  • Report:  #1517255

Complaint Review: Teachers -

Reported By:
John - Pittsburgh, United States

United States
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It is absolutely pathetic on the salaries of teachers when they only work 180 days a year when I work 365 days a year and they're making just as much as I am.

And then you talk to the students that these teachers are supposedly teaching they don't even know simple basic math and you ask them a question a simple question like who is the vice president and they don't even know and the teachers are making these salaries I don't understand why America is so greedy and dysfunctional that they make these salaries and our students are beyond stupid.

When I was in school an average teacher made $19,800 a year and that was too much money you had a dropout rate that was higher than hell and today have the kids don't even show up at school and the teachers are making all this money it's like I'm going to put an examples on the computer so you can see what I'm talking about.

#1 Most teachers are signing contracts for 180 days of work every year,



Ripoffreport Report Image

No teacher like in New York should be making $80,000 a year and only work 180 days a year and every month they have a week or two off with every holiday that America celebrates, and in California and America is the most illiterate country in the world nobody should be illiterate in our country if teachers are making this type of money they all should be nuclear physics?



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And the teachers want another raise for not teaching our children? This is what all of these overpaid people working in America has done to America:

America is not the greatest country;




And when I went to my child's School the $80,000.00 a year paid teacher was playing on her cell phone and the kids are throwing a tennis ball around the room and they make $80,000 a year. unbelievable...


A teacher's salary for 180 days of sitting behind a school desk a year should not be any more the $24,000 a year while a person in Walmart is breaking their back unloading trucks and packing out the shelves and they are only making $16,000 a year? Something is seriously wrong and dysfunctional with this country that people make these type of incomes and others cannot afford to go food shopping?

Everything on the internet 99.8% is false information: This is why the internet should be turned off and children need to be placed into a library and search the facts. We used to go to libraries before computers and internet service came out when people educated themselves and did not believe all the propaganda on the internet.

We researched the facts and America was the smartest Nation besides Russia but America is not #-1 in the smartest country in the world, it is like on the bottom of the list.... But everybody in America puts their propaganda on the internet. China, Japan, Russia, And even Africa which American college students pay the Africans to do their tests?

In a problem that shows no sign of abating as education increasingly is being conducted remotely, a recent CBS investigation has uncovered that American college students are outsourcing schoolwork to Kenyans overseas who are paid thousands of dollars a month to do anything from write essays to complete entire college ...Jul 29, 2021 https://atlantablackstar.com › americ... Cheating American College Students Are Paying Kenyans to ...

These countries education Blows America under the table. We are like the dumbest Nation on the planet now.

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6 Updates & Rebuttals


Highlands Ranch,
United States
John, It would take 200 years for a teacher...

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, April 11, 2022

to make what a Hedge fund manager made in one day, according to information that is available on the web. John Paulson made $5 Billion in one year! That equates to over $13 Million a day.

$13,000,000 divided by $65,000 = 200

Have a nice week.


Highlands Ranch,
United States
John, It would take a teacher 372 years...

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, April 01, 2022

to earn what the average CEO of one of the top 350 firms in America made in one year.

$24,200,000 divided by $65,000 = 372

***Feel free to type in 668678 at this site and scroll down to Consumer Comment #57 at Ripoff Report #668678 in order to learn about an executive who made over $13 Million a day throughout the entire year of 2010. He made $5 Billion in 2010. 

Have a wonderful day!



United States
Fact vs. Opinion

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, March 30, 2022

You wrote, "Everything on the internet 99.8% is false information", yet you provided links to editorials and opinions with the pretense that they contain valid information. You also appear to be unaware that Wikipedia is a source of information that does not contain factual or verified data. Wikipedia's site states: Wikipedia is written collaboratively by largely anonymous volunteers. Anyone with Internet access and in good standing can write and make changes to Wikipedia articles.


What makes you so sure that you are reading the remaining .2% that doesn't contain false information?


You may want to learn the difference between fact and opinion (frequently known as an editorial).


Highlands Ranch,
United States

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, March 30, 2022

Communism didn’t kill people. Men killed people. Men are the ones ultimately in control of governments in the world, correct? Men control the U.S. government, right? And we know that these same men ordered the killing of innocent people in Vietnam and many other wars, like the one in Afghanistan where innocent people and children were killed, correct?

Men have, and continue to, create almost all of the problems in the world today. It was also ‘men’ who put a man on trial 1,989 years ago. These men were known as the Sanhedrin. One of the definitions of ‘Sanhedrin’ is ‘Jewish authorities’. 

It appears that nothing has changed in the last 2,000 years. As long as ‘men’ are in control, we know that the world will be in chaos, just as it is today. By the way, the man who was put on trial in 33 AD was found guilty by the men in charge. He was then crucified. Many religious scholars and academics believe that the date of the crucifixion was April 3, 33 AD.

In four more days it will be April 3rd. It’s too bad that the people and the ‘men’ in control 1,989 years ago didn’t listen to him. I’ll bet he was against fraud, greed, deception, manipulation, and deep corruption, wouldn’t you agree? Nothing has changed in 2,000 years. Men still control the world. Unfortunately for these men, the world is completely out of control...again.

Thank You 



United States
Teachers are teaching our children that communism and homosexuality is a good lifestyle,

#6Author of original report

Wed, March 30, 2022

 They are both evil; communism murdered millions upon millions of people; In 2017, historian Stephen Kotkin wrote in The Wall Street Journal that 65 million people died prematurely under communist regimes according to demographers, and those deaths were a result of "mass deportations, forced labor camps and police-state terror" but mostly "from starvation as a result of its cruel projects of ... https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki Mass killings under communist regimes - Wikipedia and homosexuality should not be taught in school because it sends a child's soul to hell because Leviticus 20:13 read the Bible.

"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them." Chapter 20 verse 13. https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki The Bible and homosexuality - Wikipedia This evil should not be spoken about in school. There is a law it is called separation of church and state... And the teachers are violating the Law.

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Highlands Ranch,
United States
Thank God that CEO’s salaries...

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, March 29, 2022

aren’t out of control, like teacher’s salaries. CEO’s salaries, bonuses, and stock options are right where they should be, correct? Teachers shouldn’t be making the huge salaries for the work they’re doing, right? Let’s face it, a CEO is much more important than a teacher, wouldn’t you agree?

***The average teacher salary in America was about $65,000 in 2020, according to information on the web. The average pay for a CEO at one of the top 350 firms in America was only $24.2 million, including stock awards and stock options, according to information on the web.

It appears that things need to be done in order to fix America. 

Thank You 

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