  • Report:  #132558


Reported By:
- Waukegan, Illinois,

2200 N SEMINARY AVE. WOODSTOCK, 60098 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Several litigants and other Families and Individuals have serious complaints regarding the day to day processes within this Jurisdiction and Court. AT LEAST 4 Circuit or Associate Circuit Judges Routinely violate their Oaths of office, Routinely violate Civil Rights, Routinely violate U.S. Code and State statuet and regularly Legislate from the bench. Regular or local Attornies use freindly Judges to avoid prosecution from ripoffed clients. There is an extreme bias against male litigants in this Jurisdictions Family Courts.

These Judges frequently use Threat, Intimidation, False arrest and at least in one case physical assult was noted to a father in lock up. Judges of Note and involved;

* Michael T. Caldwell, Circuit Judge

* Michael J. Sullivan, Circuit Judge

Joseph P. Condon, Associate Circuit Judge

Gordon E. Graham, Associate Circuit Judge Gerald Martin Zopp, Jr., Associate Circuit Judge ,

At least one Assistant States Attorney is involved and approximatly 9 area Attorneys at Law. among others. This Court is rotten to the core corrupt and should be exposed to a Grand Jury Investigation at the very least.


Waukegan, Illinois

36 Updates & Rebuttals


another victim of 19th jccircuit court mcchenry county illinois

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, December 12, 2008

I have had the same experiences as did Robert. Same judges. corrupt lawyers,judges,police..etc.... I have documents of this that i am still compiling. I need Robert to contact me. email me. at [email protected]


Please note Two corrections to prior postings Oct.14th 2008.

#3Author of original report

Tue, October 14, 2008

The 19th Circuit Court has been retitled the 22nd Circuit/ Their move. and The Newest Judge to Violate his Oath of office along with almost every concievable law or rule on the books is Associate Circuit Judge Charles P. Weech of the 22nd Circuit. And the following: Note; The 22nd Circuit Court (the former 19th circuit) within the Mchenry County Government Building in Woodstock Illinois is in my case (among several others known to me) is throughly corrupt and seems to be proud of the fact that they are unaccountable to NO ONE . The officers of this court and the alleged child support enforcement agency have and continue to embezzle and extort large sums of money out of the Social Security Dept. which currently pay my individual disability and funds directly to our two children and have for many years. Please understand that both sums that The Dept. of Social Security are paying out to allegedly cover child support and child support arrearage are in excess of State mandated requirements,. And in the case of the alleged arrearage we have discovered that I have over paid by approximately $70.000 yet, in all likelihood we shall never see my daughters or this money again. The Child Support Enforcement office is directly responsible to Governor Blagovich and their office documentation is utterly atrocious and fraud is very easy to recognize. We believe that federal incentive money is prompting national fraud on a grand scale and this is clearly understood by the many victims being hounded into an early grave. (A matter of record) At this point I believe there is a possible connection of wrong doing on the part of all the agencies named above to include the D.M.V. Wherein if the threats of the C.S.E.Office are not complied with, whether you ow them or not, they take your driver's licence away from you, your income, your freedom then your life, among other abuses. I am also currently being Retaliated against by the courts for reporting this massive Fraud . Further, the list of crimes being perpetrated under the color of Law is quite extensive and well documented nationally and internationally. One issue that I simply cannot understand is the courts open denial of Child abuse and Neglect even when it is well documented. Perhaps a measure of their madness along with a clear intent of inducement to commit suicide . Many will say this is completely foolhardy yet, I stand behind the first Amendment of the U.S. CONSTITUTION and my lolyaty to my beloved daughters and all the other childrens lives that are being mangled by people and orginizations like these. My life is now in Gods hands where I now realize it has always been. God Bless America & THE TRUTH.


New York,
it sounds like

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, October 13, 2008

you were convicted of something and are now using the media to bad mouth the court. Why don't you post TRANSCRIPTS of the court proceedings so we can decide for ourselves, without your one sided ranting? Please don't repost the link to the website, because they ARE NOT objective, they are just a bunch or people who don't agree with the court decisions against them. Post just the FACTS of YOUR case. You sound like charles from alabama.



#5Author of original report

Mon, October 13, 2008

Associate Circuit Judge Charles P. Weech has now reverted to "RETALIATION" which is a Federal Crime however, this means nothing to our Judiciary which demands independence, has declared its Immunity from prosecution, and now legislates from the bench and in fact makes the law all of which is outside of and completely UNCONSTITUTIONAL but who cares when your actually UNACCOUNTABLE to anyone. Forget the Judicial Inquiry Board or the Congressional Judicial Oversight Committee, The D.O.J. or F.B.I. This posting alone will most likely get me locked in some hell hole or even KILLED, Dispite the alleged 1st amendment. Please AMERICA Wake Up OUR NATION IS DYING FROM AN INTERNAL VIRUS, not from foriegn terriorist.


The 19th has now become the 22nd Circuit

#6Author of original report

Mon, October 13, 2008

SWORN AFFIDAVIT October 10th 2008 I,_Robert G. LXXXXX___being first duly sworn to oath affirm that the following statements are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. 1. I Robert G. LXXXXXX Jr . The declarant and soul biological father of Elizabeth and Abigail Lasheff do hear by state and so affirm that it is my sincere believe by way of first hand experience witness, statements made by Elizabeth and Abigail LXXXXX and Catherine E.PXXXXX a.k.a LXXXXX a.k.a HXXXXX and additional documentation that over the last fifteen years Catherine E. PXXXXX has committed physical and psychological abuse and negligence against both of our daughters Elizabeth and Abigail Lasheff. Further, by way of Catharines negligent supervision she has permitted Andrew Huff her firstborn to also abuse his step sister's Elizabeth and Abigail Lasheff. Please note that much of this to include the failure of our marriage and the violence in the last year must be seen as part of Catharines state of mental health being genetic and life long and as it relates to Andrew his second broken home and his mother's consistent denial of any of this being problematic.(Andrew Huff being a victim here also) Catherine Pickar has been diagnosed as Bi-polar and having a paranoid personality disorder. Further, Catherine prefers to be in denial of these mental health problems and drops out of her treatment protocol for both herself and her children if they happen to be affected. Andrew noted as a sleep walker and suffering from Attention deficit disorder at this time. Note: Andrew Huff is now of age and has married. The physical and psychological abuse and negligence details; 2 .Catherine leaving our daughters alone in their stroller while shopping (ages approximately 1&2) Abandoning Andrew while Catherine was living with her brother and sister in-law on several occasions. Leaving our daughters unattended after placing them in the bathtub whereupon our eldest daughter nearly drowned our youngest (ages approximately 1&2) (Two witnesses) Bradley Bomkamp and Constance LXXXXXXXXX 3 .Our daughters being pushed through doorways, Hit over the head with toys and having their heads pushed under the water while being bathed by Andrew. And when our daughters complained about these things to their father they would be punished by their mother if she witnessed or was latter to hear about the girls telling their father anything. (Please note very similar occurrences presented within the Child Custody Evaluation) Further, it is this declarant's belief that Elizabeth was the focus of the greater part of this type of abuse. 4 .Approximately one month after the separation Elizabeth was left alone by her mother at a school bus stop for pre-school. Elizabeth was only about 3 years old at this time and still recovering from the emotional trauma of having her world torn apart. 5 .During the 26 days of one of many of Catharines unlawful and unnecessary orders of protection Catherine lost control of Andrew and the lake in the Hills Police were called (Juvenile out of control call, see police printout 08/27/1996 in attachment) as Andrew became a threat to both his mother and his step-sisters, Andrew was then taken to a Mental Health facility, HCA Woodland Hospital in Hoffman Estates Il. with no notification to our primary care physician or myself. Page 1 5. Further, it was later discovered that all three of the children had been left for an unknown period of time with no supervision and it was very clear that their actions came very close to burning the house to the ground. Clearly a life threatening situation. Further, Physical damage to both the inside and outside of the home was noted, witnessed and photographed. It was also noted that Catherine was abusing Andrew through alienation efforts while he was in the outpatient phase of his stay at HCA Woodland. This became apparent through untruthful statements Andrew made to HCA Staff which I then was told of by our the primary care doctor Bell. 6 .When visiting their father both my daughters would appear without their clothing running around the house in front of their father and any visitors (Two occasions) Please note very similar occurrences presented within the Child Custody Evaluation while with their) When my daughters were asked why they did this or who allowed them to do this the answer most often given was Andrew or Andrew is mean? 7 .At a parent teacher conference that I attended approximately one year ago at least five teachers present indicated that in their opinion both Elizabeth and Abigail were in no way very social and kept to themselves more often the not. Creekside Elementary School in Woodstock Ill. 8 .During a recent visit with their father, July 26, 2008 it was noted that Elizabeth was very quite, her hair was unkept and she was wearing all black clothing and on the blouse she was wearing the word Death along with some other unidentified word. Machel our escort from UCAN Also mentioned taking notice of this. 9 .The negligence and abuse of the minor children being reported at various times throughout the noted proceedings by the declarant to the following agencies and individuals: The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services,the Lake In the Hills Police Department, Attorney Terry R. Mohr, Attorney Michael J. DuWaldt, Attorney James Schwarzbach and Doctor Robert L. Meyer Psychologist Horizons Centegra. None took any credible action on these complaints that I am aware of. CITE-18 USC Sec. 2258 Failure to report child abuse . 10 . During times where Catherine would drop off our daughters at the 3 deerpath Lake in the Hills Address Catherine would pack medications for one or both of our daughters in the bottom of the girls baggage and never notify their father. On occasion if I did not notice the medication, usually in a small brown bag it would not get used as required. Catherine had a great deal of difficulty notifying me of anything relative to our daughters regardless of its importance. Page 2 11 .Extensive alienation of affections focusing on both Elizabeth and Abigail perpetrated by their mother against their father has been noted by many to include their father,Grandmother and at least one professional councilor (Mrs. Susan Blechesmidt L.I.T.H P.D. over a period of several years. This has come up once again through Catherine and her attorney pressing our daughters to make completely false or modified statements that I allegedly made to them. Catherine has a long history of abusing all three of her children in this manner; using them to make their fathers look bad and in the process further damaging the father daughter relationship. And if there are court enforced gaps of time lost between the parent and the children then the relationship is further damaged. {Not to mention the direct attack upon the U.S. Constitution,. 100 years plus of Supreme Court Decisions and a great deal of State case law and the Holy Bible.} 12. One issue that must be mentioned herein , From Roberts point of view with two years of dating ,four years of marriage and the many comments and writings of my former spouse Catherine Pickarhad been exposed to many unfruitful relationships and other upsetting incidents in her past. Which in conjunction with her state of mental health made it very difficult to show affection or love. I fear that this has most certainly affected the children in a very negative manner and is clearly not in their best interest. If the appropriate agency that fully understands the law in these issues and can drop any bias, unfounded and unlawful slander and an unlawfully manufactured record. Then they must rightfully give the benefit of any doubt to the children involved Elizabeth and Abigail Lasheff. Further, it should be understood that although Catherine Pickar is suffering from a number of psychological impairments she is well educated and in addition she has taken several acting classes to aid her in mediation and any other occasions where her parenting abilities or mental health may come into question. Catherine has trained our daughters very well in what they are permitted to relate or not to relate to their father and in her endless vindictive assaults on their father teaches our daughters many concepts in full opposition to our faith. I write this knowing full well that in all probability it will be seen as nothing more than a part of the game that many in this legal system really believe is all this amounts to, this and the clear gender bias or take a side atmosphere that is created by the competitive nature of our current dysfunctional dissolution system and its many profiteers. This is a very dangerous and negligent attitude and is NATURALLY highly upsetting to any loving parent. In addition I am quite certain that this affidavit will generate a great deal of anger and plans for Reprisals on the part of the court; However, these are innocent children we are speaking of, OUR children not theirs and the intensity of their immoral efforts to terminate this parent have blinded them as to the truth and reality which they have in fact denied for the greater part of the past thirteen years. Further, this court's denial of Due Process or taking one sides testimony as fact with no rebuttal given recognition is pure inequality of justice. As Elizabeth and Abigail's Father, I will no longer tolerate this vital issue to be continually swept under the rug at my daughters expense based on pure criminal negligence, non-existent ethics & morals and that which must be expected from common human nature with absolutely no Accountability This violates our faith, our inherited rights and our humanity. Page 3 I am the soul biological Father of Elizabeth and Abigail Lasheff and it is my sacred and fully natural imperative to protect and provide for these blessings that God has provided and only He' can take away. Robert G. Lasheff {In all that is decent . . . in all that is just, the framers of our Constitution could never have intended that the "enjoyment of life" meant that if divorce came, it was to be attended by throwing the two unfortunates and their children into a judicial arena, with lawyers as their seconds, and have them tear and verbally slash at each other in a trial by emotional conflict that may go on in perpetuity. We have been humane enough to outlaw cockfights, dogfights and bullfights. Yet, we do nothing about the barbarism of divorce fighting, and trying to find ways to end it. We concern ourselves with cruelty to animals, and rightfully so, but we are unconcerned about the forced and intentionally perpetrated cruelty inflicted upon the emotionally distressed involved in divorce. We abhor police beating confessions out of alleged criminals, and yet we cheer and encourage lawyers to emotionally beat up and abuse two innocent people and their children, because their marriage has floundered. Somewhere along the line, our sense of values, decency, humanism and justice went off the track. From a Petition for a Writ of Certiorari submitted to the Supreme Court of the United States of America by Cleveland, Ohio, attorney Sanford J. Berger on behalf of a divorced client's request for protection from cruel and unusual punishment (associated with penalties suffered in divorce litigation) as guaranteed by the Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution.} { Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger speaking to the American College of Trial Lawyers that, " . . . Ours is a sick profession marked by incompetence, lack of training, misconduct and bad manners. Ineptness, bungling, malpractice, and bad ethics can be observed in court houses all over this country every day . . . these incompetents have a seeming unawareness of the fundamental ethics of the profession . . . the harsh truth is that . . . we may well be on our way to a society, overrun by hordes of lawyers, hungry as locusts, and brigades of judges in numbers never before contemplated." -- Chief Justice of the United States Warren Burger quoted in Time, 27June 1977}. To disregard the content of this document is to condone Child Abuse and violate the law. Please note __________ Documents in attachment and in support of statements above. In re Violetta 210 III.App.3d 521, 568 N.E2d 1345, 154 III.Dec.896(Ill.App. I Dist Mar 07,1991 In re Marriage of Divelbiss v. Divelbiss, No. 2-98-0999 2nd District, Ill.(Appeal from Circ Crt of Du Page Cty No. 93-D-559) Oct 22, 1999 Tetzlaff v. Tetzlaff, Civil Court of Cook County, Il., Domestic Relations Division, Cause No. 97D 2127, Mar 20, 2000. Bates v. Bates 18th Judicial Circuit, Dupage County, IL Case No. 99D958, Jan 17, 2002. Court ruling that the Parental Alienation Syndrome has gained general acceptance in the scientific community and thereby satisfies Frye Test criteria for admissibility.[excerpt] Page 4 Once Again; The Witnesses: Mrs. Susan Blechesmidt L.I.T.H P.D. Officer John Gadrim L.I.T.H P.D. (Retired) Robert A. Wilbrandt, Jr. Associate Judge Robert Mayer, U.A.L. coworker Constance Lasheff Susan Bomkamp Robert G. Lasheff Jr. _________________ Robert G. Lasheff Jr., SWORN and subscribed before me, this the______ day of ________ 2008 ____________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires:_______________ I am the soul biological Father of Elizabeth and Abigail Lasheff and it is my sacred and fully natural imperative to protect and provide for these blessings that God has provided and only He' can take away. Robert G. Lasheff Page 5 EVEN THIS THEY IGNORE


