  • Report:  #761251

Complaint Review: Adult Protective Services - Austin Texas

Reported By:
Dawn - Pflugerville, Texas, USA

Adult Protective Services
14000 Summit Dr #100 Austin, 78728 Texas, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We sure do like to talk out of our butts.  All over the net there's group after group attempting to raise awareness about "stopping the cycles of abuse".  This is just a blank statement because even in 2011 there's still no help what-so-ever to do so.

I explain in another report that over 7 years ago I lost another job, my mom, my family & another boyfriend in about a month.  What I mean by this is we realized my mom was even sick 12/24/03 & she was dead by 1/24/04 of lung cancer.  I'd told my employers she had cancer but this didn't stop them from yelling at me in front of customers & co-workers alike when I got an emergency phone call...so I quit on the spot.  At the hospital an older 1/2 brother spent around 3 weeks slandering me to anybody who'd listen so he could be the admin of her estate.  Nobody defended me.  So after mom's funeral I disowned my entire mentally ill family.  The weekend after her funeral my boyfriend thought he'd force me to go shopping, cook & watch the Superbowl with him...knowing I hate sports.  When I refused he took off for several hours.  He came back even drunker then he was when he left & just as ticked off.  That night he hit me in the back a couple of times...supposedly in his sleep.  So the next day he came home to his stuff sitting on the porch waiting for him.

I was sick before all this.  Afterwards I'm disabled.  But I had a 15 year old to finish raising.  And after years of seeing people disrespect me & get away with it...no defense or consequences...she's been a walking behavioral since she could walk.  Of course we tried therapy!  Maybe if they'd dragged in the whole mentally ill lot it might've done us some good.  But they don't.

Even with insurance the chances of running into a greedy & corrupt quack who leaves you to rot so they can earn a living are too great.  There's a 2 year statute of limitations on how long we've got to sue somebody.  There should be one on how long they've got to leave you to rot.  But at least with insurance you can move on to the next 'til you find one who isn't greedy & corrupt.

Please don't mistake Medicaid or even worse MAP for real health insurance.  They might be fine for kids with colds but for people with serious health problems they're a total joke.  You're limited to quacks or clinics who accept them.  And most of the clinics are college clinics...quacks in training.

I wanted my child to have real health insurance.  And I wanted help hauling her around & help fighting so-called licensed pros to fix her.  Her biological father sent a check once a month & honestly believed that made him a responsible parent.  He never physically lifted a finger for her & I thought it was about time.  I called & asked him for help.  He promised it to us.  So we moved from OK to TX to learn he's a pathological liar.

After around 5 mo's I was broke & ready to go back home.  We don't have any help there either but at least I'm not totally lost.  My only child refused to go home with me.  She insisted on moving in with her dad & his family.  Between the fact I didn't think I'd see 40 & the fact I'm tired of fighting with the monster my family created...I let her go.

I couldn't even leave town before there were problems.  First my ex expected a 15 year old teenage girl to share a bedroom with him.  His sister & I both had to threaten him with CPS to get him to move out.  Next he got in a wreck & killed someone with my kid in the car.  He was ordered by the police that night to take her to therapy but he never has.  Now she's 22 & still refuses to drive & get a driver's license.

While I was gone my ex still didn't get her insurance.  He didn't even bother with Medicaid or MAP.  He did the one thing I told him not to do.  He dumped his elderly mom & clinically proven insane sister on my high school student & expected her to play their caregiver.  They didn't appreciate my junior tyrant ordering them around their own house...so there was almost constant fighting.  My child would call people on the emergency call list to be blown off.  She went to school telling friends she wished she was dead.  The school called CPS.

CPS didn't show up 'til after I got back & we were both forced to live with her father & his family.  Then they recommended we take her to therapy.  They should've insisted he take her to therapy & also take classes like parenting & anger management for example.  And they should've come back a few months later to make sure he did.  But they didn't.

Once I moved in I got to see the abuse, neglect & exploitation first hand.  One of the only things my ex is good at is dumping his responsibilities.  He dumped his 1st illegitimate child on his elderly mom & crazy sister to raise.  When the child was about grown he started doing drugs...stealing from the house to pay for his habit.  Rather then take him to therapy my ex moved home, beat the boy & kicked him out & moved himself in.

My ex called himself their caregiver but in reality he's a mooch.  The house was paid for before his father died.  His mom paid the taxes & insurance.  My ex thought paying a few bills made the house his & he ruled it like a tyrant.  He dumped mom on sis & sis on mom.  He came home long enough to rant & rave at everybody before watching a lil TV & passing out.

I've seen him push & yank his mom around her own house.  He hit his sister so hard it chipped some teeth & knocked others out.  She called the police on him but they made her out crazy so if anybody was hauled off it was her.  When we saw anything my kid & I both cussed him out.  So he tried to tower over us...yell obscenities & threats in our faces.  The only thing keeping him from hitting one of us is he knows the very least I'll do is call the police.

I called APS thinking his mom would be better off in a nursing home but they blew us off.  I called MHMR thinking his sister would be better off in an assisted living center or group home but they blew us off.  Domestic violence shelters blew us off.  Homeless shelters blew us off.  DHS blew us off.  And a HUD dump refused to rent to me because the first apartment we lived in here screwed me over & ruined my credit.  There's no emergency housing in TX.  So all these Gov't/State agencies & orgs we've created to help people blow them off.

