  • Report:  #1057505

Complaint Review: A&G Rentals - Houma Louisiana

Reported By:
Nick - Morgan City, Louisiana,

A&G Rentals
101 Midland Drive Houma, 70360 Louisiana, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

A & G Rentals is a company owned by Shane Alfred and Lonney Gaudet. Around 2007 they purchased the rental property that my home resides on. I have only met Lonny Gaudet once. I met him and Shane Alfred when they went door-to-door notifying tenants of their purchase of the property. Shane Alfred I have met only twice. The time when he and Lonny Gaudet introduced their self and once when I had to go to his office at Conrad Industries to make a payment.

Around the middle of December 2011 I had to make a payment. I made the payment at Shane Alfred's HR office at Conrad Industries. Mr. Alfred made a comment of, "What are your intentions?" I asked him to clarify. He made this statement out of the blue. He then asked, "What are your intentions with your trailer?" I asked him to be more specific. He finally said what was on his mind. He made an inaccurate statement that my trailer was the worst looking one in the trailer park. This is a completely inaccurate statement. The fact of the matter is that my mobile home does not look as nice as the outside of his overpriced rental trailers which he charges $650/month for the rental of the trailer and small lot space.

I stated to Mr. Alfred that when I would receive my income tax I would be doing work on my trailer. He replied, "You have three months." I had assumed three months from around income tax time. After all, if you are giving someone three months to do work and they have stated they will not have any money to do such work until two months later, then you are really not giving them three months.

On February 28, 2012 I received a certified letter with the return address of A & G Rentals but the name of "Creative Properties." In the envelope was a letter from A & G Rentals that stated because of the condition of my trailer that I had six months to vacate the property. I noticed that the letter was very unprofessionally typed. First was the mixing of company names. The envelope stated Creative Properties but with the address of A & G Rentals. The letterhead as well as the closing salutation was A & G Rentals. Next was a lack of a date. There was no date anywhere on the letter indicating the date that it was typed. Next was referring to me as "Tenant" instead of a more professional tone of "Mr. Hillebran." Finally, the letter was not signed. The closing salutation was simply typed as "A & G Rentals, LLC" with the listing of the principals of the LLC: Shane Alfred and Lonny Gaudet.

Upon receiving this letter I called Shane Alfred to ask him what was going on. After all, he did state I had three months. His response was, "It's close enough." In other words, Shane Alfred has no problem lying and going back on his word. To him an entire three weeks means nothing. I see this as a very untrustworthy businessman. How can you tell someone three months and then three weeks before this date you go back on your word because it's "close enough" to the deadline?

I informed Shane Alfred that the trailer had been pressure washed and the following weekend it would be painted. He stated that more work needed to be done. I asked what kind of work could be done to the exterior of the trailer other than painting it and putting up lattice. All he would say was that more improvements would need to be done. I asked what additions he was speaking of and even asked him to be specific. His only response still was that more work needed to be done. It seems to me that Shane Alfred was simply giving me the runaround.

Shane Alfred then proceeded to make the false claim that my yard was a mess. I asked him how was it a mess. I didn't really have anything in my yard. I have a porch, two vehicles (that are operational and regularly used), and a propane tank. That's it. Just as with the question about improvements on the trailer, Shane Alfred gave me the runaround. He would never say how my yard was a mess. All he would respond with would be, "Your yard's just a mess."

I told Shane Alfred that I could not afford to have my trailer moved. The cost of moving a trailer is around $1200 (that's just within the city of Morgan City). He made a comment of "Well I'll move it for you." I asked what he meant by that statement. He replied, "Like I said, I'll move it for you." I then asked him if he would move it anywhere I needed it to be moved. As you have probably already guessed Shane Alfred gave me the runaround yet once again. All he would say is he would move it for me. Based upon his greedy and unethical principles, I took it in a negative way. In the past, when a tenant could not move their trailer he would have it torn down and hauled off. If this was the case then why was Shane Alfred not man enough to say this?

I finally ended the conversation as it was obvious to me that Shane Alfred is an individual that cannot answer the most simple of questions. All he can do is give people the runaround. His reason for wanting to kick me out is simple: Shane Alfred has a lust for money (AKA greed). Shane Alfred wants to kick people like me out (those that own their own trailer) so he can move in overpriced rental trailers in. He only gets $150/month for lot space. With his position as HR Director at Conrad Industries he could easily get tenants from the influx of immigrants in to the local area, in particular the marine fabrication industry (such as Conrad Industries).

