  • Report:  #122503

Complaint Review: A+ Gentle Dental - Oceanside California

Reported By:
- vista, California,

A+ Gentle Dental
2216 El Camino Real #122 Oceanside, 92056 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I just moved to the area and chose A+ Gentle Dental as my new Dentist because it was off the same exit as my office; and I was also attracted by the name.

When I was seen on Monday we discussed that I was insured by Delta Dental of Minnesota and they confirmed that they accepted that insurance.

They took several x-rays and examined my teeth. They concluded that I had gum disease and that it would take 4 visits to complete deep root planing in each quadrant of my mouth and that I would also need 2 follow up visits for maintenance cleaning. They also advised me that I would need to have all 4 wisdom teeth extracted. I requested a break down of the costs that I could review on my next visit. They said they would have that for me when I came in.

My first visit seemed to go fine, but when I came back in on Wednesday of the same week, there was no breakdown of costs. I was quickly briefed on the dental procedures they had in mind for me; one of which included getting a night-guard like tray for my teeth to wear for fluoride treatment.

I had told them on my first visit that I knew that would be too expensive for me (they can be up to $800 and most insurance companies do not cover them) and on this visit I said the same. But, I was assured that it was part of a large care package and that it was necessary for my treatment. They said altogether the package would cost $600 and this included an electric toothbrush and a hydro-floss and so on, so I thought that seemed ok. I still thought that my insurance would be covering half of the cost.

Well, then I find out that my portion of the total costs at the end of it all would be $1,300. That seemed like a lot and I could not figure out why it would cost so much, and I didn't have a proper breakdown of the costs to understand. I went ahead with the rest of the visit.

My appointment was at 8 am and I started work at 9 am. I was there an hour before I had to start work and was told my visit would only take an hour, so, because I was in a rush I agreed to apply for dental financing and figured that I could decline any expensive treatment in the future once I had a copy of all the possible expenses. For the moment I just needed to get in the chair to get my teeth cleaned so I could get going.

Well, there was a mix up with the financing paperwork and I started to see this office was very disorganized. Then when I was having my teeth cleaned they could not proceed with repairing my fillings because they had lost my x-rays. So, I was going to have to do that all over again.

During the cleaning the dentist was spraying water all over my face, and the assistant was allowing the water debris to go down my throat. I told them I was swallowing the water, but they were still not able to suction me properly.

Then as I'm sitting there; my face still numb, waiting for them to locate my x-rays; another dental assistant approaches me to tell me she figured out my costs wrong and that actually I would be responsible for paying $2,600 out of pocket.

At that point there was nothing I could do, I was shocked and I was basically at their mercy because my work for that visit had still not been completed. So, I just said "ok", figuring I could sort things out later when I saw the breakdown, and again I requested a copy of the costs. She told me it'd be ready when I leave.

I was approached by the front desk person after that, while I was still in the dentist's chair, to sign a new financing form showing the larger amount, which I found very unprofessional and stressful to be having work on my teeth done while also having to deal with the costs of financing, and the shock of the price doubling! The whole situation made me feel very uncomfortable.

Then someone else approached me to fit me for the teeth guards and make a mold. This surprised me because I didn't have time to think about whether I wanted night guards because I didn't know the cost of them yet. I spoke up about this and was told they were part of my package and that they did not cost as much as night guards because they were fluoride trays, but still I was not told their exact cost, and I was not given the option to pass on them or offered an affordable alternative.

Next, I was taken to another room to review 2 videos about dental health and the products they were giving me in my home care package. Then, I was shown how to use the products and what my daily regimen would be.

After that was through I was brought back out to have another mold taken of my mouth since the first 2 did not come out correctly. Once that was done they wanted to do my x-rays again, but at that point it was 11:15 am and I was supposed to have been at work by 9 am, so I told them that would have to wait and that I needed to go.

When I went to the front desk I asked for a copy of all the costs and it was still not ready! They said I would have to wait until next time to see it. I made an appointment for Friday morning at 7:30 am on my way out.

