  • Report:  #173211

Complaint Review: Amanda Roche Matricciani YOUR NEXT HORSE Maryland Equine Massage - Taneytown, Westminster, Hampstead, Hunt Valley Maryland

Reported By:
- Lexington Park, Maryland,

Amanda Roche Matricciani YOUR NEXT HORSE Maryland Equine Massage
Maryland, Pennsylvania, And Virginia Taneytown, Westminster, Hampstead, Hunt Valley, Maryland, U.S.A.
443-739 4069
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Sold a horse that we found she used HAIR DYE on. HAIR DYE! The new hair growth was a different color, and we thought it might be from an injury, but our vet said it looked like the hair had been dyed because each piece of hair had a line where the new color started. That could mean the coggins is not for this horse.

From talk around here, she writes bad checks to people, one of them has a court date from the state suing her for it. I bet that can be confirmed through the court system.

Also found out that she had horses from the track or the auction (she gets horses from them) that had rhino, so she got kicked out of a barn that she was in because of that. Aren't they putting horses down at the track that have rhino?

A farrier that knows her says that she has moved to a new barn 4 or 5 times in the last year. I was trying to find her address on a web search, but she only lists a post office box, probably so she can hide from people that she has screwed in the past.

I won't buy anything from her again. When she advertised and showed the horse, she knew all the buzz words that made me want to see it, but I don't think she knows what they really mean, because the first one she showed me was not built for jumping or dressage, but was advertised with great potential for both.

I'd rather pay more from somebody with a better reputation. The horse she sold me didn't work out. After I got it healthy, it started to become difficult.

Not showing my real identity. She probably used hair dye on more than just my horse.


Aberdeen, Maryland

46 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
more names, more businesses, and more fraud

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, March 03, 2012

Amanda or Mandy as a first name.  Last names include McDougall, Manown, Manow, Matricciani, Forbes, Seiler.  She also uses her daughter for a name to sell by, which is Ashlen Forbes.  Her business names have changed many times as well:  Happy on Hooves, Your Next Horse, Thoroughbred Prospects, Brummel Horse Farm, and more.  She also has left a wake of unpaid barn owners behind, including one after her "friend" above posted her reply.

Just do a ripoffreport search on every name, barn, and business name above, and you will see just that she just recently (as in the last month) was evicted from Brummel Horse Farm for non-payment and she also left with more than one person's pre-paid lesson money.  She has also, once again, changed her business name (thought she said that she would not do that again). 

For every report, she has her family and friends come on and post fake positive replies.  Jonas turned out to be a combination of her brother and of her.  Steer clear of this unpredicatable ripoff artist.

Report Attachments

Kelly D.

Bel Air,
United States of America
Not the Amanda I know

#3General Comment

Mon, May 16, 2011

Let me just say up-front that I am not a horse person. I have ridden a few times and have mucked a stall or two but that is the extent of my involvement with horses. The times I have been around horses and had a riding lesson here or there have been through my relationship with Amanda.

Amanda has been my nearest and dearest friend for 16 years. There have been times in my life when the only person to turn to has been her and every time she has been there for me. She sat with me in the emergency room in the middle of the night when I didnt know what was wrong with my son. She took a litter of 3 week-old kittens that had been abandoned at my house and bottle fed them to ensure their survival. Amanda has been my maid of honor not once but twice (my mistake not hers and she did try to warn me the first time). She took me to and from work and watched my son when life was at its worst for me. We have laughed together, cried together and questioned the world together. Amanda is one of those friends that never judges you, always listens, would do anything for you and always has your best interest at heart.
The things being written here are not the person I know. I have witnessed some of her transactions and have always been impressed with the absolute honesty with which she conducts business. I have seen her turn away potential buyers because she didnt believe there was a horse in her barn that fit the buyer. She is more interested in the well-being of the horses than she is about making money. Amanda is a horse lover through and through. If you had a problem with her or one of her horses I would have to guess you didnt contact her and honestly discuss the issue(s). If you had she would have done anything in her power to ensure both you and your horse were happy.

Thanks Amanda (Mandy) for all of the years behind us, all of the lessons you have taught me and all of the years ahead of us that I have to look forward to.

Amanda Matricciani-Roche

United States of America
We have changed our policies

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, May 01, 2011

Thank you for bringing these issues to our attention.  We have changed our policy and bill of sale to make the sale of a horse easier to understand.  I would like to make this sale right and want to know what I could do to correct it.  Thanks for your time and consideration on this matter.

Ursula from Berlin

United States of America
Yes, Amanda buys and sells auction horses

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, March 18, 2011


I was at the auctions (New Holland and Thurmont), and witnessed Amanda purchasing AND SELLING horses on a regular basis.  Check out the article above and you will see more proof of that.

She goes also by Amanda Seiler, Amanda Roche, Amanda MacDougall, Amanda Matricciani, and Amanda Forbes.  She also elists her daughter, Ashlen Forbes, to sell horses for her as well.


Her business names change a lot, too.  Past known names have been Your Next Horse, Thoroughbred Propects, Brummel Horse Farm, Sampson Ridge Farm, to name a few known ones. 

Her name and facilities change a lot.  Your best bet when buying a horse, especially for the hunter ring (her favorite customers), is to be very careful of anyone that fits the following description:

Light blonde, straight hair (although that can change, but her daughter also has it).

Daughter that rides and works with her...about 18 years old, similar looks.  She has a son that is a little younger, too.

40 years old, but may look a bit younger.



Big dimples.  Bright blue eyes. 

Very pleasant and personable, until your deal goes sour.

Sounds very intelligent.



#6Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 01, 2006

"UTILIZE" blackmail? who the hell uses THAT word? AMANDA, that's who! search the previous posts. "if you're not happy, UTILIZE the guarantee". she used it in almost every post where she used her real identity. amanda, you are a total IDIOT. go buy a brain, and don't write a bad check for it.


Your Mama,

#7Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 01, 2006

Holly, would you sit on your hands if some caddy, spiteful bitches were trying to ruin your sister's reputation? The very fact that they think Amanda is posting rebuttals as someone else shows how they think. If Amanda had an unhappy client who was trying to warn prospective horse owners of Amanda, they would openly lay out their case. They would'nt hide their idenity. How would they prove they are who they say they are and that they knew my sister at all? People love to fight, often times not caring who against. Think about how people posted about my sister, while withholding their identity, then some screwball posts defending her while withholding his identity. Suddenly, it has to be Amanda, who else would defend her? This is what these people enjoy doing. They don't care about warning the public, they want to fight and to win. Look at the freaks this thing has called to arms. Jesus Christ you live in AZ and are joining in. Amanda has never been to AZ. People are hooked on this crap. Why are you even responding? To put in your own two cents, thats what everyone is doing. For some reason, humans will always take sides. Once you've choosen, it is nearly impossible to switch, because you want to be part of the group. Your previous mates will then trash you, and the other side won't take you because you were their enemy. The only way to truely win is to not give a s**t. This fight has no direction but down for everyone involved. You people will never get the time back you've wasted on ripoffreport. And what can you say you've accomplished? I never said I'd do anything criminal, the teacher who threatened to divulge personal, family business utilized blackmail as a means to end a dispute. Blackmail, a f**king private school teacher blackmailing people! Thats pretty f**ked up. I'm not smart enough to not involved, but I am smart enough to see this is making otherwise good people do bad things.


this is a really good one! thanks.

#8Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 01, 2006

no, AMANDA didn't post her phone number and address, JONAS did. the ONLY one to post amanda's email address and phone number was jonas. amanda is jonas. slip of the tongue there, john/amanda. i dont' know why my previous post has not shown up, so i'll say it again. NO guy uses the language that "john" uses. we don't call girls "pretty girls", we don't say things like "i know a woman's psyche" and "self imposed protector." girly talk. ask any guy. amanda just found another alias to keep posting, that's all.


this is a really good one! thanks.

#9Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 01, 2006

no, AMANDA didn't post her phone number and address, JONAS did. the ONLY one to post amanda's email address and phone number was jonas. amanda is jonas. slip of the tongue there, john/amanda. i dont' know why my previous post has not shown up, so i'll say it again. NO guy uses the language that "john" uses. we don't call girls "pretty girls", we don't say things like "i know a woman's psyche" and "self imposed protector." girly talk. ask any guy. amanda just found another alias to keep posting, that's all.


this is a really good one! thanks.

#10Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 01, 2006

no, AMANDA didn't post her phone number and address, JONAS did. the ONLY one to post amanda's email address and phone number was jonas. amanda is jonas. slip of the tongue there, john/amanda. i dont' know why my previous post has not shown up, so i'll say it again. NO guy uses the language that "john" uses. we don't call girls "pretty girls", we don't say things like "i know a woman's psyche" and "self imposed protector." girly talk. ask any guy. amanda just found another alias to keep posting, that's all.


this is a really good one! thanks.

