  • Report:  #1209005

Complaint Review: American Limousine Sales - los Angeles California

Reported By:
Royal Hawaiian Limousine - Honolulu, Hawaii,

American Limousine Sales
5230 W. Century Blvd. los Angeles, 90045 California, USA
1-877-546-6716 & 310-762-
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

We are Royal Hawaiian Limousine in beautiful Honolulu.  We recently purchased a brand new stretch limousine from American Limousine Sales, a limousine manufacture company based in Los Angeles California in USA.  As we have paid a great sum of money for this vehicle, we expected it to function properly as promised by the American Limousine sales manager Richard Murillo.

To our dismay, American Limousine Sales sent us a vehicle that is comparable to complete and utter garbage.  The vehicle electrical, mechanical, and safety issues that could lead to severe, life-threatening accidents when used.

As of this writing, Royal Hawaiian Limousine has already lost thousands of dollars in sales (approximately $30,000).  We have also lost a big wedding contract worth millions of dollars because we can't provide a suitable, properly working limousine to our clients.  This has resulted in an even bigger loss to our company. This limo was purchased for wedding and American Limousine Sales base in Los Angels California knew this fact very well.  This limo our very first white limousine that was order for wedding.

American Limousine Sales has damaged our lives, and made lots of people unhappy as we have had to turn away clients and cancel reservations for people who had counted on this vehicle working properly for their weddings and they made advance reservation. 

After more than three months, American Limousine Sales has not done anything, fixed anything, or paid for anything.  They didn't even offer a simple apology.  The owner of the company is making himself unreachable. 

The company's sales manager, Richard Murrilois being equally unhelpful.  We asked him to provide the owner's name and contact information.  His response was the statement that as the company was owned by share holders and that they were not at liberty to divulge that information.  What is ironic, is that apparently he has no reservations about posting a client's cell phone number to the public form just 2 days ago.

We had asked them to take care of the problems for us, as they being the company that manufactured the vehicle, the problems would have been easy for them to remedy.  We have tried to fix the limousine on our own due to their unwillingness to assist us in this manner, and we have found that no one in Hawaii is willing to or able to repair this vehicle for fear or legal repercussions and liabilities.

American Limousine Sales does seem to interested in just that; sales.  While we were waiting for the vehicle to arrive in Hawaii, which took a month to arrive in Hawaii, they were trying to sell us another limo.  Especially in light of the problems that were uncovered with this vehicle upon inspection, and their follow up or lack there of, to remedy the problems with their product, buying another would have been an even bigger mistake. 

The problems began from the moment we inspected the vehicle upon receiving it.  The interior was roughly finished, as if there was no attempt to even clean this vehicle before they shipped it.  both of the doors ( jet doors ) that open vertically, was miss aligned and would rub against, and eventually damage the roof of the car just with couple times opening and closing before actual use of limo.  The seat belts were too long about 6 feet, they were so long that even with them adjusted to their shortest length, they could still fit two people in the same seat belt. This is a huge safety issue in Hawaii and a life threatening for passengers.

The driver's compartment was also poorly executed.  The handset that is used to talk to clients was old and it looked like it had been used before and is not even connected.  The electronics control panel for back room of the limo was attached on the  rear view mirror with Velcro and dropped and hanging from from day one limo arrived.  The positioning was awkward and one of our drivers reported that the view from the windshield had been obstructed.

The electrical system is non functional.  The air conditioning, the lighting, the stereos, the TV, and radio all do not work.  We have changed the battery twice with the same result.  Their half heated attempts to trouble shoot have not remedied the issue. 

The basin for the ice is almost like tinfoil.  We are afraid that even placing ice in the bin will damage it causing it to leak.  The drain for it sticks up from the bottom so far that there would be no way for all of the water to drain out of the bin. 

Bear in mind this is what we have found on the surface of the vehicle.  God only knows what might be wrong with the vehicle away from plain view.

We find it shocking shocking that a limousine manufacturer company in Los Angels in the United States makes such a defective product, sells it for $81,000, and fails to answer for the defects and the losses that this defect has caused. 

What is even more shocking is that when pressured, American Limousine Sales put out couple false review of our company, acting as if they were a limousine client.  They even posted the personal cell phone of the owner of Royal Hawaiian Limousine (a client) in the review.  Rather than just advise to use another company, which is baseless in its own right, they have the gall to advertise specifically for another limousine company in Honolulu because that limo company is their client on an independent review page.( Please carefully look at the pictures in this ripoff report about American Limousine Sales ) and view a full report in our none profit organization which was created by us in our new website :


We are committing to flight this fake business as they are not manufacturing limousine.  American Limousine Sales is manufacturing and exporting CULTURE OF RAPE !  Which is shame in America.

