  • Report:  #401520

Complaint Review: AllSportsMarket (.NET) - Hamish Webb (Hostingboy.net) - Internet

Reported By:
- Washington, District of Columbia,

AllSportsMarket (.NET) - Hamish Webb (Hostingboy.net)
P.O. Box 3225 Christchurch, South Island 8015, New Zealand Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The following was sent by U.S. Counsel for Crystal World Holdings, Inc. of Washington, D.C. (USA) on December 4, 2008 via email and worldwide courier to Mr. Webb in New Zealand.

Deadline for response is December 15, 2008 before further legal action will be initiated per U.S. and International anti-cyberpiracy and anti-cybersquatting laws:

Crystal World is the owner of, among other things, the intellectual property rights associated with the services offered through the AllSportsMarket.com website. As you are aware, since at least as early as 2003, a variety of unique global sports exchange financial services have been offered on the AllSportsMarket.com website under the ALLSPORTSMARKET mark. In addition to its common law service mark rights acquired through such use, Crystal World is also the owner of U.S. Trademark Applications Serial Nos. 77/294794 and 77/289006 for the ALLSPORTSMARKET mark.

It is our understanding that you are a former member of the AllSportsMarket.com website, and that you registered the AllSportsMarket.net domain name (the Domain Name) with full knowledge of Crystal World's rights thereto and in a deliberate attempt to mislead consumers. Crystal World previously informed you of its objections to your registration of the Domain Name and demanded that you transfer the Domain Name to Crystal World. You have not complied with these demands, and are now purporting to use this domain name as a forum on which you spread false or misleading information regarding our client. We believe that your actions and use of the Domain Name in this manner constitute, among other things, bad faith and blatant cyberpiracy in violation of the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act of 1999.

Further, your use of the Domain Name is likely to cause consumers to be confused, misled, and deceived into believing that the website accessible through the Domain Name is related to, sponsored, or endorsed by Crystal World or Allsportmarket.com. The Domain Name merely incorporates the ALLSPORTSMARKET mark with a generic top-level domain (gTLD). The inclusion of such generic terms in a domain name does not serve to distinguish the domain name from the underlying mark but instead creates a direct association with the underlying mark. See SPTC, Inc. and Sotheby's v Private Whois for sothebys.org, FA0810001228526 (Nat. Arb. Forum, Nov. 26. 2008) (finding the addition of a gTLD is irrelevant when considering whether a domain name is identical to a mark); see also Assurant, Inc. v. Hank Hawes, FA1081179 (Nat. Arb. Forum Nov. 5, 2007) (finding the assurantsolutions.net domain name to be identical to the ASSURANT SOLUTIONS mark).

As you may be aware, a person having a bad faith intent to profit from a domain name that is identical or confusingly similar to a third party's mark or is dilutive of a famous mark, may be liable in a civil action for statutory damages of between $1,000 and $100,000 per domain name under 35 U.S.C. 1117(d) and 1125(d). Further, the use of the ALLSPORTSMARKET mark in the AllSportsMarket.net domain name may constitute trademark or service mark infringement under 35 U.S.C. 1114(1) and 1125(a).

Crystal world holdings, inc.

Washington, District of Columbia


38 Updates & Rebuttals

Chris Rabalais

District of Columbia,
United States of America
AllSportsMarket.NET Returned to Rightful Owner

#2UPDATE Employee

Sun, December 19, 2010

Hamish Webb of Christchurch, New Zealand returned the hijacked domain to Crystal World Holdings, Inc. at no cost.

Crystal world holdings, inc.

District of Columbia,
AllSportsMarket/SportsRiskIndex Stakeholder Update (Cover Letter) 2.20.10

#3Author of original report

Sat, February 20, 2010

(This is the cover letter supplied to valid AllSportsMarket stakeholders. The documents referenced and additional materials will be provided to anyone following the instructions posted on the AllSportsMarket.com landing page.)

