  • Report:  #826018

Complaint Review: Ace Industrial Supply - Internet

Reported By:
HOMELESS & PISSED OFF EMPLOYEE - burbank, California, United States of America

Ace Industrial Supply
98501 Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This company did not pay me an employee of this company (Ace Industrial ) on time on friday at 12:00pm causing me to lose my residence, and having my belongings SEIZED, and becoming HOMELESS !!!!!! I have to pay my bills every week, Which are due on friday right after I get paid from Ace Industrial. but, because Tim Sterns, fails to realize that some of his employees have to pay their bills every week, he decided to fail to realize that we had a huge amount of snow, that would probally cause a delay in payroll being delivered to their employees. Because of this companies neglect on their part . Im holding Tim Sterns LIABLE and serving Ace Industrial Supplies with a law suit, for causing me to lose my residence, and having my belongings seized. SEE YA IN COURT MR.STERNS !!!!!!     

22 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

#2Author of original report

Wed, April 18, 2012

NOW ...HERES what was stated on that day In FRONT of witnesses a**hol% Your Mgr. Tim Bryan stating that "Im gonna have to terminate ya " & OF COURSE IM GONNA SAY "I guess im done here sorry 4 your so called DAMAGE control LETS GO TO COURT  !!!!!!! Heres my address 824 5thave se Olympia Wa . 98501 SEE YA IN COURT ... Oh by the way ... CHECK MATE ,,,SEE YA IN COURT

Compliance Officer

United States of America
Mr. Sanders, Blackhawk

#3UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 18, 2012

Mr. Sanders,

Due to the lack of cooperation we have received from you concerning the material that was sent to you and the months we attempted to discuss any form of resolution or gain more information than:
That was refused, I dont owe nothin
We recently filed a claim with UPS, tracking # 1Z6499420371767715.  If UPS comes back to us with the claim that the signature showing on the release does not bind you to accepting the package, the invoice will be cleared out. 
As we have tried to state to you since October, 2011, we do not have any tracking that shows the material came back to our location in Burbank, ultimately you will be responsible for it, until you are willing to show us how we have this material back.

We are not out to "screw customers", but we do see that cooperation, in situations like yours, goes a long way. 

Call me direct.  I would be more than happy to discuss the matter with you in detail.

David Meininger
800-223-3129 Ext 1116

Report Attachments


Ace sucks

#4Consumer Suggestion

Wed, April 18, 2012

So David,  do you and your boss want to appear in court on the class action suit against your sorry a*s company?  We have not heard anything in response from you all.  It would make my day to meet one of you pricks on the street.

Blackhawk Maintenance, LLC


#5Consumer Comment

Tue, April 17, 2012

Who is the mug shot of?  You, David?  Your company is a scam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am sure you screw your staff just like you do the customer.

Compliance Officer

United States of America
Avenger: Christopher J Runnalls

#6UPDATE Employee

Tue, April 17, 2012

On March 20, 2012 at about 7:15am Christopher J Runnalls, known as "CJ" stated out loud and in front of witnesses "I guess we are done here".

This was stated after he was told that he would no be able to to receive a loan from Tim. 

We also had to stop him from staking any accounts with him and asked him to leave the building.

Ace Industrial Supply honored your unemployment claim, though we may dispute that decision after the amount of slander that has been posted on this website by you. Post a retraction immediately for each post or we will follow throgh with steps that we must make to correct these comments and ensure that these comments stop.


David Meininger

Report Attachments

Blackhawk Maintenance, LLC


#7Consumer Comment

Wed, April 11, 2012

You did nothing to protect any "freedom" here. Your an idiot, shut the f*** up.

Southern Chemical and Equipment LLC

I guess Dave-Greely is the new self appointed board moderator.

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, April 11, 2012

Dave..hey jerkoff...if you don't like what's being posted...move on...but you are nobody to tell me to shut up..freedom of speech is part of what I fought for for 10 years so NOBODY, including you will ever tell me to shut up. You better get a grip old man.

I also find it funny that this self proclaimed "outlaw biker" was so broke that a paycheck a few hours late put him on the street and he stated that he was "walking" the streets all night.


Any "outlaw bikers" that I have seen have a nice bike, and plenty of cash in their pockets at all times due to the meth sales, and having some slank h*o working the local strip club and handing over her cash.

(I grew up with bikers, stupid).

You are a wanna-be.

Trust me.


United States of America
Both of you

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, April 11, 2012

Shut the f*k up!  You are both morons!

Southern Chemical and Equipment LLC

Avenger...you have me confused with someone else..

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, April 10, 2012


You say that you know people that "know about my company, and it's not good"??