When I got to work I was reprimanded and had lost 2 1/2 hours of pay because I was stuck at that Dentist office for 3 hours!!!

I decided then that it would not be wise for me to continue as a patient there. I did not feel comfortable with my visit. It seemed they were overcharging by a lot and were not forthcoming and clear about the costs, and they were very disorganized and unprofessional.

Also, there work was sloppy and I could not afford to miss hours of work because they couldn't keep track of my x-rays and were unable to get my molds right the first time. I just had a bad feeling that my next visit might probably end up very similar.

So, I asked some co-workers for Dental referrals and then called around. I compared costs and found that what Gentle Dental was charging was outrageous! Another highly referred dentist was charging only $140 for a gum care management system when Gentle Dental was charging $600!

Also, the dental assistant at another office I contacted knew of Gentle Dental and said that it had a bad reputation. She had even worked there for a day and said she didn't go back because they were very "fishy". So, that sealed it for me.

I called A+ Gentle Dental that same Wednesday I had my visit, and told them I wished to go elsewhere, they told me someone would call me back. I called again and their office was closed.

The next day I called again and was able to voice my concerns and I was told I would get a call back from the office manager. I received a call back and was told that I owed Gentle Dental $2,300 for the work I had done and the dental care kit I took home. I explained that I was willing to pay for the quadrant cleaning and the electric toothbrush because they had demonstrated it to me and it had been put in my mouth, but I was going to return the rest of the package of items that were unused.

The woman told me the items were non-returnable and non-refundable. She said I had signed a paper acknowledging that. I told her I did not recall that information, and that I only remember signing something that said if I did not stick to their dental care plan I could not expect a reimbursement or free dental work if my teeth still had gum disease.

She just repeated that I signed that form and that I could not return the items. Also, she stated again that I would owe $2,300 for the visit. I asked why and what everything cost and she did not answer.

She said they were not certain what my insurance would cover, so they were just going to make me pay that amount up front.

Well, this was completely unacceptable and I told her exactly what had happened during my visit and that there was no way I was going to pay that kind of money to have a quarter of my mouth cleaned, x-rays that were lost and to be stuck with items I was not going to use.

She was stubborn about me paying but eventually said she was told to call to tell me how much I owe and that she'd have to have the office manager call me back about those other issues. I thought I was talking to the office manager, so again I found that to be very unprofessional.

They could've offered to fax me a copy of the breakdown of costs or apologized that I had been made to feel uncomfortable, but instead because it turned into an argument I felt even more like I was being taken advantage of and as if they were just determined to rob me of a lot of money for a whole lot of nothing.

I called my insurance after that phone call to make them aware of the situation and I discovered that only 1 of Gentle Dental's dentists is a participating Dentist, and it was not the one that had done my cleaning. For that reason the insurance thinks that is why they wanted to charge me out of pocket because they would not be able to charge the costs to my insurance.

This made them seem even more suspicious to me. Why wouldn't they have had me seen by the Dentist who works with my insurance so that way my costs would remain low?

I proceeded to research them and found other negative reports on this site and on the Better Business Bureau.

I also called the financing company they signed me up with to see if they had charged anything yet and I discovered that they had charged $2,677.00!!! Apparently, they pay themselves in full as soon as you have your first visit. They assume that you will go forward with all your future visits and agree to all the products and treatments they sell without even making that clear.

I thought they would be charging my visits one at a time and that I could decline any expensive services, but they went ahead and charged everything without my understanding. The company said I will be receiving a bill in the mail and to get it overturned the Dentist would have to return the money to their company. I'm shocked as well that after all the conversations I had about my bill no one ever revealed that they've already charged me. Instead they are avoiding it.

By the end of the day I had not received a call back from A+ Gentle Dental. So, this morning I went in to return the items they had given me and to settle my account with them. I was told by the front office person that I could not return the items. Then I asked to speak with the office manager. She went in and spoke with her and came back and repeated that I could not return the items. I said I was not keeping them and that I wanted to speak with the office manager. She went and spoke with her again then spoke with someone else.