The purpose of this narrative and explanatory material is to provide a detailed comprehensive understanding of the nearly 7 years of history behind this venture. It is my desire and intent to paint a complete and accurate picture and leave no major questions open and unanswered. I will stick to elements that are backed by evidence and can be validated with additional material. If I am offering an opinion or personal view, I will clearly state this. With my personal experience as an Internet day-trader in the late 1990s and after some developmental work assisting a company that wrote sports betting software in the early 2000s, I had a brainstorm. Why was there no trading market for sports-based financial instruments? With the unbelievable appetite and soaring market for online sports books, why was there no regulated alternative to trade sports like stocks? In late 2001, I began sketching some notes and making drawings of what such a system would look like and how it would operate. During the years 2002-2003 with the programming help of Ace Underhill, a prototype of the trading environment was built and testing began. We hired a hosting provider in Vancouver, B.C. and uploaded the first version. At the time, I was living with my Costa Rican wife in Costa Rica. So, it made sense to establish our operations there. We formed Soluciones Globales Optimas, S.A. (SGO) as the operating entity. A translated copy of the original incorporation documents is included in the documents folder and is titled: SGOCorpDocs. I sought and received legal permanent resident status. Ive included a copy of my cedula in the documents folder. For approximately 1 year we beta tested the platform and prepared to go live. On August 9, 2004, the market was started. The initial reception was overwhelming. We dealt with a whole host of technical, operational and procedural issues in those opening months. Since the market ran 24 hours per day/7 days per week, it was a non-stop around-the-clock job to keep everything in order. Since nothing like this had ever been attempted, we were heading down a new path and nobody knew what the next day would hold. For me, there was one very clear statement: We proved the concept. From the very start, I was very public about our overall intentions and declared it in our mission statement. We would build a regulated and legitimate platform for trading sports-focused financial instruments. In my view, the AllSportsMarket platform represented a proof of concept and demonstration tool from which to evolve into the final product. The guiding light was my internal dedication and public disclosure of this intended path and final destination at every point along the way. The years 2005 and 2006 were consumed by the constant tweaking of the configuration and trying to maintain the general order of the marketplace. We established a compliance department (the STCC) and developed fraud-checking routines in the market operating software to detect suspicious activity, multiple accounts, manipulation and irregular trading patterns. To maintain banking compliance with international anti-terrorism and money laundering laws, we started requiring our clients to submit identity and tax information. There was a significant faction of the membership that were holding multiple accounts, gaming the system and in major breach of the operating Terms of Service. These accounts were frozen. I began intensely studying the legal landscape looking for jurisdictional certainty for the market we built. To the best efforts of our investigations, we could not find laws prohibiting or permitting our operation. To me, this was an unacceptable status and would never allow us to reach our full potential. I made a public plea on the trader notice board to be proactively contacted by anyone familiar with our platform who had high-level connections to any Government Regulatory body (U.S. or otherwise). The purpose was to find a way to conform our model to existing laws or potentially seek the modification or creation of new laws under which to operate with legal certainty. I felt sure that a global sports stock market had great value for the sports industry, would generate tax revenue and serve the public interest in a very positive way. Not long after making that initial public plea for help, we became engaged with Woods Rogers and Woods Roger Strategic Solutions (lobbying arm) of Richmond Virginia. In the folder Woods.Rogers, you will find both engagement letters, the work blueprint and a memo on exempt boards of trade. During our discussions with Woods Rogers, they advised us that we should bring in an expert from another firm in Washington, D.C. This was our first introduction to Paul Architzel of the blue-chip firm Alston and Bird. He was described to us as THE expert in our field and a gatekeeper to the CFTC decision makers in Washington. It was not long before we realized that our purposes would be better served by a direct relationship with Paul and Alston+Bird in Washington. So, we moved this ahead and engaged directly. Paul suggested that we hire Sharon Brown-Hruska, the former Bush appointed chair of the CFTC, as our lead economist and sports contract designer. Both engagement letters are contained in the folder: A+B.NERA.Engagement. The redacted portions were due to these letters being used during a critical development phase. The redacted names are: Sharon Brown-Hruska, Paul Architzel and United States Futures Exchange. The initial scope of the work involved studying the existing ASM platform to find a path to evolve the system and the instruments traded into the U.S. Regulatory space under existing law. Due to an event trigger on match win/loss, it was decided that we should develop a completely parallel platform and a new instrument alongside the running ASM market. Alper Ozgit, an early ASM enthusiast, CWH investor and SRI co-inventor, focused a portion of his doctoral thesis on the original ASM design. Ive included a copy in the documents folder titled: Performance Based Sports Derivatives. We also produced a short video summary and it is uploaded here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0d7E_TH6UfI. In early 2006, we received some major media coverage from the floor of the NYSE. A short clip is posted here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYIjgFOa9y8 With the understanding that we would be developing a parallel business to operate the U.S. market, Crystal World Holdings, Inc. (CWH) and Crystal World Markets, LLC (CWM) were formed under the direction of Paul Architzel at Alston+Bird. CWH would be the holding company for all intellectual property and the master entity. CWM would be a wholly owned subsidiary dedicated to the U.S. market development and operations. Both 2007 company formation documents are included in the folder along with our IRS tax number assignment notice. SGO (Costa Rica) would stand separately and continue to be the operating entity for the existing ASM platform. SGO would license any necessary intellectual property from CWH. Rainforest Internet Providers, S.A. (RF) would hold equivalent stakes in both SGO and CWH thereby vesting its own shareholders equally in the original ASM (SGO) and the developing U.S. operations (CWH). This arrangement fulfilled on the promise to vest stakeholders in the present business and future regulated market enterprises simultaneously. As time progressed through 2006 into 2007, it became apparent that we should focus our resources on CWH/CWM. Due to the continuing legal uncertainty of the existing ASM platform, we were advised by Paul Architzel at Alston and Bird to block U.S. clients. A copy of the legal opinion is provided in the documents folder titled: ASM.Model.Analysis. We agreed and made the necessary changes to prohibit the opening of accounts by U.S. persons. Prior to this, our U.S. client base represented about 75% of accounts. We were told that continuing to operate without legal certainty could jeopardize our efforts with CWH/CWM as well as create exposure. It was clear to me that the regulated U.S. market represented our future so the decision was clear. We would pull the plug on all marketing and advertising, restrict the U.S. clients and focus all our attention on CWH/CWM. We would continue to maintain the ASM platform and its legacy clients until a decision could be made on its future direction. We considered a number of configurations for operational bases in Europe and Asia focusing on markets other than the United States. In summary, the ASM market was put in a holding pattern and we pressed forward with great intensity on the U.S. market built on CWH/CWM. Interestingly, there is a California-based company that serves the U.S. market and has raised several million dollars to expand. Having spent a considerable sum on legal counsel and economics talent inside the beltway who were specifically responsible for the authoring and administration of financial regulation over the futures markets, I am at a loss on how they continue to operate in the United States. If you are interested, the site is OneSeason.com. They took many elements from our model and actually tried to steal one of our marks. We were successful in having them discontinue use. A copy of our communication via Counsel is included in the documents folder titled: OneSeason Cease and Desist. We decided to develop 2 families of products. One would be a binary contract on the selection of hosting sites for major sporting events such as the Olympics, World Cup and Super Bowl games. The flagship product would be an index contract that tracked the value of sports teams in terms of their financial health. Prior to starting the full development cycle, Paul Architzel advised that we should make a presentation directly to the CFTC to brief them on our product development ideas. The purpose was to find out if we would be wasting our time because of the subject matter: sports. A copy of that presentation is included in the folder titled: CFTC Presentation 09.25.07. The outcome was very positive. We were informed by the CFTC Division of Market Oversight staff that sports is a business like any other irrespective of the fact that playing games is part of their operations. We were provided some design guidelines and development moved into high gear. It was finally determined that redesigning ASM to carry these new instruments was financially and logistically impossible. It was also determined that building a new exchange and broker network was well beyond our capabilities overall. This opened the discussion of joining with a partner. At the time, Paul Architzel was also counsel to the startup futures exchange, United States Futures Exchange, based in Chicago. He arranged an introduction and detailed discussions and negotiations began shortly afterward. In the Winter of 2007 and Spring of 2008, Paul was involved in discussions within the CFTC. As a former top director of the CFTC for 20 years, Paul was still very close to the agency staff. He informed us that the CFTC would take up the subject matter our contracts were built around in the Summer of 2008. He advised that we respond to the CFTC request for public comment when it was published. On July 7, 2008 our comment authored by Paul and signed by me appeared in the Federal Register: http://www.cftc.gov/stellent/groups/public/@lrfederalregister/documents/frcomment/08-004c023.pdf At this point, everything begins to move really quickly. In July 2008, we receive the fully executed copy of a 3-year license agreement to carry our sports-focused financial products to the world pending final CFTC approval. We are now focused on the implementation processes and working our way down a market startup checklist. On a parallel track, we are discussing ideas on how to handle the existing ASM clients and where we should relocate to continue operation. The HostCitySelect and HostCountrySelect binary contracts are complete and we are making final data arrangements with Nielsen Media for a sample historical T.V. ratings data set to complete the flagship SportsRiskIndex (SRI) product. Ive included scans of the fully executed USFE contract including the FedEx envelope in a sub-folder: USFE Contract. Ive also included a copy of the Nielsen invoice for the historical data needed to complete the SRI formulation titled: Nielsen Invoice Dated 11.21.2008. At this point, all the elements were coming together to startup operations in Q1 2009. The big task at hand becomes the completion of the SRI formulation and filing for patent. The HCS binary contracts are complete but we will hold them for patent filing at a later time. Ive included the HCS submission documents to the CFTC in the sub-folder: HCS.Contract. The completed SRI combined with our license agreement with United States Futures Exchange operating under CWH/CWM would complete our development cycle and bring our nearly 7 year journey to a successful conclusion. Ideally we would end up with two separate running enterprises both owned by a common set of stockholders. The existing ASM would be migrated to a (most likely) European jurisdiction and CWH/CWM would startup operations as the first U.S.-based regulated trading market for sports-focused financial products: A Sports Stock Market. Then, the completely unexpected happens. The entire world economy begins to rapidly collapse. While continuing to complete the SRI formulation, finalize CFTC submission documents and prepare the SRI patent filing, I begin to notice that attempts to move the startup process ahead with USFE become increasingly difficult. The SRI submission to the CFTC is prepared. A copy is included in the SRI.Contract sub-folder along with real-world trading examples (titled: SRI.MLB.Trading). After many drafts and revisions, the SRI provisional patent is filed on December 22, 2008. 9 days later, USFE is unexpectedly terminated (http://www.usfe.com/) thereby voiding our contract and turning our business completely upside down. The immediate result is the total loss of financing. With this major piece of the business model bankrupt and horrid financial conditions around the globe, the risk profile becomes too high to continue financing by our principal funding partner. I must seek a new exchange to replace our now defunct agreement with USFE in order to have any chance of restoring our financing. Paul Architzel authored a CFTC status report document in an effort to assist securing new funding and a new exchange contract by detailing how close we were to completion when USFE failed. Ive included a copy of the March 2009 report in the document folder. It is titled: CFTC Status 03.04.09. The loss of financing for CWH resulted in the inability to continue supporting SGO. Over the past 10 months or so and continuing to this moment, Ive been working through the liquidation of SGO and potential ASM account settlement procedures. I maintain a public log here: http://gsfe.blogspot.com/. I am standing in the Acting President/CEO role of CWH/CWM pending a final decision from serious investment discussions underway. Ive included a spreadsheet that outlines the present stockholders of CWH along with a major remittances and payables detail. The document is titled: Crystal World Holdings - Cap Table + Payables + Remittances and is located in the root directory of the documents folder. There have been no Federal or Government of the District of Columbia tax returns filed yet as 2008 was the first full tax year for CWH. Included in the root directory of the document folder are copies of the three filed extension documents: 1. 2010.FP129A.Extension.Mailed.07.20.2009 (D.C.) 2. DC Form D20 Extension to 9.15.2009 (D.C.) 3. CWH Form 7004 2008 1120 Extension to 9.15.2009 (IRS) To continue the support of the ASM platform and provide funding for the expensive process of developing CWH and CWM, we were granted a credit line as a lien against the CWH preferred stock. Ive included a copy of the executed agreement titled: CreditLine.1 and CreditLine.2. The disbursements recorded until August 4, 2009 are outlined in the spreadsheet: CWHLoanDisbursementSheet08.04.09. Following the December 2008 unexpected failure of United States Futures Exchange, we have been busily redrafting our business plans. Ive included a copy of the most recent versions: CWH Exec Summary - Final - June 2009 and CWH Overview May 2008 in the documents folder. We are presently in serious negotiations with a private investment group from Toronto who has expressed interest in purchasing a controlling interest in CWH. As part of the due diligence process, weve supplied them with many of the same documents you now hold. For my part in developing this project, I have worked almost entirely without pay for nearly 7 years. The vast majority of my income resulted from royalty payments on personal intellectual property I own completely unrelated to (and pre-dating) this project. Ive included my 2005 1040 filed return and IRS transcripts for 2006, 2007 and 2008 along with a statement of payments from the remitter to back my claims (see: Christopher.Rabalais.Personal.Returns.2005-8) At the present time, I continue to work without benefit of pay to reassemble the business after the major setback in December 2008. On top of this, I am carrying in excess of $35,000 of personal debt from company direct expenses. This says nothing of approximately $100,000 I personally invested over the course of 6+ years. I am making these points to be abundantly clear of my motives and disposition as it relates to this enterprise. There was never any possibility of profit for me unless we succeeded in our goals and I accept that. I hope that this information has been helpful and Ill be happy to address any aspect of it as part of our August 29, 2009 Internet Teleconference. Sincerely, Chris P. Rabalais Acting President/C.E.O. Crystal World Holdings, Inc. Crystal World Markets, LLC August 17, 2009

Crystal World Holdings, Inc.