He has sent letters to other residents notifying them that he will be steadily increasing the lot rent from the $150. He states that the reason is because of increased insurance costs and continued improvements done on the trailer park. Insurance costs, possible. Improvements? No! Since taking over the trailer park he has done the following:

  •     Put rocks in the driveway of tenants. This was done only once when he took over the property. Never again.  Those rocks have long since washed away years ago.
  • Put a wooden fence around the trailer park. While it may make it look nice, it does nothing for the tenants. At this point, though, the fence looks drab as if it's falling apart.
  • When he bought the property he expanded the sewage and water so he could have more properties to rent out. Once again, nothing for the tenants.
  • The paved roads in the trailer park are still very narrow. Two small vehicles cannot pass at the same time without having to drive in to a tenants yard. This is the same pavement that has been in the trailer park for over 15 years from the previous owner of the property.  Pavement is still full of cracks.

In the letter Shane Alfred makes it as if he has done so much for the tenants in the trailer park and very poorly attempts to validate the cost increase for his greed. He did not increase my rent, but I guess that is because he knows I'll be out of the trailer park anyway.

What amazes me is that this man is the HR Director of Conrad Aluminum (a company of Conrad Industries), a major oilfield fabrication company in the Morgan City, LA area. Being in the position of an HR Director of Conrad Industries, to me, is the face of the company. Such a position should be assigned to an individual that has morals and ethics. From what I have observed thus far, I do not believe that Shane Alfred has any morals or ethics. The only thingI feel he has is a lust for greed and a very dishonest personality. He has no issues with lying to people. Then, when questioned about his lies he gives people the runaround.

Is this the type of person that is to represent Conrad Industries? While I understand that a company cannot be held responsible for the actions of their employees in their private life, I do believe that when you put someone in a position such as HR Director that such a person should be able to represent the company by their actions. If Conrad Industries were being represented by the business ethics (or lack thereof) of Shane Alfred then one would assume that Conrad Industries is one that only cares about money. Conrad Industries would be a company that has no business ethics. A company that would have no issues with lying to employees, clients, and others. Then, when questioned about it they would give said persons the runaround. Or, as I have seen corporations do, just hide behind a crooked attorney.

Shane Alfred, HR Director of Conrad Aluminum (a company of Conrad Industries) seems to think that he's above the law.  Shane Alfred had my mobile home illegally removed by a mobile home moving and sales company called JDS Mobile Homes (search ROR for my ROR report of JDS Mobile Homes) out of Berwick, LA. In Louisiana there's a three-step process to eviction:

  1. Landlord must give a notice to vacate (LA CCP 4701)
  2. If tenant does not vacate or vacate their property then a request for a hearing must be filed with the local Justice of the Peace (which we don't have in Morgan City, LA) or filed in the local court (LA CCP 4731). This procedure was NOT followed by Mr. Shane Alfred nor his business partner Lonny Gaudet.
  3. If tenant does not vacate property or vacate with their property as ordered by court or JP, then they can be forcefully evicted by law enforcement (LA CCP 4732).

Shane Alfred followed the first procedure (LC CCP 4701) with the illegal eviction notice I received on February 28, 2012. Around September 12, 2012 Shane Alfred posted two noticed on the front door of my mobile home. The first one appeared to be a modified version of the original eviction notice that I received on February 28, 2012. The original eviction notice was not dated or had any signatures on it. The one Shane Alfred posted around September 12, 2012 was dated at the top with "2/24/2012" and the bottom contained his signature.  It did not contain the signature of the other owner, Lonny Gaudet.

On September 25, 2012 I phone Shane Alfred to inquire in regards to him having my trailer illegally moved. Mr. Shane Alfred responded that it was legal because he had given me several months notice. I responded by letting him know time was irrelevant. It didn't matter if he had given me several years' notice. He seems to think that just because he followed one part of the law that he can simply ignore the rest of the law. There's a reason for the laws. You can't pick and choose which steps to follow.

I notified Mr. Shane Alfred that I would be seeking legal action against him for his violation. He responded, "OK. That's fine." He seems to not care that legal action will be sought against him for his violations. He also seems to think that he can ignore the law because he gives someone more time that is required to vacate.

On October 11, 2012 about 3:45 P.M. I contacted JDS Mobile Homes in regards to their moving of my mobile home. The lady said she would have to talk to her boss. She took down my name and phone number. By Monday, October 15, 2012 I had received no return call from JDS Mobile Homes. At around 12:45 P.M. on October 15, 2012 I phoned JDS Mobile Homes again. This time a male answered. He stated that everyone was at lunch. I explained to him the situation. He responded that I should talk to Shane Alfred about the matter. The issue is that Shane Alfred, to my knowledge, is not the one in possession of my mobile home. JDS Mobile Homes is in possession of my mobile home. He asked for my name and phone number and said he'd get someone to call me. I never received a returned call from JDS Mobile Homes. I had left my home and cell phone number.

