  • Report:  #435585

Complaint Review: Alluring Advertising - Riverside California

Reported By:
- MIAMI, Florida,

Alluring Advertising
3595 University Ave. Riverside, 92501 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This company advertises a need for sign holders all over the web. Specifically on Craigslist.org. I answered an add for a sign holder, I was contacted and told to fill out the company's required paper work and then I was told where to go show up for work. I did everything I was told to do, as best as I could. I was given great reviews by the company I helped out by holding their sign.... Alluring Advertising has not paid for 10.5 hours of work. They claim they have mailed a check, they claim that payroll is looking into it, they claim they are not sure why I have not received the check... A quick search of the internet will show that the company's main telephone number, (951)707-8662, is a cell phone number and it comes up to multiple so called Companies all over the web. The "owner" Manny Mendoza even uses it on his personal website. His assistant Ruth, or payroll department... is all a scam. These are 2 people trying to make money from desperate people in need of work.

Mr. R.

MIAMI, Florida


2 Updates & Rebuttals


San Diego,
United States of America

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 12, 2012

Hello, my name is Jason Nelson and have made it my mission to set the record straight regarding companies who take advantage of their employees but then deny any part of it once an irate ex-employee poasts their experience on Ripoff.com. I also understand that such authors with to remain their true name hidden.

"Mr. R" described an almost identical experience of mine along with the four others whom used to work for Alluring Advertising. Personally though, ten others have come forwared personally via the contact information I leave with all of my poasts. That is fifteen people total who, in one form or another, have been scamed. 

"Mr. R", the ten whom I have talked with, in addition with the other four on this site and myself have one underlying theme that runs throughout our experience with working for Alluring Advertising. And that is:
1.) We have little to no time to think about the offer. For example, Manny might say that the job starts the next day in the morning. Before you can work however, you must print out the w2,i9, and aplication from his e-mail attachment. Also, in addition to the pre-requisit of filling these things out, you must race to a Kincos copy place if you dont own a fax machine. you must fax these documents in addition to your drivers licence and socialsecurity card. You must also print out time sheets along with said documents!
2.) Assuming you manage to compleate all of these requirements by 11:00am the next morning(which is when your shift would start) The company in which you are spinning for signs your sheet which varifies the hours in which you work. Even though they take your time sheet on the second day, you must ask for a copy for your own records! I cant stress this enough.
3.) Now, like myself,I worked the weekend of Dec. 17 and 18. Checks are sent out on Fridays (supposidly) but I worked out a special agreement where Manny would send the check the next day on Monday. The ten hours were recorded and the condo manager faxed my time sheet. Manny assured me that he recieved the hours and had sent out my check that morning. IT was Monday when we talked. However like every review, my check never came! On Wendsday I called Manny who informaed me that since it was the holiday, mail was backed up. He was liying of course because the check Manny claimed to have sent, never even left the office. Instead, he was hopping that I would forget it eventually and move on.
4.)When the mail came Wendsday and the check was not included, I called payroll. In fact the number which Manny advertised on his website for potential clients to call was never attended by a live agent or any type of person repersenting Alluring Advertising. The robotic voice eminating from the number I called prompted the caller to dial a number assosiated with the particular service desired. For example, to talk to someone in the payroll department was #3 while Human resources was #4. It made no diffrence whether I dialed #3 or #4, I was always directed to a voicemail in which I was instructed to leave my name and number.

Its apparent that the name Brittany Kross is a ficticious name contrived by Manny and more than likely written by him personally! If you noticed, the posting was published Dec. 7th, 2011. If there was such an employer that existed, I would have had contact with her considering she claims to have worked in payroll. ALso, notice how "Brittany" blamed Mr. R. on not being paied due to not filling out his time sheet properly. However, That is imeadiatly contradicted by MR. R's posting itself who stated how Manny told him he sent his check and has no idea why he has not recieved it.

To close, I must state that the only reason why I was paied in full was because I promised I would file civil papers in court to recoup the wages in which I worked. MANNY RELENTED AND WIRED THE MONEY TO ME WITH IN THE HOUR VIA WESTERN UNION.  If you believe you are still owed money for services provided, contact me first @ [email protected]

Thank you and never give up fighting if you are sure you have been taken advantage of,

Jason Nelson.

Britanny Kross

Miami, Fl,,
United States of America
This report is a COMPELETE hoax!

#3UPDATE Employee

Wed, December 07, 2011

This report is a COMPELETE hoax. First off Manny is ONE of the main managers and is one of the nicest people Ive ever met.

I started with this company as a sign twirler and have moved up to work in the office. I always made sure to fax my time sheets in on time so they could be processed on time.

Now that I have moved up and work in the office I CANNOT believe how many people are so negligent about following the basic procedures that affect their pay and they way some act when they are the ones at fault. Sometime often worse than the person who made this slanderous report.

There is ABSOLUTELY no reason why anyone in our scheduling department would impede on someone getting paid on time. First, it would only make our scheduling job harder.

Second, we would get in trouble! It doesn't add up. Sorry buddy!

Brittany Kross

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