District of Columbia,
NOTICE (7.31.09): Registered AllSportsMarket Accountholders and Investors

#4Author of original report

Fri, July 31, 2009

All former ASM accountholders with valid registered compliant accounts are invited to attend a web teleconference and presentation to be held on Saturday August 29, 2009 at 10:00 A.M. U.S. E.D.T. The purpose of this event is to provide a comprehensive picture of ASM development from beta stage in 2003 through the present day holding open discussion and answering questions. All relevant matters will be covered including our milestones and successes along with our setbacks and failures. From the very start I promised that I would vest valid accountholders in the ultimate outcome of this project. I was nearly certain we would end up with something vastly different than what we initiated and we have. Since before the termination of trading on the platform, I have been working to reach a consensus among the stakeholders on a mechanism to settle all valid ASM accounts. To this date, I have been unsuccessful in this task. Although I feel that this promise made by me in the corporate capacity should be honored by the company, I can not force this outcome as I do not hold a majority stake. That leaves my personal holdings as the only currency available to make good on my promise. As well, I feel that this is something that can wait no longer. Therefore, I will be releasing my entire stake in Crystal World Holdings, Inc. of Washington, D.C. to a pool to be divided in proportion among all former valid ASM accountholders in full payment of their outstanding balances. The only exclusion is the previously issued ASMA1 positions. I will go into full detail on the web teleconference and answer questions. I am confident that once clarity is established and a full understanding is achieved, everyone will realize the value of this exchange and the enormous potential it represents. There will be no charges of any kind to make this exchange. If you are interested in participating, please send an email to [email protected] with the following details: a. Your complete name and address b. Your current email address c. Your current day phone number d. Your current evening phone number Only ASM clients who submitted all required GSFE disclosure and I.D. information and were cleared of fraud by the STCC will be permitted to attend. Your details above will be confirmed in our database and you will be sent specific non-transferable instructions for the web conference. As only a single login will be permitted with your unique code, sharing it will only result in your inability to attend yourself. Further details on the protocols and methods to submit questions and interact on the conference will be sent in the days leading up to the event. All information will be sent using the email your provide to us. Telephone numbers must be provided for any last minute notices and to access the telephonic portion of the program. Thank you for your time and I look forward to this important day. Kind regards, Chris P. Rabalais Founder

Share Scam

New Zealand

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, June 07, 2009

Claims are not unverifiable, as users can see clearly from this link http://www.sharescam.com/index.php/topic,167.msg675.html#msg675 It is an image of a post made by Chris Rabalais on his own forum stating trades before this post will not be reversed or penalized. Is this what you call not penalizing someone, stealing their entire account then publishing a whole pile of made up nonsense saying that Alex stole $70,000 from you? You make ridiculous claims that I some how stand to make money from sharescam's 1 banner ad. That banner earned 58 cents last month, nothing compared to the legal fees and running costs for the website. I think you should be apologizing to these people. What kind of person are you to steal people's money and then try to make out they are the thieves? THAT IS JUST SICK!!!

Crystal world holdings, inc.

District of Columbia,
Endless Repetitive Unsubstantiated Claims by Hamish Webb of New Zealand and his Criminal Gang of Web Extortionists

#6Author of original report

Sun, May 24, 2009

In the interest of perpetuation of his libel and extortion racket, verified former ASM scammer Hamish Webb (if that is even his real name) of New Zealand continues to make completely unverified claims without offering a shred of legitimate and independently verifiable evidence. Masquerading under a number of false names and nicknames, he continues to repeat old bogus claims and invent new ones. All of this is being done in a desperate attempt to retain his tiny following and the continuing cash flow from banner ad placements. Everything to be said has been said. Anyone who feels they've been wronged by their dealings with ASM should pursue remedy per the resolution methods outlined in the binding terms of service or through the courts. There will be no further public statements on this matter relating Mr. Webb and his group of bandits.

Share Scam

New Zealand
Chris Rabalais' use of automated buying and selling software.

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, May 24, 2009

Chris Rabalais CEO of Allsportsmarket used automated software to artificially manipulate the market. This software was illegal under the sites terms and conditions. It fraudulently misrepresented market growth to buyers of corportate ASMA1 shares. Chris continues to promote his scam by looking "future funding partners" as stated in his blogs and websites promoting his company Crystal World Holdings. After mass banning of accounts by Giovanni Loria Mora Allsportsmarket still failed to honour withdrawals instead put them as "pending withdrawals". Estimates are the site continued to take deposits for more than 1 year while withdrawals were deliberately held up or not paid to it players.

Share Scam

New Zealand
$70,000 an amount which allsportsmarket has not even paid to Alex Gurevich.

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, May 20, 2009

You hired Sebastian Glock to develop the allsportsmarket software and speak on behalf of allsportsmarket. You yourself stated Glock was head of the technical department for allsportsmarket which makes him management. Your business plan lists the following members as part of the official company management: Chris Rabalais Ace Underhill (a.k.a Sebastian Glock) Nick Hendriks So from what you are telling your scam works like this: One company representative Sebastian Glock tells the sites users it is ok to play the market by self trading shares. Another company representative Giovanni Loria Mora stops their account and allsportsmarket keeps the funds. Then you Mr Chris Rabalais publish all their private account information, call the person a thief saying they have stolen $70,000 an amount which allsportsmarket has not even paid to Alex Gurevich.

Crystal world holdings, inc.

District of Columbia,
Fraud Violation of the User-Accepted Terms of Service (Alex Gurevich {and others})

#9Author of original report

Sat, May 16, 2009

Posting in the user forums by anyone other than official company management does not constitute policy. Sebastian Glock is not and never was part of the executive management team. He was commissioned for the development of the market operating software. His comments reflect his own personal views and not that of the Board of Directors or company management. The Sports Trading Compliance Commission (STCC) was developed as an anti-fraud, anti-money laundering and international banking compliance authority to oversee the market. Alex Gurevich violated the following stipulations per the site Terms of Service to which he agreed when joining and continuing to use the site. Prior to banning the practice of self-trading, manipulation of the price was always prohibited per the following citations: 10. Termination of Your Registration You hereby agree that we may, in our sole discretion, terminate or suspend your access to all or part of AllSportsMarket.com for any reason, including without limitation breach of these Terms and Conditions (or any subsequent modifications hereof) or your attempted assignment of your membership. Any suspected fraudulent, abusive or illegal activity may be grounds for termination of your membership and may be referred to appropriate law enforcement authorities. AllSportsMarket.com and its affiliates shall not be liable to you or any third party for any claims related to your termination from AllSportsMarket.com 18. Fraudulent Activity If at any point during membership and use of the AllSportsMarket.com website, it is determined by company management that any manner of fraudulent activity (see definitions below) is taking place on the part of the user (or user's assignee), AllSportsMarket.com reserves the right to: * Suspend the user's account temporarily or permanently * Permanently ban the user from joining AllSportsMarket.com's website(s) in the future * Freeze a portion or all of the user's real $USD funds on deposit * Retain a portion or all of the user's real $USD funds on deposit pending the results of an investigation of the alleged fraudulent activity * Seek any and all remedies necessary to settle damages resulting from the user's fraudulent activity * Any other reasonable action necessary that includes (but is not limited to) the above AllSportsMarket.com's definition of fraudulent activity includes but is not limited to: * The alteration of a trade execution, by any means, inside the AllSportsMarket.com website * Tampering with, in any fashion, the intended method of operation of the AllSportsMarket.com website * Artificial manipulation of the price of any issue traded on the AllSportsMarket.com website

Share Scam

New Zealand
Crystal World Holdings Lies About Mr Gurevich

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, May 16, 2009

And I quote defrauding ASM (AllSportsMarket.com) of nearly $70,000 says Mr Rabalais CEO of Crystal World Holdings. To prove this Mr Rabalais provides a STCC Audit which shows Mr. Gurevich artificially raising the price by self trading in transactions from 2004-2005. Self trading was actively encouraged by allsportsmarket.com during that period. A quote Posted: 6/8/05 on allsportsmarket's own forum from Sebastian Glock the creator of allsportsmarket states You can buy 1 share at market price to jump it back up, or you can post a sell for 1 share at the max price you can enter, then buy it from yourself. Also in that same post he states That is by design so it was not simply an error that people took advantage of. STCC was a group invented by Mr Rabalais, to avoid paying people. Embarrassing to be caught out again isn't it? If you are a victim of Allsportsmaket, Crystal World Holdings or any of Chris Rabalais' other scams join us at sharescam.

Share Scam

New Zealand
Why single out Alex Gurevich, did he do something to upset you?

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, April 09, 2009

The fact that Alex Gurevich defrauded ASM, isn't that a lie? At best he could only defraud other players on the market, true?? Did you return the money to the other players? Why single out Alex Gurevich, did he do something to upset you?

Crystal world holdings, inc.

