  • Report:  #1494775

Complaint Review: Staymore Studios - Kissimmee Florida

Reported By:
Anonymous - United States

Staymore Studios
2407 West Vine Street Kissimmee, 34741 Florida, United States
+1 407-480-5000
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
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I stayed at Staymore Studios in Kissimmee Florida for many months during the COVID_19 epidemic.

During my stay there I noticed some very strange and abusive facets of the other guests, and the property and building itself.

For one reason or another the floors of this hotel, my room, bathroom, kitchen and seating/eating area shake in response to noises made outside the hotel and noises made inside my room and other rooms near to mine.

This is being done intentionally.

Ripoffreport Report Image

Loud music, truck noises, exhaust notes, cause my floor to oscillate in complete synchronicity with those sounds outside of the hotel.  This is impossible lest it is being done with devices installed to do just that.

I have two rooms on either side of me and both of those rooms are occupied by "guests" who are not.

They never shower or use their bathroom, I'd be able to hear this since we share that wall.

With that they sit around and listen to what I do and then when I shower they bash on the floor to shake the tub and shower unit in my room, likely hoping to cause me to slip fall, and otherwise injur myself.

And on the other side they never once use their kitchen sink or kitchen area, I share that wall with them.

The appear as shills who likely live locally and stay here only to act as some form of mutant circus carnival carney who is only there to abuse other guests.  This is done by sneaking around in their room pretending they are not there, then violently smashing large heavy objects onto the floor.  Knowing that this upsets other guests and exacerbates and exploits the fact this then shakes my floor.

This has gone on constantly for months, it is being done intentionally, and it is done at times such as 1am, 2am, 3am, etc and it shakes my bed so much it wakes me from a sound sleep.

This is a crime!

Other problems include staff who is all but hostile, abusive, and has this Jekyll and Hyde personality whipsaw where they are nice one moment to you and then the next seem as though they are going to attack you. Lunatics.

Brenda the office manager is at times boisterous, verbally abusive, and overall hostile for no reason at all.

Evelyn Morales the other manager acts weird, abusive, and plays with guests when they hope to get a parcel from the office turning it into some kind of game of dexterity, moving the parcel around so you can not take it from her.

Looney tooney.

The two maintenance guys run around the whole day expecting you to jump out of their way when you walk or use the stairs.

They entered my room many times overall for no good reason.

My fridge failed many times over and they delayed swapping it for another unit when in fact they should have just solved it right away.

Many food items and meats spoiled as a result and that could have been avoided.

I guess making the floors shake was more important for them.

Metal fixtures in the bathroom are rusted, a tetanus hazard.

The sink has a clogged trap and takes many minutes to empty the water, another hygiene fraud and crime that is less important to fix other than having people sit around and harass you and make your floors shake for no good reason.

The light and range hood over the cooktop is rusted, flaking bits of crap off into your food.

Kitchen cabinets had some kind of goo slathered inside of them.

Ants seemed to like to live there in it.

Bedding is washed with some kind of toxic dry cleaning chemical that causes burns to skin and makes it impossible to sleep on them.

When I arrived it was not even possible to wash them at my expense since the laundry area was closed for a month.

The owner Kajay Sonana indicated to his other staff longer ago he knows this and does not care about the people who stay here.

Sitting on the red bed cover with wet hands has the chemical soak into my knuckles and fingers, turning them grey.


There is a large hole filled with water and partly covered with tarps next to the pool and center passage by the side of the hotel.  It has been there for 6 months breeding mosquitoes as it does.  Also a good death trap to step into at night since the walkways join there.

An Ikea chair is provided as shown in the photos but since I weigh more than 100lbs I can not use it since it would break and by that break my tailbone, spine, and neck.  It is made of flimsy wood and drilled such that they break all the time as soon as you put any weight on them.  Worthless crapola.  Ongoing since 2012 as such.

Ikea nightstands near the bed present a razor sharp hazard since the laminate is pulling up as the glue is failing, making it likely you slice arms and hands open at night when you sleep.

Aircon is defective and some form of mold is present in the rooms. Owner thinks it is good for you to inhale and ingest it as he's said in the past.  Right.

Not much more you'd need to know to hope that this place gets condemned soon and you don't want to be there or near it at all.

Report Attachments

6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Additional Photos From The Unit At Staymore

#2Author of original report

Mon, June 08, 2020

The point overall may be rhetorical as the location really is not serviceable or insurable as such given the intentional malfeasance, but again these items would speak to the fact these people waste too much time and resources doing things wrong and by that what needs to be fixed never is.

