  • Report:  #245107

Complaint Review: Ameriplan - Plano Texas

Reported By:
- Campton, Kentucky,

5700 Democracy Drive Plano, 75024-9933 Texas, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I signed on to be an IBO with Ameriplan to check it out and see if it could be a lucrative business. I mainly wanted to see how the company worked and what was involved.

The idea of helping people with skyrocketing medical costs was appealing to me. To help others seemed like a noble and rewarding venture. (However read on)

I received the welcome package and the list of providers in my area and all the initial brochures and etc. But before signing up anyone I thought it would be a good idea to call these providers and see if they actually did accept the Ameriplan card. This is what I found.

The very first provider I called told me that they did NOT accept the card, that futhermore they had contacted Ameriplan and told them they were not signing any contract and why did they have them listed as a provider.

Up goes a red flag immediately, so I research further. I continue to call other listed providers and found that some phone numbers were disconnected, some numbers were private citizens phone numbers, and one number was a recording all in Spanish.

It is beginning not to look very good, so I continue to call. I called and finally did get a provider who did take the discount card, and we began to compare the actual savings using the discount card. (Not good)

According to the Ameriplan Lime Fee schedule for that zip code, the average oral exam was $70, but the providers fee was $42, so the savings was a big fat $0. The provider also stated they were NOT going to raise their prices just to show the people who had discount cards were getting a big discount.

We also discussed the average dental work people had done annually, and how much they would save using the discount card. The plain and simple answer is they would not save a dime, for regular routine visits, as a matter of fact they would be losing money.

It goes from bad to worse. Since Ameriplan has been banned in Montana for 2 years, I thought I would explore that and see why. Each person can check it out at http://sao.mt.gov and draw their own conclusions. The one thing that really caught my eye was that the IBO was listed in the legal action along with Ameriplan.

This in mind, I contacted some attorneys and asked them some questions about having your own business and the legal ramifications of having a business. This is what I found out, if your business is not listed as a LLC, Co or Corp or some legal documents stating that your business and personal life is separate, then not only can litigation be filed against you as a business but they can file litigation against you personally as well. (Wow, that is definately a show stopper)

Since Montana was having problems, I suspected other states might be having problems as well, I was right, it seems that the medical discount card industry could be in trouble. I am not a listen to me kind of person, I invite, I even strongly suggest that you take nobodys word on any of this, but check it out for yourselves and see what is going on.

There are many states that are trying to pass legislation on the medical discount card industry. People need to check this out to see how it would impact them if they are doing this kind of business, or thinking about doing this kind of business.

There are some providers out there (I know I spoke to them) that are offering a 25% discount across the board even if you have no insurance or any kind of discount card. Someone tell me why would you pay any kind of monthly payment for discounted services if the doctors are offering a 25% discount for FREE.

If you are in a business, somewhere integrity, has to be an utmost part of the business. When I first started doing this, the biggest thing that impressed me was Ameriplan was a member of the Better Business Bureau. However, since then, on 12 February 2007 the Better Business Bureau has revoked Ameriplan's membership. I know, I printed off a copy of the report.

I did not receive even one e-mail, one phone call or any correspondence whatsoever telling me that Ameriplan's membership in the BBB had been revoked from the up-line people. I found it out on my own.

Listen folks, that is a crucial bit of information, especially if you are out talking to prospective clients, and telling them this company is this and that, and a member of the BBB, and then that client finds out they are NOT a member of the BBB and they find out their membership was revoked, how is that going to make YOU look. (Think about that)

I have a friend who has sold insurance for almost 40 years and he told me this, anytime you sell a product or a service to the public, it is your name and reputation on the line, not the company you are with. If it turns out good or bad, you are the one the people will remember. (That sounds like great advice to me)

So to anyone thinking about getting into a business of this type or any other, please do one thing, take nobody's word on it and do an in depth research on what you are getting into. Just like my friend told me, its your name and reputation on the line.