District of Columbia,
Crystal World Holdings, Inc. Credit Facility Secured by (CWH) Preferred Stock {Balance on 4/7/2009: USD $1,468,120.23 (including interest)}

#12Author of original report

Wed, April 08, 2009

A credit facility was provided by a single individual shareholder for the purposes of developing and operating the ASM platform while concurrently developing and facilitating the regulation of sports-based financial products and services connected to the U.S.-based businesses. The balance as of April 7, 2009 is USD $1,468,120.23 (including interest) and does not include exchange rate fluctuations. The security for debt is a lien against preferred stock of Crystal World Holdings, Inc. of Washington, D.C. This (direct cash) capital contribution and the contributions of all other direct (cash and/or professional services) stakeholders is intentionally and maliciously being put at risk by the unproven claims and general activities carried out using our trademarks on the AllSportsMarket.net ,(((Redacted)))(and other) websites. The site operator, Hamish Webb of New Zealand, is not a stakeholder in CWH/CWM or ASM in spite of his representation to others (including CWH/CWM attorneys) of the contrary. In fact, Mr. Webb has defrauded AllSportsMarket.com (ASM) of thousands of dollars while leaving his account with a nearly $20,000 negative balance. To the best of our investigations, most material participants in the AllSportsMarket.net/(((Redacted))) libel and extortion racket share similar characteristics with Mr. Webb. Most refused to provide required international banking and anti-terrorism disclosure documentation and have major inconsistencies in their trading activities (see Alex Gurevich aka: Finalstep as an example). Most do not hold a legitimate stake in ASM and/or CWH/CWM. It is obvious their collective intentions are to disrupt and/or create pressure to extort funds from the organizations and/or it's principals. Thankfully all of this is being done in full public view. Anyone who feels they have been wronged by their involvement with AllSportsMarket should pursue their claims through the resolution dispute processes outlined in the legally binding Terms of Service to which they all agreed when signing up and continuing to use the site. Should that not be sufficient, seek Counsel and pursue your grievance through the Courts. A complaint was filed with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) on April 4, 2009 providing detail and supporting evidence against Mr. Webb and his co-conspirators. The case was assigned #I0904041134383861. The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is a partnership between the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the U.S. National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), and the U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). Crystal World Holdings, Inc. and Crystal World Markets, LLC or Washington, DC are private entities and have no public reporting obligations. The above detail is being provided voluntarily and does not create a binding obligation for further disclosure of any type. CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Share Scam

New Zealand

#13REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, April 07, 2009

Why are you refusing to discuss where you got the $1,000,000 figure from??? Did you just make it up??? What other things are you making up??? The fact that Alex Gurevich defraud ASM that is a lie to isn't it? At best he could only even defraud other players on the market. Did you return the money to them after you froze his account?? Of course not you returned to the US and brought yourself a nice house and still continued to run your scam.

Crystal World Holdings, Inc.

District of Columbia,
Settlement of Compliant AllSportsMarket (ASM) accounts:

#14Author of original report

Tue, April 07, 2009

(Regarding) AllSportsMarket Official Updates and Timely Important Legal Notifications Concerning the Settlement of Your Account: Official notices will be posted on the home page: http://www.AllSportsMarket.com. Follow the subscription link and be sure to confirm to receive email updates. Background information can be found here: http://www.ASMStory.com. Follow the blog here: http://gsfe.blogspot.com.


New Jersey,
What about those who traded within the rules and whose accounts were compliant?

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, April 07, 2009

Note: I am using the same handle I used on ASM. What is the defense for not honoring withdrawal requests or refunding our money that was "held in trust" as per the F.A.Q. on your site Chris. You have called everyone who joins sharescam.com an extortionist, when some of us played by the rules. Do not use such a broad brush to paint all of the members of this site. The fact of the matter is that you are trying to "pay" us back with stock from a company that you resigned from. No one ever agreed to accept stock in lieu of money due us, if applicable. I believe you are the criminal here. You try to convolute the issue by slamming those traders who broke the rules of your site and penalize those of us who are just looking for straight answers the only question that needs answering, which is, where is our money. On another note, I have sent the fax with 2 forms of ID as referenced in the January 30, 2009 posting on this site and have heard nothing. I have sent at least 3 emails to your gmail account with no reply. I have tried every available avenue to rectify this situation with no response from you. Put my trading activity up here or my emails to you if you wish. I, unlike you, am not hiding the truth. Quite the opposite, I am shining a light on it. Don't use the fact that you failed to regulate your own market and some of your traders to deny the rest of us what we are due.

Share Scam

New Zealand

#16REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, April 07, 2009

Chris stop evading the issue where does your $1,000,000 figure come from???

Crystal world holdings, inc.

District of Columbia,
Alex Gurevich of New Jersey (a.k.a. Finalstep) joins ShareScam.com extortion ring after defrauding ASM (AllSportsMarket.com) of nearly $70,000