Rusty metal and chunks of it flaking off into towels, shower and bath areas, weak and rusty mirror clips that look to want to fall apart and be consistent with the fact the floors and walls shake for no good reason when someone beeps a horn etc.  This is a bunch of Bates Motel Psycho Drama.

Report Attachments


United States
May 06, 2020 Update:

#3Author of original report

Wed, May 06, 2020

I am now learning that this hotel is involved in what turned out to be a violent effort to harm me soon after I continued my travel from the Bakersfield CA area.

What I thought was an accident turns out to be (another) effort to have me ingest some form of poison.

The water at this location and at this hotel was at that time found to be contaminated with some kind of solvent.

That is a differing problem and was used as a "Red Herring" possibly as a cover and related to prediction.

I found the problem and reported it.

Others at the hotel now seem to have known of that and the harms to come as done to me later on.

It now seems given that I know more, and that the event to harm me did take place later, that these people offered prediction and various forms of vanity plays and drama on that.

They knew of the injuries that would take place.

Staff at the front desk espcially a female, made a "Fashion Statement" as well as other inappropriate statements verbally to me, and done so via her walking past me in a pair of short shorts wearing yellow sneakers.

It has something to do with legs and vanity. Likely color as well etc.

Years prior to this I was attacked at a Sacramento CA hotel by another hostile guest who stalked and ambushed me in effect.

The staff at the Value Place/Woodspring Suites hotel was involved in that.

It was intentional.

In addition a Safeway delivery person who claimed to be from New Zealand made statements of the effect:

"Get you a V belt on it" etc and he had damage to his legs.

He said use yours.

Again that was years prior and the hotel corporate body is at fault.

Guests who were next to me would leave at 5am and violently slam open and shut the fire door to the stairs leading to the parking lot as they ostensibly went to work each day.

Done to wake all of us up and by that avoid the elevator. Why do it?

Hi 5(V)?

It seems he and another guest were asked to leave after we made complaints about the problems.

They look to have known about the water problems, seemed to be associated with work in the industrial filtering and irrigation or fracking businesses, and I saw the one person wheeling out all kinds of equipment and wearing a jersey that indicated as such.

He and my door slamming neighbor both left in the red truck driven by door slammer.

It was a Red Dodge Ram Full Size King Cab (4 door) Long Bed 4WD pickup truck.

Nevada Plate G04 J14. Which means "Hi 5". Fill in the middle and split the difference.

I went outside to see them leave and based on his hugely arrogant and obnoxious behavior I made sure to know what vehicle he drove.

Something is wrong.


United States
Stacey: A Glutton For Punishment.

#4Author of original report

Wed, May 06, 2020

This Stacey person is a pathetic fraud, again here is what they responded with to my fairly simple set of observations about something wrong at a hotel:


#1 Consumer Comment


AUTHOR: Stacey - (United States)

SUBMITTED: Monday, May 04, 2020

"Please seek professional help because it seems like you are experiencing some paranoid episodes. I highly doubt that there were "people" waiting for you to take a shower or sleep then shake the whole floor to disturb you.

And if, indeed, this was the truth then how come you did not LEAVE!!!"


Since as per you nothing is wrong, why would I leave? Who said I did not leave? You?

Again you don't know anything. When I was there, what I look like, am I male or female, when the dates of stay are or were, when I got there, when or if I left, or how, etc. Nothing. You know nothing.

And you never asked.

My response made to the "Really?" "Rebuttal" in part to you Stacey included this: "This seems to be your standard reply for all of the needless spam you foist upon people who express concerns."

Which you just proved anew for all of us. As does your other replies to other reports made on this website.

You are SPAM.

So your next offer of verbal excrement comes along looking like your prior and other offers of verbal excrement, being more slurs you make of people who witness against a crime. All done with your useless mental health slurs and stigma sauce.

You also seem to know too much. Why respond to this report and do so now?

Conspiracy is collusion and witness suppression and obstruction are crimes.


#3 Consumer Comment


AUTHOR: Stacey - (United States)

SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 05, 2020

"From someone who cannot accept a simple rebuttal - once again your report is pathetic just like you. So when you get that psych issue resolved then you can come back and play with the grown ups. See works both ways. "


Your rebuttal is not a simple rebuttal. It is a factually inaccurate attempt to make a slur of someone you know nothing about related to a set of crimes you know nothing about, and has impossible for you to know, impossible for you to defend, impossible to implement, and an impossibly non-efficacious agenda made to refute the witness, and/or to establish the sets of constraints you wanted to apply to any and all others who'd do just as I did. That being? File a report about some concerns.

So for you nothing ever gets fixed Stacey. This has a tragic outcome sorry to say.