The 19th has now become the 22nd Circuit

#7Author of original report

Mon, October 13, 2008

SWORN AFFIDAVIT October 10th 2008 I,_Robert G. LXXXXX___being first duly sworn to oath affirm that the following statements are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. 1. I Robert G. LXXXXXX Jr . The declarant and soul biological father of Elizabeth and Abigail Lasheff do hear by state and so affirm that it is my sincere believe by way of first hand experience witness, statements made by Elizabeth and Abigail LXXXXX and Catherine E.PXXXXX a.k.a LXXXXX a.k.a HXXXXX and additional documentation that over the last fifteen years Catherine E. PXXXXX has committed physical and psychological abuse and negligence against both of our daughters Elizabeth and Abigail Lasheff. Further, by way of Catharines negligent supervision she has permitted Andrew Huff her firstborn to also abuse his step sister's Elizabeth and Abigail Lasheff. Please note that much of this to include the failure of our marriage and the violence in the last year must be seen as part of Catharines state of mental health being genetic and life long and as it relates to Andrew his second broken home and his mother's consistent denial of any of this being problematic.(Andrew Huff being a victim here also) Catherine Pickar has been diagnosed as Bi-polar and having a paranoid personality disorder. Further, Catherine prefers to be in denial of these mental health problems and drops out of her treatment protocol for both herself and her children if they happen to be affected. Andrew noted as a sleep walker and suffering from Attention deficit disorder at this time. Note: Andrew Huff is now of age and has married. The physical and psychological abuse and negligence details; 2 .Catherine leaving our daughters alone in their stroller while shopping (ages approximately 1&2) Abandoning Andrew while Catherine was living with her brother and sister in-law on several occasions. Leaving our daughters unattended after placing them in the bathtub whereupon our eldest daughter nearly drowned our youngest (ages approximately 1&2) (Two witnesses) Bradley Bomkamp and Constance LXXXXXXXXX 3 .Our daughters being pushed through doorways, Hit over the head with toys and having their heads pushed under the water while being bathed by Andrew. And when our daughters complained about these things to their father they would be punished by their mother if she witnessed or was latter to hear about the girls telling their father anything. (Please note very similar occurrences presented within the Child Custody Evaluation) Further, it is this declarant's belief that Elizabeth was the focus of the greater part of this type of abuse. 4 .Approximately one month after the separation Elizabeth was left alone by her mother at a school bus stop for pre-school. Elizabeth was only about 3 years old at this time and still recovering from the emotional trauma of having her world torn apart. 5 .During the 26 days of one of many of Catharines unlawful and unnecessary orders of protection Catherine lost control of Andrew and the lake in the Hills Police were called (Juvenile out of control call, see police printout 08/27/1996 in attachment) as Andrew became a threat to both his mother and his step-sisters, Andrew was then taken to a Mental Health facility, HCA Woodland Hospital in Hoffman Estates Il. with no notification to our primary care physician or myself. Page 1 5. Further, it was later discovered that all three of the children had been left for an unknown period of time with no supervision and it was very clear that their actions came very close to burning the house to the ground. Clearly a life threatening situation. Further, Physical damage to both the inside and outside of the home was noted, witnessed and photographed. It was also noted that Catherine was abusing Andrew through alienation efforts while he was in the outpatient phase of his stay at HCA Woodland. This became apparent through untruthful statements Andrew made to HCA Staff which I then was told of by our the primary care doctor Bell. 6 .When visiting their father both my daughters would appear without their clothing running around the house in front of their father and any visitors (Two occasions) Please note very similar occurrences presented within the Child Custody Evaluation while with their) When my daughters were asked why they did this or who allowed them to do this the answer most often given was Andrew or Andrew is mean? 7 .At a parent teacher conference that I attended approximately one year ago at least five teachers present indicated that in their opinion both Elizabeth and Abigail were in no way very social and kept to themselves more often the not. Creekside Elementary School in Woodstock Ill. 8 .During a recent visit with their father, July 26, 2008 it was noted that Elizabeth was very quite, her hair was unkept and she was wearing all black clothing and on the blouse she was wearing the word Death along with some other unidentified word. Machel our escort from UCAN Also mentioned taking notice of this. 9 .The negligence and abuse of the minor children being reported at various times throughout the noted proceedings by the declarant to the following agencies and individuals: The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services,the Lake In the Hills Police Department, Attorney Terry R. Mohr, Attorney Michael J. DuWaldt, Attorney James Schwarzbach and Doctor Robert L. Meyer Psychologist Horizons Centegra. None took any credible action on these complaints that I am aware of. CITE-18 USC Sec. 2258 Failure to report child abuse . 10 . During times where Catherine would drop off our daughters at the 3 deerpath Lake in the Hills Address Catherine would pack medications for one or both of our daughters in the bottom of the girls baggage and never notify their father. On occasion if I did not notice the medication, usually in a small brown bag it would not get used as required. Catherine had a great deal of difficulty notifying me of anything relative to our daughters regardless of its importance. Page 2 11 .Extensive alienation of affections focusing on both Elizabeth and Abigail perpetrated by their mother against their father has been noted by many to include their father,Grandmother and at least one professional councilor (Mrs. Susan Blechesmidt L.I.T.H P.D. over a period of several years. This has come up once again through Catherine and her attorney pressing our daughters to make completely false or modified statements that I allegedly made to them. Catherine has a long history of abusing all three of her children in this manner; using them to make their fathers look bad and in the process further damaging the father daughter relationship. And if there are court enforced gaps of time lost between the parent and the children then the relationship is further damaged. {Not to mention the direct attack upon the U.S. Constitution,. 100 years plus of Supreme Court Decisions and a great deal of State case law and the Holy Bible.} 12. One issue that must be mentioned herein , From Roberts point of view with two years of dating ,four years of marriage and the many comments and writings of my former spouse Catherine Pickarhad been exposed to many unfruitful relationships and other upsetting incidents in her past. Which in conjunction with her state of mental health made it very difficult to show affection or love. I fear that this has most certainly affected the children in a very negative manner and is clearly not in their best interest. If the appropriate agency that fully understands the law in these issues and can drop any bias, unfounded and unlawful slander and an unlawfully manufactured record. Then they must rightfully give the benefit of any doubt to the children involved Elizabeth and Abigail Lasheff. Further, it should be understood that although Catherine Pickar is suffering from a number of psychological impairments she is well educated and in addition she has taken several acting classes to aid her in mediation and any other occasions where her parenting abilities or mental health may come into question. Catherine has trained our daughters very well in what they are permitted to relate or not to relate to their father and in her endless vindictive assaults on their father teaches our daughters many concepts in full opposition to our faith. I write this knowing full well that in all probability it will be seen as nothing more than a part of the game that many in this legal system really believe is all this amounts to, this and the clear gender bias or take a side atmosphere that is created by the competitive nature of our current dysfunctional dissolution system and its many profiteers. This is a very dangerous and negligent attitude and is NATURALLY highly upsetting to any loving parent. In addition I am quite certain that this affidavit will generate a great deal of anger and plans for Reprisals on the part of the court; However, these are innocent children we are speaking of, OUR children not theirs and the intensity of their immoral efforts to terminate this parent have blinded them as to the truth and reality which they have in fact denied for the greater part of the past thirteen years. Further, this court's denial of Due Process or taking one sides testimony as fact with no rebuttal given recognition is pure inequality of justice. As Elizabeth and Abigail's Father, I will no longer tolerate this vital issue to be continually swept under the rug at my daughters expense based on pure criminal negligence, non-existent ethics & morals and that which must be expected from common human nature with absolutely no Accountability This violates our faith, our inherited rights and our humanity. Page 3 I am the soul biological Father of Elizabeth and Abigail Lasheff and it is my sacred and fully natural imperative to protect and provide for these blessings that God has provided and only He' can take away. Robert G. Lasheff {In all that is decent . . . in all that is just, the framers of our Constitution could never have intended that the "enjoyment of life" meant that if divorce came, it was to be attended by throwing the two unfortunates and their children into a judicial arena, with lawyers as their seconds, and have them tear and verbally slash at each other in a trial by emotional conflict that may go on in perpetuity. We have been humane enough to outlaw cockfights, dogfights and bullfights. Yet, we do nothing about the barbarism of divorce fighting, and trying to find ways to end it. We concern ourselves with cruelty to animals, and rightfully so, but we are unconcerned about the forced and intentionally perpetrated cruelty inflicted upon the emotionally distressed involved in divorce. We abhor police beating confessions out of alleged criminals, and yet we cheer and encourage lawyers to emotionally beat up and abuse two innocent people and their children, because their marriage has floundered. Somewhere along the line, our sense of values, decency, humanism and justice went off the track. From a Petition for a Writ of Certiorari submitted to the Supreme Court of the United States of America by Cleveland, Ohio, attorney Sanford J. Berger on behalf of a divorced client's request for protection from cruel and unusual punishment (associated with penalties suffered in divorce litigation) as guaranteed by the Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution.} { Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger speaking to the American College of Trial Lawyers that, " . . . Ours is a sick profession marked by incompetence, lack of training, misconduct and bad manners. Ineptness, bungling, malpractice, and bad ethics can be observed in court houses all over this country every day . . . these incompetents have a seeming unawareness of the fundamental ethics of the profession . . . the harsh truth is that . . . we may well be on our way to a society, overrun by hordes of lawyers, hungry as locusts, and brigades of judges in numbers never before contemplated." -- Chief Justice of the United States Warren Burger quoted in Time, 27June 1977}. To disregard the content of this document is to condone Child Abuse and violate the law. Please note __________ Documents in attachment and in support of statements above. In re Violetta 210 III.App.3d 521, 568 N.E2d 1345, 154 III.Dec.896(Ill.App. I Dist Mar 07,1991 In re Marriage of Divelbiss v. Divelbiss, No. 2-98-0999 2nd District, Ill.(Appeal from Circ Crt of Du Page Cty No. 93-D-559) Oct 22, 1999 Tetzlaff v. Tetzlaff, Civil Court of Cook County, Il., Domestic Relations Division, Cause No. 97D 2127, Mar 20, 2000. Bates v. Bates 18th Judicial Circuit, Dupage County, IL Case No. 99D958, Jan 17, 2002. Court ruling that the Parental Alienation Syndrome has gained general acceptance in the scientific community and thereby satisfies Frye Test criteria for admissibility.[excerpt] Page 4 Once Again; The Witnesses: Mrs. Susan Blechesmidt L.I.T.H P.D. Officer John Gadrim L.I.T.H P.D. (Retired) Robert A. Wilbrandt, Jr. Associate Judge Robert Mayer, U.A.L. coworker Constance Lasheff Susan Bomkamp Robert G. Lasheff Jr. _________________ Robert G. Lasheff Jr., SWORN and subscribed before me, this the______ day of ________ 2008 ____________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires:_______________ I am the soul biological Father of Elizabeth and Abigail Lasheff and it is my sacred and fully natural imperative to protect and provide for these blessings that God has provided and only He' can take away. Robert G. Lasheff Page 5 EVEN THIS THEY IGNORE