REALLY??Well, this is a direct challenge to post that information here.

I want names, and exactly what was "not good" about my company.

Put up or shut up.


Don't think for a minute your little girlie "outlaw biker" persona means anything at all to me.

It doesn't.

All you have to do is show up big mouth.

Don't talk about it, just do it.

The joke will be on you.


All you did was confirm my METH statement.

Outlaw biker=METH.

I do know that much.

I can spot a loser right awy.

I spotted you didn't I?


United States of America

#11Author of original report

Tue, April 10, 2012

Well Sir, Good for you. I dont NEED to make myself look good on a website telling people about my Military Driving etc. Im an EX outlaw biker from Fla. Why do you seem like such an A**HOLE? look all Im tryin to do is expose a SCUMBAG employer Im not tryin to get in a pissing match w/ya (& trust me you dont ever want to go there ) your Co. Is really listed on the internet I just know people who know your Co. (& its not GOOD ) so please, lets not get in a pissing match because you will see that Mr. Sterns & Mr. Bryan have NOT served me w/a def. lawsuit (because they will LOSE) so stop mine is bigger than yours SO to Speak You Lose ,

Southern Chemical and Equipment LLC

Avenger...you don't know anything about me or my business..really

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, April 10, 2012

"Avenger"...So you do a quick internet search on my company and think you "know a whole hell of a lot" about my company"??

You don't know squat about me or my company...guaranteed.

The bottom line is, that when YOU post something, it should be complete and accurate. Otherwise, people may assume things, based on your lack of information.

At least I am man enough to post using my accurate identifying information, unlike you who chooses to be anonymous. It's real easy to be an internet tough guy when you are anonymous, right?

And, I don't need to know the whole story or all of the details. I could care less about your drama.

My response was to your original post.

The fact remains, that if you put yourself in a position where you can be homeless just because a paycheck is a few hours late (less than 1 full day, right?), you have some serious problems in your life. Living 1 day from the street is just plain stupid.

It's called poor money management, and living above your means.

You need to adjust your lifestyle to your means, regardless of what that takes to do.

It's just the way it is.

Any responsible adult has AT LEAST 2 weeks reserve money available, as a minimum.

Why are you such a loser? Who's fault is that?

But rest assured, you know nothing about me or my business, and you certainly don't have what it takes to tell me to "shut up", etc.



#11 Update By AuthorWhen You Post a Comment KNOW the Whole Story AUTHOR: AVENGER - burbank (United States of America)SUBMITTED: Monday, April 09, 2012POSTED: Monday, April 09, 2012

Once Again Someone On here who seems to think that they know everything...Sir what you keep posting as usual has NO merit, Until you know the whole story, It usually helps to keep SNIDE comments to oneself !!!! I know a whole Hell of alot about your Co. in Sarasota than you think (seeing as that I was only 27 mi. away from you in Pinellas Co.) So, with out causing any more unecessary drama lets just keep it like this: UNTIL YOU KNOW THE WHOLE STORY & DETAILS PLEASE KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT....You have NO idea as to what happened w/me & this Co. SO...Until you do, then post. ALSO if ya want the details please contact me @ [email protected] There you go, 



United States of America
When You Post a Comment KNOW the Whole Story

#13Author of original report

Mon, April 09, 2012

Once Again Someone On here who seems to think that they know everything...Sir what you keep posting as usual has NO merit, Until you know the whole story, It usually helps to keep SNIDE comments to oneself !!!! I know a whole Hell of alot about your Co. in Sarasota than you think (seeing as that I was only 27 mi. away from you in Pinellas Co.) So, with out causing any more unecessary drama lets just keep it like this: UNTIL YOU KNOW THE WHOLE STORY & DETAILS PLEASE KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT....You have NO idea as to what happened w/me & this Co. SO...Until you do, then post. ALSO if ya want the details please contact me @ [email protected] There you go,  

Southern Chemical and Equipment LLC

CA or WA?? Make up your mind!

#14Consumer Comment

Sun, April 08, 2012

Well, your original post clearly stated your location as BURBANK CA. You never mentioned anything about WA.
Must be the meth after all.

For the most part, LOSERS "live" in motels.That exception is very rare.And, the reason is USUALLY a drug habit.

At 48 years old, and after moving all over this country growing up, and also serving in the military 10 years, and then doing almost 1.5 million miles over the road as a truck driver, I can say with a great level of certainty that my observations on this are consistent with the assumptions I made.

Easy solution. Don't "live" in motels!

Did you ever think of getting a room mate and sharing an apt, or renting a room in someones house, or get a cheap van and live in it? Put your junk in storage, and sleep on the street, do something!