The other person was an administrative assistant who had demonstrated the dental kit to me. She took me in another room and of course repeated that I could not return the items. She said they were mine and that I could give them to my husband or whomever I wanted if I didn't want to use them, but that I could not return them. I told her that I still needed to see the costs of the items and what my insurance would pay for and that I would not agree to keep these items since I had not used them and since I would be receiving dental care from another office.

If I can give these items away, then surely they can keep them and use them for themselves or a demonstration kit. I should not be obligated to pay out of pocket for a kit they have marked up, when they knew I wanted to have treatment that my insurance would cover, and when I have not used the items.

During this conversation I requested to see my costs again and I was informed that my breakdown was still not prepared and that it would be mailed to me by the end of the day. No compromise was offered and no final agreement was made.

Later that day, I called in and requested to have them fax the bill to me, they refused, but said they would call me so I could pick it up at the end of the day. By 4:30 I had still not heard from them and so I called to ask if the bill was ready. It was not. The office manager, who I was speaking with, was very rude and said that the bill was not promised to me today, and that it might be ready Monday.

In conclusion, I am completely dissatisfied with my experience with A+ Gentle Dental. I feel that they are trying to swindle me and I refuse to pay any money to them for services they have not rendered and items they refuse to accept but that I am willing to return.

They are establishing a very poor reputation in the community and I doubt people who are already frightened of the dentist would want to subject themselves to an experience like mine.

Beware of A+ Gentle Dental...


vista, California

STOP! ..before you think about using the Better Business Bureau (BBB)... CLICK HERE to see how other consumers were victimized by the BBB's false or misleading information. Don't be fooled! It has been reported, when there are thousands of complaints and other investigations underway by authorities, the BBB has no choice but to finally give an UNsatisfactory rating to a BBB member business that is paying the BBB big membership fees every year. When a business is reported that is NOT a BBB member, BBB files WILL more likely show an UNsatisfactory rating, then reportedly shake down that company to become a member of the BBB. One positive thing about the BBB is, either way, if a business has an unsatisfactory rating with the BBB, you can be sure, the business is bad. But what about all those BBB member businesses that had complaints filed against them? Consumers never get to hear about them. What about the BBB advertising to the public? Is this a false and misleading perception they are giving about consumer confidence when dealing with a business? Click here to understand more of what consumers and business alike are saying about the BBB. You decide. ..Remember. The BBB membership is not earned, it's paid for!