#17Author of original report

Mon, April 06, 2009

Begin STCC (Sports Trading Compliance Commission) Audit: Subject: FinalStep audit. Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2006 20:02:14 -0400 X-Mailer: Ocean Mail Server 1.07 WebMail (by Code Ocean) Mr. Gurevich: This is part of the audit report done to the account that you trade with on the AllSportsMarket.com platform. Mr. Gurevich joins our platform on 10/13/2004 6:52:00 PM; this account reports a total investment of $17850USD with a R.O.I of $66265USD. On 11/9/2004 10:48:00 AM we see Mr. Gurevich artificially raises the price of the derivative BLAZE self trades taking the price of the derivative to $10.99USD from $8.00USD. ON 11/18/2004 1:22:00 AM Mr. Gurevich artificially raises the price of the derivative Spurs self-trades taking the price of the derivative to $20.68USD from $13.56USD. On 12/18/2004 1:32:00 AM Mr. Gurevich sells to the user Ghostryder the derivative BSIL for $19.99USD this way colluding to raise the price from $15.80USD. On 12/5/2004 3:28:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOs of the derivative BHAW for $10.15USD, 2 minutes later Mr. Gurevich self trades the same derivative artificially raising the price to $19.99USD, 1 minute after that Mr. Gurevich self trades again taking the price to $29.85USD, a few seconds later Mr. Gurevich trades with himself taking the price to $37.80USD, with in the same minute Mr. Gurevich does another self trade and takes the price to $50.53USD by 4:13:00 PM Mr. Gurevich takes the price to $67.32USD with another self trade, It is important to mentioned that during this process of artificial price manipulation he was able to sell 3 derivatives of BHAW to an unsuspecting trader. On 12/6/2004 10:57:00 AM Mr. Gurevich sees that he can not sell the derivative BHAW at the price level that he took it to, Mr. Gurevich fixes this situation by selling to himself the derivative BHAW taking the price down from $67.32USD to $38.99USD, a few minutes later trades with himself again and takes the price down to $37.86USD, by 2:52:00 PM he trades with himself again taking the price even further down to $24.85USD, then again at 9:16pm takes down to $19.99USD, at 11:47pm takes it back up to $23.35USD with in a few seconds takes it back down to $18.79USD, now this last maneuver works for Mr. Gurevich due to the fact that he is able to sell 3 derivatives to other users for $16USD and $15USD , after the does this the self trades again for $19.25USD. On 12/10/2004 7:30:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOs of BNMX for $13.50USD, 2 hours later Mr. Gurevich sells to him artificially raising the price to $20.99USD. On 12/13/2004 8:34:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOs of BBC for 18.99, 4 minutes later Mr. Gurevich sells to the user Known as Poker8.com the same derivative for 28.75, this way colluding to artificially raising the price of the derivative just mentioned. On 12/16/2004 5:31:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOs of BOST $18.25USD, one minute later Mr. Gurevich sells the same derivative to the user known as JACK141414 for $29.99USD this way colluding to artificially raising the price of the derivative just mentioned. On 1/23/2005 4:08:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOs of SBEAG for 12.80, within the same minute he self trades that same derivative for $24.50USD. On 2/11/2005 11:34:00 AM Mr. Gurevich buys from the user Known as JB 5 derivatives of RAIDR for .50 cents bringing the price down from $5.06USD, We need to add the user JB had bought those same derivatives just 4 days before for $5.07USD, Mr. Gurevich needs to explain what is his relationship with the user just mentioned. On 2/12/2005 12:01:00 PM Mr. Gurevich Buys IPOs of RDSOX for $22.05USD, within the same minute Mr. Gurevich sells to the user DANANG those same derivatives for $59.99USD this is clear collusion for artificial price fluctuation. On 2/12/2005 3:01:00 PM Mr. Gurevich Buys IPOs of MARIN for $13.10USD, one minute later Mr. Gurevich sells to the user DANANG those same derivatives for $49.99USD this is clear collusion for artificial price fluctuation. On 2/13/2005 9:00:00 AM Mr. Gurevich Buys IPOs of DBACK for $11.96USD, one minute later Mr. Gurevich sells to the user DANANG those same derivatives for $49.99USD. On 2/23/2005 12:49:00 PM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative NN48 for $54.99USD artificially raising the price from $29.99USD. On 2/26/2005 3:08:00 PM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative NN48 for $49.98USD artificially raising the price from $25.03USD. On 2/23/2005 4:25:00 PM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative NN26 for $99.00USD artificially raising the price from $51.00USD On 2/28/2005 12:19:00 AM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative MARLN for $33.98USD artificially raising the price from $26.85USD On 3/1/2005 12:14:00 AM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative NN26 for $51.99USD artificially dropping the price from $99.00USD, 40 minutes later Mr. Gurevich trades with himself again and takes the price back up to $99USD. On 3/5/2005 4:54:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys the derivative BWICH for $14.01USD, One minute later Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative BWICH artificially raising the price to $30.99USD. On 3/5/2005 9:37:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys the derivative PACER for $12.44USD, 3 minutes later Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative PACER artificially raising the price to $17.44USD. On 3/5/2005 9:44:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys the derivative MAGIC for $11.18USD, One minute later Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative MAGIC artificially raising the price to $21.35USD. On 3/6/2005 9:01:00 AM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative MAGIC for $15.75USD artificially raising the price from $12.93USD On 3/6/2005 1:46:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys the derivative CELTI for $14.41USD, within the same minute Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative CELTI artificially raising the price to $17.99USD, one minute later Mr. Gurevich trades with himself again taking the price to $26.99USD. On 3/6/2005 3:19:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOs of CHRLB for $8.99USD, One minute later Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative CHRLB artificially raising the price to $18.69USD. On 3/6/2005 3:39:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOs of RAPTO for $14.21USD, One minute later Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative just mentioned artificially raising the price to $28.00USD. ON 3/6/2005 3:46:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOs of JAZZ for $13.54USD, One minute later Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative just mentioned artificially raising the price to $23.99USD. ON 3/6/2005 3:49:00 PM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative RAPTO for $24.00USD artificially raising the price from $14.22USD. ON 3/6/2005 3:59:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOs of BLAZE for $ $13.27USD, within the same minute Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative just mentioned artificially raising the price to $21.99USD, by 4:03:00 PM Mr. Gurevich sells 2 derivative to another user for $17.38USD, one minute later Mr. Gurevich self trades taking the derivative to $20.33USD. ON 3/6/2005 4:14:00 PM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative RAPTO for $22.56USD artificially raising the price from $20.90USD. On 3/6/2005 6:52:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOS of GOLDE for $13.00USD, One minute later Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative GOLDE artificially raising the price to $22.00USD, with in the same minute Mr. Gurevich self trades again taking the price of the derivative mentioned to $21.35, 2 minutes later Mr. Gurevich sells 2 derivatives to another user for $17.50USD, after this he trades with himself again taking that price back up to $20.32USD. ON 3/5/2005 4:54:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys the derivative NUGG for $14.46USD, One minute later Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative NUGG artificially raising the price to $20.99USD. On 3/6/2005 8:43:00 PM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative CELTI for $20.85USD artificially raising the price from $13.26USD. On 3/7/2005 11:05:00 AM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative JAZZ for $17.76USD artificially raising the price from $16.26USD. On 3/8/2005 11:55:00 AM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOs of FPEN for $8.60USD, within the same minute Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative just mentioned artificially raising the price to $19.85USD On 3/8/2005 1:44:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOs of FNAU for $7.19USD, within the same minute Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative just mentioned artificially raising the price to $14.99USD. On 3/8/2005 between 2:11pm and 2:16pm Mr. Gurevich trades with himself 14 consecutive times the derivative FNAU. On 3/9/2005 12:36:00 AM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative FPEN for $12.28USD artificially raising the price from $5.32USD. ON 3/9/2005 9:09:00 AM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative FNAU for $10.38USD artificially raising the price from $9.28USD. On 3/9/2005 10:15:00 AM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOS of FEKY for $7.77USD, One minute later Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative FEKY, he does this 15 different times consecutively, taking the price to $17.45USD. On 3/9/2005 8:52:00 PM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative FEKY for $11.39USD artificially raising the price from $5.80USD. On 3/10/2005 9:59:00 AM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative FEKY for $10.24USD artificially raising the price from $8.52USD. On 3/10/2005 10:53:00 AM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOS of FRCH for $7.20USD, then Mr. Gurevich self-trades15 consecutive times the derivative just mentioned artificially raising the price to $15.79USD. On 3/12/2005 4:37:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOS of FBUF for $7.48USD, then Mr. Gurevich self-trades15 consecutive times the derivative just mentioned artificially raising the price to $19.35USD. On 3/12/2005 9:16:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOS of FCS for $7.82USD, then Mr. Gurevich self-trades15 consecutive times the derivative just mentioned artificially raising the price to $19.57USD. On 3/12/2005 9:09:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOS of FTUL for $7.82USD, then Mr. Gurevich self-trades13 consecutive times the derivative just mentioned artificially raising the price to $19.10USD. On 3/13/2005 2:16:00 AM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOS of FINS for $9.00USD, then Mr. Gurevich self-trades15 consecutive times the derivative just mentioned artificially raising the price to $19.99USD. On 3/13/2005 2:26:00 AM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOS of FLLF for $8.62USD, then Mr. Gurevich self-trades13 consecutive times the derivative just mentioned artificially raising the price to $21.50USD. On 3/13/2005 10:57:00 AM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOS of FPRN for $9.32USD, then Mr. Gurevich self-trades15 consecutive times the derivative just mentioned artificially raising the price to $20.32USD. On 3/13/2005 11:00:00 AM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOS of FSFL for $9.03USD, then Mr. Gurevich self-trades15 consecutive times the derivative just mentioned artificially raising the price to $21.00USD. On 3/13/2005 11:09:00 AM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOS of FRUT for $7.38USD, then Mr. Gurevich self-trades15 consecutive times the derivative just mentioned artificially raising the price to $24.00USD. On 3/13/2005 12:13:00 PM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative FSFL for $20.66USD artificially raising the price from $14.00USD. On 3/13/2005 12:58:00 PM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative FINS for $18.74USD artificially raising the price from $13.40USD. On 3/13/2005 2:31:00 PM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative FRUT for $17.05USD artificially raising the price from $9.80USD On 3/13/2005 3:06:00 PM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative FPRN for $19.95USD artificially raising the price from $13.20USD On 3/13/2005 8:59:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOS of FRUT for $11.09USD, then Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative just mentioned artificially raising the price to $26.05USD. By 9:16 Mr. Gurevich self trades 14 more times keeping the price at the same range. On 3/15/2005 10:31:00 AM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOS of BNWP for $14.50USD, then Mr. Gurevich self-trades15 consecutive times the derivative just mentioned artificially raising the price to $29.99USD. On 3/15/2005 5:11:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOS of BBIS for $12.50USD, them by 3/16/2005 11:54:00 AM Mr. Gurevich self trades taking the price to $34.99USD, he trades with himself 17 times, them on 3/17/2005 8:55:00 AM Mr. Gurevich takes the price to $69.99USD, a few days later Mr. Gurevich takes the price of the derivative mentioned to $145USD. On 3/16/2005 3:06:00 PM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative BAAM for $32.99USD artificially raising the price from $21.60USD On 3/16/2005 7:15:00 PM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative BAAM for $12.26USD artificially raising the price from $11.34USD On 3/18/2005 11:57:00 AM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative BSMG for $23.55USD artificially raising the price from $14.25USD On 3/18/2005 2:23:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOS of FTEN for $9.58USD, then Mr. Gurevich self-trades15 consecutive times the derivative just mentioned artificially raising the price to $24.65USD. On 3/18/2005 2:33:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOS of FSJS for $8.39USD, then Mr. Gurevich sells the derivative just mentioned artificially raising the price to $22.58USD. On 3/18/2005 2:37:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOS of FBAL for $9.56USD, then Mr. Gurevich self-trades27 consecutive times the derivative just mentioned artificially raising the price to $22.44USD. On 3/18/2005 3:00:00 PM Mr. Gurevich buys IPOS of FMIS for $8.85USD, then Mr. Gurevich self-trades9 consecutive times the derivative just mentioned artificially raising the price to $15.85USD. On 3/18/2005 6:56:00 PM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative BGEO for $28.75USD artificially raising the price from $3.25USD. We see several more dozens of continuous violation, at this time we leap ahead in this account history in an effort to save some time and present this report to our legal counsel, The Board of Directors of AllSportsMarket.com and Mr. Gurevich. At this time we will only highlight just a few violations per month. On 8/17/2005 3:41:00 PM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative WOODS for $18.24USD artificially raising the price from $15.73USD. On 4/15/2005 2:33:00 AM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative YANKS for $50.99USD artificially raising the price from $42.00USD. On 4/23/2005 11:26:00 PM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative WOODS for $75.00USD artificially raising the price from $25.00USD. On 5/1/2005 7:43:00 AM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative BBIS for $50.99USD artificially raising the price from $40.00USD On 5/17/2005 1:30:00 AM Mr. Gurevich buys the derivative FIBRA from $27.10USD, one minute later Mr. Gurevich sells it to the user DANANG for $49.47USD this way colluding to artificially inflate the price of the derivative mentioned before. On 5/17/2005 2:56:00 PM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative BBIS for $54.99USD artificially raising the price from $46.46USD On 6/3/2005 10:24:00 PM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative FIBRA for $29.99USD artificially raising the price from $10.50USD On 6/3/2005 10:24:00 PM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative FIUSA for $22.00USD artificially raising the price from $8.75USD On 6/8/2005 1:02:00 AM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative FIUSA for $19.98USD artificially raising the price from $15.76USD On 6/4/2005 3:56:00 AM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative CWBYS for $39.98USD artificially raising the price from $29.99USD, within the same minute Mr. Gurevich trades with himself again and takes the price to $43.95USD. On 6/7/2005 2:22:00 PM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative CWBYS for $51.00USD artificially raising the price from $43.03USD On 7/17/2005 12:03:00 PM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative BBIS for $44.49USD artificially raising the price from $35.12USD On 8/3/2005 7:07:00 PM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative FEDER for $14.99USD artificially raising the price from $10.63USD On 8/5/2005 12:33:00 AM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative BBIS for $42.99USD artificially raising the price from $40.59USD On 8/6/2005 11:45:00 PM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative BBIS for $41.39USD artificially raising the price from $19.56USD On 8/9/2005 12:58:00 AM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative BHAW for $19.96USD artificially raising the price from $12.53USD On 8/9/2005 11:51:00 AM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative WSHOC for $8.48 USD artificially raising the price from $7.50USD On 8/10/2005 11:42:00 PM Mr. Gurevich self trades the derivative WSTIN for $9.37 USD artificially raising the price from $7.80USD Gentlemen, as you can see we decided to stop the audit on August of 2005 for Mr. Gurevich. We felt confident that we had enough evidence to show, without a doubt, what Mr. Gurevich's intentions and techniques were while trading on our platform. It is important to understand that the effects of Mr. Gurevich's trading patterns with his other account have a direct result on the amount of derivatives that Mr. Gurevich's account holds. Trades between Mr. Gurevich and DANANG are synchronized and manipulative in most cases. The raising of prices in the manipulative way we have witnessed has produced many splits, which doubled or tripled the amount of derivates his account holds. Resulting in the amount of money that Mr. Gurevich's and his account have profited. Let's not forget the amount of traders that have bought at such prices and they in turn lose their investment because the price dropped to its normal price. It is very clear to us that this kind of trader does an immense amount of damage to our market and to our traders, we need to protect our traders from this kind of individual and his trickeries. It has come to our attention that a few other traders have the misconception that buying and selling to themselves and manipulation of derivatives is accepted for the period of time in question. They argue that the CEO of AllSportsMarket.com notified traders that this activity was illegal until a post made on 9/28/05 at 11:48am in the discussion forums located within the site of ALLSPORTSMARKET.COM. What this post states is in fact new penalty fees to such offenses, nothing more, nothing less. The activity of manipulation for personal gain has always been against the rules of this site. Every trader on our platform has agreed to our terms of service and in this document the rules about manipulation and fraudulent activities are very clear. We recommend the account in question be frozen immediately.