We wrote for them many times this is America which is the land of good people with good manners. In this country people helping each others and not ripping and raping and ....   in answer they published private information of owner of Royal Hawaiian Limousine online !!  We ask you:

Are you buying from American Limousine Sales a limousine ?

Are you willing to destroy your life to buy from people who exported rape culture ?

And we invite you seriously follow this incident by visiting our non profit organization website: AmericanLimousineSales.us   and see how bad these people are and find out you ever want to trust them.  This become a mission for us to teach this people a lesson.  A lesson they never forget and our biggest goal is to stop American Limousine Sales from Raping others.


We thank you your time and please be careful and not trust American Limousine Sales.

Report Attachments

2 Updates & Rebuttals

Richard M

lynwood ,
Chrysler 300

#2UPDATE Employee

Tue, June 13, 2017

From reading the report from Mr Shaker I found him to be very unreasonable.  I have tried my best to discuss with him the problems and solve them we have paid for repairs.  I have said we are sorry.  I offered to buy the limo back.  I suggest he send the limo back to us he refused.  I offered to make his monthly payments for him he refused.  He stated the only thing we can do for him is pay for his daughters hospital bill which her circumanstances had nothing to do with the limo.  He said I don't like being called a rapist because I myself had probly been raped as a child.  This gentleman is very strange.  He once called me about a warranty bill that needed to be paid I asked for time to get authroization for the bill he said  "I swear in the name of the prophet Mohamed it will get very bloody" if I don't do as he asked.  I have not recived any calls from him other than a text stating he would have a suprise for me at a limo show.  Then he was ejected from a limo show for passing out flyers that state we murdered his daugher.  I am sure you should be able to tell by now after reading this posting that he is not exactly stable.  

I find it very shocking if anyone would take this serious I have an email from Mr Shaker with a picture of his daughter in critial condition due to an illness that has nothing to do with a limousine.  

Then he goes on youtube stating he never used the limo when there are pictures on his yelp page with clients in the limo?

Then he says clients were complaining about the limo but yet he never used the limo?

and gas shocks for the jet doors were bad he stated no one in Hawaii can change gas struts???

Now he is going around using my personal name and picture on websites, flyers and youtube videos

Our warranty policy does not cover transportation to and from the shop for repairs, nor time while the vehicle is being repaired

Report Attachments

American Limousine Sales in California is Manufacturing and exporting Rape Machine !!!

#3Author of original report

Thu, June 04, 2015

Dear Reader,
NLA Member
Limousine Operator

Do you know American Limousine sales a manufacturer of Stretch limousine in California manufacturing RAPE MACHINE ?