Again Stacey rants and drools all over their keyboard with this:

" - once again your report is pathetic just like you."

I don't see that and neither does anyone else. My report is actually quite savvy and well done.

Again Stacey you avoided all the issues that were cited in the report, there are actually more and not less than what I wrote thus far.

Why do you bother? Since you don't read the reports at all?

The report seems fine to me, it has photos that depict the problems, again you won't speak to any of them, such as the broken chair, that has been there for almost one decade, the other problems that I have proof and witness of, all dismissed with your grandiose and holier than thou:

"So when you get that psych issue resolved then you can come back and play with the grown ups. See works both ways."

Advocating on harms to children now also? Time travel? Or do you claim to know me personally as such to make that claim?

Playing doctor now are you? That is a felony also.

At some point you are what you are Stacey. A felon and fraud.

Do you also harm children and suppress their witness using mental health slurs as you do here to me Stacey?

How does it work both ways? Being the supreme being and "Grown Up" that you are.

Are you a "Virtual Authority On All Things"? Or are you God?

What if I don't comply with you? Then what?

YOU decide that? I don't see that working for you thus far eh?

Stacey you can't make any claim or offer any of what you said so far, since you have no witness or proof.

And it really makes no sense, since your offers do not refute the claims or witness.

We can make rebukes now of you, right?

I made no claim about you until you made inaccurate statements about me and then offered slurs as you did Stacey, and that is consistent with your other rebuttals made to other reports I've seen here say over the last ten years or so.

Your error is aggregating them using your name "Stacey". Yes?

They all look the same. SPAM.

Explain to me how your and others' criminal acts are defended by breaking more laws?

They are not, so really it does not "Work Both Ways" does it? ;-)

You Stacey can not PROVE one thing you have said here in just this report about me personally and never will be able to.

You Stacey can NOT refute one thing I've said EVER. Impossible.

And again what you offer does not logically refute the witness at all.

It does nothing other than prove YOUR judgment Stacey, as being worthless.

It is also malice and fraud by design. Akin to the crimes you protect via them.

In other words your trap has no logic other than to trap you Stacey.

You are too stupid to make any offer factually or otherwise to seek facts Stacey.

This is why you hide from the facts or dialog. Actual dialog. Not slurs. Dialog.

And you are bent on finding fault and not fact.

Seems contrary to the charter of this website and would and should rightly reject your content for being abusive and criminal in nature.

You can't legally do it in other words.

Was anyone harmed because of this? Or of your abuse?

Did they die?

Do you prefer to advocate on homicide with that Stacey?

Do you enjoy having Police knock on your door?

Do you concede that such things might harm someone emotionally or be designed to do so?

And with that you reverse cause and effect in order to defend the outcome of death or injury as being murder and assault with paranoid flavors?

Be careful what you say Stacey and what you ask for.

You start to look as Niccolo Machiavelli with your "Ends Justified The Means", you just prefer to forget and ignore what caused the problem to begin with in effect.

You got caught playing into the paranoid plan that this is and was.

And with all such crimes, fixes, and blame the victim paradigms, you just announce the outcome you wanted for your wrong doing and that of others you associate with and by that prove and offer motive for them as you confess them here and otherwise.

To Stacey - Loser Loser Liar Liar Pants On Fire. Paid your insurance bill of late?

Look for prices to go up thanks to your crimes. Speaking of stung in the butt.

Where is your wallet at now?

Maybe I was injured, you did not ask. Do you enjoy being abused and treated with malice and lack of respect or lack of dignity Stacey?

Consider your abuse now Stacey, what of it?

I might go see a doctor and you get "Fed" the "Pill" on it.

I won't treat it as being a placebo to make you look holy and pure. ;-)

Want more?

Report Attachments


United States

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, May 06, 2020

From someone who cannot accept a simple rebuttal - once again your report is pathetic just like you. So when you get that psych issue resolved then you can come back and play with the grown ups. See works both ways. 


United States
Really? Really. Really?

#6Author of original report

Tue, May 05, 2020

I am glad to respond to this Stacey person's offer as they made to attempt to make themselves look badly in order to accommodate doing just that for them.

> Stacey -- Please seek professional help because it seems like you are experiencing some paranoid episodes. I highly doubt that there were "people" waiting for you to take a shower or sleep then shake the whole floor to disturb you.

This seems to be your standard reply for all of the needless spam you foist upon people who express concerns.

OK so you doubt something and that means by that it must be impossible? Right, and by that I can not possibly be mistaken I must be some kind of what is it, paranoid, person?


Maybe I am just wrong or mistaken.