Greg Campton, Kentucky

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Ameriplan USA

14 Updates & Rebuttals


South Carolina,
Medical Discount Plans

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, June 14, 2007

I simply want to start that I looked into Ameriplan as well as another,Procard International and found that both are fine companies. I personally choose Procard and for those of you that find helping others save appealing but are dissatisfied with Ameriplan I invite you to research Procard or contact me a (((ROR REDACTED E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR SECURITY PURPOSES))). thanks!

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Point Pleasant Beach,
New Jersey,
Ameriplan Benefits have SAVED 1.5 Million Members lots of money $$$$!

#3UPDATE Employee

Wed, June 13, 2007

I read your report and could not believe it! I have been a member of Ameirplan since 2004 and saved over 2,200.00 on my Dental work alone that first year! Because of that, and the fact that I paid 355.00 for a root canal when I was orginally quoted 900.00 without Ameriplan benefits, I wanted to share this plan with my parents, who are seniors and didn't have Dental coverage and my sister who was self employed and did not have dental, either.

Thus, a business was born. I was excited that I was able to help other people save money on their benefits and that, I did. One of my members was a 72 year old gentleman who saved 400.00 on his root canal, because his dentist not only gave him the Ameriplan discount, but a senior preference as well! My mother got dentures for 1/2 price! She saved 500.00 and was thrilled since they are on a limited income.

In short, the benefits DO work! I wouldnt have over 30 satisfied customers who are using the plan and renewing month after month, year after year if it didn't! Are there areas in the U.S where we need more providers? Absolutely!

Are there pockets that don't have any providers who accept ours or ANY discount plan for that matter? SURE! I personally TAKE IT UPON MYSELF in those cases to educate my consumers NOT to join until myself or Ameriplan can enroll some providers in their respective areas. That is what any conscientious business owner would do....... I look up my prospective members area by their zip code ahead of time and if I cannot find enough providers that THEY would be comfortable going to then I advise them NOT to sign up......"why" would they?

I want them to SAVE money and use the benefits. I am a retired counselor and spent my entire life helping others......if I didn't believe in this company from the bottom of my heart and know that I was helping others on a daily basis, then I would NOT be in this business, period.

It's been three years since I enrolled in Ameriplan and in that time frame they have always been honest, fair and forthcoming and provided me and my entire team with the information, both GOOD and BAD before it hit the airwaves and before we actually heard any negative publicity.

I admire their integrity, their vision and their committment to providing affordable health care to all Americans with a simple program that works!

I have worked for many companies in the past, but was never compensated, rewarded and treated with the respect and comraderie that I have found with Ameriplan. They will be the wave of the future in healthcare someday and a highly respected household name!

Theresa in NJ


Just wanted to respond

#4UPDATE Employee

Fri, May 25, 2007

I wanted to put a comment on here regarding the original post by Greg - about the fact there aren't enough providers in his area along with incorrect providers on the list. I have found that to be true in my area as well but asked why - there weren't any provider reps in my state at all.

I did whatever it took and became a provider rep and after calling on many of the clinics that are listed in the network here, I found that many wanted to cancel because there had been no contact from AmeriPlan(R) for quite some time.

After making my initial visits to these clinics and finding out what their questions and issues were, I have been able to retain the majority of the clinics and have made them a lot happier knowing they have someone locally to "take care" of them.

I also am working very hard to continuously enroll new doctors, dentists and chiros as often as possible, but it does take time as getting a hold of the correct person is often times difficult. So that makes our provider network look small in comparison to other parts of the country. But at least I knew that stepping up to the plate to help my fellow IBO's and members out will be more beneficial down the road than sitting on my butt doing nothing.

I feel for you Greg that you had to discover the "lack of" providers in your area and wish that your situation could have been different. Having a provider rep in your state or area is so important so that all the information on the provider network report is correct and one can feel confident that the information is up to date.