#11Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 01, 2006

no, AMANDA didn't post her phone number and address, JONAS did. the ONLY one to post amanda's email address and phone number was jonas. amanda is jonas. slip of the tongue there, john/amanda. i dont' know why my previous post has not shown up, so i'll say it again. NO guy uses the language that "john" uses. we don't call girls "pretty girls", we don't say things like "i know a woman's psyche" and "self imposed protector." girly talk. ask any guy. amanda just found another alias to keep posting, that's all.


This is getting good

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, February 28, 2006

Keep going John, Amanda, and Jonas. We are all in awe of your abilty to dispute every single report ever written about Amanda's Amazing Horses. Yet, I wonder, why do you have to defend yourself so much? Why would customers set out to ruin a perfectly good breeder who has done nothing wrong? From the looks of it, these people are all over the place. What, did they get together in a remote location to secretly plot your demise? I don't get it. And what is with John? You are a freak. People talking about your sister "behind her back" doe NOT give you the right to do anything criminal. You need to chill out. Amanda is a big girl now who can post her own replies. You trying to step in and be the hero just makes it look worse. So please, do us all a favor and stop posting. No one gives a crap about you and your threats! And a HUGE thank you to the person who shed some light on the situation. I appreciate a new entry detailing how crooked Amanda is and the lies she has been telling. Let me tell you this right now, John/Amanda/Jonas, I know nothing about horses or you. Got it? I am simply posting to let you know you are all a bunch of nut cases who seriously need to get a grip. Amanda - you are obviously still making money, right? So cares about this website. Does every person you deal with check this site before buying from you? Probably not. So quit! You have a shady business, and people are pissed. Here's a suggestion - quit doing business this way! This will eliminate these complaints. It's that simple. Jonas and John - shut up! None of these people have ever dealt with you, nor met you, so leave it alone. Just because you're Amanda's relative does not mean you have to fight her battles. She made her bed, let her LIE in it.


linking up the reports

#13Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 28, 2006

linking up all related reports for y'all to see. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff167736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff173211.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff172893.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff166123.htm


they worked for their board

#14Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 28, 2006

you didn't give those people free board and s**t, those people worked their asses off for you for their board. told devi they paid for all the wormers to worm all yor horses, too, 'cause you weren't worming 'em. i bet they paid for other s**t, too. you are such an idiot. i know who posted because i got a phone call. send it on to all the private schools. waste your time doing that instead of all the other s**t that you pull. keep ya busy for a while. nobody's afraid of you.


they worked for their board

#15Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 28, 2006

you didn't give those people free board and s**t, those people worked their asses off for you for their board. told devi they paid for all the wormers to worm all yor horses, too, 'cause you weren't worming 'em. i bet they paid for other s**t, too. you are such an idiot. i know who posted because i got a phone call. send it on to all the private schools. waste your time doing that instead of all the other s**t that you pull. keep ya busy for a while. nobody's afraid of you.


they worked for their board

#16Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 28, 2006

you didn't give those people free board and s**t, those people worked their asses off for you for their board. told devi they paid for all the wormers to worm all yor horses, too, 'cause you weren't worming 'em. i bet they paid for other s**t, too. you are such an idiot. i know who posted because i got a phone call. send it on to all the private schools. waste your time doing that instead of all the other s**t that you pull. keep ya busy for a while. nobody's afraid of you.


they worked for their board

#17Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 28, 2006

you didn't give those people free board and s**t, those people worked their asses off for you for their board. told devi they paid for all the wormers to worm all yor horses, too, 'cause you weren't worming 'em. i bet they paid for other s**t, too. you are such an idiot. i know who posted because i got a phone call. send it on to all the private schools. waste your time doing that instead of all the other s**t that you pull. keep ya busy for a while. nobody's afraid of you.


Your Mama,
I know my sister

#18Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 28, 2006

I'm very glad you've restrained yourself for so long, I know it must be difficult. You are a true friend of Devi and a hell of a trump card. I don't remember reading any post's about a son being hidden, but from the incidinary nature of these post's I don't doubt it. You are very closs to crossing a line. Do you teach your students about ripoffreport.com? How about decency? There is one thing I know about private schools, they like to keep matters private. I hope you can appreciate what I'm saying. If you are a friend of that family, maybe I could tell you some things about them. If you so much as think of doing what you threatened, I will post names and places. Call your friend who knows my sister and they will tell you I'm not kidding. I don't know of anything criminal, no wait I do. Do you think it is o.k. for a grown man to sleep with a sixteen year old. Ask your friend how his cousin's fifteen year old friend was in bed. How old was he at the time, twenty five? So if you are a true friend you will keep private matters private. Ask your friend about me before you do something stupid. You are disgusting to even mention that. This is suppossed to be a forum of discussing bad business, you have made it personal for me. You mess with my family, I will reciprocate. Now that you're such a whiz on the computer, why don't you apply the ip tracking software to ripooffreport? My sister would'nt post using an alias. You know you need a valid working address in order to post on ripoffreport Amanda's attitude of " call me if you have a problem " and the fact she listed her phone number and address on ripoffreport shows she wants to resolve these issues. She would'nt inflame the situation by annonymously posting hurtful stuff. Please think about that. Think about the fact that she is the only one to use her real name. Do you really think she feels the need to become Batman and trash everyone? Its stupid. She will tell you to your face if she has a problem with you. She never tried to hurt anyone, just defend herself. Now I have an idea to hurt you. If you repost anything about my families personal affairs, I will copy your last post along with any new ones, and I will e-mail them to every headmaster, dean of students, alumni board, and private school student I can find. I will also post your statements on every private school's myspace group. People will know it was YOU. I don't care if it makes me look crazy, I have no one to impress. Now to the two boarders that left Amanda after a month. Did Amanda ever ask you for board money? Did Amanda ever pay any of your vet bills? Did Amanda ever call you friends, and tell me how lucky she was to have you as friends? Yes she did. She really liked you guys and treated you the best she was capable of. I like you guys, but you are obviously talking about her behind her back. She provided for all of the horses the best she could. She helped you when she could. You don't know how many nights her and I talked about how we could make things better for you guys. I am truly sorry it didn't work out. Darlene, if Amanda was ever standoffish, or seemed to not want to be at the farm with you guys, I think you know why, It wasn't you. I have been in some s**t I thought I'd never be into. Thankfully, I learn from my mistakes. You won't catch me inside again.


I am very angry about the things being said here.