I am not Stacy, but maybe you could have stopped at a lesser level before your "Stark Raving Lunatic Delusional NutCase Take Your Meds Mommy Knows Better Standard SPAM Impersonating A Doctor I Know It All Faux Authority Ad Hominem Nothing In Your World Is Actually Happening" fraud of a rebuttal as you just made.

You assume too much Stacey. As always. And you pretend to know too much. Makes you a felon by that, right Stacey?

And for you nothing is ever real. Delusions seem to be all yours now as are your paranoid and useless offers of non-fact and bogus advice.

You offer to come here Stacey to to "Disprove" what the real concern is and that you can know better what the truth is of things ongoing in places you likely never have been to.

And to all the other problems, what of them?

The chair that the owner is not willing to fix, the defective things, and the rest? Not present at all? As per you? Please maybe close this entire web site and post one of your standard comments as you made here with the singular and synoptic claims that all is well and when things seem wrong you are just being paranoid.

Tada! Solved by Stacey! Hmmmmm, odd.

Again Stacey said -- "I highly doubt that there were "people" waiting for you to take a shower or sleep then shake the whole floor to disturb you. "

I doubt lots of things, by that I don't assume others are paranoid for it. For one.

You doubt that "people" were `waiting` for me to do things. I don't.

Other people are waiting for me to do lots of things. Do you doubt that also?

You proved you wrong.

Also that is an odd mischaracterisation of what I said being you warped it to distort the facts to fit your standard quack model of response.

Since those doing this don't belong there, anything they do they do to harass and harm others requires them to wait by being there since they belong some other place. So I guess "Waiting" would be part of doing the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Odd irony in the "PreMedItation" problem, there's your pill Stacey.

Fact is that those who resided on either side of me had odd and non-credible use of their rooms, they acted to harass me and other guests at the hotel, and part of that was to avoid them being detected as being there, and this fits with them obfuscating the problem overall being that in part some of this is done WITHOUT them needing to be present.

They are too stealthy overall and when not being so stealthy their actions are indiscreet and excessive.

Patterns. And they were there and acting just as I wrote here. By that, they are involved in the frauds and harms.

This does serve to elaborate on the problem and points but you could have just asked me and not bothered to make a slur of my complaints.

Explain why the floor shakes at 6am when they smash and empty the dumpster next door? But you won't know that since you know it all better than I or others do?

Explain why the people on either side have NO credible use of their rooms? Why do they smash heavy objects onto the floors in the middle of the night? Problem is and now for you Stacey, is that they do just that.

Not sure I'd say they need to wait and neither do I, I just fall asleep, but the fact is they do these odd and excessive things at all hours especially late at night while people sleep, despite your desire to distort it beyond what it is.

Again two problems overall, the fact something is being done to harm people who stay there this way, being the installed devices to do that, there are other places this was being done, this is one more site.

The second problem is the people who know about it and who act to do as I said, without repeating myself, to run the carnival ride that is as done in this way.

Since it is intentional, they are part of the "design". And/or they just arrived to play with it.

Other problem is who pays for it? Where does their money come from?

What is the owner's involvement in it all? I won't know that and make no claims to know it.

Maybe Stacey can assist and provide their rash and delusional assumptions of non fact, tell us all how it really is Stacey, please! Share your infinite knowledge and wisdom being the God and Diva that you are ! Fool.

You doubt something and by that I need to run to some quack every time I see or find something wrong?

And I do that to please you and to enable on what crime now? Yours Stacey?

> And if, indeed, this was the truth then how come you did not LEAVE!!!

You just made a statement about the problem in general and what I did to accommodate it, being I am not obligated to accommodate it at all. None of which you could know or by that state as you did here? Who says that I DID NOT leave? You? You are hilarious.

You are an absurd fraud and flake. Take your own advice and stop harassing people who voice complaints.

A typo on my original post: "The appear as shills who likely live locally and stay here only to act as some form of mutant circus carnival carney who is only there to abuse other guests."

Should read: "THEY appear as shills who likely live locally and stay here only to act as some form of mutant circus carnival carney who is only there to abuse other guests."

I stand by that and this is what is ongoing along with ALL the other things I wrote about in the original.

I am pushing the mute button on you Stacey and won't respond beyond this.

Your content and responses here are worthless puke.

Have a nice life, loser.

Report Attachments


United States

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, May 05, 2020

Please seek professional help because it seems like you are experiencing some paranoid episodes. I highly doubt that there were "people" waiting for you to take a shower or sleep then shake the whole floor to disturb you. 

And if, indeed, this was the truth then how come you did not LEAVE!!! 

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