1 Updates & Rebuttals


More Lies

#2Author of original report

Tue, January 04, 2005

I had an appointment with the office manager of A+ Gentle Dental a couple weeks ago. It was the first time anyone treated me politely. She promised me she would get the money they had charged returned to my financing company and call my insurance to correct a wrong claim they made. I finally believed the situation would be resolved. To my great disappointment on Tuesday Dec. 27 I learned that neither my insurance, nor the finance company had been contacted about these corrections and no notes or adjustments had been made to my case as promised. I asked the finance company for advice, they suggested that I review my bill and determine the amount that I would dispute and explained that I only have 60 days from the date the account was opened to do so. Seeing as how originally I was shown a financing brochure by the treatment counselor that said I would be making monthly payments of $30 on a total bill of $1,300; and that was an amount I found to be manageable for my income and circumstances; but then was set up with a third option finance company and was never made aware that my payments would be higher and now I am getting a financing statement that requires I make monthly payments of $125 on $2,677 is completely outrageous and unacceptable. My husband and I put together don't make $2,677 in a month! The extra expense of $125 a month is a burden to our household, and is an amount I NEVER would have agreed on because I manage all our expenses and know that we can not afford that. I was never properly informed about the financing. I was under the impression it was an open line of credit in case I had expensive work, like the proposed wisdom teeth extractions. I thought I would have control of when and if I wanted to use it. I was given a total amount of $1,300 by the treatment counselor that doubled to $2,600 in the middle of having my teeth cleaned and I was never told the total amount would come out of the account that day. I was also not notified that the monthly payments would be so high. I was not given the option to not accept financing. I was not made aware of my insurance benefits, and what cost they would cover. I was not given the option to waive services that my insurance wouldn't cover. Their staff made me feel pressured during the visit when they were whisking me back and forth between rooms and putting papers in front of my face to be signed at every turn. It is standard at medical offices to have to sign paperwork, and so I put my faith and trust in the documents that I signed believing I was dealing with a fair, honest and professional establishment. But, I have found that to be completely untrue about their office. At no time throughout this experience have I been treated courteously or honestly by the staff. A prime example of my complaint is what took place on Tuesday Dec. 28. The matter of getting my bill and getting things straightened out became even more urgent because the office manager had not contacted Unicorn Financial and my insurance had paid out on a quad that wasn't done, so until that was corrected I was going to be left with an unclean quad and a huge bill. I called an hour ahead so a copy of the bill could be ready for me to pick up. An assistant spoke to me and was quite unhelpful and rude. She said she didn't know if she could get me the bill and that she'd have to talk to the office manager, but they were swamped. To date I have heard that phrase "We're swamped" repeatedly as I have been attempting to get assistance from their office. No one wants to help they just say they're busy and put me off. I am the one being inconvenienced by this, I am the dissatisfied customer! Anyway, I told her I really needed that and when I arrived the assistant gave me the copy of my x-rays but would not give me a copy of the bill. She hadn't handled it with the manager in the hour before I arrived. She refused to make me a copy or let me see the bill. She said it was the office manager's business and she doesn't get involved with her files. I asked to speak to the office manager. I was told she was busy with a patient and I'd have to wait to ask her about it. I decided to wait. This made the assistant upset and she started to tell me it'd be an hour before the office manager would be finished. I said that's ok, I'll wait. The assistant got flustered and irritated and told me that they could mail it out to me; but the last time I had received a bill in the mail it was not itemized and not what I had requested, so I didn't want to do that. Plus, I knew the office manager had said I could have a copy and also, rightfully, I should have a copy. I'm the patient and the one responsible for paying the bill! Shouldn't I have a copy? Delta Dental, Unicorn and the CDA seem to think so. The assistant then said that the office manager's a busy woman and I would have to schedule an appointment if I wanted to talk to her. I told her that I'm a busy woman and that I didn't have time to come back, I just needed a simple copy of my bill and I would wait for it. I reminded her that I'm the customer and she should be catering to me, and that I could never be so unhelpful to my customers. She said you're in banking, it's different. Customer service is customer service. I asked to speak to someone else or a dentist, she said there was no one else who could help me, so I continued waiting. Well, this conversation took place in front of a young woman who is perhaps an assistant, I'm not sure of her name. After 40 minutes of waiting a lady walked in and requested to see the office manager for an interview to be hired. The other assistant who was at the front desk then told her that the manager had left for the day! What in the world was going on!? They had me waiting for almost an hour for someone who was not there! Plus, she had said "she's with a patient". I immediately asked that assistant if she had said the office manager was gone, which she did. She looked a bit dumbfounded and nervous. She didn't offer an explanation. The other assistant was very rude and uncaring about the situation. I asked her where the manager was, why no one said she wasn't there. She said maybe she left and I didn't notice. I asked where? She said out the front, and I said in front of me? I would have seen her! I then told them that they were both lying to me. No one apologized for the dishonesty, or the time I