I know that some states or areas have no provider reps so that makes it difficult for the information to be correct as they need a person to go to those clinics already listed on the network to make sure everything is current and correct.

Just wanted to put my words out there, not wanting to mudsling whatsoever.

Take care


Erin-Another company shill?

#5Author of original report

Fri, May 18, 2007

Erin from Michigan,

First of all, I didn't get all the information I got from sitting on my duff, it did take a considerable amount of WORK.

Lets see, you have been doing this for about one month, and you are giving out lectures on what and what not to do in this business. (WOW) You must be definately hooked, (hook, line and sinker).

I was in the military for almost 30 years, and if I was as lazy as you are insinuating, I think (No, I know) they would have gotten rid of me a LONG time ago.

In my almost 30 years of service I was signed for multi-million dollars worth of equipment, was in charge of the welfare of about 100 troops, was in charge of a multi-6 figure budget for a battalion, I have had numerous awards, I was in the top 6% of my speciality, and have had MANY, MANY, MANY other duties and responsibilities, if that sounds like lazy to you, maybe you should look up the word in the dictionary.

I am VERY familiar with the concept of taking orders, and putting your training into action.

Just who are YOU, to sit and judge ANYONE, especially someone whom you don't even know?

I would like you to show me ANYWHERE in the original complaint or rebuttals where I used the word scam. I looked, I couldn't find it.

You know, it would be appreciated if you company shills would at least have the common decency to READ the ENTIRE articles before you respond.

You, just like Joe from Florida, need to read the entire articles, Joe said that I said the industry needs to be regulated by the government, would you or him or ANYBODY else show me where (I) said that. What I said was that several STATES are thinking about passing legislation to regulate the industry. (GET IT STRAIGHT COMPANY SHILLS!!!!!!!)

What do you, the company shills think other people are thinking about you, when they read these complaints and rebuttals, and see that you guys don't even have the common decency to read the ENTIRE articles before you respond to them?

Maybe you should read the rebuttal entitled "apples and oranges", maybe that can shed a little light on the subject for you.

I have always stated that if Ameriplan is thriving where you are, more power to you. Have you ever heard the word geography? I suppose it depends on what part or region of the country you live in, which depends on how well, or not so well that Ameriplan is doing. (See complaint from Diane in Pennslyvania also)

Maybe you missed the part where I stated that I was trained by an ex CEO of a corporation in another MLM company. He was very good, he taught me a lot of the little tricks of the trade, and explained all about the motivation factor and all that other bunch of bull. So I don't need to be lectured about following the PLAN, I got acquainted with PLAN years ago.

There is another factor that has concerned me, that all these insurance agents in THIS AREA (The ones that DO NOT have a captive contract) could sell Ameriplan if they chose to, but why aren't they? (WHY)

Here is the nuts and bolts of the whole scenario, if Ameriplan was working in THIS AREA, I would diligently be out there promoting it, but the plain and simple truth is, it just is not working in this area, or at least at this time it is not.

To ANYONE thinking about getting into this or any other business, again I would say check it out for YOURSELVES, do not take my word for it, definately don't take the company shills word for it, or anyone else's word for it, check it out on your own.

You can use the BBB, or check it out in your state, usually at the state attorney's office, usually you can reach them at, http://sao.(your state).gov to see if there are any pending actions against a company, or a site like this one, or by any other means or avenues which you can obtain information concerning the company in question.

Thank You,
Good Day


Comstock Park,
Ameriplan Membership in BBB revoked Ripoff Plano Texas

#6UPDATE Employee

Fri, May 18, 2007

I just wanted to say that I have been with Ameriplan since April of this year and so far I have not had anything bad to say about them. I think those of you who have complaints against the company need to point the finger at the person who signed you you not the actual company. If the person who signed you up mislead you then you need to re direct your anger twards them.

Every home based business if you put forth the work and you do and try instead of do not do and do not try method, of course it's not going to work.