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, February 28, 2006

Please let me begin by admitting that I have known Devi for over 5 years. I also want everyone to know that a while back she asked everyone not to post to this website. Many of us have been following this request and just watching this website. We also have seen other websites where degrading and untruthful things were posted about Devi. These all occured after Amanda was evicted from Devi's barn. I JUST CANNOT HOLD BACK ANY LONGER. I have met Amanda, although not when she was at Devi's barn. One of my friends was related to Amanda through marriage, long before she even met Devi. There are some things on here that make me very angry, especially the part about Devi hiding her son. I know Amanda will know EXACTLY what I am talking about. There is truly somebody who is hiding a son, and it isn't Devi. I do think that Amanda has learned to hide some very undesireable attributes that lurk underneath the surface. She carries a sense of entitlement. She can be very manipulative while seeming very nice on the outside. These are traits that I knew about years ago. Two of us tried to talk to Devi about Amanda while Amanda was leasing her barn, but Devi insisted that she did not see those behaviors in Amanda. Devi is one of the most hard working, honest, and generous people that I have ever met. She's always giving everybody her things to use. Vehicles, trailers, tack, money, children's items, even her horses. She's constantly buying things that she thinks her friends can use, not caring if they can pay her for it or not. I saw her trailer before Amanda started using it, and saw it afterwards, and the damage was immediately evident. I know Devi doesn't treat her trailers that way, because I borrowed her older one before she got the bigger one, and she had it like new and really clean, and it was about 25 years old. Devi let Amanda borrow her new trailer against everyone's advice. Devi has a boarder's kid in her barn who broke his arm on one of Amanda's auction ponies. Amanda put this child who Devi said had just barely started to ride up on that pony when she should have gotten on that pony herself. From what I understand, she couldn't put her pony club daughter on it because the daughter had just broken her arm on different auction pony of Amanda's. I have never heard of a single student of Devi's getting hurt. When Amanda left Devi's barn, everyone said taht there wasn't a lead rope in sight. Devi always has had a large stock of lead ropes, halters, and extra tack, and she had more than enough for every stall in her new barn, but when Amanda left, there was not a single one of Devi's lead ropes left. Two of her boarders lost their lead ropes, too. The day Amanda left, all of the feed buckets and water buckets, except for the old ones that were stored because they leaked, were taken. This is not just Devi telling me this, but the boarders have said so. Amanda also refused to return the deposits to the boarders when she was evicted. Not only have the boarders said that, she herself posted it on chronofhorse.com, which I downloaded and kept for Devi. I happen to be a teacher at a private school in Maryland. I almost posted when Amanda said that both of her TWO children (2?) were on full, merit-based scholarships, but then somebody else did that. I have worked at other private schools besides this one. I must say that I know of no private school that offers merit-based scholarships to people that have the means to pay. Admissions is what is based on merit. Scholarships are set aside for those who pass the entrance exams, but are unable to pay, and the amount given is on a sliding scale, based on ability to pay. Full scholarships based on merit alone are only offered at the college level. If John is not Amanda, and he is her brother, then he doesn't know his sister very well or he is protecting her regardless of knowing that she lies. John, tell us why she denies being at the barn with tape fencing, where the horses got out onto Rt. 140 and one got hit (there is a police report complete with address). She has moved her horses to a different place since then. That makes at least 3 barns in one year, not counting the one she that she came from when she arrived at Devi's barn. The people that worked for Amanda are now working at Devi's barn. They had their horses at the barn that had tape fencing. Tell us why Amanda lied about having only one farrier for the last 10 years. She unwittingly revealed the truth right here, showing everybody that she cannot keep her facts straight. Why did Amanda lie about the pending hearing concerning an unhappy client, that is quite a large lie. Why did Amanda first say right here that she only had one unhappy client, yet then tell right here about a second one that wanted to return a horse (that Amanda would not take back)? Why has Amanda not paid back even a part of the money for that returned horse that she resold? That poor woman is out thousands of dollars, and does not even have a horse to show for it. Please do tell us why Amanda lied about buying and selling her horses at auction (lordy, everyone around here has seen Amanda buying and selling horses at the auctions around here). Why did Amanda say to one of the posters here that she only sells thoroughbreds, when she has bought drafts, ponies, paints, arabs, and quarter horses from the auctions, and recently? They were all at Devi's place, and she advertised them days after she purchased them. Can you tell us why she would say that she never mixes horses in a field, when I know she put 15 or more in a half acre paddock at Devi's, and included horses under quarantine mixed in that group? If Amanda is not vindictive, why did she do that the day that the eviction notice was posted in the barn? The horses were not just Devi's, they were all of the boarder's horses. I would call that vindictive. Can you please tell us why the couple that went with Amanda when she left Devi's came back about a month later? There has been a group of us following infamatory posts about Devi that were made to chat sites and even Devi's own website, as well as reading the posts here. Devi never had a single deragatory thing said about her until after Amanda got evicted, then suddenly things were showing up all over the web. Devi was unaware until some of us saw them and one of us decided to called her. I personally have seen several of Amanda's emails that Devi forwarded to me along with Devi's replies. The emails had full headers with Amanda's IP address on them. The posts to her website were tracked using a program that ran on her website, and the posts were made from Amanda's IP address. They were posts about Bipolar Disease and Alcoholism. Those same accusations were made here by none other than Jonas (or maybe the bipolar one was made by Amanda. I am too tired to check through them all). These posts would be removed by Devi, only to re-occur a week later. There several posts to her website guest page, which she had to shut down. These posts were also from the same IP address, and just like on here, they were posted under various false names, with invalid email addresses. For everyone's information, the tracking software she used tracks hits to the website using IP addresses. On the day of those posts, the only IP address listed for that day was that of Amanda's computer, I saw them. Devi showed us all of this, and told me that she had also shown the people in her barn, showed the new trainer, and sent copies to her lawyer. There are many witnesses to the shenanigans that Amanda has played. To Devi's credit, she did not post the rip off report on this website right after Amanda left. She posted it several weeks later after being continually hounded by Amanda's posts. Amanda's mistake was that she didn't know she was being recorded, and she didn't think that others would find out. Amanda will do a lot of bad things when she thinks nobody can postively pin it on her. I know Amanda wouldn't pass a lie detector test if the questions were submitted by a forum of people who have been following this saga. Many of us are Devi's trail partners, muck mates, former and current students, and boarding buddies. We are all watching, as are some that know Amanda but don't know Devi. I would stongly suggest that Amanda's charades and lies be discontinued, if she doesn't want more of us to come forward and tell some of the details of what we really know about her.



#20Consumer Comment

Mon, February 27, 2006

Supposedly you are Amanda's brother. But didn't she mention in one of the postings on this board that she had NO FAMILY! You (amanda) also made a mistake in posting that females will not have posted what "Jonas" was posting because they avoid contreversy. Sorry, but that is not true. If someone came up to her face and said something then I can understand. But as long as she (you Amanda) are using aliases then you can be as mean (or b****ty) as you want to be. GIVE IT UP!!!



#21Consumer Comment

Mon, February 27, 2006

Supposedly you are Amanda's brother. But didn't she mention in one of the postings on this board that she had NO FAMILY! You (amanda) also made a mistake in posting that females will not have posted what "Jonas" was posting because they avoid contreversy. Sorry, but that is not true. If someone came up to her face and said something then I can understand. But as long as she (you Amanda) are using aliases then you can be as mean (or b****ty) as you want to be. GIVE IT UP!!!



#22Consumer Comment

Mon, February 27, 2006

Supposedly you are Amanda's brother. But didn't she mention in one of the postings on this board that she had NO FAMILY! You (amanda) also made a mistake in posting that females will not have posted what "Jonas" was posting because they avoid contreversy. Sorry, but that is not true. If someone came up to her face and said something then I can understand. But as long as she (you Amanda) are using aliases then you can be as mean (or b****ty) as you want to be. GIVE IT UP!!!



#23Consumer Comment

Mon, February 27, 2006

Supposedly you are Amanda's brother. But didn't she mention in one of the postings on this board that she had NO FAMILY! You (amanda) also made a mistake in posting that females will not have posted what "Jonas" was posting because they avoid contreversy. Sorry, but that is not true. If someone came up to her face and said something then I can understand. But as long as she (you Amanda) are using aliases then you can be as mean (or b****ty) as you want to be. GIVE IT UP!!!


Your Mama,
You people are nuts

#24Consumer Suggestion

Mon, February 27, 2006

Amanda is not Jonas. I am Amanda'a brother so I think I know her pretty well. She has never set out to hurt anyone. She is very smart, not vindictive. From the reports I've read, she answered questions and took a " whatever " type attitude. Jonas is obviously male, women are'nt that aggressive. If you know me, you know I've been with a couple women, so I think I know a women's psyche. I could go through these post's times and probably confirm Amanda was with me for at least one of them. If you call me a liar or say some slick stuff about me, you can say it to my face, or not at all. If you think it is unreasonable for a pretty blonde girl to have a self imposed protector, you must smoke crack. Amanda unknowingly flirts with guys, shes not a flirt, just a nice person. She jokes around a lot and does'nt take herself too seriously. She's a good person. I can vouch for her when she tells about her first horses being rescues, I was living with her at the time. Somebody made a good point on one of these posts where they said the person who bought the messed up horse turned around and resold the horse. Smells of bullshit, or the pot calling the kettle black. For the record, I went to a private school on scholarship. The scholarship is won on merit, it would be unethical to hand out scholarships based on abillity to pay. After a scholarship is awarded, the school and the parents work out how much is able to be paid. Many of my wealthy friends were on scholarship, but their parents payed more than I did. Scholarships are earned by the student, not by the parent. It looks good for college. I also wanted to point out how stupid it is to assume that Amanda is Jonas because of the hair dye thing. I am not a horse person and even I think it is ridiculous to even think of dyeing a horses whole body. I can't even think of it w/o laughing. I would also like to think the FDA would not allow a product designed for humans to be so harsh it would be even worse to use on a horse. I don't know for sure but I think stuff O.k.ed for humans goes through rigorous testing, testing often done on animals.


New Market,
I know Amanda

#25Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 17, 2006

Amanda, I know you. I seen you bid on, buy and sell horses at auctions in the last year lots of times. What the hell are you thinking getting on here and lying like this? dont' you know that we'll see it and then everybody areoud here will talk about how you lied? You sure don't care where a horse ends up when you sell it at the auction. didn't you write that you had the same guy doing your horses feet for the last 10 years? Now you say you have 2. no court date, but there is one. you lie and get caught in your own lies right here how about that buyer that you didn't return the money to. Why didn't you just refuse the horse? Your story doesn't jive here. You have the money plus you resold the horse. I say go for the lie detector. Let the three people here that you screwed here decide the questions to ask you. Will you take it then?


