  • Report:  #67028

Complaint Review: Alyon Technologies - Norcross Georgia

Reported By:
- TOPTON, North Carolina,

Alyon Technologies
PO Box 921549 Norcross, 30010 Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
All this started back in February, 2003. I was on the internet, when I was getting ready to turn off my computer, I noticed an unfamiliar icon on my desktop and an internet connection that was no supossed to be there, I deleted them. About a week later a got a bill for $160.87, from a company that I never heard before "Alyon Technologies Inc.".

I didn't pay that bill, I received two more later, and then a notice, that the account had been referred to a collection agency from Chicago. The name of this other company is Merchants Credit Guide Co. (probably as (censored)). They've call me twice in the past week. I filed a report at BBB, and now this other one at Rip-off report.com. I hope somebody put a stop to this people now. Thank you.


TOPTON, North Carolina

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