The 19th has now become the 22nd Circuit

#8Author of original report

Mon, October 13, 2008

SWORN AFFIDAVIT October 10th 2008 I,_Robert G. LXXXXX___being first duly sworn to oath affirm that the following statements are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. 1. I Robert G. LXXXXXX Jr . The declarant and soul biological father of Elizabeth and Abigail Lasheff do hear by state and so affirm that it is my sincere believe by way of first hand experience witness, statements made by Elizabeth and Abigail LXXXXX and Catherine E.PXXXXX a.k.a LXXXXX a.k.a HXXXXX and additional documentation that over the last fifteen years Catherine E. PXXXXX has committed physical and psychological abuse and negligence against both of our daughters Elizabeth and Abigail Lasheff. Further, by way of Catharines negligent supervision she has permitted Andrew Huff her firstborn to also abuse his step sister's Elizabeth and Abigail Lasheff. Please note that much of this to include the failure of our marriage and the violence in the last year must be seen as part of Catharines state of mental health being genetic and life long and as it relates to Andrew his second broken home and his mother's consistent denial of any of this being problematic.(Andrew Huff being a victim here also) Catherine Pickar has been diagnosed as Bi-polar and having a paranoid personality disorder. Further, Catherine prefers to be in denial of these mental health problems and drops out of her treatment protocol for both herself and her children if they happen to be affected. Andrew noted as a sleep walker and suffering from Attention deficit disorder at this time. Note: Andrew Huff is now of age and has married. The physical and psychological abuse and negligence details; 2 .Catherine leaving our daughters alone in their stroller while shopping (ages approximately 1&2) Abandoning Andrew while Catherine was living with her brother and sister in-law on several occasions. Leaving our daughters unattended after placing them in the bathtub whereupon our eldest daughter nearly drowned our youngest (ages approximately 1&2) (Two witnesses) Bradley Bomkamp and Constance LXXXXXXXXX 3 .Our daughters being pushed through doorways, Hit over the head with toys and having their heads pushed under the water while being bathed by Andrew. And when our daughters complained about these things to their father they would be punished by their mother if she witnessed or was latter to hear about the girls telling their father anything. (Please note very similar occurrences presented within the Child Custody Evaluation) Further, it is this declarant's belief that Elizabeth was the focus of the greater part of this type of abuse. 4 .Approximately one month after the separation Elizabeth was left alone by her mother at a school bus stop for pre-school. Elizabeth was only about 3 years old at this time and still recovering from the emotional trauma of having her world torn apart. 5 .During the 26 days of one of many of Catharines unlawful and unnecessary orders of protection Catherine lost control of Andrew and the lake in the Hills Police were called (Juvenile out of control call, see police printout 08/27/1996 in attachment) as Andrew became a threat to both his mother and his step-sisters, Andrew was then taken to a Mental Health facility, HCA Woodland Hospital in Hoffman Estates Il. with no notification to our primary care physician or myself. Page 1 5. Further, it was later discovered that all three of the children had been left for an unknown period of time with no supervision and it was very clear that their actions came very close to burning the house to the ground. Clearly a life threatening situation. Further, Physical damage to both the inside and outside of the home was noted, witnessed and photographed. It was also noted that Catherine was abusing Andrew through alienation efforts while he was in the outpatient phase of his stay at HCA Woodland. This became apparent through untruthful statements Andrew made to HCA Staff which I then was told of by our the primary care doctor Bell. 6 .When visiting their father both my daughters would appear without their clothing running around the house in front of their father and any visitors (Two occasions) Please note very similar occurrences presented within the Child Custody Evaluation while with their) When my daughters were asked why they did this or who allowed them to do this the answer most often given was Andrew or Andrew is mean? 7 .At a parent teacher conference that I attended approximately one year ago at least five teachers present indicated that in their opinion both Elizabeth and Abigail were in no way very social and kept to themselves more often the not. Creekside Elementary School in Woodstock Ill. 8 .During a recent visit with their father, July 26, 2008 it was noted that Elizabeth was very quite, her hair was unkept and she was wearing all black clothing and on the blouse she was wearing the word Death along with some other unidentified word. Machel our escort from UCAN Also mentioned taking notice of this. 9 .The negligence and abuse of the minor children being reported at various times throughout the noted proceedings by the declarant to the following agencies and individuals: The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services,the Lake In the Hills Police Department, Attorney Terry R. Mohr, Attorney Michael J. DuWaldt, Attorney James Schwarzbach and Doctor Robert L. Meyer Psychologist Horizons Centegra. None took any credible action on these complaints that I am aware of. CITE-18 USC Sec. 2258 Failure to report child abuse . 10 . During times where Catherine would drop off our daughters at the 3 deerpath Lake in the Hills Address Catherine would pack medications for one or both of our daughters in the bottom of the girls baggage and never notify their father. On occasion if I did not notice the medication, usually in a small brown bag it would not get used as required. Catherine had a great deal of difficulty notifying me of anything relative to our daughters regardless of its importance. Page 2 11 .Extensive alienation of affections focusing on both Elizabeth and Abigail perpetrated by their mother against their father has been noted by many to include their father,Grandmother and at least one professional councilor (Mrs. Susan Blechesmidt L.I.T.H P.D. over a period of several years. This has come up once again through Catherine and her attorney pressing our daughters to make completely false or modified statements that I allegedly made to them. Catherine has a long history of abusing all three of her children in this manner; using them to make their fathers look bad and in the process further damaging the father daughter relationship. And if there are court enforced gaps of time lost between the parent and the children then the relationship is further damaged. {Not to mention the direct attack upon the U.S. Constitution,. 100 years plus of Supreme Court Decisions and a great deal of State case law and the Holy Bible.} 12. One issue that must be mentioned herein , From Roberts point of view with two years of dating ,four years of marriage and the many comments and writings of my former spouse Catherine Pickarhad been exposed to many unfruitful relationships and other upsetting incidents in her past. Which in conjunction with her state of mental health made it very difficult to show affection or love. I fear that this has most certainly affected the children in a very negative manner and is clearly not in their best interest. If the appropriate agency that fully understands the law in these issues and can drop any bias, unfounded and unlawful slander and an unlawfully manufactured record. Then they must rightfully give the benefit of any doubt to the children involved Elizabeth and Abigail Lasheff. Further, it should be understood that although Catherine Pickar is suffering from a number of psychological impairments she is well educated and in addition she has taken several acting classes to aid her in mediation and any other occasions where her parenting abilities or mental health may come into question. Catherine has trained our daughters very well in what they are permitted to relate or not to relate to their father and in her endless vindictive assaults on their father teaches our daughters many concepts in full opposition to our faith. I write this knowing full well that in all probability it will be seen as nothing more than a part of the game that many in this legal system really believe is all this amounts to, this and the clear gender bias or take a side atmosphere that is created by the competitive nature of our current dysfunctional dissolution system and its many profiteers. This is a very dangerous and negligent attitude and is NATURALLY highly upsetting to any loving parent. In addition I am quite certain that this affidavit will generate a great deal of anger and plans for Reprisals on the part of the court; However, these are innocent children we are speaking of, OUR children not theirs and the intensity of their immoral efforts to terminate this parent have blinded them as to the truth and reality which they have in fact denied for the greater part of the past thirteen years. Further, this court's denial of Due Process or taking one sides testimony as fact with no rebuttal given recognition is pure inequality of justice. As Elizabeth and Abigail's Father, I will no longer tolerate this vital issue to be continually swept under the rug at my daughters expense based on pure criminal negligence, non-existent ethics & morals and that which must be expected from common human nature with absolutely no Accountability This violates our faith, our inherited rights and our humanity. Page 3 I am the soul biological Father of Elizabeth and Abigail Lasheff and it is my sacred and fully natural imperative to protect and provide for these blessings that God has provided and only He' can take away. Robert G. Lasheff {In all that is decent . . . in all that is just, the framers of our Constitution could never have intended that the "enjoyment of life" meant that if divorce came, it was to be attended by throwing the two unfortunates and their children into a judicial arena, with lawyers as their seconds, and have them tear and verbally slash at each other in a trial by emotional conflict that may go on in perpetuity. We have been humane enough to outlaw cockfights, dogfights and bullfights. Yet, we do nothing about the barbarism of divorce fighting, and trying to find ways to end it. We concern ourselves with cruelty to animals, and rightfully so, but we are unconcerned about the forced and intentionally perpetrated cruelty inflicted upon the emotionally distressed involved in divorce. We abhor police beating confessions out of alleged criminals, and yet we cheer and encourage lawyers to emotionally beat up and abuse two innocent people and their children, because their marriage has floundered. Somewhere along the line, our sense of values, decency, humanism and justice went off the track. From a Petition for a Writ of Certiorari submitted to the Supreme Court of the United States of America by Cleveland, Ohio, attorney Sanford J. Berger on behalf of a divorced client's request for protection from cruel and unusual punishment (associated with penalties suffered in divorce litigation) as guaranteed by the Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution.} { Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger speaking to the American College of Trial Lawyers that, " . . . Ours is a sick profession marked by incompetence, lack of training, misconduct and bad manners. Ineptness, bungling, malpractice, and bad ethics can be observed in court houses all over this country every day . . . these incompetents have a seeming unawareness of the fundamental ethics of the profession . . . the harsh truth is that . . . we may well be on our way to a society, overrun by hordes of lawyers, hungry as locusts, and brigades of judges in numbers never before contemplated." -- Chief Justice of the United States Warren Burger quoted in Time, 27June 1977}. To disregard the content of this document is to condone Child Abuse and violate the law. Please note __________ Documents in attachment and in support of statements above. In re Violetta 210 III.App.3d 521, 568 N.E2d 1345, 154 III.Dec.896(Ill.App. I Dist Mar 07,1991 In re Marriage of Divelbiss v. Divelbiss, No. 2-98-0999 2nd District, Ill.(Appeal from Circ Crt of Du Page Cty No. 93-D-559) Oct 22, 1999 Tetzlaff v. Tetzlaff, Civil Court of Cook County, Il., Domestic Relations Division, Cause No. 97D 2127, Mar 20, 2000. Bates v. Bates 18th Judicial Circuit, Dupage County, IL Case No. 99D958, Jan 17, 2002. Court ruling that the Parental Alienation Syndrome has gained general acceptance in the scientific community and thereby satisfies Frye Test criteria for admissibility.[excerpt] Page 4 Once Again; The Witnesses: Mrs. Susan Blechesmidt L.I.T.H P.D. Officer John Gadrim L.I.T.H P.D. (Retired) Robert A. Wilbrandt, Jr. Associate Judge Robert Mayer, U.A.L. coworker Constance Lasheff Susan Bomkamp Robert G. Lasheff Jr. _________________ Robert G. Lasheff Jr., SWORN and subscribed before me, this the______ day of ________ 2008 ____________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires:_______________ I am the soul biological Father of Elizabeth and Abigail Lasheff and it is my sacred and fully natural imperative to protect and provide for these blessings that God has provided and only He' can take away. Robert G. Lasheff Page 5 EVEN THIS THEY IGNORE


I AGREE 100%

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, June 11, 2007




#10Author of original report

Mon, April 30, 2007

Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger speaking to the American College of Trial Lawyers that, "... ours is a sick profession marked by incompetence, lack of training, misconduct and bad manners. Ineptness, bungling, malpractice, and bad ethics can be observed in court houses all over this country every day ... these incompetents have a seeming unawareness of the fundamental ethics of the profession. ... the harsh truth is that ... we may well be on our way to a society, overrun by hordes of lawyers, hungry as locusts, and brigades of judges in numbers never before contemplated." -- Chief Justice of the United States Warren Burger quoted in Time,27 June 1977


HEADER Jan 10,2006

#11Author of original report

Wed, January 10, 2007

ILLINOIS AND THE NATIONAL Non-Custodial Parents CLASS ACTION. In the very best interest of OUR CHILDREN./ If you find yourself a Non-Custodial Parent and cannot understand why?" WELCOME"/ Do not turn to our government,nor to our courts for they are Totally and completely consumed with Greed and the Lust for power. They are in the business of tearing American Families apart. Their Legislation and many of the Laws that follow are pure mindless corruption based on profit even over the dying bodies of OUR CHILDREN/ And as they persist in waging WAR on our American Constitution they commit TREASON for all the world to see. "WE THE PEOPLE",Fathers,Mothers,Grandparents,Aunts And Uncles,Sisters and Brothers, Americans All SAY.... NO MORE! You no longer represent the will of the People and we will Fight to restore OUR beloved Country,OUR Familys and OUR Faith.



#12Author of original report

Mon, February 27, 2006

19)KIDNAPPING of children. 20)Ignoring Child Abuse complaints 21) NO REGISTRATION of attornys required to practice Law in this particular circuit court, Dispite State Supreme Court Rule. 22) Court promotes suicide,Domestic Violence, & other criminal acts. 23)Theft , Purjury, Fraud Before the court. 24) Unlawful arrest and Incarceration. 25) Violation of Religous practises & beliefs.



#13Author of original report

Mon, February 27, 2006

19)KIDNAPPING of children. 20)Ignoring Child Abuse complaints 21) NO REGISTRATION of attornys required to practice Law in this particular circuit court, Dispite State Supreme Court Rule. 22) Court promotes suicide,Domestic Violence, & other criminal acts. 23)Theft , Purjury, Fraud Before the court. 24) Unlawful arrest and Incarceration. 25) Violation of Religous practises & beliefs.


Addition to Judicial Defendants & General Outline of Offenses.

#14Author of original report

Sun, February 19, 2006

Addition to above Presiding Judge Sharon Prather. Preceding to consolidate, hear petitions, motions and issuing orders on case 96 DV 767 without the presents of this litigant and his council.........Violations of Due Process. Giving false legal information to this litigant in open court. --------------------- General Negligence or violation of law & Legal Rights Noted in both Civil and Federal Courts. 1) Regular and compounded Due Process violations. 2) Clear Partiality, Prejudice and Bias. 3) Disregard or lack of respect for Litigants practicing as Pro-Se. 4) Dismissing Motions or Petitions with no hearing on the merits of issues. 5) Use of threat, insult and intimidation by Judge. 6) Denial to Hear Federal Complaints based on litigants inability to pay filing fee's. 7) Denial to Hear Federal Complaints based on Lack of Jurisdiction when jurisdiction is clearly not an issue. 8) All courts holding and enforcing Un-Constitutional Judicial Immunity. 9) Near complete failure of Judicial and Attorney accountability agencies. SELF Regulation. 10) Near complete Denial of U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights. 11) Near complete Denial of U. S. CODE and Rules of Professional Conduct. 12) Violation of Oath of Office........... TREASON ? 13) Repeated use of Cruel and Unusual Punishment in Denial Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 14) Alteration or deletion of court case records. Appeals directly affected 15) Personal Legal representation going no further then that which is allowed by the Judge. 16) Attorneys baling out on litigants when case gets difficult with entire retainer and case records. 17) Poor to completely incompetent representation of Council with no clear redress for client. 18) Repeated violation of U. S. CODE, Bill of Rights, Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Rules of Professional Conduct. MORE TO COME


Judicial Independence DOES NOT MEAN ABOVE THE LAW

#15Author of original report

Sun, February 12, 2006


ABA Journal Survey Results Surprise Some Legal Experts


Click below to read more stories on Judicial Independence...

Roundtable of experts discussing threats to judicial independence

Cases that seem to be making everyone angry

Serbia is serious about judicial independence

Reporter's Notebook: Stories from Serbia reporting

Public opinion survey

More than half of Americans are angry and disappointed with the nation's judiciary, a new survey done for the ABA Journal eReport shows.

A majority of the survey respondents agreed with statements that "judicial activism" has reached the crisis stage, and that judges who ignore voters' values should be impeached. Nearly half agreed with a congressman who said judges are "arrogant, out-of-control and unaccountable."

The survey results surprised some legal experts with the extent of dissatisfaction shown toward the judiciary. "These are surprisingly large numbers," says Mark V. Tushnet, a constitutional law professor at Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C.

"These results are simply scary," adds Charles G. Geyh, a constitutional law professor at Indiana University School of Law in Bloomington.

The Opinion Research Corp. conducted the survey, calling 1,016 adults throughout the country in early September. Participants included 505 men and 511 women aged 18 or older. Due to the effects of Hurricane Katrina, residents of Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi were not polled.

Calls were made to a random sample of American households. Those surveyed were asked questions about their age and education levels, and were asked to give one of six answersstrongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree, strongly disagree or don't knowin response to public statements criticizing the judiciary.

Fifty-six percent of the respondents strongly or somewhat agreed with the opinions expressed in each of two survey statements:

A U.S. congressman has said, "Judicial activism seems to have reached a crisis. Judges routinely overrule the will of the people, invent new rights and ignore traditional morality." (Twenty-nine percent strongly agreed and 27 percent somewhat agreed.)
A state governor has said that court opinions should be in line with voters' values, and judges who repeatedly ignore those values should be impeached. (Twenty-eight percent strongly agreed and 28 percent somewhat agreed.)
Forty-six percent strongly or somewhat agreed with the opinion expressed in a third statement:

A U.S. congressman has called judges arrogant, out-of-control and unaccountable. (Twenty-one percent strongly agreed and 25 percent somewhat agreed.)

Among the respondents, younger adults were less likely than older adults to agree with all three statements. Those with a college education were more likely to disagree with the statements than high school graduates.