New Market,
I know Amanda

#26Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 17, 2006

Amanda, I know you. I seen you bid on, buy and sell horses at auctions in the last year lots of times. What the hell are you thinking getting on here and lying like this? dont' you know that we'll see it and then everybody areoud here will talk about how you lied? You sure don't care where a horse ends up when you sell it at the auction. didn't you write that you had the same guy doing your horses feet for the last 10 years? Now you say you have 2. no court date, but there is one. you lie and get caught in your own lies right here how about that buyer that you didn't return the money to. Why didn't you just refuse the horse? Your story doesn't jive here. You have the money plus you resold the horse. I say go for the lie detector. Let the three people here that you screwed here decide the questions to ask you. Will you take it then?


New Market,
I know Amanda

#27Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 17, 2006

Amanda, I know you. I seen you bid on, buy and sell horses at auctions in the last year lots of times. What the hell are you thinking getting on here and lying like this? dont' you know that we'll see it and then everybody areoud here will talk about how you lied? You sure don't care where a horse ends up when you sell it at the auction. didn't you write that you had the same guy doing your horses feet for the last 10 years? Now you say you have 2. no court date, but there is one. you lie and get caught in your own lies right here how about that buyer that you didn't return the money to. Why didn't you just refuse the horse? Your story doesn't jive here. You have the money plus you resold the horse. I say go for the lie detector. Let the three people here that you screwed here decide the questions to ask you. Will you take it then?


New Market,
I know Amanda

#28Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 17, 2006

Amanda, I know you. I seen you bid on, buy and sell horses at auctions in the last year lots of times. What the hell are you thinking getting on here and lying like this? dont' you know that we'll see it and then everybody areoud here will talk about how you lied? You sure don't care where a horse ends up when you sell it at the auction. didn't you write that you had the same guy doing your horses feet for the last 10 years? Now you say you have 2. no court date, but there is one. you lie and get caught in your own lies right here how about that buyer that you didn't return the money to. Why didn't you just refuse the horse? Your story doesn't jive here. You have the money plus you resold the horse. I say go for the lie detector. Let the three people here that you screwed here decide the questions to ask you. Will you take it then?


Hunt Valley,

#29REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, February 17, 2006

Ok the answers to your questions. I do what I do for a living because I love it. Of course I don't make alot of money. It is very expensive to take care of these horses and pay a rider to school them. This whole business started out of a need to find horses a good home and that is always our goal. Scholarships at private schools are not always need based. I am sure that you are aware of merit based scholarships. I have taken in quite a few horses that were rescues and lost lots of money on them re-habbing them. No...not because I am a recue but because I really care about horses in need. If you have enough courage to actually pick up the phone and call me I can give you 5 numbers of people who now have these horses. They can attest to the fact of how much they paid for the horse. Actually we rescued a 35 year old pony and free leased her to a family. When they were finished using her they brought her back and then we leased her out again. She has provided many years of happy brushing for youngsters. I have also taken in many starvation cases and rehabbed them. I can give you information about them if you would like. I do not feel like it is necessary to post these kind peoples number publicly because most of the people on this site really scare me. I have not badmouthed anyone, I have always stated that if you are not happy with a horse just pick up the phone and call me. I did state the reasons why I left that farm and that is it. Of course it bothers me if people are not compassionate towards their animals. I think that it is industry standard to charge $30 for a coggins unless you need it right away, then you have to pay an additional fee. How in the world can you switch a coggins? TBs have tattoos and the only horse that I sell that is mine is a TB. Yes I have had crossbred horses but as I said earlier they are on consignment with me and you would have the coggins of the original owner. Any horse that is a rehab comes with a totally different contact. $500 is not re-stocking fee. Why should I let you use my horse for free? Would you let someone take your horse for a week for free? Of course not. This is a business. Actually because of all of this we do not offer a guarantee anymore. It is really sad because it used to be so cool. I gave someone a year to try a horse before. At this point I will do what everyone else does and you will need to vet the horse on my farm and be sure that you are ready to purchase. Hopefully with that I will not have to deal with people who are looking to start trouble. Well I guess that trail riders should not buy a horse from me if they do not want to hire a trainer. I WILL NOT SELL to anyone who does not have enough knowledge to own a horse. It is not fair to the horse if someone does not know how to ride. I would not want a beginner to bounce around on my back week after week with no improvement. Do you even consider your horses feelings? Just think about it. It just makes sence to hire a qualified trainer to help you better your skills. Horses are powerful animals that can possibly kill you. Don't you think that it would be smart to know what you are doing? If you can't afford a trainer than you should not own a horse...THAT SIMPLE. This is not an inexpensive sport and if you are looking for that than I suggest jogging. My daughter is a d3 and my son has only ridden about 20 times in his life. Most of my family cannot ride. When I say a horse is beginner safe it means that I would put my own childen and family on this horse. Please bear in mind that horses can be dangerous animals and that they are unpredictable. NO horse is Bombproof!! Please feel free to check the auction listings. I stand by my origianl statement. Of course I have been to an auction, is that a crime? So you stated earlier that you did not trust me and that you have window shopped for quite some time before you took the plunge. If I was such a bad horse person what made you decide to choose to buy a horse from me? It seems like you are making this up to me. Why would you buy an unhealthy horse? Did you have the horse vetted? You say that you are an experienced horse person I am sure that you would have done that. Wouldn't your vet tell you that the horse was ill? I am not sure how your horse is living off of such a small diet. Yikes, we feed 5lbs AM and PM. Unlimited hay and lunch if they need it and are competing. That is not including supplements. I hope that you are feeding a minature horse on that diet. I do not have tape fencing...swing by my farm and check for yourself. Of course I will not have people post here for me. This whole site is a crazy. Why would I bother my happy clients and take them away from their horses to reply to this stuff. I know that they are happy and if I have a couple of unhappy people that cannot even pick up the phone to discuss it how can I help them? Obviously you are not even brave enought to use your own name. Really come on now, lets be adults about this. This whole site is devoted to bashing people. Take a look around, you will find reports on some pretty crazt things. So in short yes, I think that the people who are posting have nothing better to do. When did I say that I wouldn't take someones horse back? Who did I not refund money to? What horse did I misrepresent? Why didn't you call me to discuss it? Who have I said hateful things about? I have more than one farrier and I spoke with them both today and they do not know what you are talking about.


Hunt Valley,

#30REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, February 17, 2006

Ok the answers to your questions. I do what I do for a living because I love it. Of course I don't make alot of money. It is very expensive to take care of these horses and pay a rider to school them. This whole business started out of a need to find horses a good home and that is always our goal. Scholarships at private schools are not always need based. I am sure that you are aware of merit based scholarships. I have taken in quite a few horses that were rescues and lost lots of money on them re-habbing them. No...not because I am a recue but because I really care about horses in need. If you have enough courage to actually pick up the phone and call me I can give you 5 numbers of people who now have these horses. They can attest to the fact of how much they paid for the horse. Actually we rescued a 35 year old pony and free leased her to a family. When they were finished using her they brought her back and then we leased her out again. She has provided many years of happy brushing for youngsters. I have also taken in many starvation cases and rehabbed them. I can give you information about them if you would like. I do not feel like it is necessary to post these kind peoples number publicly because most of the people on this site really scare me. I have not badmouthed anyone, I have always stated that if you are not happy with a horse just pick up the phone and call me. I did state the reasons why I left that farm and that is it. Of course it bothers me if people are not compassionate towards their animals. I think that it is industry standard to charge $30 for a coggins unless you need it right away, then you have to pay an additional fee. How in the world can you switch a coggins? TBs have tattoos and the only horse that I sell that is mine is a TB. Yes I have had crossbred horses but as I said earlier they are on consignment with me and you would have the coggins of the original owner. Any horse that is a rehab comes with a totally different contact. $500 is not re-stocking fee. Why should I let you use my horse for free? Would you let someone take your horse for a week for free? Of course not. This is a business. Actually because of all of this we do not offer a guarantee anymore. It is really sad because it used to be so cool. I gave someone a year to try a horse before. At this point I will do what everyone else does and you will need to vet the horse on my farm and be sure that you are ready to purchase. Hopefully with that I will not have to deal with people who are looking to start trouble. Well I guess that trail riders should not buy a horse from me if they do not want to hire a trainer. I WILL NOT SELL to anyone who does not have enough knowledge to own a horse. It is not fair to the horse if someone does not know how to ride. I would not want a beginner to bounce around on my back week after week with no improvement. Do you even consider your horses feelings? Just think about it. It just makes sence to hire a qualified trainer to help you better your skills. Horses are powerful animals that can possibly kill you. Don't you think that it would be smart to know what you are doing? If you can't afford a trainer than you should not own a horse...THAT SIMPLE. This is not an inexpensive sport and if you are looking for that than I suggest jogging. My daughter is a d3 and my son has only ridden about 20 times in his life. Most of my family cannot ride. When I say a horse is beginner safe it means that I would put my own childen and family on this horse. Please bear in mind that horses can be dangerous animals and that they are unpredictable. NO horse is Bombproof!! Please feel free to check the auction listings. I stand by my origianl statement. Of course I have been to an auction, is that a crime? So you stated earlier that you did not trust me and that you have window shopped for quite some time before you took the plunge. If I was such a bad horse person what made you decide to choose to buy a horse from me? It seems like you are making this up to me. Why would you buy an unhealthy horse? Did you have the horse vetted? You say that you are an experienced horse person I am sure that you would have done that. Wouldn't your vet tell you that the horse was ill? I am not sure how your horse is living off of such a small diet. Yikes, we feed 5lbs AM and PM. Unlimited hay and lunch if they need it and are competing. That is not including supplements. I hope that you are feeding a minature horse on that diet. I do not have tape fencing...swing by my farm and check for yourself. Of course I will not have people post here for me. This whole site is a crazy. Why would I bother my happy clients and take them away from their horses to reply to this stuff. I know that they are happy and if I have a couple of unhappy people that cannot even pick up the phone to discuss it how can I help them? Obviously you are not even brave enought to use your own name. Really come on now, lets be adults about this. This whole site is devoted to bashing people. Take a look around, you will find reports on some pretty crazt things. So in short yes, I think that the people who are posting have nothing better to do. When did I say that I wouldn't take someones horse back? Who did I not refund money to? What horse did I misrepresent? Why didn't you call me to discuss it? Who have I said hateful things about? I have more than one farrier and I spoke with them both today and they do not know what you are talking about.