Share Scam

New Zealand
What??? Mystery $1,000,000

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, April 06, 2009

Quote from: Chris He is also attempting to interfere with legitimate business processes that could result in financial losses to legal shareholders in excess of $1,000,000. Chris I am really lost here, where does this $1,000,000 figure come from?? Is it the amount of shares ASMA1 that you have sold?

Crystal world holdings, inc.

District of Columbia,
Federal Complaint (04.04.09): Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) #I0904041134383861

#19Author of original report

Sat, April 04, 2009

The site operator, Hamish Webb of New Zealand, operates an open forum on our registered trademark (see links below) in an effort to extort money from our companies and me personally. He creates, encourages and distributes false and misleading information designed to cause distress and publicly damage our enterprises and me personally. His stated goal (see: AllSportsMarket.net) is to extort money from us for the alleged benefit of "people (that) will be of my choosing". Furthermore, he publishes and allows to be published private information that could endanger the safety of me and my family. He encourages aggressive means and publishes physical threats on his site (see as an example: http://www.sharescam.com/index.php/topic,165.msg571.html#msg571). All of this is done anonymously and Mr. Webb feels his foreign domicile offers him protection from his crimes. His servers, however, are inside the United States. Mr. Webb defrauded AllSportsMarket.com out of thousands of dollars and refused to provide required account identification documents to comply with international banking and anti-terrorism regulations. A summary of his activities can be found in our public complaint located here: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/401/RipOff0401520.htm. It is also his intention and that of his malicious co-conspirators to disrupt or interfere with the regulatory processes relating to our principal financial product: the SportsRiskIndex. It is my position and that of my company that Mr. Webb and his gang of web terrorists seek to extort money and actively harm business processes and that activity could be to the detriment of our stockholders. Furthermore, I feel he has finally crossed the line in publishing (or allowing to be published) personal threats that could directly affect the health and welfare of real persons. Mr. Webb and his co-conspirators are in clear violation of U.S. and International laws relating to cyberstalking and are attempting to engage in the financial crime of extortion and/or blackmail. He is also attempting to interfere with legitimate business processes that could result in financial losses to legal shareholders in excess of $1,000,000. Additional fraudulent websites operated by Mr. Webb to promote his extortion racket: http://www.free-press-release.com/news/200807/1215853707.html http://www.free-press-release.com/news/200901/1231797801.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NaZauUme_E (Additional supporting documentation and references provided to IC3) { The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C),and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA).}


New Zealand
The President of the United States??

#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, March 26, 2009

So you are now claiming that you are directly involved with the Government at the highest level. What level is that exactly?? The President of the United States??

Crystal World Holdings, Inc.

District of Columbia,

#21Author of original report

Thu, March 26, 2009

Hamish and his co-conspirators repeatedly make (anonymous) claims on their extortionist websites about investigations against our companies and me personally. At no point in time has any investigator from any Governmental agency contacted anyone in our company or me personally. Furthermore, due to the direct involvements with Government at the highest level, any such activity would have been brought to my attention immediately. This vetting process has taken place at all points during our development and continues to this day. In fact, quite the opposite is taking place. Hamish and the contents of his websites are being investigated by multiple private and public entities for use in upcoming legal actions. These claims and posting of public 'news releases' and 'reports' are nothing more than an attempt to draw attention via search engine traffic and further the extortion racket being operated by Hamish Webb and his conspirators. Hamish is obviously frustrated due to the pending shutdown of his forum due to explicit violations of the terms of service regarding fraud, distributing private information and cyberstalking (to name a few). He has been contacted by the hosting operator to remove the offending material or be terminated.


New Zealand
You must pay the people you owe money to

#22REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, March 25, 2009

Looks like things are not working out too well for you. Your allsportsmarket site is now closed and SEC is investigating you. You have failed in your weak attempts to close my own site down and your legal threats to me have proved fruitless. It just goes to show; crime doesn't pay and there is justice and truth in the world. You can't setup a virtual share site, sell a whole bunch of nothing and then keep money that doesn't belong to you. You must pay the people you owe money to.

Crystal world holdings, inc.

District of Columbia,
RESPONSE: Westhost.com (March 2, 2009) - TOS Violations

#23Author of original report

Tue, March 03, 2009

FROM: WestHost Abuse Department DATE: Monday, March 02, 2009 6:08 PM SUBJECT: [westhost.com #3871605] ATTENTION LEGAL: AllSportsMarket.NET / ShareScam.com Hello Chris, Thank you for contacting us about this problem. First off, I apologize for the delay in getting back with you. I have contacted the administrator of this site and asked that they remove all material that is in violation of our TOS. If any of the material in question still remains in 7 days, please respond back to this e-mail. Best regards, Brian Chambers General Manager WestHost Phone: 1-800-222-2165 FAX: 435-755-3449

Crystal world holdings, inc.