On October 10, 2012 AT 2:09 P.M. I sent a certified letter to Mr. Shane Alfred and Mr. Lonny Gaudet. The letter of demand spelled out their violations and gave them the opportunity to resolve the matter out of court. The letter was submitted to the address that is used by the company for payments (P.O. Box 2815, Morgan City, LA, 70381). Per the USPS the letter was received on October 15, 2012 at 11:53 A.M. Per the return receipt I received, the letter was signed for by Shane Alfred. In the letter I gave Shane Alfred and Lonny Gaudet two weeks (14 days) from the date of the receipt of the letter to respond.

On October 26, 2012 I made another attempt to contact JDS Mobile Homes. Past two attempts proved unfruitful as I had not received any calls back. I spoke with the secretary. I found out that my mobile home was moved on September 21, 2012. I notified the secretary that the mobile home was illegally removed as Shane Alfred did not follow proper procedure (i.e. LA CCP 4731).

On October 30, 2012 I personally delivered to JDS Mobile Homes a questionnaire that involves answers I would need answers to should I decide to seek legal action agasint Shane Alfred.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012, was the last day that Shane Alfred and Lonny Gaudet had to respond to the proposal I had sent via certified mail. I gave them two weeks from the date they signed for the certified letter to respond. I have yet to receive any type of communication from Shane Alfred or Lonny Gaudet. I guess they believe that they are so right in their illegal actions that they can simply ignore any type of an attempt to resolve the matter out of court. In my opinion ignoring such a request is highly unprofessional of a business. If they believe they are so in the right then they could have at least responded to the proposal via a phone call or letter.

On November 13, 2012 I contacted Shane Alfred. I asked him what was going on. He ignored the certified letter I had sent him which he received on Ocobter 15, 2012. When I stated to him that he had ignored my letter he responded, "OK."

I then informed him that when I file suit it will be against him personally and not his LLC as at the time he took the actions his LLC was not in good standing with the Louisiana Secretary of State for failure to file annual filings. It appears that Mr. Shane Alfred and Eugene (Lonny) Gaudet decided to finally file their reports. According to the Louisiana Secretary of State the last time the report was filed was on September 13, 2012, almost two months after it was due.

This is no surprise to me. Mr. Shane Alfred seems to be so arrogant that it seems as if he feels he doesn't have to answer to anyone. He ignores the State of Louisiana. He completely ignored my certified letter. A very unprofessional individual in my opinion.

When I notified Mr. Shane Alfred of his corporation's status he responds in a cocky voice, "You need to look again." Well, I had just looked (November 15, 2012 at 3:44 P.M.) and it STILL said that his business was not in good standing with the state. Therefore, I think Mr. Shane Alfred needed to look again (if he even looked the first time).

Another thing Mr. Shane Alfred doesn't realize is how the law works. Even if his corporation's status would become "in good standing" before I any suit would be filed.  It's irrelevant. The way the law works is that anything you do while your corporation is not in good standing you are personally liable for and are NOT afforded the legal protection of an incorporated business.

I then ask Mr. Shane Alfred about my porch. There was a porch attached to my mobile home. He stated that I needed to contact JDS Mobile homes about the porch. On November 13, 2012 at 11:01 A.M. I phoned JDS Mobile Homes. I spoke to the secretary that I had originally given the questionnaire to on October 30, 2012. She remembered me, took my name and phone number down, and said someone would call me back. As you might have already guessed it, I never received any response back from JDS Mobile Homes. If the company did tear down my porch and discarded the materials the porch was made of then I will be filing criminal charges against the company for destruction of private property and theft of private property.

I did write a letter to Conrad Industries. As I have previously-stated on this report, I cannot feel a company to be trustworthy when they have someone such as Shane Alfred in a position such as HR Director. A person that has no problems lying to people, going back on his word, having such an arrogant and heartless attitude that it clouds normal logical judgment.  The letter was sent via first-class postal mail.  I never received a response from Mr. John P. Conrad, Jr.  Even if the letter somehow got lost in the mail I still cannot see how any higher-ups could not see the crookedness of Shane Alfred.

Out of curiosity, I just checked the incoroporation status of Conrad Aluminum, LLC.  It appears that the incorporation status is "Not in good standing due to failure to file annual reports."  The last report was filed on August 19, 2011.  Hmmm.. Maybe this is why Shane Alfred still has his job.  The company he works for appears to be just as careless as him when it comes to keeping up-to-date on filings.

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