For those of you who say the plan is not available in certain areas, yes it does go by zip code that's why if you have been PROPERLY TRAINED by the person who brought you on, they always say before signing someone on, when they call, you need to find out if they can even get it first of all. I have had several people call me to inquire more information about the dental plans and I have had to look it up and tell them if they could get it and so far everyone except one person I have talked to was in an area where it was available. However, there was one area where because the system has yet to recognize a zip code change said it was not available but when I resorted back to the old zipcode for that area this lady lived in she could get the plan she wanted.

If your sponsor is training you properly,then you shouldnt be looking bad to anyone out in the general public or your friends and shouldnt have any problems with the companies. I have not had to use my coverage card yet but if you sit there and say that it's all a scam,I dont think you're really being fair to yourself or the company. I think it's the fact that either you didnt follow proper training, you were mislead or you just didnt try hard enough. I am constantly getting calls about the business and getting ready to sign up new members. If you do it right it will work. I think if you are having a problem with it not working for you or you have been given a poor self image I think you need to go back to your sponsor and request proper training and actually do it right rather than pointing the fault and blame at the company when 9 out of 10 times it's because you didnt do something right and you would rather point the blame on someone else to make it seem like it doesnt work when for some people it actually does. I couldnt be happier in the business.

I know some companies who have actually ripped me off, but Ameriplan has been the best thing that has come along for me. Not everyone is against it and shouldnt have to be afraid of the company just because some of you out there dont want to actually do the training and steps to success the right way.

Erin, Michigan, USA


Saint Petersburg,

#7Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 17, 2007


i started the AmeriPlan Home Business and i am just amazed on this dental plan. My mom saved $121 dollars on her first visit to the dentist which was amazing. She signed up and the next day she went and set up her appointment which was set in two days and it all worked well.

My uncle took his duaghter to a primary care physician (pcp), they paid exactly what the brochure said and saved around $169 dollars.

I have earned $600 dollars on a very very very part time schedule and i only need 1 IBO to get to Regional Sales Director.

The cool thing that i heard that AmeriPlan has Pet Plan that started in Dallas and my friend is in Dallas and owns 3 dogs. I looked up a provider, i called the phone number, the secretary says that its a great plan to have for only $9.95 for one pet and my friend signed up for the multi pet plan for $14.95. The following week, my friend took her pet to the Veterinarian and instead of paying $89 dollars on her dog exam and shots, my friend only paid $31. She was so happy about it.


You said that AmeriPlan needs to be watched and needs to be regulated. The thing is that they are. That is what the Consumer Health Alliance is for to see who is a scam and who is not. AmeriPlan was on National Television because of its great credibility with the Dental benefits for a full hour with Morley.

One more thing, i was at a conference in Atlanta with my wife and i saw doctors explaining how in the future (within a 3 to 5 year period), Over 300,000 or more doctors might not be accepting any kind of health care insurance, because insurance companies are dictating and controling how doctors get paid, doctors were saying that it can take them up to 6 months to get paid by only one patient and that is why they bring up prices. They said that currently there are 37,000 doctors in the medical field that dont even take or want to deal with insurance. They did mention something that i did like, they will be taking discount programs because its a win - win situation for the doctor and the patient.

I was shocked when i heard that!!!!


It seems to be thriving in my area

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, May 11, 2007

Hi, I just wanted to say that I have not signed up yet but I am very close. Me being on this site is part of my research. One of the first things I did was pull up the dental providers in my area Oceanside California and started calling. I am doing this before not after I sign up!! And what I found was that all but 1 of the offices I called not only accept it but recommeded it, and they followed the exact fee schedule on the ameriplan site. To my suprise my own dentist accepts it and has purchased the card for his staff (this is what the receptionist told me). WOW!