You were dumb enough to let that sleazy employer con you into thinking they were looking after you. What they did is screwed you by preventing you from filing a wage claim that carries penalties, and than they could fire you afterward for your post here on ROR.com as that is NOT covered under any whistleblower protection.

You are just dumb. That's the problem here.


United States of America
Why would you post some crap like that???

#15Author of original report

Sun, April 08, 2012

 #1 I lived in a Motel & Wa. State has strict tennant laws #2 NO I DONT USE METH OR OTHER DRUGS thank you, & finally I come From Pinellas County Florida a*****e So. You Figure it out Sounds like your 1 of Tim Sterns Side Companies......GOOD LUCK ON THAT 1....  

Blackhawk Maintenance, LLC


#16Consumer Comment

Sun, April 08, 2012

Look, someone from Ace made a new log on.

Blackhawk Maintenance, LLC

So goes it

#17Consumer Comment

Sun, April 08, 2012

Ace Industrial Supply screws thier customers and employees.  The owner is a crook and the whole company is a fraud.

Southern Chemical and Equipment LLC

Seems like they conned you...and you let it happen

#18Consumer Comment

Sat, April 07, 2012

I can see that there are several factors here affecting your life.

Poor decision making and not getting educated BEFORE doing things.

The first that is obvious is that you are an impulsive hothead.

The second is that you are financially irresponsible as living that close to being on the street is just plain stupid. I know people fall on hard times, as I have certainly been there. BUT, you need to adapt by whatever means possible to live within your means.

If a one DAY late paycheck can put you on the street, you need to step back and take a closer look at how you are living.

Furthermore, I know for a fact, no landlord can put you on the street like that and lock you out and sieze your belongings, UNLESS you are living in a MOTEL. California has some of the most deadbeat tenant friendly laws in the entire country. I know that for a fact.

Much more to the story here.

Maybe METH is a problem for you? What's your vice that puts you in such a desperate situation?


United States of America
What the F%^K

#19Author of original report

Sat, April 07, 2012

You lying a**hole$ I did not have direct deposit, YOUR MANAGER SCREWED US ALL on our checks on that friday he just hauled a*s you are a lying bunch of scumbags inc. Tim Bryan & Tim Sterns, Just to let the consumers know when I found out they scam their employees & threatened to file complaints on this Co. Tim Bryan FIRED ME thats against the Wa. State Whistleblowers protection act THATS A FEDERAL VIOLATION OF THE EOEE...LOOK IT UP you all are SCUM.!!! You Scam your Customers & your Employees   

Compliance Officer

United States of America
Sorry to hear of your hardship

#20UPDATE Employee

Fri, April 06, 2012

Ace Industrial Supply employs over 400 individuals.  We understand that times are hard for many people.  It is very unfortunate to hear that a delay in your direct deposit had such a negative impact on your entire livelihood. As stated in your post, we do pay every employee on a weekly basis.  We have heard that some banks are delayed when receiving the direct deposit.  We have no direct control on an institutions policies, but our owner is very involved with the growth and success of all the employees within Ace Industrial Supply.  Unfortunately, it sounds as though you are no longer employed with us.  We do hope things get better and wish you all the success you deserve.


David Meininger
Operations Manager

Report Attachments


They got off Cheap

#21Consumer Comment

Fri, March 16, 2012

Of course they went out of their way !!!!

Federal labor laws say you are entitled to 3X amount owed for non timely payment of wages.

Look it up, used it myself against a scumbag employer.

And once the feds find out they would be sniffing around to see if it was common place, then you are talking about BIG a** rape dollars.

Blackhawk Maintenance, LLC

But they still screw the customer

#22Consumer Comment

Wed, January 25, 2012

Glad they made right with you.  But I doubt they will make it right with all the customers they have screwed.


United States of America
ACE MAKES RIGHT/ Submitted by the employee that was wronged

#23Author of original report

Sat, January 21, 2012

I will say this, when all this happened I was EXTREMELY pissed off by not being able 2 pay my bills, and having to walk around in the snow all nite (because I lost my place to live by not being paid on time) but, Tim Bryan @ the Olympia Wa.  Satellite location Mgr. talked w/ me @ 8:15 am the next day when I came in to see if Ace was going to make right, HE WENT ABOVE & BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY HERE, We were pretty much both emotional about this situation, Not only did Tim Bryan, make me REALIZE that even though we are pissed off, we have to realize that s**t happens, that we cant control. He even offered to take the $ out of his PERSONAL bank acct. to make right, AND DID !!!!!! so from here I RELINQUISH My report here, they made what I will consider RIGHT in my situation so even though I had to walk around all nite in the snow, I personally feel that the wrong was made right...   

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