lost sitting there. I still don't understand how that situation even took place. Either the manager was there, or they just wanted me to leave so they made me wait, or she wasn't there and they lied to me! Either way it made me feel more uncomfortable than ever and reaffirmed the belief that I am dealing with an office of liars and thieves! I have since seen another dentist who has determined I do not have perio-disease. His gum testing numbers on my teeth are only 2's 3's and 4's, with mainly the big gaps around my wisdom teeth which is common. He tried to use the copy of your x-rays but they are unusable. They are poor quality, crooked, have black dots and smudges and some sections do not even show the entire tooth from root to crown. I am only allotted one x-ray or pano every 5 years! Not two, not both; as the office manager reassured me, only one. If she had contacted my insurance she would know that. I am so upset that the copy I have for the next 5 years is unusable and now I feel it necessary to dispute the x-rays since they are useless. My new dentist was able to do bite wings and he is waving this cost out of sympathy for my situation, and he found that I have 9 cavities! I asked about cavities the day of my exam at their office and Dr. Kniter said I only had decay in my existing fillings which amount to about 3 or 4 teeth. My new dentist also determined I did not need a deep root planing, but just a cleaning. He also examined the perio-maintenance kit I was given by their office. He is shocked, as well as other assistants and hygienists are that they would give me so many items to keep my teeth clean. So much of what I was given was unnecessary, and I could've purchased many of the items on my own, like the dietary supplements, which are just vitamins basically. The bottles of fluoride are a lifetime supply. Many items are duplicated. Originally the treatment counselor told me that kit was $600 and she repeated that more than once because I was concerned about the cost and kept asking her about it, and now the office manager is telling me the kit is $1,400! This is another huge jump in price that I'm just supposed to accept? No one can conduct business this way, randomly changing prices and refusing to give receipts. They expect me to honor the verbal quote from one lady and then honor the new quote which is more than double the amount from the other lady with no itemized bill and no receipt? They think I'm a sucker! It is obvious they are trying to get as much money out of that one visit as they can. Out of good faith they should be offering to take back the items they gave me since I was only worked on once at their office and the experience was horrible. I was not satisfied and I notified their office the same day that I wanted to change Dentists. They could've suggested that I return the kit that day, knowing I had just left with it an hour before and none of the items were used. But now they want to force their products on me even though they won't be overseeing my dental health. It makes no sense! Some of the boxes of the products say, 30 day money back guarantee. Since I notified them the same day that I was dissatisfied they should've offered to accept the items back. It was only an hour after I left their office that I called, and I was not given an apology, instead I was told to come in and pay $2,300, and that has been my entire experience with their office. There is no courtesy, honesty, honor or tact within their staff. There is just greediness, disrespect and lies. They have dragged out a situation that have could've been very simple so they can get a thousand dollars out of me after only one visit! I have researched their perio-maintenance kit and I know the retail value of each item now. I have itemized it for myself, which is something I kept asking their office to do, but of course I see now it is not to their benefit to tell me that everything put together in those two bags only totals up to $300! They are trying to charge me $900 more than the retail value! Shame on them! How dare that office act so ruthlessly, taking money from a young woman who was trusting and naive. Marking up the price and opening the items so that they are able to deem them non-returnable and force payment. My new appointment only cost me $26 out of pocket, which is what I expected when I went to A+ Gentle Dental. The new dentist had an itemized bill ready for me when I got there, they had already contacted my insurance so they were able to show me what they covered, and they gave me a copy without a fight and free of charge. Unlike A+ Gentle Dental which has been argumentative since day one, has withheld information and tried to charge me $27.50 for copies of paperwork that not only were marked to give a customer copy at time of signing, but that I was told by Unicorn, Delta Dental, many other Dental offices, and the California Dental Association that I am entitled to a copy. How dare them! I am now working with Unicorn, Delta Dental, the Better Business Bureau and the California Dental Association to have this matter rectified, and I will pursue any means to seek justice in this case. I will not agree to pay the outrageous unwarranted amounts that they have randomly selected to charge me for their own gain. As result of their actions I no longer trust that I will be told the truth by anyone in that office. I think the whole office is crooked and in cahoots! When I spoke with a representative at the CDA she had just gotten off the phone with another woman who had been to A+ Gentle Dental and was complaining about the same thing. They are now preparing an investigation. Also, I have found negative reports about their office on various consumer websites. These are evidence of the history and reputation of their office practices which are unethical and abusive. Delta Dental Insurance is also reviewing my case so as to determine if they will drop them as a participating member. The CDA of course manages Dental practices and licenses, so this may become very serious for their establishment and their Dentist. I have also been advised to contact the police and the news. I will update the site when I can. I hope this matter gets resolved, but until then it's been a hard fight. My sympathy to anyone else who has lost sleep over their dealings with this corrupt office. Feel free to contact me for any information or help!

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