As for the medical portion I have to admit its not clear cut. I found that some of the providers dont accept it ANYMORE, but they did at one time thats why they are listed. I have worked in the medical field for many years, dealing with insurances. And I can assure you that whatever ins. plan you are with they will provide you with a booklet of preferred providers or physicians who will accept you as a new patient, and when and if you call you will find out that there will be some who are no longer contracted or whose HMO panel is full and not accepting new patients!! So you shouldnt be suprised that the list provided may not be current.

And if your paying attention there is a disclaimer stating that every effort is made to make sure the list is accurate but there are DAILY changes and the provider you choose may no longer be participating. So while I would like to respone to all of unfair complaints I just cant do it. SO my advice is for all of you to really check it out. Peace to all of you,


Get it right

#9Author of original report

Sat, May 05, 2007

Micah, from Costa Mesa, CA, you wouldn't be a company shill, would you? It has that suspiciously kind of ring to it. By the way do you guys that are shills for the company even READ the complaints?

I want you to point out ANYWHERE in any of the writings of the complaints or rebuttals where I have said ANYTHING about Ameriplan taking out any extra payment or money. I don't think you will find any.

You company shills, need to start READING what you are trying to respond to. It only makes the company look worse.

I have noticed that people are usually getting a little wiser, regarding MLM companies. If you are not in the first, second or third tier of the company, you usually have a struggle to make a go of it.

Don't get me wrong, if that is the way someone wants to go, more power to them. The only thing is don't lose your objectivity to determine whether your going broke by being blind sided by such things as hearing "you GOT to stay motivated, you GOT to go to these or those meetings, you GOT to go to the seminars, you GOT to make a zillion phone calls, you GOT to make all those team phone calls and so on and so on and so on"

You can GOT yourself right into bankruptcy, if you are not careful.

It always amazes me, how you guys will defend something, even if it is wrong. (Just mind-boggling)

I have repeated several times that Ameriplan might be thriving and doing great in some areas, and if that is the case, great for them. But in the area I am in, the company DEFINATELY needs to tweek their operations. It just plain and simple is not working here. (NOT YET ANYWAY)

If you read other complaints, there are other areas where Ameriplan is not working very well either. (Case in point, Diane from PA)

Considering how the entire medical discount card industry has come under scrutiny from SEVERAL states, (Not just Montana) I would say it is only a matter of time before there is some kind of legislation passed to regulate this industry.

If some politicians (State and national) get their plans approved, then they won't need discount cards, because they will have a national or state blanket insurance to cover everybody for everything.
I won't hold my breath, but it could happen.

If and when something like this happems, where are the residuals going to come from? (Think about that)

Just one more thing, if any of you company shills wish to respond to any of the complaints, at least have the common decency to read the ENTIRE complaint first.

Thank You


Costa Mesa,
Dont get us wrong...

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, May 05, 2007

Ameriplan by all means is not perfect, im sure that something could reasonably get them banned from the BBB but the fact is people are recruiting IBOs and making a lot of money. you can either do that or not do it. thats why its your choice. but for someone to come off working for the government for 30 years and complaining about a small thriving healthcare company that might have drafted his account an extra month.

What I want to know is what the rip off report would have to say about the US Government if there was any such report? Can you say "double think"?


Apples and Oranges

#11Author of original report

Tue, May 01, 2007


First of all EVERY WORD I have written in the complaint is the TRUTH. You seem like a religious type of person, there is an old saying I have heard the old timers say which is, the truth will stand when the world is on fire. (Do you agree)?

I too worked for the government for almost 30 years, as a matter of fact I just recently retired from the military. We usually learn to adapt and overcome and complete the mission, whatever it takes. We don't have time to complain, whine or moan, because it is usually a waste of time.

However, you can't drive a tank without the tracks on it, or you can't fire a weapon without any ammunition, and you can't get from point A to point B without a map.

The same scenario works with Ameriplan, oranges grow rather well in Florida and California and other areas where the weather will permit. However oranges don't grow very well in Alaska, Maine or the North Pole.

As I stated before, if Ameriplan is working in the area you are in, then more power to you, but it is NOT working in this area.