The story you're reading below is not a joke or a false story. It is a true story, and there is evidence for every word of it. It is a sad story that can tell you a lesson about trusting others who can destroy not only your business, but also hurt your family and even put your loved one in ICU! It is a shocking story of a garbage can carrier who is manufacturing limousines in California and who put us out of business and killed our loved one. It is a true story that will teach you a lesson to never trust others.
We are a high-class limousine company in Honolulu called Royal Hawaiian Limousine, with a mid size fleet and offering nice class service. As we're being ripped off by a company who was doing our advertising in 2014 and before that, we made a move towards a new marketing plan and spent about half a million dollars (obtained from loans issued by banks and national & local financial institutions) to build the foundation of a new market, build materials, train new staff, and make contracts with the hope that we will start 2015 in great shape to achieve a huge success and possibly pay off all of debts. We did not know that the success we worked so hard for, putting in hours and hours of work, spending hundreds of thousands dollars can be destroyed by only a single mistake and betrayed by one simple trust  -- trust that jeopardized our business and damaged our lives. 
Our biggest plan was to break into the wedding transfer industry. With that goal in mind, we negotiated almost a year and finally closed a wedding contract. As such, we started looking for our first white limousine. We finally found a limousine builder online named Virgil in California and called him. After several talks, he introduced us to another limousine maker in California called American Limousine Sales. Virgil said that the manufacturer has a white Chrysler 300 luxury limousine ready to ship to us. He connected us to American Limousine Sales, particularly Richard Murillo, who is the sales manager. He was very nice, polite, and respectful guy. We didn't know that he is not selling a limousine to us, but selling a RAPE MACHINE WHICH WILL RAPE OUR BUSINESS AND LIVES! However, I went to investigate American Limousine Sales and found on LCT Magazine (which I am receiving as a member of NLA) this article lctmag.com/operations/article/107169/american-limousine-sales-puts-priority-on-diverse-designs) and further learned that they have just been part of the April LCT show in Vegas. I thought that the company is trustworthy, since it has been featured in LCT Magazine and has attended auto shows. It was the biggest mistake of my life.
I bought the brand new limo to be sure that it can drive at least up to 50,000 ~ 70,000 miles and at least 2 years without problems. I mentioned to Richard Murillo that if the limo come and is perfect, I will order a second and a third one after a month, as we thought we'll surely be having lots of business, especially since low season was over and peak season of weddings and proms has started (November 2014).
Limo was purchased and was financed by Santander bank and after we sent the money to American Limousine Sales ($82,000), they suddenly said that they missed the shipment date but that they will send it 3 weeks later.  It was not good news, but we couldn't do anything. I  just said okay. Later, they finally shipped the limo and it arrived in Hawaii. Beautiful and as white as possible, it has elegant suicide doors and a very professional look. We were all excited at first, but none of us knew that this limo and American Limousine Sales will be destroying us and putting us out of business. This transaction will make us homeless and has even put our loved one under two surgeries, spending 22 days in ICU and racking over $1,000,000 in hospital bills.
We went to pick up the limo from the port. To our surprise, there were 11 small scratches on the limo and some other minor problems (report is available). We were sad about this, but it was nothing compared to what happened next. I asked one of our chauffeurs to inspect the limo. He came back and said: "This is not a limo! It is a disaster!" After a complete inspection, we found many, many problems, some life-threatening, but the worst one was:  THIS WAS NOT THE LIMO THAT THEY SHOWED TO US IN THE PICTURE! THEY SOLD US A DIFFERENT LIMOUSINE THAN THE ONE IN THE PHOTO! Later, we found out that they sold that limo to someone else and built the one they sent us in a rush. In the middle of the Pacific, if you want to fix something simple, it sometimes takes months and thousands of dollars.  
Some of the problems we found are listed below:
1- Seat belts were 6 foot long and if you even are 500 pond person still seat belts are not holding you.
2- Entire back cobbin shut down with no reason.  No AC, no light and no nothing!
3- The control panel of back cabin was a $5.00 Chinese box which was installed on mirror by Valgro tape and blocking the view of the driver.
4- The suicide doors were not opening properly.
5- The suicide doors were not stay open and falling down.  Almost 200 ~ 300 pond weight falling down on the head of customer.
6- No safety lock was install for suicide doors.
7- Suicide doors were scratching the leather top of the car and with 5 times opening and closing damaged the leather already.
7- Car will lock automatically as soon as you un lock the door after couple second.  Imagine driver leave the car and doors automatically locked.

Our chauffeurs are starting to refuse to drive this kind of limo because of the many safety issues. We didn't want to jeopardize the safety of our drivers and clients, so we started cancelling all the reservations that were made for proms, weddings, and dinner transfers. Fights and refunds and F you's and complaints made our days hell. Some of the people who received our cancellations claimed that they will take us to court because we scammed and lied to them. In some cases, we gave full refunds and some free runs, but there were also fights for weeks and months. Business operations got out of hand because the office employees were busy working all day long for cancellations and then defending themselves from customer attacks. We were so caught up with everything that before we knew it, a new year has arrived and we have lost all our reservations. Our sales dropped down thousands, and we received no reservations, not only for the new limo but also for the other limos that we have, as emails were not being answered and phone orders never returned.
The chauffeur who was hired exclusively for this limo has been laid off, and all the regular activities of the company has been stopped because of the fights and problems.