Only 30 percent of respondents somewhat or strongly disagreed with the first statement and 32 percent felt the same way about the second statement. The most disagreement was reflected in the responses to the third statement, with which 38 percent took issue.

Two percent to 3 percent responded "don't know," and the remainder of the respondents neither agreed nor disagreed with the statements.

The margin of error for the survey is plus or minus 3 percentage points, at the 95 percent confidence level. Opinion Research Corp. says survey results were "weighted by age, sex, geographic region and race to ensure reliable and accurate representation of the total population."

The congressman referenced in the first question is Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, who made the comment at an April 2005 rally in Washington, D.C. The governor in the second question is Matt Blunt, a Missouri Republican, who reportedly made the comment during an interview with a religious publication in May 2005. The congressman in the third question is House Majority Leader Tom DeLay of Texas, who made the comment in March 2005.

Several legal scholars responding to the survey results were startled by the numbers.

Georgetown's Tushnet says he didn't realize the level of dissatisfaction was so high. "What I had thought was the case was that there was a significantly higher residue of general respect for the courts," he says. "And these numbers suggest that that's not true."

Geyh of Indiana University says the survey suggests "a trajectory" upward in the number of people unhappy with the American judiciaryapparently simply because these critics disagree with the law that judges have a duty to apply.

The idea that judges should "somehow follow the voters' views really reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of what judges are supposed to do," he continues. "They should only be criticized when they ignore the law and start infusing their own values into the law regardless of the law."

But one legal scholar with an alternative viewpoint is not surprised. The survey results reflect the reality that "there is a lot of judicial activism under any definition," says John O. McGinnis, a professor at Northwestern University School of Law in Chicago.

"This problem has been coming for a very long time," he says. "I think, for most of [the past] century, the idea of the Constitution as a document that should be interpreted formally and without regard to the judge's own values has been under attack." Judges today also do not give due deference to legislative decisions, and too frequently strike down statutory law, he adds.

Part of the problem, too, McGinnis believes, is that legislators on both sides of the aisle are conducting judicial confirmation hearings as though the candidates' personal political views are relevant to their role on the bench. "Everyone thinks that's what [judges] do, and they just want their own values" to be reflected by the judiciary, McGinnis says.

In a written statement, Rep. Smith said judges today "seem to be promoters of a partisan agenda, not wise teachers relying on established law." As a co-equal branch of the federal government, however, the judiciary is subject to congressional oversight as part of our system of checks and balances, he continued. So "Congress is right to evaluate judges when they behave like unelected superlegislators who want to implement their own social agenda."

Spokespersons for Blunt and DeLay did not respond to requests for comment.

The survey figures did not catch ABA President Michael S. Greco by surprise, either. Instead, he views the results as further confirmation of the need for new ABA programs now under way to educate the public about how American government works, and the role played by judges in a democratic society. Judicial independence is also the subject of three feature articles in the October issue of the ABA Journal.

One of Greco's first actions after taking office in August was to appoint a Commission on Civic Education and the Separation of Powers. In his President's Message in the October Journal, Greco said the commission was created to address what he terms an "alarming increase in rhetorical and physical attacks on the judiciary." The bipartisan commission is intended to educate Americans about the role of an independent judiciary in U.S. government.

A poll commissioned by the ABA in July from Harris Interactive showed a "shocking" 40 percent of respondents could not correctly identify the three branches of government, Greco wrote.

The commission will help rectify this situation, Greco says, in two ways: First, it will "find out why it is that half the people polled don't know how their government works." Second, it will work with teachers' groups to address "this sorry state of civic education."

Greco hopes to bring lawyers throughout the country into the nation's schools on Law Day as part of a larger program of civic education about the separation of powers and the role of the judiciary. "This is in the preliminary stages, but the thought is, around Law Day, have a program that is carried on C-Span and perhaps beamed into every school in the country."

Held on May 1 each year, Law Day is recognized as a time to focus on how the rule of law makes democracy possible.

Robert H. Rawson Jr., a Cleveland lawyer who chairs the commission, emphasizes that these educational efforts will be nonpartisan. "Our objective is not to get into the politics of judicial selection, but rather to fill what appears to be a gap in general public understanding of the fundamental role of a judge," he says, and "restore what needs restoringthe confidence and trust of the American public in the judiciary."

The commission has two honorary co-chairs: retiring U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and former U.S. Sen. Bill Bradley of New Jersey.

The October ABA Journal includes three features on judicial independence:

A roundtable discussion by legal experts on recent attacks on the judicial branch.
A look at hot-button cases that are raising the hackles of the American public.
A report on how Serbia is addressing issues of judicial independence and the rule of law in its effort to enter the European Union.
2005 ABA Journal

The American Bar Association. All rights reserved. ABA Privacy Statement
02/12/2006 05:30 PM


A Lawyer's View of the Justice System

#16Author of original report

Mon, January 30, 2006

A Lawyer's View of the Justice System
by Joseph H. Delaney

The following, written by a practicing lawyer, is excerpted under the doctrine of fair use, from an article entitled "So, You Want to Write a Law Story?", in the July/August, 1999, issue of Analog Science Fiction and Fact, Vol. CXVIX No. 7 & 8:


Contrary to popular notion and to egotistical belief among judges (particularly federal judges), getting elected or appointed, taking the oath of office and donning a judicial robe is not the equivalent of pouring legal knowledge into the judicial head.

Corruption, in all its many forms, is also a fact of life. There are many ways to ascend to the bench, not the least uncommon of which is for the judge to buy the office. These range from political influence, powerful friends in the state capitol or national government, to public apathy and correspondingly little or no opposition to his/her investment, the latter situation being endemic throughout the country.

Too frequently the best, most able, most successful lawyer disdains to sacrifice himself on the bench, so the mediocre lawyer fills in for him/her, enjoying the comfort and security of public employment/entrenched incumbency. Lack of competition provides little incentive to study and many such judges never crack a book, preferring to simply order all parties to file briefs while taking cases under advisement. Judicial opinions containing extensive verbatim recitations from the brief of the prevailing side are the rule, and most of these, again particularly in the federal system (which has ample taxpayer money for such conveniences), are actually written by law clerks or secretaries, not by judges.

Sadly, there are more disquieting realities about judges that need some public daylight on them. Just as all judges are not intellectually and educationally equal, the proportion of judges who are dishonest, who are on the take, who harbor prejudices against parties or counsel, is far greater than the lay public realizes. (The classic example of Catch 22 is a community in West Texas which got rid of an illiterate district judge only to have the governor appoint the town drunk to succeed him.)

Corruption is rampant in courts at every level throughout the country. It is equally rampant among prosecutors and law enforcement people. You cannot write a realistic law story without taking this into account. The primary corrupting influence is the drug business. As Al Capone bought the justice system in Cook County, Illinois, back in the 1920s, the dope interests own contemporary justice. (They have more money than Al did, even accounting for inflation.)

Only the little guy, the so-called "mule," ever sees the inside of a cell. Of the many I have defended there has not been a single one who did not tell me, in strict and privileged confidence, that when arrested he had at least twice the quantity he was charged with possessing (the rest got new owners).

Realistically and realism is the lifeblood of an Analog story there is a world of difference between what the law is and what finally emerges from the system.

If drama is your bag and you really like your protagonist squirming, just inject a little of this reality into the mix. There is no greater shock than to find that even with both law and the facts in your favor your constitutional rights are worthless because you can't get the crooked regime to enforce them. Who knows, you might even do society some good with such a story. ...



#17Author of original report

Sat, January 28, 2006


Perhaps some of you have a satisfactory joint custody agreement or are satisfied with what ever arrangements you have been able to
secure in your efforts to remain a real parent to your children. And with this you have become apathetic toward any further work toward

Maybe you're afraid of the system that has taken so much from you, & that if you press any further you will be hurt again.

Or with limited and restricted contact there is too much pain, so much so that you would rather end your involvement altogether.

Quite possibly you have been involved in your struggle for so very many years your simply dead tired of fighting and have lost all hope

PLEASE REMEMBER what these people have done to you and your children is illegal, unethical and completely immoral; It is counter to your
God given right, It is Un-American and totally against any Human decency. This is Child Abuse on a Grand and International Scale.
These people are in this for one reason and one reason alone, GREED and LUST for their God 'the almighty dollar.'

We all must take a deep breath, look into our Hearts and keep Hope alive, press forward.You must never forget that what we are trying to accomplish is Good and Just not simply for our children but for Generations yet to



It is our Duty Now and always.



#18Author of original report

Sat, January 28, 2006


Robert G. Lasheff Jr.
CIVIL CASE NO._05C50152 Associate Judge Joseph P. Condon
Associate States Attorney Charles E. Crouse
Associate Judge Gerald M. Zopp Jr.
Associate Judge Gordon E. Graham,
Catherine E. Pickar
Turning Points Circuit Judge Michael T. Caldwell
McHenry County Jail Corrections Staff Involved
in State of Illinois Case.98 CF 959.
Lake in The Hills Police Department Chief & Officers
Involved In State of Illinois Case.98 CF 959.
Law firm of Riffner, Freeman & Scott Chtd.
Attorney Terrence J. Freeman
Attorney Michael J. DuWaldt
Attorney Terry R. Mohr
Attorney James Schwarzbach Attorney John E. Ridgway
Attorney Gary M. Foley JURY DEMAND
Attorney Samuel S. Meli


SECTION 1983, 1981& 1985 U.S. CODE, TITLE 18 SEC 241, 242. ,TITLE 28 SEC 1343 & TITLE 42 U.S.C. 12131-34 Denials and Violations of Civil Rights, Neglect to Prevent Same, Gender Discrimination, Assault with Intent, False Arrest, Prosecution & Incarceration , Under Color of Law Violations, Slander Per Se ,Libel and Verified Petition for Damages, and Certain Injunctive or Declaratory Relief

1) Comes now the Plaintiff Robert G. Lasheff Jr., in pro-per and in direct support of this

complaint and through, the jurisdiction of this United States District Court provided under

at least 28 USC 1331, 28 USC 1367, 28 USC 1441(b), 28 USC 1441(c), 28 USC 1441(e)

, 28 USC 1443(1), 28 USC 1443(2), and/or 28 USC 1446, and on the federal questions

involved, herein alleges, states, and provides the following: The plaintiff wishes to present to this court a

history of many repetitious violations of his Constitutionally protected civil rights to include

but certainly not limited to clear violations of Due Process ,Equal Rights under the law and
compounded criminal negligence in violation of State and Federal statutes that have left this

plaintiff with physical injury and severe emotional stress leading to full disability. and extreme

financial damage. Further, the plaintiff would like this court to note that which can only be

viewed as Reckless Endangerment of the minor children involved throughout the process of

dissolution and the latter criminal proceedings all taking place within the alleged jurisdiction of

the 19th Judicial Circuit Woodstock Illinois. This negligence and abuse of the minor children

being reported at various times throughout the above noted proceedings by the plaintiff to the

following agencies and individuals: The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services,

the Lake In the Hills Police Department, Attorney Terry R. Mohr, Attorney Michael J. DuWaldt,

Attorney James Schwarzbach and Doctor Robert L. Meyer Psychologist Horizons Centegra.

None took any credible action on these complaints.

CITE-18 USC Sec. 2258 Failure to report child abuse STATUTE A person who,

while engaged in a professional capacity or activity described in subsection (b) of section 226 of

the Victims of Child Abuse Act of 1990 , learns of facts that give reason to suspect that a child

has suffered an incident of child abuse, as defined in subsection (c) of that section, and fails to

make a timely report as required by subsection (a) of that section, shall be guilty of a Class B

misdemeanor SOURCE (Added Pub. L. 101-647, title II, Sec. 226(g)(1), Nov. 29, 1990,104

Stat. 4808.) In addition it is this plaintiffs intention to present to this honorable court by and

through the contents of this document and its attachments that the Jurisdiction of the 19th

Judicial Circuit Court Woodstock Illinois in the matters presented herein was never lawfully

invoked or maintained. Therefore, all preceding and current judgements of this court should be

considered null and void. Further, it is this plaintiff's understanding that void judgements

carry no statute of limitations as obstructions to the timeliness of this complaint filing.

.. If a court is Without authority, its judgments and orders are regarded as nullities.

They are not voidable, but simple void; and form no bar to a recovery sought, even prior to a

reversal in opposition to them. They constitute no justification; and all persons concerned in

executing such judgments or sentences, are considered, in law, as trespassers. Elliot v. Piersol, 1

Pet. 328,340, 26 U.S. 328,340 (1828)

There is no time limit for attacking a void Judgement under N. D. R. Civ. P. 60(b)(iv) Eggl v.

Fleetguard, Inc. 1998 ND 166, 583 N.W. 2d 812 A Judgement is void if the court acted in a manner

inconsistent with due process. A void Judgement is a nullity and may be vacated at any time. 261

Kan. At 862 Where a court failed to observe safeguards, it amounts to denial of due process of law,

court is deprived of juris. Meritt v. Hunter C.A. Kansas 170 F2d 739. If the acts which the state

attorney general (officer of the court)seeks to enforce be a violation of the Federal Constitution, the

officer, in proceeding under such enactment, comes into conflict with the superior authority of that

Constitution, and he is in that case stripped of his official or representative character and is subjected

in his person to the consequences of his individual conduct. The State has no power to impart to him

any immunity from responsibility to the supreme authority of the United States. 209 U.S. 123, 159-60

(1908) (Emphasis within original)Further, judgments obtained under a cloud of irregularities or

otherwise flawed are at the very least Constitutionally infirm. Puckett v. Cox United States Court

of Appeals (1972) Pro-Se Litigants pleadings should not be held to the same high standards of perfection

as a lawyers. Significantly the Haines case involved a pro-se complaint as does the present case-which

requires a less stringent reading than one drafted by a lawyer. Also see Cole v. Hoogendoorn, Talbot,

Davids, Godfrey and Milligan, 325 III. App. 3d 1152, 759 N.E. 2d 110 (2001) Because the

Plaintiff/Respondent is pro se, the Court has a higher standard when faced with a motion to dismiss, White

v. Bloom, 621 F.2d 276 makes this point clear and states: "A court faced with a motion to dismiss a pro

se complaint must read the complaint's allegation expansively," Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21,

92 S. Ct. 594, 596, 30 L. Ed. 2d 652 (1972), and take them as true for purposes of deciding whether they

state a claim ." Cruz v. Beto, 405 U.S. 319, 322, 92 S. Ct. 1079, 1081, 31 L. Ed. 2d 263 (1972). Moreover,

"the court is under a duty to examine the complaint to determine if the allegations provide for relief on any

possible theory." Bonner v. Circuit Court of St. Louis, 526 F.2d 1331, 1334 (8th Cir. 1975) (quoting

Bramlet v. Wilson, 495 F.2d 714, 716 (8th Cir. 1974)). Thus, if this court were to entertain any motion

to dismiss this court would have to apply the standards of White. Furthermore, if there is any possible

theory that would entitle the Plaintiff to relief, even one that the Plaintiff hasn't thought of, the court cannot

dismiss.In addition this plaintiff would like this honorable court to understand and note that it is the

plaintiffs firm conviction, that with few exceptions the actions and efforts of the 19th judicial circuit court

Woodstock Illinois ,the officers of the court, Turning Points, Psychologists, Psychiatrist, DCFS and other

involved personal did nothing but damage to my family and only hastened and made far more painful the

process of dissolution and directly promoted the injury that was to be added to this insult.