Maybe you should come to this area or the one in Pennsylvania that the lady stated she was having basically the same problem I was, or in any other area that is having the same problem with Ameriplan and try selling your service.

I agree that what the company offers is a GREAT deal, however they have to have the providers available, with a GOOD list and GOOD phone numbers listed.

When some of the providers listed are NOT providers, and some of the phone numbers listed are bogus, what are we supposed to think.

I agree that any and every company will have their trials and tribulations, but lets tell it like it is and not sugar coat it.

There is one point that you are TOTALLY missing, the revocation of Ameriplan's membership in the BBB is not the point. The rhyme or reason or whatever or however they lost their membership is secondary to the fact that when we had our little team phone calls every Wednesday or when I talked with the up-line people (Practically) every day, not ONE PERSON mentioned the fact that Ameriplan's BBB membership was revoked.

I mentioned SEVERAL times how I was talking to perspective clients and insurance agents and doctors offices, (All people I have known many years) how great the company was and they were members of the BBB and other organizations, I was really hyping it up, and practically all of them said it all sounded great, they were all willing to take a look at it.

Then Ameriplan and the up-line pulled the rug out from under me, by failing to inform the IBOs of Ameriplan's membership being revoked. All it would have taken was an explanation or a warning to no longer mention that Ameriplan was a member of the BBB. But instead I was left holding the bag and looking like a liar in front of my friends. How would that make you feel?

All because they, like you, being loyal to the company, regardless if it was right or wrong, are trying to lessen the blow by initiating some kind of damage control.

This is NOT good business to keep information like that from your sub-ordinates or down line people or whatever you want to call them.

While we are being honest, lets take it one more step, every MLM company depends on the continuing payments of the clients they have. If that stops or is in jeopardy then the whole house of cards comes tumbling down. So it is in THEIR best interest to do whatever it takes to make sure that does not happen, cover up, mis handling of the truth, or whatever it takes, and like I said they will always come up with some kind of damage control agenda to cover their own behind.

Thank You


North Carolina,
BBB - Microsoft and Others

#12UPDATE Employee

Mon, April 30, 2007

It is amazing that the BBB has the ability to affect a company that provides and excellent service. I am an IBO with AmeriPlan. I have health insurance and yet it is nice to see that my personal physician takes AmeriPlan clients. My dentist is and AmeriPlan dentist. All I know is that my clients are happy with saving money and even family members in other parts of the country are happy with the service. I called the providers in my area and they take the plan.

I also know that with my traditional health insurance offered by my husbands employer that many providers listed in the provider directory are not taking new patients. That is not unusual and probably true all over the United States. I am sure that some of the providers from time to time change their minds about working with company's and not always stopping their contracts.
Again nothing new...

As to the fee schedule, AmeriPlan lists the ADA codes and fees schedules the can run up to...
Thank-goodness, some dentists in this country are offering discounts to their clients. Some are not and when I can save a client sometimes 1000's on their care...I am happy.

My own mother paid her dentist $160 for a teeth cleaning and would save almost $80... Hmmm???

I used to work for the United States Government in Health Care...yes we had lots of people that were not happy with their jobs and said all kinds of nasty things. We can whine, moan, and complain about this and that and yet doing nothing for the good. Lots of complainers and instead of trying to grow your business in a respectable manner you find fault with the company and go on a mission to destroy a company that is trying to sincerely help people get access to the system and save money. Did you know that you could refer providers to the company?

I understand the BBB issue and it is amazing that companies like Microsoft...who by the way were sued by the US Government and lost and other major Fortune 500 company's remain in good standing with the BBB. Not sure what that is all about??? AmeriPlan settled with the state of Montana and should have had their BBB suspension lifted... but then who really understands their reasoning.

All I know is that I have happy customers, and my reputation is fine. I have been in Healthcare for a long time... I think that this is a great company, with a great service and awesome people who market the service. It does take all kinds to make the world go round. Find something positive and life will shine on you. I hope that you find the right business opportunity soon. God Bless!