We lost the wedding contract that we earned after months negotiation. Fighting and defending all day long with the problems that the new limo brought us made us lose control of our business.
The company spent hundreds of thousands of dollars (evidence available for your perusal) to start new contracts this year 2015, generate money, and pay off our bills. middle of this mess which was created by American Limousine Sales some of the contracts that we were waiting for them happened and we got them. We were just at the doorstep of starting our new contracts, but American Limousine Sales and their disaster limo brought thousands of dollars' worth of cancellations and put us in a situation that leaves us with no choice but to defend ourselves in order to save the company. We experienced a huge shortage of budget as sales dropped, and we start to get behind some of our bills. At this point, late fees have started, along with more complaints and fights. Now we're short everywhere  -- in time and money. Everything is filed late. Every payment is past due, and with every past due, a new fine. Employees' paychecks and car payments are late. Office rent is also late. All day and night, the owner and office staff are in pain, and now the problem worsens, further hurting others.  Just one cancellation for the new limo cost us $5000, and this happened we didn't have the time to answer the client's email on time. As such, the client cancelled a $5000 order. One problem led to another and another and another.
Even after destroying our lives, American Limousine Sales did nothing to resolve the problem. Oh, I am sorry, they actually did some things, as follows:
1. The owner hid from us. American Limousine Sales never told us the name of the owner, even though I tried so hard and did everything for them to tell us. They never did. Worse, they even said that the owner does not deal with this kind of problems!
2. They never offered a serious apology. And they never want to set things right.
3. After we took some action against them by informing about this case to other businesses in the limousine industry, they went online and wrote a false report on ripoffreport.com/r/Royal-Hawaiian-Limousine-LLC-and-Morad-Shaker/Honolulu-Hawaii-96822/Royal-Hawaiian-Limousine-LLC-and-Morad-Shaker-Morad-Shaker-Iranian-Owner-Morad-Shaker-Thr-1208341 about my company and I, instead of stepping up and apologizing. They put not only my name online for the public to see, but also my personal phone number, which was in my confidential file as a client of American Limousine Sales. Plus, they also suggested to the public not to book limousine services with us, but with Platinum Limousine instead, which is their client in Honolulu! This action shocked us to death. How dirty are these people and what kind of trash will do this!
4. Further, they also denied repair and refused to cooperate with us in order to solve the problem.
We contacted American limousine sales hundreds of time but at the end NOTHING ! WHAT A GARBAGE PEOPLE RIGHT ? WHAT A SHAME ! WHAT

Finally April 29th American Limousine Sales ask me to send the limo to mechanic shop name Wrenchy's which they found online for repair.  This was about I think 4th times that we were taking car there.  There was no driver available as company turned almost less than half size employee after this incident.  I took the limo my self and drop it there.  My wife pick me up while my 12 years old daughter was with her inside the car when she came to pick me up.  After she pick me up from R mechanic the F****** American limousine sales told us to drop the limo not even 500 step further my disable daughter stopped breathing right middle of road.  We pull over in Jack in the box parking middle of the road and not even one minute later she stopped breathing and everything stopped and she died.  This easy !  World turned around our head. Me and my wife we running middle of street and cops and fire department and ambulance and people were every where.  It was a view of hell.  my angle disable daughter just died within not even a minute after we stopped the car ! My wife was screaming and crying and cups were putting yellow page every where and getting picture of everything even my 2 years old daughter which also was in the car. I do not remember what happened but just 30 minutes later I found my self in ER of Kapiolani hospital for woman and children where over 20 people were in the room and my 40 pound disable daughter on the bad blood was coming out of her mouth and they said they try to help her and keep her alive.  I said WHAT is she alive ? they said she stop showing and pulse couple minutes later in ambulance and now they are trying to breath her with machine. From here God protected her and returned her to us and I spent 22 days and night in ICU with her. American GARBAGE LIMOUSINE SALES AND ITS GARBAGE OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THESE ! You may ask WHY ? Or you may ask why not a driver came to pick you up ?  why not taxi ? BECAUSE:
Answer is shocking.  Hard to believe BUT:

From the moment American limousine Sales and their Garbage limo arrived to Honolulu to the moment this incident happened size of my business went to half, number of employees half, sales of company went to half, number of return check to tens a month and money in the bank account to ZERO. There was no money on the account or in hand to even pay for a taxi ! Hard to believe right.  But these are all benefits of f**king American Limousine Sales and their GARBAGE OWNER AND RESULT OF THEIR EXCELLENT WARRANTY AFTER SALE FOR THEIR BRAND NEW LIMO.




My 12 years old disable daughter is in ICU in Kapiolani hospital.  Room 443 M. Shaker.  According hospital report and 911 she died and later returned back to life. This is 21th day that we are here in ICU. They did two surgery on her and rest of her life she should be on Oxygen.  This happened in street not even 500 steps from mechanic shops called Wrenchy's that American limousine sales asked us to take their brand new limo for 5th times to repair the limo door.