Next thing you know my ex's crazy sister was sick.  I told several members of her family to take her to the doctor but they blew me off.  Then one night her other brother came over & they got into an argument.  She went off to her room & slammed the door behind her.  Moments later we heard a loud crash.  I told her brother he should check in on her but he blew me off & left.  It took me 4 days to get her sister to go in there with me...& we found her dead from a massive heart attack.  Needless to say it was a closed casket funeral.

After her funeral I called the very 1/2 brother who'd slandered me the whole time our mom was dying & begged him for help...he came & got us.  Before he showed up I learned not only had my ex been slandering me to strangers...so had my only child.  He's been telling people for years that I'm his ex-wife when we weren't even common law married.  And although he told me to have an abortion...he's telling everybody including her that I wanted one.  If I wanted one she wouldn't be here.  Finally he's trying to make me out worthless welfare trash when in fact I'm disabled per the US Gov't (I won SSDI).  I had to fight with a few total strangers, threaten to call the police & then drag my kid home kicking & screaming.

She somehow graduated.  Months after she graduated I won SSDI.  During all this my ex's last living sister got custody of their mom, got POA over her & kicked my ex out of her house.  He started calling my kid offering her the moon & the stars to get her back here again hoping that having a caregiver around would help him get his mom back so he could continue living in a rent free house.  So about 3 mo's after I won SSDI my only child dumped me in one of the worst HUD dumps our town has to offer so she could come back to an abusive/neglectful/exploitative pathological liar.

Months after she left me this HUD dump kicked me out.  I'll talk about that elsewhere.  Just before I had to move I got a section 8 housing voucher I could transfer anywhere.  I had it transferred here so I could come keep an eye on my lil psycho.  She's just as bad as he is so if she ever has kids I'll be reporting her next.  She was supposed to make some phone calls.  He was supposed to drive us around.  Yet I get here & I'm dumped on a child molester so he could exploit me too.

I called the housing authority & they blew me off.  I called apartment locators & they blew me off.  For 3 mo's, rather then prepare for his upcoming case over molesting his own daughter, my enforced roomie stayed drunk & chased a 15 year old girl...telling us she was 17.  When he spoke of bringing this kid over for a roll in the hay I cussed him out.  I told him he was an idiot & I'd sleep in a tent before being a party to this.  So he decided to take off...& he took the 15 year old with him.  My ex dropped them off at the bus station...with my kid in the car.  When we heard the kid was only 15 my ex reported them.  So the minute they stepped off the bus they were arrested.  First this man went to jail for the kidnapping then he went to prison for molesting his own daughter.

I was abandoned in a house I can't afford.  My ex & kid needed a house.  So this was the perfect situation for them.  I called APS & told them to get me out before they ever moved in.  Of course several years later there's still no emergency housing.  There's also no help trying to apply for various HUD dumps...they don't understand 1/2 blind, night blind & totally lost anymore then my ex does.  There's group homes at $400/mo which I can't afford considering I get less then $800/mo.  Plus what am I supposed to do what's left of my once brand new furniture?  I said since you can't help me then send me home where there's plenty of housing.  First they said they would.  Then when they realized the expense they decided slander, mental abuse, neglect & exploitation wasn't enough to warrant the expense.

Sure enough my ex moved in & dumped everything right back in my lap.  He dumped a large house full of junk into a small house & refuses to trash things & organize whatever's left over.  His dog has fleas which he passed on to our cats & now the house is full of them.  My ex refuses to do anything about this.  He still won't take her to get on MAP & haul her to the quacks & shrinks.  He won't even buy her food...that's up to me & the Gov't (food stamps).  I've told him repeatedly since he's the renter he needs to deal with the owner & his employees he sends here to fix things but he refuses to do this.   He refuses to worry about my car (oil changes - etc) yet insists I taxi our kid & also use my car to haul trash to a dumpster rather then paying for trash service.  On top of this - this is only a 2 bedroom so my kid's been sleeping on my couch this whole time.

My only child, who's spent the last 22 years watching people disrespect me & get away with it, now thinks she can do the same.  She's 22 & still refuses to drive & get a driver's license.  She also refuses to walk or ride a bus.  She refuses to go to college.  She refuses to work.  She refuses to organize/clean.  She refuses to apply for her own Gov't assistance.  She refuses to locate her own licensed pros, make appts & get herself back & forth.  She refuses to do anything but sit in front of the TV or net.  She pushes me around.  She talks to me like I'm a dog.  She exploits me just like her dad did his mom.  And she steals from me.

She's too old for Medicaid & again her psycho dad won't get her on MAP.  I was forced to take her to a freebie mental health clinic...which I did twice in a row...to have them tell me she's just fine because they don't have the funds to deal with her.  Since they refuse to diagnose her no attorneys will help us get disability on her so she can quit mooching off me.  Again no one will help us so I've even written local politicians...to have them tell me to call 211 like I was born just yesterday.  Calling 211 don't make housing available where there's none. 

Even their DHS is screwing me over.  First they refuse to get me out & then they say that because I'm stuck here I get $250 more a month then I actually do.  This knocks me over the limit to get Medicaid.  They pay my $100 Medicare bill but no deductibles or co-pays.

I've even tried reporters...to no avail.

Just this week I called APS again & told them if you can't get me out or send me home at least force these 2 into therapy & classes.  They refuse.

If you ever thought about moving to TX think again.  Someone you dumped before your child was ever born can completely destroy them & get away with it...no consequences.  TX agencies & orgs & the case-managers, social workers & advocates who fill them are getting paid to push papers around their desks.  They sure aren't helping anyone.

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