Just a suggestion...type in any insurance company or your favorite company for that matter and see what Rip-off Report or the BBB has to say.



False Representation

#13Author of original report

Mon, April 30, 2007

Well Joe, what part of representation don't you understand? You said it yourself the IBOs REPRESENT the company. I have a sneaking suspicion that maybe I have ran onto a company shill. Maybe you should re-read the article, I DID sign on as an IBO.

I too have done a complete and thorough research of the company, the only difference is I am not bias. I tell it like it is, not the way it is supposed to be. There very well could be areas where Ameriplan is thriving and doing well, if that is the case, then great for them. But I am telling you that in the area I am in, it is NOT the greatest thing since sliced bread.

When your very first call to a provider is NOT a provider, and they WILL NOT honor the discount card, and they say the are NOT signing the contract and want to know why they are on the list, how would you explain that to a good friend of yours if you sold him a plan? I think you are missing the point.

If a person is selling Ameriplan in an area where the providers listed are bogus, and some of the phone numbers are bogus, then that pretty much makes the IBO and the company look bogus in the eyes of the people paying THEIR money for services they ARE NOT getting.

If the company is that great, answer just one question. In any company there is or should be some kind of quality control section or department, do you agree? This being the case, they evidently are not doing their job. When they have lists of bogus providers and bogus phone numbers, whose fault is that? Is it not the IBOs, who have NOTHING at all to do with who and who is not on the list. (Think about that one)

Oh yeah, I wish Ameriplan DID "deliver on the promise" in THIS AREA, it could be a gold mine with the types of plans and savings they offer. The people would eat it up. BUT, first the COMPANY needs to clean up THEIR mess in this area.

How would you feel if someone sold you something, and it turned out to be a total flop? Worse yet, what if you are the person selling these plans and then have to explain to your FRIENDS and clients why your product or service is not working as advertised?

WAKE UP and smell the coffee Joe, did you read the letter from Diane in Pennsylvania, seems like she was having the same problem. I suspect that there are many other areas in the same boat. Just because it is working where you are DOES NOT mean it is working everywhere.

Here is something else to think about, just like in the article I wrote, if the IBOs are not part of the COMPANY then tell me why was the IBO in Montana listed on the legal documents along with Ameriplan? Can you answer that one?

Here is a definition of representation (Right out of the dictionary) "The state or condition of service as an OFFICIAL DELEGATE, AGENT or SPOKESPERSON". What part of that do you NOT understand.

Maybe someday Ameriplan will work in this area, but just not today.

Thank You


Joe company shill

#14Consumer Comment

Sun, April 29, 2007

always like to hear from a company shill.
Try reading the complaint.


Saint Petersburg,
There are always people that will critisize a company

#15Consumer Suggestion

Sun, April 29, 2007

i posted before that i am a member with Ameriplan USA dental benefits and i am sooooooooooooo happy with this.

I was surfing online to see more about AmeriPlan and its so amazing that people actually waste their time and effort to post something negative about this awesome company (AMERIPLAN) that saved me over $3000 dollars in dental work.

I think every Broker or IBO should definitely disregard this since its just a waste of time.

Every company will get complaints over and over and over by some people who just dont understand anything.

Unfortunately all the people that are upset with AmeriPlan think that it is AmeriPlans fault when it you should be talking to the person that signed you up or that you gave the information to.

I did my homework on this. AmeriPlan has what they call IBO or Independent Business Owners who Represent the company and are not employees. The IBO's are trained and they offer the benefits and the home business opportunity. If you had something going wrong with what the IBO offered then you should confront the IBO instead of blaming the company AmeriPlan. The company AmeriPlan never called you to sign up as IBO or member for the benefits. Also on the membership, if you want to cancel whether as an IBO or a member it clearly states you need to mail or fax in a written cancellation.

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