Lexington Park,
Mariana-Mariana... oh my god, there are two of me!

#31Author of original report

Wed, February 15, 2006

Oh, you ask, how can Mariana be Mariana? OMG, she posted right on top of herself! She must be 2 different people. It's called word processing. Here's the recipe: write the long one up on Word. Post the short one, then cut and paste the long one into another post, and Voila! If you have 2 different computers, you can do it that way, too. Just compose them both, then hit the send buttons on each simultaneously, or one after another if the computers are not close to each other. It doesn't take a brain surgeon. Jen from Aurora referred to a childsingular. Amanda apparently has two children. Oh, and both on full scholarships to private schools? Amanda says that she sells horses all the way up and down the east coast. How many has she sold? I am sure she makes more than a $500 profit on most of them. I have seen lots of them advertised and sold by her. I window shopped for a while before I finally took the plunge and bought one. They weren't all thoroughbreds and crossbreeds, either. So if she sold so many horses to so many satisfied customers, wouldn't she be making a decent income? I know that there are expenses involved, but would she be in this business if she was making so little that the schools would just GIVE their scholarships away? I went to private schools. The only classmates that I had that were on partial or full scholarships were those that couldn't afford to pay. So, is it that you don't sell all of the horses that you say you do, or is it that you are hiding income? Either one indicates that you are deceitful. We all realize that you have expenses, but you wouldn't be in the business if your expenses ate up all of your profits now, would you? And don't even pretend that you are in it for the horses' sake. That's what rescues do. Have you ever taken a horse on that you could not turn around and sell? Say, a really old one, or one that could only be sold as a pasture mate and couldn't be ridden? You don't fool us. You do it for a profit, plain and simple. Where is your proof that Mrs. Hardesty is involved in any shady deals? Oh, I forgotwhat you found was so sad that it made you want to weep. Dramatic. What you found was what I found and nothing more. You couldn't get anything bad on her. Let me back up Jen from Aurora and again offer up some evidence that Jonas and Amanda are the same person, and use the writing style thing that Jen talked about. Read Jonas' post and Amanda's posts. They both seem to like to call people and horses crazy. It seems to be a favorite word. Mrs. Hardesty is crazy according to both Jonas and Amanda. Notice all of the question marks used for emphasis after sentences in Jonas' rebuttal entitled dye and then see the same usage of question marks for emphasis in Amanda's rebuttal entitled Please use our guarantee if you are not happy. Under Jonas' same dye rebuttal: I don't think anyone would risk selling a sick horse for a five hundred dollar profit. Then under Amanda's Jen You do have a guarantee that you should utilize rebuttal: I don't think that a vet would risk his license for $30. Also, does everybody's vet charge $30 for a coggins? Mine doesn't. She conveniently missed Queen Anne's county's court docket. I haven't seen Mrs. Hardesty, or anyone else here, use the kind of childish insults and insinuations that Amanda-Jonas has. Nobody has called Amanda bipolar, crazy, have not said anything about her weight, nor implied that she could only get friends through the internet. I show, and I am not a beginner. I have never run across anyone that dyes horses manes or tails. I have seen tail switches used to extend or fill a tail. No harsh chemicals involved. I have a trainer. He has found somebody that doesn't mind dealing with spooky horses. It's not that I can't handle the horse, it's that I choose not to have to deal with that. I would like to put my mom and my niece on my horse. I don't know who you are talking about, the person you said is a self-proclaimed drug addict. I got the information on the Sykesville barn from a web search on you. The URL is www.farmname.com/eqmassage/contact.html. Amanda, you insert the name of that farm in the URL where farmname occurs, since you know where you've been and you will find it. I am have no reason to put their name on this website. I've had no personal dealings with them. I also don't know Devi Rathod Hardesty. I only talked with her on the phone one time, and have never seen her. I thought the Hanover barn belonged to you, since you called it my barn when I bought my horse from you. The $500 was stated as a restocking fee. Not a profit margin. Again, only Amanda would know the profit margin. People looking for a backyard horse or a trail horse typically cannot afford and do not have a trainer. What trail riders do you know that have a trainer to teach them to trail ride? Most people learn from their friends. So I would state again that a beginner horse should not need a trainer to evaluate it. So you would put your kids on the horses you call beginner horses. And you daughter is a pony clubber? Would you consider her a beginner rider then? The vet does not risk his license when he give a coggins to somebody and that person then switches it. It's not the vet who is being dishonest. How many 16 hand bay horses are out there? Not all of your horses have a tattoo, because not all that you have sold have been thoroughbreds. Anyone can check the local auctions around here to see if they have sold to you and if you have sold at them. I am betting that your name appears on their sales lists and that people there know you. So everyone is lying. The people that saw you at the auction purchase a horse and then sell it are lying. My horse is fed 8% feed, lb 3 times a day, and it gets as much hay as it can eat, a timothy hay. So it is not hopped up on protein, as you have said. By the time it takes for a horse to get healthier, your guarantee is over. Also, who would want to be out $500, plus a month's or more board and care? Why would I return it to you so you can get $500 and then sell it again? You moved to 2 barns since you left Hanover. One with tape fencing, and now a nicer one. Everyone talks. You leased one first, then moved to the other. Do you think people don't know where you are? You can't get your loyal clients to post, because you don't want to tell them about it. If they read it, you know that they will know the truth. Are you trying to say that everyone that has posted, including her boarder, has nothing better to do? Why would you guarantee a horse? You aren't. 10 days, and then a $500 return fee? That isn't a guarantee. That's another way to make money. You already told us that you wouldn't take somebody's horse back, and it is already confirmed that you wouldn't give somebody's money back. All within what time period? It sounds recent to me. I'm not a little too willing to become involved. I am involved. You misrepresented a horse that you sold to me. Then you turned around and said all kinds of hateful things about me and others here on this website. Of course I am only too happy to get involved! You say that you have used the same farrier for 10 years? You sure about that? The others must be lying, then. I don't use any of your farriers, but other people in the barn where I'm use one of yours. He says he was not your only farrier, that is unless you are not doing any of your horse's feet for months at a time. Leticia, Amanda doesn't have a husband. Remember, she is a single mother. Jonas is Amanda. The madder she gets, the more she slips up and sounds like Jonas. She's obsessed with this. While others have given up and gone away from this site, she still keeps on posting. I have better people to spend my time on. She can post all she wants from here on out. My horse is sold, she's proven what kind of person she is, and she can call around all she wants to find out which horse was sold and who I am, but she doesn't scare me. I do feel sorry for Devi R-H. though. I do think she should get some kind of police protection from Amanda. She's a bully when she's mad. Amanda, you should check yourself. Everybody can't be wrong, and you are not a poor innocent. You seem to have brought all this on yourself. Maybe you need to rethink your ways.


Lexington Park,
Jonas-Amanda, Amanda-Jonas

#32Consumer Suggestion

Wed, February 15, 2006

Okay Jonas-Amanda. Thank you for being obsessed and unable to quit posting, because every time you post, you provide us all with more evidence that Amanda is Jonas. And even YOU admit that Jen of Rockville and Jen of Aurora is not Mrs. Hardesty. But you accused them before of being her, and you accuse me of being her or a friend. I tell everyone the truth when I say that have never met her, have only spoken with her once on the phone, and I DID buy a horse from Amanda and am an unhappy owner. Now let me pull the same trick and show you how fast I can post again. Probably even faster than the time space in between the Amanda-Jonas posts.