Even the so called professionals involved could not recognize alienation or playacting. In point of fact

my family was quite literally raped' by this particular dysfunctional process (Emphasis Added)
2) This District Court of the United States has original, concurrent, and supplementary jurisdiction over this cause of action, pursuant to the authorities cited above, including, but not limited to the following, to-wit: 28 USC 1331, 28 USC 1367, 28 USC 1441(b), 28 USC 1441(c), 28 USC 1441(e), 28 USC 1443(1), 28 USC 1443(2), and/or 28 USC 1446. The District Court of the United States is an Article III court with authority to hear questions arising under the Constitution, Laws, and Treaties of the United States, including but not limited to the Bill of Rights, the Ninth Amendment, the Eleventh Amendment, the original Thirteenth Amendment, the Fourteenth Amendment, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with Reservations. See the Article VI Supremacy Clause of the Constitution of the United States of America, as lawfully amended (hereinafter "U.S. Constitution).


3) Plaintiff is now proceeding on the basis of the presumption that the ILLINOIS state court record will be made available to this Honorable Court upon Notice and Demand for Mandatory Judicial Notice, pursuant to Rules 201 and 902 of the Federal Rules of Evidence, the Full Faith and Credit Clause contained under Article IV of the U.S. Constitution, and 28 U.S.C. 1449. However, the plaintiff states that due to the concerns related to Fraud, malpractice and conspiracy violations as presented within the context of



#19Author of original report

Sat, January 28, 2006


Robert G. Lasheff Jr.
CIVIL CASE NO._05C50152 Associate Judge Joseph P. Condon
Associate States Attorney Charles E. Crouse
Associate Judge Gerald M. Zopp Jr.
Associate Judge Gordon E. Graham,
Catherine E. Pickar
Turning Points Circuit Judge Michael T. Caldwell
McHenry County Jail Corrections Staff Involved
in State of Illinois Case.98 CF 959.
Lake in The Hills Police Department Chief & Officers
Involved In State of Illinois Case.98 CF 959.
Law firm of Riffner, Freeman & Scott Chtd.
Attorney Terrence J. Freeman
Attorney Michael J. DuWaldt
Attorney Terry R. Mohr
Attorney James Schwarzbach Attorney John E. Ridgway
Attorney Gary M. Foley JURY DEMAND
Attorney Samuel S. Meli


SECTION 1983, 1981& 1985 U.S. CODE, TITLE 18 SEC 241, 242. ,TITLE 28 SEC 1343 & TITLE 42 U.S.C. 12131-34 Denials and Violations of Civil Rights, Neglect to Prevent Same, Gender Discrimination, Assault with Intent, False Arrest, Prosecution & Incarceration , Under Color of Law Violations, Slander Per Se ,Libel and Verified Petition for Damages, and Certain Injunctive or Declaratory Relief

1) Comes now the Plaintiff Robert G. Lasheff Jr., in pro-per and in direct support of this

complaint and through, the jurisdiction of this United States District Court provided under

at least 28 USC 1331, 28 USC 1367, 28 USC 1441(b), 28 USC 1441(c), 28 USC 1441(e)

, 28 USC 1443(1), 28 USC 1443(2), and/or 28 USC 1446, and on the federal questions

involved, herein alleges, states, and provides the following: The plaintiff wishes to present to this court a

history of many repetitious violations of his Constitutionally protected civil rights to include

but certainly not limited to clear violations of Due Process ,Equal Rights under the law and
compounded criminal negligence in violation of State and Federal statutes that have left this

plaintiff with physical injury and severe emotional stress leading to full disability. and extreme

financial damage. Further, the plaintiff would like this court to note that which can only be

viewed as Reckless Endangerment of the minor children involved throughout the process of

dissolution and the latter criminal proceedings all taking place within the alleged jurisdiction of

the 19th Judicial Circuit Woodstock Illinois. This negligence and abuse of the minor children

being reported at various times throughout the above noted proceedings by the plaintiff to the

following agencies and individuals: The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services,

the Lake In the Hills Police Department, Attorney Terry R. Mohr, Attorney Michael J. DuWaldt,

Attorney James Schwarzbach and Doctor Robert L. Meyer Psychologist Horizons Centegra.

None took any credible action on these complaints.

CITE-18 USC Sec. 2258 Failure to report child abuse STATUTE A person who,

while engaged in a professional capacity or activity described in subsection (b) of section 226 of

the Victims of Child Abuse Act of 1990 , learns of facts that give reason to suspect that a child

has suffered an incident of child abuse, as defined in subsection (c) of that section, and fails to

make a timely report as required by subsection (a) of that section, shall be guilty of a Class B

misdemeanor SOURCE (Added Pub. L. 101-647, title II, Sec. 226(g)(1), Nov. 29, 1990,104

Stat. 4808.) In addition it is this plaintiffs intention to present to this honorable court by and

through the contents of this document and its attachments that the Jurisdiction of the 19th

Judicial Circuit Court Woodstock Illinois in the matters presented herein was never lawfully

invoked or maintained. Therefore, all preceding and current judgements of this court should be

considered null and void. Further, it is this plaintiff's understanding that void judgements

carry no statute of limitations as obstructions to the timeliness of this complaint filing.

.. If a court is Without authority, its judgments and orders are regarded as nullities.

They are not voidable, but simple void; and form no bar to a recovery sought, even prior to a

reversal in opposition to them. They constitute no justification; and all persons concerned in

executing such judgments or sentences, are considered, in law, as trespassers. Elliot v. Piersol, 1

Pet. 328,340, 26 U.S. 328,340 (1828)

There is no time limit for attacking a void Judgement under N. D. R. Civ. P. 60(b)(iv) Eggl v.

Fleetguard, Inc. 1998 ND 166, 583 N.W. 2d 812 A Judgement is void if the court acted in a manner

inconsistent with due process. A void Judgement is a nullity and may be vacated at any time. 261

Kan. At 862 Where a court failed to observe safeguards, it amounts to denial of due process of law,

court is deprived of juris. Meritt v. Hunter C.A. Kansas 170 F2d 739. If the acts which the state

attorney general (officer of the court)seeks to enforce be a violation of the Federal Constitution, the

officer, in proceeding under such enactment, comes into conflict with the superior authority of that

Constitution, and he is in that case stripped of his official or representative character and is subjected

in his person to the consequences of his individual conduct. The State has no power to impart to him

any immunity from responsibility to the supreme authority of the United States. 209 U.S. 123, 159-60

(1908) (Emphasis within original)Further, judgments obtained under a cloud of irregularities or

otherwise flawed are at the very least Constitutionally infirm. Puckett v. Cox United States Court

of Appeals (1972) Pro-Se Litigants pleadings should not be held to the same high standards of perfection

as a lawyers. Significantly the Haines case involved a pro-se complaint as does the present case-which

requires a less stringent reading than one drafted by a lawyer. Also see Cole v. Hoogendoorn, Talbot,

Davids, Godfrey and Milligan, 325 III. App. 3d 1152, 759 N.E. 2d 110 (2001) Because the

Plaintiff/Respondent is pro se, the Court has a higher standard when faced with a motion to dismiss, White

v. Bloom, 621 F.2d 276 makes this point clear and states: "A court faced with a motion to dismiss a pro

se complaint must read the complaint's allegation expansively," Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21,

92 S. Ct. 594, 596, 30 L. Ed. 2d 652 (1972), and take them as true for purposes of deciding whether they

state a claim ." Cruz v. Beto, 405 U.S. 319, 322, 92 S. Ct. 1079, 1081, 31 L. Ed. 2d 263 (1972). Moreover,

"the court is under a duty to examine the complaint to determine if the allegations provide for relief on any

possible theory." Bonner v. Circuit Court of St. Louis, 526 F.2d 1331, 1334 (8th Cir. 1975) (quoting

Bramlet v. Wilson, 495 F.2d 714, 716 (8th Cir. 1974)). Thus, if this court were to entertain any motion

to dismiss this court would have to apply the standards of White. Furthermore, if there is any possible

theory that would entitle the Plaintiff to relief, even one that the Plaintiff hasn't thought of, the court cannot

dismiss.In addition this plaintiff would like this honorable court to understand and note that it is the

plaintiffs firm conviction, that with few exceptions the actions and efforts of the 19th judicial circuit court

Woodstock Illinois ,the officers of the court, Turning Points, Psychologists, Psychiatrist, DCFS and other

involved personal did nothing but damage to my family and only hastened and made far more painful the

process of dissolution and directly promoted the injury that was to be added to this insult.

Even the so called professionals involved could not recognize alienation or playacting. In point of fact

my family was quite literally raped' by this particular dysfunctional process (Emphasis Added)
2) This District Court of the United States has original, concurrent, and supplementary jurisdiction over this cause of action, pursuant to the authorities cited above, including, but not limited to the following, to-wit: 28 USC 1331, 28 USC 1367, 28 USC 1441(b), 28 USC 1441(c), 28 USC 1441(e), 28 USC 1443(1), 28 USC 1443(2), and/or 28 USC 1446. The District Court of the United States is an Article III court with authority to hear questions arising under the Constitution, Laws, and Treaties of the United States, including but not limited to the Bill of Rights, the Ninth Amendment, the Eleventh Amendment, the original Thirteenth Amendment, the Fourteenth Amendment, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with Reservations. See the Article VI Supremacy Clause of the Constitution of the United States of America, as lawfully amended (hereinafter "U.S. Constitution).


3) Plaintiff is now proceeding on the basis of the presumption that the ILLINOIS state court record will be made available to this Honorable Court upon Notice and Demand for Mandatory Judicial Notice, pursuant to Rules 201 and 902 of the Federal Rules of Evidence, the Full Faith and Credit Clause contained under Article IV of the U.S. Constitution, and 28 U.S.C. 1449. However, the plaintiff states that due to the concerns related to Fraud, malpractice and conspiracy violations as presented within the context of



#20Author of original report

Sat, January 28, 2006


Robert G. Lasheff Jr.
CIVIL CASE NO._05C50152 Associate Judge Joseph P. Condon
Associate States Attorney Charles E. Crouse
Associate Judge Gerald M. Zopp Jr.
Associate Judge Gordon E. Graham,
Catherine E. Pickar
Turning Points Circuit Judge Michael T. Caldwell
McHenry County Jail Corrections Staff Involved
in State of Illinois Case.98 CF 959.
Lake in The Hills Police Department Chief & Officers
Involved In State of Illinois Case.98 CF 959.
Law firm of Riffner, Freeman & Scott Chtd.
Attorney Terrence J. Freeman
Attorney Michael J. DuWaldt
Attorney Terry R. Mohr
Attorney James Schwarzbach Attorney John E. Ridgway
Attorney Gary M. Foley JURY DEMAND
Attorney Samuel S. Meli


SECTION 1983, 1981& 1985 U.S. CODE, TITLE 18 SEC 241, 242. ,TITLE 28 SEC 1343 & TITLE 42 U.S.C. 12131-34 Denials and Violations of Civil Rights, Neglect to Prevent Same, Gender Discrimination, Assault with Intent, False Arrest, Prosecution & Incarceration , Under Color of Law Violations, Slander Per Se ,Libel and Verified Petition for Damages, and Certain Injunctive or Declaratory Relief

1) Comes now the Plaintiff Robert G. Lasheff Jr., in pro-per and in direct support of this

complaint and through, the jurisdiction of this United States District Court provided under

at least 28 USC 1331, 28 USC 1367, 28 USC 1441(b), 28 USC 1441(c), 28 USC 1441(e)

, 28 USC 1443(1), 28 USC 1443(2), and/or 28 USC 1446, and on the federal questions

involved, herein alleges, states, and provides the following: The plaintiff wishes to present to this court a

history of many repetitious violations of his Constitutionally protected civil rights to include

but certainly not limited to clear violations of Due Process ,Equal Rights under the law and
compounded criminal negligence in violation of State and Federal statutes that have left this

plaintiff with physical injury and severe emotional stress leading to full disability. and extreme

financial damage. Further, the plaintiff would like this court to note that which can only be

viewed as Reckless Endangerment of the minor children involved throughout the process of

dissolution and the latter criminal proceedings all taking place within the alleged jurisdiction of

the 19th Judicial Circuit Woodstock Illinois. This negligence and abuse of the minor children

being reported at various times throughout the above noted proceedings by the plaintiff to the

following agencies and individuals: The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services,

the Lake In the Hills Police Department, Attorney Terry R. Mohr, Attorney Michael J. DuWaldt,

Attorney James Schwarzbach and Doctor Robert L. Meyer Psychologist Horizons Centegra.

None took any credible action on these complaints.

CITE-18 USC Sec. 2258 Failure to report child abuse STATUTE A person who,

while engaged in a professional capacity or activity described in subsection (b) of section 226 of

the Victims of Child Abuse Act of 1990 , learns of facts that give reason to suspect that a child

has suffered an incident of child abuse, as defined in subsection (c) of that section, and fails to

make a timely report as required by subsection (a) of that section, shall be guilty of a Class B

misdemeanor SOURCE (Added Pub. L. 101-647, title II, Sec. 226(g)(1), Nov. 29, 1990,104

Stat. 4808.) In addition it is this plaintiffs intention to present to this honorable court by and

through the contents of this document and its attachments that the Jurisdiction of the 19th

Judicial Circuit Court Woodstock Illinois in the matters presented herein was never lawfully

invoked or maintained. Therefore, all preceding and current judgements of this court should be

considered null and void. Further, it is this plaintiff's understanding that void judgements

carry no statute of limitations as obstructions to the timeliness of this complaint filing.

.. If a court is Without authority, its judgments and orders are regarded as nullities.

They are not voidable, but simple void; and form no bar to a recovery sought, even prior to a

reversal in opposition to them. They constitute no justification; and all persons concerned in

executing such judgments or sentences, are considered, in law, as trespassers. Elliot v. Piersol, 1

Pet. 328,340, 26 U.S. 328,340 (1828)

There is no time limit for attacking a void Judgement under N. D. R. Civ. P. 60(b)(iv) Eggl v.