District of Columbia,
CERTIFIED MAIL (March 2, 2009): Westhost - Attention Legal/Abuse Department

#24Author of original report

Tue, March 03, 2009

Crystal World Holdings, Inc. March 2, 2009 Crystal World Markets, L.L.C. 1701 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006 202.248.5412 202.580.6559 Fax WestHost 164 N. Spring Creek Parkway Providence, UT 84332 (800) 222-2165 RE: AllSportsMarket.NET/ShareScam.com I am writing you regarding the activities of your client, Hamish Webb, who is illegally using our trademark (AllSportsMarket) and operating the extortionist forum: ShareScam.com using your hosting services. The New Zealand based operator of both sites, Hamish Webb, is in direct violation of United States trademark laws and is using these sites and domains to propagate false and misleading information with the intent to harm and extort money from me and my company. He is also distributing private information that could pose a safety risk to me personally as well as blatantly manufacturing patently false claims to advance his cause. Take a look at the contents of the hosted forum: ShareScam.com and you will discover numerous violations per your terms of service (found here): http://www.westhost.com/terms-conditions.html Lawful Purpose Use of our servers or services in any manner in violation of any state, local or United States law, rule or regulation is prohibited. Such prohibited use includes, but is not limited to, disseminating, posting or storage of any material in violation of any Federal, state or local law, rule or regulation. Our servers and services may not be used for the propagation, distribution, housing, processing, storing or otherwise handling in any way lewd, obscene, pornographic or satanic materials. Also included is the posting or trafficking in government secrets, providing any information to in any way assist or encourage any terrorist activities, providing any information concerning nuclear or biological weapons or other weapons of mass destruction, posting or trafficking in obscene material, solicitation of a minor or others for illegal acts, dealing drugs, harassment, fraud, stalking, abuse or other subject matters that are prohibited under applicable federal, state or local law, rules or regulations. Infringement You may not use our services or servers to post or disseminate in any manner, any information or material which infringes the intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights of any third party, including, without limitation, material protected by copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or other intellectual property right used with proper authorization. Infringement may result from, among other activities, the unauthorized copying and posting of pictures, logos, software, articles, musical works and videos. You shall comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"). Click Here for our DMCA Policy. Fraudulent Activities You may not offer or disseminate fraudulent goods, services, schemes or promotions (i.e., make money fast schemes, chain letters, pyramid schemes, ponzi schemes) or fraudulently use any information obtained through the use of our servers or services, including, without limitation, unauthorized use of credit card numbers. Damaging Material You may not use our services or servers to post or disseminate in any manner, any information or material which may be dangerous, damaging, defamatory, libelous, slanderous, scandalous, private information or injurious to persons or property which, directly or indirectly, may be used to create danger, damage or injury to persons or property, nor may you use our services or servers to inflict emotional distress make unlawful threats, stalk, interfere with any contract or prospective relationships or engage in sexual or other harassment. Please reference the following public web links chronicling this matter: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/401/ripoff0401520.htm http://www.free-press-release.com/news/200812/1228416546.html I am also including several letters sent by our Washington, D.C. attorneys to Mr. Webb regarding this matter. As such, we respectfully request that you immediately suspend the hosting accounts of your client to mitigate further damage and prevent being drawn into the legal claims presently being filed. Thank you in advance. I will await your reply. Kind regards, Christopher P. Rabalais President/C.E.O. CC: Legal CC: Enom, Inc.

Crystal world holdings, inc.

District of Columbia,
ATTENTION LEGAL: AllSportsMarket.NET / ShareScam.com (Westhost.com/Enom,Inc.)

#25Author of original report

Sun, March 01, 2009

Regarding the activities of your client, Hamish Webb, who is illegally using our trademark "AllSportsMarket" and operating the extortionist forum: ShareScam.com: The New Zealand based operator of both sites, Hamish Webb, is in direct violation of United States trademark laws and is using these sites and domains to propagate false and misleading information with the intent to harm and extort money our company. He is also distributing private information that could pose a safety risk to me personally as well as blatantly manufacturing patently false claims to advance his cause. Please find the attached public links chronicling this matter: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/401/ripoff0401520.htm http://www.free-press-release.com/news/200812/1228416546.html I am attaching several letters sent by our Washington, D.C. attorneys regarding this matter. We respectfully request that you immediately suspend the accounts of your client to mitigate further damage and prevent being drawn into the legal claims being filed.


New Zealand
You will not be able to Steal, Lie and Cheat your way out of this one

#26REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 12, 2009

All people have to do is read our forum at (((Redacted))) to find out the real truth about you. You demand people fax id off to some unknown place and reveal their real name and location before you will answer their questions. Yet you seem to think it is ok to publish lies about sharescam on a site that allows anonymous postings. My question to you is, do you really think anyone believes you? I mean if I really was a cyber pirate and extortionist as you claim, why would I host my site in the USA? And why did you host your site in Costa Rica? Take a look in the mirror. CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Crystal world holdings, inc.

District of Columbia,
Unpublished Communications to Hamish Webb, operator of extortionist website: AllSportsMarket.NET

#27Author of original report

Wed, February 04, 2009

SENT: Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 3:35 PM You are a very dishonest person, Hamish. You have continued to distribute and promote completely false information. I suppose you don't care about the risks and liabilities you are creating for yourself and your gang. Your lies, manipulations and distortions of the truth will see the light of day. Your time will come my friend. Mark my words. You will lose AllSportsMarket.net and MUCH more. Encouraging vigilante conduct on a public forum. I'm beginning to wonder if you have mental problems. And, you are giving yourself entirely too much credit. You and your group of anonymous malcontents had absolutely nothing to do with any decision I've ever made. Get a life. Chris P.S. Why won't you publish the last few emails I've sent you? Are you a coward? SENT: Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 3:56 PM As long as the comments are negative, you are as happy as a clam. As soon as someone makes an even neutral comment, you jump on them or attempt to change their minds. Do you REALLY believe you are offering a fair platform for even discussion of the topics? I see no evidence of this whatsoever. YOU are a verified scammer of the ASM platform who stole short selling funds and refused to identify yourself per international banking requirements. Based on that, I suppose I shouldn't expect anything more from your followers. Nobody has the courage to use their real names but they sure feel tough behind the keyboard. Yes, this is Texas. There are Constitutional Homestead Laws and strict "shoot the intruder" legislation. It would be a mistake to encourage or even allow the retransmission of behavior outside the strict rule of law. You are not without liability as the site operator. This is especially true given your position to try and make as much trouble as possible. "Let a man not build a trap lest he fall into it himself.." Keep it up, buddy. Keep it up. Chris

Crystal world holdings, inc.

District of Columbia,
Cyberstalking and Privacy Violations

#28Author of original report

Mon, February 02, 2009

1. Publish the full text of the New Zealand privacy law you are referring to on your site. 2. Some information published about me on your forum was not from any public source. YOU are responsible for proving it was from a public source. If you allow private information to be distributed and harm is caused by that disclosure, YOU as the site operator will be charged. If you don't believe me, ignore this and keep up your charade. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyberstalking 3. You never submitted any identity documents for your ASM account and that is one of the reasons it was terminated. The other wasthe $20,000 short selling liability you refused to cover. So, do fax in your documents per my prior instructions and save up your money for a trip halfway around the world. You and I do have a lot to speak about. You might want to bring your lawyer with you. I'll have mine.

Crystal world holdings, inc.

District of Columbia,
Terms of a Personal Meeting January 30, 2009

#29Author of original report

Sat, January 31, 2009

I will honor a personal meeting request with any valid ASM accountholder provided the place, date and time are pre-arranged and mutually agreed by all parties involved. Ahead of your visit, you will be required to submit 2 forms of valid identification. One of these must be a Government issued authentic photo-bearing document such as your driver's license or passport. The second form of identification must be a recently issued (no more than 3 months old) bill from a credit card company, utility or someone you pay regularly. You are free to black out any account number information. The purpose is to establish your residence or place of fixed address. This information will be retained in our internal files, forwarded for record with our U.S. Counsel and reserved for potential release to State and Federal authorities in the event of any breach. Fax this information to (202) 580-6559 attention: VISIT CLEARANCE. Be sure to include your daytime telephone number and email address so we can contact you and confirm your visit. These are the terms for arranging a personal meeting. If they are followed, I will be happy to discuss the elements outlined in the January 16, 2009 open letter describing the evolution of ASM and settlement of valid trader accounts with CWH stock. Be on notice that this forum is being watched and recorded. There are very strict civil and criminal penalties on both a Federal and State level for cyber-stalking and harassment. Nobody is invisible or invincible behind a keyboard in 2009. If anyone decides to show up unannounced or without following the protocol above, the police will be alerted and you will be arrested for unlawful trespassing and harassment. Some of you are already known to us by your nicknames that you continue to use here. That information along with your statements from this forum are being compiled and will be used to lodge criminal complaints in the appropriate jurisdictions including your locality. What you are toying around with is serious business and comes with consequences. I will deal honestly and fairly with anyone who wishes to engage in a productive and civil discussion relating to ASM, it's history, what went wrong and why, where money was spent and why and what to expect next. Anything outside of these rules will not be tolerated and you will be subjected to the full extent of the law covering matters of this nature. So, gather yourselves together, form a plan, submit your documents and we'll set a date to chat. I'll be notified as soon as the first fax arrives. Chris January 30, 2009 -- 6:05 P.M. U.S. C.S.T.

Share Scam

New Zealand
Crystal World Exposed

#30REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, January 28, 2009

The domain allsportsmarket.com was first registered by Steve Kreitzberg way back in 1999-12-17 well before you ran your scam. But that's not really the issue is it? As I have already said you can have the domain for free all you need to do is refund 3 people you scammed money off. Are you going to give them your money back or not???

Crystal world holdings, inc.