#33Consumer Comment

Thu, February 09, 2006

The OP did not mentioned where her horse was dyed only that it was. Suddenly your "Wife" dyes horses manes and tales all of the time. We the public would NEVER had known what was dyed (I know that me as well as many other thought that the entire horse had been dyed.) until you mentioned it. Either you are Amanda, or you are her husband. If you are her husband, I do commend you trying to protect your wife from the things being said on here, but there are other ways to go about it. Right now you are just hurting her.



#34Consumer Comment

Thu, February 09, 2006

Well said Elizabeth. The lie detector scenario is ridiculous. But I don't know a more difinitive way to find the liar. As far as prozac or lithium, well high strung and lucid is the way I like to keep it.


Saint Charles,
Prozac anyone?

#35Consumer Comment

Wed, February 08, 2006

Jonas, 1. Jennifer is most likely not responding to you due to the fact that you are presenting yourself as a psychotic stalker. Jennifer has been posting on this site for quite awhile now on numerous posts so I find it hard to believe that she is an imposter. Possible? Yes. Likely? No. 2. How exactly do you fit into this whole situation? Unless you are a former customer of one of the parties, a relative of one of the parties or an alter ego of one of the parties (the most likely scenario) then you really have no business getting involved. 3. Lie detectors? Drug tests? Good lord, it was a business deal that went sour. Both parties are moving on and just trying to cover their own butts. Do we really need to act like the CIA? Jonas, allow me to just say this once and please don't take this as an insult, its constructive criticism - buy a book, take up knitting, rent a movie, start a stamp collection - do SOMETHING else with your time. Your obsession with this situation is really disturbing. Ever try Prozac? I hear it helps although maybe Lithium might be more called for in your case.



#36REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, February 08, 2006

Check the times on my post's from tonight. Amanda must be superman to be able to type my long post's as well as her own. If you can come up with a new post defending yourself as articulately and tactfully as amanda has just done, I swear on the soviergnty of the United States of America, I will never post again. Quite simply there will be no reason to. This is the end of the chicanery. Oh, and for everyone's piece of mind, at least tell us what you really did with that "crazy horse". I think you drank it before your last post. HHHUUUAAAAHHHH! And to think I was'nt going to check ripoff report before I went to bed. I'll never get to sleep now, way too excited. Almost sorry to see you go.


Hunt Valley,

#37REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, February 08, 2006



I mihgt be psycic, but I'm pretty sure I am not.

#38REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, February 08, 2006

Thank you columbo I simply assumed that the main and tail were both dyed.???? How would it look if one was dyed and not the other? Probably as unatural as it is for someone your size to mount a horse to begin with. who in their right mind would dye anything but a horses mane and tail. Can you put a little thought into your next breakthrough, loser. How did i know about the $500 profit, because I read it under the " a new guarantee"post, ding-dong.Devi's son is a Marine and that is why I ceased that approach. I remember how my mother felt when I went to fight. If you think the USMC doesn't accept headcases, I could introduce you to some friend's of mine. Born to Kill, and all that is not made up out of thin air bubblebutt. Like I said, leave drh out of this. Her involvement in many different organizations has never been questioned, or even an issue. You are thourough on the computer, good job in proving that. You are however not very smart. How could anyone argue that it is not a good idea to have a trainer present when showing to a begginer rider??? Really, that is pretty responsible and I am sorry I didn't know until now. Your brain might not be capable of looking at different angles of the same conclusion. You simply post the first thing you think of. Pretty elementary. i may have been wrong about jen being devi, but I am not wrong in my finding that she is not even from colorado. Do you find its strange how she suddenly evaporated after my challenge of naming a store in aurora without a website? Your creepy undertones of me wanting to watch devi and all that, well quite frankly you are alittle too willing to become involved and I'm not sure you would no when to stop. Take a step back and rethink your strategy. I am thrilled you are diving headfirst into this pool. I'm afraid your research will not be enough, because there is only so much you can find online. So I am curious how far you will go. Oh, an interesting point you raise with the shady, wheeler dealer barn you say amanda was or is involved in. Were did you get that info? Could it be from a shady wheeler dealer to whom I have refered previously? I like the company you keep. I guarantee the only friends you have are people you met through either the internet, or from your barn. Am I close? That is why you take this so personally. My posting's are an affront to your very lifestyle, the people you respect and the person you feel cheated you are the classical characters of good and evil. I can understand why you are so upset, I'm a little upset at this point that I am not getting credit for my posts, but that will pass. It will pass when jen from aurora suddenly reappears with a different e-mail address. Sorry to ruin that idea for you, but I don't want to get into that again, we are moving on. It is ridiculous that you assume I purposely mispelled words to hide that I am Amanda. That would accomplish nothing but prove jonas is a dolt. You are not capable of distinguishing even the most basic writing technique, proven by your mispelling theory. I did not start this, I answered that woman, I insulted her and strung her along. Her approach was so simple it was shut down by a question that could have easily been answered by looking in aurora colorado's yellow pages, they didn't need a website. You can post anything you think will get you out of this jam, but I wont offer you any simple challenges. You have left a very easy to follow trail to your real identity. Given time and leg-work we will know everything you don't want us to know. The gossip chain you are so proudly forging niether begins nor ends with you. If people would share gossip with a loser like you, they would be more than willing to work for me. Can you pay for info? No, you will only pay for choosing the wrong side. I can very easily call amanda matricciani and ask her who you are. You are truly stupid, you are only lucky that I don't want to invole either devi nor amanda at this point. I will stand on my own merits. You have already shown your disregard for a stupid animal's well being by admitting you sold an unsafe horse. You are an experienced rider, true? If you could not handle the horse, who could? Did you sell the horse to a mongolian? They were legendary horseman retard. Get it now? What drives me is that when slaughter is no longer allowed, the market is going to be flooded with homeless, hopeless horses that did nothing to deserve their plight, and when that day comes I take solice in the fact that maybe Amanda, or those in her profession might find these lost souls a home. They will be the ones pounding the pavement and following through on leads of good homes, and you jen will do nothing besides talking about it and joining chat rooms to spread the word. I'm sure the horses will understand its the thought that counts.


Hunt Valley,
Jen You do have a guarantee that you should utilize.

#39REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, February 08, 2006

You really should not judge me if you do not know me. I don't write bad checks and would like to know who you think I did this to. I have no idea who this Jhonas person is but I did just reply that I wanted to participate in the lie detector. You can not make a coggins up. I don't think that a vet would risk his license for $30. Both of my children are on full scholarships at private schools, my son is all american lacrosse and my daughter is in pony club. Oh, they both showed me their report cards yesterday and they both made the honor roll again. She even runs her own small web design company. I am the one in the picture. If you need my address to visit me just let me know. It is not posted on the website because we have over $100,000 worth of horses in our barn and we do not live on the property. I have only rented 1 place for 5 years...then I rented from Devi which did not work out. I have been renting the same place since I left Devi's and I don't have any problems with them. I have sold quite a few horses and of course you will get some nuts who will never be happy. If they are that weird about buying a horse I hope they don't come to me. If I am so dishonest why would I guarantee a horse? No one I know does that. I do not get my horses from the auction and most of them are on consignment with me. You can call the actual owners if you are interested in that. I have no way of knowing what type of home they are going to or how the people will treat the horse. I try my best and some people will never be happy. If I say that a horse if beginner safe it means that I would put my own children on it. If I say it is sound you should still vet it, I always suggest to vet every horse that you purchase, I do not have x-ray eyes and cannot tell if the horse has issues. I am using the owner's work that the horse is sound. You do have a guarantee that you should utilize.


Hunt Valley,
Please use our guarantee if you are not happy

#40REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, February 08, 2006

Of course we use hair dye!! This is a sale barn and we use hair dye on ourselves to make us look beautiful so why can't we use it on our horses. They get sun bleached and need to freshen up their looks. What is the big deal??? I dye my own show horses all of the time. If you did not like the horse why didn't you return it?? I would have gladly refunded your money. I leased 1 barn for 5 years.....I had a bad experience at Hanover so I moved to a new barn in Westminster. Do you need my address?? It is not my fault if you choose an inappropriate horse and then did not tell me that it did not work out. Obviously this is Devi or one of her crazy internet friends posting this. My loyal clients have better things to do than post this BS. Like ride the horses that they have purchased. Hey you can check most of them out in the Hunter ring at rated shows.


Lexington Park,
Jonas is Amanda, and I have proof.