Fleetguard, Inc. 1998 ND 166, 583 N.W. 2d 812 A Judgement is void if the court acted in a manner

inconsistent with due process. A void Judgement is a nullity and may be vacated at any time. 261

Kan. At 862 Where a court failed to observe safeguards, it amounts to denial of due process of law,

court is deprived of juris. Meritt v. Hunter C.A. Kansas 170 F2d 739. If the acts which the state

attorney general (officer of the court)seeks to enforce be a violation of the Federal Constitution, the

officer, in proceeding under such enactment, comes into conflict with the superior authority of that

Constitution, and he is in that case stripped of his official or representative character and is subjected

in his person to the consequences of his individual conduct. The State has no power to impart to him

any immunity from responsibility to the supreme authority of the United States. 209 U.S. 123, 159-60

(1908) (Emphasis within original)Further, judgments obtained under a cloud of irregularities or

otherwise flawed are at the very least Constitutionally infirm. Puckett v. Cox United States Court

of Appeals (1972) Pro-Se Litigants pleadings should not be held to the same high standards of perfection

as a lawyers. Significantly the Haines case involved a pro-se complaint as does the present case-which

requires a less stringent reading than one drafted by a lawyer. Also see Cole v. Hoogendoorn, Talbot,

Davids, Godfrey and Milligan, 325 III. App. 3d 1152, 759 N.E. 2d 110 (2001) Because the

Plaintiff/Respondent is pro se, the Court has a higher standard when faced with a motion to dismiss, White

v. Bloom, 621 F.2d 276 makes this point clear and states: "A court faced with a motion to dismiss a pro

se complaint must read the complaint's allegation expansively," Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21,

92 S. Ct. 594, 596, 30 L. Ed. 2d 652 (1972), and take them as true for purposes of deciding whether they

state a claim ." Cruz v. Beto, 405 U.S. 319, 322, 92 S. Ct. 1079, 1081, 31 L. Ed. 2d 263 (1972). Moreover,

"the court is under a duty to examine the complaint to determine if the allegations provide for relief on any

possible theory." Bonner v. Circuit Court of St. Louis, 526 F.2d 1331, 1334 (8th Cir. 1975) (quoting

Bramlet v. Wilson, 495 F.2d 714, 716 (8th Cir. 1974)). Thus, if this court were to entertain any motion

to dismiss this court would have to apply the standards of White. Furthermore, if there is any possible

theory that would entitle the Plaintiff to relief, even one that the Plaintiff hasn't thought of, the court cannot

dismiss.In addition this plaintiff would like this honorable court to understand and note that it is the

plaintiffs firm conviction, that with few exceptions the actions and efforts of the 19th judicial circuit court

Woodstock Illinois ,the officers of the court, Turning Points, Psychologists, Psychiatrist, DCFS and other

involved personal did nothing but damage to my family and only hastened and made far more painful the

process of dissolution and directly promoted the injury that was to be added to this insult.

Even the so called professionals involved could not recognize alienation or playacting. In point of fact

my family was quite literally raped' by this particular dysfunctional process (Emphasis Added)
2) This District Court of the United States has original, concurrent, and supplementary jurisdiction over this cause of action, pursuant to the authorities cited above, including, but not limited to the following, to-wit: 28 USC 1331, 28 USC 1367, 28 USC 1441(b), 28 USC 1441(c), 28 USC 1441(e), 28 USC 1443(1), 28 USC 1443(2), and/or 28 USC 1446. The District Court of the United States is an Article III court with authority to hear questions arising under the Constitution, Laws, and Treaties of the United States, including but not limited to the Bill of Rights, the Ninth Amendment, the Eleventh Amendment, the original Thirteenth Amendment, the Fourteenth Amendment, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with Reservations. See the Article VI Supremacy Clause of the Constitution of the United States of America, as lawfully amended (hereinafter "U.S. Constitution).


3) Plaintiff is now proceeding on the basis of the presumption that the ILLINOIS state court record will be made available to this Honorable Court upon Notice and Demand for Mandatory Judicial Notice, pursuant to Rules 201 and 902 of the Federal Rules of Evidence, the Full Faith and Credit Clause contained under Article IV of the U.S. Constitution, and 28 U.S.C. 1449. However, the plaintiff states that due to the concerns related to Fraud, malpractice and conspiracy violations as presented within the context of



#21Author of original report

Sat, January 28, 2006


Robert G. Lasheff Jr.
CIVIL CASE NO._05C50152 Associate Judge Joseph P. Condon
Associate States Attorney Charles E. Crouse
Associate Judge Gerald M. Zopp Jr.
Associate Judge Gordon E. Graham,
Catherine E. Pickar
Turning Points Circuit Judge Michael T. Caldwell
McHenry County Jail Corrections Staff Involved
in State of Illinois Case.98 CF 959.
Lake in The Hills Police Department Chief & Officers
Involved In State of Illinois Case.98 CF 959.
Law firm of Riffner, Freeman & Scott Chtd.
Attorney Terrence J. Freeman
Attorney Michael J. DuWaldt
Attorney Terry R. Mohr
Attorney James Schwarzbach Attorney John E. Ridgway
Attorney Gary M. Foley JURY DEMAND
Attorney Samuel S. Meli


SECTION 1983, 1981& 1985 U.S. CODE, TITLE 18 SEC 241, 242. ,TITLE 28 SEC 1343 & TITLE 42 U.S.C. 12131-34 Denials and Violations of Civil Rights, Neglect to Prevent Same, Gender Discrimination, Assault with Intent, False Arrest, Prosecution & Incarceration , Under Color of Law Violations, Slander Per Se ,Libel and Verified Petition for Damages, and Certain Injunctive or Declaratory Relief

1) Comes now the Plaintiff Robert G. Lasheff Jr., in pro-per and in direct support of this

complaint and through, the jurisdiction of this United States District Court provided under

at least 28 USC 1331, 28 USC 1367, 28 USC 1441(b), 28 USC 1441(c), 28 USC 1441(e)

, 28 USC 1443(1), 28 USC 1443(2), and/or 28 USC 1446, and on the federal questions

involved, herein alleges, states, and provides the following: The plaintiff wishes to present to this court a

history of many repetitious violations of his Constitutionally protected civil rights to include

but certainly not limited to clear violations of Due Process ,Equal Rights under the law and
compounded criminal negligence in violation of State and Federal statutes that have left this

plaintiff with physical injury and severe emotional stress leading to full disability. and extreme

financial damage. Further, the plaintiff would like this court to note that which can only be

viewed as Reckless Endangerment of the minor children involved throughout the process of

dissolution and the latter criminal proceedings all taking place within the alleged jurisdiction of

the 19th Judicial Circuit Woodstock Illinois. This negligence and abuse of the minor children

being reported at various times throughout the above noted proceedings by the plaintiff to the

following agencies and individuals: The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services,

the Lake In the Hills Police Department, Attorney Terry R. Mohr, Attorney Michael J. DuWaldt,

Attorney James Schwarzbach and Doctor Robert L. Meyer Psychologist Horizons Centegra.

None took any credible action on these complaints.

CITE-18 USC Sec. 2258 Failure to report child abuse STATUTE A person who,

while engaged in a professional capacity or activity described in subsection (b) of section 226 of

the Victims of Child Abuse Act of 1990 , learns of facts that give reason to suspect that a child

has suffered an incident of child abuse, as defined in subsection (c) of that section, and fails to

make a timely report as required by subsection (a) of that section, shall be guilty of a Class B

misdemeanor SOURCE (Added Pub. L. 101-647, title II, Sec. 226(g)(1), Nov. 29, 1990,104

Stat. 4808.) In addition it is this plaintiffs intention to present to this honorable court by and

through the contents of this document and its attachments that the Jurisdiction of the 19th

Judicial Circuit Court Woodstock Illinois in the matters presented herein was never lawfully

invoked or maintained. Therefore, all preceding and current judgements of this court should be

considered null and void. Further, it is this plaintiff's understanding that void judgements

carry no statute of limitations as obstructions to the timeliness of this complaint filing.

.. If a court is Without authority, its judgments and orders are regarded as nullities.

They are not voidable, but simple void; and form no bar to a recovery sought, even prior to a

reversal in opposition to them. They constitute no justification; and all persons concerned in

executing such judgments or sentences, are considered, in law, as trespassers. Elliot v. Piersol, 1

Pet. 328,340, 26 U.S. 328,340 (1828)

There is no time limit for attacking a void Judgement under N. D. R. Civ. P. 60(b)(iv) Eggl v.

Fleetguard, Inc. 1998 ND 166, 583 N.W. 2d 812 A Judgement is void if the court acted in a manner

inconsistent with due process. A void Judgement is a nullity and may be vacated at any time. 261

Kan. At 862 Where a court failed to observe safeguards, it amounts to denial of due process of law,

court is deprived of juris. Meritt v. Hunter C.A. Kansas 170 F2d 739. If the acts which the state

attorney general (officer of the court)seeks to enforce be a violation of the Federal Constitution, the

officer, in proceeding under such enactment, comes into conflict with the superior authority of that

Constitution, and he is in that case stripped of his official or representative character and is subjected

in his person to the consequences of his individual conduct. The State has no power to impart to him

any immunity from responsibility to the supreme authority of the United States. 209 U.S. 123, 159-60

(1908) (Emphasis within original)Further, judgments obtained under a cloud of irregularities or

otherwise flawed are at the very least Constitutionally infirm. Puckett v. Cox United States Court

of Appeals (1972) Pro-Se Litigants pleadings should not be held to the same high standards of perfection

as a lawyers. Significantly the Haines case involved a pro-se complaint as does the present case-which

requires a less stringent reading than one drafted by a lawyer. Also see Cole v. Hoogendoorn, Talbot,

Davids, Godfrey and Milligan, 325 III. App. 3d 1152, 759 N.E. 2d 110 (2001) Because the

Plaintiff/Respondent is pro se, the Court has a higher standard when faced with a motion to dismiss, White

v. Bloom, 621 F.2d 276 makes this point clear and states: "A court faced with a motion to dismiss a pro

se complaint must read the complaint's allegation expansively," Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21,

92 S. Ct. 594, 596, 30 L. Ed. 2d 652 (1972), and take them as true for purposes of deciding whether they

state a claim ." Cruz v. Beto, 405 U.S. 319, 322, 92 S. Ct. 1079, 1081, 31 L. Ed. 2d 263 (1972). Moreover,

"the court is under a duty to examine the complaint to determine if the allegations provide for relief on any

possible theory." Bonner v. Circuit Court of St. Louis, 526 F.2d 1331, 1334 (8th Cir. 1975) (quoting

Bramlet v. Wilson, 495 F.2d 714, 716 (8th Cir. 1974)). Thus, if this court were to entertain any motion

to dismiss this court would have to apply the standards of White. Furthermore, if there is any possible

theory that would entitle the Plaintiff to relief, even one that the Plaintiff hasn't thought of, the court cannot

dismiss.In addition this plaintiff would like this honorable court to understand and note that it is the

plaintiffs firm conviction, that with few exceptions the actions and efforts of the 19th judicial circuit court

Woodstock Illinois ,the officers of the court, Turning Points, Psychologists, Psychiatrist, DCFS and other

involved personal did nothing but damage to my family and only hastened and made far more painful the

process of dissolution and directly promoted the injury that was to be added to this insult.

Even the so called professionals involved could not recognize alienation or playacting. In point of fact

my family was quite literally raped' by this particular dysfunctional process (Emphasis Added)
2) This District Court of the United States has original, concurrent, and supplementary jurisdiction over this cause of action, pursuant to the authorities cited above, including, but not limited to the following, to-wit: 28 USC 1331, 28 USC 1367, 28 USC 1441(b), 28 USC 1441(c), 28 USC 1441(e), 28 USC 1443(1), 28 USC 1443(2), and/or 28 USC 1446. The District Court of the United States is an Article III court with authority to hear questions arising under the Constitution, Laws, and Treaties of the United States, including but not limited to the Bill of Rights, the Ninth Amendment, the Eleventh Amendment, the original Thirteenth Amendment, the Fourteenth Amendment, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with Reservations. See the Article VI Supremacy Clause of the Constitution of the United States of America, as lawfully amended (hereinafter "U.S. Constitution).


3) Plaintiff is now proceeding on the basis of the presumption that the ILLINOIS state court record will be made available to this Honorable Court upon Notice and Demand for Mandatory Judicial Notice, pursuant to Rules 201 and 902 of the Federal Rules of Evidence, the Full Faith and Credit Clause contained under Article IV of the U.S. Constitution, and 28 U.S.C. 1449. However, the plaintiff states that due to the concerns related to Fraud, malpractice and conspiracy violations as presented within the context of



#22Author of original report

Wed, January 11, 2006

Across U.S., Non-Custodial Parents Sue

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

By Wendy McElroy

At least 28 federal class action suits in 28 states have been filed in the last two weeks on behalf of non-custodial parents (NCPs). The defendants are the individual states.

The plaintiffs claim to represent an estimated 25 million non-custodial parents primarily fathers whose right to equal custody of minor children in situations of dispute is allegedly being violated by family courts across the nation.

Family law is traditionally a state matter, but the federal government has assumed greater control in the area over the last few decades. Thus, the plaintiffs are appealing to the Constitution, U.S. Supreme Court precedent and acts of Congress "to vindicate and restore their various inalienable rights."

In short, federal law is being asked to trump state practice in custody matters.

According to the suits, state practices appear to be "willful, reckless, and/or negligent fraud, deceit, collusion, and/or abuse of powers" with a "systematic pattern of obstructing, hindering, and/or otherwise thwarting the rightful and lawful conclusion of due process" of non-custodial parents in child custody proceedings.

In particular, fathers protest the widespread practice of almost automatically granting sole custody to mothers in divorce disputes.

The 28-plus class action suits are identical, as any future suits will be. The ultimate goal is for every state and U.S. possession to be represented in one large consolidated action. Indeed, Torm L. Howse president of the Indiana Civil Rights Council and coordinator of the suits says that paperwork is under way for submission to the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, a legal body which has the authority to transfer such multiple civil cases to a single district court.

If this happens, every single non-custodial parent in America will be represented by the class action suit, which is nothing more than a lawsuit brought by one person or a small group on behalf of an entire class who shares a grievance.

What specific relief is being sought?

The sweeping legal goals are spelled out in a press release. The main relief sought from federal court is the immediate "restoration/elevation to equal custodial status" of all current non-custodial parents against whom no allegations of abuse or neglect have been proven and who have an ongoing relationship with the child.

The establishment of equal custody embraces several other reliefs.

For example, the "prohibition of custodial move-aways of minor children [more than 60 miles] from their original physical residences with natural parents." Also, the "abolishment of forced/court-ordered child support in most cases." Support of the child would be borne by each parent during their own parenting time.

