load the payment on to the card. They then instruct you to call back so payment can be made.

I knew it was a scam because this happened yesterday but I will tell you that this scam is VERY WELL thought out and VERY GOOD. Even me know it was a scam i could see how people can and do fall for this.

Things that made me know it was a scam:

1. They didn’t know my name.

2. They did not have my service address yesterday / today they did have an address but I have moved from that address 6 years ago (Business address) and never had that Utility company at that address.

3. They didn't have my account number.


So after talking to the guy for 20 mins getting all the info I let him know that I know it is a scam. I ask him how they got my number ... he replied

From backpage.com under escorts. I laughed and said where the hell have you been that has been closed down for a few years now. After exchanging words with him back and forth I asked him how many people fall for this. He said ALOT.

Be warned people.... they are GOOD and getting smarter to Rob people out of their hard earned money.

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