#41Author of original report

Tue, February 07, 2006

ANYONE WHO READS THIS...my horse's mane and tail WERE dyed, and ONLY Amanda would know this. Not anywhere in my report did I say WHERE my horse's hair had been dyed! Now everybody has proof positive that you are Amanda pretending to be Jonas. I've read your other posts elsewhere, and there are phrases that you have used in conversations with me that you use in your posts. You may be smart enough to mess up your vocabulary and your spelling, but you are stupid enough to have shown me your true face. If I had any doubts before, I know now. You are truly evil, and I am shocked at your behavior here on this website. ANYONE WHO READS THIS...my horse's mane and tail WERE dyed, and ONLY Amanda would know this. Also, how would YOU know what Amanda Matricciani's profit margin on my horse was? I am not a beginner rider or first time owner. I have never in my life met anyone that dyes horse manes and tails. Human products are often harmful for horses, and who would subject their horses to these unnatural, harsh chemicals? Now that it is confirmed how mean and unprofessional she really is, I did a little research of my own! I did research on Amanda. She says she moved so many times in the last year to "upgrade." Did you read the post about her being in a place where she had electric tape fencing and no electical box? I am sure that was an "upgrade" from Hanover Equestrian Center! I have been to the Hanover barn, and it was a very nice, professional looking place. The website shows it as it is, very good place to board a horse. Amanda has been associated with a barn in Sykesville, Maryland as a massage therapist. Everyone in this area knows that barn as a wheeler-dealer place with the same type of owner. None of the professionals around here will have anything to do with her. I also spent some time making phone calls today, and got a whole lot of useful information, and then made more phone calls. There are a quite a few people who are happy to tell what is going on with Amanda. She is scheduled to be in Queen Anne's county court, unless she finds a way to get out of it. Should be on the docket for the week of February 12th. The website to check that docket is http://www.courts.state.md.us/circuit/qa/qadocket.pdf ((they post the docket one week ahead, so check next week). I guess Amanda doesn't realize that some people that she sells to could have relatives working for the court system! The only reason the docket would change is if somebody asked for an extension. But anyone can call that court house and ask. It is public information. It's obvious that Amanda thinks that everybody besides her is an idiot and just believes anything she posts here, and that people don't have the time or the sense to find out the real truth. She obviously doesn't know how many people she has p.o.'d around here. One of the reasons she was kicked out of the Hanover barn was because she had brought a rhino infection to the barn (read other posts). She was gone from that barn before the big outbreak at the track, so movement of horses from that track was not restricted at that time, and any of the horses from the track that were sold to Amanda or sent to the auction could have had an infection that got worse under the stress of going through sales. Her website now says that she only offers a 10 day guarantee, and then you can bring it back minus $500? Well, didn't she just say above that she made $500 on the sale of my horse? Doesn't that give her an incentive to sell bad horses, so she keeps making a profit if the horse gets returned? I took a new look at her website. Now she says beginner riders cannot buy a horse without a trainer coming with them. Should a horse that is beginner safe need a trainer? Now she is going to backtrack and say that it is OUR fault that we believed she knew these horses' personalities? No, she is a quick turn around, get the money fast, lying horse dealer. She says that her horses are consignment horses? Yeah, probably on consignment from somebody that is buying them from the auction for her, or from other shady dealers. Jennifer, a coggins results is a report from a vet which certifies that a blood test for EIA (an incurable disease) was negative for that disease. The report has a diagram of your horse, with all markings (socks, blazes, spots, etc), horse color, breed, height, name of horse and owner, etc. It's easy to fake a coggins for a bay horse with no markings, since there are a million other bay horses out there, and you can have a new vet do a coggins test on any bay and use it for another bay. But when a horse's hair has been freshly dyed, the vet has no idea, and puts down the coloring as he sees it. Jonas (Amanda), let's say you were Jonas (laugh laugh). Why, then would YOU care about Amanda Matricciani? I saw all of your posts. You accuse Jen from Aurora as being Devi Rathod-Hardesty, because that is typical behavior for YOU. Guess what? I called Devi R-H today, since I found several phone numbers for her on the web. She can PROVE that she is not Jen, since the neighbors were at her house during the superbowl when Jen was posting (remember the post times are on our rebuttals). Turns out she has a solid alibi, where is yours? Oh, and guess who she says was at her house with her in-laws on Saturday and Sunday? The son that you said she hides from everybody. She told me that everybody in the barn knows her son, her son has a horse there, and he talks to everyone in the barn. Devi R-H says he comes often to stay the weekend. If she was hiding him, why would that be? Her son is a Marine. I don't think they let people with serious problems into the Marines. You better be careful from now on who you accuse. You may want to have somebody spy on her so you can know when she is alone with a computer, then you can accuse her of being one of the many who have posted in her favor, or one of us who also have had negative experiences with you. Jennifer from Aurora could just be somebody else that you have done something to. But her posting times do indicate that she is from out west somewhere. Who out that way do you know that you have ripped off? I typed in "devi rathod hardesty" on a search using webcrawler (www.webcrawler.com) to see what I could find out about this "Shady" poor soul that you are so sure that everyone will believe is a bad person. Quite an upstanding citizen, I would say. I found these things on the web (they are public, so I don't think she will mind me posting it): Member of an organization called the Pax River Partnership in Maryland, a business and community organization. Member of the Society of Satellite Professionals, International. Listed as a volunteer for Days End Horse Farm Rescue. Also listed as a donor. Found a couple of papers published out of a Johns Hopkins University laboratory as a technical advisor on the papers. The Hanover Equestrian Center website Her wedding announcement on a Catholic University alumni webpage. The sale of a house in Maryland in 2004, and a previous address in Silver Spring, MD. A couple of postings on some horse message boards. Listings for the farm on several Pennsylvania directories. A post on Horsenet rescue. On Equiery.com, a wish list of what she would like to see in a new horse park. She is listed as a Board of Directors member on an organization called AOC, some kind of organization made up of military electronic warfare industry folks. Wow, she sounds to me like she is a terrible citizen with all kinds of shady dealings! Looks like she hasn't accomplished anything in life. Really, if that is a washed up loser like you called her in your other post, I would like to join the washed up loser club! Let's see, she is hooked up with the military, she has a DEGREE, she has a REAL JOB, she OWNS HER OWN BARN, she has a HUSBAND. I'm sure you think everybody would rather be just like YOU. You say that Devi R-H is a coward. After seeing what a crazy person that you really are, I would say that she is very brave. She took the risk of invoking your wrath to inform others in our region what to expect when dealing with you. When she said that others would leave reports against you, she did not know about me, so there must still be others out there that are not happy with you, too. You ask me why I bought a horse from you when I didn't trust you? At that time, it was not a question of not trusting you. I just assumed you were one of those newbie horse dealers that had discovered how to make a quick buck, and didn't know a whole lot about disciplines other than the buzz words. Just because a seller doesn't know what is required of hunter jumpers doesn't mean that the seller is dishonest. I never thought about it until my horse started going wacko when the neck started filling in and the dye job grew out. By the way, painting a car and dyeing a horse to sell them are two totally different things. You can tell when a car has been painted, and painting it is actually good for the car. And the seller usually said that it comes with a new paint job. A car comes with a VIN number on it, so you know it's the same car that is on the title! I also said more than one sentence about the horse not working out, I said why it didn't work out. It's because it was not in the best condition when I bought it, but when it was nourished and groomed and became healthier, the true personality started coming out. I am hoping everybody will read these posts and see for themselves what a witch you really are. I hope more people in Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania will band together and support Mrs. Rathod-Hardesty and get the word out about you. You don't deserve to be making money by taking advantage of people the way you have been doing.



#42Consumer Suggestion

Mon, February 06, 2006

I forgot to tell you mariana, i think its strange that the orignal problem you said you had with the horse was the hair dye and not the horses temperment or the fact that you,even for a second thought the horse did'nt have a current coggins. Is sounds like the appearance of the horse is the least of your problems. Why would you buy a horse from someone you didn't trust? You said the first horse you saw wasn't what Amanda said it was. Shouldn't that be the end of discussion? You also apparently didn't trust her for her salesmanship, because of all the buzz words you said she used. Would you paint a car in order to sell it? My wife dyed her personal horse's tail and mane all the time.????? A coggins test is like thirty bucks or something like that, I don't anyone would risk selling a sick horse for a five hundred dollar profit.????? The guy that cuts my hair moved three times in two years, always upgrading. I even went to his house for a two cuts when he was in between places. What a crook he must be????? Why would she take a horse from the track with rhino? I think they do put them down, but I don't know for sure. So if they are put down how would she get the horse in the first place? You lose credibillity when your heading lists " sells sick horses", without you having first-hand knowledge about said allegation. Something's a little fishy hear folks and its not the sushi. Quite frankly I don't believe you, when you offer only one sentence about the horse not working out. One line? But your lead paragraph is about hair dye? If you don't want a horse with a dyed mane and tail, I suggest you buy something a little more suitable for you, like a hairless cat. Very low maintainance I here. Also my preliminary investigation of active civil and criminal dockets, motions, etc. neither Amanda Matricciani's name nor mailing address appear on anything. That is not to say there isn't any, simply that we have not found them. Very unlikely we missed it, and we are about 75% finished with the entire state of maryland. Even though we are not completly finished, I would not state this if I wasn't 99% sure. Check yourself, it is public info.