The Plaintiffs argue for restoration of equal custody not merely for the sake of non-custodial parents but also for children's welfare. The press release cites a much-touted study entitled "Child Adjustment in Joint-Custody Versus Sole-Custody Arrangements," which was published in the APA's Journal of Family Psychology. The study concluded, "Children in joint physical or legal custody were better adjusted than children in sole-custody settings, but no different from those in intact families."

In this sense, the suits also advocate children's rights.

Other reliefs being sought are financial in nature; some of them take the suits into murky areas. For example, the suits ask for "reimbursement" from custodial parents to non-custodial parents of any state-ordered child support that exceeded the "maximum limits of federal law." This ceases to be an appeal to constitutional or parental rights and instead pits one set of civil law against another, with retroactive penalties being imposed.

In addition, the suits ask for "various damages against the Defendant [the state named] in the aggregate value of $1,000,000 payable per Plaintiff." The court awards would be "executable upon all monies, property, chattels, assets, goods, pecuniary interest and anything whatsoever of any value" owned or controlled by the State. The suits request that "an appropriate portion" of the award be provided by the liquidation or direct transfer of title of "unused, abandoned, or unnecessary state property and assets."

The number of non-custodial parent plaintiffs who sign on to a federal class action cannot be predicted but it could run into millions; the collective damages could run into billions or even trillions of dollars. Unfortunately, this gives the appearance of pursuing profit rather than justice.

When asked to elaborate on the amount of damages, Howse clarified, "We are preparing, later this week, to offer proposed settlements that will waive the vast majority of damages, among other things, in exchange for a quick restoral of equal custody rights, a few forms of tax abatements/credits to balance what custodial parents have enjoyed for years and some other basic and related issues, like the setting up of neutral visitation exchange centers, and the like."

He added, "It has never been about winning large amounts of money from the states ... It's about restoring the lives of our children, and restoring our own lives."

I genuinely hope the settlements come to pass. Stripped of their financial demands, the suits could go a long way toward removing what I believe to be the worst laws governing child custody in disputed divorce.

At bare minimum, they are raising the profile of an issue that will not go away: the crying need of non-custodial parents, especially fathers, to know their children.

And the equal need of children to embrace both parents.

Wendy McElroy is the editor of ifeminists.com and a research fellow for The Independent Institute in Oakland, Calif. She is the author and editor of many books and articles, including the new book, "Liberty for Women: Freedom and Feminism in the 21st Century" (Ivan R. Dee/Independent Institute, 2002). She lives with her husband in Canada.


Family Court Corruption

#23Consumer Comment

Tue, January 10, 2006

If you want to see what Cook County Family Court did to me and my family, search on this site for Dr. Helding and you will see how family court destroys families for profit. You will see how GAL Attorney Mary Burns, Dr. Theodore A. Allchin, Attorney Laurel Hart and Judge James B. Klein all covered up criminal sexual abuse of my children. You will also see the consequences of their actions. My daughter is now missing.

Also see www.familycourtreform.org

You may also like to visit www.indianacrc.org


Spring Hill,
Yes - Open Minded

#24Consumer Comment

Tue, January 10, 2006

Yes, Mr. Attorney... you will need to be open minded to the point where your brains fall out.

All this guy has done is rant and rave.

We have no idea what has upset him so much... he has been asked, but he won't tell us.

So, if you are open minded to the point where you will work without information and facts, work only on emotion... this job is for you.



#25Author of original report

Mon, January 09, 2006

We are seeking a legal firm or single Attorney to take on escalating anti-male ,anti-father, gender discrimination on a State or National Basis. Growing numbers of litagants.




#26Author of original report

Tue, December 27, 2005

Is Our Family Court System Causing Blood in the Streets? by Judy Parejko, M.S.
2002 Judy Parejko

Reproduced with permission of the author


Robert Flores walked onto the campus of the University of Arizona at Tucson and opened fire on three of his female instructors, murdering them in cold blood. In his 22-page letter, discovered later by investigators, Flores sketches the story of his failed marriage, poor health and the slights he perceived from a nursing school he claimed treated male students as "tokens."

In the Washington area, accused sniper, John Muhammad, targeted innocent people, shooting them down like prey. His 17-year-old accomplice, John Malvo, was also believed to have pulled the trigger. The story reveals at least three divorces two were Muhammad's and one was Malvo's parents as well as several child custody battles.

It's not politically correct to connect the dots but it's time for someone to begin. Could it be that our family court system is causing blood in the streets? Somehow, these men came unhinged turned into killers. Why? That's the question we all want answered. A common theme running through both cases is alienation from family. Could it be time to take a good hard look at how we handle cases in family court? Can we afford not to?

"Failed marriage" is code for "hopelessness" the understanding that quick-and-expedient divorce is firmly in place. In fact, there's no way to stop a divorce or get help for a troubled marriage, including the anger that can be so corrosive to relationships no matter how hard someone begs for it. And "child custody" is code for the coveted spoils of divorce. The court's work is to sever family ties and the unforeseen consequences can sometimes be deadly.

A family court hearing is a grim event. While most who are forcefully divorced or shut out of their kids' lives somehow learn to cope, others begin to simmer, reaching a boiling point that can culminate in regrettable acts. Dismantling families taking them apart and dividing up the pieces is easier than providing needed help so that estranged spouses might restore their troubled marriages. And, by dealing with family distress in this way, we've unwittingly invited the grim reaper to play a larger role in our lives.

The carnage of family breakdown is spilling out of the courtrooms and into our daily lives. The victims are no longer simply family members gunned down by their desperate loved ones but increasingly include innocent bystanders.

The divorce mill casts its victims aside, leaving men like Flores and Muhammad unmoored from their families and unhitched from society. Cut off, lost at sea, they send out distress signals through their aggressive acts when life starts closing in on them but no one heeds them. And when the "system" told Muhammad like so many other men he could no longer be a father, even if he fought for it, battled for custody and went so far as to "steal" his kids, he snapped.

The story of Muhammad's unraveling from a family man into a serial killer is not understood yet, but his story, like others, points to an alarming association between the loss of family connection and outlaw-behavior.

"Family court" is a euphemism. In reality it is an insidious monster that takes chopped-up pieces of families and packages them into neat and manageable little bundles called "custody" and "visitation." But, we reap what we sow, and blood spilled in court is leading to bloodshed in the streets.

What we have is the worst possible response to family distress. Instead of offering compassion and helping hands, family courts evict fathers from their children's lives, also cutting off contact with the ones who might along with skilled assistance calm such troubled men. The "medicine" for distressed relationships is available but we fail to offer it, either because we don't care enough or because we aren't ready to face the awful truth of what was created in the name of justice.

For those who face the family court system and hope for a humane response, no plea for mercy will be heard. "One size fits all" is the current scheme called "no-fault divorce" another euphemism, which really is code for "forced" divorce. Troubled marriages are snuffed out by officials in black robes who say they are given no other choice. This place called "court" was turned into a "Ministry of Divorce" since making "judgments" are no longer made there and divorces are "administered" as rubber-stamped foregone conclusions.

Divorce and family disputes are merely viewed as "legal" problems business-deals brokered by the well-paid officials handling them. No crisis-response is offered to the casualties that show up. No ambulance. No trauma team. No hospital. Only harsh and heavy-handed tactics used to finish off the job.

It's too sordid to look at things this way that family court carnage might be responsible for the carnage on the streets and most people will find every reason not to.

Judy Parejko is the author of Stolen Vows, The Illusion of No-Fault Divorce and the Rise of the American Divorce Industry



#27Author of original report

Tue, December 27, 2005

By Tim Jones Tribune national correspondent December 5,

In South Dakota, tens of thousands of angry voters signed petitions for a ballot proposal informally known as "J.A.I.L. 4 Judges,"
enabling ordinary citizens to haul judges into court. In Pennsylvania, where voters never had rejected a state Supreme Court incumbent seeking re-election, a justice was tossed from office last month because people were furious about a pay raise for state officials, including judges. And in Wisconsin, a state Supreme Court
justice whose opinions angered business interests faces the possibility of a $2 million campaign against his re-election next
spring, organized by an interest group based in Washington, D.C. Far beyond the public rough-and-tumble politics attached to U.S. Supreme Court nominations, formerly obscure and second-tier elections for seats on state courts have become battlegrounds of culture wars, tort reform and other business cost issues, as well as contests that give voters the opportunity to act on popular cynicism and resentment toward the judiciary. At the same time, judges are under increasing partisan attack for any number of reasons--gay-rights rulings, decisions regarding prayer and, early this year, failure to intercede
in the case of Terri Schiavo, the brain-damaged Florida woman who died after her feeding tube was removed by court order. Criticism from many conservatives, including President Bush, about so-called activist judges who legislate from the bench has become part of the political vernacular and the public psyche. While interest groups-- business, labor, trial lawyers--used to devote their efforts and money exclusively to legislatures and executive offices, now they are
fine-tuning their strategies and going after judges, the final arbiters of difficult and emotional issues such as tort liability,
abortion and criminal justice. "A lot of the rhetoric on the federal judiciary and the nominations and the labeling of judges as activists is really playing out at the state level," said Cindi Canary, executive director of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform. "The fact is that in many states we elect our judges, and the rhetoric has provided a context for special interests to enter into." Judges, many of whom are not particularly comfortable with raising money and trolling for votes like their counterparts in the legislative and executive branches, find themselves in the thick of a
fight they did not anticipate. Special interest groups "There's a further ratcheting up of these efforts by interest groups, and they have put judicial candidates on the defensive more than ever before," said Jesse Rutledge, editor of "The New Politics of Judicial Elections," which tracks the extraordinary clout of special interest groups in judicial races, which used to be small-budget affairs.

Record spending last year for state supreme court seats, including $9.3 million for one seat on the Illinois Supreme Court, represented
a dramatic increase in organized political activity, much of it spent those ads resembled, in tone and content, the often misleading and innuendo-laden spots that are so common in non-judicial campaigns. In one instance a West Virginia justice was described in a TV ad as "too dangerous for our kids." The justice, Warren McGraw, was defeated. Part of the changing tenor of state supreme court campaigns stems from a 2002 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that struck down Minnesota's restrictions on what judicial candidates may tell voters, such as how they might vote on certain matters. About 40 other states had similar regulations governing the conduct of judicial candidates. Seventeen states are scheduled to hold elections for their supreme courts next year, and the expectation is that judicial campaigns will look like most other
campaigns. "This is going in a very dangerous direction," said Mike Lawrence, director of the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois University. "I'm not sure the perception is there now, but there will be a perception that judges are bought by special
interests." Lawrence warned that the independence and the integrity of the judiciary is at risk. "Now you have substantial interest
groups contributing huge amounts of money and financing television commercials that distort the opinions of sitting judges, ... and now
the campaigns for judicial seats are looking increasingly like campaigns for other offices," Lawrence said. Anti-judicial rhetoric reached a peak in Congress last spring when then-House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas), in the wake of Schiavo's death, lashed out at the "arrogant, out-of-control, unaccountable" federal judiciary and suggested that judges who refused to intervene to save Schiavo must "answer for their behavior." Two months earlier, the husband and mother of U.S. District Judge Joan Lefkow were murdered in the judge's Chicago home. While DeLay apologized for his remarks, the criticism of judges, be they federal, state or local, strikes a responsive political chord. Pay increases protested The increasing attention paid to judicial races is not exclusively the product of special interest groups. In Pennsylvania, it was voter anger that drove Supreme Court Justice Russell Nigro from office Nov. 8. A firestorm of public protest greeted the news that, in July, state lawmakers had quietly approved large pay raises for themselves, state executive officers and judges. Nigro and Justice Sandra Schultz Newman were the only statewide officials on the November ballot.
Theirs were retention elections, requiring voters to vote either "yes" or "no" for new 10-year terms. Ordinarily, justices win by wide margins. Newman won but gathered only 54 percent. Nigro, with 49 percent voting yes, fell short of a winning majority. "Clearly, these were the two people in the bull's-eye," said Barry Kauffman, executive director of Common Cause/Pennsylvania. Further evidence of the political vulnerability of judges can be seen in South Dakota, where judges could see their immunity from lawsuits over their judicial actions stripped away if voters there approve a measure, known as the Judicial Accountability Initiative Law, expected on next November's state ballot. Backers of the petition drive turned in nearly 47,000 signatures last month, about 13,000 more than necessary. The measure would create a special grand jury that would
handle complaints of citizens who felt judges violated the law or otherwise abused their judicial discretion. Generalized antipathy
Donald Dahlin, a political science professor at the University of South Dakota, said there is no particular court or case in the state that prompted the petition drive. "When you ask people what in can't say. I think this is part of the general public dissatisfaction with judges across the country and the feeling that they have too much power," Dahlin said. Allegations of judicial abuse are at the heart of an evolving campaign against Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice N. Patrick Crooks, who is running for another 10-year term on the court in April. Crooks angered business interests with votes he cast on tort reform and product liability cases. Washington, D.C.-based FreedomWorks, led by former U.S. House
Majority Leader d**k Armey (R-Texas), said it is prepared to spend $2 million to defeat Crooks. "We want to use his election as a platform against the egregious rulings of the court," said Cameron Sholty, who runs the Wisconsin chapter of FreedomWorks. No candidate has yet filed to challenge Crooks. The filing deadline is the end of December. William Bablitch, a former Wisconsin Supreme Court justice and a spokesman for Crooks, complained that court races have become single- issue contests that ignore the overall record of justices. ---



#28Author of original report

Tue, December 27, 2005

By Tim Jones Tribune national correspondent December 5,

In South Dakota, tens of thousands of angry voters signed petitions for a ballot proposal informally known as "J.A.I.L. 4 Judges,"
enabling ordinary citizens to haul judges into court. In Pennsylvania, where voters never had rejected a state Supreme Court incumbent seeking re-election, a justice was tossed from office last month because people were furious about a pay raise for state officials, including judges. And in Wisconsin, a state Supreme Court
justice whose opinions angered business interests faces the possibility of a $2 million campaign against his re-election next
spring, organized by an interest group based in Washington, D.C. Far beyond the public rough-and-tumble politics attached to U.S. Supreme Court nominations, formerly obscure and second-tier elections for seats on state courts have become battlegrounds of culture wars, tort reform and other business cost issues, as well as contests that give voters the opportunity to act on popular cynicism and resentment toward the judiciary. At the same time, judges are under increasing partisan attack for any number of reasons--gay-rights rulings, decisions regarding prayer and, early this year, failure to intercede
in the case of Terri Schiavo, the brain-damaged Florida woman who died after her feeding tube was removed by court order. Criticism from many conservatives, including President Bush, about so-called activist judges who legislate from the bench has become part of the political vernacular and the public psyche. While interest groups-- business, labor, trial lawyers--used to devote their efforts and money exclusively to legislatures and executive offices, now they are
fine-tuning their strategies and going after judges, the final arbiters of difficult and emotional issues such as tort liability,
abortion and criminal justice. "A lot of the rhetoric on the federal judiciary and the nominations and the labeling of judges as activists is really playing out at the state level," said Cindi Canary, executive director of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform. "The fact is that in many states we elect our judges, and the rhetoric has provided a context for special interests to enter into." Judges, many of whom are not particularly comfortable with raising money and trolling for votes like their counterparts in the legislative and executive branches, find themselves in the thick of a
fight they did not anticipate. Special interest groups "There's a further ratcheting up of these efforts by interest groups, and they have put judicial candidates on the defensive more than ever before," said Jesse Rutledge, editor of "The New Politics of Judicial Elections," which tracks the extraordinary clout of special interest groups in judicial races, which used to be small-budget affairs.