District of Columbia,
Crystal World Holdings, Inc. U.S. Service Mark Application No. 77/289,006 Mark: ALLSPORTSMARKET Int. Class 36 / Global Common Law Rights

#31Author of original report

Wed, January 28, 2009

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has accepted and approved the Statement of Use which was filed on November 25, 2008, with regard to the ALLSPORTSMARKET service mark application. In addition to U.S. Trademark protection as established by U.S. and International Law, all U.K. Commonwealth Countries recognize common law trademark rights. The list can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_members_of_the_Commonwealth_of_Nations First common law rights were established worldwide October 7, 2003. See: http://web.archive.org/web/20031007144803/http://www.allsportsmarket.com/ AllSportsMarket.net was registered September 16, 2004.

Share Scam

New Zealand
Crystal World Exposed!

#32REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, January 28, 2009

Hello Mr. R it was nice of you to finally speak with me. Let us start by setting the record straight. You don't own a registered trademark, so why lie and say that you do? What you have filed is an intent to use. Your intent to use does not even have a registration number yet because you filed it such a short time ago. I have owned allsportsmarket.net for years now. Since you wanted this domain so badly, I offered it to you for free and all you have to do is pay back 3 people that you stole money from. If you want to try and defend this stupid scam of yours, it is the smart thing to do. These are players on your site who have won more than $100K and willing to walk away with just what they deposited. You keep all their winnings and get my domain. So are you going to accept my offer?


Allsportsmarket is gone and so is our money!

#33Consumer Comment

Sat, January 17, 2009

First of all this is not Hammish...Feel free to get my identity from "Rip-Off Report. Myself and THOUSANDS have been ripped off by Chris Rabalais. First there was WarTrade, it closed along with everyone's money....then there was Allsportsmarket...Yep it is now closed with everyones money. and NOW we have Crystal World Holdings....What's next?? Feel free to post MY account. I did nothing wrong and neither did thousands of hard working folks and their families who trusted you. JT Virginia Beach

Crystal world holdings, inc.

District of Columbia,
Operator of Pirate Website AllSportsMarket (.NET) Hamish Webb Owner of Fraudulent AllSportsMarket (ASM) Account

#34Author of original report

Mon, January 12, 2009

Hamish Webb, known as "Poker8", received a short selling margin call on January 27, 2006 which he refused to acknowledge. His account remains suspended to due a short liability of $18,114.80 as of this writing. His account holdings are as follows: AUXE Short 600 $0.03 -$18.00 +$345.78 +0.58 (95.05%) BDORT Short 160 $0.09 -$14.40 +$191.15 +1.19 (92.99%) BNGLS Short 1,770 $0.20 -$354.00 +$1,062.18 +0.60 (75.00%) BORDE Short 270 $1.16 -$313.20 +$53.33 +0.20 (14.55%) CELT Short 1,120 $3.99 -$4,468.80 -$4,102.78 -3.66 (-1,120.93%) CLIPP Short 390 $0.18 -$70.20 +$308.22 +0.79 (81.45%) FLUMI Short 920 $4.57 -$4,204.40 -$3,181.08 -3.46 (-310.86%) GRIZZ Short 440 $0.07 -$30.80 +$422.49 +0.96 (93.21%) HAMB Short 80 $0.20 -$16.00 +$76.16 +0.95 (82.64%) HEART Short 80 $2.85 -$228.00 -$166.00 -2.08 (-267.74%) HIBER Short 140 $6.20 -$868.00 -$666.54 -4.76 (-330.85%) INTNC Short 720 $3.00 -$2,160.00 -$1,594.22 -2.21 (-281.78%) KILMA Short 100 $5.99 -$599.00 -$464.00 -4.64 (-343.70%) KNICK Short 260 $0.28 -$72.80 +$324.04 +1.25 (81.65%) MANUT Short 960 $0.44 -$422.40 +$772.61 +0.80 (64.65%) PANAT Short 1,840 $0.17 -$312.80 +$134.50 +0.07 (30.07%) PARAN Short 400 $5.75 -$2,300.00 -$1,724.00 -4.31 (-299.31%) PONTE Short 880 $1.40 -$1,232.00 -$684.82 -0.78 (-125.15%) SPURS Short 480 $0.50 -$240.00 +$230.02 +0.48 (48.94%) TOTT Short 100 $0.30 -$30.00 +$127.91 +1.28 (81.00%) WAAL Short 1,600 $0.10 -$160.00 +$304.00 +0.19 (65.52%) The sum of his cash transactions are as follows: 8/11/2004 Initial Deposit: $50.00; Visa ending in 1504 Good $50.00 8/20/2004 Deposit: $250.00; Visa ending in 1504 Good $250.00 8/28/2004 Deposit: $50.00; Visa ending in 1504 Good $50.00 9/9/2004 Deposit: $250.00; Visa ending in 1504 Good $250.00 10/22/2004 Withdrawal: $71.16; Voided N/A 12/24/2004 Deposit: $50.00; NETeller 4535XXXXXXXX Good $50.00 12/24/2004 Withdrawal: $500.00; Approved -$500.00 1/3/2005 Withdrawal: $500.00; Approved -$500.00 1/13/2005 Deposit: $75.00; NETeller 4535XXXXXXXX Good $75.00 2/13/2005 Withdrawal: $206.87; Approved -$206.87 2/14/2005 Withdrawal: $313.60; Approved -$313.60 2/21/2005 Withdrawal: $199.83; Approved -$199.83 2/23/2005 Withdrawal: $93.00; Approved -$93.00 His account was terminated for lack of providing required account identification documentation and resolution of his short selling liability.

Crystal world holdings, inc.

District of Columbia,
AllSportsMarket (.NET) {Operated by Hamish Webb} Used to Promote Forex Scams and Sell Sportsbook Software for Use in Illegal Online Gambling

#35Author of original report

Mon, January 12, 2009

Hamish Webb has a long history of attempting to illegally profit from the trade name and trademarks owned by Crystal World Holdings, Inc. of Washington, D.C. Among these illicit uses are the promotion of online foreign exchange (forex) scams and selling sportsbook tools and software for use in promoting illegal internet gambling to clients in the United States and other Countries. See the following link for actual dated screenshots: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.allsportsmarket.net

Crystal world holdings, inc.

District of Columbia,
AllSportsMarket (.NET) Operated by Hamish Webb Moved to ShareScam.com to Evade the Law and Further Extortionist Scheme

#36Author of original report

Mon, January 12, 2009

In an effort to evade Crystal World Holdings, Inc.'s rightful claim to the domain bearing our registered trademark and continue his illegal and extortionist activities, Hamish Webb has relocated the website to ShareScam.com. Mr. Webb continues to masquerade as multiple personalities on this and other websites, make and endorse patently false unsubstantiated claims and spread deceptive rumors to further his extortion scheme while posing as an "agent" for traders. This information is being recorded for future legal actions against Mr. Webb who seems completely unaware or unconcerned of the substantial liability he is creating for himself.

Crystal world holdings, inc.

District of Columbia,
AllSportsMarket (.NET) Operated by Hamish Webb Moved to ShareScam.com to Evade the Law and Further Extortionist Scheme

#37Author of original report

Mon, January 12, 2009

In an effort to evade Crystal World Holdings, Inc.'s rightful claim to the domain bearing our registered trademark and continue his illegal and extortionist activities, Hamish Webb has relocated the website to ShareScam.com. Mr. Webb continues to masquerade as multiple personalities on this and other websites, make and endorse patently false unsubstantiated claims and spread deceptive rumors to further his extortion scheme while posing as an "agent" for traders. This information is being recorded for future legal actions against Mr. Webb who seems completely unaware or unconcerned of the substantial liability he is creating for himself.

Crystal world holdings, inc.

District of Columbia,
AllSportsMarket (.NET) Operated by Hamish Webb Moved to ShareScam.com to Evade the Law and Further Extortionist Scheme

#38Author of original report

Mon, January 12, 2009

In an effort to evade Crystal World Holdings, Inc.'s rightful claim to the domain bearing our registered trademark and continue his illegal and extortionist activities, Hamish Webb has relocated the website to ShareScam.com. Mr. Webb continues to masquerade as multiple personalities on this and other websites, make and endorse patently false unsubstantiated claims and spread deceptive rumors to further his extortion scheme while posing as an "agent" for traders. This information is being recorded for future legal actions against Mr. Webb who seems completely unaware or unconcerned of the substantial liability he is creating for himself.

Crystal world holdings, inc.

District of Columbia,
AllSportsMarket (.NET) Operated by Hamish Webb Moved to ShareScam.com to Evade the Law and Further Extortionist Scheme

#39Author of original report

Mon, January 12, 2009

In an effort to evade Crystal World Holdings, Inc.'s rightful claim to the domain bearing our registered trademark and continue his illegal and extortionist activities, Hamish Webb has relocated the website to ShareScam.com. Mr. Webb continues to masquerade as multiple personalities on this and other websites, make and endorse patently false unsubstantiated claims and spread deceptive rumors to further his extortion scheme while posing as an "agent" for traders. This information is being recorded for future legal actions against Mr. Webb who seems completely unaware or unconcerned of the substantial liability he is creating for himself.

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