I'll ask again

#43Consumer Suggestion

Mon, February 06, 2006

Why would someone who hasn't even admitted to owning horses, care at all about Amanda Matricciani? Just think about that. Devi Rathod-Hardesty is posing as Jen from Aurora. I will soon prove it if she does'nt stop her attacks. it is personal for me because she insulted my intelligence and it seems has called me lame. Mariana, look up Jonas for a good laugh. i called her out, quite brutally, and she responded with a dumbed down statement of "facts". She is in fact lame, she has lame and shady business dealings with some sort of chemical conglomerate. I have'nt figured that one out yet, but there is no doubt I will know everything about her by the end of the day. That is my right. I am definetly not your average citizen, I am a little high strung and kooky. But that does not exclude me from one of the most influential groups to call america home. Thats just my way of saying that i am a productive asset to my community. I cut grass for my neighbors for free and I am buying a truck with a plow so I can clear my road and my neighbors driveways. Basically I am a good person who enjoys helping others. I also enjoy getting to the bottom of things, and quite frankly I am going to get to the bottom of this problem with Devi. For you Mariana, I have discovered Devi Rathod-Hardesty has a son that she tells no one about. Lets just say he has serious problems that are commonly caused by sexual abuse. Devi herself is either bipolar or just plain crazy. Oh and a coward it turns out. This " jen " would not insult my statement about Amanda being a single mother, and she definetly would'nt say anything about Amanda's " poor" children in her response to my insults. Thats why I bring up her problem child, and after all he is not a minor and from now on fair game. Sorry Devi but its on like popcorn. You should have left minors alone. I never insulted jess, I was trying to help her see the error of YOUR ways. I afraid your fatal flaw will be your undoing. You will look back and and feel nothing but regret and torrment, and you will never even get close to me.


I'll ask again

#44Consumer Suggestion

Mon, February 06, 2006

Why would someone who hasn't even admitted to owning horses, care at all about Amanda Matricciani? Just think about that. Devi Rathod-Hardesty is posing as Jen from Aurora. I will soon prove it if she does'nt stop her attacks. it is personal for me because she insulted my intelligence and it seems has called me lame. Mariana, look up Jonas for a good laugh. i called her out, quite brutally, and she responded with a dumbed down statement of "facts". She is in fact lame, she has lame and shady business dealings with some sort of chemical conglomerate. I have'nt figured that one out yet, but there is no doubt I will know everything about her by the end of the day. That is my right. I am definetly not your average citizen, I am a little high strung and kooky. But that does not exclude me from one of the most influential groups to call america home. Thats just my way of saying that i am a productive asset to my community. I cut grass for my neighbors for free and I am buying a truck with a plow so I can clear my road and my neighbors driveways. Basically I am a good person who enjoys helping others. I also enjoy getting to the bottom of things, and quite frankly I am going to get to the bottom of this problem with Devi. For you Mariana, I have discovered Devi Rathod-Hardesty has a son that she tells no one about. Lets just say he has serious problems that are commonly caused by sexual abuse. Devi herself is either bipolar or just plain crazy. Oh and a coward it turns out. This " jen " would not insult my statement about Amanda being a single mother, and she definetly would'nt say anything about Amanda's " poor" children in her response to my insults. Thats why I bring up her problem child, and after all he is not a minor and from now on fair game. Sorry Devi but its on like popcorn. You should have left minors alone. I never insulted jess, I was trying to help her see the error of YOUR ways. I afraid your fatal flaw will be your undoing. You will look back and and feel nothing but regret and torrment, and you will never even get close to me.


I'll ask again

#45Consumer Suggestion

Mon, February 06, 2006

Why would someone who hasn't even admitted to owning horses, care at all about Amanda Matricciani? Just think about that. Devi Rathod-Hardesty is posing as Jen from Aurora. I will soon prove it if she does'nt stop her attacks. it is personal for me because she insulted my intelligence and it seems has called me lame. Mariana, look up Jonas for a good laugh. i called her out, quite brutally, and she responded with a dumbed down statement of "facts". She is in fact lame, she has lame and shady business dealings with some sort of chemical conglomerate. I have'nt figured that one out yet, but there is no doubt I will know everything about her by the end of the day. That is my right. I am definetly not your average citizen, I am a little high strung and kooky. But that does not exclude me from one of the most influential groups to call america home. Thats just my way of saying that i am a productive asset to my community. I cut grass for my neighbors for free and I am buying a truck with a plow so I can clear my road and my neighbors driveways. Basically I am a good person who enjoys helping others. I also enjoy getting to the bottom of things, and quite frankly I am going to get to the bottom of this problem with Devi. For you Mariana, I have discovered Devi Rathod-Hardesty has a son that she tells no one about. Lets just say he has serious problems that are commonly caused by sexual abuse. Devi herself is either bipolar or just plain crazy. Oh and a coward it turns out. This " jen " would not insult my statement about Amanda being a single mother, and she definetly would'nt say anything about Amanda's " poor" children in her response to my insults. Thats why I bring up her problem child, and after all he is not a minor and from now on fair game. Sorry Devi but its on like popcorn. You should have left minors alone. I never insulted jess, I was trying to help her see the error of YOUR ways. I afraid your fatal flaw will be your undoing. You will look back and and feel nothing but regret and torrment, and you will never even get close to me.


I'll ask again

#46Consumer Suggestion

Mon, February 06, 2006

Why would someone who hasn't even admitted to owning horses, care at all about Amanda Matricciani? Just think about that. Devi Rathod-Hardesty is posing as Jen from Aurora. I will soon prove it if she does'nt stop her attacks. it is personal for me because she insulted my intelligence and it seems has called me lame. Mariana, look up Jonas for a good laugh. i called her out, quite brutally, and she responded with a dumbed down statement of "facts". She is in fact lame, she has lame and shady business dealings with some sort of chemical conglomerate. I have'nt figured that one out yet, but there is no doubt I will know everything about her by the end of the day. That is my right. I am definetly not your average citizen, I am a little high strung and kooky. But that does not exclude me from one of the most influential groups to call america home. Thats just my way of saying that i am a productive asset to my community. I cut grass for my neighbors for free and I am buying a truck with a plow so I can clear my road and my neighbors driveways. Basically I am a good person who enjoys helping others. I also enjoy getting to the bottom of things, and quite frankly I am going to get to the bottom of this problem with Devi. For you Mariana, I have discovered Devi Rathod-Hardesty has a son that she tells no one about. Lets just say he has serious problems that are commonly caused by sexual abuse. Devi herself is either bipolar or just plain crazy. Oh and a coward it turns out. This " jen " would not insult my statement about Amanda being a single mother, and she definetly would'nt say anything about Amanda's " poor" children in her response to my insults. Thats why I bring up her problem child, and after all he is not a minor and from now on fair game. Sorry Devi but its on like popcorn. You should have left minors alone. I never insulted jess, I was trying to help her see the error of YOUR ways. I afraid your fatal flaw will be your undoing. You will look back and and feel nothing but regret and torrment, and you will never even get close to me.


So Amanda is also Ms. Clairol...

#47Consumer Comment

Sun, February 05, 2006

Dear Mariana: I don't blame you for not wanting to buy another horse from her again. From everything that I've read in regards to her business practices she should consider a new career. Not being horse-people per se, what does the coggins is not for this horse actually mean? I don't understand that term. On a side note: After Dr. Devi Rathod-Hardesty posted the first report, Amanda's lame-a*s friend Jonas (not his real name either) decided to rise to the occasion and come to her defense by posting his own rip-off-report on Dr. Devi and her farm. Of course, Amanda had to help him write it because, in all likelihood, he's never been to Dr. Devi's stable and he couldn't levy these allegations without her assistance. He goes on to insinuate that her husband is an alcoholic, says her dog is unkempt, and openly scoffs at the idea that they live above the barn as if this is some negative reflection upon her and her family. And as if that's not enough, he continues by making denigrating remarks about her appearance. Looks like Amanda has her hands full. Between moving stables, dyeing horse hair, writing bad checks, changing her operating names, and attending her court appearances, she's quite the busy girl. This is something of a shame. Jonas reports that she's a single parent so one must wonder how much time she gets to spend with her child. Unless, of course, her idea of quality time is teaching her child these shady business practices. Poor kid. In any event, expect Jonas to show up here very shortly. He and I have an exchange that's going on in the retaliatory post he and Amanda wrote about Dr. Devi that's little more than insults from him and a concerted effort on my part to keep him focused on the matter at hand. Horses, Amanda, polygraphs, and drug testingsomeday he'll actually answer the question that's been posed to him. Best of luck with your horses. I hope they remain in good health.

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