Record spending last year for state supreme court seats, including $9.3 million for one seat on the Illinois Supreme Court, represented
a dramatic increase in organized political activity, much of it spent those ads resembled, in tone and content, the often misleading and innuendo-laden spots that are so common in non-judicial campaigns. In one instance a West Virginia justice was described in a TV ad as "too dangerous for our kids." The justice, Warren McGraw, was defeated. Part of the changing tenor of state supreme court campaigns stems from a 2002 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that struck down Minnesota's restrictions on what judicial candidates may tell voters, such as how they might vote on certain matters. About 40 other states had similar regulations governing the conduct of judicial candidates. Seventeen states are scheduled to hold elections for their supreme courts next year, and the expectation is that judicial campaigns will look like most other
campaigns. "This is going in a very dangerous direction," said Mike Lawrence, director of the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois University. "I'm not sure the perception is there now, but there will be a perception that judges are bought by special
interests." Lawrence warned that the independence and the integrity of the judiciary is at risk. "Now you have substantial interest
groups contributing huge amounts of money and financing television commercials that distort the opinions of sitting judges, ... and now
the campaigns for judicial seats are looking increasingly like campaigns for other offices," Lawrence said. Anti-judicial rhetoric reached a peak in Congress last spring when then-House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas), in the wake of Schiavo's death, lashed out at the "arrogant, out-of-control, unaccountable" federal judiciary and suggested that judges who refused to intervene to save Schiavo must "answer for their behavior." Two months earlier, the husband and mother of U.S. District Judge Joan Lefkow were murdered in the judge's Chicago home. While DeLay apologized for his remarks, the criticism of judges, be they federal, state or local, strikes a responsive political chord. Pay increases protested The increasing attention paid to judicial races is not exclusively the product of special interest groups. In Pennsylvania, it was voter anger that drove Supreme Court Justice Russell Nigro from office Nov. 8. A firestorm of public protest greeted the news that, in July, state lawmakers had quietly approved large pay raises for themselves, state executive officers and judges. Nigro and Justice Sandra Schultz Newman were the only statewide officials on the November ballot.
Theirs were retention elections, requiring voters to vote either "yes" or "no" for new 10-year terms. Ordinarily, justices win by wide margins. Newman won but gathered only 54 percent. Nigro, with 49 percent voting yes, fell short of a winning majority. "Clearly, these were the two people in the bull's-eye," said Barry Kauffman, executive director of Common Cause/Pennsylvania. Further evidence of the political vulnerability of judges can be seen in South Dakota, where judges could see their immunity from lawsuits over their judicial actions stripped away if voters there approve a measure, known as the Judicial Accountability Initiative Law, expected on next November's state ballot. Backers of the petition drive turned in nearly 47,000 signatures last month, about 13,000 more than necessary. The measure would create a special grand jury that would
handle complaints of citizens who felt judges violated the law or otherwise abused their judicial discretion. Generalized antipathy
Donald Dahlin, a political science professor at the University of South Dakota, said there is no particular court or case in the state that prompted the petition drive. "When you ask people what in can't say. I think this is part of the general public dissatisfaction with judges across the country and the feeling that they have too much power," Dahlin said. Allegations of judicial abuse are at the heart of an evolving campaign against Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice N. Patrick Crooks, who is running for another 10-year term on the court in April. Crooks angered business interests with votes he cast on tort reform and product liability cases. Washington, D.C.-based FreedomWorks, led by former U.S. House
Majority Leader d**k Armey (R-Texas), said it is prepared to spend $2 million to defeat Crooks. "We want to use his election as a platform against the egregious rulings of the court," said Cameron Sholty, who runs the Wisconsin chapter of FreedomWorks. No candidate has yet filed to challenge Crooks. The filing deadline is the end of December. William Bablitch, a former Wisconsin Supreme Court justice and a spokesman for Crooks, complained that court races have become single- issue contests that ignore the overall record of justices. ---



#29Author of original report

Tue, December 27, 2005

By Tim Jones Tribune national correspondent December 5,

In South Dakota, tens of thousands of angry voters signed petitions for a ballot proposal informally known as "J.A.I.L. 4 Judges,"
enabling ordinary citizens to haul judges into court. In Pennsylvania, where voters never had rejected a state Supreme Court incumbent seeking re-election, a justice was tossed from office last month because people were furious about a pay raise for state officials, including judges. And in Wisconsin, a state Supreme Court
justice whose opinions angered business interests faces the possibility of a $2 million campaign against his re-election next
spring, organized by an interest group based in Washington, D.C. Far beyond the public rough-and-tumble politics attached to U.S. Supreme Court nominations, formerly obscure and second-tier elections for seats on state courts have become battlegrounds of culture wars, tort reform and other business cost issues, as well as contests that give voters the opportunity to act on popular cynicism and resentment toward the judiciary. At the same time, judges are under increasing partisan attack for any number of reasons--gay-rights rulings, decisions regarding prayer and, early this year, failure to intercede
in the case of Terri Schiavo, the brain-damaged Florida woman who died after her feeding tube was removed by court order. Criticism from many conservatives, including President Bush, about so-called activist judges who legislate from the bench has become part of the political vernacular and the public psyche. While interest groups-- business, labor, trial lawyers--used to devote their efforts and money exclusively to legislatures and executive offices, now they are
fine-tuning their strategies and going after judges, the final arbiters of difficult and emotional issues such as tort liability,
abortion and criminal justice. "A lot of the rhetoric on the federal judiciary and the nominations and the labeling of judges as activists is really playing out at the state level," said Cindi Canary, executive director of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform. "The fact is that in many states we elect our judges, and the rhetoric has provided a context for special interests to enter into." Judges, many of whom are not particularly comfortable with raising money and trolling for votes like their counterparts in the legislative and executive branches, find themselves in the thick of a
fight they did not anticipate. Special interest groups "There's a further ratcheting up of these efforts by interest groups, and they have put judicial candidates on the defensive more than ever before," said Jesse Rutledge, editor of "The New Politics of Judicial Elections," which tracks the extraordinary clout of special interest groups in judicial races, which used to be small-budget affairs.

Record spending last year for state supreme court seats, including $9.3 million for one seat on the Illinois Supreme Court, represented
a dramatic increase in organized political activity, much of it spent those ads resembled, in tone and content, the often misleading and innuendo-laden spots that are so common in non-judicial campaigns. In one instance a West Virginia justice was described in a TV ad as "too dangerous for our kids." The justice, Warren McGraw, was defeated. Part of the changing tenor of state supreme court campaigns stems from a 2002 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that struck down Minnesota's restrictions on what judicial candidates may tell voters, such as how they might vote on certain matters. About 40 other states had similar regulations governing the conduct of judicial candidates. Seventeen states are scheduled to hold elections for their supreme courts next year, and the expectation is that judicial campaigns will look like most other
campaigns. "This is going in a very dangerous direction," said Mike Lawrence, director of the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois University. "I'm not sure the perception is there now, but there will be a perception that judges are bought by special
interests." Lawrence warned that the independence and the integrity of the judiciary is at risk. "Now you have substantial interest
groups contributing huge amounts of money and financing television commercials that distort the opinions of sitting judges, ... and now
the campaigns for judicial seats are looking increasingly like campaigns for other offices," Lawrence said. Anti-judicial rhetoric reached a peak in Congress last spring when then-House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas), in the wake of Schiavo's death, lashed out at the "arrogant, out-of-control, unaccountable" federal judiciary and suggested that judges who refused to intervene to save Schiavo must "answer for their behavior." Two months earlier, the husband and mother of U.S. District Judge Joan Lefkow were murdered in the judge's Chicago home. While DeLay apologized for his remarks, the criticism of judges, be they federal, state or local, strikes a responsive political chord. Pay increases protested The increasing attention paid to judicial races is not exclusively the product of special interest groups. In Pennsylvania, it was voter anger that drove Supreme Court Justice Russell Nigro from office Nov. 8. A firestorm of public protest greeted the news that, in July, state lawmakers had quietly approved large pay raises for themselves, state executive officers and judges. Nigro and Justice Sandra Schultz Newman were the only statewide officials on the November ballot.
Theirs were retention elections, requiring voters to vote either "yes" or "no" for new 10-year terms. Ordinarily, justices win by wide margins. Newman won but gathered only 54 percent. Nigro, with 49 percent voting yes, fell short of a winning majority. "Clearly, these were the two people in the bull's-eye," said Barry Kauffman, executive director of Common Cause/Pennsylvania. Further evidence of the political vulnerability of judges can be seen in South Dakota, where judges could see their immunity from lawsuits over their judicial actions stripped away if voters there approve a measure, known as the Judicial Accountability Initiative Law, expected on next November's state ballot. Backers of the petition drive turned in nearly 47,000 signatures last month, about 13,000 more than necessary. The measure would create a special grand jury that would
handle complaints of citizens who felt judges violated the law or otherwise abused their judicial discretion. Generalized antipathy
Donald Dahlin, a political science professor at the University of South Dakota, said there is no particular court or case in the state that prompted the petition drive. "When you ask people what in can't say. I think this is part of the general public dissatisfaction with judges across the country and the feeling that they have too much power," Dahlin said. Allegations of judicial abuse are at the heart of an evolving campaign against Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice N. Patrick Crooks, who is running for another 10-year term on the court in April. Crooks angered business interests with votes he cast on tort reform and product liability cases. Washington, D.C.-based FreedomWorks, led by former U.S. House
Majority Leader d**k Armey (R-Texas), said it is prepared to spend $2 million to defeat Crooks. "We want to use his election as a platform against the egregious rulings of the court," said Cameron Sholty, who runs the Wisconsin chapter of FreedomWorks. No candidate has yet filed to challenge Crooks. The filing deadline is the end of December. William Bablitch, a former Wisconsin Supreme Court justice and a spokesman for Crooks, complained that court races have become single- issue contests that ignore the overall record of justices. ---


UPDATE OCT 23,2005

#30Author of original report

Mon, October 24, 2005

The courts of the 19TH IN WOODSTOCK CONTINUE to commit unlawful acts ,Legislating from the Bench and Violating thier OATHS of Office ,making a Joke out of our U.S. CONSTITUTION , THERE IS also a record of these courts PROMOTING ,INDUCING and Driving many distraught litigants to MURDER, SUICIDE or other acts of DESPIRATION. Simply read your daily paper it happens all the time, yet our courts and thier Acting officers deny any and all ACCOUNTABILITY.. AMERICA OPEN YOUR EYES IT CAN AND IS HAPPENNING HERE. GOD HELP US!


FACTS? 70,000 pages of FACTS from grief stricken Parents

#31Author of original report

Tue, June 07, 2005

The Record Speaks for Itself, 70,000 pages of FACTS from grief stricken Parents on the Internet alone.

Just type into your browser Judicail Accountability, Fathers Rights, Mothers Rights or Family Rights AMOJ -A Matter OF Justice, [email protected]

OUR LEGAL SYSTEM FROM TOP TO BOTTOM NEEDS A Congressional Inquiry or GRAND JURY Investigation on a National Scale...........

And you might try reading a Newspaper. THIS IS Without A Doubt The Civil Rights Movement of our ERA. All 50 states now have class actions underway with far more to come.


The Record Speaks for Itself, 70,000 pages of FACTS from grief stricken Parents on the Internet alone.

#32Author of original report

Tue, June 07, 2005

Just type into your browser Judicail Accountability, Fathers Rights, Mothers Rights or Family Rights AMOJ -A Matter OF Justice, [email protected] OUR LEGAL SYSTEM FROM TOP TO BOTTOM NEEDS A Congressional Inquiry or GRAND JURY Investigation on a National Scale...........And you might try reading a Newspaper. THIS IS Without A Doubt The Civil Rights Movement of our ERA. All 50 states now have class actions underway with far more to come.


The Record Speaks for Itself, 70,000 pages of FACTS from grief stricken Parents on the Internet alone.

#33Author of original report

Tue, June 07, 2005

Just type into your browser Judicail Accountability, Fathers Rights, Mothers Rights or Family Rights AMOJ -A Matter OF Justice, [email protected] OUR LEGAL SYSTEM FROM TOP TO BOTTOM NEEDS A Congressional Inquiry or GRAND JURY Investigation on a National Scale...........And you might try reading a Newspaper. THIS IS Without A Doubt The Civil Rights Movement of our ERA. All 50 states now have class actions underway with far more to come.


The Record Speaks for Itself, 70,000 pages of FACTS from grief stricken Parents on the Internet alone.

#34Author of original report

Tue, June 07, 2005

Just type into your browser Judicail Accountability, Fathers Rights, Mothers Rights or Family Rights AMOJ -A Matter OF Justice, [email protected] OUR LEGAL SYSTEM FROM TOP TO BOTTOM NEEDS A Congressional Inquiry or GRAND JURY Investigation on a National Scale...........And you might try reading a Newspaper. THIS IS Without A Doubt The Civil Rights Movement of our ERA. All 50 states now have class actions underway with far more to come.


El Cajon,
Post more specifics please.

#35Consumer Comment

Sat, May 14, 2005

Your report is meaningless without facts to back it up. You are entitled to you opinion that these judges are biased against men. Ok, how about some facts to back up the opinion? Without specific facts about your complaint, it is nearly impossible to judge the validity of your complaint or to suggest ways to help.



#36Author of original report

Fri, May 13, 2005

CONCERNING CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS; THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT WILL TAKE NO ACTION, THE FBI WILL TAKE NO ACTION,AND THE ATTORNEY GENERAL WILL TAKE NO ACTION . So in effect the system has completely shut down in matters regarding the Constitution/Bill of Rights. We know this, but if you care to find out for yourself ,go ahead and file a complaint.


Jefferson City,
Write a Complaint to the FBI

#37Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 24, 2005

Read the website below then file a complaint with your local FBI agency.


Local FBI agency:
Rockford Resident Agency-FBI
P.O. Box 218
Rockford, Illinois 61101
(815) 987-9833

Reports & Rebuttal
Respond to this report!
Also a victim?
Repair Your Reputation!