  • Report:  #568371

Complaint Review: Addy's Harbor Dodge Mike Addy Auto Group - Myrtle Beach South Carolina

Reported By:
CW - Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, U.S.A.

Addy's Harbor Dodge Mike Addy Auto Group
Hwy 501 East Myrtle Beach, 29577 South Carolina, United States of America
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So I decide I want to trade for a newer vehicle. First red flag was when this dealer offered me $1500 for my trade in book valued at $6000. Communications Error #1. Then the fact the dealer had three different prices on 3 different websites and a 4th price at the dealer. Not a good sign. The person I had been speaking with named Elizabeth was no longer able to speak with me as she wasn't a salesman. It seems this online Black Book Value thing was all a scam to get you in there. So after speaking personally with the owner, I was told he was sorry that these errors had happened and that my salesman had been a jerk. Communications Errors..... "Please can I let another sales man call you and we start over? The economy is bad and people are just short sometimes"

So I agree only to come to the dealer ...............and have the same d**n salesman meet me at the door and say he was sorry for the "Communications Errors" What am I going to do??  Be a jerk and say "But Mr Addy said"" No I act like a grown up and deal with this jackle for a second time. I was given the opportunity to drive one car and one car only. I am disabled and have trouble walking, the salesman just could not understand that. If they were going to bring up a car, I better tell them which car I wanted. Looking back, it appears I am a stupid person BECAUSE I SHOULD HAVE WALKED AWAY so many many times.

I liked the Jeep Patriot. I made the mistake of telling the sales manager I had my car and $8500 to spend. So thus my trade value became the price of the car mine $8500.00. In other words they got me for every dime I had.

But I think I got a good deal... The salesman let me be under the impression this car had a lifetime pour train warranty. He neglected to tell me that was only for the original owner and not transferable. So did the Chrysler commercials that used to air to advertise it. They made me feel really stupid about it.. But not to worry, I found out quick because I basically started taking the car back the next week for things. First a knocking coming from the rear end. I was told that was the spare tire rattling and they tightened it (Three times- the 4th time it was out of warranty and then something else totally different but I ll get to that later.)

The fan started making a noise and I called and was told it was probably a leaf in the vent and if it was I would be charged $100. I called and spoke to the service manager and he said ok he would look and if it was a leaf he wouldn't charge me $100.   What a nice guy. Guess what it wasn't a leaf, it was the fan motor and it had to be replaced.

Then I started noticing the strange smell like burning gum coming from under the car, their solution?  they spray deodorant in the vents YUCK!!!!!! Made the car undrivable for weeks. But the bubble gum smell eventually burned off as I think it was oil they spilled when changing it.

Now comes the fun part. I bought this car in September of 2009. It did not and usually doesn't rain much here in the SOutheast in the Fall. All of a sudden around Thanksgiving I start getting rear floorboards full of water. It was odd because the rear drivers side was missing that floor mat and that is exactly where it leaked. Hmm, strange so it must have done this before and someone had taken the floor mat out.

I called Chrysler Customer Service and was first told they would pay for it as a courtesy goodwill gesture, upon a diagnosis even though the car was out of factory warranty..  However,,,

I once again returned to Addy's Dodge and was told their was no detectable leak, however since I did have water in the floorboard, they would take the car apart at a price of $90 an hour and try to find the leak. And to top it off since there was no diagnosis, Chrysler renigged and told me I was on my own!

I immediately went to the GM Alex Gordon and told him, this was not fair, I had spent a lot of money on this car, and had tried to return in within two weeks of buying it, I had tried to trade it back and even at a loss, they refused. The sale manager there has been there so long he has an attitude that he can not be fired and Alex Gordon seems to have email trouble. My calls and emails not returned even when I offered to trade it back for a loss, a substantial loss, another COMMUNICATIONS Error. I have had it. I am not important since they got my money and I believe they know the car leaked because the car was supposed to be reconditioned yet was curiously missing the floor mat where the leak was.

But now I have even more trouble, THE SMELL OF GAS coming in the cabin. You get the point, the car is junk. If I wanted trouble, I would have bought a cheap car. The salesman told me it was sa good car and there is also what is called a warranty of merchantability. Addys GM with all his degrees, doesn't seem to know that that is. It just makes me so mad that they wont even call me back. Enjoy my money though cause you wont get another dime ever.

I will tell anyone DO NOT BUY A CAR FROM ADDY's HARBOR DODGE. These people do not deserve your business and from my experience once they have your money, your calls are not returned and the service SUX!

They tried to make everything my fault like I am some car expert. Then all these " Communications Errors" are strange because they have a large support staff that calls and pesters you when you inquire about a car or when it is service time. Other then that, if they are not in the position to MAKE A KILLIN off of you, they cant be bothered. This is my personal experience with this dealer.

I m now on my own with a car less then 2 years old that has a bad leak somewhere in the frame.

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