All companies toll free numbers are disconnected because of the past due bills from last months. ( evidence prove that we never have this problem before November 2014 )


All companie's main phone are disconnected because of unpaid bill to Verizon company. ( evidence prove that we never have this problem before November 2014 )


All drivers cell phones are disconnected because of Verizon unpaid bills. ( evidence prove that we never have this problem before November 2014 )


All employees medical coverage for owner and my family + all employees medical coverage is terminated because no payment was made for this month. ( evidence prove that we never have this problem before November 2014 )


Company's main website shut down because malware attach by unknown source but not having ability to hire IT company to clean the website. ( evidence prove that we never have this problem before November 2014 )


Office employees are not paid for almost 5 months. (evidence prove that we never have this problem before November 2014)


No payroll is filed past 4 months some employees receiving personnel checks from owner. ( evidence prove that we never have this problem before November 2014 )


There is still about 50 cancellation pending that we are not able to pay clients for months. ( evidence prove that we never have this problem before November 2014 )


Number of employees of the company decrease to less than half or better say smaller than any time in past 5 years. ( evidence prove that we never have this problem before November 2014 )


Insurance of company is almost terminated because several months past due. ( evidence prove that we never have this problem before November 2014 )


Limos payment all past due for the second month. ( Please contact Dave in AZ resources can confirm these.) ( evidence prove that we never have this problem before November 2014 )


NLA membership is cancelled due to no payment. ( Please contact NLA ). ( evidence prove that we never have this problem before November 2014 )


LCT magazine bills were not paid almost several months ( please contact LCT magazine )


For the first time all credit cards of the company were past due. ( evidence prove that we never have this problem before November 2014 )

From the moment American Limousine sales limo arrived and problems started and cancellation started our bank account start receiving over amount charge and recently about 10~ 20 return checks every month.  Bank charging extra for every single month. Bank is charging us $30 per each return check.  Our company never had this problem before.

We could not pay any of our loans payments permanent from months ago and for the very first time we defaulting every and all of our loans.

Office rent is past due and not even this according our contract with shopping center which was signed about 10 months ago if we default our contract and payment we have to pay them $30,000.  We been on time up to the moment American Limousine Sales limo arrived.  We been constantly late after and recently could not pay our rent.


We bought the very first white limo because:

1- Entering to wedding business ( we already had a wedding contract in hand ) in result purchase more white limo.  Estimate wedding business about $25K ~ $50K a month.  We never even done one wedding.

2- Increase our stretch limousine business. ( about $10 K ~ $15 K a month ).  We did not reach this goal as limo is not safe to drive.

But very first thing this limo brought to us was:

A- Paying $1670 a month for 6 months up to now for the limo which was not usable put us behind even more.

B- Paying $400 a month for insurance for the limo which was not usable put us behind more.

C- Sending employees hours and hours to find mechanic and people who can fix the limo put us behind more and more.

We never could start our contract which were on hand and we spent hundreds of thousands of $ to earn them. We Never could print material to distribute between our new clients due to the shortage of the budget.

All these happen because a garbage carrier try to manufacture limousine!  This garbage we told him Honolulu is not like LA and it is very hard to find one man can fix one of these problems.  It is 6 months now and limo brand new parked under sun and enjoying the sun and rain. American Limousine Sales and its garbage owner are responsible for all these loss. And my find word for the garbage owner of AMERICAN LIMOUSINE GARBAGE SALES IS AS FOLLOW:

Dear Garbage, this is America not a trash can! This is not a place people like you walk in street and rape other businesses ! If you think I will let you walk a way and have a normal life possibly because you are a GARBAGE.  Because only a garbage like you Mathew or who ever you are think these easy!  I WILL BE GUST OF YOUR LIFE AND WILL DESTROY YOUR BUSINESS AND SEND YOU BACK AGAIN TO GARBAGE CAN.  I WILL MAKE YOU TO PAY FOR ALL THESE DAMAGES NOT TO RAPE OTHERS LIKE THESE.  Garbage I gave you one thousands times chance to correct and fix your RAPE MACHINE  BUT SOUNDS LIKE YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE GARBAGE THAT NEVER CHANGE.  A GARBAGE LIKE YOU CAN NOT BE A MEMBER OF NLA AND ATTEND MEETINGS AND CONVENTIONS AND PUT HIS RAPE MACHINE ON SHOW! GARBAGE ENJOY YOUR NICE TIME BECAUSE HARD DAYS ARE COMING !!

As I mentioned to you before I lost 1000 times more than what I should.  NOW IS YOUR TURN.

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